tv Hannity FOX News February 7, 2019 6:00pm-7:00pm PST
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lying, smugness and group thinking. more than anything, stay tuned because we have a surprise for you. sean hannity live from new york right now. sean hannity, ladies and gentlemen, will be taking over from us. >> sean: is that tucker? >> tucker: yes, it is, sean, waiting for you to appear. >> sean: how are you doing? great show, i'm sure, as always. welcome to "hannity." no shortage of embarrassment from the democratic party tonight. warren's ongoing scandal. and we're going to cover it all. but we begin tonight on our hannity watch, the rise of socialism, featuring freshman
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democratic congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez. now, while some of you may be quick to think, oh, this is ridiculous. this could never happen here in the united states of america. well, history is riddled with the road kill and the misery of many versions of socialism, almost always ending the same way. false promises, broken promises, failure, poverty, misery among the people. this is a real, serious threat to our way of life. it doesn't matter, republican or democrat. ocasio-cortez rolled out a piece of legislation. she's calling it a 'green new deal'. democratic party, what they were hiding in 2018, now it's all in writing, and it might be worse than we thought. ocasio-cortez and others put
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forth one of the most economically guaranteed to be devastating plans by any american politician, a plan, if it's ever implemented, guaranteed to fail, and the results will be disastrous for the american people. but she and others couldn't be more proud. take a look. >> this is so incredible. this is such a major watershed moment and i'm exciting that we are going to go into the future and not be dragged behind by our past. we should do it because that is what our country is about. we're a country that cares about our brothers and sisters across this country. i think it is a green dream. i think that it is. and i don't think -- i don't consider that to be a dismissive terment of i think it's a great term.
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>> sean: before we get into this, i promise you, you might be thinking this is fake news. it is not. this is a real proposal, real ideas, from real lawmakers in the radical extreme socialist party of america. beyond dangerous and scary. now, in a six-page overview released by her office today, ocasio-cortez is now calling -- pay very close attention -- for the united states of america to move to 100% clean and renewable energy in 10 years. she wants the government to eliminate all fossil fuel in 10 years. that energy is the life blood and engine of all economic success. well, socialist democrats plan to nationalize and literally
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eliminate, in many ways, the most profitable industry in america, the fossil fuel industry. millions of american jobs would be wiped out if we were ever to follow this plan. the industry that has led with technology and the life blood of our economy and why we have the highest standard of living that we have today, that is the envy of the world. and it gets worse. this plan at a minimum is going to cost $13.4 trillion. and just for reference, the entire federal budget -- the elimination of air travel, all air travel, and the creation of more high-speed trains. forget about jetting around the world in mere hours and enjoying your train ride to europe,
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japan, australia. good luck with that train. and i can't wait for her to explain how those trains will be built. kind of like, all aboard, the poverty express is coming. her plan wants to take on the problem of cow flatulence by putting an end to red meat consumption because cows produce co2. and also the 'green new deal' would redo literally every single building in america. i'm not kidding. legislation, the government, would, quote, upgrade or replace every building in the u.s. for state-of-the-art energy efficiency. okay. how many millions of commercial buildings in the u.s.? well over 100 million residential homes, rebuild every home in the country, every business in the country in ten years. by the way, how is everybody
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going to pay for all of this. and beyond that, remember, deep down, this plan is really just a socialist wish checklist. this is what they've always believed but now they're getting more vocal about. these why in this utopian horror, it guarantees that everyone will have income, including those that are unable to work, even unwilling to work. nobody has to work. but the government handouts don't stop there. they want free healthcare, free education, free housing, free retirement. it's all there. free, free, free. what the government gives, the government takes away. what made america a great prosperous nation was built of capitalism. goods and services that people want, need, and desire being provided by other people.
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i didn't grow up with a lot of money in my life. my parents worked very hard, grandparents all poor. my mom a prison guard, my dad a corrections officer. and for a good portion of my early adult life, i did struggle to make a living. i was a contractor, laid wallpaper, every conceivable restaurant job. that was almost 20 years of my life. i worked odd jobs, small apartment. i bought an old providence gas company work van for $200, the best money i ever spent. i was never guaranteed income. and thank god i learned something, the value of hard work, digging deep, taking risks, like all of you do in your everyday life. the u.s. has lifted more people
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out of poverty, our capitalist system, than any other system in the history of the world. if we have learned anything, when government squashes human initiative, the system descends into chaos. maybe on paper it sounds great, everything is free, you're safe and secure. how are those government schools doing now that they want to add free college? how did obamacare and those promises work out? did you keep your doctor and plan, are you paying less? how many of you have only one option? you really trust bernie sanders? medicare for all. kamala harris, her plan to get rid of private insurance for 177 million americans. elizabeth warren's plan. maybe you saved 35, 40 cents on the dollar. she wants to come back and say, give me more, which will be
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illegal. we would be giving a license to steal. they would be creating a law to rob you blind. do you want the government in every aspect of your life? socialism always promises everything, takes all your fears away, every one of them. the problem is, tell me where it's working. give me a great example. venezuela, the former soviet union, cuba. this is a false security based on false promises that are absolutely impossible to keep and will literally destroy the country. still, this new extreme radical socialist democratic party want to upend everything, sacrifice your wellbeing, eliminate great paying jobs now in the pipeline thanks to donald trump, we have more oil. now we have surpassed literally the saudis and russia as the
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number-one producer of energy in the world. now we are an exporter of energy. great also for national security. we're not begging countries that hate us for more. we'll get rid of the energy sector, airline sector, healthcare sector. why? so the government can take over these industries. and of course no answers about how to pay for it. her answer, we'll just print more money. and this comes as we are now energy-independent. these are going to be high-paying jobs, not relying on foreign oil, where truck drivers, remember, in north dakota were making over $100 grand a year and getting trained to do the job. democratic socialists claim the world was going to end in 12 years because of climate change, which was not true. this will turn back the clock. it will take us back to another
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century. but like all good socialists, they claim it's going to be great, but you know better. this is what most socialists don't understand. but don't be fooled, we have to take this seriously. this is what many in the democratic socialist party want. this will be their major theme as they run for the nomination in 2020. that and open borders. ocasio-cortez, when she's not pushing this radical government takeover of the entire economy, she was bashing i.c.e. again today. >> i don't think so. not only will we not agree to fund that, but we're to say that an agency like i.c.e., which repeatedly and systemically violates human rights, does not deserve a dime. >> sean: remember before the election we kept telling you, they're hiding it, endless investigation. their real agenda is they want
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their crumbs back, they want higher taxes. now you can even have an abortion up to the last second. now of course the black face issue that has come up. they're facing calls to resign after admittedly dressing up in bla blackface. as of tonight, no democrat in commonweal commonwealth, virginia, plans to resign. >> it's awful to hear about. >> i really don't like to say i'm from virginia when things like that happen. >> i don't think i'm in a place to say if someone should resign over one picture >> shanno. >> >> sean: hollywood elites have
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been silent lately. unusual move for a group of people that love to spread their views on anything. they want you to forget about their own rampant use of black face, including the ever-so-self-righteous so-called comedian jimmy kimmel. you might remember this moment. >> this is karl malone. do ufo live on other planet? karl malone read on tv about white people getting abducted by aliens. >> sean: not to be undone over at "the view," joy almost
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bragging ability her use of black face. >> it was a halloween party. i went as a beautiful african woman. that's my hair. is curly hair coming back? >> did you have tanning lotion on. >> i had makeup a little bit darker than my skin. >> >> sean: hundreds of celebrities. ted danson did it as well during a roast of whoopie goldberg. this is just the latest sad disturbing example. every two years, every four years, republicans are racist, sexist, you know my list. but tonight their actions speak so much louder their their words. this brings us to the third
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virginia democrat, fairfax. his accuser released a detailed statement claiming that fairfax physically forced her to perform oral sex on him in a hotel room at the 2004 democratic convention in boston. last year we confided in bobby scott about the incident. he did nothing. last year she reported a story to the washington post. they did nothing. of course, the post was more than happy to obsess about the he said/she said in the kavanaugh case just a few months ago. nearly everyone on the left rushed to judgment and to support the accusers no matter how unverified, unsubstantiated the claims. "i believe" was the claim. trying to ruin a man's life and his family's life over
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uncorroborated claims. now democrats, now that it's a democrat, they sound remarkably different. virtually nobody has said "i believe" when it comes to lieutenant governor fairfax's accuser. look, i am not ever going to be the pc police here. we don't rush for judgment on this show, call for firings on this show, we don't support boit -- boycotts. serious allegations deserve serious investigations, due process, presumption of innocence. if all three top elected democratic officials are forced to resign in virginia, the republican speaker in the house of delegates would be the next
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governor. i wouldn't hold your breath in thinking they're going anywhere. it's all about power, not about principle, not about the people. again, they'll use anything to bludgeon kavanaugh or trump. but when it's them, let's not talk about it anywhere -- anymore. warren is in hot water again after her texas state bar registration was unearthed and it showed she registered as an american indian. she did her best to dodge questions once again about what is now a long history, even though she first denied it, of race faking. take a look. >> i am not a tribal citizen. i had a good conversation last week with the chief of the cherokee tribes. and i told him that i am sorry,
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that i extended confusion about tribal citizenship and tribal sovereignty and for harm caused. i am also sorry for not being more mindful of this decades ago. >> sean: we'll continue to monitor that story, which won't go away because she didn't tell the truth in the beginning. first, our hannity watch tonight on the deep state. this is very important. major breaking news surrounding adam shifty schiff. listen to this. >> and she met with trump and she wrote him -- also known as a person with a strange -- >> and what's the nature of it? >> well, there were pictures of naked trump. >> and so, putin was made aware
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of the availability of the compromising material. >> yes, of course. >> thank you very much. we will be back in touch with you through our staff to make arrangements to obtain these materials for our committee and the fbi. >> sean: the guy leading the investigation caught on tape concluding with russia to get dirt on trump. also breaking tonight, new from john solomon, the newly crowned house intel committee chair was pictured, adam shifty schiff, with the founder of gps. you can't make this up. they're the ones that hired christopher steele. in fact, at the time of the photo, simpson was a witness before the house intelligence committee. what was the top democrat doing
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socializing with one of the witnesses? pay attention. he announced that their bipartisan investigation had uncovered no evidence of trump/russia conclusion, none. we'll have more later in the show. all right. let me go through the list. we're going to eliminate airplanes in ten years, we're going to try. cows are gone. but we're going to give everybody a guaranteed job, guaranteed wage, family medical leave, oh, guaranteed vacations, guaranteed retirement. now we're going to pay for college education or trade school, whichever you chews. we're going to guarantee healthy food, safe adequate housing, economic security, whether you're willing, unable, or unwilling to work, jessica. what part of that do you agree
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with? all of it? >> no, not all of it, but this is a six-page proposal that's a framework for having a conversation. the senator would not have attached his name to this if he didn't believe -- >> sean: hang on. tell the audience what part is not going to be free. >> not a lot of stuff is free. that's just not how this work. >> sean: tell us what part you don't think should be free and guaranteed even if you're unwilling to work. >> the unwilling to work thing an obviously problematic. unwilling to work is not acceptable. i don't know where that came from. >> sean: college, healthcare, jobs, housing, everything else is free. are you okay with that? >> no, i'm not okay with that, and that's not how this would bear out. there's two main focuses on justice and investment. what she's trying to make clear is that ordinary people in this country matter. that is something that has been
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neglected for decades by politicians. she also wants to make sure that public investment is not the g bugaboo that it has been. >> sean: no airplanes, dan. >> i always appreciate a good debate, but i would like to get jessica on the record specifically about what you support. if you would like to say yay or nay, i would appreciate it. on the rebuilding every building, that would include 30,000 buildings a day for the next ten years in america. on the energy front, we would need enough land mass, sean, to build enough windmills and -- >> how do we rebuild the freedom
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tower that quick? >> come on, guys. >> how will you get all the permits? do you support the 90% national sales tax, the 54% payroll tax or the doubling of every income tax in the country it would pay to even start some of these programs? serious question. >> no, i don't support that. i do support having a conversation about her 70% marginal rate on people who earn $10 million or above. >> sean: tell us what you support. >> i support the spirit of what is in the six pages. >> what spirit? i have a wonderful spirit. >> you guys were perfectly fine with donald trump getting up there during the campaign and waxing lyrical about you're going to have great healthcare but no one will be left behind. >> i'm asking you a simple question. you just said the 70% tax. okay, fine. time out. $200 billion a year. how are you going to pay for it?
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>> sean: directly ahead, lawrence jones on the collapse of the democratic party, especially in virginia. also, we have new information. you won't believe what adam schiff was caught doing o little♪ ♪ a sock-a-bam-boom ♪ who's in the room? ♪ love is dangerous ♪ but driving safe means you pay less ♪ ♪ switch and save ♪ yes, ma'am excuse me, miss. ♪ does this heart belong to you? ♪ ♪ would you like it anyway? [ scatting ]
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>> sean: multiple scandals currently in virginia politics. we send our own lawrence jones to see how the people of virginia feeling about all the controversy. let's take a look. >> i'm sure you've heard about the controversy with the state officials. how do you feel about it? >> it's awful to hear about. and i think there are consequences to people's actions. >> i really don't like to say i'm from virginia when things
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like that happen. >> being in this state and city, it's definitely uncomfortable for me to hear. >> maybe this is another version of "me too." >>do you think these officials should resign? >> yeah, i think they have to think hard about their actions. >> i think it would be best for them to do so. >> you have to own it and they should step down. >> i don't think i'm in the place to say that. >> whether or not northam can prove he was or wasn't in the photo is beside the point. >> do you think it's different with the governor since when he ran for office he went after his opponent for being racist and now he's in his own scandal with black face? isn't that like a little bit of hypocrisy right there? >> i would say confusing would be what comes to mind. >> the lieutenant governor has been accused of sexual assault.
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how do you feel about that? >> there's always two sides to the story. >> should will be due process or should he resign? >> due process. >> how do the scandals make you feel living in virginia? >> pretty upset. i feel pretty let down. i was at the convention with -- when obama was vouching for all of these people, and i can't imagine how he feels right now. >> >> sean: tammy, you were amazing -- your commentary, your passion during the kavanaugh hearings, you really were on target. you know what words i haven't heard yet as it relates to the lieutenant governor story, i'm not hearing anyone say "i believe." >>this is absolutely predictable and this is what
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destroys the issues for all of us who cared about it, who cared about every woman who is genuinely sexually assaulted, wants the justice system to work for her, wants to be heard and taken seriously. that was our conversation during kavanaugh, wasn't it, sean, that that attack on brett kavanaugh set this as a -- >> sean: bludgeoning. >> and now we have a woman -- and, look, my argument that entire time was to take women seriously, but you don't just automatically believe everyone. that's what due process is for. and that's what women have asked for. and now this woman in this case is being looked at at the democrats for some reason are treated as though she can't be believed. the american people are seeing the double standard and thinking the issue doesn't matter, the
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issue is a political one, you can't trust what women are saying about men or politicians. this is courtesy of a party that says they're the champions for women. and within a few short months, they have burnt it to the ground. and women have to realize that whenever one party says to you, we are going to save your lives. you can only trust us, watch out, watch your back because they're going to weaponize the thing. >> sean: you're right. if they really cared about the issue, i think they would be saying "i believe." they are not saying that. just like on the border debate. they once supported a border wall, said they cared about dreamers, daca, furloughed employees, but wouldn't even talk to the president. the same thing, i would imagine, the controversy if it was republicans and black face, i would imagine their reaction would be very different on that one too. >> that's exactly right, sean.
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and the guy probably can't sleep in his mansion behind me. the governor played a lot of politics. meanwhile, this guy is in black face. this is what the democratic party does. they play these race games. but they play these games. and i like to say this, sean. i don't want these guys to resign. stay there because we know you guys are going to play the same game in 2020. and now we have proof that the democrats aren't calling for them to resign. they want them to stay there. >> sean: in the obama years, i always say 13 million americans on food stamps, 8 million on poverty. the people most disproportionately impacted, african-americans, hispanic americans, and women. the people benefitting most
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under trump, those same three demographics and asian american quality of their lives improving, to take a step back and to relook at what it is they've been told to think about the president and what's happening in the country and what's in their best interest. in their best interest right now is to operate as independents an listen with some cynicism and suspicion to what the democrats are telling them. >> yeah, and the republicans can no longer be afraid. they've got to go into different communities and sell our agenda. how did we lose to these guys? these guys are in black face. >> sean: i'm a conservative.
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when you live in freedom, you need to create a standard of living second to none. all right, guys. thank you both. when we come back, a bombshell report exposing congressman adam schiff. it has to do with something important. straight ahead. needed a vacation from his vacation. so he stepped on the dr. scholl's kiosk. it recommends our best custom fit orthotic to relieve foot, knee, or lower back pain. so you can move more. dr. scholl's. born to move.
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put together the phony dossier paid for by clinton. which fueled the fake collusion narrative. pay attention. that's the senate intel committee. zero evidence for. joining us with reaction. let's go slowly here, john. last night you detailed how robert mueller, when he was the fbi director, was brought before the fisa judges for the fbi's behavior in some 75 cases of withholding exculpatory evidence. we know that they never told the fisa court hillary paid for this, they never verified it or corroborated and they were warned in august by bruce ohr,
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all of them. and weissman, the pit bull, knew about all of this, because he was briefed by ohr also. >> that's right, yeah. >> sean: what's new about schiff? >> adam schiff has been the biggest champion in congress for the dossier for two years until just recently. but let's remember, let's take everybody back to the spring of 2017. nunez, house committee chairman, goes to the white house, tries to find about some unmasking abuses. and schiff goes bananas. this taints our whole investigation, right? remember that. nunez steps aside. well, let's fast-forward to this summer. schiff, who is he meeting with, the author of the dossier and there talking with glen simpson, this is at a time when schiff
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and nunez's committee knows it's highly possible. it isn't until i find this photo in the last couple of days showing them together that they had this meeting. my favorite line in this is when asking about what this meeting was about, simpson said, it was just a small sock meeting. i don't think the author of the dossier and the chairman of the house intelligence committee can be engaged in small talk. it's a very significant event. >> sean: you go back, and we learn that mueller, we had campbell, and fbi undercover agent chronicling back, bribery, kickbacks, extortion. everybody was warned that this was not verified. they still committed a fraud before the fisa court four
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times. rod rosenstein side signed on the last one. i'm looking and this. now we know that he was withholding exculpatory evidence in 75 cases, and they did it in this case. when is anybody going to be held accountable for all of these russian lies that they know hillary paid for from day one, but yet they went with an investigation on trump. >> maybe next week when the next attorney general is sworn in, he's vowed to get to the bottom of it. today's story, as you mentioned in your monologue, is the senator who said we don't have anything that would suggest it was collusion by the trump campaign and russia. that's incredibly important because not only did his committee interview 200 witnesses and examine more than 300,000 pages of documents, but
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his committee, unlike robert mueller, has direct access to intelligence information that's classified. so there's a forthcoming report saying there's no evidence of collusion is far more reliable than anything mueller will come up with. >> sean: he's seen it all. i'm thinking about -- we just played at the beginning of the show, john, adam schiff, who you write about and expose today, what a conflict of interest. they can deny all they want. i don't believe anything that comes out of adam schiff's mouth. i think he's a liar and he's been lying the whole time about all this for political gain. schiff is on tape talking to a person he believes to be a russian, to dig dirt on donald trump. how does he dare get to investigate anybody about russian collusion when he's on tape doing it? >> it's a great question. and if he applies the same standard to himself that he
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applied to devin nunes, he should step aside. tonight after everybody has seen the photos, there's crickets from republicans and democrats. that's the problem in washington. people aren't willing to stand up anymore and demand accountability. that has to happen. the next opportunity is in a week. >> sean: i hope the president picked the right guy. i don't know bill barr. but if we have an fbi spy in the uranium one deal and we know they're involved in crimes and we do nothing and then hillary gets all this money in the clinton foundation. hillary bought and paid for dossier lies. when, greg, when is there accountability? >> well, as i say, bill barr cannot only launch an investigation into comey's corruption at the fbi and all of his accolades, but he can take a
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serious examination, a criminal investigation into the conduct of hillary clinton and her foundation, not to mention re-examining comey's decision to absolve her under espionage charges in the email scandal. >> sean: thank you both. great work. now this is beginning to blow wide open. i told you, there a lot more coming. when we come back, we told you the scary proposals in the 'green new deal' everything is free. we're going to set things straight. we have a hollywood villain of the day. famous hollywood star. you can't even make this up, it's so insane. straight ahead. with an ingredit originally discovered... in jellyfish. in clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve short-term memory. prevagen. healthier brain. better life.
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>> congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez and other democrats unveiling their radical extreme 'green new deal' today to address what she calls catastrophic climate change. here the latest on whether this is the right decision based on the right science. christopher horner. our friend joe bastardi. okay, chris, let's start with you. you've written a number of books on the subject. if we're going to demand every business and house in the country be rebuild and offer free housing, healthcare, retirement, everything is free, and the reasoning is the earth's going to end in 12 years, so we'll do this in 10 years with only 2 years to benefit from it. it's going to cost trillions and
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trillions. good idea? >> right, because it's worked not in those places president obama used to tell us to look to. we used to be the only ones not doing it. now we'll be the first. you'll see this plan opens with the alarmist liturgy but then reels off page after page about guaranteed income and so on for those unwilling to work. there's no mention of a climate impact or a change in temperature, which is the flag it sails in under. this is about the fundamental transformation. you'll see in the washington post tomorrow a scathing editorial pointing out that you're trashing the enterprise of the climate industry here by going off on your massive
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project. meanwhile, they claim it would cure these social ills. it would exacerbate all of them badly through energy poverty. >> sean: joe, the '70s was the ice age is coming. then global warming. now we just say climate change. but it's really predicated on what? a battle against capitalism, the premise that man on earth is pillaging the planet for profit? >> well, first of all, hl mankin, who was a democrat, said it correctly. the urge to save humanity is almost always a false face for the urge to rule it. you're dragging the majesty of the creation, weather, climate, all these things i've loved since i was a kid being dragged
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through the mud. it's the weaponization of weather and climate, the idea that the average person doesn't know what happened, like people like world. that's exactly what's going on here. it's really not that much. i understand the co2 feedback argument, but the oceans have 99.9% of the heat capacity of the entire system. when the ocean is cool, the air will cool. >> sean: i've got to say this, joe. you know every storm. you have studied weather and, chris, you have studied. people need to pay attention to what you're saying. all right. you're not going to believe tonight's villain of the day. famous hollywood liberal. it's insane.
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>> sean: hollywood liberal after president trump called out the left's radical late-term -- even up to birth -- of course and policies, but midler tweeted out "buy stock in coat hangers" disgusting, inaccurate, untrue. some extremely sad news to share with you, our longtime friend, our colleague bob massey, expert at real estate passed away with a long battle with cancer, 67 years old. if we send our prayers and thoughts to him and his family, very generous man. every time i hit a golf ball, i use a driver he sent me, he was that type of guy. we are praying for his family. we did learn tonight that former michigan congressman died at the age of 92, the longest serving
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member of congress and the history of this country, 1955 through january 2015. we send our thoughts and prayers to his family. this show will never be the hate trump media, laura ingraham is standing by in the swamp, i'm not there tonight. >> laura: i remember him when i was a young staffer at the white house and the department of education, when his committee called a cabinet member to testify, it was blanks to the wall. i'm happy to own every wrinkle. >> sean: you know who looks great? clint eastwood. >> laura: i love it. i like helen mirren, all of them look great. >> sean: are you fishing, do you need a
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