tv Watters World FOX News February 16, 2019 5:00pm-6:00pm PST
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mark: all right, fred. great pleasure. >> thank you, mark. mark: god bless you. check it out next time on "life, liberty and levin". [♪] jesse: welcome to. "watters' world." i'm jesse watters. democrat control freaks. democrats like to say they want government out of the bedroom. but ironically the democrats want the government never other room in your house and your neighbors' house and your car and the restaurant. cory booker is a vegan and says eating meat will destroy the planet saying because of environmental impact. it's just not possible. booker wants to crack down on
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dig beef and big pork. he's running for president trying to take away meat. speaking of meat. alexandria ocasio-cortez and her green new deal wants to eliminate cow flatulence. and she wants to get rid of air travel, and hamburgers. san francisco democrats considered banning pets, dogs, cats, birds, hamsters. they even wanted to ban the sale of goldfish. >> i said good morning, gill. jesse: congress ravella tried to remove the words "so help you
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god" from the oath they take before entering congress. enter word police. apparently the word man is offensive. democrats wants to change fireman and policeman to firefighter and police officer. california politicians just banned the use of he and she during committee hearings. >> we are now a take recognizing the non binary designation as a gender. we are using the phrase they in replacing other designation. that's the primary reforms and revisions to the committee rules. jesse: sheila jackson-lee wants to ban the word welfare.
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eato d -- atheists want to ban christmas and president obama refused to use the words radical islam. they want to get rid of plastic straws and enlarge sodas. they don't want you to drive an suv. they don't want you to light fireworks or even listen to ben shapiro. college campuses continue to shut down ben shapiro from even speaking. bloomingdales was forced to remove a t-shirt that said fake news. i don't know about you, but i'm sick of being told what to eat and drive and say and do. why do we have to listen to
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these people? it doesn't looks like they know how droll their own lives let alone how to control theirs. here with reaction, florida congressman matt gaetz. >> if it gets any weirder, we'll have to build a wall around congress and pad the inside of the walls. this week was valentine's day. i got to wish a happy valentine's day to aoc. i hope she finds love that burns so bright under the new carbon emissions green car. jesse: did you give her candy that says i love you? >> i'd told her my love for you is so rachel probably want to tax it at 10%.
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jesse: andrew mccabe gave an interview on 60 minutes, this ways he said, basically admitting he was investigating the president of the united states early on. >> i met with the team investigating the russia cases, and i asked the team to go back and conduct an assessment to determine where are we with these efforts and what steps do we need to take going forward. i was very concerned i was able to put the russia case on absolutely solid ground in an indelible fashion that were i removed quickly or reassigned or fired, that the case could not be closed or vanish in the night without a trace. jesse: trump fires james comey which the democrats would have done if hillary were elected. and this guy mccabe launches a
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counter intelligence investigation against the united states and starts rounding up other administration officials to see if they can invoke the 25th amendment, administrative coup. and talking with high-ranking officials about wiring themselves to speak with the president and secretly record him. this is an admission he's deep state. >> a year ago i said there were unelected bureaucrats planning a coup. the mainstream media widely anded mand -- panned me. and jim baker, the top lawyer at the fbi confirms mccabe's accounts and said rosenstein did want to wear a wire on the president. peter strzok and lisa page were
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texting each other that there was no there there. and mccabe wanted to establish an investigation that is unclosable even if there is no evidence. that's not justice. jesse: the senate intelligence committee found no collusion between trump and russia. and you know what the networks did? they never even covered it. absolute blackout. one of the reasons we had you on in addition to your an political skills. your last name is ridiculous. it's spelled gaetz. and nobody knows how to pronounce it. i want to rattle off names of people running for president. kamala harris. what do you think? >> i think you better not get
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too comfortable with your private insurance, is it cam-la? jesse: yes. >> the blood, not chuck schumer. >> kirsten gillibrand. we should pay her some attention. this is the most of press she has ever gone the. kirsten gillibrand. the minnesota woman who apparently throws shoes at her staff. >> snow globe klobuchar? jesse: no one * is ever going to
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get that name right. >> no one will vote for her. jess will be they will be mispronouncing her name for a short time. john lynjohn hickenlooper. jesse: this tripped me up. i have again pronouncing this wrong from the jump. it's beto o'rourke, not bay-to. lastly the senator from i think it's ohio. brown is the last name. is it sherrod?
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>> sherrod brown. jesse: i know why you did so well. everybody mangles your name so you have to get everybody else's right. >> i try to remind them it's like open gates. jesse: three first-term congress women are making a bad impression. the gop strategy risks a backlash, a party a -- has problems with women and
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minorities. jesse: i had a problem with this report because it says republicans are moving away from nancy pelosi. there are other women coming up and making so much controversy with these radical proposals and things they are saying that are anti-semitic that republicans are targeting them. but republicans better be careful according to the media because you don't want to criticize someone who is a female or minority that might make you look mean. >> that's an absurd gender identity politics argument. the gop is targeting anti-semitism. that's a red herring to say they are focusing on them because of their gender. we are focusing on rashida tlaib who says jews are satanic. there is no room for that kind
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of hate. they have no place in this society. jesse: republicans are going after these flee freshmen because of their crazy socialist radical proposals and anti-accept telephone. the one woman said impeach the m-fer on her first day. >> if democrats don't want these individuals to be in the spotlight they shouldn't be given prominent position on committees. there are serious issues with these people. what republicans know is that in the future elections, these races will be won at home on the ground. the people not watching cable news, they don't know the things
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kayleigh just said. most of people don't know that ilhan omar three years ago went to a judge for leniency for individuals who were tried for supporting isis. and she sits on the intelligence committee. jesse: she is lowering the intelligence of the committee just by sitting on it. they use their identity as a sword and as a shield. they attack you with it. if you attack them back, they say, oh, no, you are just criticizing me because i'm a woman or because i'm a minority. here is congresswoman omar. let's roll the tape. >> i don't understand why members of this committee or the
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american people should find any testimony that you give today to be truthful. >> if i can respond to that. >> it wasn't a question. yes or no, would you support an armed faction within venezuela that engages in war crimes, crimes against humanity or genocide if you believed they were serving u.s. interests as you did in guatemala, el salvador, and nicaragua. >> i don't think this line of questioning is meant to be real questions so i will not reply. jesse: she is humiliating herself out there. i believe this person isn't going to stop. she'll keep make news and saying anti-semitic things. we know nancy pelosi tried to cut her out. and i don't think she got the
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message. >> absolutely she did not get the message. she didn't get the message. she'll keep saying these things. these 2020 contenders bow down to her. bernie sanders privately called her in the background saying i support you on her tweet that was anti-semitic. jesse: leadership of the party wants these young radicals out there. they take all the heat. but they are just saying the things i think a lot of the rest of the party believe or say behind closed doors. >> silence is consent. when you traffic in identity politics you are stuck with it. but the american people will reject. jesse: ladies, thank you very much.
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"empire" actor mr. smollett is mad because people think his case is a hoax. tomi lahren with exclusive footage on the u.s.-mexico border. let's be honest. every insurance company tells you they can save you money. save up to 10% when you bundle with esurance. including me, esurance spokesperson dennis quaid. he's a pretty good spokesperson.
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ehhh. so when i say, "drivers who switched from geico to esurance saved an average of $412," you probably won't believe me. hey, actor lady whose scene was cut. hi. but you can believe this esurance employee, nancy abraham. seriously, send her an email and ask her yourself. no emails... no emails. when insurance is affordable, it's surprisingly painless. p3 it's meat, cheese and nuts. i keep my protein interesting. oh yea, me too. i have cheese and uh these herbs. p3 snacks. the more interesting way to get your protein. sleep number 360 smart bed. it senses your movement and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. and now, save 50% on the sleep number 360 limited edition smart bed. plus, 36-month financing. ends monday. to be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing it's best to make you everybody else... ♪ ♪ means to fight the hardest battle,
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which any human being can fight and never stop. does this sound dismal? it isn't. ♪ ♪ it's the most wonderful life on earth. ♪ ♪ it's the most wonderful life on earth. my mom washes the dishes... ...before she puts them in the dishwasher. so what does the dishwasher do? cascade platinum does the work for you, prewashing and removing stuck-on foods, the first time. wow, that's clean! cascade platinum. back pain can't win. thankfully there's aleve back and muscle pain. aleve targets tough pain for up to 12 hours with just one pill. aleve back & muscle. all day strong. all day long.
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president trump: we'll have a national emergency, and we'll then be sued, and they will sue us in the 9th circuit, even though it shouldn't be there, and we'll possibly get a bad ruling, then we'll get another bad ruling, then we'll end up in the supreme court, and hopefully we'll get a fair shake and we'll win in the supreme court. just like the ban. jesse: president trump declaring the situation at the border a national emergency to fund the border wall and predicting the legal fight ahead. many people don't realize how dangerous the situation is for the border agents on the ground. >> this area right now, this is protected by this barbed wire fencing. would this area be suitable for fencing if you could afford to
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put up fencing? >> we learned when we put up a barrier we can't see through, our adversaries would hide behind them and throw rocks and assault our agents. or hide and then all at once run across. >> would one of these prototypes line your border? this is inhospitable terrain for them and for us. it's difficult to employ technology into these areas. we have to make up for that by having agents on the ground in the air or hiking in. >> we have a 100-foot long rope to slide down. >> we are roughly 8 miles north of the border and we encounter
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10-plus groups. they wear cammo head to toe. >> the true targets and the true people we want to hit hard every single day are the facilitators. the scouts on montana tops, the guys bringing them across. and all the criminal facilitating this illegal trafficking of people. >> there is no value on human life when it comes to the cartel operating on the southern border. they are being crossed in the hands of criminals and it's a dangerous situation. jesse: tomi lahren joins me now. when you were shooting the inhospitable terrain and the men were climbing down off a helicopter and pursuing illegal crossing on foot, where exactly was that? >> that was in the
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nogales-tucson area. it was 115 degrees when we were there. these guys are hiking in the desert. it's so remote they can't even take atvs. jesse: some of that inhospitable terrain, it was like huge montana tops. you couldn't put border ferning there. that's where you would have to surge with border agents, correct? >> that area is not suitable for fencing or a wall. but if we have wall in other places then our agents can focus on those remote areas. i asked them, time and time again does the wall work, they said we need a wall because then we can focus on those areas because we don't have to worry about people running across. but the democrats can't seem to get it.
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jesse: when you in the beginning of the passage. could you see where you highlighted that fence, it was about as tall, 5 feet tall with barbed wire. where was that? >> that was in arizona as well, the nogales area. it was that bad. that was not just a small little area it was an area with no fencing at all or had that. i think you and i talked about this before. i grew up in south dakota. and we had better fencing to keekeep our livestock in and we have on our border. jesse: what a lot of people don't understand. they say with the drugs, all the narcotics come through ports of entry. but who do you think deals the drugs? you have to have men. the guys dealing it cross the border on foot between the ports
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of entry. great job on the border. that was great footage. you can check that stout with tomi on foxnation. jussie smollett it very upset with people accusing him of a hate crime hoax. later, what's right and what's wrong. carley and abby coming up. little things can be a big deal. that's why there's otezla. otezla is not a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. with otezla, 75% clearer skin is achievable. don't use if you're allergic to otezla. it may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. tell your doctor about your medicines,
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[♪] robert: live from "america's news headquarters." i'm robert gray. former cardinal theodore mccarrick has been removed from the priesthood. pope francis made the rare move to defrock him after vatican officials found him guilty of decades-long sex crimes against minors and adults. the decision comes days before the pope is set to lead a vatican summit in which bishops will discuss preventing sexual abuse. heather than nauert withdraw wiw
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her name for consideration for u.s. ambassador to the united nations. >> what has you so angry. >> the attackers and the attack. you know, at first it was a thing like, listen, if i tell the truth, then that's it. it's the truth. then it became a thing like oh, how can you doubt that. how do you not believe that. it's the truth. jesse: that's actor jussie smollett says people doubting his story about people attacking him is making him angry. >> a police department spokesman tells me today jussie smollett is still the listed victim in this case. but the two men identified by
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police yesterday as potential suspects have been released and are apparently no longer suspects. with the chicago police department spokesman saying quote, due to new evidence as a result of today's interrogations, the individuals questioned by police in the empire case have been released without charge and detectives have additional investigative work to complete. that statement came after chicago police said they had probable cause to believe the two men did commit assault and battery against smollett. the two men are apparently brothers. they are originally from nigeria, and police say at least one of them worked with smollett on the fox tv show "empire." now jussie smollett has hired a
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high-priced defense lawyer amid reports that chicago police are looking into the theory the entire attack may have been staged. jesse: joining me now, former tucson police officer, brandon tatum. i want to play for you smollett talking to robin roberts describing the attack. >> i heard [bleep], [bleep]. i turned around. and i said what did you say to me. and i seen the attacker masked. and he said, this maga country and punches me in the face. so i punched back. we started tussling. there was a second person involved who was kicking me in my back. then it just stopped. and they ran off. and i saw where they ran.
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on the phone was in my pocket, but it had fallen out. my manager was still on the phone. i picked up the phone, and i said brandon, i was just jumped. then i look down and see there is a rope around my neck. jesse: why do you think the story makes no sense. >> chicago, negative 20 degree weather you have guys spewing out epithets saying it's maga country. as a former police officer, his story makes no sense. inconsistent articulation of what happened. he said the fight just stopped. when people are kicking your butt because they hate you they are not going to randomly stop fighting you and walk away. those things are not consistent with the behavior of victims of hate crimes and people who want
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to get something done. jesse: darrell, the allegation was they hurled racial epithets, but everybody is black, allegedly. >> when somebody is the victim of a crime, it's a horrific experience. and oftentimes they don't see things the way a victim of crime who isn't a victim of crime would see it. the documentation with the phone record. your phone is a sacred thing. he may not want to introduce his contacts or communications or if there is a medical issue to police, i understand it. but i genuinely believe a crime did occur. however, it's difficult and we are getting through the evidence to determine what occurred. jesse: there clear were physical injuries. i want to play you guys tape. this is his explanation why he
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has not handed his phone over to investigators because the story was he was on the phone with his manager during the actual attack. let's listen to what he said. >> they wanted me to give the phone to the tech for three to four hours. i'm sorry, but i'm not going to do that. i have private pictures and videos and numbers. jesse: brandon, are you sympathetic to that explanation? >> no. it's ridiculous. if i'm investigating a crime and you have been beat up and you are refusing to give your phone to the police to find the suspects because of those excuses, i don't find it believable. >> i disagree. i was a lieutenant at the nypd. i had a detective squad i
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commanded. oftentimes you will get information that seems to be all over the place. but a credible investigation will uncorrespond a lot of this stuff. we are going to expand the video. initially there was a camera pointed in the opposite direction. if we didn't get anything there we would keep expanding the video so we can see who came to that particular location. it's an amalgamation of different components of material evidence that will make us gain that assessment of what happened or didn't happen. any inconsistency where it was white, then the make america great hat. jesse: there is a lot of fake news being reported about somebody wearing a hat and injuries being inconsistent. a lot of that is on the media. something happened. we know that.
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and the police it looks like they are doing a good job slowly putting this together. we'll continue to follow the story as it develops. thanks, guys. diamond and silk on spike lee's very controversial comments. [♪]lu george has entresto, a heart failure pill that helped keep people alive and out of the hospital. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor about entresto. ♪ the beat goes on ♪ the beat goes on that was great!
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experience frequent infections or have flu-like symptoms, or sores. liver problems can occur with entyvio®. if your uc or crohn's treatment isn't working for you, ask your gastroenterologist about entyvio®. entyvio®. relief and remission within reach. jesse: filmmaker spike lee in the hot seat for criticizing the founding falters of america. >> when i was in public school in new york, i was not told george washington owned slaves. i was just told he chopped down the cherry tree and wouldn't tell a lie. in 1492 this terrorist sailed the ocean blue. this country was built on in my opinion genocide of native
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americans and slavery. that's the foundation of this country. jesse: this guy speaks more harshly about the founding of this country than isis. >> yeah. you know, jesse, when you look at spike lee, he talks about genocide. but what about the 16 million black babies that have been aborted since 1973. we live in the greatest country on earth. and he's been able to obtain the american dream right here in the united states of america. if he don't like this country and what it was founded on, maybe he ought to move to another country like venezuela and see way it's like and then tell us how that's work for him. jesse: diamond and silk want to
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send spike to venezuela. >> yes. up next, we have kamala harris. here she is talking about smoke weed and what she listened to on the radio. >> have you ever smoked? >> i have. and i did inhale. >> what was on when you was high? >> definitely snoop, uh-huh. tupac for sure. for sure. jesse: now politicians don't have to lie about inhaling, they can admit they did it. she graduated from college in 1989. she started working as a deputy district attorney in the 90s. math that means she was getting lie when she was having black
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men locked up for getting high. maybe we should start pressing some charges ear here. jesse: maybe she couldn't remember because she was high. that would explain the timeline difference. there was a carnival or parade in italy. this is a float called god trump emperor. i think this was meant to be insulting. the minute trump looks at this float i think he'll want it for the military parade in the united states. >> i think people look at president trump as a savior. he's saving america. he has the economy booming. he's draining the swamp. those who are the swamp are writing books. i don't take it as an insult.
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i take it as something good. jesse: when we have the military parade i think you should be the grand marshals. take a look at the chit-chat tour coming to a city near you. carley and abby are back and they are giving us tips on how to discipline someone else's kids. i don't know how to do it. they do. let's be honest. every insurance company tells you they can save you money. save up to 10% when you bundle with esurance. including me, esurance spokesperson dennis quaid. he's a pretty good spokesperson. ehhh. so when i say, "drivers who switched from geico to esurance saved an average of $412," you probably won't believe me. hey, actor lady whose scene was cut. hi. but you can believe this esurance employee, nancy abraham. seriously, send her an email and ask her yourself. no emails... no emails. when insurance is affordable, it's surprisingly painless.
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jesse: seattle recently had the most of snow in decades. one driver wasn't having it after her car was allegedly hit by a snowball. so who is right and who is wrong. there she is getting out of the car and confronting the kids. joining me, foxnation hosts. carley, do you guys even drive? >> i haven't driven a car in a decade. jesse: if you are driving in the snow and a bunch of wild teenagers throw snowballs do you get out or keep driving.
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>> i keep driving. life is too short. kids are throwing snowballs. it puts the person driving in danger and somehow the snow broke and she crashed her car, you have a stern caulking. so an adult female comes out and gives a stern talking. would you run the kids out of the street? >> i did intense research on this. i found a local news report. turns out, they were not kid. they were like 25, 27. jesse: even worse. they are adults. you can send them to prison. >> the woman was arrested for drunk driving because she tried to run them over. jesse: she was drunk? you have done more research than i have on this.
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jesse: so in that case if she is drunk, she was wrong to get out of the car. she basically busted herself. >> if you were sober, we are talking about killing somebody for throwing a snowball. jesse: i'm hearing we just had weed. she was high, not drunk. she was a kamala harris situation. that would be scary. next up. valentine's day. a lot of guys probably are in big trouble or they getting treated like kings for how they performed on valentine's day. what is the move for men on valentine's day? how do they have to spend, how much do they have to do? >> this year i saw studies, on average a man that celebrated
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valentine's day this year spent $340. jesse: that's a lot of money. >> all i expected was a text message. i don't really celebrate. >> you deserve more than a text. maybe a phone call. jesse: you disagree? >> i'm with carley on this one. i don't want a guy to take me to a fancy dinner. i would rather go to a bowling alley or a diner and have a burger. jesse: guys who are listening, don't listen. this is a trap. >> this is like the first date, then a week later we are nights out. jesse: i don't believe a thing. i think you want to get wind and dined. >> that's cliche'. playing backgammon.
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that doesn't cost any money. jesse: you are a cheap date. >> i don't expect flowers and candy on valentine's day. especially because i don't want to spend money and the time getting my husband something. jesse: you don't want to reciprocate. >> absolutely. jesse: let's go to people talking loudly on cell phones. you are in the airport, and on a train, someone is screaming into the cell phone. is it the right thing to do to confront that person and shush them or to let them scream. are you a shusher? >> i am not a shusher. i think it's even more rude to shush someone. but i will stew on it. jesse: but you don't get out of the car and confront the snowballers. you will stew. >> she'll try to run somebody
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over, apparently. >> you are probably the one that's loudoun the phone. >> i always worry they may have a hearing issue, they may be hearing impaired. then what if you say, listen, you are being a little loud. jesse: let's look at the poll results from last time. should men go shirtless in public? this is based on the adam levine deal. 8% say no. >> that's a very d68% say no. you can't go shirtless to a church. jesse: you can in california. you think you are right about that? americans disagree. abby, carley, up next, last call.
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xarelto® did not experience another dvt or pe. xarelto® works differently. warfarin interferes with at least 6 of your body's natural blood-clotting factors. xarelto® is selective, targeting just one critical factor. don't stop taking xarelto® without talking to your doctor, as this may increase risk of blood clots. while taking, you may bruise more easily, or take longer for bleeding to stop. xarelto® can cause serious, and in rare cases, fatal bleeding. it may increase your risk of bleeding if you take certain medicines. get help right away for unexpected bleeding or unusual bruising. do not take xarelto® if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. before starting, tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures and any kidney or liver problems. learn all you can... to help protect yourself from another dvt or pe. talk to your doctor about xarelto®.
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jesse: presidents' day is monday. we thought we would honor the men who held office by asking about past presidents. he had a famous saying, read my lips, no new -- >> oh, my god. >> policies? friends? >> taxes? jesse: he had a famous saying, mr. gorbachev, tear down this -- >> economy? >> i don't know. >> about gor -- mr. gorbachev, r down this wall. jesse: that's all for us tonight. be sure to follow us on facebook, instagram and twitter.
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"justice with judge jeanine" is next. and remember i'm watters and this is my world. president trump declares a national emergency at the southern border while liberal activists plan nationwide protests for monday. i'm judge jeanine pirro. thanks for making "justice" number one last weekend. we have congressman mark meadows, dan bongino, dennis prager, qanta ahmed and charlie kirk. i told you before, being a leader means making tough
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