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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  February 7, 2019 7:00pm-8:00pm PST

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member of congress and the history of this country, 1955 through january 2015. we send our thoughts and prayers to his family. this show will never be the hate trump media, laura ingraham is standing by in the swamp, i'm not there tonight. >> laura: i remember him when i was a young staffer at the white house and the department of education, when his committee called a cabinet member to testify, it was blanks to the wall. i'm happy to own every wrinkle. >> sean: you know who looks great? clint eastwood. >> laura: i love it. i like helen mirren, all of them look great. >> sean: are you fishing, do you need a complement? >> laura: i'm fine.
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>> sean: you look great. >> laura: that was a great show tonight. >> sean: what you have a great show every night. >> laura: i'm laura ingraham, this is "the ingraham angle" from washington tonight. you've heard some of this but we are going to really pull the threads out of this, check it out. eliminating cars, airplanes, flatulent cows, and for good measure, tearing down all of our buildings. those are some of the modest proposals included inside alexandria ocasio-cortez's green new deal, we'll explain what it means for you and why 2020 democrats are lining up behind it. adam schiff takes aim at devon nunez for what he claims was an incomplete inquiry. devon nunez is here to react and a few more tidbits in there. the court is in session, will i wear that doily around my neck?
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and tonight's case, the case of a veteran being denied the right to fly an american flag. a judge will have a ruling. but first, the rise of the pc puritans, part two, that's the focus of tonight's angle. another day, another liberal icon caught up in the sensitivity trap. >> this picture -- it was a halloween party, i went as a beautiful african woman. >> you're not black. >> that is my hair. did you have tanning lotion on? i had makeup that was a little bit than my skin.
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>> laura: less than a week ago, it was virginia democrat governor ralph northam who fresh off extolling the virtues of infanticide was exposed for posting this photo on his med school yearbook page. >> i am deeply sorry, i cannot change the decisions i've made but i accept responsibility for my past actions and i am ready to do the hard work of regaining your trust. >> laura: he's trying. then it was his potential successor democratic lieutenant governor fairfax. now in his own #metoo controversy. >> it didn't happen the way it was portrayed. >> laura: yesterday, it was his second in line to the government ship, democrat attorney general mark herring who tried to get out in front of his own 40-year-old mistake. he admitted he too had donned black face for a college party
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back in 1980 when he and his friends dressed like rappers, he apologized profusely but democratic leaders this week, they are running for cover. >> this week has made me sick, just made me sick. from friday to now, it's been one bit of bad news, it's all been shocking and surprising. >> it's sad because very talented leaders there, they have to have the confidence of the electorate and they have to have the confidence of the legislature that they have two work with. >> laura: she should have just done that many reading she was doing during the state of the union. corporations are also worried. this week, adidas pulled back on almost all white sneaker because its release was deemed racist. "adidas? you are celebrating black
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culture with an uncaged all white ultra boot?" what about... and now the fashion house gucci is also apologizing, what's the controversy, this bizarre sweater or mask situation that covers half of the wearer's mouth, the company recalled the design from its online physical stores after one fashionista tweeted out balaclava knit top by gucci, happy black history month. demeaning portrayals of anyone on the basis of race and ethnicity is deplorable and should be called out as such, yet we as americans, we have to be careful not to rush into condemned people or businesses because of uncorroborated
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allegations or disagreement about fashion. bowing to the every demand of the politically correct puritans puts us on a dangerous path or a slippery slope or whatever you want to call it. the concern is about without some safe space, good people won't want to be involved in public life at all. they will be fearful something they said years ago will now will be considered unforgivable and irredeemable. back to joy behar, the easiest thing for me to do would be to relish this moment and grind her into the dirt for the double standard. she has been incredibly uncharitable to me personally over the years, i used to go on the show and so forth. i'm not going to take that bait. i prefer to try to stick to the principles of fairness. i don't think she's a racist, i disagree with her but i don't think she's a racist. a goofy photo from 1972 isn't
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going to make me change my mind. we all need to take a breath and evaluate patterns of behavior rather than rush to judgment, will real discriminatory contact. if white tennis shoes are considered racist, maybe it's time to consider the shifting standard of the pc puritans, and that the angle. joining me now, dinesh d'souza, national spokesperson for the congress of racial equality, and ladonna jones, democratic strategist. are we over the tipping point here of what is and what is not racist with the tennis shoes and other fashions? >> it's a politically correct reign of terror that is going to end up terrorizing us all. good friend and fox news
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contributor janine pirelli wrote in her book if everything is racist, then nothing is in the problem is to conflate some kids in high school wanting to give tribute to michael jackson or a rapper by trying to look like them and conflating them with the historic racism that black americans have had to deal with over the centuries actually minimizes and belittles the real history and what has happened to african-american. are we going to go to whoopi goldberg and ted danson who were involved in a relationship, when ted danson went out in full black face and whoopi goldberg was not only not offended, she enjoyed it thoroughly? and left about it? i think at some type of friars roast? we all need to take a deep
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breath and realize how far we've come. >> laura: i assume you disagree. >> i absolutely disagree. we know we won't be able to get everyone to agree 100% on any issue particularly on race in america. however, the problem that you are missing, we are worried about isn't it time to get over it? instead of taking a moment to realize why is this an issue? i think there are too many americans who are not realizing that the racist overtones, the racist history has to be acknowledged first. we are passing it over, it was just the 80s -- >> laura: do you think joy behar is racist for having gone in a halloween costume as she said as a beautiful african woman? >> i will not say anyone including the governor of virginia is racist based on one photo, that does not make racism
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but what it does do is make insensitivity. when you have a platform, an opportunity to talk about these issues whether they happened yesterday or in the past, if necessary to do it instead of just pushing it off and saying it's no big deal. >> laura: eric dyson political analyst had an interesting comment about the privilege issue and the blackface issue, let's watch. >> this shows the vast reaches of ignorance, unconsciousness that many white people have and are allowed to have. when we talk about white privilege, people say i don't understand it. the fact you don't have to know about blackface, the fact you don't have to know the consequences of racial intolerance are indicative of a serious kind of white privilege that you need to attack. >> laura: i know you are heading to dartmouth, you're probably going to ask questions
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about this but what about what he said? a person who was white cannot understand what that image does to the psyche of an african-american person with all the history that of course we acknowledge or should acknowledge. >> the issue that he's sidelining here and the big surprise of all this is these examples you may say of shocking insensitivity if you want to call it that are coming from the democrats and the progressives. gucci and adidas are very progressive corporations, joy behar is on the left, ralph northam is a democrat, mark herring is a democrat. we've been told for a whole generation now that the parties switched sides, the democrats might've been racist 100 years ago but the racism has no metamorphosis iced into the republican party, the racist democrats became republican. i've been maintaining this is
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not so, the racist strained remained in the democratic party, the dixiecrat never became republicans and so the stuff in virginia is a stunning vindication of that. >> laura: are you actually saying ralph northam and mark herring from the speaker of the house, the attorney general that they are racist because of these old photos? what was insensitive? you think they are racist? >> here is what i'm saying. i don't think one can simply focus on the photo, look at the other side of northam. the reason this came to light because of his shocking defense of a certain kind of infanticide, a certain kind of leaving the baby to die even when it's viable outside the womb. it's this is exactly the position of margaret sanger 100 years ago. 100 years ago in the
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democratic party and the progressive movement you had on the one hand a condoning of racism and the ku klux klan of black vaudeville and blackface, on the other hand this kind of idea that to use the phrase should be disposed of, this racism come of this thread of looking at people as unwanted, a feeling we should be able to get rid of them, this is still in the democratic party and we can't lose sight of that. >> laura: this is what al sharpton said today about the northam controversy specifically, let's watch. >> if the governor wants to repent and grow, if the attorney general wants to repent and grow, good, and the best example of that is to say i am residing and i'm going on tour and telling people that i'm working on a greater --
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>> laura: the need for repentance from al sharpton? >> the irony of al sharpton demanding repentance for things that one said many years ago is rich with irony. i agree with dinesh d'souza in one sense, here is how the democratic party has not change changed. it was racially obsessed 50, 100 years ago during the segregation era. it is now race and identity politics obsessed, be it race, be it gender, be it sexual orientation, be whatever category they want to put human beings and free individuals in. that is today's democratic party, it's also a democratic party that is cavalier on the history of racism. joe biden can go before a black audience and say because of the policies of the republican part
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party, they want to put you back in chains -- that shows a contempt that vice president joe biden, vice presidential candidate at the time, joe biden had for the history of black americans in our country. that's the problem with this. if every single thing this racism, if every silly manifestation is racism, that nothing is. >> laura: i want you to respond to that, let's focus on the sneaker, it's something everyone can understand. it's a sneaker released by adidas, a very progressive company, they released a sneaker in honor of black history month. a lot of the sneakers i guess now are white. they're going back to white or white with a simple strike. i guess the name of a certain types of sneakers the way they are constructed, if you collect sneakers that's a big thing -- caged or uncaged, i don't know what that means.
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do you think the sneaker needed to be recalled because it was racist? i bet you don't. >> i think what the sneaker represents -- it's not about democrat or republican. this is one of those black and white issues in america. what adidas represented was they don't have to understand why people think it's racist. they don't have to feel the need to be able to prove what it was or was not, this is how people feel. it's not important enough to have this issue to put it out. all white americans whether republican or democrat when you see these issues of race coming up, i'm not saying you have to follow every rabbit trail. the moment you say i don't understand why it's racist or that's just how it was, you are expressing white privilege. instead of doing that, except it and move on.
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>> laura: i get what you're saying, i was reading a lot of the sports blog commentary on this, it was fascinating. i didn't see a big consensus on the sneaker issue, may be on some issues but not on that. there are people saying sexual assault is not even as bad as what is happening with some other controversies. it's important to play this. >> if it boils down to justin fairfax having to resign and the two blackface people don't, then those very same people will say wait a minute, that's a double standard. >> hold on a second, sexual assault is a crime and blackface is awful but it's not a crime. >> the original crime was blackface on the part of northa northam. it's a crime to us as black
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people. >> laura: that's on msnbc. >> to my view of thinking, it was his position on infanticide that should make him resign. this is like the o.j. case, they ultimately got him for stealing his old memorabilia but his real crime was what he did, similarly here northam's real crime is his horrific position on infanticid infanticide. the blackface issue might end up getting him and it will be just desserts. >> laura: great panel and coming up a new crop of democrats don't have just different ideas, they want to radically alter the way you live your everyday life. how alexandria ocasio-cortez's great new deal, i'm even wearing a dress that screen, could bankrupt our society -- stay there. after walking six miles at an amusement park...
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that's one of the more ridiculous proposals and the draft of her green new deal released today. do you like flying across the country in five hours? too bad. the aoc plan calls for building high-speed rail at a scale where air travel stops becoming necessary. sorry, hawaii. do you prefer to heat your home at an affordable cost? too bad. the green new deal will end all traditional forms of energy in the next ten years. unless you think it's relegated to mere climate radicalism, check out this nugget. it would guarantee economic security for all who are unable or unwilling to work. unwilling? is this a fever dream? here now senior editor at the federalist and fellow at the center of climate and security, four of the top 2020 contenders booker, jill a friend, warren,
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harris have all rushed into sups green new deal, is as a litmus test for the left? >> they jumped in and supported it before they even knew it was in it, it's something democrats occasionally do with obamacare and other things. now they have inadvertently supported a trojan horse filled with socialist planning on housing and food and everything else, it's going to be hard for them to back out to. >> laura: the only thing i didn't see and there was what we were talking about closing. everything else is covered. this is what aoc said this morning, she was on this morning earlier npr and she changed her tune a little bit about how much the government would be required to enact this agenda, let's watch. >> are you prepared to put on the table that they are right, what this requires is massive government intervention.
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>> it does come i have no problem saying that. one way the right tries to mischaracterize as what were doing this some kind of massive government takeover. >> laura: she was happy to say it's going to take massive government intervention but she probably heard the heat, that is not going to fly with most americans, how does this make sense? >> the reason i support this from somebody who is entrenched in evidence, i look at the facts and the science, this is the only policy plan i've seen put forward the commission rates with the magnitude of the challenges we are going to be experiencing that are stemming from the planet warming. if you look at what nasa and noaa just put out, they've told us clearly 2018 was one of the hottest years on record making the last four the hottest years on record in the last five years, the plan at morning, we need to take actions that are going to address that. >> laura: it's pretty cold right now in minnesota but it's a snapshot, --
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>> that's weather versus claimant. >> laura: it's global warming, now it's climate change. terminology changes but i hear what you're saying. here's what markey said, he was on tonight over at msnbc. >> how much spending are we talking about, give me a ballpark figure? >> we don't have any specific prescriptions but most of the role will be played by the private sector, it's the greatest blue-collar job creation revolution in two generations. >> laura: that sounds great. i'm for blue-collar jobs, populist conservatives get people to work, solar, wind, renewables, changing the way plastic is made, they are already doing a lot of that technology. could that be the case even though no prescriptions yet? everyone should know this, it's a resolution with no policy prescriptions. >> resolution means nothing
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because people can do all of these things now if they want to. solar energy generates 1.3% of our energy. we would dismantle contemporary society to get this done. it would cost $25 billion to go into every single house and change the water cooling system, the heating, give up your car, retrofit everything. it is immature, it's something someone in high school would write. this is not real, it can't be legislation, it's not serious. i'm not sure why presidential candidates feel the need to support this. >> laura: nuclear, that the cleanest energy of all. >> this is a really ambitious plan that is looking to go to renewable electricity and i would say it's go to renewable energy. they want to keep all options on the table. >> laura: cars and everything we all drive, i have three clunkers, not two. they are all out the window.
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>> it's going to be more expensive if we don't act. hundreds of billions of dollars in relief effort. >> we have people watching, parents, they don't make a lot of money but there are regular people, they are listening to this going i can't afford -- i can barely afford to live now without working two jobs. i'm not going to be able to afford any of this, it's nice to say come on michael bloomberg said we have to not do pie-in-the-sky stuff, he's a big greedy yet i wore green. you can't do pie-in-the-sky because you're going to turn off all these people, maybe you can get to agree on more than the truly private stuff. >> we have to believe in science, everything we are saying about the future is true. there are rules to society, we can't discard the constitution or discard economic realities and essentially kill american society. >> laura: kill it to save it, it sounds like what northam was saying. >> meanwhile, there's china and india who won't do that and it will destroy us. >> with all due respect, it will
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be cheaper if we proactively act now for the economy overall. >> laura: what you drive? >> the amtrak. >> laura: no car, new generation. democrats claim they aren't for open borders, what happens when they are young, new stars reveal the game. we'll show you next. >> the president doesn't like any form of immigration, he is criminalizing a population of people in the united states
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>> compassionate treatment at the border is not the same as open borders. >> i'm not for open borders, i'm not for letting everybody in. >> laura: definitely don't want an open borders, the left hates open borders, don't you know that? but they don't want a border wall since that is trumps idea. i think aoc can clear it all up for us. >> we are standing on native land and latino people are descendants of native people and we cannot be criminalized for our identity or our status, period. >> laura: i now get it. people illegally crossing our border cannot be held responsible, i got it. it's a really cool idea. joining me now is the rnc committee woman for california
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and i get this whole this land is your land, this land is my land but does she really think that is going to work as an argument? how does that bring anyone together? >> there's definitely a problem and how this administration is dealing with the immigration issue, creating a crisis that doesn't exist in the way the president is presenting it. there's a humanitarian crisis. >> laura: this is a personal home for all of us. >> we are at record lows and we can handle it. >> laura: we don't have the beds, we don't have the processing dancers, we cannot handle it. i know you don't want to talk about what she said that. because that is going to drive most people batty. she's very clever and kind of cool but this is where inexperience runs you over. >> the inexperience really shows for one particular reason. what she is referring to could potentially be a huge problem for native american tribes which
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are very much focused on having tribal sovereignty in determining both the membership and the citizenship and treaty responsibilities. >> laura: that's the only thing that's concerning about this, the native americans will get short shrift. it's not the fact that people aren't coming into our border in 2019 and crossing illegally. >> there are two separate issues, one is immigration and the other is that the tribes themselves probably wouldn't want this. i would recommend she speak to the two new native american congresswomen who joined her who could surely explain this to he her. >> laura: who really got here first? i think for putting aside the lineage question, what counts as a latino, people get all confused. anyone from spanish origin,
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puerto ricans, cubans, central americans, south americans, mexicans. there is a big dispute among many in that overall group of about who was authentic and who is not? i've been at the table. they are fun arguments. where does this all end up? is that where they're going with this argument? >> i think aoc would be shocked to know what other members of her party think about this argument because seniors and the party including dianne feinstein, joe biden, and chuck schumer are all on the opposite side of the issue. if aoc thinks historically my people were here that means everyone gets to come, she would be shocked to learn what the incas, the aztecs, and the mya's did to each other, there have bn wars and divisions of geographyt without history and if she read her history she would know that.
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i was an immigrant, the reason that immigrants come to this country is because this country has standards in a higher quality of living and principles that it lives by. if we were to take down those borders and let everybody in, it would be a place those folks won't want to come to anymore. the american ideal requires some borders and some limitations and i think she knows that. her position is untenable. >> laura: i keep quoting bloomberg tonight, he keeps saying pie in the sky thinking he was talking about the green new deal. you can hopscotch over to this issue, and inexperience, maybe she gets excited about the issue and she goes fullbore. she wants to abolish ice -- this is at a time when we find out that ms-13, another murder happened in her district. yet her big priority is to abolish ice.
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>> it goes back to mismanagement of dhs and ice by the trump administration. >> laura: you've got to be kidding me. >> we need ice to carry out important functions, at the super bowl they had a lot of breaking up of human traffickin trafficking. >> laura: what? >> why are you disagreeing with that? that was two nights ago. if there are legitimate functions for ice. when you have ice chasing down her mom dropping off her kids, -- i want to see them focus on the criminals. >> laura: ms-13 is murdering american spirit americans. >> people are dying in california every day because of this problem and we need double and triple the number of ice enforcing our laws, not less of
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them. you are mocking the families and the people who have lost their lives. >> don't put words in my mouth. >> you are insulting people who have suffered as a result of the -- >> the work they did at the super bowl is important, we need to have prioritization that's better. >> aoc justice she's excited about the green new deal needs to be excited about standing up for people victimized by crime, i'm sure deep in her heart she is about that as well. adam schiff takes aim at house intel chair predecessor as he launches new investigations into president trump, devon nunez here to respond next
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wirethat's not right.nth? it's right, all right. now, chunky-style milk? that's not right... i choose chunky-style milk because it has the wholesome chunks growing kids need, unlike smooth-style milk. ♪ hey, guys! save some chunks for me! that's not right. kinda like your wireless bill. mint mobile is easy, online and just $20 bucks a month. right now, buy one month and get two months free at >> the american people have a right to know, i need to know the president is acting on their behalf and not for some pecuniary or other reason that
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pertains to any credible allegations of leverage by the russians. >> laura: caped crusader himself, congressman adam schiff announcing his expansion into the investigation into the trump campaign, family, businesses, whatever else he can throw. he said it was in the pocket of the president. here to respond, former house intel chair congressman devin nunes. >> this was clearly an investigation without a crime. we looked for two years and didn't find anything at all. what was amazing is we haven't seen the press people around that much because there has been a whole cottage industry of press people in the capital now. for the first time we show up to our business meeting to organize and there must've been 15 cameras down there and 30 press people. we found out because he had
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announced that the business meeting that he was reopening the rush investigation. i don't know what these people are going to do, the scottish people of press people they are going to have to learn code or something, they aren't going to have a job after this. >> laura: they are going to bring whitaker up to testify. the acting attorney general. there was some fight in the administration, what can you tell us? >> i don't know why you would want him, he's been the acting ag for a month. >> and any conversations he had with the president on anything mueller related. >> why not bring rod rosenstein who started the special counsel, why would you not bring him into talk about everything? >> laura: eric swalwell was on cnn tonight and even erin burnett pressed him about the myriad of investigations, let's watch. >> are you worried at all about democrats getting mired in these
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investigations are not other work? are all of these worthwhile. >> more cannot be less come out when i was a prosecutor i would have defense attorneys come in and they would say can we make them all go away, and can we plead to one? i would say no, more is not less. >> laura: what is that screen of investigations? >> our committee, the intelligence committee which is supposed to be overseeing places like china, russia, north korea. we are going to go back into russia again with no new evidence. >> laura: there's some breaking news from the hill, there's a chance meeting between adam schiff infusion gps is glenn simpson and aspen last summer. both men told him it was coincidental, what's your take?
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>> it sounds like the tarmac meeting between bill clinton and the former attorney general. if the ranking member at the time was meeting privately with simpson who was the main figure in our investigation, he is the one being paid by the democrats to collude with the russians. what they were talking about, i don't know. but if you imagine i was meeting off the side with some of our witnesses -- >> laura: he was lying. >> simpson has lied on multiple occasions but most importantly, this is a democratic operative who got paid to do this, what is the ranking member doing meeting with this guy? >> imagine if the shoe had been on the other foot, this is a central figure in the investigation. it's like jeff sessions meeting sergey kislyak, that was a key meeting, wasn't it?
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thank you so much for joining u us. coming up, of that suing for the right to fly the american flag, another man wants to sue his par having him without his consent. you don't want to miss this, "the arbiter" is up next. one hour pickup order? got it. ran out of ink and i have a big meeting today. and 2 boxes of twizzlers... yeah, uh...for the team. the team? gooo team... order online pickup in an hour. and, now save big at the buy 2 get 1 free event. at office depot officemax. and, now save big at the buy 2 get 1 free event. coaching means making tough choices. jim! you're in! but when you have high blood pressure and need cold medicine that works fast, the choice is simple. coricidin hbp is the #1 brand that gives powerful cold symptom relief without raising your blood pressure. coricidin hbp.
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>> laura: this is "the arbiter." two attorneys argue a case and i judge laura make the final ruling, joining me now scott bolden and gail trotter. each attorney has 30 seconds to lay out the case, followed by a rebuttal. if the judge needs more info, each of you will have an additional 30 to explain and at the end i will make my ruling. some news reports say an air force that is suing the hoa board for denying him the right to fly an american flag, the board is saying the flag would dominate the appearance of the neighborhood but that smaller flags are okay. it's trying to avoid a "who has the largest flagpole?" contest. >> this is about patriotism, a
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south carolina statute that is a carve out the specifically talks homeowners associations. if it's reasonable, portable, and removable, it's a carve out and he can have his flagpole in his yard. he's a veteran, what beautification or negative beautification could there be for the association if the flag dominates? >> i'm sympathetic for americans right to proudly unfurl old glory, if the homeowner is applying this rule and regulation and not decided to allow some flags, then you don't have a constitutional right to put a flagpole up in your neighborhood and when you purchase property subject to a homeowners covenant or agreement, then you are agreeing for the property values of everyone in that community that you will abide by those
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regulations. >> laura: the ruling is easy, the supremacy clause still does exist and we have a federal statute that protects the right to fly a flag. now to overly strange case in india. a man wants to sue his parents for giving birth to him without his consent. >> we should be able to live. >> laura: no lawsuit has been filed, it's very possible this is a publicity stunt. let's put 30 seconds back on the clock. you may begin your argument. >> if i were representing the parents, i would immediately say the sun does not have standing because he did not exist. if the court said he did have
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standing, he did not have the capacity to consent when he was an embryo because he would be a minor and his parents would have the legal capacity to consent on his behalf. it turns the entire concept of law upside down. >> that's what this case is about. he did have a right to choose, his parents were negligent or they breached the social contract or contract with each other, he didn't buy into an emancipation statute, as a result his parents committed into a contract with him to provide clothing, food and all the essentials. local statutes and state statutes about emancipation are certainly in place but he didn't buy into him and they don't apply to him. >> i brought you into this world, i can take you out. >> if you brought me into it, i want you to take care of me for the rest of my life because i didn't choose to come here.
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>> laura: where does society go if this is where case law wilco, children can sue parents for conception? >> this is a frivolous lawsuit, as a parent myself i have contribute way more to my children's education and support and everything else. >> laura: i would like to know what ralph northam would think of this suit but i'm going to not only rule against scott but i'm going to sanction you because this is a frivolous lawsuit and i want to see you in chambers afterwards. >> can i breached the subject? >> laura: petition for rehearing. double sanctions. coming up, exclusive footage of the world after the green new deal. tonight's last bite will shock you, stay there.
7:56 pm
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7:57 pm
chicken! that's right, chicken?! candace-- new chicken creations from starkist. buffalo style chicken in a pouch-- bold choice, charlie! just tear, eat... mmmmm. and go! try all of my chicken creations! chicken!
7:58 pm
7:59 pm
my friends, we have seen into the future and i will not lie to you. it's not good. we have committed as exclusive video of a result of alexandria ocasio-cortez new crane green new deal if you have kids watching please cover your eyes, it is shocking. ♪
8:00 pm
>> i did celebrate. that is all the time we have an ed henry and the fox news night team will be kicking it here. we have to get dr. scholl's, ed because our fee will be hurting. >> ed: here i am to start out this broadcast with serious news and you have me laughing about the flintstones. great as always. good to see you. we begin with fox news with congressman in american history has died in michigan tonight. john dingell famous for his hard nose investigations and powerful energy and commerce committee died at the age of 92 with his wife, debbie who succeeded him in congress by his side. we will remember the life and legacy of the man node as the dean of the house in just a few. also breaking tonight in the house of representatives


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