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tv   Hannity  FOX News  February 7, 2019 10:00pm-11:00pm PST

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tomorrow nightwo the sworn enemy from smugness group and hubris, don't forget the dvr if you are smarter than we are but more than anything stay tuned because we >> sean hannity we'll be taking over from us. >> i didn't hear you, tucker. >> waiting for you to appear, sean. >> great. >> great show i'm sure as always . no shortage of embarrassment an the democratic party tonight from the political dumpster fir in virginia. lisbeth warrant ongoing scandal. at adam shifts disgusting conflicts we will break tonight. we begin tonight on our watch, the rise of socialism featuring freshman democratic
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congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez. many of you may think this is ridiculous this couldn't happen in the united states of america well, history is riddled with misery of l in the many versions of socialism almost always ending the same way. promises, broken promises, failure, poverty, misery among the people. this is a real serious threat t our way of life. today, ocasio-cortez rolled out what is a horrific frightening piece of legislation. she's calling it the green new deal, how everything we've been saying about the new radical democratic party, what they wer hiding in 2018, now it's all in writing and it might be even worse than we thought. ocasio-cortez and others put forth one of the most dangerous
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and practical minsk anik o guaranteed to be devastating plans ever championed by any american politician. a plan, if it's ever implemented , guaranteed to fail and the result will be disastrous for the american people. but, she and others couldn't be more proud. take a look. >> this is so incredible. this is such a major watershed moment and so incredibly excited , that we are going to transition this country into th future and we are not going to be dragged behind by our past. we should do it because that is what this nation is about. we should do it because we're a country founded on ideals, of a culture that is innovative that cares for our brothers and sisters across this country. >> i think it is a green dream and i think that it is. and i don't think, i don't consider that to be dismissive term. i think it's a great term.
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>> before we get into this, i promise you might be thinking this is big news. it is not. this is a real proposal, real ideas from real lawmakers and the new radical extreme democratic social party of america beyond dangerous and ndyond scary. in a six page overview released by her office today, ocasio-cortez is now calling pa close attention. for the united states of americ to 100 percent clean and renewable energy in ten years, in other words, she wants the government to them eliminate al fossil fuels, all of them in te years, which by the way is the lifeblood and the engine of all economic success. she wants the government to radically alter the way you hea your home, the way you commute to work, what you cook, how you cook, how you eat, and live you life. in doing so, the socialist democrats plan to nationalize
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and literally illuminate in man waysys the most profitable industry in america. the fossil fuel industry. millions of american jobs were be wiped out. the industry that has led the technology and technological advances, the lifeblood of our economy and why do we have the highest standard of living that we have today that is the envy of the world and it gets worse according to a study from stanford. this plan at a minimume. will c $13.4 trillion in just a reference in 2019 the entire federal budget was just $3.5 trillion. it's even a lot more to report by the so-called green new deal proposal the elimination of air travel. all air travel. and the creation of more high-speed trains. forget about jetting around the world in mere hours and enjoyin your train e ride to europe, jan
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, australia, good luck with that. i can't wait for her to explain how the trains are going to be built kind of like all aboard, the poverty express is coming. tthis gets even more bizarre. her plan wants to take on the problem of cow flatulence by putting an end to red meat consumption. why? because cows create co2. the government forced veganism is in order. also the green new deal would redo literally every single building in america. i'm not kidding. legislation the government woult upgrade or replace every building in the u.s. for state-of-the-art energy efficiency. well over 100 residential homes we rebuild every home in the country every business in the
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country in ten years. how is everybody going to pay for all of this? beyond that, this plan is reall just the socialist wish checklist. it's what they've always believed that now they'reay getting more vocal about. that's why in this utopian horror, it grants every single these are the promises she's making, it guarantees tha everyone will have income including those that are unable to work, even unwilling to work. nobody has to work in the government handouts wants stuff that they want free education for housing, free retirement, it's all in there. it's a great bumper sticker and a great slogan. what the government gives, the government taketh away. what made america a great prosperous nation it was built on liberty and freedom, the pursuit of happiness and capitalism. goods and services that people want, need, and desire being provided by other people.
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i didn't grow up with lots of money in my life. my parents worked hard my grandparents my mom a prison guard my dad data corrections officer, the modest home one bathroom, three older sisters. for a good portion of my early adult life, i did struggle to make a living. i was a painting contractor, i lay tile did all sorts of jobs in construction every conceivable restaurant job almost 20 years of my life i worked odd jobs lived in a smal apartment i even bought a 1971 running for very $350. i've bought an old providence company work van for $200 the best i have ever spent. i was never guaranteed income. didn't have health care when i fell nearly three stories offer roof, and thank god i learn something. digging deep in taking risks like all of you do in your everyday life.
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our capitalist system that than any other system in the history of the world. if we have learned anything fro all of these socialist countrie and experiments, when governmen squashes human initiative, the system to send into chaos. maybe on paper it sounds great. everything is free, you are saf and secure. how are those schools doing now that they want to add free college on top of everything i mentioned?ll how did obamacare and thosee promises work out. how many of you have less than one option only have one option. do you really trust sanders? medicare for all, $33 trillion. harris, the plan to get rid of private insurance for 177 million americans. elizabeth warns plan, maybe you save 35-40 cents on the dollar. she wants to come back and say give me more, which would be
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illegal and unconstitutional. literally we would be giving a license to steal they would be creating a c law to rob you bli. they want to roll your every aspect of your life. socialism promises everything. it takes all your fears away. everyone of them. the problem is, tell me where i working. give me a great example? venezuela? the former union, cuba? these are based on false promises absolutely impossible to keep and will literally destroy the country. still this new extreme radical socialist democratic party they want up and everything. they want to sacrifice her well-being eliminating great na paying jobs that are now in the pipeline thanks to donald trump and the energy sector. keystone dakota pipeline will get more oil now we have surpassed literally this audis
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and russia as the number one producer of energy in the world. power and exporter of energy. great also for national security . we'll get rid of the energy sector, the healthcare sector, why? so the government can take over these industries? no answers about how to pay for it. her answer was just we will print more money. we will make money. this comes as we are so energy independent, these are going to be high-paying jobs, not relyin on foreign oil where chuck drivers remember in north dakot were making over $100,000 a yea and they were getting trained t do the job. the congresswoman ocasio-cortez democratic socialist, they clai that was going to add in ten years. it will trim back the clock.
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but, you know better. this is what most democrats to understand, socialist don't understand. don't be fooled, we have to tak this seriously. this is what many in the democratic socialist party want. this will be their major theme as they the nomination in 2020. that is open borders. she was bashing ice again today. take a look. not only will we not agreed to fund that. we had to say that an agency like ice, which repeatedly and systematically violates human rights does not deserve a dime. to keep. >> remember before the election they are hiding it,, endless investigation. the real agenda is they want
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their comes back they want higher taxes and if you're democratic you're democratic leaders meet in virginia the whole blackface issue which is come up. governor northam and also the attorney general both facing calls to resign after admittedl dressing up in blackface. one with the ku klux klan outfit . as of tonight, no democrat in the commonwealth of virginia plans to resign. >> i'm sure you've heard about the controversy with the blackface, how do you feel abou it? >> it's awful to hear about. >> i don't like to hit. >> if you have to own it and yos need to step down. >> i don't think i'm in the place to say is somebody should resign or not over one picture. the entire packer coming over.
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it's an unusual move for a grou of people that love to spread their holier than thou views abuse are pretty much like literally everything. many of adhollywood's most famo people want you to forget about their own rampant use of blackface including the ever so self-righteous, jimmy kimmel. you might remember this moment. >> hello everybody out there in tv town. this is karl malone here to tal about the home state, louisiana. >> sometimes they will look up at the sky and say. what the he going on up there. karl malone read on tv about white people getting deducted b aliens. car malone never saw a flying saucer himself. if you do, is going to be a spooky time. >> review, bayview, joy behar bragging about her use of blackface on the abc shoe the
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view in 2016. biggie it was halloween party i went as a beautiful african woman. did you have ten emotion on? >> i had make up a little darke than my skin.ha >> hundreds of celebrities have used blackface in one way or another. jimmy fallon and 20000 silvers sarah silverman who dressed up in blackface for comedy central. this is just the latest sad disturbing example of the hypocrisy of the left of it is every two years, every four years, republicans are racist, sexist, homophobic, islamic phobic but tonight their action speaks a much louder than their words. that brings us to the third virginia democrat and for old and a serious scandal.
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that is just in fairfax facing serious allegation of violent sexual assault his accuser released a detailed statement claiming that fairfax physicall physically forced her to perfor oral on him in a hotel room at the 2004 democratic convention in boston. last year she reportedly confided in bobby scott about the incident. he did nothing. so much for me to an cheat reported a story to the th washington post they did nothin because they called it a he sai she said matter. the post was more than happy to obsess about the he said she said just a few months ago. no matter how unverified unsubstantiated the claims i believe was the phrase of the day. flushing the u.s. constitution down the toilet, trying to ruin a man's life and his families
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life over uncorroborated claims. now, democrats now that it's a democrat they sound dramaticall different nobody says i believe when it comes to the accuser, many avoiding the subject completely. they are hiding from the press and others calling for an investigation before making a determination. i am never not going to be the pc police here, we don't rush t judgment on the show. we don't call for firing on the show. we don't support boycotts to silence people on thein show. method to people. unlike the left, we are consistent. serious allegations deserved serious investigations deserve serious investigations like the republicans gave the due process , presumption of innocence. the republican speaker of the house of delegates would be the next governor. i wouldn't hold your breath
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thinking those three leading democrats in virginia are going anywhere. it's all about power not about principle. not about people. again, they use anything to bludgeon kavanaugh or tromp, bu when it's them, which does not talk about it anymore. we keep you posted as the story develops a. another embarrassing scandal fo the democrats. elizabeth warren and hot water yet again after her texas state bar registration was unearthed and it showed that she registered as an american indian . yesterday she did her best to dodge questions once again abou what is now a long history even though she once denied it up race. >> i am not a tribal citizen. i had a good conversation last week with chief paper who is chief of the cherokee tribe and i told chief baker that i am
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sorry, that i extended confusio about tribal citizenship and tribal sovereignty and for harm caused. i'm also sorry for not being mindful of thiss a decade ago. >> we will continue to monitor that story. first, our hannity watch tonigh on the deep state this is very important. major breaking news surrounding add them shifty shift. remember the guy they got caugh on tape colluding with russia? listen to this. >> she met with him and she celebrity, who is also known as a person with a strange reputation. what is the nature of that?f >> there were pictures of naked tromp. >> so term future and pugin was
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made available aware of the compromising information.te >> thank you, we will be back i touch with you through our staf to make arrangements to obtain these materials for our committee and for the fbi. appreciate you reaching out to us. >> the guy leading the investigation into tromp and russia collusion is caught on tape colluding with russia to get dirt on tromp. also breaking tonight new from john tallman. solomon. the house intel committee beautiful aspen colorado. a security conference last july he can't you can't make this up. simpson bought and paid for at the time of the photo, since it was a witness, before chefs committee the house committee o russia and russia collusion. what was the top democrat on th house intel committee
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socializing with one of the committees was controversial witnesses? this comes as the senate intelligence can chairman today announced that their bipartisan investigation had uncovered no evidence of tromp and russia collusion. none. we will have more later in the show. all right, let me go through th list. were going to eliminate airplanes in ten years, cows ar gone,, but were going to give everybody a guaranteed job guaranteed wage, family medical leave oh, guaranteed vacations, guaranteed retirement. now were going to pay for tcollege education or trade schoolco, whichever you choose. were going to guarantee healthy food, were going to guarantee safe adequate housing. were going sto guarantee econo security whether you're willing unable or unwilling to work,
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jessica, what part of that you agree with? all of it? >> not all of it. it's a six pay proposal that is a framework for having a conversation. he would not have attached his name to this. >> till the audience which part is not going to be free? >> it should be guaranteed whether you are unwilling to work. >> the unwilling to work part i obviously problematic. he don't want that. if you're unable to work, society should help you out. i'm willing to work is none acceptable. >> healthcare, jobs, housing, everything else is free. you okay with that? >> no, i'm not it okay with that . with the proposal hiis about is two main focuses on and investment. what congresswoman ocasio-corte is trying to make clear is that ordinary people in this country matter. that is something that has been
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neglected for nekkid decades by politicians. she wants to make sure the public investment is not the bugaboo it has been. >> oh, okay. >> you accept? >> this is great, when asked ho you're going to pay for it although no airplanes, and the high-speed trains to australia, i can't wait to see that built. >> i always appreciate a good debate, but i would like to get jessica on the record specifically as to what you support the kishon, let's play tout some facts. just, if you'd like to say yay or nay i would appreciate it. on the rebuilding every building , that would include rebuilding 30,000 buildings a day for the next ten years in america on the energy front, we would need a bluff landmass to build enough windmills and to take up the entire states of california and texas. i would like to get just on the record on that. >> they have rebuild the freedo
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tower that quick. >> to you support the 90 percen national sales tax? the 54 percent payroll tax or the doubling of every income ta in the country it would take to even start some of these programs?e serious question. >> no i don't support that degree just jump in taxation i do support having the is 70 percent marginal rate on people making more than $10 million or above. >> what part do use it support? i support the spirit of what is in the pages. >> i have a wonderful spirit. you guys were perfectly fine with donald trump getting up there during the campaign obama care will be. >> i'm asking you a simple question. you just said that the 70 percent tax okay was fine. >> timeout.
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$200 billion year, how are you going do. >> i have to go. new information, the corruption and the russia investigation. you won't believe what adam shift was caught doing. when we started our business we were paying an arm and a leg for postage. i remember setting up shipstation. one or two clicks and everything was up and running. i was printing out labels and saving money. shipstation saves us so much time. it makes it really easy and seamless.
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>> multiple scandals currently in the democratic party in virginia. we send out our special hannity correspondent to see how the people of virginia are feeling about the controversy. let's take a look. >> i'm sure you've heard about the controversy of blackface in the state official.? had you feel about it? >> it's awful to hear about. i think there are consequencesh
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to peoples actions. >> being in the state, being in the city it's definitely uncomfortable for me to hear. >> it's a whole other version o me do. >> you think these officials should resign westmark. >> i think they should think really hard about their actions. >> i think it would be best for them tos. do so. >> you have to own it and you need to step down. >> i'm not sure i could should say whether they should resign or not over one picture. >> whether or not they can prov that north of ms. the one in th pictureas. when he ran from offices he wen after his opponent is a republican for being racist and now he's in his own little scandal with the blackface. isn't that some hypocrisy right there. >> the lieutenant governor has been accused of sexual assault. what you think about that?
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>> there is always two sides to the story. >> said should there be due process or should he resign? >> due process. how does all of these scandals make you feel living in virginia ? >> pretty upset. i feel pretty let down letdown. i was at the convention when obama was vouching for all thes people and i can't imagine how he feels right now. >> right now for reaction special hannity correspondent and tammy bruce is with these. tammy, you were amazing your commentary or passion during th low cabin on hearings, you really were on target. do you know what words i haven' heard yet? from very prominent people that were so quick to rush to judgment, i don't have anybody hearing saying i believe. >> and this is absolutely predictable and this is what
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destroys the issue for all of u who have cared about that. who care about every woman who is genuinely sexually assaulted as a horrible experience at work , wants the justice system to work for her wants to be heard, wants to be taken seriously and that was our conversation during the comp cavanagh, that that attack on brett kavanaugh it was a political weapon. it was a serious issue weapon nice. and yet, we knew it was also going to destroy the credibilit of the nature of the issue itself. hanow we have a woman, and my argument that entire time was t take women seriously, but you don't just automatically belie everyone. that's what due process is for. that's what women have asked for . now the woman in this case is being looked at and the democrats for some reason are treating her as though she can' be believed. the american people are looking at this in seeing the double standard thinking the issue
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doesn't matter. you can't trust what women are saying about men or about politicians, and this is courtesy of the democratic part and is courtesy of the party that said they are champions of the women and within issue few short months they have burned i to the ground. women have to realize that whenever one party parties list you we weare going to save your life, you can only trust us, watch out. watch her back. >> you're right, if they really cared about the issue, i think they would be saying i believe they are not saying that. just like on the border debate, they don't want to support a border wall, they've cared abou dreamers, they cared about daca but they wouldn't even talk to the president. the same thing, i would imagine the controversy if itam was republicans and blackface, i would imagine their reaction would be very different on that one too .
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>> that's exactly right, sean. the guy they probably can't answer behind me, the governor played made lots of accusations in his last race to stop the republican opponent.r meanwhile this guy is in blackface. this is what the democratic party does. they play these rays games.ey deep down there are a lot of i don't want these guys to resign. stay there, because we know tha you guys are going to play the same game in 2020. now we have truth. they are not calling for them t resign. they want them to stay there. >> in the obama years, i would say 13 million americans on foo stamps 8 million more on poverty . the people most disproportionately impacted african-americans, hispanic americans. the people that are benefiting the most on the convert conservative policies of donald
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trump looked at the record low unemployment. those same three demographics and asian americans and unemployment. >> sean, can i add one thing. for the women out there watchin this and watching all of this unfold, they have to realize they've been lied to by the democratic party. as they listen to other arguments moving into these nex two years when it comes to the quality of their life improving is to take a step back and really get what they been told to think about the president an what's happening in the country and what's in their best interest. in their best heinterest right is to operate as independent an to listen with some cynicism an suspicion as to what democrats tell them.m. >> and the republicans can no longer be afraid. they got to go into different communities and sell our agenda. how did we lose to these guys? these guys are wearing blackface . >> i'm a conservative i believe
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god created every man, woman, and child, and god-given talent comes out of every human. thank you both. only come back, a bombshell report exposing congressman ada schiff. has to do with something important straight ahead.
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>> sean: we have another >> another explosive report detailing an encounter between house and tell committee chairman that would be add them shifty shift one of the biggest lawyers in congressia, they met beautiful aspen colorado as our hannity watch on the deep state begins tonight. it was the firm that hired
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christopher steele, put togethe the phony dossier paid for by clinton with russian lies that the fbi never verified or cooperated despite an associate carter page, which filled the fake collusion narrative that send an intel chair at the scented summit intel committee zero evidence for very joining us with reaction john solomon author of the russian hoax. let's go slowly here john. last night you detailed how robert mueller was the fbi director and was brought before the judges and excoriated for the fbi's behavior in some 75 cases of withholding evidence. we know that they withheld that they never told the court shall be paid for this, they never verified it , they never corroborated it and they were warned.
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andrew weissman, the people kne about all of this because he wa briefed by or also. >> that's right. >> what is new about schiff? >> he's been the biggest champion and congress. recently he the possibility the might move on from russia to other things. let's take everybody back to th spring of 2017. devin nuñez the house committee chairman goes to the white hous exercises trying to find some unmasking abuses and adam schif goes bananas. he didn't tell the committee he can't be trusted. it takes the whole investigation . mimi has nuñez stepped aside fo a while hurried with fast forward to this summer. add them shift is in aspen and who is he meeting with? that other of the dossier. he's their talking with simpson.
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this was at a time when the committee knows it's highly possible that there's been lies in his testimony. he has a meeting he doesn't tel anybody in his community. we now learn that they had this meeting. my favorite line and this is when asked what this meeting wa about, since it is just a small talk meeting. i consider what burt and ernie do on sesame street, small talk. i don't think the author of the dossier and the chairman of the house should be engaged in smalltalk. >> great, eco- back and we have learned that moeller, we had an fbi undercover agent and its network in america chronicling back bribery and extortion kickbacks. money laundering. everybody was warned including robert mueller hit both pitbull that this was not verified. they still committed fraud.
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i am looking at this and now that we know that he was excoriated for withholding exculpatory evidence. they did it in this case. when is anyone going to be held oraccountable to all these fres and lies that they know hillary paid for from day one, but yet they went within investigation on trump? >> may be next week when willia or is approved in sworn in as the next attorney general. he's down to get to the bottom of this. today's big story as you mentioned in your monologue is senator burr who said we had we don't have anything that would suggest there was collusion by the trump campaign and russia. that is incredibly important ybecause not only did his committee interview more than 200 witnesses and they examined more thanwi 300,000 pages of
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documents, but his committee, unlike robert mueller has direc access to intelligence information that is classified. his forthcoming report saying there is no evidence of collusion are more reliable tha anything robert moeller will come up with. >> and thinking about we just played at the beginning of the show, adam schiff who you write about and exposed to dave, what a conflict of interest. they can deny all they want, i don't believe anything that comes out of his mouth. i think he's a liar. he is been has been lying the whole time about all of this. adam schiff is on tape talking to a person he believes to be a russian. to dig dirt on donald trump. how does he dare get to investigate anybody about russi collusion? he is on tape doing it.f >> a great question.
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if he applies the same standard to himself that he applied to nuñez two years ago he should step aside. he said subject himself to the ethics investigation. tonight after everybody seen th photos there are tickets from democrats, and crickets from. people aren't willing to stand up anymore and demand accountability. the next opportunity is bill barr. we have an fbi spy in the iranian deal, we know that they are involved in crimes, and we do nothing, and then hillary gets all this money to the clinton foundation. he bought and paid for russian dossier lies, comes the bulk of information for fisa, when, whe is their accountability? >> as i say, he cannot only launch an investigation into comis corruption at the fbi and all of his accolades, but he
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could take a serious examinatio of criminal investigationna int the conduct of hillary clinton and her foundationfo. not to mention, re-examining th decision to absolve her under espionage charges in the e-mail scandal.l. >> great work. now, this is beginning to blow wide open. there is a lot more coming. we come back, we told you this carry proposals in the green ne deal, everything is free. directly ahead we will set the record straight. and we have a hollywood villain of the day. can't even make this a up is so insane. s california phones offers free specialized phones... like cordless phones.
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>> congresswoman ocasio-cortez and others unveiling their extreme green new dealra that s says addresses catastrophic climate change. here to get the latest on whether this is the right decision based on the right science, a competitor of enterprise christopher horner. our friend joe astarte. chris, let's start with you. you've written a number of book on the subject. were going to demand every business and house in the country be rebuilt. free college, free housing, fre health care, free retirement, free, free, free. everything is free. the reasoning is the earth is going to end in 12 years so we'll do this in ten years with only two years to benefit from it. it's going to cost trillions an chileans and destroy capitalism.
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the energy healthcare industry and so many others. >> right, it's worked in those places present obama told us to look to to see how it would wor out when he tried baby steps towards thisl transformation of society as all al gore called i you will see this plan opens with the arm as liturgy and the it page after page can you note the boilerplate of those unwilling too work. there is no mention of a climat impact there is no mention of a change in temperature. nono one claims it would impact the climate. this is about the fundamental transformation that you will se in the washington post tomorrow at a scathing editorial pointin out that your trashing the enterprise of the climate industry here by going off on your massive project. meanwhile, they claim it would
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exacerbate badlyly. through energy poverty. >> joe, the 70s was the nice new nec just coming,, then global warning, it turned out the temperature was going to explode in a number of years right now we just ate climate change, but it's really predicated on what? i battle against capitalism, th premise that man on earth is pillaging the planet for profit? >> first of all, that it correctly. the urge to save humanity is almost always the fault faced with the urge to roll it. i think that's what you're seeing here today. i wrote a book on this is you know,, sean. you're dragging the magistrate of the creation, all these things being dragged through th
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mud. people like me, what they do is they simply take advantage of it . i'll must have to laugh at it now because you would have to sell your soul to that world to understand that world. that's what's really going on there. i understand the co2 feedback argument, but the oceans have 99.9 percent of the heat capacity of the entire system a the cyclically warms. the air is cold. >> you know every store, you have studied one another and chris yesterday this, people need to pay attention to what you're saying. tonight villain of the day, the famous hollywood liberal it's insane. straight ahead.
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>> tonight villain of the day hollywood liberal after president trump rolled out the left radical wheat germt even u to birth abortion policies in the state of the union that midler mice i stock and coat hangers. 60 years back to the back alleys . disgusting, inaccurate, untrue. before we go donate some extremely sad news to share wit you our longtime friend and colleague bob massie the attorney, expert real estate passed away after a pretty long battle with w cancer 67 years o. we send our prayers and thought to him and his family. ferejohn or as man, every time he sent me. he was just the type of guy m.yp he will be missed. we are praying for his family tonight. we learned learn the former michigan congressmaner he died
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the age of 92, he was the longest-serving member of congress and the history of thi country. 1955 through january of 2015. we send our thoughts and prayer to his family. they showed let not your heart be troubled, laura ingraham is standing by in the swamp. i'm not there tonight. >> i remember john's before whe i was a young staffer at the white house. when his committee called a cabinet member in the reagan administration to testify, it was he was there before i was born. i'm happy to own every wrinkle. i don't get botox like you. >> in a village great? clint eastwood. >> i love it. i like helen mirren, all of the they look great. >> are you fishing? do you need to