tv Hannity FOX News February 6, 2019 6:00pm-7:00pm PST
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howie knows boston. >> tucker: oh, he's unbelievable. he deserves the credit. he really was almost assassinated by the mafia in boston. no one believed him. he was almost killed, for real. >> i can tell you all about the new york mob. >> tucker: god fellas, godfather. that's what i know. >> i gave you ten seconds. >> >> tucker: i appreciate it. >> tonight president trump's address. wait until we show you the reaction and their analysis to the president's pivotal speech. and we have major breaking developments tonight surrounding robert mueller himself, investigating the investigator. shocking news also for the democrat party and what is going on in virginia. first it began with the
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governor's support when he advocated for a law or even when a baby is delivered, living on its own, that he or she would be kept comfortable and then the mother alone would still have the right to choose to deny the needed medical care to save a human soul, is essence of innocence. and the democratic governor -- but over another big controversy, his racist yearbook photo, which featured under his name in his medical school yearbook, but after first apologizing for the photo, then he denied he was in the picture at all. and then a really bizarre press conference admitted, "well, i
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dressed up in black face." his wife stepped in citing the inappropriate circumstances. then a few times later, the lieutenant governor found himself embroiled in a national democratic scandal. earlier this week, vanessa tyson came forward with serious allegations. this dates back to 2004. now, viewer warning, what you're about to see is extremely graphic. in a detailed statement, tyson claimed, quote, as i cried and gagged, mr. fairfax forced me to perform oral sex on him. i cannot believe he thought this was consensual.
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he has tried to brand me as a liar to a national audience in service to his political ambitions and has threatened litigation. i am compelled to make clear what happened." nbc news tonight reporting this. fairfax himself responding to the allegations in a private meet. they quoted him. "f that b." in case kids are watching. this just happened this week. the lieutenant governor is calling that encounter consensual. we firmly believe in the due process, the presumption of innocence, the very thing the democratic party always denies to any republican or anyone that is conservative. let's not forget what they did to justice kavanaugh. democrats believe in guilt by accusation. no trials, no juries, just the
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court of public opinion. and these charges against fairfax are beyond serious. and unlike the kavanaugh accusations, well, in the case of fairfax's accuser, they actually recount a specific time, date, and location and over the years, tyson even confided with close friends about this incident and what happened. so the big question now for the democratic party is will they demand that fairfax resign. and where are all those democrats who said they believe? well, they're now debunked accusers in the kavanaugh case. to refresh your memory, look at this. >> women need to be heard, but they need be believed. >> i just want to say to the men of this country, just shut up and step up. do the right thing >> let me just say right at the
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outset, i believe dr. ford, i believe this survivor here. >> i believe her, i stand with her. >> do you hope that she shows up on monday and testifies? >> i don't think she should be bullied. >> i believe her. >> i believe professor ford. i think she's credible. >> where's kamala harris tonight? where is cory booker? where is elizabeth warren? do they believe this accuser? do they stand with all survivors of sexual abuse or only when it's made against a republican or a conservative? is it just about politics, not about the cause? because breaking today, we have more trouble in virginia. the third now in line to be governor is dealing with his own devastating scandal that just
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broke. and earlier today he announced that he too appeared in black face in the 1980s. and get this, over the weekend, he called on the governor to resign over the issue. the question tonight is will he do the same. in case you're wondering, the fourth in line to be governor happens to be republican. this could get very interesting. we're going to keep you posted op the dumpster fire that is now the democratic party nationally and in virginia. but first let's turn to the powerful remarks from president trump at last night's state of the union where he promoted american greatness, urging political cooperation, getting things done, highlighting the people, the principles, the ideals that make this country the greatest place on earth. take a look. >> we must choose between greatness or gridlock, results or resistance, vision or
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vengeance, incredible progress or pointless destruction. millions of our fellow citizens are watching us now gathered in this great chamber, hoping that we will govern not as two parties but as one nation. [applause] the agenda i will lay out this evening is not a republican agenda or a democrat agenda. it's the agenda of the american people. >> sean: those who saw the speech gave the president extremely high remarks. by the way, record-breaking audience last night. breaking his record last year and obama's. newt gingrich wrote that it was so powerful and effective that it changed the trajectory of history. it matched anything president reagan achieved in his address
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to congress. look at this poll. the american people agree. 76% of viewers gave his speech a positive rating. cbs news poll, 76% of their viewers agree with the president's remarks. the state of the union obviously a success, and one of the finest moments for the president or any president for that matter. why was this speech so powerful? well, it's the success that the president has had. there's no shortage of real substantive accomplishments that he has had in two short years. millions of forgotten men and women, their lives have been impacted dramatically. he's had a track record of achievement unlike anything we've seen in history. trade deals, energy independence that we've never dreamed of, the best in 25 years, regulatory reforms and renewal, prison
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reform, national security successes in the middle east, asia, latin america, canada, mexico, even our european allies, an american economy booming and breaking records like never before. for many of you, you doubted is he really a conservative. he governs as a conservative, and more importantly, he keeps his promises. i told you he would deliver on this things he was promising. and make no mistake, it will be no different when it comes to border security. that wall will somehow, i can't tell you today exactly how, it will be built. the consequences of neglecting border security will be catastrophic for this country. in the past two years ago, we've witnessed what is beyond a serious crisis. i.c.e. officers, brave men and
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women that serve us every day, have made 266,000 arrests of criminal aliens, including those charged and convicted of nearly 100,000 assaults of american citizens, 30,000 sex crimes, 4,000 murders, homicides. security officials are now pleading for help. they want the strategic border wall built. they want to stop the 90% of heroin coming into this country, human trafficking, young girls being sold to prostitution and other criminal activity. that's why under the obama administration, democrats didn't call walls immoral. he sounded an awful lot like donald trump from last night's state of the union. amazing. obama sounds like trump, but now they want no part of it. why? why would they put their hatred
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of this president ahead of keeping this country safe and secure? watch this. >> tonight i am asking you to defend our very dangerous southern border. >> we do have to have control of our borders. >> tens of thousands of innocent americans are killed by lethal drugs that across our border. >> how do we get control over the border that's become more violent because of the drug trade? >> working-class americans are left to pay the price for mass immigration. >> they end up being abused and that depresses the wages of everybody, all americans. >> >> sean: former president obama. as democrats continue to oppose the border security because of the pure hatred for trump, the very things they supported a few
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short years ago. at some point, they bear responsibility. at some point, the death and destruction, they are responsible because i'm announcing and telling them they will become complicicomplicit, hating trump over safety, security, life and death of you, the american people, trafficking drugs, murder, human trafficking, all because that border is not protected. this should be an issue about life and death and protecting the american people. and look at this cbs news poll. 72% of you, we the people, favored the president's points and point of view and his remarks on the issue of immigration. and sadly, despite the overwhelming approval from we the people, the mainstream hate trump media singing a much different view. the democratic party is now the
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party of eliminating i.c.e. and open borders, higher taxes, late-term abortions. what a great description of this speech from him. take a look. >> i saw this as a sigh -- >> delusion, trump hater at this point. nicole wallace had this to say even before the speech was given. >> i think this president walks in there and may as well deliver the speech on his knees because that is where he is politically. >> they're losing it. in an another shocking display of bias, the press overwhelmingly bashing every part of the president's speech. and why so-called fact checkers
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trying to nitpick every claim, interjecting their opinions all along the way from organizations that claim to be unbiased and fair. well, this is not a good look. take a look. >> saw trump raised to a new level the demagoguery, the hyperbole on a lot of the issues. >> graphic language on abortion. >> absurdist theater. >> as you try to hope for the best, you heard the rhetoric of -- >> there is nothing said last night that is credible, memorable, or believable. >> this is just one more clear example. and of course, one of the leaders, chuckie schumer rushed to the microphone early this morning to trash the president's
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speech. what is chuckie and nancy standing for? president wanted safety and security for the american people, life and death. well, they just stood for opposing him. take a look. >> the president was political, divisi divisive, calculating. you can't give a speech that is so divisive, that just doesn't fly. >> predictable, sad, but that's just who they are. they don't seem pleased about anything in last night's speech. make america the greatest best play ever, president touting historic job numbers, democrats 5.3 million. they sit on their hands when they talk about america's energy boom, democrats scowl. and when he spoke out against socialism, democrats sneered. and democrats have no problem clapping for themselves.
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it's all about them. take a look. >> we also have more women serving in congress than at any time before. [applause] [chanting "usa"] >> sean: under eight years of obama, they never achieved what trump has achieved in two years. maybe next year they'll also clap for the strong economy, the safety and security of all americans. before we get to our guest, we continue our hannity watch on the deep state tonight with huge breaking news implicating
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directly now for the third time that special counsel robert mueller. john solomon is going to join us. mueller was hauled in front of the fisa court in the early 2000's to answer for fbi surveillance abuses, many of them, reportedly included exculpatory information. anderson told investigators late last year, quote, it preceded my time with the fbi, but it was a pattern of omissions that were of concern to the fisa court that resulted in the former director mueller himself actually appearing before the fisa court and the special counsel is declining to comment. does that sound familiar? not disclosing to the fisa court that the dirty dossier, full of
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russian lies, they never investigated that. former f we have exposed mueller is on a partisan witch-hunt. look at the team of democrats he hired. even more importantly, she was an attorney for the clinton foundation, part of mueller's team. his pit bull was at hillary's party. like in the case of sydney powell's book. she'll be here in a moment. and remember, mueller hired fbi lovers strzok and page and we all know where they stand. they had the insurance policy. they thought hillary should win
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100 million to 0. crazy m and the president reacted to shifty shifts and here's what he said. >> what basis would he do that? he has no basis to do that. he's just a political hack who's trying to build a name for himself. and i think that's fine because that's what they do. but there would be no reason to do that. no other politician has to go through that. it's called presidential harassment and it's unfortunate and really does hurt our country. >> we're going to have more breaking that news. also, mick mulvaney coming up in just a minute. the president's chief of staff coming up first, monica, i will start with you. where are all those people that said, "i believe"? where is kamala harris, where's
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-- >> and now we're seeing their hypocrisy. it's all fun and games when a conservative or a republican is being targeted in this way, but when it's one of theirs, they head for the hills and start circling the wagons. if you presented this as a screenplay nobody would buy it because nobody would believe what is happening here. i think the governor is in a stronger position because the two subsequent virginia leaders are also in similar situations of scandal. so i think the pressure on him may very well subside. but all of this swirling around these democrats is pointing out
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to the american people that the attack on kavanaugh, the subsequent attacks on the president and other republicans just smack of politics. most of the american people are tuning all of it out. >> i want the $17 million of taxpayer money. let go back to the president's speech here for a moment. to me, what made it so powerful was the success. this president has done more in two years than obama ever dreamed of in eight. >> he's talking to a domestic and an international audience that you can't get anywhere else. this is something that the whole world is tuning in to listening to him. the president laid out a very, very clear case of where we've come the last two years in a way
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that connects the dots. a lot of times you hear economic information month to month. the president was able to put it all together and explain to people where we've come from since he got elected. he talked about this vision of american greatness. >> sean: what about the disconnect? because, look, there's a caricature painted by these crazy people in the news media that hate him and obviously disagree with him. but then you look at the cbs poll and you look at the -- 72 people support him on immigration. this is a moment where he by passes all of them. >> when you delve into both of those polls, he has high marks. that's the key. the democrats thought it was okay but not great. but the independents is where the president is winning people
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over. what's getting missed is that they are on the left. and so they view these things like a democrat, but they're not getting the millions of independently minded individuals that aren't affiliated with one party or the other but believe the president is getting things done. >> last word, monica. >> what was so striking about this speech last night is that it was such an unapologetic embrace of american exceptionalism. the democrats looked radical, extreme, and petulent. >> mulvaney. and we have have big breaking news, a shocking report. this is now a third issue that
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we will never be a socialist country, but look at all these 2020 candidates. the president last night, the state of the union is strong and stated in no uncertain terms that america will never be a socialist country, unless of course we foolishly want false promises of security and give up all our freedom. for example, look at ocas ocasio-cort ocasio-cortez. i guess you don't do a whole lot of interviews, mulvaney. how do you like this job versus where you are? >> it's good to see you. it's my first time here. i'm never up at this time of night. i'm always in bed. i work very hard and get there first in the morning for the boss. i thought the speech was a blast. what you just showed was my favorite line of the night. to see the president say those
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words, and then from where i was sitting, i could see all the democrats tonight floor and not a single one stood to applaud that line. that was stunning >> shanno. >> we don't need those things. those things aren't the formula for success. they're not the way for families to build sustained wealth. the way to do that is lower regulation, lower taxes. all the things the democrats say they can do if the government does more, we are doing by having the government do less. and that was one of the highlights. >> i remember back when you were just a little congressman and i remember -- i watched you in this administration. and i watch and i told people when the president shifted
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strategies on immigration. i told this audience because i've known this man for well over a couple of decades, that he keeps his promises, he's unrelenting, tenacious. he's going to get money for the wall. the deadline is approaching. he's got two options, to use the military or the national emergency. >> he's going to get it done. and he is. we would love to work with congress to do that. that's the right way to do it. it's the easiest and fastest way to do it. but if congress won't participate or go along, we'll figure out a way to do it with executive authority. and let's be clear about this, legal executive authority. this is not the president overstepping his bounds. >> sean: they're going to go judge shopping, knowing that they're likely to get a liberal justice that'll then go to the
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9th circuit. is there a way to expedite this because it is an emergency? >> there's a couple of different ways we can do it. we're looking at all of them. find the money that we can spend with the lowest threat of litigation and then move from that pot of money to the next pot that maybe brings more threat of litigation and then go through the budget like that. remember, the president asked us eight months ago to find every pot of money we could find. >> i heard $9 trillion. >> not trillion. >> sean: i'm sorry. $9 billion. >> if you know where i can find $9 trillion, please let me know. >> sean: is that true? >> we have legal access to substantially more a than $5.7 million. >> we need new technologies and
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we need more agents and we need other -- >> and the president has been very straightforward about that. in fact, you go back to the beginning of the shutdown where we told the democrats in writing what we wanted, we listed all of those things. it's not a medieval wall. it's not 2,000 miles coast to coast. yet you still hear the democrats go on tv and say medieval walls don't work. >> sean: the question is, the president tweeted out, the democratic party has moved solidly to the left. kamala harris wants to get rid of all private healthcare. and that means we're forced into one government-run system. elizabeth warren, a wealth tax. we hear people talking about a 70 or higher percent tax rate. radical redistribution of wealth. and then on this issue, the very things democrats supported for
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just a few years ago, they won't even sit with the president. how can you get anything done with that opposition? >> if there is one silver lining to the terrible tragedy in venezuela right now, is it's reeducating an entire generation of americans what's wrong with socialism because what you've just laid out that all the democrats are offering us has been put into place in venezuela and look what's happening. people have lost 20% of their body weight in the last several years. it doesn't work. despite the fact that history is littered with examples of how it doesn't work and hurts people, they say, well, they just didn't do it right. if you elect us, we'll be socialists and we'll do it right this time. >> sean: the president also talked a lot about foreign policy, more specifically the summit with kim jong-un.
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no more missiles in 15 months. the president gave nothing. now we're talking about denuclearization. >> there was a really good article in one of the beltway papers the other day about how maybe it's time, even the critics think it's maybe time to start giving the president some credit for the foreign policies successes. bottom line, your family, my family, everybody watching this is safer now than two years ago. and i think that's something people are starting to pay attention to. >> sean: all right, mick mulvaney. good to see you. thank you for being with us. when we come back, we have big breaking news, explosive news about robert mueller, really bad news for him and his tenure. also later tonight, we will move on and we will be talking more about what happened in the state of the union speech, and we have our villain of the day, it's and the doozy. straight ahead.
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>> sean: all right, tonight's hannity watch on the deep state, the cloud of corruption hanging over mueller continues to darken tonight. breaking news, john solomon years ago, mueller was hauled before the fisa court to answer for fbi surveillance abuses, including withholding exculpatory evidence. joining us now, john solomon and gregg jarrett and the author former federal prosecutor. so how many times? >> 75. >> sean: explain this to me. 75 times, robert mueller did what? >> the fbi before enduring
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mueller's tenure. >> whoa, evidence they had? >> yes. i'll give you one example that the court cited that really smoked the court. they wanted a fisa. they didn't tell the court that the guy was one of their own informants. >> sean: what happened if i lied to a federal judge? >> you would be in contempt of court or in prison. >> sean: you chronicled this in your book, "license to lie." >>yes, sean. he will make up crimes, he'll make up facts, he'll hide evidence. he will do whatever it takes to win. >> sean: and greg jarrett. so 75 times, exculpatory evidence is withheld. explains why he would hire a guy like weissmann. but we now know because of
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john's reporting and your reporting as well that bruce ohr told everybody in the fbi, everybody, that the dossier was unverified, uncorroborated, it was paid for by clinton and put together by a russian hater with dubious russian lies. >> and at the -- he told that to two people who were top prosecutors on mueller's team. so, imagine that. and then, of course, all of that information was concealed from the fisa judges. they were lied to. they weren't told that hillary clinton had paid for it or that steele had been fired for lying or was severely biased. >> sean: and weissman was on it. explain me that. >> he was briefed by bruce ohr, especially another prosecutor, both of whom were top prosecutors on mueller's team.
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they have tainted the mueller investigation. it has no credibility. and the real question is why hasn't mueller, who was notice about fisa abuses, investigated this fisa abuse? i'll tell you why. because he would have to have the permission of rod rosenstein, who of course was involved in the fisa abuse. >> sean: he signed the third renewal, the fourth fisa warrant. we had an fbi informant, mr. campbell. there was bribery, extortion, and money laundering going on by putin's thugs in america. they still got it through. the clintons got kickbacks from those people. and mueller also, we now know through ohr testimony, ohr was
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the conduit for information for the fired christopher steele, the liar, the leaker, trying in this investigation to pass information to the special counsel's office. >> you describe it that way. what's the one common link between those? rod rosenstein was a prosecutor in uranium one. there's questions that rosenstein has never answered that has to be answered. one thing i want to put on the table, i wonder if rosenstein used the dossier to justify the appointment of mueller. >> sean: all right. i'll ask sydney first and then greg, same question. if anyone else purposely knowingly committed a fraud on any court, withholding information, exculpatory, or telling the court that hillary paid for something, what would happen, sydney, to say, if it was me? >> oh, you would be under the
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jail, sean. but you have to remember that mueller is the insurance policy. mueller is the insurance policy. he would have to be investigating himself here because he was he had of the fbi when hillary had her secret server. he was part of uranium one too. he would have been emailing her on that server. he had to have known everything that was going on. >> sean: 75 times he was not held accountable. what happened to somebody else? >> you would be charged with deprivation of rights, perjury, conspiracy to defraud in false statements. >> sean: issue a report so we hear it is month. >> that's right. >> sean: is it going to? >> listen, i think that the preponderance of the evidence is going to show that the president didn't commit any crimes and i think it's going to wrap up and it'll be in the next month. that's what i'm hearing.
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>> sean: for their sake, it will be a full-on investigation. hopefully with the attorney general. when we come back, meet barack obama's former border patrol chief. he's going to be here calling out democrats and says the walls work. he'll join us with mike huckabee straight ahead. i used to book my hotel room on those travel sites but there was always a catch. like somehow you wind up getting less. but now that i book at, and i get all these great perks. i got to select my room from the floor plan... very nice... i know, i'm good at picking stuff. free wi-fi... laptop by the pool is a bold choice... and the price match guarantee. how do you know all of this? are you like some magical hilton fairy? it's just here on the hilton app. just available to the public, so... book at and get the hilton price match guarantee.
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>> sean: from the state of the union last night, president trump reaffirmed the u.s.'s commitment to restoring order at our southern border. democrats apparently have a big problem with that. here now with reaction, former border patrol chief under president obama, mark morgan. mike huckabee is with us.
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how many years did you serve? >> over 30 years >> shanno. >> >> sean: i played a tape earlier. he sounds like president obama. why didn't it happen? >> there's people on both sides of the aisle that have voted for physical barrier multiple times. and now all the sudden it's immoral and effective. it's just not true, sean. it's an absolute lie. >> sean: we know it worked in san diego. the yuma sector went from 5 miles, to 70 miles, 99% stop. el paso's another area. >> i worked there. absolutely correct. >> sean: all right, governor, good to see you. let me go to the president is standing on a principle here, one that the democrats supported just a couple of years ago to secure the border and fund the
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border wall. why would they now be so adamantly against even discussing the issue? do they not care about the drugs and the cartels and the gangs and the homicides and the assaults that happen? >> not really. what they care about is doing anything to hurt donald trump. i think mark morgan's testimony may be the single most effective thing that i have heard, in just saying, look, it's common sense. and i think that one of the things that he has talked about, and looking at this as a true crisis, is that a wall is not the only solution, and the president understands it's not the only solution. there are a lot of other things. but for the same reason that people lock their doors at night, which the president talked about in the state of the union speech, it's a common sense approach and i just think americans last night heard the rational reason that the president put forth and i think that's why those poll numbers are sky high. >> sean: yeah, 72% say they
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support the president's policies. what if, god forbid, governor, we have three caravans in progress now, one with 12,000-plus. what if they go to an area that is not secured, no barrier, and 12,000 people immediately say, "let's go"? that's not going to be good for anybody. that will not end well for anyone. >> no. no, it doesn't. and let's keep in mind, we're putting a lot of our own border patrol law enforcement officials in harm's way by doing this. they've already had rocks thrown at them. i think we need to recognize that their lives are endangered by this. if people are looking for asylum, then they don't come burning the american flag and demanding they have their constitutional right to get in. they don't have a constitutional right to come to somebody else's country. they need to knock on the door, ask politely and wait their turn
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like everybody else. >> sean: what would happen? >> so same thing that happened years ago when they didn't have the barrier. it was chaos in san diego. >> sean: tear gas, rubber bullets? then you're accused of gassing children. >> and the governor is absolutely correct. nobody wins in that situation. without proper security -- >> sean: do we then just let them in because we're afraid of the backlash if you enforce the law? >> actually, the current law now, if they come peacefully, they're coming in. >> sean: wow. >> sean: they're coming in. doesn't matter how big. if they come peacefully -- >> sean: you were with obama. why did you leave? >> the current administration removed me after the inauguration. >> sean: you need to go back. do you want to? >> i would serve this president in a heartbeat. i'm here to support him. >> sean: always great to see
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you. you're kind of doing as well as your daughter. i think you're getting up there. >> not that well. >> sean: governor, good to see you. when we come back, wait until you hear about our villain of the day. up next. jerry reed singing "eastbound and down" ♪eastbound and down. loaded up and truckin'♪ ♪we gonna do what they say can't be done♪ ♪we've got a long way to go ♪and a short time to get there.♪ ♪i'm eastbound, just watch ole bandit run♪
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♪ >> sean: by the way, and operate our monologue. at the top of the show, we said that spartacus booker has been silent on the virginia lieutenant governor sexual assault allegations but early this evening, spartacus and spoke out to cnn. finally. where is kamala, the rest? it takes tremendous courage for someone to come forward in the way that she did," and that's about it. "this is a deeply disturbing allegation that should be thoroughly investigated," he added. good for him. our villain of the day has been "the atlantic"'s gmail health, under fire for a deleted we jokingly calling for the
7:00 pm
assassination of president drum, using the same phrase is shattered by the person who killed malcolm x. with every criticism, she got rid of the tweet, denying it was a reference to the presidential assassination. let not your heart be troubled. we'll never be the hatred of media. laura ingraham is next door. she great store. >> laura: i was falling maggie haberman of "the new york times" on twitter, she said, spotted at the white house, hannity. just one name. it's like -- >> sean: let me tell these fake newspeople something. as hard as they try, i am never, ever, in my life, going to confirm or deny my sources or who my friends are, my conversations. let them disclose bears. >> laura: i'm just teasing you. i know you had french fries at the white house. >> sean: that's not true. fake news. fake news. >> laura: hannity, great to have you in town.
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