tv Hannity FOX News February 4, 2019 10:00pm-11:00pm PST
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groupthink. and as, by the way, that segment was going on we had a little security breach here in the studio. an unexpected guest snuck in, sitting at the anchor desk, sean hannity, ladies and gentlemen. >> sean: i don't have any issues with the nfl commissioner roger goodell, this is about opinion. why do you kick a guy out just because he doesn't like one person? >> tucker: he has your face with a bozo nose on. >> tucker: my face? >> sean: not yours. goodell's face. >> sean: i thought they could have handled kaepernick better. beyond that he was a height. my son loves barstools. >> tucker: everybody does.ak >> sean: it was like a right of passage for my son. i have done nothing. >> tucker: my wife loves it, it's that good. >> sean: good to see you. welcome to "hannity." much breaking news tonight we will cover a huge and damning development from the deep state. it's leaning oh right into the office of the special counsel robert mueller to the rise of the radical left. we are getting all of this tonight. we begin though with our "hannity watch" tonight on the
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flagrant hypocrisy double standard democrats in the commonwealth of virginia. democratic governor ralph northam has now embarrassed himself and the state that he calls home. now, as you know, he first openly supported infanticide. well, first the baby will be born and then we will make sure the baby is comfortable. after the baby is comfortable, the mother will decide whether to resuscitate and then we will have a little conversation. he represents yet another chapter in his party's long disgraceful history now on the issue of race. and meanwhile, as lieutenant governor, democrat justin fairfax, who democrats want to replace the current governor, he, tonight, is facing very serious accusations of sexual misconduct. now the democrats are now facing their very own serious me too issue. the commonwealth of virginia has descended into total chaos and turmoil tonight. will the democrats now declare, i believe, all victims. we're going to address that question in a few minutes. to remind you on friday, extremely disturbing 1984 yearbook photo from eastern
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virginia medical school surfaced showing a man dressed in blackface next to a person that's wearing a ku klux klan uniform. as you can, see the photo appeared under ralph northam's name along with other photos of the 25-year-old medical student. shortly thereafter, another yearbook photo surfaced, this one which listed a racist and extraordinarily offensive word as northam's nickname. and then last friday, governor northam, he began the apology tour. tried to apologize for appearing in the racist medical college photo. over the weekend, he changed his mind, and he said he wasn't actually in the photo that appeared under his namere in his yearbook. then he admitted that he did, in fact, wear blackface in the very same year but that was at another event, ass this gets more and more bizarre by the minute. watch this. >> i reflected with my family and classmates from the time and affirmed my
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conclusion that i am not the person in that photo. that same year i did participate in a dance contest in san antonio in which i darkened my face as part of a michael jackson costume. i had the shoes. and i had a glove. i used a little shoe polish to put under my -- on my cheeks. the reason i only used a little bit because i don't know if anybody has tried that, but you cannot get shoe polish off.. >> sean: black shoe polish, which he knew was hard to get off his face before he dressed up like michael jackson? do you think it can't get worse? believe it or not, it got even more bizarre, beyond surreal and cavalier moment for northam, he actually considered performing michael jackson's moonwalk dance right there during the press conference. well, that was until his wife stepped in. take a look. >> you said that the competition in san antonio was a dance competition?
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>> yes. >> you danced the moonwalk? c >> that's right. >> are you still able to moonwalk?? >> oh -- >> inappropriate. >> my wife says inappropriate circumstances. >> sean: thank goodness his wife was there. does this really look like a man who is taking that issue seriously? and let's not forget, this is only a few days after northam defended the infanticide issue. of course, northam is refusing to step down. we sent our own sara carter to the commonwealth of virginia today to see what northam's constituents think about this ongoing scandal. let's take a look. >> when you look at this photograph on governor northam's yearbook page, what goes through your mind? >> makes me uncomfortable. >> yeah. >> more than anything. >> not okay. >> it just shows that this is a character of a man point blank. i don't care about the car. i don't care about his nice picture. this is who he was. >> the only thing i see that he
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has done wrong is not admitting it's him. it's his page in his yearbook. but other than that, it's 35 years ago. he was a young man. he did stupid stuff like a lot of us do. >> do you feel that him going back and forth, saying first it was him and then it wasn't him -- >> look, it was him. like he wouldn't -- i don't care if, oh, i haven't seen this yearbook that was him. >> it bothers me is knot beinghe honest. if he owns up to it, maybe people would be more graceful and understanding for both sides of the party. >> what do you think should happen next? >> he should suck it up and resign. >> whether he resigns, that is up to him entirely. i'm not going to tell him what to do. >> i hope he's a better person now that understands this is not okay. but the fact that he did it at all is -- just makes me not feel good about him. >> how can you do that? how can you spit in faces of people that trusted you?
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>> so it is disturbing -- >> it's very disturbing. >> and you would like to see him resign? >> yes, i would. and i voted for him. >> sean: as of today, many democrats have called on northam to resign. but he was once endorsed by all of his party's key political players including senators mark warner, tim kaine and terry mcauliff i and even president obama who claims that he would put an end to divisive politics. northam ran on a race-baiting platform, we are welcoming and inclusive. donald trump is divisive and dangerous. okay. northam is far from the only democrat by the way to run this type of campaign. which brings us to tonight's "hannity" history lesson. that is the democratic party's racist past. including not that long ago. many republicans, we're proud to be -- i'm actually conservative. but the party of lincoln, the emancipation proclamation. the 1960s civil rights movement. and democrats, well, they
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don't want you to know anything about their past. for example, 112 democratic lawmakers voted against the 1964 civil rights act, which outlawed racism against minorities, which by the minorities, which, by the way, lyndon johnson needed g the republican party. al gore's father, prominent democratic, well, as a senator, he voted against the civil rights act. eme year later, 70 democrats voted against the 1965 voting rights act, which prevented racism at the ballot box. and the democratic party also largely opposed racial integration in schools. in 1959, 99 democratic lawmakers signed off what was known as the southern manifesto, which was drafted to counter the historic brown vs. board of education supreme court decision. and as governor, oh, democrat george wallace, he stood in the doorway of a birmingham school to physically block racial integration. bill clinton called jay william
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fulbright some times his great mentor. fulbright vigorously opposed all immigration efforts and segregationist. hillary clinton said that senator robert "k.k.k." byrd was her mentor. byrd was a life-long democrat before serving in congress. yeah, byrd was actually in the ku klux klan. in the senate, byrd actually filibustered the '64 civil f rights act for 14 hours. later apologized for his racist past, kkk ties. in 2001 hillary clinton's mentor sparked even more controversy over these racist comments. this was during an interview with our friend tony snow. take a look. >> there are white [bleep] and i have seen a lot of white [bleep] in my time, if you want to use that word. but we have all -- we just need to work together to make our country a better country. >> sean: the "hannity" f history lesson continues. meanwhile we have another
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prominent democrat oh crazy uncle joe former vice president joe biden also facing charges of racism, according to the "washington times," 1975, opposed the policy called desegregation, busing, which helped integrate public schools. of course, this shouldn't surprise anyone, kind of crazy uncle joe has a long history making really dumb, well, i will let you decide what kind of remarks. take a look. >> in delaware, the largest growth in population is indian american. moving from india. you cannot go to a 7/11 or a dunkin' donuts unless you have a slight indian accent. i'm not joking. >> what kind of a chance would a northeastern liberal like joe biden stand in the south? >> better than anybody else. you don't know my state. my state is a slave state and border state, eigth largest black population in the country. >> you have the first sort of mainstream central person. >> yeah.
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>> who was articulate and atight and clean and nice looking guy. >> unchain wall street. they are going to put y'all back this chains. >> sean: articulate and bright and clean. of course my state is a slave state or of course you can't go to a 7/11 or dunkin' donuts unless you have a slight indian accent. imagine if any trump supporters at this. deflection is the name of the game, of course, and lying and distortion are the democratic party and the hard left in this country, i tell you every two and four years, the party actively avoids their racist pasts and claims that republicans are racist, sexist, xenophobic, islamophobic, dirty air and water, guild children iod granny. they should not surprise anyone that the party of robert byrd, al gore, sr., george wallace,in now is using this weeks issue as a political ploy yet again. take a look. >> many republicans talk in
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coded racial language about takers and losers. they demonize president obama and encourage the ugliest impulses of the paranoid fringei >> if you accept the support of klan sympathizers before you are president, you will accept their support after you are president. >> it's wrong what the leader of the republican party and this congress are doing in blocking an accurate census because they don't want to count everyone that they don't think they can count on. >> they are in favor of affirmative action if you can dunk the basketball or sink a three point shot. but they are not in favor of it if you merely have the potential to be a leader in l your community and bring people together. don't tell me we have got a colorblind society. >> 1998, in texas, my father was killed. he was beaten, chained, and then dragged three miles to
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his death all because he was black. so when governor george w. bush refused to support hate crimes legislation, it was like my father was killed all over esagain. >> when you don't vote. [glass breaking] you let another church explode. when you don't vote, you allow another cross to burn. >> sean: now sadly in addition to race, democrats are also actively exploiting the me too movement for political gain. we saw a prime example recently during the kavanaugh confirmation process. democrats using uncorroborated, unsubstantiated claims of past sexual misconduct going back to high school, including untrue, wild accusations of weekly gang rapes of young girls. they said all women are are
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to be believed. no one gets through process or presumption of innocent. guilty as charged. >> not only do women like dr. ford who bravely come forward need to be heard but they need to be believed. they need to be believed. >>ip i just want to say to the men in this country just shut up and zip up. do the right thing. a >> let me say at the outset, i believe dr. ford. i believe the survivor here. >> i believe her. i stand with her. >> you hope she shows up on monday? >> i don't think she should be bullied into this scenario. >> i believe her. >> i believe professor ford. i think she is credible. b >> sean: uh-oh. democrats have a very serious me too problem themselves. i want to see how many of those very same democratsos will now say "i believe." why? the lieutenant governor of virginia, justin fairfax, who many democrats want to replace northam if he resigns, he is facing tonight a serious charge of seriousio sexual misconduct. earlier today, he finally
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responded and called the encounter consensual. we are going to be we are not going to rush to judgment. we never do. due process, presumption of innocence. even avenatti, remember those charges, we waited. the very thing he didn't give judge kavanaugh. turns out he was cleared of those allegations. that's not the standard, though, of the democratic party. i believe without real evidence. aren't all claims supposed to be now heard first? are democrats going to call for the lieutenant governor for the commonwealth of virginia to resign?ea i'm not holding my breath. you are now going to watch a looming double standard, pure hypocrisy, play out in realtime. by the way where is kamala harris tonight? where is gillibrand, blumenthal, feinstein? their silence is deafening. pure, utter hypocrisy. the same people who bludgeoned justice kavanaugh.
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smeared, besmirched shim like many about clarence thomas and robert burke. sara carter asked about this looming scandal and the democrats' double standard. let's take a look. >> the business with fairfax, i haven't seen anything to substantiate the initial claim. so i need more evidence. >> i have a strong opinion on sexual assaulted and stuff like that. i think it's really upsetting but i don't think he will get, like, a much attention about it as kavanaugh did. >> and why do you think that is? >> because he is a democrat. >> i think you need to, instead of jumping into a story and a piece of information, the information should be given, reviewed. is it legitimate? is it not legitimate? and go from s sean: do they believe now? we will have more later from the program. now we turn our "hannity watch" togt the hate trump media. tonight we can report attorneys for covington
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catholic student nick sandmann are now prepared to file suit after he and his classmates were falsely accused of harassing tribal elder nathan phillips last month in washington, d.c. these were smears that led to death threats, online abuse. even temporarily, they had to close their school. in an exclusive statement, "an agenda-driven mob trampled on nick's reputation and damaged it. now nick has no choice except to fight back against the lies, the threats, his weapon of choice is the truth." remember, we told you on this program night after night, don't rush to judgment, and we were proven right yet again t as the media, hollywood slandered, libeled, tried to destroy this teenager as the facts came out, we saw a very different story. that nick stood there calmly, peacefully, and it was philips who approached him. and also, remember, it was
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this group of black hebrew israelites verbally abusing those covington students by calling them future school shooters and the nice things. they've sent at least 50 years to politicians, hollywood celebrities and even catholic organizations, warning them all of potential legal action. the list does include the "new york times", actors jim carrey, alyssa milano. 2020 candidate elizabeth warren, archdiocese of louisville and baltimore. and, remember, lin wood, he was richard jewel's attorney i knew him in atlanta. falsely accused perpetrating the olympic bombing. that's where i met lin wood, an amazing attorney and incredible track record of success in these types of cases. i would expect that justice will be served. we have more on that story. we have a major development tonight as to robert mueller's pit bull, andrew weissmann.
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we will talk later in the program about the dirty tossier and going right into the office of the special counsel. in other words, hillary clinton. that dirty dossier. joining us now, fox news contributor sara carter along with political science professor at iona college, jeanne zaino, is with us. national talk show host nationally syndicated larry elder. let me start, jeany, with you. what about all those people who said they believe? now the lieutenant governor is being a serious sexual assault? will those people now say they believe it if it's a democrat? should they be consistent? >> they should be consistent, and let's be clear, these allegations came out when they released their statement at 2:00 a.m. i'm uncomfortable with the fact that they mischaracterized as "the washington post" said, the reason "the post" chose not to run the story.
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there's a lot there content with. we have to be fair that "the washington post" has handled this fairly consistently. they waited both on kavanaugh and fairfax. >> sean: media want to bludgeon trump and in that case they want to bludgeon justice kavanaugh. those who said "i believe" without any knowledge, those people now should come out. they have a duty to be consistent and come out and say they believe these sexual assault allegations. larry, should they also believe -- look at the issue of race in the history of the democratic party. look atth what happens when it is a democrat. is there a double standard? >> of course there is a double standard. to my knowledge, bill clinton was only asked by one national reporter about the allegation that he raped juanita broderick and that national reporter was sam donaldson and clinton referred him to his lawyer. to my knowledge, clinton hasas never been asked about that pointed blank accusation since. to my knowledge, hillary clinton intimidated broaddrick two
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weeks after the rape. what about when hillary allegedly referred to her former husband's campaign manager paul fry an f'ing jew bastard, 1974, 10 years before the yearbook controversy. that same year jesse jackson referred to jews as jaime and new york as jaime town. he apologized and all has been forgotten. talk about double standard. >> sean: let me go to sara. you went to the commonwealth you talked about the governor and lieutenant governor today. they have a big problem, the democratic party, based on their standards. is this just political? republicans? just like they support a border wall except when donald trump is present. >> absolutely. tcan tell you, talking to people in west virginia and people on the street, these were mostly democrats. i had some independent and some republicans. >> sean: you were in northern virginia. >> i was in northern virginia. i really wanted to hear what everyone had to say.
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they were extremely disappointed. they thought he was a liar. they said he should go. this is all about politics. you could hear that people are frustrated. they don't want to do this anymore. they want people to stand by what they said and as far as the lieutenant governor is concerned, sean, i mean, i can't tell you how many people said, well, let's just wait and see. especially republicans. let's just wait and see if he is treated the same way kavanaugh was treated over the last year. there was a lot of frustration and a lot of politicking and people are just really sick of it. >>ov sean: now they are in a quandary. they want to get rid of their governor and then they have these accusations that were made. i said at the time, professor zaino, i said hey, the republicans better take s this seriously, these charges, those allegations against justice kavanaugh, and to their credit, not something republicans often do, they handled it perfectly. they took the allegation seriously.
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and we now many of those allegations, at least two, have been debunked. the rush to judgment, they were wrong again. allegations about spiking punch, lining up in the halls, gang raping women almost every other weekend -- why would they have gone without it? if that's the case, they have to do the same here, right? >> yes. and we have seen democrats do that let's be fair, larry was just talking about some of these allegations. let's look at kristin gillibrand. she was one of the first to tall out bill clinton recently. she also was also one of the first to call out al franken. we have seen democrats do that and democratic women in particular. >> sean: i want to hear from kamala harris, dianne feinstein, larry, you know that well. >> that's right. how about bill clinton, 2008, according to that book "game change." he said to ted kennedy trying to get his support
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for hillary a few years ago this guy obama would have been getting his coffee, closed quote. still, when bill clinton gives a speech standing ovations again, double a standard hypocrisy, selective outrage. >> sean: i have to roll. thank you all for being with us. directly ahead, a lot of news to break tonight. white house press secretary sarah sanders in studio. we will preview the state of the union. later, griff jenkins is with the migrant caravan. he has a live report and much more straight ahead. ♪ if i would've known that i was gonna be 50 times happier... i would've gone into aspen dental much sooner. it was a very life changing experience... and it felt like i was me again. that's when i realized i hadn't been for three years. at aspen dental we're all about yes. like yes to flexible hours and payment options. yes to free exam and x-rays for new patients without insurance. and yes whenever you're ready to get started, we are too. call 1-800-aspendental today.
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♪ >> sean: speaker pelosi will be sitting behind president trump at tomorrow's state of the union address. but president trump is putting her front and center when it comes to blame at the crisis on our southern border.s let's take a look. >> she is costing the country hundreds of billions of dollars. what's happening is when you have a porous border and drugs pouring in and people
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dying all over the country because of people like nancy pelosi who don't want to give proper border security for political reasons, she is doing a terrible disservice to our country. >> sean: it's all part of ochis message about democrats that the president put out on twitter last week, writing "democrats are becoming the party of late term abortion, high, high taxes, open borders andi crime." here with reaction to all of that and more. i can't believe it it's the first time i have ever interviewed her in person is hsarah sanders. great to be in the swamp. let's start with immigration. what fascinates me the most is all the democrats supported just a few years ago with obama president, building the wall, funding the building of a wall and sounding just like president trump. >> secretary sanders: is complete and total hypocrisy. i wish i could say i am surprised but i'm not. the democrats have been for a number of things, not just on immigration, but across the board, whether it is trade, infrastructure, and the question
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is, will they decide at some point they love our country more than they hate this president, and will they be willing to actually focusom on what they we elected to do, come here, solve problems, and they have to decide to work with the president to do that. as we were 90% of the heroin, fentanyl killing hundreds of people every week, crossing our southern border. the president wants to get every aspect of the border secure, including building the wall. they supported. at some point, don't they own the problems associated with the southern border crisis? >> secretary sanders: 100%. they have to. becaused they are unwilling to actually fix it. and if you are not willing to fix the problem, then you get to own the problem. so far we have seen no willingness by speaker pelosi and the democrats to actually work with the president. >> sean: i have known this president well before he was president. well over a couple of decades and he has kept pretty much every promise. he's tried and he fights. what i told people after he decided, oh, they won't even sit down, so we can'tn' negotiate, i said, a change in strategy.
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you don't know donald trump. i'm 99.9% certain the person that i have known for 20-plus years is fairly tenacious and unrelenting. >> secretary sanders: i would strike that "fairly" part and just say very. >> sean: is the certainty. he hasn't said it if he has, to he is going to send the military. the military is down there now. they were putting up razor wire. what if the 12,000 caravan goes to an area that is not secured and decide just to rush across theer border at once? >> secretary sanders: of that will be terrible. one thing, rest assured, is this president is going to follow through. hehe has done it on every single thing that he laid out there in the campaign. he has been ticking things off of that list day after day after day. this iss one of the biggest priorities the president has. you can rest assured is he going to follow through. he is going to protect our borders and the people of this country. he is going to make sure he does everything he possibly can under the constitution and under the law to make sure he is doing his part to fulfill that promise.
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>> sean: big state of the union speech tomorrow. highly anticipated. highly anticipated. i would expect the president talks about success and lays out his agenda for the next two years and probably challenges the democrats, basically what you said, do they hate him more than they want to work for the american people? w >> secretary sanders: absolutely. they have a job to do. the president is fulfilling his end of the bargain. it's time for congress to step up and do their part. you can be sure the president will certainly talk about the historic success that he has had over the last two years. tax cuts, the economy. i mean, the economy is on fire. that is a direct result of this president getting rid of regulations and pushing through the tax cut legislation and continuing to promote ideas, an environment where businesses want to come here, want to hire more people, wages are up, unemployment is down. you'll continue to see the president push for policies that help continue the economic boom.
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you'll also see the president call on congress and say, look, we can either work together andn create great things done, or we can fight each other and get nothing done. frankly, the american people deserve better than that. that's why you are seeing the president lead time and time again and call on democrats to actually work with him and get things done. >> sean: let's talk about the commonwealth of virginia, and very specifically, the governor, and now thend lieutenant governor facing serious assault charges. sexual assault charges. where are all those people that said "i believe" without any due process? >> secretary sanders: they onlye believe, i guess, those accusations, if they are against republicans. i think what is happening -- >> sean: they bludgeoned justice kavanaugh. >> secretary sanders: absolutely disgraceful what they did to him. >> sean: they did it to clarence thomas and robert bork. in particular, almost every weekend girls, teenage girls were being drugged and boys would line up in the hall and gang rape these girls and this happened for almost every weekend.
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but nobody ever told the parent, a teacher, a policeman? it wasn't credible in the beginning. now the question is, where are all those people who said "i believe," and if they don't say it, isn't that hypocrisy? >> secretary sanders: certainly. i think what is happening in virginia may be one of the most outrageous things we have seen in a long time. not thee most recent discovery of the yearbook, but also governor's comments earlier in i guess last week. >> sean: about infanticide? >> secretary sanders: literally making a decision that is okay to kill a baby that's already been born. i can't think of anything more abhorrent or grotesque. gr>> sean: during the -- during dilation, in other words, the birth has begun, oh, we will deliver the baby, ermake the baby comfortable. the mother gets to decide whether the baby gets any medical attention and then that's called infanticide. that's killing a kid, a soul, an individual that's born.
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that's the essence of innocence. >> secretary sanders: that is a very opposite of who we are as a country. one of the greatest things about america is that we value life and that we protect it at every form and the fact tthat you have these individuas who are supposed to be leaders of our country that are calling for these types of policies to be enacted, i think it's absolutely abhorrent. >> sean: cruel, grotesque, gruesome, evil. this isn't about abortion this is about a infanticide. good to see you in studio. >> secretary sanders: good to see you, too. >> sean: you have a hard job, by the way. i forgot to mention that a lot to get to absolutely shocking reports about the immigration crisis. griff jenkins reports from the caravan. a shocking ms-13 shooting in new york city. we will tell you about that and we have big breaking news. huge development on robert mueller, the special counsel, and the deep state straight ahead. ♪ my experience with usaa has been excellent. they really appreciate the military family
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♪ >> sean: the crisis on our southern border intensifies as we speak. we have several disturbing stories, including one of human trafficking of young girls into slavery and the sex trade. first, joining us live is in mexico with the very latest on the migrant caravan making their way to the southern m border, fox news correspondent griff jenkins. griff, the one thing i want to know is, do we know where they have picked as a spot to try to attempt to cross the border? >> well, that's a good question, sean. listen, their journey began on january 15th has now ended here. this is their final destination in piedrasnegras just across the border from eagle pass, texas. they got here with the supporting coordination of the mexican government. dozens of buses brought them here. the police here guarding it,
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the fence, they have the migrants, the 2,000 plus, behind the fence trying toinau keep them in because of the security situation.. just about two miles to my north is the border. now an important thing and we will try give you a look along this fence as we go along. [speaking spanish] as we go across the fence and have a look inside this shelter, we want to tell you about the del rio sector just across a bridge, the border police -- the border patrol chief there, matt hudak, says that their apprehensions were family units -- we see a lot here -- are up 300% since last year and the number of water rescues is five times00 that. here is, by the way, along that border area that's all river and no fence, no wall, there is a migrant that says he won't e tell me exactly where he is going to cross. he is going to cross illegally. his name is antonio. listen. >> for security reasons i cannot say. plus donald trump watching, i don't think -- i can't tell you where i'm going to d get through the country.
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>> so we will find out. there was talk amongst the migrants, getting we'll find out early morning hours or late night try to get out of here and get across that river that is just miles away, sean.. >> sean: how many people are we talking about in this particular caravan, one of three caravans? >> talking about 2,000 plus over here. you've got over 10,000, closer to 12,000, that just got their temporary visas down in the southern border. they will be coming their way north very soon. they are here legally in mexico at least for the time two more caravans, one starting on thursday the 7th, and another one starting on the 16th, next week, originating in honduras the same place that these guys started on january 15th, >> sean: amazingly the mexican government is helping this now. there will sure be repercussions. this crisis sought of control. completely out of control. most recent example, horrificec shooting taking place in the new york city subway now being credited to ms-13.
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the police saying that the attack was gang-related. no word yet on the suspect's usimmigration status. but many ms-13 gang members have been caught crossing that border. meanwhile this weekend, texas border patrol agent donna doss was killed in the line of duty. former dhs agent penned op ed on "i have fought sex trafficking as dhs special agent. we need to build the wall for thect children." also joining us for reaction former acting ice director fox news contributor tom homan as well as former dhs agent tim ballard. author of "true accounts of slave rescues then and now." tim, you spent 12 years at the border. we don't hear a lot about the human trafficking side. you now have chronicled on numerous occasions. we have some videotape that we are going to roll. this particular one is in haiti. you said to me off air, thousands of young girls
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smuggled into the u.s., take it from there. >> absolutely. i spent -- >> sean: and raped 30 or 40 times a day. >> 30 to 40 times a day is conservative, frankly, what happens once they get into the united states. these kids are coming in, being trafficked. i have stories -- >> sean: tell me these videos we are seeing. th these are traffickers. these guys were making child pornography from haitian children and sending them to our pedophiles here in the united states. we are the demand. the united states is the demand for child sex.. highest consumers of child pornography in the world. >> sean: how many young girls are we talking about and how young? >> 10,000 children, according to state department tip enreport. 10,000 children every year hee smuggled into the united states for the single purpose of commercial sex. >> sean: they go to states like new york, california. >> they go to the big cities, new york, atlanta. >> sean: how do you know they are raped 30, 40 times a day? >> we rescue them and i talked to one of our survivors who is -- she is
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scared to death. >> sean: 10,000 a year. children? >> children. eed the adults and you will double that number. >> sean: why isn't this discussed more? >> i have been screaming for years. it's hard for people to listen to and understand but we need to talk about it. >> sean: i remember, tom, watching you with kamala harris, and i'm not trying to get you worked up because i know w you do. and here we have another border agent killed in the line of duty. and she is saying, don't you see the perception between i.c.e. and the ku klux klan? i'm thinking, wow, you are putting your lives on the line trying to protect our borders, our sovereignty, our laws, our constitution, that's how a senator and presidential candidate treats you? >> what she fails to recognize the men and women of i.c.e. are enforcing the laws that congress enacted. i.c.e. isn't making this stuff up. she needs to look in thesh mirror. if we are racist for enforcing the laws, is she racist because she is part of the legislative branch that enacted them? no. no one is racist in this mix.
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men and women of i.c.e. strap a gun to their hip to defend this nation. you deserve the respect. >> sean: is there any other option, short of the president pushing tenaciously for that wall? speak of the is needed. every place they built a wall, every place, 100 percent of the time, every place they built barrier, immediate impact. >> sean: what if they all rush the border at once in an area that's not secure? >> they are in. >> sean: we're not going to shoot them. this is for safety and security of people on both sides. so they will just rush across, 12,000 strong perhaps, and then nothing happens? >> we need to look at san diego as an example. when that caravan rushed the border. two things stopped that caravan, the existing barrier and men and women in green. that's what our president -- >> sean: then they were accuse of gassing children. >> our president has asked for barriers men and women in green.
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dems are offering technology. technology doesn't protect people. you need a barrier. >> sean: we will run that tape. get more of these stories.s. 10,000 a year, children, brought to this country and sex trafficked. >> and they want a wall. the kids we rescue, please, build a wall it pushes us into the ports and saves us. >> they are caught between the ports of entry, not in the ports. >> sean: trey gowdy on a huge story regarding mueller,le his team. catherine herridge also full report as we continue fromom the swamp, washington, d.c. ♪ i'm off to college. i'm worried about my parents' retirement. don't worry. voya helps them to and through retirement... dealing with today's expenses... while helping plan, invest and protect for the future. so they'll be okay? i think they'll be fine. voya. helping you to and through retirement.
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bought and paid. our own catherine herridge in washington. great work. >> congressional transcripts confirmed by fox reveal that andrew weissmann, a top deputy in special counsel robert mueller's russia investigation, was briefed in august 2016 on the opposition research behind the anti-trump dossier, highlighting how early and widely the democratic funded research was shared among senior fbi and justice department officials. during his closed door testimony last august, justice department l official bruce ohr confirmed he met with weissmann and five other fbi and justice department officials. immediately after a july 30th 2016 breakfast meeting in washington, d.c. that breakfast was with former british spy christopher steele who authored the anti-trump dossier. tone of steele's business associates and ohr's wife nellie who also worked for the opposition research firm fusion gps.. ohr told congressional investigators that steele shared specific allegations about the trump campaign and collusion with russia. weissmann is now a lead prosecutor on mueller's team handling the case of former
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trump campaign chairman paul manafort. at the time, in 2016, he was chief of the justice department's criminal division the fraud section. now, the ohr transcript is significant because it indicates he shared the steele information four months before the presidential election. and that matters because it appears to conflict with the time line of the house democrats surveillance memo. it's also important to note ohr's attorney has declined to comment on his testimony to the hill. >> sean: that's three months before it was used as the bulk of the information for the fisa. >> the data points really matterea here. >> sean: theyn really do. you have been doing great reporting. >> thank you. >> sean: joining us now, a new member of our team fox punews legal analyst former republican congressman and fox news contributor, trey gowdy. trey, you were a part of all of this. the fbi and the doj were warned by bruce ohr, the clinton paid, for it hates trump. still became the basis of a fisa warranted.
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still the basis for lying to the american people beforeia an election. russian lies and then also there was direct connection with andrew weissmann. the pit bull of robert mueller. that brings it right into the special counsel's office. would we say conflict of interest is at hand? >> well, ironically enough,? sean, i'm the one that asked bruce ohr that question. i askedn him, had you had any contact with any member of special counsel mueller's team? that's how andrew weissmann's name came up. i'm not saying it's not interesting. it was a very short part of the transcript. what's most interesting is what you and catherine put your finger on, which is the chronology. i already knew adam schiff's memo was incorrect. i did not need bruce ohr to tell me that, but what bruce ohr did tell us, was the information was given to peter strzok well before that fisa application in the fall of 2016. >> sean: weissmann, too. >> well, let me say this about weissmann. ohr testified that weissmann was present for one of the meetings. he didn't say how long.
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he didn't say what was discussed. and if he gave him a thumb drive, i don't have any indication that weissmann then took the thumb drive and looked at it. the only reason i'm being cautious is i was also part of another interview with a guy named jared kushner who showed up at a meeting at trump tower and some of my colleagues on the other side made a lot of hay out of the fact that jared was there. he didn't know what the meeting was about. as soon as he found out what it was about, he began trying to get out of the meeting. so i think it is fair to ask andrew weissmann and robert mueller, when did you know what, and what were you doing talking to bruce ohr, who, by the way, had been terminated as an fbi source, sean, but i don't want to speculate. >> sean: there is another chronology here. comey says to president-elect trump, not verified but salacious, but he signed off on the fisa warrant months earlier. andd then you have got, we know from transcripts, robert mueller was being fed information from the fired wire leaker steele through a conduit, bruce ohr, to the special counsel's office.
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why wouldn't they look into the dirty dossier as collusion? >> well, i know -- lindsey graham is going to do it. i know michael horowitz is doing it. i think john huber, the former u.s. attorney, is going to do it. the only group not doing it right now is the house because the republicans lost. i think lindsey and michael horowitz are going to shed some new light on the fisa process. >> sean: we have a lot of work to do. welcome to the fox family. good to see you. when we come back, we are not doing a villain of the day. we have the hero of the day and your mouth. ♪
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first responders who saved >> sean: what you see is heroes of the day, america's first responders who saved the life of chargers coach anthony lynn. we have to mention, that was on the super bowl, the absolutely beautiful rendition by gladys knight of the national anthem at the super bowl.o y it was amazing. let not your heart be troubled. back in the swamp tomorrow after the state of the union laura ingraham is in the next studio. >> laura: good show tonight. we are going to talk about that. i was at the super bowl last night. i got back at 2:30 in the morning. >> sean: did you really go? >> laura: i did. it was the first super bowl and the worst super bowl. i was surrounded by patriots fans.rn i was rooting for nobody becaust i wanted the saints. i was already unhappy that i was there. >> sean: a little bit unhappy justifiably. >> laura: we had fun. gladys knight, age 74. >> sean: the grammy award-winning duo that did "america the beautiful," they were amazing.t,in >> laura: that connected and we will talk about it. see you tomorrow.w. all right, sean. take care.
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