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tv   Cavuto Live  FOX News  January 12, 2019 7:00am-9:00am PST

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other. rachel: thank you very much. todd: and don't give up, right? >> absolutely. griff: thanks for joining us we got more fox & friends coming up tomorrow. bye, everybody. todd: have a good saturday. neil: write it down, as of today , it is a record, the longest shutdown and it is not letting up, republican senator bill cassidy on what happens now , and then democratic congressman on what happens if we don't end this soon, and then i want you to meet the former border patrol chief, when barack obama was president who says when it comes to this wall thing he supports this president and if this is a crisis, why are stocking racing as the government has been closing? current wonders whether we all have just gotten used to this but just imagine if abraham lincoln had to deal with this. what do you mean you're closed? and imagine two dozen democrats running for president, and that
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number could be very low. the latest joining the field today, and many more joining this incredible and an apology not accepted, iowa republican congressman steve king dialing back comments, why south carolina senator tim scott says it is not comments as much as republican leaders response to those comments that trouble him the most, and he is the republican. and then almost a year after his daughter was gunned down at marjory stoneman douglas high school, andrew pollach responds to florida governor ron desantis suspending broward county sheriff scott israel. the sheriff says he will fight to get his job back, he's here and only here not if he has anything to say about it all that and protest in paris that will not let up and now a gas explosion that is making things worse. all now, all here, all live, a lot to get to, so let's get to
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it. okay, 22 days mark it in pencil, i'm neil cavuto and what to make of a shutdown that simply will not let up. right now the president and congress are far far far apart on this and no signs that even talks of any sort will resume any time soon. garrett tenney with the latest. >> neil you, know as the shutdown drags on we're also beginning to see the growing impact that it's having on folks across the country starting with the 800,000 federal workers who missed their first paycheck friday even as their bills keep coming in. at miami international airport this weekend one of its terminal s is shut down because tsa screeners working without pay have been calling in sick at a higher rate and there's concern there won't be enough staffing to handle all 11 check points. over at the fda, they are now scaling back the food safety inspections limiting them to facilities that are considered high risk after about 40% of its staff got furloughed. over at the sec, 94% of employee s are furloughed which
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is likely to impact fourth quarter earnings reports as well as delaying any initial public offerings until after the shutdown has ended. and right now, there are no negotiations taking place for that to happen. most lawmakers headed home for the weekend and this morning, president trump tweeted, " democrats should come back to washington and work to end the shutdown while at the same time, ending the horrible humanitarian crisis at our southern border. i am in the white house waiting for you." now, senator lindsay graham is one of the lawmakers whose been trying to broker a bipartisan deal behind the scenes to end the shutdown, but now, he is urging the president to build the wall by declaring a national emergency. on friday, he said, "i just met with president trump and his team. it's clear to both of us, that democrats don't want to make a deal and will never support border wall barriers on president trump's watch even though they did so in the past." he continues, mr. president, declare a national emergency now build a wall, now.
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the president has put the brakes on that idea at least for now, even as democrats suggest that he's playing politics to fulfill his signature campaign promise. >> it's a temper tantrum by the president. i'm a mother of five, grandmother of nine. i know a tamper tantrum when i see one. that's a negotiation we should be having, a negotiation that we want and now i think the last one was staged so the president could walk out. >> at this point, neil neither side is gaining any ground and both believe they have the upper hand so as this drags on lawmakers will start to feel the pressure as they hear from their constituents and start to pressure their leaders so the standoff will be harder to maintain but still for now no end in sight. neil: all right thank you very very much, in washington, let's go to louisiana republican senator bill cassidy. is it your sense, senator that
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the president needs to declare an emergency to resolve this one way or the other? >> well obviously i'd prefer that congress step forward, specifically miss pelosi would step forward and offer a compromise. absent a compromise i do think there's another way to go about it. one thing i've previously proposed is using the asset for feature funds money taken from drug cartels, drug runners and others which is not subject to congressional appropriation, but which the executive branch can use for law enforcement border security. there's about four to $5 billion that comes in every year to these two different funds. the president could use that to build the wall and that would circuit vent an inevitable lawsuit should he declare an emergency. neil: where does that money normally go? >> it could be used by law enforcement now and they use it for law enforcement. so you would redirect some of the dollars, but last, we looked and one of the two funds there's about 1.2 billion of unobligated dollars. one piece of legislation i put
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forward would allow that money to be bonded forward, so we know we get three to 5 billion a year in it, allow it to be bonded, so that that way, you could obligate future receipts for current construction and you could have the funding you need now based upon future receipts. neil: the president has also raised the possibility that money extracted from the mexican trade deal even though it hasn't been ratified yet could be used to pay for this. do you know how that would happen? >> i think that would take congressional action. i think we have to concede that ms. pelosi for apparently political reasons has decided not to go with the barrier, even though she and others have supported it in the past. okay? she's not going to, we can guess why. that said, that's why i'm looking for another way that we can get this done, secure our southern border, without being tied up in the ninth circuit. again the inevitable lawsuit that would occur, or ms. pelosi being able to kabosh it because
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she controls the house. neil: but when it comes to getting the money from the mexicans the president said earlier in the week he never meant the mexicans wouldn't pay for this, they wouldn't physically write a check but a lot of people were surprised to hear that because throughout his campaign and no fewer than 212 instances did the president say as a candidate and later on as president, that the mexicans would in fact pay for this. what do you think? >> which is why i go back to the asset for feature fund. this is money that would otherwise have gone to the cartels. it won't be the mexican government, it won't be the mecklenburg people, it'll be the mexican cartels and that is poetic justice and the more barriers we put, the greater the security, theoretically the more money we will get until it's actually a self-fulfilling process. neil: now i've heard about that that you have a number of republicans in the senate and the house, but no democrats yet. so where does this stand? >> you know, we can all look at the federal workers who are not
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getting their paychecks. some still working, god bless you, and the air traffic controllers and the tsa still working without pay. we would like to get them back on, so if democrats actually cares about securing the border, steny hoyer it hoyer actually wants to get those federal employees back to work but we understand for pelosi reasons pelosi won't do it this is a way forward, i'm hoping they will step forward and accept this as securing the southern border, getting folks back to work, paychecks issued, et cetera. neil: so when the president mentioned the possibility that he could, hasn't yet but he could, you know, declare a national emergency to go ahead and start this wall, and some of your republican colleagues have already expressed some concern about that, chuck grassley, marco rubio saying be careful what you wish for you just might get it because the future democratic president, i think, senator rubio, said just could as easily champion climate change and force the government shutdown based on that, so what
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do you think of using an emergency to get what you want? >> let's just speak at a practical matter. if the president sneezes, somebody is going to file suit in the ninth circuit court to say that it's unconstitutional. so if the president declares that he wants to use in a declaration process, money for the southern border, it's going to be tied up in court. whatever we say about future implications, it will not be effective because of the inevitable lawsuit. again, that's why i think we need another mechanism and that's why i think we don't need to declare emergency, we can use this asset for feature fund. neil: okay we'll watch it very closely senator bill cassidy thank you for joining me good seeing you again. >> thank you. neil: you know, a lot of border patrol passed and present officers including those still in that capacity are not getting paid through this are saying the president is on to something when he says we've got to do something at the border. i want you to meet one who served in that capacity during barack obama's administration who agrees with the tariff,
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>> we have 55 miles in this sector we started a job in 2006 we need to finish that job, we've got the personnel, we need the technology, we need the resources, we need the infrastructure, in order to control this border and manage it. part of our area is covered with some fencing on our east side, that thes for about 6% of our traffic, where we have no fencing over 90% of our traffic occurs in those areas. neil: all right, a lot of border patrol agents are directly affected by this ongoing border, you know, thing here and a lot of them are not getting paid but they feel so passionately about it, they think that the president should get what he wants even if it means in the interim they are in a world of financial hurt. former u.s. border patrol chief under barack obama agrees with the president's approach on this mark morgan joins us now sir very good to have you. >> thank you. neil: you feel that the
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president is on to something here, right? >> absolutely. i agree 100% with what the president is trying to do with all things related to border security. it is absolutely 100% in my opinion and this isn't based on some political ideology, neil this is based on 30 years of governmental service based on walking some of the same ground that you saw the president working talking to the land owners, talking to the united states border patrol agents who risk their lives every single day doing that and i'm telling you this is absolutely a national security and humanitarian crisis along the southwest border. neil: what did you make of it's a non-starter for some of the various democrats who approve billions of dollars of wall building and improving and reinforcing during certainly the barack obama years, so what happened? >> exactly, and i'm hoping that the american people that that is not lost on the american people. in 2006 as you reported the secure fence act, if people go
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back, i strongly encourage people to look it up, get on the internet and look it up and you will see the same things that are being said by our president today, the same language was being used by former presidents, by former politicians, on both sides of the aisle, saying that we needed a fence, that we needed a wall, a physical barrier whatever you want to call it. they approved it then and they were saying the same language back in 2006 that the current president is saying now to secure our borders. it's absurd the arguments that are being made right now. neil: so mr. morgan let me ask you something the president just tweeted on this subject. the democrats could solve the shutdown in 15 minutes, he urges call your demonstratesing senator or congressman or congresswoman, tell them to get it done it's a humanitarian crisis. do you essentially agree? >> 100% in fact neil when i was chief of the border patrol one of the first things that i saw was what i referred to as the humanitarian crisis and what's ironic about that is it started in 2014 when we saw the
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demographics of those coming across our southern borders change, meaning we saw influx in family units and unaccompanied minors and it was then also across the aisle, on both sides, that referred to this as humanitarian crisis. it was then, and it still is now we have a dual-headed issue both on the national security side but also, on humanitarian side. he's absolutely correct. neil: so let me ask you this when you were working under under the obama administration was there ever any pressure when it came to a wall or something like that on putting money toward a physical structure, or did they look at alternatives either technology, electronic fencing, drones, that kind of stuff? >> neil that's a great question and what i could say is if you go to the men and women of the united states border patrol, if you go to overall the customs and border protection on both sides of the house the leadership, go to kevin right now whose leading as a commissioner of cbp, an
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intelligent man and a patriot, nothing has changed, neil. the strategy that they put forth a long time ago of infrastructure, technology, and personnel, that multi-layered approach, that's what its been since the beginning, and that's what it is still today and the reason why is because that multi -layered approach including the wall works and what i would like to say is some people will mention, well, why don't we just use technology? well how about we just get additional personnel? well, those things work, but in and of themselves, it doesn't solve the problem, so what i've been trying to tell people is we need to do it all, including the wall. neil: all right, we'll watch very closely mark morgan thank you for taking the time i appreciate it. >> thank you. neil: if this is the equivalent of a national emergency right at our border why are stocks racing the disconnect that we're going to try to connect, after this. fact is, every insurance company hopes you drive safely.
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neil: all right, a lot of people think i'm crazy when i said there is room for common ground here and my rationale for that when it comes to this ongoing government shutdown, this is now a record. that the two sides have shown flexibility, with each other, even in prior comments, even when it comes to the president of the united states talking about mexico paying for this wall, maybe not, paying for this wall take a look. proprietary i will build a great , great wall on our southern border and i will have mexico pay for that wall. mark my words. president trump: we will build a wall and whose going to pay for the wall? >> mexico. president trump: when i say mexico is going to pay for the
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wall do you think they're going to write a check for 20 billion or 10 billion or 5 billion or $ 0.02? no they're paying for the wall in a great trade deal. neil: all right i have no idea how that would happen but by the way, the democrats are far beyond approach here. they too have been inconsistent on whether there's an urgency at the border or not. take a listen. >> you know, a part of a comprehensive immigration bill is not something that i would be automatically against. >> a wall is not who we are as a nation. >> 630 miles of border fence, that create a significant barrier to illegal immigration on our southern land border. i'd much prefer the symbol of america be the statue of liberty than a big concrete wall. neil: all right so they kind of leave you wondering, both sides, as to whether they're really passionate about their respective position when those positions over the years as you've seen can change republican strategist holly turn er joins us democratic strategist scott levinson.
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and avoiding in raising those examples is that they're all over the map. >> yes, absolutely and in the past a lot of democrats have supported some sort of physical barrier on the southern border and now they don't. now they're saying it's immoral and i think that a lot of it does have to do with the fact that they want to oppose what president trump wants. this shutdown is going on so long because i don't feel like anyones really trying. i think that people are trying to kind of boost their brands by saying oh, i'm so tough against trump or on the republican side same thing. oh, i'm so tough against democrats . i don't see any working together to actually get furloughed workers back to getting paid. i don't see any actual attempt at a solution here. neil: well you know, i thought all of this would be a moot point because the mexicans would pay for it and now apparently that's not the case so they're not going to write a check, so if you accept at face value that was the case, then you're back to square one aren't you? >> okay, well i was one of the supporters during the campaign
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of the president, then candidate trump, who talking about mexico paying for the wall and obviously, he's talking about changing our trade agreements and boosting the economy. neil: i don't think that was obvious. >> it wasn't obvious to me. neil: he never said i'm going to extract this from the trade deal >> but we all knew that was the platform and they were robbing us, remember all of the rhetoric neil: pay for it means pay for it whether it means i write you a check i say i'm going to give you money i'll give you a debit card. be that as it may, scott i just wonder, the only reason i raise those examples with some of the democrats what's left as well is just that there is common ground here because they have shown the willingness but it's democrats to see there's a crisis at the border and the president to say that we've got to do something beyond now, mexico footing the bill. >> i do think what you see now, neil, is what a master of deflection this president is. neil: well, he has a lot of company. >> but the democrats have been fairly consistent about needing a comprehensive view on immigration. neil: well both parties have but
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they never get past go. >> well that's what happens, when it's on the southern border , the conversation about path to citizenship, about the back of folks. neil: i thought we had that when we were very very close and democrats and then during the obama administration republicans >> i think what you find is clear this morning, neil that the president had another thing on his mind which was that he might be an agent for the russian government. by talking about the border -- neil: but that is the story that by going after the fbi, he might have triggered that. >> this is my he's a master of deflection. neil: he's still in the office of investigation and we are going to get into that a little bit later but cat, i'm just wondering, where this goes. if the president declares an emergency, it gets the monkey off his back, shutdown over, but the first circuit court is going to weigh in and maybe tell him stop, stop the building. then what? >> i don't think that the president is going to declare an
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emergency and i hope he doesn't declare an emergency, because if you're conservative you're supposed to be against these sort of actions . remember when obama said pen and a phone people got really upset on the conservative side i think this would be the same thing. neil: even marco rubio says that , you wish the next president could just come in and move the unemployment. >> if you love the wall, you love the wall so much and you wake up every day thinking about the wall go to sleep every night thinking about the wall even if that's the case you still should be very careful with how much power you're willing to give an executive because the next executive -- neil: what do you think of that, the might be his only option and it would at least he could go back to his core supporters and say well, i tried. >> i agree with cat completely. i mean -- neil: does that worry you in and of itself that he would agree with her? >> [laughter] it should. >> no, it's a slippery slope. i don't think the president is going to go down that path. i don't think he wants to, but i think he's willing t ride this thing out a lot longer than the
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democrats are willing to. neil: i'm getting that sense too scott she's right about that that this is going to drag on a while. >> that's a real shame because there are 800,000 families affected by this and the irony that the tsa is one of those agencies that are responsible for securing our borders and are affected by the work stoppage, it's a terrible thing. neil: what do you think though that it's using an emergency order that i've talked to a number of democrats who reported coming up here saying you know, that might be the most pallet able solution to stop, it stops the government shutdown, stops presumably, we could appeal this in the courts, and it stops there, but if everyone kind of gets their own piece of cake. i don't think it's a good thing for the president to be able to hold the entire government for ransom, nor and i agree with our panel to declare an emergency would be a continuation of him just trying to say look at it. neil: what if it goes on for months? i had one guest yesterday say that. >> i think that it would be not that much of a political
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difference for president trump because i think his supporters like that he isn't backing down. i think that they take a lot of republicans have backed down in the past and i know that there are people who aren't getting paid and i know that's awful but i don't think it matters very much to his supporters. i think that -- as the months go on and families get hungry, those core supporters get tired of the political posturing and i think eventually that support dwindles away. >> but is the president doing this for political reasons? that's the real question and i don't think he is. i think he made a promise and he wants to keep this promise and it's very, no, but it's not, it's to his detriment. i don't think it helps him get re-elected to have this government shutdown. i don't think it's helping him but he made a promise. the republicans did not have that. neil: he would lose his base if he blinked on this. >> he would, but he's probably already lost some support as well, so i think he hangs on and sticks to his guns. neil: i think both sides do. >> if the president proposed a comprehensive plan on
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immigration, this border piece would be perceived as more sincere. neil: but we'd never get to that point. how many times under different administrations and congresses have we looked at a comprehensive plan and then it falls apart. >> obviously this isn't the answer either neil. neil: you're right about that it's like one of my diet resolutions how far are we into the new year? what would abraham lincoln do? this government shutdown phenomenon it's a fairly recent thing in the post world war ii era, but imagine if a controversy comes up and they shut government down. what would he have done? what would the country have done , on that, after this. that rocking chair would look great in our new house. ahh, new house, eh? well, you should definitely see how geico could help you save on homeowners insurance. nice tip. i'll give you two bucks for the chair. two?! that's a victorian antique! all right, how much for the recliner, then? wait wait... how did that get out here? that is definitely not for sale! is this a yard sale? if it's in the yard then it's... for sale.
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ask your gastroenterologist about humira. with humira, remission is possible. neil: all right, we are at a record shutdown right now, partial or otherwise, never in the history of this country has the government been technically shut down or at least a quarter of it shut down for so long, 22 days and if my last guest were right this could drag on a while , but time and again in this post world war ii phenomenon, it has happened under democratic and republican administrations, so this is a fairly recent phenomenon and we really came to life back in the mid-1990s when bill clinton and newt gingrich were going at it from a historical perspective on this crisis, from the woman who wrote the book on it leadership in turbulent times, very good to have you thanks for coming. thank you, neil. neil: i was thinking of this, in some of the people you write about, including in this book, abraham lincoln but especially
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abraham lincoln, with states succeeding from the country just as he was taking office, and through his early days in office , imagine if another headache would be of government just going kaput, shutting down, what then? >> it's an impossible thing to imagine. i mean, it's true that abraham lincoln would have used any power and did, in order to keep the union together. he used an executive order to issue the emancipation proclamation claiming military necessity but then he knew once the war was coming to an end he needed to get a constitutional amendment to have it forever in our history but the idea of shutting down the federal government when you're in the middle of a war when you need every single aspect of the federal government to be mobilized and working for you, you need loans, you need contracts to have horses kept and uniforms built, you need the mail to keep going as the form of communication to the soldiers i mean, there's no way that that government wasn't an absolute instrument in his keeping union
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together and enancy operating the slaves. its become as you say a partisan football in these last years in a way that it really wasn't in the 19th century. they did declare national emergencies then and that's what we thought and may still happen for president trump, but the idea of shutting down the government seems to me a very unnecessary way to get your way. why don't they just work it out, before they do have to come to this moment, where innocent people are being hurt. neil: well that's too obvious, so just stick to history here and we'll follow the human emotion. you know what's interesting too but to your point, doris, this idea that a national emergency can be used to justify a lot of actions and some types might be elite, many criticize particularly republicans at the time, franklin roosevelt from a number of measures he took as soon as he assumed office including a national bank holiday to deal with the financial crisis, and that was elite but he used the emergency of what was going on in the economy and out right suppression to justify that. this president is saying what's happening at the border is a crisis but the numbers don't always support him, in other
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words a penetration through our border are actually ironically and this could be a nod to him down, so that's actually improved under his stewardship, so does he have justification if he wanted to pull the emergency trigger to do so? >> well i think the most important thing is if you're going to use national emergency, it's a big deal to use it. then you really have to persuade the american people that this is a crisis, that demands extraordinary powers that a president is using and when fdr called a national emergency in may 27 of 1941, it was because the war in europe was going on and he was certain it was a threat to the united states, but many people in the united states still were isolation, they didn't want anything to do with europe's war and he used an address to the nation, a 50 minute address that's what president trump would have to do if he's going to persuade people, he worked on that address for five days, ahead of time, and he was able to persuade the people that what was going on was the war for domination, that the nazis were
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a threat to the united states, and he should therefore, even before pearl harbor, have national powers to force companies to make tanks and weapons and airplanes, to increase the size of the navy and the army, and after that address, people changed their opinion. he educated the country. that's the president's responsibility if he's going to use this huge power. neil: but the facts would then have to back you up. there are a lot of people who don't deny that we have certain problems at the border here, but whether the wall is the answers, in the eye of the beholder many of the president fears his advocates saying he's absolutely right and there is a crisis in these caravans and a new one forming is evidence of that other than the critics saying it should be comprehensive immigration reform, but that has failed under republican and democratic administrations and congress' alike so what are we left with? >> well, i think we're left with a situation that it's a very difficult thing then, to call a national emergency, if you don't have the facts on your side, if you haven't been able to persuade the people, that
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what you're doing is necessary for the country's security. then, what should have been done in these last two years, there was a possibility of a daca agreement and a border security, and there seemed to be agreement on both sides and then it never got signed it never got changed they've decided oh, no we're not going to do this. that was the answer all along but the problem is and i understand where the democrats are coming from, they're still for that probably but they don't want to have to use a shutdown as the means to get that so that's the impasse we're at. they're saying get the country back together again. have the shutdown ended, and then maybe we can talk about this situation. neil: but you know, there is some great power, i'm sorry, doris, there is some power to the bully pulpit, teddy roosevelt you're right about, very very good at that, using the persuasive forces of the presidency to go after a meat packer, to go after those who were, you know, violating our health standards. he didn't have that power, technically, but he humiliated
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or embarrassed them and used the power of his office to get that. is there some lesson in there, for this president? >> well i think the lesson for president trump now is he does have a state of the union coming up, and it didn't work in the national address that he gave last week. in fact because he was talking about it being a fundraiser for the republican party, he lost the power of the bully pulpit to persuade the whole people, not just certain people, so if he's going to go forward with a national emergency, then he better make sure that that joint session of congress speech uses facts that are clear, makes a point, that can be made, and that is persuasive and a majority of the people will then say yes we need this. if he can't make that argument and i'm not sure he can given the facts of what the situation is then it's a much harder thing to call a national emergency without the bully pulpit behind you. that's your real power is the bully pulpit persuade the country that you need to take these extraordinary powers that you normally wouldn't have because people don't want that to happen, in fact that's what's
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happened too often. congress has seated too many of these national emergency powers to the president, and we haven't described very well what a national emergency means, so unless you can persuade people that really it is necessary at this time to have the president take powers away from congress, then it's a really bad thing for the government and for the historians to look back on for having it been done. neil: i'm reading a future book here, i don't know, we'll see what happens. happy new year, doris, thank you very much. >> oh, always glad to see you neil. neil: same here. to doris' point here maybe it's a sad testament we've gotten used to this because we've had so many shutdowns. what else could explain that as the government has been shut down, stocks have been racing up. we connect, you decide. all money managers might seem the same, but some give their clients cookie cutter portfolios. fisher investments tailors portfolios to your goals and needs. some only call when they have something to sell. fisher calls regularly so you stay informed.
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when you switched to the hartford. - when i switched to the hartford, i'm sitting there thinking, "man, i should have "turned 50 years ago." they saved me a bunch of money. you can't beat that. - what blows me away about the hartford is their lifetime renewability benefit. now this is their promise not to drop you even if you have an accident. - i know when i'm driving, i'm covered. - [narrator] drivers 50 and over can save hundreds of dollars when they switch to the aarp auto insurance program from the hartford and get other incredible benefits like lifetime renewability. not an aarp member? the hartford can help you join in minutes. call the hartford to request your free quote at... or go to... neil: all right, you know, stock s are up the dow up more than 6% since this shutdown started. it's weird, right? you're probably hearing that
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neil does not make sense. it is not necessarily up to us to determine whether it makes sense or not. it just is. let's go to susan li, on this, michael murphy and erin gibbs. so there's a disconnect that leads to a lot of folks why are we up? >> well one the shutdown really isn't going to have a big impact on gdp and even less of an impact assuming on stocks. neil: so you don't agree that it's going to have a $9 billion hit in that vicinity? >> no because actually, what happens is most of the money is actually paid to the people once they go back to work. neil: right. so it's like a hurricane, you know, you've got the hit and then you've got everything when it returns. >> exactly so certainly yes, maybe so the money lost at restaurants you're not going to suddenly eat out three times as much but eventually you will. neil: i would. >> okay, you would, but you'd still go out and buy your sneakers once your paycheck hits and pay your mortgage once your paycheck hits so in that sense it's very small and even if they weren't paid at all, it's only
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about one-quarter of 1% of the u.s. gdp, so it would have to last the entire year and then yes, we might get a little concerned, but right now, it's still a tiny bit and most of the money is going to get paid is just delayed. neil: you might be right and another thing that comes up is this isn't on a lot of investors radar, right? more is, they're going to focus on earnings, focus on whether we over did it last year, focus on possible china deal. that's kind of top of mind, right? >> as it should be, i think, and really i think to the question of what the markets doing recently. we sold off 20% in late 2018, so although if you back up a little bit, you'll see that we've had a great rally of 10%, since christmas eve, but if you look back a little we had sold off 20 % going into that, so i think though, investors are looking past this. this is horrible for the families that are affected, but if you look from an investing standpoint or for your 401 (k) for instance this is going to have, at this point in time, no impact whatsoever.
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>> it's the strongest three- week rebound since the election. neil: is that right? >> yes, we've seen since then, i would say also, it's jerome powell the federal reserve, pretty much in a statement again this week in d.c. saying that we're pretty much not going to raise interest rates we may not raise interest rates this year in fact only 20% of market participants expect a rate rise. neil: you know the fed funds futures contracts they're not even factoring in the hike at all. >> they thought it might be a cut, 50/50 the first six months of this year believe it or not so i think it's a realization we're not in a recessionary world and they are coming to that realization. neil: but what if i know it's easy to do the what if but this drags on for months? i had analysts on with me yesterday, all saying, you know, all that talk just drags on for months. >> certainly if it lasts an entire quarter it is going to have an impact on companies and growth, and definitely certainly some industries more than other particularly consumers discretionary, so yeah, that would be something and certainly
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during earnings season, every company that misses their estimates is going to use that as their excuse. neil: it does seem to be the retailer weather thing, right? >> my favorite excuse, so that could, but it would really have to last, at least one-quarter to have any meaningful impact on the year and earn corporate earnings. neil: i think mike, a lot of these guys have prepared investors for the worst though right? they've ratcheted down earnings growth expectations in the first 7 or 8%? so that's going from double-digit numbers so if they even mildly beat that or give guidance that poo-poo's that the race could continue. >> the bar has come down quite a bit and again, back to the sell-off of late last year a re pricing of the market so i think now, as we head into earnings season the bar is low enough where you're going to see a lot of decent earnings that versus last year, may not be great, but versus lowest, lower expectations, they're going t look pretty good so i think if you don't get anything crazy out of the shut done if it goes on
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for a quarter or several quarter s, hard to predict what's going to happen but if it doesn't, i think we're in a good position. >> what is the risk of a credit downgrade? neil: keeps investors this week. >> you know fitch one of the big credit rating agencies says we might look at the triple a rating on u.s. debt. kind of like 2011 remember when s&p lowered the triple a? neil: remember the government wasn't shut down. it was just the theatre and professional wrestling nature of this back and forth that prompt ed them to say enough with this. >> but don't forget in 2011 that was the first year the s&p fell, it was down that year and also consumer confidence dropped 20% because of the shall we say dysfunction in washington neil: weren't they worried too we're getting up against our debt ceiling and that march 2, you know, they got to imagine this was dragging on until then, then it gets to be that? >> we were also in a very different economic scenario. we were much higher unemployment
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, it was, we didn't see the same wage growth, so there were a lot of things going on. neil: so did fitch over react? they didn't move, they're reviewing it right so let's say they do downgrade it? >> and say look, we're looking at it. we put out a statement all the time saying we're looking at this, we're considering it. it's an important part of your analysis. neil: but if they pull the trigger then what? >> it could have a short-term impact but long term the credit worthiness of the united states of america in the big picture isn't affected by this so if it gave you a big sell-off on a fitch downgrade that would be an opportunity for people. >> yeah, i don't know this time around though the government balance sheet is different because actually, treasury yield s could be impacted, back in 2011 there was enough amo, since we didn't cut taxes as much as we did, i'm not sure in 2018 or 2019 -- >> i don't want to be jumping across-the-board. we're still one of the safest investments globally so on a relative basis -- neil: isn't that because we're
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more of the tallest midget in the room? >> something like that. >> pretty much. >> but if you look at the u.s. economy and the state of the u.s. economy now versus seven or eight years ago, i think it's different. now -- neil: markedly different. >> you think this time is different? i didn't say that. >> [laughter] >> i was agreeing with you. there you go. >> but i think we're setup right now for to look at it and earnings do better. neil: i'm going to see you guys a little bit here just a story in the new york times today i don't know but the president is furious about it. what's got his goat and what it could do to the markets, after this. this is why voya helps reach today's goals... all while helping you to and through retirement. can you help with these? we're more of the plan, invest and protect kind of help... voya. helping you to and through retirement.
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neil: you can always tell how angry the president is by how many tweets he sends out and he is in barn storm with the tweet
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stuff today. what's really got his goat right now is the new york times front page story, that claims the fbi was investigating him soon after he fired james comey under the belief that and the fear that he was secretly working for russia. i'm going to get to some of the tweets the president has because some of them, we tried to clean-up the language for you here but i've got former federal prosecutor john sell who joins us on the phone. john the president is saying there's nothing there, he's furious about it we're going to rifle through some of these tweet responses, but what the times are saying what investigators are saying at the time is the fbi was sufficiently concerned to think that he was doing the russians bidding at the time, but reading the article a couple of times, i didn't see the proof. >> good morning, neil. neil: good morning. >> i've been on your show from new york, from miami where i live and practice, and i think you've seen that my style is not to pound on the table, know the to get angry, but i'm getting as angry as i'm capable of being
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and i agree with the president. he has a right to be angry and i wrote an article on the hill about something else the new york times once wrote where the beginning the lead-in got you, your attention and then when you read the article, it was more balance. this is let's not mince words this is accusing the president of the united states or suggesting there was some law enforcement officials who did of treason, and this is absolutely outrageous and if there was who are these law enforcement officials who made this judgment to start this inquiry? neil: you know there are a lot of them not in this reference there and furthermore if you want to buy into that theme that he was bought and sold, then he would have done nothing critical or anything to tic the russians off and there's certainly no evidence of that so when i see a story with unnamed anonymous sources, i'd begin to worry, but your thoughts? >> well that's right. if you really are cul pable of that the last thing you do is
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say anything publicly that suggests that it had anything to do with the russia investigation , but not only who are these unnamed agents, who do they go to for authority? who authorized an inquiry into the president of the united states? it's totally irresponsible, and we can't blame mueller for this, because if it's true, this started before mueller and it does say later in the article that well there's no evidence that mueller is continuing this inquiry, and as rudy guiliani said -- neil: but it doesn't say that he hasn't. do you know what i mean? so it leaves you wondering gee, what else is going on? >> well the article does say at the end there's a vigorous debate, whether these agents overreacted by opening a counter intelligence investigation. i mean what do you mean a debate this is absolutely outrageous, they didn't over react. if there was such an inquiry, it was highly inappropriate. did anybody go to the joint chiefs and say my god, the president might be committing treason? neil: by the way we don't know
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-- >> the congressional leadership neil: we don't know this was going on john thank you very much. great catching up with you. all right, in the meantime, catching up with all of these people who want to be president of the united states. there is a new entrant i think that makes about 3,000 people vying for the white house, after this. alabama. aka, rocket city, usa. this is a very difficult job. failure is not an option. more than half of employees across the country bring financial stress to work. if you're stressed out financially at home, you're going to be too worried to be able to do a good job. ... bring your challenges.
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>> all right. welcome back, everybody. neil cavuto, live, i am he. and i don't know what the sweepstakes for the presidential candidates, i think it goes back to the 2016 when donald trump was running, i could be wrong. we're easily going to break the record. with signs that we could have at least two dozen entrants on the democratic side and that might be conservative. the latest seems to be julian castro, former san antonio mayor and popular with the hispanic community and there's a lot of
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attention afforded to him. and fox's casey stegall following that. >> this is scheduled to get underway anytime now. julian castro and his family have great name recognition in the state of it extext. the question is whether that will translate to the rest of the country. up until now, his campaign has been in the exploratory committee stage, but we are expecting castro to make his formal bid for the presidential run in 2020 in about 20 minutes or so from now. i'm going to hop out of the way and let you see a live picture of the crowd gathering. san antonio the backdrop for his rally. and he was baptized around the corner from here and he was a
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popular mayor until he was sworn in as president obama's secretary of housing and urban development. by the way, hes with a the youngest member of president obama's cabinet and now at age 44, he would also be the youngest presidential candidate, among one of the youngest and the only latino in the 2020 field. last week, he was campaigning at smaller events in iowa and nevada. next week, it's off to new hampshire. he's in favor of universal health care, comprehensive immigration reform, and the paris climate accord, a stark difference from president trump. but analysts say aside from the issues, the democratic candidate also has to be a strong communicator to effectively battle with president trump. >> the question is whether the democrats have a candidate that can stand up to that parry with some level of grace and hit back hard. >> his township brother, joaquin, is also here, and he is
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is a u.s. congressman, his twin brother. again, this family has a lot of support and name recognition here in the lonestar state, and he's been travelling around trying to gauge the american perception, and so, this big announcement here just one of the latest people to run for the democratic presidential race in 2020. neil, i think it is pretty safe to say, as you're alluding to off the top, that it could be quite a packed field before it's all said and done. back to you. neil: that's an understatement, my friend. casey, thank you very, very much. at 44, again, castro would be the youngest entrant trust far, but not necessarily hold that record very long. already hawaii congresswoman all of 38 years old says she's interested in a white house run. we raised that with her the last time she was here. take a look. there have been rumors
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circulating that you're considering a presidential run in 2020. is that true? >> i'm focusing on the next few weeks ahead of us and doing my best to continue to serve hawaii and our country and hopefully get a lot more like-minded leaders who are fighting for the interests of the people of our country, first and foremost. neil: so, you know, a lot of people have been following your career closely because you've taken on democrats and republicans and a fire brand within your party, willing to take on your party. do you think that-- i know you don't want to talk about running for president now, but do you think that that hurts you in your party, in the bigger scheme of things? >> you know, i don't think about the, you know, what is politically advantageous or what is not politically advantageous. i think that's largely what is wrong with our politics today is we have people within poboth parties thinking more about the political win or how they get that political advantage rather than actually taking into
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account what are we doing to help alleviate the suffering of people in our country? how are we actually working to solve the problems that have existed, yes, within the last few years, but have existed for a very long time through both democrat and republican administrations? i think the more we're focusing how we can actually work together to solve the major problems that exist within every community in this country, the better off we'll be. neil: isn't that remarkable? you know you're getting old when you hear these candidates and some of them are young enough, in this case, your daughter, but i'm not dwelling on age. anyway, what to make of what is getting to be an increasingly crowded presidential field, the strategist holly turner is back with us and scott, at kat. it's going to be open season, i don't know how they'll handle debates if they have debates,
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what do you make of the tone? >> we cast a wide net, candidate castro will have good on housing and we have four candidates, potentially out of new york, cory booker out of new jersey. there's just a wide tent and there's a lot of room for criticism of this president, and our party's going to present a lot of compelling voices on different issues. he think it's also interesting to hear congress member jeffreys talking about health care costs and staying on a main street democratic message which is consistent with supporting people and working families. neil: what do you think, whether a crowded field helps or hurts the president? >> i think it helps the president. it takes some attention off of him and maybe lets him get some things done, and takes the democrats' focus off of him as well. they've got their hands full trying to manage some of their
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freshmen representatives now. neil: i wonder what the dna is the democratic party. the cortez route, highest tax rate 70%, what do you think? >> for our country, that is the new democratic party. the days of moderate democrats are gone, they can't win a primary anymore and i think we're going to see a very, very liberal field in this primary season coming up and my fear is that the next democrat nominee is going to be very liberal, borderline socialist. neil: that's scott's fear, too? >> it's ironic that we're in an age where we're hearing republicans attack the integrity of law enforcement and the fbi. so, it seems if any party is narrowing its base, it's the republicans. neil: there are many in your party are questioning whether ice are animals, so it works both ways. let me get your take, kat, congresswoman cortez and the 70%
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high tax rate. and i was talking about the push to raise corporate taxes not up to 70%, but up. look at this. what about the upper income. are you looking to raise taxes on that? >> you know, that's not a top priority of mine. i have no problem with having a progressive rate that goes higher for super income individuals. neil: are you in that 70% camp? top rate 70%? >> i'm fine with looking at that, but i think the most important point is there's just not enough revenue available there to make the kind of investments and i think congresswoman ocasio-cortez wants to make the green new deal pay for medicare for all. there's just not enough revenue there. neil: he won't pooh-poohing the 70% rate, saying if even if you get it up to there, she couldn't pay for everything she wants to do. but looking to raise the corporate taxes 28%.
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and if the democratic house, maybe a democratic senate may push for na. >> we've seen how being very progressive can make you a representative media. and representative castro. neil: he's not for 70%. >> he's for medicare for all. you think back when obama was president or running for president, anyone would have scoffed at that idea and said that's crazy, ridiculous, no democrat would want that. now more and more democrats we're seeing having a push towards these more leftist policies, moving further and further left and the media is covering people who are further and further left. so, i think i see the party moving that way and star power obviously matters when it comes to an election. we saw that in 2016 clearly. so, i think that we're going to see more coverage of people who are more progressive and see the party moving further left. democratic party moving further left to appease that wing of the
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party. neil: i did want to get a sense from you, do you think that the party wants to hang its future on raising taxes? >> no, but i think that if the national debate is whether the greatest western civilization in the nation, in the world, can provide health care for all its citizens, is a good debate for our party and the fact that other western nations have been able to figure it out and we quite haven't figured it out yet is a challenge for us, one that i think we have greatness to achieve, but that should be a national debate, how do we provide health care for all. neil: how would the president respond to this? >> i would argue that he's going to do with a he can to give people personal choice which means excluding a whole bunch of people from health care. neil: what do you say. >> when you say castro is not in the camp of 70%, we don't know that. if he wants medicare for all, that's the question, how are we going to pay for it. i think the fastest way to get a
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wall built is implement the wall to keep them here. neil: and the president tweeting a lot. jeff bezos, shares of amazon falling, and the power couple whether the richest or not, breaking up and this could change the equation for pricey divorces by far after this. ta ke care of us. it was an instant savings and i should have changed a long time ago. we're the tenney's and we're usaa members for life. call usaa to start saving on insurance today. ♪ (woman) and my brother ray and i started startsearching for answers.ords. (vo) when it's time to navigate in-home care, follow that bright star. because brightstar care earns the same accreditation as the best hospitals. and brightstar care means an rn will customize a plan
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>> one thing i've previously proposed is using the asset forfeiture funds, money taken from drug cartels, drug runners and others, which is not subject to congressional appropriation, but which the executive branch can use for law enforcement and border security. there's about 4 to 5 billion dollars that comes in every year to these two different funds. the president could use that to build the wall and that would circumvent an inevitable lawsuit should he declare an emergency.
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neil: all right. senator cassidy was a little earlier in the last hour here outlining a plan that might be acceptable to both sides, even though democrats do not appear to be very keen on it, that use the funds taken from the drug runners along the border here, billions of dollars, which are gathered each and every year and use that to pay for the wall. i'd want to get reaction to all that with democratic california congressman john ga garamundy. >> that would probably work, but there's an issue some of that would be supplementing for law enforcement, we'd have to backfill, it's an interesting concept and put it on the table and see if it works. neil: congressman, the president has been tweeting. he says i have a plan on the shutdown, to understand that
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plan, you'd have to understand i won the election and promised safety for the american people and part of that promise was a wall at the southern border. elections have consequences. what do you think. they certainly have consequences and that's really where we are today with the democrats taking over control of the house of representatives, but the previous two years, the republicans had total control of the entire government, the house and senate and the obviously the presidency. during that period of time, the wall was not a major issue. certainly not a 5.7 billion dollar demand for money to build a wall. and so the question should arise, what, why wasn't it done in the previous two years and why do we now hold the entire government of america hostage for $5.7 billion wall? we really need to reopen government. this has become a very, very serious national problem, not just for the workers, the 800,000, but also for people that rely upon governmental services from, i don't know,
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veterans to social security and on and on. neil: you're right. we've gone to the well where you should down the government under both administrations and multiple administrations and congresses. and you talk about you guys had the run of the table in the obama administration and you agree more than you disagree. in your case there are serious and comprehensive i am gra i s gos-- immigration reform and there's a lot more commonalty than the wall. why couldn't it be included in a daca agreement or something? >> that's absolutely true. where we are today let's get this government up and operating. the bills are sitting on the senate floor, they could be taken up and be on the president's desk and open up as soon as the senate gets back and the president signs those legislation and then continue the negotiations about how best to secure the border and you went through half the
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fundamental issues that really need to be addressed to provide a secure border. along the way you might also want to include in that the u.s. coast guard. you want to build a wall. coast guard actually builds a wall 1500 miles from the shores of america and that's an important piece of this puzzle, also. so, we've got to do it co comprehensi comprehensively. not not just the wall, the pieces on the puzzles-- >> the problem with the democrats using shutting down the government to get what you want. i guess what people want to know, what would it take to be open? that is the part the democrats and why the president left that one meeting at the white house earlier this week because it wasn't something that democrats would consider. >> well, i think that we also need to understand the heat of the moment. we need to understand the rhetoric that is tossed around. we've been very, very clear in our position that we will vote
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for a serious money and serious legislation to secure the border. and over the years, i don't know, some 700 miles of walls have been built. i know that in california have been very, very close to the issues of the tijuana, san diego wall, in fact, i was involved in that many years ago when i was lt. governor and the border patrol needed to have permission to build a wall onto the beach between san diego, actually coronado and tijuana. we gave them the permission to do that and that does exist today. so it's not that we're opposed to the wall. we want it to be a useful wall, one that is-- >> well, nancy pelosi calls-- there's humanitarian about a wall. i assume she wasn't talking about the one you just quoted along the san diego, tijuana border. but her position-- >> we've made progress the last
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week, what is a wall? previous, actually before january, we came into power on january 3rd, there was just 5.7 billion dollar for a wall with no information about where it would be, what it would look like, what it would cost and so forth. in the recent days additional information coming forward and ought not to appropriate anything whether a hangar, an levy or a wall without specificity, where, what its intended purpose and effectiveness, fortunately in the last few days there's been additional information although it's not yet complete, at least in my mind. neil: all right. >> give us that information and continue negotiations, but first and foremost, reopen this government. neil: all right. congressman, we'll watch it. congressman john garamendi. thank you very, very much from the beautiful state of california. you know, we have been through this before back in 1995. that's the record we just broke. central figure then on what he makes of what's going on right
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so you can do more of what you love. my name is tito, and i'm a tech-house manager at comcast. we're working to make things simple, easy and awesome. >> all right. now, these are some images coming from paris where the so-called yellow vest protests are entering their ninth straight weekend. this is along the champs-elysees. it's complicated by a gas explosion near the eiffel tower, we're told, claiming three lives, having nothing to do with the protests, but adding sort of the friction that's developed. the yellow vest movement, as it's known, represents workers ticked off at a government they say has ignored them. it began with high gas prices and taxes on gas that emmanuel macron since reversed. but it's not enough. they say some reforms he's trying to do are hurting them
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and disproportionately so and they want him out of there and the reform measures to stop. this is the ninth straight weekend that we've seen this. we'll keep it eye on it for you. they're in the streets in washington d.c., nothing being done at all. a government shutdown that tied a record-- broke and record established back in 1995. at the time republicans and the clinton administration going at it over spending. the guy at the epicenter of that and guy who became house majority leader tom delay joins us now. what do you make of the fact of this shutdown and no budging and it could go on quite a while. >> i have no problem with it, neil, to be honest with you, this is a constitutional effort. that the congress has the power of the purse. they're responsible for the spending and if the president doesn't agree with it, he vetoes the bill and that forces the two sides together. so i know shutdown is, to me, a
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media created thing. this is constitutional in separation of powers. neil: you're right sometimes in the media that the president can be deemed intransigent when he forces an issue like a border wall, not so democrats, you could argue equally intransigent when it comes to not wanting that wall. leaving that aside, there are already some numbers crunchers, putting pen to paper and coming to the conclusion, this is going to hit our economy for the quarter. some think it could cost 8 to $10 billion. republicans are taking the heat for that. should they? >> well, i think it's overblown. 8 to 10 billion dollars, if it is true, and i don't think it's true, out of a multi-trillion dollar economy isn't going to have much of an impact whatsoever. so, and the other part, too, is
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the government shutdown is-- nobody's missing the government. there may be some people that are inconvenienced by the shutdown because they're not getting their checks like farmers or something like that, but nobody's really missing the shutdown of the government. which shows you the government is not all that important to begin with. neil: so when you see something that now has broken the record when you were-- tom, republicans were in power. it was since in 1990-1995 that bill clinton got the bet of you you guys. in retro expect, do you think that's true? >> not at all. we got the better of bill clinton. we came in, the first republican majority in 60 years, we had to establish ourselves and let bill clinton know that we were the new sheriff in town. so, we passed a spending bill that cut, actually cut spending, eliminated 1100 agencies, offices and programs. bill clinton vetoed that bill and the government shut down because we can't get him to tell
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us what he wanted. the point is that the signal that the new republican house sent to bill clinton was that we'll walk you over the cliff to get what we promised the american people that we would do. and from that day forward, for the next six years, bill clinton didn't get to sign a bill that he initiated. we got -- we were in charge of the agenda, welfare reform, balancing the budget, paying down the debt with surplus, on and on and on and not only that, but most importantly, we kept the majority for the next 12 years. neil: all right. interesting. looking back then. i forgot a lot of that stuff. tom delay, house majority whip back in 1995. very good seeing you, tom. in the meantime here, iowa republican steve king is apologizing for comments that many deemed racist, including a fellow republican senator, tim scott, who's annoyed, not so much at king, but his party's response to king.
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>> i regret that. i made a freshman mistake a week ago today when i took a call from a reporter from the new york times. the new york times is suggesting i'm an activist for white nammism and white supremacy. i want to make thing unthione t abundantly clear--
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iowa congressman king talking about the comments. there is a difference, tim scott, i asked on your world, my weak day show on fox news, whether or not the congressman should resign? >> i don't think he should resign. his voters elected him and i think he has, without any question, the power of his office. i think what should happen, however, is he should take a step back from the damage he's doing to the country and frankly, to our party. instead of me talking to you today about the fact that the republican party has led to the lowest unemployment rate ever recorded for african-americans in the history of this country. instead of the opportunities and legislation that will bring real relief to 31 million americans living in distressed communities. instead of having a conversation today about the fact that our-- my party has led to the strongest criminal justice reform that has-- will have a positive impact
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disproportionately on people of color, instead of having that conversation and instead having a conversation about polarizing comments that conflate racism and conservativetism that's bad for our country and our party. >> do you think that congressman king is a racist? >> i don't know his heart, but the comments are polarizing at least and frankly, i find them offensive, but in the end-- >> when he said white nationalist, white supremacist, westerly civilization, and how is that the opinion that it sounds racist? >> polarizing and insensitive. i appreciate the fact that we live in a western civilization that has led to the redefinition of poverty because of the free market tools that we have deployed on poverty in this country. the fact of the matter is that there's a lot to celebrate about
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the success we've achieved as a nation. the american ideal has transformed poverty globally. what i want to do spend more of my time and effort focusing on those folks who are challenged living on the fringes and the party the right way-- >> his comments would get in the way of that-- the reason i would say that, former governor jeb bush, republican leaders must support a worthy primary opponent to defeat king because he won't have the decency to refine. those leaders and in power were critic, from mccarthy, to the chair, forget about resigning, any sort of action. >> i tell you, i don't know how we play that out. frankly, people have the right to say what they want to say, but we have the right to respond to what they say. his voters elected him and i have to respect the fact that voters saw something beyond his
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comments that were worthy of-- >> and you're forceful enough in your comments to say enough of in, it's hurting the party. i guess what i'm asking, is this going to hurt our party? >> i think it hurts our nation. i'm more concerned with my country than my party. my goal is to have a vision for the country. and one of the things i talked to in a speech i gave recently, what should america look like in 2030. i'm talking about the position that undergirds great success, if we're having a conversation about philosophy, we could move the nation together. when i have to hit the pause button to talk about race and racism and polarizing comments by other folks in my party, it makes us far more difficult to sell the conservative brand throughout this country and around this world and that's not good for the nation. neil: all right. so what the senator was saying, fellow republicans haven't done enough to look at the comments.
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you heard that, lawrence, what do you think? >> well, you know, neil, i get asked all the time, why don't republicans-- why don't black people vote for republicans? why don't they give you a shout out when black people are traditional conservative, we're pro-life, we're pro family, we want lower taxes. it's for people like king and it's sad to me that it took the republican party for-- got to just say, hey, for white nationalism for him to discover, and over the comments over the years takes something like this for us to decide, oh, maybe this guy is a bad guy. and is that ignorant? listen, neil, i'm someone that's conservative. i share the ideology, i'm not an enemy, but when you have people like scott trying to, for years, tell the republican party, do this, do this, stop offending black people and then asking them to vote for you, i mean, what do you do? >> what should they have done?
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now, they did condemn his remarks, but they didn't go beyond that and neither, for that matter, did senator scott if you think about it, but what should they do? censure him or-- . >> no, you can't censor him. you cannot dispute the will of the american voters that elected him, but i want to encourage them to find a candidate and it looks like there's a primary challenge. don't support the guy, but, neil, to be honest with you, the damage has already been done. it's the republican party now that suddenly woke up. i mean, the rest of the country and people in the black community have already known about king. putting the confederate flag on his desk. some of the disparaging comments against barack obama that wasn't policy related, but was related to the color of his skin. so, i mean, does it take someone to say, hey, i'm a part of the kkk or i support white nationalism for us to wake up and decide, hey, this guy is a bad guy?
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>> it's crazy. lawrence jones, thank you. i apologize for the truncated time. and a suspension for scott israel, and it might be too late for one family of one of the victims, more after this. >> suspending scott israel as the sheriff of broward county. >> we've been waiting nine months for this day, right? i love you all, too. inda, a place with one of the highest life expectancies in the country. you see so many people walking around here in their hundreds. so how do you stay financially well for all those extra years? well, you have to start planning as early as possible. we all need to plan, for 18 years or more, of retirement. i don't have a whole lot saved up, but i'm working on it now.
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>> i wholeheartedly reject this statement and the governor's executive order as lacking both legal merit and a valid factual basis. i intend to vigorously fight this unjustified suspension both
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in court and before the florida senate. neil: that's scott israel, vowing to flight florida governor ron desantis as sheriff. the governor accusing the sheriff of improperly responding to the parkland shooting. a year ago next month on valentine's day. joining me is andrew pollock, you might recall his beautiful daughter meadow was a victim in the tragedy among the 17 killed. andrew, it's very good to have you. thank you very much. >> oh, anytime, neil. it's always a pleasure to be on. neil: first of all, how are you holding up? >> i'm holding up. i've been pretty busy and never know what city i'm going to end up in. but yesterday was a glorious day and it was a good day for broward county. with the governor coming down and flying down to broward, going right to the broward county public safety building and suspending sheriff israel. neil: now, you've been critical of the sheriff, especially when the report came out that his men
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held their fire and many were standing outside and didn't go in, including an assigned sheriff to that school, a deputy to that school. and the more and more you found out, angrier you were getting. his suspension, he's fighting it saying it's unfair. >> neil, his department has condition consistent systemic failures throughout the department and it's all because of sheriff israel's policies. you know, he changed the active shooter policy, which has been part of that marjory stoneman douglas bill, that his deputies may enter the building. he changed it to "may" from "shall". that was part of his policy. another policy, he graded his success on not putting juvenile in the criminal justin system. his deputies actually made 45
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visits to the killer's house without an arrest. 181958 was never arrested. neil: you're talking niclas c z cruz. his prison number. >> i don't like to say his name. his deputies went out to the house 45 times without arresting him and that was one of his policies. neil: you're critical of the superintendent, this politically correct environment you argue at the time allowed for other people looking the other way with cruz, right? >> well, the superintendent brought those obama-era leniency policies here to broward and it creates a culture of leniency throughout the school district and something that we worked on a lot, that the president never gets credit for, the president put a commission together with the secretaries and they came out with over 100 recommendations, neil, and one of those recommendations that meant a lot to me was rescinding those obama-era policies and
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without those policies, it's going to create a much better environment for our students and better quality of education for students and teachers throughout the whole country, and the president didn't get any credit for it. neil: you know, if anything hits a raw nerve shut me down and you're well-justified. >> no problem. neil: a lot of people hear want to know meadow, whether she knew or familiar with niclas cruz, what happened, wrong place, wrong time? >> it's horrible, neil. you know, more about meadow. if anyone sees the lion in me how i fight, they should have seen my daughter because she took right after me and she was a fighter. and to that last day, on that third floor, she was fighting. she tried to save one of those other students that day on that floor. and she covered him, but the shooter shot through my daughter and killed both of them at the same time. so that's what keeps me motivate
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today keep going. in broward county i probably wouldn't be here if some of the leaders would have accepted responsibility for the death of my daughter, but they don't have that ability, so it leaves me a grieving father to fight tooth and nail every day, i'm fighting to expose this incompetence in broward where it bothers me that none of them accepted responsibility. so yesterday with sheriff israel and now i've got my targets on the superintendent who's failed the community, and i really feel that our kids are not safe with the superintendent hike robert runsy at the helm. neil: you're relentless, that's an understatement. i'm curious, how are your sons holding up, the rest of the family? >> you know, i look at my kids and i think they're going to be-- they're going to be all right in the long run. it's easier for siblings to recover from what happened to them and hunter, i'm so proud of both of my boys, hunter and
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huck. hunter is up in tallahassee, neil and he's working with the governor and actually when i was up there for the inauguration, they wouldn't give hunter more praise, they're like fighting for him to be their intern. so, hunter's doing a great job. my other sun huck is down here in broward. he's taking tear of his mom. he's in school at fau with finance and they're just two different kids and i love them both and i'm proud of them, but i'm not finished in broward, neil. we owe the community-- we put a great sheriff in greg tony, a highly decorated police officer out of coral springs and what's good, why, what's good about it, he's not going to let politics get in the way of policing and that's what happened in broward. the last sheriff put politics in front much his community and policing. greg tony is a sheriff that's going to put the community first and he's a real policeman and a law and order type of guy. neil: andrew, i cannot imagine, fathom everything you've been
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through, but you do meadow proud and your family proud for all of your incredible work. be well, my friend, very good seeing you. >> thanks, neil. have a great day. neil: more. i'm off to college. i'm worried about my parents' retirement. don't worry. voya helps them to and through retirement... dealing with today's expenses... while helping plan, invest and protect for the future. so they'll be okay? i think they'll be fine. voya. helping you to and through retirement.
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i believe the best technology should feel effortless. like magic. at comcast, it's my job to develop, apps and tools that simplify your experience. my name is mike, i'm in product development at comcast. we're working to make things simple, easy and awesome. >> all right. not a connect here, but is amazon stock potentially going to be under pressure on news that the world's richest man and i guess by extension the world's richest spouse are breaking up after 25 years of marriage. they are worth about 36 billion dollars and live in, what do they call that? >> mansion community. neil: a community in state of washington and they split
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everything down the littled and that would be -- susan to that point when you split things down the middle does that mean you have to sell a lot of stocks. >> right, and dilute the shares. neil: would that be a concern? >> we've been speaking to a lot of divorce lawyers this week they say it's all friendly and hunky-dory until it's not, when it's worth 130 billion dollars four kids and now a girlfriend involved apparently. but most shareholders say they don't see an impact to this one, even if it's split 50/50 a lot of people don't think will be. pretty amicable at this point. neil: these things start out that way. and it's your sense that shareholders should worry, sell shares, all of a sudden the stock tanks? >> no, certainly at this point we're not advising you should sell out of your amazon stocks. there have been examples the spouse gets a portion of the
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share and causes problems and make changes with the board. we haven't seen her make any comments where it doesn't seem the two of them aren't on the same page particularly when it comes to either their nonprofits or her just starting at amazon. so, it doesn't look like she would have a very different philosophy and therefore change amazon, how it's run. neil: they did charitable work together, that's what we're told. >> that's what we're told. neil: the comments have been from him. conciliatory, we're going to deal with this personally. from him. >> he's the public face of the company. if you're an am nonshareholder as i am, this has no impact on you. stock is up almost 30% in the past year. neil: right. >> and the recent selloff in the end of last year has nothing to do with him doing whatever he was doing or mayor marriage. you wish them the both. i think there's enough for both sides to be happy and move on. neil: i'm wondering in this
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#metoo age, whether this is an issue that's going to drag with him for a while? >> you mean reputationally for jeff bezos? i think it is. everybody is talking about it whether you look at it from business perspective or gossip national enquirer basis. and you know he doesn't do many interviews. you did one ten years ago and he's private. you wonder, jeff bezos being jeff bezos, did he think that people were not watching what he's done, text messages and photos. >> powerful man losing a lot from chasing a woman, i think that story has been out there. neil: i've heard it once or twice. you don't see it going waun way or or the other? >> no, i don't think that invests are going to take it as impactful. neil: the january effect, so far looking very effective for buyers in this market.
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do you still buy it's going be to a good month, a good year. >> yes, particularly coming off the lower valuation december, we should be rebounding, it's healthy. same. i think it's a good time to put money in the market, buy low and sell high. >> positive, and china-u.s. trade looks to be done possibly by march 1st. neil: whether you're a prime member or not. >> with discounts. neil: and thank you very very much. what do you think necessary week is? it's the one year anniversary of the show on weekends, on saturdays. the one year anniversary of me working weekends. i want you to know that. look forward to after this. to your goals and needs. some only call when they have something to sell. fisher calls regularly so you stay informed. and while some advisors are happy to earn commissions whether you do well or not. fisher investments fees are structured so we do better when you do better. maybe that's why most of our clients
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at, we can't guarantee you'll good at that water jet thingy... but we can guarantee the best price on this hotel. or any accommodation, from homes to yurts. booking.yeah >> boy, how time flies when you're having fun. next week this show will be one year old and we're back to where we were for the very first show when we were looking at one-year anniversary of the trump administration. now we're looking at the two-year anniversary and we will be back in washington d.c. we thought it was high time there be a live weekend two hour
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show that would cover the best of what's happening in the business world, the political world, main street, wall street. we combined it all and we decide against my better wishes to name it after me. okay. well, i helped with that. we'll see you then. >> it is official, the united states is now in the middle of the longest partial government shutdown in history. starting with no major deals and it's affecting the paychecks of over 800,000 federal workers. we've talk to representatives from both sides of the aisle in congress to see if they and the white house are any closer to a de deal. >> plus, another democrat tossing his hat into the ring for president. and what castro says makes him a different candidate. >> and the harrowing weeks in captivity for a wisconsin girl now reunited with her


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