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tv   Americas News HQ  FOX News  January 26, 2019 9:00am-11:00am PST

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>> the partial government shutdown maybe over, but it could be days or even weeks before money filters through the agencies kept in limbo since december. this as the fight for funding the border wall. leland: and roger stone is free on bail and telling fox news, he will not testify against the president. >> the united nations security counsel meets for a security meeting on the ongoing crisis in venezuela. we'll go live to the u.n. welcome to america's news
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headquarters from washington. i'm kristin fisher and leland, we can finally say it, the shutdown is over. leland: i was getting ready for deja vu all over again. i'm leland vittert on a saturday. the president saying the real brokered with congress to reopen the government after 35 days is in no way a concession to democrats. the democrats are spinning it differently, shall we say. either way, no money for a border wall in this deal. david spunt is joining us for that side and what it means for the workers. >> it's a big deal that the president signed that continuing resolution late last night opening up the government until february 15th, but those 800,000 employees that missed a paycheck for the second time yesterday are finally somewhat breathing a sigh of relief. they will be paid as soon as possible according to president trump, but it's not going to happen overnight. many of these agencies have been shut down since december 21st
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and they need a day or two to process everything. democratic leaders met last night to applaud the reopening of the government. >> we had no complaints. we asked the president to open up government so we would have a time to debate on the best way to protect our borders. democrats are committed to border security and we think we have some better ideas about how to do so that protect our border, honor our values and are cost effective. >> the president continues to receive a lot of criticism from conservatives to open the government without a down payment on the wall. he mentioned that earlier on the week. and he answered them last night on twitter those critics, i wish people would read or listen to my words on the border wall, it was not a concession, it was taking care of millions of people badly hurt by the
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shutdown. if no deal, then it's off to the races. and 21 days goes quickly and negotiations with democrats will start immediately. not easy to make a deal, both parties are really dug in. national security has been greatly enhanced by what has been happening at the bar der and through dialog. we will build the wall. and made it clear if congress cannot come up with a plan by february 15th, he'll declare a national emergency. he's aware this will be a legal fight, but it's something that he's prepared to do if congress cannot come together here in the next 21 days. leland: and political allies taking solace in that. david, thanks so much. kristin has more. kristin: let's get reaction from the republican side of the aisle, texas congressman, louie gohmert. and i want to ask you something about what ann coulter said last
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night, the biggest wimp ever to serve as the president of the united states. do you think that president trump has caved to speaker pelosi? >> no, i don't think that he's caved to spoker pelosi. this is round one of a, you know, 12-round bout, maybe 15. but, so this-- and this is a very strategic move on the president's part. was visiting with him privately over at the white house on wednesday and i know what he's doing, and this was a good move on his part. he is not capitulated on the wall. the problem is when you're dealing with leaders in a party who are more concerned about political victories than they are about protecting the country, then you really have a tough time and then when you've got a senate that has people that got elected do nothing as republicans except make president trump's life miserable, it's a tough area to navigate. kristin: congressman, the
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question for weeks has been who blinks first, how is this not president trump blinking first? >> well, you can say it's a blink, but the truth is, this comes back on february 15th and wills, the truth is, we have an invasion on our southern border ap i'm getting tired of the liberals saying, hey, the numbers were down last year. either they're ignorant of the real facts or they're intentionally misleading the american people. the numbers were down overall last year but in the last quarter, as they saw the democrats may take over the house, as they took over the house, the numbers have skyrocketed and that's what the border patrol has said so we've got to do something. the president is not done yet. kristin: congressman, i'd like to play something you said on this network about a month ago. watch this. >> okay. >> how long should the president keep the government closed, how long. >> you do it until hell freezes
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over. >> january, february. >> do it tell hell freezes over. >> hell has clearly not frozen over, and the government has reopened with zero dollars for the wall. so, i just want to be clear here, you're standing by president trump's decision yesterday to reopen the government without any wall funding? >> well, this is a recess. it is not-- yeah, i would have preferred that he just keep the-- well, and it's the democrats that-- >> you would have preferred if he just kept the government shut down? >> well, yeah, because look, i was visiting with our border patrolmen, with tsa people, and they don't want-- they can't say it publicly, but they have said, look, we're getting by except for the va. the veterans administration was screwing over tsa and other officials who were not getting paid. but everybody else was working with them, and they were saying, look, this is really hurting me, my family, but we know how badly
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we need a wall. if this is the sacrifice it takes to get a wall, then keep the government closed. and so this better not be the end of it. kristin: are you worried about the political consequences though for your party and the president? i'd like to pop up this fox news poll that we have which shows that people polled, who do you think is most responsible for the shutdown? 51% said the president 34% said democrats, 3% said republicans in congress so you're actually in the clear, but president trump, 51% blame him. are you worried about this headed into 2020? >> well, not necessarily in 2019. we've seen, like president reagan going into 1983, he was-- the economy was bad, he was in big trouble, but things turned around in 1983 and 84 had a massive wave election, that can happen again, it is unfortunate that the american people could
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not look at one person willing to negotiate, bidding against himself, and another that was incals trant, we're not-- intransigent. they would not move whatsoever and say we think it's the person that's trying to negotiate, it's his fault. that's unfortunate, but perception in politics does make a difference. >> congressman. >> we have got to have a wall where we need it. the bottom line and the president understands that. kristin: i only have a few seconds. congress has three weeks to get a deal, would you be willing to promise for daca recipients and tps recipients. >> look, that would be bidding against ourselves and i've never been in favor of that. and the border patrol says every time you guys talk daca or amnesty, we get another huge surge. i don't want people dying on the way here or pulled into sex trafficking. let's just get it done.
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get the wall where we need it and move on, then we can work on easily who is here. kristin: congressman, thank you for coming on. >> thank you, kristin. leland: we'll hear from the other side of the aisle. debbie dingell from michigan, the congresswoman there standing by for a few minutes. former trump campaign advisor roger stone says he's not going to flip on the president. stone faced a judge in florida on a seven-county indictment from special counsel robert mueller, but says he's innocent. gillian turner with what's in the indictment and the fallout. >> he's not going to flip. roger stone slated to appear now for arraignment tuesday morning at 11 a.m. this is the latest according to court documents. he was released on a quarter million dollar bail yesterday and showing the world he's in a fighting mood. >> but i will not quit, i will not fold, i will not bend, i will not bear false witness against the president. i intend to fight because this indictment is fabricated.
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this indictment is thin as can be. my attorneys are highly confident that they can win an acquittal. gillian: the president reacting this morning with a new tweet deflecting attention from his long-time friend saying, if roger stone was indicted for lying to congress, what about the lying done by comey, brennan, clapper, lisa page and lover, baker and so many others what about hillary to fbi and her 30,000 deleted e-mails? what about lisa and peter's deleted text and weiner's laptop, much more. meanwhile, his attorney is sticking to the president's favorite line, no collusion. saying in a statement on the 24-page indictment, it doesn't allege collusion. now, the white house staff has been echoing the message that there's nothing doing. >> look, i'm not an attorney, i haven't read that document. i'm not going to get into things i don't know. what i do know is that this has nothing to do with the president, nothing to do with
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the white house. gillian: but the speaker of the house is sticking to the old addage, you can tell a lot about people about their friends. >> the people that the president of the united states is your surrounded himself with the connection to the integrity of our election something we obviously have to get the truth about. >> he faces seven charges, including lying to congress, witness tampering and obstructing an investigation. and the special counsel has indicted, gotten guilty pleas 34 people, it's a long list. leland: it is a long list. yet to close in on the inner circle. six more months. and gillian, turner, thank you so much. we bring in former assistant attorney alex this indictment i
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thin as can be, you've read it and do you agree? >> no, roger stone is a professional liar. what he's continuing to do is continuing to lie. that's what he did to congress and repeatedly about the special counsel investigation. his word is thin, it's not the indictment. the indictment has fact after fact after fact to back up that what he said is untrue. leland: he does have histories of shall we say different versions of the truth in his memory. still, and rudy guiliani made this point as did a number of the president's confidentes and supporters. none of those facts allege some type of development between or connection between the trump campaign and the russian government. >> that's not entirely true. i think you have to look at what the special counsel is doing. every indictment is a different puzzle piece. he's not put a global indictment together, but if you look the
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way the cases come together there's clearly been connections he put forward about the russian government, hacking e-mails and getting those to wikileaks and this has to do with roger stone and you may not be a single indictment, but you put them together and the circle is closing in. leland: this may be what you're talking about. jf july 2016 release of stolen dnc e-mails by organization one, referring to wikileaks, a senior campaign official was directed to contact stone about additional releases or damaging information organization one had regarding the clinton campaign. stone there half told the trump campaign about potential future releases of damaging materials by organization one, here is roger stone responding. >> there are several things in the indictment that are sim is mri not true. since it never happened. it seems they have composed testimony for someone, perhaps
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rick gates, perhaps steve ban non, perhaps someone is a bearing false witness against me. leland: all right. thoughts? what does the special counsel have that stone may or may not know about? >> well, the special counsel probably has some documentary evidence. he has testimony of cooperating witnesses. when you hear a defendant say things like that, i don't think anybody of credibility can believe someone in that. leland: a good attorney can argue the sides of any case. what's your argument on the other side of this if you're representing stone. >> i'm not going to do that. i think a good attorney would look alt the fact. no credible defense attorney is going to tell roger stone he has a chance much acquittal. leland: if he has no chance of acquittal. he says he's not going to cooperate. does his pr campaign, for lack of a better term, this network or others make sense? >> it's not about the law.
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it's what he can get away with and what the president says he can get away with. leland: he says that the president never talked to them. >> the president tweeted and he goes on a show that the president watches and he tweets, stay strong. it would be a disservice to the public to address the fact that there is clear evidence that roger stone lied to congress, misled the special counsel and only option is to get the president to pardon him. leland: or cop a plea which so far says he's not going to do. and i-- everybody says they're innocent and not going to cop a plea until they do. and this indictment we wonder how often this happens in criminal cases and shed the light on this. on or about april, stone wrote a person, one of his alleged contacts. you ever you're a rat, a stoolie, prepare to die
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expletive. and the expletive. >> and there's witness-- and you see this in indictments-- >> if you send somebody that kind of message, is it a plain text reading that's intimidation. do you have to prove intent and anything else? >> you would have to prove intent. those crimes require intent. here i think that the special counsel would be able to build the case when you send a text like you do, you're intending the person to change their testimony. leland: if it gets to a jury, you said if you're his attorney you would advise otherwise. alex, good having you as always, appreciate your insights. >> thank you. leland: thank you. kristin: u.s. officials are now sending asylum seekers back to mexico as part much an initiative preventing applicants from waiting in the u.s. while
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waiting to be processed. hi, jeff. >> hi, the trump administration announcing some asylum seekers will be sent back or have to wait in mexico while the claim is processed. this only is at the port of entry in san diego. previously those who had credible claims were detained for several months or waited in the u.s. waiting for a hearing. and now some will be in mexico while they wait for the immigration status. >> it seems like a reasonable compromise that people are still having their claims processed, but at the same time we don't-- we're not forced to release people into the interior of the united states with no other recourse. >> some migrant advocate groups on both sides. border feel this policy will just make the situation more dangerous for migrants. they feel it will push them from legal ports of entry, forcing them to turn to dangerous border
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towns where the homicide rates are some of the highest in the world and even the national border patrol counsel which has shown support for the trump administration in the past feels this change could possibly create more illegal immigration. >> if they come across illegally, you can't send them back, you have to go through the whole process. so, who would you be sending back is the individuals that go to the ports. >> now, unaccompanied children and the disabled will continue to receive shelter. at the moment this only again applies to one port of entry in san diego, but this could be expanded. the mexican government does not agree with the move, it will continue to take care of asylum seekers. >> thank you, jeff and coming up we'll go live to the white house with more on how president trump plans to keep fighting for congress to fund his border wall. plus the list of democrats running for president in 2020 keeps growing, including
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california senator kamala harris. our political panel will break it down. plus, russia's ambassador to the united nations is slamming the u.s. for what he calls trying to quote, engineer a coup d'etat in venezuela. jacqui heinrich is there live. >> hi there. the trump administration standing in opposition to russia this morning. russia trying to block talks here at the u.n. and venezuela as the united states calls for other countries to recognize their interim president after a rigged election. we've got reaction from the security counsel. up the years. but what i do count on... is boost® delicious boost® high protein nutritional drink has 20 grams of protein, along with 26 essential vitamins and minerals. boost® high protein. be up for life. breathe freely fast, with vicks sinex. my congestion's gone. i can breathe again! ahhhh
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the best experience possible, by being on time everytime. and if we are ever late, we'll give you a automatic twenty dollar credit. my name is antonio and i'm a technician at comcast. we're working to make things simple, easy and awesome. >> coming up on 12:30 eastern at the united nations. a rare saturday meeting of the u.n. security council, looking there at the bolivian ambassador speaking about the political crisis in venezuela. secretary of state mike pompeo was there earlier on a rare appearance at the security counsel. jacqui heinrich live outside the u.n. with more. >> hi, leland. the u.s. called this meeting to encourage other countries to recognize venezuela's interim president, but russia this morning tried to block these talks from happening. they called for a procedural
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vote which requires nine of the 15 member states to vote in favor of it moving forward. they got exactly nine votes and discussions are underway right now. the trump administration has been pushing for the nations to support and recognize juan gaido after nichololas maduro won in t was labeled as a rigged election. and he has loyalists and suspended elections for governors, and consolidated his position, and millions have fled the country and there are wide spread riots. mike pompeo fired back saying the time to act is now. >> the former maduro regime has oppressed its people for years, forcing millions of venezuelans
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to flee the country to gain basic access to food and water. this has overwhelmed the regional countries to adequately address the urgent humanitarian needs. >> maduro's win has been widely rejected by the international community. he called the election seven months early and voter turnout was less than 50%. meanwhile, gaido was called, and allows the chair to declare new elections if the president is not fulfilling basic duties. they've recognized him as interim president, but president maduro has support from russia, china, syria, iran. it's noteworthy that the countries still supporting maduro don't uphold democracy within their borders. >> and russia and china with the vetoes at the security council if they need to use them.
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jacqui heinrich at the u.n. thanks. kristin has more on this. kristin: let's bring in the senior fellow at the senior foreign policy advisor at clinton administration, ted, i know this is one of your areas of expertise. i want to start by talking to you about what she was talking about, the emergency meeting at the u.n. security council. you have the russians and the critics of what the trump administration is doing saying this is a u.s.-sponsored coup in venezuela. you heard the secretary of state really laying out the case that this is the right thing to do for the venezuelan people and making the case that guaido is the legitimate president. where do you stand? >> i think we have to keep focusing on what's happening in venezuela. it's focused on trying to find a constitutional legitimate path out of the crifof the crisis th in for many, many years. i think we've reached a tipping point, the alternative is now on the table. you have a viable leader who has
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taken the mantel constitutionally. i think that changes the dynamics because the opposition had been fragmented and really, maduro had the upper hand. the tables are turned and i think we can see a path towards an exit strategy. >> so much of this hinges on the venezuelan military and who will the top generals and commanders support. where do they stand right now? or can you even tell? >> it's certainly decisive and right now the top command are supporting maduro and as long as that remains the case, it's going to be difficult to get past this crisis. it's going to be dragging on for a long time. kristin: so what more can the trump administration do? more sanctions? i mean, there's obviously-- president trump said this week, all options are on the table. so that would include potentially military options. what would you advise the trump administration to do? >> first they have to keep the
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focus on the venezuelan opposition leadership and moving and supporting them. it's the venezuelan problem, helping them take the lead. secondly, they have to keep their international coalition together. this is interesting and important to have such countries backing the change in venezuela. and then keep the pressure on maduro. and i think there's more on the sanctions side and prosecutions against the vast corruption happening in venezuela, money laundering, et cetera. they can put pressure on turkey, for example, buying a lot of gold from venezuela and they have begun a process of sanctioning that, but they need other countries to support that effort. so, i think those are some things that we can see in the coming days. kristin: so, how do you see this ending? i mean, what's the end-game? is there any chance for pa peaceful transfer of power? >> i think there's a good chance, but it depends on holding a free and fair election. that's what the opposition is calling for and it's time for that. it can't be done under maduro's
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leadership. you're going to need international supervision in order for this to be a credible process, but sort of that, you're going to have some kind of negotiated exit strategy where maduro sees the writing on the wall and leaves the country. kristin: now what is happening in venezuela is truly at a tipping point when you see the images and it's able to break through the u.s. cable news cycle on what was a hugely busy week the shutdown and whatnot, the fact that it gets as much attention what a big deal for venezuelans and americans. >> remember, there are migrants fleeing across the border that's a problem, too. kristin: thank you for sharing your insights. leland: ahead, the clock already ticking on another shutdown like deja vu all over again. and debbie dingell from michigan, looking at the decision reopening the
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government without money on the wall. ellison. >> critics say the president caves. the president says this is not a concession. more on what happens next and exactly who the white house is watching. okay, max...time to help mrs. tyler reach her health goals! i'm in! but first... shelfie! the great-tasting nutrition of ensure. with up to 30 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals! ensure. for strength and energy.
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>> well, president trump didn't get funding for her border wall in the continuing resolution he signed last night. he has a chance again in three weeks when the resolution runs out and he tweeted about the need for a wall today. ellison barber is live from the north lawn of the white house with more. >> president trump signed the bill to reopen the federal government and with his signature the longest government shutdown in u.s. history came to an end, but this is still not over because it only keeps the government open for three weeks. and it does not include new money for a border wall. part of the deal is that republicans and democrats will
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get together and spend the next three weeks negotiating an appropriations bill for the department of homeland security. the propose satisfiesr proposed part of the discussion. and says that the negotiation was democrats will start immediately and says a deal is not going to be easy tweeting both parties are very dug in. here is president trump in the rose garden yesterday. >> a bipartisan conference committee of house and senate lawmakers and leaders will immediately begin reviewing the requests of our homeland security experts. if we don't get a fair deal from congress, the government will either shut down on february 15th again or i will use the powers of affording to me under the laws. >> critics say the president caved and gave democrats exactly what they asked for. president trump says this is not a concession, he argues it's
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about taking care of those hurt by the shutdown. a white house official tells me they want with this plan because the democrats had said they'd they wanted this shutdown to tend and are looking at funding for a wall. and the election flipped the house the last cycle and the same source says the white house doesn't know how much influence democrats will have on a conference committee and they're waiting to see. either this works out or come february 15th they have nothing and in that case, the president said he'll declare a national emergency. kristin: we'll see what they can come up with by the 1/5. leland: because the last time they had negotiations, it went
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so well. joining us is michigan's debbie dingell. the white house says they're counting on moderate dems where the president won. the president won michigan and-- >> i'm not one of the coniferees, why do we have to make it this, that, why don't we-- >> isn't that politics in america right now? >> politics in america, people are tired of the partisan bickering. we went through i hope we never see again and hope we pass legislation for something like this happening again. government employees suffered in this terrible and it's hurt so many different things, but what we need is a win for the american people. i don't know a democrat or a republican that doesn't want to keep this nation safe. we need to get in the room and talk how we keep that border safe with strong national security and come up-- >> reasonable people can disagree on the methodology. i don't think that anybody is a true expert save the people in homeland security and border
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security and people who studied this these issues for long time. this is some democratic leadership about how to do it. take a listen. >> a wall is an immorality and this is not a wall between mexico and the united states that the president is creating here, it's a wall between reality and his constituents. >> border security and investing in keeping us safe is a better way to talk about it because a wall is a waste of money and will not actually help us create safety. leland: when you're calling something an immorality and a waste of money that president obama's own border patrol chief said in places we need and works, how is that a starting point for bipartisan negotiation. >> look, leading on the house side for the democrats, a very strong woman. it's an interesting mix of coniferees on the committee i've talked to every last one of them. leland: but when you have nancy pelosi saying it's an immorality
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to have a wall and you have experts in the matter saying in places that's exactly what is needed, how does that end up with the result for the american people. >> i think that the people are going to go in the room and talk about what do we need. you know, there are places that a fence or wall may work, people are saying should we tear down walls that exist now? i think a wall is the symbol of division, but if this group of people thinks that something's appropriate we need to be using much more technology. we have 3,000 border patrol openings that have yet to be filled. we need drones, we need biometrics. leland: it might be a little tougher to recruit for the border patrol when the government should down. >> and all of the-- >> it brings up an interesting question though, is it suddenly every congress person and senator has become an expert in how to secure the border? having most of them never worked on the border, never lived on the border, never stood watch on the border.
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why do you think it's become that now the methodology of this, it's as though the congress people are telling the pentagon what weapons they need. >> i am a note going to tell people what, but if i'm doing a job as a legislator, i'm going to listen to the experts. i've talked to five homeland security chiefs and i have a border, people forgot that i live on a border, it's the northern border and nobody ever talks about it. leland: but fair to say that a lot of people in michigan, love the state, spend a lot of time. they're as worried about the southern border as the canadian border and a lot of them i talked to supported president trump a state that he won, for this reason, they like-- >> and president trump won not because of immigration, but because of trade, but i think that people are sensitive in
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michigan because we live-- when i was a kid, i didn't understand canada was another country. i went to canada every day and didn't understand immigration. we understand-- i shouldn't say that, but that's the truth. >> and may be dating yourself a little here. >> you got in the boat and went across the river and it's still a problem. i mean, there were, you know, we've got a human trafficking problem that's very serious. leland: now you've got to carry your passport if you run the detroit marathon. >> it doesn't used to be that way, but i've dug in because that's what i'm supposed to do. i'm going to leave it to the coniferee, lucille ellard is one of the top experts, younger members on it, but we've got to know what we're doing, that's what a legislature does, study the issue. leland: you have a lot of confidence in them. we'll see what the deal is. we always appreciate you being here especially on a saturday. >> thank you. leland: kristin. kristin: look at this, a large cruise ship on the loose on the hudson river. what caused this and other boats to just float away?
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and senator kamala harris is the latest big-name candidate to join the 2020 race. we'll take a look at who is in and who may still jump in with our political panel.
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hey, who are you? oh, hey jeff, i'm a car thief... what?! i'm here to steal your car because, well, that's my job. what? what?? what?! (laughing) what?? what?! what?! [crash] what?! haha, it happens.
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and if you've got cut-rate car insurance, paying for this could feel like getting robbed twice. so get allstate... and be better protected from mayhem... like me. ♪ >> kamala harris on the campaign trail this weekend. there i am. trying to get a jump start on what will become a plethora of candidates in the democratic 2020 field. we bring in our democratic talk radio panel, robert patillo and jessica, the political director for new deal. i feel a feeling we'll talk a lot over the next couple of months. big picture. this idea of a few people thinking kamala harris, among others, getting early in this. good move or opening them up to attacks early? >> i think what we're seeing for candidates coming out early,
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disastro disastrous. >> the beer drinking and-- >> what is the worst. the beer drinking or the dna test? >> and kamala harris the front runner, she has an opportunity to define herself before they get to define her and she was in campaigning, and dancing to cardi b and getting connection with the american people others aren't getting. leland: jessica, robert brought up a good point. people who may also get in. you've got big names that we're waiting to hear about, namely joe biden and bernie sanders who conceivably would be the odds-on favorite if this was a normal year, the guy who came in second last time around. >> this isn't a normal here. you have so many new faces, in terms of potential presidential contenders, there are a lot of reasons to be excite abouted this field.
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i know it seems crowded, but right now eight or nine people who made their intentions clear and also governor hickenlooper and cory-- >> and thank you for doing the promo for me. because he's coming up in a few minutes. >> you're welcome. a big reason to be excited. if bernie sanders gets into the race, i think that's something that people need to hit head on. he's not a democrat, and has no business running in a democratic primary. leland: so give me your number one pick. >> right now? too soon to say. way too soon. people got in early to make their case because they know there's a lot of air sucked out of the room because maybe joe biden potentially entering the race. leland: should we look at the issues in terms of what voters are looking for and which candidates perhaps that helps the most. fox news polls views on increasing tax rates for incomes over 10 million, 70% in favor incomes over a million, 65% in favor. 250 k, 44%, no one 39%, everyone
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13%, it's amazing how willing people are to raise taxes on anybody who's not them. who does this polling help the most, robert? >> welsh these are the same polls that have hillary clinton being the president of the united states so i don't take much, or put much polls in united states. leland: hillary did win by a couple of points and it wasn't the right race. >> and these polls may or may not be accurate. taxes on the super rich. 70%. elizabeth warren tweeted out that people who have super yachts should have the tax. education reform providing health care for individuals who can't afford it and make sure to close the gap. if we allow candidates to draw the messages over to the wheel house of republicans, it's going to result in a second term for president trump. leland: jessica, so far people
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look at this, federal government spending should be increased 51% and cutting taxes 40% and that would go to some of the more adventurous progressive programs that robert is talking about. listen to elizabeth warren's rollout and kamala harris, it's an economic warfare message, do you think that he's got a point? >> and i think economic warfare, that's-- >> they don't pay us to make it boring. i think the democratic nominee is going to have to be a person who can tap into the hardship that so many americans are feeling right now and there are lots of different ways of addressing that and you've heard what warren had to say and harris had to say and you've got another one to entered and. leland: waiting for his name. >> his last name is so hard to pronounce, his website is pete for america. he doesn't include his last name. >> wouldn't your name to be
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associated with america? that's a way to do it so you need a candidate who can talk about the economy and touch on hardships that americans are peeling and people are speaking about it in broad terms. leland: you left me five seconds to say thank you very much, we'll be right back. with all that usaa offers why go with anybody else? we know their rates are good, we know that they're always going to take care of us. it was an instant savings and i should have changed a long time ago. we're the tenney's and we're usaa members for life. call usaa to start saving on insurance today. you might or joints.hing for your heart... and we're usaa members for life. but do you take something for your brain. with an ingredient originally discovered in jellyfish, prevagen has been shown in clinical trials to improve short-term memory. prevagen. healthier brain. better life.
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>> take a look at this.
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an empty cruise ship breaks loose and gets pushed under a bridge by ice on the hudson river. fortunately, the coast guard and two tugboats freed the ship, but, boy, that boat really got stuck there. and meteorologist adam klotz has the latest on the weekend forecast. >> you know, kristin, we're in store for the coldest air that we've seen in the season. it's marching in our direction. this is the cold canadian air. some cases negative 10, 15 degrees. when that arrives we're taking about a winter storm. we pay attention to it and get to the second half of the weekend. we get a round, not the first round even though it's a little bit of snow. the second round of snow, second half of the weekend, the upper midwest and upper plains states. in some cases 10 inches to 12 inches of snow and it's going to usher in some of the coldest air
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we've seen in the entire season. yes, across the upper midwest and that's going to stretch down to the south. it's going to stretch across the east and get absolutely frigid. here is our forecasted precipitation, again, taking you monday into tuesday. widespread, maybe a couple of inches of snow in the heaviest areas up to close to six inches or a foot. so there's going to be snowfall from this, but the temperatures are going to plummet. the forecast highs, sunday, monday, tuesday, suddenly you see the numbers drop in a big way, getting down into wednesday where these are your feels-like temperatures. 12 degrees, there are going to be spots it feels leak negative 40 degrees. we're going to be talking about the coldest temperatures of the air. more america's news headquarters coming up after the break. you may be at increased risk for pneumococcal pneumonia - a potentially serious bacterial lung disease that can disrupt your life for weeks. in severe cases, pneumococcal pneumonia can put you in the hospital. it may take weeks to recover making you miss out on the things you enjoy most.
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♪ ♪ leland: hour two of "america's news headquarters" from washington. kristin, we're so excited we could say the shut down's over in this hour, and now we've already transitioned to talking about when the next shutdown might happen. chris: i know. we've got 20 days now. i'm kristin fisher, here is what's making news right now. back in business, the government is fully funded after 35 days, but will the country experience déjà vu all over again in three weeks if a deal isn't made to fund the border wall? leland: airports across the country still dealing with delays despite the temporary budget deal. we'll talk to the former tsa
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administrator about how long it will take to get things back to normal. kristin: president trump's former campaign adviser faces a seven-count indictment from special counsel robert mueller and is speaking out to fox news about it. back to our top story, president trump says that the deal brokered with congress on friday to reopen the government after 35 days is, quote, in no way a concession to democrats. but it doesn't include any money for a border wall. we've got, you know, three weeks to see if congress can come up with something. >> the clock is ticking. he signed this continuing resolution to open that government up at least until february 15th. now people are going to start getting paid as soon as possible. many people are w07bd oring when they're going to get paid, it's not going to happen in a day. it may take a few days depending on the agency. you will start to see things opening back up when it comes to national parks and museums. the national park service says
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you need to check with specific sites to find out when they will be open. sites on the national mall in washington will open tomorrow. the zoo and smithsonian museums will open on tuesday. this morning we found some folks what came to d.c. just to see the museums. they were turned away. >> i think it's pretty disappointing, you know, obviously, we don't know the mechanics behind the government shutdown. but, you know, it is december appoint -- disappointing. >> reporter: speaking of museums and history, advice from thomas jefferson handwritten in 1801 will hit the auction block a week from today. it's an auction house in alexandria right outside d.c. the letter might teach republicans and democrats a thing or two about compromise written almost 220 years ago. it discusses the division between republicans and federalists. one of the key lines in jefferson's own hand he wrote, quote: my dear friend, if we do not learn to sacrifice small
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differences of opinion, we can never act tomorrow. every man cannot have his way in all things. >> in jefferson's letter to dickensonning, it says the greatest good we can do our country is to heal its parties' divisions and make them one people. >> reporter: the letter goes up for auction a week from today in virginia. kristin, sometimes you have to look in the past to help you kind of plan out for the future. these are thomas jefferson's words in his own hand talking about different parties coming together i. certainly plays true right now. kristin: a little history lesson -- >> it's important. leland: former trump campaign adviser roger stone has been charged with seven counts including making false statements and witness tampering. special counsel robert mueller's office filing that indictment in the past couple of days. gillian turner in the latest on what mr. stone has to say for himself. hi -- >> reporter: roger stone is
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slated to appear for arraignment tuesday morning, 11 a.m. according to the latest from court documents. yesterday he's showing the world he's in a fighting mood. >> but i will not quit, i will not fold, i will not bend, i will not bear false witness against the president. i intend to fight because this indictment is, is fabricated. this indictment is thin as can be. >> reporter: the president reacting this morning with a new tweet, deflecting attention from his longtime friend writing: if roger stone was indicted for lying to congress, what about comey, men pharynx clapper, lisa page and so many others? what about hillary and 33,000 deleted e-mails? what about wiener's laptop, much more. while his attorney is sticking to the president's favorite line, no collusion, he's staying in a statement on the 24-page
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indictment, quote: it doesn't allege collusion. now, white house has been echoing the message that there's nothing doing. >> look, i'm not an attorney, i haven't read that document, i'm not going to get into things i don't know. what i do know is this has nothing to do with the president, has nothing to do with the white house. >> reporter: but the house speaker is sticking to the old adage that you can tell a lot about people by their friends. >> it's very interesting to see the kinds of people that the president of the united states has surrounded himself with. this connection to the integrity of our elections is, obviously, something we have to get the truth about. >> reporter: the seven charges stone faces include lying to congress, witness tampering and obstructing a congressional investigation. the special counsel has now either indicted, convicted or gotten guilty pleas from six people, national security adviser and campaign chairman.
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leland? leland: as the president and his folks would point out, still no direct link in any of those indictments between the russian government and the trump campaign. we wait to see if robert mueller comes up with that. kristin's got m. kristin: let's go to criminal defense attorney and former head prosecutor in new jersey, bobby yankee. bob, thanks for coming on. i'd like to start with one of the can key lines in this indictment. it reads that a senior trump campaign official was directed to contact stone about any additional wikileaks releases. as a former prosecutor, what do you think that the special counsel, robert mueller, was trying to get us to understand in that line? >> well, what it's basically saying is there is now closer proximity to the trump campaign itself. at least another member, that is stone, are working actively with wikileaks with regard to trying to get damaging information on
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hillary clinton. and while that doesn't show collusion, there's still other pieces of the circuit that the prosecutor would have to connect in order to have a conspiracy charge or a collusion or, you know, a conspiracy with regard to trump himself. it certainly brings it through the door right into the middle of the campaign that they were doing something that, at best, is unethical and clearly lying about it to congress, criminal. kristin: stone says the evidence against him in this indictment is "thin." what do you make of that? >> no, no, there is very, very specific here, kristin, multiple statements, e-mail communications, text messages. it is very clear that when he testified to congress, he lied to congress. and the special counsel did an excellent job at outlining the various electronic data that they currently have, and, of course, we're probably going to even get more and cleary demonstrates there were palpable, false and material lies made to congress and to investigators: i think it's a sound case in terms of obstruction of justice and
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tampering with witnesses and threatening people. kristin: mueller dangled a little bit of information without giving away too much. big picture here, what do you think this says about the state of the mueller probe and where it goes next? >> i think it shows there's a lot of information. we need to go slow before we speculate. i believe there's a lot more connective tissue. he's basically laid out a conspiracy indictment here but hasn't charged with conspiracy. it's clear to me from all the actors and the detail of in that there are a lot more charges coming down. in my opinion, watch next julian assange and wikileaks with regard to being conspirators with regard to this. the question will become whether or not stone and/or the trump campaign knew the information that wikileaks had actually came from the russians. if the special counsel's able to connect that loop, expect a number of people to be indicted. kristin: looking back, robert mueller is five for five in
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terms of getting either guilty pleas or convictions from people associated with the trump team or the trump campaign. roger stone would be the sixth. so, you know, i know that roger stone is saying that i will not flip, i will not testify against the president of the united states because i have no evidence against him, and i won't lie, but, i mean, didn't cohen and manafort certainly say the same thing -- essentially say the same thing? what do you think is the likelihood that stone flips? >> i don't see it with stone for some reason in my gut. fist off, i'm not sure -- first off, i'm not sure a internal counsel would even want him -- special counsel would even want him. he has clearly, in my estimation, lied on multiple occasions. his value as a cooperating witness, to me, is not there. i believe he's playing to one play only that he's got left because he is dead in this indictment based on the specificity of what we've seen, and that is the pardon power of the president. other than that, he has got no
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escape. i don't think they even care. if he comes forward with some earth-shattering data that can be supported and corroborated, maybe they'll listen. just so you know, people get confused with this, he will debrief his lawyers, his lawyers will say, hey, we have x, y and z, and then they'll get a proper session where he's got to speak truthfully if, and they'll evaluate as to whether there's a value to it. but i don't see him doing that because i think he's locked in, and i don't think he's valuable to the special counsel. i think the pardon is his only out. kristin: we'll see him in court next tuesday right here in d.c. bob, thank you so much. leland: the delays continue as president trump molds a deal with congress. the faa stopped flights in new york's laguardia airport because of staffing problems in control towers at the nation's busiest airport. the fight against understaffing and delays continues today despite the government officially reopening.
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jonathan serrie is at hartsfield-jackson international airport in atlanta. hi, jonathan. >> reporter: hi, leland. even though the government shutdown is officially over, tsa workers and other federal employees are still grappling with the economic impact of going without two paychecks. now, over the course of the past few weeks you've seen images of food banks and other people donating food and supplies at airports around the country. we even saw that taking place here in atlanta this morning. some airlines partnering with a local food bank to bring supplies in to help these workers make ends meet until they can completely get back on their feet. also yesterday a local credit union donated free gas to tsa employees after learning that some were struggling to afford transportation to work. now nationwide many federal airport workers have mixed feelings about the temporary end to the shutdown. take a listen. >> we're happy that our people,
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our officers are going to get the paychecks that they've earned, that they've worked for protecting the traveling public for the last month. we're also very concerned that this is only a temporary measure, and we could be right back here in the same situation three weeks from now. and we're tired of that. >> reporter: the national air traffic controllers association issued a statement saying although the news today is positive, we must not lose focus on the short-term nature of this agreement and the need to continue to make our voice heard to avoid another shutdown on february 15, 2019. throughout the shutdown federal agencies say they've been consolidating resources to continue providing services without compromising passenger safety, but yesterday staffing shortages at faa control centers along the east coast caused major flight delays at new york's laguardia airport which, of course, had a ripple effect throughout the system, also impacting some of the flights coming into and out of
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hartsfield-jackson atlanta international airport. coming back to our live shot right now, it is a fairly slow saturday. saturday normally a slow travel day out of this airport, and when you look at the estimates of the lines behind me, tsa estimating 15 minutes in all lines. pretty typical of what you would experience here on a saturday and, obviously, city officials are hoping that things will remain typical as we approach the super bowl next weekend. back to you, leland. leland: one of the busiest travel days of the year for atlanta on monday coming up. jonathan serrie, thank you. we bring in current president of anderson university, john pistole. john, appreciate you being with us. you listened to jonathan's report that the lines are about 15 minutes at hartsfield. yesterday my mom was at o'hare, she said lines were up to two hours there. can you make that direct link between long lines yesterday, short lines today? >> no.
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so what -- part of the context here is this is, obviously, one of the slowest travel times of the year other than, obviously, super bowl weekend coming up. so that's the good news out of this, that there hasn't been a crush of passenger traffic. but i would say that given the number of tsa employees who have called in sick, callouts you refer to them, that spiked last weekend, last sunday at 10% has come down gradually this week. but part of it is just the uncertainty that the tsa employees and the air traffic controllers and other federal employees have experienced over these last 35 days. and so some -- because they are paycheck-dependent -- had to look for other work and probably found other work. and so one of the questions tsa's dealing with is how many of the employees will actually be coming back to full-time or even part-time work. leland: there are a lot of folks driving for uber in washington, d.c. who were furloughed federal employees trying to make ends
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meet. i've heard anecdotal stories around. when you have people who are living paycheck to paycheck as tsa workers are and so many of them are, the thought and the threat of working for a couple of weeks and not getting paid -- which nobody likes -- would have to make it harder to recruit. >> right. that's a good point because one of the challenges, again, tsa will deal with over the next several days and weeks, frankly, is once the employees get paid -- and they're hoping at reagan national last night in d.c. flying back to indianapolis and talked to a number of tsa employees, and they're hoping to be paid by the middle of this coming week or the end at the latest. but, frankly, some of them will not be coming back to work once they get paid. and it's not like there's a pipeline of, you know, 10,000 people who are waiting to be or hired by tsa. so i think the ripple effect and perhaps even next weekend with the super bowl, with atlanta
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might be a barometer of that. but going into the travel season after that to see how many tsa employees do come back to work and then what type of pipeline they can ramp up if there is, let's say, a significant number, percentage that don't return. leland: i'll turn this around on you and hearken back to the air traffic controllers' strike of the 1980s when ronald reagan said you promise not to strike, if you strike, you're all fired. should people who called out and very clearly were not sick and were attempting to make a point, should they be fired either at the tsa or faa or other places? is this an integrity issue at some point? >> well, yeah, so that's one of the challenges that they're deal with. again, without a pipeline of thousands of people waiting to take those jobs like at other agencies, the question is how do you deal with those issues. if it was an integrity issue or something, so if it was during a normal time, then they would be fired probably for not showing up by calling in sick.
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so when we had a shutdown when i was administrator back in 2013, it was a 16-day shutdown. and there were some who called out sick. but, by and large, they demonstrated professionalism and the hard work and integrity that the american people expect and, hopefully, out of the tsa work force to protect them as they travel. so my hope is that the vast majority will come back and will do the job that they -- look, they took an oath to uphold and defend the constitution against all enemy, foreign and domestic. so hopefully, they are living up to that as they come back with this with the back pay. leland: certainly seems like there were some folks who were calling out sick whether because they needed to work another job or they just weren't getting paid, different issues. appreciate your time, sir. all the best. thank you. >> thank you. kristin: coming up, our border security panel debates what deals should be hammered out to protect our southern border.
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plus, we'll get an update on the effort to find more survivors in brazil after a major dam burst. and fallout from the longest partial government shutdown in history. we'll go way outside the beltway to middle america to find out what people are saying about all this. ♪ ♪ i don't keep track of regrets.
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kristin: right now rescuers are searchinh helicopters and digging through mud as they try to locate the hundreds still feared missing after a dam collapsed in brazil. the dam burst on friday forcing evacuations and covering structures in mud. about 300 employees were working at the time to of the incident. at least nine people have been killed, no word on a cause just yet though. ♪ ♪ leland: all right. the government slowly coming back to life without a deal to fund president trump's border wall. the president says he did not concede to democrats, but will this be a problem for some of the president's supporters? with that, we bring in radio talk show host andrew lee. nice to see you, appreciate it here. louie gohmert on earlier, obviously one of the president's very, very ardent supporters who said that the shutdown should end either with funding for the
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border wall or when hell freezes over, and just an houring ago saying trump didn't cave, this is just round one. do you agree with him? >> no, i don't. i mean, i'm willing to give the president a little bit of the benefit of the doubt. this could be another step this negotiations, and we'll see what happens over the next 21 days or so. sarah huckabee sanders sent out that tweet saying in 21 days this is going to advance, democrats can either get something or get nothing. so we'll see. i'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt, but this certainly looks like a cave. leland: i guess the question is why give him the benefit of the doubt now when he was so sherman-esque in his statements that i will own this shutdown, i believe in this shutdown, it is going to stay shut down until i get my wall, and now all of a sudden it's like, well, yeah, now we're going to negotiate for three weeks, but that's not
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compromise. >> it does look like a cave, you know? but we've still got time. this is only a short-term funding bill, this is only a 21-day funding bill. congress is going to have to pass something. we could very well find ourselves in another government shutdown in 21 days from now. i am of the opinion, however, that i think this was so politically damaging to the president that the wall is probably dead. leland: wow. what does that mean beyond just that? those are pretty big words. does that mean something for 2020? >> well, i think -- this issue was never really about border security or about wall funding, it was more about political gamesmanship and power plays between nancy pelosi and donald trump n my opinion. and if you look at the scoreboard with the kerfuffle over the state of the union and now with the president ending the shutdown, the scoreboard reads nancy pelosi 2, donald trump 0. and he's going to have a
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difficult time getting democrats in the house to go along with any sort of wall funding unless he goes the state of emergency route -- leland: you were getting -- we're getting these from the white house, these talking points that, oh, it's going to be moderate democrats who are going to come onboard for wall funding. it seems to fly in the face of the way that nancy pelosi has run the democratic caucus. she has held so tightly to those votes. the president acknowledging that. trump repeatedly predicted to his advisers that house speaker nancy pelosi would cave and surmised that she had a problem with the more liberal members of her caucus. but she held firm, and her members stayed united. why are they always so loyal, trump asked in one staff meeting, complaining that democrats so often stick together while republicans sometimes break apart according to attendees. fair criticism? you've got to have an answer for that. [laughter] >> i wish i had an answer. if i had an answer, i'd
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certainly be willing to share it. i don't know. it's very easy for democrats to remain galvanized and to remain loyal and remain together right now when their opposition is someone as polarizing -- leland: hold on, we even i saw that from nancy pelosi in 2009-2010 when you had president obama in the white house. there was really no opposition, and she still was able to whip votes in a pretty prier the natural way. >> yeah. she's, you know, you gotta give nancy pelosi credit, she is a powerful player in washington, and she is able to keep her caucus in line. she does a fantastic job, and she has common freighted that -- demonstrated that since she assumed the speakership this time around. leland: you have the scoreboard at 2-0, nancy pelosi. we'll see if that changes in 21 days. meantime, i hear it's going to get kind of chilly in minneapolis. stay warm for us, all right? >> i'll do my best.
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it gets a little cold here. leland: thank you, sir, it was good to see you. >> thank you. leland: obviously this -- and by that, i don't mean the cold in minneapolis -- but the debate over the border wall will be discussed tomorrow. john roberts in for chris wallace, he will talk with mick mulvaney about what comes now that the government is back open. maybe mr. mulvaney will have some names of some democrats who will perhaps come over to fund the border wall. check your local listings for time and channel. howard kurtz and his guests talking about the media's reaction, 11 a.m. eastern on "media buzz." kristin: the president is continuing his push for border wall funding. will congress come up with a border secure deal in just three weeks? we'll take a closer look. the protein you need with less of the sugar you don't. (straining) i'll take that. (cheers) 30 grams of protein and 1 gram of sugar.
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diego, he smothered a grenade to save the lives of two of his teammates and iraqi soldiers while serving in iraq in 2006. quite the hero. ♪ ♪ leland: well, separate from the debate about the board or wall, a new trump administration policy sends some asylum seekers back to mexico to wait for a judge to rule on their cases. jeff paul joining us with what this means. hi, jeff. >> reporter: hi, leland. previously those who had credible claims were either detained for several months or released into the u.s. while they waited for a hearing. but now some asylum seekers will have to be sent back or wait in mexico while their claim is processed. at the moment this only applies in san diego, that's the location where many from the migrant caravan have traveled over the last few months. under the new policy some will
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be sent back to mexico or forced to remain there while they wait for any developments on their immigration status. president trump says something had to change with so many claims. >> we have nowhere left to house them and no way to promptly remove them. we can't get them out because our laws are so obsolete, so antiquated and so bad. without new resources from congress, we will be forced to release these people into communities, something we don't want to do. >> reporter: now, some migrant advocate groups on both sides of the border feel this policy will just make the situation more dangerous for migrants. they feel it'll push them away from legal ports of entry, forcing them to turn to different border towns where homicide rates are some to have highest in the world. even the national border patrol council, which has often sided with president trump, feels this
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change could harm those trying to legally migrate. >> if they come across illegally, you can't send them back. you have to go through the whole process. so who would you be sending back is the individuals that go to the ports. >> reporter: now, unaccompanied children and the disabled will continue to receive shelter. at the moment, again, this only applies to one port of entry in san diego, but it could be expanded. while the mexican government has said it doesn't agree with this policy change, it will continue to take care of asylum seekers in mexico. leland? leland: that's really been a strain on some of the border cities in mexico as well. jeff paul in los angeles, thanks. kristin? kristin: let's bring in vanessa vaughn -- jessica vaughn and a daca recipient of the dreamers program. thank you so much for coming on. i know neither of you are members of congress, but let's just pretend for a minute that
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you are, because congress now has exactly three weeks to come up with some kind of a deal or else we are right back where we started, and the government could very well shut down all over again. hilario, if you were a member of congress, what would you possibly be willing to compromise on in order to make sure is government doesn't shut down again? would you be willing to give money for a wall? >> these a great question. i think last year there was overall consensus for 25 billion in exchange for daca, a permanent solution for daca, so i would just start from there and then kind of negotiate what mixes sense. but at the end of the day, i'm looking for a permanent solution. i've been here my whole life. this is the only country that i know, and i'm willing to die to it. i pledge allegiance to the flag, and so i'm asking congress to come together, get a win for both parties to win into that way we can provide certainty and safety for the american people and also for the dreamer community. kristin: so you'd be willing to provide some money for a wall as
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long as you got some protection for dreamers, did i get that right? >> a permanent solution, that's correct. kristin: a permanent solution for dreamers. jessica, would that be amenable to you? >> well, no. this is not a deal that makes sense. we need, clearly need more resources, barriers and other things that would help with this crisis at the southern border. that's a problem for the country. it's not logical to pair that with a permanent amnesty for the people who received daca. what the president proposed was to extend the protection that they already have and added to it a whole other group of hundreds of thousands of people who received temporary protected status decades ago -- kristin: but, jessica, if i could interject, whether or not it's logical is perhaps an argument for another day. i guess that's what democrats are likely going to be asking
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for. >> and, excuse me, if i could just say, if i could just say the president proposed $1.8, you know, path to -- for dreamers for legal, a permanent solution as well. so the president came up and brought that offer, which i think that surprised a lot of democrats. >> it did, but the democrats said no, that's the problem. so we don't really know what the democrats -- they have not made a counterproposal, they have just said no to everything that the president wants and not been willing, to i mean, i think most people degree that the problem -- agree that the problem with the people of daca needs to be solved -- >> thank you, i appreciate that. >> -- but without addressing also the things that have led us to that and without mitigating the effects because there are inevitable side effects of enacting an amnesty for people with daca and especially with tps. kristin: jessica, how about three years of protection for dreamers? would you support that? >> it has to be done in a way that does not cause more illegal
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immigration as happened in 2012, and it has to be done in a way that mitigates the inevitable fiscal costs that are going to come with such an amnesty. >> real quick -- >> and democrats don't have any answer for that yet, so it's hard for me to see how we're going to get to a deal unless they are ready to face these side effects of daca. kristin: we have literally less than three weeks for republicans and democrats to reach this compromise. the two of you aren't able to do it. it's just hard to see how one of these, how this is going to come out and come to an end without the government shutting down or without president trump just going it alone and declaring a national emergency. i just want to pop up a poll though about what, it was a fox news poll about what people would like to see at the border. 73% said that they would favor more border agents on the u.s./mexico border. only 16% opposed.
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it seems like there may be some room there for negotiations, but i think the sticking point remains wall funding versus protections for dreamers or other immigrants. so i'll give you guys one more chance, is there any movement that either of you would be willing to make that might make the other one come to the table? >> yeah, absolutely. so, for example, i'm not asking for amnesty. i'm not asking to skip the line. of i'm not asking to be a citizen tomorrow. i want an opportunity to earn it, to stay here permanently. if it's 15 years down the road, that's perfectly fine. but in the meantime, for my family, for my company, for wherever, for my community so that way i can continue to live the american dream. and the reason why last year that failed was they were trying to reduce legal immigration. that's something that just doesn't make sense for the country at this point. kristin: i've got to leave it there.
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i'm so sorry, jessica, but i'm out of time. thank you for coming on. >> thank you. leland: another week and at least one more democrat heading to iowa hoping to stand out from the pack of 2020 hopefuls. former democratic governor john hickenlooper with us on why he might be different. ♪
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mom! he's blinking too loud. sorry, is that too loud? you don't need any more hormones in your house. that's why you chose kraft natural cheese. made with fresh milk without the added hormone rbst. it's cheese as it should be. come hok., babe. nasty nightime heartburn? try alka-seltzer pm gummies. the only fast, powerful heartburn relief, plus melatonin so you can fall asleep quickly. oh, what a relief it is!
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to be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing it's best to make you everybody else... ♪ ♪ means to fight the hardest battle, which any human being can fight and never stop. does this sound dismal? it isn't. ♪ ♪ it's the most wonderful life on earth. ♪ ♪ itthis is a commercial wondabout insurance.rth. but let's be honest. nobody likes dealing with insurance. see, esurance knows it's confusing. i literally have no idea what i'm getting. i don't know either. i'm just the spokesperson.
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but that's why they're making it simple - so that even actors, like us, can understand it. i'm not an actor. i'd love to tell you more but i only have thirty seconds. so here's a dramatic shot of their tagline so you'll remember it. when insurance is simple, it's surprisingly painless. kristin: iowa congressman steve king hels first public event today since making controversial remarks to the new york times, and he started off directly addressing that controversy. >> the elephant in the room, is the situation of a new york times quote. and it is stunning and astonishing to me that four words in a new york times quote can outweigh 20 some years of public service, 20 some years of giving you my word every day, and not one soul has stood up and said that i've ever lied to you or misrepresented anything.
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kristin: and that was the first of 39 events that the congressman is manning to hold in the wake of those remarks. ♪ ♪ leland: well, adam klotz was talking about the arctic blast, the polar vortex headed to iowa soon, but that's not stopping the pilgrimage of democratic presidential hopefuls heading there as well. kristin: it's not. and one of them making the trek tomorrow, the former governor of colorado, john hickenlooper. former governor, thank you so much for coming on and chatting with us. so you're going there tomorrow. is there any announcement that you'd like to make -- [laughter] on this program? leland: he's going for the pork chops and the weather. [laughter] >> no, there's -- kristin: really, are you going to run in 2020? >> we're working on it. there's no announcement, but we hope in the next few weeks to get to that point. i mean, i look at, i really think that i'm one of the few people that can say i've been able to bring people together, get them to put down their
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weapons, right, and take a moment and find common ground and actually move this country forward in a whole variety of public policy regimes. kristin: but, i mean, just help me understand how you get to that point of deciding whether or not to run. i mean, for you now at this point, is it money, is it fundraising, is it waiting to see who else gets into the race? leland: is it robin saying it's okay? [laughter] >> i think robin is as excited as i am. it's a little bit of everything. a lot of it's that traction. i am in some way unique in terms of getting environmentalists to work with the oil and gas industry to create regulations to make sure we don't leak methane which is, you know, 60 times more harmful than co2. we got that done. it's the equivalent of taking 320,000 automobiles off the road. we got universal background checks done in a purple state. and, you know, all these things are -- someone at some point has
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to sit down and be able to get people together and who are, you know with, feuding and get them to find common ground. leland: your success has been unusual. and full disclosure, i covered you back at a mayor in denver and watched you rise and covered some of your successes out there, so i have a firsthand knowledge of it. one thing that we all remember from that and those times is this ad. take a look, and then we'll discuss it. >> i guess i'm not a very good politician, because i can't stand negative ads. every time i see one, i feel like i need to take a shower. that's why i won't run negative ads. pitting one group against another or one part of colorado against another doesn't help anyone. leland: colorado's a unique place. does that message work nationwide though? >> i think so. i think there's an appetite, i think there's probably a hunger for people that actually have gotten stuff done and who aren't always attacking and name-calling, blaming. the partisanship -- once the
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election's over, you've got to roll up your sleeves and work with everyone. you've got to find the best talent you can, put together a team that really performs at a very high level and get stuff done. leland: there's so much getting done in washington right now. chris: right. kristin: you really think that strategy will work going up against somebody like president trump? >> again, he's going to have to answer for his inability to get something done. this country's in crisis right now. washington's not working, the country's divided, we're spiraling downward. he is going to be the poster child for someone who not only get it done, but made things worse in many ways. leland: the stock market is near an all-time high, look at colorado, business is booming there. is this country really in crisis, or is this politicians telling us everything's terrible? >> well, i think it's fair to say that he's done certain things around the economy -- i wouldn't have done them the same way, but the economy is holding up, and it's, you know, it's
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this a good place. but it's not in any, if you talk to anybody who pays attention, they're very worried. the issues around tariffs and trade, turn certainty in the -- uncertainty in the business community. those are all harbingers of recessions. and the worry for many people is it's great now, but what's it going to look like down the road. and i should say we're on the brink of crisis, how's that? kristin: and it'll be a very crowded field. how do you hope to set yourself apart from your other democratic contenders? >> again, i look at myself as someone -- when i came in, we sat down and worked on a bipartisan level to expand made decade -- medicaid. we've worked with republicans and democrats, with private hospitals and public clinics. we reduced teenage pregnancy by 60%. a hot of this stuff -- a lot of this stuff other states haven't been able to do. kristin: have a great trip to
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iowa, hope it's not too cold for you. coming up, remembering the man who wrote some of the most popular film scores of the 20th century. ♪ ♪ if you have psoriasis, little things can be a big deal. that's why there's otezla. otezla is not a cream. it's a pill that treats moderate to severe plaque psoriasis differently. with otezla,75% clearer skin is achievable. don't use if you're allergic to otezla. it may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting.
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♪ ♪ kristin: that is barbra streisand singing "a piece of sky," just one of the many memorable songs written by michel legrand. the three-time oscar winner died early this morning in paris. he got his start in the '50s and early '60s by writing film scores for french new wave classics. michel legrand dead at 86. leland: all right. new evidence coming in that saudi arabia's reportedly developing ballistic missiles in their arms race against iran. kitty logan joining us with the satellite pictures and what this could mean for the middle east. hi, kitty. >> reporter: well, these are unverified reports about a possible test site in saudi arabia in an area to the west of riyadh.
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and according to these reports, the satellite images appear the show buildings large enough to hold ballistic missiles. and experts say they show evidence of missile tests. now, some types of ballistic missiles can reach thousands of miles which is a worry for regional stability. saudi arabia has been fighting in yemen in support of the ousted official government there for the past three years. this long-running conflict has effectively become a proxy war with iran. iran backing the the houthi rebels fighting the government. and there have been several ballistic missiles launched into saudi arabia by the rebels in what is a potentially dangerous escalation of regional tensions. and things could become even more dangerous if saudis were to start using long-range missiles in response to regional adversaries. now, last year saudi prince mohamed bin salman said the country would develop a nuclear weapon if it thought iran was
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doing the same. saudi arabia, the u.s. and israel have often criticized iran for developing weapons programs. the fears are that if saudi arabia is developing a missile program too, that will only escalate regional risks and tensions. that could also cause possible tensions between the u.s. and saudi arabia too. leland? leland: we know the iranian programs continue. kitty logan in london, thank you. and finally, we get to end a program where we don't have to talk about how long the shut down's been going on. kristin: i know. leland: now we can talk about when the next shutdown -- kristin: we should have a perpetual countdown clock going. leland: enjoy your saturday. alfalfa dinner here in washington d.c. we'll see you tomorrow. st made p my mind, i said i'm calling newday usa tomorrow. 70 more dollars over my rent, i'm actually owning my own home now. because newday usa focuses on the va home loan benefit, that's their expertise,
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arthel: new reaction from president trump, 24 hours after announcing he would sign a short-term spending bill to reopen the government following the longest partial government shutdown in u.s. history. the president says negotiations with the democrats will start immediately but both white house and congress are working under a tight deadline. hello, welcome to a brand-new hour of america's news headquarters. i'm arthel neville. eric: i'm eric shawn. taxpayer money will only last for three weeks funding the government. on february 15th, president trump says he has the option of triggering another possible shutdown over the, quote,


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