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tv   The Five  FOX News  February 28, 2019 2:00pm-3:00pm PST

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clarion call the next presidential campaign. we shall see. certainly we can figure out the number of people running for president is going to be significant. probably close to the debt. "the five" starts now. ♪ >> greg: i am greg gutfeld with kennedy, juan williams, jesse watters. she paddle boards on a popsicle stick. dana perino. "the five" ." >> always have to be prepared to walk. i could've signed an agreement today in the new people would've seto, what a terrible deal. what a terrible thing he did. you have to be impaired to walk and there was a potentially could've signed something today. i could've 100% signed something today. we have papers ready to be signed they just wasn't appropriate. i want to do it right. i am would've much rather do it right then do it fast. >> i wanted -- they wanted to do
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nuke certain areas and i wanted everything. i didn't want to give up the sanctions unless we had a real program. they are not ready for that and i understand that fully. they spent a lot of time building attend doesn't mean the world has to be happy but i want them to do denuke. >> >> translator: if i'm not willing to do that, i won't be here right now. >> that might be the best answer you've ever heard. >> greg: how do you know when their media routes for failure? they spend days saying that trump will give away the farm and then mock him when he doesn't. speak with the surprise is nothing. >> the second time the united states is lost in vietnam. >> strike one in singapore. our district to inherit. no deal to denuclearize north korea, something he staked
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a lot of his presidency on. >> greg: trump left without a deal. if you believe this is a sign of failure, represents the whole process, then you flunk this quiz. walking away as part of the process which is slow and odd. sometimes it's better to appear going backwards or making nice even when it looks bad. the lines of communications exist even when they are crossed. by walking away, we move ahead. trump said the sanctions stay. that's a first and that's progress. it could be that north korea is unsolvable but if there's a solution, involves talking. i don't know about you but i feel safer that i did a year ago because of talking. it is still believed we conceded a lot with just a meeting, you are a relic, preferring to settle things through the currency of corpses, meaning war. for you blood is an atlas commodity but for the more peaceful types, we will see what
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happens. bureaucrats and hawaiian shirts telling their families seek shelters. it's going to take a while. long-term effort with short-term pain. the benefit will bring peace. the short-term pain is the media who screws the rollover by making any deal look like a concession. trump has a long game which is better than the media which has no gain at all. the media is gloating even though they make the world less safe. >> jesse: you shouldn't be celebrating the fact that north korea still has missiles pointed at us. it's hard problem. if it was easy, the last three presidents would've solved it. i don't like the way they set him up. they said he was going to sign a bad deal to distract from cohen. he doesn't sign a better deal and now they are saying that he can't deal. >> dana: he did distract from cohen. >> jesse: he did. and we will have cohen next. i think what happened was the
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chinese probably told him to scuttle it and use it as leverage for the train deal. trump said he was going to drop the tariff increase on march 1. it's a gamesmanship between xi and trump. like you said, we will see what happens. i don't like the deal. they wanted to destroy their main nuclear plant in exchange for dropping all sanctions, that's crazy. no deal is better than a bad deal. it's very easy to do a deal and i think the media likes the idea of the deal and i don't care what's in it. i was easy to make the iran deal. give them a bunch of cash and let them keep their missiles. it's easy to do deals. it's difficult to do tough deal deals. >> greg: this is what you call a lose-lose proposition with the media. >> dana: i think leaders have to ignore it.
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do the right thing, move on, explain it the best you can. i didn't like the comment from the msnbc commentator that this is the second time we lost in vietnam. that's so ridiculous and melodramatic. we are clearly in a better place than we were at the end of 2017. there's that and an expert on green issues, she said north korea is the land of no good options. i think we are in a better place, but so is kim. now he's in an elevated position. he's like, look at me. he's got a little bit of swagger and he has our attention. i don't think the sanctions are going to get any easier for him. i don't think his buddies, the chinese are the russians come are going to be of help to him and i think he has raised the bar so high for for a third sut that he's going to have to give something because apparently there is reporting that the secretary of state was warning the president, this guy is not coming with good intentions.
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he doesn't have a plan to do it but we went ahead with the summit anyway. >> greg: kennedy, he didn't look that well when he was there, kim. >> kennedy: he looked tired, slow, and corpulence. those are three adjectives i don't want to associate with me when i'm negotiating a big peace treaty. i think the president's right when he says north korea can become an economic powerhouse. that's true. i think a lot of countries in the world would like to do trade with north korea that is denuclearized for the labor council been opened and those prisoners, those who have survived, are freed, as are their families. that would be a great story and i think there are a lot of people who would be snapping up bargains. i don't think kim jong un would be the leader in such a climate. he knows this. if he gives up his nukes, he gives up his power. he really has nothing else to offer his country.
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once they realize that free-market barn door can swing open, those horses are going to leave in search of economic mobility and opportunity. by definition -- not only he doesn't want to offer that to his people because he wants to remain in control. he doesn't know how. >> greg: juan, one of the consequences of playing nice is that you play too nice and i think president trump got a lot of golf from the media over his statements over otto warmbier, saying that he took president kim jong un at his word and it did not play well here. >> juan: i think it didn't play well with republicans. even on this show and this network, we have talked about otto warmbier as a victim of a tyrant. what we've seen from his parents is absolute torture with they are going through. then you have president trump saying today he takes kim jong un's word.
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a lot of people, rob portman from ohio but also a number of the republican, leading republican senator said that's unacceptable. why would you do that? to me this plays into i think president trump thinks that the key to negotiation his flattery. that i can build a personal relationship. i will make you feel loved and secure and then will make a deal. it clearly didn't happen. i think for lots of people in the foreign policy establishment, they say why don't you do it in a more substantial way in which you think about and plan what it is you're willing to do in and what you think the other guy will do. instead, trump says i don't believe our intelligence agencies. i don't believe dan coats. i don't believe gina haspel. they are wrong. i believe kim jong un. that destabilizes us and then we give him a platform. dana was picking up on this. we have elevated kim jong un in this process. jesse said maybe it's about china and the tariff deal and china's putting pressure on
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them. again, who put themselves in that position? it was us because rather than go about step-by-step negotiation, we just took a flyer here and it really didn't work out. >> greg: we have to toss too, guess what, we have michael cohen. he is speaking. there he is. >> i'm committed to telling the truth and i will back on march 6 to finish up. there's more to discuss. thank you so much. i'm sorry you had to stick around all day long. >> greg: we'll have more. that exciting news in a moment. dana, you are about to say something. >> dana: one is that there's something about the need to be willing to take risks in life. no risk, no reward. >> greg: you live your life by that, dana. >> dana: it's all true. >> jesse: risky business,
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dana perino. >> greg: you took that plane to mexico. >> dana: that was only one time. i learned my lesson. but i'm not leaving the country. if you're going to start a business or if you're going to grow a business, if you're going to make a leap of faith, if you're going to try to make peace with an enemy, you have to take a risk. if you do that, you might be rewarded. you also might have a news cycle that doesn't feel very good but in the long run, the long arc of history will benefit the risk takers. >> jesse: as you remember, juan, because you are a little bit older than i am. gorbachev was at reykjavik with reagan. reagan walked out and said no deal and he got crushed by the media. they had several other meetings and things ended up working out but i understand your point because traditionally in diplomacy when you have the stomach, your underlings line up these things that are going to happen that it's basically like a big signing ceremony. the problem with that is kim. he's a dictator and he doesn't have any underlings that he can farm out any responsibility.
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>> dana: he refused to let them talk to the secretary of state which i think should have been a tell. he >> jesse: all trump, all p.m., they are the only individuals that can make the deal. >> juan: i don't understand why you take the word of the saudi prince , mohammad bin salman, i don't understand why you take vladimir putin's word. now you take kim jong un over our intelligence. he >> jesse: it didn't sit well with me either. i think he's trying to find peace and he thinks that strategy -- >> juan: it's not a risk. it's an insult to us as the american people. >> greg: i think it's a risk. i want to hear from the warmbier family. we heard that the chief negotiator agrees with trump. i would like to know. trump has a good relationship
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with the warmbiers. president trump unloading on michael cohen. hear from him next. -we're doing karaoke later, and you're gonna sing. -jamie, this is your house? -i know, it's not much, but it's home. right, kids? -kids? -papa, papa! -[ laughs ] -you didn't tell me your friends were coming. -oh, yeah. -this one is tiny like a child. -yeah, she is. oh, but seriously, it's good to be surrounded by what matters most -- a home and auto bundle from progressive.
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[ ding ] show me just add magic. hey toothless. [ ding ] [ gurgling ] [ ding ] show me cartoons on netflix. [ ding ] [ cooing ]
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[ door closes ] [ cooing ] ♪ [ ding ] show me fish on youtube. say it and see it with the x1voice remote. from netflix, prime video,youtube and even movie tickets. just say get "dragon tickets". ♪ >> jesse: minutes ago michael cohen leaving capitol hill after his third day of congressional testimony. he was meeting behind closed doors with the house intelligence committee. president trump firing back against his former attorney's claims in an interview airing on hannity tonight. >> as far as cohen is concerned, he's convicted. he's a liar. he's defrauded at a high level, he's got a lot of problems. he liked so much.
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i watched some of it. i was able to watch some of it. he lied so much and yet he said when it came to collusion, the whole hoax with the rush of collusion, with just a witch hunt hoax and very, very bad for our country. because it really stops you from doing what you set out to do. he said no collusion. >> jesse: no collusion. >> dana: that was the only part he didn't lie about. [laughter] that's what's hard about that argument. >> jesse: if he did have the goods on collusion or anything like that, he probably wouldn't be going to jail. he probably would've cut a deal. >> dana: may be. we don't know what's in the mueller report so i don't know. i would ask two questions. did it move the democrats closer to impeachment? no, i don't think so. i think that's pretty much consensus. no, no. number two, does it change anyone's opinion about the character of donald trump?
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no. >> jesse: don't say nothing burger. >> dana: i'm not going to say nothing burger. it was a hearing that had to happen. it's behind everybody. i think there might be an excuse for the democrats to be able to say we need some more hearings. if you look at congresswoman ocasio-cortez's questions about money laundering and the insurance claims and she said do you think we need to get more information on this and you need to see the tax returns. >> jesse: what did she allege? he was devaluing the property? >> dana: i think somebody within may be st ny or somebody said it would be a good question to ask and get him on the record because it allows them to pull more strings. on the two big questions, the answer was no. >> jesse: greg gutfeld. >> greg: the best analysis came from geraldo. he found more in al capone's vault than that. cohen, the only thing that
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strikes me. obviously he's a rat but he exchanges his rat costume for a different rat costume yesterday. he is like jussie smollett. he knows the media's weakness. cohen knew that his currency was anti-trump platitudes. he knows that it's the opiate for the media still hurting from 2016. that soliloquy, it was like he was running through everything you say at a cocktail party about trump. that media is going it's a bombshell but it turned out to be more like a mild rash that was gone by the next day. >> dana: the 24-hour flu. >> greg: it was. >> jesse: do you agree with dana's assessment? >> juan: i think dana laid out the scenario exactly right which is that now you have the democrats calling for more testimony. allen weinstein, the -- allen
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weisselberg. >> dana: i don't think he can testify. he has immunity. >> juan: i think he will be called and i think other people in the same orbit in terms of finances, the deals made, the kind of corruption that cohen suggestion suggested. >> jesse: now they are investigating private business deals from decades ago? >> juan: the doors open. the key here to me is forget what michael cohen said because you can call him a liar. but you can't forget the documents he produced. he produced documents that showed that as president of the united states while in the office, the president was involved directly in paying off this porn star and that's a crime. >> jesse: personal expenditure. i said that so many times. >> juan: you can be the lawyer. >> greg: campaign finance, that's what we're talking about. >> kennedy: a couple things,
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it was funny when michael cohen was asked whether or not he wanted a job in the white house and he said no, absolutely not. >> jesse: i think we have it on tape. can we hear that? >> wanted to work in the white house. >> no, sir. i did not want to go to the white house. i was offered jobs. >> is there a chance? >> there's a chance he's going to ask me to go. >> would you go? speaker 100%. >> kennedy: he didn't want to go and then he said he was so proud of being the personal attorney to the president of the president of the united states. he's proud to be the personal attorney to the president who william has just called a liar, cheat, and racist. why would you want to be associated with that person in any capacity because those are three things about someone i certainly want to associate with myself with. >> juan: i thought he said he was proud to have been this guy's lawyer. >> kennedy: he didn't need a
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job in the white house because he was so proud to be the personal attorney to the president of the united states. if he knew for years and years, even through his stockholm syndrome that the president was so compromised and awful and racist and now he's willing to come forward and open his heart and shed his tears because his life is ruined, the whole thing is malarkey. >> greg: now he is an folk hero to alec baldwin. how sad is that? >> juan: it looked to me, use the word rat. i think this looks so mafioso like. someone going to jail, whose families being hurt, might have a decision to make about his legacy and that's why he came forward. >> greg: >> jesse: no mafia stuh chicago and obama, right? joe biden and beto o'rourke made king's a big 2020 news. hear about it next. it's absolute confidence
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♪ >> juan: big-name democrats could be ready to shake up the 2020 race. joe biden hinting he qb close to announcing a possible presidential run. >> we had a family meeting with all the grandkids too and there is a consensus that they, the most important people in my life, want me to run. i don't want this to be a fool's errand. i want to make sure that if we do this and we are very close to getting to a decision, that i am fully prepared to do it. i have not made the final decision but don't be surprised. >> juan: beto o'rourke revealing he's made a decision about 2020. he says he's excited to soon
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share how he can "better serve our country." o'rourke reportedly ruling out another senate run next year. kennedy, the polls show he would be tied with john cornyn in a senate race. a lot of the top democrats right now thinking it would be better if beto ran for senate. >> kennedy: he has more senate momentum in texas and is really well known there. he's laid quite a foundation. he was able to read so much money. he could be a threat to john cornyn. i don't disagree. we talk to democrats and independents are less about beto o'rourke, there's no excitement. he's not an exciting person. think about what we saw in north korea, can you imagine beto o'rourke and kim jong un, what kind of conversation they would have. it would be so weird. he's so dorky and awkward. for some reason, he's infuriating to me. he's a beta male. his nickname is so appropriate.
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swap out a a40o. he has beto o'rourke. i think he wants to be vice president which is just god-awful. he's probably going to announce with joe that that's the ticket. biden-o'rourke his nickname is so appropriate. >> juan: let's go to biden. he's run twice before. >> jesse: how did that go? >> juan: he did win with obama obama. he's indicating that he's looking at social media. he wants to understand if the support that he's hearing about now is sincere, if it is solid or if it will dissipate. >> jesse: this is an actual quote from joe biden. he said "we are taking a hard look at whether or not this alleged appeal i have, how deep does it run. is it real?" biden doesn't even know people like him.
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trump called him 1% biden. the man has no bays. he's going to get out there and it's going to deflate. remember rudy giuliani, high poll numbers in the primary, and he, when the rubber hit the road, it went right downhill. that's what's going to happen to biden. the minute biden gets into a debate and camelot and pocahontas and broker, they start sinking their teeth into him, i think he's too clumsy toe these attacks on identity and he's not going to last and he should go out and make money. the trump economy is strong. right off into the sunset with a nice decent legacy. >> juan: dana do you think about his preoccupation with social media. >> dana: i think he's too preoccupied with what his family thinks he should do. we've been in this family focus group with him for two years. his grandchildren want him to run. my grandfather would have been an amazing president as well,
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leo perino. the peekaboo game from biden and beto is tiresome and i think a couple things. indecision is going to turn off the hard left. if you can't show that you are able, that you have what it takes, the fire in the belly to take on donald trump and run against the sky, you're not going to get them. neither of these two need to give themselves artificial deadlines. if i were biden, i would wait. the if the most important thing to democrats is electability, let these other characters campaigned for a few months and let's see if they are electable and then get in and try to save the day. >> kennedy: the only thing that would force someone's tide line -- timeline. >> dana: the thing with beto, a lot of that money came from out of state. if he ran for senate in texas, the democrats always lose. >> kennedy: i was talking about biden trying to figure out. >> dana: if i were beto, i
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would run now. joe biden had a moment to run. it was 2016 and he chose not to. i think maybe the time has passed. if he would come on a show for "the daily briefing." >> juan: we suggest you do it, mr. vice president. i think you need to give him space on the family stuff. >> dana: i don't want anyone to suggest that. his son who passed away said his dying wish was dad come i want you to run. but the clip we just shown, my grandchildren think i should run. okay. at some point you've got to show, you think you want to run against trump because you want to run for the country, not because your grandchildren want you to. >> juan: kennedy is putting down beto o'rourke as a beta male. >> greg: i want to talk about beto and biden. every time i see -- beto is not exciting. he's excitable. every time i see him, he's like a buzzed college kid at thanksgiving dinner and excitedly telling the family about the class he's taking on noam chomsky and when he leaves, everybody the table is going did
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he take something in the bathroom? really, really hyped up. biden is like a redhead at the beach. he's got no base. why enter a race when you're going to have to leave? i feel like the media has already selected kamala harris. he is like the old white guy at the raven people wanted to leave so that they can break out the ecstasy. the only way biden could win and i believe this seriously and he could win big is to talk to the obamas and convince michelle to be his vp. for four years, he's got michelle as vp. he steps aside. then you get eight years of michelle obama. 12 years of the obamas. that's what you do. i expect my check from the dnc tomorrow. >> dana: twitter is going to be lit. >> juan: i think beto o'rourke might be the vice presidential on the ticket with biden but i don't know. >> kennedy: that's the package deal. they can't help themselves.
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>> dana: i don't think they can do two white guys. >> juan: the keeper democrats is beating trump. kamala harris creating a new controversy. interesting. find out about it next on "the five" " ♪ when heartburn hits, fight back fast with tums smoothies. it neutralizes stomach acid at the source. ♪tum tum tum tum smoothies. also available tums sugar-free. because they let me to customize my insurance, and as a fitness junkie, i customize everything. like my bike and my calves. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ the company who invented car vending machines and buying a car 100% online. now we've created a brand new way for you to sell your car. whether it's a few years old or dinosaur old, we want to buy your car. so go to carvana and enter your license plate,
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we should really consider that we can't criminalize consensual behavior. >> kennedy: oh, how big of you! she is being accused of hypocrisy for those comments. given her record as a prosecuto prosecutor. in 2008 when they were talking about decriminalizing sex work in that great city of san francisco, she said i don't want a bunch of and prostitutes coming here and it was instrumental shutting down where sex workers were able to screen prospective clients. >> dana: when you're a prosecutor, your job is to prosecute whatever the laws are. there are a lot of laws. if somebody changes their mind and your forte, she knew shouldn't you just say great? >> kennedy: no because they are worried they are going to change their minds back to something that i despise out of out of convenience and political opportunity. she said the same thing with cannabis. there are a lot of people
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rotting in prison in california because of some of the decision she made as a district attorney and attorney general. now she is conveniently saying well, you know, if it's consenting, it's a consensual transaction between adults. i don't think she believes that. greg, where do you stand on all of this? >> greg: she is running on pot and hookers and i think that's awesome. i have to say she deserves credit, i don't know what you call legalizing sex work. on i don't have to convince you. transactions between consenting adults with both parties agree to the rules, how can it be subject to prison? how can you go to jail for that? it blows my mind. people say what about trafficking. prosecuted. you will do a better job if you focus on trafficking and leave the professionals and customers out of the way.
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the thing about backpage and craigslist, these are people making deals. >> dana: a lot of the backpage stuff was trafficking. >> greg: i wouldn't know, dana. >> dana: i covered it as a story, that's how i know. ask senator rob portman. >> greg: why? was he on backpage? >> dana: no. he pushed to get it closed down because of the human trafficking issues. i think you're right. i think the human trafficking part, if you want to focus on that a new take the other part away. >> kennedy: then you create an even darker black market and that's the problem. when you are forcing it deeper and deeper into the shadows and you criminalize the activity, the black market grows. that's not a good thing. people are going to do what they are going to do. you're not going to affected because because it's the world oldest profession because the demand is there. >> juan: i think the violence and the kind of threats and abuse and the larger sex trafficking we saw in the bob kraft case in florida.
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>> kennedy: allegedly. tlaib. i think that's what we have to go after. i was struck to see "the new york daily news" here in new york, say we agree with kamala harris. take away the intimidation, take it out of the dark, people who are of the consensual bond to do with they are doing but to go after the people setting up the deals that make sense. i think it's a waste of resources to go after what you just described is the oldest profession in the world. >> jesse: i think she forgets she's running for president of the united states of america and not california. look at these radical position she's taking. legalized prostitution. she is for reparations. legalizing weed. she wants to get rid of columbus day and replace it with indigenous peoples day. she wants to get rid of private health insurance. she is pro colin kaepernick. she is pro green new deal. she is for open borders.
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and partial-birth abortion. if she's going to have tac back to the center if she gets the nomination, she's going to get shredded. >> juan: are you her communications director? >> jesse: i should be. >> greg: if she wins, i'm going to need the pot and the hookers. >> kennedy: it is wild card wednesday on thursday. lobster: oh, you guys. there's a jet! oh...i needed this. no, i can't believe how easy it was to save hundreds of dollars on our car insurance with geico. we could have been doing this a long time ago. so, you guys staying at the hotel? yeah, we just got married. oh ho-ho! congratulations! thank you. yeah, i'm afraid of commitment... and being boiled alive. oh, shoot. believe it. geico could save you 15% or more on car insurance. that guy's the worst.
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♪ >> dana: it's been a busy week. we are moving wild card wednesday to thursday because it's fun then i'm going to open this up. we only have 4 minutes. full fighters, pearl jam, melvin's members have formed a new supergroup. speculation over a new supergroup? are you excited. >> greg: i don't like super groups but this is a great supergroup. foo fighters and soundgarden. it's a grunge supergroup. king king buzzo. i'm on cloud nine. >> jesse: who are the melvins? >> greg: what! get him out of here.
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>> dana: martha stewart teams up with a legal marijuana producer to make products for pets. they are going to make products using cbd, products for humans as well and things like that. >> kennedy: that's mine. martha stewart, she is getting into the reefer game. how smart is this? it's going to be a multimillion dollar company. people looking for cannabis stock to invest in. this might be the one. >> greg: anthony weiner is the spokesman. >> kennedy: all sorts of people getting in the weed game. >> jesse: they want pets to be high? >> kennedy: to alleviate pain. >> juan: it doesn't get you high, the cbd. >> dana: a girlfriend of mine gave me some cbd oil for my muscle tension in my upper back and i have to tell you it works quite well. >> greg: you take pot! you are a drug addict!
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>> kennedy: it's not psychoactive. >> greg: i want to make her feel guilty about breaking the law. >> dana: a mom on a ten-hour flight hands out 200 bags of candy, earplugs in case the baby cries. this is mine. a mom who was worried because she was taking the kid on the first light. she gets on the plane and this is what the note says. i am four months old. today i'm going to be flying with my mom and grandma. i hope i can be quiet. apparently she didn't make a peep the entire flight. isn't that a nice thing? >> jesse: i say do less, mom. >> greg: hand out airplane bottles of booze. >> dana: good idea. the >> juan: for kids. >> kennedy: babies love the white noise on planes. it's the toddlers who raise holy hell. >> juan: we had a story where a woman made a scene on a plane because she was seated next to a
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child. >> dana: an uber driver offers customers a menu. jokes, be rude, therapy, silence. >> juan: this is mine. we get in cabs and cars all the time. this guy broke down so you know exactly what you're buying. you can say i want to hear jokes. he can be a funny guy or you can say i want a scary ride and he will not say a word. just glance at you in the mirror. >> dana: this must be yours, jesse. north carolina considers dropping f grade for schools. >> jesse: i think failing is good for character. i think everyone here besides dana has failed something. gotten a big fat f. >> dana: guy ever get a f? yes. in graduate school, our first writing assignment, everyone got in in a f. >> jesse: now you can pass with 40%? it's pathetic. it's why the chinese are taking over.
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>> dana: i am not for this either. before you know it, we are going to be smoking more pot. >> kennedy: with our pets. >> greg: legalized sex work with pets. >> dana: "one more thing" is up next. so... you're driven, and you have a ton of goals... but you're stuck in the vicious cycle of credit card payments. it's time to get a personal loan from sofi. borrow up to $100k to pay off your credit cards, and then pay us back with one monthly payment. and it's all with zero fees. get a personal loan, and pay no fees. ( ♪ )
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and actually improves memory. the secret is an ingredient originally discovered... in jellyfish. in clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve short-term memory. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. ♪ >> jessie: one more thing and i go first. tonight we will be on tucker for the final exam and it is going to be a guaranteed barn burner although i am against arson. >> kennedy: sends one? >> greg: that is right. i love arson. time for animals are great. do no animals are great? because of this. here you have this cat basically looking for a fight.
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he sees another cat and there is a cat over there. her friend the dog says let's go back. let's have a couple of drinks. isn't that nice? [laughter] that is such a good friend. get back in the bar. you don't want any trouble. you have been drinking a little bit. there is a girl at the bar who likes you. you will forget about it and 30 seconds. ♪ animals are great. beat that one. >> dana: kids are even better. >> greg: are you sure? >> dana: he is from colorado and he is stephanie jones son, a friend and my sister. he had an assignment from school and had to choose an awesome american to be and he chose george w. bush. this is a part of the speech he memorized. >> i love baseball.
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that gives little league a chance to play ball at the white house. i'm an awesome famous american. >> dana: well done. congratulations on that great performance. >> greg: that was okay. [laughs] that was all right. >> jessie: speaking of great performances. dwyane wade still hasn't. look at this miami heat warriors game last night. the three-pointer to beat the buzzer, the top of the key. >> dana: this is taking a long time. >> he shoots! >> juan: oh, my gosh. >> jessie: that is going to be me tonight with tucker and greg tonight. >> greg: you want to do sports commentary. >> jessie: 8:30 a.m. tomorrow morning. >> dana: you are really earning your pay. >> juan: i want to tell you that once i was with george w. bush and he said, i
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was reading something you wrote. it was a book where he was talking about his love of baseball. >> dana: i love baseball. >> juan: don't you love it when people exceed expectations? take a look at the 7-year-old. [cheers and applause] yes! they hit that home run in his game with only one arm. he has never let having one arm slow him down. he is missing most of his right arm due to a birth defect. by the way, he is getting some top notch training. week the st. louis picture through batting practice for him and he also is a golfer. at age three he was a prodigy and got to play with tiger woods and bubba watson. everybody believes in you. >> dana: i love that story. >> greg: do you really? >> kennedy: that will be hard at all.
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i have a story about a pig who loves oreos. this potbelly pig living in ohio and she got out of her pan. apparently the nosy neighbor let her out of her little enclosure and she is a very social animal so she went through the neighborhood looking for cows. her mom got real worried and called the police officer. stuffed oreos were her favorite treat so they left a trail and she said, these are delicious? >> greg: that works on me. >> kennedy: it is so great to be a pig. let us beyond double stuffed. >> greg: these thin stuffed? that is just stupid. >> kennedy: that is just cruel cruel. they had to take a pig into custody. someone was trying to blow her house down. >> greg: look at that. yum, yum. who did that? that was well done. that was better than that
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terrible one from earlier this week. remember i made fun of it? >> juan: i think oreos stuffed pig is pretty tasty. >> greg: we have to go. >> jessie: "special report" is up next. i bet you are annoyed. >> bret: thanks greg. this is a fox news alert and good evening and good morning here in vietnam. i am bret baier. we are coming to you halfway around the world in vietnam or the second summit between president trump the north korean leader kim jong un entered it a very different fashion than the first, without an agreement at this time. president trump says he was not willing to give into north korea's demand that the u.s. left all sanctions without an ironclad promise from kim to eliminate the nuclear all snow. the north koreans had an extremely rare press conference a few hours ago to say they only wanted some of the sanctions lifted to get rid of itsig


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