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tv   Fox and Friends Sunday  FOX News  March 3, 2019 3:00am-7:00am PST

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♪ collusion with russia. the collusion delusion. >> robert mueller never received a vote, put 13 of the angriest democrats in the history of our country on the commission. >> every time the democrats think they've got a gotcha point on president trump, there is no there. >> the new green deal or whatever the hell they call it, i think it's really something that they should promote. democrat lawmakers are now embracing socialism. >> going to win the democratic nomination, which is not only going to defeat donald trump is the most president. >> only capitalism creates
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wealth. socialism spends the money that capitalism creates. >> why did you check the boxes. >> decades ago i sometimes identified as native american. >> universities fudged and used you. >> i shouldn't have done it. >> for too years i was loyal to a man when i shawled not have been. now i know low chloe kardashian feels. >> i'm not even going to wear a jacket. >> i think we're going to do even better in 2020. ♪ good morning. >> freedom! >> freedom! >> freedom, freedom, freedom. if you're looking for a theme of this sunday, well every "fox & friends" but this sunday edition of "fox & friends," freedom is all you're going to get all morning. >> it's national anthem day.
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>> national national anthem day. >> listen. i was in georgetown in washington, d.c. >> sorry. >> right near the francis scott key bridge. the war after 1812 was finalized in 1814, woo herbert hoover madt our national anthem which we love it here. no kneeling here. we're going to it right. >> we're going to celebrate national national anthem day all morning. >> there were a few speeches yesterday. >> a few combined into one? >> yeah. if you missed it, you missed it. i misse missed it in real time,t of you may have too. it was saturday afternoon. president trump took to cpac after his trip to hanoi, he hit the stage. he didn't just hit the stage, he hit it for two hours and two minutes, the longest speech of
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his presidency and you could tell he was happy to be amongst his people, morchtio amongst hi. we got to highlights for you yesterday at cpac. >> you're energized, your mobilize and you're engaged. ♪ i gladly stand up next to you ♪ >> collusion with russia, the collusion delusion. unfortunately you put the wrong people in a couple of positions and they leave people for a long time that shouldn't be there and all of the sudden nay ear trying tsudden they're tryingto take y. we will always defend america's borders. the immigration system is so broken, folks. the new green deal, whatever the hell they call it. the green new deal. i encourage it. i think it's really something they should promote. i just want to be the republican
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that runs against them. we believe in the american dream, not in the socialist nightmare. democrat lawmakers have totally abandoned the american mainstream but that's going to be good for us in 2020. they're emigressing open borders, socialism and extreme late-term abortion. we're going to do it, i think, again in 2020 and the numbers are going to be even bigger. [ crowne crowd chanting "usa" ]. >> where do we start. >> let's start with how ofte hes out on stage. hugging the flag. i talked to people afterward ans and they said this is what i love about donald trump. i believe he truly loves
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america. i can't imagine any democrat running for president that would have made that gesture. >> i covered cpac for 23 years and in an off-election year cpac doesn't get as much attention. there aren't candidates and you have an incumbent republican president. so any expec expectations that anything was going to happen at cpac were low until donald trump proved he's got full command of the media and the power of what to do. he gives this speech. >> cpac can be a contentious place. it can. >> it's where new conservativeses will make their way in. one of the biggest applause lines, free speech. he brought the kid punched at berkeley up on the stage with him. we're going to have him on the show today. talked about foreign policy.
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one of the stories he told was we spent $7 trillion in the middle east and i can't land air force one with the lights on. he has an amazing way of telling the story. he talked about free trade, telling jokes and having fun, how the fake news media takes you all of the time -- russia, where are the e-mails. find he hillary's e-mails. it's part of what he does. he's an entertainer. if you haven't seen this speech, go back and watch it. you can see it at fox and fox love your country, protect your country. it's what we've got. >> it was a message for america but also a message to other lawmakers. if you're a republican in the u.s. house or senate and you watch that, they got exactly what you said, pete. this is a base that is united around donald trump. that's why you see someone like john core thajohn cornyn sayingg
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to stick by the president. it's a quote. i'm sorry. we're not going to turn on our own and make the democrats happy. that's what the base needs to hear. they need to be united to take on 2020. >> and it comes on as we expect the senate to vote on the house resolution. remember the house passed a resolution to block the president. that's a strong message -- >> the full context is they tried two and a half years to pass something meaningful on if wall, republicans couldn't do it, democrats couldn't do it. he has the constitutional authority to declare this emergency and still there's weak-spined republicans that won't stand with the president. that's what john cornyn is saying. it's time to stand with the president. >> they will vote. >> i know you watched the speak after the fact, you were doing something else. i didn't see the president speak because i was at a bernie
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sanders rally. the same place he started a campaign that became a socialist movement in 2016, he was back there. here's a little bit of what he had to say. >> i want to thank all of you for being part of a campaign which is not only going to win the democrat nom nation, it is going to defeat donald trump who is the most dangerous president in modern american history. we are going to transform this country, the principles of our government will not be greed, hatred and lies. campaign is going to end all of that. >> now, key word there, transformation. that's what he's talking about. some 10,000 folks out there. it was cold.
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they're true believers and a little later i'll play for you when i talked to the supporters how they identified with socialism. >> i wasn't at either of the speeches but i look at that speech and i look at the speech at cpac. one looks fun and one looks gloom. i'm sorry. that looks so boring and negative. and by the way, how can he call the president dangerous. what's dangerous is introducing socialism to this country. by the way, the code words in there, we need -- let me see if i can find it here. he says, you know. >> used transform. >> saying we need to transform america. all of these code words which were for socialism. >> he did it in brooklyn because his was born in brooklyn. but he honeymooned in the soviet union. >> we all see that. >> your point is barack obama
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said he wants to fundamentally transform america. used the word transform. it's not about restoring, not about fulfilling the promise of our founders or improving the promise of our founders. it's transforming. going to some other system. that's why the president is on a high ground when he says i'm going to defend america against those who hate america. >> they never said socialism. now it's capitalism versus socialism. the underlying principles of the government will not be greed, hatred and lies. if you know anything about socialism, those are the code words. >> how they play the game. >> you talked to some folks? >> i talked to the crowd. one of the significant things here to remember is that when sanders was saying it, as you point out, i can't believe he's saying that. now he's the perceived front
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runner at least until joe biden gets into this race. he's the perceived front runner. the dueling speeches are significant. >> you're going to hear from bernie supporters at 6:30 on our program. do not his that. >miss that.>> i brought you a ge rally. >> save it. last night, "saturday night live" did a stik. >> the first time i testified was also under oath. but this time i like really mean it. >> you lying piece of human trash! >> i'm so angry i couldn't even wear a jacket today. >> lean into our new york accents so hard that our vie vis will think they're stuck in line at. >> i know i was wrong and i know
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it because i got caught. for too many years i was loyal to a man when i should not have been. now i know how chloe kardashian feels. >> if you don't know, that was a reference to cl chloe kardashian and the tristen saga. >> i didn't know that. >> i thoughte thought i would fu in. >> it was sort of funny but the reality is that michael cohen did make -- are you lying now or >> ben stiller is really funny. michael cohen will be back on the hill this week to testify again behind closed doors. we won't see it but we believe that it's going to lead to more hearings and investigation. >> the list of hearings coming out of the cohen hearings is growing longer and longer every day. every democratic house committee
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is fighting to get to the end of the line of who is going to be the lead of the trash trump caucus. >> this is what the president encapsulated as bs in his speech. >> bs is code for you kids out there. e-mail us at friends@web plenty of material this morning. >> let's keep showing the clips. >> be a weekend every day. >> we're going to talk for two hours and two minutes. >> i was going to say we should roll the speech for the whole morning. president trump rallied cpac and 0 to some on other networks it sounded like hitler. >> on a personal level, preserving our heritage, reclaiming our heritage, that sounds a lot like a certain leader that killed members of my family and six million other je. >otherjews. abe notion na an emotional .
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the firefighting rushing to save this flag. while battling this fire. the chief said it was the right thing to do. coming up.
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. the men and women here today are on the front lines of protecting america's interest, defending america's value and reclaiming our nation's priceless heritage. >> president trump on a personal level preserving our heritage, reclaiming our heritage. that sounds a lot like a certain leader that killed members of my family and 6 million other yous in the 1940s. >> president trump's impassioned cpac speech blasted by one cnn analyst who compared it to something hitler coul would her. here to react.
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>> brandon tatum joins us to react. what do you think? that's an interesting takeaway from the president's speech. >> yeah, i think two things that the left is doing here and one is that they continue to lie to folks and two is that they're willing to be disingenuous about real victims. the holocaust was a real thing. hitler was an evil person. donald trump is doing the complete opposite by giving people opportunity, giving people life throughout economic growth and all of the things that we talk about. she should be ashamed of herself and everybody else on the left trying to paint this man as being anything other than pro-american. >> decentralizing and giving power back to people doesn't sound dictatorial. however is there's more to the story. let's take a look at what biden said in 2011. sounds very similar. >> it's time to fight back. it's time to reclaim our
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heritage. >> brandon, very interesting that you would use that line of attack. >> these people have to be deranged and create chaos. they cannot agree with the president. and if they do their party open everything they stand for will be abolled forever. when he hugged the flag, i mean that was absolutely amazing. it shows how much he loves this country and really speak to what everybody else feels and why he's so popular moongs many americans. >> do you think they jump to these extreme examples because there's a fear that he's resonating, maybe there's results? why jump do that? >> well, i agree. it's that and also, they have to project all to us what they're actually doing.
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the things they're preaching is hateful. antifa is a military arm of some of the objectives that they have. they have tro protect it on us so the american people can't see they're the ones perpetuating these things. >> what about the hypocrisy of it all. >> it's sad that they hate donald trump so much that they're willing to be disingenuous and lie to their base and the people in this america. they hate trump more than they love america and it's sad. >> thank you for joining us. have a good sunday. >> thank you, guys. be blessed. the return of the bern and sansanders' supporters love it. >> bernie sanders democratic socialism is not a radical socialism. >> we need a government that does not certain the 1%. >> griff will tell us about the young crowd backing bernie just ahead. >> kneeling th.>> feeling the b.
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firefighters going viral after they save an american flag all while battling a burning builbuilding. the chief saying it was the right thing to do. meet them next.
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then went beyond. beyond clumsy dials-in's and pins. to one-touch conference calls. beyond traditional tv. to tv on any device. beyond low-res surveillance video. to crystal clear hd video monitoring from anywhere. gig-fueled apps that exceed expectations. comcast business. beyond fast. back with some quick headlines. police make an arrest in this horrific hit and run that left a 19-year-old in critical condition. zachary brock faces two felony charges including leaving the scene of a crash and driving without a license. police say brock turned into oncoming traffic clipping an audi forcing it to roll several times. the victim's father says he has severe brain trauma. so sad. two california police officers will not face charges in a deadly shooting of an
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unarmed black man. that happened nearly a year ago. >> they are often forced to make split-second decisions but they're under rapidly evolving circumstances. >> the da says stefan clark was stand in a shooting position holding a cell phone mistaken for a gun. his decision was met with proteststests. clark's family filed a wrongful death lawsuit. >>. there you go. take a look at this virginia firefighter realizing they couldn't save a burning lodge. if that moment they made a splis-second decision to save precial cargo at the lodge, the american flag. >> here to tell us about it is the hope wel fire chief and
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firefighter. thank you for joining us. tell us what happened. >> we were about an heur and a half into the fire at the hopewell moose lodge when he noticed the moose flag fall into the fire. we figured the american and virginia flag were probably closed to the same fate so we took the opportunity to go up and save the flag as a symbol of hope hopefully for the moose. and they're having no idea what turned into a social media storm. >> well the photo is smek tack yospectacular. i'm sure as a unit you guys are very happy to have that photo because i think it's really -- look at today, the day we're celebrating today, national anthem day. what an image to capture for you. >> yes, ma'am. it's overwhelming and it makes us proud, too. >> timmy, you said you saw your chief heading in to do it and
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you said, he's not going to do it alone. i'm going in as well. what is the impetus. some on the left in our country say it's just a piece of cloth. what does that flag mean to you and why did you go in with your chief? >> work in the fire department we work together in teams and seeing my fire chief go up there, that gives me a lot of respect for him and the flag means a lot for us, especially in the fire service. we're based on tradition. flag means everything. >> chief, is there something in your upbringing, is there something that really gave you a sense that when you saw the flag in distress you leapt into action? >> i think it's just my father instilled it in me. he was a veteran. the fire department very parra militarparamilitary. the best statement is it felt like the right thing to do. it's a symbol and a little bit of hope and it was hope for the
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hopewell moose. that's where we expected it to go. not where it wept. >> and you handed the flag back to the people who own the moose lodge is that correct? >> yes. i was actually able to hand it back to brian carpenter, the governor of the moose there in hopewell. it was a little sentimental and touching to have that ceremony and give it back to them. i think it meant a lot to them, as much as it meant to us. >> you were fighting the fire for an hour and a half before you took action on the flag and ultimately that's the type of thing guys like you do every day in your communities. timmy, believely briefly, why dp up to serve your country and your community? >> it's always what i love to do. i enjoy getting on the fire truck every day. i enjoy coming to work every day, i know the risk but i love my job. >> chief, thank you, timmy, thank you for what you do on this country on national anthem
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day, what it is today. it's really a powerful story to tell. thank you for joining us. >> a small symbol that says so much. thank you both. >> thank you. well, freshman congresswoman ilill hann omar accuse of makin0 some anti-smettic remarks. the return of the bern. i went to see what all of the buzz is about. >> bernie sanders has democratic socialism is not any type of radical socialism. >> we need a government that does not serve the 1%. [ guttural grunt ] exactly. nothing! they're completely different people. that's why they make customized car insurance from liberty mutual. they'll only pay for what they need.
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yes, and they could save a ton. you've done it again, limu. [ limu grunts ] only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ the company who invented car vending machines and buying a car 100% online. now we've created a brand new way for you to sell your car. whether it's a few years old or dinosaur old, we want to buy your car. so go to carvana and enter your license plate, answer a few questions, and our techno-wizardry calculates your car's value and gives you a real offer in seconds. when you're ready, we'll come to you, pay you on the spot, and pick up your car. that's it. so ditch the old way of selling your car and say hello to the new way... at carvana.
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we really pride ourselves >> ton making it easyautoglass, to get your windshield fixed. >> teacher: let's turn in your science papers. >> tech vo: this teacher always puts her students first. >> student: i did mine on volcanoes. >> teacher: you did?! oh, i can't wait to read it. >> tech vo: so when she had auto glass damage... she chose safelite. with safelite, she could see exactly when we'd be there.
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>> teacher: you must be pascal. >> tech: yes ma'am. >> tech vo: saving her time... [honk, honk] >> kids: bye! >> tech vo: she can save the science project. >> kids: whoa! >> kids vo: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace ♪ thank all of you for being part of a campaign which is not only going to win the democratic nomination, not only going to defeat donald trump who is the most dangerous president in modern american history. we are going to transform this country and timely create an economy and a government which works for all of us, not just the 1%. >> they were feeling the bern, bernie sanders returning to
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brooklyn where it all began in 2016. and his army of supporters were certainly 100% behind him. >> they were fired up. >> here's what we found in brooklyn. >> i'm dying to see this. >> griff went and talked to the folks. watch. ♪ >> bernie sanders identifies can socialism. do you identify with that in. >> i think that bernie sanders' democratic socialism is not a radical socialism. >> we need a government that does not serve the 1%. we need to stop these, all of these wars of intervention, these regime change wars and focus on the united states. >> i do think there needs to be the element of capitalism at play but i think we're due, long overdue for some really strong socialist involvement. >> it's not really like this cry disi outlandish label. it's more being able to support people who may not be able to support themselves. so that's what bernie believes. that's something that we as the
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young people going out to vote are caring about. >> honestly, i don't know what socialism is. i don't know, i don't care. he's just for the people. >> one issue that matters most foto you what is it? >> college. >> climate change. >> everyone has a right to a job and health care and education. >> we can pay for this. we're the richest country in the world. >> capitalism is destroying itself. we have socialism in the united states for the rich. >> i understand that. my parents are cuban immigrants pap they left communism. it's very different from democratic socialism. we're talking about democracy and equality. >> it's not about being a socialist or a democrat or a republican. we want the things that other countries are able to afford. >> are you bernie sanders all the way can't be dissuade.
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>> that is my stance. >> bernie is the only candidate in the field right now that's a true progressive. >> i love bernie sanders. i want to see him as the president. >> i covered dozens of sanders' rallies in 2016 to include the one at washington square at the end of the season, more than 25 25,000 there. there was probably 10,000 there. when you're on the campaign trail, you get the but toptons d the t-shirt. >> you brought me a gift? >> the most popular shirt at the rally. >> friends of trump. >> no, a four-letter word. >> fans of trump? >> no. it rhymes with duck. >> oh,okay. all right. i'll modify it as i see fit. >> i brought you some buttons,
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berners for bernie. >> that really sums up the rally. >> one not sure what socialism represents, my family is from cuba but i'm for socialism. we want the things that others afford. the blanket of freedom. we pay for this. >> we got to take a hard turn and do some headlines. a driver plows into a crowd in new orleans overnight killing two people and injuring six others. three of those hurt are in critical condition. the driver is in custody facing several charges including vehicular homicide. officers are investigating a cause. they believe the suspect may have been intoxicated. once again congressman ilhan omar is under fire for comments that critics call an antisymmet.
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saying it's okay for people to push for allegiance to a foreign country. the latest comment she's made about the united states' loyalty to israel. elliott angle is demanding she apologize. parentsoutrages seeing their children were told to remove their maga gear at an arizona school. the student wore the clothes and carried a trump flag for the school's party in the usa day. one student was suspended. a spokesperson said that the suspension was not related to the maga gear. some lawmakers want to take tackling out of youth football. supporters point. >> oh boy. >> supporters point to studies about the sport's long term effects on the brain. critics argue state lawmakers
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should not get involved. if passed, it would hit leagues that continue comply. those are your headlines. >> let's all just cuddle. >> bubble wrap. >> you support tackle football. >> is it better if you're under 7th grade. >> they're basically running into each other. >> the thing about our bodies is completely fine at that point. malmalleable. it's like tackling when you're 38 is where the problem is. >> big problem. >> i'm not a doctor. it's like when you se ski and you're a little kid and you fall over within nothing happens. >, nothing happens.>> you're 38r acl. fear weather today in the south, including tornadoes. be careful of this. all part of the system bringing snow to the north of it. florida, you're fine, well above average again. so hot. that continues. you cool down wednesday and
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thursday. the rain is that correc rain ste snow to the north. the snowfall totals won't be huge but they might be huge across the northeast than we've seen at any other point this year. there's the severe weather, you see the snow across the ohio valley, starting in philadelphia, d.c., up to new york later on this afternoon. griff, don't worry. you're going to get your flight out just fine. if it were later on today, it might be a problem. the snow will be out of here by tomorrow. but tomorrow morning's commute in the northeast will probably be tough and it's going to be cool behind the storm. the snow won't go away in the next couple of days. >> not yet. >> no snowball fight today. >> the sun angle is so high it doesn't stick around too long. >> that sounds like science. >> it is. is this country going to pot? democrat cory booker wants to
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make it legal to smoke it nationwide but dr. mark siegel has important warnings that you need to hear. stay with us.
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. welcome back. well 2020 democratic long shot hopeful cory booker really wants marijuana to be legalized at the federal level. and some of his fellow democratic presidential candidates are joining here. >> here yohim.>> here you have g punished for doing things that two of the last three presidents did. there are casualties suffering for life-time sentences. >> our next guest has a warning about smoking pot saying heavy pot smoking has been linked to this strange syndrome. here to discuss fox news contributor dr. mark siegel. marijuana is a big part of the
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discussion whether it's recreational, medicinal. what's your take? >> medically i see the advantage. 33 states have it medically legal. what do i like about it? i think it can decrease nausea, especially if you're on chemotherapy for cancer, chronic pain syndromes it's useful. useful for seizures. i would like to be able to prescribe it. i think there's an argument to be made for decriminalizing it. i'm not sure that anyone who using it should be subject to prosecution. >> it's not legal but you can't be throne in jail for ten years for it. >> that's a problem and i like this in the act that cory booker is pushing. the problem with the bill and the reason i think it's a pipe dream is this. here's the problem. long term use of marijuana has many problems associated with it and it's a strawman argument to compare it to alcohol or cigarettes.
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which if we knew that cigarettes was going to cause lung cancer maybe nicotine wouldn't be legal. marijuana, long term leads to behavioral problems, anxiety, paranoia, depression. pregnant women are smoking it. it leads to behavioral problems in their unborn children, their infants. up to one third of people with chronic smokers end up with unintractable vomiting that they have to take hot showers th shoo reduce. if it's make recreationally available it's going to be in all of our products and you're going to get a lot more than you realize. >> i hear a lot of smart thoughtful people saying people should be free to choose. it's not worse in their argument, an ch alcohol or
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cigarettes. why is marijuana the place to hold the line. >> it's the place to hold the line because it's invisible, the effects, until you had them. a study in washington state showed there's a market in its awareness of harm in eighth and tenth graders. the very people that we want to know that it can hurt you if you make too much. then we're seeing big business sticking it into cosmetics, into candy and edibles and people are getting more and more of it in these states when they combine it with alcohol, get on the road and get in car accidents. i'm fine with being able to prescribe it. i'm fine with not putting people into jail for it. i'm not fine for adding yet another active medicine to our list of things that anybody can overuse anytime they want. >> the list of 2020 folks who are coming alongside cory booker is long. you've got bernie sanders, kamala harris, senator warren,
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widen. why are democrats the ones jumping on this in. >> it's interesting. i think the democrats are choosing interest that they think can get their votes. hot issues. medicare for all. things that sound great. marijuana. free lunch. i'm here to tell you that marijuana is not a free lunch. i'm a physician. they should ask physicians. i said cory booker why didn't you read my article where i talked about this vomits syndrome. i didn't know about it until i found out the new york medical center had studied it. one third of people with chronic use have problems with intractable vomiting. that's a real problem. and i talked to a student in colorado where it's legal saying yes, we see that in the emergency room all of the time. it's got long term effects on aing viet and behavior. i'm worried about that. it should be regulated. in another story, brutally attacked on a college campus but now he's getting words of encouragement from the president of the united states. >> he can take a punch.
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ma ham mad alley can take a punch. can took a hard punch in the face for all of us. go get them hayden. >> hayden williams is here next hour. kid rock really singing all summer long? the rocker has a big reason to celebrate with golf problem jack nicolas. nicklaus. we'll bring it to you.
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all right. quick head lines trending for you this sunday morning. this 13 not long 700-pound alligator spotted in georgia in an irrigation ditch near a lake. the wildlife officials had to euthanize the alligator because it had been shot and in poor health. kid rock making his first
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ever hole in one in front of legendary golfer jack nicklaus. >> i've never seen that. >> excellent. >> first hole in one. congratulations. >> congrats indeed. you're going to hear them cheering for the rock star. the moment happened during a round of golf jupiter, florida. we had a national day of unflunging but how do we get our kids to unplug, turn off the tech and have fun. here with us and some toys that do that is maddie. she's the senior editor for the type insider. this is a great idea. moms want their kids to unflung. what are your ideas? >> there's a bunch of kits available. the lemonade stand, the food truck. >> trendy food truck. >> these are really getting kids to embrace their imaginations and creativity. very easy to put together. and then you get great covers.
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kids go on all of these imaginative adventures. >> a little tough in this weather. maybe better for the summer. >> but you can do it inside. >> you're right about that. >> we're going to go down here with the massive monster mayhem inflatable bush armor kits. larger than life inflatable fists. >> everyone gets tents. >> and it's based on the monsters of mayhem from nickelodeon. kids are playing a game that's simple and fun. we have an 0 range take. he'll leap off of the string and then all of the pieces will go flying. it's a lot of fun. you never know what's going to happen. >> it's kind of like you have the kids doing this thing, now you can throw darts at each
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other. >> it's a lot of fun. this is a really cool design. >> how does it work? >> you have bungee cords. you have to put the arrow in between the loops and then you pull back and then let go. it will send these guys flying up to 100 feet. a lot of fun and it's safe for indoors because it's made of foam. >> this is the thing that my girls would love the most. they're obsessed with slime and it's glitter. >> this is slime from horizon group and there's two different kinds available. we have slimy group mix. it's so fun. we have the mix ums, premixed slime. no mess. add in the different trendy items. >> you can add the popsicles. >> it's tactile and hard to put down. there's diy kits. >> it's addictive. >> it comes with the ingredients
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that kids need to make their own slime. >> kids want to make the slime themselves. >> it has everything they need. >> this is fun and yummy and gooey. >> we love slime, we love squishys. this combines them both. >> you're on trend, girl. >> we have these great squishys, combine the slime with four different topic toppings and whn you're done, give a nice satisfying squish. >> a book is always good but slime and, you know, things that you can punch your siblings with and lemonade stands work too. elizabeth warren is defending why she used native american heritage to identify herself. hear what she had to sate the top of the hour. anthony scaramucci, maria bartiromo and anthony kissinger.
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>> tech vo: saving her time... [honk, honk] >> kids: bye! >> tech vo: she can save the science project. >> kids: whoa! >> kids vo: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace ♪ collusion with russia. the collusion delusion. robert mueller never received a vote. mueller put 13 of the angriest democrats in the history of our country on the commission. >> president trump is doing such a great job, he was so impactful. >> the new green deal or whatever the hell they call it. i think it's really something that they should promote. democrat lawmakers are now embracing socialism. >> going to win the democratic nomination which is not only going to defeat donald trump as the most dangerous president. >> only capitalism creates wealth. socialism spends the money that capitalism creates. >> american indian.
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why did you check those boxes. >> decades ago i sometimes identified as native american. >> universities fudged and used you. >> i shouldn't have done it. >> i should have saved the pocahontas thing for another year. >> now i know how chloe kardashian feels. >> i'm so sangry i can't even wear a jacket. >> i think we're going to do even better in 2020. ♪ we said this was the freedom edition of "fox & friends" on sunday morning and they've delivered yet again with the proper musical akreutment. >> it's national national anthem day. >> that's right. >> it starte started in 1931 by president hoover and we're going to celebrate it here. i don't know if any other networks are celebrating it.
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>> we'll find out. >> no other network is going to have the amazing rendition of the national anthem that you'll hear here. >> get your freedom on. >> get a cup of coffee, do not get dressed, stay in bed. >> make the kids some pancakes. common. >> make the kids make you pancakes. >> they're old enough. mine can do that now. >> or even if they're young. have a fire extinguisher handy. >> if somehow you missed the president's speech at cpac yesterday, you're going to need to carve out a significant amount of time in your day. you're going to need two hour and two minutes, that ooh is how long president trump addressed the political action conference in its 45th year yesterday and i think there was probably something for everyone in that speech. >> cpac is where all of the conservative grass roots people get together for a couple of days, a weekend.
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and it brings in the most active activist, those who are most on fire. it's a young crowd. and you get a feeling for whether, you know, you are resonating with the base or not. here's a montage. he covers everything in two hours. take a look. ♪ >> the great genius of campaigns. he called for the comey resignation because he still hasn't gotten over getting his [bleep] kicked. okay. we reject oppressive speech codes, censorship political correctness and every other attempt by the hard left to stop people from challenging ridiculous and dangerous ideas. instead we believe in free speech. many emergency declarations have
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been used to protect people in faraway nations. now we are protecting finally our people, you, our people. we have people in congress that hate our country. i think the new green deal or whatever the hell they call it, green new deal, i encourage it. they should stay with that argument. never change. when the wind stops blowing, that's the end of your electric. darling is the wind blowing today in i would like to watch television, darling. >> it was as good as it gets. president trump delivered on script, off script. this guy is an entertainer. it's politics, it's comedy, indictment of the media. but ultimately it comes back to freedom. his biggest applause line for free speech, free market, fair
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trade. he talked about living in a humorless society where you can't say anything, they take you literally and figuratively. it comes back, love your country, fight for your country and be unafraid to stand up. >> i think that's what the crowd loved about it. him. i love when he was talking about the new green deal. he totally mocked it, made fun of it and then at the end saying i don't want to make fun of it too much. i want them to keep running on this issue. it's so laughable. he tore down everything in the speech. it was breathe taking to watch. >> you know, i thought the part that should have gotten-mile-per-hour plagotten . he's going to have to put it at the center of it when he talked about 5. 5.3 million jobs. but by the way, i missed the speech. >> you did? >> i was listening to another candidate talk about the green
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new deal and medicare for all. bernie sanders. he was in brooklyn where he launched his campaign from 2016. returned with a crowd of 10,000 or so. here's a little of what he had to say. >> i want to thank all of you for being part of a cam paip whiccampaignwhich is not only gn the democratic nomination, it is going to defeat donald trump who is the most dangerous president in modern american history. we are going to transform this country in principles of our government will not be greed, hatred and lies. campaign is going to end all of that. >> contrast between two speeches yesterday. >> i mean, i wasn't there at
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your speech. i'm watching this, i'm watching the clips that you had earlier today and i watched the president's speech. that looks glum. the president's speech at cpac looks pretty fun. people were having a great old raucous time with president trump's speech. it's really taken by bernie saying that the president is dangerous. i'll tell you what's dangerous is peddling socialism. and he's actually talked about transforming america. we all know exactly what socialists, self described socialist bernie sanders want to transfrrm that from the most prosperous capitalist country in the world into socialism. bernie sanders is the same guy who cheered the socialist revolution in venezuela, saying you were more likely to find the american dream in venezuela and now he's not talking about venezuela. i wouldn't talk about what to do with your economy from this guy. >> a button from griff says
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hindsight is 2020 with a picture of bernie on it. thank you were griff. griff brought me a t-shirt from the rally. now it says future supporters of trump. i believe is what it's supposed to say. these are all young kids who go there and get t-shirts with slogans on them and they don't know anything about they're young kids and so deuced by free things. but when they start paying taxes and understand that militaries are smart because they defend you and america is a special place, like like like, they become future supporters of president trump. they'll regret the foolishness of following this guy. >> this is all about 2016. the bern is the base of the party. it may not be bernie but the soul of the democratic party is bernie. socialism, medicare for all. it's all of those things. >> cpac, highlight is the straw poll. you get to vote.
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there's boothes where you vote. well this year one of the big questions is who is the biggest threat to trump. now i would argue it's bernie sanders right now. the poll found quite different. look there. 40% said joe biden. bernie sanders had 11% to 12% with kamala harris at 12%. >> all i see on the wall is question marks. what does joe biden do about policy. he's an old school liberal. kamala harris has had a bunch of stumbles coming out of the gate. i think barack obama had plenty of flaws but he had a dine mism behind him. you look at cpac, complete base behind him. anyone trying to challenge him is a fool. he's got a great message. he's in a good place. >> somebody on the list but way way way down and some say
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because trump has destroyed her and her campaign on approval is elizabeth warren. let's look at what she said yesterday to david axle rod in a very fascinating interview. >> why did you check those boxes? >> i grew up in oklahoma. i learned about my family the same way most people learn about their family. based on what i learned growing up and the fact that i love my family, decades ago i sometimes identified as native american. >> the university fudged and used you for their only purposes. >> it had nothing to do with my getting a job. even so, i shouldn't have done it. i'm not a person of color. i am not a citizen of a tribe. >> so just to give a little context, i watched the interview on cnn last night, david axle rod, a democratic king maker. >> you love interesting television.
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>> it was fascinating because he gave her a platform to undo all of the things that are stacked against her and not sure she really took advantage of that opportunity. >> the old adage is if you're explaining, you're losing. and if you've been defined you're in trouble. here's the president yesterday on one of his favorite targets. >> should have saved the pocahontas thing for another year. because i've destroyed her political career and now i won't get a chance to run against her and i would have loved it. you know, i don't want to knock out all of the good stuff and end up with somebody that's actually got talent. that would be bad. >> it's funny because it's true. it really is. and griff, you made the point. you watched the whole hour. i didn't. thank goodness you did your home work. i didn't. but you said she had a platform and can't get past this stuff. >> because you can't explain away. she said i identified as native
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american. what the heck does that mean. >> if you take some of it, you've got her unable to get out of first gear, kamala harris keeps making comments like tax refunds. she has to keep walking things back. amy klobuchar eating salads. bernie sanders right now is the candidate to beat. >> bernie and joe. it will be bernie and biden. >> that could be the ticket. >> oh buy. boy. it could be. tell me what is hugely different between joe biden an hillary clinton. and the establishment will be in for biden. e-mail us, what do you think, and president trump is delivering on yet another campaign promise. a strong economy. and now there are some new numbers that show an historic low in hispanic poverty.
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could this pave the way to a 2020 win? >> plus actress and far left act cyst cynthia nixon doubles down on her attacks of joe biden for simply calling mike pence a decent guy, which he is. tammy bruce weighs in. ♪ ♪
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. in over 51 years an african-american, and you've heard me say this many times, hispanic american, asian american unemployment rates are at their all-time historic lows.
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>> more winning for the trump economy and the president is touting historic job rates for american minorities as a new census data reveals that the poverty rate of hispanics in the u.s. is now at a record low of 18.3%. now hispanics are set to be the largest minority in the 2020 electorate so can their vote be trump's path to victory? here to weigh in is ceo of culture intel and cn plus. how are you in. >> very good. thank you. >> these are incredible numbers. is trump right to take credit for these numbers in terms of what he's doing for the hispanic community? >> whether you agree with his rhetoric or not, we can agree with the numbers. it's hard to argue against that. emotion goes out the window. we've seen the highest growth in meeting household. neil: amongst hispanics wherebyt
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pofer rates. and as a business owner i can tell you that the growth rate of revenue is growing at a 26% rate. these are the facts. it's incredible to see what jobs in the economy are translating in practicality for this important voter block. >> you talk about intr entrepreneurship. so what does this mean? what are the other myths people don't know about hispanics that might help the trump administration or any other party that's running reach the miss spannihispanic vote? >> we keep deprior tiezing the issues and the immigration agenda is at the top. immigration as an issue number five. so we are not monolithic. we're not run but a single issue
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and it's a sophisticated block. but you've got to do the outreach. you have to reach out to us and say hi, nice to meet you, i'm here for you. >> you know a lot about latinos. talking to them all of the time abouwith your job. how do they feel about donald trump? if you watch the other networks you night no might not hear thed economic news. >> you are a product of your context. if you're watching and surrounds you is not telling you the full story, it is easy to hear an immigrant rhetoric. there is the opportunity. so republicans will make a mistake if you just keep dialing up immigration as the hook to talk to this community. you have to do it in his span ho la. we love our family and neighbors and you have to activate that. >> proo life. >pro-life.>> catholic, christias
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matter. >> if you want to know how to get the hispanic vote, call lily. he was brutally attacked on a college campus but now he' getting words of encourage from our president. [bleep]. >> he can take a punch. mmuhammad ali can take a punch. he can take a punch. he took a hard punch in the face for all of us. go ged the get them hayden. >> hayden williams is joining us next. what will the democrats say when a member of their own party may have used election money to pay herself. details ahead. ♪
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♪ [ sighing ] ♪ oh my momma she gave me ♪ these feathered breaths ♪ ♪ oh my momma check in from afar with remote access.
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and have professional monitoring backing you up with xfinity home. demo in an xfinity store, call, or go online today. time now for quick headlines. stephen spielberg is facing backlash for urging the academy to block netflix from the oscar several film make or filmmakerso twitter to disagree. saturday night live takes on the jussie smollett case. >> hey, everyone. you won't believe this but i was just attacked outside the studio by donald trump himself. >> jussie, is that true? >> are there cam cameras outsi? >> yes. >> then no it is not. >> smollett is facing criminal charges accused of faking a hate crime in chicago.
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pete? >> thanks, griff. our next guest was the victim of a brutal attack while recruiting conservative students on the liberal uc berkeley college campus last month. 28-year-old zachary greenberg was arrested and charged with assault on that incident on friday. >> our president heard about this story and he invited hayden on stage at cpac. take a look. >> he can take a punch. mohammed alley can take a punch. he can take a punch. he took a hard punch in the face for all of us. go get them hayden. >> joining us hayden williams. welcome. let's get right to it. what was it like to be pulled up on stage by our president and really have attention drawn to this terrible incident that so many of us were shocked by? >> being able to meet the president was certainly incredible. what blew me away is how much he
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cares about the issue of free speech on college campuses. it seems like the president of the united states cares more about this than the president of uc berkeley which is supposed to be the home of the free speech movement. >> he said you took a punch for all of us. what does he mean when he talks act your castalksabout your casn example of conservatives around the country. >> if i had to say what he meant by that, it was sort of like what he meant when he says i take all of these slings and arrows for you, the american people. it's a labor of love to stand up for what you believe in and promote the values that make america the best country on earth. >> i have a daughter who is a conservative on college campuses and she says it is difficult to be a conservative on campus. do you think the attention that's being drawn to this issue through your incident ant the president shining a shotlight on that is going to make things
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better for conservatives on campus? >> certainly. i hear stories all of the time, it happens every day. whether it's assault or harassment or just social, you know, awes tra schism, these students go through a lot for standing up in what they believe in. it's great that the president is considering signing an executive order to ensure that these students' rights are protected on campus. >> he talked about that yesterday from the stage at cpac. he's going to sign an exec toif order that ties federal funding to schools that impose speech codes and discriminate against conservative speakers. do you think that will have an impact on what's happening on the ground? >> absolutely. you know, this is a big step in the right direction as far as making sure that everyone has a right to voice their opinion opn campus and you don't have to abide by these arbitrary codes. >> i haven't been there, hayden.
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but what it's like. put someone in your place if you're walking across uc berkeley or any liberal campus, let's say you have the audacity to wear a make america great again hat. how are you looked at? what is your treement like? >> a lot of people will assume what they will because you chose to wear such a controversial ar article of clothing. but at the end of the day it's a baseball cap. you have ever right to wear it. you shouldn't have to fear for your safety by doing so. >> is it true that the maga hat, a shirt that says a political message to indicate you're a conservative, the other side is trying the attach racism, sexism, all kinds of isms to that. there are a lot of good conservative kids on campus who say it's not worth it, i'm not going to put my words out there.
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but liberals can do it on campus. >> yeah. i mean, you know, we can't really submit to their demands because they would attribute those things to conservatives as a whole regardless of make merck america great again or not. >> the president encouraged you to bring a lawsuit against the university, potentially against that individual. will you be doing so? >> i'm confident that, you know, my lawyer, harmeet dill lyn hare doing everything she can. i'm in good hands with her and i'm letting her handle everything. >> he says you're going to be really rich after. kind of funny. i think a lot of conservatives have been waiting for a politician on the republican side to come guard and speak out. maybe it's not just on the federal side but there is a lot of state money going to state
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schools, tax money, could that be another area for governor to step up and get involved in this issue? maybe if you get it from the federal side and the state side, maybe that might make the difference for free speech on campus. >> yeah, absolutely. you know, berkeley just last semester, they gave a couple thousand dollars to the migrant caravan. sometimes it seems like they care more about illegal immigrants than they do their own students that would dare to voice a dissenting opinion. >> how dare they voice a dissenting. in your experience does this follow into the classroom? you were out on the sidewalks. how about in the classroom. >> well, i haven't had the pleasure of having, you know, berkeley professors. but i have heard some stories about, you know, basically just indoctrination open in the classroom, no hiding of their
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political beliefs or anything like that. >> well they're all democrats. what's to be expected there. appreciate it. hayden williams. congratulations. what a day for you yesterday. we'll let you get some sleep now. appreciate it. >> thanks, hayden. democrats care so much about climate change they called a congressional hearing. so why didn't any of them actually show up when it happened? congressman from texas did show up. we'll ask him about what happened, if climate change falls in the woods but no one is there to hear it, does it still happen? we'll ask it, still ahead. the president fires up the crowd at cpac. what does that say about his connection to americans? tammy bruce is here live. we're going to have her reaction next.
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. if you tell a joke, if you're sarcastic, if you're having fun with the audience, if you're on live television with millions of people and that,000 people in an arena and if you say something like russia, please, if you can, get us hillary clinton's e-mails. russia, please. so everybody is having a good time. i'm laughing.
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we're all having fun. >> not everyone is laughing on the other side. tammy bruce here to react to the president's speech. he was having fun as he often does. >> he always does. it with us a great crowd. they knew what they wanted. he gave it to them. what they wanted. it's not theater with him. that's this guy and that's what people saw during the campaign. so you see a speech and then they meet the guy and it's the same guy. and it's wonderful. it's about the connection, the humanity. not that you would agree with everything or sometimes wish he wouldn't say xy or z just like you wouldn't your brother or your husband. but we know him because we know ourselves. that's what's so lovely. >> watching him is like watching someone on a tight rope. he's so natural saying what's on the top of his mind. the moment i loved the most and
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why people love him is when he first walked out. his instinct was to hug the flag. isn't that what people love about him want no matter what, they think he loves this country. >> because he does. there's no fraud in his presentation. >> authentic. >> and there's no reason to -- that's why politicians are so strange. the idea you would have to take a poll on what it is that you should say or how you should act or whether or not you hug the flag, you just live your life, present yourself. and that is what infuses -- this is what we've seen -- all of his decisions. even if you might disagree or you agree, you know this is a man who's thinking -- i woul thn ingrained framework of how he's feeling the issues. the choices he makes during the day. the things he's reading. a reads a good deal.
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this is his natural state and his commitment as he is in, of course, the end element of his life as a successful man, as this being his successorry. >> how does it change the race, how does it change 2020 when people see the reaction he gets? >> it's the style. you can't fake that. this is what's so shocking about him. it's like lr elizabeth warren trying to fake with the beer. he's highlighting, wait you can be a normal person and care and be natural and authentic and other people can't deliver that. it's like joe biden asking tech people how do you appeal to young people. in natural life you don't need to ask those things if you're a genuine person connected with what you're doing. >> we've got to talk about
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actress cynthia nixon going off joe biden for comments that he made about vice president pence. i want to say this from biden first. >> the fact of the matter is, guy is a decent guy, our vice president who stood before this group of allies and leaders and said, i'm here on behalf of president trump. there was dead silence. >> actress cynthia nixon from "sex on the city" attacked biden on that. but here's the headline, mike pence isn't decent. he's insidious. aninside the article you see this quote, i think it's important to explain why calling pence a decent guy is an affront to the real meaning of the word when you're fighting for communities under attack. it's okay to stop being polite. this is not a time for hollow
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civility. this is the time to call out the republicans. how are we ever going to stop them. what do you make of this in. >> as a gay woman i find that embarrassing. it moves through the entire framework of attacking people because of their faith. we have to presume she's talking about his faith and opinions about homosexuality. we can disagree with that, of course. but this comment is more about people of faith in general. they want to effectively label people of faith who may have a different approach to societal issues as indecent. and that dehumanizes them to some degree. but i also take some affront to this because of the success of both president trump and vice president pence in improving the lives of every single person in this country. here is an actress who is being a politician who comparatively
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on a day-to-day basis with economy, employment and treatment who has done nothing. she spouts about fighting for marginalized people. donald trump and mike pence have done more for marginalized people based on their work in the white house and working for the people of this country that cynthia nixon will ever do. ever. and she stands there and complains and condemns these individuals while strutting around talking about, you know, i guess that she's the -- and bernie sanders, the democrats are the ones fighting for marginalized people. considering what we've been through over the last generation and what democratic leadership has done to every community shame on her and shame on every single one of them for attempting to condemn and din grate the people who are generally helping women, gays and lesbians, people of kol col. we need to have more. more people want to go along the road of success but i think it's
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clear who the frauds are in this case. >> that's why we have you on this couch on sunday morning. thank. >> have a happy sunday. appreciate being here. >> democrats care so much about climate change they called a congressional hearing. so why didn't any of them actually show up? we'll find out from congressman louis go meri merit who did sho. for if first time we're hearing the untold story of the real top gun from the founder of the legendary school. stay with us.
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. millions of americans are bracing for a second dangerous winter storm this weekend. the storm is sweeping the northeast. this is video of crews clearing roads in connecticut and even
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the south feeling the impact. >> rick has a look at the storms. >> yeah from places from denver, kansas city and st. louis getting in on it. to the north o of that, really cold. the cold air is really in plies. actual air temperatures right now, minus 17 in fa fargo. the cold air is settling in across the south. this cold air will bring a severe weather threat today in the early to late afternoon. watch for that. to the northern side of that we have the snow. so we are the rain right now across waterlogged areas across the south. we'll see additional flooding and that's where this snow is now, taking aim at the mid atlantic in the northeast, four to eight inches of no snow by te time it's done. guys, back to you. talk about priorities, our next guest ended a congressional
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hearing on climate change this week after some democrats didn't show up. >> ideas of eliminating air travel are not promising starting points. today's hearing topic is outside of our jurisdiction and per house rule 10 and the reasons i've stated i would mo that we adjourn. >> congressman louie gohmert ending the hearing. what happened? why didn't the democrats show up? >> it was their seventh hearing on climate change. and the way it's supposed to work, we're supposed to have hearings where we take in evidence and of course like many college campuses, they only want to hear one side and not hear two sides. and we've had that hearing. but then we had a couple of other topics, very serious, like concussion for football players, also opioid epidemic. those are ser serious issues bue
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committee has no jurisdiction. i guess that's why maybe so many of the democrats didn't show up. we had the chairman, nice guy, one of my favorite people, debbie dingell, she was there. but the rest of the democrats didn't show. and actually my late mother wanted me to be a math professor but you don't have to be that good to go there are five of us, two of them, i could make a motion to adjourn after i finish my opening statement and that will be the end of the hearing and it actually worked out that way. >> do you get the sense then, because we hear an awful lot about the green new deal in climate change on the campaign trail with the 2020 hopefuls and of course your colleague alexandria ocasio-cortez. do you get the sense they're not serious about doing something about it when they can't turn out members for a hearing like this? >> isn't that the truth? they spend all of this time
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telling us how good it will be and then they don't do it. the climate change, i have to say, griff, i'm on record back in debate on the house floor when henry waxman said there's not a single republican that believes in climate change. i was the next speaker and i said the gentleman is i don't think. i not only believe in climate change i know it's an absolute fact. here in texas we have it four times a year. but in these hearings, though, griff, you hear over and over, we don't have temperatures going back all that far. so to hear these ridiculous claims over and over that we know exactly what the temperature was, it's the warmest it's ever been when for the first time we're aware of los angeles didn't get above 70 degrees. i mean, we still didn't know what it is we're doing here on earth that's causing the mars polar cap to melt. but it's ridiculous. but it's all about their
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messaging. and you know, y'all were talking about the comparisons of donald trump to hitler. >> yeah. >> hitler was never that funny. >> all right. >> not intentionally. and if you did laugh, you were going to prison. >> yeah congressman. >> why can't we have an open and honest exchange. >> thanks for joining us. have a great sunday. >> great show guys. y'all are terrific. he's seen the crisis at the border first hand and now he's applauding president trump's cpac remarks on border security. congressman adam kisse kissinges life next. the founder of the real-life program top gun is sharing his story. you want to buckle up and watch it. >> we're going to send you up against the best. >> yes, sir. >> you two characters are going to top gun. >> i feel the need, the need for speed.
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>> for five weeks you're going to fly against the best fighter pilots in the? world. this.
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welcome to the dang zone. "top gun" an instant hollywood hit. but the real naval fighter weapon school is where the best of the best learn how to demand control of the sky. today on its 50th anniversary, the founder, the man who started it, the legendary top gun school, shares the never before told story in his new book "top gun an american story." dr. dan pettersen joins me now. thank you for your story. if you love the movie, you're going to love the real story. this is the story of o "top gun"
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where did the real story come from. >> the problems were defined by the vietnam war. and we weren't doing real well, two to one kill ratio and throughout history american flyers have done 12-to-1 on an average. it was time. had to do it. >> time for innovation and new tactics. they said take the best of the best and make it better. >> they just -- one of the recommendations frank alt made, in his report he said take and start a graduate school. we're in the middle of a war. we've got to get better right away. and the only way to do that is to consolidate you young people and it worked. >> it was you and eight originals. what were the name of the eight originals. >> we called ourselves the
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original bros. seven of the nine are still alive. >> it went from two-to-1 kill ratio to what no. >> at the end of the vietnam war from the day top gun started we had 24-to-1. we changed the air war to vietnam. >> and it's still a successful school today? >> going strong in nevada. they're probably smarter. i don't know whether they're better flyers. >> i don't think know if they're as aggressive as you guys. the book is called "top gun, an american story." dan bedde pedersen. thank you. check out the book. it's one i'll check out for sure. all right. i don't think we have a tease. maybe we do. it's not on teleprompter. stick around for the show. it's going to be a great show in the next hour. griff goes to a bernie rally. have you ever been to a bernie rally krally, captain?
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doesn't look excited. griff went to a bernie rally and we'll bring it to you in the next hour. stay with us. ♪ mine on volcanoes. >> teacher: you did?! oh, i can't wait to read it.
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♪ ♪
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book now and enjoy free unlimited open bar and more. norwegian cruise line. feel free. >> collusion with russia. the collusion delusion. robert mueller never received a vote. mueller put 13 of the angriest democrats in the history of our country on the commission. >> president trump is doing such a great job, he was so impactful impactful. >> the new green deal or whatever the hell they call it. i think it's really something that they should promote. >> when the wind stops blowing, that is the end of your electric darling. darling, is the wind blowing today? >> going to win the democratic nomination, which is not only going to defeat donald trump, the most dangerous president. >> bernie sanders or if the democrats are the ones fighting for marginalized people. consider what we've been through over the last generation and what democratic leadership has
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been to every community. >> a historic low in hispanic poverty. >> growth in median household income among hispanics, actually doubling the growth rate of all other households. >> so i think we're going to do even better in 2020. ♪ pete: good morning. it is national "national anthem day" and of course would you expect anything other than a celebrat.on rachel: thank you for all the country music. griff: old glory there. if you've got one, the sun's coming up. you have a flag at your house. pete: i have a huge flag at my house, commercial grade, huge flagpole. i don't know if my neighbors like approximate. [laughter] something you can't miss, i just interviewed the guy who founded the top gun school, captain dan
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patterson. they were getting shot down at too high a rate in vietnam so they found the real top gun. the guy that founded, a lot of toxic masculinity in that group, by the way, they call themself the original bros. they're the reason why our country lives free. rachel: he was an awesome guy. i loved your interfere. but the best part was when you asked him if he had ever been to a bernie sanders rally and he said "errr." >>he did. the speech that captured everybody's attention, and i said it before, i'll say it again. if you didn't listen to it, you should. it's going to go down i think it's probably one of the most significant speeches in the 45 years of this cpac conference, the conservative political action conference because it was two hours and two minutes, and there was literally no stone unturned, nothing that wasn't addressed. pete: the longest of the trump presidency so far as you see two hours and two minutes. he even hugged the flag on the way in. we took those two hours and we
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summed it up in one minute and 22 seconds. watch. >> you energize, you mobilize, and you're engaged. collusion with russian. the collusion delusion. unfortunately, you put the wrong people in a couple of positions, and they leave people for a long time that shouldn't be there, and all of a sudden they're trying to take you out with bull [bleep], okay? we will always defend america's borders. our immigration system is so broken, folks. the new green deal or whatever the hell they call it, the green new deal; right? i encourage it. i think it's really something that they should promote. i just want to be the republican that runs against them. (cheers and applause) we believe in the american dream, not in the socialist nightmare. democrat lawmakers have totally abandoned the american
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mainstream. but that's going to be good for us in 2020. they're embracing open borders, socialism, and extreme late-term abortion. [crowd boos] we're going to do it i think again in 2020, and the numbers are going to be even bigger. [crowd chanting "usa, usa"] pete: and we end with the start, rachel. rachel: i mean, he hugs that flag. it was amazing. just like we had tammy bruce about. this is what people like about him. this is truly who he is. he loves america. he didn't pull tests if it would come off well if he hugged the flag. he just did it. he made the case for his reelection, which took two hours hours. he definitely laid out all the crazy ideas on the left. the green new deal, he spent a lot of time mocking that. he talked about late-term abortion. he talked about issues of free speech and also medicare for all
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all. i think any challenger to donald trump on the left, on the democrat side look at this, is a little bit worried, because this guy knows how to connect with people, and he is truly authentic infinitesimal he did say one thing, though, which is drawing some criticism about re reclaiming our heritage. remember this is the "make america great again" campaign that he started and he's talking about reclaiming or heritage. let me play this clip for you and i'll tell you why it's drawing attention. listen. >> the men and women here today are on the front lines of protecting america's interests, defending america's value, and reclaiming our nation's priceless heritage. griff: now, one observer who did not believe that that was such an appropriate comment, sam vene venegrat, senior adviser to -- pete: to biden, the biden
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institute. pete: it makes me sick. on a personal level, preserving our heritage, reclaiming our heritage, that sounds like a lot like a certain leader that kills members of my family and about six million other jews in the 1940s. pete: okay. except she forgets except what the president means is our heritage of our country, our shared values, it's what michelle malkin talked about on the stage, that our strength is not a diversity, our unit in shared principles and ideas and values. as flawed as they may have been, because we're all flawed, they laid down ideas we would strive to. they used that word "heritage" which they interpreter because they're grievancemongers, as hate. "heritage" is such a bad word, griff. our produces here work hard, and they looked back into the videotape. it turns out joe biden may have said something like that in 2011 2011. >> it's time to stand up. it's time to fight back. it's time to reclaim our
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heritage, and it's time, and we are ready. we are looking for this fight, the future of our country depends on it. pete: boy, that guy looks really angry. and he's yelling about heritage. he's got to be a racist. who worked work for that man? rachel: it's a great point, the hypocrisy of it. again, since when it does reclaiming or celebrating american heritage and what unites us, since when it that occurred racist or divisive? pete: the modern democratic party identified by racial, gender politics, they see everything through the lens of division, who you are on the surface as opposed to what you believe inside. so heritage must be a racist reference. rachel: right. pete: get used to it, folks. this is a preview of what you're going to get for the next year and a half. griff: let me tell you, speaking of previews, the bernie sanders rally i went to yesterday was quite something. now, he was in brooklyn again where he launched his campaign in 2016. he was born in brooklyn, and took to the stage, it was cold
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out there, we were out there for hours, he spoke for about 30 minutes and there's about 10,000 people. here's some of what he had to say. >> i want to thank all of you for being part of a campaign which is not only going to win the democratic nomination -- [cheers] -- we're going to defeat donald trump. [cheers] who is the most dangerous president in modern american history. we are going to transform this country and principles of our government will not be greed, hatred, and lies. the campaign is going to end all of that. this. pete: you should see rachel's face while he's rachel: it's so boring. by the way, it's so glum. i mean, you can decide, which america do you want to be part of, that boring, glum, dour look
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of bernie sanders and his crowd, who never mention all the amazing economic news that is lifting up every marginalized group in our country, from minorities to women, everybody's boat is rising in this economy. they never focus on that. they only focus on the negative. you go to a trump rally. it's fun, positive, patriotic. there's a real different energy. i think people want optimism and hope, not that glummy socialist stuff. griff: it's a great point, because what he talks about there the keyword is "transformation." president trump talked about things he was going to do while he took away all those business regulations and now you have the economy you're speaking of. well, when bernie sanders talks about the socialistic things like medicare for all, free education for all, these sorts of things and of course he's right and wrong in the green new deal, you can expect him to do
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that, but the cast of the two speeches happening at exactly the same time are really framing what we're going to be voting for in 2.20 pete: i saw a sign that said veterans for bernie. i'm glad there's one veteran for bernie. good luck running against the president's track record there. we talk about so many other things. he's given vets choice. he's holding people accountable. bernie sanders wants to just bloat the bureaucracy that doesn't work even more at every level. and jobs, you're so right. talk more about those jobs, mr. president. the wages going up. people are feeling better. how do you run against that? rachel: hispanics 50% favorability right now. it's completely based on economic results because it's not about all the negative stuf. pete: and enforcing borders because people who came here illegally want other people to. rachel: they do. it's largely the economy. we have to turn to some headlines right now. we'll on come back to more rallies stuff later. >> two california police officers will not face charges against a deadly shooting of an
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unarmed black man that happened nearly a year ago. >> they are often forced to make split second decisions, tense, rapid evolving circumstances. rachel: the da says stefan clark was in a shooting position and holding a cell phone mistaken with a gun. the decision was met with many protests. >> no peace for the killers, police. rachel: clark's family filed a wrongful death lawsuit. the desperate search for two young sisters is intensifying after they disappeared near their california home. 8-year-old leah karika and her 5-year-old sister carolyn after they disappeared on friday. they asked their mom if they could go for a walk and she said no. the only sign of the girls so far is a trail of gran olla bar wrappers. pray for those little girls. the first commercially built spacecraft designed to carry
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people docked at the international space center. we're watching live as they open the hatch. the spacex capsule carrying a dummy. the spacecraft is carrying supplies and an american flag. the crew dragon is scheduled on take astronauts to space this summer. those are your headlines. pete: i was listening but i was also reading that ocasio-cortez loves to take planes and cars. rachel: so does bernie. he likes it but he only likes private jets. pete: she'll get there. rachel: she'll get there. pete: president trump doubling down on fixing our immigration problems during his cpac speech. our next guest serves our country in congress and was recently deployed to our nation nation's border. and he says we're dealing with a crisis. congressman adam kinsinger. griff: taking aim at michael cohen and congressman jim jordan
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saturday night live. >> the first time i testified was also under oath. but this time i, like, really mean it. >> lying piece of human trash! i'm sorry angry, i couldn't even wear a jacket today! a place miles from the beaten path. overcoming twists and turns. ups and downs. whatever life throws. a place to always strive for. for all the journeys that make us stronger. ♪ so let's promote our spring ftravel deals, on like this: (sneezes) earn one free night when you stay just twice this spring. allergies. or.. badda book. badda boom. book now at dealing with your insurance can be frustrating. let's be honest: but with esurance, just snap some pics
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and you could get back on the road fast! well, not that fast. this editor made this commercial fit in 15 seconds. when insurance is simple, it's surprisingly painless.
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>> our immigration system is so broken. >> many emergency declarations have been used to protect people in far-away nations and distant lands. now we are protecting, finally, our people. we will always defend america's borders because without borders, as i've said many times before, we don't have a country. pete: the president yesterday at cpac doubling down on the importance of the border
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security while rallying his base base. g.o.p. congressman and u.s. international guard pilot lieutenant kernel adam kinsinger kinsingeringer recently deployed to the u.s.-mexico border. it's important to note, this isn't your first deployment to the border. you've been three times before under former president obama. what did you see now that changed your mind about the crisis down there? >> the first three times i was in texas. this time i was in arizona. first three times under president obama. by the way, every governor that is pulling their national guard away from border, that's because of politics. the national guard has always played a role at the border of mexico. the democrats say they want technology. that's the national card. they're the technology -- national guard. they're the technology on the border perform three times i did that under obama. there was a lot of immigration then in texas. here i saw a lot more drugs and human trafficking. so if you get a group and they get an education that border patrol is around, you always see one or two people sprint away from that group and abandon them
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them. those are the coyotes, the guides from the drug cartels and of course the drugs. keep in mind these cartels make money on two things: trafficking in humans and trafficking in narcotics. pete: congressman, we see the shots of the plane that you fly in, speaking of technology and you're saying that aircraft might not be used on the border anymore. >> yeah. so the army national guard is really good at understanding that they have a homeland defense mission. the air national guard is not. this is the only aircraft it has that can do surveillance in the united states and do it legally. the air national guard has been trying to get rid of this. i've been really fighting because i'm the lone voice to do it because there's only a few of these aircraft. it's playing a very important mission on the border of mexico, a very important mission in the drug war and i'm going to do everything i can to keep the air national guard from divesting it it. the air guard is a great organization. they just don't understand that
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they have a significant role to play in counterdrug border and domestic homeland missions. pete: congressman, you mentioned these governors, one from wisconsin, who decided now to pull troops back from the border border. you say there's a political motivation. unpack that a little bit. >> yeah. a hundred percent. so democrats will say, "we just don't want a wall, but we want technology, we're all for border security, just no wall." and then when you put that into action and you say, "okay. well, the national guard, planes like mine, the rc-26, technology et cetera, we are the technology on the border and you have a governor like governors evers in wisconsin he actually appalled the guard back, i found out about it, he wasn't going to announce it, i announced it for him; so i was happy to let everybody in wisconsin know what their governor is doing and the reason is is because they're playing politics. if you want border security but you just don't want a wall 'cause i think it's wasteful, then use the national guard to protect the border. the truth is, by the way, pete i never worked a single area of arizona that had a wall. i didn't need to. i only worked the areas that didn't have a wall.
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we found people on mountains and everything else. so the wall will work. but technology also on top of that, but until the wall gets built, we need the national guard on the border -- and democratic governors aren't doing everything. pete: i never says it's a layer layered approach but when you have a wall it gives you time to survival and using people effectively approximately is it tough to go from something like service to your country on the border back to congress where you guys just can't seem to get much young? >> yes. i'm glad you asked that. you know, you go from a job where 85% of people like you, military pilot, to one where 5% of people like you, in congress. administrate military as you know we can work together to get the mission done. it's way it of you in congress. pete: thank you very much for your time and your service. >> you bet, buddy. pete: he performed 12 -- this is a tough one -- he performed 1200 abortions before walking away from it all. what changed? the moment his daughter died in his arms. one doctor's powerful story coming up next.
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this is the new wave, and whoever doesn't get on, i think they would be left behind. just one more way we go beyond at&t. right now get fast, reliable internet and add wifi pro for a low price. comcast business. beyond fast. griff: quick hellos for you. university of north carolina head basketball coach roy williams collapses during a game against clemson. he was helped back to his feet and waved as he was escorted off the report. he did not return for the second half. williams says he suffered a vertigo attack and was okay. and this. an arizona school sparking outrage from parents who say their children were told to remove their maga gear. the students wore the clothes and carried a trump flag for their school's "party in the usa usa" spirit day. one student was suspended. a school spokesperson says the suspension was not related to the maga gear but did not give another reason for it. rachel? rachel: thank you, griff.
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now, in a matter of five years dr. anthony levatino performed 1200 abortions, including 100 second-abortions. during that time his doctor heather was hit by a car in front of their home. she was two months shy of her sixth birthday. heather died in the ambulance on the way to the hospital. the death of his daughter led dr. levatino to stop performing abortions. dr. levatino is a board certified ob/gyn and former abortionist and he joins me now. welcome, doctor. thanks for joining us. >> good morning. rachel: tell me how the tragic death of your little heather affected your way of viewing what you did for a living, which was perform abortions. >> after losing your own child and then realizing you're the kind of person that will take money to kill other people's children, becoming, you know, -- continuing as an abortionist was absolutely impossible and i walked away from the abortion industry.
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rachel: you know, i've never been able to speak to an abortion doctor before. i have so many questions for you or former abortionist. you know, doctors like you know so much about fetology and the science of humans and the humanity of a fetus. how does one go every day, day after day, examine perform an abortion know what you know scientifically, medically? >> because if you're a gynecologist and you say you're pro-choice and you really believe in that, then you do the abortions. you just look past all of the science and just do the abortions. rachel: is abortion, the practice, is it lucrative? is it profitable? is that part of the motive as well? >> well, i could make, i mean, at the time in the mid-1980s i could make a thousand dollars doing a delivery or i could do a thousand dollars do three abortions. the abortions would only take about 30 minutes in total. and the pregnancy care and delivery would take hours and
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hours so from that standpoint you make more money in a shorter amount of time doing abortions than you do childbirth. rachel: sure. now, so few of us have seen what you've seen, you know, behind the curtain, if you will, in the back rooms of abortion clinics. in fact, there's a lot of controversy and intent on the other side to not let us see back there. tell us what you see, what you saw when you were working as an abortion doctor. >> well, this is -- you know, it's interesting, because i think that -- an example i often give is child labor ended when somebody got a camera in the factories. and i think it's very important that when people say, "well, i support abortion," great. but understand what it is that you support. i became involved in a movie called "unplanned" that's going to be released on march 29th, and it's a sorry of abby johnson a woman who was the youngest clinic director in planned parenthood at the time and who
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was very dedicated to the idea of a woman's choice, who, in the course of her work, almost accidentally, not quite accidentally, but she was asked to assist in an abortion and perform an ultrasound while an abortion was performed, and when she saw what happened to that child during that abortion, it totally changed her mind. and the movie "unplanned" that's coming out on march 29th is going to give audiences the chance to see what abortion is. rachel: so when you had this change of heart, you obviously had to the people in your practice, other doctors, what was the reaction, but, more importantly, has your story changed the minds of other abortionists? is there a movement at all within that community to kind of see it a different way now? >> many people that were involved in the abortion industry have walked away for various reasons. i mean, in my case, i lost my daughter. a friend of mine walked away
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because he literally one day putting a fetus back together to make sure everything was there, literally said "what am i doing doing?" another doctor that i know, his daughter had attended a talk about abortion and when she went home to her parents that night said, i can't understand how anyone could do that to a little baby, and her father was so afraid she would understand what he was doing that he quit. societies happening a lot. rachel: it's very interesting. listen. you performed 1200 abortions. i'm sure that weighs heavily on your conscience but i'm so heartened that perhaps by you sharing your testimony, many, many more infants and babies and unborn children will be saved. so i really appreciate your testimony. thank you so much, dr. levatino. and i do encourage everyone to go and watch your film, "un "unplanned." >> you're very welcome. thank you for having me on. rachel: thank you, doctor. all right. coming up next, anthony scaramucci. stay with us.
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griff: there's the reason why we are playing natalie imbrulia, a great song from the nineties and why we brute in anthony scaramucci, former white house communications director. anthony, welcome. >> great to be here. griff: we're playing that song because saturday night live decided to do a spoof on michael cohen's testimony this week.
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pay attention to this clip and see if you can connect the dots. listen. >> i know that i was wrong, and i know it 'cause i got caught. for too many years i was loyal to a man when i should not have been. now i know how khloé kardashian feels. i'm all out of faith. this is how i feel. [laughter] i'm cold, and i'm ashamed and lying naked on the floor. [laughter] illusion never changed into something real. i'm wide awake, and i can see the perfect sky is torn. griff: no comments yet from natalie imbrulia, but what do you make of that. >> selfishly i'm happy that bill hede wasn't playing me. i like michael, you i saw friends with michael, i actually met michael through the president and working on the romney campaign. but i'm not in love with the -- rachel: what happened to michael michael? >> i'm not in love with the
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approach, because at the end of the day, you know, we have to be -- hold sacred a couple things. the neighborhood i grew up in you can't do what michael is doing right now because -- griff: what is he doing? >> i think he feels, and if you read maureen dowd's article today he feels the president turned on him or dropped him like a hot potato. rachel: not putting him in the administration you mean? >> not putting him in the administration or embracing him a little harder or he feels like there's been a lack of reciprocity by the president; right? and so what happens in relationships, if they're not symmetrical and someone feels that it's going one way too quickly or too hard they could have a tendency to and do something like what michael's doing. i would never agree with it, i would never tell my kids to do it, michael might be mad at me for saying it but i just don't like the approach of going after somebody who helped build you.
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and you spent 12 years with. the president's not a racist. people forget this but he got the rosa parks medal for helping to get the new york stock exchange to close during the martin luther king jr. junior birthday. remember, i'm awall street for 30 years. ronald reagan signed the martin luther king act for the national holiday, the new york stock exchange stayed open for many years. it was donald trump and sandy we weil and reverend jesse jackson that lobbied to put the stock exchange to close during that holiday. i can give you hundreds of examples to prove to you that the president is not racist. so this whole notion that now all of a sudden the president's racist -- and, by the way, michael gave a speech with darrell scott and others in cleveland introducing then candidate donald trump, expressing all the things that he has done where he doesn't really think about race. so, to me, i don't like it. i think it's -- you know, and i would tell my kids -- i've got five of them -- you can't do that. pete: anthony, it's a great point. there is a color the president does see, though, and it's green
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whether it's money or the green new deal. >> that's the party the president is really a member of. that's a secret, member of the green party. is a benjamin, not really ocasio-cortez's party. rachel: a lot of americans that want to be in that party. >> the economy's booming. take a look at the data. anybody wants to parse it differently, you can, but the economy deep is booming. trained economists -- go ahead. griff: you mentioned the green new deal. let me play you what the president said at cpac. listen. >> we believe in the american dream, not in the socialist nightmare. i think the new green deal or whatever the hell they call it [crowd boos] the green new deal, right, green new deal, i encourage it. i think it's really something that they should promote. i just want to be the republican that runs against them.
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[cheers] pete: how will that play out? >> well, they're playing right into his hands. i'm a a democratic strategist but just keep going further for the left, stop the cows from farting, do all the things they can they can do and what will end up happening is a lot of people that would like to vote democratic will quietly vote for president trump in 2020. i think she did another thing over the weekend which i find fascinating. she's basically telling people if you don't come as far to the left as me we're going to primary you from the left. okay. so the president's got to be sitting there snickering about that as well. so the country's primarily a center-right country on most issues. it may be agnostic on social issues by and large, but it it's a center-right country. and this sort of nonsense is not going to play well. and what griff said is absolutely true. you want to have rising living standards and an aspirational working class. and if you look at the president president's agenda, that's what we're moving to. and it's been a 35-year
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desolation for those people and those people are going to come back and vote for the presid.nt pete: griff got you a t-shirtty bernie rally. griff: that's fake news. i got. >> i got this t-shirt for peter. i'm not going to let anybody know what it says underneath there. this is too large for me; so it must tell you something about your diet. this is too large for me. rachel: or his muscles. pete: go with that. yes. griff: anthony, thank you for being here. rachel: great stuff. >> thank you. rachel: we're going to turn now to some of your headlines. this is a look in selma, alabama, where the martin and cora s. king unity breakfast is underway. hillary clinton and several 2020 democratic presidential hopefuls are scheduled to speak. the event is one of several over the weekend to remember and celebrate the civil rights movement. thousands honor the life of tennessee officer -- of a tennessee officer shot in the line of duty.
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rachel: sergeant steve hinkle was laid to rest yesterday. he was shot while responding to a welfare check last week. hundreds of law enforcement members from across the country were there to pay respects to the 27-year veteran of the force force. and an ohio teenager who went viral after he got vaccinated against his mother's wishes is heading to capitol hill. ethan linden berger joined us on fox & friends last month. here's what he had to say. >> we've spoken about had i view views and her views and how i still love her despite disagreements even publicly because this issue is more important than accidentally hurting someone's feelings. rachel: he will share his story with the senate health committee on tuesday. and check this out. this card pedro cutout of the c.e.o. looked so real that someone called police after seeing it out in the freezing cold. police say someone was concerned that the man was standing out in
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the freezing weather without a coat. c.e.o. mike lindell got a kick out of the story, retweeting it. and those are your headlines. it does look real. and if you're without a coat in minnesota that's kind of dangerous. pete: and if you're hugging a pillow, it's kind of weird. griff: it is indeed. rick, how cold is it out there, and what would you do if you saw michael lindell standing there? >> why is the pillows guy holding it? really cold across far northern plains. in fact today will probably be a record low high temperature for the date across that area. take a look at the map, show you what's going on. to the north of where you see that snow, that's where all the cold air, and it's going to continue to funnel off towards the south. you see that he have hadder rain now building across minnesota. we've had incredible flooding, mississippi river, all of the gauges there heading towards major flood stage because of all the rain we've had over the last month or so.
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severe weather later today. the northern side of this is the snow. you're almost done with it in denver and across much of kansas but now in towards missouri and illinois you're going to see that snow. later on today it moves across the center appalachians and the northern appalachians and then the northeast. we will probably see kind of a widespread 4- to 8-inch snow event and this time the i-95 corridor will be the bull's-eye of it, philadelphia, new york, hartford, boston, portland, you'll be getting snow. here's the severe weather threat down across the south, may see a few tornadoes. cold weather across the eastern part of the country and even by wednesday and thursday across parts of florida. guys, back to you. rachel: thanks, rick. griff: it's the return of the be bern. bernie sanders launching his white house bid right where the last one began. listen. >> bernie sanders type of democratic socialism is not a radical socialism. >> we need a government that does not serve the 1%. griff: but did the rally goers
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really care about bernie or the socialist ideas? we'll find out. griff was there, plus the call is out asking americans to help honor our heroes. and all you need is a pen, paper and a stamp. he's a medal of honor recipient, and she has sang in all 50 states, our great nation's anthem. they tell us all about their message of patriotism coming up next. olution in sleep. the sleep number 360 smart bed, from $999... senses your movement and automatically adjusts on each side to keep you both comfortable. and snoring? how smart is that? smarter sleep. so you can come out swinging, maintain your inner focus, and wake up rested and ready for anything. sleep number is ranked #1 in customer satisfaction with mattresses by j. d. power. save $500 on select sleep number 360 smart beds. only for a limited time. (indistthat was awful.tering) why are you so good at this? had a coach in high school.
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we really pride ourselves >> ton making it easyautoglass, to get your windshield fixed. >> teacher: let's turn in your science papers.
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>> tech vo: this teacher always puts her students first. >> student: i did mine on volcanoes. >> teacher: you did?! oh, i can't wait to read it. >> tech vo: so when she had auto glass damage... she chose safelite. with safelite, she could see exactly when we'd be there. >> teacher: you must be pascal. >> tech: yes ma'am. >> tech vo: saving her time... [honk, honk] >> kids: bye! >> tech vo: she can save the science project. >> kids: whoa! >> kids vo: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace ♪ >> well, bernie was back launching his 2020 bid; so i hit the rally he had in brooklyn to see if they're still feeling the bern. >> bernie sanders identifies with socialism. do you identify with that? >> i think that bernie sanders sense of democratic socialism is not really any type of radical socialism. >> we need a government that does not serve the 1%. we need to stop these -- all these wars of intervention,
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these regime change wars, and we need to focus on the united states. >> do you think that there needs to be that element of capitalism at play, but i think that we are long overdue for some really strong socialist involvement. >> it's not really, like, this crazy, outlandish label. it's more of just being able to support people who may not be able to support themselves. so that's what bernie believes. that's something that we as, like, the young people going out to vote are caring about. >> honestly, i don't even know what socialism is, i don't know. i don't care. he's just for the people. griff: the one issue that matters most to you for the bernie platform, what is it? >> i think it has to be college for all. >> i would say climate change. >> i think everyone has a right to a job and to health care and to education. we can pay for this. we're the richest country in the world. >> you look at our society today capitalism is destroying itself. it's only for the rich. griff: some people in america
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hear the word socialism and they get afraid. >> i understand that. my parents are cuban. my parents are cuban immigrants. they left what is actually communism. cuba is very different, communism in cuba is very different from democratic socialism. we're talking about democracy, democracy and equality. >> it's not about being socialist. it's not about being a democrat or republican. we want the things that other countries are able to afford. griff: are you bernie sanders all the way, can be swayed? >> that is my stance. i'm a big fan of tulsi gabbard. >> the only candidate in the democratic field right now that is a true progressive. >> i love bernie sanders. i love this man more than anything in this world and i want to see him 2020 as the president. griff: there was about 10,000 or so people out there, and almost everyone told me that they were already committed this early in the 2020 race. rachel: so on the republican side, donald trump definitely wants to frame this as capitalism and prosperity versus socialism and what that stands for. do you get the sense that the democrats that were at the rally are ready to defend socialism, they're right behind him on this
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this? griff: absolutely good point. when they told me they were committed to bernie they said that the other candidates were just trying to mimic what sanders saturated in 2016. pete: that's bernie's probe, everyone is bernie now on the democrat side. so take your pick and he's kind of yesterday. we'll see if he catches on. griff: unless biden gets in and if biden takes a more moderate track and pushes back against him. pete: you mean jeb biden? [laughter] good luck with that. griff: an allusion to jeb bush who flamed out. rachel: low energy. pete: you know where all the energy approximate is. well, the call is out asking americans to help honor our heroes, and all you need is a pen, paper, and a stamp. he's a medal of honor recipient, and she sang the national anthem in all 50 states. they tell us all about their message of patriotism coming up.
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rachel: our next guest accomplished something truly amazing, performing the national anthem in all 50 states, including right here on fox & friends. griff: and now for the third year in a row, jeannine stange is asking people to write letters to the medal of honor recipients. here is jeannine stange and gary lee luttrell awarded the medal of honor for his service in vietnam. you understand ladies first. >> most definitely. pete: you are most deserving but she wins in this moment. jeannine, talk to us about this
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effort. you want folks to right letters to medal of honor recipients. >> yes, i want people to adopt a medal of honor recipient. i feel national medal of honor day is march 25th, and i'm singing at some of the events that they're having toward the end of the month. so i'm going to hand deliver everyone's letters to our medal of honor recipients. pete: very cool. you've got a a couple of those letters that you can read for us us. this is actually to the command sergeant major. >> so i've got one for you. this one said, "courageous, brave, selfless and love for your country, you are an encourager and that's what helped you gain your medal. you reminded everyone it was not the time to give up. you saved many lives, and i thank you." >> that's su.te pete: what does it mean to you that there's an effort like that that recognizes the amazing things that men like you did. >> it has two means, pete. one it's an honor for us to get letters from the kids saying " "thank you." but i think more than anything,
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it's jeannine getting to the kids and getting them to think patriotic. and so it's not about us. it's about the kids. and if the kids have a patriotic heart and they write these letters, that means an awful lot to me. rachel: so it's true. i mean, patriotism in some areas of our country is actually considered a bad thing. >> it is. rachel: this is a time where we really need to foster that. this is a really interesting way to get children to start to-of- to-of-lo our country and understand why. griff: you have another letter you're going to read to us. >> yes. so this one is interesting. this is to captain marm who is also a medal of honor recipient. this is from somebody who served under him. he said "it was an honor to have served under you in vietnam. i was a 19-year-old who had never been away from home and you taught us more than we will ever know." so this is somebody that was under him that actually is connecting with him through this this. so it's not just kids. it's anyone, anyone that wants
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to say, "you know what? what can i do to give back?" well, one way to start is learn, read their citations and learn what they've done. real life action heroes. griff: before we run out, how can they get involved to honor people? >> if you go to my website it's there's medal of honor, you can't miss it, if it's your cell phone it's the middle top, click that, it will take you you if you're an individual, you can pick as many medal of honor recipients as you want and if you're a group you just fill in the group form. pete: we're out of time. we need to have you back to hear just your story because they don't just hang that medal around anybody. you did something amazing for our country. last words on this. >> well, it's good to be a medal of honor recipient and get involved with the medal of honor society. we have an awful lot of good programs going now. our citizens hero award, our veterans outreach, our character
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development where we get medal of honor recipients into the pete: love it. griff: command sergeant major, i have one thing to say to you: thank you for your service. jeannine will perform in the next hour. stay tuned. we've got more fox & friends. rachel: got a beautiful voice. stay with us. they came in third, but... they had so much fun. at country inn & suites by radisson, we're on the way to wherever you're going. ...
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proprietary collusion with russia, the collusion dilution. robert mueller never received a vote. he put 13 of the most angry democrats in the history of our country on the commission. the new green deal or whatever the hell they call it, i think that it's really something, that they should promote. when the wind stops blowing, that's the end of your electric, darling. >> [applause] president trump: is the wind blowing today? >> going to win the democratic nomination which is not only going to defeat donald trump, the most dangerous president. >> bernie sanders or the democrats are the ones fighting for marginalized people, considering what we've been through over the last generation and what democratic leadership
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has done to every community. rachel: a historic low in hispanic poverty. growth in median household income amongst hispanics actually doubling the growth rate of all other households. >> american indians why did you check those boxes? >> decades ago, i sometimes identified as native american. >> universities kind of fudged and used you. >> i shouldn't have done it. president trump: i think we're going to do even better in 2020. >> ♪ ♪ pete: in case you didn't know it , today is national anthem day , so happy national anthem day, and of course, we're going to bring it in in true fashion later on in the hour. rachel: national anthem day started in 1931 by president hoover. pete: not just a vacuum also a president. rachel: also a president. [laughter] griff: the rendition of the national anthem that you're going to hear later this hour is
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one that you won't see anywhere else, from janeen sang, just here with the command sargent ladies and gentlemen or lutrell, a recipient of the highest honor this country can get. rachel: stay tuned for her. pete: you're right it never gets old meeting medal of honor recipients. rachel: no. pete: have your kids read a citation of a medal of honor recipient, dead or alive, past or present they are real life super heros and because of men like that we're here free on this couch today. speaking of freedom, if you had to sum up the president's speech yesterday at cpac that would probably be the word. if you missed it and you may have it was saturday afternoon you might have been busy doing other things the president spoke for over two hours the longest speech of his presidency, at cpac, to his base, hitting all the themes and ultimately drawing a lot of contrast that will be a big preview in 2020. it was a two-hour long speech we'll bring it to you in highlights in a minute and a half. watch. president trump: the great
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genius of campaigns. he called for the comey resignation because he still hasn't gotten over getting his [ [indiscernible] kicked. we reject speech codes, censorship, political correctness and every other attempt by the hard left to stop people from challenging ridiculous and dangerous ideas. >> [applause] president trump: instead, we believe in free speech, many emergency declarations have been used to protect people in far away nations. now, we are protecting finally our people, you, our people. >> [applause] >> we have people in congress that hate our country. >> [booo] president trump: i think the new green deal or whatever the hell
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they call it, green new deal, i encourage it. they should stay with that argument, never change. >> [laughter] president trump: when the wind stops blowing that's the end of your electric. darling is the wind blowing today i'd like to watch television, darling. >> ♪ ♪ pete: rachel it all started with a hug of the flag. rachel: a hug of the flag and the sound track of my childhood i'm a military girl who grew up listening to that song, he hugged the flag swaying with it he's so authentic and you can see he did his pole test whether it was a good idea or not, and what's interesting to me as i watched this speech and he sort of lays out all of the issues that he's for all of the crazy ideas he says the democrats are for, what you see is somebody whose just talking off the cuff giving you his thoughts he's
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very authentic and i wonder how the democrats feel when they watch this and they look at their 2020 candidates. do they have the ability to entertain and just be themselves in a way like that, because i can tell you, on the right, and in the middle a lot of people in the middle they really like this griff: i'm glad you mentioned 2020 candidates because there's a lot of them out there even bernie sanders was speaking in brooklyn yesterday but yesterday an interview happened on cnn with david axlerod with elizabeth warren and david axle rod is a democratic king maker just ask barack obama about that he did an hour long interview with elizabeth warren senator warren and gave herman it opportunities to sort of correct the record to talk about things that may stack against her in her campaign, one of them clearly her native american flap her is a little bit of what she had to say with david axlerod. listen. >> why did you check those boxes? >> i grew up in oklahoma.
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i learned about my family the same way most people learn about their family. based on what i learned growing up, and the fact that i love my family, decades ago, i sometimes identified as native american. >> the universities kind of fudged and used you for their own purposes. >> it never had anything to do with my getting a job. even so, i shouldn't have done it. i'm not a person of color. i am not a citizen of a tribe. griff: meanwhile president trump at cpac had a little bit to say about that as well. president trump: listen, i should have saved the pocahontas thing for another year. >> [laughter] president trump: because i've destroyed her political career and now i won't get a chance to run against her and i would have loved that. we've got to, you know, i don't want to knockout all of the good stuff and end up with somebody that's actually got talent. that would be bad.
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griff: he's obviously taking a hit at that but many of the candidates are having trouble whether it's amy klobuchar eating a salad with a comb. pete: or the fake beer drinking oral of it like you can't fake your way through it any more. he gave her one nick name, pocahontas and she's been apologizing ever since and notice the comedy. like he's having fun. there's love of country, there's appreciation for the moment. remember i love the part of the speech where he goes honey, is it windy today? can we take out the plane? and there's just the press will say donald trump does not understand how wind energy works doesn't understand that it gets stored up over time and he's making a larger point and having fun with it that this is not the type of technology that's going to power all of the wonderful things we have in our nation today they can't get it and i think but regular folks do, rachel. folks where we come from, they get that, they like that, they feel like someone's actually talking to them speaking like them and he's even better at it
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today than he was in 2016. rachel: absolutely. but he's always had from beginning even to now is authenticity and that is exactly what elizabeth warren lacked and what was so uncomfortable watching that interview i watched it. it was very uncomfortable. griff: let me tell you the moment of the speech the l be remembered the most. the most powerful moment is when he brought the young conservative student up on stage , watch. president trump: the man's name is haystack den williams. >> [applause] president trump: hayden, where is he? where is he? come up here, please. he took a hard punch in the face for all of us, do you remember that? he took a punch for all of us. >> [applause] president trump: and we can never allow that to happen. go get them. hayden. pete: remember he was the activist on the berkeley campus there on the left side of your screen who was punched in the
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face by a punk, a leftist, you would imagine in, whose now been arrested for assault and he was simply on campus talking about conservative ideas pointing out that fake hate crimes make real hate crimes less credible. the president pulls him up to make a larger case, free speech is at issue on our college campuses. they're punching kids in the face for wearing hats and standing up for conservatism, not okay. rachel: when hayden stood up he said do you know what, president trump, i took a punch but you keep fighting for us and we're going to keep fighting for you and i think again, we talk about what is it a lot of democrats they scratch their heads why do people like donald trump? a lot of conservatives like donald trump because he takes on issues like this. he stands up for young men like this, and young women like this on college campuses. this college campus free speech issue or lack of free speech i should say has been going on for a long time and there has never been any president, someone with that kind of gravitas sooning a
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spotlight on it and now he says he's going to do an executive order to deal with it. griff: hayden was on the show earlier and spoke about that executive order here is what he had to say. >> it happens every day whether it's assault or harassment or just social ostricism. these students go through a lot just for standing up for what they believe in and it's great that the president has considered signing an executive order to show these students rights are protected on campus. it's a labor of love to stand up for what you believe in, and promote the values that make america the best country on earth. griff: it's significant for all of those parents across the country. i'm one, you're one, that has a child of college age, as this has gone from really an assault on free speech to actual physical assault which is quite something that has to be dealt with. pete: you look at the jobs numbers the unemployment rate the wages going up and you can't
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deny the manufacturing jobs what this president has done i've said it before i'll say it again his presidency is even more a cultural presidency. it's fighting back against what colleges and our culture has done to the minds of young people trying to silence them trying to advance socialism trying to put government into every part of your life and tear down patriotism and the military and cops. he's saying enough is enough. our culture matters. that i think is what draws conservativism even more. rachel: absolutely he had two hours to do it and at the end he said i think you'll be rich going through those guys so that was funny. we're going to turn to your headlines police make an arrest in this horrific hit-and-run that left a 19-year-old in critical condition. zachary brock faces two felony charges including leaving the scene of a crash and driving without a license. police say he turned into on coming traffic clipping an audi forcing it to roll several times through a florida parking lot. the victim's father said he has severe brain trauma.
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a man is caught shooting a police officer across the street from an elementary school. police say dillon rutgen was firing shots striking a concrete wall in front of the kansas school. his mom called police saying her son had a gun. police responded and officers say he started shooting at them. they fired back, hitting him in the leg. he was taken to the hospital. no officers or students were hurt. and, kid rock, on cloud nine making his first-ever hole in one in front of ledge in dairy golfer jack nicholas. >> oh, my god i've never seen that. >> excellent: >> first hole in one congratulations. rachel: you hear them cheering for "the rock" star it happened in jupiter, florida. pete: i'm sorry, it's an automatic snap hook. into the woods. griff: that's amazing. pete: hole in one, good on you
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big man. griff: president trump at cpac opening up about his summit with kim jong-un. president trump: look forward to maybe doing something at some point but i had to walk because every once in a while you have to walk, because the deal wasn't a deal. griff: a green beret we'll ask him if it was the right move. rachel: democratic socialistic alexandria ocasio-cortez doubling down on her attacks on i.c.e. now, she's calling it dangerous. tom homan was the acting director of i.c.e. he speaks out, just ahead. >> ♪ ♪ ybody else? we know their rates are good, we know that they're always going to take care of us. it was an instant savings and i should have changed a long time ago. we're the tenney's and we're usaa members for life. call usaa to start saving on insurance today.
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because the deal wasn't a deal. pete: president trump rallying his base at cpac explaining why he left that high stake summit with kim jong-un without a deal. florida gop congressman and u.s. green beret commander michael walsh joins us now to weigh in congressman commander you're such an under achiever every time i read your title i realize we should all do a little bit more. based on your service how do you look at the follow-on from that summit? >> well i think it was absolutely the right move, pete, to walk away. the north koreans were asking for way too much. they were essentially wanting to shut down one reactor, when we know they have multiple sites. the president confronted kim jong-un with this, and said that's just not enough at this point and for all the critics who said the president would give everything away just for a political victory or a distraction from home he proved them wrong, he kept america's interest upfront and center but i'd also say i'm very interested in what's next.
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i'm is not on or side the north koreans are developing a very sophisticated missile capability and i would look for the president to start dialing that pressure up again not only on north korea but on the chinese and russians to keep those sanctions choking kim jong-un's regime, hitting them in the wallet is the only thing they respond to and why they're at the table in the first place. pete: so briefly you think the big next step is even stronger economic sanctions? >> i do. i think well it's enforcing the sanctions that are in place and also getting secondary sanctions in place for chinese entities that are violating the current set. we've got to keep the pressure on. pete: you're of course right the chinese are key to this. now on another side of the world , not that far away, osama bin laden's son they say he's on the afghan pakistan border and also he's emerging as the new leader of al qaeda, he's around 30 years old the u.n. has put him on their sanctions list we hut $1 million bound it on his head. talk to us about the status of al qaeda? >> yeah, pete so al qaeda is
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alive and well. osama bin laden's son has been groomed for some time to take over and guess what he has already named osama bin laden's grandson, osama, so this is a multi-generational war for those who fought over there we know this is a war of ideology. i was just presiding over a ceremony yesterday in florida sending the next group of kids to our military academy, west point, the air force academy saying look, you're going to be in these wars for the foresee able future. we're going to fight these wars in places like and this is why maintaining that pressure and not withdrawing is so important. we're going to fight this in places like kabul or it will follow us home. there's a reason we haven't seen attacks line san bernardino aden/o, orlando and other attacks because we've kept the pressure on we have to keep doing that, pete. pete: it is generational, and we've only got 30 seconds but the president made a point in his cpac speech yesterday saying
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we've spent 7 trillion yet i still have to turn off the lights to air force one just to land in that region we have to acknowledge we have to do it a little differently too. >> i've read a whole book on how we have to do it better but my point is we don't have a choice. they are at war with us whether we like it or not so we can't just wish this problem away because its been too hard or too expensive. we have to keep our foot on the neck and stay on offense. pete: 100% true thank you so much for your service and time. appreciate it. >> thanks so much pete. pete: you got it. well our next guest started a firestorm during michael cohen's hearing. >> the fact that someone would actually use a prop, a black woman, in this chamber in this committee is alone racist. pete: well, mark meadows fought back the woman being accused of being a prop was there to defend the president against cohen's accusation of racism and now she's here with her own message for democrats. welcome. >> ♪ ♪
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just say "teach me more" into your voice remote and see how you can have an even better x1 experience. simple. easy. awesome. rachel: a top official with ties to the trump family attended the michael cohen hearing with the president against cohen's accusations against racism and then this happened. >> just because someone has a person of color, a black person working for them does not mean they aren't racist. the fact that someone would actually use a prop, a black woman, in this chamber in this committee is alone racist. griff: well that woman serves in the u.s. department of housing and urban development and she is here with us now, lynn, thank you for being here. >> hi guys thank you for having me. griff: since this has all
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happened and you were on fox & friends earlier in the week you've been receiving a lot of response from it. what have you been getting? >> well you know, it's sad because the only prop in that room was michael cohen for the democratic party, and what you seen happening the last week is the classic racist double standard that a lot of minority conservatives face every day. you know, i was attacked because i don't represent what their liberal narrative is of what a black woman should be. god forbid i was in that room on my own merit, with my own opinion on somebody who i've known just as long as michael cohen has known the president. rachel: so she, you can see what color you are so she presumes to know what you should think? >> thank you. thank you and do you know what? i was there not to represent an entire race of people, my race. i was there to represent one person and that's the president of the united states. i know him extremely well, and i
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was there to pushback on a lot of different narratives that michael cohen was bringing to the table. he perjured himself again about not wanting to go to the white house. he basically said that i've lied but i'm not a liar and i don't know how anybody can take somebody like that seriously. griff: why would he say that? >> because he is one. he is a liar and what you're see ing is really the disintegration of a man that i've known for quite some time. it's pathetic, it's sad. rachel: trying to get leniency is that what this is about? >> absolutely it doesn't take you 15 years to realize somebody is a racist. rachel: right. >> unless they're not one. pete: lynn on another aspect of this story is our own charles payne actually tweeted at alexandria ocasio-cortez asking how many black members she had on her staff and she replied this way saying, we have the black staff, we don't parade them around to show the world how diverse our team is and use that as some kind of evidence of absence of racism.
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that's what tokenism is and she also tweeted at total bravery as she reminds the nation that tokenism is racism. are they calling you a token? >> well, look, with all due respect, you're also talking about the same woman who said mankind is going to be destroyed in 12 years if we don't eliminate airplanes and bovine. evidently, calling out racism is the new racism, because for anybody to use a derogatory term to describe another person is wrong, for somebody who purports to empower women and minorities of which i'm both, it's even more. pete: you just criticized her but you did so by criticizing her policies not saying because she's a certain gender or a certain race that's why she's wrong. >> thank you. rachel: i just want to point out that alexandria ocasio-cortez just moved into a luxury apartment in washington d.c. you, have moved into public housing in new york city, to
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draw attention to the conditions for so many minorities and blacks in this city. >> thank you. rachel: that is getting no attention by the way. >> thank you. new york public housing is the largest public housing authority in the western hemisphere. more people live in that public housing authority than the entire city of miami. last year more than 83% went without heat and hot water in the united states of america. you know, mayor deblasio brags about turning heat and hot water back on faster than last year. you don't get points for that under my watch. that's called doing your job. griff: have you gotten an apology yet from the congresswoman? >> she did say on cnn she's done some research on me since she made that statement that i was a prop and her exact words are that i'm exhibiting extreme leadership in this administration. i'm proud. rachel: thank you for joining us today. pete: keep up the fight will you rachel: rock on. president trump is defending our borders during his fiery cpac
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speech. take a look. president trump: many emergency declarations have been used to protect people in far away nations. now, we are protecting finally our people, you, our people. >> [applause] rachel: was the acting director of i.c.e. and he's going to weigh in next, plus an emotional show of patriotism going viral. firefighters rushed to save an american flag while battling this burning inferno. we'll hear more from them, coming up. >> ♪ ♪ >> tech: at safelite autoglass,
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we really pride ourselves on making it easy to get your windshield fixed. >> teacher: let's turn in your science papers. >> tech vo: this teacher always puts her students first. >> student: i did mine on volcanoes. >> teacher: you did?! oh, i can't wait to read it. >> tech vo: so when she had auto glass damage... she chose safelite. with safelite, she could see exactly when we'd be there. >> teacher: you must be pascal. >> tech: yes ma'am. >> tech vo: saving her time... [honk, honk] >> kids: bye! >> tech vo: she can save the science project. >> kids: whoa! >> kids vo: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace ♪
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president trump: our border patrol, our i.c.e. agents, our law enforcement the job they do and they don't have the backup of a wall. we will always defend america's borders. many emergency declarations have been used to protect people in far away nations. now, we are protecting finally our people, you, our people. >> [applause] griff: president trump talking about border security and i certainly got to see a lot of it up close from someone who really knows a lot about this is tom ho man, fox news contributor and former acting i.c.e. director tom, good morning to you what do you make of what the president had to say? >> well look he walks a walk doesn't he?
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he said from the beginning he was going to secure this border and protect american people and he has proven over and over again to law enforcement officer s especially border patrol and i.c.e. he has them and for law enforcement officer, there's nothing better more important than you want to hear than someone has your six especially the president of the united states. he's a great president the right gate at the right time i'm glad he's there. rachel: director you see president trump bringing attention to this fox news brings attention to the situation at the border. do border patrol agents or i.c.e. agents ever go on any other network to tell the story of what's happening at the border because it seems like on the other side they're only hearing the president and republicans talk about it but not the guys on the ground. >> the numbers you want to hear from the experts. you think any of them want to talk to tom homan? they don't want to hear the facts on the ground because it doesn't go with their agenda. their open border agenda so no they don't talk to the experts just like democratic leadership. rachel: so you've never been invited to speak on any of the
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other networks? pete: so now he's a fox news contributor so he's stuck. >> but when i was a director i did one show and after i beat him up, i was never invited back pete: of course. >> because look the truth is the truth. pete: the truth is the truth. well there's a tweet came out yesterday from your favorite congresswoman, mr. director, alexandria ocasio-cortez, and she tweeted this. she said if you're mad that i think people should know when dems vote to expand i.c.e. power s then be mad. she writes, i.c.e. is a dangerous agency with zero accountability, widespread reporting of rape, abusive power , and children dying in dhs custody. having a d next to your name doesn't make that right. >> okay well i'm supposed to be in the airplane this morning going to dallas to meet with a sheriff and i canceled my flight to respond to this so i'm sorry i couldn't make the event for sheriff wayborn, but i had to be here. look, she said we're dangerous.
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what's dangerous? you have a congresswoman that doesn't know fact from fission. you have a congresswoman that doesn't know how to tell the truth. i forgot more about this subject than you'll ever know in two whole months of being a congresswoman. she said three things. she said that i.c.e. was holding children down and injecting them with anti-psychotic drugs. are you kidding me? that allegations made against hh s, a different department and she failed to mention they were unsubstantiated. as far as women, i.c.e. rescued 310 women last year and we found them, we saved them. we saved women. we don't rape them. and in the end investigation, massive sexual abuse, fbi did a formal investigation and found nothing. i'm sick and tired of i.c.e. agents officers being accused of this stuff and as far as she said children dying in i.c.e. custody. a child has never died in i.c.e. custody, ever. give me one name of a child that died in i.c.e. custody? two children died in kudlow the
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border patrol and it wasn't their fault. they did everything they could to save these women so this lady , this congresswoman, needs to get her facts straight. what infuriates me, i've buried too many border patrol agents and i.c.e. agents to have her spit on their grave and spreading these rumors about i.c.e. if she wants to place blame by these criminal organizations and children dying, she needs to look in the mirror because she supports sanctuary cities, abolishing i.c.e., open borders which entices people to come to this country. i'm upset. i've never been this upset in my career. how dare she. where is the ethics investigations in ocasio-cortez in saying what she says? griff: there will be a detainer that will go out for an illegal criminal alien today, tomorrow and the day after that. will this in these words like ao c impact i.c.e. agents doing their job? >> no because i.c.e. agents are doing a great job defending this country. they leave the safety and security of home every day to defend this nation and she
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dishonors them with these total lies. let me mention one more thing. she says too many people die in i.c.e. custody last year nine adults died in i.c.e. custody. we dealt with 350,000 people from third world countries who never seen a doctor. i'm surprised only nine died but look at new york city, from 200n custody in new york city officials that's 27, three times more than i.c.e. ever thought of having. we have the lowest mortality rate so she needs to look in her own backyard in new york before she goes after the men and women of i.c.e. rachel: director fired up i'll tell you i was at the state of the union she wouldn't even stand to congratulate the i.c.e. officers who rescued those women you talked about from sex trafficking. thank you for joining us and clearing up the misinformation coming from aoc. pete: very well said. >> thanks for having me. i'm sick and tired of this. pete: thank you, sir. rachel: thank you for your service. turning to your headlines. american airlines is apologizing to a mother who says she and her
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baby were kicked off a flight because of their rare skin condition. the military wife was headed to dallas to visit her husband before his deployment when the crew forced them off because she didn't have a doctor's note. the airline says it is investigating and they have refunded her for her flight. so, lawmakers want to make a proposed no-hits bill in mass pass would ban tackling for kids until after the 7th grade. supporters point to recent studies about the sports long term effects on the brain. critics argue state lawmakers should not get involved. if passed the law would impose financial penalties on leagues that don't comply. virginia firefighters making a quick decision to save an american flag from a burning building. the fire chief joined us earlier to explain why they did it. >> we noticed a flag fall into the fire and we figured the american and virginia flag were probably close to the same fate, so we took that opportunity to either go up and save the flag,
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as kind of a symbol of hope. rachel: the firefighters have returned the flag to the building administrator and those are your headlines. griff: well, she sang the national anthem in all 50 states and now she's joining us to honor our heros on the official national anthem day, here, beautiful, hear her beautiful performance coming up. rachel: plus president trump keeping another campaign promise , a winning economy. maria bartiromo joins us next, breaking down what's being called the hottest job market in half a century. >> good to see you. >> ♪ ♪ after months of wearing only a tiger costume, we're finally going on the trip i've been promising. because with expedia, i saved when i added a hotel to our flight. ♪ so even when she outgrows her costume, we'll never outgrow the memory of our adventure together.
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unlock savings when you add select hotels to your existing trip. only when you book with expedia. but allstate actually helps you drive safely... with drivewise. it lets you know when you go too fast... ...and brake too hard. with feedback to help you drive safer. giving you the power to actually lower your cost. unfortunately, it can't do anything about that. now that you know the truth... are you in good hands?
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periodically to stay warm as well. a snowmobile rider eventually found him. taylor and his dog are okay who knew what you had in the glove compartment could save you. and it's a 1990s classic now the famous burger mobile from the movie good burger could be yours . >> the home of the good burger, can i take your order? pete: [laughter] the 1975 amc pacer is listed for sale in florida for $10,000. the seller said his dad bought it off someone who won it in a contest. sounds definitive. all right well, more winning for the trump economy the wall street journal breaking down the great american jobs machine, delving into what's being called the hottest jobs market in half a century. rachel: sunday morning futures host maria bartiromo joins us now with more so we know this economy is on fire with jobs, tell us more about it and also, let us know if other, you know, networks are really touting this as what it is.
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maria: well rachel you never hear it anywhere. go to the other channels you're not hearing about some of the amazing accomplishments that we've seen as a result of policy changes. so, you've got virtually every group seeing record lows in terms of unemployment and record growth wages up better than 3% year-over-year, first time that's happened in a decade in terms of people's salaries actually moving higher but i think what's really important is capex spending it's a little won ky, but if you look at the gdp report that we got last week you saw a number of companies moving money from savings into putting it into investing in information technology, invest ing in r & d, investing in it. this is a direct result of the deregulation that we've seen as a result of these policies, because this administration lowered and loosened up all of these regulations and as a result, people stop sitting on cash and they put that cash to work. that's really important. money into information technology up 13% griff this was a big number.
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griff: you know the president at cpac talked about 600,000 beautiful new jobs in the manufacturing sector and the 5.3 million jobs created really this is perhaps the most significant part of the speech even though it wasn't the big headline takeaway. maria: that's right and he's talking about different jobs and bigger jobs in terms of higher paying. this journal op-ed that we were looking at earlier inside the hottest job market in half a century it follows around one woman who was making $8 an hour at one job but then started to learn how to weld and now she's a welder and makes almost $20 an hour. so the point is the job quality has gone up, and wages have gone up. that's really important in the face of a very strong jobs market. pete: your show is always quality what are you up to today maria: thank you so much pete. we've got a big show we'll talk about what's happening with the investigation with the fbi and doj with devon nunes ranking member on the house intel committee and of course next week michael cohen will go behind closed doors in congressman nunes' committee and
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he's finishing up his investigation he's got a couple things that he wants to talk about in terms of where he stands with this investigation so we'll get into that. he also has done a year's long investigation into china. so i want to find out where we are in terms of a china deal. we'll also talk to representative carolyn malone, democrat from california on the oversight committee i'd like to know about all of these investigations into the president now that we're all expecting the mueller investigation not to say much in terms of collusion and ken starr former whitewater independent council joining me as well. pete: big show. griff: don't miss maria. pete: well she sang the national anthem in all 50 states now she's joining us live on the plaza honoring our heros, her beautiful performance as we celebrate, as you celebrate national anthem day, next. >> ♪ ♪ [music playing] (vo) this is jerry. jerry has a membership to this gym, but he's not using it. and he has subscriptions to a music service he doesn't listen
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to and five streaming video services he doesn't watch. this is jerry learning that he's still paying for this stuff he's not using. he's seeing his recurring payments in control tower in the wells fargo mobile app. this is jerry canceling a few things. booyah. this is jerry appreciating the people who made this possible. oh look, there they are. (team member) this is wells fargo. the best simple salad ever?d great tasting, heart-healthy california walnuts. so simple, so good. get the recipes at
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griff: it's national anthem day, a special day and we've got military veterans along with special first responders joining me i've got shawn powers here along with lt. colonel charlie carlton, shawn let me ask you as we stand here on this important day what does this day mean to you. you flew helicopters for the army, blackhawks and cobras and you were a member of the nypd. what does today mean to you? >> it brings us the solidarity especially amongst first responders like you said plus the military. it shows us that we have a national anthem that this is professes the flag and what it stands for. we have died, veterans have died for this and those who haven't
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who are still living today, who are willing to die for that and this is a symbol for that and now today we're celebrating the national anthem day, which brings that all back together for us. we're proud of this and this is what we're all about. griff: and we're proud of your sergio marccione very and your sacrifice, lt. colonel let me ask you as you stand here holding this flag what's going through your mind on this day? >> i think just what shawn said this is such an honor to be here to stand here holding this flag with all these veterans that we see here, all the first responders and every day citizens. this is something that unites us as americans. griff: on be half of all americans thank you for all of your service, pete, rachel back to you. pete: griff thank you so much what a great scene we'll bring it inside as well we're rejoined today we heard their story now we'll hear from them again, jane en sang, she's going to sing the national anthem and command sargent major gary lee lutrell awarded the medal of honor.
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thank you so much for your service. today is national anthem day what does it mean for you to sing the national anthem across our country? >> it means to me thinking about the people who embody the meaning of the song, that i debt to use my voice to honor them, so for me, it's a privilege to sing the song. pete: got it, last thing real quick your thoughts when that anthem plays? >> when the national anthem plays, it represents our flag, our flag represents our country, and our country represents the men and women that fight to keep it free. pete: that medal reminds us of those men when you wear it you wear it for a lot of guys that have done so much. >> i wear it for those that have died. i am the caretaker of the medal for those that gave their life so i can wear it, pete. pete: well, amen. thank you so much. rachel: let's hear that national anthem and let's celebrate america. pete: take it away, will you? >> ♪ oh,, say can you see, by the dawn's early light, what so
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proudly we hailed at the tweet light's last gleaming, whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight, o'er the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming, and the rocket's red glare, the bombs bursting in air, gave proof through the night that our flag was still there. oh, say does that star-spangled banner yet wave, o' er the land
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of the free and the home of the brave ♪. i'm really into this car,
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but how do i know if i'm getting a good deal? i tell truecar my zip and which car i want and truecar shows the range of prices people in my area actually paid for the same car so i know if i'm getting a great price. this is how car buying was always meant to be. this is truecar. we really pride ourselves >> ton making it easyautoglass, to get your windshield fixed. >> teacher: let's turn in your science papers. >> tech vo: this teacher always puts her students first. >> student: i did mine on volcanoes. >> teacher: you did?! oh, i can't wait to read it.
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>> tech vo: so when she had auto glass damage... she chose safelite. with safelite, she could see exactly when we'd be there. >> teacher: you must be pascal. >> tech: yes ma'am. >> tech vo: saving her time... [honk, honk] >> kids: bye! >> tech vo: she can save the science project. >> kids: whoa! >> kids vo: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace ♪ griff: we got everybody out here now, this is an amazing flag. your singing was so beautiful and it meant so much. now that you're standing out here looking at these that you're honoring what's it mean to you? >> everything. i love getting to see veterans when i sing the anthem. i always think of them when i'm singing that song because it's in honor of them. pete: veterans first responders police officers, thank you all for being here this morning we appreciate your service what you mean to this country want to
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thank annen for the flag as well they make this out here on fox square. shawn you're here a veteran yourself. what does the national anthem mean to you as we celebrate it today? >> oh, my goodness like i said before it just something that helps us celebrate the flag that we all stand for and helps us to celebrate our country because all these veterans and first responders, they've volunteered to give their life for this country and this is a symbol that we stand for it's like after 9/11 you saw the flags you couldn't buy a flag in new york city, and the national anthem just helps support that and shows that we're a unity, we are america, and this is who we are and what we represent. griff: just before we run out of time how do people get involved? >> you can adopt a medal of honor recipient go to janeenstan write a letter of gratitude. griff: you can honor people like sargent lutrell holding the flag take your neighbor, remind your kids what the national anthem
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means if they don't know the words teach them the words because they might not be learning it at school. we love you thank you for joining us, on this sunday edition of fox & friends. >> ♪ ♪ maria: good sunday morning everyone thanks so much for joining us i'm maria bartiromo straight ahead right here, sunday morning futures, reaction from two lawmakers whose committees question former trump attorney michael cohen, the ranking member of the house intelligence committee republican devon nunes is here, and house oversight and government reform committee member democrat carolyn malone ahead of may's next testimony this upcoming week. plus, republican senator rick scott on the resistance from some in his own party to president trump's emergency declaration over the border wall will the president be forced to veto any move to block it plus the senators reaction to the summit in hanoi between president trump and north


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