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tv   Americas News HQ  FOX News  January 27, 2019 1:00pm-2:00pm PST

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that is it for this week's show. think it's my panel and all of you for watching. we will see right here next week. >> a fox news alert. acting white house chief of staff mick mulvaney vowing the president will build a border wall. quote with or without -- as a race to come up with a new deal for border security and avoid triggering it in other partial government shutdown. hello everyone welcome to a new our inside "america's news headquarters". i am arthel neville. eric: hello everyone, take you for joining us, i am eric shawn. the president reiterating again, is there to declare the national emergency that if the deal is not reached by faber 15 for awol or barrier wall. this amid criticism for some of
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his supporters. that he caved 10 democrats by agreeing to temporarily reopen the government. mr. mulvaney says that is not the case. >> he did because many democrats have come to us. some privately and many spoke up publicly that they are actually starting to agree with him on the necessity for a barrier on the southern border. eric: the question now with democrats agreed to pay for the steel fence? we have coverage with ellison barber on the lawn at the white house.reporter: white house thanks some democrats will agree to fund it for the president's proposed border wall. even as democratic leadership continues that they've been clear on the wall and their party is against it. the legislation, the president signed on friday, does not include funding for new construction before the wall that the president said it was absolutely necessary to be applicable. some say he conceded to the demands of democrats.
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the white house, they dispute that and really by making two key arguments. on one hand they making the argument you just heard from mick mulvaney where they say they had moderate democrats come to them in private in high numbers and say look, our constituents, they actually support having a wall but we need to open the federal government first and then we can talk. they say that they are different from party leadership and different than nancy pelosi and chuck schumer. on the other hand a white house official told me yesterday that by moving ahead with the short term funding bill, then she got democrats to approve wall funding and the official says the white house believes they can use that moving forward to try and pressure democrats to agree to something bigger. an argument that we heard the acting chief of staff, mick mulvaney, make on "fox news sunday" earlier today. >> i think the present was is 5.7 billion. keep in mind, white is that
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number? it's not a made up number. it's what experts have told they need i think the better question is what are the democrats willing to do? the president from the beginning has been the one willing to negotiate. he was the one staying in washington d.c. when nancy went to hawaii. reporter: a little different soundbite that we thought we would hear but basically, he had mick mulvaney this morning say nancy pelosi is on record or you had john roberts asked him about how nancy pelosi has been on record multiple times saying she's against the wall. he then made the point that they actually voted for 1/4 billion dollars for a barrier on the southern border. john roberts countered saying yes, it is a continuing resolution but money not for the new wall but while already existing. he again said it still counted as democrats conceding more to their demand. but the white house to tell me that is the argument they try to use moving forward to put pressure on the bipartisan conference committee to agree to a larger plan. the conference committee of course has three weeks to reach an agreement.
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if they don't, the government could shut down again or the president might declare a national emergency. eric: and we will look a little bit later on if indeed the president will declare a national emergency and with the chances of negotiating throughout this hour. thank you. arthel: and other congressional side, members of both sides calling each other to come to the table willing to negotiate. >> the president made offers. and pelosi said she won't talk. you talk about 35 days of the speaker not negotiating. >> list step back about where that's divisive and let's talk about what we have in common. let's find that thread of commonality amongst republicans and democrats. i think the threat of commonality is, will want to protect the board. arthel: garrett tenney joins us live there from washington with more. hi garrett. reporter: hi arthel. this time her negotiations will largely take place behind closed doors. tamara conference committee
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with members of both parties from the house and the senate will start to hammer out a deal on border security. today several top republican said, the pressure is on democrats and it shows there willing to compromise. >> it may look like right now that the speaker, nancy pelosi got what she wanted. open the government again and we will talk. the we will talk part of that, is where we really will see the speaker either step up and talk along with senator schumer or find that that we will talk, really doesn't mean anything. it just meant give us what we want and you are not going to get what you want. reporter: there is some optimism for members of both parties that the groups will be able to make a deal. democratic senator joe manchin iii believes large immigration reforms could play an important part in getting it done. >> i think democrats want to basically, they want the holistic approach. immigration reform, pathways forward, to some people. as far as 5.7 billion, how do you split that up? let the professionals, we have proven with the president in
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the white house, and the legislature, we have locked horns on this thing. no wall, all wall, halfway, in between. let the professionals tell us what it takes to keep us safe. >> wholesale immigration reform will be a challenge given that the committee only has three weeks to make a deal before there's another partial government shutdown but the president has suggested he is open to including items such as daca and tps if it will help get a bill across the finish line. arthel: garrett tenney, thank you. and there is no reaction from former trump campaign advisor, roger stone. after special counsel robert mueller indicted him on charges of obstruction. making false to mr. congress and witness tampering. he plans to plead not guilty. he told this week that he is open to talking with special counsel. >> if there's wrongdoing by other people in the campaign, that i know about, which i know
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of none, but if there is i would certainly testify honestly. i would also testify honestly by any other matter. including any communications with the president. it is true we spoke on the phone but unless their political in nature they are benign. arthel: gillian turner has more.>> the chair of the house and took him he says the investigation to pencil russian collision has been vindicated by special counsel latest indictment of roger stone for the presence longtime friend. reporter: of course all of the above lying about all of the above. 100 contacts but probably a thousand lies. and it's the bigger broader picture that robert mueller is looking at. >> stone is facing seven serious charges including lying to congress and obstructing an ongoing investigation. but he is speaking out today showing, despite the charges he is still in a fighting mood. assisting to abc news that if he did tell congress mistruths, he did not mean to lie. >> any failure memory on my part was without intent and it would be immaterial.
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i am human. and i did make some errors, there errors that would be inconsequential within the scope of this investigation. reporter: the president later his case against the investigation in a series of tweets last ip -- last night. he says despite everything there is still no collision. today director john brennan disagreed. he struck out at the president by twitter. writing quote - your unprincipled unethical dishonest cronies are being brought to justice. we all know where the trail leads. if the utter incompetence isn't enough to run you out of office, your increasingly obvious political corruption surely will. sources tell fox news, the latest indictment could signal the end of the special counsel investigation is closer at hand than previously thought. next up for stone, he will appear in d.c. tuesday for an
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arraignment hearing at 11:00 a.m. . this according to the latest from district court officials. arthel: thank you, eric? eric: at the presidential race underway today. california democratic senator kamala harris official kate april 20, 2020 white house campaign. from her hometown. you look at the platform there front of the oakland city hall. she will be announcing that in our hour. she really did announce on television. we expect the senator to speak within about the half hour from now. when she does, we will bring it to you live as it happens. but first, dan springer is there at the rally in oakland with the latest. hi dan! reporter: hi eric. this is a big campaign kickoff events for kamala harris in her hometown of oakland. there are thousands of people who are waiting to hear her speak in about and a half hours time. this is an impressive stage set up for the event. literally meant to send the message that harris campaign is one to be reckoned with. harris actually announced she was going to run for president on monday. in her first public speech
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after that was in south carolina. a key early primary state where the african-american vote of course, is critical. harris is only been in the senate for two years but a longtime prosecutor and attorney general in california. she is not that well-known nationally but did get some attention for her tough questioning of brett kavanaugh at his confirmationhearing. on good morning america she was asked if she was experienced enough . >> i have the unique experience of having been a leader in local government, state government and federal government. i believe the american people want in the next commander-in-chief is someone who has leadership skills, who is experience and has integrity. and will fight on their behalf and on all of those points. reporter: center harris supports universal healthcare, free pre-k education and debt free college. she was blessed by many in san francisco when she refused to seek the death penalty of a
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copula but some say she wasn't progressive enough. a democratic strategist thus known her for years says she's a tough campaigner a very organized person. they believe she can follow in the footsteps of barack obama with the coalition of well educated white and black spirit. >> she is a tough criminal prosecutor preaches a ready got thick skin. she's been in the game for 30 years. reporter: harris is receiving some scrutiny for a dating relationship you had with a democratic powerbroker in the 90s. he was 30 years older than her. he is married and appointed her to two commissions. he also helped her connect with a political donor. one thing that can really help harris as she pursues the presidency is the fact that they moved up the california primary to march.
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so that is super tuesday will be a big rise of delegates and she's overly proven she can win in california having won statewide elections three times. but of course, it is still 13 months away. we've a long campaign season to go. eric: it is a long time. we will talk about that and her chances a little bit later on in the newscast. thank you. arthel: thank you. just one day after the secretary of state, mike pompeo, issued an ultimatum. national security advisor, john bolton, firing off his own warning to embattled venezuelan president, nicolas maduro. as new lines are drawn amid the countries mounting crisis. plus, the pressure is all as lawmakers go back to the bargaining table in hopes of hashing out the deal on the border wall. what the president $5.7 billion demands will bias. >> is not the president, it is the express that protect the board and say it will cost 5.7 billion for all of the technology, including the wall.
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over who is the countries legal president. the trump administration is calling for nicolas maduro to step aside for opposition leader juan guaido. mr. bolton tweeting quote - any violence and intimidation against u.s. diplomatic personnel, venezuela democratic leader, juan guaido or the national assembly itself would represent a grave assault on the rule of law and will be met with a significant response. this is secretary of state mike pompeo called on the united nations to recognize juan guaido as a venezuela president after the country legislature vacated recent election results. eric: back to our top story right now. that is the potential negotiations that will be in full swing in the morning. that after president trump laid down the 21 day deadline for congress to strike a deal finally on border security. of course at issue the president's insistence on a wall. that as congressional democrats in the white house have gone back and forth over the
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president's multibillion-dollar demand. here's what the acting white house chief of staff, mick mulvaney had to say. >> i think keep in mind, why is it that number? it is not a number made up. as with experts have told these listen to dhs. i've been in in the meetings. he listened to them he's listen to i.c.e. we've identified the top 17 highest priorities in terms of where we can put up a barrier to discourage people from crossing the border illegally. eric: will happen? where joint with the director of immigration and cross-border policy.for the bipartisan policy center, good to see you. key on the commerce committee of the democrats producing them finally agreeing to fund the wall? which really is a steel barrier fence. >> i think part of the problem has been the talk has been about a wall. and the president has evolved and how he's talked about it.
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he just said that he is listening to the people at dhs. when i was at dhs we never talked about a while. but we always talked about barriers and fences and things that are needed in certain parts of the border. and i think democrats have supported that. if you look at the last several appropriations bills, they have funds in various types of berries and fences pay some have been rhetorical. just about the idea of the concept of wall. i think if we can move up beyond that and what is actually needs at the border, then real dialogue will take place. eric: you do have to go to sun city new mexico, el paso, you can walk right up to the fence. it is a fence! you can look right through it. and i bring this up a lot. let me read this. in concert with u.s. army corps of engineers, the border protection has increased the capacity to execute these funds. the administration would fund construction of a total of approximately 234 miles of new, physical barrier, causing a new physical barrier. you just hit on the head.
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2006, the secure america act, put a fence on the border. 650 miles or so this is one third. this is one third of that. why would the democrats support funding, two thirds more back in 2006 and now, be against something that is very similar that the experts say is needed? >> there's a couple of things. one is a said there is a rhetorical political issue of the wall. certainly, there is just partisan issue about the well-being requested by the president. but beyond that, it is how the admin station is talked about this wall, i think it is also one thing is also important to understand, what are the threats of this barrier is trying to stop? if we are told in the overall illegal immigration, illegal immigration right now is a total at the us-mexico border, is less than half of what it was in 2006 when the bill was passed. we took met a few hundred
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thousand a year for us in the early 2000 talking on hundred 2 million apprehensions. eric: and sorry for interrupting but some of that number reduced do you think because of the barrier that was built? because of the bill in 2006? >> part of that. but also we have doubled the number border patrol. increased a lot the amount of technology at the border. surveillance, unmanned aerial systems, video surveillance, night cameras, all kinds of ground sensors, radar, all kinds of technology that is supplementing the barrier. no one in charge of the board will say that the fence or barrier is going to be the ultimate solution to everything that happens at the border. in concert with a lot of other things. that essentially i think is one of the questions democrats are asking. why now? why a barrier now? might is it necessary now?
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and that is why think they're not really have the president talk about. he talks about drugs. most two ports of entry. they're not coming across the board.illegal immigration is significantly down. the folks who are coming or trying to turn themselves into apply for asylum. that is not going to be stopped by a border while they will come other ways through ports of entry. matching up was needed with what the current threats are is really i think when 11 democrats are trying to demand. eric: with your service to homeland security can you highlight the fact that the 234 miles or with experts and border patrol apparently say is needed in three specific areas, laredo, yuma and the rio grande. you think that's appropriate that that is where the final part of this fence should be? and in the specific spots. >> right now those are the three border patrol sectors where the majority of those arriving are coming. but again the majority of those coming are looking for border patrol and looking to turn themselves into apply for asylum. they're not looking to evade
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protection and escaping the united states. the question is, if you can build walls or, would that really address the issue that we are seeing right now? eric: what do you think will happen? >> there would be a negotiation and i guess we'll find out in 21 days. we will see. hopefully, once the government is ripping and people are getting paychecks, there is room for conversation and negotiation. and we will see. eric: teresa, thank you. we will see, they do say because the members of the appropriations committee bipartisan there they are used to striking compromise and deals so compromise may be the
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watch next few weeks in washington. >> what the president knows how to do that. eric: we will see. thank you. >> you're welcome. eric: fox news is going in depth on this topic. we will do it tonight. tune in for a one hour special, "fox and friends" because brian kilmeade will host battle at the border live in san antonio. he will talk to a panel experts about the pressing issues that affect texas voters and the rest of us. catch it right here of course at a pm eastern right here on the fox news channel. promises to be quite a lively show! arthel: the diplomatic saga surrounding the arrest of a chinese pet company. cfo in canada continues to grow. why they justify the ambassador to china as a result of this dispute. but first, doesn't step in the philippines following two bomb blasts at a roman catholic church. we will have a live report. and we are waiting to hear senator kamala harris set to announce her official run for president at any time now. we'll take you live to the rally in oakland california when that happens. to make you everybody else... ♪ ♪ means to fight the hardest battle, which any human being can fight and never stop. does this sound dismal? it isn't. ♪ ♪ it's the most wonderful life on earth.
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blocked democratic efforts to keep sanctions on these companies. under the terms reach with the u.s. these companies have reduced his direct or indirect shareholding states and severed his control. eric: is fox news alert pretty said developing. two deadly blasts have devastated roman catholic cathedral in the philippines paid at least 20 people were killed. many more worshipers wounded. today's dual bombings have been an area that is already terrorized and victimized by radical islamic extremists. we are following this developing story from our bureau in jerusalem.reporter: at least 20 people are dead and more than 100 injured after two bombs explode at a church in the philippines. the blessed happening early sunday at a cathedral. according to her 30s when improvised explosive device was set up inside the church. as soldiers rushed to the scene and churchgoers fled, another
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ied exploded injury many of the first responders.the philippine defense secretary said in a statement that he's directed the countries army to raise the alert level following the attack. the president of the philippines added today, quote - we will pursue the end of the month through the perpetrators behind this crime until every killer is brought to justice and put behind bars. the attack comes nearly week after the most minority in the philippines voted to a -- and a year-long conflict. no one immediately claimed responsibly but they fought extensively against it islamic state in the past few years. the attack today does come after the u.s. state department issued a travel warning last year for the philippines warning of potential terrorism and bombings in the. eric: another said attack by radical islamic extremist
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against christians. thank you. arthel: diplomatic tensions growing between china and western nations. among the list of limits, canadian prime minister justin trudeau firing his ambassador to china, after he said it would be quote - great if the u.s. dropped its extradition demand of chinese tech company, huawei cfo. meanwhile straight has been dragged into the mix as one of its citizens has been arrested in china. >> the austrian government is obviously concerned with the residential -- he is a strained citizen and we are seeking to provide him with consular assistance and support. to ensure that he is treated fairly and transparent. arthel: with more on this now we have a retired u.s. navy captain, bob wells, a former national security advisor to vice president dyck cheney, thomas, thank you for joining us. quite a list to get through here. starting with this. why would canada's now former
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ambassador to china, so they would be quote - great if the u.s. dropped its request for the extradition of huawei cfo? >> i think he probably considered it being great as sort of a bargaining chip if you will with international relations.the bigger point is the united states and canada as well as astray are all part of the international norms governing bilateral discussions between countries as well as business relationships and business protocol and compliance with the nation. this particular faux pas if you will that cause a canadian prime minister to fire the canadian ambassador to china as part of the larger story. which is, with the chief executive officer of huawei and looking at our u.s. government potential for the ceo to stand the department of justice not
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interrogation but try to find the background behind the huawei relationship with iran and with the companies have been doing with iran. arthel: and of course as you well know, the doj investigating whether huawei, huawei as you say, it still trade secrets as you -- from the company not only to prove this but to prosecute or punis . >> i think it is under treaty between isis and canada. and huawei is the proper pronunciation, has the accountability and responsibility. the sanctions on iran are part of an international effort with regard to denying iran access, to critical technologies. and all countries that are parties to the actual international norm, with iran have the responsibility of enforcing those norms and
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huawei sanctions violation was called on by the department of justice. as i understand has been a long-standing investigation to look at this particular incident and this particular individual that has the responsibility for the sky, sub that they have to account for. i think you are doing u.s. canada treaty extradition regulations to actually bring her to the united states will help the united states hold her accountable and hold the actual company accountable. arthel: and the deadline for the estimate that request for the extradition is january 30. let me ask you this. why is china dragging australia into this? >> john is being challenged as with regard to international norms. and you're looking at trying to take an issue i think, off of the front pages and looking at loyalty, to china and looking
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at if i understand this particulars of the australian case, the former chinese immigrant that became or lives in astray that was flying back to china and he was intercepted and the minister of defense from australia was there coincidentally so a strong response to an austrian immigrant of chinese descent. i think china is trying to put pressure and leverage on this particular area of influence and also try to divide australia from other like-minded nations and with the rule of law and international norms upheld. i think china is at this particular point, it is a real stakeholder and it will support the international rules of law. and it also has an interest with regard to destabilizing conduct that could be caused by nuclear proliferation. arthel: i wanted to let everyone know that we are showing pictures of the austrian citizen that we are talking about here. he is a writer. he again, was arrested by the
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chinese on suspicion of quote - endangering national security, which is very nebulous charge there. not sure what that means. but what does this all mean for diplomacy and the trade between the u.s. and china? particularly the presidents trade war with china. what is the impact here? >> the impact, in this industry completely with the national security strategy, president trump the first time is put this economic security and the united states in particular, the chinese extraction of information, use of information, lifting of intellectual property as part of a national security issue. and looking at the implications and what it means, is the tip of the iceberg. it's really a geopolitical issue. speaking about the rule of law and international norms. it is a linkage also with trade as well as national security.
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there's complications and as you mentioned, you've got the deadline, 60 day deadline for the united states to actually follow up with canada to formalize the extradition of her to the nazis to pursue the iran sanctions investigation by doj and is a same day that we have the chinese senior delegation meeting with the united states and also secretary of treasury, steve mnuchin to talk about trade. it's a comp located issue. it is also a simple issue. and it gets back into the international norms that have been led by the united states for the past 70 years and china and the type of rule of law they will be going forward. arthel: is very competent because he was accusing china spying by way of huawei, the second producer of cell phones in the world. captain wells, i appreciate you breaking it down for us. definitely complicated and without three. we will see you again as it continues.
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thank you, sir. >> thank you arthel. eric: are a dozen undocumented immigrants at one of the president's golf clubs. they were reportedly fired earlier this month amid the government shutdown. now a lawyer for one of the workers said they knew about the illegal status for years. jackie is following the story in the newsroom. hi jackie. reporter: hi, eric. this fireman came after five undocumented workers were fired at the president's bedminster new jersey golf club last year. now 12 more are fired at the trump national golf course in westchester new york. according to the attorney for the workers, club management knew the employees were in the country illegally. and in one case, even help them with phony papers to work as a management told them the employment was over following an internal audit of all employees regardless of national origin. their lawyer, romero, direct us into this interview by the "washington post". >> when jim has been working there 18 years. and all of them claim that management knew they were
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undocumented. they were recruited to work there and they were told that documents were not necessary to work for this golf club. reporter: new jersey employees were also longtime workers pay they say management help them get phony documents. their attorneys asked the fbi and state authorities to investigate the club hiring practices telling fox news, donald trump, his people and his companies have been abusing the law through coercion, procurement of false documents and in some cases, physical abuse. the operation is a criminal enterprise that knowingly broke the law. eric trump, running the organization did not say when the audit began but told fox news we are making a broad effort to identify an employee who has given false and fraudulent documents to unlawfully gain employment. we -- were identified that we terminated immediate. this does not appear on employers that use e-verify. eric: and they are investing all of this.
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thank you so much. arthel: democratic senator, kamala harris vowing to listen to the american people. when she announced her white house run earlier this week. now senator harris is holding a rally in her hometown of oakland, to officially launch her campaign. we are there live and we will take you when she starts to speak. plus, a vortex sending frigid air from the north pole bringing some of the coldest temperatures in years. will your area be hit? find out coming up.
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house. she is a former san francisco district attorney, former attorney general of california. she soaks up the crowd as we are about to hear her speech. and will hear the cheers, she has a father who is jamaican and the mother that is indian. and she hopes to really shake up the race and the democratic side. senator kamala harris about to speak. [chanting] >> okay! [laughter] [cheers and applause] >> all -- my goodness! thank you, thank you! [laughter] [cheers and applause] thank you. thank you, thank you, thank you. my heart is full right now.
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thank you, everyone! let me start. i want to thank the great mayor of the city of oakland. [cheers and applause] an incredible interdiction. in our long-standing friendship. our mothers were friends also. and i cannot thank you enough for your leadership and your friendship. so here we are. here we are. let me tell you, i am so proud to be a daughter of oakland california. [cheers and applause] and as most of you know, i was born at kaiser hospital. [cheers and applause] it was just a few miles away that my parents met at uc berkeley as graduate students. [cheers and applause] where they were active in the civil rights movement.
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and they were born half a world apart from each other. my father came from jamaica to study economics. my mother came from india to study the science of fighting disease. they came here in pursuit of more than just knowledge. like so many others, they came in pursuit of a dream. and that dream was a dream for themselves, for me, and for my sister, maia. as children growing up here, we were raised by a community with a deep belief. and the promise of our country and a deep understanding of the parts of that still remain unfulfilled.
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we were raised in a community where we were taught to see the world beyond just ourselves. to be conscious and compassionate about the struggles of all people. we were raised to believe. public service is a noble cause and the fight for justice is everyone'sresponsibility . [cheers and applause] in fact, my mother used to say, don't sit around and complain about things, do something! [cheers and applause] and basically, i think she was basically saying, you've got to get up and stand up and don't give up the fight. [laughter] [cheers and applause] and it is this deep-rooted belief, that inspired me to become a lawyer and a prosecutor. it was just a couple of blocks,
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really 30 years ago, as a young district attorney, i walked into the courtroom for the first time. and i said the five words that would guide my life work. kamala harris for the people. [cheers and applause] now, i knew our criminal justice system was deeply flawed. but i also knew the profound impact law enforcement has on peoples lives. and its responsibility to give them safety and dignity. i knew i wanted to protect people. and i knew that the people in
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our society who are most often targeted by predators are also most often the voiceless and vulnerable. i believe -- [chanting] and on that point, and on that point, i believe -- and on that point, i believe then as i do now. no one should be left to fight alone. [cheers and applause] because in our system of justice, we believe that a harm against any one of us is a harm against all of us. that is why when a case is
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filed it does not read the name of the victim. it reads the people. in this they point i have often explained to console and counsel survivors of crime. people who faced great harm often at the hands of someone they trust. be it a relative or a bank or a big corporation. i would remind them, you are not invisible. we all stand together. because that is the power of the people. and my whole life, i've only had one client, the people. [cheers and applause] and fighting for the people, meant fighting on behalf of of survivors of sexual assault, a fight not just against predators but a fight against
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silence and stigma. [cheers and applause] for the people, meant fighting for a more fair criminal justice system. at a time when prevention and redemption were not in the vocabulary on mindset of most district attorneys. we created an initiative to give skills and job training instead of jail time for young people arrested for drugs. [cheers and applause] for the people, meant fighting for middle-class families that had been defrauded by banks and were losing their homes by the millions in the great recession. and i will tell you, sitting across the table from the big banks, i witnessed the arrogance of power. wealthy bankers, accusing innocent homeowners of fault as it wall street's mess was of
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the people's making. so we went after the five biggest banks in the united states. we won $20 billion for california homeowners. [cheers and applause] and we passed -- and together, we passed the strongest anti-foreclosure law in the united states of america. [cheers and applause] we did that together. for the people, meant fighting transnational gangs that traffic gangs and drugs and human beings. and i saw this, the persistence and that ruthlessness. and folks, on the subject of transnational gangs, let's be perfectly clear. the president made evil vanity project is not going to stop them. [cheers and applause]
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and in the fight for the people, to hold the said ministration accountable, i have seen the amazing spirit of the american people. during the healthcare fight, i saw parents and children with grave illnesses, walk the halls of the united states congress. families who had traveled across the country at incredible -- the came to our nations capitol believing it is their story if they were heard, and if they were seen, their leaders would do the right thing. i saw the same thing with our dreamers. they came by the thousands. by plane, train, automobile, onshore. they were sleeping 10 deep in someone's living room floor. and they came because they believe in our democracy and the only country they have ever
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known. [cheers and applause] i met survivors who shared their deepest and most painful personal experiences. who told stories they had never before revealed. even to their closest loved ones. because they believe that if they were seen that their leaders would do the right thing and protect the highest court in our land. and together, we took on these battles. and to be sure, we won, and we have lost. but -- we have never stopped fighting. [cheers and applause] we've never stopped fighting! and that is why we are here today. and that is why we are here
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today. we are here knowing we are at an inflection point in history of our world. we are at an inflection point in the history of our nation. we are here because the american dream and our american democracy are under attack and on the line like never before. [cheers and applause] and we are here at this moment in time because we must answer a fundamental question. who are we? who are we as americans? so, let's answer that question. to the world, and each other. right here and right now. america, we are better than this.
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[cheers and applause] we are better than this. [cheers and applause] when we have leaders who bully and attack and undermine our democracy -- democratic institutions, that is not our america![cheers and applause] when white supremacists march and murder in charlottesville or massacre innocent worshipers in a pittsburgh synagogue, that is not our america! [cheers and applause] when we have children in cages, crying for their mothers and fathers, don't you dare call that border security.
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that is human rights abuse! [cheers and applause] and that is not our america! [cheers and applause] we have leaders, who attack public schools and vilify public school teachers, that is not our america! [cheers and applause] when bankers who crash the economy get bonuses, but the workers who brought our country back, cannot even get a raise, that is not our america! [cheers and applause] and when american families are
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barely living paycheck to paycheck, what is the is administration response?to try and take healthcare away from millions of families. their response is to give away $1 trillion to the biggest corporations in this country. [booing] and their response is to blame immigrants as the source of all of our problems! [booing] and let's understand what's happening here, people in power are trying to convince us that the villain in our american story is each other. but that is not our story. that is not who we are. that is not our america!
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[cheers and applause] you see, our united states of america is not about us versus them. it is about we the people. [cheers and applause] and in this moment, we must all speak truth about what is happening. we must seek truth. speak truth. and fight for the truth. [cheers and applause] so let's speak some truth. [cheers and applause] shall we? [laughter] let's speak truth about our economy. our economy today is not working for working people.
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the cost of living is going up but paychecks are not keeping up. for so many americans, a decent retirement feels out of reach and the american dream feels out of touch. the truth is, our people are drowning in debt. record student loan debt. car loan debt. credit card debt. resorting to payday lenders because they cannot keep up with the bills. people are drowning in america. we have a whole generation of americans living with a sinking fear that they will not do as well as their parents. and let's speak another truth about the economy.women are paid on average, $0.80 on the dollar. black women, $0.63. latinos $0.53.
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and here is the thing. and here's the thing, when we lift [cheers and applause] >> we lift up the families of our country and the whole society benefits. [cheers and applause] >> let's speak another truth, big pharmaceutical companies have unlearned an opioid crisis from the california coast to the mountains of west virginia and people once and for all, we have got to call drug addiction what it is. a national public health emergency. [cheers and applause] >> and what we don't need is another war on drugs


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