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tv   The Greg Gutfeld Show  FOX News  January 27, 2019 2:00pm-3:01pm PST

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latinos $0.53. and here is the thing. and here's the thing, when we lift [cheers and applause] >> we lift up the families of our country and the whole society benefits. [cheers and applause] >> let's speak another truth, big pharmaceutical companies have unlearned an opioid crisis from the california coast to the mountains of west virginia and people once and for all, we have got to call drug addiction what it is. a national public health emergency. [cheers and applause] >> and what we don't need is another war on drugs.
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let's speak truth. climate change is real and it is happening now. [cheers and applause] >> everybody here knows from wild fires in the west to hurricanes in the east to floods and droughts in the heartland, we will not buy the lie, we will ask base on science fact and not science fiction. [cheers and applause] >> and let's speak an uncomfortable but honest truth with one another, racism, sexism, anti-semitism, homophobia, transphobia are real in this country.
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[cheers and applause] >> and they are forms of hate with new fuel and we need to speak that truth so we can deal with it. [cheers and applause] >> too many black and brown americans are being locked up from mass incarceration to bail to policing our criminal justice system needs drafting, repair, let's speak that truth. [cheers and applause] >> and let's speak truth, under this administration america's position in the world has never
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been weaker. when democratic values are under attack around the globe, when aught or the -- authoritarian is on the mark and when we have foreign powers inspecting the white house like malware -- [cheers and applause] >> let's speak that truth. and let's speak -- let's speak truth about is clear and let's speak the biggest truth, the biggest truth of all, in the face of powerful forces trying
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to sow hate and division among us, the truth is as americans we have so much more in common than what separates us. [cheers and applause] >> let's speak that truth. and let's not try -- let's never forget that on the fundamental issues we all have so much more in common than what separates us and, you know, some will say, well, we need to search to find the common ground, here is what i say, i think we need to recognize we are already on common ground. [cheers and applause] >> i say we rise together or we fall together as one nation
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indivisible. and i want to be perfectly clear, i'm not talking about unity for the sake of unity, so hear me out, i'm not talking about unity for the sake of unity. i'm not talking about some facade of unity and i believe we must acknowledge that the word unity has often been used to shut people up or to preserve the status quo. [cheers and applause] >> after all, let's remember, when women fought, those in power said they were dividing the sexists and disturbing the peace. let's remember when abolitionists spoke out and civil rights workers marched, their oppressors said they were dividing races and violating the
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word of god, but fredrik douglas said it best and harriet tubman and dr. king knew, to love religion of jesus is to hate the religion of the slave master. [cheers and applause] >> when we have true unity, no one will be segregated for others. it's about fighting for a country with equal treatment, collective purpose and freedom for all. [cheers and applause] >> that's who we are. that's who we are. and so, i stand before you today --
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[cheers and applause] >> i stand before you today about the fight ahead and what has to be done. with faith in god, with fidelity to country and with the fighting spirit i've got from my mother -- [cheers and applause] >> i stand before you today to announce my candidacy for president of the united states. [cheers and applause]
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>> and i will tell you, i'm running for president because i love my country, i love my country. i'm running to be president of the people by the people and for all people. [cheers and applause] >> i'm running to fight for an america where the economy works for working people, for an america where you only have to
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work one job to pay the bills. [cheers and applause] >> and where hard work is rewarded and where any worker can join a union. [cheers and applause] >> i am running to declare once and for all that health care is a fundamental right -- [cheers and applause] >> and will deliver that right with medicare for all. [cheers and applause] >> i am running to declare education is a fundamental right and we will guaranty that right with universal prepaid and debt-free college.
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[cheers and applause] >> i am running to guaranty working and middle-class families an overdue pay increase. [cheers and applause] >> we will deliver the largest working and middle-class tax cut in a generation. [cheers and applause] >> up to $500 a month to help america families make ends meet. [cheers and applause] >> and we will pay for it, we will pay for it by reversing this administration's give away to the top corporations. [cheers and applause] >> i'm running to fight for an america where our democracy and its institutions are protected against all enemies, foreign and
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domestic. [cheers and applause] >> which is why i will defend this nation against all threats to our cybersecurity. [cheers and applause] we will secure our critical infrastructure to protect our democracy. [cheers and applause] >> and we will honor our service members and veterans so no one who has served this country has to wait in line for weeks and months to get what they are owed when they return home on first day. [cheers and applause] >> i'm running to fight for an america where no mother or father has to teach their young son that people may stop him,
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arrest him, hate him or kill him because of his race. [cheers and applause] >> an america where every parent can send their children to school without being haunted by the his or -- horror of yet anor killing spree. [cheers and applause] >> attack on voting rights and civil rights and women's rights and immigrant rights as attack on our country itself. [cheers and applause] >> an america where we welcome refugees and bring people out of the shadows and provide a pathway to citizenship.
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[cheers and applause] >> an america where our daughter and our sister and our mother and our grandmother are respected where they live and where they work. [cheers and applause] >> where reproductive rights are not just protected by the constitution of the united states but guarantied in every state. [cheers and applause] >> i will fight for an america where we keep our word and where we honor our promises because that's our america and that's the america i believe in. that's the america i know we
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believe in and as we embark on this campaign, i will tell you this, i am not perfect, lord knows i am not perfect but i will always speak with decency and moral clarity and treat all people with dignity and respect. [cheers and applause] >> i believe integrity and i will speak the truth and, of course, we know this is not going to be easy, guys, it's not going to be easy and we know what the doubters will say, it's the same thing they've always said. they'll say, it's not your time. they'll say, wait your turn.
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they'll say, the odds are long. they'll say it can't be done but, but america's story has always been written by people who can see what can be unburdened by what has been. [cheers and applause] >> that is our story, that is our story and as robert kennedy many years ago said, only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly. [cheers and applause] >> he also said, i do not
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lightly dismiss the dangers and the difficulty of challenging an incumbent president but these are not ordinary times and this is not an ordinary election. he said, at stake is not simply the leadership of our party and even our country, it is our right to moral leadership of this planet. [cheers and applause] >> so today i say to you, my friend, these are not ordinary times and this will not be an ordinary election. but this is our america.
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[cheers and applause] >> and so here is the thing, it's up to us, it's up to us, each and every one of us, so let's remember in this fight we have the power of the people. we can achieve the dreams of our parents and grandparents. we can heal our nation. we can give our children the future they deserve. we can reclaim the american dream for every single person in our country. [cheers and applause] >> and we can restore america's moral leadership on this planet. [cheers and applause]
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>> so let's do this! [laughter] [cheers and applause] >> and let's do it together and let's start now and i thank you and god bless you and god bless the united states of america. [cheers and applause] eric: well arosing speech for a large crowd that you see there in front of the oakland city hall, first term senator kamala harris is going for the white house as you see hugging her husband doug, laying out presidential platform. a speech in which he directly and indirectly criticized president trump, administration policies from immigration and the wall and the economy, talking repeatedly about moral leadership saying people in america are drowning, we are better than this.
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john joins us, associate editor of wall street journal and fox news contributor. john, considering what we just heard, can her race and candidacy resinate? >> certainly has a potential to. i think what we saw her do here was kind of click off the boxes, progressive wing of the democratic platform, her family's involvement with the civil rights movement, the need for income inequality, she referenced women suffrage and prounion and we saw the more progressive bit of this which is medicare for all, universal prek, what she calls debt-free college. eric: she wants lift all, $2.8 trillion in tax cut for the middle class, how can she achieve that? >> that's right, she would pay presumably by rolling back the tax cut that was given to
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corporations by president trump. then she talked about pathway to citizenship, addressed daca issue as well. we saw, again, taking off the boxes, kamala harris has the possibility of sort of bridging to the center. you know, she described her parents as indian immigrant and jamaican immigrant. they were more than that, mom was cancer researcher at berkeley, her father was economists, she was attorney general of california. she's a bit of the democratic elite, so will she be able to go toward the center, we will have to see, not just who is she's after, educated white voter, minority voter, women voters and would she be able to galvanize voters. eric: the women that were drift
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get away from president trump. >> that's right. we saw have such impact on midterm elections in november. will she be able to bring those into her party, we will have to see, that would require some attacking. eric: the liberals think she's too conservative and conservatives that she's too liberal. how does she navigate, you know, both sides in san francisco which is a very liberal city. >> that had the possibility of work to go her nationally. as prosecutor, tough on crime and she talked about that. not in this instance so much, she's talking about she's referring to racial profiling, the dangers of this, again, speaking to the left of center audience here, but the fact that she was a prosecutor could very well be one of those bridges that she later uses to get to
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the center. mind you, this is -- there's going to be a lot of democratic candidates, is she going to be able to duck the success that we saw consume republican primary last summer. >> we saw one-term senator if 2 years and prosecutor as terrific as experienced as that is, is that enough for the white house? and once she gets perhaps joe biden and senators gillibrand and warren and differentiate herself from the pack? >> it may not be, you may find the electorate concern about inexperience at the national level. they may not seize on this as energetic campaign. we have seen in the past a junior senator be become president of the united states. >> president obama.
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>> what you guys are talking about down there, you are talking about policy and as you know and senator harris said this is not going to be an easy race, this is going to be a different race and you talk about policy and how she can cut through. really what i see, what jumped out at me, how she could potentially cut through the way she communicates to and with the people because there was, you know, very much involved with her theme there of unity, togetherness and respect for all and the power of the people and feel that that is what a lot of the candidates recently in recent years have made the mistake that it's all about the stats and the policies which is very important because you want to know what she would do to lead this country but i think where the mistakes have been recently and in for some time now is that they cannot connect with the people, what i see in senator harris is a possibility, strong potential to connect with the people, people who normally feel disebb -- disenfranchise
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and people who feel ignored, i believe the make-up of her background, i understand your point, john, but still because of of who she is as a person, black woman, south asian american woman, i believe she brings intangible to the table that will have her -- give her the ability again to cut through and touch that emotional aspect that is important to galvanize people to the polls. >> arthel, i think that's a very important point. she might come from parents that were well educated but she pointed out that it was their american dream, underscored that, american dream she wishes to share with others, let's remember the campaign slogan, for the people, which is what the prosecutor says when they get up in court that. will resinates and clearly trying to achieve what you're describing exactly. >> she also talked about need for moral leadership and democratic values are under
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attack and the white house has been foreign powers have infected the white house like malware she said, to be continued, more to come as the race is beginning, john bosse, thank you so much. >> i'm arthel neville, we will have it all covered for you. >> thank you. what's in your wallet?
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>> i've from america's news headquarters i'm mike emmanuel. battle over border security rages on. president trump is prepared for another shutdown if he doesn't get the border wall money he wants or he could declare national emergency. mulvaney said mr. trump reopened to give democrats time to negotiate. kamala harris is running for president and democratic lawmaker launched campaign a short time ago at rally in her hometown of oakland, california, she says she's writing to be, quote, a president by the people, for all the people, harris one of 8 democrats who have so far announced candidacy for president. i'm mike emmanuel, now the greg gutfeld show, i will see you at the top of the hour for fox ♪
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>> why would you s.w.a.t. a gentle robot. why do we hurt robots, listed a few examples on robot on human aggression, trying to hitchhike the country and beheaded in philadelphia. [laughter] >> philadelphia, the security robot was beaten and smootherred with barbecue sauce, then there's this, something equates this with kicking a dog, humanizing, see how i did that, by the way they are doing thisey to teach the robot how to get back up. anyway, back to the new york times and all the questions, why do we act this way, are we secretly terrified that robots will take our job, control our every move with their ever
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expanding capabilities and air quiet malice, i don't know, i do know that it's time for education, public service announcement that helped bridge man and machine. >> one and eight robots will be assaulted, batteries, radioactive. >> that's no excuse. >> they can work any hours without bathroom breaks. >> i never thought it was a big deal. there were no robots in my life. that wasn't until i met my wife. ♪ >> you don't have to lash out on something because you don't understand it. when i
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introduced my participants to my new girlfriend, she didn't even react. >> they work tirelessly. >> work harder faster and better than you at almost everything. [laughter] [cheers and applause]
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>> kat. >> yes. >> what did you make of that? >> as a libertarian anything that's victimless i'm cool with it. >> okay. >> if people want to beat up things that don't have feelings, i think it's fine. i >> kicking a tire. >> is it a bad sign that somebody wants to dismember a robot, sure. i [laughter] >> red flag, sure but i probably still date a guy who did it, sure. [laughter] >> but, no, actually, that's a red flag. i don't want to be dismembered. serial killers dismembers robots, think of all the lives that could be saved. b >> that is true. a lot of people have used the argument before in other different ways, better to be remembered than dismembered. >> yes. >> yes. >> i can only hope that for myself, yeah. >> yes. >> it's not necessarily a lost hope yet. >> yeah. >> but something that lacks
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human consciousness be treated rudely, what if it does have any other kind of feeling? >> it doesn't. >> you will look back 30 years and they will call you bigot. >> yeah, i'm going back to karen. >> yes. >> reminds me of my film 2050 that's coming out on valentines. [laughter] [applause] >> people have sexbots. >> right. >> yes, they should. >> you can pick your perfect mate, they can be short, tall, dark hair and how would that work out? however, i don't think any of our -- our androids in the film were quite as attractive as karen the toaster. i'm quite happy that people fall in love with my machines.
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>> you're entering the age now where you're the guy that plays the guy who runs it. [laughter] >> i'm still mad at you. >> i can get him, right? >> i will hold him. >> anyway, is there a possibility, open your mind that there might be a robot right's movement in the next 100 years? >> you know, my -- i maybe guilty of being abuse i have to machines, my xbox has been called every name in the book and my theory is throwing water on robots if they don't act right. [cheers and applause] >> keep it going. >> everybody is getting better. >> yeah. >> but i think also it's unfair, these robots were attacked by let's just not say the pillars of the community. [laughter]
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>> chances are you're not going to get attacked by beatles. drunk and that's cool and kick it over. chewing away homeless people with robot, yeah, that will end well. i think that it is skewed. you know, i could see people -- i would rather like kat said take it out on a robot. >> all right, joe, my feeling is you have to be careful, how do you create them because sooner or later we will be their slaves. >> would you be worried about being called bigot in 30 years, moot point, we will all be dead because of robots in 30 years. honestly, i'm not going with media narrative that maybe the robot didn't start it. i'm a big star galactic fan. >> this sounds a lot like dark path, doesn't it, we are jumping to a lot of conclusions about
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robots. >> matrix, terminator, i have seen the future. >> remember the scene when he dropped down naked. >> thanks for coming out, folks. [laughter] >> you entered the weird zone. >> up next the oscars are closing in, we discuss how bad it is going to be. [cheers and applause]
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♪ let's talk about that when you get here. ♪ the united states virgin islands. i thodid the ancestrydna toian. find out i'm only 16% italian. so i went onto ancestry,
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soon learned that one of our ancestors was eastern european. this is my ancestor who i didn't know about. ♪ lookin' better than a body has a right to ♪ ♪ and shakin' me up so applebee's all you can eat is back. now with shrimp. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood. >> the oscar nominations were announced this week, we hit the streets for a response. [laughter] >> most people noticed that bradley cooper did not get recognized for star is born and in the industry they call that a snub, buns spelled backwards. why did i say that? one writer noticed a difference between a star is born and the other nominated films, it
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doesn't have a social message. films that deal with race, films with lgbt heros and class consciousness and of course you have your cheney bashing but a star is born in 2019 is kind of a love story that hollywood loved in the past, 78 times, believe it or not, maybe not. maybe that's just not enough anymore. what's my choice for best picture? this one obviously. yeah. [laughter] >> hey, i took -- [cheers and applause] >> i took picture quite literally. all right, tyrus, i have a feeling it's a boring oscar because people are super scare today say anything? >> as marvel comic fan i'm glad to see movies are getting -- nobody asked you, kat.
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nobody asked you, anyway, kat, the movie black panthers is hilarious to me.he you don't need to pay attention to this part. it's about the trump agenda. like 150%, wakanda has a wall, not big on refugees, they keep technology for themselves, wakanda first. >> yeah. >> they don't accept change at >> they don't accept change at >> yeah. >> the good guy in the movie is actually the bad guy. >> that's right here. >> literally left behind in oakland. [laughter] >> sorry. it's like donald trump wrote the script. [laughter] >> wrote the script and black panther, it's about liberty and liberal stuff and, what, the wall, it's okay, it's cool.
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literally, that's why i love it. >> dean the hypocrisy here, only ones that they like, pro-life film doesn't count. >> not even >> like my film. >> yeah. [laughter] [cheers and applause] >> on demand. >> number one on amazon preorder but not actually a pro-life film. it does talk about abortion, tough subject. but the message that they like. the academy is changing because it used to be older, old white group of people who are voting all of the time and certainly changing and bradley cooper did a heck of a job. >> the problem is disadvantage seeing a plain looking man, unattractive, somebody repulsive looking. >> yeah. >> people don't want to watch that kind of stuff. >> i can't stand looking at him especially shirtless.
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get this out of my way. anyway. >> it is. no chance. >> no chance. >> joe, what are your thoughts on the oscar?he >> i don't know what -- [laughter] >> that's the first time that's got an applause. [laughter] >> i haven't seen any of the movies and i'm a pretty big celebrity and i will go on the internet to tweet about it. >> there you go. [laughter] >> last word, kat. >> i don't care about the oscars because you know what? >> what? >> the greatest movie of all the time, the message of the o movie is you can be a bad hockey player with anger problems and then become very successful at golf. >> right. [laughter] >> i don't -- i don't think that's true. >> yeah. >> but it's still the greatest movie of all time.
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>> i know. >> happy gilmore. >> all right. you make me sick. all right, okay. this guy got arrested and still managed to look great. [cheers and applause] amazon prime video is now on xfinity x1.
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>> he went from detected to arrested, former trump political adviser roger stone nabbed during fbi raid at his home, look at his arms, facing several charges including obstruction, do they a lot, lying and witness tampering in the russia investigation. i wonder if he's sweating this at all. >> i have always said, the only thing -- [inaudible] [laughter] >> smooth. the indictment part of the mueller investigation also listed discussions stone had with campaign staffers about wikileaks which released stolen emails in 2016 but not accused of colluding with russia, trump calls it witch hunt, stone had been warning for months he could be indicted, he even put it on instagram last year. >> oh, my god, i'm busted
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drinking russian vodka, mueller arrest me. [laughter] >> okay. dean. >> i have a theory that -- his whole life is spectacle. he called cnn because he didn't want to be arrested in the dark. in predawn raids you look like -- you can't brush teeth. fresh polo shirt, his hair -- he called, he had brushed teeth, took a crap, everything was fine. that's my theory. >> the heck of a theory. i thought that was one of your skit. i thought that was russian vodka. that's the real deal. wow. i'm just going to say this, walking out there doing this, probably not a good idea. [laughter] >> just throwing it out there but i understand in reading a little bit that he has richard
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nixon -- >> how did you know that, kat? >> it's on the internet. >> it wasn't sexual. >> again, what is the sex -- [laughter] >> joe, this is why i will never run for office because i don't want my friends being hauled in and accused of things or i don't want to work for anybody in the white house because i'm a liar. i'm going to lie. i'm going to lie, i will tell you right now. at least nine out of 90 things i say will be a lie. i get scared. joe. >> i'm not a liar, greg, that's the first thing that a good liar tells people. [laughter] >> you need to learn that one right off the bat. credit where credit is due. someone in the garden that ticked off cnn, they got the story right.
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[laughter] >> he was actually arrested. >> yes, yes. [laughter] >> yeah. >> we saw something going on, we figured we would go to stone's house, what do you make of this, kat? >> i think that roger stone might be the only person that'sy ever existed that is thrilled he was arrested. >> yes. >> he is so happy. he's not like i'm going to jail, hey, i'm on the greg gutfeld show. [laughter] >> they're talking about me on the greg gutfeld show. >> yeah, that's it. >> he says to be talked about than not to be talked about. he said those kinds of things before. essayed to be infamous than not famous at all. if he goes to jail, he will say, everybody knows who i am now, hallelujah. >> in jail for a year or two years and come out bigger than ever. the thing that bothers me anybody to have predawn raid, going after somebody when they
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are half asleep is wrong. they should allow you to wake up and have coffee. >> you have issues with predawn raid? >> yes, i do. >> let me tell you all something, i have never been more shocked and appalled at what i saw. they actually knock on the door. [laughter] >> and allow you to change? in my neighborhood, just different. instead of a knock it was a[l boom, on the ground, blow your brains out, where is your drugs, is that pee, sir, fbi, just a second. light clicks on. who did you say it was again? fbi, sir. [laughter] >> give me a second, let me get
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my slippers, no problem, sir, white privilege is beautiful. [laughter]au >> because i'm telling you, and to now all white people have white privilege. some of y'all get treated like us. [laughter] >> that would be most caring arrest -- and i was like, what the hell? i had to -- sir, i'm just playing xbox, i don't wanting to, i have never seen such a comfortable amazing arrest. >> don't forget the gutfeld monologue live continues later. selling out and in march i will be in tampa and west palm beach, washington, d.c. and detroit, in april, that's your hometown, kat, where your father lives and in may tulsa, dallas and midland, texas, go to for ticket information, you better go,
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final thoughts next.
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greg: we are out of time. great show. >> i'm greg gutfeld. i love you america. >> the countdown is on for an agreement on border security. president trump and lawmakers have until february 15 to negotiate a deal on border wall funding, or there could be another partial government shutdown. good evening, i'm mike emmanuel in for john scott and you're watching the fox report. the main bone of contention in the negotiations will once again be president trump's proposed border wall. the president despite signing the temporary spending bill on friday continues to demand $5.7 billion to build it and democrats keep saying "no." here is acting white house chief of staff mick mulvaney earlier today on fox news sunday. >> i think the better question is what are the democrats will to do?
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the president from the very


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