tv Hannity FOX News December 28, 2018 10:00pm-11:00pm PST
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station in queens. no aliens at this time but we will continue to be vigilant, monitoring it into 2019. by the way, some district court will say that trump has to let in all those aliens, you know that's coming. that's it for us, have a terrific night. welcome to this s ♪ >> gregg: welcome to the special edition of "hannity": a trump agenda. i'm gregg jarrett in four sean tonight. it's day seven of the partial government shutdown. president trump not backing down from its efforts to fund the ever important while on our southern border. tonight he tweeted, let's quote here, we will be forced to close the southern border entirely. the obstructionist democrats do not give us the money to finish the wall and also change that.
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the president is also threatening to cut off all u.s. aid to honduras, guatemala, el salvador, the three central american countries that are refusing to prevent migrant caravans from forming and mobilizing to our southern border. as shutdown negotiations continue, president trump has canceled his trip to florida. he will remain at the white house through the new year. nancy pelosi, in the meantime, is getting some rest and relaxation at a luxury resort in beautiful hawaii. mick mulvaney is blaming her and other democrats for the on going shutdown. watch this. >> this is a crazy discussion to be having. all of the dems, chuck schumer voted for border security in 2006 and 2011. they like it when there is an democrat in office and not when donald trump is in office. in all fairness, having worked
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with the vice-president and i met with leader schumer last saturday, the last time we sat down face to face. my gut was that he was really interested in doing a deal and u coming to some sort of compromise. the more we are hearing, nancy pelosi is preventing that from happening. >> gregg: joining us with more on this, rich edson. >> good evening, gregg. capitol hill is mostly quiet. there is little indication this partial shutdown ends this year. president trump insists on money for a wall. house democrats calling a wall immoral, ineffective, and expensive. next week, democrats assume control of the house. democratic leader nancy pelosi, appears in line to become speaker again. republicans are trying to pin shutdown blame on pelosi, saying she is refusing to negotiate on wall funding to appeal to liberal house democrats and assure their support in her race for speaker. >> the house democrats are in a bit of a bind. i don't think nancy pelosi wants to put any offer on the table until after she is elected
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speaker and so that's holding it back. >> the white house budget director, mick mulvaney, says the administration offered democrats a deal that would spend lesson a wall than the $5 billion the president is demanding. he said democrats have shut down discussions.s a deal tosay they had fund the government until the president demanded more moneysi for a wall. new york congressman and democratic caucus chairman, hakim jeffries, tweeted, "day seven of the trump shutdown. republicans continue to hold the american people hostage. we refuse to pay a $5 billion ransom note. in other words, take a hike." with most lawmakers out of town, congressional lawmakers say they will give members at least 24 hours notice to return to washington to vote if there is an agreement. back to you, >> gregg: thank you very much. joining us now with reaction, florida attorney general pam bondi and arizona congressman andy biggs. great to have you here.
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congressman, as it wasn't just 2013 but all the way back to 2006, then senators schumer, obama,en biden, and clinton were all voting in favor of constructing a barrier on the mexican border. frankly, not much has changed in the interim 12 years, except thm problem has gotten a lot worse. are people like schumerte suffering acute amnesia or is it just petty partisan politics? they can't stand to give trump something he wants even though it is the same thing they have long wanted. >> yes. i am not sure how sincere they were in 2006. i can tell you what they are sincere about today is that they just don't like president trump. they do not want him to get a victory. they want to impeach the guy. so there is no way they want too give him a political victoryry right before they are going tool open up impeachment hearings and further investigations on president trump. that's what this is. they are willing to put politics above national security. this has always been a national security issue.
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it will continue to be until h e build the wall and we start taking care of some of the other issues that go along with that. >> gregg: speaking of national security, let me turn to the fine lawyer who is with you, pam bondi.r three previous presidents have sealeded the southern border. it was reagan, nixon, and johnson, exit and circumstances. they have broad latitude -- i looked it up today -- section 215-a of the immigration and nationality act. should this president act to do the same? >> well, you know, beingth a leader is leading by example,ll gregg. we know that. that's exactly what president trump is doing. he is in the white house wanting to work with the democrats while they are vacationing. i think he wants to compromise.s mick mulvaney did a great job this morning, laying it out on fox, saying, we want to compromise, come to the table. that's what a true leader is.
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that's what president trump is. and could he do it? i absolutely believe he could. it is so much worse than it has ever been. i know firsthand as a career prosecutor. yesterday, the drugs, 31 million kids could have been affected by the number of drugs that came through that border in one day. those are just ones they caught. that's unreal. that's almost the population of that's ridiculous. the children being smuggled. that's what the president cares about, the security of americans. >> gregg: he absolutely does. congressman, the president's idea of cutting aid to honduras, el salvador, guatemala, because they are doing nothing to stop these caravans that are coming to the united states border. should he cut aid to those s countries? >> absolutely. i don't know if you're aware,
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but i'm sure youre are. in honduras, there is another caravan forming up. these are not organically formed. they are done with united states ngos who go down there and form these caravans. we should be prosecuting those people for aiding and abetting crimes that are committed. yeah, this is a real problem. this is a lever he has. he should use it. i have a bill in congress to pay for the wall with some of that that's what should be happening instead of this game that's going on. >> gregg: pam, i want to pick up on something you said. nancy pelosi loves to portray donald trump as this insensitive, wealthy businessman. i guess she doesn't realize that we realize that her combined income or wealth with her husband is $58 million to $72 million. she lives in a very tony section of san francisco and here is the
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president, working at the white house, willing to talk and she is off at a luxury resort in hawaii. either she doesn't care about the optics or she just doesn't care about all those furloughed workers while she is enjoyingle fun and games in the sun. what do you think?n >> or the safety of the citizens of our citizens. and that's what makes president trump so special and such a leader. he, mick mulvaney and kirstin nielsen. look at secretary nielsen. where is she? she is at our border just before new year's. all of these people are working. a nancy pelosi is basically in their face is what she is doing, instead of trying to work together. everything in this world, the congressman knows well, it is about compromise. that's how you get things done with opposing parties. no one is going to be completely happy. but we have got to protect our citizens. president trump and mick mulvaney said they are willing to work together. for her, just walking away from
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the table when they are sayingr they want to compromise, it is actually sad. >> gregg: it could be described as either indifferent or heartless to those lives that may be in jeopardy and those workers who are without a job when she is having a great time in hawaii. congressman, democrats are going to be taking over the house next week. how does this then get resolved? >> well, i think there are two things to remember. first of all, the bill is sitting in the senate. so chuck schumer could get this through without nancy pelosiho f he had the will. he doesn't have the will.e the next thing that's gonna happen is that the democrats have a lot of folks back in thee d.c. area that aren't going to get paid. they are going to start putting pressure on the democrats. that's where you are going to see some leverage that comes in. we are going to have to wait it out, actually, i >> gregg: pam, the problem is the filibuster. i mentioned this last week on
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the air. isn't it time to get rid of the filibuster for everything once and for all? some media website picked up on it and accused me of mimicking the president. no, in truth, i was mimicking myself in a column i wrote a year and a half ago. m while say it again. isn't it time to get rid of the filibuster for all legislation? it is tyranny by the minority. it is exactly what the framers didn't want. >> it is obstructionist. they are trying not to have a law passed. they are trying not to come to the table. that's exactly what you said, gregg. i heard you say it. that's what you meant by that. i know that is. yes, it is obstructionist. why would you get elected to office and be unwilling to work with the other side on the other side of the aisle? look what republicans just did sweeping criminal justice reform. jared kushner was brilliant. democrats wanted it.
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you know what republicans did? compromised to get an overall great bill passed to help those in prison. that's what this could do. this could save american lives. >> gregg: attorney general pam bondi, congressman andy biggs, thank you both for being here. right here on this show, we have long emphasized that open borders have serious national esecurity implications. joining us now with analysis, retired cia senior intelligence officer daniel hoffman. former member of the fbi joint terrorism task force steve rogers. steve, the tragic shooting of the california police officer by an illegal immigrant, known gang affiliations, doesn't that underscore that there are legitimate safety and national security concerns at risk here, which is why there needs to be, not just border security, but a
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wall? >> it certainly proves president trump's point. president trump has been very consistent. he is making decisions based on national security, two words that are not in the vocabulary of the democrats. we have a president saying, we are going to do everything we can to stop the influx of weapons and drugs and thoseo things that threaten national security. o let's keep one thing in mind.. he went to the border. he talked to police officers and heborder agencies. he got their recommendations, management, by walking around. that is what abe lincoln did. president trump goes down, get the recommendations of those who are being confronted and challenged by criminals. he made the decision that's what has to be done, the wall. >> gregg: dan hoffmann, given your background with the cia, talk to us about the safety and national security concerns that may be at risk without a wall and without proper border security. >> i think there is no question that constructing a wall at
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strategic locations with surveillance and a dedicated border patrol can be a last line of defense against transnational criminals and the potential for terroristsot to use what is in some places a very porous border. there's other things we need to do. from my experience at the cia, i think we need to get out front of this and work with our mexican partners. we have had some pretty good collaboration with them, we need to hit the cartels pretty hard so we can reduce the drug flow into the united states. separately, we need everify so illegal aliens can't work here and a visa tracking system. roughly 40% of illegal aliens are overstaying their visas. what i don't understand, gregg, as it is a citizen, i'm chagrined at the breakdown of the legislative process. the cost of comprehensive reform is about $5 billion. i don't understand why we can't get it done and do a little compromise.
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>> gregg: maybe it is coming down to semantics, steve. the president wants a wall. some democrats are saying, well, a fence would be okay. that's just a silly semantical argument. >> dan said something very interesting that nobody wants to talk about: the potential of terrorists crossing that border with a weapon much, much larger than a rifle or a pistol. i have to give president trump a lot of credit on having visionbo and forethought from preventing that from happening. that's why the wall is important. >> gregg: dan, i hear democrats and the media, which i realize is redundant, say, oh, you know, you build a wall, it's 12 feet tall, they'll get a 13-foot ladder. how do you respond so something like that? >> i'm going to invoke the late charles krauthammer, who said, we need to reduce the river of illegal immigration to a trickle. is the border wall a panacea?
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no. is it going to stop all illegal immigration? no. but it is going to reduce it and make it harder for illegal immigration to take place. that will deincentivize people from making an arduous journey, where many of them risk and sometimes lose their lives. >> gregg: do we know of cases where terrorists have come across the southern border? >> i think there's been a lot of speculation. i remember quitern well when the late senator john mccain was grilling the undersecretary for border security in 2004 about transnational criminals crossing the border and whether they are terrors that cross the border. honestly, he did not do a whole lot to convince me that dhs was able to detect whether terrorists were crossing the border war whether they in fact had at some point in the past detected them. regardless, terrorists are always looking for the soft spots to exploit, the vulnerabilities to exploit.
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we know that from 9/11. so if we see a vulnerability, best to shut it down before someone exploits it to their advantage. and again, we don't want those threats visited on our shores. >> gregg: steve, i see you nodding your head at that. do you agree completely? >> dan has got this nailed down. ms-13 gang members are terrorists and they are looking for avenues to get into this country. without a while, it makes them much, much easier. another point dan made, you could get a strong door. there will be a burglar that could get in to the door but it bides time for the police to respond and do what they are trained to do. >> gregg: i mention the latter is, not everyone can bring a letter to the wall and you are right. it's like a red flag. we can see that coming. dan, steve, thank you both for being with >> thank you. >> gregg: coming up, the illegal immigrant cop killer suspect. i mentioned to my mom want to go. he has been caught. we will get the fallout in the
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very latest coming up next. ♪ i'm the founder of ugmonk. before shipstation it was crazy. it's great when you see a hundred orders come in, a hundred orders come in, but then you realize i've got a hundred orders i have to ship out. shipstation streamlined that wh the order data, the weights of , everything is seamlessly put into shipstation, so when we print the shipping ll everything's pretty much done. it's so much easier so now, we're ready, bring on t. shipstation. the number one ch of online sellers. go to and get two months free.
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in the u.s. illegally according to the sheriff who angrily denounced california's so-called sanctuary laws, which the sheriff said prevented perez arriaga being deported for previous dui convictions. >> my point is, why are we providing sanctuary for criminals? gang members. as a conversation we need to have. >> and on the subject of so-called sanctuary laws, just today, the mayor of oakland, libby schaaf, who once warned northern california residents about an impending immigration and customsut enforcement raid, said she has "no regrets for her actions" and set the immigration agency has "gone astray." with immigration and border issues at the heart of the current government shutdown, homeland security secretary kirstjen nielsen visit to the border area near el paso, texas. her visit, we are told, was primarily to get a firsthand
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look at the medical screening facility at the border stations in the wake of the death this month of two young guatemalan children who had crossed the border and were taken into custody by customs and border patrol agents. the secretary's visit also comes on the heels of hundreds of immigrants being released onto the streets of el paso this week by immigration and customs and forward enforcement agents. they say they are constrained by law or for how long they can detain immigrant families. secretary nielsen, by the way, gregg, is due to visit border facilities in yuma, arizona, tomorrow. gregg? >> gregg: jonathan, thanks very much for joining us with more reaction is author of "how to weigh tax fee," kristen tate, along with the author of "dark winter, retired brigadier general tony tate and fox news contributor richard jeffers. the president's critics have long accused him of exaggerating
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the threat and now we see the tragic shooting of a police officer the day after christmas by an illegal immigrant. and the sheriff said this was preventable but california's sanctuary laws made the tragedy possible. he's right, isn't he? >> the sheriff is absolutely right. this cop killing migrant had been in the country illegally for years, has been arrested numerous times in the past, and was a member of a gang that is notorious for murders and human smuggling. he should not have been here in the first place, and california's sanctuary laws would prevent local officials from turning illegals over to federal officials. he was still here. had he been deported, this cop would be alive today. gregg, how many more americans need to lose their lives before sanctuary states like california start enforcing federal laws? i place the blame for this chaos
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and devastation right at the feet of the democrats like nancy pelosi, who demand open borders, while livingrs in gated communities where they are completely separated from the devastation that they are bringing into this country. >> gregg: general tata, the business california cities, of course, to some extent the entire extent, aiding and abetting criminal behavior. i cited it many times before, there is a felony federal statute that says that you cannot harbor or shield illegal aliens and if you do, it is five years behind bars. if somebody is killed because of what you did, you can serve upba to life behind bars. don't we need to start prosecuting some of these people who are aiding and abetting? > absolutely, gregg, we needo start prosecuting. we also need to rewind the clock and we need to get these people out of the country, we need to deport these criminals that are being caught. the sanctuary cities need to be done away with.
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this is a real problem. all their crocodile tears that the left are crying over children at the border and so forth, they are not crying today over thiss officer's child that is not going to live without a father. officer singh's child and wife. as a travesty whatat is happenig at the border and in the sanctuary cities. border security is every bit as important to national security as anything that we do overseas. so we got to fight the enemy on their front 5-yard line, and or 5-yard line as well. >> gregg: pastor jeffress, there is this political cultural that democrats and the media are using, and it is, in fact, religion. i want to play a clip and get your reaction. here it is. >> jesus christ, who had to fles for his life with mary and
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joseph, thank god there wasn't a wall that stopped him fromto seeking refuge in egypt. thank god there wasn't an administration like this or he would have, too, have perished. >> speak about what jesus do? that is what jesus would be. that would be the issue, if you read the new testament, the gospels, that is exactly what jesus would be concerned about. >> king salman, he was to become king of the jews. he prayed to god and said, how can i ever follow king david? king david, king of the jews, i need to give you to give me great understanding. as he prayed, god came and said, solomon, i will give you longevity, great wealth, or vengeance against your enemies, i will give you more wisdom than anyone has ever had. >> gregg: i suspect, pastor,
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forgiveha me for saying so, buti think religious doctrine and religion and faith and grace are all being exploited here for political purposes. what do you think? >> its being perverted. 364 days a year, the left usually hates the bible but they use the bible on christmas to pervert the christmas story, to push the open borders policy. look at my nancy pelosi says the wall was immoral. even the pope says it's unchristian. but i remind people that in the bible, god is the one who commanded nehemiah to build a wall around the city of jerusalem to protect the citizens. the bible even says heaven is going to have a well-rounded. not everybody is going to be allowed in. i think, gregg, it's wrong to demonize president trump for doing what the bible commands them to do as the leader of government and that is to protect our citizens! he is doing the right thing. he should not be demonizedmo for doing it. there is nothing immoral or unchristian about building a
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wall to secure our borders to protect our citizens. >> gregg: asns jonathan hunt report indicated, hundreds, if not thousands of detainees with children are now being released due to a judicial decision. so literally, left at bus stops in a cold, i don't know how in the world they will be absorbed in that region, el paso. but isn't this a situation and a court decision that actually incentivizes illegals to bring children with them? >> oh, yeah. central american migrants have learned now that if they come across the border with children, they are far less likely to be deported and far more likely to be released on u.s. soil. that is why we are now dealing with a record numbers of asylum-seekers. here's the thing, we meet thousands of migrants are released, we don't have anywhere to house them.
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these people are roaming the streets with nowhere to go and nothing to do. thisis has become a real crisis. the question is, what do we do now? are we supposed to build a bunch of low-income housing for every migrant who wants to come here? there are tons of homeless veterans already in this country. we already have enough problems here and now we have the entire third world who wants to come to our country with their children and be taken care of. at some point, there are limits to what we can provide for everybody. >> gregg: general tata, is it g a fair bet that most of these people will not be coming back t for the court hearings? [laughs] >> [laughs] i think that's a bet i would take, gregg. you know, what you see here -- and i listen to your previous segment, we have this flow coming across the border, as the commentator just said, they bring children, using them as human shields. it is just despicable the way the left champions these people to come across the border and undermine our laws. we are a nation of laws and we have to enforce those laws and
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we have national security issues. in these caravans, there are known terrorists. when vice president pence comes out and says, there are several hundred known terrorists and criminals and the caravan, you don't think that we have people walking in that caravan listening and determining who is there? you but we do. we are not going to blow their sources and methods. but we have good intelligence on what's going on. we need to start enforcing these laws and sending the people back and defending our own goal line here, as we fight overseas also. >> gregg: pastor, i've got about 30 seconds left, i want to word.ou the final >> today, gregg, i preached a funeral service for the chief of police of one of our cities. in reminded hundreds of police officers that the bible says, they have been chosen by god to protect those who do right and punish evildoers. i think it's wrong for us to vilify police.
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, i.c.e., or ice officials, or the president, to create order and protect us against evil. >> gregg: thank you so much for being with us. >> thank you, gregg. >> gregg: coming up next, an incredible example of media bias like you didn't think it happens. we are going to tell you all about it after the quick break. ♪
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welcome back to this >> gregg: welcome back to the special edition of "hannity." i'm gregg jarrett filling in for sean by it without a doubt, this was not a good week for the mainstream media. nbc news for us to backtrack on its report that president trump did not visit to the after his surprise visit to iraq. and then "the washington post," coming under fire for its report on the president's trip. in a rare move, "the wall street journal" called "the post" reporting gratuitously negative. "the washington post" is not alone and it's a gratuitously negative coverage of the president's trip. watch this. >> in retrospect -- or give him credit for going to iraq but his performance there was a shameful. >> the president seems to have confused in some way that trip
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to visit with a campaign rally. >> this was a political rally in front of troops. >> the troops -- he treats the troops like props. it converts them into a partisan plaything. >> the u united states congress and the people who are supporting the armed forces, they don't belong to him. >> he's like the grinch. i'm being honest. >> hehe stole christmas. >> it was so negative and you want positivity when it comes to christmas. it's perplexing, why would he was at the troops do that? >> gregg: [laughs] wow.w. here to talk about this week's blatant anti-trump bias, fox news contributor allen west and from "the hill," joe concha. good to see you both. almost in unison, they are railing on the president, his visit to iraq, you just saw some of the clips. i don't remember other presidents, including obama, visiting troops, giving stirring
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speeches and so forth, they mediated into flash out at thosd presidents. what's the deal? >> of course not, gregg. it's christmas time, a president is visiting troops overseas, these horrible conditions, and any president, whether it's republican, democrat, they have been afforded positive coverage in those situations, rallying around the flag, the troops. instead, gregg, i see three themes. the first our mistakes. nbc said that the president will be the first president since 2002 not to visit the troops at christmas time.e. the poster before christmas over and make the mistake. they backtracked, yes. as you know, the accusation is seen 100 times more than the exoneration. then there's then. pivot. when the first narrative fell apart, trumped not visiting the troops, then it went to what wt "the washington post," let's call into question his motives. let's put in a news story that he vowed bowed to public
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pressure to go because the media covered it so much about him not visiting the troops. therefore, we are readinghe mins at this point init terms of the president's motive around this. three, the bias of omission. rarely have i seen any reports, or it's been buried, that the first lady, whose footwear was actually mocked. she wore timberlands. what also you supposed to wear to a war zone? no one talks about the fact that the first lady melania trump is the first first lady to visit a war conflict zone since 1969, lady bird johnson. you don't read about that, i can guarantee you that we had michelle obama, any bush, that would have been covered. those are your three themes. >> gregg: i spent a couple of months in iraq in 2003, right after the outset of the war, and i wore timberlands. good thing the media didn't figure that out. congressman, what is your take on all this? >> without a doubt, gregg, happy new year. you were seeing a media that will pick apart anything that
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president trump does. having been a person that's been in operation desert storm, i think it would have been wise for the president to find someone that had been deployed to a combat zone, someone that could advise him to say, what would you like to see from me if i were to visit a combat zone. i think the most important thing would be to say, mr. president, everyone previous do you have given these speeches and what have you, why don't you just go over there and sit and talk with our troops? just serve themk some chow for christmas dinner, and just get to know them. don't allow the media to turn this into someow type of circus. i think that is what is very important about having someone within your inner circle, a good counselor, good advisor, that can talk to you from the perspective of someone that's been deployed intone these zone, how to do something different, something unique. then you turn the tables on the media, which we know is going to try to find anything wrong with president trump's actions. >> gregg: joe, "the washington post" " story ws
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particularly egregious. i mean, these gratuities paragraphs about perceived scandals not directly related to the principal story. i mean,pr it was just obvious, wasn't it? >> of course. if that's in the opinion section, then were not talking right now. this was the page 1 story that people are reading for news, for facts, not for people's feelings on what they think may be happening or what the motive is, as we talked about. "the wall street journal" then took them to task and "the washington post" had to edit some things. that cnn story, i can't get over it, in terms of going after military members who are presenting make america great again hat to the president to sign. gee, if you were going to attack military members, you got a problem. the bigger problem thereav is to fact that, eight, the air force came forward and said, no, that does not break protocol and the bias of omission.
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obama, president obama, candidate obama, july, 2008, went to kuwait, visited american base there, and signed memorabilia. i don't have any problem with that, any president doing that to the troops of that makes them happy. this was omitted from cnn's report, that previous presidents have done this before. the bias of omission. >> gregg: you have a former assistant white house counsel under barack obama going on a tweet storm saying the president is violating the hatch act. no, the hatch act doesn't apply to the president or the vice president. besides, these are people giving him hats. what is he supposed to do? say, sorry, can't touch the hatch? >> you are right.ic the president of the united states of america's commander in chief coming out over there having any type of an election rally, not over there talking about who should be supporting him are voting for him. he was not asking the troops to go out and take a stand for him
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one way, shape, form, or the other. if you are a true friend you have something that is derepresentative of the presidet of the united states of america, which is what the make americari great again hat is, and you have the president signed it for you, guess what? maybe you have some of the relatives back home send those hats or anything that they have signed, that is just one of the things, as joet said, keep these groups have become a keep the morale of the player attack them, they are the ones away from their family members at this time. that is shameful. >> gregg: this guy was white house counsel. you think you would know better. some white house counsel that knucklehead was. colonel west, joe, good to see you both. >> happy new year. >> gregg: perhaps the most unusual headline yet and the mueller probe. we will tell you about this coming up next. ♪ st saves the day. sweet and spicy tuna in a pouch! smart choice, charlie. (charlie) no drain, no pain. just tear, eat... and go! try all of my tuna,
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♪ >> gregg: welcome back to this special edition of "hannity." well, it looks like the latest in a so-called bombshell in the russia probe may be falling flat yet again. get used to it. greg gordon as admitting that his news story on michael cohen allegedly being in prague in 2016, you know, meeting with the russians, relies actually not n firsthand knowledge or secondhand, but thirdhand. watch this. >> did your sources if the interception themselves or are they passing along information from other a people? >> the sources -- some of the sources have government sources. some of the sources are people who have told us that they have trusted intelligence-type sources that can get information. we don't know the specifics but wed have used a few sources on many subjects and they have been
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very accurate. >> that sounds a lot like a -- i reread that. if you are sources did not see the interceptsid themselves, thy didn't let you see them. did they pass -- have you seen the intercepts? >> no. >> gregg: no. but have a problem there. even msnbc says this looks a lot like the infamous steele dossier. remember, michael cohen has denied the report. in yet another bizarre turn, a new court filing claims that robert mueller collected a "nude selfieio as part of his investigation. no, not of himself. but generally through his investigation. joining us now for a reaction, fox news contributor david webb and former clinton pollster doug schoen, also a fox news contributor. this guy, you saw the clip, it is kind of like a guy told a guy
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who told me, and it's not only nthin -- i mean, it's reckless and irresponsible. >> michael cohen is presumably looking for a formal cooperation agreement or a letter from the special counsel that he fully cooperated. he has said explicitly, not only that he was not in prague, but he was not in the czech republic. if it wasn't the case, how could held be doing this, given what e is ultimately seeking, and that sourcing, gregg, makes no sense at all. you haven't seen it in "the times" for "the washington post." >> gregg: it's garbage. as i put it in my book, about this very subject, that was something that was demonstrably false. michael cohen has every reason, if it's true, to say it's true. he'd be cold and wet mueller. >> the fact is, this is something so easy to prove if it
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was true. so this goes beyond g hearsay. first, second, third. >> gregg: triple quadruple hearsay. >> the problem with this is where has the report and gone for me, as somebody who's into media, got the guy from " "der spiegel," who does not -- he makes up sources. mcclatchy is a reputable organization and they have to look at this and what this does or thehe organization. >> gregg: what about that? >> it raises questions. i looked last night when this came out for how the mainstream media handled it, what cohen said, what his so-called spokesman lawyer, lanny davis, said. and none of it gave me anyf confidencece that the sourcing about a cell phone that may have taken a vacation on its own somewhere near the czech republic, which is about all that seems to be reported, is the case.
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i am befuddled by the whole thing. just totally. >> there is not in the legal aspect when it comes to where thist. is about. where are they going with that? this is about delegitimizing, attacking, going after drum, you and i have talked about this. if they want to go after cohen for serious charges, they could have taken them for tax fraud. all angles around president trump. >> gregg: it's in the dossier. it is. i continue to read the dossier all the time. i never fail to laugh. i can always use a good laugh. it's preposterous on his face. this is another demonstrably false facet of the dossier. i want to switch to this crazy selfie that mueller -- nude selfie that he is obtained through his investigation. boy, talk about no stone being left unturned. [laughter] >> that is not a pun. >> gregg: here's a funny thing apart it. it over to the
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russian permits asking for it because he says that the nude selfie is -- allegedly --dash national security. [laughter] >> what, do they have a tattoo of classified documents? [laughter] >> gregg: you i can't make this up! >> you're a lot better lawyer than i am. i went to harvard law school. you are a skilled defense lawyer, not me. but i don't really know how to react to this one. i'm really befuddled. usually i have answers, i think sometimes good answers. on this one, i don't know. >> i say go to your supermarket checkout line because that is where the story belongs. the "national enquirer." >> gregg: it probably does. we do not have smartphones and selfiesan back then, we had polaroids. >> turned around and stick your arms out. >> gregg: and they are all yellow now. you can't even see what is onre them. david webb and doug schoen, good to see you. coming up next, the dems are ratcheting up their impeachment
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plans and left-wing media are going, of course, into overdrive. stick around for that one. ♪ we know the great outdoors. we love the great outdoors. bass pro shops and cabela's. your adventure starts here. and i'm the founder of ugmonk. before shipstation it was crazy. it's great when you see a hundred orders come in, a hundred orders come in, but then you realize i've got a hundred orders i have to ship out. shipstation streamlined that wh the order data, the weights of , everything is seamlessly put into shipstation, so when we print the shipping ll everything's pretty much done. it's so much easier so now, we're ready, bring on t. shipstation. the number one ch of online sellers. go to and get two months free.
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impeachment." even republicans that may be deciding that the president has become too great a burden to their party or too great a danger to their country. sounds like she's in lockstepep with democrats. remember these discussions of impeaching president trump? >> trump would like to redefine the law the way that he wants to redefine it, but he's wrong. and yes, i believe he should be impeached.o i really do believe that. >> we have learned that there is no evidence of the president of the united states engaged in a felony to obtain the office of president. >> the constitution could not be any clearer. impeachment is the appropriate remedy for bribery, for treason, for high crimes and misdemeanors. it speaks for itself.el >> i think impeachment is something that has an impact on the country. one fact is clear, the facts are clear.
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this time, we will make a decision. >> motives and his actions are pontifical. and i will fight every day until he is impeached. impeach 45. >> i rise today, mr. speaker, te call for the impeachment of the president of the united states of america.. >> joining us now is attorney and lawyer differently, ceo ryan rotella and allie stuckey. let me turn to you first, since you are the lawyer. i thought better of elizabeth drew until i read this op-ed, in which she makes it abundantly clear that a president can and should be impeached if his political opponents simply disagree with his policies. that is ludicrous, isn't it?y >> absolutely. this is the whole theory that we
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have been saying from all of the lawyers on the left. all of them have been what i call the chicken little legal strategy which is we keep saying the sky is falling, the sky is falling, that trump should be l impeached. eventually they have to prove it. it's like you think you are going to see alien independence day and all of a sudden, elf walks out. and i think that's a problem that they are going to have. why? you understand this, you know what watergate was about and it's disappointing that drew didn't seem to understand it. we had a special prosecutor who put 62 pages together with hisd grand jury called the road to watergate. a third grader could see that president nixon did something wrong there. do we think that mueller will get something done that's less than war and peace when he does his report and that anyone is going to understand it? i think this stuff will ultimately backfire. >> so troop withdrawal, mattis resignation, ongoing investigations involving trump,
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these are all reasons to justify impeachment. but those aren't treason, i crimes were misdemeanor, are they? >> no. they are not impeachable offenses. these are reasons why some people may not like donald trump, but as we pointed out, that's not a reason to file for impeachment. we probably will file for impeachment and i think that's a great strategy for donald trump going into 2020. let the democrats run themselves into the ground, and that if this is how they want to run and the platform they are going to run on which is simply hating donald trump, donald trump cano leverage that madness to continue his agenda. to continue carrying out the things of the american people want. it will be very difficult for americans in 2022 makeha the choice for the party that simply does not have a platform besides beating the current president. >> i spent the last chapter of my book talking about the incredible media bias toward trump.
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you know, they wrote that he was a manchurian candidate. who attends de facto puppet. one anchor even fantasized on air about the arrest of donald trump, barricading himself in the oval office as federal marshals came to arrest him. i mean, i'm not making this stuff up. this was actually said by so-called journalists. has their unabashed scorn and visceral hatred for the man totally obscured their judgment and common sense? >> absolutely, and your book was fantastic by thee way. one thing i wanted to mention about your book and that you touch on, we are trying to draw parallels to watergate into president trump. you know like me the worst type of client that you can have is one who won't tell you anything and hides in secret. that was richard nixon, this guy taped himself in h secret. his tweets are out there for the
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entire public to see. he is fully transparent. i think as a lawyer, that's part of what drives people nuts. they are not used to hisk transparency and i do think ultimately though for ath legal reason, this is never going to get to high crimes and misdemeanors and i really think our audience should be interested in what mueller's report looks like and compare it to the road to watergate reportl and the ken starr report. allie, last word for you, i have about 30 seconds. >> i think you are exactly right and i think the democrats know that. that's why they have already drawn and are publicizing their opinion before it comes out. they are making the case to the public for impeachment simply so that they can run on that. facts don't matter, justice doesn't matter, morality doesn't matter. it's just about not liking president trump. >> thank you so much. unfortunately that's all the time we have left tonight. be sure to check out my book.
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hoax, the illicit scheme to clear hillary clinton, and frame donald trump. thanks for being with us. have a great weekend and a happy new year. ♪ >> i'm jason chaffetz in for laura ingraham and this is "the ingraham angle." from new york city tonight. the manhunt is over and an illegal immigrant accused murdering a california state officer and is behind bars. plus a california mirror insisting she did the right thing when she tipped off illegal immigrants about an i.c.e. raid. and trump agenda about impeachment, what are schoolsmp teaching our children? we will go over o the top politically biased courses of the years. but first. we begin with the fox news alert. investigators say more arrests could come in connection with the murder of a california policeman on christmas today, aft
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