tv Hannity FOX News March 1, 2019 10:00pm-11:00pm PST
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explain this brave new world we're entering. thank you. that's it for us. we could go on for monday but you'll have to wait until monday at 8:00 p.m. have a great weekend with the people you love. sean hannity right now. who >> welcome to this special edition of han anity, i'm in tonight for sean who is making his wayay back from vietnam. for the hour we're going to do something no other network will do.. we'll actually examine the democratic party's mission to radically transform america into a socialist nation. as we speak, 2020 democrats and their colleagues in washington are promising you the world. free healthcare for all, free higher education for all, free housing for all, universal income, no more fossil fuels, no more nuclear energy, no more gas powered cars, no more airplanes
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and heaven forbid, no more cows. in indy all they want is higher taxes, more power for themselves. if they are successful we'll pay a very heavy price in this nation. not only with our wallets but also with the inalienable rights that have made this country the greatest place on earth. this week at cpac conservative leaders are fighting back against the democratic party's ongoing love affair with socialism. watch this. >> under the guise of medicare for all, and a green new deal, democrats are embracing the same tired economic theories that have i am f-- impoverished nations. the problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money. >> they want to take your pickup truck, they want to rebuild your home, take away your hamburgers. this is what stalin dreamed
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about but never achieved. >> join us to put socialism on trial and then convict it. >> joining us with reaction, fox news contributor charlie hert, former obama economic adviser and the person you just saw on the video, on salem america, sebastian. thank you all three for joining us on this beautiful friday night. democrats are, not hiding. they are notot hiding at all. they are putting socialism right there front and center and they are going for it. it's only march 1 and they are laying out everything from a green deal to medicare for all, i mean, but it's going to cost, and you're a financial guy, hundreds of trillions of dollars. how in the world do they think this is going to sell to the american people? >> well, you have chosen the most extreme cases to try to make your point and i think you
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got two dangers in that. first, if you go to that cpac meeting where you took those speeches and you find the most extreme people at that meeting, they are whack-a-doodle nuts, and if they were going to try to cast the republican party as somebody that was on most extreme thought it would not be accurate. but the second is, as we go into 2020, as you talk up that this is going to be a socialist takeover,oi it's going to be li calling the poodle killer. people are going to see things like a medicare choice for all, which is supported by 73% of america and more than 50% of -- they are going to say, maybe this isn't so bad. maybe it's not socialism at all. >> no, austin, there are more than a hundred people that have co-sponsored a bill that says there will nott be any private insurance out there. sebastian, you were there, you
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were one of the speakers there, whack-a-doodle nuts. >> i didn't say sebastian. i said extremists. have no arguments, they go at it. austin is another perfect example of when the left runs out of any ideas. where are the whack-a-doodles, when cortes talks about flat ulent cows and you've got to stop eating your cheeseburgers. the extremists want to ban every single private vehicle that runs on gas and disallow you from using airplanes, and we're the extremists? this is the left in a nutshell. the radicals have taken over the democratic tsparty. this is a party that isn't just, say, don't eat meat anymore. this is a party that says it's okay to kill babies after they are born.
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the butcher, the governor of new york, the radicalists have taken over the asylum, and i guess austin is onene of them. >> i want to be careful, calling each other names here but charlie, we're talking about -- >> i didn't call sebastian any names. >> he was one of the prime speakers there. look, charlie, these are bills that have been introduced into congress. they have been embraced by the major 2020 candidates on the left, have they not? >> yeah, and there is no doubt about it. the standard that was set by bernie sanders two years ago in the campaign that hillary clinton wound up stealing from him, you know, he set the standard. every other candidate running this s year, this time around, just about, has picked up the mantle of that democratic social litcsociallism and people have remember it's not a platform of ideas and services and pre-stuff
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that they will give away. socialism is a form of tyranny. it's a form of government so you control people's leaves all the way down to what they put in their lives. that's not something that's made upe and you can go back over th past hundred years and you can see a hundred million people have perished, have been killed under that kind of tyranny. the funny thing is, when people -- when republicans try to address this stuff seriously, and they talk about the cost of something like the new green deal or the green dream or whatever it is, there is no money. we underestimate the power of socialism. socialism doesn't need money. they have prisons. they can make people work. and that's what socialism is, and you can try to dress it up any way you want, but that's undeniably what socialism. >> you're a numbers guy. we're talking about two of the biggest deals we-- between the w
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green deal and medicare for all. is that not hundreds of trillions? >> a, that's not trillions and i'm not a socialist. socialism doesn't work. what they are talking about with medicaid for all there are many different bills to choose, only the most extreme one was put forward by bernie sanders. >> but all the 2020 campaigners have embraced it, all of them. >> the 2020 candidates, bernie sanders is in favor of his own bill, which would cost a lot. not a hundred trillion but a lot. and i am not -- the bernie sanders fans are not a big fan of mine because i've said it would be very expensive but the medicare for all that involves everyone being able to choose to buy into medicare, the congressional budget office says that saves money compared to the current system. it doesn't cost anything.
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it's literally less expensive than what we have now. sot -- >> when you move 170 -- when you move 170 million people off of their private insurance, which is -- sebastian, how do you see this moving forward? democrats have painted themselvesmo into a corner. >> the former director of the cbo, the independent, completely neutral cbo, crunched the numbers last week, i discussed it on my show, every single american 4 have to fund the green newgl deal to the cost of $300,000 per person, who is alive in america. those are the figures, and every single person who is an official candidate for thehe presidency, among the democrats, has signed on to the deal. this is the insanity. your guest, charlie, is absolutely right. socialism is about controlling
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ever aspect of your life. if they control your healthcare they have got everything. if. they want to control what yu are eating, that is totalitarianism and she said it. she said it. we've got to stop eating cheeseburgers. it's insanity, jason. insanity. >> charlie, how do you see young i would ypeop-- younger people? is this waning message for somebody in their 20s. hey, it sounds great. everything for free? >> i hate to say it but there is some allure. everybody likes free stuff. everybody likes the cheapest thing that they can get. the problem is that we've done a poor job of reminding them, ever since the soviet union fell, we've done a poor job of reminding people just how terrible a way of life that is, and we have a perfect example in venezuela. right now. everybody should see it and watch it but we have to do a better job of illustrating just how terrifying and dangerous this is. and austin, i'm so glad you're against socialism but i wish that your party would have a
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cpac and you could take all the people running for president and go and talk to them and explain to them how terrible socialism is because it's really, really frightening and it's very disheartening to see, in this day and age, a party where an alarming number of its leaders or at least the people that are seeking to lead the party, have fully embraced the concept of it. >> and i want to give austin and sebastian, i've got just 10 seconds for each, where is this going? the democratic candidates for president are going further and further to the left, are they not? > they aren't going with socialism and i caution you to be careful. you're trumping it up like it's going to be the biggest socialist takeover ever and when people see what it actually is they are going to say that doesn't seem so bad and then you guys will seem like you're out to lunch. >> member is actually reading the text of the bill and i've got to tell you, that's the direction that it's going.
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sebastian? >> we'll all be out to lunch if they ban cheeseburgers, steak and everything you want to eat. bernie sanders, i played the audio on my show today, bernie sanders was asked, does the green new deal go far enough and bernie said it doesn't go far enough. the lunatics have taken over the asylum, jason. >> i appreciate y'all being here tonight. i hope you enjoy the rest of your evening. we'll go through this for the rest of the show, without a doubt, one of the loudest voices pushing the democratic party further and further left is socialist congresswoman alexandria accasio -- cortes. they are lashing out now at their more moderate colleagues. cortes even vowed to put anyone who voices with republicans on a list, a list to be primaried in the next election. but somebody might want to remind the socialist
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congresswoman about this vote. that you see on your screen. a few weeks ago she was the only democrat to vote with republicans onh roll-call vote 46. that's right. she was the only one and she joined the republicans and under her definition, she should be on this list. i look forward to seeing who she recruits to primary herself. ocasio-cortes is not the only person feuding inside the democratic party. fellow socialist bernie sanders and hillary clinton are at odds once again. after a former clinton aide referred to sanders as "his royal majesty, king bernie sanders," a former sanders campaign aide called the clinton camp on the record, by the way with some of the biggest a-holes in american politics. joining us now is fox news contributor lawrence jones and republican strategist brad blakeman. thank you for being here. i believe you're at cpac.
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you've got some noise in the background. it's exciting what's going on there. brad, the tea party had to deal with these issues, right? i feel like i was on the front end of the tea party. i was a must have more conservative member than a lot then there was a battle internally but the democrats are going through this now. how do you see it playing out? >> i think they have an identity crisis, they are in meltdown. i remember a time not too long ago where if you called a democrat a socialist publicly you were slandering them. now they get angry if you don't call them'r that and they are o trying to outleft each other and the party is in complete identity crisis. the way i see it playing out is this is going to continue right up through the primaries. the american people will see a stark contrast, probably different than any other campaign than we've ever experienced, the difference between what the republicansfe stand for and the democrats stand for and i don't think people are going to buy socialism. >> what are the democrats going
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to do, you know, when you have a more moderate democrat who believes what the republicans are saying, let's say they offered an amendment that says, look, if you're an illegal alien that's trying to purchase a gun and you're going to do a background check,un you find ou they are illegal and you should tell ice about it, i think it's radical not to tell ice but some democrats actually joined republicans in that vote. how are they going to deal with that internally? >> they are going to tear them apart. let's be honest here. we have a democratic party, they believe their socialism is the new way. any type of reasonable legislation that a typical democrat back in the day would typically support like border security, will get them crossed out from winning the primary. that's why i think joe biden is one of the main candidates in the mainstream, i'm afraid that the old joe biden is going to go crazy because the democratic party is going to pressure him to goc so far to the left, and
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think, you know, that may work for a primary but when you're talking about swing districts, and i mean those districts that voted for then barack obama and then president doomed trump, that type of socialism nonsense is not going to work in those districts, so what the democrats have to do is be more pragmatic and think about what issues are in the mainstream. i'm sorry, when it comes to board security, that's in the mainstream. many people across, in those flyover states, those swing districts, want border security. they may not agree with all elements of trump's but the basic step of a border wall i think they agree with it. >> that's true. i have never seen a party thrive nationally by being anti-law enforcement. i mean,on you've got a lot of people out there that want to abolish ice. they want open borders. they don't want to give more border wall, they want to tear down the existing wall. how can the democrats thrive with a socialist agenda that includes an open borders agenda? >> they can't and that's going
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to be their downfall, is the fact they will swing so far left in the primaries they can't come back to the middle in a general. they couldn't even attempt it. but here's the bottom line. i think the american people are where the country is and that's just right of center. we're not a left country. and as charlie pointed out earlier, all you can look to is what's happening in venezuela. it's a total dictatorial regime that's even preventing humanitarian aid from reaching the people and where are the democrats? they claim to be for the working man. where are they on calling maduro out for what he is. they can't do it. you know why? because it blows a hole in their socialistt agenda when they hav to admit that a socialist state is in total chaos. where the american people are on economy, safety, national security, we will win. why? because we're right. >> and as lawrence pointed out you've joe biden who had to go
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out and apologize to mike pence. we have a fox news alert. brad, thanks for joining us. >> we f first showed you this shocking video of a young trump supporter getting brutally assaulted on the campus of uc berkeley reportedly because of his political beliefs. tonight, we can report that that individual responsible for that assault has finally been arrested. 28-year-old zachary greenberg was booked earlier this afternoon. back with us for more on this development is lawrence jones. lawrence, you're the editor and chief of campus reform who originally broke this story. what have you learned about the arrest that happened today? >> yes, we've been following this from the very beginning. at first we heard from sources that said that they were seeking a warrant after the suspect refused to turn himself in after telling police he was going to turn himself in. what we know now is that he used to be a university employee,
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worked in the lab and he was also a distant learning student as well. this is a student that wasn't getting a degree there but got some type of education there at the university. what we don't know is why he was on the campus at the time. the police department has told us off the record that, you know, on the ecrecord, i'm sorr this a lot of people in the area go on and off through the campus because it's a downtown area but they don't know why he was there. what we do know also is they plan on having a hearing on monday to discuss what the bond is. that's where he'll see the judge but we still don't know why his ultimate reason for attacking hayden. >> well, you know, you have a young person engaging in politics. we need more of that. they are out on campus. they are in the minority. they want to get out and talk to people about being engaged in politics, albeit conservatives in this particular case but nobody should be assaulted like that. i'm glad to see him arrested and thanks to your organization for illuminating the case in the
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first place. i'm sure that's why it got the attention that it deserved from law enforcement. thank you again for joining us. appreciate it. >> thank you. >> later on this hannity special, socialism rising. as sean hannity promised in last night's show, at his press conference in hanoi, vietnam, we'll want to see the president's response. don't miss that directly ahead, a very real socialist threat. we'll show what you disasters it's been in other countries. do the democrats care? no. stay with us. care? no. no. stay with us. when we started our business
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are pushing their social. agenda on the american people. all while the failed socialist state of venezuela continues to collapse. this week univision ramos who was detained in venezuela told sean what he saw when covering the chaos in venezuela. have a look. >> what i saw in venezuela is a 20 year old revolution, which started with chavez in 1999 has failed completely. you have more than three million people living in the country. inflation is one million percent. people are dying. i went to a hospital, and one woman, she had lost a family member. you know why? because they didn't have $30 to pay for antibiotics so the experiment in venezuela has failed completely. >> jason: while venezuelan dictator nicolas maduro is
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detaining journalists, democratic congresswoman omar says she does not recognize the opposition leader as the rightful interim president of venezuela. listen to this. >> we are threatening intervention. we're sending humanitarian aid that is in the guise of, you know, eventually invading this country and the people of the country do not want us there. >> -- like the u.s. government did you and the -- canadian government does, you don't support the leader right now as being the leader. absolutely not. >> jason: wow! but she isn't the own one on the left defending maduro. on monday, bernie sanders explained why he wouldn't call him a dictator. >> just have you stopped short of calling maduro a dictator? >> well, i think it's fair to say that the last election was
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undemocratic. but there was still democratic operations taking place in that country. the point is, what i'm calling for right now is internationally superdopplou -- super advised elessctionele. vi >> jason: people lining up for food was a good thing. >> sometimes merge journalists talk about how bad a country is but people are lining up for food. that's a good thing. in other countries people don't line up for food. the rich get the food and the poor starve to death. >> jason: joining us with reaction, fox news contributor carter and buck sexton. thank you all three for being here this evening. ali, i want to start with you. when you see what's going on in
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venezuela and you hear what some of those democrats are saying about what's happening, what do you see? what's really going on there? >> well, omar and sanders are apparently perfectly fine with dictatorial totalitarian regimes as long as socialism is by their name. there used to be a talking point from the left that would say it's not socialism what we're seeing in venezuela. it's statism, which is not true but now we're seeing that they are not saying that. it's hard to deny that it's socialism that's happening in venezuela. they are saying it's really not a dictatorship. it's not really our role to step in. you heard them say we shouldn't even be sending foreign aid which is pretty crazy to hear from someone who claims that president trump is a dictator. so there are all kinds of hypocrisy coming from the left. >> jason: buck what do you see happening in venezuela and how do you respond to what the democrats are saying? >> i think what you see are democrats on the far left of the
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party, which increasingly leads the democratic party. we all see that. trying to come up with some way to, if not defend maduro outright to at least put up some kind of smoke screen for what's going on there. i think that our reporting by ramos and others showing what's going on there is absolutely essential. the country couldn't be in much worse shape than it currently is, and so what you have from the left is, well, this shouldn't be a military intervention. no one is talking about a military intervention. we're talking about humanitarian aid and diplomatic relations and having a new election, so i think this is just nonsense from sanders and omar and others, who quite honestly have a fondness built in for socialism. and that's what we're seeing. >> jason: sarah, what do you see in venezuela? maduro -- bernie sanders position on that not calling him a dictator, how do you read what's happening? >> it's desperation on sanders' part. here he is propagating socialism
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in the united states, i have to agree on this, his propagating it, holding it up high. omar, we've seep it with aoc as well and they are trying to push young people to believe that this is a system that will work. this is a system that is proven throughout history to collapse on itself. what we're seeing in venezuela is such a tragedy, a humanitarian disaster. ramos, i've been watching him my whole life. i speak spanish fluently. he's right. it's 20 years of a failed system, totally collapsing on itself. children starving to death eating out of garbage cans. this is what maduro couldn't handle so when ramos showed him this video and he had to see for himself what he's doing to his own people, i mean, it set him off so much that he jailed them. bernie sanders, omar, aoc, all of the people that propagate on the left for socialism are just trying to cover up. this is desperation by not
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calling a spade a spade, and they want us to believe that there is something else going on here. >> jason: ali, i mean, the major democratic candidates continue to go further and further left. it's only march 1 of 2019. so why are they embracing socialism? >> they saw it worked for bernie sanders. sanders, for lack of a better germ, is an og democratic socialist. he got more votes from mel the millennials than trump did. they are latching on to democratic socialism because they think it's empathetic, compassionate, they can feel like heroes while still sitting on their couches. that was popular with bernie sanders. other candidates are saying, if we're going to get the millennial vote, which is a huge
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voting bloc, we've got to latch on to. this we see a lot of democratic candidates on the left trying to outflank each other in that. >> jason: let me bring buck in here. we have 20 seconds. you're surrounded by a large group, of very conservative young people. what's their attitude and approach towards socialism? >> i think they recognize that the fight that lies ahead is a serious one. the 2020 election is going to be a choice between the america that many of us have known for a long time, and a socialist future. they can call it democratic socialism but it's socialism nonetheless. that's what the 2020 election will be about and that's what the young people here at cpac are ready for. >> all three of you, i want to thank you for being here tonight on this beautiful friday night. appreciate it. and thanks for staying with us on this hannity special, socialism rising. socialism want to take away your private health insurance and even your gas powered car. is that even legal? we'll be here with answers, and
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later, president trump surprised much of the hate trump media by calling on sean hannity during his press conference. you'll want to see what happened. stay tuned. my experience with usaa has been excellent. they really appreciate the military family and it really shows. with all that usaa offers why go with anybody else? we know their rates are good, we know that they're always going to take care of us. it was an instant savings and i should have changed a long time ago. it was funny because when we would call another insurance company, hey would say "oh we can't beat usaa" we're the webber family.
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edition of hannity, socialism rising. now the democrats are showing no signs of slowing down. for example, just this week the democratic house unveiled their medicare for all bill. now, on top of the crippling costs which are so extreme the authorize tear on-bill puts key healthcare decisions in the hands of federal bureaucrats and largely eliminates private insurance and major 2020 democratic candidates are already on-board.
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take a look. >> will theme people be able to keep their medicare for all plan? >> what will change in their plans is the color of their card. so instead of having a blue cross/blue shield card, instead of having a united health insurance card they will have a medicare card. >> i believe it will totally eliminate private insurance for people who like their insurance they don't get to keep it. >> the idea is everyone gets access to medical care care and you don't have to go through the process of going through an insurance company. >> it's not just healthcare companies, they want to take out of existence, they also want to ban any vehicle that relies on oil or gasoline for fuel so that would include cars, trucks and
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even airplanes. so it would even be -- would that even be constitutional for the government to outlaw every gas powered vehicle? joining us now with answers are former florida attorney general pam, who i believe is in tampa bay, florida, along with attorney and fox news contributor, right here by my side, in new york city, contributor emily. thank you for joining us. what would happen to this country and what are the ramifications if they passed this and signed with it some radical socialist and said, all those millions of cars out there, you just can't drive those anymore. they are illegal? >> before it would be found unconstitutional it clearly defies the fundamental property rights set forth in our declaration of independence in the constitution. we were founded, think about what our forefathers must be
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thinking now. we were founded on a country of hard work, dedication, and the principles of free market and they are attempting undo all of that and it's not legal. >> emily, you're sitting right here with me in new yorkt as you look at these bills that have been introduced how does that infringe upon people's rights in the constitution? how do you read that? >> it infringes upon our right to choose and participate in a economy in a capitalist sense. the irony here is the reason the democrats are giving is because they feel like our rights are being taken away when they argue that the private companies, they are not giving basic healthcare in equal measures to those that need it but then it belies the reality that it infringes upon our rights. increasing state ownership is not the answer for an economic ill and in cases of a natural monopoly like telecommunications or transportation it makes more sense. that's preventing a large corporation from using their
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market share to dominate but in something like this when the majority of americans like their healthcare plan, to remove that choice and to nationalize it, just like the attorney general said, it unconstitutional, and also it's antithetical to our free market tenets that this country founded on. >> the federal government can't run the v.a., talk to somebody that's a veteran in this country, it's pretty hard to find somebody who likes the way the veterans administration works. now the government wants to take it all over according to these democratic socialists. what do you think would happen in this country if they tried to take away 170 million people who get their healthcare insurance through their employer? >> well, it's virtually impossible to do that and make it work. we know that hostile takeovers of our economy don't work. we've seen that in venezuela. a perfect example. but this is going so much further than obama care, which, of course, i challenged in the courts. this is so much further. it's saying that private
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insurance companies are illegal and can't operate. it's just, our system would fail, no one would have coverage. no one would be able to obtain proper medical care. it would make canada look great compared to what we would have here in our country, and it's just not legal. >> i remember conservative at the time, george will, when he said, you think healthcare is expensive now, just wait until it's free. there is a lot of sense in that. emily, but the dismantling, you know, it's funny to me, i see these wild eyed people that think we've got to make every car electric. but then they don't understand where we get electricity, right? it comes from nuclear energy, it comes from coal. what would happen to this country if we moved to this new green deal? >> a lot of negative things would happen. part of the issue is the fact there is no specificity and there is no answering to the process. we saw an interview earlier, you're saying americans can't
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stick with their private healthcare plan. it was kind of a wordy answer, instead of saying that's what we're saying. that begs the question, if we outlaw it, are we criminalizing it? so i think the fact there is such a lack of thought in that entire process, not to mention how it would be paid for, to me, as a constituent and as a citizen, where does that discernment lie. i'm the one -- it's so unfortunate. >> that's what so scary is the major contenders for the 2020 election on the democratic side of the aisle have embraced this whole heartily without thinking through the economics, the personal ramifications, and the legality of it, as both of you have pointed out. i thank you so much for joining me here this evening and i know sean will have you back, talking more about this issue because it's not going away. coming up, on this hannity special, socialism rising.
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trace? >> those who cover ms-13 know it's all about a way of rising in the ranks by targeting the gang's worst enemies. in this case, the new york city police officers who live on long island. n nypd has issued a native alert, planning on carrying out attacks on police officers near their homes. in fact, alert reportedly states that gang members are conducting reconnaissance of police officers' private homes. we already know they legitimately carry out threats and are extremely violence. they advise the offers icers toe precautions. it's well-documented by a serious of brutal and bloody
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attacks in suffolk and nassau counties in new york. >> appreciate that report. conservatives are taking these developments lightly. senator ted cruz toward editor rich lowrie that republicans would have held the house of representatives had they passed board fwauwall funding when the were in the majority. take a look. >> you would have seen elizabeth warren screaming on the senate floor to stop it. in september or october, funding and building the wall, i don't think we would have lost the house of representatives. >> amen, i believe that. joining me with reaction, mark morgan and fox news contributor and former acting i.c.e.
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director. thank you for putting your lives on the line to help protect americans. i know you represent a lot of people out there who do the same day in and day out. democrats this week, tom, they voted against the idea that if an illegal alien goes to purchase a gun, that there should be some notification of i.c.e. what does that do to people who serve in i.c.e. now and do the same job that you've done in the past? >> total disrespect and disregard for the health and safety of i.c.e. officers. these men and women put their lives on the line every day. and illegal alien possession of firearms is a felony. they want to forgive an illegal alien that commits a felony but want to attack the second amendment rights of the american. they're so far to the left,
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every day i'm not surprised of what i hear democrats are doing. it's a total disrespect for men and women, men who lost their lives serving this country. >> mark, when barack obama was president, there were 80,000 times that somebody here illegal got caught committing a crime, convicted of that crime, and instead of deporting them, they released them back in the united states of america. what does that do when you have a convicted person released back onto the streets? >> it's absolutely demoralizing. just like tom said, he's absolutely right. 128 border patrol agents have lost their lives defending the border only to watch a scenario like that happen again and again. and before i was with the border patrol, i served the fbi and led an ms-13 gang task force. they're the most violent prolific gang we've seen. they are from california all the way to new york and just about in every major metropolitan city in between and these individuals are not coming in through
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canada. they are coming in through the porous southwest border and coming back again and again. and the democrats say it's okay. >> pelosi went to the border recently and said there wasn't a problem. is there a problem at the border? >> it's a joke. how do you have a legitimate honest conversation, when somebody, regardless of the monumental facts we provide, just say it's manufactured and made up. talk to the thousands of angel families, tell them it's made up. talk to the police officer just was killed by the illegal immigrant, talk to their families. it's pathetic and wrong and they're lying to the american people. >> jason: tom, you served a -- in your career for decades serving our nation, trying to protect our borders. what's really going on down there? >> we're being invaded. look, all you've got to do is watch the media, what's going on on the southern border.
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look at a few facts. the seizure of opioids has killed 72,000 people in the united states. that is a national emergency. the arrest of ms-13 members is up 170%. there's a crisis occurring on that border. it's just ridiculous. >> jason: gentlemen, thank you for your service to this nation. next on hannity's special, "socialism rising," president trump called on sean hannity at his vietnam press conferenceful we'll play the tape next. stay with us. like 33% off cabela's prodigy auto-inflate life vests. we'll play the tape next. stay with us. we'll play the tape next. stay with us. we'll play the tape next. stay with us. , we'll play the tape next. stay with us. we'll play the tape next. stay with us. . we'll play the tape next. stay with us. -meg! there you are. did you take a picture of the cake to put on our website? i mean i would have but i'm a commercial vehicle so i don't have hands... or a camera...or a website. should we franchise? is the market ready for that?
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can we franchise? how do you do that? meg! oh meg! we should do that thing where you put the business cards in the fishbowl and somebody wins something. -meg: hi. i'm here for... i'm here for the evans' wedding. -we've got the cake in the back, so, yeah. -meg: thank you. -progressive knows small business makes big demands. -you're not gonna make it, you're not gonna make it! ask her if we can do her next wedding too! -so we'll design the insurance solution that fits your business. -on second thought, don't...ask that.
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reagan-esk lesson after the cold were and asked trump a too manically question about his summit with kim jung-un. >> mr. president, if you can elaborate a little bit more, we have some history, president reagan walked away. a lot of condemnation at the time, and it ended up working out very well in the end for the united states. was this mostly your decision or, and what message do you want to send chairman kim as he's listening to this press conference about the future and your relationship? president trump: sean, i don't want to say it was my decision because what purpose is that? i want to keep the relationship. we'll keep the relationship. we'll see what happens over the next period of time. but, as you know, we got our hostages back. there is no more testing and one of the things importantly that chairman kim promised me last night is regardless he's not
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going to do testing of rockets and nuclear, not going to do testing, so, you know, i trust him and i take him at his word. i hope that's true but in the meantime we'll be talking. mike will be speaking with his team. he's also developed a very good relationship with the people, really the people representing north korea. i haven't spoken to prime minister -- yet, i haven't spoken to president moon, of south korea, but we will and we'll tell them it's a process, that it's moving along but we just felt it wasn't appropriate to sign an agreement today. we could have. i just felt it wasn't very appropriate. >> jason: thank you for watching tonight. thanks to sean hannity for letting me fill in tonight. if you enjoyed tonight's show please feel free to particular up my new book, the deep state. unfortunately that's all the time we have tonight but sean hannity will be back from vietnam. i think he's in the air right
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now. he'll be in this chair on monday. can't miss another episode of hannity. he does give the very best day-to-day coverage of what's happening in washington, d.c. thanks for watching. "the ingraham angle" is up next. * *-*>> laura: remember steen, a conservative volunteer being beaten by a thug on berkeley's campus? after weeks of basic silence charges have now been brought. the victim is here exclusively in a moment to tell us the next step. plus, it was a call to arms to get what might be the coming onslaught of socialism. and it rocked cpac. chief white house economic adviser -- larry kudlow will be here layer in the hour. two others are here to highlight the worst in media this week and there is a lot of worst.
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