tv Hannity FOX News February 15, 2019 10:00pm-11:00pm PST
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groupthink. head to fox nation. i have a series, "what madeer america great." five episodes. don't be surprise if you get rid of all of your other apps. here is "hannity." first name sean. watch. ♪ >> sean: welcome to "hannity" on a busy news friday. we'll have a live report on terrible shooting outside of chicago. our thoughts and prayers especially to those who have been victims including four police officers. but first, in 2016, you, the american people, you made history.y. you elected as president a fighter, a deal-maker, a disrupter. you sent a leader to the white house who is clearly unafraid to dismantle the status quo in washington, d.c., the swamp, the sewer. also somebody who fights to keep his promises and get things done that he said he would get done. frankly, come hell or high water.r. tonight, what you are witnessing is donald trump
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doing whatever it takes to fulfill his promises. more importantly, this ismi about protecting the lives of the american people and securing the country on our borders. many lawmakers, especially the democrats, ignored the crisis at the southern border. they say it's manufactured. one month ago, speaker pelosi vowed that congress wouldn't spend more than $1 on a border wall. it was immoral. but as turns out, she is a little off. take a look. >> i went through congress. i made a deal. i got almost $1.4 billion when i wasn't supposed to get one dollar. not one dollar. he is not going to get one dollar.oi well, i got $1.4 billion. but i'm not happy with it. >> sean: nor am i. the president is right. he got $1.375 billion for the wall and a bill to triple the funding for barriers over the previous budget. it's only seven months, this budget. it killed the so-called poisoned pills like any amnesty. not in the bill for illegals. no pathway to citizenship.
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no limit on i.c.e. detention. instead of a limit, the bill funds 5,000 more beds for illegal immigrant detention. remember, all the far left radical socialist democrats calling for i.c.e. to be abolished? this bill includes a historic funding increase for i.c.e., including funding for 600 highly needed professional officers. still, you heard the president. he is not happy. nor should anybody be happy. because $1.375 billion for a wall is not enough. it's why i have called this bill garbage from the very beginning and why the president is now officially, as of today, declaring the national emergency that he has been telegraphing to the world he is going to do. take a look. >> so i'm going to be signing a national emergency. what we want to do is simple. it's not like it's complicated. it's very simple.
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we want to stop drugs from coming in the country. we want to stop criminals and gangs from coming in the country. it's annv invasion. we have an invasion of drugs and criminals coming into our country that we stop but it's very hard to stop. with a wallet would be very easy. so i think we will be very successful in court. >> sean: i believe that as well. let's break down exactly what this means. and by this plan will ultimately be very successful. as the president declares a national emergency, the administration will gain access to roughly $8 the president will be able to use the $1.375 billion from the budget compromise, so progress continues it straight through the rest of the fiscal year, which is until october. $600 million from the treasury department, $2.5 billion from the department of defense's drug interdiction program, an
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additional $3.6 billion from the department of defense's military construction account. he knows the democrats as we predicted, they will go judge shopping. they will challenge this constitutional executive action in court. but the efforts ultimately will come up short. one constitutional scholar after another agrees with us. the president is standing on firm legal ground. let's look at the u.s. code, oh, law passed by congress signed into law. itit explicitly states, "construction of roads and fences, and installation of lighting to block drug smuggling corridors across international boundaries of the united states." the president also has standing based on u.s. code -- right there, you can see it -- 2808. that allows the construction project for national security. that is not all. since 1978, a whopping 58 national emergencies declared by various presidents starting with jimmy carter.
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31 of those national emergency declarations are still in effect today. former president obama declared ten national emergencies, including one that countered the rise in crime from a deadly mexican cartel. simply put, there is major legal, legislative, and constitutional precedents for this national emergency when it comes to stopping drugs, gangs, cartels, trafficking, and everything else, and all the security risks to americans at the border as a result of an o open border. remember, 300 americans are dying weakly from heroin. 90% of which is traffic across our southern border. in 2017, more than 70,000 americans died from drug overdoses. excuse me! not a manufactured crisis! last year, fentanyl trafficking across the southern border shot up a whopping 122%. in arizona alone, the fentanyl
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deaths tripled since 2015. drug carnage is just one part of the crisis. in the past two years, 4,000 criminal aliens were arrested for homicide. 30,000 for sex crimes. 100,000 for violent assaults. that is a two-year period. last year alone,th 800 gang members apprehended at the border. a50% increase from 2017. today, the president had a powerful message to a fake news hack who tried to claim this is all just a manufactured crisis.d same talking point the media uses as their best friends in the democratic party. take a look. >> what do you say to your critics who say you are creating a national emergency? that you are concocting a national emergency to get the wall because you couldn't get it b through other ways? >> d asked the angel moms. what do you think? do you think? you think i'm creating something? ask the incredible women who wau lost daughters and sons. okay, because your question is a
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very political question because you have an agenda. you were cnn. you are fake news. >> sean: fak ouch! maybe jim should walk over and talk to the angel moms that we have on this show. made him look week, bad,ee pathetic, heartless. when he forced to face the brave angel mom and dads who lived through hell, pain and suffering that none of usin can imagine, he didn't want to talk to them. tonight, no matter what you hear from the democrats or the hate trump media, the wall is getting built. theg president, the fighter, ths rupture, the dealmaker, tenacious, unrelenting, is keeping his promises. but also, he's winning. he's not sick of winging it. the american people are the real winners here. this is a huge win. forget the president. put them aside for a second. this is a win for the country. this is a win for you and your families and the safety and the security. which brings us tonight to thee "hannity watch" on what is the abusively biased hate trump media. recently, the media echo chamber have been spreading
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some pretty unbelievable fake news about the president and me. and our relationship. why they are obsessed with this, i don't know. take a look. >> this is a president terrified of angering his base. he is concerned, i imagine he is on the phone with lou dobbs and sean hannity to tell him, i have to do this. he is afraid of losing this news i cycle. to hacks like lou dobbs, sean hannity, and ann coulter. he set a precedent to haunt the republican party for decades, if not generations. >> 2014at mike pence and 2014 republicans battled then president obama in public and in court over similar actions. but 2019 mike pence and many 2019 republicans are saying, thank you, sean hannity, may i have another. >> sean: let me just say up front, the president, nor anybody in the white house, however called to calm me down, whatever that means. i will also say this.
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with all due respect to all of you guys over there, it's really cracking me up here. i'm thrilled with that. i have been calling for secure borders and build the wall first for a long time. for all of you geniuses that are overpaid in the hate trump media and kind of lazy, let me explain what i do for a living. i am a talk show host. in other words, i'm a member of the press. we are like the whole newspaper on this show. i can produce hours and hours of radio and television where i do straight news. we do tons of investigative reporting. you are too lazy to do it or to biased to do. we were the only show, one of the only shows that vetted o obama, frank marshall davis, and acorn and alinsky and don't forget the church of the j.d. america and the blackhe theology. the cover of bill ayres and bernadine dorn? remember all of that? we also had some serious investigations on this program on the duke lacrosse scandal. i met with some of the kids and the families. baltimore, maryland. we were right. you all in the media were
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wrong. uva. richard jewel. the scourge of gang violence in chicago. we put up names on the show. the manmade drought, dealt the smelt in california. we investigate what your kids are up to on spring break. yeah, we do investigative reporting, and straight news as a talk show host. also, we did the two yearp investigation into the deep state and we have the t evidence that you never paid attention to about what was an attempted coup on the president of the united states, where they let one candidate free in an effort to sabotage the other. and of course, like every newspaper, yeah, we also give opinion. i a don't hide that i am a registered conservative. we even do gossip occasionally and sports. two nights ago, we had on tim tebow. you see, our first amendment freedom of the press, welcome a part of the free press, you can be a talk show host into all of those things. it covers many different and unique roles for the press. doing so like others so-calledjo
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journalists, i use sources all the time. i work the phones daily to get information. to do reporting, investigation so i can give my audience the best information that you guys aren't giving them. i'll never ever, by the way, for all of you that speculate, i would never confirm, not even deny who my sources are, who i talk to, who i don't talk to, or even if i talk to people alone. what you have in the media right now is obsession. they've got this prism that they see donald trump. lazy, overpaid people in the hate trump media so blinded by the hatred and rage for trump, they need to get their own sources of information. instead of falsely speculating about mine. here is a simple truth. nobody in the media has ever, ever come close to describing the relationship that i had with the president that goes back well over two decades.
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if one exists, i wouldn't tell you anyway. now to end all fake news reports on how i accurately predicted exactly what the president would do on the border, he didn't tell me. it's simple. i paid attention to all his public comments. he said it over and over and over again. i heard him. you refused to hear him. remember when he said, i will addr whatever i have to add. what do you think he meant? remember, he said many times, i'm looking at the national emergency seriously. he kept saying these things repeatedly. and what those of you in theat fake news industry don't seem to understand, the president does listen to other points of view. l yeah.nt but at the end of the day, it's pretty amazing all of you can't figure out he makes up his own mind. and it's not hard to understand what he is going to do because
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what he has been doing for the last two years, what he has been saying in the last week is usually what he ends up doing. now by the way, for the record, i'll say this in all honesty, if the president listened to me, he would have stopped tweeting back in 2016. or at least tweeted less. because me and a bunch of other people told him, well, you got to stop. i got to admit, in retrospect, i actually think he was right to keep doing this. maybe 5% less. because what he is doing is w bypassing the abusive press that has offered people thatt hate him every day and he is getting his message directly to the american people, which as you can see in a media landscape full of conspiracy theories, hatred, fake news is now more important than ever before. take for example the report from news busters. look at this. all the big networks, abc, nbc, cbs, they went wild with their hysteria collusion coverage. one story false after another.
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they dedicated over 2,202 minutes of airtime. just the three networks. they aired and they found zero seconds, minutes for the available airtime when thehe bipartisan senate report that found no collusion with russia this week. they didn't coverth it at all. because then they would have to admit they were wrong. i happen to like the fighterer that is in the white house. i do like the man who fights. tenacious, unrelenting, and fights to keep his campaign promises. it's refreshing. it's energizing to watch him go down the list and see allll the success for the forgotten men and women who voted for him in 2016. the policies he advocated for in his campaign that he is now delivering on, to be very honest, i have been supporting -- these are things i publicly stated support for,y most of them, for 30 years on radio. 23 years on the fox news channel. why? because conservatism works. it works every time it's applied. just like i predicted obama would fail. 13 million more americans on
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food stamps and 8 million more in poverty. look at the president's positive, record-breaking results on the economy alone. new trade policies. we are making more money. remore opportunities for americans. 600,000 manufacturing jobs. 5.3 million new jobs. yeah, i like the policies. it's worth fighting for the policies. all right. we have more on this later but first we have to turn to the "hannity watch" on the deep state in light of yesterday's big news. huge bombshell revelation surrounding disgraced, fired f.b.i. deputy director andrew mccabe. last night, we laid out the entire case. 2016. small group. high ranking. unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats. they abused their power in such a way to try to rig the 2016 election in favor of one candidate, hillary clinton, over another candidate, donald trump. they allowed their choseney candidate, hillary clinton, to stay in the race by clearing
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her of all charges before they even investigated it. well, things that no other american could ever get away with. trust me. if you have subpoenaed e-mails, don't delete them and don't acid wash the hard drive andnd bust up your devices. in july of 2016, james comey and peter strzok interviewed hillary -- he was the guy that said that hillary should win 100 to zero. anyway, james comey and peter strzok and others decided to give her a pass. the fix was in. they didn't prosecute clinton for obvious felony violations of the espionage act. including mishandling top-secret, classified intelligence on the unsecured server in the mom and pop bathroom closet. they chose not to prosecute her over the biggest slam dunk obstruction of justice charges when she deleted, acid washed thousands of subpoenaed e-mails with bleach bit and beat up her phone with a hammerha and ripped out sim cards. any other american would have
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beenrd tried. they would have been charged with felonies. but not hillary clinton.on that is what they did. theyey abuse power. also in july of 2016, right after they give her that free pass that keeps her in the presidential election, the same exact people then use hillary clinton's bought and paid for phony russian dirty dossier to open up an investigation into the trump campaign. they used the same unverified garbage, oh, to spy on a trump ncampaign associate. they were all warned it was unverified. and that hillary paid for it. it was never corroborated or terify and that steele hated hillary clinton. by the way, a lot of it has since been debunked. those known lies were used to repeatedly, four separate occasions, commit fraud on fisa courts. and literally deny a fellow
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american of the constitutional rights. then they used it later. remember? insurance policy to illegally attempt a coup, again, using the russian lies. they knew they were russian lies. they were briefed they were russian lies, to unseat the president that they didn't like. the candidate they didn't like. the one who had smelly walmart voters following him. after months' long investigation, meaning almost nine months, lisa page, james comey, others admitted there is no evidence of the trump-russia collusion. but it doesn't stop the same group of unaccountable, unelected bureaucrats from plotting to remove a duly elected president from office. watch this. >> there were meetings at the justice department in which it was discussed whether the vice president and majority of the cabinet could be brought together to remove the president of the united states under the 25th amendment. >> sean: joining us now with reaction to our top story, former d.n.c. communicationsry director louis miranda and the
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vice president art delcueto with us. art, you have been there before, on the border. is this a crisis when we lose 70,000 people a year to drug overdoses, 90% of heroin coming across the border, massive increases in fentanyl? >> oh, it's definitely a big crisis. not only that, but you start looking at the amount of the individuals that are crossing the border. you talk about the caravans coming across the border. all of those issues. look at the attacks on the border patrol agents defending our nation's borders. everything has been bigger than ever before. it's definitely a crisis. we are lucky we have a president who is actually talking about it and bringing it up to light. i hope this, you know, the national emergency stands. h that is a big issue. i know there will be some fighting back and forth with the court but i hope it stands.. there are also some issues within the bill itself. the spending bill, now law, that also has us concerned, though, because it does place limitations on some of the agents.
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it places limitation on law enforcement -- >> sean: let me bring in luis for a second. luis, how come hillary clinton, chuck schumer, barack obama, joe biden, and pretty much most of the democrats -- i have the tapes. how come they all sounded like donald trump just a couple of years ago in the second term of s obarack obama? how come then they wanted a wall, then they'd fund a wall and now it's immoral and we can't spend a dollar on the wall? how do you explain the hypocrisy of your party? >> a great question. thank you for having me on. a quick aside here -- >> sean: no, no, no. we don't have time for asides. slow down! luis, luis, luis. i asked you a question! luis, c'mon. >> here is the thing -- >> sean: i asked a question.n. they supported it couple of years ago -- they supported it a couple of years ago. why not now? >> when hillary and bill clinton talked about the issue in 1995, 1997, 2005 -- >> sean: you don't want to answer the question.
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>> i'm telling it. i'm explaining it. the number of illegal entries were far higher. over a million every year. there was a situation that needed to be put under control so that is why from 2000 to 2014, you saw the number of the border patrol agents doubled. you all more resources. you saw more efforts to go ahead and install technology -- >> sean: let me ask you a question -- you got to listen. >> i'm listening. >> sean: 90% of the american heroin crosses the border. 300 heroin deaths a week in the country. >> we agree that is a problem. we both agree that is a problem. >> sean: are you going to tell me we don't have an obligation to secure the border, to stop the influx of drugs, cartels, and the gang members and those that also -- not the 98%, the 2% of the criminals that commit murder and sexual assault crimes? don't we have an obligation to protect them? yes or no? >> absolutely. what we need is a safe and orderly border. but what you are talking about, that crisis, fentanyl and the
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drugs are coming up through the legal ports in vehicles and in trucks. and so we need to put as much effort into that as if you try to put walls in between the entry points where there is not that kind of traffic. statistics from the trump administration itself tell you it's marijuana and families coming across. >> sean: i have toan run. they want to put their head in the sand and meanwhile only the port of entry. they supported the same thing. you get the last word. >> it's incredible because to be honest we are constantly getting methamphetamines andnd fentanyl between the port of entries. not just at the ports of entry. >> sean: thank you. you would know, right? >> that is why we are concerned with some of the bills. he knows it. i've been down there 14ll times. when we come back, we blast mccabe's outrageous comment about the president. they will join us. and tonight, a one-on-one. .n and former d.n.c. chairwoman donna brazile and newt gingrich tonight.
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a busy breaking friday news night. stay with us. ♪ -looks great, honey. -right? sometimes you need an expert. i got it. and sometimes those experts need experts. on it. [ crash ] and sometimes the expert the expert needed needs insurance expertise. it's all good. steve, you're covered for general liability. and, paul, we got your back with workers' comp. wow, it's like a party in here. where are the hors d'oeuvres, right? [ clanking ] tartlets? we cover commercial vehicles, too.
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check in from afar with remote access, ♪ and have professional monitoring backing you up with xfinity home. demo in an xfinity store. call, or go online today. ♪ live from america's news headquarters, i'm marianne rafferty. california governor gavin newsom throwing his weight behind it democratic presidential candidate. giving an early endorsement to california senator kamala harris who announced her candidacy three weeks ago. he says harris has a strong, progressive record as california's attorney general, and as a u.s. senator. he also called her a fearless fighter and a voice for the voiceless and vulnerable. and a shooting at a manufacturing plant outside chicago on friday has left five people dead and five police officers endured. the shooter was also killed, fatally shot by police.
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the aurora, illinois, police chief identified the shooter is gary martin, the 15 year employee of the manufacturing plant he was fired from his position at that plant friday afternoon. i am marianne rafferty. now back to "hannity" ." ♪ >> sean: more on the top story tonight. more on the top story tonight. preview of an upcoming interview on "60 minutes" strongly suggests former acting f.b.i. director andrew mccabe, deputy f.b.i. director at one point admitted to conspiring with other high-ranking deep state officials to secretly record president trump, remove him using the 25th amendment, which it was not designed to be used for. his spokeswoman today denied this report but we'll have to wait and see. joining us now with reaction, alan dershowitz, professor at harvard. he wrote the introduction to a new book featuring the text of the constitution. which i wish some people would read in congress, and the declaration of independence.
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we are also joined by former clinton pollster and advisor marker penn. you know, it's. interesting. both of you take heat for being on this show. both of you take heat for being intellectually consistent and honest. i'm looking at -- i have never a seen a case where one candidate was favored over another. they ignored the other russia stuff between uranium one and a russian dossier. then, the espionage act. deleting subpoenaed emails. then bludgeon a sitting president before and after with a dossier paid for by the opposition party, mark penn, and never verified. and they lied to the fisa courts and committed fraud. >> well, i think what is most stunning about what we areut learning is this jump to an independent or the special counsel after comey was fired because they couldn't wait for the new f.b.i. director to be
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confirmed under constitutional procedures. they didn't have a crime here. no investigation has been obstructed in any way. they jumped to take thise investigation and make sure that they would continue to control it and put it in the hands of their friends. a that is what is sos shocking about some of the new revelations we are learning. >> sean: professor dershowitz, we know they were looking into this for the nine months prior. comey is fired -- eight days this is what is going on behind the scenes. they want to wear a wire on thee president. three different versions of what happened from rod aprosenstein. oh, that didn't happen. then he is sarcastic saying, "i didn't order it." i'm a civil libertarian. i think, like you are. then we use unverified dossier and they don't tell the courts that hillary clinton bought and paid for it. it's not verified. to destroy the constitutional rights ofso not only one person, but a whole party.
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>> let's talk about rod rosenstein. he's the deputy attorney general ofor united states, the acting attorney general for this case, and he is suggesting using the 25th amendment that was written to take care of a problem of woodrow wilson having a stroke or president reagan being shot and being on the operating table. you know, these guys are watching "house of cards" instead of reading the constitution! the constitution is as clear as can be. the 25th amendment is applicable only if you are incapacitated! it's not a substitute for impeachment or a substitute for election. if rod rosenstein actually thought about it and suggestedst wiring the president, invoking s the 25th amendment, he should be fired before he has an opportunity to resign. he should be disgraced. the inspector general,. the justice department, should be looking into it. this is as close as this country has ever comer to the
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consideration of a coup d'etat against against a duty elected president. whether you voted against him or not. the constitution has to prevail. the 25th amendment has to mean what it says. when you have a deputy attorney general thinking of circumventing the 25th amendment, that is close to a constitutional crisis. >> sean: i have called this the biggest abuse of power, corruption scandal in american history. you are right, professor dershowitz. that is what it was.s. mark penn, this is because of two reasons. they don't like him. they don't like his policies. they don't like him personally. this is a frightening momentgh that we are now -- we have been able to reveal. >> we know from the page-strozk texts that those two characters really hated president trump. now that everybody has gone on the speaking tours and say they also hated donald trump, the political animus seemed to go through the entire system
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and create a hysteria that created investigations without a factual basis. there was no obstruction. there was no rush collusion. there was a dossier paid for by the other campaign that never should have led to this. we are just learning the confirmation of all of this. as these people writeri books ad go out and speak and think they are patriots. >> and it's the end justifies the means. anything to get trump, no matter what the constitution says. no matter how you must compromise the constitution and civil liberties. anything to get trump. every civil libertarian ought to be up in arms about that alleged conversation involving a deputy attorney general of the united states. the aclu should be in this casee and they are on the other side. >> sean: do you see crimes committed by this upper echelon in all of this, this attempted coup? i agree with you. do you see crimes? >> i see political sins and violations of the constitution. but again, i always have to o ask the question -- >> sean: show me rule of law.
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>> i have not seen crimes -- that is not a criminal statute. so, you know, what they did was wrong and unconstitutional -- >> sean: if you lie to a fisa court for example and withhold exculpatory information, is that a crime? >> that could be contempt of court and the fisa court ought to look into that. whether they were treated contemptuously -- >> sean: i got to give it to you. you are the greatest defense attorney ever. admit nothing. i think we would admit if you commit a fraud before a court -- you're a great lawyer. i would hire you. i don't think you and a dream team of lawyers could get me off. a you have done it in the past. good to see you all. up next, no topic off-limits. one on one, the former d.n.c. chairwoman, donna brazile. also newt gingrich weighs in on the rise of socialism and more as we continue this busy
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♪ >> sean: for weeks we have been detailing the democrats' radical lurch to the left. some freshman democratic lawmakers openly pushing for beyond socialism. many of the 2020 democratic candidates keep proposing radical liberal policies. here with reaction, former interim d.n.c. chairwoman, somebody i have gotten along really well with over the years. donna, i always see you, you are kind and nice. and i tried not to be too hardd on you in the past. right? we got going on pretty well. >> you have been hard on me but you have been fair. as you well know -- >> sean: sorry. >> sean, it's good to talk to you and see you, i have always pushed back because -- >> sean: i know you do. you are a fighter. same type from the of family.
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we know how to stand up for what we believe in. >> sean: i respect that. >> and i respect that with you.u. >> sean: i don't think you would make a proposal to guarantee -- to eliminate all healthcare. 70% marginal tax rate. eventually will eliminate airplanes and cows. one that will guarantee healthy government food. a place to stay. retirement, healthcare. and a takeover of industry. the rebuilding of pretty much every building in the country. why do i suspect all these years i have known you, and i know you slant left, you are not going to support that, arere you? the new green deal? >> well, i think the party would like to see a vigorous debate on climate change.hi we know that climate change -- at least, many of us in the democratic side, we believe that climate change is real, and we believe that there are public policy solutions that can get us away from his catastrophic a
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disaster that will alter the economy and impact where we live -- >> sean: i got it. we got that part. but you're not answering the w question. here is my question. is there any part of what i mentioned -- free housing free healthcare, no more private insurance, 70% marginal rate, guaranteed sustained wage, family, medical leave, w vacations, retirement, paid for, guaranteed, healthy government food,d, k-college and beyond, economic security, housing,g, pretty much cradle to grave, womb to tomb stuff. this is all put on paper. don't you agree with me this is political suicide for the democrats? >> well, sean, if you don't mind, i could take a script from just about every democratic playbook i have seen in the last two years and the last 20 years and it reads like this. we want an economy that works for all people. we want to address the systemic problems, where there is w infrastructure, where i think the president agrees --
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>> sean: he does. >> we want to deal with the rising prescription prices. president agrees. >> sean: agrees. look at prison reform, right? >> the first step that president trump signed that its' a bipartisan bill. we believe that what president trump said at the beginning of his state of the union message, which is we have to find common ground. we have to work on these issues. >> sean: i agree. it would help. >> these are not left or right issues but it is important to recognize -- >> sean: you are ducking me aa little bit. let me pressure you. >> i know you are trying. to me to pressure where i standd you know i run my mouth. i run my mouth. i don't run for president. >> sean: i know you do. >> i like to talk, though. >> sean: is there anything in this new deal, seriously, i'll go item by item if you want. is there anything that you agree with there? >> yes. >> sean: getting rid of airplanes or high speed trains -- no. let me tell you -- > sean: getting rid of cows.e free, free, free guaranteed everything. 70% tax rate? >> as you understand, sean, i
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do believe we have to transition out of the fossil fuels and we have a plan in which we can get that, we can have that accomplished. i believe in renewable energies. >> sean: donna, do you agree with anything i mentioned? anything i mentioned? do you agree with that? >> i believe -- yes, i believe we can transition out of the fossil fuels and put more investment and reliance on -- >> sean: in ten years? >> it will take, just like we said ten years ago, we want to be energy independent. lookok where we are today. we have to -- >> sean: because of the oil, gas, and coal. thank god. >> look, we said all of the above. >> sean: i am in all of the above guy. show me the technology. >> that included renewable. that included solar. that included wind and turbine. >> sean: career jobs for people -- >> we said all of the above. >> sean: donna, always a pleasure. thank you for being with us. newt gingrich reacts to the
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do you think this is fun for me? you think i'm having fun? [man on other line] it certainly wasn't much fun to..... do you have eyes on the target? is it her? [man on other line] i can't tell from this photos... ...i need better shots. thank you for flying turkish airlines. taxi! you waiting for someone? no. just... looking.
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>> sean: all right. like we have been telling you ♪ >> sean: all right. like we have been telling you, a new far left radical i extremism is gripping the democratic party and destroying everything in its path. this week amazon announced it's canceling plans for its new york city expansion following attacks from a leftist, extremists like congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez. now dealing an embarrassing blow to governor and cuomo and comrade mayor bill de blasio, now the move would have brought 25,000 jobs to the city. reported average salary $150,000. but they would have paid
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$3 billion in the tax breaks for it. the congresswoman praised the exit writing, "every day new yorkers and their neighbors defeated amazon's corporate greed." prompting amazon to fire back accusing her of beingpt "never amazon." okay. adding that the company doesn't want to "work in this c environment in the long term." to be fair to the congresswoman, she has one point. why are they paying just one company? not every business in new york. why does one company get $3 i billion in tax breaks and grants?nd every other business gets nothing. by the way, for the last two years, amazon has paid to zero and federal income taxes. we should all want a lot more equal playing field. maybe they will think ofdy new york, let's cut everybody's taxes, maybe that would foster competition, innovation, invited business friendly environment. this is still a loss of jobs opportunity. but is this something to celebrate? by the way, now she is calling on the $3 billion to be spent on teachers and the subway. she didn't figure out the $3
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billion in incentives was based on job creation. there is not a pot of gold out there to be spent.t. to have more tax revenue, you actually need people paying taxes, so it looks like, oh, this may have s set off a war within the democratic party. governor cuomo accusing your democrats of "putting their own political interest about the community." although, governor cuomo, you have done the same thing. he has been banning fracking of natural gas that would create hundreds of thousands of high-paying jobs in upstate new york. think of the revenue he is losing there to tap in the vast resource we have. even comrade de blasio told local media he would take on any progressive who thinks it's a good idea to lose jobs and revenue. now the "new york times" writes, "the amazon fight exposed deep fissures in the democratic party, so much so that even the conspiracy theory tv msnbc are sounding the alarm. they are not liking the fighting. watch this. >> somebody like amazon comesis to your area and that attracts
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other tech the opportunities lost there are extraordinary. >> when you have alexandria ocasio-cortez, who i find extremely dangerous at this point -- >> people don't, in the party, don't start to speak up against people like alexandria ocasio-cortez, who is young and dynamic, but does not know what she is talking about. >> what is shocking is once again she shows how little she understands, not just economics, but even unemployment. she is the one who said the reason unemployment is so low is because a lot of people have two jobs. she needs to learn basic things about what it is to be a representative. >> sean: now this fits with what i have been saying, the democratic party has been taken over by a new radical, extreme democratic socialist wing. that is what they want. don't forget, by the way, about ocasio-cortez, in her particular case, the new green deal. i have to destroy the life blood of our economy.
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abolish i.c.e., an agency that captures criminals and humann traffickers. by the way, free handouts, free education, free college, free healthcare, free retirement. whether you are willing or unwilling to work. everything is free. 70% marginal tax rate to boot. to the congresswoman's credit, she is the new leader of the democratic party. congratulations, congresswoman. 2020 democrats are signing on to a lot of what she is selling, and sending the messagt loud and clear this radicalism is here to stay. joining us is former speaker of the house newt gingrich. new podcaster himself, "newt's world." jesse won't like that. it's available on applee podcass and anywhere you go for your podcasts. look, i have a lot of questions for youne but the one thing abot new york is, they have made it impossible for any business. i got to know bobby jindal, rick scott, and rick perry so well because they came to new york to visit companies and steal them. they did so.
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new york is losing tens and tens of thousands of people every year. like california and illinoisev and new jersey. meanwhile, texas and florida are gaining nearly 400,000 new people moving in every year. >> basically, amazon comes in and says, hi. we'd like to create a bunch of jobs. we want some tax breaks to create the jobs. but in the end, i think they are talking about 25,000 jobs. the multiplier effect in housing, in local grocery stores, across the board is huge. >> sean: but this is a party in ten years, they want to eliminate airplanes, they don't want us eating meet. everything will be free. guaranteed bill of rights. free job, sustaining wage, family leave, medical leave, vacation, retirement security, healthy food guaranteed by your government. k-college and trade school. everything is paid for. free healthcare. but you can't have private insurance. f free housing. no economic, environment free of monopolies.
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takeover of industry. free security economically, whether you are unable or unwilling to work.ou >> i'm watching here, in the last three weeks, it suddenly hit me. when booker, senator booker gets up and announces he is vegan and we should quit eating meat. i'm thinking to myself, okay, so the republicans get everybody who likes mcdonald's, wendy's, burger king, they get the vegans. it's going to be a great year. i'm telling you, it's going to be a great year. >> sean: [laughs] ie agree. all right. mr. speaker, you just made my weekend. that was great. i love all that food. i can't eat what i want every day. it stinks. but i do sometimes. there you go. thank you. >> thank you. >> sean: all right. no villain today.. we got a hero of the day and we'll take down a man that who -- they want to take down a man who pledged allegiance to isis. we'll explain straight ahead. ♪
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>> sean: no villain of the day. hero of the day.mericopa county, arizona police officers sergeant wells risked his life in january when attacked by a man pledging his allegiance to isis.look at . the body cram footage shows his bravery in the face of pure evil. thankfully, the officer was not injured. our friend terrence williams is back and excited about the president's emergency declaration.n.really . take a look. >> trump is building the wall y'all! [laughing].ld♪ [music] >> sean: terrence is great.unfo, that's all of the time we have left. we will never be in the hate
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trump media.let not your heart , the news continue on the fox news channel.have a great weeke. see you back here on monday.y. >> i am anticipate raymond arroyo, in for laura ingraham. this is a special edition of the "ingraham angle." trump takes on the left from washington tonight. president trump declaring am national emergency on the border in an effort to get his border wall built.mercedes, assistantee president is live here in moments to react. and we have an interview withact gary don't want to m. and from black face scandals to diminished sex lives, some liberals are blaming everything on president trump.we will pea . but, first -- we'll debate it, but first
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