tv Hannity FOX News January 21, 2019 10:00pm-11:00pm PST
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>> thank you. >> tucker: we are out of time, sadly. we could do another hour but we can't. tomorrow night we will be back 8:00 p.m. the show that's the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness, and groupthink. good news, though, sean hannity awaits live from new york city to grab the baton. there he is! >> sean: great to see you, great show as always. welcome to "hannity." busy news night tonight. so three days ago, the heat from media that we told you about at the beginning of the year, was in a state of total, complete euphoria, running with wild speculation about a brand-new bombshell report from buzzfeed news. a story alleging president trump directed his former attorney, michael cohen, to commit a crime and lie to congress. and from the very second it was published, many so-called journalists and not in the mainstream media immediately rushing breathlessly, hysterically to judgment. predicting the president's impeachment. in fact, on friday alone, fake news cnn, conspiracy tv msnbc, literally mention the word "impeachment" over 200 times.
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you think we are making it up? nope. take a look. >> we are deep in the realm now of credibly impeachable offenses. >> impeachable. >> impeachment. >> impeachment. >> impeachment. >> impeachable. >> impeachment. >> impeachment. >> impeachable. >> impeachment. >> it seems like an impeachable offense. >> impeachment. >> impeachment. >> impeachment. >> impeachment. >> impeachable. >> impeachment. >> impeachment. >> impeachment. >> impeached. >> impeachable. >> impeachable. >> this is the tip, tip, tip of the iceberg for a president that is going down. >> sean: that didn't exactly age well, as it turns out the buzzfeed story was yet another sad, pathetic example of fake news in this country. on friday night, a spokesperson for the office of special counsel, they literally released a statement totally refuting the article. now in their rush to smear, slander, besmirch the president of the united states, members of the hate trump media totally, willfully, purposefully missed all the glaring
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warning signs that i had talked about earlier in the day on my radio show. this is who they are. they are pathological trump haters. they are not news people anymore. first, they had every obligation to show caution. yet not one of these establishment news outlets ever took the time to even try and verify the story. not one. the story was published by buzzfeed news, a biased journalistic dumpster fire that first published hillary clinton's dirty dossier, in that case, again, without verifying any of its phony contents. one of the two reporters responsible for the latest piece of the fake news, jason leopold, he has a long history of just making stuff up. and by the way, issuing stories without any sources. this story was, of course, anonymous. for example, he once falsely reported karl rove was going to be indicted and his own memoir was actually cancelled because of accuracy concerns. third, leopold and the co-author in this particular
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case, anthony cormier, they never actually saw any corroborating evidence for what they were porting all the ones that they did in the other said they didn't. they couldn't even keep their own story straight. take a look. >> you have two law enforcement sources who tell you that they have seen evidence. have you seen any of that other corroborating evidence? >> no. i have not seen it personally, but the folks that we have talked to, the officials we spoke to are fully, 100 percent read in. >> sean: none of these red flags stopped the hate trump media from covering this story wall-to-wall for nearly 24 straight hours. they hedge it with "oh, if true." what they're really saying when they say that, this is going to be awesome. this will be great, if it is true. after they say we haven't verified it, if true, it means this and this and then you have got endless hours of "if true" reporting. they say "if true" before reporting fake news, in their minds that kind of makes it
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okay. as michael goodwin says, that would be media malpractice. watch this. >> a story which has not been confirmed by nbc news. >> we should note cnn has not independently confirmed buzzfeed's reporting nor, for that matter, has anyone else. >> an explosive new report, that if true... >> if it's true... >> if true... >> if you believe the reporting... >> if this is confirmed -- >> if all of this is true -- >> if true -- >> if true -- >> if true -- >> we don't have sourcing that confirms this story but we are not getting steered off of it? >> we don't know for sure. you should you couldn't corroborate this. if true. >> if true. >> this is potentially a very big development. >> if it's true. >> sean: "if it's true," and then they go on to spend the whole hour acting as if it is true. they have exposed again hate trump media they literally are whining and complaining that the president and his ally also use just this latest piece of fake news to call them out for who they are.
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they are afraid they are going to be smeared. the damage was done by themselves. take a look. >> the entire media world, we can all say we did the "if trues" and "if trues" and we said we could not confirm and that's all true. you know, it was something that the entire media world was telling the public this is probably true, by the way we covered this. now look. >> my view this is -- the larger message that a lot of people are going to take from this story is that the news media are a bunch of leftist liars who are dying to get the president and they are willing to lie to do it. and i don't think that's true. but -- i mean, i'm talking about the media side. talking about the law enforcement side. they're not contradictory. i just think this is a bad day for us. >> sean: because it is true. that's what you want. you cannot hide your giddiness whenever you think for the 400th time you got him. we didn't get him this time but we will get him next time.
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the media almost always gets it right, they claim, but don't believe your lying eyes. remember, we are to be trusted, they claim. no, i think forever the term "fake news" is branded over their foreheads. over the past three years, we have watched incident after incident, an extreme pathological hatred of this president has led the media to gleefully, hysterically report one fake news story after another to predict impeachment is coming along nicely. you can tell they want that to happen. npr lying about don jr.'s senate testimony or fake reporting about michael cohen's fantasy trip to prague which never happened or "guardian"'s bombshell featuring paul manafort and trump and julian assange, or what about the three fake news cnn staffers fired over a false report about the mooch, anthony scaramucci? and it gets worse. look at your screen. for three years, the fake reports have not stopped. we can go on all night doing
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this, one right after another after another after another, and we will keep going. the stories target everyone associated with trump, that includes ivanka, nikki haley jared kushner. oh, yeah, brett kavanaugh, remember that? recently? and even the first lady of the united states, and a ten, 11-year-old kid at the time, the son of the president. they are blinded by this hatred of trump. it's every second, minute, hour of every day. and they are held accountable by almost nobody. they just move onto the next lie. the mainstream media has never been worse than what you now see it as and yet these are people they want you to trust. you are supposed to trust. these are people with a monopoly on, "the facts," when in reality, the hate trump media is only an extension of the democratic party. quick example. "manufactured crisis." oh, they only use the same word. coincidence? i don't think so. even after this buzzfeed
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bombshell was debunked, well, democratic congressman shifty schiff, he is vowing to investigate what we now know is a false claim and we already know that it's false. what's to investigate? take a look. >> so there is a lot more to learn and -- >> are you still going to investigate the claims? >> absolutely. absolutely. congress has a fundamental interest in two things. first, in getting to the bottom of why a witness came before this lied and who else was knowledgeable that this was a lie. >> sean: what a waste of your time and money. which brings us to our next "hannity" history lesson, the death of journalism. right here on this network, i pronounce journalism dead and buried after the mainstream media, they just refused to do their job and even vet in any small way then presidential candidate barack obama. we were among the only people to show obama's ties, let's see, frank marshall davis, acorn, alinsky, oh,
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20 years in the pews of the g.d. preacher himself, the reverend wright. obama starting his political career in the home of two domestic unrepentant terrorists bill ayers and bernadine. in fact, the only question, he got asked one time about them during the whole campaign, and it was me the day before my radio show that fed the question to george stephanopoulos. he had never even heard about them, and that was the only time he was asking. the only time that question was asked for the entire campaign. he didn't know about the seedy connection. this turned out to be the only time obama was ever asked about his, well, domestic unrepentant terrorist friends in whose home he began his political career. imagine for a second, let's say donald trump started his political career in the home of unrepentant terrorists. how many times do you think your friends in the media would have asked him? now everyone else, they were worshiping the entire time obama ran at the altar of obama. or as the ever so eloquent chris matthews put it,
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"getting thrills up his leg," and, of course, the media's bias started long before obama. and we see this one-sided reporting exemplified in the constant, consistent rush to judgment, not only in the political world. remember in the 1990s, the media all but convicted in the press. i was in atlanta at the time. a man by the named of richard jewel. he was responsible for the 1996 summer olympic bombing there. they said, well, is he single and is he a white man and he lived with his mother and his parents so he fits the description of a -- what a lone bomber would look like. of course, jewel was later vindicated, totally innocent. it turns out he was a hero that day. but it was too late. this man's life was ruined by the media. richard jewel once told me he was listening to me that day when the story broke that i was the only person in atlanta that he knew that didn't rush to judgment. that was a valuable lesson for me in my life. we saw something similar. remember the duke lacrosse case?
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on this show, i went out, and we don't rush to judgment. i even went to and met with some of these kids and their parents in their home. that's called being responsible. trying to get information before i come to a conclusion. don't forget about darren wilson. his police career is over. ferguson, missouri. for no reason at all. or the officers in baltimore. remember the media? they were convinced that those cops were going to be convicted of murder, all six of them. none of them were. and when the media blindly touted obama's statement that the cambridge police, they acted stupidly, we didn't fall for that one either. or the fake uva rape claims published by "rolling stone" and picked up by every media outlet in the country. and don't forget about some of the salacious gang rape claims made about u.s. supreme court justice kavanaugh and that circus they put us through fairly recently? flash forward to this weekend and we have yet another example of the media again rushing to judgment. remember, this whole thing
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with buzzfeed happened on friday night. for 24 hours, many in the media, then on sunday, well, they were vilifying this teenaged high school student who was filmed looking at a native american man as he was, turns out to be preying and drumming, in front of him. the teen was wearing a make america great again hat. uh-oh. the media went with wild speculation. they went with one small clip and raced to a conclusion. they said he was taunting the native american man when, in fact, the native american man actually walked over because he saw a ruckus beginning. and trying to bring peace. one reporter tweeted, "his smirk was weaponized and a weaponized facial gesture, which is derived from his white privilege." then had you cnn, well, they had a contributor calling the teen deplorable and implying that he should be
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punched in the face. a buzzfeed reporter said it's the look of white patriarchy in the country. failed comedian kathy griffin, you know the one with a decapitated head of the president, called for him to be doxxed, and in other words, give out his address, the contact, so that puts a threat on his life. alyssa milano tweeting the maga alyssa milano tweeting the maga hat is the new white hood. congressman saying i'm calling for a total and complete shutdown of teenagers being able to wear make america great again hats until we can figure out what is going on. what? they assume to be poisoning young minds, he said. after receiving serious blow back for the attack on the first amendment, the congressman said, oh, i was only joking never mind. he wasn't joking. this is just the same thing they did less than 48 hours prior with the buzzfeed story two days prior. naturally, all the statements we just showed you were based on what was a short video clip with
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no context and without any kind of investigation, just an overwhelming rush to judgment hatred because probably the kid was wearing a maga hat. however, additional video when it became public, painted a much different picture. first, the group of teenage catholic school students were being taunted and mocked by a radical group of activists. after some time, the native american saw what was going on and, to his credit, he walked over and what he said was a prayer. the boy said his story was, i just wanted to smile and say, you know, show him that i meant no ill will towards anybody. it was the group of high school students. they were the ones that were being called all sorts of names and by the way, they were trying to be helped out by the native american who walked over. and said he was praying. take a look for yourself.
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>> just like donald trump! >> look at all this crap, with that racist garbage on. >> that's right. >> look at the make america great again hat. look at the hat. >> sean: the native american man, his name is nathan phillips. he said he was trying to create calm between the two groups with his drumming and praying at the same time. i would be willing to bet his intentions were pure. well, we have members of the extreme media that rush to judgment all the time and democratic party vilifying this teenager, rushing to judgment with very few facts, very little evidence. no context. the group that was doing this are a bunch of radical racists. and they are well-known for their -- the horrific things they say and the things that they were saying to these young kids. now they tried to literally, in a short period of time, they
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were exposing his name and address and even the school jumped on the bandwagon shortly thereafter and they demanded the young man's contact information be released, why? so the public could harass him and his family and intimidate them without any facts? and as we have learned time and time again, nobody should rush to judgment. no one. and no one is safe from the radical left. they vilify. they smear, destroy, besmirch, bludgeon anyone who fits their idea of a conservative trump supporter. they pretend to be tolerant. they pretend to be kind. they pretend to care about all people. that is a facade. that is not reality. the truth is, america's left tolerates no diversity of thought. no diversity of opinion. anyone who they disagree with is open to this type of treatment. we're going to have a lot more on this throughout the hour tonight. first, we also have, it is 31 -- day 31 of the partial government shutdown. the president is working on real solutions to secure our border. it's not a manufactured crisis. 90% of our heroin crosses
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that southern border and then, of course, all the crimes that we have highlighted on this show that have taken place by illegal immigrants that commit crimes, the 2%. not the 98%. the president wants to reopen the government and with that, he offered to add daca. i thought democrats wanted daca protection for dreamers? and a deal? but of course, before he even mentioned the deal, they already rejected it, as they rejected every single day an opportunity to sit, talk, discuss, debate, and make a deal with the president. take a look. >> our plan includes the following. $800 million in urgent humanitarian assistance. $805 million for drug detection technology to help secure our ports of entry. and an additional 2,750
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border agents and law enforcement professionals. to physically secure our border, the plan includes $5.7 billion for a strategic deployment of physical barriers or a wall. three years of legislative relief for 700,000 daca recipients brought here unlawfully by their parents at a young age many years ago. >> sean: so the president is trying to do his job. honest efforts, reaching out to the democratic party in every possible way. an invitation a day. they won't meet him. they are too busy traveling on paid junkets and using taxpayer money. once again, they want to score cheap political points. i thought they cared about the furloughed workers. apparently not. i thought they cared about the daca kids and the dreamers, apparently not. the president tweeted,
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"nancy pelosi, some of the democrats turned down my latest offer yesterday before i even got up to speak. they don't see crime and drugs. they only see 2020 meaning an election year which they are not going to win. that's the economy. they should do the right thing for the country. allow people to go back to work. and secure the borders." while democrats dig in and obstruct, even some in the hate-trump media they are beginning to admit that the president is making speaker pelosi and the democrats look pretty stupid. take a look. >> they were in the bus heading to joint base andrews. he made them look like fools coming back sitting there at the capitol in the driveway there basically trying to figure out what's coming next. he caught them in the act as if they were sneaking out of town. it looked like a political dirty trick to me. >> maybe they should stay and take the president's invitation and sit down at a table, oh, when they had a chance to sit with the vice president weeks ago on a weekend, they sent their aides, they were too busy. unfortunately, the cost of a nonsecure border are growing more deadly every day. as have you seen right here on this program, nancy pelosi
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wouldn't meet with them last week. we have talked to angel moms and dads who have lost loved ones to illegal immigrant crime. now tonight, we are learning that a suspected illegal immigrant was arrested this weekend in connection with a string of brutal murders this time in reno, nevada. authorities say they have evidence connecting 19-year-old wilbur ernesto martinez guzman to all four homicides and that, "he is likely in the united states and was detainable." border security is not a manufactured crisis. it is their reality. it's time for democrats to stop the trump page, do their job, stuff the political ploys, and their allies. fund the border, which they supported four years ago. get the wall built that they supported four years ago. go to the table, sit down. accept the president's invitation. negotiate. in other words, it's time for them to roll up their sleeves and do their jobs. maybe they don't get another paid junket to a luxury resort in a chartered plane with a big carbon footprint. up next, we have a panel
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reacting to my opening monologue. also, sara carter was at the women's march in washington, d.c., this past weekend. our cameras were there asking them about the anti-semitic scandal surrounding two of the group's leaders. their answers will shock you. also later tonight, we tell you about a new segment you don't want to miss. "hannity watch:" vetting the 2020 democrats. something you will get nowhere else on tv or in the media. straight ahead. ♪ doug, doug!
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>> still no reaction from president trump to a report the that ties him directly to the very same offense to which the house of representatives moved to impeach richard nixon. >> if true, he would be guilty of suborning perjury, additionally obstruction of justice. >> this report is a huge deal. you know, these are very credible reporters. we are deep in the realm now of credibly impeachable offenses. >> there are an awful lot of similarities between a couple of articles of impeachment against nixon and the elements of this story. >> i see him going to a corner. i see him scratching back like a cornered animal. i think he is afraid. >> sean: joining us, former secret service agent, host of "the dan bongino show" and podcast, author of the latest best selling book, "relatable" podcast host allie beth
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stuckey is with us, a former michigan senate candidate john james. dan, i start with you. look, if i can i will tell my friends in the control room, start scrolling again the fake news. this has happened -- literally i printed out, from 2017 alone the fake news stories about donald trump that they breathlessly report that that turn out to be false was 47 kind of small print printed pages. that is a track record of people that have an agenda to destroy, not to the truth. >> yeah. sean, journalism is dead. it's buried. it's gone. it gives me no pleasure in telling you that, but i warn everybody out there in america right now, in your search for truth, relying on journalists is a fool's errand. they are leading you down the wrong path. it's now clear as day. what you said is accurate. it's not just their affordable stories, i can see them out of the corner of my eye, i can see them scrolling now. it's not just that, sean. there is her major stories they
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got wrong. it wasn't like donald trump ordered mcdonald's when it was really burger king. the dossier story in and of itself was debunked. the deutsche bank story about donald trump's bank records. the wikileaks story about don trump jr., debunked. the story last week, paul manafort gave polling data to the russians. i could go on all day. you get the point. these were major stories they got wrong. you are completely on your own, america, in your search for truth right now. it gives me no pleasure in saying that. >> sean: allie, get your take on the whole issue. it's what they want. it's what they have been telling their audiences now for two straight years. and it's also what they don't report about, oh, how top officials exonerated hillary when she should have been charged with a crime of obstruction in the espionage act and all the fisa abuse and all the people that signed on after being warned by bruce ohr
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that it's phony, she paid for it not to be trusted, it's never been verified or corroborated, but became the basis of four fisa warrants. they don't touch that story. >> no. that's because they don't see themselves as truth tellers. they seem themselves as vigilantes. they are on a mission to accomplish something. and that is to push a particular narrative. the narrative right now happens to be that make sure donald trump gets impeached. anything that they hear that falls into that preconceived notion of how they think that the world should be, they report on, whether or not reality actually lines up with that they start with a forgone conclusion and try to fit in the pieces that fit into that. they leave out the piece that don't fit into that conclusion, rather than looking at the facts of the story and coming up with a conclusion or better yet, letting the american people come up with their own conclusion. no, they see themselves as heroes. has nothing to do with the truth and everything to do with their own biased mission. >> sean: john james, i watched your campaign very closely. i watched you, you were down at one point, i think by 30 points, closing that gap. closing that gap. and your story is so compelling and so amazing.
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that i felt, my opinion as an outsider, we loved having you on radio and tv. i felt they were purposefully underreporting the great story of success that you have had in your life, as they didn't want you to win. am i right or am i wrong? >> well, i believe that my story is the story of so many people who have immigrated from all over the world and from all over the country to have better experience and a better opportunity. and i love what allie just said vigilantism. i believe that due process and truth is under attack in this country. i fought in my military career army graduate flight operation combat operation iraqi freedom because i love this country. the first amendment is under attack. when you can have malicious insinuations tearing down the journalistic integrity that we rely so much on, it's going to result in someone getting badly hurt. we need to make sure that we are acting with integrity and holding the people who
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tell us these stories accountable, because you can't believe the storytellers anymore. we have to think for ourselves. that's what i talked about. not just believing what we're fed, but thinking critically and holding journalists accountable. >> sean: dan, on this program, i could start with richard jewel, then i can talk about the vetting of obama. we were pretty much alone in doing that. i could talk about the duke lacrosse case. i took the time to meet the families and kids. those who would meet with me. i went down and interviewed george zimmerman. i didn't rush to judgment, as the president did. cambridge police. ferguson. uva. baltimore, maryland, and obama's horrible record after eight years. it's amazing what they missed. why would they miss even the deep dive we have done into the deep state and real corruption and abuse of power at the top levels of the doj and the fbi. why wouldn't they care about that story if they are in the media and say they are journalists? >> yeah, sean.
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with the covington kids this weekend, think about this. this could be you. this could be anyone. this could be your brother, your sister, your kid. these kids were at a rally in d.c., at a pro-life rally and they fit every box the media can't stand. they were at a pro-life rally. they had maga hats on. they were young kids who went to christian school and, sean, in the blink of an eye, in the snap at a finger, just like that, these kids' lives forever will be marked on the internet by vigilante, what they call media justice, where they jumped in, did no background or research on this case at all and ruined their lives. they can renew your future, they can ruin your job -- >> sean: why wouldn't they have gone after the hebrew israelites that hate everybody and what they said to the kids, we had the tapes. they started it all. >> right. the crime that they committed was not what they did but the hat that they were wearing. that's the only crime that
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they actually committed and the media knows that. >> sean: last word, john james? >> the day before mlk day, i wonder how many people will completely find attacking 16-year-olds minding their own business but tweeted a post about martin luther king. people need to look at themselves in the mirror and look at not just discriminating against people because of how they think. >> sean: prediction: they will not change at all and breathless and hysterical in the next trump story that they think they got people. sad, it's also dangerous. thank you, all. when we come back, we sent sara carter to the women's march this weekend in washington, d.c. you will not believe what the people there said when sara asked them about the anti-semitic scandal surrounding the group's founders. we'll play you the tape. also tonight, a new "hannity watch" segment. we begin vetting the 2020 candidate. this, i promise you, is going to be fun over time. stay with us. ♪
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♪ >> sean: the women's march that we warned you about last week, it happened this past weekend and we send fox news contributor sara carter to the mosh in washington, d.c., where the anti-semitism scandal has been rocking the march organizers and sara asked about some of the people at the march about the controversy and here is what they told her. >> tamika mallory and linda sarsour, who organize this event, have been highly criticized for anti-semitic statements and also for the fact that tamika mallory would not condemn louis farrakhan statement about the jewish people and the state of israel. how do you reconcile their appearance apparent hate speech by louis farrakhan and their failure to do condemn it and being here today? >> one women does not represent all women. she does not stand for the whole women. >> irrelevant to the cause.. none of the women here care
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about it. >> some ofe the spaces in the leadership does not define the whole movement. the movement as a whole has a lot of good points and there's a lot of work to be done. >> do you condemn those anti-semitic statements? >> of course, 100%, of course, of course. i would think that he would find everybody here that that would be true for everyone. >> is someone who is jewish, i will say that i was showing isn't in support of -- barely in support of the leaders.s as in the support of ourselves. >> do you condemn to you condemn tamika mallory and linda sarsour? >> absolutely not. >> theyy are the leaders of this movement, and i think the leaders of the movement are looking to reach goals, and they have to do what they have to do to reach the goals. >> i think the woman's march is larger than those two individuals. i think they do not speak for all the women h here. >> no one said any thing today anti-semitic. we are working with today, they hear, now, president. >> better to be a bad feminist than a feminist at all. so i think it is important that
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even the one person does something wrong, we come up and we show up and we represent what we want to see in our government. >> sean: interesting outfits. fox news contributor sara carter joint is now along with fox news contributor tammy bruce. you were there in one capacity. sara, we'll start with you. you were interviewing the people at that particular march. they didn't seem to care, a lot of them, about real radical anti-semitism, and you also mentioned the things they had said. what else did you clean out of this experience that we sent you through? >> [laughs] >> i think it was shocking, sean, for me, it was really disturbing that a lot of the people that i spoke with didn't just take a step back and say, absolutely, we condemn it, it's completely anti-semitic. i brought out the statements that were made by louis farrakhan. i asked them directly, do yount condemn these statements, and so many people had such a difficult time actually saying that they
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condemned the statements, and atthat is what was really disturbing. on the other hand, there were a lot of young people marching, some of them didn't even know what wast going on the week prior, they didn't even understand what the controversy was about.t others just wanted to stay away from it all together, and some, some, on the other hand, did hei say they did not condone it, they did condemn it. they were showing up anyway because this was part of their cause, something that they wanted to be a part of. despite the leadership. >> sean: tamika mallory described farrakhan as the greatest ever, probably the biggest anti-semite in the entire country. linda sarsour, another organizer, she's known to praise and support sharia law. she says, remember, the victim of female genital mutilation, she says she deserves to have her femalee anatomy taken away and then when she's confronted about it, she blamed the jewish
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media. it doesn't get any more antiwoman than that, or anti-semitic and racist amount. >> yeah, her personal experience, of course, is extensive. she was being condemned because it she was honestly about the perils of radical islam, andom that if you care about women, that is something we all have to able to be honest about. but what is interesting, certainly about the march and it erspeaks to also be america's instability, americans want to go out and have an impact. that is clear. young people, i was doing it, of course. it's a wonderful, exciting thing to do. you want to make a difference. the problem is, they are being used by people who say, we understand this, we agree with you, here's what we are going to be doing, and it becomes, when they will look back, as i have done to some degree with my leftist activism, you think about the time that was wasted. you think about the grifters, you think about the fraud -- >> sean: part of it is
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winston churchill. if you are 20 and not a liberal, you don't have a hard, 40 and conservative, you don't have a brain. >> what sara's report showed us, there is no information flowing into those individuals, even immediate news from theed week before, let alone historical answers about how women have gotten here, what we are facing now, what we have overcome, the things that unite as, that is what the focus can be. >> sean: you had a counter protest. >> independent women's voice, it was great. our message was, look, there are problems that we've got to overcome. but it's a 21st century, and it's time to cometu together. the argument and the rhetoric about dividing us and that there is an enemy, and that everything is -- you've got to go after people who want to put you into a camp, the handmaid's tale. that is archaic. it is a also not true. our message was coming together is what makes a difference. >> sean:n: sara, how do you go to a woman's march when you have
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one of the organizers that supports sharia, which abuses women, kills gays and lesbians, and persecute christians andng jews, many of these countries? b >> the youth are being disenfranchised by journalism today. they are not hearing the truth. they are not having access to the truth. we really need to start educating ourselves, sean, and the anti-semitic behavior of both tamika mallory and linda sarsour is incredible. people should understand that. unfortunately, a lot of young people marched and they had no ideait what was going on with their leadership. >> a quick addition, the liberals who went by our march come our rally, were nice, they recognized we were nice, they liked our science,e, they expect dismay at the hostility that was happening across the street for conservatives to remember, be out there, meet people.
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don't let them isolate you. >> sean: if i go out there, do you really want to hang out i wh me if i am out there? >> i will, sean. >> sean: an army of security, every one of my martial arts partners. good to see you. when we come back, you don't want to miss our next segment. we are going to do something the mainstream media i promise we'll never do. we are beginning our vetting. a process. s."hannity watch": the 2020 democratic candidates. we begin day one next. ♪ s been excellent. they really appreciate the military family and it really shows. with all that usaa offers why go with anybody else? we know their rates are good, we know that they're always going to take care of us. it was an instant savings and i should have changed a long time ago. it was funny because when we would call another insurance company, hey would say "oh we can't beat usaa" we're the webber family. we're the tenney's we're the hayles, and we're usaa members for life. ♪ get your usaa auto insurance quote today.
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and today, california senator kamala harris became the latest enter that 2020 race. while her campaign kickoff focused on so-called unity and justice, bumper sticker works, platitudes, or, as as a sitting senator have been some of the most despicable in washington. like when she compared brave border patrol and i.c.e. people to the kkk. take a look. >> the klan was what we would cultivate day eight domestic terrorist group. >> why would we call them a domestic terrorist group? >> because they tried to use fear and force to change the political environment. >> are you aware of the perception of money about how the power, the discretion that i.c.e. is being used to enforce the law? and do you see any parallels? >> if you had to be stuck in an elevator with either president trump, mike pence kumar jeff sessions, who would it be? w
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>> just one of us has to come out alive? >> sean: it gets far worse. remember when she got busted for releasing deceptively edited videos that smeared justice kavanaugh and pushed anti-catholic bigotry by grilling one of president trump president trump's judicial nominees about belonging to the knights of columbus. how was this unifying? i was as good for the country? is not just criticism from the right. she's also facing criticism for not being progressive and osprey g is not the only troubling democratic candidate. new york senator kirsten gillibrand trying to win loyalty from the far left democratic party. now she appears to be learning from her mentor, hillary clinton, about the power of flipping and flopping to try toee win back. for example, this week she told the "new york daily news" she now favors giving illegal immigrants driver's licenses nsafter coming out against that. in i 2007. during an interview on abc on
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sunday, she was pressed about her stark shift on immigration, but offered buttes' specifics for the change. like is said, this is all going to get much crazier. we will give you a front row seat and it will be entertaining. hayworth reaction, former florida attorney general pam bondii, fox news contributor rachel campos duffy. pam, there's a part of me, i will do the job that the media want to do. glad to have them. >> first of all, the more the merrier i think, all of these democrats getting in this election, because donald trump has been completely consistent with everything he's done, lowering taxes, protecting our veterans, securing the border, everything he's been consistent with some of the gdp is great, unemployment. yett now we have kamala harris, who -- and i've worked with her as attorney general. she was tough on crime. i know she believes in our border patrol. and now, they are all getting pushed so far to the left, even slightly, using the words
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"i.c.e. and kkk" in the same sentence, it's outcome it's dumb, it's unfair, and these men and women are risking their lives every single day. then you've got gillibrand who comes in, who supported i.c.e. all along, and now she is calling them inhumane. these men and women who are on our borders, protecting us every day. so the more the merrier. bring it on, in my opinion, because they are being inconsistent and i think more inconsistencies are going to come out every single day. >> sean: rachel? >> listen, alexandria ocasio-cortez has moved everybody further and further to the left. this is when they start to take up their masks and show their true true colors. in the case of kamala, she's putting the primary game very well because this is who she really is. she's a woman from berkeley. she is radical leftist. i think shesh will play well. she checks a lot of fox's, and the democrat primary will be about checking as many identity
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politics boxes that you can in this sweepstakes of victimhood they have.he >> sean: if 2018 -- >> i think she'll play well in the primary. >> sean: 2018 was about hiding what they are, 2020 is about showing how extreme left you are. right, pam? >> right, it is. again, the further left they go, the less credibility any of them are going to have with thech american people in the time in which we live. look at the world in which we live. our children, our security, our country, that is what is important. our military, our great men and women in uniform who fight for us every single day, and the m further they push against them, thes more it is going to hurt them as candidates. president trump supports all of them. >> sean: last s word, rachel. >> our military. >> listen, it is going to be hard for them to move toward the center. but in the end, i do think that the american people are in the midwest, where the democrats have failed to make any messages
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-progressive helps keep you out there. >> on friday i ask you to tweet or go to facebook and say who you thought was the most corrup in the media. reu have responded. here is some your answers. where going to be reading them all week. one viewer tweeting cnn, they are quick to twist and distort anything about trauma. when the truth is revealed, the don't recanted and a recent example is i have no validity in their reporting. >> i think they're all ignorant i refuse to watch them. >> sending george tweet.
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we will put them up on the screen a week. were going to deputize you this week. something i have to say. let not your heart be troubled, i hear she is back in new york, laura ingraham. >> laura: i'm back in new york? i didn't hear that. now you're getting me confused. where are we here? we are here in washington. >> james, why did you tell me she is in new york? don junior is on your show tonight, he is in new york. i humbly apologize for that terrible error in reporting. >> laura: you had a great show tonight, hannity. the next time aiming york on going to find you. >> giveth in one hand and take it away in the other
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