tv The Five FOX News February 8, 2019 2:00pm-3:00pm PST
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we do have a food surprise for you. i'm just going to say the word pizza. this you will not want to miss. see you tomorrow. dana perino. on williams, a 21, greg gutfeld and this is "the five." major breaking news out of a scandal in virginia a defiant ralph northam telling top aides he will not resign as governor despite mounting pressure to do so. this comes less than 24 hours after all of the state's democratic congressman demanded he step aside. just moments ago, a second woman has come forward accusing lieutenant governor justin fairfax of sexual assault.
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let's go with trace gallagher with the latest announcements, put it all together altogether trace. >> the second accusers a woman name meredith watson who said this happened back in 2,000 undergraduates at duke university and she claims at the time she share the account with several classmates who had apparently provided statements to authorities willing to back up that claim that her lawyer also says she shared the story with friends and a string of emails on facebook and if that is the case, it will clearly be significant social media footprint on the story. the woman calls this, excuse me, a premeditated aggressive assault. she is not offering details, but she says the details of her attack are similar to the one described by vanessa tyson. remember that is the first accuser. in that case tyson said they were at a dnc convention in boston in 2004, and that fairfax asked tyson to go back to get
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documents and begin kissing. the consensual, and then, she alleges he put his hand behind her neck and force for belief pulled her head towards her forcing her to perform oral on him. he says in turn that relationship, that will thing was consensual. the new accuser is now calling for him to resign as lieutenant governor and she now claims she was upset to learn that he did this again to a second woman being in 2004, four years after her allegations. her attorney and i want to release the statement and i'm recording at this time, ms. watson is reluctantly coming forward out of a strong sense of civic duty and her belief that those seeking or serving in public office should be the highest character. she has no interest in becoming a media personality or reliving the trauma that has greatly affected her life. similarly, she is not seeking
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any financial damages. you mentioned at the top, this is all important because governor ralph northam still maintains he will not step down over whether or not he was involved in a racist picture in his medical school yearbook back in 1984. fairfax will be second line. she wants him to step down as lieutenant governor. we are still waiting to hear from the fairfax camp about this allegation. dana. >> dana: all right, trace, thank you so much. that is an important point made literally breaking while we were in the green room. we haven't heard from lieutenant governor yet. juan, let me ask you about this. it was a week ago where it was almost like to be sure that governor northam was going to resign. the support of all the democrats within his own party. they are in virginia and national level, the presidential candidate level. and justin fairfax could step into his shoes. that looks possibly to be in
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doubt as well because northam is not resigning and now the second accuser. >> juan: breaking news right here. as you said, coming out the stuff about justin fairfax, the second accusation. but i think the larger story here has to do with the governor refusing to resign. at this point, which seems incredible because it's not just a few small people thinking, oh, we will stick a finger in his eye and make fun of him. and certainly not republicans but tim kaine, mark warner the entire delegation, for the state of virginia sing this man has to go. in addition to which the poll numbers have plummeted. his moral authority given that awful performance when he went before the president said "oh, it seems to be that i should apologize. maybe it's not you me and the picture. not going to have an investigation." just so not believable. it's all about himself, dana. to that extent, if it is just him and his wife, the suggestion
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the wife has been encouraging him to stay, then, of course, he can stay as long as he wants. he can possibly, i guess, be impeached but i don't know what that would be. that is separate. at this moment it's all about him and a selfish act damaging not only the democratic party, but to the state. >> dana: what do you think about people northam that go through this and refused to resign and they just hold on with no support? >> trace: i think a lot of this has to do with the changing nature of news. like, you are competent now that you can probably outlast anything because the news cycle is so quick. maybe something worse that will come down. he's actually right. because worse things do come down. it's like we are watching the worst game of war right now. he first started with late term of abortion and then blackface, sexual assault, blackface, sexual assault. we are talking about shutting down the government.
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we should shutdown the virginia government maybe for about two weeks. i read on twitter. this is what gets me so somebody verify this but i think it is true. okay, it is true. that northam is having them read some books directed by his wrongdoing and one of them is like his roots, alex haley's great book and so, imagine that. if all of us could have that luxury to rectify wrongdoings by reading books, you would have to read, of course, the joy of cooking. dana mack [laughter] >> trace: but i -- you know it's in paperback. >> dana: indeed, indeed, brian what do you think? >> about 15 minutes we talk about virginia and how important or talk about the news cycle but now it's number one. i guess the feeling is why is northam, where my going to go? i can't go back to the medical field and tough to fill up my
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wedding ring. and i can't go back to politics because i'm done. he knows he follows out and the way virginia law reads, impeach him to wait this out. he actually placed a call i understand to fairfax to say, hang in there, buddy. it will get better. that was yesterday. so tim kaine and mark warner get together and say, listen, you've got to leave. he says, i'm not going to leave. in fact his buddy richard stewart, republicans had northam is not going to leave. he understands he has to stand up and face this but has to explain a few things. for example what is the name kuhn man mean? who did you choose to put in your picture? as the attorney general, believe it mark herring being he went to the virginia black caucus and said i'm guilty, i apologize and this is what i was thinking. we could get northam to step up and let mark herring step up because we will forgive them one thing dressing like a rapper as opposed to a medical page. he was in his 20s and mark
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herring just 19. so degrees, harry was to be the next governor and then this happens lieutenant governor, northam will not leave so things stay as they are as northam tries to navigate his legal situation. >> dana: to some democrats in the state, lisa, they were told to stay off tb because to greg's point, let's get through this and something else will happen and we tried to figure it out. but it seems like a circular firing squad. and a virginian. >> lisa: i am a virginian. do you have any skeletons? get them out now. >> lisa: nothing like this. but to brian's point, the reason why northam is not going to step down, he has nowhere to go. virginia used one term so he will not run for reelection. democrat senator tim kaine and mark warner not going anywhere so he has nowhere to go when his term is done. and the two guys under him facing their own public relations disaster and own
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scandal. so why would he step down considering those things? the reason, everybody keeps talking about the context of 2020 election, but you have statewide legislative races up this november and those are important. the reason i will tell you, that bill virginia democrat delegate introduced regarding third term abortion, right now, that was stopped because republicans have a slight majority in the virginia house of delegates. those dynamics change and that bill may pass. the same thing in the state of new york when republicans lost the majority in new york senate and then democrats able to move forward with third trimester abortion bill. this is important stuff. elections have consequences and perhaps, to bite democrats in december. >> dana: mention breaking news in my ear, you know that's where it comes in breaking news in your ear. governor terry mcauliffe former governor has just now called for immediate resignation of lieutenant governor fairfax. >> juan: i don't know exactly what former terry mcauliffe
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had in mind or felt this way except that we now know that there is a second woman. i would say that from fairfax -- a similar story i should add -- i don't know the details of that story but the initial person, the professor from out west never filed criminal charges. said she has no intent to file criminal charges and i think we hear the same thing from the woman making allegations about his behavior at duke university. the question then becomes, so there is no criminal record, and you have come of course varying accounts or memories and we get into this thing come again, republican, democrat all of that, and it's like how do you negotiate, navigate these very tricky waters? you don't want to be unfair to fairfax and the way we have been unfair to kevin on the republican side. >> dana: is there a difference justin fairfax we set up the same place at the same time and something went down between the
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two of them? he obviously said consensual and thiessen said it was not but different than the cab and all situations that he is admitting something happen with this woman. they were at the same convention in 2004. so there is at least something that happened. one is consensual and the other is not and kavanaugh said this never happened. i don't even know what she is talking about. >> brian: but to won's point, we talked about this for a year without due process there is no process. so it doesn't matter what side anybody is on, we are all on the same side of justice. and this could really be true, it might not be, we don't know. >> juan: this happens and supports all the time and then accusation comes out on thursday, hey guys, you have to act because, let the process play out when there is no video and there is an accuser in a situation like this.
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well, how can you let it play? you don't know if he is guilty right now. how could you close circumstantial obviously he is guilty. no, we have to wait. that is the problem all the time. >> dana: the same thing happened with former governor mcauliffe. the other thing he said it is of the second accuser, without the investigation and due process and all that, immediate resignation, serious accusations, and that he can no longer effectively serve the people of virginia. >> juan: i think it is the power of what you are hearing from former governor mcauliffe is a pattern. if there is a pattern established, that could tip the scales. >> brian: but then again, i can read this, not like this guy and say i have something to show a pattern. >> dana: although she is hang as tracy atkins -- you have country music on the mind -- trace gallagher said >> brian: wouldn't that be great though. >> dana: the lawyer said in
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facebook messages, this is breaking right now but you don't have all the details but we will continue to follow it for you. next extortion and photos with jeff bezos' battle with the "national enquirer" up next. ♪ experience amazing at your lexus dealer. uh uh - i deliverberty the news around here. ♪ sources say liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. over to you, logo. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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and the army taught me a lot about commitment. which i apply to my life and my work. at comcast we're commited to delivering the best experience possible, by being on time everytime. and if we are ever late, we'll give you a automatic twenty dollar credit. my name is antonio and i'm a technician at comcast. we're working to make things simple, easy and awesome. ♪ >> juan: oh, boy, claims of extortion, blackmail coming from the world's richest man. jeff bezos ceo of amazon in "the washington post" says the publisher of the "national enquirer" threatening to release explicit pictures of him that bezos apparently sent to his mistress. bezos said the tabloid hold off
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publishing the pictures that he stopped investigating how the inquirer obtain text messages that he exchanged with his lover. bezos released an email that says backs up his blackmail claim. one part reads and i'm quoting "in the interest of expediting and "the washington post" to post unsubstantiated rumors have "national enquirer" initial report come i want to describe to you the photos during the news gathering." the email goes on to describe this fallacious photo indians with this, this line "it would give no editor pleasure to send this email. i hope common sense can prevail and quickly." the "national enquirer" the parent company said it acted lawfully and will investigate the claims. bezos investigators have not confirmed how the inquirer got the text, but putting this theory. >> they have begun to believe the bezos camp at this
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publication by the "national enquirer" might have been politically motivated. kevin to becker told us he does not believe that jeff bezos phone was hacked. he thinks it is possible that a government entity might have gotten a hold of his text messages. >> greg, you look like you are enjoying the story. i'm up and support anyone who stands up to blackmail and that's why we should stop going after billionaires. because one of the only ways you can fight extortion is if you are super rich and you've got nothing to lose, three examples, peter, billionaire, brought down caulk or an inch and of malice, donald trump got the daily telegraph to apologize after mirroring his wife. and i'll bezos the world's richest man who actually come i would look at this as somebody doing for other people like meag a lot of people can't endure extortion. we don't know. i don't know what's going on right now, but the moment they
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find me with that giraffe -- cut me loose. >> lisa: really interesting, you in a dress. >> greg: i needed the money. he's trying to say that david invited to the white house. >> juan: david packer is the boss, the owner of the "national enquirer." >> greg: that will make for an interesting headline in today's "washington post." can you explain that to me? be >> juan: animals are great. >> greg: may be the president, the president will be behind his affair with lorenz sanchez. and started "the daily beast," they were focusing with personal investigation of michael sanchez, the brother of lauren that started this whole thing out. so he wants to create a different situation. he also goes on to say as soon as i brought up saudi arabia, they were fanatical for that the
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inquirer and wanted to stop this right away so i hit a nerve and that's why it came forward. he wants to say this is an international story when really it is his personal decision to have an affair and the pictures were out there. the inquirer did, no one can ever back that up but evidently it's happened over and over again. >> juan: dana, you know, you handled public affairs. >> dana: never had to handle a sex scandal. a hole in my resume. >> juan: no, we don't want you to do that. but we want to ask you how you would have thought about this. because what you get gavin, the security officer for jeff bezos making the suggestion that we just heard referred to. >> dana: right. >> juan: what would you do? do you think, in fact, as greg said a man standing up against a black man? >> dana: something interesting about billionaires and social media.
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the ability than to not need a middleman, like a press person, right? so, he just put it out on media. and he didn't need to put it out there. he didn't even tell his lawyers that he was going to do it. and so, i think it is very interesting and a powerful way, yes, and also a way to say, it is also in some ways respectful to other people. i don't want to deal with the salacious details. don't bring them to me. this is the consequences that are all yours. but i think it is also interesting because now he has said, there are more pictures. so if they come out, right come i already told you. yes, more pictures and embarrassing, yep, that is the case. but if the "national enquirer" were actually to publish them, there is a question, were you trying to extort him? b3 i think the "national enquirer" is on the hook for a whole lot more, lisa. they are in great -- an
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agreement with prosecutors with alleged payoff for stars michael cohen or president trump. >> greg: an ugly block and then they agree they should not be involved in any kind of criminal activity. if this is found to be criminal, blackmail, then they can be on the hook for that previous behavior. >> dana: i'm not a big fan of jeff bezos but this is a shrewd move he's doing and i'll not only legal rep. two -- retribution against the inquirer who published the original story but possible legal trouble and public relations trouble. and they were calling him an evil you know what. >> dana: from a public relations standpoint he diverted the attention away from his surrender story about cheating on his wife and all this other stuff to now the "national enquirer," the big bully, look at them and not only that trying to take it further in the latest of the president. gavin, the guy that is running the investigation and has alluded now somehow this is the
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fault of the trump administration. that the government -- >> lisa: that doesn't mean u.s. agency. >> dana: but no, even more than that. because they have said that michael sanchez was responsible in "the washington post" reported he was a hollywood agent connected to trump. so they try to turn this on trump and who the media hates and will take with it and run with it. i think it is smart. >> juan: it's not always about the packages i'm trying to get out of this segment, guys. obsolete, what democrats are proposing a head, the colleagues shaking their heads and have their eyes open. that is next on "the five"
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accusing him of sexual assault. here is the quote "i deny this latest unsubstantiated allegation. it is to monstrously false and never force myself on anyone ever. i demand a full investigation into these unsubstantiated and false allegations. subs a investigation will come from my account because i'm telling the truth." i will clear my good name and i have nothing to hide. i have two field background checks with the fbi and run for office in two highly contested elections was nothing like this raised before. it is obvious vicious and smear campaign is being orchestrated against me. i will not resign. this is the second time alluded to forces behind him when it looked as though he would elevate himself to govern ship and force him to resign. how effective was that statement? >> dana: the war that stuck out to me, demoss prints a leaf falls so that when indicate you can demonstrate was some sort of evidence that this is false. he will have to do that, look
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i'm poor due process and for a chance for him to be able to clear his name. and he says that's what he will try to do but i don't know if he can do that, it's like an algebra problem i had trouble with if the train is going at this and at this amount of miles per hour >> juan: yes, very good at. >> dana: and winter they meet for lunch? oh, wait, i can't get there. speed through there >> juan: i like that you combine that with lunch, math and food. >> dana: so demonstrably show it's not true. >> greg: 2,000 committee a room he said/she said, 2019, 19 years later, he denies it just like last time. he denies it. and they had this relations andn end the last accuser of the one we were dealing with before and this accuser, can't the same type of situation. >> juan: i don't know what to
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say to that. i'm not sure how -- [laughter] >> greg: he thinks it is a campaign against him. >> lisa: i don't know, he originally blamed northam and ted northam was behind it. so he is passing around to other people. >> juan: if they actually blamed the mayor of richmond. >> lisa: i don't know, i actually think of all three facing their own crisis right now. he is probably the most viable and the most inclined to step down. part of that too how many more stories are this? and the democratic party, and influx number of people asking him to step down? he is facing the most politically to step down more than northam or mark herring. >> juan: i think you had the best point. >> lisa: thanks a lot -- [laughter] >> greg: shut down the government two weeks and who is left standing, but in particular he said he passed two fbi background checks. i don't know if they go back to
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college and same thing with kavanaugh. >> lisa: sure they do. >> juan: do they call everyone -- >> greg: they go and they look at your records, transcripts and talk to school officials. >> juan: this is not something that ever comes up comes up. >> greg: but it should have come up. what he said. >> juan: i will go back into a block, due process is the most important two words in the english language right now. so i think we have got to wait and see. and i find it interesting, we spent two years fate -- chasing scandals, tromp is insane, racist, and all the stuff coming out of the democratic party. >> juan: this is not about democrats and a lot of people -- speed to a turned it into media and political thing at once because i had nothing else to say. >> juan: i thought it was genius. >> lisa: i'm running out of things to say. >> lisa: you made the best
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point. and outside of tim kaine and senator warner, i believe her and i believe her. because they believe that kavanaugh accusers. >> lisa: may be but what if you had former mcauliffe to resign but one of those men said i believe him. they are not going to do that. right, that's what i'm saying. >> juan: but you know what the big trend is? when they act dick durbin what's going on in virginia -- the guy from illinois, the "green new deal." i don't really know. i can't really make it out. >> dana: the abortion comments as well. >> lisa: i don't know. i didn't hear that. what are you talking about? convenient. plus -- >> juan: trump is still in office, isn't he? >> greg: yes, he is.
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and he will be there another six years. oh, no. straight ahead, one more time, it could happen up next. if democrats have their way. air travel will become obsolete and the latest on airplanes, that text to destroy my frequent flyer miles. i regret starting this one. [laughter] >> brian: the "green new deal" is coming up and you are not going to believe it. protein nutritiona l drink has 20 grams of protein, along with 26 essential vitamins and minerals. boost® high protein. be up for life.
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♪ >> lisa: if you question how far left democrats are going, listen to this. the lip the new green rate deal with 100% clean and renewable ey eliminating gas powered entrance like cars, makl obsolete, retrofitting buildings and economic security for all, even those unwilling to work. so for claims democratic
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socialist alexandria ocasio-cortez explains her plan. >> today is the day to choose to assert ourselves as a global leader in transitioning to 100% renewable energy and turning that path. this is such a major watershed moment, and i am so incredibly excited that we are going to transition this country into the future, and we are not going to be dragged behind by our past. >> lisa: so there is that and check out democrats hailing this dream deal. enjoy cory booker. >> there is a lot of people now going back to the "green new deal," oh, it is practical, too expensive, oh, it's all of this. if we use to govern our dreams like that, we would have never gone to the moon. when the planet has been terrible in the past, who came forward to save earth? from the scourge of, totally tearing regimes, we came forward?
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>> lisa: all right, won, i'm going to start with you. we have a handful of democratic contenders to save they endorse it but how does this help democrats anyway with the states particularly when talking about eliminating they are major sources of electricity in the states? >> juan: i think you have and this is why you have nine of the candidates for president in 60 members to the house sign on, lisa, they see it politically resonates with people that we've been doing nothing. >> lisa: but in the midwest? >> juan: hold on, i will explain. yesterday, a report five hottest years in the recorded history of the planet. so i think people are concerned. remember, this has a resolution. this is not even a piece of legislation. >> greg: it doesn't matter. >> juan: it does matter because she is saying, and this is what cory booker was sagging. this is the way we should be thinking in order to innovate or deal with these issues going
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forward, and in fact, what we know about cap and trade and ultimate energy sources is that it's economically feasible. it generates jobs. >> lisa: dana what do you make of this because ecstatic over this that so many democratic hopefuls have signed on to this? what do you make of this? >> dana: welcome i think this will open the of hope over experience. because they know it is a pipe dream. but if you don't sign on to the drain, you are like old establishment guy. >> brian: they are against pipes too. >> dana>> lisa: plenty of them d especially younger people trying to get energized but they pay no political price within the democratic party for signing onto the dream and it gets to the general election. but this time he was not about environmentalism but progressivism and all the other things health care, education, et cetera. and the taxes are not the problem, physics or the problem. if you can see right away fossil
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fuels, we would have done that right away. the physics are not there yet. and the nuclear part of the deal. i should say ed markey as well which probably should know better as senior guy on energy. but the initial document said they will get rid of into all this in ten years, get off all fossil fuels and completely renewable without the help of nuclear energy. there is no sane scientist on the planet that says that it is possible, brian. >> brian: free money, economic security, provide for those unable or unwilling to work, band meat, healthy food for everyone, provide job training and education for all. what planet is this person on? what about capitalism and thriving? why do i want one dream, why do i want 1f. what country and society has provided all of these things? why is that a goal. >> lisa: grade, capitalism and america's leading the world in
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reducing carbon emissions so why do we need a government upheaval? >> brian: because we are evil, that is the point we are evil. it is about an underlying shift. the fastest dream for taking away from the decentralized individual and handing power to centralized force of government which can only exist with force. this is a fantasy that requires an army. because you are going to have to enforce it on people. i think the plan will work, by the way, all you need the iron man suit of armor, the "star trek" transporter an invisible cloak from harry potter, and i think this could work. but this is what she said. it is not about the claimant. it's about a power grab and taking it away from the individual. you can't drive, you can't fly, but who has the power? the people in charge, they will still fly, they will still drive because they are more important than the public so they will take it from everybody. you go to any socialist country the socialist leaders still have the goods.
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♪ go ahead and jump. >> lisa: mind your own business. sit there and listen to me. all right, this is from frank. that is not sammy hagar. >> brian: how do i know the difference? they sound the same. >> greg: everybody knows the difference between david lee roth and sammy hagar. if you don't know the difference you have a problem so you should leave. get him out of here. >> brian: is that the fan mail segment? >> greg: your most hated form of transportation for getting around, dana. >> dana: oh, gosh, i kind of like the subway. >> greg: you do like the big wheel. >> dana: tex a come i know. >> greg: you like the taxi. let's say the least. >> dana: in a car service, you
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know what is crazy? >> greg: what is car service? >> dana: the little machine and it goes ding ding, ding ding, ding ding. and it drives me crazy because they will not pick anybody up while i'm in the car so turn it off. >> greg: brian? >> brian: i will use my uber app and that i used it and then they come to pick me up in a 78 sentra. and his hard hat in the front seat and clearly was not into it. that bothers me. >> greg: really? i would have liked that and that's different. we went the guy is an ambitious working hard, working two jobs. >> greg: i can't see where a hard hat hurts, transfer time, one. >> juan: i would have said both, boat or submarine. and people from atlanta at the bay bridge because it so high. >> greg: my sister won't go on bridges. >> lisa: that's a big accomplishment. >> greg: she won't write but began a passenger seat.
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it was more interesting than your answer. america send your letters to brian kilmeade. and lisa. >> lisa: not to me though, i'm nice. i would probably drive myself because i'm a terrible driver. all the new yorkers come i don't drive in the city because it would be dangerous for everybody. the five i'm going to say piggyback. >> greg: i never enjoyed piggyback. the 70s, but i would say the submarine. i don't think i could ever be in a submarine underwater with no windows. >> dana: do you have a window? i think it would be cool. >> greg: tiny places bother me. >> juan: what about handlebars on a stingray? >> greg: that is fun after work you and me baby. [laughter] >> greg: have you ever played cupid for somebody else? >> lisa: yes. >> greg: who? >> lisa: i'm working on it right now. matchmaking happening hopefully soon. >> greg: jasper, who?
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>> lisa: montana, you watch the show, you know who you are. they watch the show. >> brian: can i play? >> greg: i am staring at you and not because you're handsome. >> brian: i made a prom date to two people that never spoke to each other. they almost made the relationship last but it felt flat after the good time at the prom. i speed to where you were school? >> lisa: [laughter] >> greg: lisa, were you ever a matchmaker? >> lisa: when i never played matchmaker but i had for and set me up on dates and stuff. it could be helpful because at least someone in the past that knows you. and then they know the other person and no not a complete psycho so that helps. >> greg: i have been attracted to psychos, juan. >> juan: the giraffe at the zoo. >> greg: how narrow minded people are with the draft. i think it is a bad idea. what if it doesn't work out, if
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it doesn't work out, something bad happens and what if somebody kill somebody? you are guilty of murder. >> lisa: someone asked me to set them up with their friend and then he went out with her and he said she was awful and crazy. i never talk to her again. >> greg: wow! >> lisa: i never talk to her again. ♪ every day, visionaries are creating the future.
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to make you everybody else... ♪ ♪ means to fight the hardest battle, which any human being can fight and never stop. does this sound dismal? it isn't. ♪ ♪ it's the most wonderful life on earth. ♪ ♪ >> lisa: time for one more thing. the commercial break cory booker running for president the democratic party he said "the multiple detail allegations against virginia serious, cooperated by others and no longer appropriate for him to serve. he should resign." there is an update and one more thing, juan. >> juan: what do you do when the bad guys are inside your
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body? i'm talking cancer cells, inside 6-year-old abigail res of texas promises to about the bad guys cancer cells as a police officer. here she is being sworn in. >>[applause] >> juan: abigail has a rare kidney cancel there cancer. kidney -- abigail's life is in god's hands. we are all rooting for you abigail to defeat those bad guys inside of you. we are praying for a miracle. >> lisa: indeed. all heroes come in all shapes and sizes. this is sadie come a pitbull who helped save her owners from a possible gas explosion. serena come with a 4-year-old daughter out walking and sadie was acting strange and ran into the street, barking, barking, barking in the place comes,
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sadie, it turns out, there was a big gas leak in the home and the fire department figured it out and saved everyone. and i'm on the crossing lines podcast with lanny chan. fantastic, check it out. and he is a smart guy. >> lisa: obviously, that's why i was on his show. i'm on your show too, greg. >> greg: the greatest show in the history of mankind. saturday 10:00 p.m. come i got that lady, dany -- dana, 10:00 p.m. tomorrow night, you will love it. do i have time to do this? ♪ when you put two things together like robots and heavy metal, nothing is better. check out this robot fan compressor head. what are they doing? if you are a fan of motorhead, you know this song, the classic -- these are robots in a killer version of it. i'm sure lanny is somewhere looking down saying, they are
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awesome because -- ♪ [laughter] >> greg: kill me, not great but one similar thing that is audible. for kids the most common thing people asked me what about young readers and george washington -- >> greg: all books are good for young readers. >> juan: -- >> juan: thank you very much. this week and don't drink and drive, ryan larson, he got pulled over sleeping in his car and they said, can you walk a straight line? he said, no, so i will dance my way out of it. and they put this in public to make people understand not funny, he's in a lot of trouble. watch how he handles the dancing line. cop said maybe this is a lesson. >> lisa: lisa. arkansas highway patrol roy martin returned after 31 years of service this week and a very special send-off by his son corporal billy martin and the opportunity to tell his father the final 107 out of the service
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call on the other end of the radio. corporal martin had no idea his son would be doing this so thank you both for your service. this is a pretty good idea, brian. that is it and we will see you on monday. have a great weekend, everybody's special report is next. a good story to finish off on. >> bret: and this is a fox news alert, welcome to john roberts and her bret baier. and virginia state house in the spotlight as lieutenant governor says he will not resign after we learned just about an hour ago that there is a second woman now accusing justin fairfax of sexual assault, the news coming on the heels of governor ralph norman telling staffers in the state of virginia he also will t resign over racist picture in his medical school yearbook. we have fox team coverage and peter doocy on how the controversy and the commonwealth y
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