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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  January 7, 2019 7:00pm-8:00pm PST

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joined by house minority leader congressman kevin mccarthy, senator lindsey graham, and many others. that's tomorrow at 9:00 eastern right here on "hannity." let not your heart be troubled. oh, you are finally back from vacation. laura ingraham is back in washington. welcome back. did you have a good vacation? >> laura: i did. you took a different week than i did, so don't foist your superiority on me. >> sean: when the new year comes, i was back at work and you were nowhere to be found. >> laura: thank you for your gift. >> sean: you are welcome. did you get it? >> laura: it was meaningful. thank you very much. >> sean: [laughs] there was no gift. we do that's why i was very meaningful. >> sean: you didn't get me anything. >> laura: you make more than i do. all right, hannity. great show tonight. we'll catch up on other topics. i'm laura ingraham and this is
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this is "the ingraham angle" from washington. it's great to be back. the president announcing an oval office address and a trip to the border. kellyanne conway is here later and she will tell us of the white house intends to go on the offense on this immigration crisis. could president trump really be in a position to pick a third supreme court justice sometime this year? we have an important update for you later tonight. joe biden versus barack obama? were going to explain how the 2020 nomination fight could actually lead to a bitter breakup over the future of the democratic party. breaking up is very hard to do. but first, the crisis of crisis denial. that's the focus of tonight's angle. since getting back from christmas break, hannity is teasing me, i have tortured myself by reading and watching some of the usual suspects in the media. fake news, populated by fake thinkers. there are basically two
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movements in the coverage. first the manufactured outrage about what is a partial and obviously temporary government shutdown. >> yosemite, the nation's third busiest national park, they are also having huge problems with garbage and toilets filled to capacity. >> park visitors in some places are taking care of business, shall we say, along pathways are in the woods. >> it's ironic that the people making the decisions are still getting paid but we have to not get paid and still do our job. >> it's going to come to a point where you say do i put gas in my car or feed my family? >> laura: they haven't missed a paycheck yet. i hope they don't. second in the coverage is the downplayed concern about the actual effect that illegal immigration has in america. in the media's way of thinking, it's not a crisis at all. >> mike pence knows he was lying through his teeth last week when he talked about the crisis at the southern border. >> the point of how the
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president had won the election if there was a crisis at the border. he had to create that sense of crisis to end and he has to keep that sense of crisis to keep his popularity from going even further down. >> laura: okay, i'm not completely confused. it's a crisis that certain nonessential government workers won't be paid starting on friday, but they will ultimately get all their money when the government reopens. but it's not a crisis? in the past fiscal year, a total of almost 400,000 individuals were caught crossing or southwest border. to give you a sense of just how bad it is, in october and november this past year, the first two months of the new fiscal year, almost 102,000 people have been caught. that's quite a clip. the number of people crossing illegally with children has also sky rocketed.
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the rio grande valley jumping from fiscal year 2017 to 63,278. not a crisis? this is and has been a crisis felled by average americans far beyond the comfy confines of tv studios and far beyond the ideals of congress. yet the media and deceitful politicians only acknowledge the crisis when the tragedy of an immigrant child makes the headlines. >> today's visit reaffirmed the fact that the federal government under the trump administration still has a long way to go in making sure that migrants are treated humanely. >> laura: you bet every life is precious. you bet they did every death is tragic. deaths at the border, deaths beyond the border. but the fault here lies with the
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responsible parents who exposed their children to this perilous journey and the feckless politicians who refused to do their job and support a common sense enforcement of gender that the president has and asylum reform that is beyond desperately needed. over the past year, i repeatedly urged the president to address this critical issue and not just the wall and a major prime time address. the president needs to address this from the oval, and they should become a flash point now, not after the midterms. this is a crisis that must be addressed immediately. i have begged him to do this for a year. on air. it's the governments immigration. those two issues are the top of the list for the people. the government, meaning working against the people, and emigration. that's it. you have to address the country. not tweets. today i am glad to see he announced he's doing just that tomorrow night. it's going to be followed by a
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trip to the actual border in mcallen, texas. good. i would help when he does this, the president personalizes the border crisis. those statistics i just gave you are important but we need to emphasize how illegal immigration has directly and at times tragically affected the lives of all americans and including the people trying to come into the country. it's been dangerous for them. the speech should be wide ranging, hitting all the big immigration issues from chain migration to the visa lottery, the need for mandatory e-verify in the workplace, and also yeah, even the scam of so-called birthright citizenship. that's where children of non-u.s. citizens are granted automatic citizenship just for being born here. every year, thousands of chinese, russians, and others traveled to the united states to have babies just for the u.s. passport. it's called birth tourism. it's a complete outrage, it's big business. no, it's not a constitutional right so don't try me on that. for all those who claim, by the
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way, that illegal immigration is not a crisis, i think american families of these victims would disagree. the day after christmas, california officer renewal sing was shot in cold blood during a routine traffic stop. he left behind a wife and a 5-month-old baby. his murder, illegal alien gustavo perez arriaga. thousands of citizens and hundreds of officers attended the funeral service. i wish all you can watch it. this happened over the weekend. this is the fiji ambassador, the officer originally hailed from fiji, speaking at the service and i was watching them today. i hadn't seen it until today. he has a better grasp of this tragedy than many american commentators. >> no words can take away their pain. no object can fill the void in their hearts. no embrace can be more comforting, nothing can replace
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their shattered dreams. no death can be more untimely. this is what rob o'neill singh's passing must mean to those closest to him. >> laura: his parents are still alive as well -- still alive as well. there was a collision in knoxville, tennessee. the man who swerved into him was another illegal alien. my friends, the families of both of these upstanding americans are to 19 crisis. the president cannot relent. he must continuously for these families and frankly for the millions of you who believe that every country, not just our country, every country around the world has the sovereign right to determine who can and cannot reside here. it's not a moral to do so. if our elected representatives refused to do their solemn duty to defend our country, then we
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in essence, we kind of already have a government that is shut down. shut down to the will of the people. by the way, the people routinely rank illegal immigration is one of the most urgent problems facing this nation. as for the republicans on capitol hill, think about it for a moment. take a lesson from the democrats. they never break ranks. think about what you republicans accomplished by supporting the president during the confirmation fight of brett kavanaugh. when things got tough and the media were piling on, republicans stood firm. do it again here. the democrats are desperate to divide and conquer the g.o.p. don't let them. and that's the angle. joining me now is tom homan, former acting ic director at a fox news contributor. and former dnc director and former communications advisor to president obama, luis miranda. tom, beside the wall, what other legislative fixes must congress do?
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>> trafficking victims protection act. when unaccompanied children come across the border, central american children are treated differently from children from mexico and canada. from central america, they get all these extra rights. they end up staying in the country for years going to the immigration process. the mexican children and canadian children don't get. we need to fix that. all the children need the same set of rules. it will solve a lot of the crisis. >> laura: unaccompanied children. >> unaccompanied children. >> laura: those numbers can kind of be sterile. those numbers are staggering. people on television saying the numbers have gone down from 2004 and they show the chart. 63,000 people. those kids have to go to public schools. they have to be cared for. they often are on food stamps, other public assistance. two blocks from here, we have people sleeping in the street to have a sign that say i'm an
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air force veteran sleeping in the street tonight. >> that's a good point. the other legislative priority, 160,000 family units. a ninth circuit judge ruled we can't detain families more than 20 days. back in '14, we had these hearings and 40, 45 days. the numbers went down of illegal crossings. some judge and the ninth circuit says no. they get released. that's why there's a surge of family members right now because they know they won't be detained. they get released into the public. many don't show up in court. if they show up in court and lose their case, 91% lose their case, less than 2% leave. it's an open borders agenda. we need to address it. >> laura: the florida's settlement agreement. luis, it seems like just a few years ago democrats believed in border -- not walls.
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operation gatekeeper in san diego. that was a bill clinton initiative. i covered it for cbs news. in 1996, i was at the border. huge barrier, steel barrier. they were all for it. what has changed? >> one of the issues is donald trump is an expert at creating a crisis. >> laura: you deny that this is a crisis at all. >> it's a problem we can deal with efficiently. we have the resources and the people, we have the ability. >> laura: we don't have the people. i hate interrupting you. i don't want to do it but we don't have the manpower to process. >> he creates a crisis and compromises and then -- >> laura: walked in my angle did i lay out -- >> council on foreign affairs. >> laura: richard hoss is this -- in favor -- what's in my angle did you disagree with? >> the trump administration, dhs
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under donald trump in 2017 pointed out they are at some of the historically lowest numbers of people trying to cross the border. there does appear to be a surge in october and november but we are not at a crisis level. yes, we need to do more to work with the three countries, northern and central america, to make sure we are identifying ways to reduce the violence, fights and criminal organizations and perhaps work to establish points where we can help with these people so they can request asylum. >> laura: 400,000 people crossing our border -- i have to understand. i know you're well-intentioned and i think you want a solution. i get it. but how is it not a bipartisan issue when 400,000 people come into our country illegally every year? i don't care if it's down from 1.2 million from five years ago. that's bad too. but 400,000 people. they have to go to public schools. these are infrastructure.
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they get a range of benefits. >> they are more than 16,000 border patrol agents right now. we have drones flying and -- >> laura: what do drones due to paper kids high school education? >> the same people who claim there isn't a crisis of the border claimed there wasn't a caravan. we found out differently. there's a crisis of the border. two children have died. if president trump -- if he wasn't sued by the aclu and some ninth circuit judge that you can enter illegally. these two children would have been alive. >> there is an important incentive to tell parents don't pay smugglers. don't work with criminal elements taking you all through these countries. that's fine. we can agree on that. >> laura: i don't think any country in central america woodlawn 4,400,000 people. they are smaller countries. they wouldn't want a a big masf people coming to their countries who they believe weren't invited
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or not welcome. no country wants a free flow of humanity across the border. i don't know any country personally that wants that. >> the wall is not necessarily the right way to fix this. we already have 7 miles of fencing. there's definitely ways we can improve. >> laura: does operation gatekeeper work in san diego? >> i don't recall the specifics of it. we have a lot of friends there already. we have it all away to el paso. there's plenty of other things we need to do. for example, making changes because of the tunnels they've built for those of the true criminals smugglers. >> laura: i will be in favor of that. i'm good for that. >> shut down the government and have 500,000 people not getting paid? >> laura: to his point, and while takes a long time. it's not going to be built overnight. how is it dealing with the crisis? >> i made it clear at the white house today that one thing
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he needs to doc about his walls do work. everywhere they've built a barrier, it plummets. he needs to put that false narrative that nancy pelosi put out that walls are ineffective. no, the data proves that the wall works. we need to talk about legislative changes because families are going to keep coming if they keep getting released. >> laura: i don't even blame them. >> trumped mader crisis that's t worth shutting the government over. ways that we can deal with immigration in the central american problem. >> laura: when they come, you want them to stay. >> we have to allow someone who wants to apply for asylum to apply. there's ways to deal with his people before they get to the border without creating unnecessary crisis and shutting down the government have a 500,000 americans were not going to get a paycheck for over a month. >> laura: they haven't not been paid. they will be paid. the democrats don't want a border at all. isn't that the case?
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>> they will be paid. >> laura: you don't answer the question comment kind of reveals a lot. >> i said clearly we've always prioritized border security. do it smartly. >> laura: smart border security like swiss cheese. swiss cheese borders. [all speaking] >> watching the media coverage, you don't say that trump invented this crisis. >> laura: we are out of time. thank you. now onto a story that really raises the question, do elected officials actually care about our safety? mecklenburg county, north carolina sheriff one month ago on his first day in office, he ended a program called 287g. the sheriff's office report of the immigration status of its inmates to immigration customs enforcement, something tom homan knows a lot about. mcfadden's has the goal is to build a rapport with law enforcement and the community they serve.
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i wonder if the community knew they were getting into and this guy was elected. early last last year, undocumented immigrant shot a man during a robbery. he was being held in mecklenburg county under the 227g program. the man he shot, wants to remain anonymous. he told local news in charlotte that his dream of joining the army was snuffed out due to the severity of his injuries. meanwhile, santos is free to walk and he is walking the streets until his hearing. my question is, why isn't this individual immediately deported? any illegal who commits a felony is by law to be immediately deported in the united states. why aren't local officials enforcing this? this should be fast tracked out of the country. all told, mcfadden's office says 28 people who were held under this 287 energy provision have been released in just a month's time.
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28. source said those release present a danger to the public. we invited sheriff mcfadden on. i truly want to hear how he explains this. maybe there's a good explanation. he declined. citing an inconsistency in the reporting that is totally separate from this 200 of the 7g issue. that invitation remains open. for more on why trump won and how the g.o.p. can do it all again, grab a copy of my new book. up next, president trump is set to address the country tomorrow night about the real crisis at our southern border, saying it would classify as national emergency. will he invoke this power on national television? counselor to the present kellyanne conway is here with an exclusive preview. >> i may declare a national emergency depending on what's going to happen over the next few days. >> tech: at safelite autoglass
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we know that when you're spending time with the grandkids every minute counts. and you don't have time for a cracked windshield. that's why we show you exactly when we'll be there. saving you time, so you can keep saving the world. >> kids: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace ♪ at, we can't guarantee you'll good at that water jet thingy... but we can guarantee the best price on this hotel. or any accommodation, from homes to yurts. booking.yeah since you're heading off to dad... i just got a zerowater. but we've always used brita. it's two stage-filter... doesn't compare to zerowater's 5-stage. this meter shows how much stuff, or dissolved solids, gets left behind. our tap water is 220. brita? 110... seriously? but zerowater- let me guess. zero? yup, that's how i know it is the purest-tasting water. i need to find the receipt for that. oh yeah, you do.
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>> absolutely we can call a national emergency because if the security of our country. absolutely. we can do it. i haven't done it. i may do it. we have a crisis of the border of drugs, of human beings being traffic all over the world. they're coming through. we have an absolute crisis and
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criminals and gang members coming through. it's national security. it's national emergency. >> laura: president trump floating the idea of declaring the national emergency to completely go around congress and get the border wall belts. is that what he's going to push for tomorrow night when he addresses the nation? joining me now, kellyanne conway. there is some republicans who are worrying that by declaring a national emergency, the president could then open himself up for months and years of legal disputes and get it all mocked up. >> the president is going to address the nation tomorrow. he's going to lay out the facts and figures of what he considers to be a humanitarian and security crisis at the border. >> laura: is he going to talk about the national emergency aspect? >> he said he's considering it. he's never committed to it. white house counsel's is researching it. there are probably some people who want him to declare it so
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congress -- congress and the courts have failed to do their job. they've given us this crisis. when people deny the use of the road crisis of the border, it's sad to me because what is not a crisis is not an drugs, the cocaine and heroin coming over the southern border. 90% of the heroin, government statistics say, come over the southern border. dhs says there is a 73% increase in fentanyl coming over the border. border patrol captured enough fentanyl to have killed every man, woman, and child in this country. >> laura: i am all for the wall. >> the humanitarian crisis is very well. it breaks my heart. i'm constantly being asked. if you care about the children, you would agree with president trump that they should not take this perilous track in the first place. we have this massive increase in family units. >> laura: we talked about in the angle. >> if you really care, as the democrats and many news media claim they do, you would deter
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them from taking this peerless track in the first place. the increase of people coming. >> laura: it requires a legislative fix. you and i have been going on this for years. congress -- how do you get thom tillis, cory gardner, susan collins. they were great on supporting the president on kavanaugh. they were great on that but they are getting antsy about the shutdown. i'm hearing all the little -- i'm getting calls from people. the shutdown. the government has already shut down to the will of the people on this issue. when you are doing the polling business a few years ago, you demonstrated that. it's not changed. >> 2014. >> laura: i still cite that poll. that was one of the best things ever done. level of immigration, people wanted to stay the same or go down. >> in 2014, president obama had the children of the border crisis. secretary jeh johnson at homeland security then wrote memos that i brought with me tonight. fascinating reads.
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we were doing the polling in the midst of that and even then, americans agree they want these children by large be returned safely to their home countries. mexico has offered asylum and visas, safe passage to these northern triangle family units and unaccompanied children were coming here. they can have their claims of your process while they are in mexico. >> laura: i want to get your reaction, kellyanne, to a debate over how many terrorists are apprehended at the border. the white house has thrown around a number of about 4,000 but u.s. customs and border protection says they encountered six immigrants with terror ties on the border with mexico in the first half of the fiscal year 2018. we don't know about the second half. i personally think one terrorist is a problem. we know it one terrorist can do when you look at what happened in paris. a few in each plane on 9/11. you know what they do, they take that and say you're trying to scare the people and it's a much smaller threat then you describe.
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doesn't that hurt their credibility of the white house when we don't get the basic facts right in someone's not doing their homework on the way they describe it. >> this presentation put forth by the department of homeland security, secretary nielsen has now briefed the democratic principles who were in the meeting this afternoon today. i sat there she briefed 50 reporters with the vice president. she also did it with some other journalists. i think this is important because on page three, i believe it's on the website as well, this is a 3755 number does not refer to give love the southern border. "known or suspected terrorist prevented from entering or traveling the u.s. by dhs." that includes some international airports. >> laura: overwhelmingly at the airports. >> the other statistics were about the southern border. it got unfortunate confused. the apprehensions of the border of gang members, have known criminals, these are all --
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again, the media has this presentation. they want to be honest. >> laura: they are cherry picking. they are cherry picking. they do it with supreme court nominees. they do to all of us. we all kind of make mistakes, we are talking all day long. >> everybody makes mistakes, all of us. the fact is it's corrected here. anybody who turns a blind eye to the actual numbers of human trafficking, the increase in drugs, we are concerned about your children here in the united states not being subject to all these drugs. we are concerned about their children. >> laura: is it going to be personalized tomorrow night? are we going to hear about the people. numbers, people's eyes glaze over. 400,000 will cross the border. >> in the private meanings, the president has made very many personal appeals. >> laura: i hope that's tomorrow night too. >> making it clear, please don't take your children, vulnerable populations increasingly showing up at the border. >> laura: what about the nastiness of the rhetoric?
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you and i have felt it personally. big deal. we are big girls. we have dealt with it for years. that, from some of the democrats who are revealing themselves day after day after day, the government shutdown goes on. rashida tlaib, newly elected congressman said this about her previous comments, profane, about impeachment. let's watch. >> i stand by impeaching the president of the united states. i ran on that. i am passionate and i grew up in an incredibly beautiful urban community, the city of detroit, born and raised. we say colorful things in interesting ways. i tell you the president of the united states is my focus. the residents back home are my focus. >> i don't know -- they are all physiologically incapable of beginning or ending a sentence without saying donald trump seven times and she proved it. let's go back to her original profane comment. she said she had been talking to her son about becoming a
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congresswoman and then she made it -- she was brushed back pretty severely and swiftly by congressman nadler, certainly by senator joe manchin. with respect to her comments, that we don't speak that way. it's not necessary. just this weekend, you saw the democratic leadership in the house holding way back on this notion of impeachment. they are worried, i think the freshman members coming in here saying i thought that's why were here. you're here to represent the constituents that elected you and your here to represent their interests. this president has kept us safe and secure and more prosperous. if they want to get in the way of that, then they are -- >> laura: he's not going to relent on the shutdown. >> he's not going to relent on border security. >> laura: wall or border security. >> he has had its all the same. meaning that it will be made of u.s. steel, american steel. >> laura: he has compromised. they are not to compromise.
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>> this is important because many people say you should see through it. customs and border patrol so you need to see through it. >> laura: i don't get it. >> they need to see what's on the other side. the president is listening to them. they're putting their lives on the line at the border. >> laura: personalized. our old friend ronald reagan understood that. personalize everything. when word broke to david's been gorgeous as ruth bader ginsburg did not show up for her first oral arguments of the new year, liberals freaked out and conservatives wandered. her health condition is not unserious. she hasn't missed an oral argument in 25 years on the bench. the activist left has spent the better part of the last two years lion icing ruth bader ginsburg.. she's a very colorful person. in fact, this film loosely based on her life hit the big screen on christmas day. >> discrimination on the basis of sex.
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>> let's topple the whole system. >> laura: part of the reason they love ginsberg so much isn't just because she's a reliable liberal on the bench. it's because she's been willing to speak out against president trump. >> here's what she said, first to cnn on a quote about donald trump. "he's a faker. he is no consistency about him. he says whatever comes into his head at the moment. he really has an ego." >> laura: okay, if you think that kavanaugh confirmation fight was brutal and of course it was, the belgian of the democrats are going to deal with trump's next -- whenever that is. we hope ruth bader ginsburg is okay and we hope she's doing well. that would change the balance of the court when she steps down. so the rbg group the snowflakes will be melting all over.
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>> she is fierce and fabulous and she's still got it. >> she's one of my role models. >> this guy on youtube, jonathan man, so inspired that he decides to put it to music. ♪ >> laura: oh, my gosh. off came much? here now, she worked in the white house counsel's office for former president george w. bush. great to see you. we wish justice ginsburg well and a speedy recovery. she had one surgery on some nodules in her long in december. she's recovering. she has at home. after the kavanaugh hearings, with the country are really be ready for another confirmation battle? >> he would help people kind of ratchet it down and be reasonable about supreme court confirmation prostheses. i don't think that's going to happen. you can almost hear the hysteria machine starting to crank up.
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why did they get so hysterical, laura? to them, the supreme court as a tool of politics. to us and to your viewers that's about the rule of law. we just want judges and president trump has had a marvelous record so far of appointing judges and supreme court justices who follow the law, who apply the rule of law. that's all the president is wanting to do. there's no reason for mabel to spin out of control. to be due to speaking of spinning out of control, andrew cuomo on what kavanaugh and gorsuch will do. >> kavanaugh is going to reverse roe v. wade. i have no doubt. gorsuch is going to reverse roe v. wade. i have no doubt. what do we do? protect ourselves. >> laura: okay. >> laura, that is fund-raising. it's nothing but fund-raising. andrew cuomo and his friend raising money to fund their political campaigns with these scare tactics. >> laura: who was the top of the list for the administration?
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>> i think the president is going to stick to his list. why quit with the success he's had on that list? any barrett. >> laura: thanks so much. ♪ let's do the thing that you do. let's clear a path. let's put down roots. let's build something. let's do the thing that you do. let's do the thing that changes the shape of everything...
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that pushes us forward and keeps us going. let's do the work.
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>> laura: joe biden is mowing a run for the presidency. according to "the new york times," he thinks he's the only candidate currently capable of defeating trump. his brother took to the airwaves
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this morning to offer another reason. >> he will be the most dynamic 70-something-year-old eve ever met in your entire life. part of my job -- advise him on an exercise routine. trump can't even walk 18 holes. trump can't walk 18 holes. joe benches 185. >> laura: is that what it's all about? we at "the ingraham angle" have obtained exclusive footage. no one else has it. of biden's pool regiment in his outreach to younger voters. his brother might be onto something. >> i felt tremendous. i'm ready to take on the world. >> we'll never be sick. we won't get any older and we won't ever die. >> laura: [laughs] we'll see if that messaging actually works. here to debate the phenomenon is
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a former arkansas governor, fox news contributor mike huckabee. and juan williams, cohost of "the five." all right, is joe, take them behind the bar and punch them, is that really the democrats best hope? i kind of like biden, i have to say. of all the democrats, he's probably my favorite. he is kind of a gaffe-o-matic and he is kind of funny. >> i hope that's the best they've got. i am like you. i like joe biden. i think there's a difference between the joe biden at the pulpit out there giving rhetoric and then the joe biden who was the serious legislator. laura, let's be honest. joe biden has been a bridesmaid in the presidential campaigns to more weddings than liz taylor larry king combined. and yet he's never quite made it. he and mitt romney both share the aspiration to be president without the likelihood that it will ever happen.
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>> laura: juan, going through some old clips of joe, not the gaffe because it is easy to do. something actually interesting, what he said last, i think it was last february if my memory serves me correct, about border enforcement and the wall. this made me almost like him. let's watch. >> if you had a wall that provided the security that wasn't just an absolute waste of money, meaning national technical means to protected and all these kids had a path to citizenship, i would be inclined to do that. >> you would give trump the political victory in order to get the dreamer deal done. >> i don't care about his political victory. it's not how i view politics. >> laura: listening to that, i think everyone forgot, i found that in the makeup chair tonight. wow, i missed it. that's really not today's democratic party. he's kind of pragmatic. trump might get a win that will get the daca stuff. where is that democrat today and
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the party? >> where are the republicans? that was filling that was voted on last year and i got the fewest votes of any of their proposals on immigration reform. a majority -- let me finish. a majority of republicans, they gave it the least number of votes with trump in the white house. what you are seeing there i think is the real face of the democrats is that we want border security plan we are definitelyt dreamers but were not going to be foolish about it. let's talk about joe biden. >> laura: no, no, no, you are missing my point. i'm not trying to be curt with you. he cities okay with the wall if it's technologically supported if we get the dreamers. >> that's what i said and as i said republican said no. >> laura: no wall, not a penny for the wall. nancy pelosi said a wall is immoral. did you ever see nancy pelosi's vineyard in napa? it's beautiful. it has a wall around it. it's not that tall but it's a pretty wall.
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>> i enjoy your rhetoric but i'm just telling you right now i think you have people concerned about border security, republicans and democrats. it's not one side or another. but when you come to joe biden, let me sam so surprised to hear you and the governor be so enthusiastic about a democrat who would run against and have a high likelihood of beating president trump. >> laura: it's called analysis. >> i see, okay. >> laura: you have a good stereotype about conservatives. i've always liked joe biden. >> good. that's what you and the government governor said. i was apprised he would be so forthcoming. i think among democrats right now in the recent polls in iowa nationally, they all say joe biden is a leading democrat among primary voters. >> laura: okay, well, we also heard from barack obama today it was reported from an obama foundation event, governor, that he thinks they need fresh blood in the democrat party.
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maybe it was just convenient or inconvenient timing depending on how you look at it. he seemed to throw some cold obama water on that deal. >> yeah, he did. it's hard to really blame him. the democrats have a very young field. you've got bernie sanders and hillary and elizabeth warren and joe's own brother can't remember exactly how old he is. he is somewhere in his 70s. i can understand where maybe president obama would be coming from. i don't care how old the guy is. in all honesty, but the issue is about ideas. and whether a person is going to come and just oil the machinery or if a person is going to be disruptive and try to really change this country. that's how donald trump got to be the president. and i think that disruptive style, though it's unsettling to people in d.c., i will not call it a swamp because swamps have an ecological purpose. the d.c. sewer, they can't stand
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it. but he's getting things done in the economic record shows it. deregulation, tax cuts. >> laura: i want to focus on the democrats. we all get it. that democrats are -- they are itching for victory. they are going to have to make this calculation eventually. not today. whether they are going to go with someone with experience like he has come of blue-collar focus, and someone who's well-known. or someone one of the shiny new interesting objects out there in beto o'rourke and kamala harris. it's going to be a big decision. juan, don't you love predicting in 2019 what's going to happen? if you had to protect, which won the democrats will pick, which would it be? >> i think obviously because of what i do for a living, what we all do, i think you could look at the polls and it's pretty clear. this is not even close in terms of democrats and who they would have. they would have joe biden, and the reason is biden could win in places like michigan, wisconsin,
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pennsylvania. it was a narrow victory for president trump. and i think looking forward, you would say oh, boy, just from a donor perspective, political strategist perspective, this is a guy who can go in there and just like you and the governor said, we like joe biden. possibly when maxim trump voters back over to the democratic party's ranks. >> laura: governor, yes, no, biden is the nominee? >> no way. i want to remind juan that around the same time in this previous election cycle i was near the top of the front runners. and here i sit talking to you two guys. everyone said there's no way donald trump could ever be president. he will never be president. >> i said that. >> he is president and i'm on tv. >> we still love you, governor. >> laura: we are spreading love around all over the place tonight. thanks so much. charges of racism hurled at the president, no love there. and a hate crime that wasn't.
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>> do you agree president trump is a racist? >> yeah, no question. >> laura: it's a new year but the democrats are still employing the same old tired tricks. here to discuss is horace coope
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cooper. i miss you guys. happy new year. you are not in the studio with me. leo, you never come into the studio. i'm going to fly you in just hang out. horace, let me start with you. i guess we are supposed to just get used to the language, the slanderous language, the trump -- what they call him, in a racist. why is it important that we don't accept that? >> first of all, the only reason this is being done is to encourage and create a political wedge to try to motivate black americans as well as other groups to support her radical progressive policies. that's the real issue, and we've got to push back against it because it's a lie and it also diminishes the real actions where bigots and racists
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actually live. >> laura: he did criminal justice reform. obviously great news just coming out of the last week with jobs and economic growth. it's good for all americans, especially good for americans entering the workforce for the first time. leo, what did horace say that you disagree with? why is that word, why is that going to bring people together to pass good legislation, to get infrastructure past, why is it going to work? >> first of all you asked for the first question, what did i disagree with horace said? everything. i will submit to you that no president on this planet in our country's history has ever said the following: there is equally good people on both sides, charlottesville. a muslim man, telling a mexican judge he can get a fair trial because of the mexican heritage, the u.s. federal judge. the issue about the birth of her, when it comes to african-americans like lebron james, low i.q., i will submit o
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you laura that no president hasy groups in this president. there is your evidence to support the difference. sending out dog whistles. >> laura: we will take an hour to unpack each one of those on go back through ancient history when it comes to politics. so you basically would deny the fact that when he did criminal justice reform which president obama pledged to do, he tried to being democrats into the equation. he brought a lot of well-known democrat leaders in other spheres into the equation and they actually got it done with democrats supporting him. psalm republicans didn't. he was willing to reach across the aisle to do that. you give him any credit for that? >> i give him credit for that but it does not ignore what has come out of his mouth. he can't deny what he said the last two years. those are his words. no other planet in this country's history. >> laura: why would a racist do that? that's what i'm not following.
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why would a person who is racist -- i know him so i know he's not. it doesn't make any sense. horace, i will let you close it out. >> that's exactly the point. more black americans have brand-new pickup trucks. more black americans have great new jobs. more poor unemployed black americans who lost their incomes, their houses during the eight years of the obama administration are seeing that turnaround. this is the weirdest clan rally idea i've ever -- let's get -- >> why can't we hold donald trump to the words that come out of his mouth? those are called admissibility court of law. >> how about we hold him to -- >> laura: the way of interpreting it, it's not an admission of anything. thank you. what the champions of the little people, you've got to hear this, have been updated during the government shutdown. i will bring you the details nexthe. that's why we show you exactly when we'll be there.
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>> laura: democrats like to fancy themselves the champions of the little people, so surely during a shutdown that impacted so many government workers they would cancel their fancy christmas vacations, red? let's take a look. maxine waters was a guest of the bohemian government seen here in a festive parade. nancy pelosi was living large in the pacific at a resort costing upwards of $5,000 a night. >> i observe the christmas holiday for a few days, half the
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time i would have had with my family. the president may not know this, but hawaii is part of the united states of america. maybe he doesn't realize that, the religious holiday of christ. >> laura: nice try, nancy. by the way, i'm never taking this button off. never taking it off. going down with the ship. all right, everybody geared up next, the great, the one, the only, shannon bream and the "fox news @ night" team, take it from here. we've got a clemson fan in our studio right now, jessica, who went there and was kind of a cheerleader. she was. she is over here. the only reason i like clemson at all at this moment, just as a phenomenal producer. in other than that, roll tide. >> shannon: i will give you that, but we broke a record this year by not making it to a bowl. speech i'm so sorry for your florida home. a great show, i will be watching. >> shannon: one eye on the


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