tv Hannity FOX News January 14, 2019 6:00pm-7:00pm PST
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tomorrow night 8 p.m. the show that is the sworn enemy of of lying, pomposity, smugness and group think. we hope you will join us then. have a great evening. guess who is next? we will turn to him 9 seconds early sean hannity. >> sean: people say how many seconds extra did tucker steal from your show. greenwald is an interesting guy. i like that. the whole debate about what is described as media. we know the networks and the newsroom and cable chance are fake news and have agendas. there are people that are non-political. welcome to "hannity." time for a bombshell "hannity" watch on the deep state. this takes a lot of explaining. we will make it understandable and break it down for you. it's the abuse of power and corruption. we have been telling you all about this.
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it is tonight far worse than we have known up to this point. we know top people within the fbi filled with hatred and anti-trump rage put aside all values. seeking redemption for the firing of james comey. they plotted to destroy your elected president. according to this report the friday "new york times" anonymous sources, several top fbi officials questioned whether or not president trump was working directly for russia. they did this without a single shred of evidence. zero probable cause, zero proof of any collusion. it was a witch hunt. the president has been right from day 1. they opened an investigation into whether or not russia directed the president to fire
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their beloved hater james comey despite comey's testimony there was no evidence of collusion. for 9 mongst they were looking into this and trump was not the target of this investigation. even comey the trump hater admitted that the president could fire him for any reason. congressman ratcliffe said in may of 2017 political bias infected senior fbi leadership and emotion and not evidence drove their decision making. his closed door interview with james baker revealed this: fbi senior leadership could not accept that comey was fired for cause and the president had the constitutional authority to terminate comey. they will began the witch hunt. president trump's former attorney john dawd called the
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anti-trump operations a political coup. >> little did i know that it appears that they were all in it together. i mean rosenstein, comey, mueller. mccabe and the whole crowd. they were out to get this president no matter what. i don't think they believed anything about russia. this is our worst nightmare. that someone with that kind of power would decide to go after the president. it's a coup. it's an attempted coup by comey and his crowd. the evidence is all there. i think the "new york times" article is an admission of their bad behavior. >> sean: admission of corruption and abuse of power by people that are unchecked. unlimited powers and no accountability. is this good for america?
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do these deep state officials do anything other than -- the top officials that hate the president? are you really surprised? these are the same bureaucrats that rooted for hillary clinton to win the election. and peter strzok who said all of those horrible things about the president. the same official who wrote an exoneration in may of 2016 before interviewing hillary clinton and 16 other witnesses in july before they exonerated ther. it was written before the investigation. the same people that we know that hillary clinton objected justice. she destroyed subpoenaed emails. 33,000 of them. washed her hard drive with bleach and smashed iphones with a hammer and took away simcards. the same people who looked the other way when hillary clinton and the dnc funneled money
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through a law firm to fire a research firm to hire christopher steele a foreign national to give us russian lies. the same bureaucrats that applauded when clinton's funnel cashewsed -- cash was used to produce a dossier about president trump. the same people who helped desiminate those russian lies that she paid for, doing that before an election. trusted officials who used the dossier to defraud a fisa court to spy on a trump campaign associate. fraud before the court. the same people who used that dossier to open up an investigation into trump. this all has happened and yeah,
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a baseless investigation into a president being control by russia is now just par for the course. the hysteria of the media is worse. this was 9 months after they were already investigating collusion and lisa page and james comey and andrew mccabe hate trump and said they had nothing. mark penn points out the blatant unequal justice under the law. "every clear security breach in the clinton camp was no big deal and every 4th hand contact was evidence that donald trump was secretly serving the russian agent. >> are we criminalizing or
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exercising the authorities of the fbi to investigate policy differences? to investigate foreign policy by an administration? that's not the role of the fbi. >> sean: no it's not and the special counsel investigation rolls on. they are not looking into hillary clinton or phoney russian collusion. their focus is on president trump. and everyone around him. tonight one so-called journalist from the hate trump media is trying to play down expectations about trump and russia and about the mueller report. take a look. >> what i am getting is that this is all building up to the mueller report and raising expectations of a bombshell report. expectations have been building for over a year on this. people who are closest to what mueller has been doing interacting with the special counsel, this report is almost
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certain to be anti-climatic. >> sean: i don't trust when you just heard. giving the partisan makeup of mueller's team and their behavior throughout this process with high powered democratic donors, they will continue to destroy the presidency of donald trump. they have been doing it for 2 years and did it before the election. here's the problem which should concern every america: if these deep state actors succeed. for get about a free and equal justice system, dead in america. take the constitution as we know it and shred it, because that's over forever. never forget the hate trump democrats and hate trump media, they have been tied at the hip the whole time reporting lies daily. last week, we saw the talking point of the democratic party spit out by their friends in the
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media. a manufactured crisis at the border. no, people getting killed and drugs crossing our border, that's real. we continue our "hannity" watch tonight on the government shutdown and the crisis at the southern border that the media refuses to acknowledge. with budget negotiations dead locked and after 10 days on the job, many congressional democrats treated themselves after 10 days to some well deserved rest and relaxation at an oceanfront luxury resort. and 29 democratic lawmakers boarded a private jet and went to puerto rico to soak up the sun -- oh, that's such a nice picture. they are working hard for we the people and attended a special viewing of a broadway hit play hanging out with over 100 lobbyists and corporate executives. that's what you do on the 10th day of the job.
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good job. who paid for the plane and the tickets? just a question. we don't have answers yet. the democrats having fun in the sun -- can you imagine 10 days and then you go on vacation? i want that job. i will run for office. we have a crisis at our southern border is. it's gotten worse. while they are on vacation, a new migrant caravan is forming in honduras schedule to depart tomorrow morning and planing to cross our borders at an unknown time and location. we are learning about a dangerous federal loop hole leaving all americans vulnerable to violent gangs. last week 2 high school students stabbed by 33 illegal immigrant with ms-13 ties and 2 released
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because they were unaccompanied on minors entering the us. democrats don't care. last friday you met mothers and fathers on this show that lost their children because of illegal immigrants in the justice system. the president is working close on this. to close the american border and democrats are on vacation. maybe the president should offer them a tropical vacation if they get the job done. it's clear: we have a far left take over of the democratic party. that brings us to our "hannity" watch on socialism. the democrats new star new york congressman alexandria ocasio-cortez, she's been on a media tear. moving her party further and
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further to the left with calls for a 70% tax rate. she wants to abolish "ice." also government mandated climate shaming policies. in other words, they are coming for every last penny. these are the same socialist ideas gaining momentum. look at new york and california. new york city, the mayor eyeing a new far left scheme to redistribute wealth saying this in his state of the city address in new york. take a look. >> millions of people in this city, tens of millions across the country are boxed into lives that just are not working for them. you have not been paid what you deserve for all of the hard work. you have not been given the time you deserve. you are not living the life you
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deserve. and here, is the cold, hard truth: it's no accident. it's an agenda. an agenda that has dominated our politics from reagan-nommics to the trump tax give way to wealthy corporations. brothers and sisters, there is plenty of money in the world. there is plenty of money in this city. it's just in the wrong hands! >> sean: he wants to confiscate monthey is in the wrong hands. this is not about comp passion. -- compassion. this is about controlling hard working americans, in this case new yorkers. seeing the same thing in california. the leftist governor will tax drinking waters to ensure that the water they drink is clean.
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this is a state with a 13.5% state income tax. this is a party devoid of moderates and their solution to every problem is take more of your hard earned money and pretends its for your benefit. really it's about government control over your life. all the while covering up their own incompetence. author of the russian hoax, greg jarrett with mark penn and the house freedom caucus chairman mark meadows. congressman meadows, let's start with you. have you been all over this issue. is it true that the fbi after 9 months of investigating, then got in a little circle and said well, maybe the president is guilty of treason but never had a shred of evidence to bring them to that point?
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>> not a shred of evidence when we look at this. it's worse than that. they weaponized the fbi to go after this president. they got together after james comey was fired. they figured out what they could do to make his life miserable. it's worse than that. they tried to imbed their bias within the mueller investigation going forward. i have been in these interviews. you continue to see it. there is no collusion. to suggest that the president is a russian spy, there was plenty of spying go on, in his campaign but not by him. >> sean: this is the premise of your book. the scheme to clear hillary clinton of crimes we know she committed and frame donald trump. worse than we thought as mark penn said. >> this is an all-powerful, out
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of control agency. rogue agency. frankly, it's time that it be halted in its tracks and reorganized and replaced with a new organization that has legal restraints imposed upon it and accountable to somebody, when the boss of the fbi rod rosenstein is in bed with his subordinants, investigating a counter-intelligence case against the president is no probably cause or credible evidence. it's time that the fbi be halted. >> sean: these are all crimes. let's talk about the legal side. this is abuse of power. >> oh, it is, but it's formerly called deprivation of rights. you can't use your position in law enforcement to launch an investigation without a legal basis. you are abusing that individual,
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the president's rights. and it's obstruction of justice. misuse of the legal process. i am hopeful that william barr once confirmed as attorney general will turn over all of this investigation to federal prosecutors and a federal grand jury to hold these people accountable. >> sean: andrew mccabe and peter strzok and lisa page. that means crimes? >> oh, absolutely, if appropriate present it to the grand jury and let them decide if these people broke the law. >> sean: mark you said it well in your column. you says the investigation shows the deep state was worse than we thought. you were the clinton's pollster and all of the evidence about a phoney russian collusion that was paid for and espionage act. if you had subpoenaed emails
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would you acid wash your hard drive, would you? >> i thought ken starr. >> sean: you are ducking mile question. if your emails were subpoenaed would you clean your hard drive and bust up your devices or is that obstruction of justice? >> obviously i would not destroy my emails if they were subpoenaed. the issue is not that. a politically inspired hiysteri had them believing that donald trump was an agent of russia. this is ludicrous. we have to -- >> sean: you are one of five democrats in the country that see abuse of power and the
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danger of it. where is the rest of your party? you are probably yelled at parties because you come on this show and say something different than the talking point is? >> you don't want the presidency held hostage to investigations unless you have a clear paces. i believed that then and i believe it now. i am unafraid to say it. the more we learn there was no basis for the appointment of independent counsel other than the firing of the fbi director and gave testimony that rod rosenstein deserved to be fired. >> sean: and was thinking about wearing a wire and looking at how we could make it more easy to investigate the press.
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but not me. >> especially you. >> sean: thanks. congressman meadows, this is the question i get more often. i see what hillary did and they did nothing. what they did with fisa, nothing happens. i see surveillance and abuse of our intelligence weapons and nothing happens. now we have it going further than we ever imagined. when are these people going to be held accountable? when is the shoe on the other foot? >> it should be. there are two different standards. one for hillary clinton and one for donald trump and his campaign. the accountability must happen or it will continue. like mark said, we have to end that right now. if we don't, we jeopardyize the independence of the fbi and doj. >> sean: how do we get there? >> make sure there is not a double standard and ask the
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democrats who are willing to open an investigation to look at the fbi and hold them accountable. i am not optimistic that will happen. >> sean: greg, at different times we had the cia and fbi under fire. you were in the fbi. you said the fbi should be disbanded? >> it should be replaced with a new organization. they are not above the law. >> sean: we are talking about maybe 5 or 10 people. i love fbi agents. >> i do too. >> sean: this is not the average fbi guy. they are honorable and hard working people that arrest bad guys and are to be commended for it. the senior leadership infected have the fbi with a cancer. if they are punished for their crimes wouldn't that solve the problem? >> you can still employ the agents but replace it with a new
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organization answerable to the attorney general not the deputy attorney general. >> sean: more to come. thank you. when we come back, a lot to get to. president trump's senator and newt gingrich weigh in on congressional democrats that are partying in puerto rico and the latest on the deep state discover straight ahead. my teeth have always been a very sore spot for me,
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>> sean: i have known you longer. maybe that makes me a better client. i probably may more -- just teasing. a serious note here. for 9 months they investigated this after they exxonerated hillary clinton without investigating her and ignored the fisa abuse. and page, strzok and mccabe and mueller said they had nothing. my question is: i have never seen a bigger abuse of power ever! how do we ever get to the bottom of that? >> well, let's take a look at what has happened. you have a headline in the "new york times" that says fbi opening an investigation into whether president trump was working for russia. later they say there is no evidence of this. look at the sequence of events. there is this investigation
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called cross fire hurricane that started in 2016 not targeting the president. james comey tells the president of the united states that he is not under investigation. that's number 1. number 2, we have a text message from peter strzok to lisa page. let me read it. we both know the odds are nothing, if i thought it was likely i would be there. then he said i hesitate because of my gut concern there is no big, there, there. this is may 19th of 2017. then what you have is james comey told the president he is not under investigation. the president exercises his constitutional authority and fires james comey. >> sean: which he had a right to do? >> yes, and the fbi opens up a counter-intelligence investigation against the sitting president of the united
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states. ask yourself, if 3 days before there was nothing there and james comey said there was nothing to go over there for, why in the world would they open up a counter-intelligence investigation? if they did this, it's not only abuse of process, but it shows you it's a pattern of action. i want to focus on that pattern for a moment. it sounds like ancient history. remember how this started. the steele dossier. who put that together? fusion gps. who worked for fusion gps? nellie ohr, the wife of bruce ohr who talked with christopher steele and was working on the dossier. you put all of this together -- here's what happened. you have the irregularities which are legendary. we filed a freedom of
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information act request against various agency including the fbi and department of justice. one agency said we don't have any information relevant to what you asked. the other agency produced the information including what the fbi had in their file which they said they didn't have. now we are in federal court because the freedom of information act is the freedom from information act. you get the documents and they are redacted. here's the problem. you have to look at context of this investigation from the out set is. i said for 19 months, the irregularities are legendary. it's more than londonary. legendary. i think these are violation of law. -- who leaked this information? was there a counter intelligence investigation against the president of the united states after he was told he was not under investigation for firing james comey which he the constitutional right to do?
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that should send chills down everyone. >> sean: and comey signed off on the first fisa. a fraud committed on the court. and trump tower, a salacious and unverified. but just signed off in court that it was true to get the fisa warrant. >> look at what happened with the fbi. andrew mccabe gone. peter strzok gone. lisa page gone. james comey gone. james baker the general counsel gone. this is nothing against the fbi agents. they do an incredible job. the leadership of that agency at that time was engageed in activity that was illegal and outrageous. every american should be concerned about it. we said that for 19 months. this underscores it more. >> sean: we have bureaucrats
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abusing the tools of intelligence to go after somebody they hate, the top levels of the fbi. they are gone. where is the accountability for this? how does that dove tail into mueller who hired a team of people who are all trump haters too? >> that's not fair. i know what you are saying. what is not fair is the way in which in entire matter has gone down. why is there not a special counsel investigating all of these irregularities? we are not even talking about missing emails from peter strzok and lisa page from what peter of time? the time they worked at the special counsel. they wipe what they don't like and makeup what they want to makeup. that's the problem. that's why you have to go to court on this and get this
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information. special counsel needs to be investigating this. i know the inspector general is. it needs to be deeper. how do you explain this, this is the way it's supposed to work in a constitutional republic. it's not. >> sean: there is a lot of risk here. when do you think the mueller report is out? >> i am never one to give dates. i think as a lot of people are saying, they are in the wrap up phase. sean, whatever the report is, here's what we know. there was noclusion. there was no obsuction. all of these reports and leaks, you know what the reality is? it makes for good copy in newspapers that are trying to sell papers. the reality is the american people are seeing right through this for what it is. the president called it a hoax and that's what it is. >> sean: and a witch hunt. when we come back, fox and friends rob schmidt will give us a report from puerto rico.
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and if you're pregnant or planning to be. otezla. show more of you. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> sean: joining us live from puerto rico with the sun soaked democratic vacation with 100 lobbyists. the co anchor of fox and friend first. this is unfair. you are in puerto rico, rob schmidt. i am kidding. how are you? >> i am good. this is a great gig. puerto rico is the place to be in january. it's freezing up north. more than 30 democrats and their families and more than 100 lobbyists came down on a private
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chartered jet. they call this a winter retreat. the meals are paid for and fancy hotels. a lot of business being taken care of so they say. they thhad meetings but a lot o free time as well. they had terrible debt in this country for a lot of years. when the hurricane hit in 2017 it made a problem worse they already had. living their means. 90 million dollars in damage. plenty of time for senator from new jersey to hit the beach. that's the picture going around the internet today. >> sean: suntan lotion? >> yes, has a nice january fan. >> sean: who pays for the jet with all of those carbon emissions? >> that would be the lobbyists. >> sean: 10 days into the work year they go on vacation. did they pay for the hotel and
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the luxury resort? >> they paid for all of it. that's the deal. that's how it goes down. i feel you. this is what a lot of people feel. a lot of frustration with this. the optices look bad. we caught up with senator menendez and he didn't want to talk to us. check it out. >> [inaudible]. >> i want to be fair. >> sean: putting on suntan lotion. >> they had 6.5 hours of meetings on sunday and had a full day today. meeting in the capital behind me and then took off back to d.c. >> sean: thanks for being with us. joining us now author of trump's america, former speaker of the house newt gingrich.
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isn't that nice, 10 days in. you get a nice free vacation. i didn't know they paid for the private jet and the meals and hotel and put suntan location on each other. it's nice. bonding. >> they developed intricate rules that allow them to do what they want to while still claiming they are following the rules. the picture shows you the road map for the president. the president's position ought to be we won't kick the can further down the road. we will get it solved now. they ought to call the congress in and say you have an obligation to stay here and focus on this. somebody suggested the radical idea that maybe the congress should not be paid during the shutdown so if they went through the same processesa the federal
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civil servants who are not getting paid, maybe that would focus their attention. the president ought to say this is your job. you the congress are supposed to be solving it. stay here until you get it solved. that's the strongest position. >> sean: let me ask you this. i understand the concern. there were times in my life i lived paycheck to paycheck. i have sympathy for the furloughed employees. a source told me there is a group of democrats and a group of republicans that might appeal to the president to give them a certain period of time to solve the problem and if they don't get it done, he would declare a national emergency. would you support that? >> no. i really think they should focus on the congress doing its job. the president declaring a national emergency is
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sidestepping the central problem which we will have for the next 2 years with speaker pelosi. you have a hard line left wing democratic party whose radical wing is well to the left of bernie sanders. they have no interest in governing. they have no interest in working with the president of the united states. frankly, he ought to look at the reagan playbook. when i was a junior congressman we never got tip o'neal's support. we got about a 3rd of the democrats who decided they would vote for us. between the republicans and that one-third, we passed things like the 3 year tax cuts. if you thought of kevin mccarthy as a potential leader of a coalition, 46 democratic freshman wrote a note to speaker pelosi and said they want to letting. -- legislate. give them a chance to legislate. the reagan model is go to the country to find individual democrats.
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the leadership will never cut a deal. >> sean: what about the shutdown aspect? indefinite? >> yes, but i would urge frankly the leader mccarty to put together a discharge pettician for the house and get every republican to sign it. we will fund the southern border and we are going to fund the government and we are ready to vote to do both. there are a number of democrats in the last 4 days who came out and said i could vote for the southern border. i could vote for the wall. there is a growing number under the pressure of this whole thing who are say is -- saying, look, i don't want to be unreasonable. that will come at the bottom. look at the procedure who find 40 or 50 democrats, combine them with the republicans and get
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things passed in a bipartisan basis. in effect, beating pelosi and the left wing of the democratic party. >> sean: all right. if raises a lot of questions. i don't disagree with your strategy. i don't care which way the president gets the money personally. a national emergency or stays with the shutdown or forces the democrats to step up and do their job. we need to control the border and the drugs and human trafficking. we appreciate you being with us. the hate trump media is in a frenzy beyond what they usually are. what they are saying. jobs that.
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i could never do. i would lose it on the podium and it would not be pretty. between the fbi report and the "new york times" and the lack of coverage of the junket with lobbyists. it's so predictable. >> and so pre-dated donald trump trump or george h.w. bush. when i started in capitol hill in the '80s.
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republicans have to work twice as hard as democrats do to get the same press coverage. democrats the press general agrees with them. republicans have to force their way through a closed door to get fair press coverage because reporters disagree with them and it's getting worse. particularly in the age of tr p trump. >> sean: and look at the "new york times" report on friday. >> they almost accused president of treason. very little coverage of the fbi abuse of power that is dangerous to every american. it should not be left or right or red or blue or democratic and republican. it could be about justice and the constitution. >> sean: there are 2 issues at take. what they cover and what they don't cover. how they cover it, you look at
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the "new york times." it talks about the president and there being no evidence. if you read the headline, you would think he had doning in nefarious. it's what they are not covering. you pointed out the lack of coverage of the dems in puerto rico. there are so many things where the president worked effectively with congress to get so many bills passed and reform and moving the economy in the right direction. the study show from 80 to 90% of the coverage is negative. that just doesn't jibe with reality. ari is right. it's worse under trump. the attempt not to just to cover the truth and the fact and the stories but to find the negative narrative. >> sean: any doubt, ari fleischer, that is the media is working towards doing everything they can to destroy the president, every second, minute,
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hour of every day. print broadcast and cable? >> if you watch the other shows, what you will see is what did donald trump do wrong today? that drives all of their coverage. and what do they omit? not only with the president. where is the coverage of all of the democrats who met with farrakhan? >> that's a great point. >> why isn't the press raising a stink about democrats who were elevated to the leadership of the house who met with a racist farrakhan. you don't see the follow-up questions from reporters? do you agree with what farrakhan said? how could you have that meeting? you don't see the pressure that the press puts on republicans on democrats. >> sean: judaism a better religion. a small minor sampling what have
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we played. how does the president deal with this onslaught and the fbi onslaught, sean spicer? >> this is not new to him. this is what he faces every day. i think he react proportionately. i don't know they could take it the way he. i think he recognizes that his credentials speak for themselves. >> sean: when we come back, trace gallagher, jayme closs kidnapper in court today. you won't believe the photos straight ahead. i hear it in the background and she's watching too, saying
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2 previous trips before carrying out the attack that killed her parents and adopted dominic abducted her. she said she heard a dog bark and a car come in the driveway. she woke her parents, she and her mom hid in a bathtub. heard a gunshot, try to call 911, but broke down the back room door. jayme closs said she was in a remote cabin and shows a shabby living area with a couch, refrigerator, old tv. when jake patterson had friends are family over, he told her to hide under the bed which he sealed off with weights, telling her to be quiet or "bad things could happen to her." last thursday, jayme closs escaped the cabin. patters interested in minutes. authorities have not said whether jayme closs was sexually
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assaulted but the list does not have any sex crimes. >> sean: thank you for that report and update. that's all the time we have left this evening. let not your heart be troubled and in the news always continues where we are always fair and balanced, but not the hate trump media. she's in new york. she is not in the sewer or the swamp -- to be when i'm in's swamp i come into town and haul down the call hell breaks loose. maybe i won't finish to 2012 because things have changed, sean. that's what your good mayor. >> sean: comrade de blasio? every lunatic on the fringe? i want them all to run. it's going to be highly entertaining. >> laura: the more the merrier. a
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