tv Hannity FOX News January 7, 2019 6:00pm-7:00pm PST
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e. thank you for that clearheaded report, i appreciate it. that's it for us tonight, we will be back tomorrow night at 8:00 p.m. the show that is the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness and groupthink. good night from washington. sean hannity, live from new york city, right now. >> sean: tucker, thank you. great show as always. in this hour president trump will deliver a prime time addressed to all americans speaking about the crisis at our southern border. a partial government shutdown is still in effect as democrats bury their heads in the sand, close their eyes and pretend that america's borders are totally safe and secure. they are not. democrats are adamantly refusing to give border patrol agents the tools they desperately need, and are asking for. that is a strategic wall on the southern border, but even one top democrat tonight admitting that president trump does in fact have the power to build a
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wall without any congressional approval whatsoever. take a look. >> does president trump have the ability or the authority to declare a national emergency to have the military build has a wall? >> unfortunately the short answer is yes. there's a provision in law that says the president can declare an emergency. primarily it's been done to build facilities in afghanistan and iraq. in this case i think the president would be wide open to a court challenge saying, where is the emergency? >> sean: where is the emergency? we will answer that question. pay attention to the following statistics, that of course the heat trump democrats are not telling you. in the past two years alone, criminal aliens have been responsible for approximately, look at this number -- 235,000 violation or less of the law, including 4,000 homicides, 30,000 sex crimes and over 100,000 violent assaults.
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in 2018, 17,000 individuals with criminal records were apprehended at the border and the crisis goes much, much deeper. in towns and cities all across the country, we know about the opioid crisis. 300 americans are killed every single week from heroin. 90% of that heroin is flooding across our southern border, and that death toll by the way is equal -- think about this -- to the number of american troops killed every week in vietnam during the year 1968, the war's deadliest year. over a ten-year period, total americans killed from illegal drugs coming across the southern border will be nearly three times higher than the total number of u.s. troops killed in vietnam. there is your crisis, by any definition. but don't expect to see this on any other network. of course, donald trump wants something and they are just against it. instead of reporting facts and truths, they seem content just
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trashing trump voters. over on cnn, rick wilson first trashed trump saying first we didn't have teeth, and now he's saying we are not sophisticated enough or smart enough to understand the issue involving border security. take a look. >> the idea of a physical wall, donald trump love selling this to his base and again, these are people who are not sophisticated, they are not bright. they knew not understand the complexity -- >> here we go with condescending to us -- that's why we want our wall. >> donald trump's target audience, he's a con man who works on sophisticated people very successfully. >> sean: and while fake news cnn insult our intelligence, they are referring to americans. we the people, as cowards. take a look. >> the concern of a lot of republicans is they can see the trump driving off the cliff but they look at the short-term and
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they fear not the general election in 2020 but they fear the potential that trump backed candidate could primary them and beat them even before they got to november. is that fear, cowardice or stupidity? it's all of those things but, it has been in republican politics for the last year. >> sean: remember i was talking about, we had the hate trump democrats and the hate trump media, and i went into great detail? personal attacks whatever stop the show from reporting truths. and for us and most americans, this is not a political game. we are seeing this is about life and death. this is about innocent, brave, law-abiding americans and legal immigrants dying because our borders are not secure. we know the the story of ronil singh, he was gunned down and put to rest this weekend. his 5-month-old son will never
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know his father. that's life and death. the person responsible for that heinous attack had a criminal record. but in california they have sinks have century cities but the whole state as a sanctuary state and those policies prevented that from happening. government policies are now literally aiding and abetting lawbreaking and paving the way for future crimes. why do you think the government would act and aid and abet criminals? you have jerry brown veering his head in the sand but really, he ought to be taking responsibility. take a look. >> the county sheriff has come out pretty critical of the policies that you signed into law in 2017. what do you make of that criticism? and do you think perhaps a side effect of those laws is that more bad actors might fall through the cracks? >> no, i don't think so. he was arrested and brought into jail even before the sanctuary
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law was enacted. so i.c.e., the immigration people could have gone out and gotten him. the police or the sheriff could have told the immigration service. i think people now are looking to blame somebody, because of the terrible things that have happened, but it had nothing to do with the law in california. >> sean: sanctuary states literally prevent criminals that would normally have been handed over to i.c.e., that makes it illegal. that means they go free. what happens is all too common of an occurrence. no have you heard the name of pierce corcoran? on december 29, he was killed by a suspected illegal immigrant driving without a license, without insurance and on the wrong side of the highway. pierce was only 22 years old. tonight on this show his parents will join us right after the opening monologue. the american people and the public need to start asking some really important tough question questions. how many of our fellow citizens have been murdered because of
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unsecured borders? if that's not a national emergency, i don't know how he would ever define one. and by the way, this emergency is taking place on both sides of the border. 60,000 in admissible or illegal immigrants are turned away from our borders every single month. a record number of migrants are overwhelming american detention facilities causing them to be dangerously overcrowded and one out of every three migrant women, those who try to make the trip to our southern border sadly, tragically, evil occurs and they are assaulted sexually. last month alone, 20,000 children were smuggled or traffic right here into the united states and thousands more have died on that arduous, difficult, hard journey across the border. president trump was long warned about this incredibly serious situation but, what was nancy pelosi's reaction to devastating facts? according to the fox news during a briefing, she said i reject your facts.
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to which nielsen responded "these are not my facts, these are the facts. so this weekend the vice president pants, nancy pelosi and chuck schumer, they didn't bother to show up for the vice president. instead, nancy and chuck, they were too busy. they censor aids to negotiate with the vice president of the united states. that's how seriously they are taking what is now a deadly issue. and arrogantly offering, we will give you a dollar for the border wall. if that's their attitude, will she offer the families lost loved ones any financial compensation? is that how we now define compassion and that liberalism? what does she have to say to all the angel mom's angel dads and kids? what will she say when officer ronil singh's son is 18 years old or going into college? this is not about the 98% of
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people that want a better life, because they come from countries of poverty and want opportunity and freedom that we all take for granted. we are not worried about them. we are just asking that they come legally. it's about the 2%, those that are committing crimes, human trafficking and drug trafficking, violent offenders. even the thousands of good honest immigrants coming across our border because they do want a better life are traffic to themselves. assaults are happening, even people killed during that dangerous track. this is a national emergency and it's time to build the wall. the president is right to fight to protect american lives. but how do you negotiate with people? they won't even sit down, they send their aides to negotiate with the vice president. people who won't even recognize that the problem that exists. people who reject truth and simple facts and care more about
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political optics than the lives and the well-being of americans. while democrats try their best to ignore very real, serious crises, continue to obsess about one of their favorite fantasies. all they want to talk about, donald trump, impeachment. donald trump, impeachment. which weeks late last week isn't going to happen. now, all they will do is distract and divide the american people and they won't be serving their constituents. one day after being sworn in, freshman democratic congresswoman rashida to lead went on a vulgar grant vowing to impeach the mfer. she said that trump "met his match." radical far left, and congress is off to a great start. the new rising star, alexandria cortez io overcards io cortez s trying to sell america on this
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far left, arguing that we should let facts get in the way. take a look. >> when people hear the word socialism, they think soviet union, cuba, venezuela. is that what you had in mind? because what we had in mind, and what my policies most closely resemble is what we see in the u.k., norway and finland. >> "the washington post" recently awarded you for personal kilos for supporting statistics with pentagon spending. >> if they really want to blow up one figure here or one they are, i would argue they are missing the forest for the trees. there are lots of people more concerned about being precisely and semantically correct than about being morally right. >> sean: it's only a $21 trillion mistake, why you
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pay attention to facts and figures. so ask yourself, why is she so afraid to explain how to pay for it? she wants to raise taxes. she's already thrown her support behind -- get this, a 70% tax rate for american citizens. but remember, the bottom 50% of wage earners pay less than 3% of income taxes already. and by the way, keep in mind, she will definitely need a lot more of your money if she wants to accomplish the radical agenda so don't be fooled. pay for massive entitlements like government run health care, government mandated climate shaming, government funded college for all. it will require massive, heavy taxes on all americans, not just them millionaires and billionaires that are so often demonized. interestingly, even the the vis whoopi goldberg had some words. >> i would encourage you to sit still for a minute and learn the
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job, because there are people in that party who have been working with their tails off for this country. >> and they know a lot. they've been around. >> and you could learn some stuff. before you start on people and what they've done, you have to do something, too. >> sean: and by the way, congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez, you are welcome on this show. i'll even give you three bonus hours on my radio show. but we won't hold our breath. of course, she talked about disgusting attacks on what are -- he was hit with a wave of extremely disturbing comments from supporters of alexandria ocasio-cortez during a twitter exchange on tax reform. now some are sending violent messages about, remember, the attempted assassination of a g.o.p. congressman, and in 2017,
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steve schooley's was and nearly died, and there are some comments that include, kick his cane and, snipe his. it's clearly not productive to engage here with some of your radical followers. hashtag is declasse. congressman scalise will join us later in the show. of course, this is all part of the democratic party's hard turn to the left. a lot of this now is based on hatred. a lot of it is no obsession, fixation, every second, every minute, every hour of every day. one of the champions of the far left elizabeth warren is seeing her 2020 presidential hopes with her before her eyes. that is now pressed on our now infamous dna debacle and she has now come up with a brand-new excuse for her native american lies, telling the audience "tribal citizenship is very
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different from ancestry." senator, just stop while you are ahead and admit it, you were caught deceiving voters. you are employers and your friends and everybody else. now our own congressional colleagues seem to be taking notice. new report from politico, they are keeping their distance and withholding any endorsements, especially as a former vice president crazy uncle joe biden is reportedly on the verge of making his final decision on 2020. i will have more later in the show on all this, but first, 22-year-old pierce corcoran senselessly killed by a suspected illegal. joining us now are his parents, dj and wendy corcoran. i don't know -- i've met many angel moms, dads and families in the course of the show. this is all fresh to you. wendy, we will start with you. i don't know how any parent
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deals with this. >> it's been the hardest thing of our lives. i can't even explain it. >> sean: you wrote some very powerful words about responsibility. i want you to explain from a parent's point of view because the president is saying this is a national emergency, do you agree with him? >> yes. i mean, i think we are taking it seriously. we taught our children to be responsible, and we don't feel like anyone else's being, expecting the same thing. but the man who was negligent in this case, he didn't abide by the same responsibility that our son data. and he is still not expected to.
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>> sean: you wrote at the end, we are all aware is a family that nothing can bring pierce back but don't tell me that my son who lived in this country and followed its rules doesn't deserve better? for god's sakes, out of the respect of men and women who fight and fought to make this country such a desirable place to live, do the right thing. come here illegally and become a responsible citizen. dj, your wife or of that. i thought it was very powerful. >> i stand by her words. we are not a hating people, we love and we rally behind people, the underdogs who come here to america and succeed legally, and that's what we want. i don't understand why that is so hard. this shouldn't be political lot left-wing and right wing, it should just be america. we should really try to help those people come here illegally and be responsible citizens.
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we all came here at one time. the only people that are native, are the native americans and they all came here for a better life and i get that. he's been here for 14 years and he made no attempt at all to become a legal, law-abiding citizen. >> sean: it when you also hear of so many instances, and i have become friends -- people have gone through your very situation, and over time you i have become one of them. the same age as your son, 22 years old and working overnight in a convenience store and a shot over a pack of cigarettes and killed, murdered. one of the things -- the illegal immigrant in that case had been in the criminal justice system.
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when you hear that not only are they here illegally which is one thing, but then they were in the justice system. then in the case of officer ronil singh, they have sanctuary policies that protect them when they are in jail from being handed over to i.c.e. to be deported, then they commit other crimes. if it was me, i would in part blame the government for their failure. i want to get your thoughts on that. >> absolutely. they are to blame. you cannot come here -- we are re-victimized by the system is what we feel like and we have just learned -- we've seen other people deal with this and we feel for them, our hearts break for them. it's much more tragic in some ways. it's just -- it's in just. our son's life meant something.
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and our government makes it feel as if it didn't. that somebody who had no right to be here matters more. >> in manufacturing, if you manufacture a product and it is killing people, and it is hurting them, they will issue a recall. we have a system that has a flaw. we have a flaw in the system and, there needs to be a recall. there needs to be a do over. just say, look. we didn't foresee all of this and we need to stop the conveyor belt, stop the manufacturing. look and see what that factor is and take control. the government owes us, all of us, any person that is here paying their taxes and doing what they are supposed to be doing and abiding by the law, the government owes them not, i think. >> sean: if you are both living a nightmare. i pray for both of you.
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i think the hardest thing in life, of a parent, losing a child, is the hardest thing that people go through. we are in the middle of a national debate. we are trying to decide if the president is right in declaring a national emergency and securing the border and building a wall so that our agents, our border agents can do their job, because it so deeply impacts both of you. i think you have more of a right than anybody else, having been impacted by this. how would you like this solved? >> on block, a door, a wall, will keep an honest personnel. if a criminal or somebody that wants to do arm, harm or something illegal, they will find a way in. the law wall.
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some people from just coming over but i think there needs to be something in place it's going to -- >> be a deterrent. >> we had some friends over that were talking to us and said maybe we were looking at it wrong. instead of punishing the people who are coming here trying to get a better life, to maybe start punishing the people that are employing them and enabling them and exploiting them and using them >> sean: i don't disagree. of all with a door. we pray with you and your family, we are so sorry. such a beautiful young man. 22 years old, this shouldn't happen in this country. >> know it shouldn't, for sure.
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>> sean: at nine eastern to talk about the crisis on the border and talk about the government shutdown. the homeland security secretary nielsen laid out the facts writing "a threat israel, the number of terror watch lists that encountered at our southern border has increased over the last two years. the exact number is sensitive and details about these cases are extremely sensitive," and adding that, i'm sure that all americans would agree that one terrorist reaching our borders is one too many. these are just the terror suspects that we know about who reach our borders, and thousands of terror watch list individuals transit our hemisphere each
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year, including last year, where dhs encountered more than 3,000 special interest aliens, individuals with suspicious travel patterns who may pose a national security threat. here to discuss, we have geraldo rivera and secret service agent dan bongino. geraldo, you and i have come to a areas of agreement on this. the border wall, you agreed with me. but nancy pelosi and chuck schumer can't show up for a meeting for the vice president, they think it's funny to offer a dollar for the wall? what are they going to say to these parents of pierce corcoran that i just interviewed? and their son is dead. or the people that also aid and abet these people with their sanctuary cities and sanctuary states, criminal aliens in our custody that are not handed over to i.c.e. you always say it's about both parties, but it's not.
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it's about one party now that refuses to protect the american people, and i didn't mention drugs and i didn't mention human trafficking. >> i love you brother, but you are looking at that family, the cochran family and what they've suffered. there are no words that i can offer that will give them any solace or any relief. i am so sorry. >> sean: solve the problem. >> let me put a few sentences together here. i would feel equally upset and pained by their tragedy. where the killer irish or italian or puerto rican or jewish, or old or young, i think that to use these tragedies to try to make a political point is not useful at this point. >> sean: we have a dead 22-year-old kid, stop. wait a minute. we have a dead police officer
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who has a 5-month-old kid. it's not using, it's about when is a government going to protect them? >> it is grotesquely unfair to use these anecdotes to make a political argument. you start -- you started by saying, we have agreements about the wall, the barrier, the fence, whatever you call it. i think this is now a political discussion. this is what the president has earned by his perseverance. he's earned of the wall or the barrier or the fence, whatever you call it. >> sean: how many people have to die? >> they have a earned amnesty for the dreamers who are longtime residents of the united states. the vast majority -- the vast majority -- >> sean: the vast majority of the document here --
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>> you are not letting me make a point. now it's a political argument, not an emotional argument. >> it's about saving lives, that's not political, that's life and death. that's what the emergency is about. >> this is fascinating. geraldo, you are making a political point, too. you are sitting here talking about all the positive components of immigration, and when sean brings up one of the unbelievably -- not even negative but tragic components of illegal immigration, the death of american citizens through crime by people who had no right to be here at all, all of a sudden it's a political point? >> you know as well as i know that these people commit fewer crimes than citizens commit. they make things safer and not more dangerous according to the statistics. >> they shouldn't be here.
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>> stop -- >> tell nancy and chuck to show up. >> what about the undocumented that brought their kids to school? or the kitchen people come up the babysitters. the lawn mowers, meat-packers and poultry processors? you tell slanted stories to have an emotional impact. >> 100% shouldn't be here. if one of them goes out and kill someone, the parents aren't interested in your college level statistics course. they are interested in the fact that the person shouldn't be here. what are you not getting? >> sean: i want to ask you this. i have become friends with, not only did i interviewed these -- i can't imagine what this family is going through. i can't imagine life without his father for his entire life, officer ronil singh's father.
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but also mr. rana back, mrs. mendoza. i've done town halls with angel moms and dads. it keeps happening and i'm not even meant mentioning the 90%. >> don't you feel the same pain for any of the victims of the 50,000 murders in this country? i feel equally upset. >> i want to stop it. >> why don't we stop it? tell your friend nancy and chuck to get out of bed and show up. >> i wanted to stop, i wanted to compromise. i want the government to open. the president gets his barrier or his fence where his wall, the dreamers get their freedom. we stop talking about illegal -- >> sean: how do you get it if they don't show up? how do you get it if they want it all for a dollar?
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>> rather than talking about these heart-wrenching cases, you get it by -- >> is that the reality? what about all the ones that went to work today? all the undocumented that went to work today? what about the documented? >> geraldo, what about people who were documented, like my wife and my mother-in-law who followed the rule? why are you so concerned about people who broke the law, other than people, the millions who come here illegally and the american citizens who financed this country? >> the vast majority as you know -- >> hold on, i did not interrupt you. let me ask you this one questio question. is there some global right to citizenship in the united states? is there any limiting factor that you are willing to support here? >> geraldo gets the last minute.
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>> if you ask for amnesty or refugee status, asylum, you get a hearing. that's a constitution. we can't circumvent the constitution, we can't break our own laws. >> that is not in the constitution. >> we don't even kick out the ones that we know are criminals, how stupid are we? how dumb is that and how -- families are losing their kids. >> we must come alive and make peace. >> sean: sit down at the table, show up and think about the families. think about the future. >> the three of us should do it. >> sean: we should do it, you are right. when we come back, vulgarity from the left. vile words coming from the family of alexandria ocasio-cortez. we will tell you about that, next.
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>> sean: as we continue our hannity government watch tonight, democrats refused to budge on the border. the left appears to be growing more unhinged by the minute. over the weekend, steve scully's face a violent, hateful, radical words from carcass woman alexandria ocasio-cortez who made reference to the assassination attempt on the g.o.p. congressman by james hodgkinson in 2017. hateful words including "kick his cane and a snake his." we reached out to her office for comment and they haven't responded. house minority whip and louisiana congressman steve scully's. i won't hold the congresswoman responsible for what the crazy supporters say.
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do you think there is an obligation when this was happening? >> clearly, she ought to own up and say, this is not something i condone. she doesn't, like you said, on this directly but she shouldn't condone it, either. she shouldn't tolerate either side. either debate to purge or incite violence against him the person. i was having a good debate and she talks about sweden and the other socialist countries. and probably wouldn't stop there. i think it was an important debate to go back and forth on,
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and then i saw some of that other stuff. and i thought, i'm not going to engage in that kind of violence. >> so you have this new congresswoman saying, we will impeach the letter and fer, and nancy pelosi pelosi who didn't care much about it, then you have other people on the hate trump tv, , and he needs his diaper changed. look, i'm not offended by words like so many others fain to be. but when it talked about violence, it gets to a line that i think we have a responsibility to call out. >> it is. to me, there is a first amendment and i fully respect that but the first amendment doesn't allow you to say "fire" in a movie theater. there are amendments. and when you incite violence against someone else, that's not the way we act in this country. if you want to debate the
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merits, then go ahead, that's what's great about this country. frankly if you are losing the debate, that's when you have to resort to name-calling and that's why so many on the left want to call names to donald trump as opposed to try to argue whether or not we should have a secure border. >> sean: don't you think this is a winning issue for the republicans and the president, when in light of drug trafficking, human trafficking, gangs, potential terrorists, then we have the sanctuary cities where we literally are protecting alien criminals who commit crimes in this country, and we don't hand them over to the i.c.e. to deport them. isn't that aiding and abetting future crime? are you partly on board for what they do? >> we see the violent crimes coming across the border every day. there are lots of illegal ways to come here and we are still at
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the most generous nation in the world and letting people. last year, i.c.e. agents saved many from assault. you sought chuck schumer for this in 2006 when donald trump wasn't president. now he's president and schumer doesn't want the wall. >> sean: he supported it, ellery supported the wall, obama supported the wall, so they are the ones politicizing the whole wall issue. obama voted for a $25 million wall, the president is asking for 5 billion. >> sean: while they couldn't even show up and show the vice president or the president the respect for even negotiating the issue which i think speaks volumes about them. >> they ought to put an alternative on the table. a dollar is not a serious response. you put a real offer on the table, go and defend it with the american people.
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don't say you are for border security and then oppose the very money it will take to secure the border. >> sean: saving the country from the importation of drugs, and human trafficking, and violent criminals, and protecting them. that's worth fighting over. the president is thankfully holding strong. when we come back, hannity watc watch. conservatives are hitting back hard and we will tell you how, next. ♪ is simple. coricidin hbp is the #1 brand that gives powerful cold symptom relief without raising your blood pressure. coricidin hbp.
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tinseltown's finest finally managed to avoid directly attacking the president at the ceremony. but actor christian bale, he thanked satan and his acceptance speech for his role as dick cheney and the movie "vice." >> after all the competition i will be cornering the market on charisma free -- what do you think, mitch mcconnell next? thank you to satan for giving me inspiration on how to play this role. >> sean: hollywood wonders why big salaries are going down and box office receipts are low. former vice presidents daughter liz cheney fired back posting "satan probably inspired him to do this, too" christian bale was arrested for assault on a mother and a sister. for reaction we have allie
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stuckey and joe concha ali. let's go down the greatest hits. what do i mean when i talk about hollywood hate? let's roll the tape. >> yes, i have thought on awful lot about blowing up the white house. >> when was the last time an actor assassinated a president? it's been a while. and maybe it's time. >> how dare he say the things he does? of course i want to punch him in the face. >> we change governments here at home in an orderly and former way. and in that orderly and formal way and lawful way, we need to overthrow the government of the united states, donald trump. >> sean: i could go on for an hour playing this tape, there's a lot of hatred out there. why? >> i think christian bale statement a typifies what hollywood feels about conservatives and christianity.
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they think it's laughable, they mock it and they also hate it. they also say their hatred and vulgarity has nothing to do with donald trump. what they've been telling us the past two years, the reason they stoop so low, the reason they are so vulgar and so hateful is because of donald trump. he's lower the level of discourse. this movie "vice" which was historically inaccurate and mocked george bush and dick cheney shows the behavior of the conservatives have is lasted a long time. we say this a lot but that is quite literally why trump one. >> sean: joe, you are our special media correspondent. you study these guys for a living. in the course of hating this much, i don't see that they are advocating anything that benefits people in this country, and only in the end, i think they hurt themselves. >> christian bale is a tremendous actor," the prestige" is a tremendous movie.
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he could go up there and talk about his craft or a charity he supports. but instead he talks about hate. and it's repetitive as well, to the point where people are tuning out. ratings were down from the previous year. what makes that remarkable is the fact that they had the eagles-bears playoff game as a lead-in, which will give me nightmares, as i meant i bears fan. but did you know 45 million people were watching the end of the eagles-bears game? do you know how many stuck around for the golden globes? in other words 87 million people said i'm not watching because there is a predisposition that they probably will be insulted. this has been happening for a while. 1998, the oscars. you know how many people tuned in for that? 57 million. how many last year? 26.5 million. 30 million people gone because i don't want to watch these award shows where they know they will being insulted or they will hear
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about anything but movies. >> sean: it seems like the american people are choosing. in the end, they are not choosing these people with their arrogant political agenda. >> right. it's just not relatable anymore. not just that we disagree on lifestyle or policy is, it's truly a collision of ward to worldviews. we have nothing in common with these people and we are tired of being condescended. >> sean: thank you both. joe concha's, our new media special correspondent. when we come back, rush limbaugh gives his take on the partial government shutdown. we will get to that as the hannity border watch continues. stay with us. ♪ started searching for her words.
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and my brother ray and i started searching for answers. (vo) when it's time to navigate in-home care, follow that bright star. because brightstar care earns the same accreditation as the best hospitals. and brightstar care means an rn will customize a plan that evolves with mom's changing needs. (woman) because dad made us promise we'd keep mom at home. (vo) call 844-4-brightstar for your free home care planning guide. -jamie, this is your house?
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-i know, it's not much, but it's home. right, kids? -kids? -papa, papa! -[ laughs ] -you didn't tell me your friends were coming. -oh, yeah. -this one is tiny like a child. -yeah, she is. oh, but seriously, it's good to be surrounded by what matters most -- a home and auto bundle from progressive. -oh, sweetie, please, play for us. -oh, no, i couldn't. -please. -okay. [ singing in spanish ] >> sean: rush is back from the holiday break. he gave a harsh reality check for the democrats that are resisting the president on the border wall. >> it remains a one-man show.
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donald trump against the democrat party and the media. donald trump against fake news. donald trump against lying news. we are very fortunate that guy does not cave. we are very fortunate he's willing to put up with this. 93% of the american people say illegal immigration is a problem. 80% democrats. -- 88% of democrats. the first act of democrats around the house of representatives was to pass legislation mocking this, lamenting making fun of this. >> sean: the president is winning on the issue. safety, security, stopping drugs, human trafficking. that's all the time we have left this evening. a quick programming note, tomorrow night at 9:00 p.m. eastern as we start this show, the president will be addressing the nation on this very important issue and after the
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president's address, will be joined by house minority leader congressman kevin mccarthy, senator lindsey graham, and many others. that's tomorrow at 9:00 eastern right here on "hannity." let not your heart be troubled. oh, you are finally back from vacation. laura ingraham is back in washington. welcome back. did you have a good vacation? >> laura: i did. you took a different week than i did, so don't foist your superiority on me. >> sean: when the new year comes, i was back at work and you were nowhere to be found. >> laura: thank you for your gift. >> sean: you are welcome. did you get it? >> laura: it was meaningful. thank you very much. >> sean: [laughs] there was no gift. we do that's why i was very meaningful. >> sean: you didn't get me anything. >> laura: you make more than i do. all right, hannity. great show tonight. we'll catch up on other topics. i'
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