tv Hannity FOX News April 2, 2019 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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from new york city. a man we call sean hannity. >> sean: he is the nicest guy. he is wrong on everything! it's unbelievable. >> tucker: it's a scam! 8.2-billion dollars in their endowment and crushing a generation with student debt. >> sean: great show. welcome to "hannity." buckle up. a system wide meltdown at our southern border. this is real. that according to senior dhs officials. sounding the alarm about the real crisis spiralag out of control. illegal immigration is surging. border patrol is expected to make 100,000 apprehension this is month alone. the majority taken into custody are family unit with minors. one senior official told fox news that the volume of migrants is unsustainable.
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major ports of entry face serious backlogs. trucks delivering cargo wait around to be processed. u.s. border personnel are overwhelmed. human traffickers are putting us in more danger. it's about to get worse. another massive migrants caravan is on the way. the president may have to close down the southern border. take a look. >> mexico. i wanted to close it. mexico said no, no, no. first time in decades. we won't let anybody get through. they apprehended over 1,000 people today at their southern border. but they don't want the border closed. you know who else doesn't want the border closed?
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the democrats. i agree, but trade and commerce and making money is important. the most important job i have is the security of our country. even more important than the other things i talked about. >> sean: it's why the president cut off u.s. aid to 3 countries. we have raised serious concerns about this real crisis on the southern border. for good reason. we have seen the imans. -- images. tens of thousands of individuals demanding agree into the united states. we have seen the data and repeated it often including the devastation from heroin. 90% of that drug pours across that southern border never mind
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fentanyl. we heard from border patrol personnel. they are asking for help. asking for walls and more agents and more security equipment. even the border patrol chief under president obama is saying this a real emergency. remember when the press arm of the extreme radical democratic socialist party using the same phrase. manufactured crisis. they can't separate themselves by picking different words. watch this. >> president trump must stop holding the american people hostage and manufacturing a crisis. >> this president manufactured a crisis. >> the big scam of the whole address is there a crisis. there is not a crisis.
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>> the locals would tell him on the border even conservatives there is not a national security process. >> donald trump is manufacturing a national security crisis. >> the notion we have a crisis there is nonsense. >> some question if there is a crisis at all. >> there is not a crisis at the border. it's a manufactured crisis for the president to get a political win. >> this artificial crisis of the president doesn't justify money for a qual. >> is there a crisis at the border? the president said there is a humanitarian crisis. >> absolutely. >> drug cartels and gangs and 4,000 plus homicide. 30,000 sexual assaults and
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100,000 violent assaults by illegal immigrants. the 2%. always the same people spreading the conspiracy theory about president trump and russia. for 2 years on collusion. their hatred for trump overrides any common sense or even a real national security, humanitarian emergency at our southern border. remember, these countries, people are seeing this wall being built. they are seeing this as a last opportunity to get into america illegally. we sent our fox news contributor lawrence jones down to the border state of texas to see what they think of the on-going manufactured crisis. take a look. >> beto o'rourke is running for president. you are already shaking your head. he said we should tear the wall down and we already have. >> no. >> you don't feel that is reasonable? >> not at all. we need to keep the walls up. if people want to come here,
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they can come legally. >> i think it would be a huge mistake. we have to have borders. we have to enforce the immigration laws. >> i do believe they should do the walls. >> leave the fencing. i don't feel we need to build the wall. >> we put borders up to secure the country and texas and the sovereignty. the border is there for a reason. >> i think it's a good idea. i think the wall [inaudible]. >> how do you stop them from crossing over? >> hmmm. i am certain there is technology that is better than a wall. >> do you feel like there is a current crisis where the border? >> no, i don't. >> they that will be naive to say there is no issue. >> the borders are overwhelmed. it's over-taxing the citizens of
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texas and of the united states. >> the president said if they don't get it together, then he will shutdown the entire border. what say you to that? >> it sounds extreme. if it needs to be done, let's do it. let's do it. >> sean: we will track the emergency at our southern border closely and show what you other networks will not actually report: facts. that's coming up tomorrow. lawrence will be with the border patrol agents in texas with a special segment. first our important "hannity" watch on the democratic 2020 candidates. two more women have come forward to accuse creepy crazy uncle joe biden of inappropriate conduct. one claims that biden rested her hand on her thigh as she skirmed
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in her sheet. uncle joe is not happy that his public display of affection is a big issue in the campaign. instead of owning up to his creep behavior and apologizing. biden's camp is blaming everybody including bernie sanders's campaign. a picture like that and others speak thousands of words on their own. these images do not look go. the sanders campaign denied they planted the story. wasn't it the democratic party that told us to believe all women? no due process. anyone accused should sit down and shut up. remember this? >> i believe her. first of all. anybody who comes forward at this point to be prepared to testify in the united states
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senate against someone who is being nominated to one of the most powerful positions in the united states government, that takes an extraordinary amount of coverage. >> not only do women like doctor ford who come forward need to be heard, but they need to be believed. >> the men in this country, just shut up and zip up. do the right thing. >> let me say i believe dr. ford. i believe the survivor here. >> i believe her. i stand with her. >> sean: i believe, i believe, i believe. i guess that doesn't apply to the women that are accusing biden of harasking allegedly and any account democrat. do they believe the women that have been accusing the virginia lieutenant governor fairfax facing two allegations of
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violent sexual assault and rape. why are all of the i believe women people? are they protesting in the streets of richmond? demanded his firing or a criminal investigation? nope. virginia democrats won't even hold a bipartisan hearing for the accusers. now these two women are speaking out in powerful interviews. last night we showed you this clip from vanessa tyson. take a look. >> he was pushing down and pushing down. i could not hold my neck up. i didn't know what was going on. [crying]. i honestly didn't know what was going on. the next thing i know, my lead is literally in his crotch. >> the sexual assault is an epidemic taking place across the country. >> what do you want to happen to fairfax? >> i want him to resign.
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>> sean: today the second accuser also speaking out telling gail king how fairfax raped her at duke university. >> he did things that you should not do to someone. without their permission. i tried several times to get up and leave. i was pushed back down. >> what happened? >> hmmm, he sexual assaulted and raped me. >> you made it clear this is not what i want? >> it was very clear. >> you know he is saying this night was consensual? >> if you have to hold someone down, it's not consensual. >> sean: both women telling people at the time. the silence is deafening. he calls the incidents consensual.
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in this program we believe in due process but we take these allegations very seriously. we commend gale king for doing the same and the they treated it with seriousness and gave a response for justice kavanaugh and the mainstream media ignored those serious allegations. the hate trump media mob working in partnership with their friends in the democratic party. fake news cnn and msnbc and others ignoring real scandals and real stories and real evidence about their friends in the democratic party acting the opposite as they would if this was a republican. instead they spent years pushing collusion, collusion.
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with no evidence to back it up and ignoring the biggest abuse of power corruption scandal in history. this media mob is prepared to give any democrat a free pass. we will see this play out in real time. where are all of you "i believe"ers? elizabeth warren, she is facing zero blow back for calling the president a walking and talking threat to national security. she can say anything she wants. take a look. >> at least 25 people in this administration have been denied security clearances. yeah? because they had ties to foreign governments. because they had conflicts of interest. because they had financial problems. what does the president of united states do? instead of saying, hey, whoa, my responsibility is to watch out for the american people? no. these are friends.
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people with money and with connections. the answer was, just ram them on through. you know, the trump administration is a walking, talking, living breathing threat to national security. >> sean: really, senator? save the lectures. have you been faking your background for decades! and taking advantage of something that was not true. walking, talking, leaving breathing embarrassment. that's you to the people of massachusetts and the country. two other serious embarrassments of the democratic party. gillibrand is on a quest to end the electoral college. so new york and california will have more power. so too is beto o'rourke. compared it to slavery. he is just one of many radical
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democrats running on a platform of how do we get more people -- power not just for the american people, but for them. the people of washington, new york, new jersey, illinois? will they get to decide every president? i don't think a lot of states want to participate in that. power over your wallets and business and over your healthcare and property rights and gun rights. power over your life. don't be fooled by false promises. now green deals. no oil gas, no cars and no cows and no planes. everything is free. the future of america is at stake. one more important breaking story. we'll are learning according to the daily caller that george
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soros paid firms tied to fusion gps and christopher steele nearly $4 million to groups. the outcome is the same. collusion, let's see? a 9 month fbi report and 2 investigations and the mueller report. definitive. no collusion. a hoax. joining us now with reaction to this, former u.s. border patrol chief under obama, mark morgan and fox news contributor sarah carter. jay johnson is saying what you are doing. everybody else in the media in the democratic party there is no crisis at the border. in the last term of barack obama, those same democrats supported building a wall and thought there was a crisis. it was real. when president trump offered
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dreamers in daca as part of the deal they would not sit down for 5 minutes to negotiate. why? as a law enforcement officer i can draw no other conclusion. congress failed to enact legislation to fix the laws. they failed to give the experts the tools and resources they need. still today, with evidence they still refuse to admit there is a crisis. billion dollars in the northern triangle countries have gone nowhere. mexico went to facilitators. we have a crisis. the president is absolutely right to threaten to close the border. >> sean: you have been down for us. sarah carter i saw a gang member
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arrested. for those who say manufactured, why was it not manufactured in the second term of obama but it is because of trump? do you agree with mark? >> i absolutely agree with mark. we knew in 2014 when i was in texas alongthe rio grande and unaccompanied minors came in. president trump called it a crisis. democrats called it a crisis. i can tell you this. the facts speak for themselves. since ten2010 we saw an increasf unaccompanied minors. and an increase of family unit of over 670%. in 2010, 1 out of every 100
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asked for asylum. now 1 out of every 10. we know that they are advertising this. look, we will get you in before trump shuts down the border. we know there are groups within central america and other parts of mexico that are funneling money to get these people up here and through the border. there are tens of thousands of people waiting to come into this country illegally. and many of them have not been accounted for. they don't have the resources to determine how many people snuck into the country already. we are left with all of these questions. it's a huge crisis and a national security issue. a human rights issue. all of these young people trafficked are not always with their parents. they are with strangers. some are sex trafficked.
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>> sean: how many people, mark, i will concede 98% want a better life. they see the walls going up and say let me get in quick. they believe the president. 9 billion dollars reallocated. the president keeps promisies my question is how many more homicides have to take place? how many more angel moms and dads do we need? how many more americans dying from heroin crossing the border before people see what sarah and you see and what jay johnson sees? what i see and clearly what donald trump sees? >> sean, that's the question. from the law enforcement perspective. i have been doing this for 30
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years. i don't understand it. and sarah is spot on. american people need to understand that because the border patrol is pulled off the line to handle the humanitarian day care provider issues the border is more wide open. ve no idea what is getting open. the cartels are exploiting this humanitarian crisis to get bad people into the country. >> well, a president in office wants to do something about the border. congress better listen. i believe the president will stand by his word and the border will be shut. a lot of people are backing him on that issue. >> sean: thank you both. we have a busy news night. senator gram graham's reaction of james comey talk president trump. and alex baldwin is being sued and has to go to anger
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his local miracle ear helped andrew hear more of the joy in her voice. just one hearing test is all it took for him to hear more of her laugh... and less of the background noise around him. for helen, just one visit to her local miracle-ear is all it took to learn how she can share more moments with her daughter. just one free hearing test could help you hear more... call now for your free hearing test from an industry leader: miracle-ear.
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tried to remind him, you have the right to remain quiet. you may want to exercise that right as you dig a deeper hole every day. like, oh signing off on a fisa warrant. saying it's verified and telling trump it's salacious but unverified months later. take a look. >> investigate what? what would be the crime you would be investigating? it's a terrible cycle to start. calling for the locking up people like me. it's more of that dangerous step. i hope the republicans would stand up and say we don't do that. ask me questions. i would like to answer them in the didaylight. >> brian: -->> sean: i would
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like to see that too. lindsey graham, the president said there will be a cascade of information. doug collins with more closed door testimony. very revealing. we will get the fisa applications. the bulk of information came from the phoney hillary clinton bought and paid for russian collusion. interesting. then gang of 8 information. we will get real information. democrats are not asking for that transparency. but we will get it. you made that promise to us. >> millions of americans believe at the top level of department of justice and the fbi they wanted clinton to win and trump to lose. they manipulated the law to let her off and to go after trump. that's the big deal to a lot of
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people. republicans and some independents. former director comey will get to testify in the light of day. i will ask him about the dossier. was it the chief reason you got a warrant against carter page? the counter-intelligence investigation against the trump campaign. why didn't you tell trump about it like you told feinstein? how could you write that dlint clinton did nothing wrong before you interviewed her? most people don't get that treatment. >> sean: your committee will take over where the house intel committee left off. it gives you a big leg up. i don't know at what point this information will be rep leased. -- released. the president is serious saying this is coming up. you raise questions about comey. i would argue there is a
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vulnerability for comey and for strzok and page and mccabe. criminal referrals coming this week from nunes. >> it's my job: did they break the rules to get an outcome? did they mislead the fisa court? do we need to change the rules about fisa courts? there are any rules about counter intelligence committee operations? doesn't you tell trump? you told feinstein. was it a back door attempt to get at his campaign. a prosecutor and not a politician needs to look at mb mccabe and comey and all of these characters to see if they broke the law. i hope they will use the same
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resources as mueller had to look at trump. >> sean: the border crisis. hearing from barack obama's director of homeland security and mark earlier in the program. a real crisis. donald trump his veto was not overridden. 9 billion dollars. president tried to work with democrats. the things they wanted. they would not sit down with him. a bigger victory for the president. more money than he ever dreamed of to get a good chunk of this done and complete. i think the other countries see what is happening. they are trying to get to the border as quickly as possible knowing it won't be open. >> i asked the head of the border patrol. do you need a wall? he said absolutely. the president stood firm.
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he said if you don't change your laws, the wall won't work. right now if you step one foot into the united states and claim asylum. you are entitled to a hearing. we have no place to release you. if you come here with children you can only be held 20 days and we have no place to put you. we can't deport you back to your countries. if you don't change that, you never fix this. >> sean: thank you. we appreciate your commitment to get to the truth and those that violated laws need to be held accountable. we will do that on this program. dan and geraldo rivera. two more women coming forward about creepy joe biden. and alex baldwin tried to pick a fight with me.
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>> sean: all right, the mainstream media as allegations of more unwanted touching against crazy uncle joe biden. some are defending this in your face, weird behavior. take a look. >> to make a big thing out of this with a man who has done nothing but spend his life in the service of others is just wrong. what else are you supposed to do? sorry, i got too close to you?
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>> it's one person with an allegation that is 5 years old. that can't difinish joe biden's strong record empowering women. >> there is so much about a politician from another school. from the old touchy feeling days. put your arm around somebody and give them a kiss. that's the way politicians beha behaved. >> this is ridiculous. the conversation has gotten out of control. >> sean: fox news contributor dan and geraldo rivera. who does this? you are a warm and affectionate guy? >> i come from a generation when that was not that bad. your hair person said you don't
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sniff a stranger unless you are a log. >> sean: [laughing]. >> i don't know joe biden. >> sean: look at the grab. the grope the smell. the nose touching. >> he is a great family man. >> sean: who does that? >> it's kind of creepy. >> sean: thank you. >> he is highly regarded. >> sean: have you been to a lot of public events. people get in your grill. they usually have bad breath. my wife and i debated this and all of her friends who are democrats say he is not a sexual predator. he kisses your wife on the lips how would you feel? >> i would whack him. >> sean: you would make it personal. dan, it's that and there is a
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real serious side. where are all of the "i believe" people. gail king doing introduce with people alleging rape. where are the "i believe?" believe the women? where is that group? >> who is alleging rape? >> sean: in the case of the lieutenant governor of virginia. >> this is why i could never be a liberal. it's a fake and a fraud. conservatives are consistent on. this women are to taken seriously and respected. evidence to be believed. everybody can't be believed any time. anybody can makeup a charge against anyone. it doesn't happen often. we have a system that affords people due process. conservatives have never changed on that. liberals came out on kavanaugh and anybody aligned with the conservative cause and jumped
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the shark and said women are to be believed. what about these women? why aren't they believed? there is photographic evidence. this is straight up creepy. if there was a guy in a workplace doing this, you will run. did you see that picture of him grabbing her. she can't get away quick enough. >> sean: four women felt inva invaded. >> they have a right to feel invaded and i think his run for the presidency is over. the one i feel bad about is al franken who did less than the vice-president and his career ended. he faked something.
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>> sean: he is creepy. last word, dan? >> it is one thing you never want to be as a dude is a close talker creepy dude. you just don't! >> [laughing]. >> sean: oh. i love geraldo rivera. i would whack him! >> laughing launching. e -- [laughing]. >> sean: brated actor alec baldwin. i have the best tape you have ever seen. you have to see this next and jesse watters straight ahead. ♪ it is such a good time to dance ♪ ♪ it is such a good time to [ laughing ] ♪ scoobidoo doobidoo ♪ scoobidoo doobidoo [ goose honking ] ♪
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>> sean: crazy alec baldwin very angry man. becoming more and more unhinged. well, he is obsessed with fox news and talk radio and yours truly. we had our back and forth over the years. look at him attacking me. he was on with howard stern. >> hannity is an idioted and an untalented idiot. what about this immigration? he is like a long island working class buffoon. everything is hate. sean hannity lacks self-awaresness on any level. >> you have had a discussion with him? >> no, why would i waste my time with him. he is a what could out idiot. -- whacked out idiot.
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>> sean: if what i do on radio and tv so easy, why have you failed a cable tv news show and a network show and wanted to work in talk radio. you flopped in both of these businesses over and over again. just to remind everybody, alec baldwin wanted to be a radio talk show host. one day he was given a chance to try out at a new york station i worked at. i called in and the great one mark levin called in. something interesting happened. >> sean hannity? >> hi. >> alec baldwin, i wanted to give you an official wabs welcome. you were supposed to come on my program and you didn't show up. >> no, i wasn't supposed to come on your program. i would not dream of coming on your program sean hannity. i am here with a really talented. >> you don't tell the truth. >> i am here with a really talented broadcaster. >> why would i want to come on
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the show? with a no talent former construction worker? >> i hear all of the hade ret. -- hatred. are you 40 or 50 pound over weight now? >> sean: i wish i could play the whole thing. baldwin got so angry. he left his own show he was hosting. walked out of his own talk show. nowhere to be found. he was the host of whitman. he came in to help him get through his first show. listen to how this ended. >> listen, sean. >> come back. alec baldwin, come back. they are gone. alec baldwin has walked out of the studio.
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please come back. he is in the other room. alec baldwin put on his jacket. he has left. >> i went to the lobby to the elevator to find alec baldwin. and asked him to please return to the radio show, but he is gone. >> sean: alec baldwin was not done trying out for talk radio. i won't go to a station they know. went to our affiliate in philadelphia. i have to admit, i give you credit. this is the greatest tape in the history of radio. so good because you are so bad. watch! >> when can we take some calls? >> whenever we want. >> do we have calls? >> no calls yet. >> do we have the number to get on the air? >> it's right in there. >> i have the call number in front of me. i am so sorry. that's interesting.
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any calls yet? >> no calls. >> let's read more about scientology. is sean hannity a scientologyist? he just called his mother to be the caller. we can't forget alec baldwin low-life. this is a small sampling. >> answer me, yes or no. if my wife and kid come out here you will have big problems. you know that, don't you? >> you are as dumb as you look. you almost hit my wife. >> i did not. >> do you want to apologize. >> i asked you a question. >> [shouting]. >> you better be ready friday the 20th to meet with me.
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i will let you know how i feel about what a rotten little pig you are. >> sean: out of respect for his daughter and his brother. i will stop there. alec baldwin had a rough time. tv show failures and talk radio collapses before it started. after you work out your anger management classes and legal issues and being sued today because you fought over a parking spot because you were too cheap to get one yourself. maybe can you try again. let me be clear. i am proud 20 years and 2 decades of my life. a son of a prison guard, yeah, i spent 2 decades of my life doing every job in a restaurant or construction worker. all of them. i am really proud of it. it makes me who i am today. it taught me the value of hard work. helped me understand, what my grandparents and parents went through. here with reaction jesse watters
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and geraldo rivera. >> [laughing]. >> sean: call me! >> it doesn't work out for radio. sean, you can't say he hasn't had a fantastic tv career. motive career. he gets a bad rap in the press sometimes. some of the paparazzi they are animals. he says get off my lawn. who cares? he roughed up a guy over a parking shot. he is a grown man. now getting sued. that's just a money hungry lawyer trying to shake him down. >> this guy next to you has been in this business 50 years. you have dealt with this a time or two. >> i would love to see you and him going at it. i think you are about the same weight class. mixed martial arts. he used to box at my gym. i would promote that fight. you would kick his butt. he has a multi-facetted career.
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the best thing he did and it's run out of steam is playing president trump on "saturday night live." it's not funny anymore. they got collusion wrong or the best role of his life is gone. >> sean: he thinks he insulted me by saying you work out of construction. how does somebody get that out of touch? >> i don't think he is out of touch. i think he lives in manhattan. he is not in a penthouse. he is parking in the street. he doesn't have an entrouge around him. that's why he gets gump from the press. >> sean: if somebody takes your parking spot you don't chase them or get in a woman's face like he just did. >> he is a hot head. >> sean: he is a hot head. walked out of his own radio talk
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show host. >> he really doesn't like you. >> sean: [laughing]. >> i think he is a hate er. he is bitter that you were right on the collusion deal. you are making more money than he is. there is a deep-seated hatred. >> sean: part of me is too nice. >> oh, yeah. >> all right. >> sean: should i do it yes or no? >> live and let live. >> what does he mean to you? >> sean: which member of the obama administration still hasn't accepted the fact? with a terrain management system for... this. a bash plate for... that. an electronic locking rear differential for... yeah... this. heading to the supermarket?
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get any truck. heading out here? get the ford ranger. the only adventure gear built ford tough. jushis local miracle ear t at helped andrew hear more of the joy in her voice. just one hearing test is all it took for him to hear more of her laugh... and less of the background noise around him. for helen, just one visit to her local miracle-ear is all it took to learn how she can share more moments with her daughter. just one free hearing test could help you hear more... call now for your free hearing test from an industry leader: miracle-ear.
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while the leading allergy spray only relieves 6 symptoms, claritin-d relieves 8, including sinus congestion and pressure. claritin-d relieves more. >> sean: villain of the day, former obama advisor valerie jarrett still stuck in 2016 with her new book and she read since the night donald trump became president of the u.s. i have
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been going through the five stages of grief. i still have not embraced acceptance. two years, grow up, get over it. two other words, no collusion! never be the destroyed trump haight, laura hart -- laura ingraham. >> laura>> sean: i will never be hate rage, destroyed trump media mob. >> laura: okay, got it. we have to do one whole segment where it's just a long series of additives because that could be a good drinking game, hannity thought that you drink. >> sean: probably more than you. >> laura: is your cold better? thank you very much. you had a fantastic show. you take care. i'm laura ingraham and this is "the ingraham angle," busy washington. do you remember
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