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tv   FOX Friends  FOX News  February 5, 2019 3:00am-6:00am PST

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rob: too much politics it used to be so simple in this country. jillian: it did. rob: it no longer is we are here to document all of it. jillian: keep it simple. "fox & friends" right now. have a good day. >> this is the location, the shelter and the mifings are being kept in there. there is no wall and no structure for most of the sector. >> we do not need a war over the wall. i believe the president has all the power in the world as commander-in-chief to secure the border. >> tonight president trump will step up to the podium to deliver his second state of the union address u the president expected message of unity. democrats already slamming the president's address. >> the state of the trump administration is embroiled in chaos and incompetence. rob: senate democrats block a bill requiring medical care for babies that survive an abortion. republican congressman ben sasse tried to pass this bill by unanimous consent. washington senator patty murray objected to this.
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>> the super bowl champs touched down. >> the patriots are home in boston for today's victory parade. notably absent mvp julian eddleman and tom brady who spent the day celebrating the big win at disney world. ♪ go big or go home ♪ go, go ♪ go big or go home ♪ go, go ♪ go big or go home ♪ brian: finally the president is going to decide to go big tonight a week delayed. i wonder if it's the same speech or he might have changed it being we had a one week delay. steve: nancy pelosi said go home. [laughter] because it's closed. you have will have to reopen the government if we are going to negotiate. she reopened the government and what happened? we really aren't getting much done. the president tonight is probably going to say ladies and gentlemen, the state of the union not so hot. but it could get better if we can work together. ainsley: i think he added to the speech he is probably just making additions to the speech he was supposed to make on january 29th.
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i think something he is adding 304,000 jobs were added in january. brian: right. ainsley: that's huge. we have seen 100 straight months of job growth. steve: but do you know what? i think tonight will be unique because the president is going to be able to talk about something that is going on in the news that is our lead story to make the case that we need to do something about our southern border. ainsley: immigration, border wall straight to this fox news alert. thousands of migrants are at the border now. they are waiting to cross into the united states. brian: most of them started their journey in honduras about a month ago. steve: griff jenkins joins us live from the shelter in mental co-where the migrants could stay for up to three months. griff, those are the migrants who are going to go through the port. others that you have been talking to over the last couple of days have said donald trump i'm not going to tell you how i'm going to sneak into the united states. griff: yeah, guys, good morning. play that song go big or go home. the migrants behind this
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fence with barbed wire on top the mexican officials don't want them out on the streets. they don't want to go home either. the situation here across the border from eagle pass, texas is one where there is a river, not much wall, not much fence of any kind in this sector. and the concern is that they will come out of this structure, go down to the river. find a shallow point and cross that sector over there, the del rio sector the u.s. border up 300 percent and family apprehensions. we talked to the governor. governor miguel, the governor of the state ha bused them on almost 50 buses to come here yesterday. assistance and support. i asked him i said what are you doing to try and prevent these immigrants from crossing illegally into the u.s.? here's what he had to say. >> [speaking spanish] >> we are seeing institute
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can come and work through all the papers and those that don't have the right to be here, to return immediately to their place of origin. griff: what he is saying there is that they are going to go in. this is the institute of national immigration. you can see these prison vans down here. there's a larger force of federal police. now, what they are going to do here shortly. they will go in this facility and find out who has papers under that temporary asylum which is a right to be here for one year. that's what the new mexican president gave them. the ones that don't have them they will immediately begin deporting them. that's not going to sit well as thee migrants are going to wake up to find out, many of them may be forced to go home today. guys? steve: okay. for those migrants who may be forced to go home, are they the ones who you have spoken to over the last couple of days who said you know what? we are just going to try to
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sneak into the united states? some place where there is no wall? >> absolutely. they are the ones that came when we first started this on january 15th in honduras, came through guatemala and of course mexico just left the gates open as we reported on live tv. they had no intention of registering. they wanted the jump to get up to the u.s. border because that was final destination. this destination where there is soft river areas they plan to go across. they are being held inside right now. they won't be happy to find out they can't finish their journey this morning. brian: get what, griff, there will be more. every caravan will have a story. seems to always be another caravan. ainsley: interesting that word is spreading, too, griff, they all know to go through that area because it's easier to get through. griff: that's exactly right there. are two more caravans as we have mentioned. that is one starting on thursday february 7th. one next week on the 16th.
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what they are saying is that the mexican government will support them to get to this point. what happens to them next is going to tell the rest of the story. steve: that's right. griff jenkins live on the mexican side of our border, thank you very much. the news of the day is probably going to work its way into the state of the union tonight with the put of the united states. apparently, according to people who are familiar with what he is going to say. he is going to say look what's going on on our southern border. i consider it a national emergency. if you want to do something, great. but if you don't, and he is going to be turning around and talking to nancy pelosi whether he turns around or not, if you don't want to help, i'm going to do this on my own. and some have suggested he is ready to declare a national emergency. he has other things that are available to him, including the fact that he is going to send 4,000 more troops down to our southern border to keep an eye on things. ainsley: they know those caravans are coming. brian: need to be there because congress can't come up with an idea. that money was to rebuild our defense, which has been depleted over the last 8
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years. frustrating to see it go. steve: reprogramming. brian: talking about $770 billion to rebuild our military and now we're putting all this money to have our men and women stand on our southern border which we are already spending border patrolling. steve: it's about priorities. ainsley: first focus on the border and then deal with the military and try to find funding later for that they have to send someone down there. thousands of people in these caravans. brian: they are not allowed to you stop them directly back up and support the border patrol. what bothers me more than anything else, they are not even talking now. the 15th coming up and looming. democrats and republicans, that committee not even conferring because they feel as though the leaders aren't going to come to a deal they don't want to waste their time. that's inexcusable. ainsley: maybe the president can bring some unity. the theme is choosing greatness. renewing a call for unity to end the politics of resistance and find common ground. some of the topics he is supposed to focus on tonight, immigration, trade,
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infrastructure, lowering healthcare costs and national security. brian: he has done a lot already on trade. the usmca looks really strong. steve: the new nafta. brian: thank you. that looks really strong. i would be surprised if it didn't pass. who knows. all these reports we get out of the high stakes china talks are also threatening to put jet fuel into the global economy. overall i get the sense he wants to keep it positive and keep his hand out as if to say i'm willing to make deals on all this stuff. steve: look, it's two years before the next election, a little less than that he needs to widen his base. the people who voted for donald trump love the fact he has gotten so many judges passed. people on the circuit courts. things like that. like trade, like the unemployment number. would like to see something happen with immigration and our southern border. here's the president's press secretary talking a little bit about what we could see tonight starting at 9:01
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right here on the fox news channel. >> you can be sure the president will certainly talk about the historic success that he has had over the last two years. and the economy is on fire. and that is a direct result from this president getting rid of regulations, pushing through the tax cut legislation, wages are up. unemployment is down. you are going to continue to sight president push for policies that help continue the economic boom. you are also going to seat president call on congress and say, look, we can either work together and get great things done or we can fight each other and get nothing done. steve: in other words, are you going to help or do i have to do this by myself? ever since 1982, and if you are old enough you remember that terrible crash in washington, d.c. when the air florida plane crashed on the 14th street bridge. a guy who worked for the congressional budget office, lenny shut neck was watching from the bank and saw a
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woman who could not cling to one of the lines on the helicopter trying to save her pulling people out of the icy potomac. lenny jumped in and saved her life. shortly after that president reagan invited him to be the guest of the president and sit next to ronald reagan's wife nancy reagan. since then they have invited various americans for a variety of reasons. the president this time around no exception. ainsley: tonight different people invited go. through the list of some of the ones included. debra business sell. madison armstrong the family of gerald and sharon david. the nevada couple killed by an alleged illegal immigran immigrant. brian: alice johnson. the president used that momentum to help pass bipartisan justice reform. both sides of the aisle. steve: plant manager of
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vicksburg hear his story. and the man who responded to the synagogue shooting. and a survivor the holocaust who lived through the shooting at the tree of life will be in attendance as well. and then you have got 11-year-old joshua trump, a sixth grader from wilmington, delaware. not related to the president of the united states. his parents told the story about the fact that his last name is trump. he has been bullied for the last couple of years. the president is going to call him up and. ainsley: make him famous. brian: i bet you that's melania the first lady. she is always talking about bullying. one of the main things online and in person fits with her theme. first lady will be -- her profile will go up and up and up all year long. ainsley: i hope the kids at his school start to look at him differently that's cool. is he famous. that's awesome. steve: what would you like to hear the president say tonight email us at or
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facebook us. in the meantime, 6:11 here in new york city. time for news and what is the very latest from virginia? jillian: not a good story to report, guys. let's go ahead and start with this fox news alert. a police officer was killed in a shootout in virginia overnight. state trooper lucas v. dowel gunned down by a suspect during a drug raid. dowel joined the force in 2014 and remembered for his quote strength of character, tenacity, valor, loyalty and sense of humor. he leaves behind parents and a sister. the suspect was shot death. the governor of virginia's will try to explain yearbook. examining all past facebooks in the wake of ralph northam's facebook scandal. lielieutenant governor denies he sexual assaulted a woman 15 years ago. today, jurors will begin
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deliberations in the el chapo trial. drug lord charged with 10 felony counts and could be charged with life behind bars if convicted. stopped by the new york city courtroom monday to thank government lawyers working behind the case. the trial is now in its 11th week. the super bowl champs touched back down in new england. the patriots back home in boston for today's victory parade. notably absent though julian eddleman and tom brady who spent the day where else celebrating the win at disney world. expected to flood the streets of boston today to celebrate the team's record sixth title. and initially i'm thinking man, it's only tuesday, right? it's early to have this parade but they are professionals at parades now. >> tom brady and eddleman are they getting paid to go down to jersey i'm sure they are. brian: how do they make ends meet.
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straight ahead alexandria ocasio-cortez want to accomplish ice but now an ms-13 member is accused of killing a man on a subway platform in her district. dr. sebastian gorka says this is why her policies put americans at risk. zoom out go. to break. i hear it in the background and she's watching too, saying
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[indistinct conversation] [friend] i've never seen that before. ♪ ♪ i have... ♪ ♪ ♪ steve: shocking new video shows a member of ms-13 shooting another man in the face on a new york city subway in broad daylight.
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and that shooter had a long rap sheet and was a known ms-13 gang member. isn't this just more proof we need tougher immigration laws? fox news national security strategist dr. sebastian gorka is a former deputy assistant to president trump and author of the book "why we fight." he joins us from the d.c. area. sebastian, good morning to you. >> good morning, steve. steve: it's on the cover of "new york post" today ms-13 on the 7 train. they knew this guy apparently was in the country illegally. they knew that he was in ms-13. he had been arrested before and, yet, allowed to stay. >> incredible. >> let me quote you figures from the immigration studies. 93% of the arrests made by ice of ms-13 members are of illegal aliens. and this slaying, this subway slaying occurred in
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the district of ocasio, cortez, who wants to shut down ice. 13% of ice arrests in general, are of ms-13 members, but that 13% is responsible for more than a third of the arrests of murderers by ice. this is a national security threat. and just more proof of how the southern border and securing us from illegal aliens is a national security threat. and that's why i expect the president to talk about exactly that aspect of the border wall tonight. steve: i'm sure you are absolutely right. i said they knew they was in ms-13. i also said they knew he was in the country illegally. that's probably wrong. because they can't ask in the new york city area whether or not you are in the country illegally because they just don't do that. >> right. because you have places thanks to mayor de blasio
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like new york that have become sanctuary cities where the local law enforcement have been told by their political masters that you are not to assist federal agencies like the department of homeland security like customs and border patrol to help ice. this is disconnect between the democratic party and having safety in this country. can you maintain these obama eras catch and release policies. how can you maintain these left wing ideas that we don't assist federal government in keeping america safe. that's a real problem. steve. steve: we know the president has linked ms-13 with the problems with immigration. i'm sure you are right he will speak of it tonight. sebastian gorka, thank you so much. >> thanks, steve. steve: you bet. what do you think about that? email us the new york lawmakers seem to have no problem with late term abortion now they want to protec flaw gras to protect
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animals. an ivanka trump lookalike i and and visitors get to throw trash at it
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her first health related in her career which has been phenomenal. meanwhile, ainsley. ainsley: thank you so much. in the wake of governor cuomo signing a law in new york that allows late term abortions up until birth with almost no restrictions. soon ban foie gras over animal abuse. if it becomes law violators could face 1,000ness fines and a year in jail. here to react is joe borelli new york city councilman. thank you for being with us. >> good morning. ainsley: you are just starting to talk about this. >> it's the bill to ban foie gras? new york city restaurants. it's absolutely delicious. if it wasn't delicious we wouldn't be talking about it right now there are concerns that some democrats have that the way they treat the geese in fattening them up in inhumane and therefore we should not have this product in our restaurants. it's kind of troubling. it's something that was already tried out by chicago in 2006.
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two years later they repealed the bill. a lot of outrage from restaurant customers from progressive chefs like anthony bourdain. people didn't want to lose theifoie gras. >> do you think it will pass. >> a tradition of trying to ban plastic straws and plastic bags to even when you can email your employees. this is not outside the norm of what new york city has done. i wouldn't be surprised if this doesn't pass. ainsley: a lot of people are concerned about this because they say there is not a protection for life when it comes to our babies. new york just passed a law where you can have an boringabortionup until nine mony of birth. people have a problem with that laws council and lawmakers in our state care more it seems about the geese, these birds than babies. are you hearing a lot of that? >> i think you are hitting the nail on the head. it's tough to see the logic in how democrats want to protect these geese from any
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perceived problems during the fattening and any potential pain and suffering but there is almost a willful ignorance if you will of the pain and suffering that an unborn fetus might have even though scientists clearly demonstrated that fetuses that unborn children can hear, feel and sense and have emotions. it's tough to see why democrats would place such an emphasis and hyper sensitivity on the pain and suffering of animals and not really on these babies. ainsley: we did invite council woman rivera to come on and she did decline our invitation. >> thank you, ainsley. ainsley: you are welcome. president trump gearing up for his state of the union address tonight. democrats are already planning their resistance. governor mike huckabee is coming up next. country star lee brice gives one couple the ultimate anniversary gift. >> ♪ there's a rumor going around ♪ about me and you ♪ ♪ tearing up our little down ♪ the last week or two
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♪ tell me why we even trying to feeling ♪ e. a butter-poached maine tail, roasted rock tail and creamy lobster linguine. or try new lobster in paradise. it's a crispy coconutty, vacation on a plate. new ultimate lobsterfest surf & turf is here, too. 'cause what's better than steak and lobster? steak and lots of lobster. so hurry in and see how you're going to lobsterfest.
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feeling ♪ brian: all right. we're back. wonderful wall and wonderful floor. president trump taking the podium tonight for a second state of the union address. ainsley: is he expected to call for the end of the politics of resistance. steve: you will see coverage throughout the day and tonight starting at 9:01 exactly the president will start speaking at the white house where kevin corke is live this morning with a preview. >> good morning. always good to be with you. this is an opportunity for the president to promote the american story quite frankly one of economic prosperity and most importantly of all in washington political partnership. that is if, and that's a big if. according to the white house
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press secretary sarah sanders democrats decide to put the american people first. >> the question is will they decide at some point they love our country more than they hate this president and will they be willing to actually focus on what they were elected to do come here, solve problems. and they have to decide to work with the president in order to do that. >> awe, but as you can well imagine the democrats have a decidedly different take on that. they say it would be a lot easier to have political partnerships here in the nation's capitol if they had a better partner in charge over at the white house. you may have heard chuck schumer a lot of chaos in the trump administration. obviously the white house rejects that. again tonight our coverage will be headed by bret baier and martha maccallum. we will be talking about it all day long. i'm looking forward to joining you then for now back to you. steve: kevin corke on the white house lawn. thank you. bring in mike huckabee great former governor of arkansas and author of great new book "rare, medium, or well done. make the most of your life."
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good morning to you. >> good morning. steve: i'm sure you are familiar with the woman we ran the sound bite from on the hannity show. she made a great point do the democrats want to get something done for the country or do they simply hate this president so much they won't allow him to move anything forward. >> well, let me tell you i agree with you she is a remarkable young lady. one of the absolute finest. i don't know who her father is. [laughter] >> but he must be one after amazing guy to raise a girl like that. steve: fantastic mother. ainsley: you have to be proud of her. >> i can't even disagree with you there. the president has had a remarkable success as commander-in-chief and leader of this country. but, the democrats just don't seem to be able to accept it. some are going to skip the state of the union which i'm sure will make him so upset he have to take half a baby aspirin just to go to sleep tonight. the fact is i think it's hard for them to accept that the tax cuts, deregulation,
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the tough stance he has taken with foreign governments has actually put america in the best place it's been in a long time. resulting in real success for just ordinary americans. best employment numbers for minorities. both historics and blacks. this is a president who, whether you like him or not, whether you want to see him tweet or not, it doesn't matter. he has achieved things for the american people that everyone -- i don't care what your political affiliation is, you have to believe are good for the country. brian: chuck schumer says the trump economy is fail the middle class. the trump healthcare system is failing families and they say the administration is embroiled in chaos and incompetence. he has a different take. are you surprised? >> you know, not at all. the only thing that would surprise me if chuck schumer came out and said, you know, all things considered, this president is doing a pretty good job. i think i will start working with him. chuck schumer says there is chaos. let me just mention.
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this this is a mantra that the democrats have decided they are going to use. there is chaos in the administration. have you ever been to a restaurant behind the scenes in the kitchen? i mean, i'm talking about a five-star restaurant. brian: oh, yeah. >> it seems like there is chaos back there. here's what happens when they bring the dish out and it's absolutely fantastic, people are saying boy, this is amazing. this is the best i have ever had. but if they saw what are was called chaos was actually a very careful just execution of getting it done right, what i think people are missing is that this is not chaos. this is an administration who has a leader who has so many things going on, is he pushing so many buttons and so many things are on his table on his plate, that frankly, his own staff has a hard time keeping up with him. his stamina is simply remarkable. ainsley: that's what we have heard. speaking of chaos, not only
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do you have these individuals, these democrats who are going to skip the state of the union. you have alexandria ocasio-cortez bringing this activist as her guest. watch this. brian: this is from when jeff flake was getting yelled at quickly changed his vote. and delayed the kavanaugh confirmation. ainsley: she cornered jeff flake in the elevator protesting kavanaugh. and she is going to be wearing white with a pin that says well behaved women rarely make history that apparently aoc gave her. what's your response to that? >> well, i don't think the president is worried about having somebody accost him in the elevator. jeff flake cowered so much that he ended up going home to arizona. good for all of us that he did. you know, aoc is a person who he is all about getting attention and i guess i can congratulate her for taking all of the air out of the room as far as democrats are concerned to the point that
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they are a little upset with her. let's just put it that way. that this freshman congresswoman is getting so' much. brian: unbelievable. >> attention it's taking it away from them. who cares she going to bring someone. the point is she can bring some elevator screamer all day long but it doesn't change the fact that under this president america is stronger, our economy is better, more people are working. they are getting better paychecks than most of them have ever received in their lives. they are going to be celebrating and standing up and cheering. brian: governor, blue collar wages are growing faster than white collar wages for the first time in 18 years. >> even with the government shut down brian last week you had twice as many jobs created as economists thought were possible. that's the kind of record that the president can walk out there. and i can't wait to see the expression on speaker pelosi's faces a she has to sit there right behind him knowing she is on camera the whole time.
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that's going to be worthwhile. steve: that's why people are going to watch. governor, you know over the last couple of days we have been talking about the sound bite from virginia governor ralph northam talking about day of birth abortion. and yesterday, in the u.s. senate, ben sasse from nebraska, the senator sponsored the born alive abortion survivor's protection act which, if a fetus were -- if a baby were born alive, they must take any measures necessary to make sure that the baby survives. but, democrat from washington patty murray rejected the motion to pass so that bill is not going anywhere. what is the agenda of the democrats regarding abortion? >> it's hard for me even to fathom why they think there is something holy about killing babies especially late term abortion why they would defend that and celebrate it is beyond any decent civilized american
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who believes that every human being has intrip sick worth and value. -- intrip sick worth and value. what are you going to do go to the neonatal unit this one is worth keeping and this one isn't. this is disposable child this one we decide to enokay that's the mark of the kind of people we are as a country. i hope this goes to the senate floor and every senator has to put his or her name on that bill and stand up say do you believe this is okay to kill full-term babies? if you do, we all need to know it because you have no place legislating for the rest of country. ainsley: coming from a party that protect the geese foie gras they are worried about and environment and minnows in california but not worried about the babies. let's move on to this topic. there is an exhibit at the flash point gallery in washington and lookalike of ivanka and she looks like she has brown hair there. she does have blonde hair. we will show another video
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of her shoe. is calculate consuming and can you throw trash down in front of her, crumbs, and she has to vacuum it up. brian: great art. >> how classless is that ivanka trump is everything that they are not. she is classy. she is smart. she is an executive. she is creative. she is kind and decent. brian: family first executive. ainsley: there are the crumbs. >> matter they are trying to treat her. just truly stunning. i don't understand why people have such hate and bigotry towards someone and all in the hate of tolerance and diversity. ainsley: where is the nancy pelosi one she talked about crunels. brian: how could that be art by the way? please. steve: that looks like a vacuum demo. if you want to buy a vacuum. brian: from electrolux. >> they need to stick that vacuum hose in their own mouths and clean out some of the trash that's coming out
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of it toward ivanka trump. brian: i like that. ainsley: brian likes that. steve: all right. governor huckabee our best to your wife janet down there in florida have a great week. >> thank you very much. brian: every hour over the last 12 hours. steve: there are a lot of them. it's 19 minutes before the top of the hour. jillian joins us and thanks to dash cam we have a lot of video. ainsley: a lot of video out of this story from california we i brought you yesterday. go ahead and take a look at this. terrifying dash cam video showing the moment a plane burst into flames in mid-air. just take a close look. you can see the jet turn into a fireball before it crashed into a home. this happened in southern california. the pilot and four people inside the house were killed. officials identifying the pilot as retired chicago police officer antonio peskini. he was reportedly visiting family nearby. the ms-13 i ntsb is investigatig what caused that crash. candy laced with pot.
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the kindergartner handed out the gummy bears to four kids at her ohio school. ranging between 5 and 9 years old have been treated and released. it's unclear if anyone will face charges. country super star lee bryce surprises a couple celebrating their 35th anniversary. the musician showing up at party in arizona to give a private performance. ♪ there's a rumor going around ♪ about me and you ♪ tearing up our little town ♪ last week or two ♪ jillian: isn't that cool? that surprise is part of a contest bryce started to song rumor he wanted people to post videos telling rumors and he would make one of them come true. brian: doesn't everyone have a download of that song already? steve: the bryce is right. thank you very much. ainsley: thank you, jillian. steve: speak of anniversary janice dean the weather
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machine 23 years ago today her husband became a member of the new york fire department. >> thank you steve for remembering that congratulations to my husband. where are from you and what is your names. >> tammy and brian ford from texas. >> where are you from, sir. >> jays from boston. >> why aren't you patriots parade today. >> i'm here on business. >> are you a fan of the patriots. >> i'm a giants fan. janice: very spring like in new york. we do have the system that's going to bring the potential for snow and ice across the midwest, including chicago. you are under an ice storm warning this evening and in to overnight and a storm across the west coast. wave to steve, ainsley and brian, my friends. yea, back inside. steve: beautiful day out there. brian: don't even need a hat. steve: meanwhile, still have a big telecast on this tuesday. counselor to the president kellyanne conway joins us live from the white house. eric trump, i believe, is going to be here on the couch and trey gowdy live from south carolina. brian: with facial hair i believe.
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ainsley: joining the fox family. brian: virginia's governor refusing to resign over the controversial yearbook photo. will he be impeached. we woke the judge up to see if he can answer that question. are you awake? ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ this simple banana peel represents a bold idea: a way to create energy from household trash. it not only saves about 80% in carbon emissions... it helps reduce landfill waste. that's why bp is partnering with a california company: fulcrum bioenergy. to turn garbage into jet fuel. because we can't let any good ideas go to waste. at bp, we see possibilities everywhere. to help the world keep advancing.
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(man) don't ...go...down...oh, no! aaaaballooned your car. call meeeee! (burke) a fly-by ballooning. seen it, covered it. we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ ♪ steve: commonwealth of virginia's governor not backing down even as a list of democrats call for him to resign after racist yearbook photos were released on medical school yearbook page. ainsley: could he be impeached? what does the law say. >> short answer is he cannot be impeached. steve: cannot. >> cannot. the virginia constitution unlike the american constitution makes it very clear impeachment can only be for behavior committed while in office. if this happened, it
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happened -- i say if it's him it's 35 years ago. brian: we know how the dems feel about having him there. they made it clear right away. what political leverage could they use if not the legal way? >> there is no legal leverage, brian. the political leverage is every democrat in the country and probably some republicans as well but mainly democrats. i have a theory behind that which is not a secret. want him out. why do they want him out? they want to be able to tarnish donald trump as a racist. because of the way the charlotte, the comments he made after the charlottesville, virginia murder and racial clash took place. and they will lose standing to do that if the governor of virginia still has this. steve: right. >> as we were talking during the break. one of the most vicious racist in terms of his language in modern area was president linden baines johnson who did the most for equal rights and civil rights proving that the adult lbj was far different that the youthful lbj.
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governor northam stays in office. if he stays, he has the opportunity to demonstrate he is not the person that the democrats think he is what they think he has done in his youth. steve: he says he's not in that picture. that's what he says now. a couple days ago you called for his resignation not over this picture but over the fact that he talking about how it was okay with him for this proposed law by congresswoman tran down in the commonwealth of virginia. >> right. steve: that has been tabled where essentially you can have an abortion on the day of birth. >> and allow the baby to die. i just heard mike huckabee who is about as eloquent on this as anybody in your last segment. if the baby is born alive. there is a paramount duty on the part of whoever has care for that baby to preserve that life. brian: how are we even talking about this. >> statute in new york.
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which is the law today represent prehencably right here where we are. statute defeated by one vote in virginia would have permitted the doctor and the parent to allow the baby to wither and die moments after birth. brian: democrats don't want to talk about that or the -- what he did at medical school. together they want him out. i don't think they will be successful. judge: i don't think they will be successful either and be stumbling block to their attacks. ainsley: you don't think he will resign. >> doesn't sound like he will resign and no legal way to force it. judge: all the best guys. brian: thousands of immigrant arrive at the u.s. border. griff is live with the latest caravan coming up. ainsley: chuck schumer already attacking president trump's state of the union speech before it even happens. >> the trump economy is failing america's middle class. the state of the president's foreign policy is incoheren incoherent. ainsley: lawrence jones says this proves democrats are
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all about obstruction and he joins us next ♪ i can't get no satisfaction ♪ i try ♪ and i try ♪ and i try ♪
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brian: i feel like disney production. yesterday chuck schumer decided to criticize the president's state of the union address one day before the speech was actually given. >> the president will say predictably that the state of our union is strong. the state of the trump economy is failing america's middle class. the state of the president's foreign policy is incoherent, inconsistent and has undermined american power. in sum, the state of our union is in need of drastic repair. brian: he may not agree with
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the president's foreign policy but it's remarkably consistent because is he doing exactly what he ran on. here now to react is campus reform editor and chief but the big news is he is a fox news contributor. lawrence jones. lawrence, i thought they would wait until after the speech to talk about how bad it was. does it surprise you they want to get in early? >> come on. these guys aren't interested in what the president has to say. they have already made up their mind. this just proves the fact that no matter what the president does, they are going to be against him. here's the interesting thing about this. a lot of people say they are for the president. the president has been advocating for the people. tax cuts, unemployment numbers, black unemployment, hispanic unemployment. these are the facts. and so for them to reach to this conclusion that the economy is not surging, i think that's just factually incorrect. brian: as i said earlier blue collar wages for blue collar jobs are rising faster than white collar jobs. it's an odd attack other
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areas which is he vulnerable. the president says his theme will be ending the politics of resistance which is not great news. we already have a list of four lawmakers who are not attending. congressman steve cohen. congressman hank johnson, john lewis again not going and congressman blume nawrp of oregon not going. four items. i think that number will probably grow. >> this just shows you they want to hear what the president has to stay about the state of our union. let's take the border fight, for example. democrats were for the border. they were for the border wall before back in 2006. they never had to explain what their pivot is hey because president trump wants this, i don't want it. despite them being for 'before. this has to do with the president. this is more of an anti trump stance than actually a policy stance. brian: building on what you said the president can show and tell the world who might not be paying attention to it like we are i'm trying to cut a deal. and they are not even coming to the table and that's one thing he could do today. >> that's why i always
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advocated for him to go on the road and the american people instead of the state of the union. these people are not interested in talking to him anyway. brian: i'm a little bitter that you dressed better than i did but i will move over. eric trump and trey gowdy and kellyanne conway. there you go.
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♪ >> tonight president trump will step up to the podium to deliver his second state of the union address. >> theme of this is choosing greatness. he's supposed to focus on tonight immigration, trade, infrastructure, lowering healthcare costs and national security. thousands of migrants are at the border now. they are waiting to cross. >> the concern is that they will come out of this structure, go down to the river, find a shallow point and cross. >> senate democrats block a bill requiring medical care for babies that survive an abortion. nebraska republican ben sasse tried to pass this bill by unanimous consent. washington senator patty murray objected to this. >> an art exhibit in washington, d.c. is inviting
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people to throw crumbs at an ivanka trump lookalike and watch her vacuum them up. >> the patriots are home in boston for today's victory parade. notably absent mvp julian edleman and tom brady who spent the day celebrating the big win at disney world. ♪ it's a good morning ♪ wake up to a brand new day ♪ this morning ♪ nothing standing in my way. steve: good morning, america. it's 7:01 in new york city. tonight is the state of the union. this, the day after tom brady and the edleman went to disney world. it used to be the highlight of the end of the super bowl. i know you were around when they had the big microphone over the mvp and the person from disney okay just say i'm going to disney world. i'm going to disney world. i'm going to disneyland. brian: bill sims had to do it like 25 times when they won it. ainsley: when did they do that? i don't remember that. brian: they make you keep saying it over and over again because they have to choose a bunch of takes, you
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know television. steve: idea of that campaign was actually started by disney chairman michael eyesner after his wife made the suggestion wouldn't it be cool if they did this. they did it and it's been history. ainsley: was that sunday night. guess what's happening tonight the state of the union. steve: the state of our union coverage is great. president trump is going to enter the halls of coming for his second state of the union joint address before congress. brian: we can tell you this, he is expected to call on democrats to stop with the resistance. work with the administration and republican colleagues. that will go over well. especially on border security. ainsley: kevin corke is live at the white house looking ahead at the big night. kevin, what can we expect? >> big night indeed. here's what we should expect. the president will obviously celebrate the economy as he tells the american people, listen, we are in absolutely incredible time. at least economically for our country. we also suspect that he will talk a lot about international cooperation and most importantly political partnership and cooperation here in the
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nation's capital. you heard brian mention it, listen, amid the strong economy and incredible job growth we have to work on policy challenges like the crisis along the border, for example. but, that doesn't mean the president won't reach out specifically to encourage more bipartisan cooperation with democrats. and outreach by the way that the press says is a two way street. >> the president is fulfill his end of the bargain. time for congress do accept up and do their part. we can either work together and get great things done or fight each other and get nothing done. frankly the american people deserve better than that. >> that, they do. but, as you can imagine, some democrats aren't buying it in fact, some are expected to boycott the speech tonight. others are expected to bring in guests that are opposed to the president's policies. particularly those concerning the wall and border security. you may be wondering so who will give the democratic response? well, stacey abrams will be delivering the rebuttal
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tonight for the democrats. you may remember she lost a very closely contested gubernatorial race in the great state of georgia. just a few months ago. all coming your way tonight. our coverage beginning at 8:55 presidential p.m. we will be talking about it all day long here on fox news. back to you. steve: we will. here in our hall is jason chaffetz fox news contributor, former u.s. congressman from utah, former chairman of the house oversight and government reform committee. >> yeah, yeah, yeah. steve: he has been to 10 state of the unions. jason, finish fill in the blank. the president tonight is going to say the state of our union is blank. >> well, it's all positive. and what he has got a chance to do though nancy pelosi right over his shoulder, is go to the american people, even though he is talking to members of congress. is he talking to the american people, laying out that cogent case, particularly on national security. of course he is going to tout the economy. he is going to talk about foreign policy. but it really comes down to
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national security. having sat through 10 of these, two with donald trump. i'm telling you democrats are not very disciplined. i think a lot of them will not attend. brian: four right now do you think there will be more. >> there will be a growing number of them. i remember the president was recognizing a family whose -- somebody was slain in their family was there in the audience, somebody who had been serving our country and they wouldn't even stand up. steve: that's right. >> and i tell you it's time to come together as a country. the democrats can't do it. ainsley: some of these that are not going tonight that are intentionally skipping you have earl blumenauer from the portland area he didn't go last year. memphis area steve cohen. john lewis democrat from georgia didn't go last year and hank johnson democrat from georgia said i would rather be somewhere else. last year 14 didn't go. >> i sat through eight of them with president barack obama and you sit there and
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it's a time to be reverent and you honor the system and the approach. i didn't like sitting there i didn't like what the president obama had to say. but you do it out of respect and to build a dialogue but i don't think the democrats -- ainsley: what does that say about where we are as a country people not going. >> about the resistance movement. sounds like donald trump is going to call that out. resist at all levels. i'm glad they are bringing that young, the person who is not related to trump but his last name is trump. i think that's a good message. steve: joshua. >> that's a good message to america everybody quit it take a deep breath. we have to solve problems. you know, that's what i see with what's happening in congress. it's a failure of congress to not get the bill to the president. it's not a failure of the president to secure the border. brian: they are not even talking, the special committee that's supposed to come up with some type of a compromise to get to the president by the 15th aren't even talking. the president round one 31 day shutdown say the
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president didn't win that round. doesn't matter if he wins the next one. the next one starts now. how would you approach knowing that you have got to come off as the broker, the level head in this negotiation to a broad population you don't usually get? >> there is no excuse that these people have not even gotten together. they met like once or twice? but they should be locked in that room and say don't come out until you actually come up with a solution: there is good people in that room but they have got to stop listening to nancy pelosi and their leadership and those 17 will supposed to come together and try to come up with a solution. steve: i think the vintage donald trump back when he was running for president, i think he probably would have done something like if he is standing there during the state of the union he would have turned around and said you know, i'm trying to bring the country together but she is not helping. she is not working with me. that's not going to happen tonight because it's more about unity and to end the resistance and he doesn't want to, you know, taunt the other side. >> i'm telling you i sat in the audience not too far
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from president trump twice. this is donald trump at his best. is he very disciplined. he gets an hour and a half. he gets to recognize the people that he wants to recognize. and highlight the points that he wants. i think the president will do exceptionally well. brian: don't have to tell people from long island about ms-13. especially the horror they have inflicted on working class communities in which a lot of them choose to live. now we find out about another story in new york city ms-13 member steve soling up the paper now on the number 7 train accused of murder after shooting on that platform. this is alexandria ocasio-cortez's district. isn't that just another reason to get tougher on immigration where the president can say fight back against people and say this is a fringe group that we're giving too much attention to? >> i have never seen a national party thrive when they are anti-security. that is aoc, alexandria ocasio-cortez, she want to get rid of immigration customs enforcement. this is a party that want to abolish the fence. they can't define what national security is.
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they are in favor of sanctuary cities and so when you have this monster, this horrific ms-13 person in their district, who do they think is going to go out and arrest these people other than ice? that's what they are supposed to do. steve: they will turn themselves in. we don't know whether this person was in the country illegally you can't really ask this. this guy they knew he was in ms-13. which is largely made up, we sadly know, of people who are undocumented. >> one of the saddest things i ever sat through were those hearings with those parents and looed ones whose family members were killed by people here illegally. if they weren't here, they wouldn't have been killed. i'm telling you it is -- more than 80,000 times barack obama, when he was president, had somebody here illegally, got caught, incarcerated and instead of deporting them he released them back out into the public. so many off this piece people committed more crimes. totally preventable. ainsley: something else egregious. talking about the abortions. and up until the very last day when a woman can be in
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labor and you can have an abortion. senator ben sasse requested an anonymous consent to pass this -- unanimous consent pass this bill for babies. if the baby still lives the baby has he to get care from a doctor. the doctor has to give them aid. senator patty murray a democrat from washington blocked the bill. the bill was rejected. she was the only person that voted against that. why? >> what in the world is wrong with these democrats? we are talking about an infant. the one who should be protected the most and these people want to see this baby die or get killed? this should have been the easiest. ainsley: already survived abortion. >> if they put as much energy into banning straws and they put no energy into protecting a newborn baby. it's unbelievable. brian: democrats are in a tough spot. they are pro-choice. keep saying they never heard about his comments. now they know about northam's comments and forced to confront these seven states in which they have endorsed this same policy.
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i'm curious because the president is going to jump all over this and he believes he is going to put jet fuel in the pro-life movement. he is going to do that tonight. >> there is no choice when a baby is being born. you protect that baby. you do everything in your power to protect that life. their choice is over at that point, folks. and if they want to have a national dialogue about killing babies when the woman is dilated and having that baby and is there on the table, i want to have that debate. because, what's wrong with our country? if this is even a discussion? brian: i know. steve: so many people in the seven states that have that on the books right now have gone over the last week, wait, you can do that here? including the state of new jersey where i live. did i not know that was law of the land. brian: by the way last governor of virginia mcauliff said i'm not for that. it's going to be interesting to see how these candidates they are going to be pro-killing babies. ainsley: gallup did a poll more than 80% of our country is against late term
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abortions. >> when they go to the hospital, they are going there to have a baby. they are not going there to decide to make a choice as to whether or not they are going to kill it. steve: jason chaffetz thank you very much. always a pleasure. ainsley: jillian is behind us. >> we start with a fox news alert. get you caught up on this. a police officer is killed in a shootout in virginia overnight. state trooper lucas b. dowel gunned down by a suspect during a drug raid near of town of farmville. dowel joined the force in 2014 and is remembered for his, quote: strength of character, tenacity, valor, loyalty and sense of humor. he leaves behind parents and a sister. the suspect was shot dead. russia will develop new missile systems days after the u.s. pulled out of a cold war treaty. russia's defense minister demanding the creation of land based cruise and hypersonic missiles by 2021. russia's president vladimir putin made a similar threat on sunday when he pulled russia from the nuclear pac. moscow insists it will only
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use the new weapons if attacked. and some good news here. jason aldean has a lot to sing about this morning. that country star and his wife britney welcoming a brand new baby girl. navy rome is the couple's second child. aldine posting this adorable child on instagram calling the baby a princess. beautiful baby. steve: i'm sure there is a story behind that name. brian: load in the prompter. thank you. jillian is walking away. a fox news alert now. the caravan arrives at the border. thousands of migrants are waiting to internet u.s. griff is live with that caravan next. ainsley: plus, a new art exhibit let's visitors throw crumbs at ivanka trump lookalike. do you think that is going too far? brian: doesn't look like ivanka, number one. is that really art? ♪ watching it pouring out ♪
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♪ ainsley: we are back with a fox news alert. right now thousands of migrants are at the border waiting to cross into the united states. brian: there is no crisis. more of them started their journey in honduras. that was about a month ago. steve: griff jenkins joins us now from a shelter in mexico where the migrants are currently being housed.
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griff, how many people are going -- are planning on trying to come into the country legally and how many, as you have talked to this past week, are going to try to sneak across the border where there is no fence? >> well, i can't give you an exact number but i can tell you, this steve, that is a great number of them intend to cross illegally because even if they have a claim to asylum, they don't want to wait in line because of the time it takes to do so at a legal port of entry. they want to get across and claim asylum when they get picked up. now, when it comes to crossing illegally and the question is what will happen to the 2,000 plus migrants in this shelter behind me when they try and cross? well, it looks like they will probably have pretty easy time. in this area it is eagle pass texas. they have very little wall just at the port of entry. it's wide open. no wall, no fence along the rio grand, a river on many points. what you are seeing here is a police presence that's
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growing quite a bit. because when we were here last night. the migrants were getting a little restless. they made the call the law enforcement to keep them, in not let them out. we learned the governor, who was out here, miguel, he is the one that put them on the buses here and brought them here. we learned from him that he intends to send immigration in. they may be in there right now. we saw some immigration folks and find out who did not apply for that one-year temporary visa who do not have papers. he says he is going to immediately deport them. listen. >> [speaking spanish] >> we are seeing if tomorrow institute can come and work through all the papers and those that don't have the right to be here to return immediately then to their place of origin. griff: i have talked extensively with the border patrol chief matthew hudak
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about with it miles to my north. he said they are ready and prepared and taking every measure. the situation here playing out now is for migrants who have been on this road now for 21 days and going to be told they will get deported that will not sit well as we wait for lights to come up and watch the police presence growing. guys? steve: griff jenkins live in mexico. see what happens. brian: i don't understand why is it expecting to go well they are breaching every country's security and border enroute to ours. why is everyone obligated to not send them back? steve: mexico had vowed to stop them at their southern border now they are at the northern. ainsley: welcoming them and giving them food and shelter and buses. steve: keep you posted. 7:20 in new york city. media all over virginia governor's yearbook racist photo controversy. but they barely covered his comments last week on abortion. why was there such a difference? our panel, right there. they are going to discuss it next. good morning, ladies. brian: good morning.
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some tourists say it made them feel heavenly or gave them goose bumps. steve? steve: all right. ainsley. thank you very much. jerry governor ralph northam rocked by major scandals including a racist yearbook photo and his comments concerning late term abortions two controversies were covered completely differently. in the 24 hours after the news broke, the media spent over three hours covering the yearbook photo in their morning and evening newscast compared to just 1 minute on all the channels regarding northam's abortion comments. so, why was the coverage so slanted betwixt the two? we have a great panel here this morning. senior editor of the federalist screen left and fox news contributor molly hemmingway. former bernie sanders tezlyn figaro and sascha burns who joins us. good to have you all. >> good to see you all. steve: sasha, why the disparity, why was the racist photo covered so much more than his comments about
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abortion? >> well, because the late term abortion is an issue that divides our country not new. the bill itself not terribly new. doctors in black face and kkk outfits that's pretty new. i mean, the reality is that governor northam was speaking as a doctor. speaking very technical and clinical terms about a very emotionally charged issue. steve: yeah. >> that doesn't play well in the media. steve: the way he said it first okay, once the baby is born, we keep the baby comfortable and then the doctor and the mother would have a conversation about what to do with the baby. i mean, that's pretty specific. >> well, i hear you. but what he said right before that was the problem is it was very awkward and something because it is important that you need to listen to it carefully because what he said before that he sort of pivoted from the bill to this is what happens when you have an infant that is not viable. which is why you have is a late term abortion.
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>> context makes it far worse. context was virginia was considering a bill that is very controversial about removing any limits on third trimester abortion which even people who are pro-choice tend to disagree with it's a very radical bill that ended up failing. and in that context then he goes further and says, you know, even if you don't have this medically necessary abortion of course abortion is never medically necessary in a third trimester if the baby sur vice we comfort her and make a decision whether to let her live or die. these are absolutely extraordinary comments and as you point out you are barely hearing anything about them and the reason why the whole racist controversy came to light medical school classmate released the photo. steve: he was so angry about his comments about abortion. >> racism is not new. wearing blackface is not new. kkk is not new. being exposed is new but none of these things is new. consistent with the beginning of time. why the left is talking about it doesn't divide the
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left. i'm pro-choice but i don't believe in late term abortion. it's not what i personally believe. it's about a media that has fair and balanced coverage to allow people to make their own decision. if you are pro-choice, you shut allow people to make the choice whether they believe in late term abortion or abortion. so the left, this does not drive the media attention. it does not drive the ratings and racism does it fuels something in the left that abortion has not at this point. and that's just out bottom line. it's a rating issue simple and plain. steve: what's going to happen with the governor of the commonwealth of virginia? because, while he said the first day yeah, i feel bad that i was in that picture he said that's not me in the picture. and now he says that's not me in the picture and i'm going to stick around and clear my name. sasha, what happens? does he stay or go. major figures from your party are saying get out. >> since he only has -- i think he will try awfully hard to stay. i don't know if he can make it. it is a little awkward. i would know. i think we would know, is it me or not me? i think i would know if i were dressed up. i would. i would remember.
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steve: tezlyn. >> i'm not surprised if he stays. it shows more arrogance and hypocrisy on the left which is why i left the democratic party and became an independent. you know, he made it very clear that he wasn't interested in justin fairfax's picture being on his brochure. i'm not confused by the behavior i see and neither should the democratic party. they swept that under the rug. he is used to being able to do whatever the hell he wants to do with nothing being said what's the difference now. steve: there you go. >> even with all the people calling for his resignation and polls show 50% of people in virginia are fine for supporting him and media not taking him to tank for the comments he made on infanticide and late term abortion he might be able to skate through. steve: don't the democrats want him off the stage because they are going it use racial injustice for platform in 2020 if he is there that's not helping us? >> steve, it's because we legitimately believe it's wrong like all politicians believe things are legitimately wrong. >> just as wrong when he didn't want justin's black face on a brochure and they said nothing.
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steve: all right. stay tune and see what happens. >> molly and tezlyn, great chat on this tuesday morning. meanwhile straight ahead, president trump just hours away from his state of the union address. his second. what can we expect? we're going to talk to counselor to the president kellyanne conway she is going to be live here next. the oscars are making it official. what you will not see on stage for the first time in 30 years. we're going to tell you what that is or isn't come up. ♪ that you're in love with me ♪
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here's your order. ♪ hey. applebee's to go. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood. ♪ ♪ only place on earth ♪ but it's the only place that i prefer ♪ i love my wife and raise my kids. brian: i love the music but i even like aaron tippin
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even more he sings a lot of red, white and blue and that's what kellyanne conway wore to the inauguration as counselor to the president. steve: she was on our show that morning. brian: talking about year two state of the union address and the president, i understand, will have a theme. the theme will be to stop the resistance. will it resonate? ainsley: choosing greatness. >> he has several themes. i would characterize overall visionary. you are absolutely correct the president is calling for unity. he is calling for an end to retribution and resistance politics and more compromise. has proven this is possible look at historic opioid drug relation. where you had overwemg and in some cases unanimous democratic support for laws that are now on the books because this president signed it in. one of the guests in the first lady's box matthew charles one of the first to benefit from criminal justice reform the first step act. he is now released from prison. he served his time. he found god while he was there. he has helped others.
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he helped others through his studies and through his counseling while he was there. he will be a guest tonight to show, to actually show the deliverable, to show that the human spirit and in this case a human being has benefited directly from the president working with the democratic congress to help get things done. other guests you will see and the reason i want to highlight. so guests today i think they get very short shift from people covering the state of the union. i'm just looking for the negativity from, you know, from the president and from other people here. i think looking at the guests is important to you look at someone lik elvin hernandez up on your screen helped so many smuggling. kellyanne polls after i'm done here. new statistics from homeland security investigations ice it is unbelievable. everybody needs to see this. this is not a manufactured crisis. these are real tangible results. stopping the human
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smuggling. stopping the child trafficking. stopping the opioid crisis. stopping the criminals. we need a physical barrier. we need that wall as the centerpiece of immigration reform. and the president will talk about that. it's also very uplifting address to celebrate milestones of american greatness, including those that have anniversaries coming up in 2019. and when he is calling for unity and he is talking about actual portraits of americans who have achieved greatness on behalf of all of us, including our brave men and women in uniform. anybody sitting there with their arms full looking like they sucking on salt lemons. he is calling for unity and working together. they will need to decide if they are serious about that as well. steve: kellyanncane, the way bak machine a week or two ago nancy pelosi uninvited him because the government was closed and said, you know, if you want us to negotiate have you got to reopen the government. he did, and now it seems -- it does appear that she is
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back where she started from. there will be no money for the wall. so the president, while is he trying to get some unity going essentially is going to say look, what's going on on our southern border, i read in the paper he is going to say is a national emergency. if you don't want to help me, i'm going to go it alone. >> he is want the legislature to do its job. it's failed to do it for a matter of years if not decades. it is congress' job to come up with meaningful immigration reform. that certainly includes a physical barrier that you can't crawl under, climb over, drive through or walk around. something that truly works. we have barriers already. many democrats have voted for them. it also includes, as you know, more immigration judges. more border patrol agents. more money for humanitarian needs. more money for technology and other detection metrics to stop these drugs from coming in and as we all know because the president introduced it publicly, two weeks ago, we still have not gotten a counter offer by the way he released
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immigration reform bill that tackled daca and tps. the speak went to disinviting the president to the state of the union to now needing to sit behind him and resist the usual raised eyebrows and rolling eyes and all that. i am very curious to see how she is going to react sort of when she will applaud and when she will stand up and when she won't. also just resisting, looking like somebody who is wearing her heart on her sleeve or her reactions on her face, i should say. look, this president is going to get up and he is also going to talk about the accomplishments as president. many people try to deny them. you can't deny them when you have an audience one-on-one with the american people. he has remade our judiciary. number one 6 exporter of oil and gas now. he has absolutely helped unemployment get lower and wages get higher. the de-regula-reg is great. so many successes people should be able to stand up and say america is a country
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that works, literally. he is just getting started. we were told industries like manufacturing, construction, mining, dead on its back. go ahead and get rid of that go ahead and learn to be in the gig economy. and, yet, we have net increases in all of these industries now. i personally know people who are working in those industries anew and they feel like they have economic freedom and opportunity for their families. ainsley: kellyanne, so many topics we heard are going to be a part of this conversation. what about the abortion topic? democrats have just blocked a bill where if a baby does survive an abortion they are saying the baby should not get aid from a doctor. >> the president will absolutely review this, and i have talked to him privately and in smaller groups last week. many times about this issue. it was completely outrageous that the rae governor ralph northam who is now embroiled in his own race's photo controversy actually go back and look what he said. he said if the quote infant, after the infant is delivered. he didn't say sonogram blob.
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he didn't say uterine material. he didn't say unknown policy wog. he said infant. they are admitting this is a human being. for all the gobble gook that legislation bears its name. this one is easy it stand born alive infant protection act. it would do what it says born alive infant, protect it and patty murray washington state, mark it down, folks, she blocked it so, this -- the democratic party is leaning all the way in, jumping off a cliff to be proabortion the ninth month and this is who they are now. they are for 70% taxes. socialized medicine. abortion in the eighth and ninth month and so on. yes. brian: kellyanne, lastly the president used to go out on stage with a few remarks on the back of a piece of paper and just talk for an hour. will he be going off script? did he let everybody know i will read some of this and i will ad-lib some of this? do you expect him to go
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verbatim or mix it? >> well, the last two years the joint session in last year's state of the union the president was reading his -- the remarks that he had helped to craft and then once in a while he' stop for emphasis. he own his own personal flourish. remember, the address itself has a heavy hand from the president in it. he sharpy ited it all up. and these passages are his own. he has worked with his team and communications and speech-writing team, obviously. they have know his voice and the content and tone. but he will have have had so much input into it there is no reason to ad-lib. steve: our coverage starts at 8:00 p.m. eastern time. kellyanne, thank you for your time. i'm sure you have a busy day. ainsley: hand it over to jillian for headlines. jillian: go ahead and get it caught up with this the student at the viral video the confrontation in washington, d.c. is fighting back against the media. nick sandmann's attorney telling fox news, quote: we will be looking at causes of
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action beyond defamation and infliction of emotional distress including actions based on signe cyber bullying ad assault. national media and celebrities. other angles showed a much different side of that story. for the first time in 30 years no one will host the oscars. the decision comes after the original host, comedian kevin hart stepped down from the gig when old controversial tweets resurfaced. the academy is also cutting back on acceptance speeches. winners will only have 90 seconds total to get up from their seats, walk onto the stage and say their thank yous at the awards show on february 24th. college students thought their apartment was haunted by a ghost. it turns out it was something much more frightening. watch this. >> it sounds like a raccoon is in my closet. i'm like who is in here. somebody answers me says oh my name is drew. open the door. and he is in there wearing
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all of my clothes. >> police in north carolina arresting the man now facing felony charges. the girls have no idea how he got inside. they say they have been noticing things missing and mysterious handprints in their home. brian: nuts. that's insane. steve: how long was he there? jillian: i don't know how long he was there not just for a day. ainsley: they need to move. that's scary. steve: that is a weird story. jillian, thank you. meanwhile, an ms-13 gang member charged with murdering a man on a subway platform in broad daylight shot him in the face. we're live with the stunning developments coming up next from new york. ainsley: plus, president trump focused on faith in his first state of the union address. our next guest says that he should keep up that theme tonight. >> in america, we know that faith and family, not government and bureaucracy are the center of american life.
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♪ steve: listen to this. an ms-13 gang member is under arrest this morning accused of murdering a man on a new york city subway platform. shot him right in the face and all caught on camera in broad daylight. ainsley: police say it started as a fight between rival gang members. brian: kyla from our affiliate in new york is live outside the subway station in queens with more. kayla. >> brian, steve, and ainsley good morning. the nypd police have the trigger man in custody this morning an all-out hunt for two other suspects they believe were also involved in this violent attack. all three of these men, police believe are ms-13 gang members. now, gang brawl like you mentioned is what police believe sparked this violent attack on the 7 train. it spilled out onto the platform right here in jackson heights, queens. there was a struggle for a
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gun. eventually police say five to six shots rang out killing 20-year-old moso a member of the 18th street rival gang of ms-13. the man in custody this morning ramiro gutierrez is a known member of ms-13. he was actually out on bail at the time of this attack. being accused of plotting a burglary in q gardens not far from here. also accused of plotting to beat two men with metal pipes. speaks to a much bigger issue here in queens. as of late in the recent months we have been seeing more and more ms-13 and a lot of gang activity here in queens. the chief of detectives mcshae telling us they have been seeing a big rise in ms-13 here. they say that specifically here in jackson heights and queens where this attack, this wouldn't have happened in just a few months ago. as of recently, we saw ms-13 in suffolk county, on long island, which is about 60 miles east of where we are right now. that certainly has been
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coming in to the community. that is the very latest here in jackson heights, queens, i will send it back to you guys. brian: meanwhile, 12 minutes before the top of the hour eric trump will be coming our direction. he will be here live on the couch. trey gowdy recently signed. how does he feel about joining our company? we will find out. ainsley: nancy pelosi shares her favorite bible verse only problem is it might not actually be from the bible. ♪ dream on ♪ dream on ♪ >> tech: at safelite autoglass we know that when you're spending time with the grandkids... ♪ music >> tech: ...every minute counts. and you don't have time for a cracked windshield. that's why at safelite, we'll show you exactly when we'll be there. with a replacement you can trust. all done sir. >> grandpa: looks great! >> tech: thanks for choosing safelite. >> grandpa: thank you! >> child: bye! >> tech: bye! saving you time... so you can keep saving the world. >> kids: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace ♪
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>> we know that faith and family, not government and bureaucracy are the center of american live. [applause] >> the motto is "in god we
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trust." [cheers and applause] ainsley: a lot of people stood up when he said that last year. president trump focused on the importance of family and faith. our next guest says he should continue that theme tonight. cbn chief correspondent david brody joins us now. why do you say that's important? >> for a lot of reasons. first of all it resonates with the heartland. one of the reasons democrats made a mistake in 2016 is they didn't reach out to voters of faith for the most part. hillary clinton lost the roman catholic vote. she got down in the protestant vote quite a bit from obama. and donald trump can come along in the state of the union, talk about faith and family and it resonates with those blue collar conservative democrats who see folks like elizabeth warren and aoc and all those folks out there on the left going far to the left doesn't work. donald trump capitalizes on that. ainsley: what is it about him that the evangelicals like? is it because he is -- he
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does talk about faith? is it the judges? is it this abortion issue? >> yeah is he a culture warrior believe it or not for evangelicals. go figure. god has a sense of humor. judges a big part of it most pro-life president ever. can you go down the list. the bottom line is they believe that indeed for such a time as this that donald trump is in that position because of god, like sarah huckabee sanders told myself and jennifer the other day at cbn and i know folks had brain spasms when she said it but the truth of the matter is those same evangelicals also believe that barack obama was put in office by god for those certain times as well. and it all works together for his good. ainsley: okay. now nancy pelosi, this is their headline nancy pelosi keeps quoting her favorite bible verse the mystery, it's not actually in the bible. this is something that she has been quoted a lot. and this is the verse. to minister to the needs of god's creation is an act of worship.
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to ignore those needs is to dishonor the god who made us. listen to her. >> and i can't find it in the bible but i quote it all the time. and i keep reading and reading the bible and i know it's there some place. to minister to the needs of god's creation is an act of worship. to ignore those needs is to dishonor the god who made us. ainsley: i get to minister to others is an act of worship. is it actually in the bible, david. >> no. this just in. i just did a quick bible search. it's not there, look. she is clearly quoting from the paraphrased i think it's in there i'm not quite sure version of the bible that she is dealing with. look the sentiment is there, clearly. we are supposed to care for god's creation. there is no doubt about it this idea, the fact that she had to start her line with i'm not sure it's in the bible but i think it's still there and still searching not a good sign. look, nancy pelosi and the morality gig that she is throwing out here about the walls are immoral and all of
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that, it really is ridiculous when you think about it because, look, she thinks a wall is immoral but doesn't think a baby coming down the birth canal can be aborted at the last minute is immoral or at least supports that? look, the culture, ainsley, is upside down. ainsley: david brody, thanks for joining us. >> thanks, ainsley. ainsley: you are welcome. eric trump joins us on the curvey couch coming up next. there he is. come on, in eric. ♪ i'm back, back in the new york groove ♪ i'm back ♪ back in the new york grove ♪ i'm back ♪ back in the period.
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before discovering nexium 24hr to treat her frequent heartburn, marie could only imagine enjoying freshly squeezed orange juice. now no fruit is forbidden. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn? ♪ >> president trump will step up to the podium to deliver his second state of the union address. ainsley: the theme of this is choosing greatness. he is supposed to focus tonight on immigration, trade,
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infrastructure, lowering health care costs and national security. thousands of migrants are at the border now. they're waiting to cross. >> the concern they will come out of this structure, go down to the river, go to a shallow point and cross. steve: ben sasse from nebraska, sponsored the born-alive abortion survivors protection act. democrat patty murray rejected the it. >> hard to fathom why they think there is something holy about killing babies. >> art exhibit in washington, d.c. is inviting people to throw crumbs at an ivanka trump look-alike and watch her vacuum them up. >> super bowl champs touched down back in new england. today's victory parade. notably absent, mvp julian edelman, and tom brady celebrated where else, the big victory at disney world.
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♪ ♪. steve: live from washington, d.c., exactly 12 hours from right now fox news channel coverage of the president's joint session before congress, also known as the state of the union. it will be right here on the fox news channel, bret baier, martha maccallum. president of the united states. ainsley: an american man. brian: we will not see paul ryan behind president of the united states. it will be speaker pelosi. that will be different. four democrats already will not attend. we'll discuss all that with eric in a matter of moments. steve: without a doubt one of the topics president will talk about is immigration. we just noticed in the last five minutes a substantial police build-up at southern border. ainsley: this fox news alert. police presence beefed up down there on the border. that is it kevin corke. talking about state. june down in washington. first we go to griff jenkins.
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reporter: guys, quickly show you, police presence building up here. since we last spoke. we showed you the gate. now what they have done, law enforcement. they backed all of the police vehicles up against the fence. that fence, while intimidating is just a typical chain-link fence. obviously 2,000 migrants may be upset about potential deportation may try to bring that down. law enforcement says this is crowd control tactics of sorts. if you come over here, we have the riot gear guys with shields prepared for whatever may come. he said he will find out who has a right to be here, who is legally here on a visa, who is not. one thing for sure, we're not entirely able to tell you what is going to happen this morning but we do know one thing, i can tell you personally -- [inaudible] several caravans i have not seen
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a police presence of this sort in any location. [inaudible] the migrants by the way have not yet come out of the courtyard. they're housed in the building beyond there. they see this, they will be intimidated after being kept inside, not able to leave last night, guys. steve: griff jenkins live at the southern border. we will continue to keep pictures up as we bring in eric trump, executive vice president of the trump organization. the president's son as well. clearly the president will be talking tonight about immigration. as you look what is happening right there, over the last couple days, griff has been embedded with the caravan. a number of the caravan people have said, hey, if donald trump, if you're watching, i'm not going to tell you where i will sneak into the country from. although a number of people will go right through the port and apply for asylum or refugee status. >> i'm a common sense guy. you hear nancy pelosi get
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drones, we'll fly beautiful drones, five million dollars, sucking jet fuel. how does that stop the problem? it is actually insanity, guys. my father is a common sense guys. you know what works? , walls work. technology certainly works, no discounting that a drone does not fix this problem. you have thousands and thousands and thousands of people wanting to overrun the border. they have quite frankly said exactly as you said, we will not go through the ports of entry anymore. we'll find areas where the wall isn't built, much easier to get into the country this way. that is why he is passionate about it, a passionate about a common sense solution. remember one other thing. we gave $150 billion to iran, a country hates our guts, exploring nuclear weapons, but we can't get five billion -- brian: protect you. >> protect the southern border? are we kidding ourselves right now? brian: if you talk to the people at el paso, san diego, they will tell you, they remember life before and after there was a
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fence there. in san diego they seem to be refurbished, put a double fence. duncan hunter, sr. did that, dropped traffic down 90% effective. if you look what israel did, that is what your president, that is what your dad had in mind. people of texas, new mexico, san diego, had a different idea. or arizona. so, the president shows he is pliable. he will bend on that. he will go bollard, walls work. >> guys, i've seen the human element to this whole thing. i've spoken to the angel moms, as have you. i spoke to one a few weeks ago who lost their child two weeks before. people are being torn apart in this country. you've got a drug problem. you have really good people who are also here, right? there is a lot of problems you have to fix when it comes to immigration, whether it be the dreamers. whether it be the wall or system that promotes illegal
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immigration and stops, good, quality, legal immigration. i find it so hard to believe a couple smart people can't come together and get this right. all they want to do is obstruct my father. it was a campaign promise of his. he said he would build a wall. he would take care of the immigration problem which no one solved. all they want to do is obstruct him, so he doesn't get the -- ainsley: they were before it before. now they're against it, because your father ran on this. this why your dad is sending 3700 troops down to the border. if they're saying won't give you the wall, i have migrant workers coming up. >> you have to stop it. you have to stop the problem. we have to know who is in this country. let's have a great legal system. our legal system of immigration is broken too. no one wants to talk about it. why don't we have an incredible legal system? why don't we stop illegal immigration? why doesn't we fix the problem once and for you will. the problem is washington is so
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incompetent. he never left, he hasn't left the white house in five weeks. steve: the president's underlying message in five weeks. unity, we have to get stuff done together. but at same point, there are probably some of his core supporters who would love to see him say, chuck schumer is sitting right over there. why were you for the wall before you were against that? madam speaker, right behind me, let's negotiate right now? so many members of your caucus voted for the wall, now you don't want me to get a win. it is not a win for me, he would say, it is win for american people. >> it wasn't one statement, it was statement, after statement, after statement, after statement, we needed border security and needed to stop the drugs and all the human trafficking, problems associated with this. he will win this one. you watch. he will win this one. steve: this police build-up, these are mexican police. these people are trying to keep the migrants not from, storming
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the border or anything else. they're trying to keep it on the other side. although mexico had said they were going to stop migrants at their southern border. now they're trying to stop them at the northern border. brian: we'll have a split screen and keep monitoring because it is developing. this will be brought up at state. union, by all reports, including "new york times," he is all over this, every word, as kellyanne conway says, he is sharpening it up. he likes to write a sharpie over it. the other thing will be in trade. you can't talk in detail. there is lot to be encouraged there could be a mammoth deal with china. we have our heavyweights there, robert lighthizer. they have theirs there. you talk about putting jet fuel to the economy, is there a sense something is happening there? >> china is down 30%. we're winning the trade war with china every single way. they don't want to talk about it, they're private. we're winning the trade war. make no mistake my father is
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winning the trade war. he has them at point they will come to the table that will be good for china and good for the u.s. what they have done intellectual property, ripping off u.s. companies. it is incredible, my father is putting a stop to it. my father has a reason to brag. the u.s. economy is the best its ever been. unemployment lowest ever been. look at stock market wept up another 175 points, whatever it was. consumer confidence is off the charts. more people working than ever before. more people coming off food stamps. more problems are solved by every economic measure. manufacturing is coming back. jobs are coming back. guys, he has got amazing story to tell. and then you have you know, nancy and the democrats on the other side who just want to stop him at every single turn. they know he is winning. ainsley: that is hard for a lot of parents, families. we all go to work every day. try to put food on the table for our child. when we see people are
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stopping -- our border patrol agents, stopped them on border. they say we need a wall. democrats not allowing them to have the wall, they don't want your dad to have success. look what happened in new york? this is aoc's territory. this is your district. ms-13 gang member shot someone on subway platform. shot them in the face. >> all on video. angel moms going to democrat offices. they are saying they will call the capitol police. they don't want to confront them. they don't want to confront the border patrol. they have become too radicalized. they have just become too radicalized. it will backfire. brian: too radical for howard schultz. >> we smoked before the segment we need a shop vac out for you. down in washington there is
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exhibit, where they have somebody who is dressed like your sister, ivanka, running a vacuum around a room, where you throw crumbs in front of her and she will vacuum it up. >> i want to frame the image because i think that is important. these leftists called up a modeling agency, you know what? i want to get a nice woman to come stand on a carpet with our people, with a vacuum, of all things, so our people can throw food and crumbs to mimic a powerful woman who has done more for woman than probably anybody in washington, d.c. think about that hypocrisy. they're supposed to be the quote-unquote, label themselves as party of women. yet they're throwing food, they're throwing garbage at a woman on a carpet holding a vacuum cleaner to mimic somebody who really does care, who fought so hard for women. guys keep doing it. keep going. they're losing people with this nonsense. with this craziness. no different than you know, these birthday abortions.
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they're losing people with this craziness that they're doing. it has got to stop. it has become too radicalized. it is actually borderline insane. brian: do you guys talk about it amongst each other? when you see an exhibit about that? has ivanka talked to you about it? when she sees somebody go after you or don, jr., do they talk about it? >> we take a lot of shots. that's fine. we're first family of the united states. we are grownups, we can take shots. it is sad in this case, ivanka has done more for women's empowerment, an issues, before she got to d.c., this was cause near and dear to that. don't mock that. ainsley: everybody knows that there will always be naysayers. steve: the executive "time" exclusive, "axios" got your father's schedule. 60% of the time nothing is scheduled. >> here is what i tell you. my father is hardest working man in my life. no one knows him in this world
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as well as i do. when i worked with him at the company. he was in the office at 7:00 in the morning. he didn't leave until all hours. call you at 11:00 at night. call you at 5:00 in the morning. my father doesn't stop. he is a machine. steve: no meeting on the ledger what does it mean? >> those "axios" people, you should have seen them on the campaign trail, none. reporters could keep up with my father, who doubled their ages. they are drinking red bull and monster energy drinks sleeping in the corner, doing his 7th rally of the day. i don't want to hear from them. he is truly one of the hardest working people. brian: he has no normal things to-do list. >> i never walk into the oval office, see 30 people in the office, whether it be generals, whether economists or special guests or foreign leaders. i mean, the guy is hardest working person there is. just because you don't have a scheduled event, come on? givegive me a break. move on. steve: go to the tonight, busy day. thank you very much for joining us live.
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>> catch the acela. steve: continue monitoring what is going on the bored wert mexican police. president's state of the union will talk about unity but the guest list, wait until you hear about that. feel the clarity of non-drowsy claritin and relief from symptoms caused by over 200 indoor and outdoor allergens. like those from buddy. because stuffed animals are clearly no substitute for real ones. feel the clarity. and live claritin clear.
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♪ ainsley: the president plans to deliver a message of unity and find common ground with democratic lawmakers during his state of the union address tonight. steve: judging by the guests lawmakers plan to bring along there is major split with the parties on immigration. brian: here to break it down, chief correspondent ed henry, fresh off doing shannon bream's show last night at 11:00. >> you've been talking all morning. the president wants to talk about unity. let's come together. nancy pelosi behind him, chuck schumer presumably a couple rose in front. look who the democrats will plan to bring to the state of the union. they have people who used to work at president's golf courses, allegedly undocumented illegal immigrants. they want to weaponize that, attack him, put people like that, in up in the rafters for the speech. look a kamala harris for example. she tweeted out she will have somebody who missed paychecks during the government shutdown, federal worker from back in her
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home state of california. she have you beening for president. democratic senator jeff merkley of oregon, he tweeted out he would bring family members separated at the border by the president's policies. you can see they're trying to show division, not unity. guess what? the first lady, melania trump has her own guests. she has people suffering from opioid and drug abuse, how they're coming back. i met one of them yesterday, a very brave woman who has been clean for about a year. but the first lady is also going to be bringing people, they will be up in the rafters, three family members from nevada who were killed an illegal immigrant from guatemala. you remember that tragic story from not too long ago. senator john cornyn by the way also sent out this tweet suggesting that he will be bringing brandon judd, and others who have experience from the border patrol, dealing with border security. brandon judd as well as manuel padilla.
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we've seen them many times on our air. worth noting the president will bring out at least one i.c.e. agent. these are the folks on the ground griff shows in his reporting often, put their lives on the line for this country. democrats, some of them, want to abolish i.c.e., guys. brian: when president talks about full-term abortion we're discussing here, if the democrats will support him if he wants to ban it. will they clap for that or sit on their hands. >> they were quiet the other day when governor northam praised it. good to see you guys. ainsley: a child rushed to hospital after eating candy laced with pot. how did that happen. brian: president trump has foreign policy front and center. from north vietnam to north korea, china, russia. are we going to get a deal. how should the president address each issue? what should he say? our president will preview and review in moments. and that's the panel.
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jillian: good morning, we're back with headlines and start with a fox news alert. police officer killed in a shootout in virginia. lucas dowd was shot by a suspect during a drug raid. he is remembered for his quote strength of character externalsty, sense of humor. leaves behind a parent and a sister. the suspect was shot dead. a los angeles coroner says according to espn. it happened back in august but the story has not been reported until now. 79 old lindh ga gold bloom was hit by the ball and died four days later. she was celebrating birthday and
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widthing anniversary. brian: 24 minutes after the hour. talk about the president. he is gearing up for state of the union address. front and center several foreign policy issues, to the relationship with the u.s. intelligence chiefs. >> i have intel people. that doesn't mean i have to agree. president bush had intel people that said saddam hussein in iraq had nuclear weapons, had all sorts of weapons of mass destruction. guess what? those intel people didn't know what the hell they were doing. brian: joining us right now with their analysis on the president's analysis, foreign policy expert, great team at that. "fox & friends weekend" host, pete hegseth. you see him all the time. fox news contributor, morgan ortegas, a rich international relations background. also david is a former foreign policy advise for for president obama's campaign.
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that statement is not unusual. president obama also felt penned in by intelligence in the defense department at times, right? >> well the problem is, president trump disagrees with his intelligence chiefs on almost every single issue. remember these are his chiefs. for instance, dan coats, head of dni, he appointed him. he can fire him if he wants. why is he disagreeing with him, when dan coats has access to all the intelligence information? he has more experience as intelligence person as do other intelligence chiefs? the problem with president trump disagree withing his intelligence chiefs, because he doesn't like what they are saying, not because he thinks they're wrong. brian: i don't know about that i don't know if you can get inside president trump's head, if he thinks they're wrong, doesn't like what they're saying, isn't that pretty much the same thing? morgan, president bush didn't push back enough when it comes to intelligence and iraq war, is that viable argument? >> when i was in the intelligence community one of the first things we learned as new analysts what happened lead
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up to the iraq war, how did we so dependent on single source and how we messed up so bad. this is something intelligence community takes seriously. it is not true that the president is at odds with the intelligence chiefs. that is what -- brian: he told them to go back to school. >> ic is not policy prescriptive. the intelligence community doesn't come to the president saying we recommend a particular policy. the intel community makes assessments. he had gated assessments based on variety of sources they have. they give the president that intelligence and and he makes the policy decisions based on intelligence assessment. to assume the intelligence community, dan coats coming to the president saying we should do x in syria, fundamentally mischaracterizes what our intelligence professionals do. brian: one thing you have to do what the president did. he read dan coats's opening remarks, very much on par with what the president saying. is north korea a problem? yes. have things changed for the better yes have we done with
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them? no. when president pushed backs, he told the intelligence chiefs go back to school, i disagree with them there. >> disagreement and disruption in this space is really healthy. experts gotten it wrong for a long time. middle east, unfortunately i've been there, you've been there, a lot has seen it first-hand, hasn't gotten better the our intentions are good. american involvement is good. a lot of things have gone sideways if we're honest about it. iranian nuclear deal. you're telling me iran is complying by the dial. everything his intention tell us, everything we know about the iranian regime they will cheat on a deal. i this that is probably good. brian: the way to say it, we don't have unfettered access into any military base. so judging by what we know from above and what they're reporting -- >> that is false assessment brian. we're lying to ourselves to make husband feel better. brian: move on to the inf
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treaty. let's go to the board. information is starting to develop. we showed you before a bunch of mexican police have gone to the border in mexico. you're seeing in there in mexico, we saw about 2,000 migrants making their way there. they put them into one area. they're saying basically you're not going any further. the thing started in honduras. this is part of the president's message. we got a problem at the border. it is not a democrat or republican problem. it is an american problem, morgan. >> that is pretty harrowing picture. i say kudos to the new mexican president and president trump for having a relationship and being able to work on these issues. many of which people didn't think they would have. let me say one thing about the ic, i hear talking point all time, ic is wrong all the time. the intelligence community is right every single day. that is why you and i are sitting here why there is no terrorist attack on the soil. do they get it wrong on big assessments? absolutely. there are men and women working hard to make sure there isn't attack on soil, they get it
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right every day. that is why we're safe. brian: when you're on the ground in syria, you're on the ground in iraq, on the ground in afghanistan, you're not only helping the individual situation but getting intelligence. david, the president pulled out inf treaty. president obama knew they were cheating. he did a bold move. can we get both sides to -- >> president trump made silly mistakes pulling out of other treaties he got this one right. russia was not complying with the treaty. wasn't complying for many years. at some point when your partner is not complying. you have to punish them. in this case he is pulling out of the treaty. six months russia can come into compliance. unfortunate thing this was milestone of president reagan. he did the treaty, what helped cause the soviet union to collapse. brian: you agree. i saw you nodding, morgan. pete, do you agree? >> he is putting focus on right target, china, not party to this agreement, as send and future power we face against, whether
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intelligence, artificial intelligence, stealing of intellectual property and trade. china should be the focus of the 21st century if we want to leave in a free century. by pulling out of the treaty, not only are we calling out china but able to compete with china looking to surpass us on every level. more we are distracted elsewhere,. brian: pete, you should get your own show. >> i'm working on it. >> hey, what about me? brian: good point. pete has confidence. >> come on. >> he has great instincts. brian: really. our instinct this morning we put griff jenkins to see what is happening at the border. we showed you mexican police in riot gear lining up at the border. thousands of migrants trying to get into the u.s. griff is live as mexicans make a major move. four democrats will skip the state of the union. trey gowdy is here with a message next for his former colleagues. ♪
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search "john deere 1 series" for more. ainsley: we are back with a fox news alert. down at the border. brian: right now mexican police you're looking at in riot gear beefing up with security with shields as thousands of migrants look like they're preparing to cross into texas. steve: griff jenkins joins us live, next to the police at this hour. griff, explain why all these police have suddenly shown up at that processing facility, not far from our southern border? reporter: yeah, i want to show you. this is an amassing show of mexican police, law enforcement i have yet to see in all times i come to caravans. what you're seeing here outside is show of force against the 2,000 migrants being held. they're not able to leave. you see them starting to wake up, meeting with the police. here is why this presence is here. if you look beyond me, due north
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about two miles right up the end of this street is the rio grande day, the river that separates the texas border from mexico. there is very, very little wall or structure exempt for around the port of entry. if you get outside of this, particularly 2000 migrants overwhelm police forces here and bring down this chain link fence right here it is pretty much free run to very porous border getting across. i received from cpb, total number of apprehend suns, fiscal 2019 began, october 1st, last year, four months or so, more than 209,000 apprehensions along the entire southern border. that is 85% increase or better in the numbers. when you talk about the 2000 in here could have free rein outside of this gate at some
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point, get across to the river. that is smidgen of the overall problem we're dealing with, guys. steve: griff, the police massed there at that facility, because the worry is they're about to find out if you don't have documents, you can't go any further, and they're worried there could be just, people could just take off running toward the rio grande, right? reporter: that's right, steve. you know, we spoke with the governor, miguel reqlme, the state here, i was pressuring him, he gave 50 buses to take the migrants on a comfortable ride up here, continuing their route because of course president trump wants mexico to do more to deter these caravans but you know in this situation he has taken every caution because he is going to try to separate those not here on that one year visa. he said, to immediately deport them. that is certainly going to raise tensions here. ainsley: the governor in that northern city or that northern state, that is, that is putting all of those law enforcement
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officers on the ground. why didn't they do that in the southern part of mexico? >> yeah. so you know, when i talked to the governor's number two, the secretary, i said, what is ultimately the answer? he said ultimately the answer is hopes the federal mexican government will harden the southern border that the caravans shouldn't be here in the first place. by the way, the governor that i spoke to you last night, if more caravans come here, he doesn't have the resources to sustain this. steve: great report, griff. thank you very much. let's bring in trey gowdy, fox news contributor, former republican congressman from south carolina, chair of house oversight and government reform committee. mr. chairman, as we take a look at images, of the mexican police at our southern border on the mexican side, aren't they essentially making the president's point, that we have a problem down there, it needs to be addressed by congress? >> yeah, it is really good piece of evidence that there are
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exigent circumstances and better piece of evidence that a sovereign country is entitled to have border integrity. that is true of mexico and the united states. if there was a group looking to gain access to the capitol to listen to the state of the union on the floor of the house? i promise there will be integrity around the capitol. why is a sovereign country not also entitled to have border security and border integrity? brian: you know what i don't understand, trey, you were put on committees, you led committees, there is a committee put together to come up with a plan on the president's desk by february 15 on border security which includes a barrier. they're not even meeting. what is going on? how could you get the assignment, not be doing this 20 hours a day? >> well, brian, part of the issue is, politically, some folks benefit not from the solution but from having the issue. this has been a 25 year-long
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problem. i think american people, i think there is a hunger for a generational remedy, so we don't have to keep litigating this issue, year after year, but let's be candid, some folks benefit from the issue more than they do the solution of the issue and as long as that remains true in politics, there won't be a resolution. steve: you know, trey, going back to, when paul ryan was speaker, he assured, according to what the president has said, apparently paul ryan had said, don't worry about in that big spending bill that came out last year, we'll have the wall money for you. the president took him at his word. it never happened. that is why we are where we are. so not just a democrat problem. historically it has been a republican problem too. >> well, i'm in my mid 50s, my memory is not great, but i think the last vote i cast on the floor of the house was to give president exactly what he asked for in terms of border money. among, the many things paul ryan
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could never control, the 60 vote rule in senate is really high up the list. so as long as that remains true, there are not 60 votes in the senate, the house can pass whatever it wants. i get that folks enjoy banging on boehner and ryan and maybe if i were still in politics i would enjoy it too but the house passed what the president asked and it went to die where lots of good ideas go to die which is the u.s. senate. brian: president wanted more than 1.6. ainsley: what do you think about the speech with guests democrats bring with them? accord court bringing the activist that to the in jeff flake's face in the elevator, wasn't in support of judge kavanaugh? one person bringing a family that was separated on the border, a mom and her daughter, separated for some weeks. you have someone affected by the shutdown, what do you make of that? and the decision of at least four democrats that are saying they're not actually going to even go to hear the president's speech, and that list could
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grow? >> my counsel to the president would be don't take the bait. that is not your audience. there is not a single person on the floor of the house that hasn't already made up his or her mind about any issue comes up tonight. the audience is the american people. you will stand where less than 50 people have ever stood in our country's history. you have a unique opportunity to not just tell people what they want to hear, anybody can do that. tell the american people what they need to hear. and i would rather be a one-term president that did something that echoed through the halls of history than be a two-term president that managed the decline of this republic. so he has unique opportunity to address the american people. tell them what he believes. why he believes it. and do it with, with persuasion and passion and reason, ignore the people who want to drive up their twitter followers. look, there was a republican who would iboycotted the pope. so it happens on both sides. brian: yeah. >> you're the president.
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ignore the floor of the house. that is not your audience. the audience is going to be on their dens and on their phones. steve: indeed, watching fox we hope. trey gowdy. fox news contributor. >> yes, sir. have a good day. ainsley: welcome to the family. steve: meanwhile president trump apparently reportedly putting the finishing touches on his state of the union address. he has his sharpie out. we're live from the white house next. ainsley: mollie hemingway has a message for democrats resisting the president's address. that is coming up. ♪ spending time with the grandkids every minute counts. and you don't have time for a cracked windshield. that's why we show you exactly when we'll be there. saving you time, so you can keep saving the world. >> kids: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace ♪
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jillian: good morning to you, we're back with some headlines. the mayor of san diego wants to make the city more welcoming to immigrants and refugees. republican kevin faulconer wants to hire affairs manager to lead
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the effort to involve immigrants with business, education and the community. >> this plan, and this effort shows the importance of connecting immigrants and new americans to what they need to be successful. jillian: the city council will vote on the plan next week. elementary school students rushed to hospital after eating candy laced with pot. a kindergartener handed out gummy bears to 14 kids at her ohio school. the six kids ranging five to nine years old have been treated and released. it is unclear if anyone will face charges. frightening for the families. ainsley: thanks, jillian. president trump set to deliver his second state of the union address tonight. steve: the president is expected to call on dem to unnion key issues, especially our southern border security. brian: that sounds like the story. but can kevin corke confirm it?
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he is live at white house. kevin. reporter: expect three things, a lot of talk about the economy. expect the president to spend a bit of capital talking about international developments, north korea in particular. look for a major headline. there then clearly border security will be part and parcel to what this is really all about, in particular when you consider we just had the longest partial government shutdown in american history, in part because of the ongoing battle about the policy along our southern border. that will be a major focus. we expect the president, however, to have a fairly upbeat speech tonight, according to kellyanne conway, senior counselor with the white house. i also want to share this, the white house invited guys, 13 people to attend the address. among them a young boy, he is 11 years old, his name is actually josh trump. he is a sixth-grader in wilmington, delaware. he has been bullied at his school because of his name. his mom obviously distraught
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about that. the white house got wind of that story. they invited that young man. you don't want to see kids bullied because of a name. you want kids uplifted by their class mats, all who care about them. that is one little snippet what you should expect. democrats by the way will be doing a little trolling, they will invite opponents of president's apology sis. should be make a very interesting night. one of our favorite nights in washington, d.c. guys, back to you. steve: indeed. kevin corke on the north lawn. he was talking about the is southern border. more breaking news at the southern border, police in riot gear facing off with a caravan right now. mollie hemingway is here next. brian: i would like to check in with bill hemmer. what have you been working on for your show? >> a ton. what you're talking about with kevin corke. big opportunity to make a case. sarah sanders will in a moment tell us live what the white house considers a success. don't miss that.
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steve: fox news alert. the governor of the commonwealth of virginia all mamater will try to explain controversial yearbook pictures later today. brian: eastern virginia medical school is investigating all past yearbooks in the wake of ralph northam's racist photo scandal. >> news conference is scheduled for 2:00 p.m. eastern time today. brian: all right. here to react, fox news contributor, federalist senior editor mollie hemingway. what are his options now? what could he say to diffuse
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this? >> first of all the medical school should probably address the fact one of their graduates is for infanticide. he argued in favor of letting children who survive abortions die. he is also for the radical late-term abortion bill. that is pediatrician. that is probably a bigger medical concern. brian: it should be but is it? >> his options, he could stay i think, half of democrats in a poll still support him. yes, all the leaders of the democratic party called for him to step down but he is actually, he could hold on. steve: because i says that is it not me in the picture even though he said on friday not, i apologize for being in the picture. speaking of pictures, we've been looking at images on southern border on the mexican side there is a processing center, there is a gate. that is where the mexican police lined up. because the worry is, as soon as thousands of migrants find out if you don't have papers we're sending you back, they are worried they will make a run for the border.
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>> this shows how serious after problem is and how much needs to be done to handle these migration issues. people think donald trump had huge loss with the house and senate refusing to come up with a bill to address these things and that is true, at some point someone will have to do something. for 30 years, congress has done very little to deal with these very serious problems. it would be nice to see people work together, instead of thinking about how to achieve a short term victory. we have major problems on the southern border. ainsley: what is your prediction? do you think democrats will give him a money for the wall on the 15th? >> it is not just democrats and republicans. a republican controlled senate basically has not done anything. it is not just a democrat problem but bipartisan program, going back 30 years. republicans controlled house and senate last two years, did nothing with that time. only person addressing the issue is the president right now. steve: real quickly the president will talk about unity, but at the same time he is talking re-election. he has plenty of wins in his column. at same time, he needs more
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people to be on his team? >> of all the things we talk about, the president disrupt as lot of norms. he is very much disruptor in d.c. brian: i had not noticed that. >> the profound disruptions, accepting an election. we're more than two years of people not accepting reality he won, he is the president. people are not coming to the state of the union. 40 democrats not show up to the inauguration. time for people -- brian: yes or no, will there be a deal on 15 for the wall? >> i don't have much confidence. it is in congress's hands. they are constitutionally supposed to be doing it, they are the ones who should have pressure applied to them. >> mollie, thank thank you. we'll be right back with something special.
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brian, you got it right. >> wow! >> thank you to my mom. >> we love janice. >> bill: good morning, everybody. we're hours away from a highly anticipated state of the union address in prime time. the president will call for unity for america as we say good morning live in new york. i'm bill hemmer, nice to see you again. >> sandra: i'm sandra smith. president trump looking for a reset with democrats after the longest government shutdown in history over the border wall. this will be his chance to sell his immigration message to millions of americans. sarah sanders will join us in just moments to discuss that and more. >> bill: we begin at the white house. north lawn, kevin corke. safe to say bipartisan cooperation is the theme at the outset. go


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