tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News January 21, 2019 7:00pm-8:00pm PST
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send them in. we will be putting them on the screen all week. also, something i have to announce. let not your heart be troubled. the news continues. i hear she is back in new york. laura ingraham. >> laura: i'm back in new york? >> sean: that's what i heard. that's what the rumor is. >> laura: no, i'm not. now you're getting me confused. where are we? are we here in washington? >> sean: james, why did you tell me that? >> laura: oh, i love that. >> sean: now, don jr. is on your show tonight. he's in new york. my mistake. i humbly apologize for the terrible error of reporting. >> laura: you had a great show tonight, hannity. next time i may new york, i'm going to come find you. >> sean: well, you avoided me at all last week. >> laura: that was easy, actually. all right, hannity -- >> sean: you have me on one hand and then take it away in
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the other if you'd >> laura: this is laura ingraham on "the ingraham angle." don jr. will be here to react to the buzzfeed bombshell. first, the tail of the tape. that's the focus of tonight's angle. the left-wing smear and the never trump smear squad is added again. with this piece of video from friday. [yelling] >> laura: on a smattering of nasty trump resistors set out to destroy the lives of a group of kentucky protesters in the d.c. march for life. covington catholic high reportedly confronting this native american activist at the lincoln memorial. they were immediately denounced by left-wing loons, the media, know nothing celebrities.
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dismissing them as racist. >> mom, they are not giving to my getting a good education. it makes little sense to chand "build the wall" to a country with literally zero illegal immigrants. >> trying to figure out where race relations stand in this country. >> we have come a long, long way from the days of dogs, fire hoses, lynching, those types of things, but they take different forms today. kkk, the, they are getting tiki torches and wearing pullovers. >> laura: even catholics like father james martin jumped on the condemnation train, to eating "they attempt to shame and to disrespect a man at the indigenous peoples much.
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these actions are not catholic, not christian, and not acceptable." the diocese of covington also issued statements condemning the students actions, and they reserve the right to expel them. but perhaps most disappointing of all was when the head of the march for life, jane mancini, rushed into virtue signal. "the reprehensible behavior shown is no way representative of the people who have peacefully and respectfully gathered in washington, d.c., to stand up for the unborn." well, she and father martin and some others later backed off when they all realized that there was another side to the story. it turns out that when you look at an hour worth of video covering the entire incident, a few things emerge. the students had gathered to listen to a group that called itself "the black hebrew israelites." i've never heard of them before. they traversed times square, the
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routine is pretty predictable. the use of racially charged rhetoric in an attempt to provoke reactions, and then they capture it all nvidia. and this is what they were doing to the covington high school students. >> you [bleep]! a bunch of child molesting [bleep]! >> look at these dirty crackers. >> that's right. a bunch of babies made out of incest! >> laura: well, contrary to the early reporting, it became clear that the students didn't confront anyone. all they did was stand their ground. as they were being verbally assaulted. now why wasn't that the focus of the media story?
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imagine if a couple of white pastors started yelling racial epithets add black students on mlk day? do you think that would be a story? you bet it would be, and it should be, but let's face it, this is different because the covington students had marched for the unborn, and they were daring to show up wearing a red maga hats in d.c., so they were cast as a bunch of troublemakers. the native american activist initially claimed that he was surrounded by the kids, but other video shows that it was he, nathan phillips, who initially approach the student, banging that drum in the face of nick, the student. phillips, the activist, claims he did so to defuse the tensions between the black hebrew israelites and the students in. does it look like he is diffusing tensions to you? the covington students started singing school chance.
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despite someone yelling and beating a drum in his face, did not say a word. the covington high school junior in a statement wrote yesterday "i believe that by remaining motionless and come, i was helping to defuse the situation. i realized everyone had cameras and that perhaps the group of adults trying to provoke a group of teenagers into a bigger conflict. i'm being called every name in the book, including races, and i will not stand for the small black character assassination of my family's name." well, the left is in use to people standing their ground, are they? not the way that covington stood his. i think that a lot of them get a perverse thrill when they drive their political targets out of restaurants or when they show up at their homes. or in some cases, even physically attack them. just for -- what? the clothing? the messaging that the left-wing activist don't like. but those people, i'm going to
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stop calling them activist. they are not activist. they are not simply professional rabble-rousers. they are more like -- they are more like domestic terrorist. it that's how i characterize them because they are used to operating with total impunity because they usually get cover from a complicit media. and sometimes even from local officials who do nothing, as trump supporters are literally taking a beating as they did during that june 2016 campaign event in san jose for trump. these trolls, incapable and uninterested in actually winning the war of ideas, or instead at war with the first amendment end of the free expression of others. and by the way it, who caused this caustic environment that we live in today? where leftist hacks engage in these guerrilla tactics? trump?
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is that present responsible for the blooming economy, for young people and minorities, or that guy who defied all of the skeptics to get criminal justice reform passed. he ain't perfect, none of us are, but he did not empower the mob. but meet a few of the people who did. >> when the president first assumed office with his racist, violent rhetoric -- >> racism is still alive and well in the united states of america, and we have a president who seems to help unleash it an end get people feeling that they can come out of the closet with that type of racism. >> we have a heater in the white house. the grand wizard of 1600 pennsylvania avenue. one of the things that we have learned is that well jim crow may be dead, he still has some nieces and nephews that are alive and well. >> laura: this covington
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catholic high school episode also reveals something that reared its ugly head during the kavanaugh battle. blatant anti-catholic bigotry. even to a catholic education, the left was clearly attempting to spin this nothing story into an indictment not only of trump supporters but of the pro-life cause and the face that sustains it. if pressed, what they would tell you their ultimate goal is, to shut down catholic and christian education and eradicate all vestiges of those traditions underpinning them. this is a smattering of the weekend hate. check it out. a former chair of the dnc, howard dean, how old are the following. "it seems like a hate factory to me. why not just close it?" an la-based dj named uncle she was tweeted "lock the kids in the school, and burned that be
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to the ground." a producer, who worked on "beauty and the beast" tweeted this. "hats first into the wood chipper." erica wrist of vulture tweeted "i don't know what it says about me, but i have truly lost the ability to articulate that historical stomach hysterical hard rage that this causes me to feel. i just want these people to die. simple as that. every single one of them. and their parents." she tweeted of the covington students saying this. "he is deplorable. some people can also be punched in the face." my friend, you have to know the new rules. if someone is wearing red maga have, you are that person, well, you are a racist. and if you are catholic at a pro-life march in a red hat, you deserve all of that. the real thugs, they are not the students who stood and did
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nothing, they are the people who cheered the students in person and online. and the people who actually threaten them with actual violence. most of these tweets have not been deleted. few accounts have even been suspended. that's only just a few of them. what does that mean? it's going to happen again and again and again. so if you have the right political views, you can actually law enforcement on the steps of monuments, like the supreme court. you're good to go. no questions asked. >> mr. hoffman, mr. hoffman. why is it? >> are you concerned about your safety? you have reason to believe this. that they are armed? i know you believe that there are some safety concerns. >> laura: verbal assaults that
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the police have to put up with because of the first amendment. why wasn't that a story? lots of other stories like it. the covington students deserve more than an apology. lucky for them, there was that additional clarifying video that made so many of those malevolent eat crow. still, though, these antireligious zealots have already done their damage. labs have been threatened, just like lives on the duke lacrosse team, the uva fraternity brothers, and brett kavanaugh. they are all treated as disposable. kind of like collateral cultural damage. the question is, how will we as a society hold of the real thugs accountable? and that's the angle. here now, the cofounding editor and columnist from "the intercept." why was there such a potentially juicy narrative for the media? i happily was not focusing on
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this over the weekend with my family, but i started seeing a blow up and i was wondering, this is really a wild story. i wonder if there is any other video? and of course, the other video came up. >> so i didn't comment at all over the weekend because it was immediately clear to me that these snippets of video would make it impossible to know with any confidence what actually took place. maybe that's my lawyer background. maybe it's yours as well, even in the controlled courtroom setting where there is due process and all kinds of controls to make sure evidences prevented authentically and without distortion. it's very difficult to know who's telling the truth and who isn't. what happened and what didn't. so when he started having this kind of trial by twitter mob, it is obvious that there is no way to have any confidence about what took place. having said that, and i think that's dangerous, i do think that even the full video reveals some things that i do think are disturbing in the students
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actions, even one it's true that some of the worst thing said about them are clearly false. there are some of them at least two or doing things like mocking the native american, with chance, mocking the way in which he was singing. you know, they were 15 years old. but at the same time, i don't consider that exemplary behavior. i think there is a question about why this captured so much media attention, and i think one of the reasons is that a lot of our politics are very racially polarized. and you can blame the left, and i think sometimes that's legitimate, but a lot of president trump's rhetoric is responsible for that as well. >> laura: i got it. i understand that, and i appreciate your analysis. it's evenhanded. thank god i didn't have video of the stuff i was doing when i was 15-16. i didn't travel to washington, i didn't go to stuff like this. but when you think about the way that people are approaching, whether it is law enforcement,
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members of the military, things they say to them on a daily basis, getting an inch away from the face, scream and yell -- horrible things. i mean, maybe people think they deserve it, or they don't deserve it, but the media never, ever rolls back over the weekend of coverage. these kids were wearing those maga hats. it reminded me a lot of the kavanaugh story. georgetown prep, they're all a bunch of horrible people, they're all a bunch of drunks. it was that stereotype. almost the kind of profiling that the left accuses police i'm doing regularly. but they are doing it. almost everybody is profiling each other. snap judgments, without taking a breath, without saying okay, let's look at really what happened here. let's look at some of the background on the activist himself, who has accused other people wrongly of things in the past. but they didn't do that because it was a kid in a red hat who
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looks like he has a smirk on his face, so he must be a racist. that really was the conclusion by the dominant media. >> i think the worst thing that you showed was the tweet from cnn paid commentator, who essentially was urging that a 15-year-old child be physically and violently attacked. i mean, that's really perverted. it's not even just prefers, but perverted, to have fantasies about punching a 15-year-old boy in the face, based on things that, as it turned out, there's at least questions about what he did. why is there that kind of incitement to violence, why is not at least as disturbing? i think the context here is really important, which is that there are a lot of people in the country who are african-american, latino, native american, who are muslim, who feel, i think with good reason, vulnerable and attacked, and this is the context of all of these debates.
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imagine, laura -- >> laura: what's the role in the media? what's the media's role? >> well, in this case, the media was incredibly reckless, and they have been reckless in many cases. a lot of them even admitted that. but imagine, laura, if this had been an elderly white priest, who was leading the pro-life movement, surrounded by black or latino teenagers, chanting, mocking him. i think things would be seen differently by both sides. so i think you are right. the journalist in both sides and many others, wildly and recklessly inflames this situation. but i also think it's not without justification and validity that a lot of people see this as concerning behavior. >> laura: what about the buzzfeed story? i've got to pick your brain on that real quick. we are going to talk about it with don jr. a firestorm last week. they still stand by their story, even though the special counsel says we don't -- it didn't
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happen. >> when the history is written, unquestionably, one of the most shocking parts will be how reckless the u.s. meeting deming media has been in the reporting. i just at the top ten most humiliating failures when they just didn't get stories a little bit wrong, but radically and fundamentally wrong. major, major stories. i think we should be a little careful with buzzfeed, because we don't want to treat robert mueller like this in fallible deity who passes down the word of god from the mountaintop and we all just immediately accepted. but i do think it is very strange that he chose the story for the first time to come out and say that it was an accurate. when it seems to be clear that there is something very odd going on with buzzfeed's reporting that made a lot of people justifiably can question it. >> laura: we really appreciate your perspective tonight on all of this. thanks so much. up ahead, media in crisis.
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donald trump jr. is here exclusively. his first reaction to that buzzfeed now debunked scoop. >> tech: at safelite autoglass we know that when you're spending time with the grandkids every minute counts. and you don't have time for a cracked windshield. that's why we show you exactly when we'll be there. saving you time, so you can keep saving the world. >> kids: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace ♪ bill's back needed a afvacation from his vacation. an amusement park... so he stepped on the dr. scholl's kiosk. it recommends our best custom fit orthotic to relieve foot, knee, or lower back pain. so you can move more. dr. scholl's. born to move.
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unstopand it's strengthenedting place, the by xfi pods,gateway. which plug in to extend the wifi even farther, past anything that stands in its way. ...well almost anything. leave no room behind with xfi pods. simple. easy. awesome. click or visit a retail store today. >> laura: the media is in crisis. from the warped confrontation that we just discussed to
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buzzfeed's embarrassing debacle. in just moments, donald trump jr. will join me exclusively to talk about that now debunked bombshell report. but first, we want to break down exactly what's been happening, starting with some new developments this weekend. trace gallagher joins us from the west coast newsroom. >> hey, to be clear, the reporting by buzzfeed said that the special counsel learns that trump ordered his lawyer to lie about to russia through "interviews with multiple witnesses, internal company emails, text messages, and a cache of other documents." but despite these documents, it is unclear that buzzfeed actually saw any of them. one reporter said he did. the other said he didn't, and now neither of them will come in. watch. >> really, because of the calls for the leak investigation, and the sensitivity, we really can't go any further at all in order to not jeopardize our sources. >> yet special counsel made it
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crystal clear that the evidence that they cited is wrong. "buzzfeed's description and characterization of documents and testimony obtained by this office regarding michael cohen's congressional testimony are not accurate." so why did miller's team takes a highly unusual step of issuing a statement? our chief white house correspondent team says that his office spoke to the team regarding the article, and there was agreement that a significant portion of the buzzfeed story was false. giuliani says that there are no text messages, emails, or corroborating documents. so why didn't mueller respond to buzzfeed? because they emailed special counsel saying that they had a story coming, stating that michael cohen was directed by president trump himself to lie to congress about his negotiations related to the trump-moscow project you're not a single word about the special counsel.
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"the washington post" wrote "people familiar said that peter carr told others in the government that he would have more have more vigorously discourage the reporters from proceeding with the story, had he known that they alleged michael cohen had told the special counsel. buzzfeed's editor in chief said he thought it was the heart of the story. buzzfeed continues to stand behind their reporting. >> laura: think so much. apparently being called out by the miller team was enough. at the ironically named "reliable sources" show, one of the authors of the buzzfeed piece tripled down. >> i have further confirmation that this is right, we are being told to stand our ground. our reporting is accurate. we are 100% behind it. >> what if the sources are just wrong? >> they are not. >> not intentionally, not trying to hurt you. >> they are not. i am confident. >> laura: follow-up there.
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here are now exclusively, in his very first appearance on "the ingraham angle" ," donald trump jr. thanks so much for being with us tonight. when the story first came out, reporters were quick to pounds, quick to turn the spotlight on to you. >> well, they always are. this isn't the first time. you saw it right after i did my testimony, and they said oh, donald trump jr. has the wikileaks information because presumably adam schiff liked it right after my testimony and conveniently took out the one before the four, meaning i had it six days before the website, as opposed to four days after the entire world side. this has gone on time and time again. it also happened when davis said something along the lines of i told my dad about the russian meeting. he was cnn source. he then walked it back and realized it was totally long. and yet today, they still haven't pulled that back.
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the reason is they needed to be true, laura. they have been pushing this nonsense for two years. they have found nothing. but anytime there's a negative, any time there's a chance to get trump, they are going to jump on it. they are basically left us policing a leftist. i love watching the cnn commentary. you jump on it each and every time. you know, they cover themselves with the dash if it's true -- you when you have to see at 2:00 p.m. on friday. this is what they were going with. >> what about the family here? when you read this buzzfeed piece, ivanka trump, don jr. is implicated. saying he was "peripherally aware of it." afterwards, they said it is possible that he lied. how much of jeopardy because
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these family members be in? >> i think that's why we have to wait and see. if family members are going to be implicated, that could be a reason for him to resign and try to work out a deal to save his family. >> laura: they were going to impeachment, resignation. >> i mean, they got him this time, laura, like the other 75 times. by the way, no different than the story that you covered at the beginning. you had some catholic school boys that were at our right to life march. okay. they were wearing a maga hat. they had to pounce because the media want that to be true. they want a bunch of nice catholic kids, happen to be white, they want them to be the enemy. this is what they've created. the media has done this to themselves. they have shot themselves in the foot time and time again. because they so desperately want this to be the truth, as opposed to saying you know what? trump has done a darn good job
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as president. if you look at any economic metric, we are substantially better off than we were to go short years ago before he took office because he's doing a gret job. imagine what he could do without the noise. every day there is any reason for impeachment. let him do his job. that was the job he was elected to do. media right now is really trying to subvert this democracy. they've done more to hurt the credibility of this institution then anything in history. >> laura: not only the president but anyone who supports the president. it doesn't matter if you're 14 or my age. >> don't wear a maga hat, laura, because i must make you all sorts of things. >> laura: the issue with his trump tower thing keeps coming back. we know the buzzfeed deal. they claim that it is all sourced. you have had time to think about this. when was the last discussion about this trump tower deal? rudy got everyone really confused, i have to say.
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i love rudy. he hasn't been on the show in a while, but he goes on "meet the press." he says it could have been right after the election. then he was talking to mike talking in hypothetical terms today. >> i don't know, i don't talk about things that i don't know about. the reality is this wasn't a deal -- we don't know the developer. we don't know the site. we don't know anything about it. ultimately, with michael cohen trying to get a deal done. he wasn't exactly ideal guy. so i don't think anyone took it all that seriously. that is the reality of one went on. but it's the constant link. you saw the story last week. donald trump is a russian agent. yeah. the guy that's -- he left all of that you go into this snake pit, the swamp, to run against 16 or 17 republican contenders, to
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then defeat hillary clinton, he had zero chance of doing that. you know, he did all of this because he's a russian agent. the reason the media has no credibility is because this is what they do. this is what they do to themselves. >> laura: will, adam schiff, who has the ability now to call witnesses -- >> of course he does. >> laura: he isn't going to stop. buzzfeed report, no buzzfeed report, i want to play something for you and get your reaction. >> are you still going to investigate the claims? >> absolutely. congress has a fundamental interest in this period of >> laura: i imagine he's going to call you back. >> he has got -- there is a 99-point and perchance that he was the one who was leaking my
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testimony. cnn is running quotes from 12:00 on about my testimony. in the house intelligence committee, that has to say something about what is going on in there. since he's never met a camera he didn't love, i would bet a lot of money that it was him, and of their reality is i've done 25 hours of testimony on a 20 minute meeting. this has been the greatest witch hunt in american history. perhaps world history. in three hours, they found the bomber that was a fake bomber, and they haven't found anything other than they've got big bombshell. i've heard it too many times, laura. the american people don't take this stuff seriously. they look at these people like jokers at this point. >> laura: kamala harris was out there, announcing that she is going to run for president. let's listen. >> it is going to be about talking to people who are right now aware that this economy is not working for working people. it's going to be about talking
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with people that right now we have an administration that waged a full on assault on american values and american ideals. >> laura: when you hear a sitting senator say "an assault on american values and american ideals," your dad is called a racist, i've known him for 20 years. >> you saw this with the social media platform, attacking the word "family." god forbid you have family, right? this is this leftist assault. when you talk about this economy not working for the american working class, donald trump is the first man to speak to the american worker in generations at this point. he is the guy delivering it. as i said earlier, there's not a single economic metric where we are not better off as a country today than we were two years ago. under barack obama. but with the media carrying the democrats baggage, they will say whatever they want. >> laura: are you now still
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thinking of politics the future? it's been thought they were going to go into politics at some point. >> i haven't thought about it that way. for me, it's about right now, whatever i can do to help my father win, i will. i love what's going on as an american, patriot, and a father of five young children. i see what he's doing, what he's fighting, and the nonsense barrage that he's taking. the insanity that has become the left. let's be honest. this is not your father's democratic party. they have lost their way, they have no interest in protecting americans, only furthering their insane agenda. i'm going to do what i can to help. whatever happens in the future, i will deal with it then. in the meantime, he's making it pretty easy, given what he's doing because he's doing a phenomenal job for this country. >> laura: 2020 is coming. they are all lining up. don't be a stranger. thanks for coming on. all right, the duke lacrosse
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case, the kavanaugh smears, covington catholic high school boys, what do the targets of these media missteps or purposeful missteps have in common? that's next. our grandparents checked their smartphones zero times a day. times change. eyes haven't. that's why there's ocuvite. screen light... sunlight... longer hours... eyes today are stressed. but ocuvite has vital nutrients... help protect them. ocuvite. eye nutrition for today.
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what we just heard from donald trump jr. what we have heard about this buzzfeed story. asked him a question about the trump tower issue as well. didn't spend a lot of time on that. his lawyer probably told him not to -- to stay away from that. he probably had to go back to committee. what was your reaction to that? >> my reaction is the president has a wonderful son. a smart son. an honest son. a dedicated son. a frustrated son, who has watched the american press destroy itself while it was attempting to destroy the president of the united states, donald trump, duly elected. i think that what has happened to this president over the last two years is part of an awful part of american history, caused by the american press as a result of doing the bidding of the democratic party. remember, laura, all of this stems from the plot that started inside the fbi and the doj and
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the obama administration to illegally exonerate hillary clinton, and if she lost, then to figure out a way to frame donald trump. what you saw from john jr. tonight was that frustration of how that plot with the complicity of the american media has taken its toll on everybody, including the public. end of the republic. >> laura: , what do you make of buzzfeed? watch that interlude on cnn or the weekend. reliable sources. no, we stand by our report. they were absolutely adamant that this story is true. they don't care what the special counsel says. they maintain that they have separate sourcing, double, triple dog down on it, that it is true. and the story -- because they have to -- >> laura: if it's true, it's obviously not a good story, but they look right into the camera
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and say it's true. well, i guess we'll find out. >> i think they're lying. and i think the pedigree of these reporters, and the history of buzzfeed is not one of credible journalism. i think what you saw, by the way, when robert mueller corrected their story, was that robert mueller realized there is a new sheriff in town, and that's bill barr, who will be sworn in after he's confirmed. he knew that he had to correct the record because bill barr would have been outraged at this whole story not being corrected by mr. mueller, who knew the story was false. so i think buzzfeed is not worthy of anything at this point, other than complete disrespect. and even the rest of the media doesn't want to really give buzzfeed a hard time because they also believe -- >> laura: oh, they are all invested. >> they want the story to be true. >> laura: the comment -- i
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don't know if we can pull it up? this guy, harry litman, he goes on television. i don't even know. msnbc. he just like a leaps to all of these conclusions. it's the same thing in a different, bigger way. it's the same thing that we saw with these kids at this pro-life march. it's all old provocation all provocation. everyone believes what they want to believe. there is not a moment where someone pauses and says maybe there's another side to this story. i guess we all can be guilty of that. i get it. that was just wild. it's the same herd mentality. the stampede to condemn anyone who supports from, call him a racist. say they should be in jail, impeached. without so much as an apology when they get it wrong. >> this is what has happened to
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journalism. it has happened to politics. many have a party like the democratic party, which has thrown away at soul for the purpose of power and winning elections, when you have a media, which by the way, the enemy of the media is the media. the enemy of the press is the press. they are supposed to be the repository of the power of the first amendment. they are destroying the first amendment. they are destroying the respect that people should have for journalism because they have thrown away objectivity, and all of the hard work that is supposed to go into telling a true story if you look at bill kristol. he went after these catholic kids who were here to do a nice thing, show up for a pro-life rally. what is bill kristol do? he attacks these kids without knowing anything about them. then later, all he does is delete histories and a it doesn't apologize to them. just like that jesuit priest who -- --
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>> laura: he is the worst. he is a leftist. he hates drum, he wants open borders. i'm like okay, when the vatican takes down their 40-foot wall, you can tell me about house walls don't work. thank you so much. so nice to see you tonight. i like the lumberjack outfit. you look like you have just taken down a tree. >> in fact, i just did today. we are down on the eastern shore of maryland. >> laura: thank you so much. boy, rudy giuliani, he made news when he said this yesterday on "meet the press." >> the conversation lasted throughout parts of 2016. the president is not sure exactly when they ended. i would say michael cohen would have a much better recollection of it than the president, threat 2016, there weren't a lot of them, but there were conversations. can't be sure of the exact date, but having conversations with him about it. up to you as far as october,
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november. covered until the election. >> laura: okay. well, he clarified that. "my recent discussions about the campaign between cohen and donald trump were hypothetical and not based on conversations i had with the president. joining me now, former independent counsel of the whitewater investigation. offer of "contempt: a clinton investigation." i've got to say, as a recovering attorney and, myself, you have to comment on things as an attorney. you have to be very precise with your language because, especially in the situation, the stakes are very high. is there some method to rudy's madness and that commentary? >> rudy is very smart. he's very clever. but this seems a little bit odd to me. especially since the understanding has been that the president was running for the
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presidency, he was not pitching the deal or involved with michael cohen or anyone else in terms of pitching the deal. we just heard from don jr. that michael was out there on his own. we will sort all of this out. yeah, i was a little bit surprised about rudy's comment in terms of being hypothetical. you got to be absolutely sure of your facts. you are so right. you are not a recovering lawyer. you are a lawyer. and as a great lawyer, you full well know you've got to know the facts and be on top of them. rudy, i think it, is going to do a great job. they are both smart. they are both clever. but we will see. this is hard to figure out. >> laura: judge, last wednesday or thursday -- i lost track. he was on, then made a comment about well, i wasn't talking about collusion on the campaign. i was talking about the president in russia.
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again, i don't want to pick on rudy. we love rudy, but what the heck was that? i'm watching this, going what is he doing? he has a really good lawyers. i mean, he's brilliant. white house counsel, brilliant. they are friends of mine. they are brilliant people. but this is just bad language. you can get this wrong. you cannot get that language wrong, representing the president. i'm sorry. they're going to be mad at me, but i tell the truth. >> listen, i will not criticize. i think rudy would be the first to agree, as a fantastic united states attorney. >> laura: green mayor. >> he would say yeah, you have to be on top of the case, right? we will see you. this too shall pass. this is mlk jr. day, and i will say in light of all of the terrible things that we have been hearing tonight, especially about the covington, kentucky, school, i will just say this. we need to reread the letter
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from the birmingham jail and listen to a little bit of the voice of martin luther king jr. this is just so unfortunate. and i agree with much of what has been said. it is so bad for the country periods. >> laura: thank you so much for that thought. bringing that up. how do the media pay tribute to mlk day? by attacking president trump. we don't want to miss this debate. coming up. looking good babe! are you filming? at, we can't guarantee you'll be any good at that water jet thingy... but we can guarantee the best price on a hotel, like this one. or any home, boat, treehouse, yurt, whatever. get the best price on homes,
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>> we now have the president of the united states who is a racist. >> our president has chosen to tear this country apart. on every line. every decision. every racial end. >> donald trump is a racist bully. and we know how to deal with bullies. >> no matter what they throw at us, nevertheless, we process. >> laura: 's meet the 2020 conductors, using mlk to talk about how trump is a racist. that means having an agenda for black america, is that what mlk jr. would have wanted?
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no ginnie mae, civil rights attorney. let's start with you. these cheap shots, and the letter from the birmingham jail. an inspirational thing, lifting people up with hope, optimistic for a better future. i've got to say, i think they failed in honoring him today with that kind of nonsense. >> well, laura, first of all, thank you for having me on. happy mlk day. i saw the interview. i am a lawyer. there have been three opinion polls taken last year, over half of the country believe that donald trump is a racist. supporting half of this country, 82% of democrats believe he's a racist. so i'm submitting to you some facts. three opinion polls taken in 2018, and i will submit that the majority, half of the country believe --
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>> laura: you know what the public thought about barack obama? >> those are facts. >> laura: if you cite public opinion poll as a fact -- after barack obama's presidency, his last year, i think the majority, when you jump in here, the majority of americans or if you are, i will post it on twitter afterwards, so the country was more divided racially. >> oh, absolutely. two-thirds. >> laura: i knew you would know that. >> absolutely, what we have seen is the president's policies have been amazing. for blacks, women. for america, it has been amazing. this is the weirdest mind-set i have ever heard. i can't believe you would go to clan rally and hear them yell "more jobs were blacks." yet to win it barack obama is policies destroy the lives of americans, i never heard a single one of them say --
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>> i will submit to everyone listening, watching your progra program, no other president has ever been viewed as a racist, and the numbers have been presented. >> laura: we've never had more dishonest media than we had today. the media today, what they did to those kids at the pro-life marge is a small example of the herd mentality. >> laura, can you support his position on charlottesville? the muslim ban? >> the supreme court did. he is well within his rights. the court actually said his vested power, to keep his country safe. you bet he had a right. >> how about charlottesville? >> we keep forgetting the reality. real american lives -- that is the tell. >> laura: jobs are better, which is our better, and the answer is trump is a racist? i don't get it.
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gentlemen, i wish we had more time. we will be right back. ®. in a study with ozempic®, a majority of adults lowered their blood sugar and reached an a1c of less than seven and maintained it. oh! under seven? and you may lose weight. in the same one-year study, adults lost on average up to 12 pounds. oh! up to 12 pounds? a two-year study showed that ozempic® does not increase the risk of major cardiovascular events like heart attack, stroke, or death. oh! no increased risk? ♪ oh, oh, oh, ozempic®! ♪ ozempic® should not be the first medicine for treating diabetes, or for people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. do not share needles or pens. don't reuse needles. do not take ozempic® if you have a personal or family history of medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if you are allergic to ozempic®. stop taking ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck,
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wow. and thanks you roger and anthony who helped me and my family do this. make sure to subscribe to my brand-new podcast. go to shannon bream and the "fox news @ night" team take it from here. >> shannon: thank you, laura. senate republicans getting prepared to reopen the government and sound of the portable pier 48 hours and president trump offered up the new deal. not a single democratic lawmaker has publicly expressed support, even though it contained what democrats say they will fight for, protection for the so-called dreamers. held in connection with four murders, adding fuel to resident drums fire. he has been tweeting about it, adding "we need a powerful law." shedding new light on a viral video about teachers from
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