tv Hannity FOX News April 1, 2019 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT
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all of which are an over abundance right. a don't worry. things will get better. good night from washington. our good friend, one of our all-time favorites, sean hannity is in new york city to host a tv show. >> sean: it's not even a surprise anymore. let me straighten my tie off. there we go. we got it straight. great show, tucker, as always. good to see you. welcome to "hannity." just breaking as we speak tonight, well, we call him creepy and crazy uncle joe biden for a reason. well, now he's facing a second accusation of inappropriate touching. been a rough week for the democratic party, and it's only monday. congresswoman ocasio-cortez embarrassing herself yet again, senator elizabeth warren running out of other peoples money money, and wannabe columnist and communist, oh, bernie sanders, he can't answer a simple question about his own policies. you just heard the breaking news. creepy crazy uncle joe biden,
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he's facing a serious backlash for, you guessed it, being creepy. we begin with our "hannity watch" on the radical 2020 extreme democratic socialists. he hasn't yet formally entered the race but already, creepy uncle joe was facing two separate allegations now of inappropriate touching and a lot more. just a short time ago, a connecticut woman told the hartford current, "he put his hand around my neck, he pulled me in to rub noses with me. when he was pulling me in, i thought he was going to kiss me on the mouth. meanwhile, the first accusation came from former democratic lawmaker lucy florez of nevada, who encounter the vice president backstage at a political event in 2014. she claiming crazy uncle joe got close to her from behind, sniffing and smelling her hair and planted an unsolicited case on the back of her head, saying, "my brain couldn't process what was happening, i was embarrassed, i was shocked, i
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was confused." let's take a look. >> eva longoria was there. we were all lined up next to the stage. eva was in front of me, joe biden was behind me. i am preparing myself to give these remarks, is the very last days before the election. very unexpectedly and out of nowhere, i feel joe biden put his hands on my shoulders, get up very close to me from behind, lean in, smell my hair, and then plant a slow case on the top of my head. >> sean: smelling someone's hair from behind, rubbing noses, kissing a stranger, some on the lips. who does that? apparently joe biden. he does that a lot. creepy uncle joe is a nickname that he's earned through the years. look at your screen. cringe inducing, very awkward touching, grabbing, kissing, here stroking at smelling, and knows rubbing. the woman you just heard from
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told "politico," "it is illegal to google creepy biden. everyone is entitled to due process and the perception of innocence but the problem here for joe biden is there are dozens and dozens of pictures and videos of shoving these kinds of encounters. he offered a half-hearted apology, saying he doesn't believe he ever acted inappropriately. that brings us to a very important question, will the democratic party hold him to the same "believe all women" i believe, zero-tolerance standard" that they have utilized so vigorously against republicans. by the way, where are all the judge kavanaugh "i believed ares." so far, the radical socialist democrats who don't want joe biden to win, they are coming out against the former vp but that is political expediency and creepy uncle joe's super fans are singing a much different tune. they love them. take a look. >> to make a big kerfuffle out of this with a man who's done
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nothing but he spent his in service of others i think is wrong. what should he do? lucy, i'm sorry, i got too close to? what also sees a poster to? >> an allegation that is five years old, that cannot negate or change or diminish anyway joe biden's very strong record empowering women. >> he is extremely affectionate, extremely flirtatious in a completely safe way. are we allowed to bring up that lucy florez is a huge bernie person and she has political connections that might be counter of biden's goals? is it okay to bring up this could be politically motivated? >> sean: no surprise sucking up to creepy uncle joke about the same media mob that tried to ruin judge kavanaugh's life over
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wild 30-year-old uncorroborated allegations, and some cryptic high school yearbook post, don't expect the media to properly vet joe biden. they didn't do it to barack obama, they are not going to do it any of the 20 2280 candidates on the extreme socialist side. it will be up to us on this program because there are so many red flags about joe biden. other than as constant need to touch and stroke and kiss and rub noses. i will let you be the judge of the pictures you see. i am personally not a fan of people that get right in your grill. we've all met people like that, they get so close to her face that your nose is almost due touch. even if you take a step back, the move anymore. people had kind of massage other people, go up and rubbing their shoulders, want to get others on the lips. you don't even know them. a lot of this creeps me out. you'll decide. tonight we start with biden's sketchy pass on race in america. this will be an issue for him.
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for a democratic party so obsessed with it and he politics, this is not a good look for a presidential candida. take a look. >> you cannot go to a 7-eleven or a dunkin' donuts unless you have a slight indian accent. i'm not joking. >> what kind of a chance what a northeastern liberal like joe biden stand in the south? >> better than anybody else. you don't know my statewide my state is a state, by state as a a border state, my state is the eighth largest black population in the country. >> the first sort of mainstream person in america who is articulate and bright and clean and nice looking guy. i mean, that is a story. >> romney said the first hundred days, he will let the big banks once again write their own rules. on jean wall street! they will put you all back in
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chains. >> sean: first mainstream african-american, articulate, clean. that is storybook. wow. so the person currently pulling highest in the democratic primary is a man who called the president clean, articulate, and storybook. he bragged that his home state was a state. you can't work in a 7-eleven or dunkin' donuts unless you have a slight indian accent. that is your democratic front runner. no surprise, considering in 1975, most of the media will never bring this up, a younger senator biden fought hard against a practice used to desegregate schools, in other words, he didn't want to migration. take a look. >> i think the concept of blessing, which implicit in that concept is the question you just ask, the statement within the question you just ask, that we are going to integrate people so that they all have the same access and they learn and grow
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up with one another, and all the rest, is a rejection of the whole movement of black pride. >> sean: the very same biden told the local newspaper, "i don't feel responsible for the sins of my father, grandfather. i'll be damned if i feel responsible to pay for what happened 300 years ago." as chair of the senate judiciary committee, he presided over justice clarence thomas' confirmation, biden offered an apology. just last week, he wanted an apology to her. he offered it to anita hill, the accuser of justice thomas. he's been on the store now apologizing for over a week. take a look. >> anita hill, professor, showed the courage of a lifetime, talking about her experience being harassed by clarence thomas. we knew a lot less about the extent of harassment back then
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over 30 years ago. but she paid a terrible price. she was abused through the hearing. she was taken advantage of. her reputation was attacked. i wish i could have done something. there was a real and perceived problem a committee faced. they were a bunch of white guys -- a bunch of white guys. >> sean: anita hill did follow clarence thomas to another job after the so-called incidents happened, but i guess fax don't want to be discussed at this time. he hasn't even formally jumped into the race. the first apology to her. don't be fooled, he tries to frame himself as a sympathetic champion of the people. look behind the scenes, wield or cover and great, great deal in the weeks ahead, shady, swampy behavior. back in 2014, while joe biden was a vice president, his son accepted a board seat on your cranes, one of the largest oil and gas companies owned by
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ukrainian oligarch facing international money laundering allegations. naturally, this raised serious ethical questions, and even some scorn from the left. according to arthur peter schweizer in his brand-new book, "secret empires," while hunter biden was working at the ukrainian oil company, a series of suspicious accountants, a hundred million dollar deposit from the company. keep in mind, this all occurred while his father was vice president. get this, serving as one of the key point persons for the obama administration's anticorruption message in ukraine. does any of this unfamiliar? eerily similar to what we learned about the clinton foundation? there is a lot to unpack here, and we will have full coverage of this story in the days and weeks ahead. same story with trying to by the way. one more example of hypocrisy from the left. clinton, biden, everybody in
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between. democrats seem to get a free pass on everything, abuse of power allegations, claims of racism, sexual harassment, while conservatives, republicans, i believe, demonize, guilt by accusation, with or without evidence. oh, and by the way, yeah, his son while he was doing these deals in china and ukraine, oh, we'll go to china tomorrow, guess what, he was on air force two with his father, had a free trip to do these deals. look at the commonwealth of virginia, more example of hypocrisy. democratic governor, attorney general, they both admitted to dressing up in blackface, being extremely racist in the '80s. they are facing any consequences? no. what would happen if it was a republican? lieutenant governor, justin fairfax, two separate women have made serious allegations, sexual assault and violent rape, yet coming to this day, the "i
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believers," they have done nothing to hold him accountable and deafening silence from people saying "i believe in the judge kavanaugh case. those that are telling us to believe all women, they don't seem capable of accusing one of their own, unless they want to be the many primary. that is why the louisiana governor, fairfax, his first accuser, vanessa tyson, was compelled to speak out. earlier today, we have the tape. >> he is pushing down and pushing down, and i couldn't hold my neck up. and i didn't know what was going on. i honestly didn't know what was going on, and then the next thing i know, my head is literally in his crotch. sexual assault is an academic epidemic that is taking across e country. >> what do you want to happen to justin fairfax? why are you coming forward? >> i want him to resign. >> sean: in the coming months,
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we'll get to see whether the party of identity politics is willing to hold themselves to the same standard they place on everybody else. we are not going to hold our breath. but that is a radical crop of extreme 2020 democratic socialists that want to be president and how they will shamelessly deploy the same old tired fear tactics and identity politics always against president trump. take for example robert francis beto o'rourke, officially kicked off his campaign this weekend in el paso, frequently implying that walls are immoral. we should just open up the border, tear down the existing walls there. robert francis, he lives in a fantasy world because there is a serious crisis tonight at our southern border yet again. illegal immigration is experiencing one more time a massive surge, another huge caravan on the way. president trump has cut aid over the weekend to three central american countries where
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the caravans are originating. he's threatening to close our southern border with mexico if mexico does not do their job and stop the caravan from marching north. we'll have a lot more coming up on the program. but first, let's turn to another radical 2020 candidate who just predicted millions of people are going to die. sounds like a death panel. as president trump gets his way to fix keep your doctor keep your plan pay less. millions lost their doctors, lost their plans, and everybody paid more. take a look. >> trump has an idea on health care. his idea is to throw 32 million americans off of their health insurance right now. doing away with insurance for kids who are 26 years of age or younger who are on their parents plan. doing away with the protections that the aca has for pre-existing conditions. that means if you have cancer, heart disease, you have diabetes, if trump gets his way,
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the cost of health insurance for you will be so high that many people literally will not be able to afford it. thousands of people will literally die. >> sean: actually, it is socialism that has killed millions upon millions of people and lead to more property, more suffering. every promise, every socialist country makes, it is broken, it is unrealistic, it is unsustainable. but the greatest standard of living, the greatest country god gave man, united states of america, based on freedom and opportunity, by the way, that is why so many people want to enter this country illegally. they want what we have every day and we often take for granted. bernie sanders, socialist colleague, congresswoman ocasio-cortez, they don't seem to have the best grasp on history. for example, take a look at this historical analysis from congresswoman ocasio-cortez from over the weekend. this is kind of priceless. >> when our party was bold
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outcome of the time of the new deal, the great society, the civil rights act, and so on, we had and carried super majorities in the house, in the senate, we carried the presidency, they had to amend the constitution of the united states to make sure roosevelt did not get reelected. >> sean: a little problem, fdr died in 1945, two years before presidential term limits were implemented. he would think a person -- remember, she was going to be sworn into office -- someone sworn to uphold and protect the u.s. constitution would understand the context of the amendments to our u.s. constitution. maybe that's a little too much to expect given that the congresswoman compared climate change to world war ii, 9/11 to hurricane katrina. joining us with reaction, we have karl rove, fox news contributor. all right, let's start -- the only democrats, you notice they have been silent on the
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lieutenant governor of the commonwealth of virginia, karl. really interesting because they want after kavanaugh with a vengeance. i don't see the "i believers" and that candidate. a few of those candidates i don't like biden they are back for their political motives. what is your reaction to these issues? >> biden has always been known as a guy who is a hugger, cancer, back slap her. i've been the victim of joe biden, the goofiness of joe biden, unveiling of president george w. bush's 43 portrait in the obama white house, he was seated in front of me, turned around and saw me, and in good nature, i have to say, started poking me in the chest with his fingers, saying, your great, and the -- >> sean: did he try to kiss you on the lips? >> no, dana perino was horrified. she was sitting next to me and david betrayers was on the other
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side, i think general petraeus was thinking, should i stop the vice president from thumping karl rove in the trust because he kept doing it. this is a minor thing. a couple of lessons, every time a democrat gets in the race, somebody, generally on the left, is going to do and i'll bow dump. they are doing the dump on him now, they did a dump on amy klobuchar. she was a terrible boss, they said, and fed all the stuff out. even robert francis o'rourke got hit. he is too close to the republicans come he's got a very thin record and policy. it's a sign that the democrats are going to be going tough and hard and nasty and mean this time around. second of all, it shows that joe was not ready for prime time. despite the fact that he has been a vice president, served in the senate for a long time, and ran for couple of times. he doesn't have his team together. witness popped over the weekend, it took him some time to finally get his sea legs and put out an appropriate response. finally, it raises the question of, is he going to continue to apologize? we saw him do it about anita
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hill last week. i thought she did a good job of playing that out. the problem is, is he going to feel compelled to go out and apologize for anything else that specifically heated in the past or did he do as sort of a blanket statement of, you know who i am, my attending -- i want to be respectful, if people to get the wrong way, but will wiy keep apologizing or will he show some strength? i think democrats are going to applaud him or if he shows some drink the nephew joys in with a constant apology to her for everything that he's been and everything that he does for the next 30 years. >> sean: if you look at robert francis, -- >> no. don't use that phony nickname. robert francis o'rourke, that is how he shows up on the ballot. i'm asking you, join me in his crusade. >> sean: can i sob robert beto bozo? >> no. no. >> sean: i make talk show host. give me a little attitude here. -- give me a little latitude.
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the 2018 democrats, the hood who they are. now they can't go to the left far enough. new green deal, no combustion engine, no cows or planes, and the world is going to end in 12 years. the problem is, everything is free. how is the country going to absorb that? i would assume -- everything is free, guaranteed a job, vacation, government, healthy food, retirement, everything -- even free college, free child care, wealth tax. how is that going to fly with a 70% top marginal rate, 90% top corporate rate? >> i may be wrong but i think the good common sense of the american people leads them to believe that you can't have everything free, there has to be somebody who pays for it. the republicans have got to go out there and each time one of these ideas is brought up, they need to attack it. one is to say this is bad policy. two is to say this is not in keeping with our values.
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three, to offer some positive alternatives. the green new deal is one of the best examples. one of the things that gets me is that all this stuff is designed to transform our society into something that it isn't. we are going to move from a free enterprise system to a socialist system. we are going to go from a system in which personal freedom and personal responsibility are paramount to one where the government takes care of us. most important of all, why are we doing this? we are the only major industrialized country in the world which is growing its economy and reducing the absolute level of greenhouse gas emissions. they peaked in the u.s. at about 6 million tons, in 2007, now about 5.5 billion pounds. we are the only ones doing it. where is india, china, the developing world? we are the only ones doing it. >> sean: i only have 30 seconds. quick answer. so the president -- it is already having 30 issue minimum. build the border wall. oh, we shouldn't take up health care. you guys promised this for seven
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years, show boats, and you never got it done. why not fight to follow up on your promise? meaning, the republican-held senate. trump keeps fighting for his promises. >> if we have a health care plan, by god, let's fight for it. border security, let's fight for it. but everybody's got to do it. in all fairness, i wish we had had the president's statement office in january 2017 say i am asking for a supplemental -- we'd be better fighting it up today with a democratic house. >> sean: you are right. that was promised by paul ryan. they didn't override his veto and the allocated $9 billion from a defense department. thank you. i appreciate it. democrats, they can handle the mueller results, trying to subpoena the full report. mark meadows, alan dershowitz are here, and so much more. we'll talk about a real crisis on the southern border. even obama's dhs secretary
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agrees with me. straight ahead. ♪ everyone's got to listen to mom. when it comes to reducing the sugar in your family's diet, coke, dr pepper and pepsi hear you. we're working together to do just that. bringing you more great tasting beverages with less sugar or no sugar at all. smaller portion sizes, clear calorie labels and reminders to think balance. because we know mom wants what's best. more beverage choices, smaller portions, less sugar.
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♪ >> sean: democrats continue their hysterical response to the mueller report. they are so disappointed that president did not collude with russia. the left's hypocrisy is on full display because as they push for the fall release of the findings, which the attorney general is promising by mid-april with appropriate reductions to protect innocent people, sources, methods, you got hypocrites like congressman adam schiff, in other words, the cowardly schiff whosc won't come on this program, loudly opposing the release of the new naz memo. remember that? he exposed fisa abuse at the top level of the fbi and doj. he was concerned about sources
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and methods being revealed, which he is not concerned about now. take a look. >> to presume that this whole gambit of releasing this memo by the republicans was approved by the speaker, it's a violation of the whole compact between the committee and the intelligence committee. that compact provides that you willse show us our process held secrets, we'll keep them protected, protect your sources and methods. >> we have crossed a deeply regrettable london is committee work, for the first time in the ten years or so that i've been on the committee, there was able to politicize the declassification process of intelligence and potentially compromise sources and methods. >> sean: old. then it'ss important that sourcs and methods but not now. tonight's brief "hannity" history lesson. the current doj rules governing the reports released -- by the way, the attorney general has full control, he decides, nobody else. but they were widely backed by the democrats.
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two decades ago after that ken starr report was released, and what the democratswh wanted was designed to make the special counsel more accountable to the public. how ironic, the same people that wanted to limit the release following his findings are not pleasuring you to get the full report they are not taking steps to -- get this -- issuing subpoenas for mueller's report. and they want to grand jury interviews and material, which would be illegal the last time i joining us for the very latest, house freedom caucus member meadows. harvard law professor alan dershowitz is with us. let me start with you, professo professor. last time i checked, releasing -- someone is calling for one of you. releasing grant jury materials - hello, this is sean hannity,
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professor -- before releasing grand jury -- it's illegal, correct? reductions for sources and methods, may be people who are innocent in all of those, whose names are mentioned, that would beou normal, although barr doest have to reveal a thing, does he? >> no. there's nothing in the regulations that require him to reveal anything. the best test is the shoe on the other for a test when we go back to comey's statement, comey said we are not going to indict hillary clinton on the emails, and the republican side, wait a minute, we heard you have a report that says that she was extremely careless. we want you to release the outcome of the democrats would have jumped up and down and said, no, prosecutors don't say anything negative about people they haven't indicted. all they are supposed to dodo is announce no indictment. suddenly, everything is changed. it's the democrats who want to know why there wasn't charges, they w want to know what the spt was between those who wanted a
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charge and not charging obstruction of justice. the law doesn't authorize that to be released, if the attorney general wants to do it, that isis within his discretion. but no court should order the attorney general and the executive branch to release grand jury materialgr and other material to the legislative branch, certainly without the approval of the courts. we are seeing rampant hypocrisy, and recede on both sides. if the shoe were on the other foot, i think we would see -- >> sean: i agree with trey gowdy. i don't think they should release any of it, congressman matos. it was definitive on collusion. if collusion is not a crime, and -- okay, the attorney general and even rod rosenstein agreed in very quick order not based on any principli that whether or not or are when you can indict a sitting president, on the merits, they said, no, this doesn't rise to any level of indictment, but grand jury materials,
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eliminating executive privilege, sources, methods, innocent people, frankly, the democrats said we shouldn't do it. i think they are right in this case. let's give them what they wanted. >> it's amazing what a little of good news for president trump will do to my democratic colleagues. you have adam schiff, chairman schiff, who, as you pointed out was saying, no, we can release anything that is classified, we can't afford to put our national security in jeopardy but yet here he says, i don't care what's in there, release it all. you have jerry nadler, who switched and flip-flopped and said, now he's going to subpoena others, even grand jury materia material. both sides look at this differently. i can tell you right now, this is all about a narrative, a narrative that the democrats have had for 22 months that went away, because their lives were not born out in the mueller report, and now what they are
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trying to do is change the narrative and pick and choose a little parts so that they can go after the president once again. >> sean: congressman, they are going to be criminal referrals issued this week by chairman nunes. there are going to be the president i interviewed last week, there will be the fisa applications released, there will be 302s released, there will be gang of eight material. we've identified five buckets of information that will be extraordinarily damning, i know that to be the case based on my sources. is that a good idea? you want transparency, i don't think they are going to like that when it comes out. >> they are not going to like it. you have the professor onut tonight, it's all about civil liberties and making sure those civil liberties are protected. if we cannot count on our government to protect those precious rights to privacy without warrants and warrantless searches, then we got a real problem. so some of those criminal
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referrals are justified. certainly some of the declassification's, they get to the bottom of this, justified. at the same time, we do need to protect our national security interests. >> sean: 100%. sources and methods. let me ask you -- i want to ask you this. they have a call back now to reinterview many people -- theyl don't make a lot of money. a good attorneya in washington, i'm imagining come as close to a thousand dollars an hour. what, for the same questions? how many times must people be harassed like this and what if they just say, i plead the fifth? i sam i -- i stand by my prior testimony? >> they shouldn't plead the fifth. remember when they did that back in the mccarthy time, the courts put an end to it and said enough is enough. you can't harass people and call people in order to expose them. you have to have a reason. >> sean: what if they miss remember affirm something from testimony a year and a half ago?
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>> no question. perjury traps can be fallen into by innocent people. if an innocent person testifies truthfully and someone else testifies the other way and the prosecutors choose to believe the other person, you have fallen into a perjury trap, which is why the president was right noto to testify to mueller and why i think civil libertarians are to be very concerned about exposing to criticism one-sided reporting which only saw one side of the story, and did not result in an indictment. that is traditionally not done, and at least the courts, to be asked to come in and decide what can be shown and what can't. let's have the same sailboat -- >> sean: may be democrats might want to give up in the same investigation, the fbi investigation, two congressional investigations, no collusion, no obstruction, give it up. to solve problems and serve the people that put you there. just an idea. thank you. >> i'm in favor of that.
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>> sean: congresswoman maxine waters says it was the correct thing for the charges against jussie smollett to be dropped. that is next. also obama's former dhs, yeah, it's not a manufactured crisis of the southern border. the president now threatening to shut it down as he is now withdrawing aid from three countries over the weekend. i believe the right decision. we'll tell you all about it. ♪ it's kind of like playing your own version of best ball. because here, you can choose any car in the aisle, even if it's a better car class than the one you reserved. so no matter what, you're guaranteed to have a perfect drive. [laughter] (vo) go national. go like a pro. see what i did there? val, vern... i'm off to college and i'm not gonna be around... i'm worried about my parents' retirement.
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now i ain't -- you jesse from now on. you don't even get the u anymor anymore.[l [laughs] that the u was respect. you ain't getting no respect for me. >> sean: very funny as always. congresswoman maxine waters sees things differently. she said dropping the charges, correct thing to do. why from chicago, matt finn. what is going on? >> the outrage of her jussie smollett boiled over in chicago today, right in front of kim foxx's downtown office. the chicago police union protesting against her, saying she has a a history of being antipolice, exonerating all gang members. they are demanding she resign. a group of kim foxx supporters organized a counter protest in the same location led by jessie jackson. jackson tells fox news that chicago's police superintendent is "very wrong." jackson says kim foxx is fixing chicago's usual system is said and said and be innocent free. protesters from opposing sides
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got on each other's faces today, police had to calm things down at one point. kim foxx demonstrators called police resist president trump supporters. here is what demonstrators had to say. >> the policeman in the city are great people, they sacrifice, they put their life on the line, every single time they make a traffic stop. >> this is not about kim foxx. al>> the president has called fr a federal review of the smollett case. and sheila orion wrote an op-ed saying she is personally going to petition the courts in chicago to assign a special prosecutor to investigate kim foxx. >> sean: in chicago, thank you. we turn to a very important story, the crisis on the southern border escalating, even obama's former dhs secretary, jeh johnson, he never got the
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memo that it's a manufactured crisis. admitting there is a real crisis on the southern border. we'll takeid a look at that and joining us now with reaction, senior fellow at the hoover institute, victor davis hanson, and former florida attorney general pam bondi. when you start with 90% of the hair when coming into our country across that border, add fentanyl to it, and a two year period, 4,000 homicides, 30,000 sexual assaults, 100,000 violent assaults from criminal aliens, the 2%, not the 98. that is a crisis. i've met angel's mom and dads, that is a crisis. >> i've seen it firsthand as attorney general, sean. as a prosecutor, i don't know how you can say 130 people dying in a day from drug overdoses isn't a crisis. i don't know how the democrats can want gun control for law-abiding citizens, yet guns are flowing over the mexican border into the hands of gang
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members. thatse makes no sense that's noa crisis. >> sean: victor, i look at this and i am like, wow, have you never looked at the statistics, you care about the fence, you want to build a wall, you want to fund it, you care about dreamers, all offered on a silver platter but not if trumped outside. the hatred and rage against him stops any progress. >> i think when you see things that are absurd and don't make rational sense, you asked what isou the purpose? so mexico, to take one example, is not neutral anymore, it's more of an adversary or belligerent, and so are the central american governments. they get about $55 billion in annual remittances, the largest source of foreign exchange, they want that to continue. some of it is subsidized by the taxpayers through entitlements that reapplied cash. second, people who are dissidentsha and don't obtain parity in mark to mexico, they
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don't march on mexico city, they marched on the united states is a safety valve and may form an expatriate loving community. they have a very different view of mexico as long as they don'tl have to live there. as far as the democrats and the progressive mind, it's a win-won-win because that shakes confidence of the trump base who voted for trump tos he visits a year border, don't see it. they help independents see separations from parent and child, we may see that when these caravans -- when the weather warms my caravans in greece. let's be honest, they are very cynical, they flip purple and red states blue, whether it is california, nevada, colorado, new mexico, when they feel like the long-term demographic advantages outweigh the short-term ideas, sovereignty -- >> sean: let me ask you both about smollett. we have two eyewitnesses, we've got the guys that were involved -- say they were
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involved in this, buying all the material supposedly used. do you expect federal charges to be brought up? >> i think they very well may be. also, jussiebe smollett said the guys that attacked a more white and he didn't know them. these two guys are from a nigeria and they speak with an accent. it's ridiculous what is happening. and as for maxine waters, that is woman who has zero credibility with me, who enables people to come after me, to come after secretary nielsen, sarah sanders. so she is ridiculous. should not support the police commissioner and rahm emanuel. >> sean: victor, your thoughts? >> very quickly, it reminds us that we don't have a quality under the law. if jussie smollett was poor and black, he would be in jail. if he was white and middle-class, he would be in jail. class, race, and politics. the sequence of events this week, sean, if mike pence did what joe biden did, he would have no liberal insurance, he would be asked to resign. ifif these parents that tried to
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break their kids into universities were not a liberal and wealthy, but they were the parents -- they were truck drivers and welders from bakersfield, they wouldn't be treated the same. i think people -- jussie smollett in particular has jumped the shark. he's taken a very suspect genre of fake crime, he's taken it to the absurd orwellian length, where no one would believe it anymore there are people maga had set two in the morning -- he just added each layer of fantasy upon fantasy to the point where he blowup the whole idea no one will believe this ever again. >> sean: that's a good point. thank you both. we'll have more on creepy crazy uncle joe biden and also chick-fil-a is not welcome at one new york airport. you won't believe the reason why. tammy bruce, sean spicer, they are next. ♪ office they have businesses to grow customers to care for lives to get home to they use
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♪ >> sean: as we get to a lot of recognition and, joining us now, america first action senior advisor sean spicer and fox news contributor tammy bruce. chick-fil-a, i love chick-fil-a. that is one issue. niagara falls airport, i never heard of niagara falls airport. because of the christian believes that.. they have -- i want to ask you, though, about about -- the creepy joe biden stuff. i will put up more pictures. the casing, the smelling up here, the grabbing, the massaging. it is so creepy to me. i will let the audience decide. >> the word that comes to me as perverts. to be blunt, let's be honest with that is. the laughter democrats want it to be zero-sum. it's either harvey weinstein or nothing. is doing his part of what we've been dealing with
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for the last 30 years on basic sexual harassment issues in the workplace. and in public. this is an invasion of your personal space, and what she sdescribed was, he physically restrained her, he literally pushed his face into her hair and sniffed her, as though he's a dog on the street. then he -- >> sean: look at all these pictures. look at all that. not that one. >> it's not one situation, but the problem is, we've been watching this unfold for a very, very long time. everybody knows, as these have come of this is the kind of thing -- >> sean: what is that? who does that? >> for the me too movement, it wasn't just about rape. it was like, i'm not going to be treated as an object, you don't get what you want to do what you do with me because you think i'm attractive. there has to be an issue with respect. there has to be in respect, for men who did not know there what was i appropriate, if you wouldt
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do it to a man, don't wait to a very basic standard. >> sean: i've had this experience, people get up in your grill, or people -- they go to kiss you, and they are searching for your lips and you are like, i don't know you. don't touch me. don't grab my shoulders and massaged me. jeez. leave me alone. sorry. >> can we just get into chick-fil-a? [laughter] >> sean: you can do whatever you want. >> for all of the folks in niagara falls, i feel bad because it is bad for business, and it's bad because they don't get the opportunity to have chick-fil-a. i fly in and out of d.c. a pretty regularly, a great joe foley always ahi long line. it gets rid of the tax revenue. that place is busy from the moment they opened at the moment
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they close. it's great food. i think when a guy like -- can't support the salvation army, that is a problem. that is what this is really about, they have the left has gone out of control.ik a business like that can't go out there and support a great organization like salvation army. >> sean: i love chick-fil-a. >> best chicken soup in the world. that is the bottom line. when for the leftef supporting e salvation army becomes a crime, we've all got a problem. >> sean: great work. when we come back, a horrific story. south carolina college student murdered. sheot got in her car she thought was her uber. every parent's worst nightmare. ♪
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she's getting into a car after a night out with friends. she thought it was the uber she ordered. found dead hours later. so heart breaking. thoughts and breyers to that family. we're not the hate trumpmedia mob. laura ingraham, how are you? >> i'm all right. i was supposed to be at the border. >> sean: why didn't you go to the border? >> laura: i have the flu. >> sean: you really do? >> laura: yeah. >> sean: you're working? i will do it for her and rescue her. tamiflu, take medicine. >> laura: i did it. thursday and friday and i felt tired. i didn't feel so well. i'm like it can do it. >> sean: i can hear it. >> laura: i'm go to the doctor saturday. he's like you have type a influenza. but you haven't been working or
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