tv Fox and Friends First FOX News February 28, 2019 1:00am-2:00am PST
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much bigger story. that wraps up a busy early hour of "fox and friends first," thank you for joining us. a lot of breaking news. no deal but the negotiations continue as "fox and friends first" continues with more coverage, goodbye. >> it wasn't appropriate, i would rather do it right than fast. rob: happening right now at 4:00 on the east coast, fox news alert, the president says no deal. jillian: a sticking point in denuclearization talks and why he chose to walk away at the 11th hour. rob: "fox and friends first" continues right now.
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a big night of breaking news. a lot has happened. you are watching a special early addition of "fox and friends first". jillian: let's get to news breaking overnight. the president boarding air force one in vietnam for this long flight after announcing no deal with kim jong un. jillian: the president stresses talks, i want to do it right, not fast. >> good morning, good evening to is here in vietnam. what a end to this summit. donald trump said sometimes you have to walk away and this was one of those times, one of the sticking points with sanctions
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heading into the summit, they want sanctions lifted on their country before committing to denuclearization. mike pompeo said that is not going to happen. they are hopeful to have an agreement but it is not work. i will let donald trump explain for himself how this broke down. he said this at a press conference a few minutes ago. >> we just left chairman kim, had a very productive time. we thought and i thought and mike pompeo felt it wasn't a good way to sign this out. >> donald trump had the papers
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ready, they were ready to sign something, the white house for the signing agreement ceremony on the official schedule. everyone was waiting for that to happen, at 2:00 eastern time and an hour before that was supposed to happen, sarah sanders came out and said this is not going to happen, let donald trump explain why. they left the summit at the hotel, they left that early and donald trump went by himself to the marriott where he was staying and that is where the press conference took place where donald trump walked out and explained what happened. he insists they parted on good terms, that they made some progress during talks in hanoi and kim jong un committed to know what nuclear weapons tests and left the possibility of a third summit on the table but the summit, the second summit,
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no deal, rob: there was some press conference disappointment, mike pompeo say i wish we could have gotten further but we will see what happens now. jillian: let's continue the coverage as it henry picks up, sanctions were the sticking point. >> reporter: absolutely. there is one facility we knew was on the table, the nuclear facility, something the us intelligence community has known for a long time. donald trump revealed something a.that kim jong un put that on the table. he wanted really for sanctions in exchange for that are the president made clear the intel community brought to the table literally as they sat there that it was the tip of the iceberg, other missiles and warheads and other nuclear facilities the us
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knew about, that they admitted to and summit the us in the words of the president surprised kim jong un with the fact they knew about it so the president said i'm not going to relieve all these economic sanctions in exchange for a fraction of his nuclear program being turned over, dismantled, denuclearize. the bottom line is in the short term this will be read as the president flew all this way and came home empty-handed so it is a loss. on the other hand, i think this president made very clear that in singapore he made a little progress. here in hanoi they made even more progress. a few hours ago kim jong un for the first time on camera said yes, i want to denuclearize. you keep making progress, getting him on the record but he doesn't want to put his whole nuclear program on the table you don't just say no yes and sign onto a bad deal. i suspect the president is playing the long game saying i
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will take a hit on the idea there is no deal today and get a better deal three months, nine months down the road. rob: when you listen to the press conference the eye-opener was the president said he surprised kim jong un with knowledge of their nuclear capabilities and where they had stuff hidden that they thought was hidden that wasn't hidden. it makes you question the intentions of kim jong un if he thought he could pool one over by closing the one central facility and trying to make room for the others. >> reporter: larger truth is despite the deal not happening, in addition to that revelation from the president, the president again said i trust him. i like kim jong un. on top of the letters they exchanged, the president sang a political rally, basically fell
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in love, all of that stuff raising eyebrows whether he's being too nice to a dictator, when you see the dictator saying i didn't know you knew this much about what i am secretly doing, if you are right it raises real questions about whether we can trust this man but that makes the president's point more important which is i am not signing onto a bad deal with a guy i may not be able to trust. if i can trust him, i can back him into a corner in 6 months from now get a better deal, who cares if i can trust him. if i can verify it and get in writing that he's going to denuclearize and sending independent inspectors, that is better. you can't trust him today. jillian: great coverage overnight. let's continue on, joining us on the ground is cia station chief dan hoffman who was tapped to
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join the intelligence advisory board. not sure you were listening, i want to bounce off of this idea of trust. we heard the president say kim promised he wouldn't do any more missile testing. the president says i believe him. is this the president's actually having a real trust in kim jong un or do you think this is the president putting on a public display of trust to move this forward? >> reporter: we are in a miss trust but verify phase. the president made clear that for negotiations to continue north korea must not test nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles and that is a starting point but this is the art of no deal. we have good connectivity for negotiations to continue, we need sanctions to continue, puts a premium on getting a un ambassador signed up soon, nikki haley was so instrumental in ensuring russia and china participation in sanctions against north korea which continues.
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we need that to carry on as we continue negotiations. rob: you have the ability to read people in these situations was there two sides, either rashida tlaib -- kim jong un wants to open up his country or to the world or he's a con man trying to pull one over on the president of the united states. what is your inherent feeling? >> reporter: my inherent feeling as kim jong un is like his father and grandfather, always trying to exact economic gain while giving up as little as he possibly could and what donald trump did today was messaged not only kim jong un but the international community that we would not make a flawed deal. we know about other sites. the president was tangentially empowering the intelligence community by emphasizing the role they have in verify north korea's inherence to an agreement if we ever get one that we can sign.
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heather: they are optimistic about leaving the summit with toxic going forward. how do you break down optimism with the relationship with north korea going forward? >> reporter: we had two summits that we should understand denuclearize in the peninsula is not straight line negotiation, there will be productive steps forward and setbacks. what the president did today and yesterday was emphasized power points going forward and he made that clear to the north koreans what it is going to take to go forward and there will be no sanctions believe unless north korea comes to the table with something productive. i'm optimistic about that but at the end of the day it would be speculative on our part if we know the administration is working hard but as ambassador bolton said, he can't do more than open the door for kim jong
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un. kim jong un will work through the door eventually. jillian: would you consider the summit of success? >> reporter: i would for the reasons i said. we held our ground with north korea. it is important to demonstrate we will not sign a flawed deal. it is going to take a real deal for us to agree to something that would bring us on the path to denuclearization. it would have to be everything all at once but a lot more than kim jong un was willing to agree to at this stage. rob: did you sense disappointment from mike pompeo specifically in the news conference? it seemed they were close to some kind of agreement and thought they could make a little more and maybe they had a deal? i don't think kim jong un thought we knew what we knew about their facilities. >> i didn't sense disappointment from mike pompeo.
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my best guess is the game plan, they probably had a range of options where north korea could have agreed to what we wanted, potentially they could have not given up all we needed to sign an agreement and probably planned beforehand that if the deal wasn't right they were going to walk away. don't think it was a surprise to anyone on the us side, they were well prepared for this. jillian: what did you make of the end the press conference with the president and mike pompeo? one of the reporters asked about strengthening sanctions? the president said i don't want to talk about that? what do you make of that answer? >> that is an option. the president talked about the military exercises which were frozen. there may be pressure to bring those back. what we want to do is get some reflection of north korea's reaction. from my old job at cia going into a full-court press,
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jillian: he refused to completely denuclearize and demanded all sanctions be lifted against north korea. he did not commit to a third summit but talks with north korea are far from over and we will get back to the news in a second but now we have more. rob: a busy day. michael cohen will be back on the hill for a final day of questioning. jillian: donald trump's former attorney making bombshell accusations calling the president a liar and a committal. rob: how the president responded to this. >> reporter: the president took a question, harsh negative light. >> he lied a lot but it was interesting because he said no collusion with russian folks. i wonder why he didn't lie about that like he did about
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everything else? he lied about so many things. i was impressed. the fact is there is no collusion. i call it the witchhunt. this should never happen to another president. this is a bad for the country. >> reporter: previously convicted to line for congress, did not hold back on his character assessment. >> i'm ashamed because i know what mister trump is. he is a racist. he is a con man. he is a cheat. rob: he had no direct evidence of collusion, the central focus of the mueller investigation but that did not stop democratic members. >> did he lie about colluding and coordinating with the russians at any point? >> i wouldn't use the word colluded. was there something odd about back and forth praise with
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vladimir putin, yes. rob: cohen said he heard that it was of interest to investigators. >> on the speakerphone, mister stone told mister trump he had just gotten off the phone with julian assange and mister assange told mister stone within a couple days there would be a massive dump of emails that would damage hillary clinton's campaign. >> reporter: mister stone rejected that characterization but the ranking member of the oversight committee, jim jordan, said this was about one thing and that is democrats setting things up. >> this was the first step in the democrats crazy impeachment plan. a mega donor for the democrats was in jerry nadler's district organizing a townhall meeting to persuade him to go ahead with impeachment.
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rob: cohen returns to finally of testimony, on may 6th. rob: 19 after the hour donald trump wrapping up the summit with kim jong un in vietnam, no agreement. jillian: no deal is a good deal. this is the all-new chevy silverado. it's beautiful. beefy and mean looking. it's the strongest, most advanced silverado ever. the cab is bigger than the last generation. it's the first truck i've seen make you look small. but that's not all... whoo! oh my... whoa! the silverado has more cargo volume than any competitor. very impressive. now, during the chevy presidents day sales event,
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rob: donald trump leaving hanoi leaving without deal with kim jong un. jillian: why other attempts at denuclearization failed as the vice president of the heritage foundation, thank you for your time this morning. there is no deal so some critics will argue this was not a success and people like yourself say no deal is a good deal, what do you make of it? >> we could have sealed a dealer make substantive progress, could have been a nothing burger which it was or the administration could have backtracked and gone back to the old cycle of getting something to get something. i think nothing burger is a great outcome. no carbs and no calories. negotiating keeps going. it is a very good outcome in the us comes with respect for north korea. i think he respects the kim is
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trying to drive a hard bargain and the us is pleased and what is most important, what keeps us safe is not diplomacy but the pressure campaign. as long as you keep the pressure campaign america and its allies are safe and we can allow negotiating to move forward. it is a great outcome. rob: what about messages to the critics of the president went into this all speculating this naïve president that doesn't know diplomacy would go in and sign a bad deal just to get good news going for the administration? he had a major facility on the table and walked away. >> interesting comment because that is what the north koreans believe, the folks believe the problem was mike pompeo or that warmonger john bolton. if they could just get to the president they could get something. they believed that rhetoric. they told the iranian's that was what they were going to do so
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kim came to hanoi to test the proposition and what he walked away with was the critics are idiots. trump, not just a deal for the sake of the deal but looking for a serious deal. that, i also think it was smart of kim to do that. that is what i would have done. come to hanoi and test to see if the president was a serious negotiator or somebody who wanted something to say he had something. >> a lot of people say you can't trust north korea, trust but verify. we heard the president say kim promised he wouldn't do any missile testing. for arguments sake say kim doesn't keep his word and say we go back to square one with north korea as we were prior to this administration and as we were years prior to this, other administrations of tried and failed with trying to get many steps ahead with north korea. what does the president do?
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>> this is the importance of the to track strategy the us has put in place, the pressure campaign that prevents north korea from being a threat to the united states and its allies, nuclear return, missile defense, heavy sanctioning. it limits his capacity to threaten is that limit his capacity to build a substantial nuclear arsenal that could threaten us so that is in place, that is the safety blanket that protects us and allows the united states to pursue this negotiating track with some degree of confidence and not desperation because before they were desperate to get a deal because the north koreans will do anything to make them happy. the president is not falling for that trap. rob: it does look like a place that kim jong un doesn't have any intention of getting rid of his nuclear arsenal.
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he didn't know what us intelligence is and didn't want to quote all of his nuclear options. he wanted to get out of all sanctions. >> kim with testing trump. this is a leader who might be willing to do something for his country and the president is willing to do the negotiating to see if that happened. rob: we appreciate it. the question, what happens next? we had two summits. is the hope of denuclearization on the peninsula dead? jillian: live team coverage from vietnam, stay right there.
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rob: lauren blanchard joins us as the president says sometimes you have to walk away. >> reporter: it all came down to sanctions and what north korea was willing to give up. the president said he wasn't willing to lift crippling sanctions on north korea unless they were willing to bring more to the table. both sides walked away with no deal. >> they wanted the sanctions lifted in their entirety. they were willing to denuclearize large portions of the areas, we would not give up all the sanctions for that. jillian: here's how the white house put it, the two leaders discuss ways to advance denuclearization and economic
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driven concepts. no agreement was reached at this time but their respective teams looks forward to meeting in the future. the president said he walked away from the talks in a, quote, friendly manner saying north korea agreed to give up their major nuclear facility in exchange for lifting sanctions but that wasn't good enough for the president to sign an agreement. north korea would still have nuclear capabilities in place. >> could 100% sign something, we had papers ready to be signed. it wasn't appropriate. i want to do it right. i would rather do it right than fast. >> reporter: mike pompeo said even though both sides improved their relationship, this today wasn't the outcome either side was hoping for. >> we didn't get to something that ultimately made sense for the united states. chairman kim was hopeful we would. we asked him to do more. he was unprepared to do that but i am still optimistic. >> reporter: the president is headed home. air force one is wheels up to
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washington dc and even though this summit came to an abrupt end, both sides continue to talk but donald trump said he has not committed to a third summit. rob: we want to bring the host of america's newsroom, bill heather. good to see you. >> reporter: i am terrific, thank you. rob: talking about kim jong un and how he could be the agent of change in north korea, something you could see being the case comparing this to what reagan did with the soviet union. does this change anything in your opinion? >> nice to see you all. in hanoi, 12 hours plus. i think that what we saw today is more evidence than ever that this is going to be a process.
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a process that will take years. i was in the room during the press conference with secretary mike pompeo and donald trump, they were hanging their heads and disappointed. if you listen to the words of the president what he said was he was willing to give up certain portions of the nuclear program. if that was the case behind closed doors i don't know if we ever got to that point before, the facility north of pyongyang is massive. 387 buildings. it would take months to destroy but the fact the chairman kim conceded that, not the entire program but move the ball forward with his team.
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the president said sometimes you have to walk away but some of the main headlines we took away. jillian: kim has a certain vision and it is not our vision but is closer than it was prior to this summit at the last. what will it take to get the visions on the same page? >> i was thinking during the press conference try to get a question in, i did not have a chance but part of the reason is vietnam, geographically, how close it is to north korea. by train, 60 hours. vietnam has market reforms a communist run system that shows itself to be so profitable for the people of vietnam, the question becomes do you believe chairman kim is willing to take his country and his people in a similar direction? the indications are yes but there is no confirmation on
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that. if he is willing to go that route, then for him, there is no looking back after hanoi. it is my sense after this process that will likely take years that we are now on, that we will look back at singapore and look back at hanoi and say that was the beginning of something great. jillian: let's hope so. rob: he might feel all that modernization could threaten his regime and that is what we will see if he is comfortable with this. we appreciate it. jillian: we are coming right back, stay with us. dear great-great-grandfather, you turned a family recipe into a brewing empire before prohibition took it all away. i promised our family i'd find your lost recipe. by tracing our history on ancestry, i found the one person who still had it. now, i'm brewing our legacy back to life. i'm david thieme, and this is my ancestry story. now with 100 million family trees, find your story. get started for free at
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jillian: he demanded all sanctions be lifted against north korea, the president did not commit to a third summit but did say talks with north korea are not over. we will get back to that in a second. rob: michael cohen will be back on the hill today for a final day of questioning. jillian: this after accusing his former boss of lying. >> i'm ashamed i took part in concealing mister trump's illicit acts rather than listening to my own conscience. he is a racist, he is a con man and he is a cheat. jillian: do you believe anything he says. here is the senior legal fellow at the heritage foundation. thank you for your time this morning. on the other channels, republicans wasted so much time calling him a liar when we already new this, they weren't defending the president.
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what do you say to that? >> we heard a lot of unproven accusations yesterday by a proven liar. i'm not sure why democrats think cohen has any credibility. not just that he pleaded guilty to lying to congress, he also pleaded guilty to lying to the irs and cheating on his taxes. he pleaded guilty to lying to banks and cheating them in his financial dealings. why would anything he say have any credibility? when cohen accused the president of being a con man and a cheat i think he may have been looking in the mirror and talking about himself. rob: the thing is republicans and even the president, you call him a liar and say all the things he did and how he lied to the entire committee meeting but then say he told the truth about no collusion. it's not fair to cherry pick. he is a liar or he is telling
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the truth. >> on the russian collusion issue he could get caught if he were to start lying about that. as of today bob mueller has turned up no evidence whatsoever of any russian collusion. all the other matters he took up are just his word against the president. don't forget the prosecutors in new york when he pled guilty, they submitted a sentencing memorandum to the judge which describe the character of michael cohen. he had engaged in a constant pattern of deception. in his personal professional life. anytime he was confronted with wrongdoing he tried to shift the blame to someone else. that is the same pattern we saw in his testimony yesterday. jillian: you mention the president made a comment on this this morning.
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when he was asked the question about this. >> he called you a liar, a con man, what is your response to michael cohen? >> it is in direct. having a fake hearing like that and having it in the middle of this very important summit is a terrible thing. jillian: a lot of people criticized the timing of what happened yesterday in washington while the summit was going on. >> i really wonder why they are having this hearing in the midst of important foreign-policy activities. the bottom line here is it reminds me of a line from shakespeare. a lot of sound and fury yesterday signifying nothing. as i said all the accusations being made by cohen are unsupported by evidence.
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from this testimony. rob: preferential coverage shows a bias here? senior policy analyst, thank you for coming on this morning, i want to pull up the information and show you the three main broadcast networks, nbc, four minutes on the evening news, four minutes from vietnam and 12 minutes on cohen, cbs, abc 2 and 8 on cohen. i will start with you. to be fair the north korean summit hadn't even called yet completely and the cohen hearing was very explosive stuff. what do you think? >> obviously they are trying to sell tv time. anything related to cohen is going to have some allegations which may or may not be true, likely not true.
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it is better them to present this image. for democrats it is great, they can present two images to the american public. a measure of world leader or a con man and that is what they got and what they get out of this testimony. rob: democrats, some in the media elated to have this on television yesterday. do you see bias? >> i don't see bias. is important to remember this hearing was scheduled for earlier this month but donald trump took to twitter, had rudy giuliani attacking michael cohen and attacking his family and that precipitated the move of the hearing to yesterday. rob: they could have put it next week. >> we can handle multiple things at the same time. the summit hadn't even started at that point. >> the timing is suspect.
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this testimony had been delayed 7 times and low and behold, this is meant to undermine the president's credibility among the american people. and democrats hoping they would get something salacious out of it. the biggest headline from cohen's testimony is he knows there is no collusion on the part of donald trump and for all the things he probably lied about yesterday that may have been the one hint of truth. rob: it seems there has always been a protocol you don't try to hurt the president when he is overseas doing business. that went out the window yesterday. one thing michael cohen said is he has the searing -- there is no proof of collusion.
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that sticks a knife in the collusion theory. if you don't think he is going to win, why colluded with the russians? if you don't think you're going to win why pay off porn stars to benefit your election? >> that is an interesting point. my take aways were the president writing checks to cover up this affair from the oval office, those checks were sent from the white house -- >> if you believe that you can argue he has done that before when not running for president. >> the other interesting thing, he implicated ivanka, eric and don junior in conversations with russian nationals about a potential moscow tower in the month leading up to elections. it puts a stake in the heart of the collusion issue and may be an issue of financial miss dealing rather than russian collusion. we have to see the process play out in the southern district of new york and we are waiting for the mueller report which could come out as early as next week. rob: we want to talk about the
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impact of this summit and what is going on in 2020. the president didn't get what he wanted yet. is moving in a good direction. what do you think? >> for 2020 there was no damage to the president. being willing and able to walk away when you feel you are forced to give away too much is the site of a good leader and a position of strength. if you look at content on the democratic ticket, those who have announced, none of them bring foreign-policy acumen to the table. rob: final word. >> i am a little disappointed -- as you said earlier, the fact that we don't have a third summit on the books is a strong disappointment for this administration. rob: the one democrat rooting for the summit to be successful. we have you on record. thank you for coming on this morning.
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jillian: played over and over and remind him. donald trump walked away from negotiations with kim jong un with no deal. is no deal better than a bad deal? there is no shortage of opinions on this one. rob: carly shimkus with what everybody is talking about on social media. ♪ it's the first truck i've seen make you look small. but that's not all... whoo! oh my... whoa! the silverado has more cargo volume than any competitor. very impressive. now, during the chevy presidents day sales event, get 0% financing for 72 months on this all-new silverado. drive yours away this presidents day.
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rob: if you're just breaking up, breaking news, donald trump and kim jong un walking away with no deal. >> we left chairman kim who had a productive time, we thought and i thought and mike pompeo felt it wasn't a good thing to be signing anything. >> the news setting -- donald trump is on air force one making the long journey home. one of them is going to be what is the reaction going to be in washington and among the american people? we have some of that for you. it will take a few more meetings. next tweets seems like a waste.
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we will see what happens in the next few weeks. another twitter user says we are in talks closer than ever before. he did the right thing by walking away. we haven't lost anything but time. he is right not to rush this. we will see some reaction from democratic lawmakers calling a waste of time. he was criticized by his critics on the left, thinking he would talk up as a win. somebody on another network, a democrat on another network city was doing this just to get a nobel peace prize. if that were the case he wouldn't have shown the constraint he did and walked away. >> the other you walk into this and say you can have a western country and mcdonald's and walmart and kim jong un would be like great. he has seen all this for years
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and years convincing him to change his ways, they know what capitalism is. jillian: the president's i want to do this right. that is the real headline, the whole press conference he had. "fox and friends" starts now. pete: there is no deal in vietnam. donald trump cutting the north korean some short. jedediah: heading back to the united states saying kim jong un refused to denuclearize north korea and demanded all sanctions be lifted. >> at this time we had some options and decided not to do any of the options. sometimes you have to walk. this is one of those times. brian: talks with north korea are not over long-term and looking forward to meeting with kim jong un in the future.
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