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tv   Americas News HQ  FOX News  December 30, 2018 10:00am-11:00am PST

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n. the native american tribes with the wolves would howl more overnight. so there you have it. mark your calendar, january january 21st. laura: we will see you back your 4:00. more news now from washington. >> leadership on both sides of the aisle in congress out of town. 1:00 p.m. eastern on wednesday. president trump white house and democrats need to give a border wall before reopening the government. >> plus commissioner of the california town mourning the death of a police officer seeks out today can the state century laws protecting illegal aliens including the man accused of the crime. leland: and countdown to 2019. the big apple ready to usher in new years tomorrow night. we'll go behind the scenes on the massive security hack. ♪
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leland: newspeak of the house coming in and just a couple days. a lot of misery for the new year. i'm leland vittert. >> and i'm kristen fisher. it is now day nine of this partial government shut down with still not deal in sight. democrats and republicans are continuing to blame each other. garrett tenney with us now. reporter: not any major progress but maybe just a little. most home for the holidays left it up to a negotiated deal. the problem is those negotiations like you typically see during the shut down other than happening. behind the scenes the number of lawmakers in both parties have meaning to try and work out a deal than the shutdown. the proposal so far include a combination of funding for the wall, and a fix for daca and others that they could support.
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the hope is they could be enough to get a deal, but that was also the hope of the bipartisan immigration deal that president trump next last year. today on "face the nation," senator jon tester was an optimistic this time around would be any different. >> i think we been here before. i was in the room that when the president said if congress passes something and then move back away from that. we do need comprehensive immigration form. in the end we need to know what the president wants a health little stick to it. >> senator lindsey graham is working to, but ideal. they parent and negotiating are reaching a compromise at all. >> the bottom line is they want trumps to lose more than they want the country to win by fear. at the end of the day there's a deal to be had but everybody's changing their position here and most americans are pretty tired of it.
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to my democratic friends there would never be a deal about while funding and many republicans are going to offer something as an incentive to vote for while funding that you have supported in the past. >> lawmakers six negotiations this week. until then the showdown will drag on and finger-pointing across the aisle will continue. kristin: and it is still so quiet just across the street on capitol hill. leland: with that, for a little bit more finger-pointing we bring in congressman raja krishnamoorthi from chicago. great to see you. appreciate it. he said there's never going to be a deal without while funding a waiter from leaders on your side of the aisle that there's never going to be while funding if you want a deal. it seems as though with will be at an impasse for a while. >> unfortunately that the case right now. what we see poll after poll is that the american people come at a of them do not want a wall and
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an even greater majority don't want the government to be shut down because of the demand for while funding. leland: it seems as though vast majority of americans feel we have an immigration crisis on the border. call it what you want they want the border secure. >> that's absolutely correct. a lot of people in congress on both sides of the aisle are concerned about illegal immigration and want to control the borders will want to do so in an effective way. leland: atomics are, why is the law not effective? >> well, as the gao just recently asked lang to eyes in their report, it's very ineffective because we are to have sections of the border with walls and games go over them, tunnel underneath. true to that seems like a point to build a better wall. if someone keeps coming and breaking on your front door you don't say i donate a front door you say maybe i should put our locks on it, right?
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>> the reason the american people don't want a wall is in part because what republican will hurd who has much of the border in his own district says that it hurt the local economy. it hurts private property owners and it doesn't do a customs and border patrol agents want, which is they want more manpower, more technology. leland: they also -- they also -- they also physical barriers in places and say there needs to be money for more physical barriers. it certainly sounds like the obsession over the wall by democrat things about making political points of denying president trump a political victory than securing the border. why is that wrong? >> again, the reason the majority of american people don't want a wall but do want physical barriers is because the wall is in effect to to and hurts america rather than help set. leland: -- let's make sure -- let's deal with the same word.
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make sure they mean the same thing to both of us. when you say a wall won't work, you are saying a wall from the gulf of mexico to the pacific ocean along the mexican border. but we can stipulate and reasonable people can agree there are places where large physical barrier by whatever name needs to be on the border, correct? >> that's actually the case right now. leland: went in to do it there needs to be more money to improve the physical barrier to your points of the gangs don't go around it, above the, overrated and underrated. >> i think is a customs and border patrol agents have reported to john kelly this weekend to the hill, basically they don't want a wall from the gulf of mexico to the pacific ocean. they want more money for manpower as well as technology. right now the government is shut down. order patrol agents aren't even being paid.
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trade to congressman, you're talking about needing a lot more than $1.3 billion to do all the things you just talked about and still democrats aren't offering more than that. >> well, i think we should compromise the amount of funding for this type of technology. leland: maybe we could make a deal here. we've got a guy from the other side of the aisle coming up here in a minute with kristen. talk out a number and we'll see what he says. >> well, it all depends how long is the funding? is it a year, just two. trade to make an offer. make an offer. >> i want to hear from dhs and the people actually on the ground. above all with god to open the government. that's what the american people want. leland: so there's no offer, no number? the >> i'm sorry? >> of a number you support higher than 1.3 billion. >> or various numbers, 1.6, 1.7, to point out.
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i don't know what the right number is h agents. above all with god to pay them. if we believe and border security we can't have them work without pay which is what's happening right now. leland: all right, congressman, appreciate it. enjoy your new years, sir. all the best. kristin: good luck on getting more specific here. tranter publican indiana congressman todd rokita. thank you for coming on. you just heard from a democratic congressman. he did not give a hard dollar amount in terms of where he might be willing to compromise. are you willing to give one? >> with income already gave one. $25 billion needed to put a wall where it's needed along the border, which isn't the entire border, but where it's needed is the latest assessment. we've moved off that to a simple $5 billion.
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i have to tell you as a member of the budget committee of the $5 billion is a trend is amount of money in budgetary terms where he spent $4 trillion figure, this is as much the idea that a democrat like my friend who was just on who loves to spend money every chance he gets now has a problem just about politics. kristin: since you bring a budgetary concerns. the white house the white house started 5 billion are reportedly down to 2.5. democrats went from 1.6 to 1.3. when you look at the math, 1.3 and $2.5 billion, while a big number is not that huge in terms of washington. are we willing to keep the government shutdown over small amount of money? >> it is a ridiculously small amount of money. you're exactlyut this is beyond me. democrats have all voted for more funding for the wall. it's just about denying the president any kind of
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accomplishment. let's be honest, this is his campaign promise and are trying to deny that. president trump like we see with china and the negotiation has been to out negotiate democrats here if we all stick together. by all aiming my squishy republican friends, too. we've got to stick together. this is about 25% of the government being close. we had it for close for two weeks and no one noticed. it's all nonessential employees anyway. kristin: sounds like you're willing to dig in and keep the government shutdown for as long as it takes your >> as long as it takes because this is what the american people wanted. this is only common sense. it's a never sovereign nation gets to do this and why should we? >> dy president trump to hold the line on the border wall at all costs or is there any room? >> as long as we have forward
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movement that takes care of the next fiscal year. were like talking about fiscal president. >> to budget on his fault? >> if there's other ways to achieve it, sure, happy to listen. the fact is we need this wall. that is the point. as the state of israel, the nation of israel if they think the wall is the fact that. they do because it is. democrats even note the fact it. he shouldn't give in because the people that voted for them, majority of the people of this nation understand they need a wall and this is a chance to get it done. kristin: senator lindsey graham was on cnn this morning he proposed $5 billion for the wall in border security plus the bridge i which was a one-time renewable work permit for all the dreamers. is that something you would support? leland: that something that was the port obviously the details of it. you're not going to give away
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the store for $5 billion either. if they want some bigger grander deal, that's more than $5 billion. that figure into the ball would be completed and everything else done as well. happy to have those discussions. upon overdue. any kind of victory the democrats will want to deny and that's where the american people are so important. all-americans chiming in with congressman leading them know that this is important. it's a caravan of illegal immigrants of the border. the officer in california was killed by another illegal immigrant. this is very real people care about this. >> i want to ask you something president treated yesterday. essentially blamed the deaths of the migrant children who died while in u.s. custody. wins among democrats. duplin democrats? >> i wouldn't democrats, anyone who thinks for political reasons we don't need a wall. it's inviting these people are what their children to make a
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very dangerous journey. that is inhumane. the most humane thing we can do is send a correct message -- don't take the journey. too dangerous. you're going to get hurt. when we say come across are open borders were not a sovereign nation like democrats do. then you invite this kind of trouble. >> even though president trump controls the white house, it's still the democrats fault? >> the reason were sitting on a government shutdown is because we don't have 60 votes in the senate. as long as that role stays and were not grilling to a simple majority vote and it's not republicans all. it's chuck schumer. kristin: congressman, thank you for coming on. appreciate your insight and happy new year. guys, stick around after a show for "fox news sunday" because xander smith is in for chris wallace and she is an exclusive interview with house majority whip steve scalise. don't want to miss out.
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leland: homeland security secretary spent two hours during a trip to yuma, arizona on saturday. nielsen says that was prompted by the death of the children while in custody. kellyanne conway tied the deaths of those children into the overall debate on border security. >> we are allowing these people to take their children on a powerless journey. they are being promised something people cannot deliver upon. we don't want to subject these children -- leland: nielsens visit arcs or 16 spot against the u.s.-mexico border. >> the rest of an illegal immigrant in the shooting death of a california police officer has sparked new debate about the state sanctuary laws. jeff paul joins us live with more. >> hi, kristen. the suspect was then illegally.
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he was making a run for the border the day he was taken into custody. investigators say he had previous arrest for denies the known -- none of this might've happened if it weren't for california's so-called sanctuary laws. police chief randy richard and spoke with fox news earlier and was asked about that. >> i hope that people out there find this tragedy for what it is. just a tragedy. i want to remember sitting and not so much about everything. it could have been prevented. but unfortunately we are needed here today having the conversation because it was not prevented. >> a total of eight people now in custody after being arrested in connection with this case. that of gustavo perez harry aitken who say authorities shot and killed corporal singh after being pulled on suspicion of
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dui. seven other people including the suspects to brothers and girlfriends who were accused of trying to help. police chief randy richardson spoke about losing but his finest officer, one of 12 in the department. >> that's a tremendous blow. we have good days and bad days. not everybody is having them the same time. we've had incredible support her mother agencies stepping in when we needed to cover our street because we are not able to handle those shows. it's been a tough, tough few days. kristin: corporal singh leaves behind a five -month-old son and wife. kristin: it here you have an immigrant who came to this country legally killed by someone who came into the country illegally. such a sad story. jeff paul, thank you. leland. leland: we keep watching the health care worker in omaha,
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nebraska is isolated after possible exposure to ebola. the person has not been identified. university of nebraska center will be monitored for two weeks. the person may have come into contact with the virus while providing medical assistance in the congo but currently is not showing anything dems. leland: coming upcoming deadly helicopter crash caught on tape. now searching for answers. plus, all eyes on the market tomorrow. the last day of trading in 2018 the following days of sharp swings on wall street and what 29 team holds for the mueller investigation. rudy giuliani has a blunt message for the independent counsel. >> my ultimatum is put up or shut up. what do you have?
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cable and then went into the spiral. now take a look at this video out of baltimore, maryland. six people injured and taken to the house bill. there was a jet bridge the disconnect and to a plain and evidently that will now be closed. they still haven't figured out exactly how the people got hurt. the investigation they're continuing as well. >> with one trading day left before the markets closed for the year, and this december has been anything but typical. stocks have been the worst summer since the great depression. stock market volatility isn't disappearing anytime soon. for my insight, let's begin the fox business network correspondent kristina partsinevelos. thank you for coming on to make
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sense of all this madness. last week was just insane. what are you going to be watching for tomorrow and this last day of trading in 2018? would you expect? >> i wish i could take up my crystal ball and be really accurate. the volatility was really ridiculous and the new york city on the new york stock exchange floor you saw this thing negative 653 points on monday worst christmas eve ever in the most positive thing on the upside down when they appeared as all this confusion and volatility of what's happening and what we should report. investors right now are jittery and that's causing volatility in the market. investors don't see stability they need to not the reason why you see a lot of them buy and sell on to win from certain have nine. algorithms are playing a big role, too. yes we have another trading day on monday. the question is will we have the worst december ever? the expectation right now is
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that we will see continued volatility. however today there was some news coming out of china. the chinese foreign affairs ministers and they'll be working with united dates on trade. so there is one factor that could add two sons ability. some say -- some type of truce. leland: trade war with china, through a recession, volatility in washington. what other contributing actors farther to what was a ridiculous sleep last week? help us understand why. >> actually the government shutdown doesn't play that major role besides the fact the media coverage is focused more on the market than what's going on at the white house or washington. focusing on the markets contributing to volatility with retail investors working from home. it's a lot to do also with interest rates going higher or the fact you have a ten-year bond, a government bond not giving as much of a return
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compared to a two-year bond. you are see this flattening of the yield spread between those amounts concerning because the moment the return on a ten-year bonds falls below two years so it's not valuable to buy a longer bond is assigned a recession is coming. there's a lot of factors in ability with trade war even within the white house. if there's conflicting messages from different people, people getting fired or quitting. jay powell the fairman chad, what's happening within out to just the jitteriness of investors. leland: since you bring up jerome powell, chairman of the chad, i want your take on them blistering criticism of him. he's playing a lot of this on the fact the federal reserve has raged -- raised interest rates four times. does the president have a point? >> if you consider yes that takes over the last little while but historically interest rates are really low.
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you have a headache right now about 2%. that will not inhibit growth in the economy. the question is 2019 will we have two more hikes? so yes there is concern but historically we've taken on a lot of debt as of yet. a lot of consumers, americans have more in the household. corporate debt had his increase. so when you have interest rates climb higher and makes it more expensive for everyone to pay back that debt. for me that is a big point of concern heading into 2019. kristin: for folks at home, what is the market volatility mean for their 401(k)s? >> it's never good if you're not paying that much attention to the market, don't follow the day-to-day movement because historically that doesn't help or benefit your 401(k). if anything, focus on rebalancing if you are concerned. get more dividend paying stocks. does yield a better return in
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times of economic roughness i guess you could say. some people say focus on the leftover values talks. technology going to utilities. some people like dollar tree for example, dollar store because they usually do well in times of lower periods, the recession. these are ways to rebalance commodities, but right now i think we are headed for definitely more volatility. if you don't pay attention to the markets every single minute of every single day and you're not trading, that back to maybe have a discussion with whoever is handling your money that you should rebalance but don't worry too much. kristin: economic roughness. i like that. kristina partsinevelos come in thank you selection happy new year. >> thank you. happy new year. leland: how hackers stop the president to major american newspapers and chief of staff john kelly's exit interviews and in white house into damage control on the last sunday of
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2018. ellison barber in the lower right-hand screen of the north on. reporter: is that of all, is it not a wall, does it even matter? second week of the partial government shutdown. look at all the questions right now after this. tertainment. now when you go out, you cash in. what's in your wallet?
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kristin: outgoing chief of staff john kelly just given exit interview with "the l.a. times." and in a coming he said the president's border wall is there really a wall. such is one of several headlines to come out of the interview. ellison barber live with more on how the white house is react. >> president trump of course campaigned on the wall. he has set in the past he would be proud to shut down the government over the wall. he has tweeted about the wall that these 12 times since christmas. outgoing chief of staff john kelly says the president is not actually ask them for a wall.
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kelly says they moved on for not after speaking with customs and border protection agents working along the u.s.-mexico border because, quote, they said while waiting to physical barriers certain places. technology across the board and we need more people. exclusive interview at the los angeles they went on to say the president still says wald often times for a good healthy barrier or fencing. we left the solid concrete wall early on in the administration when we asked people what they needed and where they needed it. white house officials say democrats know exactly what the president is asking for an accused them of playing word games and silly semantics. although this back-and-forth continues, the president's personal attorney rudy giuliani is speaking out about the special counsel's russia probe telling robert mueller it is time to put up or shut up. >> is that donald trump that donald trump dig in and day out the last for months at the campaign.
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he was as surprised as i was about the wiki week disclosure. sometimes the price to the extent of did they really say that. >> it's led to nearly 3000 dozen indictments. by former trump advisors and 26 russian nationals. president trump longtime adviser michael: what sentence for campaign finance violations, tax evasion in line to congress. in a sentencing memo, providing information that is helpful to the russia probe including what they describe is useful information concerning certain discrete russia related matters court to the special counsel's investigation. kristen. kristin: ellison barber live at the white house. thank you. leland. leland: will bring in robert driscoll of past doj fame and also the -- played out a little more insight from you on this. rudy giuliani is the president's defense attorney.
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you want whatever he wants from robert mueller but can't really force the hand, can he? >> i reminded i think it was kelly who said the enemy gets a vote is to win the war ends. he can want it, but he's not really in control. leland: this is rudy giuliani this morning on "fox and friends" issuing the ultimatum. your thoughts. >> my ultimatum is put up or shut up. those of us with who believe he doesn't have anything on pollution. by the way if he did, it's not a crime. the president was involved of the conspiracy to hack the dnc with russia. of course you don't. leland: have you seen anything? >> is right through public perspective but that's meaningless because you don't know what mueller has. he's doing a good defense lawyer with newcomer press for the end of the case. but in some sense it is a blot because he doesn't know what mueller has silly thing you
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don't have anything. i haven't been any in and come up with it. you may or may not. leland: one thing mueller has appeared to have been strategic and it's not leaking out of his office. it's unbelievable how tight they've kept things. as all of these crimes, much of which are redacted, but then there's these key points. how close does it appear to you that mueller has gotten to the inner circle of trump world and the sons? >> it is very hard to judge that in the lawyers are at great peril because this place is in going to and in the indictment of the president. it's going to end in a report. a lot of the tea leaves you normally read you can read in this case. for example, the fact people have sentencing usually wouldn't sentence cooperators until they're done cooperating on trial. the principles off the hook, but
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you can't conclude that here because the end result may be a report to congress on the non-indictment in the trial in either flan, and flan, nor manafort to testify in the trial. they just need their statements in the report. it is hard to judge the normal and a lot of classic analysis that goes on misses that point that mueller is doing a very different task year. he finished a report on the surly leading to an indictment. leland: it's very clear he's in the evidence gathering stage. we know about this case which there is unbelievable secrecy with sealed subpoenas and clearing floors of courthouses when they have arguments about it in this argument is due to the supreme court tomorrow. anything to read into that? >> again, it's impossible other than speculation. one thing to keep in mind as appellate courts and supreme court are much more interested in jurisdictional issues than other courts.
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would have a foreign government and a foreign owned entity. the question of u.s. jurisdiction. whatever was in that briefing, something that caught his eye and wants to hear more. it's hard to know whether that's a banking issue or something else. leland: either way, it does show you this isn't over yet. this seems to indicate the opposite of rudy giuliani's christmas wishes. >> still clearly some threads to pursue. some things are hinting that it could be over in the medium term. it'll be two years in march. that may be of gold at a special prosecutor might say. they're still active litigation going on because obviously if the documents get turned over, and what's in them and where does that leave. leland: we may not know whether they get turned over considering how much secret is the rounds that. it's due by 5:00 p.m. tomorrow so we'll see what is then sealed him out.
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mr. driscoll, always good to see you, councilman. >> good to see you. >> still ahead focusing on 2020. several presidential democratic hopefuls are hinting that iran. preparing for the big wall drop of honey or see work and answers our keeping the big party in times square safe. ♪ oh!
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leland: admin is expected in the first few weeks of 29 teams by potential 2020 candidate jockeying for position. perhaps last night elizabeth warren beatty and more speculation by changing her campaign twitter handle firm@elizabeth where i made to a much more generic@e. warren. she's not the only democrat on the list. kemal and harris, bernie sanders, just to name a few. a rather large list as you can see a potential hopefuls to weigh in on those, chip franklin at a san diego. gentlemen, nice to have you with us. chip, we will start with you on the left. elizabeth warren, anyone on the this depression might be getting in? >> i don't think so. she's been hinting at this for a while in the native american thing aside she has all the criteria you would want.
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she's extremely passionate about the things that matter to democrats. let me say liberals right now. i differ from some democratic than because i believe this is not about compromise and 2020. climate change, health care, income inequality. this is time for them to step forward and show the american people that not only are we not trump, but we stand for liberal issues. issues that will affect the future of not just her children, but her grandchildren. leland: we look at who the base is most excited about. put on top dems people are excited about. the recent poll just came out. by the way, the people are malik cited, just about someone new. 59% -- 53% of top name going to joe biden in terms of people there excited about. i will flip it around for you. who should republicans be most
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excited about on this list to run again? >> i think all of them are great to run against. elizabeth warren has really made a joke of her self with the whole dna controversy. joe biden is a has-been. the one person that may have some traction is harris, who i think could be the one republicans might be facing in 2020. all these retreads, bernie sanders, hillary and joe biden. i hope they run because they'll be easily beatable. democrats only chance of someone new and fresh. and when they can really track the rush belt states that they lost two years ago. leland: you know kamala harris. >> she's a former prosecutor. he saw her in the hearings with kavanaugh. she stands her ground. she's smart people. i find it ironic that trump supporters, the irony is so thick that they be criticizing
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candidates saying they're sociopaths numbers are dropping every single day. >> let me just interject here. last time you had a republican incumbent defeated it was with a centrist democrat named bill clinton. there is no real centrist on this list. they are so far left that left america. i don't see any of these people been serious contenders for the president he may except kamala harris. anyone in the middle that can attract this tape the democrats lost in 2016 i don't see these people been able to win back. leland: give me that name. who fed? >> jeff's mold is not the mold i'm looking for. when you're talking about kamala harris or beto o'rourke.
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joe biden has always been left of center. i wouldn't have a problem with kamala harris on the top of the ticket. leland: don't get excited. i see him his chops like it's going to get the barbecue or something. >> it's the economy. are you better off than you were four years ago. if president trump has a strong economy is going to win reelection. look at the economy right now. low employment, high consumer confidence. everything is pointing towards high gdp growth going forward. >> the good news is we're still two years and 2020. we have time to have you guys back to discuss this again many, many times over. happy new year. kristin: we may be talking about 2020 but were still getting ready for 2019 in times square.
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a live look at our organizers are preparing for the biggest party of the night. >> hey, chris den 112 years running so it has to go on without a hitch. of course the 32,000 that a billion people will be watching. a backstage pass to all the preparation. i wanted to stop. the thing is i didn't know how. chantix, along with support, helps you quit smoking. chantix reduced my urge to smoke to the point that i could quit. when you try to quit smoking, with or without chantix, you may have nicotine withdrawal symptoms. some people had changes in behavior or thinking, aggression, hostility, agitation, depressed mood, or suicidal thoughts or actions with chantix. serious side effects may include seizures, new or worse heart or blood vessel problems,
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kristin: the biggest party of the year in times square is tomorrow night and event organizers and new york city police are working around-the-clock to make sure everything sang place to bring and 29 feet -- jackie heinrich has more on the preparation. how is it looking? reporter: they are so ready. there were 25,000 balloons in the building up their behind me and more than 3000 pounds of confetti ready to drop in the crowd tomorrow night. of course the ball is also ready to drop. a lot of preparations going on but you can't see that will keep everyone in the crowd gave her. reading 112 year strong. this morning organizers checked the ball drop mechanism in the 32,000 that more than a billion
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people will be watching on tv tomorrow night. this thing is huge for the current new year's eve always 12,000 pounds. 12 feet in diameter and top with more than 2500 waterford crystals. the first is made of iron and wood and weighed about 500 pounds in at about 125-watt light bulb went on it. we've come a long way since 1907. of course, preparation is security. officers will be deployed more than 200 vehicles in place around intersections here. and for the first time, n.y.p.d. is using drugs to back up more than 1200 security cameras. also using voter pursue canines for the first time. right now no credible threats against events, but counterterrorism teams are working around-the-clock. >> so you will see a lot of officers. go see a lot of officers with a lot of gear and long guns and
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the kind of weaponry for securing such a huge event. there'll be some measures you don't see as well. >> of course the city is preferring for the massive cleanup effort that will follow. city workers had more than 57 tons of debris from times square activities. the confetti drops about 125 tons on the crowd. pretty cool to be out here. only two years in history since this all began. the ball dropped and have been during the dim out in 1942 and 43. we are all set to go in very excited here in times square. kristin: jackie heinrich, thank you or don't forget, fox news is your place to ring in the new year. tomorrow night hosted by jeff -- griff jenkins and pete hegseth takeover at 10:00 p.m. eastern. leland, you have a choice. you're going to be in new york tomorrow night for new year's eve. times square you have stand there for hours to watch the
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ball drop. were they not the new horizon pro five. leland: only by virtue of the fact it's going to be raining in times square tomorrow night. the chance of rain is 100%. leland: you're going to go with the flyby. >> i'm going to go with the flyby. leland: i have been victorious. i persuaded you to watch the flyby. kristin: will text about it at midnight. that is all for us here in washington. we will see you sunday. leland: sandra smith is in there. great lineup including kellyanne conway who made a knowledge of steve scalise ab as well. we will see you in 2019. kristin: happy new year, everyone.
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sandra: i'm sandra smith in for chris wallace, day nine of the partial government shutdown. president trump doubled down on his border wall. >> how long do you think the you shutdown will last, mr. president? >> whatever it takes. we need safety for our country. sandra: how far apart are both sides on the deal. >> we have to work on it until we get an agreement where the majority say yes. >> where are chuck schumer and nancy pelosi? they're not stalking right now. sandra: what options are on the table. we'll discuss the showdown standoff with kellyanne conway and get an update on the negotiations with steveca


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