tv Life Liberty Levin FOX News January 6, 2019 10:00pm-11:01pm PST
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mark live-in is up next. i'm steve hilton, see you next sunday when the next revolution will be televised. >> hello america. we have a great guest tonight, frank bozell. how are you? were going to talk a lot and dig into the media tonight. your founder and president of the media research center, is the largest media walked start organization in america, i rely on you guys a whole lot, your columnist and author and your well known. what your organization does is crucially important.
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unite have been around a while. i served in the reagan administration but i observ observing present fees in the media before that, you been observing for decades. i've never seen anything like the mob media that we have today and i call it that, groupthink, mostly left, if not exclusively left in many of these media platforms, incredibly hostile to this president, why do you think now more than ever the media are showing their collective fangs the maca try to put this in its historical perspective. look at how the media have analyzed presidents going back to nixon, republican presidents. when nixon was concerned, they didn't like him but they respected him, especially on foreign policy. then, reagan came along, they didn't like him either and they didn't like his policies, but they were constantly frustrated that he was such a
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nice guy and he became the teflon president wear whatever they threw off him just bounced right back off him, and they couldn't make anything stick and so there's kind of a respect there as well. bush 41 comes around, they liked him to the degree he turned his back on reagan. when he came out on his tax-cut increases, they loved what he did there. but if he did anything that was supportive of conservatives they went after him. by the way, i skipped ford because he's irrelevant. bush 43 comes along, they considered him a dunce. they still do. they thought he was, talk about white privilege, that's how they saw him. so they never had any respect for him but they didn't dislike him. now comes donald trump. it's interesting, trump was born in the media. his claim to fame is the
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media. so, they created him in a sense, but the way they look at it is they created a monster in donald trump. it's not that they disagree with his policies, which they do, they are consumed with the hatred for this man. they despise him, personally, and i'll put this in its correct perspective, when reagan died suddenly the media loved him all along and they treated him like they were his oldest friends, but they did do a very good job on the funeral when bush died recently. they were so classy in the way they covered his funeral. when donald trump dies, the media's reaction is gonna be why couldn't he have died in 2015. this is to the degree they despise this man. i think the final point is one of the reasons h they despise
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him is because he declared war on them. they despise him and he feels that no one should ever question him. trump was the first one who declared war on them and it worked. >> this is a great point. usually there is this fan dance in washington d.c. republicans know the media are mostly with the other side, the democrats but they tried to appease them and can accommodate them. whether it's legislatively a move toward the democrats and the left, they will take shots at the president if they need to, though go it alone and leak information anonymously against their party leaders and so forth. trump doesn't play this game. he is as he is. he is what you see and this is a reason i think he has such strong support among his base, but isn't the problem also the
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republicans? look at mitt romney. he had a united republican party behind him and he still failed to defeat obama and ran a lousy campaign. he is a bit of a chameleon. it was one thing when he ran for governor of massachusetts and another when he ran for president and a third thing now that he is the senator from utah, and he writes this op-ed, which is not news, but they make it news and on the front page of the washington post gives him attention, makes it news, he goes on cnn which despises trump across the board. the republicans undermine themselves, don't they i am convinced when jesus talked about turning the other cheek, he didn't know about cnn. [laughter] this is the problem with conservatives. so many of them are afraid of the press.
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they are afraid of what the washington post might write tomorrow about them, and let's face it, they want to go to the red parties. they want to be on a list. you're never going to be on a list. donald trump took a very different attitude. he also saw the political opportunity in going after the press. they understand the only people who have less of a approval rating is the press. if they think his numbers are bad they were twice as bad as him. mitt romney is on a mission to revive and restore and rehabilitate his image with the american people, an image that was shattered when he blew a campaign that he should have one. he is doing it by running for the senate and he is going to
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run for president in 2020. absolutely. if you were mitt romney and you were running for president , what would you do? what would i do? i'd write an op-ed in the washington post attacking trump, and i wouldn't bother to do it to be sworn in. i would declare war immediately on him. this is the first in mitt romney trying to get moderates to back him. you're absolutely right about the chameleon nature of this guy. this guy will be a conservative when he needs to be, he will be a liberal when he needs to be, but your no different. you can count the conservatives on one hand. you can count about 40 of them that will act like conservatives when they need to. thorne hatch, the lindsey graham's, the corcoran, all of
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them have behaved like conservatives to win elections but then they have the agenda in washington. romney's no different but that fact that trump went out and endorsed him he took that endorsement and he was so grateful and help them get elected. i think it's disgraceful. could someone who just takes advantage of the situation. >> the democrats and the media in many respects are one and the same. they talk about impeachment from day one, every time some of the else's charge with something somehow it's the shoe that's going to fall on trump. personally like mitt romney who ran for president of the
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united states. does he not see the battle this president is facing. you must really be an ego maniac in order to promote yourself to the opposition press. >> i think he's a politician. i'll think he cares about anything you just said. he cares about getting elected. he was the first one to introduce socialized healthcare when he was governor. along came his presidential campaign, he could have, he should have said no one understands the problem with socialized medicine better than i do. we tried it, w we were a
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failure, i'm in a make sure it doesn't happen other states. this has nothing to do with what obama did. he then took the same position on abortion. he had been a pro- abort his entire career. some of you learned to be pro-life. how do you do it, he didn't have had a change of opinion, maybe he did, maybe he did it he denied. this is callous calculating this is calculating stuff i got donald trump elected because people are sick and tired of this. this guy is just a political animal. i think what he sees is there is part of the republican party that doesn't like donald trump and he's out, it's the jeff flake campaign that he's trying to run. the media. >> the media and the aggregate, why do you think it is so liberal aggressive,
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status. it wasn't always that way. is it because those progressive enterprise which has devoured academia and hollywood and someone to a culture and our politics, has it devoured the media. >> you just hit it. the three powerpoint today are academia, the entertainment media and the news media. one because those are the three venues, the institutions where they can change society. they can use them to change society. they see their work that way. there were was a book called how many words you want. it was walter cronkite's longtime producer. he talks about the vietnam war and walter cronkite and how he handled the war.
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he gave them a tour of vietnam the way he wanted to. he denied it every opportunity in this book. he said the final sentence, we are doing the work of the lord. this is how they see it. they really see themselves as knights in shining armor, the poor, on educated. those are the conservatives. henry has such a wonderful term for us, the great walk. is cnn really a news network? >> no. they once were. when tom johnson was running it, now tom johnson was a liberal democrat who had run the dallas morning news, the l.a. herald or times, one of the other, a liberal journalist. tom johnson was committed to news. now there could be problems
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and they did a lot of wrong things, but that was not the norm. it was the exception. cnn is to do nothing but anti- trump. i was doing a fox show on this a few months ago, just for grins, right before. [inaudible] i looked on my phone and i looked at cnn, at the app. they had 15 stories on their app. 13 stories attacked trump over something he had said the day before. the 14th story attacked trump on something else, the 15h story, there was a war or something. but 14 out of 15 stories were just attacks on donald trump. there were variations of the same attack on donald trump. it's so over-the-top, it's so obvious what they're doing. it's not news anymore. they don't report news. how many news programs do they have on cnn?
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there all talk shows. >> and you wouldn't know the difference anyway between your news programs and their opinion programs. when you come back, when asked about the so-called government shutdown. is the government shutdown? most of the government shutdown? what percentage? what does it mean, how did the media reported why is it always the republicans fault? both houses of congress, we will explore that when we come back. ladies and gentle man, don't forget almost every weeknight you can watch me. here's what you do if you want to join our community go to blaze or give us a call at 844l evi ntb. we'd love to have you. we'd love to have you. we'll be right
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♪ [ ] it's bedtime. peace of mind should never be out of reach. [ voice command beep ] xfinity home. xfinity home connects you to total home security you can control from anywhere on any device. and it protects you with 24/7 professional monitoring. i guess we're sleeping here tonight. xfinity home. simple. easy. awesome. call, go online or demo in an xfinity store today. welcome back. government shutdown, a few years ago i had paul ryan on my radio show and he would come on my radio show and he said in any so-called government shutdown 17% of the government shutdown. the rest of it is carved out. the be central employees, social security, medicare,
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medicaid, the military is carved out bombardment, border patrol, he's giving me all these carveouts. under the so-called government shutdown, 75280% is already funded so there little pieces of government that aren't and they keep running until they show the trash piling up and so forth, it's a shutdown so-called over what? we have a budget that's over $4 trillion. we have annual deficits that are almost $1 trillion. we have almost $22 trillion in federal operating financial debt. we have unfunded liabilities of over $200 trillion. over the wall? that's $5 billion. the government spends that on mustard every year and the same democrats, schumer is on tape, they're all on tape as supporting securing the southern border, calling illegal aliens illegal aliens
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and today, all the sudden they are opposing and the media doesn't bring up those old clips, most of them don't, the media doesn't put things in context for the american people in terms of spending in the budget. is that just again another blatant example of the media siding with the left against donald trump? sure. this has nothing to do with the budget. the american people have watched our government spend $8 trillion in the last two years but they can't find 5 billion? this is a joke. a running in a very bad joke. the media, if they were doing their job they would be blasting the democrats for being dishonest, for the reason i gave you, and for being absolute hypocrites into thousand six. senator clinton, senator shuman, senator obama all supported building the wall. they all did what you just said. it is, it's falsehoods and
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hypocrisy. here's something else that's going on. i remember when newt gingrich's shut down the government. when newt gingrich shut down the government in 94 or whenever it was, there was a story on one network that talked about these people in washington, these workers were making over a hundred thousand dollars a year who couldn't afford christmas trees and, it was this kind of story that the public is saying, i'm making 30,000, $40000 a year, i've got a tree and you're making hundred thousand. now they don't talk anymore about these bureaucrats, wife. here's the dirty little secret that everybody in this town knows. everyone who has been laid off right now is on a paid vacation. they are skiing, there in florida, they're having a whale of a time because everyone's going get back pay on this. so to suggest this government
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shutdown is hurting people, it's a running joke, it's an insult to the american people. i asked the question where are the republicans here. i see the presidents here who is standing there saying i'm all alone, he was all alone, the republicans were in there for him. where was senator mcconnell? where was the rest of the republican leadership? standing with him and thing were all here, were vote on something, they had such an opportunity to really show the face of the far left of the radical left. you saw them here. they are so invested in not having borders in this country, not having borders that they lie through their teeth in the media give them all the support they need event nancy pelosi is in hawaii at a five star resort. donald trump at the white house.
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if the shoe were on the other foot in donald trump were in florida and nancy pelosi was in the house minority leader's office saying i'm here, i'm ready to negotiate, it will be totally different media scenario. >> sure. you can always reverse that game with everything. look at the whole muller investigation. we've had two years of nonstop coverage. i was just told, over 2000 hours of coverage on this, just nonstop day in, day out and what have we learned about donald trump? nothing. what we have learned about any one. we've learned about things like manna port and flynn who had nothing to do with donald trump, but where is the evidence of any wrongdoing by donald trump? it's nowhere to be found. barack obama gave a speech where he said there was no
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scandals in his administration. nevermind the irs, nevermind benghazi, unmasking american citizens, all of it. >> it goes on and on and on and yet he stood before the public and said what scandals? the media let him get away with that. they have reported it that way. but if donald trump has said there's no scandal, do you think the media would've paid a bit of attention? he's been thing that for two years. he's probably set it up thousand times and it's going in one ear and out the other. this is one big fake news story. they haven't delivered. if ultimately sibley comes up with something in the media will say see, we told you so, but up until then they have thrown out all sense of objectivity and fairness against the sky.
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and yet there's no charges against him. >> is the way to look at the modern media, as a whole, an appendage of the modern media question mike really don't see much conflict between the democrat parties agenda and ideology and that of most of the people in journalism. >> none. there is none. it really has become an appendage of the media. they have such an agenda. it is so blatant in what is, look, there is no such thing as pure objectivity. news, going back to leslie it's very much a subjective decision. in the case of the news media, it's coming to the prism about
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radical left worldview. anything that doesn't reflect the radical left worldview is perceived as being radical). there following him in that sense. it's not the media following the democrats. >> when we return i want to address this point but in the form of check todd and meet the press last sunday in which he made an announcement that climate change is in fact a scientific reality. that is the way it's going to be treated on meet the press. there will be no contrary views because there illegitimate. illegitimate. anyone who has tha
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wi-fi and more. so you can be confident you're getting the right flight at the best price. kayak. search one and done. [♪] reporter: live from "america's news headquarters." i'm lauren greene. no progress made sun dare towards ending the partial government shutdown in its third week. president trump refusing to budge on his demands for $5 billion for funding the southern border. he's threatening to declare a national emergency to use military funds to build the
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wall. prosecutors are filing charges in the deaths of five girls in an escape roof. investigators say the five girls were locked in a room with no evacuation riewrt when a faulty heating system caused a fire. he could face up to five years in prison. two chuck todd has decided that the sciences settled in the government has put over another report that there is climate change, previously global warming and global cooling and now people think were going to be heading into global cooling. we all know that scientists and climatologist cannot
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predict the weather ten years from now, 50 years from now. the climate changes. in order to pour all of your radical anticapitalist pro-government ideology into the environment really is destructive. he gets on their and announces look the debate is political. he calls them climate deniers. he's not a climate expert or a scientist, i looked at his background, it's very thin when it comes to academic background. it's very thin when it comes to experience. he worked for tom harkin's campaign when he was going so much. that ideology permeates his daily thinking and the people he calls as deniers are some of his top scientists.
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he just cleared that's it. isn't that exactly the kind of thing you're talking about. >> think about chuck todd's predecessor. he was considered the gold standard they were all respected. kim will be --dash bring on gas that are learned in any subject and asked them question and let them have an exchange of ideas which is why meet the press was such a great show. but to what degree we have evolved for you now have the host who won't allow speech at all and is taking the position that one side deserves to be
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publicly humiliated and to be sent to the woodshed for having such an outrageous belief. this is censorship pure simple. what does this say about the news media about the exchange of ideas and the whole concept of free speech. this is something that i think the founders, jefferson talking about the government would be shocked to see that we would go there. i think it's only going to get worse. they are enabling each other. once he does it, cnn had this attitude about climate change for a long, long time, but once chuck todd does it, then it will start happening with other networks as well. the science that says that doesn't exist, the reality that the climate change people
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have been caught cooking the books at the university when they actually made up, all of that now become science in itself. it's really troubling, very troubling. >> what about the new media? are we seeing something similar in social media and the internet where there are these big companies. >> and it's something that concerns me even more. look, chuck todd might have two or 3 million, whatever it is. facebook and twitter you combine them and they've got to billion worldwide every single day. what you now have are these absolute radicals in all of these, twitter, you can't use dead names, but something that was created by some whack job
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professor in canada. it's the original name you had before you transgendered into something else. if you say bruce jenner you'll be knocked off twitter. you're not allowed to say bruce jenner. this is not just censorship in the united states. think about this. this is the greatest censorship of free speech worldwide in the history of man. they are declaring what can and can't be said on any given issue. i'm frightened when an entire culture worldwide is being affected by these handful of companies. no institution in the history of had the power they have. >> they call it the history of the people in the media go crazy. 350 editorial say he's a great. [inaudible]
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-- a great threat to freedom of the press. he's not done anything that prior presidents have done under the sedition acts, he's not treated propaganda like past presidents have, he didn't shut down 200 newspapers like lincoln did during the civil war he point out specific journalists and they are trying to destroy freedom of the press. it's not the press today, this generation of journalists destroying freedom of the press because they're losing credibility. they're not reporting news. you have important news worldwide. it's not donald trump whose affecting it, it's the news
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journalists different than other generations? as a more ideological or willing to show their ideology? are they less substantive? what do you see? who would've thunk that for tom brokaw and peter jennings. as awful as they might have been, they are nothing compared to what happens now. what you had with them was bias. what you have today is fakery. there's a world of difference between the two. there's bias and reporting the news with perspective and bias by omission where you don't report news that you don't want report. take susan rice going on five networks blaming of video. those five networks didn't know she was lying through her teeth but they were reporting
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fake news. now look at fake news. you see it everywhere. the ferguson missouri thing, that was completely made up and yet they continue reporting it over and over. >> and the kavanaugh case. >> a perfect example. not only was it false, but we have seen reports were some people in the media are so vicious, there was one, i can't remove the name of the person but there was one who said you needed to keep kavanaugh away from playgrounds where there are children. he's not just a harasser, he is now a child molester on top of it. there was never any evidence provided. in fact, every single person whose name was cited denied it. so there was never anything there. that was all fake. >> and one outlet waited until after the hearings were over to reveal that they interviewed one of the
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accusers who made no sense, who contradicted herself from something she had said earlier. >> what's left on the cutting room floor that is so interesting, there was one where damn rather completely lost it at the end of his career. it wasn't that it was just a known person who hated the bush family who is feeding stuff, it wasn't just that his evidence was a computerized piece of paper when, in 1971 people were using typewriters, but the public didn't know was that there was a whole slew of people prepared to tell dan rather it's not true and they chose not to interview them. that was an example of fake news. that to me ushered in a new generation of news that is deliberately fake to give a
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narrative that the media believes transcends journalistic evidence therefore the ends justify the memes. >> you know, the argument used to be, within the media that they were concerned about these big corporations owning these news operations, cnn is owned by time warner, nbc, cnbc, and msnbc are owned by comcast, and they said well these major corporations tend to be conservative, that isn't the case, is it. >> no, the media are the only institution that i know of where management doesn't tell you. in any other business, if you misbehave management fires you but there is the separation between comcast and nbc where comcast doesn't want to tell nbc what to do so they let them run amok. so now, these are not conservative companies
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whatsoever. they are irresponsible companies. while were at it, one phrase i cannot stand is this idea of comfort the afflicted, afflict the comfortable. >> you really hear the word liberty two they don't understand it. >> ladies and gentle men, don't forget, on most weeknights you can watch me on le vin tb. call 844 levin tv. or go to blaze we have great post, great programming for conservatives and independe
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brent, where do you see the media ten or 20 years from now? do you think media and cable, satellite, network, do you think they are in their dying days if they don't reverse course and build more credibility with more of the public? do you think they are in a death roll? do you think competition from digital tv, podcasting and
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other technologies we can't even imagine right now, that that's a good thing, that's where news and entertainment and information is heading? how do you see this? >> whether we like it or not, this is where we are headed. we are in the midst of the most extraordinary technological revolution in history. things are moving at such the speed of light that you can't predict what's going, what the media is going to look like in two years. we are rapidly leading the news era, leaving the news era and going full throttle into the information age. the way i see this, when we were growing up we had newspapers that were delivered and we read newspapers. today, if you want to know something you just take a phone out of your pocket and you hit something and you're there, you get the information you want so that's where we
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are heading. i think the networks are going to be dinosaurs, just based on technology, but the problem that they have is leading up to that is their biases. people just don't believe them. if you look at all the surveys, i think 91%, something along those lines of the public believed by the end of the 2016 campaign that the media were out to get donald trump. that means they had no credibility, which is why they attack him nonstop and nothing happens to his numbers. the public isn't leaving the press. the bigger issue is the social media. it has a great healthiness in that the whole world becomes the public marketplace and participates in the conversation, but it's also the feeding ground for a lot of bad stuff to happen. i am very worried about this russia stuff and how they are trying to pit one side against each other. i think they're being
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successful two there being successful, is there anything we can do about it? >> i think there has to be a public conversation with ourselves as to, to what do we aspire to as a society? do we want to continue devolving? i'm in a say something, you didn't ask me to it say it two you're going to say something, say it in the next segment. say it in the next segment. we'll be right back.
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mark: he wanted to tell me something, what did you want to tell me back. >> i will lead into it. ninety-five doing a cnn show talking about the oj trial and i accused cnn of not being a news network just in the oj channel. the president called me a few mins later and said my job is to get eyeballs for my network for
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the ambassadors of it. he said last year i lost 25% of my audience this year we became the oj network and our audience went up four 100%. if you are in my shoes, what would you do? their question. in today's world we need to aspire to be better than that as a society. the thing i would say to you is you do not know it was coming. your show is so extraordinary because an hour long discussion about a serious issue going in depth with your guest. we must have more of that in the public conversation. i salute you for it. you did not see it coming but that's the limit. mark: i appreciate that and think the public wants more of this. i know it for my radio three hours a day and my ratings from this audience. what do you think your organization would keep at it.
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god bless. ladies and gentlemen, thank you for watching. the next time on "life, liberty and levin".joining us "fox news" starts now. chris: days 16 shutdown president trump is still deadlocked over the border wall. . >>. >> absolutely i said that. >> i'm proud to do what i am doing. >> with nancy pelosi back as speaker what are the new challenges facing the president? we will find out what democrats want to accomplish
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