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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  December 27, 2018 7:00pm-8:00pm PST

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hannity for putting that story out there. he is a true american hero. unfortunately that's all the time we have left. be sure to check out my new book if you get a chance. if you're looking for that very late christmas gift. we appreciate you. now it's time for lisa booth to fill in for laura ingraham. lisa: that was a beautiful story at the end. we're coming to you live from new york city. a frantic manhunt is under way for a vicious cop killer in california. the suspect is an illegal immigrant. more on that in a moment h. plus reports of a another caravan
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making its way towards mexico. the battle rages on in washington, d.c. and democrats reveal the top pick for who they want to see take on trump in 2020. also new york giant fans are suing for the right to curse out players. yeah, you heard that right. >> but first, a desperate manhunt is under way. a california police officer killed during a routine traffic stop gunned down in cold blood by a suspect who police say is in the united states illegally. >> the suspect is in our country illegally. he doesn't belong here. he's a criminal. we will find him. we will arrest him. and we will bring him to justice. lisa: that sheriff will join me in a moment but first, jonathan hunt is live in our west coast newsroom with the late-breaking details. jonathan? >> good evening, lisa.
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33-year-old singh was gunned down at 1:00 a.m. on wednesday in the small town of newnan in northern california. >> his 5-month-old, he'll never hear talk. he'll never see his son walk. he doesn't get to hold that little boy, hug his wife, say good night, any more, because a coward took his life. >> on wednesday, officer singh pulled over a gray pickup truck that had no license plate. minutes later he radioed shots fired, i have been hit the suspect was seen on security camera footage buying beer at a convenience store shortly before the shooting. he's not yet been formally named but officials say they know who he is. they believe he's still in the
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area. they know he's armed and dangerous, and they revealed he's an illegal immigrant. that prompted a tweet from president trump highlighting the manhunt for the suspect and saying, "time to get tough on border security. build the wall! "officer singh was a legal immigrant from fuji and apparently took extra english lessons to make himself better understood over the police radio. >> he was truly just a human being, an american patriot. ron was not born in america. ron was born in fuji. he came to this country with one purpose and that was to serve this country. >> the chief and others who work with singh say he loved being a police officer. he loved his family, and he was "living the american dream." lisa? lisa: thank you, jonathan. and singh's chief randy
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richardson breaking down earlier today while speaking about the murdered officer. watch this. >> you have to understand this was not supposed to happen here. i've been to too many of these funerals, and i never thought, ever, that i would have to be doing this. i do not want to be here today. i would give anything not to. i did not know christmas morning at 4:00 in the morning, when i said goodbye to him, and sent him off to his family, that it would be the last time that i saw him. my department is hurting. we're struggling through this. so please be in mind when you see them.
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that's it's hard for them. we're a family. we're not an agency. we're a family. lisa: joining me now exclusively is stanislav sheriff. >> hello, lisa. thank you for having me on the show. lisa: our hearts break for you community. i don't know how anyone could watch that without breaking down themselves in tears. my heart goes out to you. randy said it was a close-knit community at the newman police department. you can obviously see the love and admiration that he had for officer singh. i want to start out with his legacy, honoring him and what he meant to you and the newman police department. can you tell me about corporal singh? >> well, i can tell you that the sheriff's office is the lead investigative agency, and we're fully supporting the newman police department, so even
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though i'm the sheriff, chief richardson is really trying to keep his team together and we're there to support him. officer singh is the shining example of what immigration in america should be. this is a young man who immigrated here legally. it was his dream to come to america. it was his dream to become a police officer. he worked hard to achieve that goal and unfortunately he sacrificed his life trying to defend and protect his community. newman is very small. it's almost like mayberry. these critical incidents don't occur and for this law enforcement agency, in the history of its existence, this is their first line of duty death. lisa: sir, he leaves behind a wife and 5-month-old child. can you tell us a little bit about his family? >> he's got a wonderful family. i think what chief richardson shared with everyone, your viewers and the nation and even here locally, speaks to the
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character of officer singh and how much he loved his family. i think the photograph speaks volumes to his devotion not only to his family but his community. lisa: just tell us more about his dedication on the job. i read that he drove 2 1/2 hours to attend the police academy which he put himself through. he took lessons to learn how to speak english better so he could move up the ladder. can you tell us a little bit more about the dedication? >> he did. it's an amazing story. he didn't start with the newman police department. he was a cadet with the turlock police department. he worked very hard. he was a reserve with the merced county sheriff's office. he pursued his dream and to get through the academy he was willing to make that commute every day, to complete that training program, making him eligible to be a peace officer in the state of california. and yes, he knew that he was difficult to understand because of his accent. and again, he threw everything
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into language classes, english is not his first language. and even i remember what he sounded like on the radio, and we all kind of -- all chuckled about that accent and how hard he worked to ensure that his language got better, his english skills got better, because again, he wanted so badly to be a police officer, and he worked diligently to achieve his goal. lisa: where does this manhunt stand now? >> so we have identified a suspect, although we're not naming that suspect, primarily because we have a very specific protocol that we use to make positive identifications, and as you know, people use multiple aliases. oftentimes people share similar or same names, and we're not going to make a mistake, so we're not ready to actually name the suspect, but we have multiple teams utilizing our
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federal law enforcement partners, state and local partners. we have multiple teams out chasing down multiple investigative leads. we have a hotline set up and we're working nonstop, we're not sparing any expense, to hunt this suspect down and bring him to justice. lisa: are californians in danger right now? >> no, they aren't. yes, this suspect is armed and dangerous, but we believe he's on the run. we have no evidence whatsoever to believe he's still a credible threat, although i suspect when law enforcement moves in he might be. but we encourage the public, there is plenty of information out there, if you see him or you think you see this suspect, do not approach him. don't engage him. don't try to stop him. call 911 and let us come intercept him, because we want to get him into custody safely without anybody else being injured or killed as a result of
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this investigation or this incident. lisa: do we know if the suspect has a criminal background? >> not yet because again, we're working on that positive identification, and so without completing that protocol, we don't want to misidentify anybody so we're going to make absolutely sure that we have an identification. really, the best way to do that is fingerprints and we won't have that until we get him in custody. lisa: i want to ask you about something you brought up at the press conference. you made a distinction that corporal singh came here. he came here for the sole purpose of being a police officer and serving this country and community. you drew a distinction between the suspected killer who came here, broke the law and came here illegally. why was it important for to you draw that distinction? >> because i want the nation to know, i want your viewers to know, that officer singh really should be the focus of this investigation and his sacrifice, but i also want everybody to
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know that immigration is good for america. if done legally. illegal immigration doesn't serve our communities, especially criminals who victim ties and exploit our communities. whether you hate the president or love the president, border security goes hand-in-hand with national security. the safety of our communities, and public safety. we need to know who is in our communities that shouldn't be. we should be focusing on criminal activity without political interference. and there is only one with entity that can fix immigration, even though there are laws on the books and we should stand by the rule of law and we should be enforcing those laws, congress is the only entity that can fix this problem, and until they decide to dee polarize themselves and focus on what's in the best interest of the people you can't establish a system of immigration that lacks bureaucracy, hopefully, and
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allows people a path to become good citizens and contribute to what makes america great. officer singh, he is the absolute poster child for why immigration works if done legally, and properly. lisa: should more be done at the southern border to prevent this illegal activity? >> well, i think there is, at least from what i know, there is a lot of great work going on, on our southern border. i think it's inexcusable that we continue to attack the men and women who are there, either as members of u.s. customs, the border patrol, ice, or other federal law enforcement partners. stop demonizing and villainizing them. it's time to come together and fix the problem and, yes, border security needs to be a priority and it's not just the immigration issue, lisa.
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we have cartels that are trafficking narcotics, weapons, little girls, we have a problem with human trafficking. we need to secure our borders and we need to give the men and women who protect us, our federal law enforcement partners, the ability to do their job without political interference. lisa: california has come under fire for being a sanctuary state. has that hamstrung your ability to do your job in any way? >> oh, certainly it has. first, and as i told the president of the united states when i sat next to him, i don't think we should be subjected to political interference. i understand why the state legislature and politicians have decided to create these laws because they believe that people need to be protected. law enforcement is here to protect people. but you can't provide sanctuary for criminals. all that does is silence the voices of our victims, and i certainly didn't sign up to do that. remember that our partners with ice, great, great law
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enforcement partners, they are not in my county sweeping through churches and schools and convenience stores. they are only interested in the fugitives and the criminals. why are we providing sanctuary for people who victimize and exploit the weak and the defenseless? we should not be doing that. lisa: before i let you go is there any place where viewers and people at home can help the singh family? >> absolutely. if you go to our facebook page, just search for the stann stannisslaw -- deputies association, that's the only official site where people can absolutely donate and help this family. understanding that we're going to help this family. there are benefits available to them, and my office, sheriff's
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office and the men and women of the stannisslauss's office, officer singh will never be forgotten. lisa: we honor his legacy tonight. our thoughts and prayers are with you. >> thank you. lisa: joining us, i'm going to start with you, so president trump tweeted the out tonight about this. this is the reason why we need the wall. do you agree? >> absolutely. quite frankly, this is a senseless death that would have been prevented had we had good border security. had we prevented this individual from entering the united states, he never would have been there to have killed corporal singh. it's absolutely inexcusable. it's on the books. it should be enforced. lisa: jose, do you agree with that? >> look, up from the very
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beginning and i'm going to be very clear and first and foremost, my heart breaks for that family. lisa: absolutely. >> any undocumented immigrant in this country, who has committed high crimes should be deported. any undocumented immigrants who have committed high crimes, i've got to say it again because sometimes my fellow republicans don't understand it, if you're a high criminal and undocumented you should be deported. lisa: but coming into the country illegally is also a crime, just to be clear. >> that's why i'm saying high crimes. i'm talking about murder and rape and things as such. so if we want to come to a real solution to this, the sheriff said it, he said, we want to make sure that we can find the criminals within communities across this country k. i've got a solution for the president. let's pass comprehensive immigration reform. if we pass comprehensive immigration reform. lisa: but how would that address the border? >> we'll legalize millions of good serving immigrants in this country who want to pledge
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allegiance. lisa: how does that stop the illegality? >> again, because you allow yourself, once you get a majority of immigrants into this country who are be people, you take them out of the shadows, it allows for law enforcement to actually look for the bad ones. lisa: that doesn't prevent people from coming here illegally, sir? >> this is the exact opposite of what we should be doing. lisa: one at a time. >> the question was addressed to me, art. lisa: hold on a second, art, we'll get to you. jose, i'm letting you finish. >> a majority of illegal immigration and undocumented immigration is because of overstayed visas. they are not because of the border. by the way, you want to talk about the borders, we should maybe build a fence around canada where a lot of illegal immigration. lisa: speaking of fences, hold on a second, speaking of fences, democrats have supported fencing along the southern border in the past. so clearly both sides see the
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need to have some sort of physical structure at the southern board but now all of a sudden, they are broken down in any sort of agreement over border funding. art, what do you make of that? >> quite frankly, it just underscores the politics of the entire thing. hillary clinton, chuck schumer, barack obama, joe biden, all voted in favor of the fence act 2006 and yet today you can't find any of these people who are talking in favor of president trump's board wall. why? because it was bill then and political now. i have to go back to what jose said. if jose wants to get rid of the criminals, we need to get rid of the sanctuary policies. you heard the sheriff. the sanctuary policies are keeping the criminals on the streets. those criminals go back and they prey on the immigrant communities that jose speaks for. we want to get those criminals off the street, unshackle -- let them go to the jails, we want to allow them to find the criminals, apprehend them and remove them from the united states. there is no high crimes in the
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immigration -- they are crimes of moral person two. those are all offenses that we scream for. if you get to the united states legally and you have one of those crimes, you're not allowed in. if you enter illegally and you have one of those crimes we're never going to know you had one of those crimes before and you'll probably reoffend. they found in 2011 that the average criminal alien commits or gets arrested seven times. criminal aliens commit crimes. jose is obviously with me on this, that we want to do away with sanctuary cities, that we want to do away with sanctuary policies and get the criminals off the streets, and, chuck schumer back in 2006 said we should build the wall. i think we should build the wall and he's a hundred percent behind president trump. lisa: jose, why don't democrats get on-board with something they have previously supported, they were also willing to give president trump $25 billion in
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exchange for daca. they supported a physical structure at the southern border. what is the holdup in in my perception and i think a lot of people's perception, it's politics. it's about denying president trump that campaign promise that he made to americans. why the issue now? >> lets go back to 2013. democrats passed comprehensive immigration reform in the senate and what happened in the republican controlled house, they denied it. so, art wants to talk about democrats, not wanting to do away with immigration. that's a lie. we've been trying to do immigration since day one. president obama tried to pass comprehensive immigration reform and it was the republicans who time and time again tried to block us from doing this. and talking about the budget, let's just be very clear, we gave the republicans 1.3 billion last year, and they have only used under 10% of that money. so now they are asking for $5 billion. we're telling you, 24 next year, we'll give you $1.3 billion again but the president is obsessed with this wall. for folks watching us right now there is a wall with mexico
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already. we don't need a wall. we have high-tech technology to get the criminals away from the border. the president is trying to make this issue bigger than it truly is. i'm with you with art that we must get the criminals out of this country. let's deport them but you know this very well, majority of undocumented population in this country are good people. and the solution that i keep -- lisa: jose, jose, i still have yet to hear you address the illegality at the southern border. we estimate 22 million illegal immigrants in the country now. neither side of the aisle can figure out what to do with those illegal immigrants. why would we not want to some the flow of the illegality at the southern border adding to the problems no one can solve. unfortunately we've run out of time but thank you for joining me tonight. appreciate it. >> thank you. lisa: democrats aren't going to like the results of a new poll on 2020. wait until you hear who voters want to see run. plus the shutdown showdown is
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about to enter its seventh day and congress appears in no hurry to take any action. a live report from washington, d.c. next. >> so long shut down or short shutdown, from today? you know, in the last 48 hours, i would say the needle has moved towards a very long shutdown.
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>> lisa: it's an embarrassment any time the government shuts down, this being no exception. we'll have to work at it until we get to an agreement or the majority say yes. but, and i think we have that, until the president, you know, went off his meds and who the hell knows what happened. >> lisa: that was jim mcgovern.
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the house has said there won't be any votes this week the senate is also quiet. president trump is not tweeting, this isn't about the wall. everybody knows that a wall will work perfectly. in israel the wall works 99.9%. this is only about the dems not letting donald trump and the republicans have a win. they may have the 10 senate votes but we have the issue. border security 2020. rich is live in washington, d.c. tonight with all the late-breaking details. rich what do we need to know? rich: the house and senate quickly gavld in and out. there is no indication this partial shutdown is ending. chairman mark meadows has said the needle has moved towards a long shutdown and democrats and republicans talk past one another. the white house and democrats are billions of dollars apart on border security and wall funding. the white house says the administration extended an offer
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to democrats five days ago and has received no response. in a statement white house press secretary sarah huckabee sanders says, "the only rational conclusion is that the democrat party is openly choosing to keep our government closed to protect illegal immigrants rather than the american people." >> house democrats say they have offered republicans three funding bill options. all including money for increased border security. though not a wall. and they say they will pass a bill to reopen the government after they assume control of the house next week. in a statement, a spokesperson for house democratic leader nancy pelosi says, "with the house majority, democrats will act swiftly to end the trump shutdown, and will fight for a strategic robust national security policy including strong and smart border security, and strong support for our service
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members and veterans." senate majority leader mitch mcconnell says if there is a breakthrough in negotiations, senators will have 24 hours to return and vote. though with little movement towards a compromise the senate is adjourned until next week. lisa. >> lisa: thank you, rich. appreciate it. get ready for the 2020 presidential race to heat up next week. there are nearly three dozen democrats reportedly considering a run but according to a new poll democratic and independent voters don't want any of them on the ticket. respondents over whelmingly picked the option someone entirely new out of a list of 11 option that is included biden, sanders, and o'roark. notably hillary clinton came any last. here is the political power panel, former 2016 trump campaign manager. publisher of "real clear politics," and doug schoen, a fox news contributor.
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hi, guys. i'm going to start with you, doug, primarily because you're in the studios and also my friend. so the way i see this, i find it interesting, because you've got someone new, 59%, and beneath that biden and you've got sanders. so no offense to biden or sanders, they are not young or new. >> that's correct. >> is there some sort of generational divide going on right now? >> there are two things, i think younger people certainly want new faces but i think with these numbers, what they say more generally, is, while democrats have a hierarchy based on the past, they are very much open to a new face, a new candidate, and a new approach. >> lisa: tom, i want to go to you. one thing i found interesting, you've got harris, o'roark, booker, all of these people that are essentially something new yet voters, 59%, wanted someone that was on that list. does that tell you anything about the chances of o'roark, harris or booker?
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>> yeah, it tells me the race is wide open. we could be talking about someone next year that's not on the radar screen yet. as you mention three dozen candidates potentially running this race will be -- the field will be huge, it will wild and woolly and democrats will sort out this idea of do they want someone old, young, white male, person of color, female, all of that stuff will get fleshed out in a series of debates. there will be 12 starting in june. it will be a crazy race and fun to watch. >> you're no stranger to crowded primaries. president trump was in one and was able to break through. do you see any democrats being able to break through this crowded primary, or do you think we might be surprised by who it is? >> well, look, i think this poll reminds me of the old television movie, vote none of the above. the democrats don't have a candidate right now. you have to remember, you've got the billionaire in michael bloomberg who has already pledged to spend at lowest a hundred million to 30 terribly run. the left wing 269s in both
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camilla harris and polka hontes. the party is so fractured they are run to the left as far as they can and in order for them to win the primary what they need to do is do what donald trump did which is to embrace issues that middle america wants which is board security, renegotiating our 2r5id deals and bringing jobs back and right now, the democrats have no plan, and so their candidates are at a loss right now to see what issues they are going to run on. >> lisa: doug, i think corey makes an interesting point, part of hillary's problem, i think personally, is that democrats, they ignored these working class voters. >> absolutely. >> lisa: for eight years upped president obama. do you think democrats realize that? >> i think they do now. they didn't during the campaign. you know, the middle, western middle american states like pennsylvania, michigan, wisconsin, ohio, they all were up for grabs in ways that i
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don't think most people thought. corey is right. we need a jobs program for democrats. we need antic empowerment program and we need a program for small business that's inclusive and broad-based. we just can't run on the same old i would say that you right mroipted out cost hillary the election. >> lisa: tom, when do you think we'll start seeing some of these candidates throw their hat in the ring and make some of these announcements, and we can start to see the field a little bit clearer? >> well, we've already had a couple of announcements of people who are not running. we'll see more of that. but certainly candidates are plotting, building their infrastructure, building their organization, the folks who are seriously looking at this and they should start announcing in the spring, i would think, pretty soon, because the debates will start happening pretty darn soon. in june, i think they are supposed to start. you'll have a number of candidates that will announce
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pretty shortly upcoming, and the race -- the invisible primary has already been going on for a few months and is well under way. >> lisa: elizabeth warren is on this list, 27%. is she going to be able to recover from that embarrassing -- essentially she went through great lengths, campaign video, essentially to tell us that she's less native american than the average white american. do you think she can recover from that? >> you know, i don't think so, and look, i grew up in massachusetts so i say this with the most respect. everybody who gets elected in massachusetts thinks they should be the president going back to michael dukakis, and now elizabeth warren and mitt romney, look, i don't know what's in the water down there. i got out and moved to new hampshire so i'm not sure but every elected official except deval patrick who has ever been in politics in massachusetts thinks they should be president. her rollout was so bad, she stepped on the toes of joe
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biden, when she rolled out that she's not actually a native american. i don't see how she's going to have a path forward. if she thinks she's going to carry massachusetts and win she has another thing coming. >> lisa: doug, any final thoughts? >> i have been doing this 40 other years. i've worked from city council up to presidents. every official in their heart of hearts thinks they should be president. that's just the truth. it is. it's true. it's really true. >> lisa: thank you. nearly a year after the parkland shooting, they are finally calling for the removal of broward county sheriff. next, report that changed everything, plus one of his deputies is here to explain why his firing is way overdue. >> i think he should resign. i think he needs to be accountable for the policy that he put in place that failed on
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february 14. d patriotic educatin is part of the curriculum we are hard work u and we are working for our american dream kayla: our dad was in the hospital. josh: because of smoking. but we still had to have a cigarette. had to. kayla: do you know how hard it is to smoke in a hospital? by the time we could, we were like... what are we doing? kayla: it was time for nicodermcq. the nicodermcq patch with unique extended release technology helps prevent your urge to smoke all day. and doubles your chances of quitting. nicodermcq. you know why, we know how.
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>> i gave him a gun, i gave him a badge. i gave him the training. if he didn't have the heart to go in that's not my responsibility. >> lisa: that was embattled broward county sheriff israel just two weeks after the shooting at parkland high school, refusing to take any responsibility in the breakdown that could have ultimately saved
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lives. despite calls for resignation including governor rick scott, sheriff israel is still on the job. now, one of florida's biggest newspapers admits that it made a mistake and says the sheriff needs to go. the sun sentinel editorial writing, "the sheriff fails to accept responsibility for things that have gone wrong instead suggesting that things couldn't have been better. if he fails to acknowledge that mistakes were made not only by individuals but by his command, how can we expect a better outcome next time?" jonathan hunt is live in our west coast newsroom with the story. jonathan? jonathan: lisa, scott israel has been fighting for his job ever since the february mass shooting of majory stoneman douglas high school. the biggest issue beyond his self-praise, the witness statements that highlighted the contrast between broward sheriff's deputy's actions as the shooting unfolded and those of coral springs police officers. a state appointed safety commission said sheriff's deputies, some of them at least, appeared to take their time
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39-ing on vests when they arrived at the school and took cover behind their vehicles rather than immediately entering the school to confront the shooter. police officers according to the commission were far more proactive. the commission found that eight sheriff's deputies heard gunfire, but did not immediately enter the building. one of those with the school resource officer deputy scott peterson. he, of course, was seen on video appearing to hide behind a wall. he was suspended at the time, pending an investigation, and later resigned. in a letter to the safety commission on wednesday, sheriff israel highlighted policy changes instigated since the shooting, but again defended his department's policies at the time of the shooting, saying "it is the strong belief of this sheriff that no policies, no words would have led to deputy peterson going into that building." now the influential sun sentinel
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newspaper which initially defended the sheriff is calling for his removal from office. something parents of some of those who died that february day have long demanded. now, incoming republican governor ron desantis, who takes office on january 8, could suspend sheriff israel once the safety commission report is formally published. the sheriff told the miami harold this week he has "no plans to resign." lisa? >> lisa: thank you, jonathan. joining me now is a man who has been calling for sheriff israel's resignation from the beginning. jeff bell, president of the broward sheriff's office deputy's association. jeff, thank you for being with us, sir. >> good evening. >>. >> lisa: i want to talk to you about the shift by the sun sentinel. why is that important? >> that is huge down here in south florida. the sun sentinel has always been known as a left leaning liberal inspect who has defended the sheriff at all costs. almost, a romantic relationship
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with the sheriff's office over the past couple of years so for them to come out and admit they made a mistake is huge. if you remember back in april of this year 85% of our membership voted that we had no confidence in the sheriff and called for his removal. that action drew sharp criticism from the sun sentinel and they wrote a two-page article against the union saying we were overreacting and trying to extort the sheriff for a better contract over the parkland massacre, which was the farthermost from the truth. somebody in the last eight months at the sun sentinel finally found the courage and grew a backbone and unleashed their investigative reporter to go out and find the truth. eight months later after our no vote of confidence for scott israel the sun sentinel, largest supporter of sheriff israel has finally reached the same conclusion, that this union and the men and women of the broward sheriff's office reached eight months earlier, which is sheriff israel needs to be removed from the broward sheriff's office immediately. >> lisa: sir what goes through
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your mind when you hear that patterson did not go in, that these other deputies took their time putting on their vests and did not go in what goes through your mind? >> you feel disappointed that we didn't make the right decisions that day. but outside of the 4r5u6 community you can understand the anger from the community. within our own department, we understand why failures at this level took place on this day. when you have a sheriff who, on november 4, 2013, intervened himself into our active shooter policy, and took out the word "will respond" and replaced it himself with "may respond," it causes a disconcern, of what action they should take and when he publicly announce that is we're no longer a law enforcement agency, and we're no a community-based law enforcement agency, and we'll help out the community rather than 9:00 to fight crime in broward county we're taking the
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wrong approach and stripping the money away from our training budget so we spend more time in classrooms learning about politeness and policing and we only spend four hours a year, can you believe that four hours a year practicing with our guns on a gun range that we lease from the county, the nation's largest fully accredited sheriff's office, which is the broward sheriff's office does not even have their own gun range or training facility to practice for these events, and i put the full blame on sheriff scott israel for his intervention into these policies and for failure to demand from the broward county commission a proper training facility so we can better prepare for the next incident which is just waiting for us around the corner. >> lisa: sir what do you know about the commission report? any key findings that viewers at home need to know about? >> well that will be made public on january 1. we've made recommendations, governor-elect ron desantis that we need to take better courses
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of actions with our juvenile justice system here in the state of florida. i can tell you this. on again 14, 2018, nikolas cruz and nikolas cruz only went into the school and pulled that trigger which cost 17 people their lives but the failed programs such as the promise program and the lack of training, and the policies that this sheriff hasiated within broward county, did not create nikolas cruz but it certainly created an environment which allowed somebody like nikolas cruz to flourish in, and we're seeing the results of the poor policies and the promise program taking effect where kids today are no longer held responsible for the actions that they take within the community. >> lisa: these families certainly deserve accountability and one of the issues and frustration for so many americans is the fact that sheriff israel refuses, continuously refuses to take any responsibility and it really does start at the top, as you laid out. how does it make you feel when you hear sheriff israel just
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refuse to take any responsibility for his actions or his failed leadership? >> there is one word to describe the sheriff. narcissistic. this sheriff believes that nothing can be his fault and everything he does is purely for political gain. this man is appointed leadership within the broward county sheriff's office that's incompetence at best. his crony that is 450ez brought into this ragtcy, a perfect example, jordan, captain of park land on the day of the massacre. what were her qualifications? that she was a diversity pick from sheriff israel? or that she was competent, she wasra great leader? no, she was not. and that was proven because she was overwhelmed within the very first minute of the shooting. that captain would have been overwhelmed with a simple traffic stop and that was the sheriff's number one pick to go into parkland as the captain in that district. >> lisa: do you expect the
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incoming governor, governor-elect de saptis to take action regarding israel? >> i've been hoping for the past 10 motion that governor scott would take action. he's failed to do so. it's not an easy decision but it's the right decision. i have made my opinions very clear to governor-elect ron desantis. he knows my opinions on the sheriff and he knows what needs to be done to fix broward county, not just within the sheriff's department but there are other areas that need to be fixed, so hopefully, with the report that comes out on january 1, and then what's expected to be the fdle report shortly after that, he'll have enough ammunition to finally pull the trigger and remove sheriff israel as the sheriff of broward county and replace him with somebody who is competent enough to be the leader of the largest fully accredited sheriff's office in the nation. >> lisa: thank you, sir, our hearts are still with those families. it's a heartbreaking story. thank you for being with us.
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a due process decision that could have a major impact on college campuses across the country plus football fans sue for the right to swear, and the tsa getting rid of certain dogs because of their ears. my panel on that next. stay tuned.
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>> lisa: yesterday we brought you the story of the century old world war i cross memorial in maryland. >> watch. >> in 1985, the cross was declared to be in honor of all veterans of all wars. all veterans were not christians. all veterans include muslims, hindus, buddhists, jews, atheists, everybody, and we want to honor them all.
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that's the whole point of our case. it gives the impression that no jews are welcomed in the city of bladensburg. it presents them as though it were a christian enclave. >> lisa: the trump administration is getting involved filing a friend of the court brief urging the supreme court to protect the memorial. the court is expected to hear oral arguments on it early next year. now, a settlement that could have an impact on universities across america the university of cincinnati reportedly paying out $47,000 to a male student who says he didn't get a fair shot to defend himself against sexual assault allegations by another student. the lawsuit claiming the school was motivated to favor the accusing female over the accused male. joining me now is eric -- radio host and author of "donald drains the swamp." and kathy -- a liberal analyst. thank you both for joining me.
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a lot of college campuses have been under scrutiny with denying due process rights to the accused particularly under the title 10 regulations with the obama administration. is that what we're seeing in this instance? >> of course, the funny thing is, they aren't just doing it on campus. they are also not even teaching due process on these campuses. in other words, even if you decide this is a private club, we can do what we want you have to teaches your students how america works. in america do we not only have the presumption of innocence but we're a nation of laws. that's what keeps us from descending into a french revolution style bloodbath and when you base everything on feels which is what you're seeing in some of these me, too, situations, no one can win so it's absolutely important that they get this right. i'm encouraged that this happened. i think it will also slow people down who are simply crazy in thinking i can make an accusation and i won't get in trouble. this woman, you know, seems to be a little crazy, when you read the details. it's pretty weird. >> lisa: kathy, one of my
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concerns with the me, too, movement, we saw teen columnists, emily, she had said not too long ago who cares if innocent men get caught up in this movement. it's for the better good, essentially i'm paraphrasing here but isn't that a dangerous assumption to be made? >> yeah, but the me, too, movement has everyone having the conversation which is so important. i mean -- >> lisa: you are being falsely accused? >> nine out of 10 rape victims don't speak up which is sad so the fact that we're having these conversations and the me, too, movement has people vetting, he's innocent thankfully because people are having the right conversations, because we're having the investigations, so i think the due process happened because the me, too, movement exists. he was let go. >> lisa: you agree with that? then you admit that you stabbed me in the green room. >> you admit. >> investigate it and see if these true. >> people don't believe me and it's not right. >> as a victim would you have spoken up. >> it's such a sensitive thing but in america we have to be
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really, really careful because our latter are in the right place. we want justice, i have a wife, i have a daughterk i have a mother. the idea that men, that pigs like harvey weinstein are behaving like this it makes me and most american men sick and angry so i think it's right we're talking about this. sgloufshgs victims do not come forward. nine out of 10 victims still do not speak up so now they are finally speaking up and one person does not speak for all the victims out there. >> lisa: but it's also important, i have three brothers so i think anyone watching at home with a husband or sons is concerned about having due process to the accused and making sure we get it right. but it's very, very important. we're going to switch gears to something maybe a little more -- all right. so everyone has got a right to curse, right? i don't know. two new york giants fans are suing because they say their free speech was violated when they were arrested for cursing and flipping off players. the lawsuit claiming a police
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officer warned the pair to stop after they were heard screaming you bleeping -- can't say it on the air. then ordered them to be ejected. somehow this hit a major escalation. as you see here one of the plaintiffs went over the railing, where he says he was tasered. there is a lot town pack here. were their rights violated? . >> i mean, dotive right to say t -- do i have the right to say the "n" word in public? obviously not the childish idea that anyone can say anything, it's so stupid. every american knows if you want to exist in a several society you can't say whatever you like. if someone uses the f word or n daughter in front of my daughter or wife i'll be right in their face. i don't think you have the right to wear a shirt that uses those words in public so the fact that these men want to drag everybody down, at a sporting event you should be able to take little
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kids and if you have these jug heads who can't control their mouths, they are immature, they aren't men, they are boys, they are children, they should have their mouths washed out with soap at the 50 yard line at halftime and maybe branded with a scarlet f on their forehead. >> i had my mouthwashed out with soap when i was younger. it was not pleasant. kathy -- >> it's actually disorderly conduct. two states, florida, texas, it is actually against the rights. you're not allowed, it's a misdemeanor. it's against the law to actually say these things so people think they have the right, in america, it's not a right. pop stars and singers, it -- it's vulgar. these guys should be made an example of and should not get away with this. >> lisa: we'll end on some agreement. kum bah yah. we'll be right back with the last bite. stay tuned.
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>> lisa: it's time for "the last bite." this a little fan is so excited to get a brand-new jersey for christmas, and he thinks cam newton, nfl star, actually sent it to him. >> can imagine! thank you, gammage and! >> go panthers? >> go panthers! >> you don't like the eagles? >> no! >> lisa: the thing is, the jersey wasn't really from a newton, but it all worked out anyway. after the video was posted, newton saw it and is hooking you up with anyone.
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merry christmas, enjoy your new signed cam newton jersey. that's all the time we have for tonight. shannon bream and the "fox news @ night" team takes it from here. >> shannon: thank you, looking for a suspect believed to be armed and dangerous, a manhunt is underway in california for a man authorities say is an illegal immigrant. now wanted in connection with the murder of a police officer. a shot while working overtime on christmas night. of the president weighing in on the tragedy amid a personal government shutdown over borderl funding. the president's comments and the latest on the search for the suspected copula coming up. later, is president trump's serious strategy dividing the g.o.p.? has the president lost the support of an important part of his base? believe it or not, some pendants are claiming there is not only a growing case for impeachment but for the senate to actually remove the president. our panel will debate that.


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