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tv   The Five  FOX News  March 26, 2019 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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the agenda that ensues. following that on the fallout from that, for a president who seems to have the upper hand. here comes "the five" ." ♪ >> dana: hello, everyone. i am dana perino with morgan ortagus, juan williams, jesse watters, greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five" ." they keep turning up on the obama administration's intelligence officers after the release of the mila report showed no sign of collusion. g.o.p. leadership now demanding answers on why the investigation was started in the first place. and when and what the obama team knew regarding russia's interference in the 2016 election. here is senator lindsey graham. >> did they exonerate clinton because they had a political bias? did they ignore all the facts because if they indict her, they
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know she can't beat trump and they wanted trump to lose? the counterintelligence investigation, a backdoor way of spying on trump. there's no evidence of working with russia. they just used it as an excuse. >> dana: john brennan, head of the cia of the time, went on to become one of trump's most vocal critics and heavily push the collusion claims. he was asked about that yesterday. >> i think i suspected there was more than there actually was. >> dana: former director of national intelligence james clapper on whether he regrets attacking president trump while also deflecting responsibility for the russian interference. it's big do have concerns about the president's unwillingness or inability or whatever to call out the russian interference in the election. one of president obama's objectives and tasking us to do that, report on the russian interference, was to handed off to the next administration.
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the trump administration would have that as a basis for taking action against russia which sort of hasn't happened in some ways. >> dana: counselor to the president kellyanne conway blasting these obama officials earlier today. >> those people at the doj and fbi at the time, they have besmirched the good reputations and integrity of the 25000 to 35000 men and women who work in that department and do their jobs honorably. the obama administration and the president knew russia was trying to interfere and did nothing about it. >> dana: when the president was asked if the decision to investigate mated to the west wing of the obama white house, here's what he said. >> i don't want to say that but i think you know the answer. >> dana: all right, jesse, do you know the answer? >> jesse: yes, it was obama. [laughter] anything else? i got this. this was not an intelligence failure like a wmd or 9/11.
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this was an intelligent plot that was foiled. what's so funny, juan? >> juan: even greg said deep state. >> jesse: everyone was in mocking the deep state phrase for two years now i'm totally vindicated. >> juan: how is that? >> jesse: because there was no collusion. we were laughed at for being conspiracy theorists. guess who the conspiracy theorists were paid? your side. this is what it was. the obama administrations weren't trying to catch russians interfering with the elections. they were trying to catch trump officials colluding with russians to interfere with the elections. this was a democratic administration that use the cia and fbi to attack republican presidential candidate. it all started with hillary and the dossier. as many as four trump officials were legally surveilled and contacted by the cia. then when she lost, they used it as an insurance policy to
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reverse the election results. trump caught wind of it, fired comey and was totally vindicated. the only way the media can vindicate themselves, if they start putting resources into investigating what went wrong and some of trying to brush it off and say let's move on. >> juan: let me tell you how deep state this deep state is. the ghost of obama came out of the lincoln bedroom and he's the one that fire james comey. he's the one that started this criminal investigation as opposed to the counterintelligence investigation. >> jesse: the counterintelligence investigation began under obama's watch. it was crooked from the jump. >> juan: you wouldn't have had mueller unless trump fired comey. it had nothing to do with any deep state. >> jesse: he wouldn't have had comey investigating trump if it wasn't for the dossier cooked up by hillary. >> dana: morgan, what came first, the chicken or the egg? >> morgan: hopefully we can get it answered today. out of everybody at the table, i
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actually disagree with you slightly on this not being on 9/11 or wmd failure. i think it is of that level and i speak as someone, i've been in the intelligence community since i was 25, 26. one of the things that you're taught as an analyst when you come in is what were the failures, the analytic failures that happened leading up to 9/11 and wmd and how did we miss it? what i have suspected for a long time with these leaders of the fbi and cn -- cia, they forgot the basic analytic lessons that you learn. there were definitely a lot of red flags. because of what the russians were doing. it was the russians that were trying to infiltrate. they see this maligned behavior from the russians, they see red flags and because of a lack of fully looking at the evidence, they jump to analytic conclusions about the president that i think are one of the most damaging things that any of us have ever seen in our lifetime. let's not sugarcoat this.
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they accused the president of treason. without having evidence to back it up. as a person who spent my life and the intelligence community, it is so damning to the men and women who faithfully, who are patriots to do this work every day. because of these unethical political leaders. >> jesse: my point was not that this wasn't a huge intelligence failure to the level of wmd or 9/11. i mean saying that those were innocent mistakes and lapses. this is a devious plot hatched two years ago and now exposed. >> juan: no, it's not. >> dana: i'm getting greg in here. something like brennan, shouldn't he be held to a higher standard of commentary than your run-of-the-mill pundit? >> greg: yes. >> dana: he was the cia director. he said oops.
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>> greg: it's because people were believing in a hallucination. this is why i am the deep state cynic who was no longer a deep state senate. you have to understand there were a group of people who felt that they were so bright that they could do -- they could actually be undercover, they could do sneaky things because they were saving the world. in their heads, they were superheroes but they were actually deep state because they were doing the wrong thing but they didn't think they were doing the wrong thing. the long-term damage here in the big story is there's a lot of damage between people and nations because of this. there were people who expected nothing less than war over this or taking out a president who might be taking out, removing the president because he might be a russian agent. that's how far the hallucination god. that's why people when they left the deep state it's because they thought they were doing right. when you are wearing a black cat, you think you're wearing a
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white hat. that's what's going on. jesse is right, the deep state existed. they just didn't know they were deep state. >> juan: i don't get it. the president says mueller acted honorably. wait a minute. mueller a moment ago was deep state. >> dana: who said he was deep state? >> juan: you missed what trump had to say about mueller? mueller was involved with comey. comey was involved in former fbi -- we have gone from trump doing a victory lap to vindictive actions. >> jesse: we're not talking about mueller. we're not not talking about mueller. >> juan: oh, mueller is off the hook now. >> dana: we have more to come on mueller but first the chicago police chief and democratic mayor slamming the states attorney's decision to drop charges against actor jussie smollett. you'll hear their explosive comments last. democrats still pushing their claims.
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ag william barr is now public enemy number one.
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that protects what's important. it handles everything, and reaches everywhere. this is beyond wifi, this is xfi. simple. easy. awesome. xfinity, the future of awesome. ♪ >> juan: house intelligence chair adam schiff refusing to resign under pressure from republicans. in fact, he's doubling down on his concerns. >> there are a lot of open questions. why did the russians offer dirt on hillary clinton? why did the president's son say he would love to have help. why did they set up a meeting, why did they keep it secret? these questions have not been answered by the summary we got from bill barr. >> juan: representative schiff is not the only one. congressman eric swalwell saying
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this. >> i stand by what i've said about seeing evidence of collusion. if he has a problem with that, he consumed me. i promise you i would win in court. >> juan: we have a situation where adam schiff is saying barr, the attorney general bill barr, has done the job he applied for which is exonerating president trump from obstructing justice. how do you respond? >> jesse: i think barr is a pretty solid public servants. if it were any other environment, he would be passed through the senate by a larger majority than he was but we are in very partisan times. there's two types of democrats. clyburn, he says it's time to move on. we are going to close this chapter and talk about health care. and then there's the democrats the don't care about the party. they care about their reputations because their reputations are in tatters to another just doing damage control and following this down a rabbit hole. the collusion thing is now done but now it's the obstruction, and that's the only thing they can hang their hat on and it's hard to obstruct a crime that
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you didn't commit. but they can do whatever they want. i just don't think it's going to work for them of the ballot box. >> juan: dana, i see where democrats are saying there's only 80 words of the mullah report in the barr letter. they are making the case that congress is an equal branch of government and they want to see the report. >> dana: i think they have to give barr a little bit of time because if they release her apart with a have classified that was exposed or some sort of grand jury thing that got out there that wasn't supposed to do and it ruined some interpretation for no reason, they have to do it carefully and i think that barr is said that will happen and they are working on it. >> juan: so you agree, i think it's 82% of americans say get the report out. >> dana: yes, people would like to see as much as possible. if they don't, the left is just going to think this is a massive cover-up and there will be conspiracy theories. that will be there date state. they will think the deep state
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is barr and rosenstein. schiff and crew have gone from being the hunter to the fray. they are being chased down the hallway by reporters and asked, are you going to resign. i imagine a lot of democrats are going to say we should move on and talk about something else. i don't think they're going to be covertly able to do that partly because someone like lindsey graham says were going to have a hearing. were going to get the bottom of it. >> juan: let me go to our deep state expert, morgan. >> morgan: thank you. what a title. >> juan: vladimir putin is saying after this report, our country has not interfered in anybody's election. what do you say to that? >> morgan: there's no one that believes this, that administration, secretary of state mike pompeo, john bolton. no matter what you want to say about this president's action, put tough sanctions against the russians and he's promoted somes against putin and russia in his administration.
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all of this stuff, the fisa, the unmasking of administration officials, the leaking of classified information, all of the stuff is fair game because i think i did not rejoice when jim comey came out and give that press conference against hillary clinton. when i watched that live, i thought what in the world is going on here? he is disparaging this woman without charging her. to do the same to anybody in this report, my understanding from what judge napolitano just said in the last hour is that that's actually not the proper way to follow regulation. you shouldn't do that. but i think these things are fair game because the president's rights. that shouldn't happen again, not to republican president or democrat president and the intelligence community needs to cleanse itself of these bad standards that happened during this investigation. >> juan: greg, i have asked this question. dana said one of the good things that might come out of this report is a road map for how we can deal with russia in the 2020 race. we still don't know exactly anything about russia.
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>> greg: true. there were only 80 words from the mueller report that ended up in barr's letter. they were ha ha ha ha, ha ha ha ha. should i do 80? ha ha ha ha ha. the producers are telling me to shut up. eric swalwell, schiff, they are like the ex who refuses to see the relationship is over. they keep showing up outside the window hoping that the collusion story will come back. they are story stalkers. they are outside the window of russian collusion praying that this will come back. keep chasing that story because you're going to end up losing 2020 because basically what you're doing is you're selling a drug that no longer has any power. so your disgruntled client base is going to be like, they will have the hangover of the trail. if you don't have any ideas, and this is you've got, it's from
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all over again, 2020. >> juan: i think that might be wise advice. >> dana: oh, you know who agreed with you, greg, apparently last night there was a big house democratic caucus meeting. two people, the woman that's in charge, cheri bustos, she's in charge of fund-raising for the house democratic party and a new member who was very liberal, they both said we have to focusn the issues that helped get us elected in the first place. they are already pivoting. >> juan: i think there are lots of people. i just toppled an indicator most americans still think the russians have something on trump. >> greg: i wonder why pure maybe it's the media pushing the narrative. >> juan: maybe it's the facts. >> dana: oh! juan. >> juan: all charges dropped against actor jussie smollett. that's not sitting well with mayor rahm emanuel or the head of the police. speaker at the end of the day, this mr. smollett, who committes hoax, period. >> juan: more reaction from them coming up on "the five."
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♪ >> jesse: any bombshell move, prosecutors dropping all charges against "empire" actor jussie smollett. smollett was facing 16 felony charges of grand jury indicted him on after allegedly staging a hate crime in chicago. the move infuriating the city's democratic mayor rahm emanuel and the chief of police. >> do i think justice was served? no. i've heard that they wanted their day in court with tv cameras so america could know the truth. no, they chose to hide behind secrecy and broker a deal to circumvent the judicial system. >> now this casts a shadow where they were telling the truth ended the psalm name of self-promotion. this is a whitewash of justice. a grand jury could not have been clearer.
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where's the accountability of the system? from top to bottom, this is not on the level. at the end of the day, it's mr. smollett that committed this false claim. is there no decency in this man? >> jesse: if that didn't enrage you enough, here is smollett's attorney saying she has "no idea" why her client is being left off the hook. >> we have nothing to say that to police departments up to investigate charges and not try their cases in the press. i have no idea what occurred in this case and why it occurred. i can just say that things seemed to spiral somewhat out of control. the two brothers have said that they attacked him. we don't want to try them in the press anymore than he wanted to be tried in the press. >> jesse: okay, mr. gutfeld. what happened? >> greg: this is absolutely one of the most incredible stories i think i've seen in ages.
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he got a fine and community service. this was a giant wink to the public. when they said the city can keep the bond, that was a fine. when they said they had done enough volunteer service, that with his community service. it was this underlying thing saying we are punishing him even though we can't nail him on some fame because somebody seriously pulled some strings. talk about privilege. that is celebrity privilege. i've got to handed to him. he blew trump off the news page pages. there is a unanimous sense that he's guilty and he will never be free of it. the fact that he took this deal is an admission of guilt because he let him keep the money. then he took -- the idea of volunteerism is somehow mentioned. that's his community service. you saw even the lawyer didn't even know what was going on. why aren't they saying? don't try the two attackers in the press. the two attackers attacked her
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client. we've got to go after those guys. it's hilarious. >> jesse: they have the videotape of the attackers buying the hats, the rope. they have text messages between smollett and the nigerian setting the whole thing up. it was an airtight case but it looks like somehow he cut a deal. sweetheart deal. >> juan: wait, wait, wait, it's donald trump. he's in my ear. he said some people just can't admit when they are wrong and apologize. >> greg: who is wrong? >> juan: the apology because guess what, the prosecutor here said we are dropping the charges. no case. his record is clear. and yet though right wing -- >> jesse: you are defending smollett? >> juan: yeah, because you know what, his record has been cleared by the government. >> jesse: juan, they did this behind the backs -- and then they sealed the record
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records. >> juan: here's the facts. >> jesse: you don't smell anything fishy? >> juan: i smell people who are trying to say there's a spike in hate crimes and donald trump people in red hats. so now this guy is clear. his record is cleared. that's a fact. >> jesse: rahm emanuel and david axelrod. >> juan: here is 20th century fox tv, fox entertainment. jussie smollett maintained his innocence. we are grateful the charges had been dismissed. >> greg: and they are wrong. >> morgan: that's not what the prosecutor said. the prosecutor said in the last hour or two, he has not been exonerated. the most powerful point is when rahm emanuel and the police chief were giving the press conference and rahm emanuel talked about the damage to the lgbtq community of people who suffer from hate crimes, whether it's for your sexuality or religion or what it may be in the fact that those crimes may not be doubted because of his
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actions and what he did, for me that was the most compelling part of the press conference because we know these things are on the rise. instead of trying to get to the root of the problem, we want to blame anybody because of their politics and who they support. why don't we realize that hate and racism in all these things doesn't matter what political opponent -- political party you support or your religion. comes in all forms and plenty of people are guilty of it. let's stop demonizing everybody for what they believe. >> jesse: the prosecutor told "the new york times," he said he dropped the charges because it wasn't a violent crime and smollett is not a threat to public safety and he called it a deal. he said there were no holes in the case. he did file a false police report and prosecuting him didn't seem like a priority. >> dana: you know where you can find the deep state? the state attorney general's office. there have been many complaints about her and her tenure, including from the fraternal order of police, specifically
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about basically sort of like letting things go. and not allowing them to do their jobs. if you allow somebody to get away with this, perpetuating their own hate crime to get attention so that he can get more money. $150,000 an episode wasn't enough from "empire." he was going to let this go? we didn't even play the sound of him getting up to the podium and saying of course i'm so innocent. his record is sealed and he gets to go out and say that. >> greg: he's got a problem because no one believes him. so for the rest of his life, he's going to have this cloud. until you get -- you have to bring in the two guys. are they still on the street, the two brothers? >> juan: we have not heard from them yet. >> greg: what if there's a deal between -- >> juan: i want to respond to
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what morgan said. what we've learned from the mueller report is you know, this doesn't exonerate him on obstruction. >> greg: what a comparison. >> juan: it saying we don't agree with prosecutor. >> dana: did trump perpetrate his own hate crime against himself? >> morgan: to use a democrat line, we have not seen the mueller report yet. >> juan: i think some people can't say looks like this guy has been cleared. >> jesse: i want to ask you a serious question. you believe jussie smollett actually was attacked by a random white guys wearing maga hats? >> juan: no, not white guys. >> jesse: who do you believe attacked him? you don't think the nigerians attacked him? >> juan: that's what they said said. >> jesse: the nigerian americans are told the police and the grand jury they orchestrated this plot with him, they think they are lying? you think they would purposely
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lie until a grand jury? >> dana: go to the break, morgan. >> jesse: no wonder you believed inclusion! [laughter] >> jesse: the mainstream media defending their coverage of the mueller probe. greg breaks it down next. mornings were made for better things than rheumatoid arthritis or psoriatic arthritis. when considering another treatment, ask about xeljanz xr a once-daily pill for adults with moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis or active psoriatic arthritis for whom methotrexate did not work well enough. it can reduce pain, swelling, and significantly improve physical function. xeljanz xr can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened. as have tears in the stomach or intestines, serious allergic reactions, low blood cell counts,
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eating tree bark? what would you have us do? >> greg: i would've read that story about tree bark. let's compare. rachel maddow from last week. >> my favorite name in the whole trump-russia probe. if there wasn't a person involved with his name, you have to invent one. >> greg: here is her now. >> in 1974, leon jaworski was the special prosecutor investigating watergate. for a special prosecutor had been archibald cox. >> greg: without russia, she is reduced to doing a history class for shouting. she has one month from scribbling help me on a chalkboard. next week she'll be saying this. >> we are really freaking old. and cable news years, we are like 1,000. like great uncle pete, always falling asleep in the mashed
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potatoes. we are in the eel still swimming around new zealand ready to embark on its next phase of mysterious fish life. >> greg: cnn honcho jeff zucker excuses his guilt, saying we are not investigators. we are journalists. he admits his anchors are only stenographers, not people capable of ferreting out facts. that doesn't explain why they climbed into bed with michael avenatti as he tried to destroy an innocent man. now he's been arrested and one of cnn's former legal analysts may have been involved. i call it a bad week for cnn but it's just another week for cnn. it would be nice to see some introspection from media, maybe ask themselves how did we fall for this one did we play a role in fooling others? they can't because there is profit in this narrative, a narrative so divisive that could have destroyed the country. they didn't care. they still don't. the problem is they got caught. what do these people do when
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they've driven their profession into the ground? there is always vaudeville. >> [singing] ♪ >> ♪ we could use a man like herbert hoover again ♪ >> greg: there's always a backup plan. the media seems to be in a defensive mode. >> dana: they are but they've got a plan. you want to know what it is? they're going to go after, one, they will say bill barr is compromised because mueller did not make a decision on obstruction, though as andy mccarthy points out, that was his job. what did we pay you for? your job as a prosecutor's to make a decision. you didn't even do that, so now
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jerry nadler and other democrats are going to be able to say barr, can we see you? mueller, could we see you? could you explain how you were supposed to have an apolitical report and now it's totally compromised because you let a political appointee decide president trump is not guilty of obstruction. that's exactly where they are heading. you heard it here first. you don't have to watch the other channels. >> greg: is it really the media of the deep state? >> jesse: i think you're onto something. the morning joe clip you played, it's a strawman argument. we are not saying we want you to report on horse farms in kentucky. just report the story fairly and reported from both sides. you can still report on the russia collusion investigation but look around you. don't just look on one side of the story because that's what fox did and then we benefited from that. i think it's going to happen now and you saw the ratings last night. the ratings for fox were astronomical on the ratings for
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cnn were lower than usual and msnbc really soft. there's going to be a hangover. people are going to feel deceived. if i were reviewer, i would feel misled. you know you feel like you put all your eggs in one basket and then it doesn't deliver, you got to take a break from tv. you're not going to watch tv for little while. i think a lot of republicans stopped watching tv after romney lost because the media told them romney was going to win and huge landslide and when that didn't happen, they tuned out for, months and that's what you'll see from the rest of the press. >> greg: juan, why is it so hard to say we got it wrong? >> juan: i am still waiting because what i, i thought what jeff zucker said was on target. >> dana: reporters are different from people that are on air, like john brennan. >> juan: the question was about the media in general about the pulitzer prizes that went to "the new york times" and "the washington post" ."
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they say wire with his awards given to these journalists when here's the finding of the mueller special counsel. in fact, the media doesn't have the power to put people in jail to investigate a foreign power trying to subvert an american election. that's something that's done by people in power and the journalist's job is report on i it. >> jesse: they have to vet too. >> juan: jesse, you said no attention to the contrary set of facts coming from the trump administration. to the contrary, we put trump on tv every day saying no collusion, witch hunt, deep state. >> jesse: did msnbc investigate the dossier, the peter strzok texts? not as much as we did. >> morgan: there are some responsible journalists. abc, terry moran, he said these people who came forward and said these things like brennan and the list of democratic operatives masking themselves as
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intelligence officials having accused the president of treason. he said i'm going to push back against those people and demand more evidence. i hope more people follow this honest reporter and don't just take whatever the democrats -- adam schiff and all these guys hide behind the cloak of having some kind of value and intelligence that the rest of us don't have. it turned out to be a lie. >> greg: disgraced celebrity lawyer michael avenatti is adamant he'll be exonerated. what makes him so sure? that's next. maria ramirez? hi. maria ramirez! mom! maria! maria ramirez... mcdonald's is committing 150 million dollars in tuition assistance, education, and career advising programs... prof: maria ramirez mom and dad: maria ramirez!!! to help more employees achieve their dreams.
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♪ >> morgan: massive trump critic and disgraced attorney michael avenatti facing almost 100 years in prison for allegedly attempting to extort millions from nike and allegedly committing wire and bank fraud in a separate case in california. avenatti adamant he will be fully exonerated. >> i am highly confident that when all the evidence is laid bare in connection with these cases when it is all known, when due process occurs, that i will be fully exonerated and justice will be done. >> morgan: right.
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quite steep fall from grace for a guy who was once a media darling. >> you got lucky tonight. we are back with attorney michael avenatti. he is a main player. >> sitting beside me, you have to guess. hint: his name is michael avenatti. >> you think you're doing a hell of a job. i don't think you're in this for money. >> i've never seen someone pander to an audience. >> michael avenatti, i'd like to meet him over dinner. >> thank you, michael cohen. michael cohen. michael avenatti. >> please, whatever you do, don't call me michael cohen. >> morgan: that's gross. juan, since you decided to defend smollett, i thought you might want to defend avenatti. >> juan: democrats are pretty upset with avenatti with what we he did in the kavanaugh hearing hearings. >> dana: kavanaugh's upset about what he did in the kavanaugh hearings. >> juan: i think he helped kavanaugh because the woman that he introduced.
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>> dana: falls -- false charges are helpful. >> juan: i was struck by what you said, he's facing nearly 100 years in jail and he is saying, it's incredible to me. i know david boyd. he said he played the prosecutors and he's making it out as of the prosecutors have fallen for some kind of scheme. i think this guy is way over his head if he thinks david boyce who might be the most celebrated lawyer in the country is going to risk everything going to prosecutors with some false claim. it's hard to understand. >> morgan: something that i was curious about, the southern district of new york has the case against the president on campaign finance, largely from the stuff that avenatti brought up. is there any correlation? >> dana: . behar, the u.s. attorney, he has a new book out and it's not political. it's about the law. i had them on today and i wanted
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to ask him about the southern district of new york. what he says in the book, take it or not, i will tell you. the sdn why people believe they do great work, no matter who it is, they go after them. i have a feeling especially with avenatti, lawyers do not like dirty lawyers. prosecutors argued and make sur sure. he says he's confident that he will be exonerated. i'm confident he'll be be found guilty. >> greg: the reason why the democrats and media are upset with avenatti, they thought he was going to be their hero and he turned out to be a lying scumbag and everybody can see it. most of us, all of us can see a sleazy person a mile away but not if you're under the spell of confirmation bias. during the kavanaugh hearing, the media wanted to believe in him because they wanted kavanaugh to be some kind of serial rapist so they overlooked the skull meanness of the lawye
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lawyer. you can see that by feeding the media what they wanted they were going to overlook everything about him. the things, the signs saying this dude is bad news. he's telling you what i want to hear. they indulged him and give them a bigger footprint. he fell in love with the spotlight. >> dana: also he has so much greed. >> morgan: jesse, would you have predicted no collusion and avenatti indicted? >> jesse: i did make a prediction. can we move the tape. the whole shell game he was trying to arrange is done. i think he's probably going to clear declare bankruptcy or he may spend time in prison. >> dana: wow. >> jesse: congratulating myself in someone else's segments. >> morgan: you are right. "one more thing" is up next.
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♪ >> time now for "one more thing" read >> greg: i bet you're not sick of this. ♪ interesting fact, in australia did you know they have animals? they have weird animals because they are so far away that as the earth developed they got weird animals. this one is called a koala bear but it's not really a bear it's actually a bird, did you know that? it's inside somebody's car and it won't get out because it's very hot there so it's an unusual rare bird, they call it a koala bear will not leave this man's car. they look really friendly but they are actually very mean birds. >> morgan: why are you doing
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fake news? >> greg: i want them to get poor grades in biology. >> morgan: alex griswold of "the washington free beacon" made this great video of all the democratic 2020 candidates as michael scott quotes from the office, here are three examples -- watch. >> she is an incredibly attractive person. i've got to learn to be more professional! i told them if they graduated from high school, i would pay for their college education. i've made some empty promises, hands down but was the most generous. >> morgan: we will have the full video.
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>> greg: that was embarrassing embarrassing. >> jesse: i'm still trying to get over the koala bear's. you guys ever have a bad day at work? look at this guy who had a horrible day of work at virginia beach, just try to put some cups up on there. never have that happen and you're just left holding one stack? that's like propping up the collusion conspiracy, that's what happens. at least i'm not lying to the audience. >> juan: one man's hero, another man's zero, pennsylvania verizon worker wrestling a cat who's been stranded on a utility pole for 4 hours, the cats
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owners say he used the trucks hydraulic lift to raise up and grabbed the kitty. for saving the cat, he was suspended for three weeks without pay. verizon said using the hydraulic system near electrical wires violated policy. neighbors have created a go refund me page and it has raised over $3,000, verizon has made a donation to the local animal rescue group. good things came of what looked like a very troubled situation. >> dana: i have some really cool pictures, my new unit is in fallon nevada and i got to go out with some of these pilots, i was in an f-18 super hornet for an hour, we did 7.4 jeez, i did not throw up or pass out which was really awesome. they are filming top gun to out
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there, thank you guys for the super hornet ride. go navy. >> dana: for everyone at the table, a koala is not a bear, it's a marsupial! >> bret: morgan and my wife have something in common, they are both at top gun. it will be weeks, not days until a version of the mueller report is sent to congress, this is "special report" ." ♪ good evening and welcome to washington, i'm john roberts. the roller coaster story of


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