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tv   The Five  FOX News  February 27, 2019 2:00pm-3:00pm PST

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mr. chairman, you and i have a personal relationship that's not based on color. and to even go down this direction is wrong, mr. chairman. >> first of all, i want to think the gentleman for what you have stated. if there's anyone who is sensitive with regard to race, it's me. a son of former sharecroppers that were basically slaves. so i get it. i listened very carefully to ms. tlaib, and i think -- and i'm not going to put words in her mouth. but i think she said that she was not calling you a racist. and i thought that we could clarify that. mr. meadows, you know. of all the people on this committee, i have said it and got in trouble for it.
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you are one of my best friends. i know that shocks a lot of people. >> likewise, mr. chairman. >> you are. i could see and feel your pain. i feel it. and i don't think ms. tlaib intended to cause you that, that kind of pain and that kind of frustration. did you have a statement, ms. tlaib. >> thank you. to my colleague, mr. meadows, that was not my intention and i do apologize that's what it sounded like. i said someone in general. as everybody knows in his chamber, i'm pretty direct. if i wanted to say that, i would have, but that's not what i said. thank you, mr. chairman, for allowing me to clarify. again, i said "someone," not referring to you at all as a racist. >> i think the -- think the
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gentlewoman for her comments. i appreciate the german intervening. >> first of all, thank you for allowing us to resolve that. the gentleman that asked earlier -- >> i will withdraw my request. >> you don't want to do the unanimous consent? >> i think i need to officially withdraw my request that it be stricken. i did it. >> sounds good. i will recognize you for your unanimous consent. i think you want to put it in some documents. >> thank you, mr. chairman. i ask unanimous consent that we put fourth in the record the "vanity fair" article which indicates that michael cohen must be the most gifted consultant in america, outlining his insights into government health care and policy and real estate, suggesting that it's not a real company but --
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and just like he's not a lawyer. >> without objection, so ordered. >> i ask unanimous consent of the "l.a. times" article of jule record, which outlines the $1.2 million payment and their misgivings thereafter. >> without objection, so ordered. any other unanimous consent requests? >> thank you, mr. chairman. i ask unanimous consent to make the february 9, 2019 "washington post" profile michael cohen, titled "michael cohen secret agenda," part of the record. their story shows cohen to be a selfish manipulator who was all about himself. he even has a false anecdote about how he once claimed to deliver his own son, his own baby. >> without objection, so ordered. >> thank you. i ask unanimous consent to make the main nine, 2018 "washington post" article south korean firm paid michael
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cohen $150,000 as it sought contract from u.s. government as part of the record. the article reported korea aerospace industries parish -- paid a shell company run by cohen. >> so ordered. speak on going ask unanimous consent to make michael cohen sentencing statement to the southern district of new york part of the record. the statement establishes that michael cohen continues to falsely blame his crimes on blind loyalty to the president but only cohen is to blame for his many false statements to financial institutions and the irs. >> without objection so ordered. >> i ask unanimous consent to make the august 20, 2018 cnn article "feds scrutinizing cohen's former and account and bank loans" part of the record. his accountant was subpoenaed to go in front of a grand jury. >> so ordered. >> i ask unanimous consent to make february 26, 2019 order
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filed by the appellate division of the state of new york regarding disciplinary proceedings against michael cohen part of the record. this order, which proactively applies starting february 28, establishes cohen committed a serious crime and ceased being an attorney when he's was convicted of lying to congress. >> without objection, so ordered. >> i ask unanimous consent to make the july 26, 2018, "washington post" article michael cohen secretly recorded trump. does that make him a bad lawyer, part of the record. the article describes potential ethical violations of a lawyer, cohen, regarding his client, trump, without the client's knowledge. >> without objection, so ordered, mr. norman. >> thank you. i ask unanimous consent to make the january 18, 2019 "huffington post" article "11 tweets from the fake fan account michael cohen paid" the account
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is described as a place for women who love and support michael cohen. strong pitbull sex symbol. >> i would ask unanimous consent to make the april 20, 2018 article in mother jones titled "michael cohen says he's never been to prague. he told me a different story." part of the record. >> without objection, so ordered. >> thank you, sir. >> very well. mr. cohen, i have some concluding remarks. before i do that, do you have anything you'd like to say? >> yes, mr. chairman, i would. i have some closing remarks i would like to say myself. is this the appropriate time? >> you can do it now. >> thank you. first i want to thank you, chairman, because i appreciate the opportunity to share some final thoughts.
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i have acknowledged i've made my own mistakes and i have own up to them publicly and under oath. but silence and complicity in the face of the daily destruction of our basic norms and civility to one another will not be one of them. i did things and i acted improperly, at times that mr. trump's behest. i've blindly followed his demands. my loyalty to mr. trump has cost me everything. my family's happiness, friendships, my law license, my company, my livelihood, my honor, my reputation, and to my freedom. and i will not sit back and say nothing and allow him to do the same to the country. indeed, given my experience working for mr. trump, i fear that if he loses the election in 2020 that there will never be a peaceful transition of power.
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this is why i agreed to appear before you today. in closing, i would like to say directly to the president, we honor our veterans even in the rain. you tell the truth even when it doesn't aggrandize you. you respect the law and our incredible law enforcement agents. you don't bill and ice them. you don't disparage generals, gold star families, prisoners of war, and other heroes who have the courage to fight for this country. you don't attack the media and those who question what you don't like or what you don't want them to say. you take responsibility for your own dirty deeds. you don't use your power of your bully pulpit to destroy the credibility of those who speak out against you. you don't separate families from one another or demonize those looking to america for a better life. you don't vilify people based on
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the god they pray to and you don't cuddle up to our adversaries at the expense of our allies. finally, you don't shut down the government before christmas and new year's just to simply appease your base. this behavior is churlish. it denigrates office of the president and decently un-american. and it's not you. so to those who support the president and his rhetoric as i once did, i pray the country doesn't make the same mistakes i have made or pay they have a price my family and i are paying. i thank you very much for this additional time, chairman. >> thank you very much. the ranking member has a closing statement. >> thank you, mr. chairman. we know mr. cohen has been dishonest in the past. that's why he's going to prison and two months. but there are things today that he said during the several hours of questioning that just don't add up either.
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he said he never defrauded any bank. he was having the conversation questioning for mr. cromer. office he that's not true because he's going to prison for that very offense. he said he sees the need to represent his client, with legal advice. in his written testimony, he said he never bothered to consider whether payments to women for improper, whether payments to women were improper, much less the right thing to do. he attested in his signed truth and testimonial form that he did not have any reportable contracts with government entities. he said he agreed to having consulting agreements with two foreign entities owned in part by foreign governments. bta bank of keswick stand and korean air --
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saying that he told allen weisselberg to his office and make the $130,000 payment but he says in his testimony mr. trump directed me to use my own personal funds from the home equity line of credit to avoid any money being traced back to him that could negatively impact the campaign. in response to a question about him paying to set up the fake twitter account, that he didn't direct the commission of that twitter account. he says i didn't set that up and it was done by young lady that works for the firm when in fact he did ask the i.t. firm to set it up according to the owner of red finch. finally, he said he didn't want a job the administration even though the attorneys with the southern district of new york stated that this was a fact when asked about this, they said i wouldn't call them liars but that statement is not accurate. mr. chairman, i think may be more importantly is what we should have been doing today,
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mr. meadows and i sent you a letter asking you to have mr. rosenstein here. i think it's important to know that last week when you announced that mr. cohen was coming this week, it happened to be the very same week that we learned the deputy attorney general of the united states was thinking about wearing a wire to record the commander in chief, was actually contemplating talking to cabinet members and invoking the 25th amendment. that's what we should be focused on coming up this sad display we've had to go through the last several hours. again, not my words. you can take the words of the former general counsel for the house of representatives under tip o'neill. i hope we've learned some things here today. mr. chairman, as i said earlier, your first big hearing, the first announced witness of the 116th congress is a gentleman who's going to prison in two months for lying to congress. i don't think that's what we should be focused on.
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>> thank you very much. i listen to all of this. it's very painful. it's very painful. you made a lot of mistakes, mr. cohen. you have admitted that. one of the saddest parts of this whole thing is that some very innocent people are hurting too. you acknowledged that. that's your family. until you come here today and -- deep in my heart, and when i
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practice law, i represented a lot of lawyers who got in trouble. and you come saying i have made my mistakes but now i want to change my life. and you know, if we as a nation did not give people an opportunity after they made mistakes to change their lives, a whole lot of people would not do very well. i don't know where you go from here. as i sat here and i listened to both sides, i just felt as if --
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and you know, people are using my words that they took from me and didn't give me any credit. we are better than this. we are so much -- we really are. as a country, we are so much better than this. and you know, i told you, and for some reason, mr. cohen, i tell my children, i say when bad things happen to you, do not ask the question "why did it happen to me?" asked the question "why did it happen for me?" i don't know why this is happening for you. but it's my hope that a small part of it is for our country to be better. if i hear you correctly, it
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sounds like you are crying out for a new normal, for us getting back to normal. it sounds to me like you want to make sure that our democracy stays intact. the one meeting i had with president trump, i sent him the greatest gift that you and i, mr. president, can give to our children is making sure that we give them a democracy that is intact. a democracy better than the one that we came upon. and i'm hoping that the things you have said today will help us to get back there. you know, i mean, come on now. i mean, when you've got, according to "the washington post," our president has made at least
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8,718 false or misleading statements. that is stunning. that's not what we teach our children. i don't teach my net. i'm for whatever reason, it sound like you got caught up in it. you got caught up in it. you got caught up in it. in some kind of way, i hope -- i know that it's painful going to prison. i know it's got to be painful being called a rat. let me explain. a lot of people don't know the significance of that but i live in the inner city of baltimore. all right? and when you call somebody a rat, that's one of the worst things you can call them because when they go to prison, that means a snitch. i'm just saying. and so the president called you a rat. we are better than that.
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we really are. and i'm hoping that all of us can get back to this democracy that we want and that we should be passing on to our children so that they can do better than what we did. so you wonder whether people believe you. i don't know. i don't know whether they believe you. but the fact is that you come. you have your head down. this is got to be one of the hardest things that you could do. let me tell you the picture that really, really pained me. you were leaving the prison. you were leaving the courthouse and i guess it's your daughter. that hurt me. as a father of two daughters, it hurt me. i can imagine how it must feel
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for you. i am saying to you, i want to first of all thank you. i know that this has been hard. i know that you face a lot. i know that you're worried about your family. but this is a part of your destiny. and hopefully this portion of your destiny will lead to a better, a better, a better michael cohen, a better donald trump, a better united states of america, and a better world. on my mean that from the depths of my heart. when we are dancing with the angels, the question will be asked, in 2019, what did we do to make sure we kept our
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democracy intact? did we stand on the sidelines and say nothing? i'm tired of the statements saying people come in here and say oh, oh, this is the first hearing. it's not the first hearing. the first hearing was with regard to prescription drugs. remember, a lady sat there. her daughter died because she could not get $333 a month in insulin. that was our first hearing! second hearing, h.r. 1, voting rights. corruption in government. come on now. we can do more than one thing. and we have got to get back to normal. with that, this meeting is
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adjourned. [applause] >> jesse: wrapping up michael cohen's testimony in front of the house oversight committee. the president's former lawyer. they were talking for hours today. we were going to take it around the table. first we want to apologize, some profanity was inadvertently aired as we took that live testimony. we regret that. mr. gutfeld, what did you think? >> greg: that wasn't me who did the profanity. >> jesse: not this time. good. why did we endure the spectacle? two reasons. no collusion and north korea. i know people here are acting like this news and we need to believe it's news because we are forced to cover this. i don't feel like this is news. i can't find the news. i believe this is a orgy for anti-trump first. it's due to the fact that the skunk of the garden party became
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president of the garden party. we have never recovered to him being president. cohen just ran through every tweet however done by keith olbermann. at the end of that thing, he knew when he said trump was a racist con man in chief, that he fulfilled the media mission as offering the perfect sound bite. the perfect lower third. every network had that lower third. racist con man cheat. they knew. lanny davis knew that if he met the media assumptions, this thing would be a major success, so he met the media assumptions. he went through the litany of everything the media feels about trump without ever laying a hand on collusion, without ever putting any news out. we had to sit here the whole day and not talk about real news. talk about this crap.
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>> jesse: that last statement by michael cohen was clearly written by lanny davis. he says he fears of trump doesn't win in 2020, they won't have a peaceful transition of power >> dana: we fought a civil war for good reason and we were at each other's throats and 1968. we are a polarized nation but we are not about to go to civil war. there was a transition of power. we have had it over and over again. there's a couple things in here that were news who people who support trump should like. number one, michael cohen says under oath that he never went to prague. that story has been out there. if you are a trump person, that in the fact that he said donald trump never told me to lie under oath. i don't care about the lower thirds. >> greg: i do because that's what people at home say. the bullet points. >> dana: the lower third is not what you take to court. it's not what you used to refute
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the molar investigation. >> greg: the court of public opinion. >> dana: do you want this to be over with or not? i think they would like to get it over with. >> jesse: is that the first argument between dana and greg on "the five"? >> dana: it's not and i will keep talking so i can win. another thing about cohen, republicans trying to tarnish his reputation and he does have a turn at reputation. he's been a jerk for many years. if he's not been caught, he would still be being a jerk today. >> greg: i agree with you. >> dana: thank you. back in agreement, brother and sister. if not for the molar investigation. -- the mueller investigation. he would be getting those contracts from foreign governments. he said if you need to talk to trump, i can help you. he also said he never wanted a job in the white house. i would imagine there are reporters already today over at cnn said that's not true. i think if the end, if you are a
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trump person, there's that. at the end, if you look at elijah cummings and that speech at the end and he saved it up, no notes. it was stirring and probably something that's good for everyone to have heard. if you only to dan because he wanted to watch "the five" and we are glad you stuck with us, if you heard that, i think it's good. >> jesse: that was a powerful moment. you also have to remember that the democrats and lanny davis and michael cohen convened this hearing today on the very day that the president is doing a summit in vietnam with kim jong un. coincidence, juan? >> juan: it's a coincidence in the sense that the congress wanted to hear from michael cohen and especially they wanted to hear from him in open session. there are so many rumors flying around. what you have to also recall, jesse, is that he was threatened last night. matt goetz, congressman, was threatening him about his family and extramarital affairs. we don't know if it's true or
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not. the president also wrote tweets that were taken as a threat against michael cohen which is why he didn't testify earlier. that's why he's there today. in general, i would say you know what, for all of the static, remember the documents don't live. what you saw today, check with donald trump's ekg-like signature on it. $35,000 as president of the united states for an illegal activity, a payoff to a porn star. it's a campaign finance violation on the face of it. that's news. that's different. i think also when you stop and think about collusion, oh, my gosh. here we have someone who says he was there in the room when roger stone is telling the president or than the candidate that they are in touch with julian assange and that there is a dump of emails on the democrats coming soon. again, you have a direct tie between trump and the russians. >> jesse: let's take those two things right there.
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i'm not sure you have your facts quite right about that. roger stone not working for the campaign, because the president and says you know what, i think wikileaks is about to dump clinton's emails. the president says good. that's great. they hang up the phone. the thing about it is that everybody knew wikileaks was going to dump it because a sound dumped he was going to tweet something against the democrats a week before. he knew at the same time as everyone else there is no inside information. that's why mueller didn't charge him with anything. he said hillary's emails were going to get dumped. wrong. it was the dnc. one more thing. on the payoff, it's not a campaign finance violation and here's why. it's a personal expenditure. cohen testify that he's been paying these things to keep them out of the public for ten years, would have done it regardless. there is cohen speaking to the press now. >> i am humbled. i am thankful to chairman cummings for giving me the opportunity today to tell my truth.
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and i hope that as chairman cummings said, it helps in order to heal america. and i think you all again. have a good day. >> reporter: when you talk about retribution, worried -- >> jesse: only one thing to say. >> dana: i just want to add -- >> juan: i want to finish up. >> dana: i want to add something to the point, you are talking about the payments. whether it's a campaign finance violation or personal expenditure. that is something that's at issue. that's the crux of it. if you are a tote fan, what you might like about what cohen said is he showed there is no pattern of it happening. it's a one-time thing. he didn't want to embarrass melania. i think the fact that he did that -- >> jesse: with women. he said that with women. he said there were other times he made payments going back to 2007. paying things to go away. >> dana: is not a payment
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because it was an embarrassment. he was saying it was a personal thing and he was trying to protect her from that story which means it's not a pattern. if i were them, i would say it's better for trump. >> juan: how is it not a pattern if he's doing it consistently? >> dana: he's not doing it just for the campaign. >> juan: he was doing it while running for president. >> greg: what about morgan? morgan has not spoken. >> juan: are you ever going to let me finish? >> greg: you are always finishing. there is someone there who hasn't said a word. >> juan: you are so deep in the bunker. >> greg: shut up, juan. enough with your bunker. i am trying to be polite to somebody on the panel which you won't do. then let her speak. >> morgan: the question here today is did he come to heal america. did he come to tell the truth. is he a changed man. then you have to believe that everything he said before, there's a litany of things before congress, under oath, media interviews. you either believe that version of michael cohen or you believe
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the one today. i founded to be far more political than i expected actually. first of all, when the president is in the middle of negotiating with north korea about nuclear weapons which by the way the real news today is that india and pakistan, two nuclear armed states are threatening each other again. that's real news today that affects everybody. that's why the president is in north korea -- excuse me, in vietnam dealing with north korea, the seriousness of nuclear weapons. because they have moved this three times, they could've moved it today. it didn't need to happen today. it was overtly political. i felt most of what he said today for me, i didn't buy the contrition or the tears. i thought it was very political testimony. the big question is who does any of this matter to? it matters primarily to senate republicans. the house is going to do with the house is going to do. they may overextend and impeach him but senate republicans are the ones who will determine, if
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the house and peaches, what his fate is. there's nothing that he said today that would lead any of the senate republicans to vote him out of office. >> jesse: do you disagree with that? >> juan: i don't know what it's going to take for republicans to finally stand up and say this is unacceptable. this kind of behavior. if any other president was involved with this kind of activity, people would be saying -- >> jesse: what kind of activity? >> juan: the payoff while you are in office to a porn star. how about russia, working with the russians in terms of wikileaks? >> jesse: he didn't work with the russians, juan. did you listen to the testimony? >> juan: i did. i'm quoting here from chris christie, he said "when he's looked at these hearings today when he saw was republicans are attacking mr. cohen. they never defend donald trump because they can't. >> jesse: if you are just joining us, let's play some of the sound from today's hearings and we can react some more.
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go ahead. >> i am ashamed because i know what mr. trump is. he's a racist. he is a con man. and he is a cheat. >> how on earth is this witness credible? with all the lies and deception, the self-serving fraud, it begs the question. what does the majority party doing here? >> i wouldn't use the word colluding. was there something odd about the back-and-forth praise with president putin? yes. >> mr. cohen, you called donald trump a cheat in your opening testimony. what would you call yourself? >> a fool. >> you are a pathological liar. you don't know truth from falsehood's. >> are you referring to me or the president? >> this is my time. >> jesse: it got a little
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testy at the end. his credibility obviously -- >> greg: here's what he knows about the world. he knows if the if you are a dirt, turn yourself into a gratification machine for the media. you match their assumptions. your rehab isn't becoming a better person. your rehab is agreeing with the people who are in the media. you notice that when the left has somebody up there they want to hear, there's never any interruptions. there's no screaming, no infantile knots with signs. when he's up there, it's clear. you put anybody else up there, the loonie bin on loads. what is it tell you about tolerance and freedom of speech from the left? when they have someone up there to destroy the president, they are so polite. if they have someone up there trying to do a job, they will destroy you. it is hypocrisy at its height. >> juan: i will tell you what hypocrisy is.
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people who say g, you know i believe michael cohen when he says the president never paid any woman to have abortions. this thing about a love child, no. and you know money laundering, beating his wife in the elevator, not true. i believe michael cohen on that. but when he starts talking about trump, jr. coming in to tell his dad about the tower meeting. >> greg: what are you talking about? who are you talking about? name names. >> juan: this is funny to me. you saw chairman cummings stop the hearings to protect a republican against the charge of racism. and behave and what i thought was the most ethical and clearly, a man of great decorum in that moment and you say no, they only interrupt the republicans. that's not true. >> jesse: juan, you have not said one thing that actually happened in the hearing. the down junior thing, michael cohen testified today "i have no direct evidence of any russian
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collusion." his only evidence was that don jr. came into the office one time and whispered something into his dad's ear. that's what he thinks? the evidence of anything? he has no documentation, no corroboration, no witnesses of any russian collusion, any trump tower advanced knowledge. he had nothing. >> juan: nothing about roger stone, nothing about his son coming in just before the meeting. >> jesse: exactly. >> juan: you are so blind because you, like greg, are deep in the bunker. a >> greg: if you say that again, i'm going to throw you off the set. you are intimating who is in the bunker, adolf hitler, correct? that's what you're saying. no, when you are saying someone is in the bunker. juan, juan, juan, what you're saying is you choose the worst intent of people's words. it's like when i say that i believe something, i am in the bunker. what if i said that about you? >> jesse: we are not going to talk about the bunker anymore.
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we are going to get morgan in here to talk about her thoughts about the hearing. >> morgan: one of the questions that i was looking at coming into today, you look at historical precedents. is it similar to the white house counsel who testified a year before president nixon resigned. i think that's the example you keep hearing. democrats are eager to get to it. is it going to be john dean, who gave incredibly compelling testimony if you look at the tapes. there was someone else who showed remorse was part of the nixon time, chuck colson. you could see he completely changed his life after that happened and went on a very christian spiritual adventure. i did not see john dean today and powerful testimony. i did not see chuck colson, and remorseful man who went on to lead an extraordinary christian life. for me, i still come back to,
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especially at the end, i saw a political stunt written by clinton hacks. >> jesse: no russian collusion according to michael cohen and, juan, roger stone didn't have any advance notification about the wikileaks dump. >> dana: there is one person we haven't talked about. she was not in the hearing. that is speaker pelosi. she has tried to tap the brakes and tell her caucus we are not on an impeachment path. she is wanted to tried carefully on that. in elijah cummings' wrap-up statement, he took great offense to republicans who said this is the first hearing that they are not doing anything else. it's not true. talked about the high price of drugs and voting rights. those are substantive issues. for pelosi, they know it's going to be incumbent upon them to show they can govern and not just try to impeach the president. how did they win back the house of representatives? it wasn't because of the far left. it's because they won in
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moderate, suburban districts where they want people to get some things done. one of the most effective people was katie hill, the young woman from southern california. she used to work in the obama administration, one of the freshman democrats whose not gotten a lot of attention. she is solid and moving forward. if i were pelosi, i would want to focus on those folks rather than the far left. if they go down an impeachment path, it probably won't end well for them. >> jesse: and they have to wait for the mueller report to come out first. the cohen hearing that the only major story where following. up next, president trump's high-stakes summit with kim jong un. this is not a bed, it's a revolution in sleep.
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>> greg: what does the media do when faced with the potentially positive dramatic achievement involving donald trump?
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you will find a smaller more embarrassing story and play it up big. call it the split screen effect. >> it's been split screen kind of moment. >> was so interesting today is the juxtaposition. literally and figuratively delete the split screen. >> you have to say this is a classic trump-era split screen story. for what lemmings. overshadowing what's important to you with something important to the media. that means the slow awkward diplomatic process in hanoi that's meant to enhance the survival of our country must now compete with a gossip spectacle filled with old news. guess who wins, the spectacle. that's what the hearing was for. the media knows every time trump goes overseas he wins. so maybe they can distract you with this gratuitous drama and if there's good news from hanoi, it's just too obscure the hearings. >> he may try to distract. he may make a bad decision with kim jong un. >> induces him to overreach, to
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basically hope that he can pull something off in hanoi that will obscure the other story. >> does the president feel the need to come up with something spectacular out of this meeting, something he can tout as a historic agreement in order to overshadow what we are going to hear on capitol hill today? >> greg: isn't it more likely the reverse, that the hearings are meant to undermine the summit? i know even we took all of it. suckers. i've never seen so many people rooting for failure. tom brady wasn't even playing. it might backfire by placing these two stories side-by-side it may create the reverse of what the press wants. what's meant to undermine that damn trump damns them. might end a 70 year war. we could put an end to the false missile alerts that struck court in hawaii but let's focus on slimeball theater which is
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protein powder for the consensus media. it's like comparing a cure for disease with an old jackass rerun. never has something so big been compared to something so small. maybe not. but it's close. juan, for dinner, each major player gets to invite to guests. trump invited pompeo and that other guy. who? >> dana: mulvaney. >> greg: i think it was a slight to dennis rodman. >> juan: he should have been there. we all have to bite our tongue because dennis rodman, it turns out he was an important player. building relationships. when i hear chairman cummings say that what happened on capitol hill today was important because history will record whether or not we at this moment stood tall in terms of defending
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democracy, i don't think it's a small story. and i don't think just because these two guys had dinner, they haven't even started the hearings yet, that we should ignore what's going on here in this country that is of such magnitude and impact to the presidency of the united states. that's the way i feel about it. i don't know what the president has done overseas that amounts to so many wins. the first time he met with this guy, we didn't get much out of it. >> greg: we have gotten a lot of things when he goes overseas and he's pretty good with dignitaries. i think this is a bigger story than this story that we are covering. >> morgan: some people have the super bowl. i have north korean summit week. the major thing and we talked about it yesterday, the patients required in diplomacy. i don't think -- maybe we will have a big win coming out of this but i can see what's more likely is another summit may be at the end of the year or in 2020. from the perspective of the
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north koreans, they are still at war with us. we've been through many other wars since then. or think the average american doesn't really think about north korea. the average north korean and leadership thinks the americans are out to get them and are out to invade their country. that's the mind-set of the person at the other side of the table. i think there's two things to look for as they negotiate over the evening is, is there a peace deal which would officially end the war and what happens with sanctions? the president has said he's going to keep economic sanctions on north korea until there's a consensus on what denuclearization means. is there some sort of leniency on the sanctions so that the north and south can do more economic partnerships, more business deals, the south koreans want that. those of the two things i'm looking for that potentially could come out of the summit tomorrow. >> greg: dana, what are your thoughts? you dressed in unison with
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kim jong un. >> dana: trying to help get the story out there. i think the timing of all this is going to work out in president trump's favor from a media perspective. the michael cohen hearing was going to happen before michael cohen has to go to jail, and that's soon. it was going to happen anyway. today was the set up day and dinner, there's not a lot of news. this hearing now is in the books. tomorrow the entire day is dominated by whatever happens starting the couple hours with president trump and kim jong un. history is a long arc. caring about a 24-hour news cycle. leadership is doing the right thing that you think is the best for the country and explaining it as best you can and letting the chips fall where they may. >> greg: i would like to think that if this were president obama, i would be rooting for him. isn't that weird? >> jesse: you would not. >> greg: you would not. i sense there's a lot of people rooting against world peace.
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>> jesse: they are more threatened by trump than they are of kim. i do think, for the media to say oh, man, these split screens, they are the ones that make the split screens. literally. it's their job to do that. and they orchestrated the split screen by having lanny davis bring cohen on the same day as the summit. >> dana: they should have done it tomorrow. >> jesse: they are not as smart as you are. >> jesse: they ponder, is trump going to do something at the summit to overshadow the split screen that we created to overshadow his summit? it is so stupid. to think that lanny is working pro bono. come on. he is on the payroll of the clinton or the democrats. it's clear the democrats are using cohen as a weapon to impeach him and these prosecutors in the southern district are going after him in order to burnish their credentials and help propel
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their political careers. >> greg: if nothing happens, something still happens because you can always return to whatever kind of cold war you want. if you decide that you never want to do this, then you're just happy to always be at the mercy of somebody's missiles. i think this -- the step that's been made has been good. >> dana: even people who are skeptical in the national security community, they have been like i will be a skeptical optimist. >> greg: the best kind of skepticism. the pessimistic optimist. skeptical optimist? >> jesse: you two. >> greg: "one more thing" is up next. hi, i'm joan lunden with a place for mom, the nation's largest senior-living referral service. for the past five years, i've spoken with hundreds of families
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>> greg: time now for one more thing. juan? >> juan: a bunch of tall guys get stuck in an elevator. take a look at these guys. the portland trail blazers really got stuck in an elevator for 30 minutes. >> man... >> we got in a elevator, man. >> juan: evan turner? he made the sign of the cross when the elevator began jerking up and down. rodney hood looked like he was on the verge of freaking out. there were jokes about rationing food. people online were talking about it. the players got out of the elevator, they have a game tonight against boston. let's see if the luck of the irish is on their side. >> greg: just 30 minutes? that's like a condo for us.
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>> dana: how could i ever reach... i want you to meet keller. keller was born in 2017. born deaf and blind, a real cute little dog. animal control found him and recommended putting the puppy down as an act of mercy due to his disability. a surgeon took a chance on keller, cleaned him up, and eventually john gray and his family fell in love with him with a visit to the shelter. they brought him back. they created this book. they wrote this book, the beautiful illustrations, called "keller's heart," to inspire those with special needs that it's okay to be different. over 800 people waited to meet keller in person at the book launch in albany. john gray is a fox anchor in albany and they give a portion of the proceeds to shelters that help dogs with special needs. i don't think that many people would come out to see jasper. >> greg: i can't admit believe you admitted that.
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>> dana: i think this book is very cute. >> greg: don't do anything to jasper. [laughter] all all right! time for... greg's plugs. i am pointing out my hair. not just a joke. my show in florida sold out in tampa, but there is a hundred seats left in west palm beach. you better get them. i'll be in detroit, tulsa, dallas. also on fox nation, my interview with the legendary kurt lowder. he's out there. we talk about the oscar. movie freak. very smart. awesome dude. my podcast, if you go to colin quinn. such a sweetheart. also recovering from a heart attack. >> i want to see his play red
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state/blue state. >> greg: it's a one-man show, dana. >> jesse: tell her i'll call her back. oh, this is a hash brown. >> greg: amazing acting. >> jesse: pulled over for distracted driving. he's fighting the ticket, though. see the difference? hash brown, cell phone. hash brown, cell phone. i can see how a cop can make a mistake. he's fighting it, though, and i'd like to wish him good luck. i've been pulled over for the same thing for it not for a hash brown, driving while i'm talkin talking. >> juan: but why didn't -- >> jesse: i'm not a defense lawyer. >> dana: were you on your phone when you got pulled over? >> jesse: yeah. >> dana: you deserve it! >> juan: you should have had perry mason defending you.
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jesse >> jesse: there he is. that's right! what are we on... who's got better hair? >> greg: who's got more unique care? >> juan: martha has... >> greg: morgan? >> morgan: my dream job is other than here, it's a chocolate tasting job. you can now take 14 jobs in $14 an hour, the company behind brands like cadbury, oreo, and velveeta, is currently recruiting chocolate lovers to give feedback on their new product. you just have to have a passion for confectionery. tasters are needed up to eight
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hours a week, $14 an hour. if you love chocolate -- >> greg: they'll make you hate chocolate. you have to do it as a job. >> juan: see you on "the five," greg. >> jesse: never miss an episode of "the five." "special report" is up next with guest congressman jim jordan. fred >> coming to you from hanoi, vietnam. the two men are set to meet again in about three hours with denuclearization of the peninsula the goal for the u.s. and yet, our top story tonight is back in washington where the president's longtime lawyer and former chief problem solver exacerbated some long-running problems for his former boss in high-profile testimony on capitol hill for michael


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