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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  January 24, 2019 7:00pm-8:00pm PST

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himself. before we go tonight, we want to hear from you. it has something tell us? on twitter, and of course, let not your heart be troubled. the news continues. linda -- i will release on the air. what am i saying? [laughs] i was racing because of the time. i don't want to be like tucker and stray our time, which i did. >> laura: wait a second. is this sam -- what? who are you? [laughter] that is really funny. i got something on you. >> sean: yeah, you got me. >> laura: hannity -- >> sean: we'll read it on the air. can you believe the ninth month, the? the ninth month abortion? >> laura: of course you can. this is their religion. it's not roman catholicism anymore. it's the religion of abortion. >> sean: is called infanticide. those kids can survive on their
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own. this is not the first trimester. this is the ninth month. >> laura: first day, last day, it's our life. great show tonight. thank you so much. we'll talk to you later. i'm laura ingraham. this is "the ingraham angle" from washington tonight. negotiations continuing. where's the light? working throughout the night, as the deal on the wall, entered into the shutdown could be on the horizon. we have some latest news that might serve him -- throws some cold water on that. mercedes schlapp from the white house will join us. and ingraham cord is in session. i love this segment. and the privilege that matters. that is the focus of tonight's "angle" ." unless you've lived under a rock these past few years, you might've heard of a phrase tossed around by liberals designed to make you feel guilty. well, guilty if you are not a minority. it's called white privilege.
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speak up when we talk about white privilege, you can just imagine that the poorest white women in this country can call the cops on a black person and be believed. >> there are thousands of white men who benefit from white privilege who are still in positions of power. >> white privilege, it's not beta. it is a thing. by virtue of people just giving you the benefit of the doubt when you walk into a room. >> laura: really? did nick sandmann and the rest of the covington catholic students get the benefit of the doubt last weekend? speak of this contact on my confrontation. >> a mob of students surrounding the native american. >> why do we always do this in these sorts of cases when white boys are involved? >> week of privilege these white kids. >> laura: some online political terrorist threat and unspeakable violence against the boys and their families. guess what?
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the media shrugged it off. now imagine if conservative activists had done something similar to female students following the women's march. and when savannah guthrie sat down with the student at the center of the concocted controversy, these are the types of questions that she chose to ask. >> do you feel, from his experience, that you owe anybody an apology? do you see your own fault in any way? why didn't you walk away? there is something aggressive about standing there, standing your ground. you've incorporated if you weren't wearing that hat, this might not of happened? >> laura: her facial expression says it all. but then today, when guthrie invited the native american activist, nathan phillips on, one bang of the drum, the privilege seemed to go the other way. >> how are you doing?
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it's been a whirlwind few days for you. do you think you should have apologized? how did you feel in that moment? did you, yourself, feel threatened? have you feared for your own safety? finally, i wonder what you feel now. >> laura: and notice the facial expression in this photo. she seemed to be in pain when she was with nick. well, she treats mr. phillips with kid gloves, even after her early reports disproved many of the charges that phillips had made against the covington kid. >> do you hear anyone say, "build that wall clocks "? it is an audible in the video. did you hear that? >> you know, i did hear that, and i have seen some out there on the internet, where you can hear them saying, "build that
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wall." >> laura: on the internet. got to get right on that. given the varying accounts of what happened and outright lies that he told the media, why on earth is phillips being treated like a delicate flower, while a kid, who did nothing, is curled? why haven't the media actually examined the background of mr. phillips as well? why didn't savannah asked him, for instance, why he passed himself off as a vietnam combat vet when, in fact, he was a reservist serving at home who was incidentally also arrested for assault owed at one point escape from prison? no big deal. perhaps mr. phillips gets the benefit of the doubt in his case and others because, among the media lead, he enjoys it something you might call minority privilege. in other words, his heritage and grievances, both real and imagined, entitle him to special treatment and consideration.
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if you dare question his motives or his opinions, then you are racist. period. that is patently unjust. it's ridiculous. evil still exists and of course racism does exist. but this is not the 1950s when minorities were denied opportunities across the board and when hateful stereotypes were broadly applied to them. they genuinely suffered. thankfully, things have changed. of course, pockets of racism still exist and always will, but in the wake of the civil rights movement, opportunities for all minorities now are vast. the election of minorities to congress, the senate, appointments of minorities to the supreme court, and of course, the election of a black president. the success of minorities in academia, and business, and sports, and entertainment. it's inspiring. black or white or yellow or brown, we are all children of god. no one should be profiled as a
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thug or ground down for wearing a hoodie at night and no one should be profiled as a racist and threatened for wearing a maga hat. with 2020 around the corner, i am afraid this is all just going to get a lot worse. instead of looking beyond race, american elites are using it cynically to divide us and to scare up new voters, they hope. meanwhile, as frustrating as the current washington stalemate is, things are actually not getting better in america. just about everyone of all races and creeds have money in their pockets to spend which means people should generally be less it, and not more, angry and satisfied. but democrats can't have that going into the next election, can make? happy voters? they don't want them. nick sandmann did not cower or her run away when he was confronted by the drum beating provocateur or those other angry black activists.
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too often, republicans' first instinct, even when innocent, is to back down our apologize in order to duplicate the left. but here was a kid who with grace and dignity, maybe a little goofy, he smiled and stood his ground and refused to be bullied, even today. he was not standing up either for white privilege or minority privilege, but for american privilege, the privilege to believe what you wish, and thought to be attacked for it. in that "the angle" ." joining me now to react as michelle malkin, syndicated columnist and hope coast of "mie malkin investigates," fantastic, on crtv, along with democratic strategies scott bolden. great to have you on. scott, isn't it now beyond obvious that mr. phillips was given the benefit of the doubt over these kids, principally due to his native american heritage? >> [laughs]
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i think not, laura. you've got to be the first commentator to suggest that there is a black privilege or an indian privilege based on how he was treated. i thought both of those interviews by the other network, savannah guthrie, made a lot of sense it, and she was being delicate with him as a young kid, and being just as delicater gentleman, phillips. they did not get the benefit of the doubt. let me say this. the black israelites and the kid, they were beeping. that is one piece. with the second beef had to do with phillips who was praying and banging his drum, and the kids were doing tomahawk drops and not moving, and i don't know what the intentions of the young man were. but the fact of the matter is, it's unfortunate, but two -- >> laura: what do you want them to do, scott? the covington kids, as far as i know, were not involved in shouting any epithets or screaming at them, or standing there, but we had adult men -- >> we had black men, these black
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hebrew israelites, who were screaming "incest babie," who were yelling terrible things at a priest who were wearing a maga hat with the kids who were in covington stood between the black israelite of the catholic priest with a maga hat, which is why they were standing there, one of the chaperones told us that tonight. so michelle, where this is a stanchion at? we still have people like scott who believe that mr. phillips is a credible person in all of this, credible person who imagines that the kid standing there screaming "build a wall" were none of the video shows it. on the bit. >> i think it's a shame that your other guests did not mention the fact that those black hebrew israelites were race baiting a black catholic student from covington and accusing him of being some sort of trader because he was with
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his white classmates. there is an entire different history of racism against minorities who don't happen to fit the liberal narrative, and we never talk about that. we never talk about the fact that minority conservatives have gotten the worst, most vile attacks, at least over the last 25 years, that i have been a minority of color who happens to be a conservative in public life, of being accused of the race traitorism, of being accused of "selling out our community," when so many minority democrats are the ones that are selling out their people. more and more -- and you see this now -- an extraordinary movement of independent-minded minorities, who are leaving the so-called ideological plantatio plantation, and braving the slings and arrows of that. it's not just the kids in covington who face this kind of liberal hatred of traditional values, and you see that with a lot of, for example, traditional black christians who believe in
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traditional marriage, who are often excoriated in the public square. the idea that the liberal media has tried to apply all these years, it fits into exactly what you said in your opening monologue, laura, there is a privilege. i don't understand why -- >> you don't believe that black people -- >> it exists. >> really? hmm. wow. laura, let me say this. i have to talk about the black israelites, we have to talk to -- code >> laura: they were part of a dynamic, scott. this is part of a dynamic. in the tape, people who were ricocheting around the internet last week when they were decrying these kids as racists, when you actually watch what happened, that is what started it all. it was screaming -- >> videos of them going back and forth. >> i put them in a separate
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bucket. >> laura: really? i think of the chants were going the other way, i think it would be treated very differently. if the kids were picking on -- one thing that i have to bring up is the media angle of all of this, and savannah guthrie -- i don't know her. i'm sure she's a nice person. but why on earth is there no desire to find out anything more about the guy who decides to paying a drum a couple inches away from a kids face? which i find itself a provocative act. that is his face. don't bang anything in front of anyone else. he would not like it, scott, and i wouldn't like it. michelle, i know you would not like it. he's a native american! >> laura: he approached the kid! i don't care what he is. back it off! it is way too close, and it's way too close to a young person. i don't care if you are republican, democrat, nothing. get out of people's faces. i don't like it. this is what alanna go to another "washington examiner"
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broke tonight. let's watch. i think we have it. >> i'm a vietnam vet, and i served in the marine corps, '72-'76. i got discharged may 5th, 1976. what my box says is that i was in theater. i don't have much about my vietnam times, you know. i usually say i don't recollect, i don't recall, you know, those years. >> laura: okay. that guy is obviously half -- michelle, hold on. the 30 producers that work at "the today show" ," or a lot, dozens, none of them could dig anything up on this guy? none of them? he lied about being in theater. he wasn't in theater. not to take anything away from him but he wasn't in theater. vietnam vets take this very
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seriously. he's an air about it, fine. don't say the box says i was in theater. what does that say about him if he's lying about his service in vietnam had nobody on "the today show" could find it but a reporter for the "washington examiner" and other kids found other stuff? doesn't sound like they had much desire to come up michelle. >> military bloggers and commentators, people who do the research and investigative work on stolen valor, people like don shipley and early on with these clips unearthing them as well. nonjournalists, noncredentialed journalists who are interested in the truth. it's the reason why "the today show" did not ask because they didn't want to know, because anything that would undermine this guy's credibility would undermine their own narrative, which is that everyone who wears a maga hat, everyone who was from kentucky, everyone who goes to a catholic school is somehow an unrepented bigot. now you have "the new york times" out there trolling for stories with the hashtag
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#exposechristianschools. as our journalism? no! that is an ideological agenda to smear so many people who went through those at schools and had good experiences, including me! >> laura: they want to outlaw -- in the end, they want to ban catholic schools in christian schools. they wanted all gone. >> make it explicit sprayed >> phillips clarified that on his second interview with guthrie. i literally just watched it. more importantly, what does his credibility and have to do wite video, which of the subject? >> laura: [laughs] because he makes stuff up! >> manufactured racism. >> laura: we are out of time. god bless him, i hope he's okay. but he comes across as cuckoo for cocoa puffs. i'll say it again. and anyone watching it will be honest and understand. he's an adult and he's acting like a kid in front of a kid. we are out of time. last night, we had a discussion
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about how the maga hat has become a symbol of racism. everyone has picked up the story today. a great addition reaction. watch. >> it comes to the maga hat, a piece of clothing that represents donald trump and everything that comes along with donald trump. donald trump -- >> laura: isan diaz? >> donald trump is an unrepented racist. the maga hat, too many, is representative of a klan code or various other symbols of racism. >> what? >> it absolutely did. >> laura: today, lexington, kentucky, liberal pastor decided to pile onto the kids, "it astonished me that any students participating in a pro-life activity could be wearing --dash
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by the way, that particular bishop find plenty of time on his place to show up at daca rallies in d.c. last february. so he's a good one to talk about political involvement. we invited them on the show tonight but he's too afraid to appear. joining me now as bishop operation, watching our show last night. bishop, your reaction to these two men of the cloth? >> i am appalled. first of all, it's always great being with you. when i heard the bishop last night -- let me just say to outcome of the church of god and courage is a fantastic organization, i was once part of that organization, where bishops came from, and he does not represent the views of those individuals who strive for equality. the church is where dr. martin luther king actually had his last speech, at the mason temple in the church of god and christ. when i hear a bishop swan not address the real issues,
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planned parenthood, and you are talking about 40% of black people that have been aborted, not on this planet, and you have nothing to say about it? when i hear that and remember, laura, i was one of the clergy that traveled with then-candidate trump. i support candidate trump then and i do right now. >> laura: so i guess you are a racist. i guess you're a a racist. honestly. you have a maga hat -- don't worry maga hat around d.c. don't try to go into a gym or a restaurant wearing a maga hat because they will profile u.s. racist even though you are not a white person with white privilege. >> i do have a jewish mother. with that being said, i will say -- >> laura: [laughs] audit all covered. >> i got all the races covered, the rainbow, the real rainbow, that is. here's the reality we have to look at, when i hear the rhetoric of bishop swan, remember, the same bishop that called candace i was a name that i cannot repeat its equivalent. >> laura: let's drop that out
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from him. i was glad he came on the show. a lot of these people, like the catholic bishops, one come on, because they don't want -- they are afraid and hiding behind the collar. i suggest they worry about people getting back in the pews and start wearing about their open borders rallies. i want to play something. eddie glover junior was on msnbc the other day and he said this. >> the hat in some ways represents, for many of us, a kind of racial animus, make america great again as a kind of nostalgic longing for the 1950s. >> laura: i want to play something for you -- this is bill bill clinton, of course, and ronald reagan on made make america great again. let's watch. >> i believe that together we can make america great again. >> we will restore hope and welcome them into a great national crusade to make america
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great again. >> laura: i know this comes as a shock to all the drum supporters but guess what, he was not the first person to say it. it was not racist then, not racist now. >> of course it's not. it's beyond mad. it's not just not racist, again, i traveled with the president right as a matter of fact, i'm the only clergy in america that hillary clinton put in her book as to why she lost the election, because of my support and videos that we produced. this president is not a racist president. i have a heart for this president and that is, it's simple. he's doing a great job and we should be supporting him. >> laura: they don't -- the democrats don't want happy voters. they don't want people to be able to pursue their happiness in the era of trump because to do so would actually drive people to the polls for trump. everyone has to be kept angry, and i think more people are happy then they would like. thank you so much for joining us. dems in the media have trotted out story after story about furloughed workers missing paychecks. but neither admit that they have
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shut down g.o.p. efforts to get workers paid, yes. we bring you the real story on what they are doing, plus a live update on where they shut down stand-up is at this hour. white house's mercedes schlapp next. in jellyfish. in clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve short-term memory. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. walking a dog can add thousands walking this many?day. that can be rough on pam's feet, knees, and lower back. that's why she wears dr. scholl's orthotics. they relieve pain and give her the comfort to move more so she can keep up with all of her best friends. dr. scholl's. born to move.
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cards, children's toys, and futile game consoles. all being sold because government workers need quick cash. she's now selling some of her belongings, including a favorite person she was, hoping to earn money to pay bills. >> jessica's boyfriend took a second job at night, and she started this gofundme campaign, one of about 3,004 federal workers. >> laura: those stories are powerful, and it's heartbreaking. folks are missing paychecks. it's really hard. you probably heard that it's the g.o.p.'s fault, right? [laughs] ground freight house democrats have defeated three, count thems to pay federal workers during the shutdown. where did i tell you a month ago? they want their shutdown to continue because i think it works with them politically. by the way, chuck schumer beat back a bill today that would have entered the coast guard would have gotten paid. joining me now is former chuck schumer aid chris hahn. all right, chris. love having you on when to mars in trouble.
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democrats would rather keep this talking point to life than have the very people -- help the very people who claim that trump is holding them hostage. tell me why. >> the democrats have offered solutions to give all the government workers paid, including a bill that the president was supported in december, that pass the senate unanimously, that would have kept the government open through february so they could have negotiated a new congress, border security and immigration reform. very complex issue. >> laura: chuck schumer -- they were all for a wall. i remember, i was there, i was they were and bush did and bought the fence but the democrat did want the fence. i was there in '96 when they were putting operation gatekeeper up. clinton was advocating for it, i was a reporting for it. they all left the border security, they love the fence, but now it is trump's fence or wall, whatever you want to call it, and they don't like it. it's beyond obvious. if i were the trump administration, i wouldn't compromise at all on this. you can't negotiate with terrorists. i think they are acting like
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little terrorists, domestic, political terrorists when it comes to this issue. not physical. you know what i'm saying. rhetorical. i don't like what they are doing here. to speak of the president has already retreated from his sea o shining sea big beautiful wall. to see what he always was. he never wanted to put it over the rio grande. he never said that. >> we are all fine with that. i think that is when he -- when the president opens the government, he will have a willing partner in chuck schumer and nancy pelosi to reopen the government. it will include a lot of technology. >> laura: [laughs] technology. and it had sensor or drone, i know it's about letting them cross the border, the drone will identify them, pick them up, and release them. the drones are occasionally advocates. this is what chuck schumer spokesperson said tonight an hour ago. "senator schumer and senate democrats have made it clear to leader mcconnell and the republicans they will not support funding for the wall. prorated or otherwise, justin goodman."
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you think they will support -- that is -- they want support any of it. 5 feet or 5 miles, they won't support it. >> i think when they open the government, likely deal they had in december, the democrats of the republicans and the president can sit down and negotiate real border security and immigration reform. but nobody can be talking about adding a wall or changing immigration policy at the point of a gun, but either democrats or republicans. >> laura: first of all, chris, do you think -- i have a question. do you think the democrats are worried about spending money? if so, it's got to be the first time they were worried about spending money. we spend money for stuff that is so wasteful and stupid in this town. we can find $5.7 billion? the overrides on social security and the fraudulent payments on medicare? there is a list on the government website about overpayments and wrongful payments in in the billions. >> laura, the democrats are not
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worried about spending money. the democrats gave the president $25 billion to build a wall, he will never build a wall. he doesn't know how to spend that money. he has not spent the money that the democrats of appropriate different border security. we don't expect the president to be successful in building his wall the democrats of appropriate >> laura: that's a new argument. >> laura: is a symbolism of the wall. >> laura: all right, chris. now i get it. so now the builder can't build the wall. i've heard a lot but that is a good one, and i'm really glad you came on. mercedes schlapp is with us from the white house. hold on. we got mercedes on. got to be good. mercedes, the president, even if he had the money, won't build a wall. wow. >> again, it is the biggest talking point of these democrat democrats, for nancy pelosi to say that the wall is immoral. i mean, let's be real, laura. we know that listening to our border patrol agents, the walls work. it reduces the amount of illegal crossings. what we are seeing right now, apprehensions up 81%. between the ports of entry.
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i mean, that is dramatic. >> laura: the numbers tonight you put out some of the white house releases afternoon, were staggering. >> thousands and thousands of people just in the last month. >> and the smugglers are taking these family units, dropping them off in remote areas and our guys have to pick them up. what president trump has done, he is listened to the border patrol agents, he is saying, i want to get them the resources, this is about the safety of the american people, of our communities. how many more angel moms do we have to meet? how many more of these families whose loss loved ones because of these illegal criminals coming in and taking the lives of americans? these are preventable crimes, and this is why we know walls work, we know that we need border security now and the mere fact that democrats want to play politics with american lives, that democrats have no interest, laura, and negotiating with the rope mike republicans, and negotiating with the president to put together a good faith ef.
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>> laura: they are not going to negotiate because they think they have trump at a point where he will give up. all the headlines today were, "trump concedes on the shutdown shutdown" -- if i saw one more of the lower third on the cable screen. and they think they've got him. and his instincts are so good on this. >> last year, he is like, i'm nt signing this continuing resolution -- omnibus, excuse me, and they promised me he would give him all funding. mcconnell and ryan. ryan is the heart of this problem. they should have given him this while the first hundred days. they didn't. isn't it time to declare a national emergency? people are sitting at the crisis. if it's a great outcome of the president hato do something. >> it's clear that congress, we are not getting to a solution. the president is seriously considering other options, that includes declaring a national emergency. obviously, he's looking into these legal options, that is something he can do. what is so troubling is the fact
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that, yes, he's been able to keep the republicans unified in the senate, we need the 60 votes. joe manchin came through but no other democrat. >> laura: cory gardner breaking ranks today? got some people -- by the way, never combine our show, i always liked him. he won't come on the show. what's going on? >> some of the republican senators vote for those whom are cr, which is outrageous. we need people to stand strong on the border security and the president it's right on this issue, it's what the american people want rates we would let me tell you why cotton and mike lee said they do not vote for the g.o.p. bell. cotton set i could not support it because it gives legal status to illegal aliens without and a chain migration. mike lee said it does not do enough to reform the immigration system and address the graces of our southern border. they are both great in the immigration issue. they are both the best in the u.s. senate and immigration. they don't like this idea, clearly, the administration
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seems to be inching toward some type of amnesty to get the government reopened. >> this is not amnesty. this was part of trying to find that middle ground to help negotiate and bring the democrats to the table. what we have seen that you've seen some of these freshman democrats getting real nervous and pressuring nancy pelosi. nancy pelosi is in complete denial. she does not care about the federal workers. she does not care about the vulnerable families. she does not care about those american families that have been -- >> laura: she didn't go to kate steinle's family, did she? >> the angel families came over to meet with her, knocked at her office, did not receive a greeting from nancy pelosi or chuck schumer. guess what? the president wants to speak up. he's the voice of these parents who have lost loved ones because of illegal immigration. >> laura: i think it might be wise -- not that i should be giving advice -- if i wanted to change the dynamics, you have to go asymmetrical. you can't play the normal
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negotiating. they won't negotiate. the president is so good when he goes on the road. i would love to see him in a latino neighborhood, african-american community, different places, to talk about what immigration and the right kind of immigration does, great stuff, and the wrong kind of illegal immigration does to communities. i would love to see that. i think that is powerful. that puts pressures on the democrats' constituents. >> he had a naturalization ceremony in the oval office, the first of its kind, highlighting and celebrating the beauty of illegal immigration in america. he is also hosting hispanic pastors tomorrow, that agree with the president's stance on border, and so we are couldn't tell him not going to meeting with african-americans and latinos, but the economic and social costs associated with it. >> laura: >> laura: ms-13 is re. human trafficking, the hurt and concern of lower wages come i think that's a winner. also talk about all the good stuff that you guys are doing as
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well. mercedes, thank you for coming on. we really, really appreciate it. i know you have been waiting for this. tonight, the return of the arbiter. two lawyers, two crazy cases, one judge, me. it will be scary. ♪yo around the clock. and with a $0 copay, that's something to groove about. ♪let's groove tonight. toujeo® is used to control high blood sugar in adults with diabetes. it contains 3 times as much insulin in 1 milliliter as standard insulin. don't use toujeo® to treat diabetic ketoacidosis, during episodes of low blood sugar, or if you're allergic to insulin. get medical help right away if you have a serious allergic reaction such as body rash, or trouble breathing. don't reuse needles, or share insulin pens. the most common side effect is low blood sugar, which can be life-threatening. it may cause shaking, sweating, fast heartbeat, and blurred vision. check your blood sugar levels daily. injection site reactions may occur. don't change your dose of insulin without talking to your doctor.
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♪ >> laura: all right, it's time for "the arbiter." two attorneys argue a case and i, judge lauro, will make a final ruling.
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joining me now, attorneys robert portillo and gavin clarkson. thank you both for being here. here are the rules. each attorney will have 30 seconds to lay out the case, followed by rebuttal. now if the judge needs more information, each of you will have an additional 30 seconds to explain. at the end, i'll bang the official gavel and give my ruling. courts in session. first on the docket tonight, a new york man is now reportedly facing manslaughter charges after defending himself and his family against a home intruder. "the new york post" reporting that he went after the attacker with a bat or knife after he tried to break into the home. he later died at a queens hospital. months later, he's being charged in his death. robert, you have 30 seconds for your opening argument waits big all right, laura. was important for us to understand in this case is that this is not a traditional self-defense case, not a traditional case. once the threat was neutralized, once he left the home, they
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followed him into the street. at that point, the homeowner and his brother for peter to beat him with a baseball bat and stabbed him until he died. this is not a case where someone was simply at their home defending themselves and defending their family. they went above and beyond what was required and what was proportional to stop the attack. at that point, they should have, once they were probably individual, went into the house, called police, and allow that person to be arrested by law enforcement. [buzzer] >> laura: gavin? >> i'm a lifetime member of the nra and a strong supporter of the second amendment, even though firearms are not in this case, justice scalia is ideas are important here. the right to defend ourselves is a god-given right way to second environment, it's not that it grants us the right to bear arms, it said the government shall not infringe on our god-given rights to defend ourselves, and just because they are using a bat and a knife, he is defending his family for my home invader. i am a schoolteacher. i support concealed carry in the
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classroom. new york's law enforcement -- [buzzer] >> laura: robert, new york penal section 3515. a person make a mess to the such to be necessary to defend themselves, herself, or third person. how is this individual not actually threaten? >> it's not that he wasn't -- with the cody says it specifically, it needs to be proportional, what is needed to repel the attack. the neighbor says they just kept hitting him. long after the person was neutralized, long after that brett had been averted, they continued beating the man and stabbing him to death. that is the issue. now the self-defense, the the fact that they continued past. >> laura: rebuttal? accepted use of force? >> once again, if i am allowed to bring my concealed carry into my classroom, and some not --
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>> laura: this is not a classroom situation. >> the issue is that you are defending your family for my home invader. you don't know if he is going to return. yes, you are supposed to subdue him but just because they continue to fight in the street and because the home invader continued to beat up on the younger brother, the older brother came to his defense and you have an absole right to defend your family, your children, your younger sibling. it's very clear he acting within the scope of gulf defense. >> laura: ruling? gavin get this one for a second amendment rules. now to a wild case in florida. clearwater resident peter swan has been for decades that william shatner is his biological father. but the "star trek" "star trek" legend has denied any blood tie. it's undeterred, pursuing what he pursued his birthright, the shatner name. a miami attorney representing shatner sent a cease and desist order, threatening for the further legal action if he moves forward. let's put 30 seconds on the clock rate gavin, you may begin
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your argument. >> justice ingram, i don't believe there is a goal and deciding on people's names are. we have plenty of examples of knuckleheaded parents giving really bad names to your kids. if you are a fan of the next generation >> justice ingranm, i don't rather than the original source or congeries, you can change your name to john that the card if you want to. now i have no idea if this guy is a shatner zone. but if elizabeth warren can falsely claim tribal interest rate, so can this guy. it as an if the president is watching, it should be fauxcahotnas. >> we had a similar case with rihanna and the name fenty. at the trademark issue, actually, because this individual was falsely claimed for decades to be related to william shatner, not by changing his name, can make money off the shatner name and the brand which william shatner has built.
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>> laura: he's not claiming a trademark. is he making a trademark claim? >> he started with a cease and desist way to the name is granted, it will move to a trademark as you, a person infringing on what william says. >> laura: quick rebuttal? >> i teach intellectual property law. if he wants to make a trademark claim, he should do that. all of this is somebody wanting to change their name. government should not be in the business of depriving people of liberty, even to come up with a silly name. so therefore, it is something where, a trademark issue, relevant to this point. >> if i decide to change my name to gavin clarkson and doing crazy stuff under that name, you should have the right to stop me from doing that. it's one thing if it is an individual changing his name, it's another thing for a purpose. >> laura: ruling, robert wins this one. shatner, he's safe tonight. >> i am on team john libka card. >> laura: i watch "otter sanctions." punitive sanctions -- by the way, if you love this ruth
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bader ginsburg-like caller, and 87-year-old man crocheted this beautiful collar. i would go with no if i were on the court. what happens in our elected leaders seem to fight for more for illegal immigrants on their own citizens? and my radical bill just back to new york is only beginning of what looks like a generational fight. ♪ us like somehow you wind up getting less. but now that i book at, and i get all these great perks. i got to select my room from the floor plan... very nice... i know, i'm good at picking stuff. free wi-fi... laptop by the pool is a bold choice... and the price match guarantee. how do you know all of this? are you like some magical hilton fairy? it's just here on the hilton app. just available to the public, so... book at and get the hilton price match guarantee. if you find a lower rate, we match it and give you 25% off that stay.
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♪ >> laura: according to forbes, there are more than 44 million borrowers who all i collected 1.5 trillion -- he has come out with a t -- in student loan debt. that means instead of working to ease the burden of that debt, what are we doing? lawmakers in new york just approved a program that allows undocumented immigrants access to financial aid of over $5,000 a year. so how do current students saddled with loss feel about this? joining us now, julia boudreau, a sophomore at king's college in new york, and has committed the next eight years to service to our country to pay back her loans. and an advocate for this bill and candidate for new york city public advocate. good to see you. how is this fair? >> well, the entire budget of
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new york state is $168 billion. dreamers contribute $115 million to state and local economies, and this bill will only cost $27 million. for this is, and investment. these are people who pay taxes, contribute to the economy, some of them are citizens, they are dreamers, children of undocumented people in new york, who been paying taxes, and deserved the same privileges and rights that we have just by being in the right area, born in the right area. now ultimately -- >> laura: i have a question. hold on, hold on, hold on. take a breath. should people in other countries who want to come here and are good people, should they also -- why should they be excluded from the $5,000 benefit, if they are good people and they have done pretty well in school? >> they are not excluded. if people come from other countries -- >> laura: they could get the benefit, too. >> they can fail for financial aid in different forms. this is for dreamers, children of undocumented people, who were
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born either here or came -- >> laura: okay. we got to get to julia. julia, it's an investment. these people -- i mean, when you listen to people who are for more, you know, open borders or for amnesty, their point basically is, these people are almost better than american citizens. they are more less criminal -- they are paying more taxes, they are working harder -- you get that sense that they are the people who really need the benefits of the american people, i guess you just have to work for eight years to play off your student loans. julia? >> thank you for having me, laura. i feel as though when i think about it, that i know so many people who have sacrificed so much to go to college it, and like you said, i have given up eight years to dedicate my next eight years to the military, and to pay for college, and i've taken out loans to pay for the rest. and i feel as though, while we
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need to certainly we need to -- >> laura: be sensitive to the needs of others -- >> be sensitive to the needs of others, and take care of immigration reform, that is something we need to do, but we also have so many people who are struggling to pay for college here, and this is bad legislation. >> laura: i also think we have -- it's easy to say, welcome with the budget is big, so spend it on this. but i could to new york quite a bit. i love new york. new york, who does not love new york? but new york has a lot of problems in the city. i hear residents complain all the time. i used to live there. it's been a while. i go there a lot. there's a lot of problems in new york. there's a lot of still homeless problems, a lot of veterans on the street. you still have a lot up, you know, trash on the street, and a lot of filth on the street, people shooting up in the alleyway. doesn't new york kind of have a handful with the problems that are already there? if it's $5,000 extra, why not
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use that to help the new york resident and the veterans on the street? >> this is not a question of whether or not new york as the money. we generate more wealth than anywhere else on the planet. we also have the worst income inequality. the heart of the issue the problem, it has to do with it being held up by the democratic senate -- >> laura: a lot of millionaires are leaving new york. they are fleeing new york. they are not? >> amazon -- the helicopter pad paid by taxpayers. at the end of the day, people are not being taxed in new york, that need to be paying taxes, and that is not -- they are not playing new york. actually, -- >> laura: new york ranks number one in losing residents of any state in the united states. followed by california and new jersey. >> it is working people can't afford to play it on my pay rent rates be when i spent a lot of n florida. they are all going down to florida. they were all going down there. julia, so first of all, thank you for your service to
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the country. thank you for coming on, both of you. i think this is going to be very interesting to see the way it plays out. but there's a lot of dead and his country, and lot of student debt, we don't talk about it enough. one point -- >> we should make college free. >> laura: everything is going to be free. >> it could be much more affordable. >> laura: everything should be free, cars, refrigerators. you will be a good public advocate. but everybody gets in the way. who the heck is going to be there to pull it? i appreciate it. why did barbra streisand cancel a late-night appearance? that mystery is tonight's "last bite." with a plan. it includes preservision. only preservision areds 2 has the exact nutrient formula recommended by the national eye institute to help reduce the risk of progression of moderate to advanced amd. that's why i fight.
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♪ >> laura: it's time for the "last bite" ." bravo sandy cohen and late-night jimmy kimmel ask them which guest asked him to swap routers are to show her good side. >> [laughs] she didn't do it. did you come on the show? >> the condition was we could not talk about the fact that we switched it around. i said, i just don't think that works. >> laura: barbra streisand? really? that's funny, raymond asked me to do that all the time. a lot of unimportant housekeeping notes. i lost my brand-new podcast weeks last week. make sure you get it, broadcast one, or of course, ideas, good to go to itunes and get it as well. each episode, we cover america, where we are, and where we are
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going. i promise you are going to learn something new every day for a laugh and learn at the same time. subscribe, podcast one or go to podcast one. she and embry the "fox news @ night" team take it from here. i know you want to borrow that doily collar of my and prayed >> shannon: [laughs] you saw the email i sent you. just check that out. poor raymond. both of your sites are good. come on. >> laura: have a great show. [laughs] >> shannon: thank you. we begin with a fox news alert. brand-new bipartisan talks are taking place designed to end the partial government shutdown. new hope prompted by the failure of two dueling plans, republican or democrat, both shot down by the senate late today. the reality check setting in, as federal workers prepare to mess their second paycheck. senator rick scott is here in minutes. and brand-new video released from customs and border patrol as fox news confirms a shocking amount of gang members from central america are crossing our southern border. trees


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