tv Hannity FOX News January 15, 2019 10:00pm-11:00pm PST
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back tomorrow at 8:00 p.m., the show that the is the show that is a sworn enemy of sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness, and groupthink. tune in tomorrow to see what happens. it is now time we are going to go, we are 15 seconds, 13 now from sean hannity's show. >> sean: you have been so good. >> tucker: new year, man, i'm going to turn it to you with four seconds. >> sean: all right. tucker, thank you from the swamp inin d.c. welcome to "hannity." like a false prophet righteousness, james comey, former fbi director constantly pretending to be a courageous hero fighting for truth and justice. in reality, is he a hateful,ir vengeful, arrogant narcissist. we now know who abused power and fostered one of the most corrupt federal departments this country has ever seen. tonight we can report the
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walls are closing in on james comey. we have, yet, another major development in our "hannity watch" on the deep state. former fbi general counsel james baker of the man who served as jim comey's top lawyer, he, too, like others, is under criminal investigation for leaking to the media and baker has long faced scrutiny over his ties to "mother jones" reporter david corn. remember, corn was the first journalist to report the existence of christopher steele's dirty dossier in the lead-up to thehi 2016 presidential election. so, let's keep trackkn of comey's leadership at the fbi. you know, mr. integrity. okay, now, of course we know comey himself was fired by president trump. his second in commandan andrew mccabe was fired for lying. andrew mccabe is now currently under a criminal investigation. comey's top investigator, peter strzok, was fired for his obvious political bias. he may soon be under criminal investigation as well as his ex-girlfriend, top fbi lawyer lisa page. she was forced to resign over her bias.
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then have you comey's chief of staff, james rybicki, he has resigned and now we know comey's general comey's general counsel jim baker, now we can report under an official criminal investigation. something comey himself that he admitted to doing when heem leaked the fbi memos about president trump, remember, to his professor friend atfe columbia and then to the "new york times" for the very purpose of spurring a a special counsel investigation, which w coincidentally is being carried out by his close friend, robert mueller. how nice. so, what did all the people, they all wanted hillary clinton to win, one of them 100 million to zero. they all hated and continue to hate donald trump. they all worked together to rig our political system andd fix out outcome of the 2016 election by using their powerful top positions, not rank and file, the top positions at the fbi and the doj to help hillary clinton
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win, to cheat, to rig an election. and as we now know, they had an emergency policy and a media leak strategy in case clinton didn't win 100 million to zero. after james comey was fired, top officials inside the fbi were angry. they acted out of that anger, malice emotion without any evidence, no probable cause or reasonable suspicion and ended up launchinw what was a partisan investigation into the president of the united states with a wild conspiracy, accusing the president of working with vladimir putin to fire comey because russia told him to t do it. no they were angry. this was their punishment. this was their payback abusing power to attack the president that they never want elected. this brings us tonight to a "hannity" history lesson. green greenwald recently pointed out that the fbi, in their investigation into donald trump, used eerily similar tactics to those
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pioneered by j. edgar hoover. remember, hoover served as fbi director for many decades and became infamous for aggressive investigation into americans who he suspected had ties to the soviet union. hoover even suspected fdr's vice president henry wallace to be a -- lengthy probe and surveillance simply because hoover disagreed with wallace's policy. the fbi should never be in the business of investigating political differences or policy decisions. they shouldn't be, well, lashing out because of personal opinions that they have. the role of the fbi, which is the 99% of field agents of rank andge file, they do their jobs, they investigate crimes and criminals.o not politics, not policy, and especially not launching a counterintelligence investigation into a duly elected president with zero evidence because you don't like him. today william barr, president trump's pick to be
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our next attorney general, faced his first day of confirmation hearings on the hill. senator lindsey graham, who will join us later, grilled him about whether or not he would investigate the fbi's baseless, corrupt investigation into president trump, taken out firing ofor the comey.f let's take a look. >> we shouldld always be on guad about the politician interfering in an investigation, but we should also have oversight of how the department works and those with this tremendous power use that power. are you familiar with the january 11st "new york times" article about fbi open inquiry into whether trump was secretly working on behalf of russians? >> yes, mr. chairman. >> would you promise me and this committee to look into this and tell us whether or not, in the appropriate way, a counterintelligence investigation was opened upig
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by somebody at the fbi/department of justice against president trump? >> yes, mr. chairman. i think there were a number of investigations as i understand it, going on in the department. >> have you ever heard of such a thing in all the time you have been associatedhi with the department of justice? >> i have never heard of that. >> are there rules about how you can do counterintelligence investigations? >> i believe there are, mr. chairman. >> so if you want to open up one against the president, are there any check and balances? >> not outside the fbi. >> well, we need to look at that. in terms of people who are actually enforcing the law, don't we want to make surere that they don't have an agenda?t >> that's right, mr. chairman. >> do you promise me, as attorney general, if you get this job, to look into see what happened in 2016? >> yes, mr. chairman. >> sean: that's a good sign that william barr cares about equal justice, application of our laws and saying he will serve as a
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fair attorney general. mr. barr, there are no shortage of corrupt trump haters to investigate and many with a lot of power that they have abused. no shortage of crimes here. tonight we are going to begin to lay out a road map of corruption for the new attorney general to be. our own gregg jarrett has compiled a comprehensive list. to start, we are not go through the full list tonight, with fisa abuse. that is lying to a fisa court. that is committing a fraud against a court to get a warrant to spy on a trump campaign associate using hillary clinton's bought and paid for phony dossier that was full of russian lies. t look at your screen. james comey, andrew mccabe, sally yates, rod rosenstein all likely committed fraud on a fisa court presentinget hillary clinton's dirty dossier as unbiased, verify in evidence, when in reality, it was never verified, never corroborated, and full of russian lies, and they never told the courts that it was
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bought and paid for by hillary clinton. next up, mr. barr, you getxt this job, you need to look into the theft and leaking of government documents. jim comey obviously committed a serious crime when he intentionally leakedus his fbi memos about his conversations with the president. it's important to also look at abuse of power charges that would be comey, mccabe, strzok, all fired, lisa page. bruce orh should have been deported twice. disagree with politically all trying to get hillary a clinton elected and then having an insurance policy, and a media leak strategy if, in fact, donald trump did win. let's not forget about lying to the fbi. after all, this crime shouldn't only apply to an american war hero like general flynn and trump t campaign staff like george papadopoulos, who had to spend
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two weeks in jail for nothing. andrew mccabe was fired over that charge. is he going to receive the same treatment as general flynn and be prosecuted? the doj also will need to tackle the unauthorized leaks. we now know that james baker is already facing a criminal investigation tonight over this charge but so, too, are we going to look at john o brennan and james clapper and what about susan rice and samantha powers? should they not be investigated over the massive amounts of names that they unmasked while serving in the final year of the obama administration? and because of james comey's biased and inept investigation of hillary clinton, exoneration beforeol investigation obvious violation of the espionage act, mr. barr must also revisit hillary clinton's various crimes. like, oh, deleting subpoened emails and hard drive and
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washing it with bleach bit and bust up devices and ripping out sim cards. we will show you howht mr. barr should tackle that in tomorrow night's monologue. first, let's get back to barr's testimony on capitol hill earlier today. in a concerningg statement, he actually said that the mueller investigation is not a witch-hunt. i strongly disagree. take a look. >> you say you have known mueller a long time. would you say you have a close relationship with mr. mueller? >> i would say we were good friends. >> would you say that you understand him to be a fair-minded person? >> absolutely. >> do you trust him to be fair to the president and the country as a whole? >> yes. >> when his report comes to you, will you share it with us as much as possible? >> consistent with the regulations and the law, yes. >> do you believe mr. mueller would be involved in a witch-hunt against anybody? >> i don't believe mr. mueller would be>> involved in a witch-hunt. >> sean: maybe we can assume barr is trying to placatelv democratic fears, giving the benefit of the doubt. not rushing to justice. a belief in innocence until being proven guilty.
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because we know, in fact, robert mueller is an witch hunt. you need look no further than the people-h that mueller hired. we are talking about multiple, big time democratic donors, those that made tens of thousands of dollars combined and contributions to the campaigns of obama, john kerry, clinton, and other democrats. mueller, he hired zero republicans. not one. top mueller attorney jeannie rae actually worked for hillary clinton. howw could you hire hillary clinton's a attorney at the clinton foundation? and mueller's so-called pitbull according to the "new york times" andrew weissmann? he actually attended hillary's election night party. and weissmann has also come under fire for aggressive prosecution tactics like withholding exculpatory evidence, p including one case, andersen accounting, they were forced to close their doors, tens of thousands of people lost their jobs before the
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supreme court overturned weissmann's prosecution 9-0. in another case, mueller's pitbull weissmann sent four innocent merrill lynch to prisoner for a year. you'll never get that your back in your life. before that case was overturned by thehe fifth circuit of appeals. we are supposed to believe that that trackk record, appointing those people, that's a fair, unbiased investigation as carried out by an obvious aggressive partisan team of lawyers that mueller picked. he also picked strzok and page. we know where they stand. we will continue to monitor all the latest developments surrounding the deep state throughout the show tonight. first, we turn to the "hannity wash" on the government shutdown. today, president trump invited democrats to the white house. he's trying to make a deal. he is offering them every opportunity, invited them to lunch and a meeting to discuss border security. that invitation once again rejected by, oh, i will give you
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a dollar, nancy pelosi and company, making it all the more difficult for the president to negotiate with a group of people. how do you negotiate with they won't come to the table to talk? and this comes as a new migrant caravan is one the move now tonight in honduras. according to human rights group, that's traveling with migrants, the caravan has now swelled to approximately 2,000 individuals, raising fresh fears and concerns about more clashes as they move into the southern border of mexico. and then back to the united states. without a doubt, this is good for everybody on both sides of our border if we had physical barriers. remember, wall makes everybody safe. we don't want to encourage the journey, which is literally difficult, people die. which is subject to human trafficking. physical abuse, sexual abuse. other life-threatening conditions, for those that want to come here just for a betteree lifeet. i have said many times, i think that the vast majority. they want a better life for
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themselves, their goods, their grandkids. they told mike we to have a system where we bet everyone and anyone coming into our country. americansal have lost their livs because of illegal immigrants. 90% ofle the drunks, heroin for example, coming into this country, come from the southern border. that makes it a life-and-death matter, not a political ploy. maybe democrats should take note. the president's agenda has been extremely successful. good news on the economic front tonight.t. german automaker volkswagen announced they a are expanding operations into tennessee. that is good news following the big news the president weeded out, "volkswagen will be spending $800 million in chattanooga tennessee, and they'll be making electric cars." congratulations it had all my chattanooga tennessee. a job well done. a big win predicates better. he knew poll finding that the economic fundamentals are stroni prayha democrats threatening to destroy all that optimism with
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their far left, nanny's date, socialist dreams. the democratic mayor of new york, comrade bill de blasio, actually putting a new plan to confiscate, that's right, confiscate, private property from landlords. those he claims create unlivable conditions. he's even saying, wealth is in the wrong hands of people of new york. that sounds like he wants to confiscate money from some people and redistributed to other people. those coastal comrades in california, they are pushing their w own radical far left agenda. another nanny state proposal to ban paper receipts because paper is filled with "toxins." america better wake up. socialism is on the rise, and the move, taking up the democratic party. meanwhile, unemployment is at a record low. record low for african-americans, hispanic americans, asian-americans, women in the workforce, consumer confidence remains high, wage growth is the best it has been in a decade.
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but democrats are trying to turn back all the progress, burdensome regulation, and of course they don't want energy independence. some want a 70 or 80% tax rate for you to socialized medicine, government mandated climate shal while making our nation left see -- a less safe, secure, open borders, they want to control your business, control your decisions, they want all the power, and all your money. how does that make your life better? with reaction to all this tonight, the other for number one best seller come up with russian hoax,: ," gregg jarrett, along with former attorney general pam bondi. this list of crimes, we watched william barr today do some things he said that would make you say uh-oh. but he can't for example say he supports "locker " her up"."
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>> he was shocked at the text messages.. he was dismayed by this we fisa abuse. bruce ohr and his wife's involvement in the dossier, and finally, the counterintelligence investigation by the fbi, with no legal standards, no probable cause, no reasonable suspicion, simply because they could. the arrogance and audacity of the fbi to do this was really quite breathtaking, and you could tell, from william barr's response, so he's got his work cut out for him, sean. >> sean: you part out a list of specific people, specific crimes. you when i could never understand my jeff sessions never followed up and applied to the law as is written. we are not asking -- is all we are asking. >> he wasn't really the attorney general, the defective attorney general was rod rosenstein. and he was angry eric trump for getting blamed for writing a
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recommendation that james comey be fired. he tried to recruit cabinet members to depose the president. he is the one who appointed a special counsel. so when you have the guy -- in charge of the fbi, which was rosenstein, in bed with his subordinates who were coming after trump, of course there could be no justice. >> sean: pam bondi, the first time i think we introduced to his former attorney general of florida. >> weird. >> sean: welcome to your new life. in that position, you watched the testimony today. are you confident that mr. barr will apply the law to all of these serious examples of abuse of power and corruption that we have spent a lot of time exposing on this show? >> sean, i read an op-ed that was published about why william barr is the best selection in the country to be our u.s. attorney general, and now i am even more convinced than ever. he said the right things today,
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he was honest, he was genuine, and he will go into it with an open mind, i but this is a tough man, and he is going to do what is right. i have no doubt in my mind, actually. >> sean: does that mean hillary clinton obstructed justice and violated the espionage act will be held accountable? all p the people that committed fraud on the fisa court, are they going to be held accountable? >> i believe so. he's a career prosecutor, he's an attorney general, and he is going to put right above wrong. he's going to do the right thing. i have no doubt in my mind he's going to look into all of that, just like they tried to attack ourr president of the united states. >> sean: do yound think that, will he do it himself or will he counsel? special what would you advise him to do? >> i would advise them to do it himself. this man has no reason to recuse himself. there is not even -- >> sean: he's not going to recuse himself. >> absolutely not. he r should not recuse himself. >> i agree with pam.
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he should do it himself. they are a great career prosecutors who are perfectly capable, there is no conflict of interests, which is required -- >> sean: based on the evidence we know, the names we mentioned in the monologue, while they go to jail? >> they showed. >> a grand jury should be investigating and making the determination whether they should be prosecuted and convicted. >> sean: would i be prosecuted? > you would have been prosecuted long ago and so would i. >> thanks to all the great men and women in the trenches every day in the fbi who these few people are making look horrible and they are doing a great job every day. >> the rank-and-file of the fbi are so angry at what these top officials did, and they should not be grouped with them, either. thank youu both. when rick and beckham exclusive interview, former house intel committee chair devin nunes, lindsey graham when we get back, straight ahead. ♪
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♪ >> sean: all right now as senate lawmakers grill the ag nominee william barr, we are learning more about the deep state and the abuses he will be cob fronting when confirmed. for example, according says he'll be confronting when confirmed. for example, according to reporting from our ownth catherine herridge, former top fbi lawyer james baker, this is under comey, is the subject of a criminal investigation into illegal leakss to the media. also growing evidence of the deep anti-trump bias among senior fbi officials. with devin nunes from the house intel committee revealing that the bureau's leaders "had no real evidence against the trump team," but launch an investigation anyway following the comey firing. joining us now with reaction as thees congressman himself, congressman devin nunes. congressman, when i hear that, what i hear is that as a revenge investigation, but it had already gone on for ninene mont.
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immediately after they exonerated hillary, with no investigationch, they launched a so-called trump-russia collusion investigation. nine months into it, comey is fired but we learn from peter strzok, lisa page, mccabe himself, and comey, that they had nothing at that point. why would they then sit in a room and basically say, maybe the president conspired with putin to fire james comey?et >> sean, let's think about it a different way. we have s these is suppose that russia hawk sitting at the counterintelligence division of the fbi and doj. where were they in 2012 when barack obama got caught on a hot microphone telling him he needed more time to l wait until after the election? looks like there was trying to work with the russians. where were they investigating when thegi ukrainians were beggg the united states for weapons? theea congress was trying to gie weapons to the ukrainians after the russians had invaded and
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annexed primary. no one went to investigate the obama white house or president obama. so you have no evidence in this case, you have no records, no phone calls, absolutely nothing of any sort, and yet you supposedly or reportedly are investigating the president? furthermore, supposedly the scope memo that outlines whatever mueller aspires to be looking at, if "the new york times" story as to be believed from last friday, if that is to be believed, that means that somebody leaked l pieces of that scope memo to "the new york times." we still have yet to see that in the congress. >> sean: john huber supposed to be investigating that, working a long time, we could use an update. i don't know if you've seen this piece,ow the headline is " "mccabe's fbi tried to reengage christopher steele christopher steele after comey was fired." they have a transcript supposedly by bruce ohr showing the fbi went back to christopher steele between comey firing at
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mueller's appointment. we also know that there was communication, bruce ohr was the conduit, if c you will, for christopher steele. and he was trying to get his information -- remember, he's been discredited. the dossier has been discredited. he was fired for lying and leaking from the fbi. but yet he is still in contact with all these top officials and trying to feed information to mueller, which we have got in the exchanges with bruce ohr. >> remember how we got here. we set up a task force, we gave a list at the end of the last congress, actually last summer, a task force was created to conduct a bunch of interviews. what s supposedly now is leaking out are pieces of these interviews that chairman galligan chairman bob goodlatte have asked for the fbi and doj toto release them. they sat on them. now i think what is happening as people are selectively leaking pieces of them. i read the story in me times, i have not read all the transcripts. i don't know if that is true or not. but obviously, it's very alarming. if it is true, that in that
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time, they were already trying to t go back to christopher stee and get him to come back after they knew he was terminated for lying and misleading the fbi, very, very concerning, and i think we need to know more about this, which is why these transcripts from all these interviews need to be released. we got to hope that the newew attorney general gets into this deeply. congressman, thank you very much. joining us now with much more, south carolina senator lindsey graham is with us. he was of course leading the hearings with william pryor today.ea senator, good to see you. >> thank you, sean. >> sean: your thoughts on the hearings, let's start there. will bill bar to barr do the things that james comey did not do? >>nc i believe so.ll i've seen no evidence of collusion between the trump campaign in russia, but i've seen a lot of corruption in the department of justice and the fbi. i have every confidence that
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mr. barr is going to ask questions, how can you certify to a fisa court on four separate occasions that you have enough evidence to get a warrant against american citizens with the evidence, the dossier, is unverified to this day? i think is going to look long and hard at the department of justice and fbi, the way they conducted the clinton investigation, the way they started up the mueller investigation. here's a long story short. mr. barr believes that politicians should not interfere in criminal investigations, but he also believes that criminal investigators should not be out to get politicians, and they were out to get trump. >> sean: there are a lot of forces working against him but for example, ied know if i deled emails, acid washed hard drives -- [laughs] >> are you confident hel. will o that because every other american, if you are being investigated, subpoenaed with your emails, will you erase them? is that whatt hillary has taught
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us? i believe that is breaking the law. >> i hope you go back and look at why she got away with this. they were out to get trump, they say so themselves come out to help her. i want him to do more than mr. horwitz did, explain to the country how it got so bad, wanted to tell us what happened with this be mueller a warrant application, how could i get so off-base?in there was a counterintelligence investigation to the president of united states, i want to cao tell us m how that started freit are not expecting him to throw mueller over. but i am expecting him to clean up the mess of the department of justice and fbi and i think the president did the right -- pick the right guy to do it for 80 >> sean: we now f know for a fact that russian lies were used for purposely regular and also an investigation into hillary was rigged. >> paid for by the democratic -- >> sean: favored candidate over another candidate. insurance policy, leak strategy
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if that failed. let me move to the issue of immigration. i think the president -- i don't really care which way he gets it because lives are at stake. we have 90% of heroin coming into this country from the southern border, human trafficking, et cetera. the president decides it's a national emergency, that is fine. you've been talking to people, you have a different approach? what is it? >> well, i think you need to build this wall because we need the wall. i think democrats are being hypocritical because they all voted for more wall funding than the president is asking for. their stricter ways to build a wall, sean. do it by yourself through executive action, which is the last resort but may be necessary, the other option is to get a legislative solution. nancy pelosi has said, i will give you a dollar for a while and that's it. i believe there are democrats in the senate that would work with the w president to fund the wall adequately, meet his priorities, if you would do other things. soo mr. president, if democrats come to you in the senate and say that we would like to work
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with you for a few weeks to see if we could solve this problem, give them the chance, and if they don't deliver, do it by yourself. >> sean: are you convinced there are those democrats to do that in the senate? >> they got to come out of the shadows and say, we are willing to work with you, mr. president, two major priorities, and we want something's come too, but we reject nancy pelosi's idea that you only get a dollar for the wall. if there are democrats willing to come forward to work with you, mr. president, for a few weeks to seent if we can solve this, take them up on it, and if you don't get -- >> sean: you think that will happen? you will have five, ten republicans, five, ten democrats that say, give us a chance to do ourcs job, open the government,f we don't get it out in three weeks, you should declare the national emergency and use pentagon funds or other resources? >> mr. president, if you are watching a show, there are democrats who would work with you that we could get a deal with them in the senate.
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>> sean: no amnesty is involved in this? >>ye in my view, for $5 billion, you don't get a pathway to citizenship. let's keep it simple. the bridge act work permits, no citizenship. if democrats mess and it will work with you, give them a chance. a couple of weeks, if it doesn't work, give it one last shot. >> sean: the question will be $1 nancy, may be -- they are embarrassed by nancy pelosi, probably worried about her extremism. the first question would be, what will nancy say? >> i'm dying to hear what they will say. [laughs] get them in a room and ask about question and see where we go. >> sean: senator graham, good to see you. when we come back, we have a live report from honduras where aa new migrant caravan is formig as we speak in central america. we also get a reaction, dan bongino,ac leslie marshall whene come back. straight ahead. ♪ my experience with usaa
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♪ >> sean: joining us now live from honduras with the very >> sean: joining us live from under us with the very latest on the new migrant caravan's fox news correspondent t steve harrigan. steve, here we go again. >> sean, here we go again. the waves of caravans are getting closer and closer together. it's really about two caravans right now, the one that i am on, the lead right here, this is going into guatemala, and all the way down the street, you can see the overflow from the shelter. people trying to huddle up and stay warm, it's about 60 degrees here. you've got another caravan already forming. so you have one on the move and one forming. the numbers are getting larger quicker than the past caravan in october.od the numbers doubled today, 2,000 up from 1,000 at the start of the day. so they are moving faster, too, they willmiles today, go through guatemala, through
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mexico, the goal is to get to the united states. soso far they are having no trouble getting into guatemala. mexico could be another question. the president has promised to treat migrants who mainly come but theyey may be wearing out their welcome in some parts of mexico. in tijuana, they have shut down a major shelter that used to house thousands of migrants. people they are simply fed up. they are shutting one down with another wave of convoys on the way to mexico. back to you, sean. >> sean: steve harrigan and hunter's tonight. thank you.ct with more reaction, fox news contributor leslie marshall, former secret service agent, dan bongino, host of "the dan bongino show," dan bongino. let's start with you. on friday night, angel moms and dads were here. >> i saw that, i was watching. >> sean: 4,000 homicides, illegal immigrants. we had 10,000 sexual assaults, 100,000 violent assaults. 90% of heroin, opiate epidemic,
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as you know, comes from the southern border. ci know the democratic talking point, the press talking point, this is a manufactured crisis. you heard from those moms and dads. r is that manufactured or is that real life and death? >> no, that is real life and death, certainly. and nobody should have to bury a familycr member to a violent crime, whether a person came here illegally or whether they were born here legally. with regard to all of those -- let's talk about drugs. el chapo himself has said, after watch, two months in a brooklyn court, we brought the drugs in, we didn't use those porta points. in the past 30 days, three separate tunnels were found, one between -- under an arizona parking lot into mexico, two i others, and then in addition, 790 kilos found in pennsylvania, biggest drug haul majority of illegal immigrants come to this country by plane and overstay their visas.
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so do we have a crisis? yes. but the majority don't want a wall. they want solutions that work. >> sean: i was at the borderur with the president last thursday and those drugs are coming in. shockingly, dan bongino, leslie is a liberal that agrees that it's a crisis, it is life-and-death. reality is, it protects both sides. people that won't make this treacherous journey where some people die and on such an arduous path, some people are sexually assaulted. it would be good for both sides in the ended we have legales immigration. >> sean, listen, you are right, this iss protect both sides. the immigration laws are absurd. we have this consent decree which which is incentivizing families to make these dangerous tracks across our border and across central america, with children, young children, who clearly can't handle this. it's dangerous to everyone involved. if i can quickly address, with due respect to leslie, her
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talking point there, it is a little bit ridiculous. you are suggesting, because drugs come in via ports of entry, airplanes, and probably our northern border, too, that we should somehow ignore the southern border and the wall? that's like saying, we have a drug problem in the neighborhood so let's ignore the burglaries. this is just a really ridiculous, outrageous liberal talking point that makes absolutely no sense. if we can put up a physical barrier and stop some parts of portion of the drug blow, then we should come and we can handle the ports of entry problem with a port of entry solution. >> the problem is that, i know that when we liberals w speak, e can't hear us. i want you to hear me. where you are not saying we don't have a solution and a we don't want to do something. but my point is, if you have drugs coming, as you mention, from the northern border, because we have poor borders, and if you have drugs coming through ports of entry, pennsylvania, or the l.a. ports in california on the west coast,
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if you have tunnels underground, the wall doesn't stop that. what democratsts are saying, wht the majority of americans, 63%, which by the way, over 30% of republicans and that latest poll, they want, not just safe orders, they want to smart decisions, and a wall doesn't -- and a drone doesn't cover injunctions, all the areas i just mentioned. >> sean: why did democrats support $50 billion in 2013? why were they making the case and sounding like donald trump? just four years ago. >> the majority of democrats did not. i know nancy pelosi did. at one time. >> sean: schumer, hillary, obama, biden -- >> correct. when you go backk to when bush was president, the secure the border, who was one person i voted no? nancy pelosi. as a democrat, i disagree with the democrats saying, hey, we'll give you money for a wall. >> sean: last word to dan. >> leslie, you just debated yourself. you just said walls don't -- you just made the same point, the
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same sentence, walls want to stop it and yet they had a tunnel underneath the wall to get around the wall that initially stop it. d clearly it was a deterrent. the knife found the tunnel. you just abated yourself. you made our point. >> we have tunnels in places where there are zero fencing. >> so they have to get around the obstructions. what you are saying is they have to get around the obstruction by building a tunnel. >> i've been saying that we want some expansion, we don't want what the president has campaigned on. >> criminalsls have to find a wy around it because they were obstructed from getting in the country? you just made our point. >> no, you made mine, if you are saying the criminals have to find a way around it or offer at or under it because they will. a wall might i not be immoral bt it's an effective. >> that is -- >> sean: they supported the wall and sounded just like donald trump. >> not all of them. >> sean: most of them.
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>> sean: ton ♪ >> sean: tonight come with a "hannity watch" on the hate-trump media. news busters showing, no surprise, broadcast networks, evening newscast, they trashed drum for the year 201890% of their coverage. in a major blow for the radical left, dnc will no longer sponsor the women's march after allegations of anti-semitism. heree now, might become his word
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because jesse didn't shown' up. joee concha, the official media reporter of the "hannity" program and jessica tarlov, with us[i. is going to be someone's world and i'm betting on joe concha holding it. >> i'm going with the universe. the world is small. >> sean: we will impeach this -- hanging out with the most radical people, democrats, ari fleischer made a good point. filmed with louis farrakhan, no one says a word. why? >> double standards mostly. i think after a while, people are getting fatigued by therc news, sean. it pure research does a great study last year, found that 70% of americans are bornet out by the news, including 79% of republicans. then you look at axios and survey monkey, another poll .65 presents a fake news is usually reported because people have an agenda in the media while only 3% think it's because they made
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a mistake. think ofor these numbers for a second. they are fatigued, worn out, and the news that they are seeing, 90% negative, after a while, it will have no impact because as of the same thing every day over and over. >> sean: every second an hour, print, broadcast, cable. except for this show. >> okay, so -- >> sean: we are letting youo on, which is an exception. >> a gift to your viewers. >> sean: [laughs] >> conservative media does a a good job of propping up the people they support. i want to add about rashida tlaib who said in that private event, that she got five times more coverage than steve king's racist comments. i now he is finally in trouble. you look at someone like mitt romney, who i know you are not a massive fan of -- >> sean: radical anti-semite. radical. >> news coverage. five -- i have been very clear about my feelings about louis farrakhan. >> sean: when are they going to get their assignments taken
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away? >> the committee members that associated with him? i don't know. look at what happened to the dnc dropping the women's march. five times, the negative coverage for rashida tlaib then to steve king, who had overtly racist comments. defend. >> louis farrakhan, for some reasons, put up a tweet not too long ago, comparing jews to termites. worthless because thatou we'd somehow still up. his account is not suspended. that isut what i mean about doue standards. louis farrakhan -- any conservative puts p up anything remotely like that, and the platform -- i know that because we have seen it over the last couple of months. >> i am not in any way, shape, or form, defending louis farrakhan. i never had. i even said he was in the greent room, i don't understand it. he doesn't stand for the same values as the democratic party. >> sean: why doo so many democrats hang out with him and defend him and get pictures of him, including obama? > that picture, -- the pictue of president obama -- >> sean: eight years to hide it from the american people.
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>> i'm really sorry. louis farrakhan is not a democratic representative. steve king is a republican representative. >> sean: obama hung out with unrepentant terrorist, point to the church of gd america for 20 years -- >> and david duke loves donald trump. i mean, -- >> sean: not a quid pro quo. >> i think it is. >> sean: president of united states, started his career in the home of unrepentant domestic terrorist. >> president obama, is he a domestic terrorist? no. absolutely not. >> sean: . if aar republican did it -- >> make the point. >> things are really different. >> steve king is in his eighth term in congress. >> why would it be different in terms of -- >> sean: if itt were a republican? er>> yeah. because -- >> sean: you are laughing. >> the national media is based in new york and washington and when you live in this environment, you are going to end up thinking the same way that a lot of other people do because it's the hive mentality and you are not going to get a gold star. >> sean: got to let you go.
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>> impossible. >> sean: joe concha's world. comingng up, cnn fake news analt gets utterly embarrassed play after play -- after playing the race card. wait until you see this next. ♪ and it can feel like no matter what you do, you're always itching. but even though you see and feel eczema on your skin, an overly sensitive immune system deep within your skin could be the cause. so help heal your skin from within. with dupixent. dupixent is not a steroid, and it continuously treats your eczema even when you can't see it. at 16 weeks, more than 1 in 3 patients saw clear or almost clear skin, and patients saw a significant reduction in itch. do not use if you are allergic to dupixent. serious allergic reactions can occur, including anaphylaxis, a severe reaction. tell your doctor if you have new or worsening eye problems, including eye pain or changes in vision. if you are taking asthma medicines, do not change or stop your asthma medicine
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take cnn fake news legal analyst areva martin had a hars reality check earlier today she appeared on fox news contractor david webbs radio show and trie to claim he has white privilege. watch this. >> i've chosen to across different parts of the media world, done the work so i'm qualified to be in each one. i never considered my color the issue i considered my qualifications the issue. >> david, that is a whole another on conversation about white privilege, that a thing that you have a privilege of doing the people of color don't have the privilege of. >> how do i have the privilege
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of white privilege? >> david, by virtue of being a white male, you have white privilege. this is a conversation i don't have time to get into. >> a hate to break it to you, but youu should've them better prepped, i'm black. >> that is all the time we have left this evening. always fair and balanced, let not your heart be troubled, wer you in new york or in the sewer tonight? >> i'm in new york,. >> there are 18 rats for every one person in new york. >> we have the same thing in washington, but his lawyers. same deal. by the way, we have a web on th show tonight. this is one of those and harassing moments.he >> beckett happen to anybody though, right? >> as a white male, you benefit from white privilege. >> i actually kind of feel bad for her. >>
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