tv Americas News HQ FOX News January 19, 2019 11:00am-12:00pm PST
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reason that you may never see socials in the united states. be sure to tweet it to us that is it for this week's show. thanks to all of you for watching. we hope to see right here next week. >> we hope you are having a great saturday warm inside with us here. much of the east coast waiting for a big storm coming. they are set to speak to the nation this afternoon from the white house. fox news has learned that he will be laid out the braces -- and the basis for some new legislation that could lead to a largest longest government shutdown. there are live pictures. minutes to go before a launch. it will bring a brand-new spy
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satellite into orbit. >> thousands of feminist activists. they will go all across the country for the third annual women's march. two hours away from president president trumps a plan he will speak from the white house. they are expected to announce the legislation. this announcement. it is expected to be a compromise a deal of sorts. also getting the president funding for the border wall. now, even if that passes they have the majority of democrats who control the house and
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house speaker said you will not give the president any money for the wall. mike grounds argued that it would argue. he will offer once again the attempt to find some middle ground. he has done it twice already to no avail. i think this time he make very may very will try and do it in such a passion of the public understands. it's not the president that is dragging those feet. there had been some behind the scenes but there haven't been any indirect talks. this latest offer will provide an opportunity to re- start those talks. that is not having to do with capitol hill.
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this past hour on another front he was at dover air force base for that dignified transfer ceremony. of the four americans who were killed this week. he met with the families of those americans including the three who have been identified. that suicide attack prompted a fresh round up schism. this morning i'm he defended that move. it's moving along very well. for russia and iran. in syria for iraq. for a lot of other places.
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i had been talking about this since the campaign. they have received a lot of criticism. including from members of his own party. lindsey graham who has been one of the most outspoken said withdrawing from syria without a solid plan would lead to in iraq on steroids. we awake the president's remarks. live pictures right now. are coming in from andrews air force base. it's waiting for the president. he was with secretary pompeo among others as he headed to dover. sometimes after arrival there the president will come over and chat. we will keep an eye here on these pictures. the president on what they are called the baby air force one. as we wait to see if the president has anything to say ahead of his big speech. they headed out to dover. he just said stay tuned for the major announcement.
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formally with the rnc. thank you for having me. reporting from our program up on capitol hill. there is a 5:00 p.m. conference call today to brief house gop members after president trump and his offer that will be made at 4:00 p.m. fox is told that they will discuss a trade for some provisions in temporary status but one wonders how different this is a from senator lindsey graham and the proposal that has been pushed for months. and what many in the space had called amnesty. if he gets money for the wall. i think this really is a delicate balance. the president does want to come to the table with an offer unlike at the democrats he is not the obstructionist here.
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ever since november of 2016 when he didn't win the election. they have taken this obstructionist task and to say they care about these workers that are displaced is it accurate. we've seen nancy pelosi going on new vacation to hawaii. and now they have the big overseas trip scheduled when these workers are about scheduled to lose that. nancy policy has been on record and not 1 dollar for the wall. they're going to make some kind of offer don't negotiate against yourself and it seems as though in begging the democrats to come back to the table why not just wait them out and force them to come back and beg for a deal. if you remember something. we are talking about the man who wrote are of the deal. i would agree to disagree on
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this one. he is a nash -- natural negotiator here. he hasn't been able to get a deal with the present republican congress over immigration and border wall funding. in terms of actually making deals down on the other end of pennsylvania avenue things had not worked out so well. i think there is a myriad of factors that go into that. he is using i am willing to work with you. we should all try to work together here. we workers who are displaced people are literally not collecting ptech paychecks here we all had to work together to get a deal done. does he have. how much wiggle room to see have with the freedom caucus here and with some of the hardliners i wish i could give
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you a solid answer but i don't think there is one yet. i think that is why they are going to sit down and talk here. it will be a matter of sitting down and hammering and out. we've gone so close before on the grand bargains for immigration. and every time the train seems to derail right before there is some kind of final -- final deal. they have pulled the rug out from under them. in the republicans in the democrats won't give up her border wall funding. how much money does the president had to get to declare victory. >> again. i don't know that these facts are right. >> this is the problem. there has to be a total number that people okay with.
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if the president is can a make an offer here doesn't he need to be the one to operate those specifics and say this is what the deal is can be about? i think he's using them to try to get them to say a number greater than zero. a million dollars for the wall is better than zero is enough to get the recipients amnesty. again, the greater point here is this. we had 21 government shutdowns here. and at the end of the day and five or 1015 years on the right of the american people are going to remember the
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minutia of this government shutdown. let he wanted to make those borders safe and secure again. if it gets built. i appreciate your time as always. will watch the president come down the steps of air force one. now an hour and 50 minutes ahead of his plan address to the nation. this is part of a major rollout. you have the president speaking at 4:00 today. we know that jerrod kushner and mike pence had been talking to mitch mcconnell as well. we cut away for a second to watch a launch of a space spy satellite. back as we had to the president departing on marine one this is a delta four rocket we are told. 223 feet tall.
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some questions on the very specifics of this deal. privacy will be interesting to see what the base -- the vice president will say. are they willing to come back and not on the shutdown was their political calculation we will watch. the accuracy of a button buzz feed report. we are joined live with the latest on this developing story. they are roiling right now over this buzz feed piece.
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us about. it's rare that they make public statements. it's unheard of. they made zero statements regarding evidence. it came from two law-enforcement people who were suggested by the story. possibly to be from their own shop. other outlets that picked the story up. it was a disgrace to journalism. by the main stream media was disgraceful. at the gets going to take a long time for the mainstream
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media to recover the credibility. neither of them had commented. they are set to testify through the house to the house oversight committee on february 7. we definitely want to talk shutdown with you because we are going to dig in with that later today. i disagree with their approach. they've indicated all the times publicly. let him issued the report. we can cast our stones of judgment.
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everything else is noise of the political surface. i have a feeling that they might actually agree with you on that one. let's talk about the wall or the shutdown. one point for people who are criticizing buzz feed. every single day print things that are simply just not true. lets call balls and strikes. this would be some sort of offer.
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what they can do. let's put 800,000 federal united states and plays them back to work. i think you can come to the table and say the same way that graham and durbin wanted to do last year. i think that's the way the president could move towards that. >> i think we've seen a lot of back and forth on this as far as each side saying the same words and having different meanings when you say comfort -- competence of immigration reform work in a look at that phrase and agree in agree on it. what it means. >> in dealing with border security the democratic caucus has been clear let's replace fencing where necessary.
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let's add more offices in patrol offices to the border. let's make sure the facilities are up to standard and be able to handle people. uptick the number of judges and et cetera. but let's also fix the broken links in the education system. and let's figure out a way that we can take care of our dreamers. let's fix all of the many things that we know are broken. and let's do it in a comprehensive and bipartisan way with 70% of the american people. we will see what happens. >> the federal government isn't paying them so we will talk about how federal workers are putting food on the table.
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across the country today women's marches are being held amid the lower march. the numbers are expected to be lower. we are right here in washington. that was two years ago. after donald trump was a and not inaugurated in 2017. but the permit filed today listed 10,000. over the past few months one of the cochairs has been fending off criticism about the friendship of the national who made that somatic remarks in the past.
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the former dnc chair wrote an op ed this week announcing her departure from the women's march she wrote it's clear that the leadership of the march has march has yet to cut ties with those who propagate heat and anti- somatic rhetoric. >> i think the controversy associated with it. everybody interacts with a lot of different people it does it make you wrong i met a lot of people who were first-generation americans they said they have problems with the trump administration's rhetoric and what it means for immigrants my mother came here from the dominican republic with
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nothing. and she just accomplished so much. this is a wonderful country i'm just here to represent women. the crowd is definitely starting to thin out here. as for now they are listening to speakers. right now 376 central american migrants had already been arrested. in the scene louise arizona. and they made no effort to
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allude the immigration agents. they come as a new caravan makes its way towards the united states. he will be like from the white house. the president is talking president is talking about some kind of grand deal. we will wait until 4:00. let's say he gets the money. as the wall whatever form it takes a shovel ready project. if you look at it for months now. they had been preparing various product types that they've been testing on the border. if it includes some sort of concrete for steel deal. they are ready to go. there actually already
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identified the exact two hundred and 34 miles of the water that are high vulnerability. they have to appear to be ready to go. it brings up the important question now you had built built fences in the past and reinforce them back in the bush administration. does this happen overnight. do you just said contractors down there it seems like this could take a while. >> even in the past when we came into office out of 6,000 miles of border there was only 73 miles of fence. in the end democrats and republicans supported building that fence but even with both parties together there were environmentalists that had concerned. we did in him and him a minute him and it don't mean to take the project. there will be progress that can be made. but let there be no doubt even with the deal that happens tomorrow there will be a substantial challenges as this
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they been talking a lot about the tunneling issue. to these prototypes defend against that. many of them have sensors that are built along. when they are putting at the various the various barriers into the ground. with the industry on the other side. the type of construction that is involved there. can you beat a lot of the signatures. i know that that is something that they are considering. if you have a big fence and you have a tunnel under it. it makes it more expensive. how to get the word out to folks down and the rest of south and central america. by the way there is now a big fence or do we need to get that word out.
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>> part of the importance of what was done by the administration at the end of this last year was to send a signal of deterrence so in order to keep more of those caravans yet to stop them and let the news be heard back through the family chains. they have taken diplomatic efforts. there are a whole lot of people on the border that is in harms way. and even more overtime, the super bowl. we've talked about in the past. safe travels let us know when you are amid the swiss alps. thank you my friend. could it be enough to end this stalemate. and i served in the marine corp. we're both here to spread the word about newday's operation home.
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>> across the country workers are feeling the pain from the longest government shutdown history. they are reporting for duty without getting paid. and some people cannot make ends meet any longer. >> for my position my wife also we have lost both of our incomes. we have the power. to open up government. without the president's signature. it's really important to understand. we have more republicans every day joining us and saying this is not right. and we need to end the government shutdown. my coworkers are struggling. other people are bringing food in. some of the airlines are feeding us. we are surviving but it's cannot hurt. organizations and charities are taking and trying to help
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those furloughed workers hitting up handing out food supporting them through this shutdown. joining us now with more on the impact of folks. christina, good to see you. as always obviously you've got people on an individual level who are hurting. but then you had 800,000 people. that's more than the number of employees at amazon. they are not going to the movies. how long until this begins to affect the economy. you have to account for all of those contract workers. think of the restaurants that may be in the surrounding areas. or even a big company like a delta. commented that they saw a decrease in the number of people and when they are not
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shopping and buying that's when you start to see the effect on the economy. it is one tenth of a percentage point. decreasing gdp. it will have a negative effect on growth. and it comes at a time and there's still a lot of uncertainty about the growth for 2019. what is price into the market right now. is it price and that this last a long. they had been ignoring this situation. especially when they are not getting the data they need.
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they are not getting the housing starts. these are all pieces of information that economists and investors use to determine whether the marker is doing well. we could expect to see some volatility just over the past four weeks stocks have actually been doing really well but there wasn't one stock coming from j.p. morgan. they are seen usually equity markets fall about two to 3% during upper longed government shutdown. i don't think you can use historical information. >> we appreciate it as always. thank you for coming in on a saturday. >> senate democratic list is responding to reports of a possible offer from the white house. it could end the partial government shutdown.
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first present trump and center and third i am ready to sit down at any time. and work to resolve all outstanding issues. here is our political panel. the former obama official. in the democratic strategists. thank you so much for joining me. they were already putting out the statement before the president has yet to speak at 4:00. it doesn't seem like he is budgeting much. we think where do you think this is headed after 4:00. this is the start of real negotiations going forward. i think the president saying let at least extend the program and have some sort of
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ability to stay and work with this country. as a right step forward. 76 percent of americans support the docket dreamers getting some sort of a permanent stay. they support border security. i think the president saying security goes along with extensions. could that offer the potential in get democrats to the table or will a lot of democrats had that way. that the government has to be reopened first. seem i can't believe that it would take 29 days to bring up dr.. they have a partisan legislation passed on his desk to give them time to work through situations. the only thing i can think that would actually bring democrats the table that they would say f4 clock is i'm
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sorry i'm sorry that i did not sign the republican legislation is on my desk. i'm sorry that i cost america 29 days of productivity. i wasted more than a billion dollars of the american economic forecast. >> i don't know that an apology would be on the table. if we throw in temporary protective status. i would like to believe that we actually want them to come to the table.
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i think at this point it would be good to see progressives actually put forward a hand and willing to make the concessions. it doesn't sound like that's can happen. >> i know you're looking for an apology. hopefully it's what happens but what if it doesn't. at this point in time it's really going on for quite a long time. it might feel like a very long tape for those who are waiting for a paycheck. it takes humility and make concession.
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i had been watching it working with president obama's travel. i was shocked that he makes it to a lobbyist event during government shutdown. normally those people who would do those kind of events are furloughed. i'm glad there is a little bit more constraint in the travel about the president and congress. it's can take humility and i don't know that present trump has shown much of that especially scheduling a live address to the american people instead of sitting down with the congress members that he needs. humility or not there is a major winter storm heading to the northeast. where they are going to be measuring the snow and feet 9 inches.
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>> a major winter storm is on the move at this point. we had portions of chicago to cleveland and beginning to move into the mid atlantic. this is going to be an area that it hits the hardest. winter storm advisory running up into upstate new york. now this is going to be a system where there is a rain snow outline. even boston. if you're in the inland areas it is way to be a major snow event in the next couple of hours running through tonight. this is the forecast in participation. areas of over a foot. but then again pay attention to that rain snow line.
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maybe a little bit more of a mix in new york. a little bit of snow in boston. this is mainly going to be an event that is happening in lent. here are some of the forecast models again. plenty of areas may be getting up to 2 feet of total snow other areas along the coast. this will be a big event that we are watching through the west of the weekend. and saying, "really?" so we built capital one cafes, with savings and checking accounts you can open from here in 5 minutes. this is banking reimagined. what's in your wallet? cohigher!ad! higher! parents aren't perfect, but then they make us kraft mac & cheese and everything's good again.
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>> just an hour away from the president's big present big announcement on the government shutdown. potentially offering a deal to democrats up on capitol hill. nice to see you. they are going to have that funding. how much wiggle room does the president had with his base on docket recipients and those with temporary protective status. if he gets money for his wall. i think there is some those of us that live in small town america.
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the one main campaign promise i think it's done with a little bit of wiggle room democrats know exactly what you just said he hasn't card that he has not used yet. he has talked about it. if you leave it i'm going to declare an emergency i think that is something that is inevitable. if they decide to not even show up. vice president mike pence on
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fox news sunday tomorrow to talk about this. how do you sell this not to the basement to the middle. we need a wall. that is a selling point that i think is something he is can have to really think about after 4:00 p.m. it is can have to be something that can get past the base it has to get past the base on the left as well. it does control the democrats right now. in the under reported stories is that the support there is a recent poll. the had 50% of hispanics seen
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in that they supported the president so far in this crisis. support for the wall is in the low 40s. it is a lot more popular than content conventional wisdom. as we mentioned it is now sort of the beginning of the sales pitch. vice president pentz hitting fox sunday tomorrow. or it could be very short. the white house ahead of the president's speech. >> what makes california walnuts. the best simple dinner ever? great tasting, heart-healthy california walnuts.
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12:00 pm
eric: one hour from now president trump delivers from the white house what we are told is a major announcement, an offer to the democrats to address the partial government shutdown and improving border security. fox news is learning the details about what we expect the president will say in those upcoming remarks, but the big question is will the democrats agree? hello, everyone, and welcome to america's news headquarters, i'm eric shawn. arthel: i'm arthel neville. the president planning to support protections for the so-called dreamers in exchange for more border wall funding, and the question now looming, will house speaker nancy pelosi agree and help trigger an end to the impasse in washington that has kept the government partially closed for 29 days and has left hundreds of thousands
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