tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News January 15, 2019 11:00pm-12:00am PST
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>> david, by virtue of being a white male, you have white privilege. this is a conversation i don't have time to get into. >> a hate to break it to you, but youu should've them better prepped, i'm black. >> that is all the time we have left this evening. always fair and balanced, let not your heart be troubled, wer you in new york or in the sewer tonight? >> i'm in new york,. >> there are 18 rats for every one person in new york. >> we have the same thing in washington, but his lawyers. same deal. by the way, we have a web on th show tonight. this is one of those and harassing moments.he >> beckett happen to anybody though, right? >> as a white male, you benefit from white privilege. >> i actually kind of feel bad for her. >> i don't.
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i don't feel bad for anybody in fake news. >> i'm getting soft in my old age. great show tonight. awesome job. i'm laura ingraham and this is the ingraham angle birth. the last pathetic attempt to ba bar, that is the focus of tonight angle. we've all heard the criticisms of president trump, which goes something like >> no president has come close to defaming and trying to destroy the democratic values o thisis country. no president has come close. >> does he know he's closing down these institutions. >> how much longer can you survive the autocratic tendencies of one man revealing his autocratic tendencies, dumb donald trump has no real commitment to democracy. >> that's why they're always
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trying to undermine and undo th election. if any of that were true, why o earthle with president trump nominate a guy like bill buyers as his attorney general? and matter what you think he's mainstream safe pick. he's a a consummate pro who served in the reagan administration and later as the department of justice before beinge promoted to attorney general. full disclosure, he's a friend. don't hold that against him. the bottom line is he knows the legal terrain really well and h even oversaw the robert mueller guy that were focused on once before when he was head of the doj criminal division. if there's any question about his independence, well, that wa put to rest at today's hearing. >> what would be your breaking point? what would you pick up and leave . when is your moment when the president president asking to d something that you think is inconsistent with your oath. >> i want to anything i think i
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wrong and i will not be bullied anto doing anything i think is wrong. by anybody, whether it be editorial boards, congress, or the president. i'm going to do what i think is right. >> as for the democratic drumbeat that trump only select people he can control and he essentially agreed to i don't know some sort of loyalty pledge . >> president trump has sought n assurances, promises, or commitments from me up any kind either express or implied, and have not given him any other than that i would run the department with professionalism and integrity. >> he testified he wants muelle to complete his probe and has confidence and molars professionalism. that wasn't enough for some lik sunder pathway hugh tried to ge bar to bow to recuse himself from oversight of the molar probe if the staff at the doj suggests he do so.
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>> will you commit if confirmed both seeking and following the advice of theki trier ethics officials you must recuse from the special counsels investigation? >> i will seek the advice of th career ethics personnel, but under the regulations, i make the decision as the head of the agency as to my own recusal. at the end of the day i would make a decision against with th laws and the facts that are available at that time. >> reminds me so much of justic scalia. just the way he react to questions. it just brought it back. it's clear that he is his own man. contrary to some of the nasty tweets out there like this, scott dennis says i don't trust him, he seems cozy with many of
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the people surrounding the whol spy gate scandal. i get the concern, but all i can say is that i've known him for 20 plus years, he is a man of deep integrity. and he is a really strong intellect. we need that today of the department of justice. he comes at an important time i the life of all these law enforcement agencies. he sees his job in what i think is the correct light. >> why do you want this job? >> because i love the department . all its components including th fbi. i think their critical institutions. they are essential to presume preserving the rule of law whic is thehe heartbeat of this couny . >> he's doing it because he loves the country. he wants to serve the nation. h bill barr couldn't assume the job especially giving the fbi's
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work against this president. last friday we learned about another sickening effort by certain bad actors inside the bureau bureau to target the president. the entrance policy prevailed t prevent trump from winning the white house, comey fbi cronies pulled another surprise out of his bag of tricks. they launched an unconstitutional and unprecedented counter intel investigation of a sitting presidentin. they should all be fired, at least those still working withi the department. by the way, this is supposedly done because trump fired comey. which of course if they would read their pocket constitution, the president was fully entitle to do. the inspector general final report should expose all of this . can't wait. and as if things couldn't get more poisonous we learned today that the former general counsel of the fbi james baker himself
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is imunder investigation for me leaks against president trump. it turns out he was in regular contact with david corner, i based the publishing? it's just a coincidence i'm sure su. remember it was the first to report on that pony still dossier, the thing that was the predicate is to start the entir trump russia probe?ta barr understands that the the danger with that becomes its o strikeforce and the danger of criminalizing politics and an overzealous prosecutors. >> a prosecutor comes along and says we're going to look into your mindnt and see what you're subjective intent was, for performing these two sets of lawful acts, and were going to say that you are corrupt. i just think that gives too muc power to the prosecutor. >> laura: totally agree even
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separate from what has happened to president trump. if democrats really cared, as they claim about the rule of la and restoring the public face i the justice department, they would welcome with open arms th nomination of bill because many of them are infected with this anti- trump of virus, everyone trump nominate, every idea that trump has, must be resisted or the isdividuals involved, at least bruised in the process. but today they didn't and that is the angle. here now is former u.s. attorne senior fellow at the period and former clinton aide and attorne richard goodstein. richard, after today, and what just laid out in the angle, how can democrats or you will, in any real and credible way objec to bill barr nomination.
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>> i think the paramount influence where we are as a country is to follow the mold o elliot richardson when he was confirmed as attorney general i the midst of watergate only had a president under a legitimate investigation, who said, if i'm asked to basically fire or if the special counsel is fired, i quit. and the deputy did the same thing. when the was fired, they said i was the easiest decision they made in life, they quit because that's whatau they promised to . i was waiting for barb brinkley in the interest of the country, if we cared about the role of law, donald trump should testif about everything he knows and publicly. >> laura: i appreciate the wal down memory lane, as interestin is that is.
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he said i would not thought fir him without good cause. conservatives say wait, is this still nominee, i heard the word trojan horse used several times today. you can hear he wasn't definitive enough insane i woul not fire bob mueller. >> to my conservative friends concerned about w bill barr, th guy is an established serious lawyer, he's a scholar, he's an intellectual. by the way, 68 is very young. let's get over that nonsense. today you saw the kavanaugh affect. the democrats didn't even get clclose to being as of noxious unprofessional as they were in the cavanaugh hearings, they ha some pointed questions. most of them were well within the range except for some occasional stupid questions fro
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cory booker and of coursee i mu say this, bill barr gavel perf answers. he would make independent judgments, it's all you can ask from a serious person. i think the democrats have actually caved, this is over. he will be voted out of oicommittee and he will be confirmed. elliot richardson, got dressed god rest him so, that's all fin and wonderful. bill barr has to deal with toda and right now he's going to be the next attorney general. the people in the fbi and doj who conspired to deny donald trump his civil rights to run the election, during the transition, and after he became president, when they committed those crimes, they are shaking in their boots at the thought o bill barr being the next attorney general of the united states. >> laura: why is it so important now that barr assumed
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the position of attorney genera given a live learned back durin the campaign to the dossier, to the media leaks, what we learne today and what we learned last friday. why is he really an ingenious choice at this point in the history of the agency? >> well, because he is taking over a justice department that had a large number of departure and an fbi were at least ten people have been reassigned, retired, or pirates of the agency has lost its reputation and so has the department of justice. more importantly,or his task is reestablish the test of equalit under the law because we know that people like james comey were leaking, indra mccabe was leaking, baker was leaking, we know courts were deceived, we know the director of the fbi went before congress under oath 245 times and said he e didn't know or didn't remember something that they bring trump up to mueller and he did that,
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theyha would indict him. there's a perception if that's warranted or not, that there's two sets of law. there is the investigation of trump that goes over every type of business, tax relationship, whole 20 months worth of investigation and then there's these key players in the fbi an doj that are involved in behavior i'm not even getting into the unmasking of the national security councils leaking of unmasked names or th hillary clinton war probe, but there's the perception that there's no quality under the la and that is fatal for the democracy.em he has to look at all of this behavior, not just the mueller investigation, but all of the behavior and ask himself was american federal law applied equally across the board regardless of a person stature, income, money, or position. so far that hasn't been true. >> laura: are you concerned about the revelation about the general counsel of the
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departmentnt of justice? under criminal investigation fo his contacts with the media including, david cohen, i've known him since my days at another network, but he's a left-wing guy, but is that really what we should be using the department of justice for? weapon rising informationwe to hurt political opponents? isn't that what police states do ? >> the way that donald trump ha tweeted again so manyd individuals in the fbi, i'm shocked this is the only one. >> laura: is that a yes or no? for the record, you're not concerned about the doj with th nice rising against the president for political purposes . >> i am saying that a guy who's a senior in the fbi should not be leaking as i'm saying as well , somehow there is this equation with what is happening to him with the fact that we have a president who says to th russians, steal from my
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opponents who was welcoming their shelp, who basically cite with putin against his own intelligence community. somehow there is this equation which is why the rest of the country, laura doesn't buy into what he just said. it's why in the run-up to the 2,018th elections there was this kind of addled view of wha was the public thought. >> laura: i'm glad richard brought that point up. maybe her morono, i reject that characterizationon. she stepped forward. again, it was a desperate attempt to take down barr. >> it is so not normal to has t ask what site is the president on, russia's side or our side? it's the accumulation of what seems like an usual types of
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utterances from him, but when you start to see a pattern wher he basically spouts putin flies we have to ask him the frightening question about our own president. >> she represents the lumi as part of the democratic party. those delusional comments fromm hula hoop senator really reallyo show how pathetic their arguments have become. if they really are concerned about s,the russians they would been concerned about president obama telling mr. edthat he wou have more flexibility after the election to kowtow to putin, they would've been concerned about the removal of defensive missiles from eastern europe, they would'veld been concerned about all of the things that hillary clinton tried to do to so-called reset the look relationship with russia. this is a phony argument that democrats are making because
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they have nothing else. as part of the conspiracy to frame donald trump, which we no see playing out on the front page of the new york times, thi is where they end up. the end up in the loony bin. i must say i am delighted that continues to go on television, make a full of herself and the democratic party and i hope she never stops. >> laura: you've about 30 seconds. >> what happened in 2012 if a more conservative bob buehler had heard that opened my conversation that obama did wit the russian president was basically a quid pro quo and he said my god, there was the russian reset, there was the romney making fun of romney of playing down the russian threats , there was inviting putin into the middle east, he hadn't been there and 40 years. the inaction toward crimea and ukraine aggressions, downplayin
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the production. >> laura: at every turn, you could see everything that they claim tempted. that is undisputed. >> they were flexible during th election. >> let me tell you who the real russian agent was. barack obama was the russian agent. >> laura: one thing is clear after however you come down on this, bill barr we'll be the next attorney general of the united states. i don't see how we can get someone more qualified for more of a professional. putting up with the stupid questions he had today. a he has more patience than i do, thank you so much. coming up former house speaker newt gingrich with a history lesson for id. at craddick *-asterisk he wants to set asid founding document and why does today's vote really matter?
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gig-fueled apps that exceed expectations. comcast business. beyond fast. ♪ >> thank you, all praise because you are a rock star. >> you really are. >> congressman, hate to see you >> i hate to see you go, but you're going to run for president, right? >> laura: member of the bobby socks, these are the they just want him. it was that he's in a rising star. the obama are almost unknown anointing him. the darling of the left now see to be questioning whether our foundational document should even still apply whether they are relevant at all. he told the washington post in interviewva was today is this still work? can an empire like ours with
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military presence in over 170 countries around the globe with trading relationships and security agreements on every continent, can it still be managed by the same principles that were set down 230 plus years ago? he isn't the only democratic power player calling for a reorganization of our democrati norm. >> and 2016, nearly 3 million more people voted for hillary clinton than donald trump. but trump took the presidency. that is not exactly the sign of ara healthy democracy. democracy hangs on the idea tha whoever gets the most votes wins . >> laura: california and new york control the whole country. that'swi what our framers intend . here for the history lesson former house speaker newt gingrich. , we've got to get to a lot wit you. judicial overreach, activism on the bench, but i have to get to
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this with you first write off the how are these ideas becoming mainstream questioning the constitution as a work clearly was doing. >> you have a left week left wing media. the core is. they have radical change which the american constitutional system doesn't lament. there has always been an underlying critique from the left to take the example of the popular vote. the truth is outside of california he won by the entire margin for hillary clinton came in one state the state in which trump didn't campaign because under the current roles he knew he could win without it. whether it is a work calling fo
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a rethinking of the constitutio or whether it is at least three democratic senators being overtly anti- catholic. we need to understand. this is thehi left which is totally outside the american system and which if it had its way would replace america with very different model. >> laura: newt, it seems like it's the piece and it comes in different forms in different shapes. last night people were celebrating the taking down of another confederate era struck too. that's a big cause for celebration on the left. interesting that some democrats don't they're not very popular, but they say we like the statue to remain because it allows us to debate where we were, where we are now and it keeps the sweep of history in front of us instead of eradicating the memory of what happened before. the constitution is in many
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areas of theas university is taught to be a creation of a bunch of old dead white racist guys, so, but it's a toxic bot on the cultural front, the educational friend, and concluding in the political front which is where we heard it . >> anybody who takes seriously the modern american left ought to go up to venezuela, look at zimbabwe, look at all the place where they don't have constitutional prevention. look at the million people in concentration camps in china wh are being brainwashed out of being muslim. you just m go around the planet and look at what happens when you don't have a constitution, rule of law exactly what barr was standing for today. the totalitarian left in this country doesn't want any memory left that isn't their memory. that's why they want statues torn down, they want books
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eliminated, they want speakers banned from campuses. they're determined to impose a very left-wing worldview and anything else gets automaticall erased. >> don't you love how he refers to the united states as an empire? what is the last country we hav occupied and have taken over fo our own purposes? that is kind of ridiculous. that is straight out of some thursday night seminar at harvard. >> one of the greatest lines wa calling w general colin powell went to a world war ii victory celebration and pointed out the only land we had asked for was the cemeteries in which our young men and women were buried who had liberated europe from germany. it is true that we have a worldwide reach. it's also true that thomas jefferson spoke about being an empirere of liberty. he meant we want to be the beacon that people come to
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because most people want to liv with freedom. most people don't want to live in tyranny tand most people in the long run we want to have governed themselves on their terms. >> i want to move on to overly troubling development r speakin of anti- constitutional norms and trends. this is judicial resistance. it looks a lot like political activism. and obama appointee said tuesda morning that the administration proposal to reintroduce citizen question of the 20/20 census is unlawful. writing that the decision to ad a citizenship question, even if it didn't violate the constitution itself was unlawfu for a multitude of reasons. this is one more example of judges who seems to be substituting their own b prudential policy view for that of the executive. how is it that we can determine
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how many citizens and noncitizens are in the country. that's now unlawful?no >> it's exactly the same thing though. these judges are the judicial branch extension of the same crazy left-wing is him that we were seen from politicians that we see on academic campuses tha we see in the new york times an the washington post. they just happen to have the power of judges. one of the reasons that the lef hates trump is that trump is appointing conservative judges who are going to follow the constitution and are going to permit freedom. i think that this is one of the things that most frightens the left. they have used judges deliberately to try to impose a radical agenda on america. we are gradually beating that bad. mitch mcconnell deserves a lot of credit for taking the lead i getting through the senate the largest number of judges in the first two years i think in
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american history. it will continue and at the sam fight. these are all the same kind of people with the same crazy values, and they're all determined to impose on you and me, and everybody else, their particular worldview whether in fact it is legal or not.. >> the way you just summed it up , it's really quite something. they want to destroy the idea o separation of puffers. they want to destroy the understanding of what the censu would be. on every level they want to smash the norms and replace it with what? they want to replace it with a certain international understanding where america is just another cog in an international scheme of government control, he does a new world order, but this syste is corrupt. it has to be replac by something, what is it replaced by?
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>> if they would succeed, it would be replaced by a dictatorship of the left. i think you have to watch what they're doing pretty up to watc the way in which they would really want to attack and drive out a public life anybody who doesn't agree with them. whether they're doing it as judges or if they're doing it a reporters or doing it in politics. this is all the same people in terms of their left-wing values system and their willingness to impose on all of us what they believe in. >> we don't have time, but the everything theyer did to the contraceptives mandate. another court ruling against th tump administration today. he is getting hit on all issues all at once seemingly. i want to get into brexit because this is one of the biggest deals globally. this vote smart browsing debate across the pond.
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>> do we ought order or do we choose chaos, that is the decision i make. the country deserves so much better than this totally an adequate agreement.. the eyes to the right, 202. the nose to the left, 232. >> i am pleased that motion wil be debated tomorrow. >> we could have gone on and on with jeremy corbin. why should americans watching all across the country, what does that boat today rejecting the deal on brexit, it was vote in two years ago, what does tha
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tell us about the populist movement abroad, and what lessons does it afford as here in the united states? >> i think it's parallel to the fight were having in washington right now. what you see is a popular rebellion against what is literally a 50 -year-old elitis left-wing efforts both in europ and america to create a system in which if you are a professor or a a lawyer, or a bureaucrat, you have acquired a norm is power. what happened in europe has happened between the greeks and the european government, the italians and the european government. you're seeing it in france, and you see it in great britain where they voted to leave. you are seeing the falling apar of what had been a european contract that the elite had worked desperately to create.. the same thing is happening here . the reason the left hates trump and i think he's the most
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attacked president since abraha lincoln. the president-the reason is he has a breakdown in the old orde and a willingness to do new things in new ways. as you saw, with the fbi report i listen to you earlier, they literally hate him. he tried to cleverly straddle the fence and the guy made that you have a between chaos and order. 2-wednesday prefer chaos becaus they repudiate the order of the old left and refuse to be governed by it. >> this is a stunning development today in britain. you are seeing this all across the european meant. bigne election, big boat, the immigration issue is huge there. but the elites and all these governments reject the will of the people and what they want.t.
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always great to talk to you. thank you so much. coming up the democrats embarrassing themselves to show their authenticity. another will his intentions to run tonight. "seen and unseen" of raymond all money managers might seem the same, "seen and unseen" of raymond but some give their clients cookie cutter portfolios. fisher investments tailors portfolios to your goals and needs. some only call when they have something to sell. fisher calls regularly so you stay informed. and while some advisors are happy to earn commissions whether you do well or not. fisher investments fees are structured so we do better when you do better. maybe that's why most of our clients come from other money managers. fisher investments. clearly better money management.
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while the president is grilled over fast food. joining us with the details fox news contributor and new york times best-selling author of th upcoming phenomenal book the amulet of power. we have seen is string of democrats getting dental work done on camera to show how normal they are. >> now there is a new contestan in the authenticity contest. it is california senator harris. she took to stephen colbert youtube channel and cold air is a rite of passage for these democratic candidates trying to show and she is how down she is with the music scene .s >> this is a song that has always made me dance. a song that has to be played loud because you have to hear
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the bass. the sun is shining by bob marle and the whalers. the sun is shining. >> what do i always say? if you can't sing, don't do it in public. this is a bad idea. you have poor elizabeth warren trying to pass herself off as barmaid in iowa. you have here is trying to be a dj. >> she has a nice laugh. i like her laugh. >> the clemson championship tea was hosted at the white house. he set up the dining room with bounty of fast food. it looked like he was announcin a new burger franchise at 1600 pennsylvania avenue. >> we have s,pizzas, 300 hamburgers, many many french fries, all of our favorite foods . i want to see what's ,here probably be because i don't think it's went to be much.
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>> the point to drop from this is what how effortlessly he is like with the people, he's not only come with the big mac and the wendy kopp, but he speaks the food itself, it reinforces, sn doesn't have to strain. he's not doing anything outside of his comfort zone and therefore he looks more comfortable and his own skin. that is a lesson that democrats could take from him. >> the obama diaries, i shall end those diaries, michelle s always talking about she loves french fries, but she didn't want to eat french fries it was always the push and pull with the food. there was a side comment about salads solids that's got some i there media upset. >> they're always upset. >> do we have no food for you? or do we give you some little quick salad that the first lady will make along with the second lady, they will make some salads ? i said you guys aren't into salads.
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>> is incredibly sexist, or not all here orto make salads for m. >> it's one of those things wer sometimes people say when they're being funny exposes exactly who theyos are, but th think. >> they're saying this was sexist. i don't think it's any more sexist than mrs. warren asking her husband to grab her up through. >> i don't like how she had her husband on the baseline. that was like abuse. i'm joking. >> the clemson players like to the white house bread. i loved it. >> i think that was the general reaction. breaking tonight is also gettin into the authenticity parade, she made an important announcement to stephen colbert. >> do you have anything you would like to announce? >> yes.
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>> and what would that be, adam? i'm exploring an exploratory committee tonight. >> that coquettish thing with holding his hand, i don't know how that plays. if you're going to run against donald trump, run as a credible statesman. the fact they're doing it on stephen colbert, it's all a joke. she is running, joe biden, como kalis kind of doing his big freeman brand of love, new york. new york state is not for hate today. they're all getting into the authenticity thing. >> in now, he's got that comic timing. it's tough to beat. >> we lost a broadway legend. carol jenning died at 97 years old. this was a woman who of course
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became dolly levi, 1964 the first production of this she di to more revivals. i saw those two revivals almost 6,000 performances. i was thinking today there was anotherrs first, she was the fi performer to sing at a halftime super bowl show in 1970, there it iss, in new orleans. today, drew breeze birthday, that must mean something. >> we can't get through a show without even mentioning him mentioning new orleans or the saints. teaki are they going to dim the lights for her? >> tomorrow night. >> not many like her.
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>> laura: when a racially obsessed commentator tells a conservative person of color to check his white privilege. that is tricky. here to tell us next. i wanted more from my copd medicine... ...that's why i've got the power of 1-2-3 medicines with trelegy. the only fda-approved 3-in-1 copd treatment. ♪ trelegy. the power of 1-2-3 ♪ trelegy 1-2-3 trelegy with trelegy and the power of 1-2-3, i'm breathing better.
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>> for barbecuing, in the park. for playing golf too slow. you all need to fed all back an reassess your life and with white privilegeou. >> you just played the clip of senator my thought was wow, mal white bridget flick does not go withs age. >> we are still building in the nation were white privilege is reality. >> the obsession for the left over every play to white privilege has led to some prett ugly accusations, but perhaps none as embarrassing is this following exchange that took place on the radio earlier todae . >> i never considered my color the issue i considered my qualifications the issue. >> david, that is a whole long conversation about white srivilege and things that you have the privilege of doing the people of color don't have the privilege of. >> i have the privilege of whit privilege? >> david, by virtue of being a
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white male you have white privilege. it's a whole conversation i don't have time to get >> i hate to break it to you, but you should have been better prepped, i'm black. >> okay. >> you went to white privilege, this is the false it in this. >> this tells us a lot about th reactionary impulses on the left . they always go to the race issue . here now, the man on the other side of the accusation. democratic strategist and fun, we were talking football during break, but we have to move now to another. a mixup on getting that information i kind of felt bad rr her. i think white privilege is way woverplayed, but people make mistakes on air, she didn't know , but that was her default thing to go to. but actually i'm getting soft, felt bad for her. >> i'm going soft.
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>> this is about 12 minutes int an interview were to be fair we had a fair exchange differing ideas on a number of topics the legal profession which you know well. but when they went down that path about qualifications in media and i explained my background to her working through different format i talked about qualifications. it is the ease of which she wen to white privilege forget for a moment that she wasn't prepped, forget for a moment that she threw her team under the bus an her apology by throwing her tea in there, and then she goes so easily to your whites, the r assumption you're talking to someone on the patriot channel they must be a white is the onl thing i can come up with, but the we can't excuse it, it is reprehensible and i told her. >> i think it's racist to refer to someone's color of skin instead of arguing the point. >> when i was at oxford we had
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this debate, i was supposed to debate al sharpton on the principle or the proposition that americans a resume at it. i set our skin is an organ, it does not think or formulate ideas. it's the result of our parentage .es >> i'm sorry it happened to you but we cannot ignore the fact that white privilege exists in our country just as racism and prejudice of all the things, i' sorry it happened you, but i think you and i both have responsibility to call also strike when itd happen. we have to be careful those of us that want to use white privilege finish appointment to have a quick question. on the other side people will say is a race bait her or that is my default because i disagre with them because i see things
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at a different way. i think we have to be careful. >> i can debate that, but i asked for question after that. it was a simple question in a majority black country state of africa those with are exhibitin black privilege w applying the logic that is used by those who apply white privilege in this country. that is different. is the falsehood. >> it's a shorthand for things that might not be there.mi >> you could grow up as the suburb or you could grow up in really maybe you agree on issues. you can grow up an african-americanoo kid in a poo neighborhood or a wealthier neighborhood. it doesn't mean that word privilege which is a shorthand think. i don't think it bringsgs peopl closer together. >> these things happen because people and out when we try to
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call out what is true racism an true privilege. >> how did she ascribe white privilege to me because she didn't have a substantive issue for that. i have to play this nbc montage again i get about the issue of white privilege and how deep it is for some people. >> you'll always be a recoverin> racist. >> i believe every white person has racism within them. >> so much bias it makes me laugh and cry at the same time. >> it makes me laugh and cry fo another reason.d >> real quick, i come from a multiethnic background that goe all over the world, my family never treated privilege with anything more than what you earn . privilege is earned in life. >> we all have different experiences. i think it's important to
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was doing the show. >> taking out a pen and paper to take notes during my question. >> what 8-year-old liam was writing, it says you are doing great so far. i'm having so much fun. i think rush -- russia's people are fine, the government is the problem. that is the best. now shannon bream and the fox news at night team. that is almost too good to be true. >> where do you find this stuff? >> my kids are still working on the fingerpainting. shannon: we are going live to honduras for another caravan which is moving quickly and doubling in size overnight. the president says only a wall would work the democrats refused to show up for a meeting so the shutdown continues. the democratic national committee distancing itself
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