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tv   Watters World  FOX News  April 6, 2019 11:00pm-12:00am PDT

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[applause] nick? >> yes, the best of enemies opens this weekend, please go see it. sam rockwell and taraji p. ♪ welcome to waters world i'm jesse waters a huge show in store for you tonight including president trump touring the newest section of the wall being built. diamond and silk take on joe biden groping allegation as and the author of a new tell all about view is here, whoopi versus joy it is crazy and we have a special waters words on freedom of spe mark levin will react to that. but first sean hannity is back. taking his second dip into him earlier.
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>> welcome to waters world. >> your world hang on a second water -- marco rubio style. >> that's right you have to it use the glass classier. >> prefer the bottle. >> i do congrats on success of your show, wait a minute shows, two -- which one of my more -- successful at? >> both. >> i would agree. >> yeah, you're a rising star -- >> rising forever everybody is saying you're a rising star is when do i get up there? >> i think you're there. >> i hope i'm there. >> i think you haved to a segment you and your mom you ought to bring mom on the show. >> afraid i don't to ruin the mystique if she's better behind scenes. >> i want to see her beat you up because you're not age able to respond and great tv. >> you think i would take it easy she's a liberal sean. >> i would take her side if you started beating her up. that's why i won't have her on. i want to get to know this where
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were you when mueller report came in two sungdzs ago what were you doing? >> i don't remember. >> when they out with no collusion no obstruction? >> all of the people go under oath 500 people interviewerred by the mueller team and all of the congressional investigations and 26, 30, 40 hours of people give testimony. you ask me reagan's record give it to chapter and verse ask me clinton chapter and verse. bush's record -- obama's record, trump's record chapter and verse you ask me who i had on last night i have no clue. >> let me ask dan sarah carter. >> no, we have listen i'm l very proud of this. we have built an ensemble cast never have done in my career here at fox. specifically and your part of it too. there's maybe 25 of us and i know you have a great one mark on and rush is one with, obviously, and we have been right for over two years
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unpeeling the layer of the onion breaking stories -- fisa abuse fisa court fraud, rig aring an investigation for a favorite candidate. we've been proven right. >> that's what i was going to ask you do you feel vindicated because other side said the exact opposite and now left grasping at straws. >> you have to hate it when hannity and team are right. >> not supposed to be the big investigative report and journalist but the opinion guy with the opinion guy -- turned out to be right. well, being a talk show host is more than opinion i have hundreds of hours of just straight news reporting. don't want to recognize that part of me -- or we vetted obama i have a call when i was vetting obama from a friend of mine newt gingrich going too hard you're out there. you know this may be the end of your career what are you doing? >> he was scared for you. >> yeah. look i was there. i was emceeing his event you weren't born yet, the 90 became
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er of the house back to -- okay, and point is, that that's we do that -- >> right. we'll never get credit for it not vingd kaition i'll be honest more sad for the country and more resolved that this never happened again. my mom was a prison guard and there are a lot of copses in extended hannity family and relatives two were dating fbi guys two -- oh. he was like height of success all four grandparents from ireland tour america arrive with ten bucks, each -- and my father grew up and mother grew up so poor and that was such a proud moment for my family nobody believes this. you know they all dad died six months after i started fox. and my only point is it is not about vindication i respect and love law enforcement. the 99% of intel people fbi saving our lives every day and
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risking theirs. but what one percent goes bad, and abuse that power to this extent and trying to rig an election, and trying to undermine a siting dually elected president we don't follow this. and hold them accountable, this will happen again we will lose the country. >> how do you do that and a hold them accountable i know lindsay gram will have hearings and president is eventually going to declassify fisa application what else can you do to make sure justice is served? >> it is a great question and one thing people wouldn't understand is i work the phones all day. it is not an accident jesse that i was right on ferguson, missouri, cambridge, police, uva, duke baltimore, trayvon people know i actually went to garden city for example and talked to some family members kf cross rushing to judgment and --
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not the presumption of innocence i learned that in atlanta with the richard joule case. only one because he lives with his mom doesn't mean anything. you live with your mom still. >> who was the one who got the richard joule case wrong? >> everybody else. i have a phone call i was on radio when this broke, and profile of the lone bomber, like he lives with his mother. like that's probably not making a lot of money with a security guy, he's a wannabe cop and reckless he called me and said i heard you that day -- defend me and you were the only one. lynnwood attorney told me you were the only one that didn't rush to judgment. rolling forward i've carried that bhe. because that's why you have street smarts and other people they say they have book smarts but it is common sense if you look at the jesse smollett case and getting attack during a polar vortex but that goes off in your head, obviously, this is not true.
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trump obviously it doesn't add a up and other side what about this and that and they get, ends up holding bag. >> the lesson is simple -- believe in due process, with here's a case. michael avenatti remember accused of an distinct with his girlfriend. still they rush to judgment many in that case. i said hold off. he was cleared in three separate investigations on that charge. this was nothing to do with more recent one and look at justice kavanaugh. high school every other weekends, teenage girls, drug -- lined up in halls, gang raping -- and then evolves slowly into well he was in the room well he went near the punch bowl well i saw had imwith red solo cup he wasn't in line but he was in the hall and it was so -- so horrific what they did to that man and clarence before him, and republicans actually
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for once did something right they took with with proper seriousness they did it the right way and what they did to this man, to watch him go through on public tv defending himself before his children and his family, they rush to judgment all a time. and the lnlsz richard joule taught me is not to. i'm not -- not like i have a crystal ball that i keep being right and they keep being wrong. am i ever going to get credit i'm not looking for jesse seriously. >> if there was award water world would give it to you. >> hannity's world. >> all right. well you know look, you, obviously, watching your career take off. >> rising star. >> bigger than that. >> they want to crush you, they want to silence every voice they don't like and agree with. tucker, laura me, we've all rush, beck, mark, o'reilly you maim it everybody gets the -- you get big enough and you
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get -- your voice becomes powerful they want to silence you. >> but they will give me -- the benefit of the doubt. >> no. no. not innocent until proven guilty? >> guilty exactly by accusation. >> that's how it is now, and, obviously, you know here's a sad thing. i watched the interviews with two women gail king conducted both of them and the case of fairfax. lieutenant governor rape and really violent sexual assault, they both told eyewitnesses at the time where are the i believers jesse. >> nowhere to be found. >> where are they they don't care about the issue about but politic and power. >> they want to -- politics and power -- >> well they want to maintain the governorship in virginia because it is such a critical state. >> so they want the governor isn't -- but still there. >> how do you go so hard and rush to judgment? i believe all women should be --
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>> because media doesn't hold them accountable the democrats like they do republicans. they're all in the same side -- and they'll let us -- >> journalism is dead i said it in 2007 you were five. [laughter] >> all right. >> not dead leer. >> when are you going to invite your mom? >> i want to see your mom on the show. >> she should do hannity her debut is hannity? can't we like walk her into the five first? >> no. i want her one-on-one with you on your jesse waters show. >> waters world. let's do it mom. here it is. going to see it. congratulations thank you for having me by the way. appreciate it. >> still ahead, the great one, mark levin enters waters world. and president trump goofing on joe biden. we were paying an arm and a leg for postage. i remember setting up shipstation.
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>> former vp joe biden reeling from at least seven women accusing had him of violating their personal space. made light of it friday before a big speech to the unions. >> i just want you to know i have permission to hug lonny -- [laughter]
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by the way he gave me permission to touch him. [applause] that wasn't set up at all. afterwards asked if more women would come forward and if he was sorry. >> expect a lot more people -- >> you know, i wouldn't be surprised. i'm sorry i didn't understand -- i'm not sorry for any of my intentions. i'm not sorry for anything that i had ever done i've never been disrespectful intentionally. j joining me now with reaction of lew dobbs host on fox business network. lew dobbs lew. >> is he had a pervert or is he just an old goofy guy who doesn't know what's going on? >>watch the old goofy guy -- i think he's goofy and i do think it is just who he is. you know people forget this guy has a -- a long record of his nonsense, and --
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but you know you have to give him credit he's created a new sensibility in the pc crowd. s there's snipping, there's kissing the top of heads -- you know, a woman's head nuzzling -- i mean, but it's all inappropriate touching. it doesn't rise to the level of the horrible you know conduct of so many in the hashtag me too. go i think he's milking everything for this is worth this is air a time for joe biden and he's ceasing on it talking about he's last one in and a whole new narrative around it. >> interesting so you think this hasn't completely been negative for the vice president. you think that he's kind of catapulted this into a i'm about to announce -- >> i think he's catapulting it into more media attention. and if anyone ever doubted that fake news was the essence of the left wing national media, watch the embrace. i mean, today there was a gaggle
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they were loving thon guy inappropriate i think narrative. there ought to be a hashtag for that as well. they -- that was a love fest. over there -- do you think this is like an elizabeth warren situation now where a woman comes out, every other day, and it is a drip, drip, drip are -- and instead of elizabeth warren talking about whatever she wants to talk about it is always a the fake indian situation is this going to be again everything is always when it comes to biden about inappropriate touching? >> bernie sanders says he didn't do this. >> do you believe him? if he did it, it is really working. >> if he can't do much else but i mean this was well executed. >> he's -- on his way to being 80 years old. there is a point at which you've got to really basically say you know compare him to trump. who is in his 73, 72 --
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there's no, there's no comparison that energy level biden sounds tired. he's my goodness, and low energy. i can't wait to hear that trump low energy -- actually glad you mentioned it because the president did discuss joe biden when he was asked about about it on the white house law let's listen. >> what exactly is observancive about joe biden behavior and are you the right messager for that? >> i'm a good message he's not a threat. no. i don't see him as a threat. i think he's only a threat to himself. i just don't see him as a threat he's been there a long time his record is not god and have to run on obama failed record. >> you know tha good analysis he's a threat to himself. >> and it is so far that's exactly correct. and what is his record exactly? exactly what has he done he's a plagiarist, he's accused of swimming in the nude and
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offending secret service right -- >> skinny dipping. in front of the female secret service agents. >> what -- [laughter] who does that? >> pretty easy target. frankly, and the president i thought was basically inviting him on into the contest. >> so you know the president has said they don't want to beat these guys up too early they want them to rise up -- so they can smack them around about -- >> acknowledges his big mistake of the year. and that has been to beat up on elizabeth warren just a little too soon in to make her perhaps -- well -- disqualified -- what is the word nancy pelosi uses? disqualified. >> and biden isn't working pelosi but warren is. >> not yet we'll see what happens. all right the president touring a new border wall construction. over in southern california -- and i believe it is not even about the wall, of course, we want the wall but at this point, if the congress doesn't get its
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act together, and you can just foot on this nation's soil with a kid, and they can get -- or kids not your own kids and get whatever you want. that's the end of the country at that point. >> well president himself has said that a nation that cannot control its borders is no longer a nation. we are there. this catch and release is out of control which he wanted to end. he has a department of homeland security that is not functioning because of its inevent leadership. >> would you give the secretary of homeland security out. >> i would call for her firing whatever it takes -- because this is a department that is a disaster right now. because of her leadership and the top officials of those agencies, this is very with the exception of the border patrol. >> yeah, you know obama former or border patrol chief actually l -- >> actually said this -- listen to this. >> based on 30 years of potential service, that the crisis we face right now along
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the southwest border is actually the worst we've ever experienced in our history. the worst. >> so their election of duty on behalf of democratses you have the obama guy down there saying it is a crisis you don't believe him? >> i hate to overcomplicate this but it is not radical dems but they control house of representatives for two years under paul ryan who was an absolute disaster go down in history as indeputy speaker for last half century. the republicans have to be very careful of that radical dem narrative because they look like damn fools rhinos who populate too large a segment of the house conference, they have much on their conscience now because they have -- failed to they have failed to give the president a dime for the wall. they failed to do anything on catch and release. they failed to -- and list goes on. both parties don't want real border security. because president has to do it
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all himself. >> this is a president who has a rated against him right now jesse. the -- democratic establishment, the republican establishment, the koch brothers wall street, k street you name it. this is a man surrounded assay because he's most defective successful president in the first two years of a presidency, in modern history. >> all right quickly we're going get to this, media pivoting away from the collusion hoax now talking about the president's golf game. listen to this. >> according to a new book he doesn't just play a lot of golf. he cheats a lot. he cheats like a mafia accountant like -- he cheats crazy he cheats whether you're watching or not. >> he play golf like rules don't apply to him. >> all right they're moving on from russia. got 30 seconds left. >> i think that fact that he cheats at golf -- at all based on rick riley
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assessment talking about the see the ball but rick couldn't what the hell is rick riley doing trying to play golf? i mean this is just such nonsense. if this was the best they've got and it is -- trump is a shoe-in nor 2020. >> we never cheat at golf do we? >> i beg for -- i have to admit that. >> i need a after every show. special water words an reactions from mark levin and diamond and silk later. ♪ waters world.
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>> freedom of speech. that is the subject of tonight's water's words and the other day cnn anchor christian amanpeur actually asked james comey if the fbi could arrest trump supporters for chanting lock her up at political rallies >> of course "lock her up" was a feature of the 2016 trump campaign. do you in retrospect wish that people like yourself, the head of the fbi the people in charge of law and order had shut down that language that it was dangerous potentially, that it could have created violence, that it's kind of hate speech should not have been allowed?
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>> that's not a role for government to play. the beauty of this country is people can say what they want even if it's misleading. >> amazing stupidity by her, but it's scary. let's get yourselves inside the mind of the liberal. their essence. their agenda is about gaining power over other people, and then controlling other people's behavior in order to make themselves feel better and give their own lives more meaning. they do this through government, and through the media, and through universities. liberals want to control everything, the food we eat, the cars we drive, the energy we use , the cakes we bake, the healthcare we buy, the doctors we use, the guns we own, even the bags we use at the grocery store. the only thing liberals don't want control is our border, but they're finding out that speech is the thing that's hardest to control, yet, it's the freedom they want to control the most.
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they push to control speech on college campuses, they want to control fox news, control speech on social media, on clothing, like the maga hats and even now at political rallies, and this is done through political correctness, shaming, boycotts, mobs, lawsuits, algorithms, and regulations. very small, yet loud and partisan voices on the left will act as enforcers by claiming that millions of people are offended or certain phrases are dangerous or toxic, or even hate speech, and then there's this massive backlash, even though there's not, and since liberals believe they're on the side of progress, other ideas aren't even listened to. they become obstacles, obstacles
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to overcome and in the end justify the means and sometimes our constitution is an obstacle for liberals but conservatives have to remember always that freedom of speech is a god-given right, it's in the constitution, the first amendment and liberals can only takeaway freedom of speech if we allow them to, and we won't. joining me now with reaction, the host of life, liberty and le vine, the great one, mark levi ne. mark i wrote that monologue just for you to impress you, and i hope you're impressed. [laughter] >> i'm very impressed. i have a different take on this, i think everybody who says "lock her up" should get extra tax cuts matter of fact. >> good lock her up then. [laughter] >> but that said it's a funny thing isn't it? the left, she's supposed to be a reporter who believes in freedom of the press. she doesn't even believe in freedom of speech. moreover, you see what's happening here is the democrats on the left, the media, one in the same, they're so used to
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talking about what they want to destroy in the constitution so let's get rid of the electoral college and so forth and so on that what the hell the first amendment follow the second amendment as long as they're protected in their bubble, to propagate what it is they do that's perfectly fine with them, but it is an outrageous statement and i'm embarrassed to say i actually agree with comey there. >> i know. you actually got to agree with comey that's probably a first and the fifth amendment is the one they like because they took that a few times during the clinton investigation. let's talk about joe biden. this is a guy who i guess has been a champion of women, he's always been liked and admired by democrats but the minute he starts talking about running for president, the other democrats in the race are sticking the knives in his back. let's listen to joe. i guess kind of apologizing but kind of not for news el gate. here we go. >> social norms begin to change
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and they're shifted abdomen the boundaries of it. i get it. i hear what they're saying. i understand it, and i'll be much more mindful. >> so when he's saying norms have changed, have they? i mean, have you always been able to go up to a girl and grab her by the chin or put your nose in the little girl's hair? i don't think that's ever been normal. >> well let me say this. i met joe biden once and he never touched me. didn't try and smell my hair of course i didn't have any hair, but -- >> you seem upset like that like you maybe wanted that? >> i was very happy as a matter of fact. let me just say this. social norms haven't changed. i mean, i've had a mother, a wife, i have a daughter. if some guys walking up against them and touching them and smelling their hair, you know what we call a guy like that? a pervert no offense but that's what we call a guy like that. >> right. >> the democrat party used to have a very high tolerance level
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for perverts. i mean, you had bill clinton who was a bell well-known pervert, you had ted kennedy who went beyond pervert they champion these individuals they supported joe biden for vice president of the united states for obama. he got elected to the senate when he was 29, sworn in when he was 30, he's run for president about 700 times, but i think this is karma and i'll tell you why. as chairman of the senate judiciary committee, he tried to destroy bob borke overlies and tried to destroy clarence tomorrow as overlies, he's tried to destroy other nominees to the circuit courts over lies and now i guess he gets to see what it feels like a little bit not that these are lies but he's had a long career and i suspect he figured that this sort of thing, i don't even know if he knows he does it, but this sort of thing would never come up, that he would get a pass. the democrat parties now radical left. its gone off really and so they
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want to knock him off they're going to knock him off political ly, because they're into sort of a soviet-style approach to politics now, you know? no borders. >> they're trying to knock off the one guy that's actually not declared himself a socialistic, it's funny you brought up bill clinton. bill clinton has to be looking at this biden thing thinking all he did was that? i got away with much more than that. it is sad to see the democrats shoot inside the tent but it's not that sad because usually the guns are pointed in our direction. now the democrats, mr. levin. >> yes, sir. >> they have not accepted bob barr's summary of the mueller report, the tin foil hats are back on. now, the new york times is out there saying that there's sources say that, you know, there's this mueller team is very upset with the way bob characterized the mueller report now, why should we listen to the
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new york times who is wrong for two years about collusion, now all of a sudden they got great sources again, that these guys are right? it's ridiculous. >> and by the way all "the talk" about this group of prosecutors, they never leak, they are the most nobel human beings to ever crawl on the face of the planet. well obviously they're leaking and they leaked all the time in my humble opinion. this whole thing is anti- american and you have prosecutors you either speak in your courtroom or you shut the hell up so they put this report together under the regulations, this report goes to the attorney general, he has no obligation to release it to congress or the world for that matter. he made a promise during his confirmation hearings, he gave them as much as they want. now they want secret grand jury information. they want classified information , can you imagine giving secret information to adam schiff whose another leaker , or give it to gerald nad ler, whose another leaker? we have members in congress who idea. the administration should cut a
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deal with congress. you release all those secret sexual harassment, we want to see those and i have another idea why don't you apply the freedom of information act to members in congress because they exempt themselves. i have another idea. we want to see your e-mails and your texts and all the rest of it, i even have another idea. i like this thing. ten years of tax returns, i think lawmakers who are lobbyists who deal with our taxes and regulations, we should see 10 years of their tax returns and everything that underlies their tax returns . what's good for the goose is good for the gander. >> i love it and while we're at it let's see those 30,000 e-mails that hillary deleted they must be somewhere. they must be somewhere. all right mark levin, number one on sunday nights there he is thank you, the great one as always and the new book out, "un freedom of the press" coming out later this spring. coming up, the inside scoop on the view ladies, whoopie, joy, and rosie o'donnell's lesbian
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bombshell. >> ♪ ♪
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>> i don't want to talk about it. we're honoring a great president >> please, we're honoring. >> but i'm not interested in your one issue. >> i don't care either. >> democrats are racist too. >> do you know what? listen. you are a white lady telling me what is racist to you. >> i'm an american. >> wow! that's a typical day on the set of the view. at least according to this new book hitting the shelves this week with 22 years and 22 different co-hosts, the political talk show has been a magnet for controversy like this feud between former host rosie and elizabeth hasslebeck.
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>> do you believe i think our troops are terrorists? do you believe that yes or no. >> excuse me, let me speak. >> oh, joining me now, author of "ladies who punch" the explosive inside story of the view, all right one of the most interesting things i found about this book and i had no idea, rosie, whose a lesbian, had a little bit of a crush on elizabeth hasslebeck. did anything happen with that? >> no nothing happened and i think its been a little blown out of proportion in the media. >> you probably blew it out of proportion. >> it's in the book. i think viewers thought rosie and elizabeth hated each other from the very beginning and they actually gotta long for most of season 10 when they were on together and then things took a turn for the worst they felt betrayed by each other and rosie revealed she really liked elizabeth and had a non-sexual work crush on her. >> oh, non-sexual work crush?
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not a sexual crush? >> i know elizabeth was on the view and really insulted and rosie meant it in a good way, she didn't mean to hurt elizabeth. >> okay, next, elizabeth hasslebeck i think the f-bombs were getting thrown around withs a very hot topic. >> right and this is leaked audio that's now making its round on the internet i released it yesterday. elizabeth was very upset when she was cut off on the show and she threatened to quit and actually tried to leave during an episode in 2006 and the executive producer at the time had to go get her in her dressing room in a live show and plead with her to come back and she did with just seconds left it was very much like a scene out of survivor. she almost left in the middle of the show. >> we would never do that on wa tters world, we would always stick it out. you never had a guest try to quit in a commercial? >> not yet but the segments still going on so we'll see.
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listen rosie did not like whoopie goldberg. at one point you say she said whoopie was worse than fox news, which is probably the biggest insult rosie could deliver. >> right because she feels like fox news has been hard on her but she had a really difficult time when she went back the second time in 2014, to rejoin the show after barbara walters left, and there was a fight over the moderator seat both rosie and whoopie wanted to be the moderator, whoopie had it in her contract and rosie struggled with that and had a really hard time with that and she talks about it in the book. >> and then lastly, rosie was not well-liked by the producers they went to hr, a number of times. rosie was compared to a murderer dictator what was she like to work for? >> that was a quote from the former director of the show. this book is really about take two behind the scenes of a tv show and about power and the idea there were three women on the show namely barbara walters, rosie o'donnell and whoopie goldberg who really wanted to
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control the view. it was a very influential show and changed tv in a lot of different ways and brought politics into daytime tv and so rosie wanted things run the way she wanted them run she had her own daytime talk show and when she started on the show, she made life very difficult for a lot of the staff. >> do you think that i could go on the view and they would treat me nicely? >> of course they would. no i don't think they would. >> [laughter] >> they will ask a lot of hard questions and i don't know. >> i think joy would like me. >> would you agree to go on? >> if i have a book i'll definitely go on. that's the deal. >> thank you very much. >> good luck. >> i appreciate it. >> diamond & silk warming up in the bullpen getting ready to talk about creepy joe biden. that's next. >> ♪ ♪ moving is hard.
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no kidding. but moving your internet and tv? that's easy. easy?! easy? easy. because now xfinity lets you transfer your service online in just about a minute with a few simple steps. really? really. that was easy. yup. plus, with two-hour appointment windows, it's all on your schedule. awesome. now all you have to do is move...that thing. [ sigh ] introducing an easier way to move with xfinity. it's just another way we're working to make your life simple, easy, awesome. go to to get started. >> joe biden forced to tweet a half hearted apology video this week after numerous women came forward accusing the former vp of getting a little too creepy. president trump couldn't resist having a little fun at joe's expense. >> shake hands, i grab men by the shoulders and say "you can do this" and women, men, young,
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old, it's the way i've always been. it's the way i've tried to show i care about them and i'm listen ing. >> joining me now with their reaction diamond & silk. all right, ladies, so let's say you're at an event and you feel someone sniffing your hair from behind. what do you do? >> oh, first of all you're not going to do that to me and if anybody like that puts their hands-on me we're going to be the judge and the jury. >> that's right. >> we have to go to the police or media when we're done. >> that's right. should nobody be sniffing your hair. >> that's right. >> i didn't know silk you liked mc hammer so much. you were really moving to that. >> oh, yes, baby. too legit to quit. [laughter] >> that's right do you think joe biden is going to have to quit? i mean every single week, there's another woman coming out is this going to hurt his campaign? >> well do you know what first of all he's been doing this here for a long time and nobody has called him out for the me too
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era and so he's about to run for president. i really think it's sad how the left is attacking him, because they are looking at hip as a threat. >> that's right. will this derail his campaign it just depends on the left. you set the bar so high you can't go over it and so low you can't go under it so now they are tiptoeing around it so it depends on them. here is the deal. creepy joe you need to keep his hands off everybody. keep his hands to himself, he can touch on himself but don't touch on others. >> that's right or diamond & silk. >> that's right. touch yourself, joe that's a better idea. >> all right, aoc on instagram, i don't even know what she's talking about, comparing climate deniers to people against civil rights, let's take a listen. >> how many years until the world ends again? we have 12 years left to cut emissions by at least 50%. you may laugh but your grandkids will not. in the 1950s, just know, that in
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the present day, there are a lot of people who hide the fact that their families and that their grandparents fought against principles of equal rights in the united states. >> take the food out of your mouth before you speak, aoc, i mean, come on. >> absolutely that's common sense to do, but do you know what? when we look at her, she has to be morally bankrupt to think that we're going to go along with the green new deal, which happens to be to us the green new scam. >> that's right. >> you want to bankrupt our country and then you want to fear monger and you want to bully us into going on and she talked about civil rights but we have the right to say no to her green new deal and it's a no. she can make all of the lies and all of the instagram posts that she wants, we say no to the green new deal, it should be that. >> and we also say no to dying in 12 years we're still waiting on 1999 to happen, yeah. >> [laughter] that's right. you know, someone comes up to you and they say you have 12
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years to live unless you give me all your money that's called a scam artist, and i think we know what aoc is doing. >> that's right. >> real quick men are now swad eling themselves like babies, i guess it's tough out there in the dating world look at it they want to go back inside the womb. that's one way to do it. what is happening to planet earth, diamond & silk? >> well first of all i don't know what's happening to planet earth but what's happening to the people that want to swallow. they look like they're in straight jackets. here is the deal stop thinking about things to be stressed about so it all depends on you so they are going to have to change their mind sets is what they need to do. >> next they will be askings to change their diapers. >> [laughter] stay away. maybe biden should swad el himself that might help out with the stress. all right ladies there they are. diamond & silk the chit chat tour is chugging along. >>
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>> time now for last call. meteorologist nick kosir of our affiliate fox 46 in charlotte, north carolina getting in on the slide like this challenge. watch this. >> ♪ slide like this, go like this, please don't do your toe like this ♪ slide like this, go like this, please don't do your toe like this ♪ >> what's up, nick? we finally found a guy that can dance better than i can,
12:00 am
congratulations. all right, that is it for us tonight, be sure to follow me on facebook, instagram and twitter, justice with judge is up next and remember i'm watters, and this is my >> ♪ ♪ >> breaking tonight president trump just returning to washington from the southern border hello and welcome to justice thanks so much for being with us tonight, and thank you for making last week's justice the highest-rated show on cable news all weekend, tv news or even called it a whopping number thank you. and house minority leader kevin mccarthy who just arrived with the president at joint base andrews is standing by live and will join me in a moment it's a jam packed show with anthony scaramucci, charlie kirk, and more, but first the president arriving within the hour, at joint base andrews, and


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