tv FOX Friends FOX News February 8, 2019 3:00am-6:00am PST
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rob: cute kid. on paternity leave. jillian: enjoy it and enjoy your new little bundle of joy. rob: have a nice weekend. we will see you later. jillian: "fox & friends" starts right now. >> one week until the deadline striking a border deal. >> we will see what happens. we need border security. we have to have it. it's not an option. >> freshman congresswoman raising eyebrows with ambitious climate plan that includes scaling back, in some cases eliminating air travel. >> we are going to transition this country into the future. >> this is not real. it can't be legislation. this is not serious. >> senate judiciary committee sending bill barr's nomination to a full vote next week. barr is expected to become the permanent attorney general after president trump fired jeff sessions last year. >> i will never let you down. you can say that never. all united by a shared
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belief in the glory of god and the power of prayer. ♪ baby ♪ why don't you just meet me in the middle ♪ i'm losing my mind. brian: can they cut a deal? sing about it in the end. steve: sounds like they are really close. coming down to two issues, the border wall, barrier and the number of detention beds. the president wants more wall and less beds. we are going to talk to somebody who is actually on the negotiating team in our b block in about 10 minutes. in the meantime we have to talk about how alexandria ocasio-cortez, who, as you know, is lighting up every television screen these days. she has come out with a new way to overhaul and make the world better. it is her green new deal. if you missed the announcement yesterday, listen to this. we have lots to say about
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it. >> today is also the day that we choose to assert ourselves as a global leader in transitioning to 100 percent renewable energy and charting that path. we should do it because we are a country founded on ideals of a culture that is innovative, that cares for our brothers and sisters across this country. we should do it because we are an example to the world. this is such a major watershed moment and i am so incredibly excited that we are going to transition this country into the future and we are not going to be dragged behind by our past. ainsley: see what the future looks like. steve: sounds great. sounds terrific. ainsley: no more airplanes. you have to take a train now. brian: now all those miles on jetblue what am i going to do with them? ainsley: throw them away. steve: more cars and get rid of combustion engines and things like this.
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brian: my prelude engine already died. steve: doggone it. it was combustion engine they had to get rid of it in 10 years anyway. here are some of her plans. ainsley: 100 percent clean and renewable energy. fossil fuels wiping out millions of jobs. brian: 100 percent right away. oil and gas just stop drilling. you heard me pull out all of that stuff. enough with the fossil -- i have been saying this for the longest time so tired of the oil and gas. get rid of nuclear power too because it burns too clean. natural gas that also burns clean. we have got to get rid of that because we are the world's dominance in that. ensure prosperity and economic security for all. that's easy. and then clean air, water, and access to nature for all. steve: also, upgrade all existing buildings in the united states to make them more green and more energy efficient. brian: one by one. steve: get rid of airplanes, essentially because.
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ainsley: build trains over oceans. steve: that's fast as long as there is rail. brian: should we stop fixes laguardia because we have been rebuilding it for five and a half years. steve: they are building a new terminal. they're not really fixing. ainsley: change the way you heat your home and cook your food. replacing air travel with planes. your honor nice all jowbs. guarantee income for all even those who don't want to work. quit your job why would we wake u early and go to work when the condition country is going to pay for us. brian: time to slaughter all the cows. ainsley: no more meat because of what they do for the environment. brian: exactly. steve: this is her plan to overhaul virtually every aspect of life as we know it over the next 10 years. it would be great if that could happen, is it realistic? listen to this guy. one of the senior editors at the federalist david harr sannie. >> we would dismantle
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society to get this done. this would cost 25 ba zillion dollars to go into every single house and change the water cooling system, the heating. give up your car. retrofit everything. it is just immature. something like someone in high school would write. it's not real. it can't be legislation. it's not serious. i'm not sure why presidential candidates need to feel the need to support. brian: almost every one on the democratic side presidential candidates. what about all those legislators behind the 28-year-old from new york city who later on would want top abolish ice and that day was leading the world. leading the party when it comes to green energy. revamping the entire economy and america as we know it by the way, quickly, at least give the people on the right some notice they have some time to get off the island, i don't know if we can get a train from california to hawaii. ainsley: if you are going to vote for one of these candidates, just know they
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are backing this deal. they back the green new deal. have you senator cory booker, senator elizabeth warren, you have senator gill brand. senator kamala harris, senator bernie sanders and i can't read that. >> governor inslee. steve: it would be sponsored by senator markey of the great state of massachusetts. but, nonetheless, this would mean that every democrat in washington, d.c. would have to go on the record in favor of abolishing air travel, outlawing states, forcing all homeowners to retrofit their houses. put every miner, oil rigger and gas station attendant. ainsley: rebuild every building in the united states. steve: that's a quote from kimberley strassel in the "wall street journal." when it comes to nancy pelosi, the speaker regarding this green new deal whatever they call it she said this yesterday to politico.
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ainsley: she said it will be one of several or maybe many suggestion we receive. she is not really packing it the green dream or whatever they call it, nobody knows what it is, but they are for it, right? brian: senator mazdaio hirono was in a quandary, i'm sure she is environmentalist. ainsley: she is the one from hawaii. brian: problem is she happens to represent an island surrounded by water which islands usually are will will will an island. i was raised on an island, long: i don't think they can swim from california to hawaii. senator mazday hirono, here she is. >> one of the things was to try to eliminate air travel and build high speed rail all across the country. and is some of the stuff feasible. >> that would be pretty hard for hawaii. ainsley: maybe some changes would need to be made. steve: all these ideas, many of them don't exist yet.
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i mean, it's physics we haven't figured out how to do things like this when it comes to sustainable energy. it would be great if the wind and sun were able to power everything. given the battery technology we are just not there yet. ainsley: when she gave the details to npr and gave the frequently asked questions. she said no more fossil fuels. we will eliminate the airplanes, we are banning nuclear energy. the legislative materials say something different. brian: quickly took a lot of it down after she broke this story on npr. steve: while david harsani said it would cost 25 ba zillion dollars. she was asked about it yesterday. the fact she'd says should not worry the federal reserve can extend credit and new public banks can be credited to extend credit. ainsley: they asked her how you will pay for it she said shared prosperity. those who work will pay for those who choose not to work
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and then stanford had a study, $13.4 trillion they say it will cost. steve: when you say shared prosperity, to some people that reminds them of socialism where the society owns everything everybody works for the society because everything in that government is owned by everybody. the president of the united states at the state of the union said the united states would never be a socialist country. half of the hall stood up and applauded but the other half sat on their hands. brian: we know whdon't know why. steve: we do know why. had this to say about socialism and shared things. >> we heard paul ryan and when he was speaker say harks r., hey, now that we have won this big tax give away to the richest americans, we have to dismantle the social programs.
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what they refer to as entitlements. i call them programs earned and very smart programs for our seniors. and i support those. and the president wants to tear those apart. >> you don't see that as socialism, right? in terms of the word, obviously? it's a word of significance. >> well, it is a society coming together to increase the standard of living of our seniors and that is pretty much the definition and the president's attacking it. brian: fantastic. that is an interesting definition of socialism. i think venezuela is a definition of socialism as they scurry to find anything on their shelves and bankruptcy as we try to put aid in there it's also important to see who is lining up behind this and who is not. nancy pelosi is pretty much distancing herself from this and said it's a green dream which aoc said i think it is a dream. it is a dream. i just don't understand how all those other legislators who spent their careers in washington coming up with
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practical programs that maybe have a chance at passage would sit there and allow this 28-year-old with a lot of charisma and a lot of poise and talent with a deal like, this how could they put their careers on the line in backing this? how can people put their candidacy on the line in backing this? they are not running on this. they are running on a 28-year-old's vision who won by 14,000 votes in a small area of new york city on the future of the country. ainsley: how many times were we interviewing people how did doo democrats define themselves? they were all over the map and coming up with different slogans and changing their slogans and have ao color. wins and she the democratic darling. and they see this as a way they can win. steve: changes have happened through time but incrementally the whole idea with this green dream or whatever it is called to quote the speaker, it would not be incremental it would
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all happen over the next 10 years. what do you think about it? it is ambitious. it might put some of you out of work. then again if you are unwilling to work you would get paid. sounds great. brian: heard of progress being no fine. undoing the wright brothers folly and then going back to trains. steve: it all comes down to figuring new ways to do it, brian. brian: old ways, old ways to do things. steve: like the old ways. brian: i'm so angry. do you know how many miles i have on delta, jillian? it's all going to go to waste. jillian: i'm dying to know this. brian: what am i going to use them for? no planes. jillian: i'm still waiting to hear how many miles you have. brian: 76,000. ainsley: that's right? brian: that will give me a free trip anywhere. ainsley: after all those fox nation trips that's all have you? jillian: tributes continual to poor in across the nation following the death of the longest serving congressman in history.
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john dingell passing away at michigan home. his wife debbie dingell said he will be remembered for raiser sharp whit and improving the lives of all who walk this earth. former president george w. bush remembering dingell as a fine gentleman who showed great respect for our country and her people. john dingell was 92 years old. breaking overnight, a driver is shot and killed accused of trying to run over a border patrol agent. an officer attempted to stop a pickup truck near the port of entry the driver refused and instead sped towards mexico. an officer shot and killed the driver as the truck controlled the border. one passenger is under arrest in mexico. the port of nogales is back open this morning. that's a look at your headlines. send it back to you. steve: a busy friday. thank you, jillian. jillian: thanks, jillian. brian: one week away from a government shut down and signs of progress. i have never seen the word progress in our prompter
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steve: lawmakers signaling on capitol hill potential progress on a border deal as the clock clicks down to the february 5th deadline. here with an insider look on those talks is a member of that bipartisan negotiating team tennessee republican congressman chuck fleischmann. chuck, good morning to you. >> good morning. >> sounds like what we have heard it comes down to bed and the barrier. more president for the president for the barrier and the democrats actually want fewer detention beds. is that accurate? >> that is accurate. from the inception, those were the two big issues. i was very disappointed by the original democratic proposal which had a rather drastic reduction in ice beds. that was going to be a nonstarter. so, yes. we need more ice beds. we need more money for the new barrier for the new wall. and that's where the negotiation, i think is. i think that's where it's going and i think that's where the deal is going to be made. steve: you just said barrier/wall. what else it going to be? is it going to be a wall, a
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barrier, a fence? what's the heck is it going to be? >> maybe all of the above. i just had the opportunity this week to tour the border in mcallen and el paso and san diego. i saw a wide variety of walls, borders, which for the american people the wall is being built. it's under construction. it's going on. some on the other side are trying to create a fiction or a situation where they are trying to convince the american people that there is no wall there is a wall. we are talking about adding additional wall where it is needed and where it is wanted. steve: that would sound like a win for the president. >> yes. steve: i'm sure he would feel. we have heard, congressman, over the last couple of months some democrats would like to defund ice or give ice zero money. we heard alexandria ocasio-cortez say that yesterday in the proposal, it will have money for ice in it, right?
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>> absolutely first of all the men and women at ice and border patrol are doing outstanding job with limited resources. they are working to keep our country safe. any word of defunding ice is political rhetoric. it's empty. the vast majority of democrats support ice and the republicans support ice. ice is going to increase and do well. steve: all right. exit question. the chances of another government shut down are, oddswise. >> anit nil or next to nil. in this situation there is no a appear tithe on either side for nor partial government shut down. when 24% of the government got shut down. it was a problem it should have never happened. if the republican bill happened in december we shouldn't have had it but it got jammed up in the senate. our situation is going to be
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we want to keep the border safe, we want to build the wall, and we want to keep the government open. steve: all right. let's see what happens. congressman chuck fleischmann of tennessee thank you very much. >> thank you. steve: we will be right back with more in just a minute. what about this? changing your plans. yeah. run with us. search "john deere 1 series" for more. yeah. run with us. jerry♪eastbound and down.ound loaded up and truckin'♪ ♪we gonna do what they say can't be done♪ ♪we've got a long way to go ♪and a short time to get there.♪ ♪i'm eastbound, just watch ole bandit run♪
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extreme in the nation it would allow termination up to birth for any reason. medical professionals against their will and now heads to the state senate. brian? brian: here we go. new details on the decorated navy seal accused of murdering an isis fighter in iraq. we have a myrtle judge finally dropped two charges against edward gallagher. he still faces charges of premeditated murder and aggravated assault. if convicted he could spend the rest of his life in prison. now his brother and op-ed is calling on president trump to fix what he calls a broken system. sean gallagher joins us now to go to bat for his brother. sean, happy about the two? what do we need to do to get rid of the other two charges. >> we need the intervention of the president of the united states sadly. the reason being that the two charges that have just been dropped are endemic. they are the sign of an overreach and over zealous
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prosecution that this entire thing never should have started in the first place. just to give you an example much the two charges that were just dropped. they charged eddie for reenlisting in the navy on the battlefield. if you want to know what a real navy seal is like. if you want to know what a real warrior is like. look at someone like eddie who literally just faced down death and just had a battle with isis. in the midst of that defeating the enemy same battle he risked his life. he swears before man and god that he will do it again. that he will stand his post and defend the country. there are lawyers back home in the navy want to charge him for a war crime for that. that's honor. that's bravery when we look at that and have been saying that from the beginning. there are four charges that have been dropped over five to six month period where they have jailed eddie. at every stage we said there is a little rationality but this entire system is broken. and so that's why we are calling on the president of the united states to fix it. brian: right. this is military, right? this is military to
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military. >> yes. brian: this happened in military court. >> yeah. brian: noble sitting in the southern district of new york. you have to wonder what's happening here. you would think in the military they would understand what your brother and others are up against. they say he was sworn in dying isis fighter. eyewitnesses testified that said this never happened and there is even photographic evidence that says this never happened. there is video and photographic evidence that says it didn't happen. plus, it's the battlefield. isn't the goal to kill isis? precisely this is precisely what we have been saying. photo and video evidence that exxonner rates or calls into questions. testimony says this never happened and isis fight literally died from a battle he was having with navy seals and then eddie gets home and a year later they charge him with this and also slander his name. so, the op-ed that i wrote to the president was telling him that the same forces that are trying to sabotage him and go after him, he knows what this is like.
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he know what is it is like to be on this side to say all of these unsubstantiated accusations, claims that have no merit but are stated as fact against you. that's sadly the same thing happening against eddie. he had city a decorated war hero. he has been in jail for five months now. that's why we are just like, man, instead of being able to fight back i and his wife are the only one able to speak. they gagged him and his teammates. we are like this system is broken. brian: talk about how they arrested him in front of his kids, his 3rd grader. two sons a 3rd grader and another is a senior in high school. they break into his house. they take him and they put him in solitary confinement. is that the way you treat a decorated navy seal? >> it's preposterous, brian, i stawrlted my op-ed alluding to roger stone. people were upset about the raid. it happened to eddie decorated war hero to a much more extreme.
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he is home. they hand cuff and detain him be a then go to his house. only people at home are 3rd grade and 12th grade marched out in the street with guns pointed in their face in their underwear just to raid his house to get his phones and tablets on an investigation that never should have started. and so, yeah. this treatment, it's abysmal. and the thing that we're also trying to relay here is that this is ripping the military community apart. brian: of course. >> this is morale issue. they are looking at this and saying if it can happen to eddie with his service record it can happen to me. brian: no question. keep speaking out about it. sean, you keep fighting for eddie and the president doesn't usuallilet these things go on. so hopefully he weighs in and steps up and will do a lot of good for a lot of people. sean, thanks so much and give our best to eddie. >> it's my pleasure. thank you very much. brian: straight ahead. do you remember this giant cross that washed up on the florida beach. the mystery may have just been solved. we will share it plus scandals are rocking
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democrats in virginia. do you think so? nancy pelosi says not a big problem. >> what's going on, does that filter down and damage the national democratic brand in any way? >> no, it does not. brian: is she out of touch with the american people? we will take a closer look ♪ (burke) parking splat. and we covered it. talk to farmers. we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪
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unlike smooth-style milk. ♪ hey, guys! save some chunks for me! that's not right. kinda like your wireless bill. mint mobile is easy, online and just $20 bucks a month. right now, buy one month and get two months free at >> willie martin badge number 420 is retiring and given his final 10/7. it is my honor corporal roy march continue to 10/7 to the greatest man i know. steve: greatest man he knows. shot of the morning retiring police corporal gets his signs off. >> dad trying to fight back tears. police corporal roy martin shocked when his son, you see him on the right, answers his final radio call. brian: martin is retiring after 31 years on the force. i love this new trend. we have seen a couple of
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these now. steve: thanks to social media the first one went viral and now everybody is doing it is right behind it. ainsley: his son is so proud of his dad and dad is so proud of his son who is following in his footsteps. steve: absolutely. is he in law enforcement and that really has to do with our next talking point. we have heard over the last couple of months there have been a number of democrats who would like to eliminate ice because they say it serves no legitimate purpose. well, as we look at what ice has been trying to do in sanctuary cities like the one we are living in right here, there is a story about a guy who had been on the law enforcement radar for a while. he was a member of ms-13. he was in the country illegally and on a subway platform earlier this week he shot a rival gang member in the face. brian: how do we know that. ainsley: several times. brian: we have video of being murdered in the district of alexandria ocasio-cortez. now, if -- the only hope we have of kicking this guy out before he can kill -- shoot
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somebody is ice. and that's what they do. to try to hunt them down. so you would think that maybe the people might be upset at ice for maybe not getting there quick enough. no, not her. alexandria ocasio-cortez, after i imagine seeing this horror, is upset that ice even exists. she cried about it you just watched the negotiations as you saw this horrible scene going down. ainsley: you know this man is dying. brian: they are trying to carve out ice by not funding them. here she is yesterday. >> we're here to say that an agency like ice, which repeatedly and systematically violates human rights does not deserve a dime. i will not give one dollar to black box detention facilities that think that people in and some people in this country are deserving of constitutional protections and that others are not. we are a nation and a land of laws.
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ainsley: she contradicts herself and says we are a land of laws. that's law enforcement. ice is law enforcement. steve: she also referred to the detention centers as black box detention centers. we just had congressman fleischmann from tennessee on. he says in this make or break deal regarding the government shutdown they do fund ice. they are not going to starve it. going forward it will get funded. he also said that a majority of democrats are for the funding of ice. brian: they are trying to starve it out by not funding it adequately. that's part of the negotiation. they are essentially telling them hey, if you want some of this wall fence take a little bit more money for ice. the democrats' focus is on starving out ice and denying the president a barrier that's going to be the point of negotiation. why ice is a problem for democrats. to you suspend logic. because they are enforcing -- they are going for criminals that are here illegally. we should be saluting them
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and giving them raises. steve: the congressman we had on said it comes down to the border wall itself and call it president wants more of it and president wants fewethey want fewerbeds so fewee detained. ainsley: nancy pelosi was asked about it by one of our reporters and one of our producers, chad pergram in d.c. listen to their exchange and what she says about the democrats reputation and how in virginia how it effects the rest of the party. >> what's going on, does that filter down and damage the national democratic brand in any way? >> no, it does not. >> it's sad because there are some very talented leaders there, but they have to have the confidence of the electorate and they have the have the confidence of the legislature that they have to work with. i will leave that up to
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them. i have enough to do here without getting involved in the affairs of virginia. brian: why can't shoe say i have spent my entire career as a democrat and i'm embarrassed what is happening in virginia. she would be playing partisan politics and talking about the embarrassment which would be justified. instead, a governor, lieutenant governor and attorney general have embarrassed the party, embarrassed their state why does she have to say i didn't hear about it or i don't think it matter that much or change the subject. steve: she is saying it's not going to damage their brand the problem is going up to 2020 the democrats want to position themselves as the party to fix racial injustice in this country. then, when you have these three characters at the want to food change the national
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message is one. but what's going on in virginia again? how does that square? brian: if you are nancy pelosi you can say exactly what you said and say we want to be what you said, racial fairness in this country. and embarrassed what's happening in virginia bus it doesn't reflect what the democrats are that's what you do in the human race but not in politics. ainsley: think about the double standard how the democrats treated brett kavanaugh and how they are treating this lieutenant governor. brian: absolutely. steve: the governor himself says that's not me in the picture. is he going to step down if that's not him in the picture? that's another run of the problems even though he did say i appeared in michael jackson. brian: he chose what goes on his page. whether it's him or not almost doesn't matter he chose the kkk guy and a man in blackface which he claims is not him on a page with him on it on a medical page that he edits. so, i don't think could be exnonexonerated called the lieutenant governor to offer his support yesterday which
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is a wonderful gesture. ainsley: hand it over to jillian who has more headlines. ainsley: billionaire jeff bezos accusing the "national enquirer" publicist of blackmail. "the washington post" owner claims america media incorporated threatened to publish photos of bezos and his girlfriend unless he agreed to back off an investigation into the company. bezos writing, quote: of course i don't want to personal photos published but i won't participate in their well-known practice of blackmail, political favors, political attacks and corruption. fox news has reached out to the "national enquirer" for comment. an accuse you had drunk driver crashes and burst into flames. the terrifying moment caught on police dash cam. look at this. >> whoa. you can see the car hit an embankment roll over and fly across the road in flames. police in illinois say the driver wasn't wearing his
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seat belt but they are not seriously hurt. that's incredible. actor robert deniro has a public meltdown after divorce court. the video obtained by the daily mail capturing the entire thing. >> i don't care if they chase you. [inaudible] what's the matter with you. where are you? >> deniro reportedly yelling at his driver to pick him up outside of court in new york. the actor and his wife calling it quits after 20 years of marriage. send it back to you. ainsley: get in the car and get away from the media the driver isn't there. steve: that's the beauty of uber, you have the g psz and find you wherever you are. brian: who says no one buys newspapers anymore. thank goodness. ainsley: like a scene from good fellows. brian: that's what his ex-wife is doing making him go public with everything u. steve: janice dean with public. janice: i want to say hi to my friends from south africa. >> >> correct. what are your names wolf and
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mark. >> hi, steve from florida thank you for coming to "fox & friends" on a friday. take a look at maps. it is a cool, i mean frigid across the northern plains and you were midwest where we have another artic cold front that has settled. in we have wind chill advisories, wind chill warnings. dangerous wind chills for these areas, minus 20, minus 30. not as cold as last week but dangerous. temperatures are going to start to moderate as we head night weekend. that front is going to bring the potential for showers across the eastern third of the country. a little bit of snow across the great lakes and even some snow showers for central texas. there is our next storm system moving into the west. best part of new york city so far. >> wonderful. janice: being on wonderful? >> that's it. that's it. janice: very good answer. all right, steve, ainsley and brian, back to you. >> thank you very much. >> elizabeth warren trying to apologize for latest native scandal but one member of the cherokee nation isn't buying it. he is going to join us live in the next hour. steve: plus, the democrats say aoc's green new deal will save the planet.
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ainsley: the left's green new deal calling for world war ii level mobilization involving replacing every building in america. banning nuclear energy. brian: sounds good. ainsley: ending air travel. brian: finally. ainsley: even ensuring economic security for those who are unwilling to work. brian: finally those unwilling to work have rights. the plan doesn't have a price tag on it. some estimates claim it will cost $7 trillion. that's way too low. ainsley: way low. brian: cost five times that.
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ainsley: someone said a gazillion, right? author of incorrect glide climate change and climate marc morano. you told our producers this deal is a big ball of crazy. why do you say that? >> this is essentially the environmental left and the left wish list over the last 40 years all thrown into one package and they don't want to debate it on the merits of the economics we're told we need to do all of this from banning meat to airline getting rid of the combustion internal combustion engine all to save from us a climate emergency and yet we are not told how to expect better weather if we actually pass this thing it would have no impact on the climate even if you believe al gore and the united nations and all the silliness that sometimes they claim. this plan is plagiarism pure and simple. they borrowed it from the 1960's and 1970s. in my book i different
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environmental scares, scarcity even global cooling. sovereignty. massive government intervention. brian: marc environmentalist to the left of al gore and obviously she is and say this is not practical. i have spent my career as a lawmaker, legislator. why would you stand behind a deal like this when it looks like something that was put out by a tenth grader? >> actually tenth is being very, very generous. brian: let's go seventh. >> i gold as low as 3rd grade. this is a big bowl of crazy wish list of everything you could imagine. and i think the whole release of this, they have bungled the release. they put in there unwilling worker. pull it from the website. dispute on what they meant from nuclear power. they haven't even gotten this straightened out. this is the litmus test from the 2020 did i democratic contenders. in a way they have given anyone who cares about free markets, liberty and science a grand opening to expose anyone who signs on to this plan.
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ainsley: you say it's the democrats wish list even my democrat friends would probably say they like their cars. they don't want to work so that everyone else doesn't have to if they are not willing. to say they don't want to redo their apartment buildings because buildings would have to change the way they get their energy. they like their meat. they like their airplanes. whose wish list is this? >> this is the far environmental left has been pushing these exact same things. i interviewed the former czech president in my book and he says the greatest threat to individual liberty since the fall of the eastern block. he was the president of czech republic is the -- what he calls ambitious environmentalism. they have been trying this over and over. mainstream democrats -- nancy pelosi is being called climate denier by climate activists because she called this the big green dream. she is dismissing it. she is not putting aoc on the climate change committee. so now nancy pelosi is seeing as a climate denier by the activists. this is a real big shift. brian: has anyone mentioned this to russia, china or
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india. even if it was the cure-all it's not going to touch the planet because nobody else is buying into it let alone us. marc morano, thanks so much for trying to unwind the crazy. ainsley: after two years, house democrats are expanding the russia investigation. what happened to waiting until robert mueller finished his report? we will ask democratic congressman jim hymes in the next hour. >> start your engines, biggest car show is rolling into the windy city. roger caudill is in the windy city. ainsley: enjoy it while you can windy season. brian: how does he get the keys? ♪ free ride ♪ come on and take a free ride ♪ before discovering nexium 24hr to treat her frequent heartburn, marie could only imagine enjoying freshly squeezed orange juice. now no fruit is forbidden. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn?
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[engines revving] brian: the nation's largest auto show kicking off in chicago where car expert mike caudill joins us with behind the scenes look with brand new vehicles. right, mike? >> good morning, guys. speaking of ocasio-cortez i have more cars on carpet at the chicago auto show than any other show across the country. we have got 1,000 cars on the floor here. and i might have picked out the right one for her. it could be this one right here. it's the 1984, yes, brian, i said 1984 dodge caravan and why is that vehicle special to this auto show? because chrysler is celebrating the 35th anniversary of the dodge caravan. it was the first company to bring the minivan into the market. this is a new one right here. 35th anniversary edition of that vehicle. this is the pacifica hybrid special lower to the ground performance oriented i love the exterior design.
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they you will make a very limited volume of this minivan. who said minivans can't be cool this is '. mazda first announced here in 199. 30th anniversary of the mazda miata. staying true to their roots. fun to drive vehicle. i love the orange design on that. only make 500 of them. expect to see that one hit the market here very soon. all right. got a couple more for you. this one surprised me yesterday subaru and all new legacy. subaru on fire with this vehicle. most passenger room in the sedan market. 35 miles per gallon. the design of this thing is absolutely stunning. and it will come in a turbo charged engine under the hood. 11.6-inch touch screen wifi capable. all the things you want in a performance sedan. four vehicles from toyota here. the all new tacoma. the land cruiser. the sequoia and rav-4 come in trd packages which racing off-road edition. full size suv can now go
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off-road. big news yesterday from ford motor company. are you guys ready for this? ford motor company is investing $1 billion into jobs in america with the new police interceptor i will close it out with line next and all new rams 3500 here built by the diesel brothers. this is the biggest truck at the show. i want this one for steve doocy with that spray-on material that blast mitigation on the side. this thing is awesome here at the auto show. so, doocy. that's the one for you, brother. i love it. steve: i would look so cool pulling into home depot driving that thing. mike caudill out in chicago. great cars. a look at the future. all right. thank you. brian: straight ahead. one week left to avoid another government shutdown. could there be a new deal? new signs this morning that one could get done. ainsley: congressman jim hymes and geraldo rivera both here live. ♪ baby, baby, ♪ you just ain't seen nothing yet ♪ here's something that you are never going to forget ♪ baby, baby, baby ♪ you just ain't seen
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nothing yet ♪ with align probiotic. and try align gummies, with prebiotics and probiotics to help support digestive health (danny)'s voice) of course you don'te because you didn't!? your job isn't doing hard work...'s making them do hard work... ...and getting paid for it. (vo) snap and sort your expenses to save over $4,600 at tax time. quickbooks. backing you.
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brian: fighter in iraq. now his brother is calling on president trump to help fix what he calls a broken system. >> his treatment is abysmal and the thing that we are also trying to relay here is that this is ripping the military community apart. >> i will never let you down. you can say that never. all united by a shared
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belief in the glory of god and the power of prayer. ♪ come on over ♪ steve: look at this. it's already friday, february the 8th. it has been a busy week. we are so glad we are so close to miller time on this friday morning. brian: right. ainsley: that's true. brian: i have not had a miller in quite some time. steve: miller lite? ainsley: you had a steven miller at the beginning of the week who helped the president write his speech. brian: very good point steve miller also flies like an eagle. steve: didn't he also do big old jet airliner? brian: absolutely. steve: got a problem because big old jet airliner. ainsley: obsolete. steve: absolutely going to be grounded under this green new deal unveiled yesterday by alexandria ocasio-cortez. the ambitious new
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congresswoman from the great state of new york has got a plan years in the making from many left-leaning web sites and, you know, think tanks. brian: u.n. studies. steve: put it all together by make the world better by 10 years from now. listen to this. roll tape. >> today is also the day that we choose to assert ourselves as a global leader in transitioning to 100 percent renewable energy and charting that path. we should do it because we are a country founded on ideals of a culture that is innovative, that cares for our brothers and sisters across this country. we should do it because we are an example to the world. this is such a major watershed moment and i am so incredibly excited that we are going to transition this country into the future and we are not going to be dragged behind by our past.
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brian: can we take a look at our future? steve: how would you do it? ainsley: here's what's in the deal. we will go through step-by-step. number one, 100 percent clean renewable energy. that means banning nuclear energy. eliminating fossil fuels. wiping out millions of jobs. brian: getting rid of cars, finally and getting rid of airplanes. steve: traditional cars with the internal combustion engine. just have to come up with something new and then it has to run on something that is not coal-fired. also upgrade all existing buildings for every efficiency. in other words, every building in the united states would have to be brought up to this energy efficient code, whatever that would be a new boiler, a new water heater, new everything in your house. every house, every building. ainsley: within the next 10 years. have you got to pay for that have you got to change the way you cook and heat your home. it has to be up to these certain standards. brian: the future of transportation will be high speed rail. the one that's taken 10
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years. ainsley: no airplanes. brian: build in california still hasn't been built yet. bad new for anyone in hawaii or block island because we are going to have no way of getting to you. ainsley: she will build trains that go over the ocean. brian: fantastic. steve: that's the plan. i don't know how much that would cost but probably a lot. also ensure prosperity and economic security for all. that would also include giving money or some sort of government assistance to those unwilling to work. ainsley: that's the headline. we are burying the lead here. this is for people -- not just people who can't work. people unwilling to work. so if everyone just quits their job who is going to pay for it? if they want to tax you 90% and you live on 10% of your salary, that might be equivalent to what the government is going to give you for not working at all. why go to work? brian: that's a great question because half of this is green and half of this is central planning. half of this is oh, by the way free medicare for all and by the way you don't have to work if you don't want.
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to say it seems like thorough complete government control. even the russians would have more freedom than this. they are also going to have clean air, water and access to nature because right now we can't -- not all of us are allowed to walk in the woods. ainsley: no more eating meat. brian: everyone quickly slaughter a cow because it's the cow's gas doing the most damage to the environment. omaha steaks is in a panic. steve: one thing to get rid of the car and airplane but to get rid of the steak. brian: that's where the rubber hits the road for you. ainsley: only thing in the deal that brian agrees with the man who doesn't eat steak. brian: stuck with sizzlean not really steak or bacon. >> how is she going to do any of this stuff? this is where things get awesome. wait a second wait until she gets to i love it so much. she is just like you know what we are going to do to do we fix everything how are we going to do it? we just are. grand plan.
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guys, stop asking questions, she is a fresh phrase, very fresh and very face. back to this in just a second. i'm sorry, this is the best -- they are not sending their best. they are not sending the best. we have to shut the democratic party down until we can figure out what the hell is going on. brian: that is quoting trump. ainsley: asked how you are going to paid for it shared prosperity. you are prosperous and you are going to give to those who aren't. steve: republicans love. this because -- between this and the left's embrace of socialism the executive editor at climate depot had this observation about her big plan. >> this is just a big bowl of crazy wish list of everything you can imagine and i think the whole release of this they bungled the release. they put in there unwilling workers. they had to full from the website. whole dispute on what they meant by nuclear power. they haven't even gotten this straightened out. what they do have
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straightened out. this is the litmus test for the 2020 democratic contenders. in a way they have given anyone who cares about free markets liberty and science a grand opening to expose anyone who signs on to this plan. brian: you wouldn't think a presidential candidate would sign on to a plan just unveiled that was taken down as soon as she announced it on npr they put it up and took it down quickly. it turns out just about everybody. cory booker is in, elizabeth warren, kirsten gill grand kamala harris bernie sanders and governor jay ins lee. i understand lee. i don't know if he is in -- we have to do things that are feasible and possible. you almost want to laugh but i worry because she is charismatic and she has great presence and extremely popular with the next generation who who have all been told in school -- she
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has told the world is going to end in 12 years. they have been told that in school, too. you hope there aren't more people that are going it believe this is possible. we end up in some compromise. steve: one of those people on that list could be the next president of the united states. brian: yep. steve: in 2020. what she is trying to do is she is trying to get a vote in the house and then in the senate and what that means for democrats caught in the middle is every democrat will have to go on record are you for getting rid of the combustion engine and air travel as we know it. are you for high speed rail across the ocean? is this what you are for? insert name there, running for president, or is this just a pipe dream? ainsley: well, nancy pelosi was asked about it. this is what she had to say. >> it will be one of several or maybe many suggestions that we receive. the green dream or whatever they call it, nobody knows what it is, but they're for it, right? brian: that's her new tactic, right?
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ainsley: activists are saying she is a climate denier. she is not really 100 percent on board. brian: when she doesn't agree with something she acts like she hasn't heard it. doesn't understand it. i don't have any details what's happening in virginia. i don't know what's going on with the green thing i'm busy walking around. steve: her problem is she is not watching enough about fox news. we talk about these things every morning. if she is not getting it click it right over here. ainsley: she wants airplanes to be obsolete. steve: that kind of motor. brian: what about the thunder birds who is going to do the flyover. steve: sustainable. ainsley: what you are are a lawmaker in hawaii? how do you get to washington to pass bills? senator meaz hirono a democrat from hawaii said. this. >> one of the things was to try to eliminate air travel and build high speed rail all across the country. is some of the stuff feasible. >> that would be pretty hard for hawaii. [laughter]
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ainsley: even she said it's hard. steve: plus, we wouldn't be able to go to europe unless we took that train across the north pole. ainsley: you wouldn't be able to visit your family in the midwest. get on the train on friday get there on saturday. in a few hours. steve: this could actually be much healthier, we are going to do a lot more walking. a lot more walking places. we asked you what you thought. ed emailed this. no planes, no buses no, tractors or farm equipment no. fossil fuels, period. this will be worse than the great depression according to ed. brian: think how clean the air will be. michelle says i feel like having a big juicy steak and book ago long flight. steve: michelle? brian: what about all those f-16s we bought. ainsley: i have a feeling green new deal a way to get our green new money out of our leather wallets. steve: great comments. what do you think about the green new deal announced by alexandria ocasio-cortez yesterday? email us right there or also on facebook. all right.
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7:11 in new york city. jillian, good morning. jillian: good morning. hard to follow that up. jeesh. get you caught up on this. some breaking news. a driver is shot overnight and killed accused of trying to run over a border patrol agent. the mayor of nogales, arizona says an officer attempted to stop a pickup truck near a port of entry. the driver refused and instead sped towards mexico. an officer shot and killed the driver as the truck crossed the border. one passenger is under arrest in mexico. the port of nogales is back open this morning. the supreme court temporarily blocking a controversial abortion access law in louisiana. it would require doctors to have admitting privileges at local hospitals. critics stay will leave louisiana with just one eligible abortion doctor. the restrictions are blocked for now pending a full review of the law billionaire jeff bezos accusing of blackmail. the amazon ceo and "the washington post" owner claims america media incorporated threatened to publish intimate photos of
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bezos and his girlfriend unless he agreed to back off an investigation into the company. bezos writing, quote: of course i don't want personal photos published but i also won't participate in their well-known practice of blackmail, political favors, political attacks and corruption. fox news has reached out to the "national enquirer" for comment. send it back to you guys. steve: that is quite a story. all right. jillian, thank you. brian: that's one way to put it. steve? steve: that is quite a story. brian: it certainly is. elizabeth warren continues her apology tour for claiming she was native american for 30 years. >> i am not a tribal citizen. i am also sorry for not being more mindful of this decades ago. brian: one member of the cherokee nation is not buying it. he will join us live next. steve: plus, what's better than booze and ice cream? boozey ice cream. ainsley: no way. steve: it's true. ♪ ♪
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being more mindful of this decades ago, tribes and only tribes determine tribal citizenship. ainsley: senator elizabeth warren facing new fallout over her claim of being, quote, american indian on texas bar registration. this coming just days before her expected presidential announcement. will she get a pass on this? let's ask oklahoma congressman mark wayne mullen the only cherokee nation citizen in congress. good morning to you, congressman. >> good morning, ainsley how are you doing? ainsley: i'm great. thank you. she is one out of 1024. can she claim she is part of the cherokee nation, do you buy that. >> no. absolutely not. scientists in 2014 published a genetic showing of people's d.n.a. and they said the average european american was .19%. she is .09%. she is half. but even then d.n.a. testing doesn't show that it's your heritage, your tradition and enrollment in the tribal membership which my family has already been enrolled in
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cherokee nation. ainsley: do you believe she used this information to get ahead. >> absolutely she did. she did it in texas which i think she should be disbarred from practicing law of it. you are supposed to be in good moral standing. now i believe she is claiming to be -- she is minority race because of the nonwhite voters it's very important in a democrat primary. that's the only reason why she is doing it and she got caught in a lie. ainsley: as a member of the cherokee nation how does this make you feel when she is trying to use it using it to get ahead? this is a person who we think is going to announce her candidacy for president. >> this isn't unusual. people do this all the time. it's funny how easy it is nowadays though to tell a person's lying. back when she signed this it wasn't as easy and relatively accessible. it wasn't online like it is now. we didn't have the social media. wheat doont have people being able to do research by a stroke of keys. now they are. and so she got caught in a
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lie and she has doubled down. now it is so open. one time she said she doesn't actually remember actually writing it down, that people may have assumed because of stories she told. it's obvious black and white she wrote it with her own hand writing that she was american indian. so now that she is caught. what she just needs to do is step back and say look, i'm not qualified to even run for president. ainsley: congressman, she did apologize. do you forgive her? >> listen, forgiveness is something that everybody chooses. of course, i do. but that doesn't right the wrong. it was still wrong what she did. she has claimed to be a native american for, i guess, 40 years. the fact of the matter is she is caught now. and she did apologize but that doesn't mean that she should -- can move forward with her political career. ainsley: yes or no does she have the character to be president. >> absolutely not. she didn't have the character to be president before this came to light. this just shows another flaw in her character.
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ainsley: congressman, thank you for being with us. have a good weekend. >> thank you for having me on. ainsley: alexandria ocasio-cortez just rolled out the green new deal. it wasn't enough to make nancy pelosi's new climate change panel. joe concha is here to react coming up next. venezuelans living in america sending a warning to the left about what socialism is really like. >> we have seen it put in place. >> it is not the route to go. don't fall for it ♪ unstopables in-wash scent booster ♪ downy unstopables
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want more from your entejust say teach me more. into your xfinity voice remote to discover all sorts of tips and tricks in x1. can i find my wifi password? just ask. [ ding ] show me my wifi password. hey now! [ ding ] you can even troubleshoot, learn new voice commands and much more. clean my daughter's room. [ ding ] oh, it won't do that. welp, someone should. just say "teach me more" into your voice remote and see how you can have an even better x1 experience. simple. easy. awesome. steve: time now for news by the numbers. first up two. that's how many tons of meth border officers just found hidden inside speakers. six people were arrested accuse of trying to ship the
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drugs to australia. the street value estimated at more than $1 billion. two tons of meth. next, 1. that's how many working engines in an airplane in mid-air force an emergency landing. the flight touching down in pennsylvania airport after other engine turned off. the plane was heading from new jersey to toronto. thankfully nobody was hurt. and finally five. that's how many liquor infused ice cream flavors haagen-dazs just unveiled. the spirit collection includes flavors like irish cream brownies and bourbon pecan praline which both sound dlirks. they will be available by april but they have less than 1% of alcohol and no, ainsley, they are not fat-free. all right. brian. brian: all right. sorry that ainsley interrupted you, steve. house speaker nancy pelosi unveiling newly created climate change panel and excluding socialist darling alexandria ocasio-cortez.
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>> i mean, i do want to be on it the speaker was gracious enough to invite me on it, i would have to give up the -- doing my job well is how i feel. and i don't want to give that up. brian: going on a committee would give up doing her job well. the announcement coming in the same day the house freshman rolls out her highly ambitious multitrillion-dollar green new deal. here to react is media reporter for the hill and new york radio talk show host on wor joe con challenge. joe, how did the media cover aoc's roll out yesterday. >> they would cover it as exact opposite of what sarah palin got 10 years ago when she burst onto the national scene. this was with all mock and ridicule as far as palin was concerned. in this case here you have a document, a proposal, brian, that is easily the most mockable, to create a word
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here, the most easy to ridicule proposal that we have seen come out of any government official in modern politics. and i don't like using hyperbole it's that crazy. just the part alone where it says hey, people, we're willing to give you money if unable or and here's the punch line unwilling to work. i mean, for me that's everything that ends in a y. i would probably move on. here is one very key part here, brian. alexandria ocasio-cortez to npr yesterday this proposal requires massive government intervention, doesn't it? she answers it does. i have no problem saying that. later that day, alexandria ocasio-cortez to msnbc chuck todd one way that the right does try to mischaracterize what we are doing as if it's some kind of massive government takeover. in other words, she is contradicting herself in realtime and todd didn't challenge her on it whatsoever. brian: it's unbelievable too and lauded as this
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revolutionary on cnn yesterday by bill weir look at how he was talking to her like she is some rock star. hey, ton of charisma, a lot of composure. this makes no sense. no air travel, let's go back to high speed trains. let's change every single building in the country from a small strip mall in california arizona to a maul in california. how could that be effective, be practical. where do people even on the late night shows how do they digest this? why won't they take her on? >> that's the thing, right? if you are colbert or kimmel or seth meyers. this is pretty easy material to work with, right? and instead last night you didn't really hear anything about it at all. i'm certain that "saturday night live" is not creating an alexandria ocasio-cortez character at this point because here's what they're afraid of, brian. that their audiences live in safe spaces. they like to be provided comfort food. they like to not see the people that they admire and
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in this case if you are young, millennial, you probably alexandria ocasio-cortez in terms of what she accomplished. how could you not. once she gets into policy. in other words she is very good on twitter snarky and knows how to pawned to people. once you put her in an interview or actually have to have her proposing is with something resembling details then suddenly the whole thing falls apart. the problem is no one is going to criticize her whether it be on msnbc or cnn or any of the night talk shows she is the it interview that they don't want to alienate their audiences by criticizing her in any meaningful way and they want to provide their audiences comfort food instead, brian. brian: next thing talk about real quick is in virginia you have a democratic governor in blackface or in controversy. holding on. you have a lieutenant governor who is in the middle of a sexual assault scandal and then have you an attorney general who condemned the governor, all three democrats and he also said hey, by the way, at 19 years old i dressed in
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blackface as a rapper. so, how is the media covering this? >> well, it's what they aren't covering or what they're not doing, i should say. think of a parallel universe for a moment where these were all republicans in virginia that were accused of these things or there are actual pictures of them in blackface. i can guarantee you in the aforementioned cnn or cnbc or some of the broadcast networks would be arranging town halls in richmond or charlottesville or roanoke or anywhere in virginia right now to talk to the people or figure out what we have to do to address this problem. of course it would all go back to president trump in some way, shape, or form. i'm not seeing those town halls. yes, there is coverage. the pyes outrage that we normally see seems to be missing here, brian. brian: if you want to label the republican party as a racist party how can you do that when you have a virginia situation. it's going to be a lot tougher. joe concha, thanks so much. >> have a good weekend.
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brian: straight ahead, remember when democrats said we should wait for robert mueller to finish his investigation? >> so we don't want to get in the way. >> it's important that the congress stay away. >> we need those investigations to run its course. brian: really in the wait has been too long i guess. house democrats are expanding their russia investigation which was complete. we are going to ask jim hymes about that. plus, venezuelans living in america sending a warning to the left about socialism. >> look yourself in the mirror of venezuela and cuba. you do not ever want anyone, not even close to socialism to come to this country. ♪ free bird ♪ five minutes ♪ bobbing up down ♪ up down ♪ we got what we want ♪ we don't need the rest ♪ turn this billions of mouths.
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>> look yourself in the mirror of venezuela and cuba. you do not ever want anyone not even close to socialism to come to this country. >> people are eating from trash bags in the streets. so what -- how has socialism actually helped the country? >> i don't think any venezuelan can really like socialism because we have seen it put in place very well. >> it is not the route to go. it is not possible. it is not feasible. don't fall for it. steve: don't fall for it there have you venezuelans in the united states sending a strong message to americans who like the idea of socialism. don't fall for it. ainsley: campus reform cabot phillips attended a protest with victims of venezuelan socialism and he joins us now with more. what did they tell you, cabot? >> well, it was powerful to hear what so many americans know to be true that socialism is the largest threat facing the future of our country and the sad thing is it's coming from people within our borders. these are people that are pushing socialism and i think a lot of it starts
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because they don't understand the history of what it's done. how many people it's brought into poverty and death and hopefully this message from the venezuelans can change that listen also to what they had to say about president trump and his administration. i didn't ask anyone about their thoughts on the current administration but they were quick to praise president trump. listen to this. >> the people from venezuela, we are very grateful. with the united states, with this beautiful country because they give you all the support right now in this critical situation. >> to me, the administration is doing something more tha than -- >> we spoke to people that were attending that said they were called students and they have seen this push of socialism come from professors. something we cover all the time at leadership institute campus reform. there was an event in california. university brought in speakers praising maduro saying he was a strong leader. many people said it was insult to their family members currently starving in venezuela to imply that
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the people there aren't actually dying for freedom and wanting democracy and to imply that they want to have nicholas maduro. listen to why they described their country and what the conditions are like there hear firsthand how bad the situation is under this socialist regime. >> i left my home country 20 years ago because of this. and it's a gradual process over time, little by little power is taken away from the people. >> i was born in venezuela i had to leave my country and family. >> i left my country 10 years ago not seen my family and my friends. i want the kids right now to be able to have a future in my country. people that they have hope to come back to our country and reconstruct it. incredibly powerful. this is not joke. easy to laugh off the rise of socialism in america and crazy proposals from alexandria ocasio-cortez and people, her friends in the congress and around the country.
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this really isn't a joke. i think if we are going to defeat socialism, i think the first thing to do is to take it seriously. and president trump took us in the right direction there at the state of the union talking about how we will always be a country that's free. we are not going to fall for this. but, do i think there is a propensity for many americans to say it could never happen here. there are plenty of people throughout history that never thought their governments could fall and look what happened. brian: president trump has been brilliant so far led by secretary of state and his national security advisor in supplying material and support for guaido and we are bringing all these supply, emergency supplies right to the border. and that's a perilous situation. ainsley: similar messages from people who had to flee cuba, too. thank you so much, cabot. >> absolutely. ainsley: hand it over to jillian who has headlines for us. jillian: good friday morning to you. a suspect accused of shooting a school bus driver in a fit of road rage claims he feared for his life. grainy video shows kenneth
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little i didn't opening fire after the car hit his bus in minnesota. the bus driver was shot in the head but is expected to recover. an 8-year-old girl on the bus was not hurt. lily is charged with attemp attempted second degree murder and assault. he claims he acted in in a decade. the u.s. is considering housing captured isis fighters at the military prison in cuba. 1,000 suspected terrorists are in custody in syria right now. the state department wants to send them back to their home countries for prosecution. syria may not be able to hold them all once they withdraw troops from the middle east. new gun owners may soon be forced to turn over social media accounts. lawmakers in illinois proposing gun control measures subjecting people to online searches before being approved for firearm licenses. chicago democrats say they want to keep weapons away from those who have made threatening comments online. critics claim the legislation could lead to biased views towards applicants. do you remember one country
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super star lee bryce celebrating 30th anniversary. tonight he showed up at an event to honor fallen heroes ♪ there's a rumor going around and around and around ♪ make it true ♪ make it true ♪ try to deny this feeling. jillian: bryce performing in upstate new york to help the organization folds of honor raise money. they provide assistance for families of fallen and disabled service members. the new york chapter event raised over $200,000 for those who have given the ultimate sacrifice. you can donate by visiting the website folds of that lee brice is a very busy man. ainsley: keeps popping up at these events. brian: one of the kindest guys you are going to meet that rumor song the day it dropped it was here. steve: good promotion. ainsley: go to a concert. let's buy some tickets, janice. brian: she wants them free. janice: i love lee brice, he
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is amazing. do you love lee brice? look at this crowd on a rainy friday. what are your names and where are from you. >> holly. >> dillon. >> i'm erin from ohio. >> kirsten from texas. >> janet from cress peek, virginia. >> nice. >> florida. >> patty from texas. >> sean from texas. >> florida. >> oh my gosh thank you for coming. fantastic. are you happy to be on "fox & friends"? [cheers] janice: i'm sorry about the weather. take a look at the temperatures real quick. the big story today is the cold air across portions of the northern plains and you were midwest where we have got wind chills again feels like minus 30 in minneapolis. feels like 10 in cincinnati. we have the warmer air across the east coast all of that is going to sweep over the next couple of hours and then we will get the potential for more rain in the forecast and things will start to moderate this weekend. we have the next system moving into the west coast. all right. do you want to say hi to steve, ainsley and brian? >> hi.
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>> the answer is no. welcome to our lives. ainsley: they are here to see you, janice. brian: they don't even know who they're. janice is the only one on the show. steve: listen, it's great to have folks drop by 48th and sixth avenue. democrats in congress wanted us to wait for robert mueller to finish russia probe. they are done waiting and even expanding that investigation. democratic congressman jim himes great state of connecticut is going to join us next. ainsley: plus you know her dad as a star basketball coach and she is the newest member of fox nation. you are going to meet her coming up ♪ brian: happy hornets day ♪ hometown proud ♪ everybody is talking about ♪ same old ♪ same old ♪ same old ♪ tancies tancies in the country. you see so many people walking around here in their hundreds. so how do you stay financially well
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another red sox star is bulking at white house championship celebration. outfielder jackie bradley jr. telling the "boston globe" he won't visit president trump in may. he refused to explain his decision though. at least two other players from the 2018 world series title team will also be absent. and major league baseball is striking out the d.l. the league now rebranding the disabled list for players physically unable to perform as the injured list. officials say the effort aims to remove the misconception that people with real disabilities are unable to compete in sports. there you have it, steve. steve: jillian, thank you. meanwhile, after two years of investigation, house democrats are expanding the russia probe. but weren't they going to wait until mr. mueller finished his report? they were once upon a time. >> now, bob mueller's probe is one, you know, looking at whether crimes were carried out. so we don't want to get in the way. >> it's important that the congress stay away from the fbi investigation.
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it's important to know what they're doing. we have to stay away from. >> we have a lot of active investigations going on, including the investigation by special counsel robert mueller we need to let those investigations run its course. steve: that was then and this is now. joining us now is democratic congressman from the great state of connecticut jim himes a member of the house intel committee and house financial services committee as well. joins us from d.c. jim, good morning to you. >> good morning. steve: what changed? before the election, you were ready to wait for mr. mueller's report but now that you won your party is the majority, now you want to dig back into it. why? >> i was listening to those clips. those clips, were in answer to the question that all of us get almost every day which is should the house begin impeachment proceedings? usually people say now wait a second, if you are going to begin impeachment proceedings you are going to do it because have you evidence of high crimes and dismeernsz. i don't think that anybody said that the house
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intelligence investigation, which was in my opinion abruptly stopped by the republican majority in the last congress shouldn't continue. remember, we now know that michael cohen is going to jail because he lied to that committee as part of its investigation. steve: right. >> and, of course, roger stone is accused of lying. what we need to do is follow up on, first of all, the fact that folks lied to us and secondly an awful lot of questions people have when the investigation was prematurely concluded. steve: congressman, democrats in the house were criticizing republicans in the house in the last congress for expanding the russia probe. they were trying to get more about the period before mr. mueller was installed in his special job. you know, why was it the democrats were critical then when the republicans were expanding it but what makes this different this time? because you were unhappy with the expansion of the
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probe. >> i'm not sure what you mean by that. steve: into looking into the period before mr. mueller was appointed. you know, the dossier, fusion, the whole email thing with hillary clinton's private server, stuff like that. >> oh, yeah. no. that stuff is essential. i don't know what others have said. steve: so you would be looking into that as well? >> well, what we will be looking into is what we were always looking into which was the russian interference into our election of 2016 and whether there was any cooperation by anybody in that interference and, of course, that extends back to the period prior to the election where we know, for example, the russians hacked into the dnc networks. so, yeah, of course if you are looking into russian messing around in our elections you are going to look before the election. steve: well, good. okay. meanwhile north carolina senator richard burr told cbs this yesterday, he said if we write a report based upon the facts that we have, then we don't have anything that would suggest there was collusion by the trump campaign and russia. so there's one of the guys
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who knows more about russia collusion than anybody in the congress and he says haven't seen it yet. >> yeah, look, i'm a member of the house so i haven't seen the senate investigation, the report. there are obviously three investigations now the senate, the house and mueller's. i haven't -- i have no knowledge of the one other than the one in the house. look, if that turns out to be the case, the role of the investigation is to tell the american people what happened. if it turns out that there was no collusion -- now, remember, collusion is a complicated word. everybody has a different definition. some people would say wait a minute if the president's son invites a bunch of russians to trump tower and encourages them to give them compromising information, that is something that could point to collusion. again, none of the reports have been finally issued. we will see what happens. look, if it turns out there wasn't some conspiracy to work with the russians to alter the outcome of an election. steve: um-huh. >> could you imagine if the
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conclusion is the opposite that a campaign worked with a hostile foreign power to elect a president? steve: that would really be something. >> that would really be something. steve: you are on the intel committee. you haven't seen anything that suggests there was collusion. >> well, again, suggest there was collusion. steve: have you? it's just a yes or a no have you seen anything. >> yeah, well, it's important to be clear what we mean by collusion. we know breaking news today that paul manafort had a gentleman by the name of clemnic to the inauguration. he has ties to the russians. steve: you are going to look into that you would think mr. mueller was looking into that right now. >> of course it was a filing before court from the special counsel that floated that fact today. yes. steve: if there was collusion we want to know about it congressman jim himes democrat from connecticut. sir, thank you very much. >> thank you. steve: all right. 10 minutes before the top of the hour. the fight against isis
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♪ >> prepare for an adventure with abby. take a look newest face of fox nation. >> honestly favorite place of all time? stories and people that shaped her life. >> you would come in and have like a bloody nose or -- >> you always wanted to be like your from two brothers. >> how she grew up to be the thrill seeker she is today. get ready to meet abby. steve: man, we didn't have to jump out of an airplane. >> you are welcome to come next time.
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ainsley: this is fox nation's newest host abby horn check. her dad was a coach of the knicks. you are just so beautiful. >> oh my gosh, look at you. ainsley: how tall are you. you guys are beautiful, too. there is hope for my daughter because your mom is 54 how tall are you. >> 5'6", 5'7". steve: tell us about your assignment? >> i am working for fox nation now and i'm doing a show called -- few different shows. this is my main one right now. essentially going around to all the different national parks because america is gorgeous. so we are highlighting that we are highlighting the history of all the parks. and then i'm a huge adrenaline junky as you saw with that skydiving venture. activity at every park. brian: everyone knows your family your dad starred for almost 20 years in the nba outstanding coach with a bad team. let's find out a little bit more about your family.
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>> i am ohio am today because my family brian and ryan. you guys pushed me to do things that i was uncomfortable with. >> you always wanted to be like your two brothers. >> oh, yeah. right. never. >> also that was us taking it easy on you. [laughter] steve: that's fantastic. why should people click on your fox nation? >> you know, i think it's really amazing as you know you do some things on fox nation as well what made america great. i think that fox news does such a great job at presenting just that, the news. and then fox nation goes a little bit deeper and kind of gets more into the aspects people don't know. brian: so natural on camera. fantastic assignment. i look forward to your series. >> thank you. i'm very, very excited and you are very sweet for saying that. steve: meet abby debuts to
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watch meet abby and other exclusive content head to fox nation and download the app. to start your free seven day trial. ainsley: welcome to the family. >> thank you. steve: speaking of family geraldo rivera and pete hegseth are coming up next. . . there's brushing...and there's oral-b power brushing. oral-b just cleans better.
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♪ steve: a new green deal unveiled yesterday by alexandria ocasio-cortez. >> we are going to transition this country into the future. >> this can't be real. this can't be legislation. >> that is easily the most makeable proposal we've seen come out of any spot official in modern politics, it that's crazy. brian: another week away from another government shutdown. there is signs of progress on a deal for border security. >> we need more money for the new barrier, the new wall. that is where i think the next is. that is where it is going and that is where the deal will be made. ainsley: elizabeth warren trying to apologize for the latest
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native-american scandal. >> she should be disbarred from practice of law. you're supposed to be in good moral standing. she got caught in a lie. >> i will never let you down, never. all united by a shared belief in the glory of god, in the power of prayer. ♪ ainsley: make sure of back of your hair is in place. steve: friday edition of "fox & friends." you know what happens at every hour three on friday? ainsley: start counting down. steve: geraldo rivera joins us for, many years. joins us from cleveland. >> i got the memo on blue. ainsley: check. steve: move from blue to green. what do you make of alexandria
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ocasio-cortez's green new deal which would essentially remake everything as we know it? 100% of the energy clean and renewable. upgrade every building to make it more energy efficient, on and on. expand to high-speed rail. >> no more planes. ainsley: now when you come to new york you have to walk. >> what about the high-speed train? i think that would work. steve: as long as it doesn't run on fossil fuels. brian: have to hire john henry. steve: i'm a fan of alexandria ocasio-cortez. represents a distribute which three of my grandchildren reside. i want to the college in that district. represents much of the borough of queens, which is the epicenter of immigration in america. 138 languages are spoken in the borough. estimated 300,000 residents in the borough are undocumented immigrants. ainsley: what do you think about
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the deal? brian: what do you think about the deal? >> i think it is idealistic, it is aspirational. it is future think. brian: you aspire for total control? you aspire to support the people that don't work? >> no, you aspire to get rid of pollution, brian. you aspire to get rid of traffic. you aspire to make the world environmentally a place where it is sustainable. for instance, this should be throughout the southwestern portion of the united states and florida, puerto rico, every house should have solar power. all the canyons, all the wind. there are all alternatives. absolutism is what curtails the dream of the progressive. how do they pay for it. steve: the other thing is physics. they don't know how to do this stuff. >> oh, that. steve: it is idealistic but same time -- brian: not my ideal. steve: a lot of political goals
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of the political left a long time. brian: way on the left. see steve every democrat, let me ask you that, how hard for every democrat in congress to vote on this? >> well i think that there is no legislation. this is only, you know -- steve: resolution right now. >> a wish-list kind of. you know, you and i, steve, never argue, unlike me and brian. we agree on everything except global warming. when i look at the last five years, i look at record high temperatures, to me there is evidence that something has to change to keep those temperatures from continuing to go up and, global warming, climate change, or you know, however you -- brian: this is a step back, geraldo. this is so impractical and implausible. it is a huge step back. this makes people, this is farcical. ainsley: how do you justify working really hard, you worked so hard your career. how do you justify working your
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tail off to make the money you have, then you have to give 90% of it away, you have to -- and you have to give people your money because they're unwilling to work? not that they can't. they choose to stay at home and spend your money? >> again, ainsley, i think that is the kind of gracious generosity of the young who won't be paying the bill for the other folk. as you indicated. ainsley: young people can still choose to stay home. a 20-year-old can choose to stay home. >> ainsley, if we don't dream -- brian: this is nightmare. i want to fly on planes. >> we to promise. brian: all right. do you like planes, geraldo? can't we fly planes? >> i was in beijing in 1998 where you couldn't see the hand in front of your face because of the smog. living in los angeles, for many years you sat on that highway and you didn't see the sky.
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couldn't see the buildings. steve: geraldo, you made a terrific point, if the united states bought into the whole green new deal, did it in 10 years, what about beijing? china the world's biggest economy, sizewise, winds up pumping out that stuff that will not really help us, is it? >> what you need is a combination of aoc's dreams and president trump's pragmatism. he's the one who says no socialism. build your own life, build yourself up. she says, take care of needy, be compassionate. brian: take care of lazy. open brace the lazy. >> you want them to inspire a better world. brian: i got your back. ainsley: geraldo, there is a whole list of candidates support this. cory booker, elizabeth warren, kristin gillibrand, kamala harris governor of washington,
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jay inslee, if you like this bill, you can vote for one of those candidates. are you willing to do that? >> there is no bill as far as i know yet. i think everyone you just named, all of them with presidential aspirations, they, you know, they are trying to get on to the next big thing. they're trying to be hip. they're trying to be cool. they're trying to project, that see, we will take care of everyone in the brave new world. but, the grownup, those guys, those, those self-serving politicians, have a different motive than alexandria ocasio-cortez. hers is a dream. hers is idealistic, the new world. come on, kids, we'll have clean air, and clean water. brian: oh, my goodness. >> no traffic. brian: what is good about that? you want to change the whole country and hop on the --
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steve: what are the chances geraldo this could possibly happen in 10 years? >> zero. steve: zero, exactly. >> zero. won't be a green new deal. hopefully by expressing the most you want, you protect the least you need. in other words, you want to make sure that the national monuments don't get whittled away. you want to make sure there are alternative energy sources. brian: they're working on that. steve: we don't have the science yet. brian: another topic, geraldo. i have another topic for you in virginia, just horrific. i know, but i do have a dream and ambition, i aspire. i aspire to talk about virginia. talk about the governor, the lieutenant governor, attorney general. one has a sexual scandal, the lieutenant governor. one is black face in 1980s. the other one at 19 dressed in black face as a rapper. where do you go from here if you are in virginia?
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who lasts? >> two quick, two quick points. i think the most horrific thing about virginia now is that the governor is advocated this partial-birth abortion which makes you vomit. it is horrifying how he seeks to so expand reproductive rights they even include possible infanticide. i absolutely oppose governor northam laying forth that brutality. brian: yes. >> now he has to deal a situation, were he watched somebody else, having black face or medical college or yearbook, he would be the first to demand their resignation. i think democrats in virginia are screwed. i think governor must go. the lieutenant governor, if he were judged the way brett kavanaugh was gone, he would be gone already with credible allegation of sexual assault. now with the attorney general, what happens now the speaker of the house in virginia, is a
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republican, they get to appoint a governor, lieutenant governor, i think all three of those guys are toast. i think they're all finished. virginia is in the grips be. brian: no way to get rid of them. >> entire top management, will be in a week or two wiped out. they have to start from scratch. i think they're all -- ainsley: isn't it double standard, we have a list of democrats who condemned brett kavanaugh during his hearing. here is list of these six. when asked about mr. fairfax, lieutenant governor of virginia, they avoided the criticism. >> ainsley, the more you hear about politics, politicians, the less you like them, you see how self-serving they are. what is good for the goose is good for the gander. brett kavanaugh was raked over the coals from allegation from the last century that he did these horrific things allegedly in a prep school, high school, 11th grade, in his youth. now you have the lieutenant
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governor at the democratic national convention in boston in 2004, this century, this allegation that he forced this woman to perform oral sex on him and there was nothing consensual about it. to respond so negatively to the republicans or so postively or reluck tanly to the democrats exposes what we all know, soil serving, hypocritical, care only about satisfying the agenda. party loyalty, that is what is gumming up the ability to move forward on the border issue. i'm sorry. steve: time's up. >> start a whole new topic. steve: no. you had the final word. absolutely zero chance. brian: geraldo see you later on radio. remember, you don't call a car on the way home. have to take a train. ainsley: we might disagree on that issue but we still love
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you. >> i love you so much, ainsley. one of the nicest people i know. ainsley: thank you, honey, love you. bye. jillian has headlines. jillian: we start with a fox news alert. tribute continue to pour in across the nation polling the death of the longest serving congressman in history. democrat john dingell passing away in his michigan home after passing away from cancer. his wife debbie dingell said he will be remembered for his razor sharp wit and life of dedication to all those that walk across the earth. former president george w. bush says dingell showed great respect for our country and our people. john dingell was 92 years old. a driver was shot and killed trying to run over a border patrol agent. the mayor of nogales, arizona, a officer tried to stop a pickup truck at a port of entry. the driver refused and sped towards mexico.
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the officer shot and killed the driver. the port of nogales is back open this morning. this story is incredible. this cat has eight lives left after nearly freezing to death in the snow. look at that, incredible pictures, show fluffy completely matted in snow and i.c.e. her owners, found her unresponsive and buried in snow in montana. they rushed her to the vet, she was warmed up with water, heated towels and hair dryers. incredibly went home the next day. this feline is just fine. steve: slowed down the heart rate. couldn't detect it. brian: didn't they find a wooly mammoth in a glacier, woke it up? jillian: can you imagine if that was your cat? ainsley: i would be panicking. brian: do not give up on it. jillian: moral of the story. fluff. brian: straight ahead the fight
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against isis continues. ben. >> man hall returns from the front lines after capturing a isis commander. we'll talk to him in just a moment. oh, wow. you two are going to have such a great trip. thanks to you, we will. this is why voya helps reach today's goals... all while helping you to and through retirement.
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the last of their territory in syria. ainsley: fox news correspond denned benjamin hall just returned from the front lines. he sat down with a captured isis commander. watch. reporter: you joined a group that murdered, brutalized, tortured, you have to take responsibility. >> i take my responsibility, i told you i would have been there dying. i'm not apologetic to something i believe in. if i believe in something, why should i leave, for what? i was shot in my face and i didn't die. that is, why i believe that is from allah. steve: more from the man that interviewed him, benjamin hall. that isis commander, unapologetic. glad he did it. reporter: name of allah. committed by the koran. talked about stonings being permitted, brutal deaths, mutilation. we spoke to him about the future, what everyone is talking about at the moment. whether isis can come back.
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have they been preparing him. here is what he said. did you see them preparing for insurgency? towards the end when they knew they were going to lose? >> this is what i told one of the intear interrogators from america. he overestimated. before we underestimated them. how we're not going to take a chance. steve: he speaks english, because? reporter: he is from trinidad. many fighters come from that country. highest per capita come from trinidad. brian: before you started working at fox, you were behind the lines. you watched the rise of isis. whatted? reporter: i was sitting here talking about ascendancy. we hoped that would be the end of it. this is territorial defeat. president trump made quite clear two days ago, when he spoke to coalition against isis. this is territorial defeat of remnants. we heard that too, they have been preparing for this. they saw the military coming. they knew they couldn't take
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them on military to military. ainsley: did you feel safe? this guy justifies killing people who don't believe his religion? you felt safe? reporter: before he came in he was unshackled surprising put a few feet in front of me. we took all the pens, and sharp objects off table. he was made to be talking to us. he is being held by the kurds. more than fear, it is look in his eye, total lack of remorse. brian: real quick, should we be leaving? reporter: opinion of everyone i spoke to on the ground, no, we shouldn't be leaving. we need to transition. we don't need to do heavy lifting. we can take out big pieces of artillery and mortars. we need presence on the ground. isis thrive on chaos. if you pull out, iranian regime will come from the south and isis thrives in the chaos. brian: we're leaving in april. reporter: that's right. steve: you're leaving right now. benjamin. great reporting. ainsley: glad to have you here
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just ask. [ ding ] show me my wifi password. hey now! [ ding ] you can even troubleshoot, learn new voice commands and much more. clean my daughter's room. [ ding ] oh, it won't do that. welp, someone should. just say "teach me more" into your voice remote and see how you can have an even better x1 experience. simple. easy. awesome. ♪ ainsley: here is some quick headlines for you. a woman is caught on camera knocking over a 15-foot cross inside of a church. police arresting the suspect in california after they say she destroyed several pieces of religious artwork in front of parishioners. the damage totaling $15,000. whoa you can see it there. we told you about this giant cross, most tear russly washed ashore down in florida. turns out it might not be a seen from good after all. a woman tells the miami herald it may be a memorial cross for
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her missing brother. she thinks the 20-foot structure was swept away off the north carolina beach during hurricane michael last year. brian. brian: president trump warned about socialism in the state of the union this week, you know that and democrats are quick to say the label does not apply to them. >> uses dog whistle politics, socialism. >> there are people in the democratic party who want more government intervention. i wouldn't quite call it socialism. >> we, how democrats support what i would term compassionate capitalism. >> well it's a society coming together to increase the standard of living of our seniors. >> the word socialist is buzzword like liberal and feminist where the right-wing taking that word and distorting it. brian: are democrats afraid of that label or their own radical agenda? here to debate this is fox news contributor in 2018, hillary clinton campaign advisor jehmu greene. majority, american majority
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founder, republican strategist, ned ryan. jehmu, are democrats going towards socialism and should they admit isn't. >> well i think certainly given the president's remarks in his state of the union, we heard kellyanne conway this will be a 2020 issue, this is the divide that republicans want to have us in. but, brian, here is the reality. the two most popular politicians in this country are unbashed democratic socialists and whereas this is a scare tactic when you don't have the ability to compete in the marketplace of ideas, that's where we're seeing now president trump and republicans going back to this theme, the bogeyman. brian: right. >> 70% plus of the american people support the issues that we're talking about. they support guaranteed health care, they support, you know, increasing the tax rate to levels that elizabeth warren and
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alexandria ocasio-cortez are talking about. brian: right. >> so this is about the marketplace of ideas. brian: right. >> and republicans not having -- brian: just so you know, we're talking about free preschool, free college, free health care. ned, is that socialism? >> oh, it is socialism. if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck it's a duck. democrats want to say anything but socialism. the fact of the matter everything they're proposing medicare for all, universal basic income, free college, this green new deal, this is sugar coated socialism. like sugarcoating poison, sweet at front, deadly at the end. siren song of socialism, they will give you anything for free, but never anything free in life, brian. in exchange for free things you have toe give away freedom. the amazing part how idiot i can it is. let me say this. aoc and this green new deal, this is the product of self-esteem movement and indone trick nation camps higher
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learning, deep ignorance with extreme confidence, with layered over with lack of self-awareness would turn everything on its head, brian. we're a governor, of, by, for the people. what they want for people for the government. we would be working for the state. we would become wards of state. at that point jehmu, you can laugh -- >> sky is falling. scare the american people. where are your ideas? brian: what did he say was inaccurate. >> scare the american people. brian: hold on, jehmu, what did he say was inaccurate? >> i think certainly talking about not being able to afford these programs and that, that would lead to citizens having to all work for the government is false. >> one one hers. >> here is the reality, in honor of congressman dingell who passed away and thinking when he first entered congress, marginal tax rate was 90%, under a
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republican eisenhower. we are not talking about something that has not been done -- brian: they were never taking 90% of people's incomes. jehmu, you are right. they did, said you want to raise taxes on the rich. and there was, that number is correct. but it is not further defined by people that want to dispute that number what that would mean for everyone. ned, final thought, what republicans should learn from the democrats who just took the house and have some charismatic people touting these programs? >> first of all, they actually have to come back with answers on how they actually fix health care. medicare for all with its $32 trillion over 10 years is not the answer. we need to get a patient centric, not a provider centric health care. there is ways to do that. we talked about this with pricing transparency. they have to come up with ideas that benefit american people. i have to say this, brian, last thing, geraldo talked about how plans are aspirational, i will
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say this, it is not aspirational to pursue the destruction of american freedom an prosperity. that is exactly what the democrats are proposing with all these plans. brian: jehmu, sadly out of time, there are a lot of lawmakers standing behind oac nodding along, i apologize, aoc, nodding along. not as if she is alone campaigning. the debate has just begun. we'll have you back. >> thank you, brian. brian: popular apps could be recording your move without you knowing it. maybe they know where i left everything. how they keep your privacy at the same time. we'll examine. minnesota senator amy klobuchar is set to announce she will run for president. she has a lot of company. does she have a chance? can she get a staff? pete hegseth is from minnesota. it is cold there. if he thinks she has a great shot being successful. ♪
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♪ ♪ i want it all, i want it all, i want it now ♪ brian: so appropriate. steve: that banner. she says it is easy being green. she has the green new deal. that is why we brought pete hegseth, co-host of "fox and friends weekend" in. thanks for joining us. he agrees with everything geraldo said 20 minutes ago. >> absolutely. lock stock an barrel. yesterday, for conservatives was like christmas coming in february. steve: what way? every way. >> fyre festival, the sham festival? ainsley: yeah. >> this is the fyre festival of politics. a bunch of hype, a bunch of smoke, a bunch of lies, you end
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up on a deserted island with port-o-potty that doesn't work. that is the green new deal. the whole process was a train wreck. farting cows. pulled website down. i red the whole thing. 14 pages, resolution she released. reading a sophomore term paper from someone who only listened to the professor and regurgitated left-wing nonsense. it is absurd sheave sheave that is your point of view. think about members about congress who are democrats, once put on record, turned into a bill will have to vote yes or no. >> either cross her or not. the power of social media and influence of the far left, they're in really bad spot. i thought jehmu was very honest, noted two most popular democrats are democratic socialists. they're embracing that word. she went on to say radio interview yesterday, this is a government takeover of the economy. ainsley: what about most shocking part -- >> we live in america.
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ainsley: you can tell your kids, you don't have to work. if you grow up, you don't want to work, don't have to. people make a lot of money -- >> earlier version of the bill said unable to work or unwilling to work. ainsley: unwilling. >> we will pay you. where do we live? this is 2019. this woman apparently went to college and this is the leader of the democratic party? the white house should be celebrating this morning. democrats are embracing this plan. brian: amount of lawmakers standing behind her yesterday? she has a cosponsor, senator from massachusetts. this is unbelievable to me that anyone read this, and so many candidates have signed on to this. the question is, your senator from minnesota. senator amy klobuchar is about to get into this race. >> she can't find a campaign manager. three people turned down the job for campaign manager yet to be announced -- steve: what are you saying? >> biggest open secret in minnesota politics, nice amy isn't so nice at all?
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steve: what do you mean? >> treats her staff horribly. highest turnover rate of anybody in the senate. they leave quickly. she berates them, belittles them her public persona, i'm a hot dish and i'm amy -- ainsley: why does she get voted into office? >> she is good politician. looking in the eye, smiling making promises to you, being ultraliberal. personal example. i sat in her office talking about va legislation. talking about accountability bill we sponsored. she looked at us. listened nicely 15 minutes. i will definitely consider your bill. next day she cosponsored the exact opposite bill of our bill as sort of like, put the screws to you measure. steve: at least she listened to you. >> she smiles, listens to you. stabs you with a knife. that is why she can't find a campaign manager that is a problem. steve: it is also the brain
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drain, so many democrats are running, only certain number of strategists and people qualified to do that thing. >> that is true also. ainsley: what is coming up on the weekend. brian: democrats are running out of brains, is what you're saying? steve: limited people of pool. >> green new deal is proof of that. this weekend we further dissect how cows impact net zero reduction in carbon emissions. brian: bring a cow to work. >> trying to get a cow and farmer to work. brian: cows are about to be extinct. we have to kill them all. >> renovate every building. brian: no more omaha steakses. >> no more flying in hawaii and alaska. take a boat. i will say, i have exclusive interview on sunday with matthew goldstein, major matthew goldstein. charged with murder. he killed a taliban bomb-maker. rules of engagement entangled him. army came after him unfairly. stripped him of silver star. he hasn't talked to anybody yet.
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he will talk exclusively to us. steve: have they dropped a couple charges? >> that is different one. you have mat goldstein and eddie. article is about to charge him. ainsley: watch you on saturday? >> there is reason to watch on saturday. i don't know what it is yet. yeah, yeah. ed will be here too. brian: why? >> i don't know. he won't let me do the show by himself. jedediah bila will be here. ainsley: guess who else is here? >> who. ainsley: jillian. >> can i toss to you. jillian with the news. jillian: pete, thank you very much. billionaire jeff bezos accusing "the national enquirer" publish of black maim n a blog post amazon ceo and "washington post" owner claims america media incorporated threatened to publish intimate photos of bezos and his girl friend notice they agreed do back off of an investigation against the company. i don't want personal photos
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published i don't want to participate in blackmail, political favors and corruption. fox news reached out to the "national enquirer for comment. university of mexico refused trump hotel on facebook after backlash from students and alumni. the athletic department posted ad to enter a contest for a free stay at a trump hotel. the ad was put you will up by a 30 pared, taken down in part due to quote, fan responses. a weightlifter shows the true meaning of determination. >> go, go, go, go! it is good. it is good. go! go! go! [shouting] >> go! jillian: miles has cerebral palsy, dead lifted 200-pounds in maryland. that is doubled his body weight. taylor says the condition is not a disability.
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it is motivation. should learn something from taylor. steve: went until he hit the goal. excellent. >> good for him. steve: 19 minutes before top of the hour. janice dean one more final thought. janice: it is waiting a little bit. my own meteorologist in waiting. what is your name. >> natalie. janice: where are you from? >> south carolina. janice: ainsley country. do the weather for me. >> 45 degrees and partly cloudy. janice: that is amazing. across the northern plains is really cold. temperatures feeling like oh, minus 16 in green bay. feels like minus 32 in international falls. still winter across the northern plains and upper midwest. seattle, puget sound, getting a lot of snow. we're not forgetting about you. a cold front sweeping across the eastern third of the country. then we'll focus on the west coast where we'll get some rain
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and some mountain snow. wave to steve, ainsley and brian. ainsley: tell the people we love you. >> ainsley loves you. ainsley: where in south carolina? >> where in south carolina? >> columbia, south carolina. ainsley: my gosh. i went to spring valley high school around the corner. she is so cute. very cute. representing. steve: thanks, jd. we love all 49 other states as well. ainsley: we do. >> just not as much. steve: right up there. ainsley: brian on show says he lives on an island, long one. long island. brian: it is true. ever been there. ainsley: i have been there. steve: we're own an island. ainsley: president trump is vowing to protect people of faith at the national prayer breakfast. national research council president tony perkins was there. he says it is the perfect message and he is here live. steve: have a smartphone? a new warning about some of the popular apps you're using right
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♪ steve: you will not brief the list of major companies recording your every move on your iphone apps without you even knowing about it. brian: according to techcrunch apps are using session replay technology that lets them see every tap and keyboard entry. ainsley: what do you need to know about your privacy? here is curt the cyber guy. >> good morning. expedia is on there., singapore airlines, air canada. air canada in hot water with this by the way. so the company, first of all we'll tell you what it is. you open up an app, you're using the app, app developers in big flame companies employ a company
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called glass box. glass box provides a service to allow the screen to be recorded, so app developers can aainsley was on to look at flight status on airline. took us little bit longer, took steve a little bit longer, took brian longer. how do we design that so it is easy to use the app? steve: they watch on behavior. >> watch behavior not to spy on you. >> steve: make mower money. >> think want to sell you stuff. want to make it as easy as possible. what they did not plan on a doing is really getting in trouble and being called out. what happens when you put an app at the app store for apple you have to adhere in certain guidelines. apple is very big on privacy of the fact is right now apple realized through this report, apps deploying technology, a, they didn't tell people clearly they're doing this. number two, air canada ended up
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taking some of the data, the replay sessions ended up out in the public. steve: that is bad. >> passport numbers, credit card numbers all out. steve: have not heard from glass boxed asked for a comment. we have heard from apple. >> got a statement last night from apple. a terse statement. wow, they mean business. protecting user privacy is paramount in the apple ecosystem. our app store guidelines require explicit user consent, clear indication recording, logging otherwise making record of user activity. we notified developers in violation of the strict privately concerns and guidelines. we will take immediate actionnecessary. what that means is, if last night these big-name companies were not up fixing what is up there, either by removing this kind of surveillance, or, adjusting their privacy policy to make it very clear, you might see today, they just disappear from the app store. big names.
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steve: expedia. >> citibank. steve: jpmorgan chase and company. who knew. >> a lot of people were up last night, if they were smart. because apple really releases statements all the time. they often sound innocuous. this sounds like, we have the baseball pat out. we want to protect. brian: their reputation is on the line. >> tim cook is really saying, privacy is important to us. steve: all right. more information go to thanks, cyber guy. have a great weekend. president trump yesterday vowed to protect people of faith at the national prayer breakfast. our next guest was there. he says the president's message was perfect. brian: who else is perfect? bill hemmer. never made a mistake on his show. >> happy friday. we're about to see a clash of ideas, acting ag matthew whitaker in final days on the job face as house committee. what comes from this? we'll watch together. what kind of deal is the new green deal? we're about to find out.
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♪ steve: in the last 24 house the supreme court temporarily blocked a controversial abortion access law in the state of louisiana. ainsley: this as democrats in recent weeks pushed for controversial legislation to ease restrictions on late-term abortions. so is this issue now taking over the democratic party? here to discuss this is president of family research council tony perkins. good morning to you, tony. what did you think of the president's speech at the national prayer breakfast this morning because he did address this issue? >> this was a great week for the president, a significant week. the state of the union address,
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which he got two thumbs up on. the national prayer breakfast, what he did, in both settings, what he did, he put before americans the choice of choosing greatness, the akey part of that in both speeches, he challenged america to choose the promise of life over the deception and despair of the culture of death that is lurking in legislatures like new york and virginia. steve: tony, when you, if you watch the state of the union address, when the president was talking about the unborn, the late term orbiter day abortion law that is essentially, what got the virginia governor into trouble, watch the audience at state of the union, and you heard the president protecting the unborn, the republicans gave him a great ovation, wide shot of the democrats, this was nothing from them. >> there was a couple democrats on their feet, like senator manchin. that was it. yesterday at the prayer
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breakfast, almost everybody was on their feet, except for nancy pelosi, couple others. the democratic party is the party of fourth trimester abortions. they are making this a defining issue and as muse send poll just out i think last night, 2/3 of americans do not agree with what new york and with what virginia is doing. steve: right. >> the president is on the right side of this. he is challenging america to choose life over death. with that comes the promise of prosperity. brian: in louisiana, the chief justice roberts sided with liberals on the court and struck down louisiana's push to make abortion much more difficult. what is your reaction as a guy from louisiana? >> actually i authored the first law to begin regulation of abortion clinics the late 90s, when i was in the legislature there. you know, i hate to see the court step in to stop any reasonable policy that would protect women and unborn children, however, you got to see this in the context. it is procedural. i think the law will go forward and ultimately will be in place.
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steve: the president jed at the prayer breakfast made it very clear, he is up for protecting religious liberties, right? >> steve this president has done more to promote and protect religious freedom than any other president in my lifetime. i served in marine corps under president reagan. admired him greatly. this president has done more than ronald reagan in advancing the core values that make america straight. brian: if the evangelicals are not behind him he will not get four more years. >> i'm behind him. ainsley: have a great weekend. more "fox & friends" moments away. to make you everybody else... ♪ ♪ means to fight the hardest battle, which any human being can fight and never stop. does this sound dismal? it isn't.
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with his new sibling who weighed in at nearly 11 pounds. dad says he wants to be a linebacker. congratulations to the family. >> bill: good morning, everybody. after a lot of drama and uncertainty the acting attorney general matthew whitaker is set to testify before the house judiciary committee in 30 minutes. this only a day after the acting a.g. threatened to cancel that appearance over a threatened subpoena from the committee chairman jerry nadler. we'll watch the hearing and we'll bring it to you as it happens. a bit of disbelief as liberal democrats unveil a sweeping green new deal proposal. it is involved, it is expensive, it is friday. good morning. i'm bill hemmer. welcome back. >> i'm julie banderas in for sandra
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