tv Outnumbered FOX News April 3, 2019 9:00am-10:00am PDT
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on monday, april fifteenth. brett and martha will host that, as well. that is in bethlehem, pennsylvania. tomorrow night you got howard schultz from kansas city, that's at 6:30. i've got you! it's at 6:30 tomorrow with bret baier and martha maccallum. bring on the 15th of april and howard schultz tomorrow on fox. >> sandra: things are turning us. "outnumbered" starts now. >> harris: this fox news alert, more women accusing former vice president joe biden of inappropriate behavior. two new women coming forward reportedly alleging that he touched them on appropriately, bringing the total number of accusers to four. the controversy ramping up ahead of his potential 2020 white house pronouncements. this is "outnumbered," i'm harris faulkner. here today, melissa francis. town hall editor and fox news contributor, katie pavlich. fox news contributor, jessica tarlov. in the center seat, former white house press secretary and
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senior advisor and spokesman for the america first action super pac, shawn spicer is in the house. >> sean: agreed to be back pretty good to see you. >> harris: another light newsday. >> sean: i don't know whether he has ever been true! >> harris: we will move. caitlin caruso, a former college student and sexual assault though mike assault survivor, claims during the 2016 event on sexual assault, former vp biden rested his hand on her if i. even as she squirmed to show her discomfort. he hugged her for "just a little bit too long." and another woman, dj, reportedly claiming that biden put his hand on her shoulder and then dropped it down her back at a 2012 fund-raiser. hill said she made her "very incredible." this comes after two other women accused biden up in property touching. despite all of it, democrat women are rallying to his defense today.
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here is former obama senior advisor, valerie jarrett. >> he is an honorable man, from your experience goes to mexico for a honorable man he had it right over the weekend when he said we are in a new day and we need to listen to women's voices. we worked with him for eight years, enormous amounts of respect for. he gave wise counsel to the president of the united states. he talks about his track record, that's part of why president obama selected him as his running mate, not once, but twice. he brought an incredible track record of experience and expertise to the table. >> harris: heat reportedly assured political donors that he intends to follow through on a white house run. sean, you've done a lot of messaging over the years. when a potential candidate gets in the sort of thing, what would you tell joe biden at this point? >> sean: a couple things. big picture wise, this party is lived by the sword, die by the sword. they've been at the forefront about talking about inappropriate behavior and touching and i was obviously --
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from his perspective, to your question, from a purely political standpoint, he's ever get out in front of this issue and address it personally or say that he's not running. but one of the two has to happen. this is not ten years ago where you can do this through random statements and surrogates, especially budget male surrogates that has responding to him right now he needs to ever don't like either get out there and address it personally on camera, or say that he's not running. right now it's death -- >> harris: you picked up on where i was going to go. he has come out in statements, but you are saying on camera. jessica, that might have been the thing to do with the first accuser, with the second. now there are four. is it too late? speefour if it's not too late for joe biden i'm not even sure that the women who are bringing these claims forward are saying it's too late to conversation about this. to your point about male surrogates, he has more female than male defenders as far as
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i've seen. stephanie carter, ash carter's wife for instance. clarifying the picture people have used against him for years. he does need to address it. >> harris: how would you like to see my dress that that's different from what he's already done? apparently that's not working. >> jessica: i think he needs to say, "i want to reiterate the point that i made that i never felt like i was doing something to put a women in an uncomfortable position. but i do understand that i have done that. and that is a problem. this isn't just about it being a #maytooclose -- moment.assomeonewhosupportedwomi re career, this is something i take very seriously and personally. >> melissa: jessica hit the nail on the head. the thing is that he doesn't think he did anything wrong. he doesn't think he has anything to apologize for. he doesn't think what he did is inappropriate. and that is the problem. with that kind of behavior, i'm sure we've all been a victim of it. i know i have. it makes you so uncomfortable,
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the whole thing. you are thinking, "why do you think you have the right to do that?" but he doesn't think it's wrong. that wasn't my intention. >> sean: but this is not allegations of something that happened last week or two weeks ago or yesterday. these are things that have been out of the ecosystem for 30 years. there have been memes about it, youtube videos. to suddenly say, "okay, now it's inappropriate," is somewhat where the problem lies. it is not as though he did something last week -- >> melissa: it was always inappropriate. >> sean: fine, but my point is -- >> harris: i want to get katie in on this. >> sean: you and jessica are both right. part of this is it's in the context of the person. no matter who you are, if somebody comes up to you and inappropriate engages with you in some way, getting in your personal space, touching you, you should address it at the time. i don't think anybody's accusing him. neither of the accusers said that what he did was in nature. they just thought it was inappropriate.
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>> harris: the kissing -- i don't know, people are on both sides of the issue with that one. was that -- yeah, it's being litigated in the public sphere right now. people who say they were victims of this. katie, as you look at the total picture, is the line moving on what this is? is joe biden able to keep up? when he starts his sentence with, "i didn't intend," it's about that woman and how it made her feel. to start anywhere other than accountability and "i'm sorry" seems a little self-focused to me. >> katie: i think they thought it was going to blow over. they blamed republicans for starting this so-called rumor, what its democratic women who are bringing forward these accusations. i find the language that is being used quite interesting and rich considering joe biden's behavior and what has been described used to be called groping. and we are calling it inappropriate touching, inappropriate behavior. if this was a republican it would be called groping, he would be disqualified from ever
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running for public office again. here's the thing -- i do believe that each situation should be taken on its own. the facts of the situation, the person, what is the kind of behavior? but the left has been excusing this. for valerie jarrett to say we are in a new time -- no, we are not. the movement against sexual harassment started in the 1990s. the so-called "feminists" just brushed under the rug plenty of really bad behavior from democrats. now all now all of a sudden they're having this moment where they want some accountability. they put themselves in a bad position, because you either play by your own rules that you set aside or you don't. >> harris: one thing i'm not hearing enough is the fact that is less about what he intended and more about power. that element. who has the power in the situation? that was the initial conversation in the '90s. i want to get to this -- >> sean: one last thing i want to say on this, i think it's a shame to let him off the hook for blaming the right wing for this. this is the problem that -- for him to put out a statement blaming the right wing for this
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blowing up is highly inappropriate. this has nothing to do the right wing. these are women that he interacted with in democratic fund-raisers and events that are coming forward with this. -- >> melissa: they didn't push back because they needed his help, in some cases. that's where the power comes in, harris. i'm all done. >> harris: we don't know that, but -- meanwhile, bernie sanders' campaign manager strongly denied suggestions that the sanders campus by lucy flores' initial accusation against joe biden. it is being reported that his team is increasingly convinced that the sanders campaign is pushing the allegations. just last night at a republican event, president trump appeared to throw some more fuel on that fire that is already burning. >> he's being taken care of pretty well by the socialists, they got to him. [laughter] are former vice president. i was going to call him -- i don't know him well, i was going to say, "welcome to the world, joe! are you having a good time,
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joe?" [laughter] "are you having a good time?" >> harris: republican senator marco rubio says he believes the allegations against biden were timed for maximum political effects. watch. >> i don't know the facts behind it, but i know someone has that information and was sitting on it waiting for the right time to hit him with it. that's how it is. they are all feeding into -- >> harris: wow. meanwhile, approach him super pac seizing on the controversy, releasing a new attack ad and entitled "creepy joe." >> to have the vice president of the united states do that to me, so unexpectedly -- kind of out of nowhere -- it was just shocking. it was shocking, because you don't expect that kind of intimate behavior. you don't expect that kind of intimacy from someone so powerful. >> harris: the video exists. these are things that happened in the public sphere.
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what to think about using them politically, as it's being used in that ad? >> jessica: is not only using a politically, it's ripping off the role models at which you might remember from the 2016 election. where she had a bunch of kids watching donald trump on tape mock a disabled person. talk about our veterans in disparaging terms. they are trying to use that against a democrat. keep in mind the background here. i don't like it. i think it is disparaging someone who has served this country honorably. i want to also push back on using the term "groping" here. it has a connotation. not one of these women is alleging that joe biden was making a advance with them in any way, shape, or form. he has never been accused of that. it's very different. >> melissa: the woman who said his hand went down her back while they were taking the picture -- >> jessica: she didn't say that it made her -- >> katie: that's pretty sexual, i would say. >> jessica: when we are
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talking about sexual allegations, like the credible allegations against the president -- or roy moore, for instance, when kellyanne conway on the president both -- >> harris: you don't think they are credible? >> jessica: i do, but they are about being made uncomfortable and not a sexual act. >> melissa: but that's what's making people uncomfortable. >> harris: i want to jump -- i think we are going to run around in circles on what it is. i want to go back to the point within your own party, though, the potentially -- and we've heard marie harf say it on this very couch -- that there are progressives in your party you may not like joe biden. bernie sanders could be among those. could this be becoming intraparty? how deadly would that be politically? they would have all the receipt receipts. >> jessica: absolutely. this is what happened in 2016, as well, with bernie sanders supporters coming for hillary. false that she's not as bad. and we know that there are people who didn't show up or voted for jill stein.
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a new poll, the largest choice of voters, their second choice is bernie sanders. there are other choices kamala harris. >> harris: are you worried joe biden won't get in? >> jessica: i'm not worried about that. i think he's tougher than this and he will do the right thing. because he someone who does respect women. >> sean: if he doesn't get income of the democrats only have like 57 choices. [laughter] >> jessica: you guys had 17 candidates! [laughter] >> melissa: that's how marco rubio notes, from experience. i thought that was really interesting, because he saying, "this is what it's like when you get a big, crowded field." >> harris: the president did, too paid "welcome to the party." >> melissa: i don't think this is necessarily disqualifying. i think the problem we are all having with it is that he's not owning that he made people uncomfortable. >> harris: he's letting other people defend them on camera. >> katie: i have a problem with democrats being hypocrites when it comes to this issue. you can call about donald trump in the hollywood tape or whatever, but he came out and apologize for at and said that it was embarrassing and i never
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should have happened. joe biden, in this case, is blaming conservatives for video which is far and wide, and now -- there will probably be more saying they felt really uncomfortable with what he was doing. do i think that is a disqualifying thing? no, but i'm playing with the rules, the left foot out. accusing men with no evidence of all, ruining their lives and their families. >> harris: sean, last point? >> sean: we all make mistakes, we act or say things inappropriate lead. the question is, how do we deal with her? do we recognize that people might've funded under the probe request might learn from that opportunity, the experience. "i'm going to be a better person, i'm sorry that i offended you or they felt this way. but i'm learning that it's inappropriate or inexcusable." and that's where i think it is right now. if biden really comes out and says, "look, i didn't realize
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this was being interpret it this way" >> harris: you don't think anybody's ever said anything and before? we have no way of knowing. >> sean: i think he can stomach overcome this, but he's getting by the way of more than he's getting in front of it. >> harris: tomorrow night -- speaking of waves -- fox news will host a town hall with howard schultz, former starbucks ceo and potential independent presidential candidate. it will be coanchored by martha maccallum and bret baier, from the kansas city medullary area. they will talk about the issues he plans to tackle if he jumps into the race for the white house. don't miss it, 6:30 p.m. eastern, right here on the fox news channel. fnc, for the cool kids. president trump says he's looking forward to to a 2020 showdown over it democrats 'screen new deal while also appearing to go after congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez. whether they're green new deal will be the political gift that republicans are making it out to be. we'll talk about it. plus, a short time ago, democrat-led house committee
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wanting the full meal report from. will this mean amid the growing political showdown between house democrats in the white house? stay with us. speak of the committee must see everything, as was done in every prior instance. >> i would just ask the question, why are we here? it's because the report wasn't what the democrats thought it was going to be. ♪ >> tech: at safelite autoglass,
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[ guttural grunt ] exactly. nothing! they're completely different people. that's why they make customized car insurance from liberty mutual. they'll only pay for what they need. yes, and they could save a ton. you've done it again, limu. [ limu grunts ] only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪
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the biggest week in television is almost here. xfinity watchathon week. starting april 8th, enjoy free access to the best shows and movies from hbo, showtime, epix and more. what! whether it's more jaw droppers, standing o's upon standing o's or tv's biggest show stoppers. get more into what you're into. get ready to watch with xfinity x1 or the xfinity stream app. xfinity watchathon week. free starting april 8th. boop! >> melissa: fox news alert, a short time ago the democrat-led house judiciary committee voting to authorize a subpoena for the full unredacted meal report. the committee also approving subpoenas for documents and testimony from five current and former white house aides. republicans dismissed it all as
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political games. here is how it all went out of the committee. listen. >> we need these materials to fulfill our constitutional obligations. >> e-cig is for what it is. we don't have a popcorn machine yet, we are getting it for our side because this is great political theater. >> we do not sit here and the role of a grand jury to indict the president. we sit here as a body that has to proceed with its constitutional duties to provide oversight and transparency. >> the attorney general has promised to provide as much transparency as he possibly can, but i'm afraid it's never going to be enough for some in here. >> melissa: part all this, attorney general william barr said he would review the report, and consistent with the law, redact any information not fit for public release. yesterday president trump dismissing democrat efforts, saying they will never be satisfied. >> no collusion, no obstruction, and i we will start this process all over again.
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i think it's a disgrace. these are just democrats that want to try and demean this country. nothing you give them. whether it's shifty shift, or jerry nadler. anything we give them will never be enough. we can give them -- it's a 400 page report, right? we can give them 800 pages. and it wouldn't be enough. >> melissa: sean, is that fair customer he's saying, "if we give you the report, you would want the underlying documents that made up the report." and if they did, "we would want the witnesses firsthand." >> sean: that's right. let's go back in context. a year plus, we heard from democrats that we have to trust bob mueller, he's got the highest degree of professionalism and integrity. what he says goes. if there's a problem, he will find it. 2,800 subpoenas, 500 witnesses. and it came out publicly through this report and said there was no collusion. now democrats are unsatisfied with that result, saying, "we
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need to look at the underlying evidence." here's the thing -- legally, the attorney general's going above and beyond what he's required to do. he's in communication with them, saying that by mid-april he would reveal the report to them. of course he will cover up grand jury and classified material. it would be malpractice for him not to do that. the democrats are getting more than they are legally allowed to do. i think the attorney general, understanding the public nature of this, has leaned far in on this. but the president's right. once you go down the slippery slope it will never be good enough. before they've even got the report they are issuing subpoenas. they understand that this as, as congressman collins put it, political theater at its best. >> melissa: jerry nadler getting a lot of pushback because he was against releasing the starr report. the way he put it, and jessica, i will get you on the riverside. go ahead. >> when you are opposing release of some of that material 20 years ago, he was released to the public that we were opposed to. the committee must see
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everything, as was done in every prior instance. >> it's interesting that we here determine nadler making that argument before the cameras, because when he was in a room with me he made exactly the opposite argument. he says, "we can't release grand jury information," when it started president dell might benefit the president of the united states he took opposite -- speech he would they be happy with all about the grand jury stuff? >> jessica: there was grand jury testimony, third-party information. >> melissa: if it was all the other categories, that they got everything except the grand jury stuff, with a be satisfactory? >> jessica: i don't think so. >> harris: jerry nadler said this last hour he will succeed for that. he wants all of it, that's the answer. >> jessica: the issue here -- we have to draw the line -- it's a public release versus a release to congress. congress has a right to it. that was the same with the starr report. any special counsel investigation. what he's asking for is for it
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to come to congress. there's a number of ways to do that. as a go to the gang of 8? only to the head of the intelligence, judiciary, et cetera? then william barr would have to keep that amongst themselves. i assume there will be no problem. i don't think. now there's going to go and think that. >> melissa: yeah, right. [laughter] >> katie: that's what he wants it. >> jessica: what do you think he wants it for? >> katie: i know exactly what he wants it. >> jessica: we know there is no collusion. the problem is we have a four page summary of a 350-ish page document. that's not how this is supposed to proceed. >> katie: i just want to lay out a few things about the facts surrounding the summer you are talking about. the attorney general came out last week and said he was not summarizing the report. simply the bottom line, the findings of what was in it. thinking that it the things that america have been talking about for two year. obstruction and collusion. the second thing is the
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reductions that we are talking about, in terms of grand jury material, are being made to protect the due process, to protect those who are not being prosecuted. when jerry nadler says he wants to get the grand jury materials, he wants us he was may be looked into. he can lick it to the press. "they were --" they didn't prosecute him, but it muddies the waters when it comes to that. they are attacking the judicial system by wanting to expose this grand jury material which is there to protect the due process. the special counsel was working with bill barr on that breed actions. they are working hand-in-hand. >> sean: adam schiff won't stop saying -- he says there is still collusion. "it's in plain sight." why doesn't he have to put the cards on the table? >> jessica: he did. he gave a speech in the committee last week where he spoke for five or 6 minutes, he laid out the case for why he thinks -- >> sean: he said the evidence
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of collusion is in plain sight. no, actually, the mueller -- >> jessica: the trump tower meeting, russia -- >> harris: i want to make sure we get this out there, chairman nadler to set a short time ago that he will seek all of it. and he it will do a further subpoena if he needs to to get that grand jury testimony included, as well. >> jessica: for himself, not for the public. >> harris: special counsel is different from independent counsel. when you compare the starr report, it's confusing. it's apples and oranges. independent counsel ended in 1999 paired with the expiration of that we got special counsel. >> jessica: still weighs 91 -- >> harris: let me finish. they go straight from, with the report, from the person who did the investigating come of special counsel, to the doj. to the attorney general. he then makes the decision of what goes public or to congress. those are the facts. >> jessica: if it's apples and oranges, then why am i seeing tapes of jerry nadler in 1998? >> harris: because grand jury
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material was included in the starr report to be released because it was a different time. it expired a year later in 1999. >> melissa: i think we sold that, don't you? virginia lieutenant governor justin fairfax speaking out, pushing back on the two women accusing him of sexual assaults. once again, claiming he did nothing wrong. what he says actually happened during those encounters. plus, homeland security secretary kirstjen nielsen heading to the southern border as president trump backs up his threats to shut it down completely. what will it take for congress to agree on the border security solution? we will discuss that next. ♪ i'd like to take a moment to address my fellow veterans, because i know there are so many of you who have served our country honorably. whether it's two years, four years or thirty-two years like myself. one of the benefits we as a country give our veterans is eligibility for a va loan for up to 100% of your home's value. so if you need money for your family,
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our big idaho potato truck and we're going to find it. awe man. always look for the grown in idaho seal. >> katie: fox news alert, homeland security secretary kirstjen nielsen visiting the southern border today after again sounding off on the immigration crisis. secretary nielsen telling tucker carlson last night that the administration is treating
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the situation like a category 5 hurricane disaster, saying the dhs is considering u.s. military support to help overwhelmed border agents. >> why wouldn't we put the u.s. military along our border, if it's really a crisis of that magnitude? >> i think we are looking into it. we made the request, i'm in constant contact with the acting secretary of defense. i talked to some of the combat command today. we are pushing more resources to the board. >> katie: meanwhile, the president appearing to take a step back, coming method oh claiming mexico has stepped up in recent days. not completely backing up, he says he will close ports of entry if a deal is not a breach congress based >> sure, it will have a negative impact on the economy. it's one of the biggest radios in the world. we've just done it with the usmca. it's a very big trading partner.
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to become a trading is very important. the board is very important. but security is what's most important. >> katie: on these issues we try to stick to the numbers. in march, 100,000 people showing up at the border. that's where we are now, on track for 1 million people. the president clearly trying to leverage to get something done on this issue, both with mexico and congress. where does the white house go from here on this issue? >> sean: it's tough, mexico is our third-largest trading partner. we did just over $617 billion into a trade with them. so shutting down the border would have massive economic consequences. with this president is willing to negotiate in a way that no other president has done in the past, which is to really raise the stakes. to make sure mexico understands the consequences. if they don't deal with it. they have very tough immigration laws paints the idea that they are not only welcoming but enabling these folks to come across their country to the u.s. border is problematic. it's not very neighborly of them, and the president's right
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to put them on notice. we have got to solve this problem. i think the bigger issue is that we don't have a welcome partner in our own congress. because some of these laws are outdated, some of the ways in which people can come to the united states, seek asylum, they are outdated. we need to update our laws. the president has been left with no choice at this point to do what he has to do. but you are right, we've got more and more people coming to the border, overwhelming our border agents and ports of entry. there is a big problem that we really need congress to come together with an solve. >> katie: harris, mexico has helped a little bit in allowing people from central america to stay there while they wait for their claims. but a year ago yesterday, the mexico ambassador to the u.s., geronimo gutierrez, told bret baier that mexico believes an orderly, legal, and humane immigration. it's gotten worse over the last year now, and now mexico doesn't seem to be doing as much as we need them to do. >> harris: we can put pressure on them and we can put pressure on the south american and
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central american countries that have people coming here, but at the end of the day, it's up to us to protect our border. it's an interesting conversation that we see being at right now. end of the economic advisor, larry kudlow, is talking about have you close down sections of the board that we know are the biggest problems yet keep your ports of entry open for trucks so we don't -- there is a conversation that is going on. we are waiting for mexico to do its part. >> katie: melissa, what about congress not doing its job? >> melissa: it's really frustrating, because both democrats and republicans have punted on this. i don't think it's because the solution is too hard to find. i think they think it's politically great to run on and keep the crisis going, make the most of it. i'm interested in the media coverage of it, because we have seen these numbers really reach a dramatic point and i wonder if the rest of the country's hearing about it that isn't watching fox. you look at "the new york times," they've done some good work saying the borders at a breaking point. it's more than 76,000
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unauthorized migrants in a month. but so they are reporting real numbers. look at others, i saw a headline on cbs that says "trumpet airing grievances with immigration system," " says u.s. needs to get rid of judges." i hope everybody is informed about what a big crisis it is right now. humanitarian. >> jessica: jeh johnson has an done and phenomenal job. he made it off and about that. it is a headline because it's another trump attack. but the big headline is it would be incumbent upon all of us who do recognize we need to fix our asylum system to do something about that. it falls on congress. but it doesn't mean shutting down the border. it doesn't mean shutting to a government. >> harris: do you think congress will do anything? >> katie: i'm not sure. [laughs] but we will be covering it. coming up next, and battled the
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that you've been a friend to you. >> jessica: that was vanessa tyson and meredith watson. women accusing the lieutenant governor of regina, justin fairfax, of sexual assaults. they spoke out in separate interviews on cbs earlier this week. now fairfax is again addressing those allegations, refuting them both and saying how he claims the events played out with mrs. tyson. >> i met vanessa tyson in passing. she was a volunteer at the convention. i invited her to my hotel room when we exchange and complete the consensual activity. i have heard dr. tyson say that i held her neck and physically forced her to engage in speech of contact. that is simply not true. at no time was she crying or did she express any concern, reluctance, or discomfort. >> jessica: fairfax also described his interactions with meredith watson, who he says she initiated. watch. >> on one occasion late in my senior year, in the year 2000, she initiated a consensual encounter with me. i did not rape or sexually
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assault meredith watson. i did knock the door, turned out the lights, or hold her down or use any physical force whatsoever. >> jessica: when it comes to her accusation that she confided in a duke basketball player had raped her, he had this to say. >> i supposedly raise the fact that she previously accused a duke basketball player of raping her, and therefore i would think she would be "too afraid to report another assault." no version of that conversation never occurred. >> jessica: all of this, as the governor and attorney general of virginia are embroiled in their own scandals. we are back talking about virginia. it's been a lot little while. what you make of this, and how justin fairfax is responding? >> sean: i mean, from a purely political standpoint, he kind of got lucky. because you've got
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governor northam and attorney general dealing with this black race issue. days after that broke, he comes out with these allegations. had it not been at the top of the ticket and all being democrat, i think there is no question he would have been forced to resign. but because this was literally all three of them at once and no one knew who to focus on, he kind of escaped scrutiny. that being said, i don't think -- this is clearly, he's got his version, she has her version. this is something bigger for the democratic party now to wrestle with. what are they going to do and how are they going to handle it? the biden thing is one thing. these are actual allegations of sexual assault and rape. i think for all the folks in the party who made this in a big issue, they've taken a foot off the gas and they've allowed this -- they've made the statement and walked away. this is a senior official in a top state. they need to be on record over and over again think is unacceptable. as we head into 2020, the
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question is medieval campaign, how many will visit virginia and not say anything? they need to decide how hard they will continue to focus on this, or if they let them off the hook. >> katie: let's talk about the path forward locally. the speaker of the house, kirk cox, yesterday said he reached out and sent a letter to house democrats in virginia -- legislative democrats -- to hold a hearing with these accusers to tell their stories. democrats rejected that invitation, and they've been rejecting it for months now since they came out and said they want the third-party to come in and investigate and have a hearing. republicans in the state have done everything they possibly can, not in power in terms of the top three people running the state, to give their these womr day to talk about the path forward for justin fairfax. they have been denied that opportunity. that's the question now is how democrats locally are going to
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handle this, and you a ones 2020 rolls around. >> harris: it's such an important point to draw attention to, because the opposite of what democrats were asking with the justice nomination of brett kavanaugh. they wanted the women to be given that open form. why not do it here? what you are right about something -- -- >> sean: hopefully more than one. >> harris: absolutely! the person normally in this instance who would come to the help of the lieutenant governor would be the man who was the governor. northam is having his own problems. he mentioned blackface. as melissa and i were talking about, as you look at the photo that initially tipped off that scandal with the democratic governor virginia, we still don't know -- was he in blackface or was he in the kkk hood? we don't know. so he can't really way into much for anybody else pay because in the shine comes back on him. >> sean: when you look around, other states that i've had a governor or senior official embroiled in controversy, they step down and it's not a big deal.
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the problem is that, in succession, the all three of them democrat. they won't allow kirk cox to elevate it. because to them that loses powe power. this comes back to whether or not democrats are going to put the head of the power of what they think is right thing. >> jessica: i forget if it's blackface or sexual assault, but there was for the number four, as well. there was an accusation, i can look it up. it's a problem for democrats, for sure. in virginia it just seems like a bit of a mass dog mess overall. we should hear from these women. the green new deal -- the president sees it as a winning issue for him in 2020, taking shots is congresswoman ocasio-cortez on the left. whether the showdowns the president should want. >> the green new deal? i love it. they said, "yeah, but you don't
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>> melissa: president trump making clear he wants a fight over the green new deal in 2020. he spoke at last last nights nl per per republican congressional dinner in washington he cracked the jump at the expense of congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez. speaking of the green new deal, done by a young bartender -- 29 years old. your senators that are professionals. that is been there for a long time. white hair, everything, perfect. they're standing behind her, they are shaking. they are petrified of her. "we support the green new deal!" the craziest thing, they believe it. and we will have to do something. we don't do it to really, please. don't kill it. because we want to be able to run against it. if they beat me with the green new deal, i deserve to lose. [laughter] >> melissa: sean, let me ask you -- first of all, this is always an argument of democrats. are they afraid of alexandria ocasio-cortez customer gets she beating the party? >> sean: 70 pointed out the other day, she was holding a
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press event, and it said "alexandria ocasio-cortez and senator --" it was a senior member of the senate, and it was as if this individual -- they are fairly distinguished, a senior member. that's embarrassing, that she is now eating around this party. she's obviously key boys come up with the idea that that so many senior members that are politically and policy-savvy are waiting and listening to her to espouse these things. i will say this -- republicans and conservatives can mock the green new deal, but the president's right -- we needed around. but we need a policy discussion. republicans and conservatives like to mock her. they like to mock the green new deal. we need to take it seriously and counter it with serious policy alternatives. because if we don't, and if we just mock it, people of your brand. making everything sound beautiful and easy. this is bad policy for a very big reason. it will have an adverse effect on job creation and our economy.
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>> katie: not just that. >> sean: we need to fight back on policy level. >> katie: not just that, sean pregiving solutions to issues of pollution and things like that. people who don't agree with climate change, the green new deal, big government solutions, global solutions like the paris client agreement, they malign people who don't agree with those solutions as anti-environmentalists, deniers of the climate. when there is plenty of people in the united states of america who are conservationists, hunters, who are the number one conservationists in the country. people working the private sector to develop technology to come about this. so republicans need to focus on private sector solutions to this and offer them rather than just mock them. >> sean: you right. the environment is crucially important to both sides. i think republicans, conservatives, need to get in front of the environmental issues we care about. whether it's hot, hunting, conservation, clean water make sure we provide solutions
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that are -- we can't just mock the left or they will dominate the policy. >> katie: jessica, last word? >> jessica: as a representative of the left ear, i would like to follow vice i would like to apologize -- kirk cox was not accused of anything. second, i guess i agree with the republicans for once, and if you have a discussion about the environment, make sure climate change deniers are not of the front of the conversation. >> katie: deniers? okay. i must be a denier, then. >> jessica: all right. you said it, not me. >> melissa: more "outnumbered" in a moment. we will be right back. our service.rned with the newday va cash out loan can help you get over 50,000 dollars to pay off the credit card debt, put cash in the bank, and reduce your payments by over 500 dollars a month. and since newday's been granted automatic authority by the va,
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to have a morse a final thought for us here? >> sean: it's been great, thank you. >> melissa: you said a smart thing. when we are more focused on the fight, then on the solution. that's where we are. >> sean: we try to talk past each other instead of seeing where we can get things done on the impairment. >> melissa: back here at noon eastern, here's harris. >> harris: we will begin with a fox news alert, democrats are wrapping up their battle over the mueller report. this is "outnumbered overtime," and harris faulkner. the votes are in. the house judiciary committee has now voted along party lines to authorize a subpoena on the entire mueller report after attorney general william barr said he would release a redacted version sometime in mid-april. democrats are not stopping there. they also green-lit subpoenas for five former white house officials as part of their obstruction investigation. ranking republican doug collins blasting today's move. >> we have a preemptive chairman
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