tv Tucker Carlson Tonight FOX News February 7, 2019 9:00pm-10:00pm PST
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lynne and children. his story was too shooter. good night. >> tucker: welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." for generations the commonwealth of virginia had welcome to turk or carlson tonight, the commonwealth of virginia had a good reputation famous for its farms, the subtle beauty of mountains and the gentlemanly common sense of politics, eight american presidents came from virginia of course the first president from washington, the declaration of independence written by virginia in the first christmas tree in this country decorated in virginia. virginia was a it was not florida. stable sensible place. and, yet, suddenly it is. in fact, just this morning florida mocked virginia for gettingin completely out of control in public, settle down, said florida.
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you are embarrassing yourself. and indeedoi virginia is doing just that in the past week that state's top three elected officials all democrats, have fallenen into potentially career-ending scandals over their personal bebehavior, train wreck does not begin to describe what is happeningni in virginia. it's been like a 50-car pile-up on i-81 south of roanoke. it's a disaster. fox ed henry has been watching flap jawed since the beginning of this story he joins you now. hey, ed. >> it's hard to find a hero in this mess you just laid out. maybe it's the wife of governor ralph northam who didn't just stop him from doing the moon walk she also helped convince him to not step down despite intense pressure at the beginning. that may have turned out to be wise council from pam northam if northam had given in to the political mob there could be a far deeper crisis in virginia. the governorship would have gone to lieutenant governor justin fairfax. he is now embroiled in a charge of sexual assault he next in line would be democratic state attorney general mark
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he has now admitted he, too, appeared in blackface in college. in the wake of the push to believe all women during the justice brett kavanaugh controversy it's notable that a senior democratic congressman has now been drawn. congressman bobby scott says roughly a year ago he heard thele allegations of sexual assault from the alleged victim herself, dr. vanessa tyson, though he just heard there was a me too problem but did not hear the graphic details tyson has noww claimed about being forced into oral sex. fairfax has hired the same attorney who represented justice kavanaugh. the lieutenant governor's team has fired off a letter two nbc commanding correction to a report that l charged in a private meeting, the lieutenant governor said of his accuser f that b. fairfax insists he was just using profanity to express general frustration about false allegations. new today a republican was drawn in. state senator tommy norment reportedly oversaw a yearbook at the virginia institute in 168 filled with
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racist photos and slurs. he says he did not directly edit that part. "the washington post," which published the first allegations against kavanaugh but held back on publishing a story about the fairfax allegations today had an editorial saying northam should resign. our correspondent in richmond ellison barber noticed one pro-northam protester. outside of the governor's mansion shouting bull horn i know you are a good man. do not resign. tucker? >> tucker: it's unbelievable. ed henry thank you for that. >> you too. >> tucker: judging by the news recently it seems like an awful lot of people are l showing up at parties dressed inf costumes designed to look like members of another race. blackface suddenly seems ubiquitous. but is it? what percentage of the american population do you think has publicly appeared inin blackface? have you done it yourself? do you know anyone else who has? probably not.l the real number has to be pretty low. now, ask yourself what
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percentage of high profile progressives have warn black face in public? let's see two of the three highest ranking democrats in the state of virginia are white and both of them have worn blackface as a statistical matter that is an astounding ratio. it probablyin shouldn't surprise us. blackface turns out to be fairly common on the elet left. actor ted danson once showed up roast whoopi goldberg wearing blackface. goldberg hosts a view on abc. covers intersection of scandal and politics and yet strangely its co-hosts have said very little about the blackface controversy now unfolding in virginia. and maybe that's why. or possibly it's because goldberg's colleague joy behar has also appeared in blackface. we know that because behargg once bragged about it. >> is that you, joy? >> oh,h, you know, this picture. >> joy, is that you. >> that is me. >> what word is that circa what?
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>> it was a halloween party. i went as a beautiful african woman. >> youou ain't black. >> that's my hair. that's my hair. that is me. >> did have you tanning n.lotion on. >> makeup that was a little bit darker than my skin. >> um-huh. >> well, given the new standards we are living under, that's a little shocking. actor sarah silverman won't judge behar though. silverman has appeared in blackface too she has that in common with jimmy kimmel also of abc. kimmel not only wore blackface but he used urban accent did he that on camera. over at ntsb there has been quite awo bit of blackface over the years though you would never know it who are from how the anchor attacked megyn kelly. re never appeared in blackface, never performed next to someone in blackface. she merely asked a question about blackface. youhi can't say the same thing for tom hanks though. watch this. >> 5,000 shares ideal over this guy 5,000 [inaudible]
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anybody else? >> tucker: tom hanks works in the movie business hisod peers would be deeply offended by the tape they saw they are not. keep in mind that hollywood once produced a lead character character wore blackface much of the film. soul man came out in 1986. if that seems like a long time ago. after ronald reagan martin luther king the subject of a national holiday. attitudes in america weren't much that different back then. blackface was not a mainstream phenomenon in 1986. hollywood just couldn't imagine living by its own rules then or now. it's's pretty clear that the very people most likely to wear blackface are also the most likely to demand that you get fired if you do the same. that's the definition of
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hypocrisy. but, it'ss deeper than that hypocrisy isn't simply a recurring feature of modern liberalism. it's the whole point of it. being a progressive allows you to attack others for the very same sins that you yourselfg are committing in greater abundance. and it's not just true of wearing blackface. it's true of everything. let's say you got rich doing something that earlier generations would have recognized as dishonorable if not criminal. you manipulated international currency markets, for example. where you placed a huge bets arin the stock market, based on insider information. or you stripped functioning companies foran parts and left of the employees with nothing. let's say you made a quicket bundle doing something like that andnd many have. in order to show your rfriends just how rich you were, you then, of course, purchased the usual vulgar merit badges, the private airplanes, walled estates, football sized yachts, the point would be to brag about your wealth. and, yet, on some level you y wouldn't feel especially good about this.
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why would you? hyou didn't help anyone but yourself. you are a selfish and mediocre person and you know it. so how would you make yourself feel better? giving the money back is too obvious and also too costly. maintaining your yacht is expensive. you need the money. instead, you might decide toou join a movement that accuses other people of destroying the planet by consuming too much. suddenly your own overconsumption might not seem so sinful. at least you are a deeply caring person and you would tell yourself that as you flew private to global y warming conferences all over the world. that's what tom styer did and mike bloomberg and leonardo decaprio that's what they tell themselves. this attitude defines ruling class. once you understand that contemporary politics comes into focus. why are people with private security forces demanding that you give up your guns? how come so many womanizers pose as feminists? how did ted kennedy lead the women's movement after he abandoned a young woman to
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die at the scene of a drunk driving accident he caused? and while we are on the subject why is it at the always people who attack others on the basis of their skin color happen to be the first people to lecture the rest of us about racism? what is all of this? well they know they are guilty of the very same oings. t it all makes sense now. ask any waiter how well progressives tip. seriously ask a waiter. a group of aggressive activists arrives at a restaurant they linger for hours delivering passionate lectures will about the horrors of. when they lee they shaft the income inequality. people who serve them food. the very people they claim to care about. only with progressivism is this behavior possible. precisely because they care so much about structural inequality progressives don't have to leave actualn' cash on an actual table for actual workers. their tip is their profound sense of caring. too bad waiters can't pay the rent with that.
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this is all a profound departure from what we have had before. conventional politics concerns itself with improving people's lives. we can a argue about how to do that but the goal is always the same. always has been the same. to make citizens happier, safer, more content and prosperous. modern progressivism is very different. it has nothing to do with any of that. modern progressives care about virtue and redemption and the sin. it's not a political philosophy it's religion especially rigid form of religion. the kind of religion that produces witch hunts and inquisitions. so the press has played a pretty central role in the dramas now unfolding in virginia. leah o'connor has been paying close attention to that an associate editor at the "washington times" you can hear him and should hear him on the radio in washington. he joinsns us tonight. you have been paying attention to the genesis of
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the story.. it seemed to come out of nowhere the allegations precisely against the lieutenant governor of virginia justin fairfax. but it turns out they have been floating around for a while in media circles. >> that's right.. >> tucker: tell us what happened. >> specifically "the washington post" in washington, d.c. which covers virginia politics. they had this story during the 2017 campaign when justin fairfax was running for lieutenant governor and they decided that they were going to ignore it because who could corroborate it? it was he said, she said. interesting note there though of course it was n completely different standard when it came to the brett kavanaugh story and dr. christine blasey ford. but, furthermore, when lieutenant governor justin fairfax made his very first statement about these allegations last week, he not only said that the "the washington " post" had the story, but they decided not to run with it because there were inaccuracies. he said that the "the washington post" had found f in the story. so lieutenant governor justin fairfax's very first statementt on this contained a lie. "the washington post" actually denied there were any inaccuracies. right there you have quite a
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bit to talk about just in this one part of this story. >> tucker: what's interesting to me is the precision of the parallels here. you have got two professors from california. >> yeah. >> both democrats. >> stanford. >> both making allegations exactly right against powerful men in the public eye. both of them tell their stories to the "the washington " post" but "the washingtonos post" only runs one of those stories. >> that's right. and, also, i mean, as one starts to question these stories that are being made by these women who say that they are victims, you have to compare how thorough both stories are how detailed they are. whether those stories change or not and also, you know, one always asks what is the motive for a woman to lie? well in the case of the kavanaugh story, let's face it, dr. ford was a democrat. she opposed trump. she opposed kavanaugh's politics.'s not so in this case. these two actually the alleged incident happened when they were both at the 2004 conventioner for john kerry in boston.
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they are both democrats and they're both activists for liberal causes so you take that motive out. why would this woman lie about lieutenant governor fairfax? there is one other thing that i think everyone needs to bear in mind here because obviously i talk about media a lott here, tucker. i talk about the media biasuc that we perceive and see. this is important. this isn't just about the 2017 election and what it would do for these individual democrats. the media at that time were building a very big narrative. virginia was the first state to vote right after the trump election. right? virginia votes one year after a main election. a big, big narrative was built here that the blue wave was coming and every democrat in virginia symbolized that. the media at that time, they didn't want to do any investigation of these they didn't want to look into their closets or look under their bed and they certainly didn't want to run a story like this because it would have upset that very large narrative they took into 2018. >> tucker: exactly right.
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would any of these three sitting politicians governor, lieutenant governor, attorney general been elected had voters know what we know now. been elected. >> no. >> tucker: they were doingg their job in the way that jeff bezos approves of. >> exactly. w that would have done away with that very important narrative that virginia rejects trumpism. america rejects trumpism here comes the big wave. >> tucker: larry o'connor joining us tonight. thank you, larry. appreciate it. >> thanks, tucker. >> tucker: well, lunatic notice congress would like to prove their virtue by destroying the u.s. economy. it's called the green new deal. mark steyn is here with us after the break to assess what's in that plan. stay tuned.
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>> tucker: alexandria ocasio-cortez of new york has posed what she is calling a green new deal. the deal would shut down america's entire traditional energy sector within 12 years. gasoline cars would be history. close to 10 million americans would lose their jobs.. virtually every building in the country would need to be retrofitted to become something called carbon neutral. those are just the big popoints. there's a lot more and a lot more. amazingly quite a few democrats seem to be taking this proposal seriously or at least to say otherwise for fear of offending the 29-year-old leader of their party. one person who clearly thinks it's ridiculous though is speaker nancy pelosi. pelosi still believes that she is the leader of the democraticll party. she described alexandria ocasio-cortez plan as the green dream or whatever they call it nobody know what is it is but they are for it, right?
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ouch. dana perino served as george w. bush's press secretary, of course and she hosts "the daily briefing" which you watch daily and she joins us tonight. dana, great to see you. >> greatat to see you. >> tucker: i mean, i get. >> dana: i was thinking about how am i not going to laugh? >> tucker: what i'm so struck by that my initial p thought is the party of science forgot to consult scientists when they draft a complete rewrite of the american economy. idhow did that happen? >> well, interesting, also, nancy pelosi called it -- said the green dream and alexandria ocasio-cortez said i like that. i like the sound of that she wasn't offended. but what i also saw was that speaker pelosi said i appreciate the enthusiasm boy is this enthusiastic. what it is not, tucker, is about the environment. it is about progressivism. if it were about the environment then we might actually have some science in here. for example, one of the
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things they want to do is to end fossil fuel use in 10 years. the problem is not taxes in this matter, okay? the problem is physics. if it were possible to get off fossil fuels with our current technology, we would have done that there is plenty of money to be had for the first person to figure that out. it's just that the physics isn't there yet. but why is this not about the environment and about progressivism? the best way, the only way really right now with the technology we have in order to get off fossil fuels is to add more nuclear power but, guess what? in the green new deal nukes banned and they can't say within 10 years that they would be age to completely eliminate nuclear power all together. this is the stuff of dreams. but, also turns out to be a nightmare. >> tucker: you make such a good point. if yourr aim is to reduce carbon emissions we can debate whether that ought to be your aim. nuclear power as a factual
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manner is the cleanest,r easiest only available way to too it. do they explain why they are against that? >> dana: no, it's a 14 page document that is light on the details, right? so that's something that they can say like all of these democrats who have signed on today as you said like all the presidential candidates, like, we're so excited about -- it's an idea, it's a goal. it's not really real. but, here's n another thing. the other co-sponsor for alexandria ocasio-cortez was ed markey the senator from massachusetts. >> tucker: right. >> dana: back in 2009 when the obama era when they passed this cap and trade deal, that's actually what helped lead to them losing seats in that first midterm for president obama. that and obamacare. those two things. what's in this green new deal? i more of the same plus you will get free healthcare, you're also going to be able to get free college tuition and you will be able to provide a living for anyone that is unable or unwilling
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to work. it says that in the document unwilling to work. so that's why i said i'm trying not to laugh but it is a little bit preposterous that even today obviously blanketing the airwaves we are covering it here. it's going to get a lot of eattention that's a good thing. because we should have these debates. a >> tucker: it's also, if i can say a little bit cynical and pretty insulting to those of us who actually the physical environment like the land and the water and the air, which is getting dirtier, walk through downtown san francisco, it's filthy, los angeles is filthy. environmentals like me would like to see that cleaned up and for them to use this heed thought about this and he joins us tonight.
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>> they want more wind, more solar but this document it totally ignores energy reliability. that is about national security. this document is light on the details. i don't think we will be going too far, but it could be a real problem for those who signed on to it today. >> i hope it is. thank you very much. so what would happen to the united states if we got rid of fossil fuels, so he has thought about this and he joins us tonight. so we and act the aoc plan, what happens? >> well, the aoc plan strikingly pledges to get rid of most forms of transportation and, indeed, cows. so, you can give up your chevy suburban. >> tucker: come on. >> take a cow to work. the cow actually is more devastating to the environment than the chevy suburban. c alexandria ocasio-cortez's document actually says that
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she is committed to riding america of flatulent cows andla airplanes. i always take flatulent cow on an airplane as emotional support animal 20 manipulates out of first class compartment all tos yourself andnd nobody is in there but, europeans actually tried this and they basically irish going to impose a price of 13 euros per cow and danes of 80 euros per cow because a danish holstein is six times as flatulent alexandria ocasio-cortez is on to something that you could, as the europeans considered actually have a flatulence offset regime. obviously you would need a secretary of flatulence in the cabinet. vermont, for example has a lot of holstein the black
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had white cows that look like the governor of virginia with only half his makeup on and you can take -- you could take those vermont would be able to trade its flatulence to washington, d.c. where it could hang like a giant cloud over congress. i have read this document in some detail. i think there are a lot of very interesting ideas in here. >> tucker: i just want to reassure our viewers you are not joking. you have read it. it does say that she would like to get rid of airplanes and replace them with trains that doesn't seem like a giant leap forward to me. >> no. well, everybody -- for example, the railroads were wood fired. you couldn't actually -- when he they started you couldn't actually do that now. the whole point of this is that if light rail wass effective, democrats, like alexandria ocasio-cortez would -- what they actually want is to cease movement of people. and it's amazing.
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even supposedly conservative parties like the uk conservative party actually considered giving citizens a carbon allowance to prevent them, for example, taking long haul flights to vacations in florida. now, when the soviets tried to do it we called that totalitarianism. suddenly all you have to put doo is put an environmental label on it and everyone is in favor of restricting freedom of movement. i mean,em that's where this is headed. >> tucker: they are more self-righteous than the soviets ever were. she is that's for sure. mark steyn, great to see you. >> thanks a lot, tucker. >> tucker:r: well, socialism has been tried in venezuela. brought that country right to the brink of starvation. literally eating zoo animals. could that happen here? mark penn has thought it through. he joins us after the break.
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>> the u.s. recognizes nicolas maduro as president of the country but in response, ordered american the u.s. has not complied. .sdiplomats to leave venezuela. theio trump administration has now said quote all options aree on the table regarding venezuela. could this lead to one amilitary conflict of some kind with that country? fox news chief intelligence correspondent catherine herridge following this situation in venezuela and joins us closely with a report. >> thank you, tucker and good evening. venezuela is much more than a regional conflict with secretary of state mike pompeo confirming that iran has a significant footprint in venezuela and other latin american nations to the terrorist group hezbollah. the fbi is seeking information about an operative gazay nassar acontinue tied to hezbollah and venezuelan passport. recent intelligence nasr space al-din venezuela.
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he has 10 aliases and linked to clans at the continued networks amplified violence. eventually drawing in the u.s., russia and iran. national security experts said a similar scenario maybe playing out in venezuela. objections from the brookings institution a washington, d.c. d.c. think tank 8.2 migrants may leave venezuela that is 25% of the currentt population. now russia, china and cuba are backing the maduro regime. >> we are fighting against external and extra regional powers using these countries as proxy conflicts because they would rather fight the united states in a proxy battle than fight the united states in a conventional battle in their home countries. >> most recent interview president trump left the military option open but significantly made no commitments, tucker. >> tucker: catherine herridge, a story we will continue to follow. thank you very much for that venezuela was once the
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richest nation in south america. basically a first world city. huge middle class, obviously massive oil reserves then that country got socialism. now people are starving in venezuela. millions as you just heard have fled. the crimes rate there is among the richest in the world. the income inequality also among the most profound globally, a small group of leaders have become even richer. everyone else impoverished. in other words it didn't work. the president pointed this out in the state of the union on tuesday. p >> socialist policies have turned that nation from being the wealthiest in south america into a state of abject poverty and despair. we are alarmed by the new calls to adopt socialism in our country. tonight, we renew our resolve that america will never be a socialist country. [cheers and applause]
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>> tucker: some of the congress scowled when the president said that but it remains to be asked are there lessons from venezuela that we should pay attention to. mark penn thinks there are. he was a polster for president clinton. he joins us tonight. mark, thanks for coming on tonight. what county united states learn fromwh what has happened in venezuela? >> if did youmpe go back a little bit in history, venezuela had a vibrant democracy with two parties. i actually worked for two presidents bringing polling toto them. and the t presidency went back and forth.t neither party really delivered for the people. they decided to try socialism. but once the socialists got in, he dismembered all of the safeguards like noe re-election that were preventing the return of basically the kind of strong man dictatorship that they had overthrown to have democracy and then the economy went down hill.
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and then there were medicine, food shortages. and now there is a huge humanitarian crisis involving 30 million people right here in our hemisphere and i think the administration's policy is just and right. >> tucker: so you just uttered a phrase that made the hair on my arms go up the problem was neither party delivered for the people. neither party made ordinary people's lives better so they elected a crazy person who broke everything. i mean, should both parties be thinking about how to deliver for people, not abstractions, but results? so we can avoid that? >> on the day that the green deal that might as well be called the red deal the way that it's really structured is released, it is a warning that if the parties don't start delivering congress has about 13% approval rating. this is what happened in
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venezuela. enormous riches and capability of moving that country forward, that could have been a model of latin america. but,fin instead, both failed, they made a bad choice. and once you make that bad choice, once you get someone in here who doesn't really believe in democracy, who believes in social instead, they get rid of the institutions like free press. like the idea of re-election, like r a supreme court with real judges. and that's what happened in turkey. that's what we see happening here. that's what happens every time the people cross the line from democracy. >> tucker: i mean, once you elect someone and give them control over the army and the national police, once all the guns are in the hands of one person, like what can you do to stop a dictatorship at that point? >> well, look, right now, i think we have a really good chance of returning venezuela to the people of venezuela and breaking this which has gone on since 2002. now that i think colombia and brazil and the other countries and europe is actuallyun supporting us. so i hope we get venezuela
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back to the venezuela. it is a just and fair cause and we take the lesson that democracy is fragile no matter how strong you think it is. i g used to go to rallies where a million people would show up.p. they would have universal voting that it is fragile if we don't serve the needs of the people and both parties listen toth that. >> tucker: i couldn't agree more vehemently. mark penn, thank you very much for that. >> thanknk you. >> tucker: it was 10 years ago that the federal government,>> you and me and everyone else bailed out general motors. and in return for that, g.m. made many promises. has that company kept their promises?ep wewe have investigated it and we will bring it to you after the break. but, first, a brand new edition of final exam. can you beat the experts of remembering what has happened over the past seven days? the power house of lauren blanchard back tonight. stay tuned. just one free hearing test at
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♪ ♪ >> tucker: a break in the clouds. it's time f >> tucker: a break in the clouds. it's time for final exam where news professionals compete against one another to determine who has paid the closest attention to twhat's happened this week tonight fox correspondent lauren blanchard well on her way to becoming our all-time champion. >> ed: okay. .pile it on. >> tucker: buried. that includes fox news peter doocy, lawrence jones, sean duffy, jason chaffetz. former white house spokesman sean spicer and fox news contributor lawrence jones. now lauren faces perhaps the toughest test of all. fox news colleague ed henry. >> ed: she is taking out not just fox but spread to congressman. [laughter]
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>> tucker: basic a coup. >> unbelievable. >> tucker: if anyone can stop this streak is ed henry. i will read the rules for benefit. >> good luck. >> tucker: bad luck. [laughter] >> now i'm mad. >> tucker: first one to buzz in gets to answer the question must wait until i finish asking the question until you answer it answer once i acknowledge by saying yourue name. each correct answer worth one point. lose an answer and you lose a point. best of five wins. are you ready? >> ed: yes. >> tucker: here is a straightforward one. which former governor caused chaos in alaska airlines flight when he stole someone's seat in first class and refused to move back to his actual seat in economy? lauren blanchard? >> ohio's john kasich? >> ed: he is such a good person he says that a lot. i don't think he would do this. was it john kasich? >> i love that animation villain of the day prominent republican actually former
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friend of mine in many ways multiple times on the show now he is accused of some very rude in-flight antics according to passenger an alaska airlines on a flight former governor kasich she says stole his first class seat after refusing to be downgraded to premium economy when he was bumped out of first class to make room for a pilot. she had to take another flight. kind ofer mean. i expect more out of you, john. [laughter] >> ed: i was kidding before. good luck. got the beat down. it's like she had it going. >> tucker: good news there is no shame in it h question two, cnn says one of the 2020 democrats has an advantage because of what that channel calls a unique quality. that quality being that he or she is a, quote, unmarried vegan which presidential candidate was cnn talking about? edti henry? >> ed: cory booker. >> ed: an unmarried vegan. roll the tape, please. >> he is the youngest senator that is going to be running in his video he also mentioned he is the only
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senator that lives in the inner city and is he an unmarried vegan so a lot of very unique qualities cory booker brings to the table. >> i love that unmarried vegan. >> i went to iowa as a vegetarian i moved back as not. >> tucker: as a cancer voir. can something be very unique? cnn says that unique or not. >> ed: also why pete hegsethan can't run for president he loves meat. >> tucker: of course he could. and america loves to meet. howard schultz is a very wealthy man but prefers you don't call him a billionaire. which expression does howard schultz prefer you use instead? lauren blanchard? >> people of means. >> ed: how do you know that? >> tucker: hard to believe that's true. is it true people of means. >> the moniker billionaire now has become the catchphrase i would rephrase that and say people of means have been able to leverage
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their wealth and their interest in ways that are unfair. >> ed: i don't know what's wilder that you know that or that he said that. >> tucker: that he said that. only people of low iq would say something like that i would say. question four concerning one of our friends, dana perino, the single nicest person on television was secured by some grouchy people on twitter after she tweeted a photo of a super bowl quesoup dish she made. scritics say it didn't look very appetizing. what kind of cheese did dana, a real american, use to make her queso? >> americanca cheese. >> tucker: is it american cheese,. >> so yesterday i made queso for the super bowl and mistakenly posted a photo online i made queso. >> that deserved to go viral because it seems like it might be diseased. >> velveeta cheese and. >> oh. [buzzer] >> tucker: to correct you and dana i don't believeuz velveeta is technically cheese.
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product. >> ed: velveeta is not cheese. [laughter] the whole question is flawed. i could have heard her say american cheese. >> tucker: final question now worth two points. it's the chinese new year animal on chinese zodiac represents each upcoming year. which animal represents 2019. lauren blanchard. >> the pig. the year of the pig. >> tucker: anything you don't know? >> ed: i thought it was a pig. >> tucker: is it a pig. >> happy chinese new year according to the chinese calendar it is the year of the pig starts today. >> ed: i thought maybe she was yes. >> tucker: ed, did you better than most. >> ed: meaning i did horrible. >> tucker: you weren't in the negative category. >> ed: nice job. >> tucker: lauren you get the seventh eric wemple mug andd at some point get to have him serve you. we will talk to jeff bezos to have his employee come
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♪ >> tucker: so the tenth anniversary of the taxpayer bill at general motors past, did you celebrate? general motors did shutting down five factories in the u.s. and canada before christmas put out thousands of blue-collar workers and small-town counties across the region. gm has promised to transfer workers to a factory in indiana, but they didn't. the country her attempts instead. gm has decided to fire 4,000 white-collar workers and they are doing it in the most
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humiliating way possible. why not? they can't "the detroit free press" said human resourced department emailed employees at the facility in austin, texas, with a meeting in the conference room. once they are hr read soon to be fired employees a prewritten script and we escorted them out the front door in front of colleagues. the employees who survive those cuts stood in their cubicles watching in horror. workers who had fewer than three years of seniority received a few weeks of severance pay. taxicabs find out side of gm so employees could make it home after the company compensated their corporate cars. c why did gm do this? we don't know. the company issued a press release with doublespeak that it barely qualifies as english. general motors accelerates transformation, that is the title of the press release. that might be the flavor of it. the company described mass firings as a way to drive significant cost efficiencies. plans weren't closed according
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to gm, they were unallocated whatever that means. the word layoff did not appear in the release. it may seem hard to believe now, but mass firings like this are a modern phenomenon. in a fast piece in a week magazine, matthew walter points out before the 1970s american corporations didn't fire workers in order to improve corporate profits. walter quotes no less than henry ford's. ford explains why he built his company "my ambition to employ still more meant to spread the benefits of industrial system to the greatest possible number to help them build up their lives and their homes, to do this by putting the greater share of our profits back in the business." and he did that. phil took the responsibility for people who work for him. and mary does not feel that responsibility and now the ceo of general motors. she decided to shut down factories and fire thousands of people as her company generating
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billions of dollars in profit. gm is the largest car producer in mexico. the company plan to expand production in china. she is getting rich and makes $22 million a year, some perspective, that is five times what toyotas far more competent ceo currently makes. virtually nobody says anything about any of this. the left is too distracted by global warming or the lack of transgender seal teams to pay any attention. libertarians don't care. this is what they think the market is. but the rest of us should be honest about it. what mary barra is disgusting. just because it is common doesn't make it all right. it is not. well virginia governor ralph norman would allow him women abortion up until the moment thy deliver the child. democrats and other states with similar legislation, vermont, rhode island, new york. president trump condemned those during the prayer breakfast this
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morning and part of what he sa said. >> we must build a culture that cherishes the dignity and sanctity of innocent human life. [applause] >> tucker: eric but texas is the author of many great books. mann -- he just written a book and was at the prayer breakfast this morning and we are happy to have him. eric thanks for coming. what is the significance of prayer in a moment like this? >> eric: i don't know how people can survive without prayer. life is hard, you know that and i know that. the issue in the united states of america all of the foundersha without any exception understood without virtuous and moral populists which to them basically meant a religious populace, the kind of freedom that we know cannot exist. and so for us as a nation once a year to have an event like this, i mean, it is sort of the lease
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we can do. but i would say the great humbler and we are all humble before god. you can't be puffed up in the presence of almighty god and the fact we do this national prayer breakfast is a healthy thing and i think it reminds us that we have as you were talking about w at gm, moral responsibilities. it is not just about the bottom line and we are not fiscal conservatives but human beingse after care about workers. we have to care about the unborn. god ultimately wants to remind us of that so we can lead the lives he created us to lead. and i think that trump is saying that. it is shocking and wonderful thati' this president is being bolder than any president i have ever seen in talking about this issue. most americans are very, very sick over late term abortion edicts from shlomo and northam and others. it is very disturbing so we need god, prayer and i'm happy to say that on your show.
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>> tucker: so, so much of the bad decision-making grows out of, in my view, hubris human beings to have more power over god >> eric: i'm interested appear as an antidote to that. it keeps you from believing you are in charge. >> tucker: that is exactly right. and i think, look, there are many people usually competent, intelligent people tempted to think they are in charge. you are not in charge. you can get hit by a bus, a meteor, things happen if you have a children. you get humbled by that if y you try to have a good marriage, it's humbling. we need to live there. we need to understand withoutis god in his guidance, we can't ove people the way we are supposed to love people. we cannot be the people we are supposed to be. i think that is very hard for the most powerful among us. the national prayer breakfast is a great way to remind them. >> tucker: eric metaxas one of the great writers, great to see you. >> eric: thank you. >> tucker: we will be back
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tomorrow nightwo the sworn enemy from smugness group and hubris, don't forget the dvr if you are smarter than we are but more than anything stay tuned because we >> sean hannity we'll be taking over from us. >> i didn't hear you, tucker. >> waiting for you to appear, sean. >> great. >> great show i'm sure as always . no shortage of embarrassment an the democratic party tonight from the political dumpster fir in virginia. lisbeth warrant ongoing scandal. at adam shifts disgusting conflicts we will break tonight. we begin tonight on our watch, the rise of socialism featuring freshman democratic
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