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tv   The Greg Gutfeld Show  FOX News  January 13, 2019 2:00pm-3:00pm PST

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i have not succeeded. a good feel good story. we're happy to bring that to you. eric: a big future in the pros at some point. arthel: thanks for watching. i'm arthel. he's eric. eric: i'm eric. have a great day. teen do you think i should do that? do you think i should do that john? watcher one-sided reporting. seriously john do you think i should, tell me, tell me. john do you think i'd should just sign? >> i am saying if he signed that the workers can start getting get -- start getting paid. >> you are telling me if i'm in my position you would do that. i'm asking you are you. >> i will never get tired of that.
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[applause] r. right after president trump's address on the border the democratic party sent out these two carnival cutouts as a rebuttal. all that is missing was a beanbag for their pie holes. are we sure sure this wasn't a subtle proposal for the new season of the walking dead brought to you by the makers of formaldehyde. it's order list tasteless to keep sure government for decades. look at them. i'm not talking about how they look. that's too easy. it's just how they are like a couple of graders at cigar world. old people get that. you want a wall? bafta wall. they are so rigid they make mike pence look like this guy. ♪
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♪ greg: it makes you wonder what were they thinking? >> on the first day of this congress house democrats passed senate legislation. >> where am i? were dry look, straight ahead? should i have one might last as? they tickle my nose. why does she get to speak first? she always does. i hate her. i'm a senator so i get to stand on a little wooden box. do you know how many squirrels it took to make this we have? i love squirrels. they have big fluffy tails.
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they cover my bald spot. greg: if you're looking for proof of how screwed up government is look no further. trump's address was not earth shattering. he within the lines and stuck to the facts. he reviewed the same points that democrats stated before. didn't matter the media was giddy with fact-checking. fact checkers it easier with you today. we will be fact-checking relentlessly. >> a testable check the fact checkers later on tonight. greg: they are so excited. they are like kevin spacey at a high school wrestling match. but when the time came there wasn't much to fact check. the crime stats were legitimate. the addict dotes trump listed sadly were all real which is why they had to redefine fact-checking at disgruntled commentary. seriously i wonder what they were thinking.
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>> we address you tonight for one reason only. >> i could really go for a hoagie with cheese onions let us pickles mustard. >> pastrami, salami, tomatoes, more cheese. >> we don't govern by temper tantrum. >> why does cheese have pulls? that's a ripoff. oh god, but what is that smell? oh chuck not again. see it doctor please. greg: of course the media made fools of themselves pretending there is no crisis when the week before they were calling it a crisis themselves. remember the caravan? wasn't that a crisis? not anymore. >> a big scam of the whole address was that there was a crisis.
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there is not a crisis. >> the president's speech was a litany of scare stories about immigrants being terrible criminals. >> this is a crisis that he wants you to believe is a manufactured crisis. >> that address should have come with a surgeon general's warning , it's hazardous to the truth. greg: you know he had a practice that line in front of a bathroom mirror. if jimmy doesn't make trump's point for him. >> here are some of the steel slats the president has been talking about right here. as we are walking along we are not seeing any imminent danger. there are no migrants trying to wear start defense in the mcallen texas area. no sign of the national emergency the president has been talking about. as a matter of fact it's pretty tranquil down here. greg: okay so here i am in front of a wall and there are no illegal's crossing it.
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[applause] some people -- [applause] some people might call that cause and effect but not jim. they have nothing to do with each other. here i am holding an umbrella in the rain and my god i am dry. clearly there is no rain. now when i put on these sunglasses suddenly the sun's glare is gone. obviously the sun has gone missing. but i wonder if trump appreciated the sales pitch. [applause] greg: i don't care, i don't care what you think of trump you
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could put them on rushmore for that alone. as for poor gym jim that wasn't the worst part of this week. >> will the president tell the truth? >> the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you god? make sure that goes viral. by the way i'm one of the only people around here this time of day. let me get back to your case because you are such a. that may be respectful to the media. i explained that was alternative facts and don't you put it back in my face. greg: i have a public service announcement. >> and now a public service announcement.
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greg: if you happen to come across to print sized orbs rolling across pennsylvania avenue please put them on ice and properly return them to jim acosta. >> this has been a public service announcement. [applause] greg: the crisis is now in circus. the media makes everything worse including even politics which is larded the worst thing ever. politics is the invisible gas removing nuance and compromises replacing both with what i call the president of two ideas. each side must pick their salad never leave so even if chuck agreed with trump it doesn't really matter here's the status element media makes it work worse by turning prison into a business model. there's no way in d.c. or "new york times" can make money if chuck and nancy agree with trump. compromise doesn't sell advertising. meanwhile this is made possible by two years of peace and
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prosperity. the only way we have endured this malfeasance is that all the big stuff is taken care of jobs, terror economy. because trump is gone down this list and picked off of the big things victims can afford to hold workers hostage and attending walls are a moral phenomenon in which trump has invented. makes you want to turn off the news and god forbid talk to your family. most of all it makes you see things as they really are or rather who they really are and what they are really thinking. >> where am i? am i still hear? i should be home for in-app "the greg gutfeld show" was on sure he can be rude but i find them to be spot on in his analysis. maybe she can get a job writing for greg gutfeld.
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what is that smell? is that me? i've got to get out of here. [applause] greg: his jokes are so good it makes you forget that he got left in the dark. his jokes are so dry he follows them with the love water. comedian david angelo. he's had more bad dates than a failed fruitcake. reporter kat sims. he is no muss and no fuss and like to cuss. debbie ee superstar, tyrus. jimmy, how long do you think this is going to go on? >> i have a lot invested in this
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i consider myself adrian or because i'm a knicks fan. i will have you know i did get a complement on this jacket today. i appreciated it so much. the shutdown is so stupid because it's personal. i say stupid as someone who locked his keys in the car twice a year. in any other era they would if settled this in three days. he would give them daca funding and they would give him the wall and we would move on. greg: what do you make of that's david? thoughts? >> they talk about the shutdown of what a tragedy it is. i had this week three letters from the irs. greg: it's amazing how that part doesn't shutdown. >> think of the poor government
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workers. i don't care. is that wrong? i don't know. greg: it might be wrong. it might be insensitive but to call you insensitive means nothing to you because you are insensitive. >> i'm mike bad boy. greg: i think you live by your own rules. >> i do. greg: tsa, we missed tsa now. greg: you are definitely not a flyer. >> i got a more shocking letter this week. i don't mean to brag but i went to college and i got a fund-raising letter from nashville community college. i'm like dude i went to community college. i am asking you for money. you mailed this to a car. it's bad. greg: kat i know you are in the
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middle of a coughing spell. >> doing my best to keep it under control greg. greg: you are an american hero. >> thank you. that is how i see myself. is there a question? do you want to hear about my cough? it started two days ago and it's gotten progressively worse. i've a hard time sleeping. greg: let's go to something else. >> the shutdown? do you want to talk about the walk? i'm not for the wall certainly but the thing about me is i've never been for it where as a lot of these democrats were for a physical barrier before trump started saying he was for a physical barrier. it's not what they believe and it's about them being so possessed with the idea of being against trump. they think trump is success with the wall. you have a friend who says my ex-boyfriend is so possessed with me and that's all they talk
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about. what do you want to get for dinner? my ex-boyfriend likes dinner to and he's so obsessed with me. you are accessed to share in. greg: she is in the green room. you're a bit unstable. >> i think public shaming is very good in a free society. greg: i have to say when you have disagreements with trump expert trolling to me means he might be the greatest president we have ever had. >> at i can about the greatest president that he is a hall of fame bully. i'm a little worried i'm not going to get in a nap because if he sets the bar a have to start to go back and start shoving guys into lockers again. greg: you think it's bullying? i think it's hilarious. >> i think his ability to fire
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back is probably the worst part of the media's job because they usually write their stuff down. they are not improv guys. clearly on the fly they have got nothing. a guy is like i will hit them with this question. are you going to sign this so he can get his job back? would you? answer the question, would you? he starts to shake you know what i'm saying? this was great. i thought i was watching -- i love the fact that he has his way of doing things is the same way mine is when i get caught or in trouble or something. his ability to turn around is amazing. he willed never lose his base
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ever. he's never going to be wrong and if you don't have your stuff together he's going to make you cry in what your pants at the border. greg: we have got to move. we have so much more including a new restaurant. a new restaurant. i've been wanting to do this story all year. first when you call an oscar without a host of?
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its all included with your amazon prime membership. that's how xfinity makes tv... simple. easy. awesome. greg: variety of magazine reports the academy awards will move forward without a big mc. kevin hart was going to host and dropped out because people dug up old controversial tweet patisso apparently it was kevin or no one. a million famous people. oscars couldn't get one of than the host. you have one job oscars and he just gave up. he is awesome. he needs someone to keep the show moving. my uncle carl runs bingo wednesday night. he would totally do it.
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what about alf? he wolfe insult you. he's like a furry don rickles. how about ted cruz' beard. not ted, just the beard. i love that beard. i understand it though. you needed a list person squeaky clean professional no-nonsense, what you see is what you get per day know who should host. only if his wife cohost with him , right? thank you jim me. somebody got that joke. should he drop out completely? what do you make of that? >> the thing is people have expectations of comedians.
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greg: not for you. >> that's true. a good comedian is a crazy person who can be coherent for period of time. that's why no one will do the hosting. we don't want you digging through and the only good news is if you have been in prison for the past 30 years usually it's hard to get a job but now they get out and they are like where is this guy? he killed a family in kansas in 1971 but he's never been on twitter. he can start monday. greg: he left a bloody footprint that he has no social media footprint. should kevin hart of stayed in and destroyed the place? wouldn't have it been yeltsin met, yeah that will do it and completely let loose.
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>> when it comes to media censorship it's just as bad as telling reporters what they can and cannot report on. the day you start saying what you can't report on, and american culture joking is how we close the gap. bringing stuff up is how we change the way we think. they make it normal and he worked his way and i am that way. you and me are a walking joke. in every other walk of life if we didn't have differences you would have killed me or worse he would have called the police on me. why are you acting like that? the point is i applaud him. greg: the modern progressive movement is eliminating the
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lubrication that keeps people from killing each other. jimmy, we are going to kill each other. the oscars are against the mob. we are not going to do it. >> i saw the hosts on the golden globes. i think the problem is it has the mental impact on society. first of all we become so obsessed with words you can't even call them morons a anymore. you have to call them congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez. [applause] who should host? >> i agreed with alf at first but he's an alien. again a lot of stuff it's a group of insufferable people. we hate these people outside of twitter.
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those kinds of people don't get invited to parties. all of these are having a negative impact on society. i read a study that 40% of children are obese and they aren't doing anything about it because they don't know they are all. that's what happens when you eliminate bullying. greg: always with the positive aspect. last word kat. we have this insatiable persecution complex. what's next? what's going to happen? >> what's going to happen? i've got to be honest i've tried really really hard to find something inside of me that cared about the oscars. i was not successful. [applause] i see people get so emotional
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about it. even the golden globes, lady gaga loss. if you are so sad that one very rich person lost to another very rich person and that's emotionally affecting you, you need to calm down. greg: i think that's really good advice. i think you could be a good therapist. >> it's clearly my calling. leading by example. greg: exactly. up next to a restaurant. we have pictures. if you leave now spiders will dissent from the i'm ken jacobus and i switched to the spark cash card from capital one. i earn unlimited 2% cash back on everything i buy. and last year, i earned $36,000 in cash back. which i used to offer health insurance to my employees. what's in your wallet?
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live from america's news headquarters i'm jon scott. the man accuse -- accused of kidnapping a wisconsin teen is due in court tomorrow. police arrested jake patterson on thursday after 13-year-old jayme closs escaped from the cabin where she was held for 88 days. it is located about 60 miles from closs's home. patterson is expected to be formally charged with murder and kidnapping at tomorrow's hearing. a winter storm slams the midwest, killing at least five people and putting more than 35 million more under winter weather alerts. more than a foot of snow has fallen across areas of missouri,
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illinois, iowa, kansas, nebraska and colorado, since friday. and up to a foot of snowfall the possible in washington, d.c. and virginia today into tomorrow morning. i'm jon scott. i will be back at the top of the hour with the fox report with more news including the latest on the government shutdown, day 23. now back to greg gutfeld. news". greg: does the world fail at protecting the mail? a new study finds when it comes to gender equality men faced more discrimination globally than women do. here's a sample of the coverage on this landmark global study. i guess when it doesn't fit the narrative that doesn't exist. researchers evaluated millions of people in 134 countries for educational opportunities life
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expectancy and overall life satisfaction. turns out men are disadvantaged and in 91 countries compared to 43 nations for women citing that men typically face harsher punishment for similar crimes and more workplace deaths. the leading discriminators or the u.s., the uk and australia. in short being a man on this planet. there should be some kind of public service announcement to get the word out. >> lately it had the urge to grill chicken, fish steaks for my family friends and neighbors. i take pride when they enjoy what i cook could. for some reason i find tremendous satisfaction in building a treehouse for my kids i can't stop putting things together that contrary to the well-being of my community. last weekend i helped dull the school. it's creepy, i know. >> i feel better knowing my family is well protected and secure. i take pains to make that
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happen. tell -- take self defense classes. they are the best alarm system for my home. what is wrong with me? >> it sounds like these men have a problem. in medical circles we call this pms, or in sino-terms you are a dude, typical man. see if you have any of these recurring systems. >> i don't think twice about working overtime so i can afford a better life for my kids. i think opening a door for women are buying her dinner is the least i can do because women are [bleep] awesome. where the did they come from? i love when i open a jar in front of other people. come on, give me a jar. i can't stop. everyday more willing to risk my life to build the bridge to improve you and your family's lives. i almost lost a thumb last week. >> if you feel any of the symptoms you may in fact be a
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man which comes with a higher risk of industrial accidents shorter lifespan and maybe a stint in prison but it comes with a higher risk. you may ask is there a cure for being a manned? there is. being a wuss. you can face your inflection instead. man up today. >> some mail pattern baldness may occur. [applause] greg: excellent. all right kat is the study sympathetic towards the plight of men or do you have the world's smallest violin? >> it's bleak though. do you know how long it takes to strap all of those fake hair into my head? people are like women live
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longer than men and all those extra years i have someone else's hair strapped onto my head to be accessible into society. have you ever had to sit at your desk and wait for no one to be looking at you so you can put a up your sleeve and walked to the bathroom because you can't talk about having your period. you have to whisper it having your period. do you have a? it's like you murdered someone because you have a functioning female body and apparently that is somehow disgusting. [applause] greg: the part that i thought was the funniest was my cat said she was accepted in society. >> i'm think i'm accepted more worth of fake hair than without. greg: next week show, no fake hair.
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>> oh no, no, no. >> i will 100% polled a box of tampons for you. i would rather buy tampons and similac in diapers. instead of buying similac in diapers and baby stuff. you were scared in the green room and who came to help you? walk your podcast out the door. greg: do you know why this study is necessary? the media created a fake impressionism. actually we are complementary. >> i would love to weigh in on the differences between men and women but i'm trying to host the
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oscars. women are great. that was already too far. greg: in west. wouldn't you love to drop the story on the set of the view and just run out of the room? >> it would be great. by the way tickets are $10 to get in and 50 to get out. greg: we shall leave on that now. up next that i tell you about the new restaurant where doing a story on? it's a new restaurant. stick to your seat to everyone because you know they did
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this is loma linda, a place with one of the highest life expectancies in the country. you see so many people walking around here in their hundreds. so how do you stay financially well for all those extra years? well, you have to start planning as early as possible. we all need to plan, for 18 years or more, of retirement. i don't have a whole lot saved up, but i'm working on it now.
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i will do whatever i need to do. plan your financial life with prudential. bring your challenges.
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♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ cancer treatment centers of america. appointments available now. greg: do you know what we need more of? yes, yes.
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greg heroes is about people who inspire me to guess they make fearless choices in this week's hero turning chicken soda and a chicken salad. you may remember alexa greenfield who is paraded on twitter for doing nothing more than sitting at the u.s. open dipping chicken fingers and a cup of cola. oh the holy that rains down on her. a felony, call the cops. psychopath. did she let them when? alexa is launching a cola flavored dipping sauce and she wants all the haters to try it saying quote i think people will be surprised at how good it is. in 20 years no one will remember it was ever taboo. the best part she has now dropped the music video ahead of the launch of her new sauce.
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♪ ♪ greg: i'll have to say that sticks in your head almost as much as this. ♪ tyrus this is what america is about taking something that was originally source of embarrassment and turning it into an opportunity for-profit. >> i respect her hustle, not so much her music taste. i can't get it out of my head. greg: that is the chicken dance. >> i think i tried to punch somebody once. here, do the chicken dance. this marriage lasted six months. i'm not doing the chicken dance
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for it. why dipped in sauce if you're just going to dipped in company anyway. i hate to be the guy but the chicken fingers usually come with coke. greg: you would be graydon shark tank. i don't understand why you don't need a sauce for this and for that reason i am out. >> can i go one step further? why do you even need to dip it? just drink the soda after you take a bite of chicken. greg: for that reason i am out. >> kat? >> i think she should host the oscars. the only problem is she will have two too explained to the actress is what chicken fingers are. they will be like what's put? you know that song is annoying
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but does anyone know baby shark? we have a whole generation of kids who think sharks are friendly. they are jumping into the ocean and getting eaten because of this song. i'm all the way out. greg: i'm going to give you 20 thousand dollars for 97% of your business. kat do you watch shark tank? >> sometimes. greg: do you find this woman to be a hero? >> i think she's an absolute genius. she understands how this country works. the only way to go more viral and become more famous in this country than being good at something is being very bad at something. look at rebecca black's friday son. it was so bad. a music video was so bad and i had an idea for a new show. we have "america's got talent".
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i want to start america's got no talent for everyone competes to be the worst comedian the worst musician, juggler magician whatever. everyone would watch this because we are a very hateful country. we love to make pete fun of people who are inferior so why not write casted into everyone's living room instead of having to go to the mall for that? greg: it was called "the gong show." it are to happen. >> i'm vest in a music video. the one benefit if i were her i would say is the sauce should the consistency of a sauce rather than straight liquid. greg: you want to adopt an advisory mode that you don't want to invest so -- so for that reason i'm out. it's too soon. >> the world is not ready.
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>> to kat's point back that can get you famous. look at elizabeth warren. greg: up next the high in french he strove that caters to you control your blood sugar around the clock. and with a $0 copay, that's something to groove about. ♪let's groove tonight. toujeo® is used to control high blood sugar in adults with diabetes. it contains 3 times as much insulin in 1 milliliter as standard insulin. don't use toujeo® to treat diabetic ketoacidosis, during episodes of low blood sugar, or if you're allergic to insulin. get medical help right away if you have a serious allergic reaction such as body rash, or trouble breathing. don't reuse needles, or share insulin pens. the most common side effect is low blood sugar, which can be life-threatening. it may cause shaking, sweating, fast heartbeat, and blurred vision.
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check your blood sugar levels daily. injection site reactions may occur. don't change your dose of insulin without talking to your doctor. tell your doctor about all your medicines and medical conditions. check insulin label each time you inject. taking tzds with insulins like toujeo® may cause heart failure that can lead to death. toujeo®, ask your doctor. ♪let's groove tonight. (coughing) need a change of scenery? kayak searches hundreds of travel sites and filters by cabin class, wi-fi and more. so you can be confident you're getting the right flight at the best price. kayak. search one and done.
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pairs his first nudist friendly restaurant has shut down after 15 months due to lack of customers. the upscale bistro opened in 2017 with a simple goal, created dining experience where customers are completely naked. the owners claim they are not nudist themselves but thought they were reaching around an untapped market. they overlooked a tiny flaw in the business model. where did the naked people keep their money? and few people want to see while they were eating. at least i don't. sometimes. it's still a better idea than this.
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i agree. jimmy nude restaurant invest or not invest? are you in or out out of? >> i'm out. at first i thought this was hip and it might catch on but it turns out no one wants to eat steak in a place where you can also get crabs. [applause] greg: you can say that. kat? >> nude restaurant, my apartment. hello. have you ever eaten mozzarella in the bathtub gray? it's great. a little tupperware and you can put marinara sauce in it and it floats in the tub with you. greg: that's fantastic.
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you know the neighbors after three or four days when they don't hear anything from your apartment and you were covered in mozzarella sauce. >> marinara sauce. greg: david are you sad are you sad this is going away? >> you know this is going to never work from the beginning. i've never been in a locker room , this would be a great place to take in date. try and eat eat french food when i'm looking at someone else's ratatouille. greg: there you go. tyrus nudity is always disappointing because we always want to kahnle instantly regret looking because they are never the nudes you want to see.
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>> it's like walking into a group of guys with the same disappointed look that you have his there are no women there. it's the other side of i don't give a dam anymore. it's like gravity. it's not really appealing to them. it's like a sausage fest of guys who are all staring at the door and watching each other to make sure they are looking at each other. it's like using the bathroom at the crowded. do you know what i'm saying? i don't want to sit down to a meal, i mean where do you put the napkin and? greg: actually is word do you keep the wall at? is the question i know one answered. >> i will get it. no. greg: i think we should probably wrap this up.
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don't forget the gutfeld monologue live and coming up florida two shows march 2 in tampa sunday march 3 in west palm beach plus special guest tom toulou special guest. final thoughts, that's i switched to stimulant-free miralax for my constipation. stimulant laxatives forcefully stimulate the nerves in your colon. miralax is different. it works with the water in your body to unblock your system naturally. and it doesn't cause harsh side effects. that's why i choose miralax. look for the pink cap. yeah, this is nice. mmmm how did you make the dip so rich and creamy? oh, it's a philadelphia- -family recipe. can i see it? no. new philadelphia dips. so good, you'll take all the credit.
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♪here you come again lookin' better than♪ ♪a body has a right to ♪and shakin' me up so ♪that all i really know
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♪is here you come again, and here i go, here i go♪ here we come again. applebee's all you can eat is back. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood. greg: just you kat. final thoughts? >> i have a new podcast with tyrus called tyrosine and podcast available at podcast i reveal too much about my personal life actually. >> and i do not. >> people shouldn't listen to it because it's humiliating for me. but listen to it because that's how i grow.
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greg: that was an awesome show. a special thanks to kat sims, tyrus, studio audience. tyrus, studio audience. >> white house plaintiff in the present rump goes on the attack and pushes back against reports on possible ties to russia. good evening i am just got in this is the "fox report". jon: washington post says trump says take steps to high details with russian president vladimir putin. this after "the new york times" was to report saying the fbi had investigated the president as a possible national security threat back in 2017. just after he fired the bureaus then director james comey. accounts raise new questions from lawmakers this morning. >> this whole idea of collusion they've investigated this


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