tv Hannity FOX News February 12, 2019 6:00pm-7:00pm PST
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$77 billion -- imagine the whole country doing that. that is a lot of ponies! [laughter] keep wishing! that is it for us, back tomorrow night, the show that is the sworn enemy of mine, pomposity, smugness, and groupthink. but i from washington, sean hannity live from new york. >> sean: 's great show is always paired welcome to "hannity," breaking tonight, there was no collusion. a bipartisan committee of senate democrats and republicans found zero evidence of wrongdoing by the trump campaign. we are going to bring you all the details coming up along with several other important deep state updates, including now, criminal referrals, finally, for fisa abuse. oh, and other people on the left actually lied it to congress, too, what will they be getting predawn raids with 27 people, amphibious vehicles, flow bone gear? first, we need to tackle what is the garbage, new, compromise, supposedly, surrounding border security. and tonight's hannity watch on
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building the wall and keeping the government open. we have a bipartisan congressional committee, they have agreed to allocate a whopping oh, $1.375 billion for new border wall construction, that pales in comparison to the president's request for a $5.7 billion, but funding approximately 55 miles of new wall, construction on a border that is 2,000 miles long. we haven't seen the language, nor has the white house, sources telling me it is still being worked out. but if democrats going to put a lot of restrictions on wall construction, in other words, it is not really wall money, this is not a bill the president will be able to sign. he will need a clean cr. earlier today, here's how the president responded to the initial details of the new budget deal. take a look. >> will you sign this border deal? >> i'm not happy about it. it is not doing the trick. but i'm adding things to it, and when you add whatever i have to
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add, it is all going to happen, we are going to build a beautiful, big, strong wall that is not going to let criminals and traffickers and drug dealers and drugs into our country. it is very simple. i can tell you, am i happy at first glance? i just got to see it. the answer is no. i'm not. i'm not happy. >> sean: i'm not happy either, nobody should be happy. the president has every right to be angry. the so-called compromise is typical of the d.c. sewer and swamp, and his level of funding for security and safety of the american people is pathetic. it is almost as if lawmakers in washington, from the comfort of their own, oh, walled homes, they don't realize the horrors of sex trafficking, even young girls put into, human trafficking, the drug trafficking, 90% of our heroin comes across the southern border. it occurs every single day of every week of every month of every year. it is almost as if they just don't care.
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in the past two years alone, criminal, illegal, aliens have been responsible for 100,000 assault charges, 30,000 sexual assault crimes. and 4,000 murders and homicides. it is as if they don't care. yesterday, by the way, 330 illegal immigrants, including many unaccompanied minors, were apprehended west of el paso. where there is no border wall. it is almost as if they don't care about the angel moms and dads that we have interviewed on this very show. children, their kids, senselessly taken by people who crossed of these borders illegally. have any democrats actually called any of the families of these victims? it would be perfectly reasonable for president trump to reject this bill. there is another solution, maybe even a better solution. i'm not as concerned or some other conservatives if the president signs the bill, but there are a couple of ifs. the president decides he wants to sign the compromise, which would guarantee the
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$1.375 billion down payment for the wall, okay, that money can be used immediately. if he takes step two, which is the president utilizing money he has identified, some $900 million, for additional construction, that is already available for the administratio administration's discretion. that would be about $2.3 billion, but the important third step needs to happen simultaneously. that would be the president would need to declare a national emergency. this is the time. that is a necessity. and the president, i think i know him very well, telegraphed that very thing just today. he just heard him indicate a common plan that he would find the other money, on top of whatever congress gives him. that would allow the administration to access to billions more in wall funding. by the way, the national emergency would be challenged, as we always see with the democrats, judge shopping in california or oregon or hawaii, and then go to the ninth circui
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ninth circuit, and then because of all of the constitutional issues involved, being number one in emergency, separation of powers, the president's role as our commander-in-chief, i think the president is on very firm legal grounds given the national security risks stemming from a poor southern border. additionally, the president has even further authority, which the supreme court, i'm sure, would look at, and that would be a real law. ten usc 284, gives the president, in other words, the executive branch, the authority for the construction of roads and fences and the installation of lighting to block drug smuggling corridors across international boundaries of the united states. despite what the haters on both sides of the aisle are telling you, remember before 2015, i always shoot straight with you, i have known this president for over two decades, and i told everybody, went out on a limb, and said he is going to keep his promises. he would govern as a
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conservative and worked tirelessly to improve the country paired the biggest tax cuts, ending burdens of regulation, he is two originalists on the supreme court, the haters, the never-trump-e are wrong. he is tenacious, and he will fight to get that wall build. and guess what? the vast majority of the american people, look at the "cbs news" poll, they support him, 72% of americans agree with the president and his policies on immigration. good news breaking tonight, the president just tweeted, "was just presented the concept and parameters of the border security deal. we will be getting almost $23 billion for border security, regardless of what they give us -- meaning congress -- wall money. it is being built as we speak." let me interpret that for embers of congress on the hate-trump media. it sounds like a national emergency will be declared, but
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i have no insider information. democrats have agreed to over $1.3 billion, more for border security, and democrats are now agreeing to fund something, by the way -- this is amazing, because they were referring to building walls as immoral. just a short time ago. now they are funding these immoral behaviors. watch list. >> we know that walls do not save lives. walls and lives. >> we are aghast that he wants this giant, 30-foot wall to be the symbol of america. i tell president trump, i told him to his face, we want the symbol of america to remain the statue of liberty, freedom, equality, not a divisive wall. >> i don't support a wall. i believe in border security. i think a wall is not a smart way to make us safer.
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>> a wall is in immorality. it is not who we are as a natio nation. >> sean: chuck schumer and all of the democrats supported that wall in the second term of barack obama. now that trump wants it, they can't support anything trump wants. notice that bozo overwork down in el paso said walls make us less safe and end lives. maybe someone should warn americans about the serial killer walls making us less safe today. thank you, bozo, for your important input and your warning. but guess what, it gets even more absurd. many on the left have recently referred to border security efforts as racist. watch this. >> the foundation of the wall is hate. it is fear. it becomes fear of the other, and then it becomes fear of brown people. and it becomes fear of caravans. fear of invasion, and fear of ms-13. >> blatantly attempting to stir
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up fear of people of color, brown people. >> sean: no, it has nothing to do with the fact that many americans have been murdered, the sexual assaults, all sorts of violent assault, heroin -- 90% of it coming into our country, and we have an opioid epidemic. really, we're playing the race here? 90% of people who cross the border illegally want a better life, that which we take for granted as an american, but plan politics with safety, security,? that is just the tip of the iceberg in terms of america's now radical, extreme, new socialist democratic party. kind of like when senator bob and i does was scolding the president for criminalizing illegal immigrants who actually drink and drive. watch this. >> the president's zero-tolerance policy that has turned everyone, regardless of their record, into a criminal. for example, if you cross the
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border undocumented, he has now made you a criminal. he is creating that problem by turning people away who legitimately seek asylum. if a person has a driving while under the influence violation, he has now made that, saying that is a criminal. >> sean: if they come in illegally, they broke the law. by the way, it is part of the dumbest thing i have ever heard. drunk drivers kill people every day. senator, maybe talk to mothers against drunk driving or talk to a parent who has lost a child killed by a drunk driver. for the democrats, this is all one big political game. life and death, safety security. these people need to meet the angel moms and dads, kids killed by drunk drivers, they need an intervention. the only thing they care about is keeping the government open, making the president look bad, even denying daca and dreamers things they say they want, and helping furloughed employees,
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no. nothing trumps hating trump. the president writing a life-and-death battle, the democrats fighting for virtually nothing here, except that which they supported a couple of years ago. the president now has rightly made protecting our nation's borders and preserving american life is number one priority. we all know the statistics. radical socialist democrats, they are calling walls immoral. they now advocate even for infanticide during the birth process. nine months into pregnancy. calling for a ban of most forms of electricity. the lifeblood of our economy, fossil fuels. pushing an end to the consumption of meat because carl was an flatulence, and yeah, being associated with some of the most bigoted, hateful anti-semites in the country. this party, democratic extreme radical socialist party, is a real-life dumpster fire, unfolding before our eyes.
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i told you this would happen! tonight, by the way, we start with our "hannity watch" on the extremist socialist, starting with congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez and her insane green new deal, being supported by some of the most prominent democrats in her party. last night president trump called the mount in a huge way. let's take a look. >> president trump: they introduced a massive government takeover that would destroy our incredible economic gains. they introduced the so-called green new deal. [boos] it sounds like a high school term paper that got a low mark. it would shut down american energy -- which i don't think the people of texas are going to be happy with that. >> sean:, a new article this evening, even left-leaning union leaders, they
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are no warning that this green new deal will lead to poverty. they would like to work and provide for their families paired let's not forget, 2020 candidate, senator sparta gives himself, booker, quickly got support behind socialist congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez's absurd and green new deal, which called for an end to all fossil fuels, eliminate airplanes, have high-speed rail. how are we going to get to europe? australia, new zealand? even banning house. okay, they have lost their minds. booker, by the way, who is an admitted vegan, get this -- i don't make the stuff up, either -- he is trying to justify this insanity, this platform, telling a vegan magazine, this world cannot sustain people eating meat, only rich people he talks about eating meat. our democrats really trying to take a white house on a platform
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of banning meat, airplanes, fossil fuels -- oh, and rebuilding every house in america? the same party that is now for infanticide. at the same party that won't stand up to what happened, i believe, oh, even sexual assault allegations and rape allegation, if it is a member of their own party, many won't say i believe now. i don't take my work for it in the case of booker, he recently compared tackling the scourge of cow flatulence to our efforts during world war ii. this would be a joke, but they are serious. so lock your freezers, save your meat now. you may need it. it will be very valuable, a great investment for years to come. now even senate majority leader mitch mcconnell rightly planning to put other democrats on record. he wants a vote on the green new deal. good going, mitch, i want to see if it passes. let's see what the democrats vote here, because it will tell you everything, on paper, just how radical and extreme the socialist party have now become.
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rapid socialism, which guarantees, oh, a job, a vacation, housing, health care -- oh, it will take away your private insurance. and everything else that it promises to do, whether you are willing or unwilling to work, not only concerning ideology and the rise of the democratic party, now another scary form of extremism is not going away. that is the rise of anti-semitism in the halls of congress. recently, far left democratic congresswoman omar made a series of anti-semitic tweets while spreading an anti-israel conspiracy theory, apologizing only for that one, fending jewish people, but she is retaining her position. get this, on the foreign affairs committee. president trump to not calling her to resign, but known anti-semite linda sarsour, remember her? she is rushing to congresswoman omar's defense, no surprise there. linda sarsour is a friend of kirsten gillibrand, running for president. we will keep you focused on the
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bigotry of the left, all these people accountable. we will have our "hannity watch" regularly. now we turn to other breaking news tonight, president trump tweeted a big thank you to conspiracy theory tv msnbc. who was forced to come clean about their russian collusion conspiracy theories, which they have been peddling for two straight years. one is that apology coming? take a look. >> after two years and interviewing more than 200 witnesses, the senate intelligence committee has not uncovered any direct evidence of a conspiracy between the trump campaign and russia. that is according to sources on the republican and democratic side of the aisle appeared >> if and when the president, as he may inevitably do, going to these reporting and pollutions, single, he the senate intelligence committee found that i am not guilty of conspiracy, he would be correct in saying that. >> except the use of the term "not guilty" is not appropriate because they are not a court of law.
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that said, trump will claim vindication through this and will be partially right. >> sean: that's right, you heard it right, the bipartisan senate committee, republicans and democrats, investigating campaign fraud. no evidence of trump-russian collusion. none. including democrats. they have seen everything mueller has seen. we've been telling you this ford months, the left had been force-feeding with hysterical coverage, the american people, a steady diet of insane, bizarre, lying, conspiracy theories every night. just to remind you, take a look. >> chris, unfortunately i can't go into the evidence. >> you have something hard that you can't reveal? >> i can't reveal that. >> certainly say with confidence that there is significant evidence of collusion between the campaign and russia. >> vladimir putin and his
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associates, somebody has something on donald trump. >> we are looking at the possibility that the president of the united states and those around him during the election campaign colluded with a hostile foreign power to undermine the basis of our democracy. >> it is so obvious they were eager to collude with russia. now we are seeing the evidence that there was a conspiracy to cover up. >> this is evidence of willingness to commit collusion. >> there is outright treason. that there is no question that what he is doing is giving aid and comfort to the enemy. >> is there any evidence of collusion that you have seen? >> there is a lot of smoke, we have no smoking gun at this point. >> sean: we have a lot more coming up, including criminal referrals on fisa and lying to congress. except maybe this time, the predawn raid will be at a democrats house. joining us first, reaction to our top story tonight, contributor fox news contributor dan bongino.
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fox news correspondent at large, geraldo rivera. i know conservatives see this, a pittance based on the extent of the problem. you know i say it is 2%, not the other 98%, we don't need to keep going over that. this. hopefully, the influx of heroin, gangs, cartels, those who come here and do commit murder and sexual assault, violent assaults, and the democrats don't seem to care. the president that i know pretty well, i'm reading him tonight saying, sure, give me the $1.375 million, i have a another 900 million over here, and i will declare a national emergency, and that is it, but o tell us after he signs that bill. if he signs. >> i don't pretend to have him on speed dial the way you do, sean. to be i haven't talked to the president about this. my knowledge of him, my insight.
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>> be that as it may, i think the president should declare victory. here is why. up until today, the democrats have had the moral high ground. the wall is a moral issue, immoral to build a wall. then they offered this 1.375 -- whatever it is, that is now a negotiation. it is not a moral issue, now it is a physical, financial negotiation. i think the president has already won, and he will find the money, whether it's in the defense department, whether it is in fema, wherever he can, he will find the money, already 84 miles of wall being built from the last appropriation, now the 55 miles being built with this new money. >> sean: about 90 miles. , look, i had to reassure it -- they were skeptical conservatives because the president was more liberal when he was younger, winston churchill, you're 20 and not a liberal uart don't have a hard, if you're 40 and not a conservative, he don't have a
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brain. i kept reassuring people, i know him, he keeps his promises and means what he is saying. i went out on a limb when i said that. i also know, if he takes this money, he is also going in the back door like he says he is. when he says he is going to do it, he tended to do it. >> yeah, he does, sean. i'm not crazy about the emergency declaration because i'm always afraid of what liberals would do with it, but he definitely has kept to his campaign promises, no question about that. listen, we need the wall. at the wall were expired but primarily bothers me about this conversation about the wall amongst the liberals and some others out there, the rhino class, they have done talking points, it is all technology. polling is all technology, but it is effective, that is why we. it is an obstruction, that is what they are trying to do. it is not a perfect solution, a passive security mechanism that obstructs people from walking into the country. they have never explained how
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technology is going to supersede that. let me ask you a simple question, sean, or geraldo if you have the answer, what is a drone going to do that a wall isn't going to do? nobody has answered that question. >> take a great picture as they come across the border. i like the wall because it will save the lives of the migrating poor people, 4,000 of whom die in a year in the desert when the coyotes abandon them. i think it will bring order to the border, and i think that is necessary on both sides of the law. >> sean: dan bongino, last word. >> i don't disagree, the democrats change to a port of entry argument, great, let's secure the ports of entry, too. let's secure the ports of entry, build a wall. only amongst liberals is securing our country from illegal immigration controversial appeared to be what i will assure you, the president said he wants a big door, but just to vent people and make sure they take care of themselves and they get here.
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that is all part of the deal. thank you both. directly ahead, a lot of breaking news tonight. what do americans think about the insanity of the green new deal? of ocasio-cortez and all of the other democrats? lawrence jones next. wait until you hear the villain of the day. coaching means making tough choices. jim! you're in! but when you have high blood pressure and need cold medicine that works fast, the choice is simple. coricidin hbp is the #1 brand that gives powerful cold symptom relief without raising your blood pressure. coricidin hbp.
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♪ >> i'm sure you've heard about ocasio-cortez green new deal. part of that plan would get rid of planes. >> i just don't really see that as an option. or very realistic. i think we really do need to take drastic actions to reduce carbon emissions. >> get rid of planes? is that reasonable? >> planes? the things we used to fly from city to city? >> that's exactly right. >> okay, that is outrageous. [laughter] >> she also wants to get rid of 99% of cars. >> 99% of cars is definitely possible. >> how do we get around? >> we switch over from fossil fuels, gas powered cars, to electric power. >> what about 99% of cars?
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>> no, seriously, really? >> really, she also believes that education for all. >> it's a good idea, but maybe a better idea than getting a wall? >> abolishing, too? >> when we get rid of all of the 14 cows, how do we eat? >> i guess green plants. >> who hates steak? we all love steak. nancy pelosi, who is a democrat and speaker of the house calls it a green dream. is this a dream? >> i think it is a dream. i think it is a dream we should aspire to. >> this is insane. >> i guess you are a no-go on the greendale? >> a total no-go, my goodness. >> sean: here with reaction, fox news could have it or lawrence jones, jessica tarlov. tell us exactly what part of the
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new green deal that you don't like. you want to keep the cows, can we keep them? >> i'm a big fan of cow's. >> sean: can we keep the airplanes? >> we can keep the planes. when i go to my global elite meetings. >> sean: how do we get to australia? do you think every american should have guaranteed health care, guaranteed housing, guaranteed college, guaranteed everything that ocasio-cortez? that's the question. >> i think she is making a moral argument about what life should be like. >> sean: you want me to read -- >> is a nonbinding resolution. >> sean: a nonbinding resolution. >> but it's nonsense! >> sean: the bill of rights guaranteeing -- >> all taxes, sean -- >> sean: medical vacation, retirement, college, trade school, healthy food -- i can't wait until the government ask our food. housing, rebuilding every home,
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economic security for all who are unable or even unwilling to work. >> it is impracticable, it is not going to happen. it is a starting point for a conversation. >> it is a radical dossier that can be funded. here's the deal, this goes back to fdr. >> that is what she wants paired >> exactly, and you who do not discriminate against? poor people, minorities, redlines that boxed minorities out of their communities. if we want a repeat, do we know the communities it is going to affect? a lot of progressives say they advocate for those minorities. >> it is not getting implemented. even if he saw sherrod brown said -- she wants to make an argument that we need more justice in this country for the underserved, and i take your point about the new deal, also fdr had a majority, which is not what is going on here. we need to be investing more in our country. start making jokes about bridges to nowhere, but that is more investment in infrastructure jobs, she talked about public and private partnerships.
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she knows this isn't all government. >> now she wants to work with those same businesses that she wants to overtax. >> she wants them to pay their fair share. >> just like fdr, three times the amount of tax increases, the same thing under this deal? they are going to want to work with you. >> i just said it is impractical, i said it is not going to happen, it is a conversation starter. >> sean: if it is impractical and none of these are going to happen -- >> not none of them. >> sean: how why other democrats signing off? i wanted up or down vote in the -- >> you're going to get it. >> there is no way jessica signs off on this because she is a catholic. there is no way she would support a plan like this. >> i taxes went up, even though i'm supposed to have gotten a break. if you look at sherrod brown -- >> sean: only liberal taxes go higher. >> is that how it works? all the cool kids are playing more? if you listen to sherrod brown,
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who i believe entering the presidential race, he said he doesn't sign on to the green new deal come he doesn't have to sign it to prove his progressiveness beer there have. people have signed on -- >> sean: this will destroy america's economy. i'm taking this seriously, you are taking it seriously paired >> of course. even nancy pelosi is taking it seriously, she called it a dream. >> that is mean, she is not taking it seriously. >> her dream deal. >> that was her first time with the shade clap. >> sean: is that what that's called? >> it's called the clap, but we are on television. >> sean: saying that about congresswoman ocasio-cortez? >> how flip she was about it, the green dream, and then she moved on. everyone knows it is a nonbinding resolution -- >> now she is running away from her own proposal. >> no, she needed to revise it.
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>> sean: revise it after everyone started mocking it and making fun of it and laughing at it. >> i don't know what you're doing here, i have it -- >> sean: i can't wait to see the high-speed train to australia, new zealand. all aboard the o because you express. >> it will be an up or down vote, they will vote like -- >> sean: take another bite at the apple, eliminate all hope. >> won't have to hear about donald trump anymore, and everything will be good in this world. late-term abortion at the end of a statement like that -- that is not what my party represents paired >> we've got to run. >> quality health care for women. >> sean: the deep state should be very worried tonight, congressman devin nunes says it referrals are coming paired up next, we can to see our "villain of the day" and what this person does to a sick child. it will make your blood boil. straight ahead. ♪
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cancer, epilepsy, mental health, hiv. patients with serious diseases are being targeted for cuts to their medicare drug coverage. new government restrictions would allow insurance companies to come between doctor and patient. and deny access to individualized therapies millions depend on. call the white house today. help stop cuts to part d drug coverage that put medicare patients at risk.
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♪ >> sean: the ranking member member of the house intelligence committee, congressman devin nunes, revealed yesterday the g.o.p. lawmakers are reviewing over a dozen interview transcripts as they are considering making criminal referrals for an investigation into possible political bias within the fbi. joining is now with the huge details on this is congressman devin nunes himself. congressman, this is a big deal. also fisa abuse on a lot of other issues, what specifically are you looking at? >> a lot of people out there think that just because we are in the minority that somehow we are not going to continue this investigation. we are going to work with the judiciary committee and the oversight committee, sean, to ensure this investigation into fisa abuse and other matters continues.
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the good thing is we got through about 15 interviews last year, the task force data, you covered it sensibly on your show. we are going to continue to call people in for interviews, just last week, the new chairman of the committee and he is going to reopen the russia investigation. we offered about a dozen subpoenas of people we wanted to subpoena. we don't expect for them to subpoena the people that we want, but every attempt that we can, at every opportunity that we get, we will make attempts to subpoena these people to come in and speak. we will also ask for people to voluntarily come in and speak. look, we need the new attorney general to get in there, and we will make criminal referrals on many people who lied to congress. >> sean: does that mean we can be expecting predawn raids with amphibious vehicles, frogmen, s.w.a.t. teams, all of this, to arrest one guy on a process
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crime? is not going to happen to democrats? in other words, aren't there a list of well-known people that serve the obama administration that lied under oath? >> i'm not asking anyone to be roger stoned, which i think is now a verb now. but i am expecting people to be held accountable. so if you're going to bust people for lying to congress, then we need to bust everyone from lying to congress. we are just at the house side, i my guess the senate side, some of the same people that probably lied over there, they should also be doing the same. >> sean: a very big announcement by richard burr, we don't have anything that would suggest there was any collusion by the trump campaign and of the russians. after all this time, all of this money, and all of this -- i guess it -- , hyperventilating reporting, nothing is there? have you seen evidence whatsoever?
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>> sean, it is not just a thought, there hasn't been collusion. as you know, the trump campaign was so small it would have been almost impossible for him to collude anyway, even if they wanted to collude, but what is frustrating, we brought this up last week, when adam schiff reopened his investigation into the trump campaign, we said, great, are you going to open up the investigation into the hillary clinton campaign? because they are, we already know that the hillary clinton campaign of the democratic parte colluding with russians, they we getting information from russians, dirt on trump that they could spread throughout the media. that is exactly what they were looking at the trump campaign, supposedly, four. >> sean: what about fisa abuse? we now know that bruce ohr, who warned everyone at the doj and the fbi -- by the way, including andrew weissmann, mueller's pitbull -- that it was put together by a trump hater named christopher steele, eventually fired for lying and leaking. and hillary paid for it, and it
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is unverified and uncorroborated. so the question is, it was used four times and signed off, what about all the people that signed off on a document they never verified? >> all of them should be held accountable. we are attempting to find them accountable in congress. probably the right thing that should happen would be the judges to hold them accountable. in the meantime, the new attorney general when he gets in there, he should immediately call for some type of review of all of this. we are going to have to present in the information. i think at that point, hopefully something will happen. >> sean: with criminal referrals. >> either criminal referrals, or if the judges hold them accountable, they can lose their law license. but really, if there is not reforms done to the fisa process, if accountability is not delivered in this matter, i think it is going to be very hard for americans don't want to
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be less secure. republicans have supported these programs for many, many years. however, i doubt right now that you would find very many votes to support the continuation of fisa programs if it is going to be political. there has to be some guarantee this process is not going to be political in the future. >> sean: john solomon reported that then-fbi director mueller where to go before the midi with exculpatory information withheld to deny the fisa. mccabe said no dossier, no fisa, but they used the unverified dossier, signed off on as if it was gospel, they never verified. >> i don't forget, what we've been saying publicly for many, many months, it is not just that they used the dossier, it is not just that the dossier made up most of the fisa, it is also everything else that they did. it is how they lied. it is how they obstructed our investigation.
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if you remember, people forget about this, people went out and said the dossier didn't have anything to do with it, all of this other stuff. we went down and look at all of the other stuff, and that is what we have been asking the president to declassify because we believe that what makes up that so-called "other stuff," is equally as bad as using political dirt. >> sean: i predict at one point he will. congressman, great work. thank you for updating us and being with us. devin nunes, thank you. >> thank you, sean peered >> sean: up next, a shocking new report on actual collusion between the clinton campaign and at least one high-ranking, biased fbi official, and guess what? criminal referrals probably straight ahead, as you just heard. i licked alan dershowitz, gregg jarrett are here with analysis. "villain of the day" of today is so bad, you are going to be outrage for what he did to a child. straight ahead. ♪ nct conversation] ♪
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♪ >> sean: after 636 days and at least $25 million wasted in taxpayer money, the mueller witch hunt is still pursuing his endless investigation. meanwhile, and missing is reporting that the senate has uncovered no direct evidence of a conspiracy between the trump campaign in russia. republicans and democrats. unsurprising news comes as a newly released emails show at the fbi was scrambling to respond to hillary clinton's lawyer and made the laptop review, wasting questions, direct questions, but a quid prg classified documents. joining us to react to the news, author of the best selling book "the case of against impeaching trump," alan dershowitz. the author of another at best selling books, "the russian
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hoax," out in paperback today, fox news legal analyst gregg jarrett. let's start with you, talk of criminal referrals, which finally -- democrats that lied to congress, maybe they will get the 27, you know, armed agents, predawn raid treatment that roger stone and manna for scott you look at these new documents from judicial watch, lisa page involved. the fbi talking about a deal? >> it is bribery and obstruction of justice. under secretary of state, offering, we will give you more fbi agents in our offices abroad, if you doctor one of hillary clinton's emails, turn it from classified, top-secret, to unclassified, to lessen her culpability. it is bribery, extortion, it is unconscionable. the fbi knew about it, it is in the email from lisa page to this under secretary of state, and
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she sends a copy to peter strzok and james comey paired what did the fbi do? nothing. >> sean: professor, this goes directly -- this is within the fbi, talking about declassifying, again, to protect hillary clinton. exoneration before investigation, even you would argue if i destroyed subpoenaed emails, 33,000 of them, acid washed my hard drive and beat up my devices with a hammer, i don't think you and a great combined could get me out of jail. >> everybody wants to put everybody in jail, the democrats want to put republicans in jail peered >> sean: you are dunking, progress or, come on. >> i think we're heading down a very dangerous path. what we have need, what we mean from the beginning, is a nonpartisan expert commission to look into the whole 2016 election peered the clinton part of it, the trump part of it. >> sean: professor, if i had
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emails, if i did what hillary clinton did, that is obstruction, a crime, slam-dunk case. >> she obviously disputes that. in her book, she says they were personal emails that she was entitled to erase. they were not subpoenaed. >> sean: she admitted they never went through all of the emails individually. that doesn't stand out. >> she also says -- >> sean: quid pro quo? >> first of all, nothing happened, none of this happened. i agree with you, if there were a quid pro quo agreement and they acted on it, that the fbi would get certain benefits, i don't know whether it would be a crime because you need personal benefits, not institutional benefits, but it would certainly be wrong. but i think we have to get out of this business of pointing criminal fingers at people. >> sean: but it only happens -- i would agree with you -- >> unless it is a crime. >> sean: we are going to hold roger stone accountable for lying to congress, that all of
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the other people we know that lied to congress, including huma abedin, they should get the same treatment. >> doesn't matter that the fbi didn't accept the quid pro quo offer of bribery and obstruction, it would be an attempted crime. attempted to obstruct justice. it is a felony. >> sean: press besser, do you disagree with that? >> attempts are very hard to prove, you have to prove they actually intended to do and they came close -- >> they have it in writing -- >> they have it in writing that they suggested and proposed it, but i'm not sure it will be a crime even if it was completed because nobody can know mike individually got any money, it was benefit to an institution, the fbi. >> sean: the bipartisan senate committee say no collusion, that is big news. both of you? >> it is huge news, i've never seen such hangdog reporters at msnbc and cnn.
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forced to repeat it. >> sean: when we come back -- thank you both. you won't believe our "villain of the day" peered what he stole from a little kid who happens to be sick. we have the video. ♪ my experience with usaa has been excellent. they really appreciate the military family and it really shows. with all that usaa offers why go with anybody else? we know their rates are good, we know that they're always going to take care of us. it was an instant savings and i should have changed a long time ago. it was funny because when we would call another insurance company, hey would say "oh we can't beat usaa" we're the webber family.
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at >> sean: tonight's villain of the day, of vegas, nevada, porch pirate. stealing gage hines life-saving $40,000 chemo medicine right from the family doorstep. the man's face was captured on camera, and it cost 40 grand. if you have information that could lead to his arrest, please contact vegas authorities. we are praying for the whole haynes family tonight. and if need be, i will raise or give a big portion of that myself if he needs that money back. now you know about the new green deal disaster?
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marcella tweeted "the green deal is a fantasy far away from reality." another viewer said, what is the best part? we will not be the hate trump media. let not your heart be troubled, laura ingraham is up next. >> laura: thank you, sean, i really appreciate it. and great for. anyone who steals medicine from an individual? >> sean: maybe you should find a way to return that. but i guess that's what criminals do. >> laura: all right, i'm laura ingraham and this is "the ingraham angle" live tonight from dallas. the democratic party is not just the party of open borders. it's now the parties of anti-semitism. the president is weighing in. plus, it isn't just a republican saying they found no evidence of russian collusion. wait until we reveal why the resistance might
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