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tv   Hannity  FOX News  February 8, 2019 10:00pm-11:00pm PST

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8:00 p.m. and the sworn enemy of -- in the meantime, have thec most we can with the people you we will see you in a couple of days. >> fox news alert, we have major developments on the political chaos in virginia, hang onto youral seats because it will bea wild night, special edition of hannity left in crisis, i'm dan bongino in for sean. the scandal rocked commonwealth of virginia, ralph northam and john -- calls to resign. after both being embroiled blackface candles and just tonight a second woman isf accusing lieutenant governor justin fairfax of virginiaia of sexual assault. trace gallagher, trace good evening, the second meredith said they were undergrads at duke university. watson said the two were friends
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but never had a romantic relationship. watson has not detailed what hee love your calls and aggressive and premeditated attack, but she claims it was similar to the first accuser vanessa thyssen who says in 2004, fairfax grabbed her head and forced first accuser vanessa thyssen who says in 2004, fairfax her grabbed her head and forced to perform first accuser vanessa thyssen oral who says in 2004, fairfax her fairfax called grabbed her head and forced that to perform encounter first accuser vanessa thyssen consensual and oral said the who says in 2004, fairfax allegations by meredith . watson are made up.erer m fairfax claims watson made previous great plains against a duke basketball player and the attorney said she was by a basketball player and that justin fairfax use the previous rate claim as a way to shame watson into staying quiet, watson's attorney also said she told many of her friends about fairfax attacking her and they have issued cooperating statements. the attorney added quoting miss watson is reluctantly coming forward out of a strong sense of civic duty and belief that those seeking or serving in public office should be of the highest character.
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she is not seeking financial damages. new jersey senator and 2020 prez don't cory booker the multiple detailed allegations against lieutenant governor of virginia or deeply troubling and they are serious, credible and cooperated by others. it is no longer appropriate for him to serve. he should resign. senator o'connell harris, 2020 echo that in former t virginia governor terry mcauliffe and senate democrats have also called for justin fairfax to step down. and now democratic virginia state lawmaker says come if fairfax resign, he will begin te process of impeachment. finally governor ralph northam met with his staff today and reiterated that he also will not resign. dan. >> dan: thanks a lot, trace. we will go live to arlington, virginia, democratic virginia delegates patrick is holding a press conference announcing plans to introduce articles of impeachment for justin
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fairfax if he does not resign before monday. let's listen >> patrick: we want a time for an investigation. why rush to judgment? >> patrick: two women have come forward, we can't question their motivations. they are clearly credible people. these are very serious accusations, and he is unfit to serve office. >> how do you know they are telling the truth? >> have not. i have not spoken to the speak speaker. [inaudible] >> i'm sorry, can you repeat that? f [inaudible] >> well we will find out. >> why are you calling for the lieutenant governor right now? >> the distinction betweenif sexual assault or rate is
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clearlyre very different. the articles of impeachment under the constitution are very clear, high-priced and misdemeanor and this means that threshold. well the events that occurred 30 some years ago the governor and the attorney general come out while they are heinous and clearly insensitive, they don't rise to the same level. >> have you called on them to to arsign? i called on the caucus position for the governor to resign. >> what about mark herring? we have not issued a statement on mark herring. anything else? all right, thank you, everyone. >> dan: joining us now with reaction to fox news contributor tammy bruce and loris jones and civil rights darrell parks, tammy, to you first, the democrats in virginia. this is complete chaos and now they have two problems here. it is really a binary thing power or principal because the person in line after mark
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herring is a republican, but the principles from the kavanaugh situation in the past have been clearer. so the principles they have a clear political power problem your thoughts. >> tammy: the principal for democrats is an oxymoron right now because this is what's happening. men now, they get no due process under any circumstance. due process is blown up. wimbley are clearly made into irrelevant, weaponized, additional victims of opportunity when it comes to political option if you have tht right kind of woman making the right kind of qa station against the right kind of person, i.e. conservative or republican, youd it seems to be so serious that yes, they are trying to apply the same standard of due process. you hurt in the press conference a moment ago, someone in the background how do you know they are telling the truth? how do you know they are telling
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the truth? look, women are credible and i want women to be taken seriously and part of the dynamic of justice. this particular dynamic, thisio rises to something more serious. where as in fact these accusations at this point and there is no legal framework. when it comes to the blackface episodes, the issue some are saying racist episodes, those are actually in public, have occurred, there is no real debate over their existence. and if it is about character in principle, why aren't they being held to a similar standard h abt the nature of who's going to be an office in virginia? >> dan: darrell, let me go to you, darrell a lot of democrats quick to jump out in front of the camera's immediate demand brett kavanaugh take his name out of the running for the supreme court position. what is interesting in that case the evidence was thin at best in many cases. everybody treated the evidence seriously but it was ten. the case against justin fairfax and he has the right to be heard
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like anyone else, a right to due process, but the evidence is specific named on the record witnesses. why did some democrats take so long if theyra stand by these principles to come out and demand the same for lieutenant governor fairfax? >> darrell: well, i think he deserves due process as well. these are accusations against him. they are accusations, think they have to be vetted and they should be taken seriously, dan. the accusations made by the women are serious, but theyul should be investigated and he should have his day. it's not right that he should have to outright resign and not have a chance to face his accusers, not have a chance to hear all thehe facts. so i think we need to let it run its course. >> dan: darrell, i don't disagree with you one bit. i've been consistence from the start and i said the same thing about kavanaugh. i'm simply asking where the democrats did not get that same standard of justice to brett kavanaugh when he was in deposition. that i was all i'm asking. >> darrell: why not? what is different about his ca
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case? why -- there are two different n narios as supreme court justice nominee. >> dan: it doesn't matter. >> darrell: yes it does at her. one is in office and one is not. >> dan: so it matters for protected women when the person is going through a higher office. >> darrell: there is a difference also. you have to have at situation but remember >> dan: darrell, timeout, timeout, let me go to lawrence, darrell, hold on, let me get lawrence and here. i'm having a hard time with it too because in the kavanaugh case, not only is there a lack of evidence in many cases but anti-evidence.
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i believe in people to face their accuser. but that's not what the democrats believe and in order to protect theirst own, they are changing their stories. look, i have a lot of problem with this case as well, when the peoplele being accused him fairx don't want to go through the criminal justice process. they have been with open with it and i don't want an investigation especially since the statue of limitation has not even entered in this case. >> dan: but lawrence, that is what you and i have beent consistence on. both cases, and i will bring you in here to make a might lawrence has been consistent on this too. if you're principles are, listen, due process matters. evidence is evidence and if everybody given a chance eventually that is the standard since the founding of the
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constitution and the public. >> tammy: the democrats signed and predictors of women and the owners of this issue, it becomes weaponized and partisan. as a result, they will use it in that kind of way. it eliminates the seriousness of the issue and all women began to be looked at as unserious and dangerous. and if it becomes transactionaln in nature. and this why poor women realizing the democrats within this framework, they can demand justin fairfax resigns but in the meantime, they destroyed the seriousness of the issue we worked on decades to elevate. in the meantime the democrats continue to lie to women they are the ones who represent them both, the best. women have got to look to both parties, spread their influence, and have both worked for solutions to issues it as opposed to using our lives as weapons against their politicalc opponents. because that is what the done here.ave including a portion by the way. >> dan: let me say this, it is
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not a democratic issue. different people can see different issues different ways. i disagree with him with at least the democrats northern virginia just on tv, grandstanding against lieutenant governor fairfax. i think -- 's job is to teach him about a past event is crazy. now, you can't make democrat or republican issue. >> dan: standby, darrell, it is a democrat or republican issue because the democrat it's made that way not make him a lawrence or tammy. we have been consistent democrat or republican you are entitled to a day in court and defend yourself. the integrity of your name and character. we have never said any different. it is the democrats during kavanaugh's situation that insisted that it was different for kavanaugh. do you see why people like us might be a little upset? nothing has changed. asirfax deserves his day in court. the evidence was nothing like they have, that is our problem darrell. >> darrell: and they still destroyed him.
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>> tammy: let's remind ourselves here, we have definite character issues when it comes to northam and the other, is it a huggins? herring. admitted character issues and yet, these men, it is the african-american man who will be the one who will be effectively snuffed out when this is a character issue across the board with the democrats and boy, what does that tell youst if it is a black one that has to go first. >> dan: lawrence, 30 seconds westward to. >> lawrence: they want to protect their power. he is not in the circle. >> tammy: that is right. >> darrell: the wagon, the democrats have not been consistent and that is why we are heated on this panel because i wish kavanaugh given the same grace and opportunity to present his case like this guy. >> dan: you are darn right, lawrence.oi all right, to make my lawrence,i darrell, thank you for joining us tonight. what is all the turmoil in virginia me nationally for the
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democrats? many dems quick to voice support for christine blasey ford during the kavanaugh hearings but at first mostly silent however on the accusations against lieutenant governor justin fairfax. only paul and second accusation against fairfax at 2020 contenders including kirsten gillibrand, cory booker and elizabeth warren called fores fairfax to resign. here now with reaction rnc national spokeswoman kayleigh mcenany and talk show host larry. let me go to you first and i will post the same question to you i've been posting to the point panel before. they should not be democrat republican issue but these are serious charges come extremely serious charges and women who bring these charges should absolutely be taken seriously and nobody has said any different and no rational person on this network or anywhere else but the problem i have with this, that she was on the other foot and brett kavanaugh republican appointee, all of this went out the window and
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evidence did not matter and the response was instantaneous. he should pull his name out and all of a sudden granted a lot of democrats have come out and now, you said the second accusation, but it was not the immediacy. your reaction to that. >> kayleigh: yeah, that is exactly right. look what happened in the wake of justin fairfax accusations coming out. the number fourth in line gubernatorial secession in virginia, kurt cox who is a republican came out.c with a statement immediately. we at the rnc talked with state party of virginia, talked with kurt cox, the statement was this open with -- it was the same standard with a political intere republican party saying fairfax should resign and we said let's. wait for the fax to come ou out. we are consistence it was not the republican party. kavanaugh must step down. kirsten gillibrand's had one credible allocation is not. democrats were silent at first and it now if you're coming out because political interest
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depends on it. the democratic party has largely been silent and dan, one more thing i was dismayed we heard that press conference. you heard them say, we yet to have a statement on a hearing. hearing is the one who wore black phase and northam to wear black face and resignation so also math for hearing but they are not consistent and it's a double standard. if it's all politics for the democratic party. it is infuriating. you stamped on a common set of principles, this nothing, you just said what you said before because it mattered to you. what bothers me about this, look at herring the attorney general. he appears to be the biggest hypocrite of all in the situation because he was one g f the first people to jump out and go after the governor for the black phase northam knowing he had this inhe his past. there is a lot of trouble these democrats in virginia right now. it is a mess. >> dan: well, they are, dan and you can nail a g4 hypocrisy
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but these black face picture suggest bad character, come on let's have a little perspectivea 1984 was the governor blackface photograph 25 years old and if you look at the photograph, i thought they were mocking racism, mocking the claim and peopleas who wore the black pha. as far as the ag's concern he was 19 years old blackface and rappers like curtis lowe to appear in hollywood wing partyra just as a rapper. that is a character problem? he wasn't aiding on black people. he was loving on rappers. let's have a little perspective but a the charges against lieutenant governor very, very serious. two charts of sexual assault and one case one woman told a friene allegations, that is a very different charge than a silly blackface controversy regarding the governor and the ag periods >> dan: kaylee, there were a series of questions asked of judge kavanaugh and again if thk democrats standing up, and back this up because the principal's
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waiver which makes them nonprinciples, right, i wrote a couple questions down. the first one asked of kavanaugh what is the motivation for these women to lie? i find it interesting that some of those same questions are not being asked by some, again, some, not all prominent democrats but secondly, our accusations and up? that question, that was not even a question for kavanaugh. the accusations presumably to be enough let me ask you again, if accusations are enough at this point, given this new social media world, do we find ourselves in a very dangerous spot where people don't have the opportunity anymore to defend themselves and their lives are just thrown into basically overturned by simple accusations and creates a big problem, doesn't not? >> kayleigh: it is a huge problem. men are guilty in the court of public opinion before the facts come out. there is a rush to judgment into me to eire and look many women sexually assaulted in my heart s out to them and it is a real problemhi in this country, but
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look theot democratic party and it is not believed all women, but only all women who recuse -- accused republican me. this is weaponized and the me too movement weaponize against the republican party and it is unfortunate because that does not take all sexual assault allegation seriously as they should.ul they should not be political. we should be standing on solid footing and say we support all women who have been victims. this is not a political issue. but one thing i want to quickly say about mark herring, mark hearing who were blackface and invented back, set the standard when he came out and called on northam to resign. democrats at that standard. mark herring said that standard. so whatever it says about his character wearing black phase, he set the standard when he called on northam to resign and he's lost all credibility with virginia voters when he set a standard he himself will not adhere to will not step down because of. >> dan: larry kaylee said before they have an interesting political problem right now and again they shouldn't be.
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a principal like we have been than they should all step aside. but the next in line the fourth in line is the house of delegates speaker who is in fact the republican. so this puts the democrats an interesting political situation in a tough bind because they don't want to stick to principles in virginia, doesn't not? >> larry: well, itet does and has kayleigh pointed out this is the guy that set the standard. but it was a stupid standard. i posed as a blackface and therefore all the people who have a blackface photograph and two weathers, should they lose their jobs too? there is marketing mug in a hospital somewhere should they be in trouble as well? hypocrisy, the standard is silly. lots of people were blackface. jimmy kimmel, jimmy fallon for crying out loud. you want to go down that road we can go down that road. it's a silly stander but depends ou the intent behind blackface and how old you were when you did it and let's have a little nkrspective here. >> dan: larry, kayleigh
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thank you very much for your perspective. >> kayleigh: thank you, dan. >> dan: next in crisis, we will bring you the latest breaking news of the virginia crisis. stay with us. don't go anywhere. moving? that's harder now because of psoriatic arthritis. but you're still moved by moments like this. don't let psoriatic arthritis take them away. taltz reduces joint pain and stiffness and helps stop the progression of joint damage. for people with moderate to severe psoriasis, 90% saw significant improvement. taltz even gives you a chance at completely clear skin. don't use if you're allergic to taltz. before starting, you should be checked for tuberculosis. taltz may increase risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection, symptoms, or received a vaccine or plan to. inflammatory bowel disease can happen with taltz, including worsening of symptoms. serious allergic reactions can occur. for all the things that move you. ask your doctor about taltz.
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he has not resigned before then. jennifer waxman of virginia come i believe dr. vanessa tyson and meredith watson referring to the two with users and i believe lieutenant governor justin fairfax must resign. cory booker kamala harris among 2020 hopefuls also calling for resignation tonight. new jersey law firm issued a statement late this afternoon saying they raise happen -- represented meredith watson in 2,000 according toss allocations and both students at duke. s ms. watson shared her account from this statement of the rate with friends in a series of emails and facebook messages that are now in our possession by the additionally we have statements from former classmates cooperating miss watts immediately friends mr. fairfax had her. the law firm refused request from fox news to elaborate on the claims or allow us to review the facebook messages or give us the names of former crime space but they issued another statement and in attempts to
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discredit watsonon or smear, fairfax fired back at the end of his statement is the most sailing. i will not resigned, he. denies unsubstantiated allegations into monstrously false and never force myself on anyone ever. it is obvious, he's had vicious and cooperated smear campaign is being orchestrated against me. the second woman to accuse fairfax of impropriety comes on the exactly a week almost to an hour of the picture from the governor's yearbook servicing. youu might remember, there was equally loud chorus for him to resign. he is still in office and now of course, the question come up when it comes to fairfax, can he hold on as long where is this impeachment threat changing the equation for him tonight? >> dan: leland, is anybody standing by the lieutenant governor? >> leland: there is one so far that we have found.
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bobby scott of virginia issuing this statement late tonight so far "both allocations, he wrote, must be investigated. the congressman continuing. if either is found to be true and there appears to be significantnd cooperating evidence, then lieutenant governor should resigned immediately. "so far he has only one offering that race of due process for an investigation to the lieutenant governor before demanding his resignation, dan. >> dan: thanks a lot, willie lynch we appreciate your insight. the scandals in virginia deletable the reporter kerry picket and fox news morgan ortagus, morgan i will go to you first, what has taken the democrats so long by their own set of standards that accusations are in fact enough evidence, what has taken them so long to call for the removal of lieutenant governor justin fairfax. this is their own as we just
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heard with brett kavanaugh. speak to i don't know if that is the right approach, we are rushing to judgment without ahaving a public hearing or without a full investigation, and i think we have to be intellectually consistent and demand for same fairness for charleston as we did for kavanaugh. >> dan: can i just say and i don't want to interrupt with you but i agree 100% he's entitled to due process. but that is not what they did in that case. >> morgan: let me tell you i have but a personal experience with this. my husband has known the lieutenant governor for about 15 years. some of his very close for and are our friends. oh tell you what it's done. on a personal level, this has allowed for a human discussion a to happen to me republican and my democrat friends. i said to them, you guys, this is why i was reluctant during kavanaugh. we live in the d.c. area so i know people veryru close to kavanaugh that were so crushed by the accusations that were happening to him. similarly, my friends were very
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close to justin and they see their friend getting destroyed. they want to stand by him but as democrats they werehe conflicted because of the position they took on kavanaugh. that is why important to take these people out of the headlines and say, the best thing i read the "washington examiner" and i believe it was out today that talked about susan collins leads us out for us already. susan: speech she gave she said she was voting for kavanaugh, she gave the criteria for why, e through the process. and so i think any metric that we all need to follow on the right or the left is not politicized need to order these allegations, but as a country, let's sit forward the standard y need to be heard, the right to beth heard but also the abilityo go through an investigation as well. so i'm not going to sit here and call on him to resign or beat democrats over the head. this is why i took this position during kavanaugh and why now we
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need the same fairness applied. >> dan: carrie, i know you've been following this closely but out l of all three clearly in ht water at the, lieutenant governor, do you see any of them all of them,po who do you see politically being able to weather this if any at all, they are all clearly, very, very serious charges, especially the alleged rape charges, very serious charges. do you see any of them getting through this? let me put it to you this way before i answer that directly, so far the only person who has actually resigned even over wearing black face and the lasts been the now former florida secretary of state. >> dan: right, good point. that is a great point. >> carrie: and he's a republican. with that being said, as far as the optics are concerned, this is so bad for the democrats because, let's face it. if you have a black lawmaker
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over in virginia who ends up getting impeached and then remove from office and then you end up with two white lawmakers or rather one lawmaker and then you have one white official who ends up staying there because they still have this black face going on there, that is going to look even worse because you have to figure out, well, what is worse, we have a race issue going on. and then kick out early black lawmaker. what goes on here? the one i am getting worn out we comparisons between kavanaugh. these cases are not the same. from a basic evidentiary standard, the evidence against kavanaugh was loose a at best. as i said before, anti-evidence at some point. the alleged victim in the case had named names of people that said, no, i don't remember any of that. yet, the specifics in this case
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are clear and yet my delayed response again from democrats. your reaction. >> kerry: you have two women with similar stories and i agree with what everyone has said, justin fairfax due process and i don't think anyone disagree wity that. i really appreciate from the conservative side how much nuance and balance we are trying to offer to this conversation t because what we are kindly trying to show work give a principle all the time, not just when it's politically expedient, which of course is a paradox that you cannot be politically expedient and just the principal at the same time. so all we are trying to say not justin fairfax we should judge quicker than kavanaugh but guys come if you are going to do with they are, you need to do it here or vice versa. i would rather not jump to conclusions to the right or the left and give everyone due process. look, this is not up to
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democrats or republicans to decide the standard of what they think is too racist to say in office. that's up to the democrats. they need to decide if too far to have black face for to serve. i'msi interested to see the conclusions that all end up coming b up with including governor northam, but that will have to be concluded that they apply across the board. >> kerry: the conclusion will happen in november because state legislative elections in virginia. that is what this is all about right now. the republicans 51-49 and 21-19 in the senate and that is part of all of this the title election and november for for the state legislation. >> dan: thank you so much for joining us coming up next lifting crisis. more to the virginia democratic party in complete chaos. don't go anywhere.
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>> dan: fox news alert. >> dan: a fox news alert, welcome back to the special edition of "hannity." in a statement from legislative black caucus saying "it is best for lieutenant fairfax to step down from his position." now joining the latest on the power of political scandal rocky virginia ellison barber >> ellison: high, daniel, statements of people coming out to say that now they do believe the lieutenant governor should step down from his role. the most recent allocation, of course, took place at duke university when lieutenant governor and the woman were students they are back in 22,000. justin fairfax was asked to step down from the board of visitors at duke stanford school of public policy and lieutenant governor facing sexual assault allegations from two different women. one form to force oral during
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2004 dnc in boston and anotherer her in 2,000 meant students at duke. lieutenant governor is denying all of the allegations against himnt and in a statement he saii have never forced myself on any one ever. i demand a full investigation into unsubstantiated impulse allegations. he calls claims vicious and coordinated smear campaign. a law firm representing most recent accuser says of the alleged assault mr. fairfax attacked with premeditated and aggressive. the two were friends but never dated her head romantic relationship. a number of democrats calling on lieutenant governor to design virginia delegate says if lieutenant governor does not step down by monday he plans too introduce articles of p impeachment, dan. >> dan: ellison, thanks a lot political science professorrd dr. vanessa tyson came forward with allegations of sexual misconduct against fairfax. detailing an allegedly abusive encounter with him during 2004 democratic national convention.
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now, you are wanting come about what you were to see it isn't graphic. tyson claims "as i cried and get mr. formed -- forced me to perform oral and i cannot believe obvious distress mr. fairfax thought is for act was consensual mr. fairfax has i tried to brand me as outlier to national audience and to serve his political ambitions and threaten litigation and gave false insertion. i'm compelled to make clear whaf happened." joining me reaction rachel compost, sara carter and lawrence jones. rachel, let me go to you first, listen, lieutenant governor has niven a pretty firm statement of denial here saying it is i demonstrably false. they can come if we will apply the standards of democrats applied before, he should be gone by now, but he seems to be fighting back and shown not willing to resign a at this poi. >> rachel: i do agree he
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deserves to process. this is kavanaugh karma for the democrats. they are stuck in a situation where, are they going to learn from this moving forward? are we going to have republican gets accused of this situation, will it mean that we have due process for republicans? is this going to be the moment talked about where we step back and reassess how we handle this? because the democrats have been masters of using race and for political purposes. and don't really care about those issues. it is really about a political win for them. so i think he deserves due process and those charges sound awful, by the way come as a mom i'm sick of hearing about these kind of stories on the news with our kids around. >> dan: right, gross. the two it so much. >> dan: it is disgusting and i have two daughters too, sara. going to you. giving the gravity of these charges and they are serious,, a asked kerry picket from reporting angle, do you see
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these three attorney general governor hearing, justice fairfax surviving this? at this point none are willing to step down.bu you know what may be i will get to lawrence next, lawrence i want to tee up. the optics of this are terrible. you have this political party here that the democrats buried themselves into politics. the object is not good and thin lawrence next. >> sara: virginia politics turned on its head and the people suffering most are the citizens are the people of virginia. and what we found out, it's distressing and i'm a virginia residents but i can tell you there isn't voice i don't go aware that i don't get groceries or not shopping right don't hear people talking about this. you have governor northam practically disappears. he said he was going to make this a a big issue and he was going to talk about raped bringing to the forefront but refusing to talk to people. most people want him to resign. i interviewed quite a number of
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people, democrats, actually in virginia. they want him out. we have attorney general herring who also admitted to wearing painting his face black and wearing black face.. very distressing and now these allegations with lieutenant governor. these are very serious allegations and look just like rachael said to come, there is due process. we have got to wait and see what happen here and both of these cases. but one thing that is certain, dan, both of these women have cooperation. they are coming forward. they are people that are supporting with these women have said. and now, the democrats are asking for his resignation. so yes, i think for tenure right is in a quagmire. and i don't think any three of them will survive this. >> dan: limit go to you, lawrence, we can't forget you lawrence. still a picture with a guy with a ku klux klan outfit and another guy in black face and yet, he seems to be right now,
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you know, not resigning at all. >> lawrence: yeah, so here's the thing dan. the three cases going on right here. two of them we know the truth about because there is evidence of it and they admitted to them and the other one we don't know, yet, the only article of impeachment presented is the guy that there is no evidence for right now. we don't know. there has not been an investigation. the two don't want to go through the criminal process and so i got to throw this out here. you guys are always depending black people, but the black guy, he has to resign? okay, the black caucus? you guys are going to defend him? this is what they care about, guys. >> rachel: can i just add in there, dan? amreal quick. you said that northam has disappeared. republicans accused blackface don't get to disappear if. the media hounds them.
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>> dan: kerry picket just said, you have in florida a prominent public official, by the way, sarah, asked to resign by the governor immediately. there was no debate about this. so i've got to run, guys and ladies, thank you so much sarah, rachel, lawrence, lawrence stick around for the next block. straight ahead on this entity special, left in crisis, the whole scandal got started with ethe governor of virginia ralph northam. will he be stepping down? we will announce that next. just one free hearing test at
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>> dan: welcome back to the special edition of "hannity." joining us now with the >> dan: welcome back to this edition of "hannity." ralph northam, calling for him to resign. l before dan, ralph northam, he is
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still hanging on, governorship of virginia. this "washington post" this morning and out of virginia governor ralph northam appearsn to be a stronger position thursday and the scandals and officeholders, less likely he will be forced to step down during the general assembly session. a week ago, exactly, that we were reporting this, the democrat upset over this picture that emerge from northam's yearbook and on it and man in blackface and another ku klux klan cost him, and northam apologized for the photo and fan on a saturdayas afternoon's conference, his wife said, it wasn't me. that and before that news conference, the politics, cold for northam's resignation. the list, saying he had to go,
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but as you know, so far, he has held on important, that the top democrat of virginia as you pointed at at the top of your show, on right now, the three democrats and if all three resign, the governorship would go to a >> dan: the democratic virginia democratic virginia -- was catapulted with these comments about abortions, remember this? >> we talk about abortions that are done with the consent obviously, the mother to consent and the physicians, by the way. and it's done where may be severe deformities and the fetus, nonviable. so in this particular test, i can tell you exactly what happened. the infant would be delivered in the infant would be comfortable. the infant would be mutated to,
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if the mother and the family desires. and between the mother and the doctor. >> dan: tammy, doug, tammy i will go to you. but again, tammy bruce, lawrence jones and doug schoen. tammy, we are all forgetting where this started, the new cycle is so fast but the start up with those g.o.p. radio stations and familiar and used to live in the area, and i think the mistake northam made he described abortion as it
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actually is. he became a political liability for the democrats. interesting that all of the scandal surfaced at that exact same time. there are some allegations that may have been people on the democrat side who may have seen northam out of the picture critically -- quickly. >> tammy: the democrats view as the new front tier, the late-term abortion which is euphemism. that identifies pro-choice and the majority of americans see roe versus the first trimester as appropriate but then, dramatically increases rejection of that act passed that period of time. and we 16% of americans think the third trimester as appropriate so americans are united onn this. we are not a polarized country on that issue. with that said, you have this individual then when we talk about character that this was the trigger and it was a medical school colleague at the time who
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seeing and hearing those comments was outraged and knew what those photos in the yearbook for medical school. and that is when he released it. so when you are looking at such a thin veneer of character and if there has been a fraud perpetrated on the voting public, by the way, if republicans had done any basic talk about due process. investigating these candidates, there would be a republican governor right now. this is one of the political problems of why those races were kind of a banded in a way by the republicans and all of these cases. of being able to be publicly seen. so i would say it becomes a domino effect because these things exist and there is a reliance and that is now hopefully going to be over. >> dan: went doug from democratic party perspective they are in a world of trouble right now. let's hide this. thee democrats don't want to hae a conversation about black site -- blackface. h how did they get away from this? once a swing state of
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virginia? >> doug: let's talk politics, northam should go. fairfax should go, and the attorney general probably should go too, even if it means a republican governor. because,, virginia is a swing state. this behavior is outrageouss and northam has lost the confidence of the electorate and anted the hecitizenry of the country. the lieutenant governor fairfax can't and shouldn't serve anymore. and attorney general herring i thought b he was the most sympathetic of the three, but as he acknowledged his own behavior was outrageous. i think they have got to go. we start with square one and if there is a right -- >> dan: doug, i want to talk from lawrence. is he entitled to an, investigation fairfax, 20 seconds? >> lawrence: entitled to an investigation i say keep all the democrats there because 2020 comes, anti-women, antiracism, keep them there and we will use
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it against them. >> dan: guys, thanks a lot, thank you. we will be right back with closing thoughts. just like that. shipstation. the #1 choice of online sellers. go to and get 2 months free.
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>> welcome back to the special edition of hannity developing crisis. that's all the time we have lef this evening. thank you for being with us,, more analysis and -- always, the unfolding situation on monday show when sean his back and also live coverage of president trump
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el paso, texas. until then, have a great patient and thank you very much. >> laura: a fox news alert, lieutenant governor justin fairfax under increasing pressure to resign tonight. this after a second accuser has calleded him out for sexual misconduct.e this time, the allocation is a portable raped 19 years ago. 2020 presidential and the democratic field quick tonight to call for fairfax's resignation. and while it is tempting to delight in the downfall of the democrats who has peddled and double standards, i believe fairfax deserves a