tv Tucker Carlson Tonight FOX News February 12, 2019 9:00pm-10:00pm PST
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twitter and facebook. in the meantime, thank you for joining us tonight. was grateful he spent her evening with us. good night for washington. i'm shannon bream. ♪ ♪ >> tucker: good evening, welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." we have news for you, breaking t news, that for whatever reason is being downplayed or ignored by other media outlets, but we think you want to know about itr five simple words describe it, there was no russian collusion. there is no evidence whatsoever that the trump campaign conspiring in any way with the government of vladimir putin during the last presidential election, period. that is apparently the conclusion of the bipartisan senate intelligence committee. that committee spent two years investigating this question, hundreds of interviews, reams of classified documents, untold millions in taxpayer dollars.
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no collusion at that is what we are hearingla tonight they have found. if you've been following the story at all, and of course you have been, you will not be surprised by this. no russian collusion is a lot like moon landing actually happened or abominable snowman is a long-haired mountain goat. you knew that already because you are not an idiot, but if so, compare your mental acuity to prominent figures in washington, the next time you feel dumb, watch this tape. >> i think there is plenty of evidence of collusion or conspiracy in plain sight. >> trump has the kremlin clan surrounding him, there is more to be learned about it. i believe there has been collusion. >> it is starting to smell more and more like collusion. >> we saw cold, hard evidence of the trump campaign and the trump family eagerly intending to collude, possibly, with russia.
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>> tucker: smells like collusion. plenty of evidence of collusion. hard evidence of collusion. in the end, it was all fake. and they knew that, they knew it wasn't real. they were lying from the very first day. only the remarkable aggression, a willingness to say anything no matter how outrageous or slanderous or vile, kept the rest of us from catching on to what they were doing. if the chairman of the house intelligence committee is willing to call someone a traitor to this country, there has to be some truth to it, right? actually, no, there wasn't. it was always a hoax.. adam schiff is an unscrupulous charlatan, that is the real lesson here, don't expect people like him to apologize or correct the record, much less repair th, lives of the people they have carter page still can't find a job. roger stone is still facing life in prison. meanwhile, adam schiff's p.r. continues like this is never happening. explaining the result of the senate investigation to mean
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nothing. people are guilty because we say they are guilty, we must punish them. >> let me just say one thing. when benedict arnold gave the plans to west point to major andre and they countered major andre, they did not have any real information linking those plans to benedict arnold, other than the fact he was in the presence at one point during lathat day. but everyone knew it was treason when they caught the man, and they hung him. at some point, there is going ty be a breach of data that is going to be unassailable. >> tucker: no one had any evidence, but everyone knew it was treason when they caught the man and they hung him. that says it all. w let's repeat that, once again, slowly so you can write down those words and put them on your fridge as a momento of the terrifying mass hysteria we all just lived through. "everyone knew it was treason
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when they caught the man, and they hung him." that is our country now. that is what the russia insanity has done to us, the real government shutdown has lasted for nearly two and a half years. 1% of this country's entire we no longer have meaningful policy debates in washington, we have investigations, instead. nobody can think clearly, everybody isis afraid. the core problems don't even rate as interesting anymore, either to legislators or tv pundits who comment on legislators. the suicide rate has hit a 50 year high, did you know that? we are in the middle of the worst drug epidemic in the history of america, including after the civil war and the heroin endemicc of the '70s -- the crack academic epidemic of. this is way worse. one of the reasons the life expectancy in many part of the country is dropping. this is starting to look like russia, and yet nobody in washington even notices. all adam schiff and the rest of the wild-eyed morons can think about is collusion and all the
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other mindless slogans. we've spent two years perpetuating a fraud, and they are still doing this is negligence on a stunning scale, nothing to do with trump, everything to do with running this country, and they are not. historians will look back on this moment in amazement and in sadness.l who put these crock-pots in charge and let them break things? why didn't any responsible person in the media say anything about it? why did they collude in the charade? what the hell happened to america? history will judge us for this adam schiff's grandkids will be ashamed of him. mollie hemingway is a senior editor at "the federalist," and she joins us tonight. sorry to get all huffy there, g you just have to think that if a story breaks, the chairman of the senate intelligence committee spent two years looking into this, there is no evidence of collusion. that's got to be front page news, and it has got to spur some sort of soul searching on the part of everyone who has been involved, but no. >> every day or every couple of days for two years we have had russia collusion's conspiracy
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spread and pushed by compliant people in the media. no matter how small an item was, it was pushed as evidence of grand conspiracy. then you have the senate intel committee coming out and saying what the house intel committee already said, there is no evidence of collusion. there is no evidence of this thing that sidelined an incoming administration, took the attorney general out of commission until he was finally let go.nt all of this hysteria, and we're not even going to cover it? not even going to mention it after pushing the story for several years? it is one thing for democrats to push this, it is another thing entirely for people in the media -- it is also something where we are dealing with the fact the intel community completely took in this information operation, bought and paid for by hillary clinton and the democratic national committee, and they used this information to buy a presidential campaign, punish people for the crime of not having hillary clinton elected president or putting them in prison for the wrong political
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alignment, this is so painfully un-american, we're not supposed to do this. >> tucker: no, we're not supposed to accuse people on the basis of no n evidence. just to be clear, i'm not talking about trump, people say all kinds of reckless things about the president. it is the weaker people who got crushed in this, people like carternt page. i personally was called a russian agent by the now chairman of the house intelligence committee because i asked a question. he didn't like my question. my question is, because we knew pretty quickly that thisis was fraudulent, there wasn't any evidence of the basis of this and people had no interest in finding out the truth. why did so many republicans play along? >> that is another thing. it is one thing for democrats to do something -- what have republicans been saying for the last couple of years other than we just have to wait and wait and wait and wait, while the business of government doesn't happen, because of this investigation. >> tucker: the one thing we can't do is fire robert muellert because our constitutional system doesn't acknowledge democracy, we can have someone who literally can't be fired inm the middle of the democratic republic -- how does that work?
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republicans pushed that. >> someone who is unaccountable, all of the power of the cia and the fbi, and republicans sat there and said there is nothing we can do about it.f >> tucker: why would anyonee vote for people -- seriously, right? one side perpetuating what is a transparent fraud and causing the wheels of government to grind to a halt, and things like a rising suicide rate to go unacknowledged because no one has the space left to think about anything but russia, if you're playing along with that,, why would republican voters vote for you?ng >> i think it is one of the sadt things about the current moment, many people in positions of powers who are republican fear the media or they fear their peer group more than they care about upholding the rule of law or they care about having a functioning republic. >> tucker: their minds are not free. they spend all day trying to avoid being criticized by people who hate them for reasons that are not even related. that is literally -- they are ruled by their enemies. their enemies live in their heads and control all of their behavior. >> but they have a responsibility to america --
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>> tucker: you think? >> they are in these positions of power because we expect them to take their leadership very seriously. it doesn't sound like to take this seriously. to be asking the important questions about this, things just went crazy year after year, and then to pretend, everyone is pretending like they didn't do it. they are pretending like they t didn't push this russian conspiracy theory as it starts to fall apart.ey >> tucker: i agree. mollie, great to see you. heie julian epstein is a former chief counsel of the white house judiciary committee. in addition to everything i've just been ranting about, and i try not to rant, i am not a ranter by temperament, but i spent the first three months trying to take this seriously, okay? and it is not serious, clearly. we have just completely changed our relationship as a nation with russia, declared them an enemy, and moved to war with them on the basis of a story that is fraudulent. >> i think that is overstating it, but i am sympathetic to the notion that the problem with our politics is that both sides and
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the media aligned with both sides tends to get out in front of facts here. i think collusion is a bad word because collusion is not a legal word. you and i sitting here, colluding for a television show, it doesn't mean anything. conspiracy to violate the criminal laws. there is no question in anybody's mind that the russiane violated criminal laws on election interference. computer hacks, illegal foreign expenditures, no question those were criminal violations. the question has always beeno whether trump or those around him conspired with the russians on those two criminal actions. and i've said on this program before, i've said all year, that there is no evidence of that. >> tucker: this is what is hard for me.e. they're always going to be fringes of both parties, you pointed that out and i agree withrd you. i'm one of the few people -- i'm not always jumping on maxine waters, because i don't think she is a serious person, actually, she is an outlier. i think the chairman of the
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house intel committee -- those are serious leaders in the democraticof you just saw the tape they played. accusing the president and those around him, his family, of collusion, a noncrime. how irresponsible is that? >> there is a political rorschach test going on, both sides see it very differently. what the republicans see, and i understand why they see it this way, what i just said, there is no evidence that trump for anyone close around him conspired with the russians to either hack computers or accept illegal foreign expenditures in the election in 2016. that is true. on the other hand, the democratic point of view is, well, there were over 100 contacts with russia during the campaign. everyone that has been asked about it has repeatedly lied about those contacts. there were discussions about policy changes to favor the republicans during the campaign. there was a request from donald trump jr. and others tore get dirt on the clintons, direction from the campaign to
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find out what the dump was goint to be from wikileaks. there is kind of a lot of circumstantial evidence. >> tucker: in mexico city before the assassination, where the mexicans involved? >> we want to find common ground, and i think "the washington post" had a poll on this today, mueller doing a formal investigation, and the house -- >> tucker: simple question. >> let's have that report be public. >> tucker: whatever, at this point -- >> it is not whatever. >> tucker: no. this is a prosecutor's allegation, these are not the facts. a prosecutor comes up with a case, which is not proven. it is a case, the kind that i make every night on this show. it is not the facts, it is a position. i'm just wondering if we can have an apology from the speaker of the house and the chairman of the house intel committee for saying things that were not true and that divided the country and made people afraid and paranoid on the basis of no evidence. >> you have to ask them how they
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want to respond to that. i think they would probably tell you -- i'm not certain the democrats and republicans are going to agree on the senate intelligence report, i think there will be dissenting view on the senate intelligence reportg for starters.. secondly, i think they will also tell you that mueller will go far beyond what the senate intelligence committee will find in terms of his investigative ability to subpoena overseas. i think the mueller report will be more -- >> tucker: last question -- >> the public wants the report to be public. we can judge what are facts. >> tucker: should roger stone spend the rest of his life in prison if we find out there's no russian collusion -- what is the point of all of this? sending roger stone to prison, ohonestly? >> i think the question on stone is not the question ofll collusion, whether he was honest with prosecutors. you railed against the clintons for obstruction of justice repeatedly because they weren't -- >> tucker: i certainly did -- >> because you thought -- prosecutor should be consistent here. >> tucker: i supported ken starr's independent counsel
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investigation, and i'm ashamed to support that because it was totally wrong. this independent counsel thank was nondemocratic, i should not have supported that. >> try to be consistent. >> tucker: trying to be honest. congress may finally have a deal to end the debate over a border wall, what is in it? is it enough to satisfy the president? one of the members of congress negotiated with it joins us after the break. ♪ it? chicken?! chicken.
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want more from your entejust say teach me more. into your xfinity voice remote to discover all sorts of tips and tricks in x1. can i find my wifi password? just ask. [ ding ] show me my wifi password. hey now! [ ding ] you can even troubleshoot, learn new voice commands and much more. clean my daughter's room. [ ding ] oh, it won't do that. welp, someone should. just say "teach me more" into your voice remote and see how you can have an even better x1 experience. simple. easy. awesome. ♪ ♪ >> tucker: the past two months t of arguing about a border wall have not made the country any safer, but they have exposed the nature of the debate. on the left, the mask is off. progressives no longer pretend they want a secure border. nothing is more american, they
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tell us, than having no control who lives in america. walls are not just expensive, they are evil. walls are not who we are, they constantly remind us without explaining what that means.. last night the president spoke to an event in el paso, andem semicoherent beto o'rourke held a counter rally nearby. in between tugs on what may or may not have been a 40 ounces scuba tank of malt liquor, he raved that walls are more than just immoral, they are deadly. walls may look harmless, but like ted bundy, they can kill people. >> here, in one of the safest cities in the united states of america, not because of walls, but in spite of walls. [applause] we know that walls do not save lives. walls end lives.
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>> tucker: [laughs] beto o'rourke. next time your church has a warm coat drive, give one to i him. walls end lives, that is what he says. they are murderers, you think that would be the final word on walls. once you accuse a wall of being a homicidal maniac, what is there to say? can you be worse than a murderer?? turns out you can, not only do walls kill us, the media told us this week, they are racist, as well. every wall is a cinder block, watch the mouth breathers of television explain. >> it is not killers and gangsters, the brown menace, as i call what the president is pandering. >> to blatantly attempt to stir up fear of people of color. of brown people. as my colleague calls it, the brown menace that he is tryingpl to scare you with. >> the wall is kind of a metaphor for donald trump's presidency. the foundation of the wall is hate. it is fear. and it becomes fear of the other. and then it becomes fear of brown people, and it becomes fear of caravans. and fear of invasion.
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>> tucker: we need an iq test for cable tv. you can't just give these jobs to anybody. is there a lottery for these shows? anyway, deadly, bigoted, terrifying, that is what thes left says of border walls, andal yet amazingly, democrats in congress have agreed to pay fore one, sort of a version of one. congressional negotiators say they are willing to give the president $1.3 billion for a border barrier.ay that is a quarter of what he asked for, and suddenly less than what the democrats offered back in december before the shutdown. the money can only be used on existing fence concepts along 50 miles of border, that is not much. but given the rhetoric, it is more than you might've expected. what is not in the deal? no universal e-verify, that would prevent employers from hiring illegal labor, there's nothing to deter sanctuary cities or force our immigration laws. on the other hand, no amnesty for daca recipients. democrats trying to restrict funding for i.c.e., but i.c.e. will still exist if the deal is
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signed. the president said he ise disappointed in the terms, but at this point he may be not likely to veto it. as long as the democratic party believes that locking your door at night is an expression of hate and fear, this will continue. congresswoman kay granger will be at the center of it, a republican representing fort worth, texas, helped negotiate the deal, we are glad she is here tonight to tell us what is in it. congresswoman, thank you for being with us. are you happy with how this turned out? >> i'm pleased. i wish we had gotten more, but i'm glad we will help the president build the wall, it will be a good wall, and we will be able to see that. i just got back from the border about an hour before his state of the union, and i was so happy to see he showed that wall and what is going to happen there. we were there for three days, all the way from mcallen, texas, out past el paso, san diego, california, to see what is happening and where it is safe.
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>> tucker: democrats are saying this is not a wall and will only cover about 55 miles of the border that is thousands of miles wrong.l >> they are wrong, it is a wall, it was a wall 20 years in the making because they tried different ways to make some sort of barrier, and most of them were poorly made, not enough funding, fell down, that sort of thing, but this wall, we went n right by what the border security needs. you can see through it so you can see are there 5 people over there or 500? do they have guns or rocks, what is happening there? it can't be driven through, you can't cut through it. it is steel filled with concrete. it is a good wall, going to go all of those places that people can come across so easily. >> tucker: if the president determines this isn't enough funding for the wall that heou envisions and promised during his campaign and elects to use a
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state of emergency in order to fund the rest of it, would you support that? >> i would. one of the reasons i went to the border many, many times in 2014 and 2015, with unaccompanied children coming, john boehner asked me to go and see what was happening and report -- and make suggestions on what we should do.. i went back to see how much it had changed, and the president's right, it is a crisis. the number of people that are coming over, the conditions they are in, we have to take a very strong stance. not as much money as we wanted, but it is a good down payment. there is a lot of wall already and we will add to that. >> tucker: why wouldn't former speaker paul ryan, since this was the core promise of the president's presidential campaign, didn't make this a priority in his years in the house? >> i can't answer for him, i can answer for me, and part of it is we had to understand that it was a crisis that it is, and make it
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a priority. so we started this process and t passed six bills to help secure our country and border. what we are going through right now to pass the bill that we have written, bipartisan, to keep our borders secure, we also have things that the fence defense can do, energy and water can do, it covers. >> tucker: why don't many people note that you can reduce the inflow of people very quickly if you prevented employers from hiring them? why not make e-verify universal? why not punish employers for undercutting american workers with foreign labor? >> i guess part of it is some of the workers may have come hereng illegally, but they are good workers. when i came to congress 20 years ago -- >> tucker: does that mean it is okay they stay? >> no, but it says why should you keep them.
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what we should really do, 20 years ago we said if people want to come into our country and work, they want to say how can you make it so we can come in legally and work, not move here, not have amnesty, but come here and work. we have jobs that no one is filling. we should have done that early on. it would have made a big difference. they make money, they take it back to their families, the countries they come from. >> tucker: congresswoman kay granger from texas, thank you. democratic lawmakers are opposing deportation even for dangerous criminals, we have astonishing sound from a sitting democratic senator. that is after the break. ♪
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♪ >> tucker: the geniuses on tv used to tell you that no illegal immigrant is actually illegal because no people are illegal. people can't be illegal! none of them are criminals. it turns out there actually are some criminals, so there is a new approach. criminals who cross the border illegally, it's real, but we shouldn't punish them once they commit crimes here because that would be immoral. senator bob menendez of new jersey basically said that out loud, that the trump administration wants to treatal alien drunk drivers like they have done something wrong. >> the president's zero-tolerance policy that has turned everyone, regardless of
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their record, into a criminal. for example, if you cross the border undocumented, he has now made you a criminal. if a person has a driving while under the influence violation, he is now making that, saying that is a criminal. >> tucker: coming from a guya who just somehow beat an indictment, love to know how that happened, yeah, you try a dui arrest and see if you keep your job. then, you are not an illegal immigrant, so you are out of luck. meanwhile his colleague and hopeful cory booker said that meat eatingg is bad -- you can't make this up. and then went on to say that veganism basically should be compulsory, necessary, to protect the environment. [laughs] this is unbelievable. lisa boothe joins us tonight. >> hi tucker.
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>> tucker: just two months ago, let's not lie about it, got creamed in the election, they started talking, and from what i can tell, trump's numbers just went going up. >> i don't know if they are in cahoots with the president, because it seems like democratsi are trying to do everything they can to get president trump reelected, but let's go to what senator bob menendez said, he is saying president trump is trying to turn crossing the border illegally into a crime. last time i checked, that was a g bcrime. he's also saying an illegal immigrant gets a dui, president trump is trying to turn that into a crime, last time i checked getting a dui as an american or illegal immigrant is also a crime. i guess the democratic orthodoxy now is to get into the country illegally,he as long as you dont commit a violent offense, it is fine. i'm not really sure -- i'm sorry?.ot >> tucker: they are not extending these courtesies toe american citizens, see you may speak in front of a congressional committee, and they send armed marshals to your house and face life in prison. why are they only liberalizing law enforcement for people from other countries? >> that is a good question for
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voters to ask democrats. also, i would remind senator bob and others that the immigrant who killed corporal ronald singh had two prior dui arrest had to come into this country illegally. not everyone who getsdu a dui arrest will commit -- the point being, he had illegal activity and has passed on prior offenses here. tucker, this whole conversation with senators bob menendez and wolf come down to the debate that recently happened over detention democrats wanted to cap the number of i.c.e. detention beds, and you have people like the deputy i.c.e. director saying this is not a good idea because it is capping the number -- right, they don't care. >> tucker: lisa boothe, unfortunately we are out of time. we didn't get to cory booker and his veganism. you will have to come back. great to see you. >> thanks, tucker.yo >> tucker: in her brief time in the political limelight, congresswoman ocasio-cortez has
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said a lot of interesting stuff, here's one thing she said. >> an agency like i.c.e., which repeatedly and systematically violates human rights does not deserve a dime. the world is going to end in 12 years if we don't address climate change. this is our world war ii. i think there are a lot of people more concerned about being precisely, factually, and semantically correct, than about being morally right. >> tucker: so not only dumb and totally ignorant of everything, but utterly self-assured. if there were a clinical exam for self-esteem, she would be in the 100th percentile. [laughs] how do people get like that? is it our education system? is it high school? is it colleges? we wanted to talk to someone on the front lines of this who might know the answer, nicholas giordano is a professor of political science at suffolkwe
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county community college, and he joins us tonight. thanks for coming on. there's a certain recognizable syndrome here where the people who know the least are the most self-confident. where does that come from? >> it is the lack of critical thinking that exists, superficial arguments made thatn are completely unrealistic. if you look at the green new deal, it is incomprehensible.. when you are looking at it, she said the world is going to end in 12 years, so if we go withen this plan and how to rebuild he every building, took us 13 years to build the freedom tower. six years to build the bridge. imagine having to do every single building in the united states up to new codes, it is just not going to work. they don't ask deep questions. the arguments are it sounds good, people will support it because it is the government giving us stuff, and so it is okay. but there are real consequences when you actually talk like this, because there are people that are going to take it seriously. you have a number of t presidential candidates that have agreed with her plan.
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when you are looking at the plan itself, you can't understand anything in it. it would lead to millions of people being underemployed or unemployed, maybe they come on code, who knows. it would lead to unconstitutional state violations because state and local governments are in charge of building codes. my question to her would be, has she read the constitution? knows about the tenth amendment? >> tucker: i think it is a fundamental misunderstanding, you heard her say what matters is she is a really good person and you are not. so i'm thinking as i'm watching this, remember the fad where we were supposed to givee our kids self-esteem and that was the panacea? did we create people like this when we did that? >> we did. two things, the motto of "the customer is always right" created an entitlement culture, and then "our children are precious" also created the entitlement culture. everyone gets the trophy. p when you are looking at it and
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you are trying to challenge the minds of the youth, they try and push back because they don't t want to critically analyze the information to see if it really works. page ten of her new deal talks about creating public ownership and receiving a percentage of compensation for the public ownership.ub that is socialism. that is the very definition of socialism, nobody has called her out on this. it didn't work out so well from venezuela, so is it really going to want going well for us? >> tucker:l no. i don't know, it has been great for weight loss in venezuela, they are starving. >> they are. >> tucker: eating zoo animals. >> that is part of the problem. there is no critical thinking. and not only do you have that part, you have even more concerned, talking about persons of the united states. it doesn't say u.s. citizens or u.s. persons, which is the definition of citizen and legal resident. >> tucker: you are right. >> that raises the question --
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>> tucker: anybody who shows up gets to take your stuff. you see where this is going. i commend you for having the patience to try and train a more impressive next generation of critical thinkers. thank you for that. >> no problem. enjoyn t the night. he >> tucker: we have more on what is going on in the commonwealth of virginia, which has completely melted down, as you know, the top three democrats in the middle ofte scandals of their own making. fox has now obtained facebook posts against a second accuser against lieutenant governor justin fairfax. more details after the break. ♪ tin fairfax. more details after the b my teeth have always been a very sore spot for me, emotionally, socially. if i would've known that i was gonna be 50 times happier... i would've gone into aspen dental much sooner. it was a very life changing experience... and it felt like i was me again. that's when i realized i hadn't been for three years. at aspen dental we're all about yes. like yes to flexible hours and payment options. yes to free exam and x-rays for new patients without insurance. and yes whenever you're ready to get started, we are too. call 1-800-aspendental today.
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>> tucker: well, the top three elected democrats in virginia are still surrounded by scandal. lieutenant governor justin fairfax is refusing to step down in the face of multiple sexual assault allegation. facebook messages obtained by fox news show meredith watson told friends about the assault to friends. in the same messages, watson said she had not reported the attack back in 2000, because she
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said the university mishandled a previous rape allegation she had made. tammy bruce is a radio host of the president's independent women's voice, helps us assessma the state of play in virginia. thanks for coming on, tammy. what do you of this? >> it is kind of a sign of what the democrats have brought, not just to virginia, but to the country. you have a black man who is not getting due process, even though, for me, the accuser seems very credible, i'm not arbiter the of due process. and yet, it should be a sensitive issue. the hounding of a black man, because of accusations come out of his job, he's been put on leave from the law firm in which she works with. governor making $36,000 a year,s so who knows how long that will be a tenable situation for him. then you have two women who have grown up in a feminist environment, the democrats controlling to some degree our
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social framework, who haven't felt comfortable still being able to report being assaulted. women don't report for a variety of reasons, because this is a complicated issue, but now we see the end result, what happens when you have a system that doesn't necessarily take woment, seriously still, which is what we have always argued for. and then later on in life, finding out the impact of what happens when we don't confront these issues. this is the result of what democrats have said they are the champions off and they are representatives of, and obviously, no one is winning in this situation. >> tucker: that is for sure., we have a minute left, i would be interested, you have seen a lot of stories like this. how do you think the specific story ends for justin fairfax? >> i think the environment is so toxic, he also had four staffers leave, two in his office, over this. i don't think it is going to be tenable. i hope that there is some investigation.
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that one way or the other, we have some information. but i think virginia has a lot to answer for -- by the way, the state today apologized for lynchings.y they apologized for the lynchings that have occurred in their state since the civil war. i think, as a nation, we have a lot to contemplate, but the answer is not sacrificing peopl, into a volcano simply because of accusations. and i want women to have an environment so they feel safe reporting when these events occur. >> tucker: i agree with that. and that is a nonpartisan, american point to make. >> i think we all agree. >> tucker: tammy, thank you. really interesting story after the break. a feminist shutdown by the left, which presumably she is a part, somethingai called mr. renderin. in this case mr. rendering she will join us after the break and explain what this means for women in this country, stay
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♪ >> tucker: an activist in baltimore said she was kicked off the city's commission for using the wrong pronoun to describe a rapist. trace gallagher has more on the story, which we should clarify is real. >> offered the chance to join baltimore mayor's lgbtq commission, she thought it was a prime opportunity for her to voice their concerns of the underrepresented, but as the only lesbian on the commission, she felt excluded. t she even wrote an article entitled "how i became the most hated lesbian in baltimore." she committed the unforgivable. she believes if a male identifies as a female, he is still a male, cited the case of a convicted rapist, sent to ama
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women's prison in the u.k., where he proceeded to rape two other female inmates. after all that remains unclear if karen wright, who was david thompson is an actually atomic actually in the process of transitioning. according to julia back, questioning wright's gender was the final straw, and kicked off the commission writing "after a month-long witch hunt, i was found guilty of violence. my crime? using male pronouns to talk about a convicted male rapist who identified as transgender and prefers female pronouns. it is far more criminal for me to call a male rapist he than it is for him to rape." we contacted the baltimore mayor's office, they had no comment. tucker. >> tucker: trace t gallagher, thank you very much for that. julia beck joins us on the set. thanks for coming on. you said something that i think many people in their hearts
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think is obvious but would not say out loud, you said it knowing you would likely be punished for saying it, but you said it anyway. why did you do that? >> i believe in the truth. i believe people should have these conversations and say things that matter without fear of punishment. >> tucker: you are old-fashioned. why do you think -- i couldn't agree with you more, and i'm grateful you have that attitude. why do you think it was important to say this, specifically? >> well, when we get down to it, women and girls all share a biological reality. we are all female. but if any man, if any male person, can called themself a woman, or legally identified as female, then predatory men will do so in order to gain access to women's single-sex spaces, and it puts every woman and girl at risk. >> tucker: from the beginning -- i don't weigh in oa this often because sexual
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policies -- but this change in our society, never debated, the terms never clarified, is not going to be good for girls in the long run. do you share that concern? >> i definitely do agree. like i said to every woman and girl at risk of male violence, and this is already happening in many states. i in many states, men can legally identify themselves as female and gain access to women's single-sex spaces, and one institution where men are, taking titles, scholarships, ana this is a problem. >> tucker: it seems like a real problem. why wouldn't women's groups, who exist to carry the banner for women, raise the alarm about this? >> women have been speaking out about this for decades. but we have been effectively h silenced. many women, like myself, have been pushed out of spaces that we build, spaces that are intended to include us, simply because we acknowledge
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biological reality. >> tucker: do you think -- i mean, you are a lesbian, in the he same acronym as other people, including transgendered, do you think it makes it more difficult for you to make this argument? it seems this has been so politicized that you are expected to have a certain set of views you don't have. >> i see where you're coming from. i would like to make a distinction here. the letters in the acronym share not much. the l, g, and b, are based on sexuality, sex, biological reality, but the t is based on gender identity, which is not based in biological reality. in fact, i would argue it is supposed to biological reality. the lgb is very different from the t, i don't think it is fair to lump us into the same acronym. >> tucker: do you find it
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astounding that it is considered an act of bravery to defend biology? >> [laughs] i wouldn't say so myself, but i guess that is where we are right now.] i hope more women stand up. >> tucker: last question, what did they say to you, you were thrown off this commission and punished for saying this out loud. what was the rationale for it? >> frankly, there was no case made. my accuser said they didn't have to make a case. one of the members of my committee argued that sex was a thing of the he said, frankly, science had progressed so far that sex was unimportant. i argue the opposite. >> tucker: julia beck, at a time like this -- i would say what i really think, but most people are afraid to, and you are not. i'm definitely standing in admiration of that. t thank you for that. >> thank you for having me. >> tucker: the green new deal, a promising high-speed rail in california has made a big
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decision. more after the break. ♪ live from the starlite lounge. ♪ one plus one equals too little too late ♪ ♪ a sock-a-bam-boom ♪ who's in the room? ♪ love is dangerous ♪ but driving safe means you pay less ♪ ♪ switch and save ♪ yes, ma'am excuse me, miss. ♪ does this heart belong to you? ♪ ♪ would you like it anyway? [ scatting ]
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♪ >> tucker: the green new deal all of a sudden defines the modern democratic party, the very hippest presidential campaign have signed onto it, a high-speed rail is the center of the plan for how do you get high-speed rail? first, you better be an incredibly good purpose and with a long, unblemished record of caring. then you have to wish really hard, like, super hard, with your eyes closed, squinting like you did in fifth grade when he wanted a pony. and then appears. california tried this, and it didn't work, high-speed rail costs a ton of money. today, the governor of california, gavin newsom, canceled the high-speed rail from san francisco to l.a. because the cost had risen to
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$77 billion -- imagine the whole country doing that. that is a lot of ponies! [laughter] keep wishing! that is it for us, back tomorrow night, the show that is the sworn enemy of mine, pomposity, smugness, and groupthink. but i from washington, sean hannity live from new york. >> sean: 's great show is always paired welcome to "hannity," breaking tonight, there was no collusion. a bipartisan committee of senate democrats and republicans found zero evidence of wrongdoing by the trump campaign. we are going to bring you all the details coming up along with several other important deep state updates, including now, criminal referrals, finally, for fisa abuse. oh, and other people on the left actually lied it to congress, too, what will they be getting predawn raids with 27 people, amphibious vehicles, flow bone gear? first, we need to tackle what is the garbage, new, compromise, supposedly, surrounding border security. and tonight
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