tv Hannity FOX News March 16, 2019 1:00am-2:00am PDT
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shelter project. a small pouch can double as a pool. everyone involved is heroes tonight. most-watched, most trusted, most grateful you spent the evening with us. i am shannon bream. >> sean: we start tonight with a fox news alert. breaking just now, portions of christopher steele's deposition have now been unsealed and confirmation that his dirty russian dossier was nothing more than we've been telling you. unverified. uncorroborated. speculative, garbage, bought for and paid for by hillary clinton, done bunked. meanwhile, other unsealed documents are showing how a long time associate of the late senator john mccain played a vital role in that dirty dossier. we have big breaking news coming up but first, terrorism strikes new zealand.
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49 innocent human beings murdered. dozens more gravely injured after a deranged evil psychopath opened fire at two separate mosques in the city of christ church in new zealand. he was live streaming this massacre on facebook and he, along with three others, are in police custody tonight. today president trump tweeted out, "my warmest sympathy, my best wishes go out to the people of new zealand after the horrible massacre in the mosques. the u.s. stands by new zealand for anything we can do. god bless all." tonight while new zealand is half a world away all of its people remain close in our hearts and prayers. we hope the vial, demented racist responsible for this vial attack is held responsible. frankly, he can rot in hell. every single house of worship, every school, every university, every park, every municipal
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building needs to be safe and secure and for those who always rush predictably to make the political or signing blame to political party or russian, demonize the right to own firearms, let me be clear tonight. this is not president trump's fault as some are suggesting. this is not the fault of the left or the right. this is not the fault of law-abiding gun owners. this is about an unhinged, evil psychopath in new zealand and the last line of defense, good people, responsible people, responsible good owners. in other words, security guards, highly trained civilians. retired police officers or maybe currently working police officers, military personnel. in fact, i would like to see it, i said this many times, we should have arm guards in places like schools and churches and municipal buildings and anywhere else that could be targeted by
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these deranged killers. again, our hearts go out to everybody in new zealand. we'll have more on this later in the show. we now shift gears and turn our focus back to the swamp in washington, d.c. where president trump has officially issued his first veto. congress tried to halt his emergency action on the border wall but now, they will need a 2/3 majority to override this veto and that's not going to happen. here's what the attorney general bill barr had to say about the vote earlier today. >> mr. president, your declaration of an emergency on the southern border was clearly authorized under the law, and consistent with past precedent. the national emergency act directly authorizes the president, gives him broad discretionary authority to the president, to identify and respond to emergent circumstances that require a decisive response, and the humanitarian and security crisis we have on the border right now
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is exactly the kind of emergency that presidents are permitted to address under the national emergencies act. >> sean: our attorney general is absolutely right. president trump has clear, legislative, and constitutional authority to declare a border emergency. according to 10, usc, 284, as we told you, the president has the authority to complete the "construction of roads and fences and the installation of lighting to block drug something corridors across international boundaries of the u.s. "the primary smuggling corridors into the u.s. are at our southern border. that's where 90% of the heroin in this country comes in from. heroin. responsible for approximately 300 deaths each and every week in this country. 300. every week. how is that not a national emergency? and i'm not even talking about the fentanyl that comes across the border.
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it's the president's duty, obligation, something he's sworn to uphold, to protect the american people. the strategic barriers, well, that law was passed by congress. he's the commander-in-chief as per the constitution. we need technology. we need extra manpower. we need everything we can get at the border, including a border wall, which, by the way, the president's emergency declaration calls for. this president, obviously, will win in the courts and the wall will continue to be built in the meantime. that brings us to our han anity watch on the radical 2020 democrats. robert francis ear o'roark, known on this program as bozo, he's most famous for his love of skateboarding, open borders and for losing to ted cruz in last year's midterm elections. speaker pelosi couldn't name one
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single legislative accomplishment for o'roark in three years. she wasn't alone. the texas democratic party chair also struggled to describe any of his accomplishments. maybe because there weren't any. take a look. >> nancy pelosi was asked about his biggest accomplishment, and she couldn't name one. you're telling me he's an honest politician. that's his biggest accomplishment? >> the entire time that he served in the united states house of representatives, the republicans controlled the house of representatives. they wouldn't allow anything to pass. that was sponsored by a democrat. >> i'm not pinning it on congress. i asked you his biggest accomplishment. let me broaden it out and be fair. >> he's been a united states congress man. he was a city council member. he got a lot done. he talked about the issues that were important to the people of
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the state of texas. >> sean: let's help the chairman out. senator, wannabe, presidential wannabe, o'roark, guess what, he accomplished nothing in his time in office. that's not stopping him now from pushing really, really strange, wild radical, far, far left socialist policies on the 2020 campaign trail. coming up, we'll have a mini-monologue about how o'roark wants to reshape america and take every penny you have. according to bozo o'roark, we're going to be extinct in 20 years because of climate change. the democratic party is a joke but we've got to pay attention. it's serious. that joke could soon be running the country if we're not diligent and careful. back to our top story. a lot of breaking news. we now have unredacted pages of christopher steele and his deposition. they have now been released. these contents confirm every single thing we have been telling you on this program and
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the other media, the corrupt media, the extension of the democratic party propaganda media, well, have ignored. we've long put emphasis that the so-called infamous anti-trump dirty russian dossier relied on second hand rumors and speculation. none of which was ever, ever verified. here's your proof. according to his sworn testimony, steel's research often relied on open source searching. let me explain what that is. basically, a google search, and get this, he on utilized something called cnn eye report which is a citizen journalist platform or essentially anyone can report anything. you don't have to check it out. when steele was asked, "do you understand that they have no connection to cnn reporters, steele replied," i do not. i'm not making this up. it's so dangerous but don't forget, we already know, he was
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under oath in an interrock a good tore in great britain. he testified, i don't know if this is true, maybe 50-50, it says raw intelligence. that's what the author of the document has said. in today's release we also learned that steele, in fact, admitted that he never attempted to verify his information by reaching out to people he accused of wrongdoing because "we're not journalists, and we're not seeking to publish information. we're doing research which is confidential for a client in general." the only problem is steele was seeking to publish the contents of that dossier which is why he was disseminating his findings to every so-called journalist who now need to be held accountable, who would hear him out, and steele also shelled out this unverified hillary bought and paid for russian dossier throughout the highest level of
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obama's government, and according to other now public depositions, long time associate of senator mccain, a guy by the name of david kramer, he contacted we learned today dozens of reporters after he received the steele dossier, and kramer also fed the dossier to buzz feed which ultimately published all of the unverified, uncorroborated lies about donald trump, paid for by hillary, using sources from russia. now, let's keep in mind steele is being paid by the clinton campaign. by the way, also a russian oligarch, our very own f.b.i., donna brazile said she controlled the money at the dnc. great gig if you can get it. get paid by four people for one book of lies. the f.b.i. under the failed leadership of james comey, they used that sketchy biased, unverified pile of garbage known as the russian dossier as the bulk of evidence in the bureau's
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application against an american citizen denying that citizen of his constitutional rights, an associate of the trump campaign so they can get into the inner workings of the opposition party in the lead-up to an election. and pfizer judges were never, ever told, even though bruce orr warned everybody, even weisman from mueller's team everything in the f.b.i., everybody in the doj, of the dossier's hyper partisan origins that hillary paid for, and also that steele had an anti-trump hatred and that it's not verified. in other words, they purposefully committed fraud against the fisa court, against the trump campaign associate, to spy on an opposition party, to impact a presidential election in the united states of america. by the way, robert mueller, why didn't you look at this? we now must demand that everyone responsible for what is a
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blatant abuse of the fisa court system, we do have fourth amendment rights, there is a constitution, these people all need to be held accountable, and according to my sources, tonight, good news is in the horizon, especially #tictoc. james comey, i warned you, you have the right to remain silent. mike turner, a fox news contributor sarah carter, investigative reporter, thank you all for being with us. sarah, i begin with you. >> wow! it's amazing, sean. sorry to interrupt, but i'm just saying it's amazing because there is so much information that came out today in these depositions that we need to look at beyond christopher steele but also with david kramer and what we've been reporting on for several years that this dossier that was filled with lies was being shopped around by david cramer who worked with john mccain and christopher steele who, by the way, should not have been sharing any of this information with anyone.
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it was obviously set up. sharing it with the f.b.i., and then shopping it around himself throughout washington, d.c. i mean, christopher steel was also shopping this around and glen simpson was pushing both of them to push this out through the state department, journalists, like the "washington post," cnn, everybody else, and now we know andrew weisman, who was a lead prosecutor on robert mueller's team was also informed by bruce orr that the dossier was full of lies. so here we have a dossier that the f.b.i. basically told, they basically told the fiser courts -- it was nothing but lies. >> sean: let me bring up a point. steele is getting paid by four people. steele doesn't stand by his own dossier and here's the fascinating thing. if anybody says, and remember, andrew mccain, deputy f.b.i. director comey said, no dossier,
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no fiser warrant. think about this. now, there were two signed off on, the original and the first subsequent renewal application. i know comey signed the first one, sarah, did he sign the second? >> i know he signed the second. i don't know if he signed the first. >> sean: on october 16, congressman, james comey signs off before the fisa court. they withheld that hillary paid for it. a pretty big point that hillary left out. january, following october 2016, comey goes into trump tower, seize president elect trump and says i need to talk to you alone. there is a dossier, it's salacious but unverified.
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that's not what he said to the fisa court months earlier, is it? what does that say on the legal side of the equation? >> you're absolutely right. the fact that this now discredited dossier that was paid for by the hillary campaign and the democratic national committee was ever used as evidence, before the fiser court is absolutely wrong. the fact that the court was not informed is even a further deception. i serve on the intelligence committee, we asked them to take up this issue. i absolutely believe -- >> sean: where are the fiser court judges? my experience in life, congressman, is i never, ever dare think of lying to a judge. i would never go into a courtroom and not say, yes, you're honor, yes, sir, no, sir, yes, ma'am, thank you, ma'am. you're going to go lie and
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purposefully withhold information? i don't think if i'm a judge that's going over very well in my life. >> it goes to discrediting even the fisa court process. there is no one else who have a voice for the citizen in this instance, the american citizen, who was going to -- had surveillance, and in this process, the judge is supposed to be told all information both against and for the issuance of the order and hearing this, there is critical information that's kept from the judge. it's clearly bad behavior from the f.b.i., the department of justice, and certainly the fisa court needs to address this. it goes to the credible itself. now that we know that this was politically paid for material, political opposition research and discredited it shakes the entire system and definitely needs action. >> sean: you know, lindsey
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graham is right, sarah, something you, me, greg, john, have called for, for a long time, hard work is now paid off because now they were wrong, and -- >> that's right. >> sean: we now know the committees, everybody, lisa page saying they looked at collusion for nine months before mueller found nothing. so we're at a point now, we discover this week also the attorney general under obama, loretta lynch, made every decision, and lisa page even admits, all democrats knew the fix was in. they didn't even interview her alone taken out of the hands of the field at and f.b.i., brought in every protocol, changing the language, gross negligence, the legal standard, adding a whole new one and inventing one. extreme carelessness. i have never seen this type of
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abuse, of power corruption. i have said it before. this was an attempted coop against donald trump both before to prevent him from getting elected and after. they bludgeoned him with those lies and they all knew it was lies. >> they never thought he would become president. they never thought they would have to explain this, sean. that's the most important factor and they went as far as not eag allowing the f.b.i. to look at hillary clinton's -- that's it. >> and they continue to hope that the information is going to be corroborated, even when michael cohen was on capitol hill they were still on the issue, had he been to prague. >> sean: where is the attorney general loretta lynch? what did she know? when did she know it? i would like to know what obama knew, sarah, and when he knew it. i'll give you the last word. >> the most important thing, sean is for them to investigate this thoroughly and follow through on all the criminal referrals that have gone to
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william barr and the attorney general. >> sean: we need to go right back to the beginning. we now know without any shadow of a doubt hillary clinton's investigation was rigged. and they tried to sabotage trump with russian lies. they fed to you, the american people, they leaked them. they used it to backdoor their way and spy on the trump campaign and then they used it to bludgeoned the president that you elected, and now it's been three years of this. we've got a lot more on that coming up. also, o'roark is comparing those fighting climate change to those who stormed the beaches in normandy. bozo. that's so over the top. we'll try and educate you, a mini-monologue is next. so with xfinity mobile
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i can customize each line for each family member? yup. and since it comes with your internet, you can switch wireless carriers, and save hundreds of dollars a year. are you pullin' my leg? nope. you sure you're not pullin' my leg? i think it's your dog. oh it's him. good call. get the data options you need, and still save hundreds of dollars. do you guys sell other dogs? now that's simple, easy, awesome. customize each line by paying for data by the gig or get unlimited. and now get $250 back when you buy a new samsung galaxy. click, call, or visit a store today.
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robert francis o'roark is making one thing clear. that he couldn't be more out of touch with you, me, we, the american people. for example, following his doomsday climate calls about the world ending in 12 years, why do we bother fixing it? bozo is comparing fighting climate change to the american heroes who fought in world war ii and slammed the beaches of normandy. please, somebody, get him a history book. take a look. >> the current president doesn't believe in climate change. you think about our leadership, those who have preceded us, on
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the beaches in normandy, an threat, we can -- around unsolvable problems. that's why they call us theis dispenable nation. >> sean: the new radical democrats are pushing never ending climate hysteria to literally trick you into signing up for what's the most extreme radical socialist agenda, price tag shouldn't matter, beginning price tag $94 trillion in 10 years but it's full of false promises. don't be fooled by what they are saying. everything is free, free, free, whether you work or don't work. remember, he wants to roll back all of the progress that we've made after eight horrible years of obama. he wants to roll back the trump agenda. we're now energy independent for the first time in 70 years. massively benefiting, for
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example, beth toes home state of texas and these historic tax cuts, record low unemployment. hispanic americans, asian, youth unemployment, yeah, after obama's disaster. take a look. >> at a time of historic income inequality, should be asked to pay a greater share. i don't know what the levels should be at but i know that the tax cuts from nearly two years ago, of $2 trillion, when we had a moment of extraordinary need across this country, was one of the most irresponsible things that the country has ever done. >> sean: okay. what part is irresponsible? like record low unemployment, a million more jobs than available, than we have people -- the best wage gains in history, the number of americans now employed. you know, letting americans keep what they earn. a little bit more. and get this, it turns out,
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o'roark, he's not exactly the champion of the poor and working class that he claims to be. according to an october piece, in "the new york times," o'roark support for a massive development project in el paso sparked massive backlash because it targeted "vulnerable neighborhoods in the city." the developer behind the entire project, his father-in-law, of course, i should have known. billionaire. we will sanders. so while, like most liberals, they are only generous with your money, here's o'roark trying to brand himself with a populist, the hand movement thing, whatever that is. but his record suggests just the opposite. in fact, he's likely to face even more questions from the progressive left about his past ties to major g.o.p. establishment donors. yep. the ones that helped him launch his political career. we're going to focus on many of these candidates. i'm telling you, no one else in the media will vet them.
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we're going to do it nightly on this program so don't be fooled. don't buy the bumper stickers, the false promises, the false security. this plan will never work, and while he once pretended to be a moderate the far left agenda is in line with this extreme democratic socialist party. government mandated climate shaming, if you will and is even asking you to help pay for his gas. he sent out a tweet, o'roark, chip in now to keep us on the road. referencing the cost to fill up his dodge caravan. isn't that a gasoline guzzler? like any good member of the resistance, he's still spouting russian collusion, delusion, take a look. >> you said earlier that you thought president trump should be impeached. do you still feel that way? >> it's beyond the shadow of a doubt to me that if there was not collusion there was at least the effort to collude with a foreign power. beyond shadow of a doubt that if
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there was not obstruction of justice, there certainly was the effort to obstruct justice, whether that's firing james comey, the principal investigator into what happened in the 2016 election or in the light of day tweeting to the attorney general as he did to end the russia investigation. >> sean: the only problem is there is no evidence of any of that. none of it. even james comey said the president had the right to fire him for any reason. of course, democrats don't want facts to get in the way of their anti-trump rage and hysteria because they have only one goal. to make every waking moment a public trial against this president and to make nothing more than 2020 nothing more than a smear campaign against donald trump and the success our country is having. trying to fool you into buying into their socialist, open borders agenda but the good news is, it's being exposed and we'll be here every night vetting all of these candidates that the media won't do.
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and we'll expose their agenda for what it is, an effort to control every aspect of your life. here with reaction is from the american conservative union, their chairman and political science professor at iona college, back with us, good to see you. let's start with you. you read this and you start vetting it, no one in the media ever vetted obama. no one is vetting any of these 2020 candidates cheering them on hoping one of them beats jump. that's all they care about. >> that's exactly right in. past presidential contests, you would think that the media would put everybody through the scrutiny. the simple fact is they aren't doing it. if you look at o'roark there are a couple of things that stick out. number one, i think pelosi had it completely right the other day. what has the man accomplished? what has he done in his career, and then you look at him before he entered politics, and it's pretty sketchy. it's certainly not the resume builder of a presidential candidate.
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>> sean: i know you teach, professor, i know you teach at college and i know liberalism dominates college campuses. what do you think of a party that seriously is proposing we eliminate in 10 years, but the world is over in 12, i'm not sure what the point is, let's have a big party, but eliminating oil and gas, lifeblood of our economy, eliminating the combustion engine, putting in plugs everywhere, eliminating airplanes, eliminating cows, and promising every american no need to fear. we're going to take care of you. especially the last experiment, keep your doctor plan and save money didn't exactly work out well, professor, did it? >> i think when you talk to young people in colleges, what they want is a real discussion for 2020 as to what these candidates have to offer. obviously, if they are democratic, they want to hear a discussion amongst o'roark and
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joe biden if he decides to run and bernie sanders, so they want a real discussion. what they want to address is what they see as tremendous inequality in the system, and so you look at the education system, this case this week that shows just how tremendously unfair some of these systems are, and i would just say about beto o'roark i think he has a long way to go in terms of telling us what the substance of his campaign is going to be but he's proven himself to be a fundraiser. >> sean: he wants to take down the border, do you think it's a good time to take down the board walls, do you think it's a good idea to support this green deal? is there any part that what i mentioned, everything is free, $94 trillion estimates in 10 years and i'm sure that's on the low end and eliminate cars, oil, gas, planes and cows. >> well -- i don't happen to agree wall of that but we have to-wit and see. >> sean: what part do you agree with? >> i do agree that we need to do
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more than just walls at the border. >> sean: okay. >> beto o'roark, he's a radical, you know why, sean? >> for the first time ever more democrats want to be socialists than democrats, his latest proposal, a 15 member supreme court, watch out for o'roark, it's all left. >> sean: we want 16-year-olds to vote. wow. can't drink until you're 21. thank you both. when we return, congresswoman, cortez is complaining about having to work all the time. i'm not kidding. later, another update on the college admissions scam. wait until you hear what one parent did. unbelievable. straight ahead.
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>> sean: the new leader, really, real speaker in congress, congresswoman ocasio-cortez is not resonating well with a lot of voters. a new golf pup poll is showing that although she's well known she's polling fairly negatively. maybe it could be because of her radical policies. she's saying, it isn't easy having to work all the time. it's so hard. 33 years in radio, 10 years in construction, 10 years in restaurants. sorry she's working so hard. take a look. >> the thing they don't tell you about working in congress is that you do what you're supposed to do, you're working all the time, which means that you have no time to like set up your life so i spent weeks sleeping on an air mattress and i don't even a
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chair. >> sean: following the whirlwind of backlash against the congresswoman, in this case, ant semitic statements, she wants to end a college study abroad program with israel. we reached out to talib's office for comment but she's not getting back to us. with reaction tonight, we have former congressman jason chavez and press secretary for the trump 2020 campaign. congressman, we start with you. good to see you both. your reaction. not only to this, also, to the news, what we know see in steele testimony and what we learned in orr's testimony and page's testimony and -- this is now beginning to crumble. >> look, the fix is in from the
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beginning. i was the chairman of the oversight committee. we were trying to dig deep into this. we were stonewalled. we were obstructed. they kept telling us, don't worry about it. then james comey, once he made this announcement, came and testified before congress. went line by line, i'm telling you, there are things he said under oath that are flat-out lies that have been discredited. mr. comey should be held accountable and prosecuted. >> sean: wait a minute. he signed off on the fisa, verifying the dossier is true. mccain, no dossier, no fisa. then he's telling trump it's unverified a few months later. did he lie to the fisa judges? >> yes. he also lied to the oversight committee under oath when he came and told us, it was unanimous. it was unanimous that we didn't want to charge her. meanwhile, we come to find out it was really somebody pulling the strings at the doj and this is where congress needs to hold them accountable, and people have to keep demanding to get to
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the bottom of this. >> sean: now that we know lynch was up to her eyeballs in rigging this what should happen to her? >> i do believe there should either be a special prosecutor put into place to look at the malfeasance that was happening within the department of justice and within the f.b.i. i've been calling for that for months. if you can go after donald trump, then you look at what's going on, the senior most echelon at the department of justice, and that far exceeds anything that was even an allegation in the trump situation. >> sean: kailee? >> yeah, that's exactly right. you know, the fix was in from the get-go. we learned from lisa page this week that, in fact, there was an insurance policy against president trump. we learned that from peter strzok's text, verified by lisa page's testimony. this is striking, corruption at the highest order. we have to stand against it and you compare that to the way hillary clinton has been treated, it's outrageous, a hitch want from the beginning and i would add, weisman also
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stepping down from the special counsel this week, why was this guy there to begin with who cost 20,000 people their job and unanimously rebuked by the supreme court? >> sean: congressman, where is horowitz? where is huber, he's in your home state? why is this taking so long? >> horowitz is the inspector general for the department of justice. he's been working on this for nearly a year. i do have some belief that it will take another month or two. they buried him in more than a million types of documents. he'll be the key authority on. this he has looked at it and seen it much further and wider than anybody else. it's never fast enough, sean. it's never, ever fast enough. huber, the u.s. attorney in utah that was appointed by sessions, overlooked some of this stuff, absolutely no idea what he's doing, and most concerning, is that the witnesses that were put forward by meadows and jim jordan and encouraging them to
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talk, they have never been to an interview. >> sean: i'll ask the same question, are you confident, callie, i think the dam now is broken, and we're going to the fisa applications and get the information and the 302s, the five buckets that john solomon always talks about. >> absolutely. we're going to get all of that, sean. i'm confident that america is waking up to this. you've been on this from the very beginning on your show. the mueller report is about to come out. we'll find no collusion or wrongdoing. zero probable cause to open an investigation into the president after millions of pages of documents were reviewed. you were right all along. we should have been looking at the f.b.i. and the doj under obama. >> sean: do you believe, with all we now know, we're going to have a cascade of new informing in the days and weeks ahead that those people that tried, to
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first rigged the investigation into hillary, tried to fix a presidential campaign in this country and rigged the outcome, and tried to bludgeon the winner and undo that election with known lies, they were warned, will they be held accountable? >> i would like to tell you, yes, sean, in my heart of hearts, i don't believe so but i think the american people have figured it out and that's why hillary clinton is not the president of the united states. >> sean: so the people that rigged it, we now know they rigged the investigation, they are going to get away with that? >> i wish i could tell you yes. if it was up to you, me, radcliff, yes, they would be in jail but that's not the way it's going to work. these people are going to walk. unite as well shred the constitution. there is no equal justice or application of our laws. >> i agree with you. it drives me nuts. that's why on this network night after night talking about it, that's why i was in congress.
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>> sean: you're doing a great job. >> they have got to prosecute these people. >> sean: we'll see. i'm hearing that more is happening than we know. i hope my sources are right. so far we haven't been wrong. when we return, more fallout over the college admissions scam. you won't believe what else we're learning. they will have those developments and ourville
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fundraiser. she has a lot of strange friends. fox news contributor emily is with us and former florida attorney general pam -- we'll start with you, pam. it's amazing. i know there is a lot of pressure after a kid goes to a school, they never stop asking you for money, right? >> sure. >> sean: they are faking, putting pictures, photo shopping pictures of the kids playing sports they don't play. they are literally cheating on all scores. it's a zero something game, only so many spots available. >> sean, let me make myself clear. this is a crime. these are serious crimes. this is bribery. this is wire fraud. this is mail fraud potentially. these are serious crimes. this isn't getting a building named after you in hopes your child can get into school. my parents always taught me, it hung in my house, children learn what they live. what is it teaching these
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children, lying, cheating, stealing, is going to get them ahead in life when so many kids work so hard. my friend's best son didn't get into a great school the first year. he worked twice as hard to get in this year and just got accepted. that's what life should be about. and it's just setting a horrible example for our kids, sean. >> sean: and whether it's academics or whether it's, you know, sports combined with academics, emily, these kids work hard to get grade points averages and get rankings, if they are playing in a sport. >> exactly, and i think part of why there are now literally class-actions from these rejected students, regarding this, the fact that it's competitive enough even without the bribery, right? this past entering freshman class, of the rejected students 8,000 had perfect acts, perfect gpas and stanford only accepted 4% of applicants. the odds are stacked against them even without this. and the irony of these parents who have donated hundreds of
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thousands of dollars to certain candidates and especially the democratic national committee, who then are bribing their way into the system when these candidates are touting a level playing field, it doesn't make sense. hypocritical. >> sean: why is it different if the parent builds a building or the parent is a legacy and they get a leg up why, is that okay? >> it's not illegal. that's the difference. you still have to make good grades hopefully. you still have to work your way in. i know kids -- >> sean: you really don't know. >> i've heard of parents who had buildings named after them and they didn't get in. it's criminal, bribery. the worst part, sean is that what they are teaching their kids is acceptable in this lifetime and it's not. >> sean: look at the harvard in. crazy. pam, thank you. emily, thank you. our villain of the day, i'm going to tell you something, it
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>> sean: villains of the day. santa clara county, and california politicians, why they are insane sanctuary cities and state policies in that state. back in february, a 59-year-old bambi larson stabbed to death in san jose, the suspect, an illegal immigrant, carlos carranza, and if it couldn't get more -- what the feds wanted was to support the man who had an expensive criminal history back in october. santa clara county, guess what,
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they don't hand him over to homeland security or ice due to their sanctuary policies and you wonder why we're so against sanctuary cities on the show. what have i said? they are aiding and abetting criminal activity. at what point do they share some of the blame? now, to your viewer responses in mail. on a lighter note, you might remember from watching last night we had an uninvited guest on the show. a bug who became famous, infamous, even, for crawling on my jacket and collar, i didn't even feel it on my neck, which obviously set off a firestorm of reactions. one viewer wrote in, well, it looked like a stink bug on you making its fox news debut. a tiny maga hat, needs one. well said. the president's veto earlier today, he'll veto the vote. they don't have the 2/3 vote to override the president. trump wins. couldn't agree more. trump wins. the wall will go up. that's all the time we have for
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this evening. there will be a lot of breaking news on this and more next week. we always thank you for being with us. we appreciate your support. and let's not your heart be troubled. fufufufufufufufufufufufufufufuf. special guest 10 to 12. be there. "the five" now. most? >> jesse: hello, everybody i'm jesse watters adong with dagen mcdowell lisa booth juan journalist and greg gutfeld. this is the "the five." ♪ this is a fox news alert. president trump refusing to back down with his border battle to build the wall trump issuing the first veto of his presidency to overrule a resolution that blocks his national emergency declaration at the border. >> the protection of the nation is my highest duty. yesterday congress passed a dangerous resolution that if put into law would put countless americans in
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