tv Americas News HQ FOX News January 20, 2019 10:00am-11:00am PST
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>> grandpa: looks great! >> tech: thanks for choosing safelite. >> grandpa: thank you! >> child: bye! >> tech: bye! saving you time... so you can keep saving the world. >> kids: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace ♪ arthel: we begin with the fox news alert. two and the partial government shutdown, drawing sharp reaction from both sides of the aisle in a televised address saturday, the president offered a three-year extension for 700,000 daca recipients in exchange for border while funding. democratic party leaders met the proposal calling it ineffective as republicans praised the press for his willingness to negotiate but not all in the gop are fully on board. hello, everyone. welcome to the new hour of straight and seven. eric: hello, everyone. thank you are joining us on sunday. eric shawn.
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mike pence discussed this when he sat down with chris wallace on "fox news sunday." >> it's disappointing to see speaker pelosi reject the offer before the president gave his speech. look, the president is offering a solution. soundbites in the american people. >> now lives in the north lawn of the white house with our reactions from early this morning. give us some of the details about the president's proposals. >> the president knows this will include two big immigration the proposal gives temporary legal doubt as to 700,000 dreamers brought to the country illegally as children into 300,000 refugees facing deportation once their protection expires your oath groups will be protect the for three years
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giving congress time to come up with a more permanent solution. in return the president would give this $517 billion for a portion of his portion of his wall of the southern border. vice president might pence as the proposal as a compromise that would membership down and allow both sides to walk away with some of what they want. >> with the president did over the last month and notably over the last two weeks as director team to meet with rank-and-file democrats to find out what they were looking for. the president said we want to put it all on the table and in a weird time for president trump did was he set the table for a deal that will address the crisis on her border, secure our border and give us a pathway. >> this proposal currently being worked into an actual piece of legislation and we are told the senate is expected to vote on this tuesday. eric: meanwhile, what are the chances of a passing?
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>> this seems to be no chance of getting anything through the house. >> in the senate the odds are looking better. the concern is the white house at this point isn't certain that they'll be able to get the seven democrats that they need for this to pass there. they hope this proposal the voters will put pressure on democrats to get the missing over. that will be a much bigger challenge because nancy pelosi was going after this before it was even announced. chuck schumer said democrats will continue to refuse to negotiate with the president on any type of deal until he reopened the government. >> if he opens up the government , hostage taking should not work. the american people are overwhelmingly against the president's poll ratings plummeting because it's a black cat.
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>> this morning president trump slammed democratic leaders including nancy pelosi has the hip so irrationally and is gone so far to the left issues now officially become a radical democrat. she so petrified of the lefties and her party that she has lost control. he hopes that once things calm down a bit end of rank-and-file democrats will be over the come around and supported. eric: thanks so much. arthel: democrat with party leaders calling it one-sided and ineffective. here's congresswoman debbie dingell on "sunday morning futures." >> what he did was put on >> will put on fix those with
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senate committee to reopen the government. and have a discussion about how we keep the nation safe. molly annenberg was our reaction. reporter: republican senators more in the table. as for the president's idea to offer a three-year extension of protections for 700,000 children brought here legally by their parents, so-called daca recipients. some state democrats should consider and let legislators work on it. >> the president is saying let's take the daca issue, for the first time ever legislative approval because it has been an administrative approval. we'll take it past the next presidential election so this can be determined. it's no longer the leverage point dealing with the kids did
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sunday. reporter: democrats say no go on now. they will not negotiate while the government is still partially shut down and they don't think the president's proposal goes far enough. they want more. >> hopefully we will open with what he has put on the table and let's go back and forth in the where we can find common ground. we are all for negotiating and we would love to have a permanent fix for daca and tbs. i think it's a nonstarter for him to ask for a permanent wall and to have a temporary fix. reporter: president trump treated this is not amnesty for illegals and reiterated it is a three-year extension of daca. he wants a deal on the border while before reopening the government. arthel appeared arthel: molly henneberg, thank
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you. eric: congressman mark green, republican from tennessee. welcome. speaker pelosi and senator schumer both say as well as other democrats, you know the president has the power to do that. then we'll sit down and negotiate. what is wrong with that stance? >> the president has multiple offers to the left and they just are and expect to them. they won't sit down at the table. what proof does he have that they'll even talk at the government has opened up again. it's time for them to come to the table now. he's made another move, another offer and they walked away before the details of the plan. it's pretty disingenuous for them to say were holding the government hostage. he's coming to the table. they're not. eric: do think it could also be the other way around that with that and they are singing deal with the government shutdown now
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and then we'll negotiate later out of the future and you think there is no chance of being disingenuous about that. >> there's no evidence they want to negotiate at all. every time they walk away. >> is not sitting down. they said were not interested. eric: why do they think they're taking that position? >> they just don't see what's going on border. 90% across the southern border. i'm a position. this is an arterial bleeding with god put a tourniquet on it very quickly. the president sees that and that's why he's serving his
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offers out there. democrats just don't see it or they don't care. eric: most of the drugs to come to reports of venture is not by undocumented immigrants. >> that so we catch. 90% of over catching coming across the borders through ports of entry. what about alternate products that were not catching. you can't measure something you don't know. just because 90% of what was scott has come through ports of entry is all that's coming across the southern border. i think that's a little foolish and naïve. trade to senator mcconnell bring to the floor of the senate this coming week. do you think they'll have those votes to pass something? you'd think they wouldn't do it unless they had the votes in hand. and what if he does. and then they kick it over to you guys in the house. what is nancy pelosi do then?
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>> you will put a lot of pressure on her for her caucus. we are talking with members of the democrat party and many of them, does districts that are concerned about border security. they're not allowed to. their voices not heard. their leadership has gone completely to the left. eric: why don't they break? were working on them. eric: i asked this question almost every time. in 2006, the democrats including senator obama voted for the secure fence act that put up the fence back in 2006.
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so far 650 miles of fences. i've been down there by el paso in new mexico. he got six and 54 miles of fence. the president wants five by 7 billion. that is one third less than what the democrats are devoted for. laredo, yuma and the rio grande. just that little bitty par. why are the democrats so insistent on not giving the money then they voted on the past. >> they're more concerned about protesting the personality in the white house than protecting the american people. they want an open border. it's a part of their agenda and i'll put the people of america second to just protest against any this president. it sat in dangerous. eric: many democrats would take issue with your claim of an open border.
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they would've for billions of dollars of border security but it is true they are denying the president saying a wall won't work. 234 miles. basically same thing in the past. zero it's good to see you. >> and for having me. eric: republicans urging their democratic colleagues to back president trump's proposal. >> i sincerely hope that our colleagues across the aisle will work with us on this. but then they shut down puzzle is border security. eric: we will speak to a democrat to see if there's any room for negotiation. as thousands of central american migrants finished their march towards the u.s.-mexico border. a live report from mexico is coming out. i earn unlimited 2% cash back on everything i buy. and last year, i earned $36,000 in cash back. which i used to offer health insurance to my employees.
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to help your family i am a techie dad.n. i believe the best technology should feel effortless. like magic. at comcast, it's my job to develop, apps and tools that simplify your experience. my name is mike, i'm in product development at comcast. we're working to make things simple, easy and awesome. eric: president trump's proposal and the partial shut down has been shut down by democrats. with house speaker nancy pelosi calling it a nonstarter. arizona republican congressman andy biggs on "fox and friends" this morning. >> they don't just want a permanent solution for themselves that they wanted permanent illusion for those who
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brought them here illegally. they want the dream that's never been acted on that would provide millions of amnesty. i don't believe they'll go this way. i think the radical wing of the democrat party is not going to let them go this way. arthel: joining me now from a former democratic candidate for florida's 12th congressional district. mr. hunter, thank you for joining us. >> thanks for having me on. arthel: are there any plans that will or should bring the democratic leaders back to the negotiating table? >> i don't think we have the opportunity to have a good-faith negotiation until the government has reopened. one of the things that has characterized this president is easy as people as negotiating leverage. that can't be part of what we do as a functioning government. as soon as he reopens the government, i think there's a great willingness on the part of leaders to sit down with the president that makes sense for
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everybody going forward. border security is a shared goal that everybody has. we can figure out how to get to the end result that the government has to be reopened first. arthel: are former federal prosecutor. how would you tackle it? >> well, i've dealt with the consequences of border insecurity never anyways. i prosecuted categories, involves people who committed crimes who enter the country illegally. but they did so at ports of entry often times. not by climbing over a wall or scampering across the desert in the southern border. one of the big solutions to border security resides in the home countries. that is something we need to step back and remind ourselves of. the states from which these folks are fleeing are filled and failing states. the only way we solve the long-term problem here is by having stable market based and
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save corruption free society so people have a reason to stay and not flee. when congressman green was talking about a tourniquet to stop the bleeding, that's actually the wrong analogy. it has to be able -- the solution resides in the home countries. >> you administration supposed to go to those countries and demand they fix their problems of crime, et cetera. does that work? >> that's where usaid, state department and other levels of the government can be used. resident reagan shows the ways in which the united hates government could be put in service of democracy worldwide. i think we also need to remember his like is the in thing about how we can applied to methods of legacy building from the 1980s in this century so the population migration pressures that are besetting the united states and western europe are
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solved in a more sustainable birthday, but by providing the opportunities that allow people to live in their home countries without fear and have the opportunity to thrive. >> are you proposing the u.s. troops are going to expand what is sorry he stretched quite far? >> goodness no. >> of course not. there are so many ways the united states can promote democracy, can promote free-market and peace and security in central american nation of north african and middle eastern nation that has nothing to do its troops on the ground and of course that is not the solution to anything. when it comes to dealing with population migration. the solution resides in allowing america to become the global economic leader of the world in a way that helps provide economic opportunity and home countries. that has nothing to do with ella terry might.
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everything to do with good economic leadership and that's where we need to focus our efforts. arthel: i do follow-ups but i want to move on. you're a democrat that's historically red. president trump one by 19 points in 2016. what are you hearing from people on both sides of the aisle where you live? >> there is a level of exhaustion with the circus like environment in washington d.c. i hear that from people or republicans,, democrats, independents and everywhere in between. one of the consequences of people in d.c. listening to their soundbites, reading the same talking points as they don't have the pulse of the people in the rest of the country. what all americans want, republicans, democrats and independent is good governance. they are sick and tired of the political gameplay may continue to see even today. arthel: so quickly, do you see a
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door right now, a door to end this government shutdown? >> share, president trump can win the politics on this by reopening the government and engaging in negotiations with the house democratic leadership. that will allow him to go back to his base, tell them and the rest of the country is working hard to deliver the good governance of americans want in the leadership is being obstructionist. i don't happen to agree with that, but if he does not, he can come out ahead on the politics. arthel: chris hunter, we leave it there. thank you. eric: they're not backing down. does the aa and down with the recent controversial article and the russian investigation after robert mueller's office said it was not accurate. former justice department prosecutor james trusty is here on the impact of that. migrants from central america now heading north to our border.
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with less of the sugar you don't. (straining) i'll take that. (cheers) 30 grams of protein and 1 gram of sugar. ensure max protein. in two great flavors. eric: thousands of migrants from central america are heading north hoping for a new life here in the united states. the latest caravan started in honduras and is now making its way to mexico when a 2500-mile journey. meanwhile another group on its way from honduras to join them. griff jenkins is walking along the caravan and has more from the south to mexico. >> hey, eric. the numbers are growing. the new chairman of the same place this one began. some of the 2000 migrants across illegally into mexico to get the word visa, they came to make the same track.
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what we see is very interesting when they left the gate temporarily open. essentially welcomed and received a local police in a small town of off-color, the period they are loading people onto vehicles to help them on their journey as they head towards tijuana. there's a whole lot of people participating in mass. they are the civil protection folks. on a more local level. they can hear people are okay and we just see now as they look to be at the lab. one of the things you may want to see a sort of coup within minutes, who makes up the caravan operation. we see a mix of some families as well as some kids. we see a large percentage of
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them be combative males. one of the young children here were talking to in the sudan has chickenpox. he says he thought it in the first time they came to a few days ago. there is certainly a health risk involved in now. not everyone is in a caravan now. the new figures from mexican officials as 3691 folks took the offer for a work visa that would give them one year to work as they please and travel freely. the question is whether or not the most 3691 while goats tijuana and find their way across. talking about more than 3500 there. another caravan on the way. we answered one question that is will the caravan keeps coming? they certainly will be. >> certainly seems that way. arthel: era, the does he still
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with the controversial article saying we've reconfirmed our reporting. to lie to congress with their pursuit of a trump tower project in moscow. robert mueller's team says the report is, quote, not accurate. meanwhile the attorney right, we address the campaign finance and state and allegations together because both the rows from michael's fierce loyalty to client's number one and in each case the conduct was intended to benefit client one in accordance with directives. former justice department and we know that client one is president trump. what compiled special mueller >> that's an interesting than a tough one.
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so for them to come out affirmatively and pay this story is wrong tells me that there's some gravitas behind that. they were deeply upset by the allegations that on first name was working with those feet and telling them these things that i take it as a pretty solid reputation of what those feet trying to still report. >> spokesperson matt and all insane as we've reconfirmed our reporting we've seen no indication that any specific aspect of our story is inaccurate. we remain confident in what we've reported and will share more as we are able. jim, could it be that mr. mueller is trying to throw off the scent of a dog that is on a trail that he does not want that dog to pursue? >> i think that's certainly possible that it doesn't seem to
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be in character. this is a guy very serious about long for men other like unlike unlike -- whatever your criticisms are disparate, the fisa court, all the different things that associate with the beginning of the probe from and there is a lot of room for investigation criticism. leaks to the media and public statements is not one of them. i have to think this is a circumstance where they're not trying to put out information that they are genuinely saying this is wrong. eric: as an outsider, of one would imagine behind the scenes scramble to decide to make a public statement. do you have an idea of the process behind not? >> i don't have any information on that, but i can tell you there's enough serious career prosecutors within the mix including mueller, rod rosenstein, where they will take
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this very carefully. they did think of drew and really weigh the costs and benefits of this approach and i think they felt it was so clearly false that it was time to say something about it. arthel: president trump think mr. mueller for pushback on the article. the president has been calling the russian probate hope. feel the public defense via twitter and does it alter the release date of his findings? >> that is the more important part and i don't think it will. i suspect it is winding down, they were having and it may be accompanied by indictments of certain people although i don't think it will be individual number one. i think they are heading towards an end game and they don't want this information to accompany
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the endgame. we have to wait and see. nobody has any inside scoop as to whether that's going to happen. that's the more important question than resolving what will quickly fade into the rearview mirror between busey and mueller. eric: thank you very much. >> sure, thank you. arthel: is the partial government shutdown drags on, the tsa seen a growing number of officers not getting paychecks right now are not showing up for work but across the country it doesn't seem that travelers are feeling the strain, at least not yet. i would just call following the story from los angeles. >> hi, art thou. many of the major airports across the country seemed fairly normal. that's been the story most of the time. the weights have been as long as an hour and a half in some airports are warning travelers to get there as early as three hours before takeoff.
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yesterday tsa was forced to close down an entire security check point because of the shortage of staff. the reason we see line at the time is because of a higher than normal rate of tsa officers calling out sick. workers as well as administrators say it goes back to the financial hardship of not being paid. budget for things like gas, childcare groceries. they do their best to pitch in the hall. volunteers in cities like miami organize food drives and some folks in show up with lunch for airport workers who weren't being paid. >> i know it's probably a struggle for them. i can imagine what it's like for them. we do what we can to help them out. and a little bit we can. food, snacks, sodas, anything we can do to help them out. reporter: one thing to keep in mind come in the super bowl is in atlanta in just two weeks.
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it's already considered the busiest airport. tsa britain in 120 additional agents to deal with the big crowds from the game. arthel: a lot of crowds come a lot of saints fans will be there. my prediction. >> i was waiting for that. thank you. eric: the fight against terrorism and you would not think a government entity in the u.s. house would pay citizens to shoot and stab people. it's exactly what the palestinian authority continues to do even after the tailor for us act was passed. he was stabbed to death in israel and his convict the killer -- family of the convict killer is getting paid by the palestinian authority. while this past week when authority president mark mohd abbas arrived in new york he was stopped by a protest. protesters braved the winter cold in new york city to send
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palestinian authority mark mohd abbas a message. he held meetings at the united nations. outside, a group of noisy demonstrators demanded that he and the so-called pay for a slate of the policy of rewarding families of terrorist and the convicted terrorist themselves with money for killing people in israel. >> it's money that could be used to benefit the palestinian people. instead it's going to pay murders. >> an outspoken critic of the payments. taylor was a west point graduate who served in iraq and afghanistan. taylor with night to death as he walked with friends on the ocean boardwalk in 2016. last year we brought you the story of taylor's parents in his west point classmates who lobbied on capitol hill for the tailor for us act now a law. apart u.s. taxpayer money from going to find the terror payments. >> thank you for using the tragedy as a catalyst for good
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or >> money flow is continued from other countries in abbas refuses to stop the hand outs: the welfare payments for the families of palace indian murders. protesters say the families receiving $15,000 a year. >> i'm out here for taylor. i'm out here for every family that i've met that i suffered the loss of a loved one and were hopefully this will become a rare occurrence in dead of an news item. that's why were out here. >> the community must condition it money to the policing authority. no more money. >> he gives meaning to a set. >> protesters call for the u.n. members to follow the example of the u.s. government and cut off the money. >> they are sowing the seeds of destruction in their own countries and they don't realize it and that's not what
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government is supposed to be about. it's terrorism. it's killing innocent people indiscriminately. >> officials estimate despite the act the palestinian authority still has access to roughly $300 million for those payments. the family and friends and loved ones of other guns demand mock mohd abbas stop but so far there is no sign at all that he's willing to do that. president trump offering democrat a bill to bring them to the table to negotiate an end to the partial government shut down. one of its first supporters of flaming the idea. we'll have reaction from both sides. plus following the path of a massive winter storm hammered the northeast with snow and rain on this sunday. i'll tell you where it's going in what's going to happen the rest of the afternoon. stay with us.
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eric: residents of a small city in alabama picking up the pieces after a devastating tornado ripped through town yesterday causing extensive damage. caused by several thunders to arms slammed into 15 miles northeast of montgomery. one person was hurt and four others had to be rescued from a baseman after they were trapped in there by debris. eric: it seems that president trump has some competition on twitter. he's defending his immigration proposal by conservative commentator ann coulter. she says, quote, trump proposes and tea. we voted for trump and gotcha. while pushing back, amnesty is not a part of my offer. it's a three-year extension of daca. amnesty lobby is on a much bigger deal whether an immigration or something else. likewise no big push to move the
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11 billion plus people legally. but be careful. john hancock, former missouri republican chairman. what is the impact of the continued criticism do you think? >> i don't think much. the trump bases much less ideological than it is to try base. donald trump has a very strong layer of support in the country. the folks that are going to be on the further side of the immigration debate are relatively small chunk and i don't think this hurts donald trump and is based at all. in fact, him coming to the table to end the shutdown is a positive development. >> you buy that? >> in some respects yeah. most of the trump bases not necessarily as far to the right as people like ann coulter. but this was just a predict bull. the president went into this entire thing knowing the
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majority is certainly with him on the wall but the majority of the country was in. it is imperative for him to bring him around. he had defined 10% more people. then you knew eventually he would get to the daca issue. it's even tougher for him because not only do you have more country at posing what he initially did the ending survey. they went aside to 70% or 90%. now you've got people saying you're using a bargaining chip you created which wasn't a problem to begin with and the numbers are higher. you bring in the criticism from the far right. the president is susceptible to that criticism. he has dug a very difficult hole for himself. >> odyssey weaves that needle to get the democrats on board despite the proposal and temporary status. >> share. the reality is donald trump is
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the only side in this thing that has come over. nancy pelosi hasn't budged. i will tell you that no joe caucuses on both sides. it is a small chunk of the population. the president is showing real leadership by coming to the table and since they won't negotiate they will begin to see the public opinion flip on them and the president is in a better place on message right now than he was before the statement on friday. >> here's the problem i've got to play now. while you're absolutely right he's starting to make some moves come in the and democrats in congress aren't yet budging. the president hasn't come to where the majority of the american fire. until he can get there, i don't know how he finds a way to crack a wall in congress. he's got to get to where the people are. so far that hasn't happened. >> talk about citizenship. what about legal status.
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or just a legal status for them at this point in time. >> a three-year extension is not a path to citizenship than it would be a mistake to do that. you can begin to address those issues until you've really secure the border. that is where we are here. the fact that pelosi and schumer are intransigent, and that is going to look very bad in the eyes of the majority of the american people and they run the risk of losing the battle on this thing. it seems to me there's a pretty simple fix here. $527 billion asked. split the difference. but the president have border security and wall money. stop them from building a wall. no sides walk away with the win. and that's $5 billion. eric: they say it's his fault. he's the executive. go ahead.
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>> okay. the president is moving towards the middle here and i think that clear. he's opened the door for negotiation. democrats have been completely silent, unwilling to move and that is a bad look for the american people do not ultimately pay a price for it. >> i'm afraid i don't agree. if the american people start to come over for the president's point of view i'm going to agree with john. the reality is you can deal with daca. we've done it. this president chose to go a different way. now he wants to go back on that to get the deal he wants to get. you cannot sidestep the wishes of the american people and the desire to throw blame either on the democrats or the republicans. the people will decide in the president has not yet seeded in bringing the majority of the american public.
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arthel: a major blast of cold air moving into several states on the heels of a powerful winter storm that dumped massive snow across parts of the midwest and the northeast creating travel nightmares and threatening outages for millions. jacqui heinrich is life in new york with details. >> this storm is moving east after dumping 15 inches of snow in the midwest. behind the storm is an arctic chill that will cause problems as all precipitation freezes over. expected to the north he is a snowfall rates up to two inches an hour. accumulation up to seven inches in places. the lower hudson valley a quarter inch of i.c.e. can accumulate. the storm as a lot of mild air to the mid-atlantic and they're getting a wintry mix instead of snow and rain. they're expecting temperatures to sharply drop by early afternoon. that will create a flash freeze and treacherous road conditions.
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ned lamont is urging people not to leave their home. >> right now what were looking at his the possibility of a 20-degree drop in temperature between now and 6:00 a.m. tomorrow morning. that is going to change the nature of the conditions are manically, which is why it's still so important that you stay up the roads. >> star masaru because thousands of flight cancellations and delays nationwide. in chicago, o'hare said off the runway with 129 passengers and crew inside. luckily no one was hurt, but in kansas is no plow driver was killed when the car rolled over throwing him from the vehicle and landing on him. >> i want everyone to remember when people are out there clearing the road, they are putting their lives at risk so we can be safe. we all owe a debt of gratitude for keeping them in place. >> as the storm moves out, and
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is expected to pull down trees and power lines as the cold air moves in. connecticut with more than 18,000 people in the dark here in virginia 15,000 people without power and 13,000 in north carolina. arthel: you really do have to be mindful of those workers. thank you. eric: there out there for us. if you have a clear sky tonight, you may catch a glimpse of that. a very special celestial event.
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and that's where we come in. we are called to comfort these people, to be a blessing to their lives. - [voiceover] for just $25, we'll rush an emergency survival package to help one desperate elderly person for a month. call right now. - [eckstein] call the number on your screen. - in ukraine, there's no supper network. they don't have food cards or neighbors that come in to help. they're turning to us because they have nowhere else to turn. - [voiceover] your gift is a life line to help these elderly jewish holocaust survivors, help them to live out their final years with dignity and love. call right now. - [eckstein] call the number on your screen. - what i pray is that you won't turn your eyes, but you will look at their suffering
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11:00 am
>> a supermoon, super wolf blood moon turning a shade of red. >>chris: hello again from fox news in washington. if things look different, that's because of the fact we had a fire. yes, a fire in our building on north capitol street so we are over at our wonderful affiliate. in northwest washington but we will put on the show today. we may not have a lot of the bells and whistles we normally have but just take a little time travel and pretend you're back in the 1950s and you will feel very comfortable about that. the ball is now in the democrats court after the president made an
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