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tv   Watters World  FOX News  January 26, 2019 11:00pm-12:00am PST

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greg: we are out of time. great show. welcome jesse: welcome to. "watters' world." i'm jesse watters. by now everybody heard the story of the covington boys. we'll have a sit-down with a member of the community who started the whole thing, the black israelites. phillips first told "the washington post" and other outlets that he was surround and harass bid the covington boys. he said the boys were quote
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attacking these four black individuals. he continued, quote, these young men were beatly and these old black individuals was their prey. phillips called it racism and the hatred in their cases resembled whrin muching that were done in america. he said the students were charnting "build the wall." once the complete video was released, everything phillips said was a lie. it was phillips who approached the boys and banged the drum in his face. nobody chanted "build the wall." it looks like phillips and his crew were the aggressors with the students.
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jesse: after the confrontation with the boys he attempted to disresult mass at washington, d.c.'s national shrine. phillips and 20 demonstrators tried to force themselves into evening mass, bang their drums and totally digs represent the service. security called the situation quote tense and had to blockade phillips and his crew from disturbing the congregation. phillips has a history of confrontations. four years ago he told a similar story claiming white students in michigan disrespected him and threw a beer can at him. he went to police, but no evidence turned up to support his claim. he has a rap sheet including
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negligent driving charges. there has been confusion over his service during the vote name era. phillips claimed he served in vietnam and was the victim of ugly protests upon returning. >> i am a marine corps vet. i got an honorable discharge. what my box says is i was in theater. i don't talk much about my vietnam times. when i come home, those times, i got spit on. actually spit on, called a baby killer. jesse: the marines say phillips was a reservist from 1972 to 976.
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worked on refrigerators stateside, never deployed. and he went awol several times. he was asked to clarify his service record. >> i always said i never stepped foot in south vietnam. i don't know how much clear can that be? jesse: he could have been a slot clearer there. it's called solen valor. he's a provocateur. but he was the source for all the mainstream outlets who bought his narrative without any clarification and used it to smear high school students. imagine all the other shady sources the media has used to attack conservatives with fake news. the black hebrew israelites.
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here they are in washington, d.c. yelling at the high school students. >> let's make america great again. a bunch of child molesters. jesse: they are described as a black nationalist hate group with militant overtones. they believe they are the true descendants of the true israelites. i happened to catch up with them in philly two years ago. president trump, how are you feel being it? >> how do i feel about president trump? i think white people put trump in office. that was the man they wanted to rule over their people. but i think black people,
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hispanic and native americans have a king that they need to obey. and this is what my power says. proverbs 29. >> we obey god rather than men. jesse: joining me now, a former teacher at sharif. you heard the sound coming from your organization yelling at the high school students? >> that organization you speak of is not representative of the whole nation of israel. we are descendants by heritage of those people called israel. jesse: you condemn these people hurling that hateful language at
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the students? >> i don't know if it's quite hateful. jesse: crackers, child molesters. what do you consider that, love? >> they have a way and style they bring their message to the people. jesse: that's a hateful message. >> that's their style. jesse: come on, you are a smart man. >> i am an israelite and that's not my language. there is a lot of hate in america that isn't initiated by groups like that. jesse: you won't agree that that was hateful language used on the covington boys? i haven't seen all of the video. i have just seen what was said to the covington boys. we didn't see anything coming from the other side towards the
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black israelites. jesse: is it okay to disparage other ethnicities in the black israelite group. >> you call it a group. every nation has a religion. jesse: is nationality okay with disparaging other racial groups. >> no. jesse: that's good, i am glad you said that. is there a problem with the black israelites? are they angry at something specific? >> from my perspective we have been in captivity for 400 years. we have been denied our heritage and our land. we have been here for 400 years. we have had miseducation on what belongs to us nationally and ethnically as service to this country. jesse: what belongs to you
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specifically. >> the land. jesse: in america? >> no. jesse: in israel? >> absolutely. jesse: you want the land in israel to be given back to you. you believe it's rightfully yours. you would probably have to fight over the palestinians or that. >> a lot of people think it's theirs. prophecy says the children of israel will return to their land from the scattered places they have been scattered. jesse: your group is called a hate group. >> the ask children of israel were brought over here in slave ships. the process of awakening to know who we are, our roots are, has taken on many factions. basically they have been formulated in religious
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concepts. where ethnically and religiousally we are descendants by birth of the nation of israel. jesse: in general, do you have a problem with white americans wearing make america great again hats? >> not at all. the incident highlighted the problem with america today. you have native americans speak out with regards to what transpired with them. they were pushed off their reservations and they lost their land. you have the israel youite group, we were brought here in slavery against our will, we were given doctrines that don't belong to us. you have the christian school that was there and they have a right to speak as well. jesse: i think some of your members are gig you guys a bad
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name. let's just watch the recordings of some of the language you guys have been using. >> all that was done to our people will be done to you. jesse: that's pretty aggressive. rhetorically and physically to the woman on the ground there. this is representative of that nationality. any time anybody hears about the black israelites, that's what they think of. i know you are saying they dent speak for everybody. but they actually do, because that's all everybody sees. >> you could say that about the klu klux clans and the neo-nazis. does that represent you?
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jesse: do you believe it does? >> not really. just like you shouldn't believe what they are saying represents all israelites. jesse: you would compare that sect that has been aggressive with language and physically, you would compare them to the clan? >> no, not at all. jesse: you don't believe black israelites are superior to anywhere other group. >> we are all nations on the earth. we made our mistakes and we paid for it. every other nation is going to do the same thing. if you become immoral and decay you will have a price to pay. jesse: what do you think of this indian phillips who banged the drum. >> they haver right like everybody else who is here to speak their mind.
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jesse: do you think the sons should pay for the sins of the father? >> yes. jesse: if my father shot someone, i should pay the price? >> if he's still in a crime family, yes. jesse: what if somebody's great, great great, great grandfather shot somebody, should he pay the price? >> if they are being denied what rightfully belongs to them. then yes. jesse: we disagree on that but i appreciate you coming in. here with more. robert barns, an attorney representing several families from covington christian high school. mr. barns there will be has been some really horrible things said about these boys from covington. have you issued a warning to people trafficking in slanderous activity on the internet. >> yes, to a wide range of
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people. a lead "new york times" reporter was making false statements against these kids calling for punitive action faced on an event she didn't even witness. it tells you something about the standard of the "new york times." congresswoman omar made false statements about these kids. we asked that she retract it or we sue her. and to her credit she did retract it. and kathy griffin, retracted. jetion * aslan said have you ever seen a more bunchable face than this kid. he has not retracted that. >> that's correct, and he's
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going to get sued next week. an abc commentator, he's made false statements about these kids, refused to retract it and he did it interspersing it how we should love each other consistent with the christian tradition. michael rapaport did a crude rap image against these kids. he's on a netflix show on how we should avoid bullying of kids, and here he is bullying kids. there walking a headline out that the kids appeared in black face? that's incorrect. they are going to get sued. the "new york daily news" will be sued. jesse: from my limited understanding of the law, it's a high bar, the slander and libel. you have to show malicious intent, knowingly that something
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is wrong and defamatory. it doesn't always work in court. are you confident that you are going to be able to secure judgment? >> in this case there is a unique exception. when there is defamation and libel of private citizens, you don't have to prove malice or malevolent intent. all you have to do is prove that an unflattering impression was given to put a person's reputation in a false light. the family gave everybody 48 hours to correct these statements. if they refuse to do so, it's clearly negligent. jesse: remember the parkland shooter situation, everybody was going after the students and people said you cannot go after students and you can't say anything about students, they are minors.
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but you had the entire mainstream media descend on these high school students, smearing them, digging into their backgrounds. and nobody said anything. a huge double standard. i know you have in regular discussions with these kids. what are their spirits like? they could have potential problems with their resumes. their online profiles are permanently damaged because of this. how are they doing? >> it's been brutal. they described it as complete hell. they described it as one of the worst weeks of their lives. they are being subjected to investigations. they have been through one of the most of -- they went to d.c. to participate in one of our greatest political traditions,
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instead they get ambushed by lefty provocateur advocates who lie about them. and the powerful people in the establishment press lied about them and it could destroy their futures and it made their currents life a living hell. jesse: i hope there is some accountability. if you don't win, at least you will grind them to dust in legal fees. >> the goal is too send a message to send a message they will remember. jesse: an alissa milano investigation. what is going on with alissa.
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a business owner always goes beyond what people expect. that's why we built the nation's largest gig-speed network along with complete reliability. then went beyond. beyond clumsy dials-in's and pins. to one-touch conference calls. beyond traditional tv. to tv on any device. beyond low-res surveillance video. to crystal clear hd video monitoring from anywhere. gig-fueled apps that exceed expectations. comcast business. beyond fast. jesse: everybody my age at least remembers samantha from "who's the boss." >> why are you going like this? >> everyone is doing it. you can do it the other side,
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too. >> samantha, that's a hickey. >> whoa! how did that get there? jesse: we all watched alyssa milano grow up. but recently she has gone hard left. she made a big splash at the kavanaugh hearing sitting right behind judge kavanaugh. at one point security had to come over and talk to her. she has been militant on twitter saying you tear gassed women and children. thanksgiving, you piece of bloom
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evil-person. the red maga hat is the new white hood. humanity will continue to destroy itself. hashtag firstthoughtswheniweekup. i loved samantha on "who's the boss." it's been so long ago i don't even remember. but her trajectory over the last three to four to five years, she has gone so hard-core left, almost unrecognizable to the dear samantha she used to play on television. what happened to alyssa milano. >> first of all, i am too young. i don't remember the near samantha. i only know she is the hard left
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insane person who tweets things that are offensive. imagine being a white woman who has had no experience in the kkk and no history of it in their family. when somebody wants to talk about the kkk, those stories they talk about for me are real. for her it's nothing. it's a means for her to shout into the twitter echo chamber to get feedback to get power. they use minority experiences to garner power and attention for themselves. i called her out this week on twitter and she blocked me. jesse: what did you say to her when you called her out? is she emotional? is she not used to criticism? >> i was being funny and i said the [bleep] is the new kkk hood, pause, just kidding, i wanted to try being as income prehencably
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stupid as alyssa milano and she blocked. when a voice speaks up and disagrees with her, she instantly blocks them. she doesn't care about minority voices, she care ims power and attention to herself. jesse: i don't know if you are allowed to say the p. word. maybe you can because you are a woman. jesse: she has given to bernie, andrew gillum. it looks like she'll have to be defeating a lot more tweets. after that guy gets ahold of her, she better be careful unless she wants to face a lawsuit. another person you tangle with all the time on twitter, alexandria ocasio-cortez. sheer she is talking -- here she
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is talking about the world ending. >> millennials and genz that come after us are look up. the world is going to end in 12 years if we don't address climate change. and your biggest issue is how are we going to pay for it? like this is the war -- this tour world war ii. jesse: it's over in 12 years. so i might as well go on vacation. >> i have got 12 years left and i'm sitting heren. "wattershere -- sitting here on. "watters' world." this is what i want to do the rest of my life is talk to jesse watters. in a weird way i like her because she does serve the republican side and conservatives because she is effectively splintering the democrat party.
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i say there are two wings to the democrat party. one is completely ignorant like her. she doesn't even know what's going on in venezuela today. and on the other side the sheer evil people the nancy pelosis and chuck humanners who know what they are doing. jesse: you forgot the chicken wing. that's a critical wing in the democrat party. i'm getting old and the world is about to end. so thank you very much. new footage of illegals crossing the border still not enough to convince democrats. the shutdown is over. an emotional support alligator swims into. "watters' world."
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president trump: i'm very proud to announce today that we reached a deal to end the shutdown and reopen the federal government. we really have no choice but to build a powerful wall or steel barrier. if we don't get a fair deal from
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congress, the government will either shut down on february 15 again or i will use the powers afforded to me under the laws and the constitution of the united states to address this emergency. jesse: president trump announcing a temporary reopening of the federal government after five weeks of a shutdown. the deal postponed negotiations for his request for wall funding. agents in arizona apprehended 500 illegal immigrants scaling a fence with a ladder. morgan, i know the president delayed this whole thing for a few more weeks. he said he'll declare a national
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emergency if he doesn't get the border wall funding he wants. what have we been doing for the last five weeks? it seems like both sides hurt the american people. they got hurt by not having border wall funding, then they got hurt by not getting paid. >> i think that's a fair assessment. but what we are looking at is a 3-week continuing resolution. the president is giving the congress another opportunity to get to a deal before he potentially declares a national emergency. a lot of news media came out ahead of time preempting him saying that's what he was going to declare. he's trying to avoid that because he knows the legal ramifications. i think it's smart move to continue the negotiations. at this point the democrats are holding everything up. jesse: they are. and if you look at the polls,
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everybody says the president is getting so hurt by this. i have a poll i want you to look at, a cbs poll. not fake news. it says what do you want democrats in congress to do now, refuse to fund the wall, 43%. pass the budget with wall funding. people want democrats to fund the wall and reopen the government. everyone is so confused on this issue. do you think the president looks back by delaying this three weeks? >> i don't think he looked weak. it seemed to me he was make up statistics. he says crime is lower than ever. but then he says we need that wall to make sure crime remains low. it sounds like he's confused and it's making the home world look like we have a dysfunctional government. it's embarrassing. jesse: you watch fox, you are on fox, you know the stories of
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illegal immigrants committing crimes here. it's just a fact. >> undocumented people? jesse: yes, undocumented people. visitors as you would like to call it. >> thank you. jesse: look at these illegal immigrants or visitors throwing rocks at border patrol agents. it's a shallow river. there is not a lot of room in between there. and they have illegal immigrants hurling rocks at the border patrol boat. why do you continue to look at the evidence of the crime and the danger and not change your mind? >> you are not saying that undocumented people in this country pay over $11 billion in taxes. more crimes are committed by native americans than documented people. jesse: like american indians. >> non-immigrants. americans. non-immigrants.
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the people that are here and documented commit more crimes than undocumented people who would love to be citizen. jesse: because men commit more crimes than women, it doesn't mean you don't try to prevent yiems being commit bid women. what about what's going on to the women and the children being hurt. >> i have a new piece out in the "washington examiner." what i talked about is what we have done for the past 35 years as it relates to the northern triangle countries. honduras, guatemala, and el salvador. we have had a lot of failed policies for 35 years. right now the public relations as expect of this is people think they can come here and it's a safe journey. jesse: guys, i have got to run.
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thank you very much. still ahead. a man and his emotional support alligator makes a splash in. "watters' world." next, diamond and silk.
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jesse: a democrat speaking at the martin luther king event took the opportunity to attack our president. i'm sure martin luther king would have loved that comparison, ladies. >> i heard he was trying to walk back those comments. he needs to take responsibility
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for his slandering remarks, disparaging remarks against the president and the white house. then he needs to pause and stop acting like he has a selective men wyoming are you and go back to the time when he was pushing hillary clinton for president. but she said a man tide to the kkk, even though he was annex member, she said he was her mentor and she loved him. >> when i look at hakim jeffries. he's a race-baiting hater. michael moore was popping off at the mouth talking about building a wall somewhere, let's hear what he had to say. >> if he tries to declare a national emergency. we the people have to declare a national emergency.
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we have to rise up and take to the streets and build a human warm around the white house. around the white house. and peacefully -- jesse: it looks like moore is admitting walls work. >> walls do work, but not human walls. shame on people like michael moore and what i call these elite left-wing liberals who don't realize illegal aliens crossing our borders, killing our citizens and driving down wages cannot be tolerated. walls work, borders work. if walls didn't work, you wouldn't have walls in the your home. jesse: i don't want to take a wall joke about michael moore because that would be fat shaming. listen to this. >> i just walked in and was work
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out. the owner came up to me and said my shirt that i had on was offensive and i needed to remove it in order to work out there. she said it's racism. it's 2019. it's not racism. >> i find it equally offensive when i see niece women walking in the streets with those wussy hats on. that promotes vulgarity. if you don't like the t-shirt somebody is wearing, then don't you bite. but don't you infringe on anyone's right to wear what they want to wear. >> why are the democrats running around acting like dictators. they want to take away your guns, they want to take away your free speech. they want to tell you what you can and cannot say and what you
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can and cannot see. jesse: the hitler comparison may be going too far. but that's why i haven't been work out at the gym. i was wearing a trump shirt. that's my excuse anyway. up next. an emotional support alligator weighs into "watters world."
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to crystal clear hd video monitoring from anywhere. gig-fueled apps that exceed expectations. comcast business. beyond fast. >> don't scream. relax. relax. the arms down. i will drop him towards you. look at that. >> okay. >> now we'll take the tape off. >> i'm good. okay. i don't feel so good. jesse: that was me at a gator farm in florida. but our next guest isn't scared at all. joey henney and his emotional support alligator join me now. a lot of people are looking at
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this situation and saying what a croc. >> it's not a croc. jesse: why do you need an alligator for emotional support? why not a puppy? >> i am not much of a dog or cat purposes. i raised bulls when i was a kid. i was a bull rider. i like wild animals. but we rescue alligators. jesse: so he serves many purposes. what does wally provide emotional support for? do you have an addiction? do you have a disorder? did you get a doctor's note for this? >> yes, i did have to get a doctor's note, and he helped me
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through my time of depression when i lost three lifelong friend in less than a week. i had a lot of depression. jesse: wally has been there for you in times of need. do you take wally to the grocery store or bar? are you allowed to do that? >> wally is my emotional supportal gator for my home use. i take him to lowes and home depot and he's always welcome there. jesse: i see you snuggling up with wally. do you get a blanket and watch netflix? >> we do watch tv together. we'll snuggle up and watch tv or just lay there and do nothing.
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jesse: do you bring -- bring wally out on dates? >> no. jesse: it could be a good conversation piece. >> it could be. jesse: is he dangerous? does he snap at anybody while you are in home depot? >> he never tried. we have had him 14 months from when he was rescued in the wild and he has never tried to bite anybody. jesse: if i ever visit which i might, please tape the mouth. >> we usually put a rubberband or tape in his mouth, yes. jesse: joey and wally, welcome to my world. i never thought i would see an emotional support reptile. good luck and have fun at home
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depot. be safe. up next, "last call."
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jesse: time for "last call." i wanted to let you guys know that a pair of pants has been named after me. they are my pants. they are for me. they are called the jesse. they are slim fit chinos. you can also find them online. they are the perfect fit. that's all for us tonight. follow us on facebook, instagram and twitter. remember i'm watters and this is my world.
12:00 am
[♪] judge jeanine: welcome to "justice." i'm judge jeanine pirro. thanks for being with us tonight. and thanks to all of you for making justice number one last weekend. we have a big show on deck. former alabama governor mike huckabee, david bossie, dan bongino, lou holtz and sebastian gorka. whether you like the president or not, what separates him frommer other president is that he's not one to hold his


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