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tv   The Five  FOX News  March 14, 2019 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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at the "the five" out a look at the dow we were up today with all the cross current no deal with china. brexit. do they look worried to you? not to me. here comes "the five." ♪ ♪ >> greg: hi i'm greg gutfeld with kennedy, juan williams, jesse watters and lisa booth "the five." ♪ >> greg: imagine you are home for thanksgiving and your son brings home a buddy from the dorms for dinner. his friend is real excitable, telling you about a class he took on american imperialism that totally blew his mind. he is so up. you wonder if he got into your medicine cabinet. >> there is going to be massive migrations of tens of hundreds of millions of people from companies unhabitable or under water that are above the sea right now. this is our final chance the scientists are absolutely unanimous on this that we have no more than 12 years
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to take incredibly bold action on this crisis. >> greg: like a 6-year-old who just snorted a line of pop rocks. i haven't seen that much hand movement with all that jazz. with all that gesturing who does he remind you of? >> even the president noticed. >> i think he has a lot of hand movement. i have never seen so much hand movement. i said is he crazy or is that just the way he acts? so, i have never seen hand movement. i watched him a little while this morning doing, i assume it was some kind of a news conference. and i have actually never seen anything quite like it. study it. i'm sure you will agree. >> greg: study it. i'm sure you will agree. >> greg: you have to hand it to him. he says what you are thinking. i do feel a nickname coming. beto announced is he running. this coinciding with a drooling vanity fair cover story written by the same suckle bucket who fell for john edwards. the writer is so smitten he
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can't see straight. it isn't just purple it's putin whapeuss.the media's big e beto is david to trump's goliath. but anyone who has been alive for more that two seasons of "60 minutes" knows the giant has always been the media and david has been anyone who doesn't fall in line. fox news has been david for 20 years. so you can't say that beto is david when he has a full force of the goliath behind him and you can't blame beto either. it's not his fault vanity fair has made him their man crush. beto is a young white male embraced by a left wing rag who is hoping to sell perfume ads to cover the stench. he claims he was just born to do. this how is that for white privilege? all right, juan, i think that's racist for what he said. i wanted to beat you to the punch. he said he is born. is that because is he a
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white male? have you got to be upset that he is getting all this attention, right? >> juan: no. why? tell me why you think that? >> greg: there is all these other credible candidates out there. kamala didn't get this rollout. >> juan: i think kamala gets a lot of attention. >> greg: really? >> kamala i should say. in fact recollect the, in fact d him is like obama's first campaign. people see him as exciting new hope and change candidate at a time when the country is polarized and we want to choke each other. they say hey bring this guy on. now, president trump talking about hands. why did he do that? >> greg: everybody saw it. >> juan: you had a legitimate point but trump, given what -- given what people said about his hands, i just think he should have stayed away from the topic. >> greg: going to be about hands from here on in, kennedy. >> kennedy: i look at all the candidates and even the republican candidates from 2016 and with each of them they inhabit a certain
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space. and even if you don't agree with them, you understand what the appeal is and i understand the appeal of bernie. i have always understood the bernie appeal. i agree with him on almost nothing. maybe the surveillance state and possibly criminal justice. not only do i not understand the appeal of beto o'rourke, as an independent voter, i am so willing to hear anyone's pitch on how you can make my life better. i'm all for it he doesn't have any specifics at all. and liz warren even though she has god-awful ideas at least she is brave enough to put policy positions out there so people can pick them apart. he gives us nothing. he gives us these blanket phrases that are dripping with beto sweetness that deliver nothing. oh we are at crossroads and this is a crisis and i'm born to do. this to do what? what exactly are you proposing? >> lisa: to talk with his hands. he would be a great marion a ma-
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>> juan: i like the optimism as i said. he says yes to the climate change deal. >> kennedy: anthony robin should be the next president of optimism if that's what you want. >> juan: is he all for abortion. is he all for government. >> kennedy: is he all for abortion? that's not good. horrible. baby killer? >> juan: not fair to say he has no position. >> lisa: even if you look at things like he says he supports the climate change, the green new deal green deal, right you? look at the fact during the 2018 election. he received more money from the fossil fuel industry than any other candidate besides senator dead tuz. exporting natural gas to other countries which runs contradictory for what the green new deal wants and stand for. the problem is you don't hear much about that because he was protected and insulated from the media and the left because he ran against ted cruz which the bulk of the media and the
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left despise number one enemy besides president trump. >> part of that protection and attention led to mass amounts of money that he was able to raise. 80-something million dollars more than any other candidate. evidence will not have that in a crowded primary field. he went be the only person on the left recipient of the media's adoration as we have seen with people like kamala harris as well. i don't know how he stands out in a crowd of primary field. what distinguishes him besides the fact he can skateboard? >> kennedy: is he a kook. he claims to haves mastered a board sport doesn't know what he is doing no aptitude kook. >> greg: is he more beto o'rourke than beto o'rourke is. i don't even know what that means. have you thought of nicknames yet. >> jesse: for beto? >> greg: yes. >> jesse: you had a good one the other day. >> greg: maestro because is he like a conductor maestro beto? >> jesse: i was wanting you to repeat the other one and get in trouble for.
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he does look like a sign language wage interpreter press conference warning about impending blizzard. you know those crazy people? it's mesmerizing and can't stop look at it in a strange way likeable. he married an heiress sharing problem. platitudes like empty vessel. at the same time you understand why people like him because he is young. he can raise a lot of money. he has charisma with the kids. now, the media likes him because the media wants to be him. you think about his profile. he went to columbia. he likes coffee shop. >> kennedy: privileged. >> jesse: more comfortable. >> kennedy: you were middle class. >> jesse: has a podcast. obviously a huge poetry guy. that's something they aspire to. and then when they write about him, the media. >> greg: he is the media. >> jesse: when they write about him this is how they write. the texas wind his his hair as he leaned in to the food truck and ordered a burrito to give to the homeless veteran playing a broken
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guitar. it's like they sensationalize the most trivial things about him like is he jesus. >> greg: i want to get to chris matthews who basically, you know, he is no conservative saying pretty much the same thing that you are saying about the recent vanity fair. >> by the way, bring back that cover of -- that cover is the best kiss i have seen for a candidate for a long time. i always say the candidate wins who has the sun in his face who looks like sunny optimistic, not the indoor bureaucrat sitting at some desk. that's the image you want. >> greg: it's not the sun in his face it's the media kissing his butt. it's not the sun. >> juan: he is the outsider. >> lisa: how? >> juan: in the trumpian style. >> lisa: let me give kennedy a compliment. you said he hick name should be beta ow o dork.
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he comes across as weak and if he runs in the general election against president trump who projects strength i don't think that's going to work for beta. >> juan: how's come he got so much reaction from the president? >> lisa: because of people like you, juan. >> greg: cannot deny the hand movement. inflatable man comparison. that's perfect. it's either like he is like a cross between the inflatable man and slender man and i'm not sure what it is. >> kennedy: not the transformational figure that barack obama was. i'm sorry. >> lisa: barack obama didn't have a super crowded primary field either. >> kennedy: all he d. had to do was elbow hillary out of the way. >> jesse: big disservice to barack obama to compare beto to him. >> juan: john f. kennedy. >> jesse: wow, wown, you juan, u have a big estimation of beto. >> greg: jussie smollett back in court after being charged in alleged hate crime hoax.
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show me decorating shows. this is staying connected with xfinity to make moving... simple. easy. awesome. stay connected while you move with the best wifi experience and two-hour appointment windows. click, call or visit a store today. ♪ ♪ >> jesse: a defiant jussie smollett back in court today facing 16 felony charges after allegedly staging a hate crime. >> we are going to need a plea. let me know if you want me to formally read the indictment. you can have the opportunity to have me read it or waive reading. i will need a plea of guilty or not guilty. >> your honor we waive formal reading of the indictment and mr. smollett will enter a plea of not guilty. >> thank you. >> mr. smollett pleading not guilty to those felonies. remember, police have provided a ton of evidence showing that smollett paid two brothers to stage the hate crime hoax. greg, i guess one of the strategies of the defense is to say that this is
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prosecutorial overreach. pile up like 16 felonies because they are angry. >> greg: right. >> jesse: they made them work so hard for two weeks. >> greg: what it does it is puts them in a weird spot prosecutorial overreach you are not saying not guilty. >> jesse: right. >> greg: saying you did something bad but wasn't that bad. so you have already given away let this thing play out. and he gets due process, which is important. he might be innocent. my feeling is the media is not going to learn anything. every time you dangle a story in front of the media that matches their assumptions they keep going there and burning their hand on that stove some times. it's like none. so they don't feel any ouch anymore. it's completely numb. here's the thing. >> jesse: like kavanaugh. >> greg: here is a prediction. i think that judging by his behavior, he might do something really sleazy. he is going to pin the blame on the two guys that he hired and he probably promised those guys, you know, money, not just money but his own celebrity friendship and promises of
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more work. and then i think to save his ass he is going to throw it all on them. >> jesse: he is back at empire. >> kennedy: and the producers have said we are going to let justice play out. we want due process which is fine. if that's one of the rules that we have that we apply to many sides. i don't have a problem with that at all. and they can wait to see if he is, in fact, found guilty in a court of law. >> jesse: very happy with him. >> kennedy: sometimes big media companies act too quickly and hastily. reacting to the online mob. this is the case where it's pretty clear that something is amiss here. there is so many facts that we have heard so far in this story that don't bode well for mr. smollett. in the end they may say we don't want to turf the show. he can learn from this. his character is critical to the entire franchise, therefore, we are going to keep him on board. >> jesse: also the defense saying, juan, they want cameras in the courtroom. >> juan: this was very interesting to me.
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>> jesse: i thought so, too. >> juan: what the lawyer said was we want everyone to see the false evidence that's been pushed upon us and the fact that our presumption of innocence has been taken away from us in the united states. i'm like wow. so you think that there is something there that can get the court of public opinion back on your side. >> kennedy: i think they are trying to raise his profile, juan. >> juan: when he goes. >> greg: i don't think it can hurt him at all. >> lisa: i'm so sick and tired about talking about jussie smollett because we are giving him what he wants. d list actor nobody ever heard of him before this happened. he wants attention. a letter he allegedly sent himself did not get enough attention which is allegedly why he staged this attack that's why he wants cameras in the courtroom. he didn't. >> jesse: help raise his profile even more so he can parlay it into something else after this. >> lisa: he didn't have to show up today and showed up because he wants attention. did he that good morning america interview. he wanted to do the interview to get an additional 15 minutes of
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fame. that's what this is all about in my opinion. i just think he wants attention. he wants infamy and we are giving it to them. i'm tired of talking about it. >> juan: there is another side, lisa. somebody who committed such an atrocious crime if that's true. how does it help him? it damages his reputation. >> greg: look who it helped -- think about oj simpson which was far worse obviously. i'm not comparing. but the cameras helped him, i believe. >> juan: okay. so let's say it goes to a trial. i thought oj is guilty and probably this guy -- guess what in the jury didn't agree with me, right? so even if the jury doesn't agree, i notice that the people on the set of empire, you were talking about this a moment ago, jesse. they don't like what's going on. >> jesse: no. >> juan: he has been pushed off of the last two segments of this season's show like done. >> kennedy: he was written off and then the season premier is coming up. and, you know. >> jesse: kennedy, how will the media play this? if he is convicted here, we are definitely not going to
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see the same attention as we saw when he first made the allegation. you can almost slowly see this fading out of the media. >> kennedy: i don't think it's going to go that far. >> jesse: cut a deal? >> kennedy: absolutely. they will keep him out of prison because it's going to be really expensive. if he goes through the entire process. >> jesse: do you say he stays out of prison? >> juan: by the way, i don't think he has a whole lot of prison time on the charges. the charges are rather small. >> kennedy: there is just so many of them. >> juan: i don't think it's going to prison. it's guilt. it would damage him as his status and actor. he would always be seen as that guy. >> lisa: if you are the police how mad are you this guy is so dumb he writes a collect to the two people allegedly part of it. and like you are wasting my time people are out on the streets getting murdered. >> kennedy: so funny. >> greg: the thing that gets me is the celebrity support. you can't hold people accountable for being stupid but i kind of want to. i mean, i really -- like all the people that were
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lighting the torches, they weren't given any due process. i want him to get due process. and i'm willing to be. >> kennedy: kamala harris. >> greg: more ellen page than anybody. >> kennedy: kavanaugh, all of those people should be on celebrity big brother. and nick sandmann all should be on celebrity big brother. >> jesse: join the moose. is california letting killers off easy after the liberal governor puts a pause on the death penalty? details ahead ♪ ♪ ♪ oh no, no, no, no, no, no, no... only pay for what you need. liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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now on death row. here is governor newsroom. >> -- newsom icannot sign off g hundreds and hundreds of human beings knowing among them. human beings. i believe the death penalty is wrong. exercise my right the will of voters and the constitution to do that. >> juan: the governor also calling the death penalty and here i'm quoting ineffective, irreversible and immoral. president trump blasting the move saying, quote. friends and families of the always forgotten victims are not thrilled neither am i. so in the break, kennedy and greg, i guess you are both californians. how do you feel? you decide who goes first here. >> greg: well, i believe that the death penalty is the ultimate crime prevention because that person can't commit another crime. however, i would support this if there was an
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alternative to death penalty and not life in imprisonment because human beings adapt to everything. i could adapt to prison because i like order and discipline. >> jesse: you would not. [laughter] >> greg: but the point is you are still a conscious, living human being in prison and in five years you are going to be wearing that like a comfy sweater. i don't know what there is as punishment that could make the families and then you have the families who have to worry about paroles. i know these are death sentences but we never know what happens when somebody gets freed because of oh we found out this. >> juan: i think you are a person who would generally oppose the idea of government using its power to impose death. >> greg: right. >> kennedy: and that's where i tend to rest. and this is one of those issues where i have struggled with it for a long time because the sense of vengeance in me, especially for some of the people in california who are on death row for committing atrocious, horrible,
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unthinkable acts against people the vengeful side of me, the one who really seeks justice wants to see these people put to death and have their lives ended as they ended the lives of other innocent people. however, i don't think it's the role of the state to do it. i don't think the state has the authority to take people's lives and he is right i don't necessarily agree with him all the touchy feely stuff. is he right if there are innocent people it's not worth taking the risk of killing someone who has not committed the crime. >> juan: jesse, we know now that 20 states have abolished the death penalty, four states including california have a moratorium in place. i will point out the critics say that in california there was a vote by the voters to keep the death penalty. >> jesse: right. >> juan: on the other hand they elected someone who is an expressed opponent of the death penalty in gavin newsom. >> so there was a referendum and voters in california not only wanted to keep it they wanted to speed up
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executions. by thwarting the will of the people there that's a big affront towards the democratic. >> juan: they elected him. >> jesse: they elected him but not on that single issue. people liberal state want people on death row executed faster than they are now. right now families, victims families are through their tax money paying for these people to eat and to keep. they like to see justice done they invite families to the execution and mentally that is a big part of closure and healing process. now, he is only doing this because is he running for president in 2024. and he wants to protect his left flank against criticism in case he executes a guy where d.n.a. gets him off later and he is exonerated. you can't be a commander-in-chief if you think i'm not going to kill a thousand terrorists because within them might be innocent. if you a lob a terrorist into a missile training camp you can't worry about civilian casualties. that's where he is wrong. look at some of the people on death row, juan.
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scott peterson killed his wife and son. the grim sleeper murdered nine women and a teenager and charles murdered 11 people. can i go on and on. >> kennedy: 26 people on death row in california have taken their own lives because of the process. to the point of proposition 66 which is what voters passed in california. the process takes so long and so incredibly expensive. >> lisa: it certainly gives president trump a target if he runs for 2020 if he wants to run again as the law and order candidate he gets to point to people like newsome you are weak on crime and so is every other democrat running for 2020 as well. voters didn't just vote in 2016. upheld 11 times since 1972. i do find it ironic that gavin newsom took part in the assisted suicide of his mother in 2002 when it was actually a felony in the state at the time of california. little bit ironic that now he is trying to defend
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people on death row. >> greg: there is a weirdness where can you go both sides on this people generally against the death penalty are also proabortion. >> juan: yeah. >> greg: you can go the other side. the better argument against death penalty and perhaps people are making this is that if you examine the brain chemistry of people they change. if you are an 18-year-old or 20-year-old and do you something absolutely heinous you are not the same person. if you are going to pursue this argument, you have to pursue it with science. is that the same person? >> greg: lisa, i want to do the politics for a second. the politics say this issue breaks down along partisan lines. 77% of republicans yes to the death penalty. 65% of democrats no. the people most likely to support the death penalty older white males. heavy on this issue. and then it comes to what greg was talking about the same group would say hey, abortion, we are not killing babies. don't do that. >> greg: babies are innocent. >> juan: but we are going to kill people? >> lisa: i think for gavin
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newsom this issue might play well. in california voters have upheld this 11 times since 1972. i don't think it's a good political issue. i don't think it necessarily protects his flank on the left. i don't think it's a good political issue for gavin newsom, particularly if he wants to run in 2020. 2024 rather. and i think president trump running as a law enforcement candidate. law and order candidate does help him. it helped him in 2016 and again in 2020 depending hot democrat is if they seem weak on these issues. i also think that's why in the 2018 election even on the issue of immigration you had democrats like the center for american progress sending out memos to candidates even in swing districts saying don't touch the issue of sanctuary cities. this is bad for you politically. saying it packs a punch. i think that's why president trump is positioning for 2020 and i think it's going to help him. >> juan: i think kamala harris the senator from california came out in support of newsom and she is running for president. >> kennedy: she was for the death penalty when she was attorney general. she is a big hypocrite on this issue. >> juan: she has changed obviously.
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>> kennedy: how convenient for her. >> juan: shocking new developments in that college -- 500 -- i'm right on, this 500 billion-dollar lawsuit. that's next right here on the "the five." i hear it in the background and she's watching too, saying [indistinct conversation] [friend] i've never seen that before. ♪
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it's all the ones after that. ♪ i keep falling in and out ♪ of love. >> kennedy: with you. college, shocking new developments in the fallout over the massive college admission scandal actress lori loughlin's daughter was reportedly spending spring break on a usc's official's yacht while her mom was being charged in court. and big lawsuits are now flying and, again, it's just the beginning including one from a stanford student and others suing these colleges all named in the cheating scam. mother and son suing 45 defendants in the scam for a whopping $500 billion.
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how about that number? elizabeth warren apparently forgot to look in the mirror after her own college controversy. liz? >> how many sympathy would you have for these parents involved in this alleged cheating scandal. >> zero. >> kennedy: is that the chance she has becoming our next president. >> jesse: she stepped in this there. irony is lost. these people are not self-aware. i think the best place to find out bad news is a yacht. really softens the blow. >> greg: international waters, especially. another title for your book. >> jesse: i have got to write that down. if i get wind that fox is going to fire me. guys can you give me 24 hours get on a yacht and soften the blow. >> kennedy: as long as they can't contact you are still employed? >> greg: rules don't apply out there. >> jesse: that's true. i like the fact it was on a trustee's lot. i like the term trustee.
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something i aspire to. the air of an ivory tower with the weight of a gold bar like that one, greg? >> greg: yes. >> jesse: i have a solution here. i don't want prison time for these people. i just want them to start a scholarship fund for people at usc that are qualified and then that's what they could do or then for the girl i don't want her in trouble either because she has already been humiliated. >> kennedy: no one at usc needs anything they are a bunch of cheating lying losers. maybe the flimsiest college in the land is it not. >> greg: i agree as a berkeley graduate. i have said it before but college has become too much of a virtue signal. that's why everybody keeps getting higher and higher degrees. easy to regret not having any military service for me to say that it no risk on my part. i'm too old. i submit that military service is a higher status symbol and a higher cooler virtue signal than going to college. i think if corporations had made it so that you get into
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the front of the hiring line as opposed to harvard or stanford and by going or being in the military, that would have -- it would have such a greater impact and you get more experience, you learn so many things about structure and discipline in the military. again, i'm saying it as one not had it which i did. >> kennedy: stolen valor. >> greg: well, back in nam i was 4. >> jesse: if you run for office in this country it's much better if you served overseas than if you went to an ivy league school. >> greg: yes. >> kennedy: i will break this down can lisa booth she will get this completely. for some reason we placed a four year degree on this pedestal that is, you know, you talk about flimsy. it is unsustainable the amount of debt we have in this country the amount of college debt and young people can't get married and buy houses because they are saddled with it and creates an economic immobility. what we need are plumbers and contractors and welders. the welders consortium was a
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little bit smarter and this had an instagram account with hot welders don't you think by creating shirtless welding instagram stars they would bring more young women into the welding fold? >> lisa: when you put it that way, obviously. >> jesse: welding fold. >> lisa: we were on the couch the other day when this broke. i find it interesting the u.s. attorney said there should not be a separate admission system for the wealthy. as we know there is "the washington post" did a story in 2017 looking at one of the admission departments at uva and showed that donors' children got a preference. that preferential treatment. even a student that was supposed to be rejected and someone scribbled 500,000 k on it and ultimately admitted to the school. we know this stuff goes on. the thing about elizabeth warren, the reason why she is not going to be president is the fact that her whole centerpiece of her campaign is the fact she wants to fight the rigged system. she wants equality and she wants fairness for all yet she partook in it. this is what she did.
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>> kennedy: she found her own side door. >> lisa: she did exactly what these parents did. she cheated the system for her own benefit and that's why she is never going to be president. >> greg: do you know what it reminds me of? somebody buying an emotional support vest and wear it so they can bring their animal into a supermarket where it's not allowed. they tried to get their student into a school where they weren't allowed just like. >> jesse: some people need emotional support. >> greg: bring your dog into a supermarket? >> kennedy: you can get those vets pretty easily. >> greg: supermarket. >> kennedy: need some juan wisdom here. >> juan: i'm listening in. i'm so amused. even in the case of elizabeth warren i guess you are saying oh, elizabeth warren wrote on her application that she was american indian. in fact, what we have learned from this scandal she should have written rich, white person able to give money for a building. right? that's what she should have written. that's what would have worked. but to my mind, the outrage
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that continues here is how, you know, it's like nobody want to open their eyes and say this is about big money and how big money, privileged at every level of american life. and i think college is important. we can all the plumbers we need people who can think. we need people who can think. right now. >> kennedy: we need plumbers. >> juan: right now we have too many people who don't think. >> jesse: yuan of all the available information out there 70% of the donations went to democrats from all of these people caught up in the scandal. it's the democrats that are saying oh, income inequality. oh, money corrupts. oh campaign finance. they are the ones orchestrating the scheme. >> juan: that's a sign of honesty. >> jesse: no, that's hypocrisy. >> juan: no, it's not. >> kennedy: that's hypocrisy. like do as i say not as i do? >> juan: calling out people who are cheaters. i don't care they are republicans or democrats. >> kennedy: well, that's a
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thankful thing because much to discuss coming up next how "the five" somehow managed to survive the great social media outage of 2019. brace yourself, gird your loins, that's next. ♪ he'd be proud of us. a family business should stay in the family. see how lincoln's insurance solutions can help protect your family, your business and everyone who counts on you, at your business and everyone who counts on you, openturning 50 opens theuard. door to a lot of new things... like now your doctor may be talking to you about screening for colon cancer. luckily there's me, cologuard. the noninvasive test you use at home.
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♪ >> lisa: kennedy is dancing. welcome bad. widespread panic around the world after social media facebook and instagram out for 8 hours. the restaurant chain denny's got in on the fun tweeting instagram and facebook are down but denny's is always open. tweeting yo at instagram i went public with my girlfriend last night and i have to post a few more girlfriend of us annoying show her off can you fix yourself soon? >> i took it like one of the nuclear droves elementary students during the reagan administration. it was dogs and cats living together. total hysteria. i really didn't notice. it made me realize at the end of the day i have to post more on instagram. i haven't been on facebook for years because my good friends from high school some of the lake ridge
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pacers we are ready for you they have gotten politically annoying. i really distanced myself from the facebook. you know, i spend most of my time on twitter watching greg's cat videos. >> lisa: greg, in schools we prepare for tornadoes and things like that. >> greg: i'm pretty good about this because i just stick to al tavi vista. my aol cds i have in my bathroom. this should be a warning that these companies are not fallible. they are vulnerable. and they have all of our data and they pretend they are doing us a favor like google hey you can use the google search it's free. you are the product. >> jesse: wait, they know what i search for? deputy gut yes, they do. safety vest. >> jesse: i have got to go. >> lisa: we need a download tour. did the world miss out on anything you were trying to post? >> jesse: yes they did. i told johnny i need to post this he said it's down i said wait until tomorrow i'm
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like who cares? >> greg: it was for a kidney. >> kennedy: it's in the fridge. it keeps, right? >> jesse: where were you on 9/11 in this like what this is where were you when that went did yo down. serious to these crack heads. >> greg: make sure you are kidding on that one that you don't agree with that. >> lisa: very good save, greg. >> jesse: i don't need saving. >> juan: i didn't. >> kennedy: why did you come off as lebron james for years? the realon williams. lebron? >> a lot of people envy my basketball skills. i don't think he is one of them. but what strikes me they are losing people. what i saw the other day more and more people are leaving facebook. i think that's why this wasn't headlines this morning. when i was reading about this from the producers
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how's come i didn't know about this. i know i'm a numbskull about social media stuff. but i thought how come it is not front page on the tabloids? >> greg: i didn't notice it either. >> lisa: apparently the last time facebook had this kind of disruption was in 2008 and it was, yeah, this magnitude was 2008. the site had 150 million users compared to 2.3 billion there are advertisers that lost money. there is other things that happened. >> juan: putin and donald trump were very upset. >> kennedy: do you know what it was? venezuela? pay back. the cia causing this big blackout it's cuba dismantling facebook as a sort of watch out. >> juan: i think vlad and don are getting ready for 2020. >> greg: you had to bring that in here. every segment have a little trump. >> juan: there you go. >> lisa: #fake news. i was trying to post something and couldn't so i stopped. i was trying to post pictures from this interview did i yesterday.
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>> jesse: you are looking around? >> >> everybody started overposting. >> lisa: did i an interview for fox. >> jesse: trying to save you like greg. >> lisa: i appreciate that jesse. one more thing is up next ♪ most? the only fda-approved 3-in-1 copd treatment. ♪ trelegy. the power of 1-2-3 ♪ trelegy 1-2-3 trelegy with trelegy and the power of 1-2-3, i'm breathing better. trelegy works 3 ways to... airways,... ...keep them open... ...and reduce inflammation... ...for 24 hours of better breathing. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. trelegy is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia,
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♪ ♪ >> greg: time now for one more thing. i go first. it's time for this ♪ animals are great ♪ animals are great. >> greg: you never get tired of that do you. stuck in your brain. >> greg: all right. do you know what? i'm not a dare devil. i actually hate that kind of activity. i despise paragliding apparently i'm not alone kangaroos hate it too. check out this guy landing and what happens as he lands. he is landing. this is australia, i believe. and he is landing, is he happy, he has had a safe landing and look what happens. hey.
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[bleep] >> greg: he gets attacked by a kangaroo. and do you know what? i can't blame that kangaroo. and stop with your swearing australian man. this is family television. and that is, why, friends, ♪ animals are great ♪ animals are great. >> greg: naughty cat over there. >> jesse: i think he paid the kangaroos to attack him. >> greg: they were wearing maga hats. >> jesse: down under it. jesse hair news we have a new feature. this hair news episode is brought to you by eric swalwell. can you guys say that with me? swalwell. high school yearbook photo of the democrat from california. swalwell and he took a lot of heat on twitter so he said this all of us make bad decisions in high school. sometimes those decisions involve bleach. i swear there were others, #bleach boys. pretty funny. it inspired some of the producers to dig up my old high school yearbook photo.
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there it is. i look the same. [laughter] >> greg: amazing. >> jesse: most charming, most likely to interview diamond and silk. amazing yearbook editor right there. >> lisa: a lot of superlatives. >> greg: all right, juan. >> juan: starting to feel like spring in the east but in the midwest march is roaring in like a lion. it brought cyclone and freak tornadoes to the middle of the country. this is what it looks like in colorado. take a look at this man, rapid city, south dakota national weather service employee trying to launch a weather balloon in record high winds. look at what the wind did in amarillo, texas, upending in big rig. unbelievable at dallas-fort worth airport the winds hit 78 miles per hour. colorado national guard denver airport shut all four runways.
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ice slabbing down the river flooding. old man winter isn't done yet. >> greg: could be a woman. >> juan: mother nature? you sore sensitive. >> greg: i am. all right, kennedy? >> kennedy: probably bernie sanders. do you own more than one pair of the same kind of shoe just in different colors? a congresswoman out of the fifth district in pennsylvania her name is congresswoman mary gates scanlon and she wore a black ballet flat and a blue ballet flat and she didn't realize it until 4:00 in the afternoon. and that's when she had to put something out on the gram -- how did she get on instagram when everything was shutdown. and the grand scheme of things, i have left the house with one waffle stomper and one silk pump. i have committed this fashion felony. >> greg: i have often left with half a pair of underwear. >> lisa: i'm not sure how that happened.
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>> jesse: yours or someone else's? >> greg: that's disgusting. >> kennedy: people had fun and posted pictures of themselves very punky brewster: >> greg: lisa, what do you got? >> lisa: today is 3/14. congress marked pie day 2019. i wanted the segment because i wanted a by. >> the trillionth, right? >> greg: 3.14974564. >> juan: somebody set a record. >> >> greg: 453. >> lisa: while do you that i'm going to do this. >> juan: somebody set a record calculating. >> juan: a weird stupid number that's like. >> juan: tomorrow the ides of march. >> kennedy: and the mueller
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report. >> greg: the mueller report. it will never happen not while i'm here. set your dvrs never miss an episode o of "the five." >> bret: hello, greg. senate republicans national emergency declaration for the southern border. setting up the first veto of the trump administration. beto o'rourke brings his rock star visibility and formidable fundraising machine into the 2020 democratic presidential race. and actor jussie smollett enters a plea to charges he staged the attack. he blamed on trump supporters. this is "special report." ♪ ♪ ♪ >> bret: good evening, welcome to washington. i'm bret baier. a dozen republican senators joined democrats today in voting to block president trump's national emergency declaration along the border with mexico. the president is maintaining he will


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