tv Americas News HQ FOX News January 12, 2019 9:00am-11:00am PST
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of what's happening in the business world, the political world, main street, wall street. we combined it all and we decide against my better wishes to name it after me. okay. well, i helped with that. we'll see you then. >> it is official, the united states is now in the middle of the longest partial government shutdown in history. starting with no major deals and it's affecting the paychecks of over 800,000 federal workers. we've talk to representatives from both sides of the aisle in congress to see if they and the white house are any closer to a de deal. >> plus, another democrat tossing his hat into the ring for president. and what castro says makes him a different candidate. >> and the harrowing weeks in captivity for a wisconsin girl now reunited with her family. ♪
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welcome to america's news headquarters from washington. i'm kristin fisher, and leland, you're going to miss all the snow here. leland: oh, all the snow and everybody at home. so many government employees at home there, kristin, in washington. the shutdown obviously having a real effect in d.c. so much of the immigration debate, the border wall debate is here in california and affects folks here. i'm leland vittert in los angeles. kristin, back to washington in a minute. right now up pennsylvania avenue to the white house where president trump is urging democrats to return to d.c., to negotiate a deal to end the partial department of the shutdown and taking on a new york times report published late friday that claims the fbi took serious steps to investigate the president back in may of last year. ellison barber live on the north lawn of the white house ahead of the promised snow. hi, ellison. >> hey, leland. so the fbi reportedly started
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investigating days after president trump fired fbi director james comey. they were reportedly looking at him not only because they were concerned about obstruction of justice, but also to see if the president was working with russia. the new york times says, quote, law enforcement officials became so concerned by the president's behavior that they began investigating whether he had been working on behalf of russia against american interests and that counter intelligence agents had to determine whether he was knowingly working for russia or unknowingly under moscow's influence. just learned in the failing new york times that the corrupt former leaders of the fbi opened up an investigation on me for no reason and with no proof after i fired lying james comey. comey and former fbi lawyer previously told house investigators at the time mr. comey was fired and the
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special counsel appointed in 2018, there was no hard evidence of collusion. the reports in the times suggested a counter intelligence ca case, all of this as the government remains shut down. >> before christmas we outlined everything we wanted and democrats never respond today that. we didn't have our negotiating team led by vice-president mike pence met with leaders on the hills and they talked about some items and put together a budget and democrats won't negotiate on that either. >> and democrats say that they support smart effective border security solution, new technology, more personnel and better port of entry infrastructure, but they say they do not support a wall at the u.s.-mexico border, a wall which they have called wasteful and ineffective and referred to something that mexico was supposed to pay for. leland. leland: ellison barber at the white house.
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we head down pennsylvania avenue to the capitol for the other part of the story. kristin. kristin: as we've been saying. as of today this partial government shutdown is now the longest closure in u.s. history and it enters its 22nd day. and with no solution in sight, the effects of the shutdown are now really hitting home for the roughly 800,000 federal employees who missed their first paychecks just yesterday. so david joins us live with the latest and david, this has to be ramping up the pressure on both sides now exponentially. >> we hit the longest shutdown mark at midnight. it's been a grueling few weeks for many federal employees and many people across the united states as well. while there appears to be no end in immediate sight, the president just tweeted in the past couple of hours, he said, quote, democrats should come back to washington and work to end the shutdown, while at the same time ending the horrible humanitarian crisis at our southern border.
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i am in the white house waiting for you. now, some key things have happened, kristin, over the past 24 hours. yesterday by a vote of 411-7, the house passed a bill to approve back pay for federal workers. those same federal workers that missed that i remember first paycheck yesterday. you mentioned some 800,000 are going to receive back pay as we continue to government shutdown stalemate. california house democrat john garamendi was on with neil cavuto in the last hour. take a listen. >> we really need to reopen government. this has become a very, very serious national problem not just for the workers, the 800,000, but also for people that rely upon governmental services. >> the senate passed a measure on thursday, that same measure, now goes to president trump who indicated he will sign it for that back pay. the fight over the border wall continues with no real progress, at least in the public view. president trump said in the cabinet room yesterday, he's leaning against declaring a national emergency to build a wall, but there is a caveat.
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>> it's the easy way out, but congress should do this. this is too simple. it's too basic. and congress should do this. if they can't do it, if at some point they just can't do it, this is a 15-minute meeting. if they can't do it, i will declare a national emergency. >> 2016 presidential candidate secretary hillary clinton also weighed in on twitter over the last few hours. she said quote, as of today this shutdown is the longest in history. the costs are already high. people are missing paychecks, losing business, or working without pay. our national parks are overrun with trash. the fbi warned of the harm to our food safety and national security. now, instead of working through the weekend, many republicans and democrats, not all of them in congress, left and will not be back to work until monday, kristin. kristin: at least one democratic congresswoman stayed in washington and we'll talk to her in a few minutes.
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david, thank you so much, leland. leland: all right. there is also a couple of republicans left in d.c. one of them, florida congresswoman francis rooney. nice to see you, sir. at some level, now that republicans are in the minority, how much leverage, pull, stay, does your caucus have? >> well, i don't know, i guess we're going to find out. in the first week, i don't think we've had a lot of leverage at all. leland: how does that play out? nancy pelosi going to be able to sort of wield that gavel over president trump? >> well, you know, i feel sorry for the president right now. he has-- they said we don't want a concrete wall we want a metal wall. he said okay, we'll do a metal wall with slats. then they said technology and more border agents. okay, we'll add to to the package. it's hard to reach a quitable solution between the parties when everyone doesn't want to find one.
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leland: fair to say, this is more valuable for each side as a political weapon headed into 2020 than it is as a solved bipartisan compromise? >> absolutely. i think history shows in 2013 all of these democrats voted for immigration reform package that included a lot more money for wall, as well as technology and immigration reform now they don't want to talk about any of that. leland: at the same level though, during the 2018 midterms, as the last couple of weeks wound down and the president went hard on immigration, republicans lost 40-plus seats. do you worry if democrats are able to hold it over the republicans in 2020 it will have the same deleterious effects to your party? >> i think i saw figure from fox, over 70% of americans are really concerned about border security and half of americans absolutely want to invest in a wall. leland: all right. so you still, still a winning
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issue in terms of how you're looking at it for continuing to demand funding for a wall, border security, call it what you will. these are the sound bites that are going to start coming on the other side. friday was the first missed federal worker paycheck, pay period, and we have this souped bite from a worker. take a listen. >> i have a mortgage. i have two children, my wife is also a federal worker. any bill that any person would pay, medical bills, paying for food, it's all coming out of savings right now and that's really difficult. leland: you worry about the effect of so many more sound bites like that and tragic sob stories of federal workers without paychecks putting a lot more pressure on the republican caucus? >> i don't know about the pressure on the republican caucus because so many americans want to secure the border and this is a field that's been walked through so many times and so many votes cast to do these very same thing.
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i i i'm -- the suffering of the federal workers, but it's going to require people wanting to seek a compromise solution. leland: fair to say you are steadfast and remain so, the suffering of federal workers remains so until there's a funding for a wall, a fence, call it what you wants. >> a couple of things are inescapable. first of all, honduras, salvador and guatemala are not good enough countries in the near term so matter how much they want to, to prevent the refugees to stop coming to the united states. you're not a country with international law if you can't protect your border and determine who you let in and out of your country. leland: fair points on both. last point to you, you think about where this heads in the senate, and republicans in the senate, obviously, since they're
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in the majority have a lot more control than you in the house do. cory gardner, collins and mcsally, three centers up in 2020 from purple states. do you worry about them going soft on this and making it a lot harder for house republicans to hold the line? >> well, i've just got to pay attention to one car on the road. that's me. i don't worry about the senate too much. we've had our issues with the senate the past two years. leland: appreciate you being here, you're in a washington. if you get a call to come back to work. let us know. >> i will. have a nice time in l.a. leland: kristin. kristin: joining us from the other side of the political aisle. congresswoman, thank you for coming in, welcome to washington. >> quite a start. kristin: you are saying what other people in your party are not saying. you said you would support some
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funding for some kind of physical barrier at the border, is that right? >> yeah, i think there are two main points to consider, the first thing we can't talk about any of this until the government is open. my district has a huge number of federal employees, we have the palmdale regional air traffic control centers all flights into southern california and how busy that is, a federal prison that litter le houses former terrorists that-- that prison guards are working without pay, they're, you know, they're essential personnel. you know, we have so many federal employees many of whom are law enforcement still on the job and they're law enforcement professionals. so to have this conversation about what border security should look like is-- you have to open the government first. kristin: so when you say you support some kind of a physical barrier. what specifically are you talking about? are you willing to put a dollar amount or any kind of, just kind of hard data in terms of what you would support physically at the border? >> i think that's the challenge, right? we have to air this out in an open process.
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we need to hear from the experts on both sides. we need to hear from the sheriffs that work at the border. border patrol, mayors from the towns that are actually right there on the border, as to what they feel is needed. we know that there's already fencing and other physical barriers across the border in many different places, but there are gaps and we need to find ways of filling gaps and repairing fences. for many of us there's not doubt that physical barriers, but we've gotten hung up on the semantics and gosh, how i've come to hate the word wall. it's unnecessary, many of us have. in the campaign president trump was fix yated on the wall and we on the aisle, it's associated with hateful rhetoric. concrete wall thousands of miles
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long, the president walked that back, most republicans have walked it back, but democrats are for border security, too, and part of that is physical barriers. kristin: do you wish other democrats would come back and say i would at least support some kind of funding for some barrier at the border. speaker pelosi said flat out, no dollars. >> i think she said we are giving no dollars to the wall. this is a semantics issue. i'd like to see us all taking a step back and we need to lay the groundwork and i'm hoping that president trump will come to the table on this, but let's stop using federal workers' lives as a political pawn in this and let's say, all right, we're going to open the government. democrats want a lot, too, on this immigration, debate. regardless of border security piece. we have the daca issues, and recipients, and we have things we want to negotiate on, let's open it and then let's go to the
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table. kristin: do you agree with how your fellow california congresswoman, speaker pelosi, how she's been handling the negotiations? >> i think she's in a very tough position, we are a huge tent conference, the democratic caucus is massive and our ideology runs the entire spectrum so she's in a position where you have to represent that entire spectrum and remember, we're coming off an election where the republican side closed their argument with immigration, with the fear around the caravan and it didn't work. so i think we're in a place where the people who elected us said don't give in on this, this isn't what we elected you for, and so there's a place where we have to draw the line, but i think that again, that line that we're all consistent on as democrats, open the government first and then we'll talk. you will not get everyone happy on either side of the aisle with whatever solution we've ended up landing on. kristin: you've described what president trump is doing and his
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strategy as political terrorism. that's a strong word, do you stand by that? >> i do, the definition of terrorism is fear, striking fear in the hearts of people to get to a political end. that's what's happening. fear of missing a paycheck which now happened. fear of not paying your bills. fear of missing services, and fear on southern border. border patrol agents aren't being paid. that use of leverage, it is, in a way, inciting terror. kristin: well, president trump kind of counters that, saying he believes that the democrats are the ones holding the furloughed federal employees hostage so there's plenty of blame to go around and pointing of fingers, now this is the longest shutdown in history. end-game? how do you see this ending quickly? >> end-game to my republican colleagues and, you know, even to mr. trump, we have-- we're here, many of us are here,
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and we're ready to talk, but the first step open this government, help the people who are struggling, you know, my district, i have a single mom, a veteran, air traffic controller who is struggling. open it and then let's talk. kristin: i've got to leave it there. thank you for being one of the few congressmen and women and senators saying during the shutdownment be sure to tune in tomorrow. chris wallace has an exclusive interview with lindsey graham, check your local listings. and houry kirtz and his guests taking a look at coverage as part of this government shutdown. that's tomorrow at 11 eastern. leland. leland: all right. both the wall and the funding debate promised to be major issues in the 2020 race. and almost every day, a new democrat adds their name to the list of candidates. today no exception, live pictures from san antonio right now where julian castro will
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take the stage to try out his stump speech. we'll check back in there as things get underway. meantime, our garrett tenney joins us now with the ever growing list, hi, garrett. >> good afternoon to you, this democratic field is expected to be a busy one, more than two dozen are considering a run for president, as many as four dozen by some counts. and the field of candidates officially declared candidates is expected to grow over the next few weeks. last night hawaii congresswoman gabbard officially tossed her hat in the ring. >> are you going to run for president of the united states and do something about it? do you think she should? are you going to run? [applause] >> (laughte (laughter) >> i have decided to run and will be making a formal announcement in the next week. >> the 37-year-old was a major in the hawaii army national guard and serving twor tours in the middle east and she doesn't have the same name recognition
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she's viewed as a maverick in her own party and willing to work with the other side. one of the few lawmakers to back bernie sanders over hillary clinton in 2016 and resigned from the dnc to do that and she was criticized for meeting with president trump over the war on syria. immigration, health reform and the environment. and says the main reason i'm running is a main issue that's central to the rest. war and peace. senator elizabeth warren is in the key state of new hampshire forming an exploratory committee. and union castro is expected to declare in the next half hour. former vice-president joe biden, bernie sanders, and of course, beto o'rourke.
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leland: biden reportedly telling friends, if i'm walking, i'm running. we'll wait to hear from him. garrett tenney in d.c. thanks. kristin. kristin: coming up, a deadly explosion at a bakery in the center of paris. we'll tell you what authorities believed caused the blast. plus, millions of americans dealing with severe winter weather today. we'll get the latest forecast as snow heads east. the battle over the border wall. we'll talk to a dreamer about his fate and the pawn in battle between the republicans and democrats. >> people in the room know, that's not what happened. in 30 days would you support a wall and i said no.
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hey, batter, batter, [ crowd cheers ] like everyone, i lead a busy life. but i know the importance of having time to do what you love. at comcast we know our customers' time is valuable. that's why we have 2-hour appointment windows, including nights and weekends. so you can do more of what you love. my name is tito, and i'm a tech-house manager at comcast. we're working to make things simple, easy and awesome. >> two firefighters are dead and dozens of people have been injured after an explosion at a paris bakery. a fire department spokesman says they were already at the scene checking out a suspected gas leak when the explosion happened. it's now under investigation. >> 13-year-old jayme closs has been found safe and reunited
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with her family nearly three months after she was ab duducte and her parents were murdered in their home. in gordon, wisconsin, a small town near lake superior in wisconsin, hi, matt. >> this 13-year-old girl was found safe, but a baffling, horrifying mystery in rural wisconsin. we're standing in the neighborhood where jayme closs was found. down the street is the home where police say the suspect, 21-year-old jake patterson lives. police still have it barricaded right now. this is likely where jayme was held captive for some if not all of the three months. 13-year-old girl decided to make a run for it when her captor was not home and jayme closs stumbled upon a woman who was walking her dog in the neighborhood. she told the woman who she was and they both rushed into a neighbor's house for safety. >> she told me who she was, and then, that's when i said, this
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child needs to be someplace safe and you need to get her there now. and you need the police now. so, that's what we did. >> once jayme was inside the neighbor's house she identified who her captor was and what his car looked like and police say in a matter of minute they tracked down patterson and arrested him as he was driving around trying to get jayme back. the entire region and country rejoycing this morning, even elizabeth smart who you recall was also held captive and escaped posted on her instagram, no matter what may unfold in her story, let's try to remember this young woman has survived and whatever other details may surface, the most important will still remain that she is alive. may god bless you jayme closs and may we all continue to search for every missing child. and the suspect faces two counts of first degree homicide and one count of kidnapping and scheduled to make his first
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appearance in court on monday, leland. leland: in northern wisconsin, obviously, a town trying to get a lot more answers in this case, matt, thank you. kristin. kristin: all right, you're looking at a live event in san antonio, texas where julian castro, the former san antonio mayor is expected to announce his plans. casey. >> kristin, we are moments away from julian castro taking the stage here as hundreds of his supporters are gathered to hear this big announcement. we'll take you there live next. g a home you should come to newday usa first. there's no money down, it's the best vehicle that a person who served in the military or is serving today has today to have a new home. if we can possibly get that veteran in a home we're going to do it at newday usa. why would you rent today
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that's literally growing by the day. casy seei casy stegall is there. >> i'm going to keep my voice down because the speakers are talking right now. in fact, julian's twin brother, congressman joaquin castro is on the stage behind me speaking and he's going to be talking to introducing his mother and then julian will be taking the stage himself. up until now, this very point, his campaign had been in the exploratory committee stage, but we're expecting castro to make his formal announcement that he will be running for 2020 president. now, san antonio is, of course, the back drop for today's event because this is a city that is near and dear to the castro family. julian castro grew up in this area, baptized at a church around the corner from here and he was the mayor of the city from 2009 to 2014 until he was sworn in as president obama's secretary of housing and urban
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development. the youngest member of obama's cabinet, by the way, at the time and now at age 44, he would also be the youngest presidential candidate and the only latino in the 2020 field. last week, he was campaigning at smaller events in iowa and in nevada. next week it will be off to new hampshire. he is in favor of universal health care, comprehensive immigration reform and the paris climate accord. in fact, that's gotten a big reaction from the crowd here today. a stark difference from president trump, but analysts say aside from the issues, the democratic candidate must also be a strong communicator to effectively battle president trump in this field. castro, of course, has big name recognition here in san antonio, and across the state of texas, but now it's time to see if that name recognition translates out to the rest of the country. so, again, we are just about to
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hear from julian and he's expected to take the stage, really, at any moment. we've got it covered here from san antonio, kristin. kristin: casey, thank you so much. gosh, really such a busy weekend for 2020. you've got congresswoman tulsi gabbard announcing she would enter the race and jay ensly in nevada to try to test the waters. maybe the beginning of 2019, but it feels like we're getting into the thick of 2020 already. leland. >> we are. leland: all right. back to san antonio when julian castro takes the stage. meantime, we bring in michael of daily wire fame to talk about this. good to see you. we put up the graphic and it's a little difficult to see the faces of every possible democrat. we've had to make them so small because there are so many possible candidates. i think that's more than what is allowed on the travelling major
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league baseball team, but i could be wrong by a couple of numbers here. it brings up an important point. you've got so many possibilities, do the democrats have anybody, number one, number two is this a little bit of a plus? because for commentators like you, it's a plus for democrats because it's difficult to figure out who commentators focus on? >> who to go after. i've got a big announcement to make on your show today. i ate scrambled eggs for breakfast, i'm as confident it's as consequential for american politics as julian castro's announcement. leland: did they have cheese, and bacon? >> i'm going to wait for my formal announcement to discuss that. there was a poll that came out in november showed that the leading democrat candidate for president is none of the above and after him is biden and beto and-- >> fair to say those typically are name i.d. polls, this early. the counter to your argument is that you could have said the exact same words about donald trump's announcement when he came down the gold elevator.
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in fact a lot of commentators said this is a joke, it's a publicity stunt and now he's president of the united states. >> that's true. of course, president trump had a ubiquitous name i.d. and a cultural figure. and it seems that generic democrat could beat them in 2020, but these are not generic. beto is strong because he has the oprah selection-- and oprah selects the president of the united states-- >> i don't believe she selected trump. >> only among the democrats. and he lost his bid in texas, obviously. leland: there's an another person who lost his bid and then became president. abraham lincoln.
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and joe biden, his brother says he's running. quipped to a friend, if i'm walking i'm running. leland: should the republicans be covet in this and love to joke around on this, and oh, your scrambled eggs line is a new one, but fitting, perhaps. the question becomes though, republicans are a little too complacent about this? is there an inevitability factor that they have to worry about ala hillary clinton in 2016? >> absolutely they do. the 2016 was such an unexpected result for so many americans, hillary was uniquely flawed candidate. so republicans should take this very seriously and we should train our sights on the candidates that we really think could come up and take this nomination. the question is right now, could joe biden defeat donald trump? i don't see it. could beto o'rourke? possibly. a great candidate and retail
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politician. a candidate like tulsi gabbard is somewhat interesting. leland: the daily beast said, the favorite democrat announces for 2020, was there headline, but she's been unique how she's gone after the president, even for a democrat. uniquely tough. we'll put what of her tweet we can put up on the screen when she talked about how president trump being saudi arabia's i won't use this word is not america first. that resonates in a way with a certain group of democrats, but it has a little bit of crossover appeal and rand paul says the same thing. >> that's true and even in the language, you see democrats trying to play donald trump. the trouble is that you can't play donald trump. there's only one and he's an american original. it hasn't worked out for other candidates when they've tried. right now the democrats have an intersection problem, an ideology opposed in all ways to
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the straight white male, all oppression and all patriarchy. according to every-- >> except for beto and biden. >> and bernie, don't forget him. now you have the leading democrat candidates according to the polls which favor name i.d. or straight white men who think they're men, i suppose beto wore a dress in his 20's and might help him out. leland: and we saw him get dental work recently as well. and michael, great conversation, back to san antonio for the announcement and see if it's more significant than you had scrambled eggs this morning. kristin. kristin: leland, coming up, we have a snowstorm blanketing several parts of the midwest causing travel disruptions and school closures as it heads towards the east coast and the fight over border security continues as the partial government shutdown enters a fourth week. >> without the barrier, you don't have security. without the barrier, you have people driving in loaded up with
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>> you're looking live at san antonio, texas where former housing and urban development secretary and the former mayor of san antonio, julian castro is expected to announce that he's running for president in 2020. he's walking up to the stage right now. he will be one of the youngest candidates in the democratic presidential field and likely the only latino. he's just 44 years old and you can see him walking up to the microphone right now, and leland, he was, of course, who can forget, he was on the short list of candidates to be hillary clinton's run mate in 2016 and let's listen in. >> good morning. buenos dias! first of all, i want to say a
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big thank you to my mom. i bet there are a lot of you all who may have come here to see here instead of me. you know, my mom grew up on this west side of san antonio and she got involved in politics a long time ago because she wanted to improve her community here on the west side to make sure that folks had basic things like streets and drainage and so she got active back then in the young democrats and she ran, when she was 23 years old, with this slate called the committee for barrio betterment. and their slogan was, give government back to the people. back then, as you all remember, they didn't have single member districts so very few women and people of color ever got
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elected. all of that slate of the committee for barrio betterment loss in 1971, but on election night one of the local reporters asked her how she felt. she said that she felt good about what they had done and that they'd be back. well, mom, i think we're back! [cheers and applaus [cheers and applause] you know, so many journeys for me and for my family have started right here and today we begin another one. in this journey i am so lucky to have an incredible partner in my wife, erica. [applaus [applause] >> and a wonderful inspiration in our daughter, who many of you all know, karina. and in our little one christian. [applause] >> so, i want to thank each and
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every one of you as well for being here today and joining us. what a great crowd we've got out here! i also want to take a moment to say thank you to the press who are here. you know, there was a time -- there was a time when joaquin and i thought we were going to go into journalism and so, i know that the press work hard and that they are the friend of the truth in this country. thank you very much for being here. [cheers and applause] so this is a special place for all of us, this west side of san antonio. this is the place where my grandmother victoria came in 1922 when she immigrated from mexico as a seven-year-old orphan. this is where she grew up, where she worked hard for years as a
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maid, a cook and baby sitter, while raising my mom as a single parent. it's where my mother became an activist, working to improve the quality of life for her own community. it's where my brother, joaquin and i were raised by my mom, where we went to school. we were baptized just over there at the guadalupe church. we got a great public school education just a few blocks away and i had the honor of serving these neighborhoods as mayor of san antonio for five years. [cheers and applause] now this morning, i rode the number 68 bus with my brother down guadalupe street, like we did so many times when we were kids. only this time i brought my daughter karina with me. that was the same route that we used to take with my mother to get to school or to go to her
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work during the summer. i want you all to look around this neighborhood. there are no frontrunners that are born here, but i've always believed that with big dreams and hard work, anything is possible in this country. [cheers and applause] this this community is a community like so many others across the nation, a community of good people, of humble people, people who go to work early and stay late, often times at more than one job, so they can provide for their family. when they go to bed at night, they say hopeful prayers. they want their children to do well, they want good health. they want the dignity that comes from a good job and the peace of mind that comes from being able to retire on their own terms. this is a community built by immigrants.
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[cheers and applause] families from mexico, but also families from germany and from other countries. it's a community also built by native americans. [cheers and applause] families who worked to build a future, folks who came here to serve our country at fort sam houston and lackland, and randolph air force base. and today this community represents america's future, diverse, fast-growing, optimistic, a place where people of different backgrounds have come together to create something truly special. and i'm proud to call myself a son of san antonio. [cheers and applause] you know, six years ago, i had
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the honor of standing before the democratic national convention. i said then that the american dream is not a sprint or even a marathon, but a relay. my story wouldn't be possible without the strong women who came before me and passed me the baton. because of their hard work, i have the opportunity to stand in front of you today. my family's story wouldn't be possible without a country that challenged itself to live up to the promise of america. that was the point of the american dream. it wasn't supposed to be just a dream. america was a place where dreams could become real. but the thing is, that right now the relay isn't working. today we're falling backwards instead of moving forward. and the opportunities that made
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america the america that we love, those opportunities are reaching fewer and fewer people. today we're at risk of dropping that baton. and that's why we're all here this morning, because we're going to make sure that the promise of america is available to everyone in in 21st century [cheers and applause] you see, i learned from my mother so many years ago in this community that when we want change, we don't wait for change, we work for it. when my grandmother got here almost a hundred years ago, i'm sure that she never could have imagined that just two generations later, one of her grandsons would be serving as a member of the united states congress and the other would be standing with you here today to say these words, i am a
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>> i'm running for president because it's time for new leadership, because it's time for new energy, and it's time for a new commitment to make sure that the opportunities that i've had are available to every american. in the years to come, we must go forward as one nation working toward one destiny, and that destiny is to be the smartest, the healthiest, the fairest, and the most prosperous nation on ear earth. kristin: well, there you have it. julian castro, the former san antonio mayor and secretary of housing and urban development in the obama administration, he is officially running for president in 2020. he'll be one of the youngest candidates in the democratic presidential field and likely its only latino. you heard him speak in spanish and english during his announcement and he made a few
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digs at republicans and the current occupant of the white house, president trump, but he also, leland, made a nod to the-- his democratic primary challengers that he's going to face and the very crowded field. he said in this community, where i'm from, no frontrunners are born here, but i always believed that anything is possible in this country. so, he knows he's not a frontrunner. he's got an uphill to climb, but he's in the race and in the race early. leland: well, not all the people would have said bill clinton was a front runner in 1992 when the governor of arkansas. now as he harkened back to his dnc keynote speech that he made, that's the same speech that barack obama made in 2004, the same speech that bill clinton made in the 1990's. you've got a preview, i think of his stump speech when he said that the baton is being dropped in the relay of the american dream. what struck knme, kristin, you
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alluded to this earlier, he was on the short list to become the vice-president for hillary clinton and she ended up going with tim kaine in part because of his fluency in flash and saw him do that in his spanish language address minutes earlier. kristin: yeah, and he also unveiled his campaign slogan, one nation, one destiny and his first stop after this announcement is going to be to puerto rico. a big announcement and a big weekend for 2020 and democrats making moves in this race. well, coming up, lawmakers are at an impasse as a partial government shutdown enters the fourth week. we'll bring you the record making funding lapse. and a california police officer killed on her first days on the job.
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leland: welcome to america's news headquarters. kristin, i know how much you wish i was there with you to experience the snowy beauty that washington is about to become. kristin: year, we're about to get four to eight inches here. not all of us can be in california playing golf. you called me out for being off on christmas. i will call you out for playing a little bit of golf. here in washington, we've got a lot going on, because over 800,000 federal workers are seeing nothing but zeros on
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their paychecks friday, as america's longest partial government shutdown continues on, with no end in sight. leland: democrat and former obama hud secretary julian castro throwing his hat into a crowded democratic ring of presidential contenders. more on his stump speech. kristin: california mourning another police officer killed on the job, this time a 22-year-old rookie. for president trump, he's at the white house today tweeting out to democrats to get back to the negotiating table. he said quote, we have a massive humanitarian crisis at our southern border. we will be out for a long time unless the democrats come back from their vacations and get back to work. i'm in the white house, ready to sign. we are live from the north lawn with more. reporter: president trump seemingly backed off of the idea of declaring a national emergency in order to build the wall, but he remains steadfast
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in his demands for a wall, encouraging his twitter followers today to call your dem senator or congresswoman/man, tell them to get it done. >> if they can't do it, i will declare a national emergency. i have the absolute right to do it. it says as clear as you can. now, what will happen. i'll be sued and i don't want to give an easy way out of something as simple as this. whatever you want to call it's okay with me. they can name it whatever they c can, name it peaches, i don't care what they name it, but we need money for that barrier. reporter: so far, neither side is budging. house speaker nancy pelosi says the president is throwing a temper tantrum and holding the health, safety and paychecks of the american people hostage over an ineffective wasteful wall. at the same time, the president and his former attorney responding to a report in the "new york times," the fbi, the president and russia.
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the fbi reportedly opened an investigation days after president trump fired fbi director james comey. according to the "times" they were so concerned by the president's behavior, counterintelligence investigators had to consider whether the president's own actions constituted a possible threat to national security. agents, the report continues, also sought to determine whether mr. trump was not only working for russia or had unwittingly fallen under moscow's influence. john dowd told fox news at no time did he make requests of the president over these allegations. it is an indication of the utter corruption of their oath by comey and his colleagues to undermine the free election of the president of the united states. this is the stuff of banana republics and dictatorships. this despicable unlawful conduct undermines our entire criminal justice system which protects our liberty as a free people. kristin: thanks, ellison. leland? leland: as mentioned, lawmakers
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are at an impasse as the government shutdown is now in its fourth week. both sides on capitol hill holding firm. think about it, david, as you have so many of these congressmen and women back in their home districts, they are starting to really hear from their constituents about the effects on this. >> good afternoon to you. yes, they are starting to feel those effects and it's really affecting some of those constituents, many of those constituents. it's been a very difficult week, especially for the federal workers who have been working and not getting paid. we are talking about 800,000 of them. some key things have happened over the past 24 hours. yesterday by a vote of 411-7, the house passed a bill to approve back pay for those federal workers. these are the same federal workers that missed their first paycheck yesterday. they will start receiving back pay as soon as we end this government shutdown stalemate but as far as making any real progress is concerned, democrats and republicans are still really on totally opposite pages.
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>> hoping that president trump will come to the table on this and say let's stop using federal workers' lives as a political pawn in this, and let's say all right, we are going to open the government. democrats want a lot, too, on this immigration debate. regardless of the border security piece. >> i feel sorry for the president right now. they said we don't want a concrete wall, we want a metal wall. he said okay, we will do a metal wall with slats. then they said we want technology, more border agents. he said okay, add that to the package. >> the senate passed the back pay measure on thursday. now goes to president trump, who indicated he will sign it. also, national parks have been affected but there is some good news there. employees will take care of tra trash, from independence hall, joshua tree national park, the national mall. people weren't getting paid in parks that were filling up with trash. some of the public restrooms were not being tended to, now
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some are back open. instead of working through the weekend, republicans and democrats, not all of them, they left this weekend, won't be back until monday. leland? leland: a little bit on exactly how congress is dealing with this. kristin, more on the personal effects this shutdown is having. kristin: that's right. members of the coast guard are among those federal workers who missed a paycheck. they are also among the thousands of federal employees required to keep working during the shutdown. here's how one coast guard member's spouse says her family is being impacted. >> we live off my husband's income so we are a one-income family, so it's very tight and stressful. you know, we try to put a little money aside just for a rainy day fund but that rainy day fund has come, so now it's time to really evaluate and start figuring out what bills can be paid, what bills can't be paid at this
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point. kristin: lawmakers have approved a bill requiring retroactive pay for government employees following the shutdown, but both sides are holding firm when it comes to border wall funding negotiations. leland? leland: the rhetoric continues. thank you very much. joining us now to discuss the president's handling of the partial government shutdown, dan palmer out here in california. dan, the sound bite from that coast guard wife was from out here in california. you can say look, they're going to get their pay back, it doesn't really matter, the optics of this will begin to get tough for republicans. >> in the senate, the back door to this whole debate is being held by mitch mcconnell. he's got three republicans, collins in maine, mcsally appointed in arizona, cory gardner in colorado, they are all in purple states and i think they are really the weakest part of the republican caucus in congress. as long as mitch can hold the
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line in the senate, not take up these individual spending bills, there's time for this political debate to take place. leland: earlier, congressman rooney of florida said that he felt bad for the president. it seems as though this is exactly the debate the president wants for his base. >> look, his whole campaign began with a call for the wall and in fact, he won in great part because of his position on this wall. meanwhile, you've got nancy pelosi's new majority in the house, they were elected to resist trump. that's a broader mandate, perhaps affords her more room to negotiate but at present, she's unwilling, obviously recently elected as the leader. i think the issue really is going to have to percolate for a little bit further. the factual subtext is harder for the democrats. they are arguing the wall doesn't work, the wall costs too much, the wall is immoral. meanwhile, we have police officers being shot, illegal immigrants aiding and abetting the suspects in these things. the factual subtext isn't
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helping the democrats. leland: but are republicans winning the factual subtext argument? they seem to be going more for the emotional argument. >> i would say the reverse. i think the democrats are going for the emotional argument. i think the summary argument for the republicans is do the democrats care more about defeating president trump than they care about helping the american people. leland: interesting argument to make. the end of 2018 for the midterms, much of the closing argument by the republicans and by president trump was about immigration, and then we know republicans lost 40 houses. say whatever you want about voter turnout, et cetera, but there's no pictures on a score card and that was the closing argument. >> in california, there were ten seats that were contested, and of those ten, the democrats had won one on election day, then won the rest in the post-election harvesting of votes. so we had a very effective democratic ground game fueled in great part by bloomberg's last
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minute couple million dollar district investment. hard to say the president lost the argument but it's unequivocal to say the democrats won the ground game. leland: bring it back to where you started. the president was elected to build the wall. if nancy pelosi holds firm to her line the day that she was sworn in as speaker, not one dollar for the wall, what does that mean for 2020 and the president's re-election? are donors going to open their pocketbooks for a guy who couldn't get the one signature item done? >> i think he really is faced with a tough choice. he will probably have to go to declaring a national emergency, because he's not going to get what he wants from nancy pelosi, at least not now and probably not for awhile. i think if he goes to a national emergency, he will either succeed in the courts in which case he's the hero to his base, or the courts beginning in the ninth circuit here in california are going to overturn the decision and then it will ultimately, if he fails to survive a court test, i think the base will be really angry at the courts and rightfully so.
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leland: all right. i'm sure that is an argument you will use on some fund-raising calls and the group of 2020 hopefuls probably makes those start even earlier. dan palmer in los angeles, good to see you. >> thank you. kristin: democrats are off to the races, with more 2020 announcements and some big names making stops in early primary states. let's bring in former deputy press secretary for the democratic national committee and now strategy ceo, jose aristomuno. thanks for coming in. busy weekend for 2020 and dems. let's start with the announcement by the former san antonio mayor and hud secretary, julian castro who made the announcement he's running. still making it, still speaking. what do you make of his chances? >> first and foremost, we take pride in seeing julian run. as a latino-american myself, it's great to see a latino in
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the center in political debate. i think julian brings government experience, having worked in the obama administration, he was mayor of san antonio, so whether he's got a chance, i think he definitely has a chance. it's too early to know who will make it, but i think he will add a great conversation to the national debate. kristin: he's got great name recognition in texas but not so much nationally. when you're up against perhaps somebody like a former vice president joe biden, it tends to suck the oxygen out of the room. how does somebody like julian counter that? >> sure. i think part of his story is very unique. he has an immigrant story. his family isn't from the united states. so let's look at obama. obama in '07 when he announced he wasn't going to be the front-runner, he became the president. this is the beautiful thing about democracy. the american people will decide. we will have a lot of debate, a lot of time to get to know this candidate. i'm so happy to see someone like julian make himself part of the conversation.
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kristin: another candidate that just entered the race, hawaii congresswoman tulsi gabbert made the announcement on cnn last night. listen here. >> are you going to run for president of the united states and do something about it? do you think you should? do you think she should? are you going to run? >> i have decided to run and will be making a formal announcement within the next week. kristin: so here's what i don't understand. why make an announcement like that on a taped show airing or that aired a clip of it on a friday night when not many people are watching? >> true. part of that communications team maybe had to rethink that. i think the congresswoman will be again, a great addition to the national debate, being a woman. i want to see more women run for president. kristin: there will probably be a lot in this field. >> yes. i think this is going to be kind of like the republicans the last time around. i think we will get at least 15
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candidates. it's going to be very interesting. but look, i think part of this is we need to make sure, the democratic party needs to stand for something, not just stand against something. i think if we learned something from the last time around, let's look at solutions. how can we make sure that the american people have a better economy, have a strong health care system and such. kristin: when you look at that graphic that was just up about the ridiculous field of candidates, there's just so many, when it's all said and done, how many people do you think are actually going to be running? >> i'm -- kristin: 25, 30? >> oh, my goodness, i hope not. at least 15. but that's part of the democracy. i think it's a good thing. i think it's a good thing. the american people want choices. last time around we didn't have that many candidates from our party. this time it's going to be different. i just know and i'm so confident that the democratic party will retake the white house in 2020, in part because we're looking to the future and this president unfortunately, it seems is looking backwards.
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kristin: let's talk about joe biden because his brother was just reported as saying he believes, he thinks that he will run, and else reportedly said, joe biden reportedly said if i'm walking, i'm running. what are you hearing? do you think he will enter the race? >> i'm very confident that vice president joe biden will run for office. i think so. he's going to be one of the tough front-runners, very strong candidate. some polls already say he's favorable among the party. i know, i mean, joe has been in government for a very long time, and just imagining him against president trump in a debate stage -- kristin: quite a fight. >> that's right. kristin: jose, thanks so much for coming on. we will be watching as more and more candidates enter the race seemingly by the day. >> looking forward to it. kristin: jose, thanks. leland? leland: one possibility to end the government shutdown and fund the president's wall revolves around the so-called dreamers, with republicans potentially offering some relief to children brought here illegally by their
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parents. lindsey graham has talked about this. he's on with chris wallace tomorrow morning. joining me, a current daca recipient who would be okay with that deal. hilario, nice to see you. appreciate you being with us. is this a contradiction in terms, a dreamer who is okay with the wall that would have prevented your mother from bringing you to the united states? >> well, thank you for having me on the show. you know, i just want to quickly take this moment to really directly talk to the president. mr. president, if i have a few words, sir, you know two years ago you tweeted out the best two tweets of my life and i have them right here in front of me, sir. it goes like this. you said on september 14th, 2017, you said does anybody really want to throw out good educated accomplished young people who have jobs, some serving in the military, really, they have been in our country for many years through no fault of their own, brought in by parents at a young age, plus big border security, sir.
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leland: we can go back to -- we can all go back to the president's twitter feed. i'm asking you, though, what deal would you be okay with for wall funding? that's what the president wants. what deal would you be okay with? is it deferred for daca for a couple of years? is it a path for citizenship? is it amnesty? what do you need? >> yeah. the only real viable solution right now is through a compromise. both of the parties have to come together and honestly, last year -- leland: give me specifics of the compromise. what should democrats require for daca? is it a two-year deferral? is it a path to citizenship? is it amnesty, what is it? >> you know, last year there was consensus to do border security in exchange for permanent solution for daca recipients. there is overwhelming consensus to get that done. leland: all right.
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so permanent solution. this brings up the question, though, which is where we started. the president's wall is designed to prevent exactly what has happened to you, which is your mother brought you here looking for a better life. is this a case of somebody who would conceivably be the most for immigration, legal or illegal, as you have benefited from, now wanting to slam the door on those who are going to come later? >> well, you know, we have to start somewhere. our immigration system is broken, and we need to start somewhere. we have to play the cards that we are dealt with right now. right now, there's a perfect opportunity to compromise with a border security and also with a permanent solution for daca recipients and this is coming from both parties but unfortunately, there's people in the president's circle that undermine his success, do not want to see him succeed, and are after their own political agenda. but i'm here to say, mr. president, on behalf of the daca community, we stand behind you,
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we want congress to succeed and we want the american people to succeed as well. leland: certainly that is the argument from the other side although some democrats are even more extreme to the left of conceivably where you are. alexandria ocasio-cortez. take a listen. >> every day, immigrants commit crimes at a far lower rate than native-born americans and not only that, but the women and children on that border that are trying to seek refuge and seek opportunity in the united states of america, with nothing but the shirt on their backs, are acting more american than any person who seeks to keep them out ever will be. leland: you got 30 seconds. would you agree with that? >> look, our system, immigration system, is broken. we need to do something to fix it. we need to take a step forward. i think right now, a compromise is the best solution moving forward. if not, our immigration will continue to be broken for years to come. leland: all right.
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hilario, i will lose your satellite in about ten seconds. rather than cut you off, we will say thank you, appreciate you being with us. godspeed and good luck as you finish college. the first member of his family to finish college, if it happens. kristin. kristin: coming up, broward county sheriff scott israel suspended. we will tell you why governor ron desantis made the call. and a california police officer shot and killed in the line of duty. we also have an update on jayme closs, who was found three months after she went missing and her parents were killed. we are live in wisconsin with the latest. reporter: that brave teenaged girl decided to make a run for it when her captor was not home. coming up, we will give you more horrifying details about her experience. there's little rest for a single dad,
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in the department and somebody that pretty much every department member really looked to as, you know, a close friend, a sister. this is just an absolutely devastating loss to the police department. reporter: officer corona graduated from the police academy in july of last year and had just finished her field training right around the holidays.
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she was out patrolling on her own for just two weeks prior to being shot. her father, a former deputy, says while he is heartbroken by the loss, he's not angry. >> we're going to grieve and the individual's not with us any longer, so you know, we're very faithful people. she died doing what she loved to do. she knew that that was a possibility, and i think she embraced that. reporter: less than two weeks into 2019, five officers have already been shot in the line of duty, including one officer just last night in arlington, texas. officer corona is the third officer to die this year from being shot in the line of duty. last year, a total of 48 officers died from such injuries. leland? leland: you think about 2016, one of the worst years in baton rouge and the dallas shootings as well. jeff paul, thanks.
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kristin? kristin: 13-year-old jayme closs is safe and back with her family while the suspect in her kidnapping and her parents' murder is in custody. matt finn joins us with more on her incredible escape. reporter: this is the area where jayme closs was found, an extremely rural region of northwestern wisconsin, very thick woods, not a lot of street lights. a place where unfortunately, a young girl could very easily be concealed. police say down this street is where jayme's suspected captor, 21-year-old jake thompson, lives. it's likely where jayme was held for some, if not all of the three months that the suspect had her. you can imagine the bravery of this young girl, after about three months, this teenaged girl decided to make a run for it when her captor was not home, and she succeeded. she found a woman walking her dog and said i'm jayme closs.
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>> she just said i'm lost, i don't know where i am. she said i don't know where i am a couple of times. i explained you're in gordon, wisconsin. when i knew who she was, i said jayme, you are really only an hour and a half or so from home. reporter: what's even more eerie is police insist the man who killed jayme's parents and kidnapped her never had any traceable contact with this family so you have to ask, was he stalking jayme or did he have his eye on these innocent people before he murdered them and kidnapped this girl. the closs family and this nation rejoicing, even elizabeth smart, who escaped her captors, posted a tribute writing in part quote, i hope we may all continue to support and embrace jayme as she reclaims her life and comes to terms with the reality of her situation. what a brave, strong and powerful survivor. jayme's extended family says they videotaped the funeral of
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jayme's parents in hopes one day jayme would be returned to them alive and could say good-bye to her parents via that video. kristin: you think she may be safe, but she's going home and her parents are no longer there. it's happy but still such a sad story. matt finn, thank you. leland: museums and parks across the country, their doors closed. any idea on when they may reopen. can congress make a deal as the partial government shutdown now sets a record. o take a moment to address my fellow veterans, because i know so many of you have served our country honorably. one of the benefits that we as a country give you as a veteran is your eligibility for a va loan. which lets you buy a home with no down payment. now there's no reason to rent when you can own. with automatic authority from the va, we can say yes when banks say no. helping veterans buy homes, that's newday usa.
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preservision. also, in a great-tasting chewable. that strip mall sushi, well,t i'm a bit unpredictable. let's redecorate. whatsyamatter tanya, i thought you loved being spontaneous? i do. and if you've got the wrong home insurance coverage, i might break the bank too. so get allstate, and be better protected from mayhem, like me. leland: no real hope of things changing in washington. the record here of the partial government shutdown, now the longest in u.s. history. we'll bring in senior columnist to talk about
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it and universal health care activi activist. gentlemen, nice to see you. we are out here in california. everyone in washington is talking about this. they're not talking about the snow that's coming here. they deal with snow in washington as well as you guys do with rain out here. anybody care about this? >> absolutely not. in fact, those who do care are actively for a long shutdown. look, i'm a conservative. i don't think that the government should be doing very much at all and a lot of these people are simply not essential and shouldn't be doing anything. the longer the shutdown goes, the better. at the end, i think donald trump's going to win. leland: i know it was ronald reagan who once joked about calling for a government snow day and whoever didn't show up was nonessential. this brings up an important point. the democrats are really putting all their eggs in this basket of we must reopen the government, there can't be negotiations while the government is shut down. does that really play well with
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anybody who is not a government employee? >> well, it plays very well because everything is showing right now that donald trump is losing right now, not the democrats. the reason that nancy pelosi and chuck schumer are so emboldened, because lord knows they compromised too much before, they are emboldened because they see that the majority of americans don't want a wall. they don't consider this a crisis. leland: they don't want a wall but they want border security. >> depends on what you mean by border security. do they want vague, nebulous ideas of border security, sure. it sounds great. but when you talk about concrete action, nobody wants it because if you look at the facts, and most people realize this, or are starting to, immigration across the southern border illegally has been at a net negative for a few years now so the entire idea that this is a crisis is kind of a miss. more and more people are waking up to that. i don't think there's any rush to compromise right now. leland: this is a bet i want to take. i want to see who's going to win this. i want to see if border security
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is a winning argument as opposed to surrender. in 2018 at the end of the midterms, they tried to turn it to an argument of border security and republicans lost 40 seats in the house. >> the republicans in the house lost, a lot of those republicans were big supporters of the agenda that president trump im bodies. president trump came in with a specific promise. i'm going to secure the border. and -- >> his specific language was i'm going to build the wall and mexico is going to pay for it. >> yes. and he's going to secure the border. there are a lot of things we need to do but i agree, we need a concrete solution. concrete in the form of a wall. i think he's going to do it. leland: ron, you said that chuck schumer and nancy pelosi have compromised too much. now lindsey graham will be on with chris wallace tomorrow, but he's been floating this idea of a grand bargain. he's been talking about it for a long time.
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daca for the wall. and some type of path to citizenship for x number of billions. that is a compromise you're okay with them making? >> i mean, if you talk to certain politicians, i'm sure, but activists to the california democratic party like me, we have no interest in that because now what you're doing is -- leland: activist and republican activists have no interest in that either. >> well, if you want to talk about as a california democratic party delegate, what we see you doing by pushing this is weaponizing refugees and people seeking asylum against daca recipients which is simply immoral. the reality is not only has immigration from the stoouthern border been at a net negative but a good number of people who are coming here are seeking asylum. they aren't coming to try to break the law. they are coming to basically try to escape terrible situations, situations by the way, which if you go back to before world war i, the u.s. has been involved with creating. the idea of a wall -- leland: we have got to -- how do republicans reframe this argument, because over the next
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couple of weeks, you are going to continue to see sound bite after sound bite after sound bite of federal employees who can't buy groceries, who can't buy diapers, who can't pay their electricity bill. the wife of a coast guardsman said our rainy day fund ain't going to last that long. do republicans win by keep saying no border wall funding, no government payments? >> look, i think government workers who are largely democrats ought to consult with their democrat representatives and tell them, agree to what the president promised. agree to border security. agree to defending the country. and no daca amnesty. if you are an illegal alien, go home. there's my compromise. obey the law. leland: i think we just heard what the activists on both sides think of compromise on this. we will see if washington can compromise. they can compromise and agree to spend more money. that happens all the time. thanks a lot. kristin? kristin: still ahead, the
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sheriff who handled the response to the parkland shooting is suspended. we will explain why, just ahead. from the very beginning ... it was always our singular focus, to do whatever it takes, use every possible resource, to fight cancer. and never lose sight of the patients we're fighting for. our cancer treatment specialists share the same vision. experts from all over the world, working closely together to deliver truly personalized cancer care. and these are the specialists we're proud to call our own. expert medicine works here.
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leland: newly elected florida governor ron desantis has suspended broward county sheriff scott israel, in part over how the department handled and their response to parkland shooting in which 17 teachers and students were killed. jackie heinrich in new york following this story. reporter: the sheriff shot back at the announcement saying this is about politics, not about parkland and the governor was fulfilling a campaign promise but there was a lot of support for his removal. the public safety commission which investigated the response to the school shooting said there were failures that played a role in just how deadly the attack was, not only were there unlocked and unmanned gates at the parkland campus, but the school resource officer responding to that shooting told
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deputies to stay away from the building. deputy scott peterson and others were seen taking cover while shots were still being fired. shortly after the shooting, more than 70 republican representatives sent a letter to former governor rick scott asking for sheriff israel's removal. then in april, the union representing the broward county sheriff's deputies took a vote of no-confidence against israel. israel can only be permanently removed from his elected position if the florida senate ratifies the governor's suspension but israel has vowed to fight it. >> i understand it's easy to say suspend sheriff israel than it is to address the real problem. the problem around this nation of gun violence. no one was suspended after the pulse shooting. the difference, i spoke out about gun violence. reporter: newly elected governor ron desantis said his decision stemmed not just from the parkland shooting but also from sheriff israel's response to the
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fort lauderdale airport shooting back in 2017, when five people were killed. parents of the victims of the parkland shooting spoke out in support of the governor's decision. >> 2018 was the worst year of my life. my little boy alex is no longer here to be with his mommy, who took care of him and loved him more than anything. reporter: governor desantis appointed retired police sergeant gregory tony to serve as sheriff during israel's suspension. leland? leland: now we wait for the florida senate. thank you. kristin? kristin: now you're looking at a live picture of an event in manchester, new hampshire, where senator elizabeth warren is about to speak. she's one of the many democrats making stops around the country this weekend. still ahead, president trump and democrats still at odds over a border wall. how the impasse is affecting border wall security. to the spark cash card from capital one. i earn unlimited 2% cash back on everything i buy. and last year, i earned $36,000 in cash back.
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kristin: at the heart of the partial government shutdown debate is border security, and the fight over how it should be funded. joining me now, the vice president of the national border patrol council in tucson, arizona, art delquetto. you are also an active border patrol agent in arizona. so i want to start by asking
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you, you know, how are you and your fellow border patrol agents holding up in this shutdown? i'm assuming you missed your first paycheck just yesterday, right? >> yeah, we did. we missed our first paycheck yesterday. listen, it is frustrating. i mean, no one's going to sit here and say we don't want to get paid. of course we want to get paid. i have heard different news medias have said you guys said you didn't want to get paid, you don't care about getting paid. that's the dumbest thing i have ever heard but we will leave that to other news medias to do the fake news. we care about getting paid but we care about border security. and the way you end this shutdown is by funding the right things within border security. the wall is a big deal. there's other things that we need, but the wall is definitely a big deal. the area that i patrol, there's different types of walls -- kristin: can i just interrupt you? if we can pop up a tucson sector map so our viewers can see what you're talking about. walk us through what kind of
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wall you all have in the tucson sector. >> so obviously, when you get near the ports of entries, the structures look a lot better, a lot more secure. i will add that in those areas, several years ago when we did not have that type of structure, the numbers of individuals crossing illegally through there were very high. when we put those barriers up, it dropped the numbers astronomically. what did that cause, though? it did cause for a lot of these individuals to try and cross into the united states illegally outside of the cities in other areas, but the areas that we do have it, it's lowered the numbers. so what we're asking obviously is for better barriers in a lot of the places. kristin: so you think a wall works, and you are willing to go without a paycheck until president trump gets funding for his wall like he's been asking for. you're willing to do that. are most of the other border patrol agents on the same page?
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>> you know, it's obviously when you start polling everyone as a whole, you are going to have different ideas and obviously, when it gets closer and the numbers get crunched -- kristin: i mean give me an idea. would you say most are with him or against him? >> i conducted a poll. we conducted a poll. i can tell you of the people that we conducted, it was over 90% of the individuals that said that they know the wall works. and they know that that is a big deal. just before i came on here, i received a text message from an agent out of san diego where they are telling me hey, we missed christmas to be with our families, we missed new year's from being with our families because we're detailed out here in san diego because of the issues they're having with immigration, and now we missed a paycheck. but the text said that and i have it, it says it's worth it right now because we need border security and part of that border security is the wall. i mean, we have a president that has reached out to the boots on the ground. he has spoken to us.
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he has asked us what is important and he cares about the american public. it's the people's congress. kristin: thank you so much for the job that you do. thanks for doing what you're doing and for continuing to work without pay. really appreciate it. thanks for coming on. >> thank you. kristin: leland? leland: up next, 14 time grammy winner rickie skaggs with us to discuss music and so much more. my experience with usaa has been excellent. they really appreciate the military family and it really shows. with all that usaa offers why go with anybody else? we know their rates are good, we know that they're always going to take care of us. it was an instant savings and i should have changed a long time ago. it was funny because when we would call another insurance company, hey would say "oh we can't beat usaa" we're the webber family. we're the tenney's we're the hayles, and we're usaa members for life.
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kristin: you guys are getting a real treat because ricky skaggs is here live in the studio, playing for us. he's one of the newest members of the country music hall of fame and bluegrass hall of fame. his hits include loving only me and of course cajun moon. i've got to tell you, you have achieved god-like status in household. your song, cajun moon, is one of mofmy daughter's favorite songs. i play that song on loop. it buys me extra sleep. >> that's wonderful. kristin: how does it feel to be the newest inductee.
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>> i was so shocked when they told me. i don't think anyone ever really comes to nashville to get into the country music business, thinkerring hey, this is going to be me goal, to to be in the country music hall of fame. it's a small list of people. so it's really amazing that they brought me in, so i'm really thrilled. kristin: you're also inducted into the bluegrass hall of fame. when you look at your career, you've been able to move through so many different genres of music. do you have a favorite? >> bluegrass is the music that is near and dear to my heart. it's what i started playing as a kid, even before they kind of called it bluegrass, you know, just old time mountain music, you know. my mom and dad played it. my mother was a great singer and such a god-fearing woman. i grew up in a christian household with great music and
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fried chicken, so -- and good corn bread. kristin: who doesn't love good corn bread? you're playing two sold out shows, last night and tonight in alexandria. i understand you had some pretty high profile v.i.p.s watching. you mind spilling the beans? >?>> justice clay he loved bluegrass and opera. that was his two favorite kinds of music, the farthest end of the spectrum. some of the kids came out last night, john came out and a grandson, joe, came out last night. so we always try to see them when we come up to town, maureen is a spreshes saint. we love her -- precious saint. we love her. kristin: thank you so much for coming and playing your music and thank you so much for allowing me to get extra sleep every morning. [ laughter ] >> that's great. anything we can do to help with that. kristin: leland, you picked a bad day not to be here.
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>> what's happening, man. leland: i know. kristin: we have a a private concert here. leland: i wanted to leave you and ricky and clara to have a nice time together. we'll be back. ♪ president trump slamming former fbi director james comey yet again, after the bomb shell new york times report that the bureau opened an investigation into the president after he fired comey. according to the newspaper, fbi agents were trying to determine if the president may have been acting on behalf of russia. this is an astounding report. we have all the details today. hello, i'm eric shawn. arthel: i'm arrest they'll no - arthel neville. according to the new york times, comey's dis
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