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tv   Justice With Judge Jeanine  FOX News  April 7, 2019 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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facebook, instagram and twitter, justice with judge is up next and remember i'm watters, and this is my >> ♪ ♪ >> breaking tonight president trump just returning to washington from the southern border hello and welcome to justice thanks so much for being with us tonight, and thank you for making last week's justice the highest-rated show on cable news all weekend, tv news or even called it a whopping number thank you. and house minority leader kevin mccarthy who just arrived with the president at joint base andrews is standing by live and will join me in a moment it's a jam packed show with anthony scaramucci, charlie kirk, and more, but first the president arriving within the hour, at joint base andrews, and tweeting tonight that we've deployed 750
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agents at the southern border's specific ports of entry to stop the large scale of illegal immigrants pouring threw and he also called on mexico to enforce laws and stop illegals from entering the united states. lastly, the president called on democrats in congress to help republicans end the loopholes in our immigration law, ending by saying, we can never allow open borders. again, house minority leader kevin mccarthy who was with the president at the border and on air force one joins me in a moment but first my opening statement. why are we even having this conversation? we're so past "the talking" stage but as expected, washington is mired down in politics and word games and their reasoning is not only dilution all it's down right
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dangers and they simply don't care about what's right for you and me and our families, our pocketbooks, our health, our safety, our security. these bos os in washington only care about beginning, resisting, getting re-elected and revenge against trump. it's all a game to them, and you and i are pawns in the middle. so don't tell me that we need open borders, or that walls are steel barriers which we haven't even tried, don't work. i've got news for you. nothing that you've done so far has worked, and don't pat ronize me, and tell me that it's not who we are to turn people away. really? are we not a sovreign nation? are we not entitled to reinforce our own borders? why are we granting priority to those who want to sneak into our
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country illegally? you fit in the sacred house of congress, the people's house, and you promote lawlessness over the rule of law. if that's the case, we don't need you any more. your job is to pass laws, and if you violate laws, and refuse to pass laws to end this crisis, yes, that's what i said, crisis, then what the hell are we paying you for? and you give us this nonsense from your leader. "the president's sham emergency declaration and unlawful transfer of funds have undermin ed our democracy, with the vote of the bipartisan congress the will of american people and the constitution" and then you say nancy pelosi the president is stealing money to
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achieve this goal. nancy have you flipped your lid or do you think we're just stupid? do you have a good laugh when you walk away from the camera, and high five your other friends i want to know, nancy, what are you going to do? more resistance and revenge? why are you protecting illegals over american citizens who work hard to pay taxes, that are used to feed, house, educate, provide health care, lawyers, courts, facilities, to these illegals? the whole system is absurd. it is falling apart, from chain migration to the lottery and on and on. we simply need to stop the illegals, the drugs, the sex trafficking. going forward, from today, we need to stop everyone, period. this is effecting jobs, hospital s, classrooms, that are
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overcrowded in localities that simply can't afford this. bottom line, we can't remove the ones in the interior but we can certainly stop the ones from coming in. no one, by the way, is getting deported. they're being released. they pes rebeing bussed into the interior of our nation. you know, americans believe the illegals are being sent home. they're not. there are 1 million against whom there is a formal order of removal, and another 860,000 waiting for a decision. these people are here to stay, especially if they come with children, and we're doing nothing more than building the next amnesty class. it is simply unsustainable. 100,000 brought in just this past month, a 12-year high. that's what i just said, 100,000 in one month.
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that's bigger than the town that i grew up in. it has to stop. this is not time for talk. fact, 90% of the heroin brought in through the southern border is killing our kids. fact, kids are being sex traffic ked and rape is simply ignored. fact, transnational gangs bring in 400 pounds of fentanyl through the border, enough to kill our entire country. but you simply don't care. you want open borders. for one reason and one reason only. to make sure you get more people here on your side to vote democrat so you never have to worry about getting re-elected again, so that donald trump can never happen again and you were so blatant in your doctrine that you even admit you want them to have licenses and you want them
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to vote. you're all about party, not country. your decisions are based on politics alone and not what's right. they are bloated with political disregard for the american people. god help the united states of america. and that's my open. let me know what you think on my facebook and twitter. and here with reaction to my opening statement just back, just landed i believe from traveling with president trump to the border today, and yesterday, in a justice exclusive house min leader kevin mccarthy who joins me now. congressman, what i'm talking about in this open is okay, we messed up, they're in the country, they're being bussed in even further into the interior but at some point it has to stop.
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mexico apparently for the last couple of days has helped us out when the president threatened that he was going to close the ports, so what are you seeing there and is anything going to change? >> well first judge it's great to have you back on and thank you for having me. >> thank you. >> it is true i just landed with the president about 30 minutes ago. what we saw at the border, we went down to the southern end of california and part of this is some good news. we had some of the new wall that was built and listening to the border agents we saw illegal crossings along this section to drop drastically more than 70% but when you talked about in your opening dialogue, last month, 100,000 illegals apprehended, think of those that were not apprehended. >> right. >> that were caught on a pace to have more than 1 million and what do the democrats and speaker pelosi do into she's suing the president to get him to stop trying to secure our mexico. mexico for the last week has been beginning to stop these
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caravans and the southern end of their border from those triangle countries that have been sending people up from el salvador and others, and a lot of what's happening here is you're correct we need to solve this problem and it takes legislation. so many are claiming asylum, even though they pass other countries first. we need to have a secure border which the president is fighting for, but one thing we learned on this tour, we had sheriffs there from other cities, and the crisis on the border doesn't stay on the border. it goes to our inner cities as well. we had the sheriff of fresno talking about a murder that took place. this is a severe crisis it is not just republicans saying this president obama's secretary of the homeland said it is a crisis jim johnson so we have a real problem the only people who don't think it's a problem are the democrats in charge of congress. >> well the amazing part of it is that i don't see democrats
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going to witness this sham crisis or whatever nancy pelosi calls it. how do they actually stand up there and accuse the president of undermining democracy by trying to protect us and they're not at the border. do you think the american people get this, or are they numb to what they've been hearing over and over again, and how do we end it? >> i help they do exactly what our president has done. he has set down and listened to the border agent. we sat down through a long discussion and a number of sheriffs that have been along the border and it's exactly what you just brought up they talked about the only people coming to the border are republicans they have not seen democrats down there. if people would simply put politics aside, and put their country first, we are a land of a rule of law, but what we're seeing happening down here, new records are being broken. we need to do something to change the course, the president is doing so much.
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building that new wall and that barrier has made a fundamental difference. those are not my words, those are the border patrol agents who work that area, and they have seen from the crime dropping from the illegals coming across, but we've had more than 100,000 who were apprehended and for nancy pelosi to try to claim there's not a crisis, i've been in this situation room with the president and we have homeland security stand up and try to talk about what's going on, and speaker pelosi said i don't believe you, i don't want to hear from you that is what is wrong. >> well that's a sham as far as i'm concerned, but let me ask you this. you know, we see the pictures people sitting in their living rooms tonight, you know, can see the pictures but you're right at the border. tell me how different it feels, what being there and seeing it. what is the humanitarian issue? what is the feeling like there and who are you seeing? are you seeing men, seeing families, i mean, i know the numbers seem to change all the time. who is it?
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whose coming in? >> you know, the sad part about what the border agents have told us is that you're seeing families but they're not real families. they are taking these un accompanied children putting them with other people and lying to the agents to try to come across because of some court decisions that we had the flores decision and others it kind of ties the hands of what government can do. that's why congress has got to act, the president is correct, but the president has done something that others have not in the past. he got mexico to act, so mexico 's beginning to stop these caravans, with very large number s, just in the last four which will help but wethern end already have a major crisis going forward and you see it being overloaded and now, you're asking the border patrol agents to do something different. they're not on the border because of the need, they're inside providing whether it be a hospital, providing food and others so now we have our border opening up that's why building this wall is so important.
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>> all right, but i don't have much time i want to ask you this all right? when we talk about now this new president in mexico, he's very much a socialistic. we supposedly had a deal a year ago the president gets tough and says your car is coming in and that's the way it's going to happen. what leverage do we have over this guy to keep him on track because mexico's going to start being overloaded themselves. >> they will. our greatest leverage is having president trump, but what really we should do is pass and solve this problem in congress. we are a week away from having 100 days of this new democrat majority and i ask your viewers and ask anybody in congress, what have they done? what have these democrats accomplished? you know what they've done? 20% of their bill is outside of suspension are just resolutions, don't even go to the senate. it's not law. they are wasting their majority while america has a crisis, and thank you president trump is taking action. >> it's good to have you with
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us minority leader kevin mccarthy thank you so much. i know its been a long few days thank you. >> thank you, judge. >> joining me now with the firsthand account of the dire situation on the border in dealing with the surge of illegals throughout the country, and bristol county sheriff is here, all right gentlemen good to have you on the show again both of you. >> thank you. >> well thank you you no one of the things that congressman mccarthy talked about was that this is not just a problem of the border but a problem in the interior. i'm going to start with you, sheriff and ask you about the border and how different this is from when i was there a couple years ago and then sheriff i'm going to ask you about the interior. >> well, good to be on your show again judge and welcome back. you know, i'll just say, 35 years on this border i'm worried
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i'm really worried where this country is going and where we're at. you know i'm worried about our community, i'm worried about our families worried about americans and also worried about cbp, the border patrol agents, hsi, all of the sheriffs standing united with them that are watching this crisis that's not being solved or being taken care of and the support from our president. we truly appreciate that, but where the heck is congress? why is congress not stepping into this because we do. we have public safety issues, we have a national security issue and we have a humanitarian nation on this border just coming up on the radio i hear two crisis where we have two illegals one female one male found both are in really bad shape bound in our deserts. that's a crisis. >> but let me ask you this. we know the facts and the facts, sheriff and i don't mean to interrupt you but they don't seem to be effecting everybody. in terms of what you're seeing,
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what is different about now? what makes this a crisis now as opposed to two years ago? >> well two points on that. the first crisis is that we sent a message to those in the country that we have a border that we can't as a country as national leaders cannot secure this, cannot protect this border , because congress won't protect them. second to that is our federal resources are stressed out. you talk to any border patrol agent you talk to the federal folks they don't have the resources. we're releasing illegals into the community what kind of border plan is that. >> sheriff let me ask you this. you've been on this for many years what's going on in the interior? i said in my open there are a mill illegals with orders of deportation. if we can't stop them from coming in we certainly can't have i.c.e. going around looking for people what is going on in the interior? >> first of all judge it's great to have you back and let
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me just tell you in massachusetts, for example, we're 2,200 miles from the border the second most common place you'll find fentanyl the opioid crisis is out of control, we have them getting their foothold in the north east and the border patrol i was just down there last week and that's my fourth trip there and the border patrol agents told me there, look m ms-13 they want to get that in the north east and take that territory and we're seeing it in boston, in our whole area here and you know, judge, earlier, the comment was made by you about the hundred thousand people that have come in in one month. that's 4,000 people more than the sixth largest city in massachusetts and my question is , how many cities are sitting around the united states just for one month worth of 100,000 with vacant homes, hospitals, churches, schools, waiting to be occupied by 100,000 people who have come in never mind the
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million which is almost the size of rhode island that you're anticipating they will catch coming in in one year and this is where the problem is on the interior in cities throughout the united states, we're all being impacted and the quality of life is sadly been deteriorating for the people of the united states. >> you know, one of the things that sheriff is talking about is there is a guy by the name of chavez who i believe is convicted of manslaughter do you know the fact that he was deported and they found him back in huntington long island, ms-13 convicted of murder supported back in long island. another guy, a murderer and now he's in jersey city. i believe jersey city is a sanctuary city, so sheriff, do you have any idea about what we can do to stop these people? is there anyway to put some kind of an identification on them so that we know when they're coming
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back? >> and you're hitting it on, judge and i agree with you 100% is how do we do it? the only way we do this is people got to see the facts and see what's going on. just look at like what sheriff is saying in his own communities there which is 2,000 miles north of the border we have to unify it as a country americans need to come together and recognize it is a crisis and we need to come together and fix it, and that senseless killing, and who are we defending here in this case? the ninth circuit just came back and said no you can't sue, you can't sue the sheriff so in that case it started with the sheriff for do what's right we have to do what's right in this country and for some reason we're not doing that. >> and you know, last thought to get congress to do anything. i mean 10 seconds. >> judge real quickly. they've had 20 years to come up with answers they know like sheriff said, they know what's going on they know the number of americans being killed and do
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you know what they turn a blind eye. the only leader in this country in 20 years that stood up come up with solutions and taken action is president donald trump and do you know what the sheriff s of this nation stand shoulder to shoulder with him the people elected us to protect him and he's trying to help us do that and i hope the american people, democrats, republicans, independents will demand congress do their job either enforce the laws on the book or change them or get them out. >> sheriffs, so good to see you , and charlie kirk, still ahead tonight, but next the democrats still beating the russia collusion drum, two weeks after the whole thing was debunk , next the mooch is here, anthony scaramucci joins me live to discuss the democrats, plus the upcoming release of the full mueller report, justice rolls on in a moment.
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>> president trump on a tweet storm today railing on the russian witch hunt and the mueller probe as the release of the report approaches. here with reaction to that and more former white house communications director, anthony scaramucci. all right, anthony let's hit it we don't have a lot of time it's always good to see you. >> great to be here. >> thank you all right the president definitely tweeting up a storm, talking about time the perpetrators and the american people start defending their dishonest acts, they'll never be satisfied no matter what we give them and a total waste of time. he says there's no collusion it was a con job that was paid for, you got to love him paid for by hillary and he says how does this start and finally, why should i be defending a fraudulent russian witch hunt what do you say about all of this? >> i understand why hings upset he's totally justified but the
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argument i would like to make for him is in the context of that justice department over the last two years they would never put out a memo like that, where they're saying effectively there's no collusion and no further indictment. there's nobody in that justice department, judge, that is carrying the president's water. that's my point. >> that's for sure. >> so therefore i'd like to make the point that wait a minute they spend two and a half years, $30 million and whatever you think of attorney general barr he's not carrying the presidents water. he looked at the report, gave the abstract and it is that the president is free and clear so why can't we go on to resolving the border crisis and talk about the great jobs, developments in the economy, wage growth and talk about things very relevant to the american people. >> but they don't want to do that. adam schiff and the rest of them it's to make money. >> oh, they're raising money on it. >> of course they are sending out a form letter we're still going after president trump still trying to knock him out of office don't you hate him as much as we do so what they're done is demonized the process. one thing the president said to
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me after i got fired i was on the phone with him one night and he said did you think it was going to be like this? i didn't understand or i underestimated the level of hate because the guys doing great and when you're doing great and you're an outsider disrupting their system they want to kill you, because what are you going to say 40 years in business he comes into washington after 17 months of campaigning and he's done an amazing job as president and he has 40 year resumes in washington and they created a disaster? >> well and i want to get to that. >> that's why they are so crazy on him. >> but one of the things that no collusion, there's no obstruction no indictments nothing and now, no obstruction according to barr and rosenstein , and i'm not the biggest fan of but the fact that he said it maybe -- >> well look i have full disclosure i went to law school with rod. >> did you really? >> we had our 30th year reunion last night in boston at harvard.
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i always liked him i told the president i liked him i understand why you don't like him. >> he tricked mueller into being the head of the fbi and then appoints a special counsel. i don't want to go through it. >> but here is my point okay? let's just say that either he's you don't like him or he's neutral he's not carrying the president's water is the point. >> i agree. >> therefore, guys back it up. why don't you focus on the issues because maybe he can't win. >> well they can't. listen i want to ask about the friday's employment record. it was a continuous unprecedented job gain, but one of the indirect benefits of that is that there apparently is a fairly significant increase in the federal minimum wage. 19 6,000 jobs added, and just so it's collateral but it's because there aren't enough people to fill the jobs, so they're up to like $25 an hour. this probably happened 45 years ago where you literally have
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more jobs available than there are people to fill the jobs, and so that's very very good for participation now more and more people enter the labor force, and it's exactly what everybody wanted so i don't understand why they're saying well let's bring in illegals. you don't want that. let's get the wages up for lower -class americans, and lower middle class americans, so that they can participate in the society. you've had 35 years where you turn these people into desperational working class people. i grew up in an aspirational working class family where we were trying to live the american dream. the president is bringing back that aspiration to these people. why don't you give them the opportunity to have higher wages slow down the illegal immigration. you have democrats and republicans that pass the laws, every other nation there are 200 of them for legal immigration, we're the only one for illegal immigration. it didn't make any sense. >> i just have one issue. i think that we've got some of the trump people, let's take a
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listen to them i want you to hear this sound. trump haters. >> the president today who is a racist, who is a sexist, what you did in this last election, we cut our time in hell in half. >> the truth is president trump is chairing the moral fabric of this country apart. >> all right, so, i mean are they going to win tearing donald trump apart? >> i don't think so. i think that reinforces him and they're playing right into him. the more they do that the more the american people know what nonsense it is. it's not going to win. you got to win on issues and have a factual debate on the president, he's right on policies and a common sense leader that's why the economy is doing so well. >> and that's why -- >> and we love you, it's important to mention that before we go to the break. >> thank you. all right, anthony scaramucci, thank you so much for being with
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us, and charlie kirk still on deck tonight, but next can joe biden survive the wave of comments about his behavior toward women? the panel is ready to dive in and debate it, jonathan harris, stephanie hammel are ready to get at it justice is back in a moment.
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palestinian state, now back to the justice with judge jeanine. >> i just want you to know, i had permission to hug lonnie. >> [applause] >> [laughter] >> i don't know, man. >> i don't want you to have to standalone. by the way he gave me permission to touch him. >> [applause] >> that's joe biden making a joke and trying to turn the page on the controversy surrounding him, with several women accusing
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the former vice president of inappropriate contact. let's ask our panel tonight conservative columnist stephanie hammel, democrat strategist jonathan harris. listen guys good to have you back. all right so everybody in washington knows that joe biden does this. he's a guy who puts his hands-on someone's shoulder, i mean, honestly i wouldn't like it, someone would get an elbow if they did that to me, but anyway, what do you think? i mean, jonathan, do you think the women have a right to feel that it was inappropriate and that he went past the bounds of what's appropriate? >> i mean, i think it's something that changes for every person. different people have different feelings we've all had that person who maybe put their hands-on our shoulder and we cringe and we're like oh, but i think it's incumbent upon the person to say that i don't like that that made me uncomfortable or it was harmless and just something that happened during social interaction but joe biden handled very well and said look
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i may be from a different time but i hear what these people are saying and i'll change my behavior going forward. i thought it was a very obama- like very brilliant smooth pivot out of it and good for him for being able to crack a joke. i don't think you should be down about it for sure. >> well all right, stephanie you said that i've got permission from long it to give a hug. long it is a guy by the way, but stephanie, what do you think is appropriate now? >> yeah, well that little hug, and the joke it was a little bit cringe-worthy and i know that some on the left are very upset about it and i'm surprised that jonathan is defending biden in this situation. what i will say is what goes around comes around. i do remember biden had no problem joining in on the pile- on on justice brett kavanaugh during the hearings. he said we should believe women and give christine ford the benefit of the doubt thinking that the me too boomerang wouldn't come back around for
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him so the democrats made the bed now they need to lie in it when it comes to the me too movement so even though i don't think that joe biden is a threat we've all known him for being handsy joe and the creepy uncle. we've seen the videos for years, and what i find fascinating is the mental gymnastics going on in the media and on the left for those who support joe biden, they're giving him a pass on this. >> but joes not contradicting himself. they would never do this for a republican they would be foaming at the mouth and he would be unfit and unqualified. >> jonathan what are you saying >> that is not true. i said the same thing i've been consistent look trump has over 20 women accusing him of -- >> oh, come on please let's stop. what about it? >> listen to what i'm saying, that whether it's been kavanaugh or trump or biden i've said the same thing. >> which is? >> you have a right to a presumption of innocence and biden is not coming out saying these women are lying he's saying i'm hearing what they say
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and i'll change the behavior in the future. >> what was biden saying during the kavanaugh hearing, jonathan and why didn't obama who probably knows him better than anyone come out and say i know joe biden to be a decent man what's that about? somethings cooking there. >> well i think obama is very widely tried to stay out out of intervening and in our politics. >> unless it's donald trump. >> well he could do a lot to intervene on donald trump on a daily basis but he's letting joe handle this and doing the same thing now and i think joe handled well and there isn't a hipocracy on the left and right. you can believe accusations or that they should be vetted and also believe in a person's right to a presumption of innocence and they all get that kavanaugh, trump and joe biden. well i don't think so. all right go ahead, stephanie. >> jonathan it's no secret i follow you on twitter i don't remember you being out there defending kavanaugh saying you stand with kavanaugh. >> well no, read my tweet. read my tweet. >> and this is just another reminder of how hypocritical the left is and i'm so sick of them
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using women as political tools. this is actually harmful to women who are the real victims of sexual assault and violence, and like i said this attack on biden is ridiculous. we know that the timing is obviously very convenient because there are some on the left who don't want him to run. >> i love hearing you say that to joe biden, stephanie. >> but the me too movement is a farce. >> i want to get to another question and i want to call for some sound on president trump on the green new deal take a listen president trump: the green new deal, done by a young bartender, 29 years old. >> [laughter] president trump: a young bartender. if they beat me with the green new deal i deserve to lose. >> [laughter] >> all right, jonathan there's no question, the president think s he's, you know, he's got this one, and it is so absurd the trillions of dollars and you
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got an airplane and to retrofit your house and you can't eat a hamburger because the cows are passing too much gas. >> don't forget about the cow emissions that can kill you. i mean, the whole thing is absurd. >> i think that trump missed a golden opportunity here again, to instead of saying she's a bartender, she's not. she's the youngest woman elected to congress. that's like calling trump, but she was. she's not any more. it's like calling trump a reality tv star instead of calling president of the united states. he could have said this is a very accomplished woman i disagree with her about a couple of things but that doesn't mean we can't figure out something going forward and bring both sides together and unite. >> stephanie, 30 seconds. >> everyone always has a little fit, actually a big fit over anything president trump says. he's not on prompter, he's off script will just say things he wants to say. the whole point is that this is a ridiculous plan the green new
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scam i've called it before that on your show $93 trillion to implement, so vague, no cows no planes it's absurd and president trump is right this would be the biggest greatest gift with a big large red bow kneeing into 2020 so congresswoman ocasio-cortez please keep pushing the green new scam i stand behind you on that. >> let's not stand behind climate change. >> all right, stephanie, jonathan harris we'll leave that for next week thank you. and the attacks from the left keep coming with president trump 's popularity, it stays strong. why? charlie kirk from turning point joins us live in a moment to talk about that and more, you'll like this, don't go away.
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>> president trump has been non -stop this week and now with the main findings of the mueller report behind him 2020 is in his sights and a new polling shows hispanics are rallying to trump. will it make all the difference in the race? joining me now turning point usa founder charlie kirk. charlie great to have you on the show. >> thanks for having me judge great to be here. >> good let's talk about that. president trump's approval rating among hispanic voters, 50 % approve, 46% disapprove and npr pbs news hour poll, that's kind of amazing given the attacks that he's gotten from the left, especially as it relates to hispanics and immigration and all of that. how do you explain it? >> spot on judge and you look at this is an npr poll let's just reiterate that it's not exactly a conservative polling, but you look at the tougher the president has gotten on the border the more hispanic support has surged. it's really actually contrary to
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what the media elites and the wisemens had of washington have been telling us over the last 20 -30 years. the "conventional wisdom" was that you need to be for open borders or relaxed immigration policy to try to win the hispanic community. this polling shows that ever since the president has declared a national emergency and talked about immigration daily and illegal immigration and the surge of illegals coming into our country, more hispanics support him and why is that? that's because illegal immigration directly impacts legal immigrant communities the most specifically legal hispanic communities so this is a great sign for the president going in 2020 in direct defiance of what the wisemen of washington have been trying to tell us for years >> let's talk about joe biden for a minute. it's very interesting that i said earlier that president obama has said nothing and it doesn't seem like anyone on the left has supported joe biden, which leads me to think that maybe is the prosecutor in me
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could this all be coming from the left? talk to me about that. >> such a brilliant point, judge, where is president obama? this was his vice president this was good old pal joe for eight years and the guy that stuck by him through thick and thin and the obamacare fight and through everything and to my knowledge president obama has been silent on this, and i sent out a tweet earlier this week that got a lot of play makes you think maybe, maybe not, michelle obama might want to make a decision she said she's not interested but more than anything elsewhere is the energy in the party? it's not behind uncle joe. the energy is whose the most socialistic and the most radical and who hates donald trump the most. i call it the socialistic hate trump olympics and boy are they doing that right now that i've never expected out of them and uncle joe, being in the party for 40 years, supporting things that are now completely out of the center of gravity to their party they are enjoying this in fact the media is pouring
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gasoline on this fire not putting out the fire, on joe biden, and he's looking around saying this is a party that i'm part of, and the lack of defense around this very instruct ever where the democrat party is going. >> well of course i agree with you and then there is another piece to this. look, the president has his base that base is always going to stay with the president. the president obviously needs the independence. the left, the further they go left i don't even call them democrats but the further they go left the more they're losing those independence. if you have a brain you say to yourself, maybe joe biden is the guy to grab those independence and yet they're all doing this toward the left. it doesn't have the democrats. >> you're exactly right, judge and joe biden would be someone who could compete for middle america, being from scranton, pennsylvania he could make an argument towards middle class america that is really donald trump's base in citied they go to two communities the malibu and manhattan elites funding these democrat primaries of who can disen franchise middle
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america the most and that's where their energy is right now for open borders for outward socialism for borderline, things that are really radical, i've always believed america is a center right country, not a radical left wing country. and donald trump has an amazing opportunity to master the middle class and middle america, and independent voters and he will and that's why i believe he will win reelection. >> charlie kirk thanks so much for being with us and next the man who walked away from the left, joining me live in a moment.
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>> he walked away from the democrats and has never looked back since. brandon strzok from the walk away campaign joins me now live now brandon great to have you back. >> thank you.
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i was one of the first shows that you did a little over six months ago in august of 2018 and i said here is this guy who is not what you'd expect to lead the democrat party but saw so much that he found nonsense it call and not real that you moved right, but what's happened since then? >> so much has happened since i saw you last time. we had a march on washington the movement has grown and grown and grown and the democrats have become more insane and they push more people over to my movement, they're doing more advertising for me and i don't even have to pay for advertising it's amazing >> remember we talked about how you're going to do that but look , your message is an important one. you know, you've been a life long democrat you were someone who no one would ever expect to be a republican. >> right including myself two years ago. why? >> why did i walk away? >> yeah. >> well i walked away i actually voted for hillary clinton in 2016 and i was trying to understand why anybody would vote for donald trump because the media had told me he's a
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racist a bigot his followers are no better and it took somebody pointing out to me how the liberal media manipulates the truth and creates a narrative that isn't true and they particularly target minorities in america, if black, brown, lying right to your face, and i discovered that and i walked away. you walked away because you got other people to walk away with you. >> lots. >> in light of the mueller report how was your campaign since then? >> we've seen a huge spike particularly in the last two or three weeks we got thousands of new members and this is the thing though that i think that so many people hung all of their hopes up on that mueller report, we'll get trump, it's time to impeach, i think it's going to take time to process the disappointment they're feeling it was all a scam but lights are going on starting to see the media is not what it seems or being honest with people pushing a political agenda they want to get rid of the president. >> as they were being gamed let's talk about 2020. are you going to have a whole in that what is the walk away doing
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>> i certainly hope to have as big of a role as possible we're doing a lot of the town halls so in new york city we did the first harlem town hall. >> harlem what was that like? >> well i went into harlem and so we rented out a movie theatre and showed a documentary move e we created, we raised the money so people could come entirely for free and then had a town hall discussion afterwards with angela king, dr. martin luther king's god niece and we'll take these all across the country and enjoying more. >> how do people join you? >> well they can go to walkaway and i encourage people to do that if they want to volunteer. >> >> walk and next month is our one year anniversary. >> oh, really well i'll tell you from when i first met you i almost, i guess eight months ago , you have the energy, the
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enthusiasm and you i guess feel that you were gamed and that makes you angry and so now, you are moving full speed full throttle. >> that's exactly it. you nailed it. the driving force with my passion behind this whole thing is that i am angry at what the media is doing to minority groups and the way they're dividing us and pushing the narrative of racism and bigotry. >> brandon, congratulations, thank you for being with us tonight. and we'll be right back.
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>> finally tonight keep up with me throughout the week on facebook, twitter and instagram, i'm back, and as always thank you so much for watching i've met so many of you this past week as i traveled around the country i'm jeanine pirro, advocating for truth, justice and the american way, greg gutfield is coming up and i'll see you next saturday night.
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>> you probably remember the basics about the mystery case and why it is so mysterous, but also, still, slowedded in mystery so this is important now when it comes to the mystery case, right? >> so now she's even mocking herself. >> [laughter] >> [cheers and applause] >> well it was either a bad week for joe biden, or kind of a bad week


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