tv Hannity FOX News April 8, 2019 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT
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all of which are everywhere right now. if you don't catch a live, you can dvr it, given that you can figure out how it works. good night from washington. now, joining us live from new york city, the great sean hannity. >> sean: oh, it's me come as before, how are you doing? [laughs] good show. as always. welcome to "hannity." it's a big breaking news night onyo multiple fronts, we are working up to the last second here. in moments we will cover the crisis on the southern border. it is now completely and fully overwhelming any capacity that those brave men and women a that guard our borders have to deal with this. also we will focus on its way out of control radical socialisi 2020 democrats, new levels of insanity worse than ever as they become more unhinged with each passing day and of who are literally becoming, you know, the socialists that we thought they were andso more.
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and we also have a breaking news report from john solomon showing real evidence 2016 campaign collusion all surrounding the campaign of hillary clinton. just like democrats only believe if it is a republican. they only believe that they can bludgeon trump. whatever happened to the serious allegations of rape and sexual assault, violent assault against women by lieutenant governor of virginia? that you don't hear a thing, nothing, crickets. also alec baldwin right now has gone to a whole 'nother level. we will explain. first we start in chicago.hi two weeks after giving actor jussie smollett a pass, kim foxx is facing a wave of criticism. democratic mayor ron rombough dead fish called it a whitewash of justice. the chicago police superintendent eddie johnson called it a fiasco. many others calling on foxx to resign immediately, but over the
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weekend foxx is suggesting any criticism of her could be rooted in racism. watch this. >> the efforts that i've had on criminal justice reform that were once celebrated by many in this county, that are now being attacked because of one case and one celebrity, i think we have to ask ourselves, what is this really about? i've been asking myself for the last two weeks, what is this really about? and as someone who has lived in the city, came up from thehe the city, who came up from the projects of this city to serve as the first african-american woman in this role, it is disheartening to me. >> sean: actually, it is about the decision to give to give jussie a free pass with two eyewitnesses and all the evidence that has now been presented and supposedly there's a lot more. he is a well-connected, wealthy celebrity ando smollett was trying to boost his own name recognition and perhaps a pay
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raise at the expense of trump supporters. and i'm sure both sure bothm smollett and fox agree, mission ttaccomplished. coming up a full report from the deteriorating political situation in chicago. meanwhile tonight in california those involved in the college admission scandal, they are not being given the jussie smollett treatment. actress felicity huffman and 13 others pleading guilty. she faces a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison for scheming to rig s.a.t. scores, act scores and, of course, other parents putting their children's faces on the bodies of athletes on sports they never played and being recruited as athletes. we will have a lot more on this later in the show. but we start tonight with the crisis of the southern border. over the weekend, kirstjen nielsen resigned from the dhs as the trump administration looks to aggressively curtail the massive stream of illegal immigration across the southern border. as it stands tonight, the level of illegal immigration into this
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country is beyond unsustainable. this year alone, over i 1 millin illegal immigrants will likely be apprehended. no one really knows how many others have successfully breached the border.r. remember 90% of heroin, now fentanyl, other deadly poisons pouring into the country every single day. we are losing 300 people a week to opioid overdoses and battling cartels and human traffickers selling young girls into prostitution. ms-13 gang members and that activity seen on a level we have never seen before. we need more walls, more border agents more equipment and it is all desperately needed as soon as possible. yeah, it's a real crisis. as the presidential election gets closer and closer, of course the 2020 extreme socialist democrats lost touch with all reality. they actually want to tear down existing border walls, abolish i.c.e., open up the
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borders completely, which makes no sense.ol which brings us to "hannity watch" tonight on this radical democratic party and those who want to be your next president. wide open borders is just one small aspect of what has now become a totally bizarre, frankly dangerous agenda for the country. we have multiple candidates now actually calling for the electoral college to be eliminated. you know what that means? new york, new jersey, california, illinois will decido every future presidential election. what about those red states? do you ever read about the framers and what they said as we have discussed? then you have others like robert francis, beto "bozo" o'rourke wanting to fundamentally reshape thehe supreme court, increasing ther number of justices but, of course, they want to avoid them. that practice is known as packing the court. once tried by fdr in the 1930s. it was an utter failure and many accused president roosevelt of
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fascism. meanwhile the great-grandfather of wacko democratic socialists, bernie sanders, has a radical new scheme of his own. he actually wants felons to be able to vote from prison. i wonder why. watch this. >> say, we are putting you away for a long period of time. you're gonna pay a heavy price for that, but also we are taking away your right to participate in aar democratic society. you can't vote anymore. >> you are paying a price. you committed a crime and you are in jail. that is bad. but you are still living in american society and you have a right to vote. i believe in that, yes, i do. >> sean: so bernie is lobbying hard for violent incarcerated felons to have the same right as law-abiding americans. and senate cory booker busy playing identity politics. transparent political stunt toto win support from minorities, spartacus booker has just
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introduced a senate bill exploring "reparations" and spartacus along with a dozen other democrats attending al sharpton's national action network convention this week in new york. reparations, pretty hot topic, take a look. >> congresswoman sheila jackson lee has proposed a bill to form a commission to study how to do reparations. if you are elected president, would you sign that bill if it came across your desk? >> when i am elected president, i will sign that bill. >> if that bill were to pass and come to your desk, would you sign it? >> if the house and senate passed that bill, of course, i would sign it. >> would you sign that bill? >> yes. >> if you are president of the united states, would you sign that bill if it passed the congress for a commission on reparations for slavery in the united states? >> i would. >> would you sign the bill for reparations?s yes, i would.
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i already support that bill. >> sean: let's keep track of the radical agenda for the modern democratic party. reparations, check, open borders check, supreme court packing, check. abolishing the electoral college so new york and california to decide, new jersey to decide, check. and during birth and even post birth abortions, yeah, check. of course, congressowman ocasio-cortez will tell you how to run your business. they will tell you, and your life, insane green new deal, check that too. don't forget, 90% top marginal tax for all businesses in america, say goodbye, they will all leave, 70% top marginal rate for individuals. believe it or not, the king of high taxes, new york city mayor comrade bill de blasio is exploring a presidential run himself, frequently stating that your wealth is in the wrong hands. that it is the government's job to take it and of course spread the wealth around. let me translate, he wants all
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that money in his greedy hands so he can create programs to buy votes while creating dependency. over the weekend, conrad de blasio said the same thing during a speech in nevada. in front of a massive crowd, 35 people, 35, and the new york city socialist, not the only fan left zealot having trouble attracting a crowd. look at your screen. thank you for the "washington examiner" robert francis, beto o'rourke, spoke to a third of a full room there. let's compare that to one trump rally. during lackluster remarks, bozo o'rourke attacked prime minister of america's top ally. in fact, the unemployed former congressmann from texas actually called the single greatest, one of the single greatest leaders of our time, a churchillian
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figure that has led with moral clarity, until donald trump on his own, against the threat of radical islamists, like after 9/11, prime minister netanyahu calling him a racist. watch this. >> the u.s.-israel relationshipt is one of the most important relationships that we have on the planet. that relationship, if it is to be successful, must transcend partisanship in the united states. and it must be able to transcend a prime minister who is racist as he warns about arabs coming to the polls. who wants to defy any prospect for peace as he threatens to annex the west bank. and who has sided with a far right racist party in order to maintain his will power. now, i don't think benjamin netanyahu represents the true will of the israeli people or the best interest of the u.s./israel relationship or any path for peace for the palestinian authorities. >> sean: by the way, as we speak, israel in the middle of a very, very important vote and if you know people in israel, if
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you want the moral clarity, the great relationship that has been built, frankly, stronger than ever between israel and the united states, now would be the time to tell your friends to vote likud. but that would drag away from likud, which means prime minister netanyahu to get the opportunity to form the next government, which is imperative. think of moving to jerusalem, the capital of israel from tel aviv. think on the golan heights and declaration of trump. you listen to people like bozo o'rourke, he doesn't know history.about o'rourke calls for the border walls to be torn out. the united states can learn from highly effective walls in israel. they work under prime minister benjamin netanyahu leadership. we can learn a lot from prime minister netanyahu, the leader of the most importanter ally in the middle east. the only democracy in the region. the only place where people
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of all faiths can really practice their religion. freely and openly. and for years, as i said, he was the only leader on the world stage who had the courage to stand up to radical islamists, the mullahs of iran funding and coordinating, fighting proxy wars and terrorism all over the world. and it's been his steady leadership that has made israel, literally, and the world a safer place. that is why the vote in the israel now is so important. that leadership at an early age for the prime minister, 50 years ago, bibi netanyahu was a member elite special forces unit in israel. he was wounded in battle on multiple occasions and got shot in the shoulder during the rescue operation aboard a hijacked plane and of course he lost his brother in the raid. meanwhile, bozo o'rourke spent
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his teenage years as a computer hacker with the nickname psychedelice warlord, 1998, and almost killed someone with his car and then fled the scene of an accident. and robert francis, his greatest professional accomplishment, oh, yeah, losing badlyt to ted cruz in last year's senate race in spite of nearly $100 million that he spent in that race. robert francis represents all that is wrong with the modern, democratic socialist extreme party. and of course, their friends and the rage trump media mob. he can call our greatest ally a racist and the media yawns. would the same be true for candidate president trump or any other republican? this double standard is not new. the lieutenant governor of virginia, where are all of the "i believers" that gave justice kavanaugh such unfair treatment. no due process and a rush to judgment? are democrats demanding speaker pelosi's tax returns? how about every member of congress and senate?
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why is it okay for president obama to build a wall? they literally supported every step of the way. they sounded more like trump than trump sounds. when president trump wants to do it, it is immoral. what about campaign collusion? the left says, two years of obsessing over a lie and a hoax. we now have four separate investigations, one, the fbi, nine months, two, the intel committe in the house, three, a bipartisan senate committee, and now the mueller report. no evidence of collusion, yet does anybody in the mainstream media, do they ever care about truth, real evidence? there is real evidence of collusion, one, we have the bought and paid for russian dossier.ll that was used to influence the election, but we also know, there's a brand-new article held by investigative reporter john solomon. ukrainian, the prosecutors, why sen't you want the evidence on democrats? well, that would actually be hillary. john solomon details the real evidence of collusion between
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the government of ukraine and top democrats to help hillary in the 2016 election. here with more, john solomon, i will let you bring everyone up to speed, there is evidence here just like there we know hillary paid for the phony russiannc dossier to influence that part of the election as well. >> that is right, sean, ukrainian authorities said since last.s year, trying to get this evidence and the trump justice department and thwarted by the u.s. first the embassy, where they wouldn't give them visa to come to the united states to deliver in person. then hired aerer former u.s. attorney from the bush era and asked to bring southern district of new york. never heard back after they made the offer of the evidence. more recently, looking for american lawyers to possibly file a lawsuit to recover the money they believe was stolen in the corrupt democratic schemes. what is the evidence they are
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talking about? pretty remarkable. two affidavits were ukrainian law enforcement saying, yes, we did try to tip 2016 election in favor of hillary clinton. they have a tape recording of the head of naboo, the fbi in ukraine, corruption police acknowledging he tried to help clinton by leaking the paul manafort documents. they have evidence of contats between the democratic national committee, hillary clinton's campaign in ukrainian officials here in washington transferring or transmitting evidence related to donald trump and alleged ties to russia. that is just some of the stuff, not even talking about thes things last week with joee bidn and the $3 million his son made when joe biden vice president and the effort that joe biden to thwart an investigation of the company in ukraine. so a lot of evidence and it doesn't seem to find a receptive iaudience in washington. >> sean: john solomon, investigative reporter, we will continue on the story, crazy uncle joe biden, he's got -- creepy uncle joe, he's got a lot to get to. joining us house republican leader kevin mccarthy, he joined president trump on a visit to
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the southern border on friday, joins us now to discuss what he saw and much more. thank you, congressman, for being here. number one, i've been down there 12, 13, 14 times, i can't count but i've seen it all up close and personal. but it's never been this bad. this is now overwhelming the system and a clear and present danger to the country. >> you are correct, sean. more than a million people will be apprehended. that is not including the people that we do not catch that are illegally coming across. we have not seen these numbers in more than a decade. and now not just the present because he's been working on this from day one but obama's former secretary of homeland says it is a crisis. the only people in america who believe it is not a crisis are the democrats socialists in congress. we need legislature to fix this. >> sean: let me ask you about the new democratic party. they want to open borders and
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eliminate i.c.e., get rid of the electoral college and stuff the supreme court. we know that no oil and gas in ten years. we know that they want to co yinate the combustion engine in ten years. we know that everything is free, health care is free, jobs are guaranteed, health care guaranteed. even healthy government food is guaranteed whether you are willing to work or not. 70% top marginal tax rate, 90% corporate0% tax rate. i have been in this business for 30 years, congressman, and i've never seen anything this insane ever proposed and adopted by any group of people like this.e >> the other thing that you are missing, look at what they have been saying about israel. look at what they have been questioning with the jewish faith. but they won't stand up to that either. this is a change. this isn't a democratic party, this is a democrat socialist party. i don't say that, they called themselves that. s this is a battle between socialism versus freedom. we know what this looks like. just look to cuba. just look to venezuela. we know what happens when socialism takes over, the idea of freedom.
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this idea of everything free. what do you get in cuba when something is free, you don't get a nice home or ability to move up. you have people g who want to lead the country for the beacon of freedom to america. ca sean: all of these countries, interesting that they have to build walls to keep people in. we build them because so many people want to come here. >> you know, sean, the positive thing along the border, we have a new area built with a new wall, steel slats, and hearing from the experts, the border patrol, you know what they told you? dropping more than 70% in the last month since the new wall went up. it works, it has proven to work, and it will be one of the elements. congress needs to act, change asylum, change catch and release, things that you have talked about and the president is talking about. congress needs to act now. >> sean: house minority leader kevin mccarthy, thank you for being with us. joining with more on this crisis at our southern border, border
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chiefe under president barack obama, mark morgan is with us. congressman mccarthy mentioned it works. we know in the yuma sector alone, they went from 5 miles of border law to 70 miles of border wall. 99% perfection stopping all illegal immigration. >> you know, sean that is absolutely right and the congressman -- i will go a step further. that wall is part of the multilayer strategy, the personnel. if you listen to cheap patrol if you listen to chief patrol agent down there, gloria chavez, what else did she say? she said that it gives them operationally advantage, huge advantage, she used because something is critical she said is that it reduced assault on border patrol agents by 65%. yet they want to say that walls are ineffective. it is just misleading the american people on every front when it comes to that. >> sean: so why is it that the democrats supported everything
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that trump is now advocating for? and the president put daca and dreamers on the table. but now, it is immoral, but it's really worse. you identify as worse than ever. i don't understand or comprehend how you put your hatred and rage towards the president above the 90% heroin and fentanyl coming into the country. how do you explain that? >> sean, i'm with you, i can't.t. i'm not a political guy, i'm a law enforcement guy.m it doesn't make sense, we are violating rule offo law and sovereignty of the nation. we are absolutely putting american citizens at greater risk because congress is failing to act. they can end catch and release tomorrow. all they have to do, fix flores, would take 15 minutes, sean, and catch and release would be done. 650,000 people that allow into the united states because of the
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laws would stop. >> sean: you know what, your position is brave, it's courageous, and thank you. it is imperative. we are losing kids in this children 300 a week, sad. a lot more breaking news tonight. big update, college admissions scandals, trace gallagher and newt gingrich, alec baldwin testing a 2020 run and thinks he can win and he has ratcheted up his fight with me. i got a new monologue straight ahead. ♪ his fight with me. i got a new monologue straight
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xfinity watchathon week. television is back! now through april 14, enjoy free access to the best shows and movies from hbo, showtime, epix and more. what! so, you can get more into what you're into. whether it's more laughs, oops. epic escapes, or high-flying thrills, get more into what you're into. just say "watchathon" into your x1 voice remote, or download the xfinity stream app. xfinity watchathon week, free. now through april 14. ♪ >> sean: tonight, a major new development in the college admissions bribery scandal that has rocked a number of elite colleges. today, actress felicity huffman pled guilty today. trace gallagher's live west coast newsroom with the latest, trace.
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>> exactly, sean. felicity huffman and a dozen parents plead guilty to conspiracy to commit mail fraud, which is punishable by up to 20 years in prison. but the plea agreement indicates the prosecutors will ask for a sentence of between four and ten months. here is the interesting part, some of the parents who were quick to admit guilt and cooperating in the investigation may avoid prison time altogether, but many of these parents, including well-known people in law, finance, fashion, and food will actually go to jail. felicity huffman is accused of paying a consultant $15,000 to cheat and inflate her daughter's s.a.t. score. huffman released a statement that reads in part, "my daughter knew absolutely nothing about my actions and in my misguided and profoundly wrong way, i have betrayed her. this transgression towards her and the public, i will carry for the rest of my life." lori loughlin and fashion designer husband mossimo giannulli accused of cheating
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their daughters into usc were not among the parents who agreed to plead guilty. and they have not issued any public statements. so far, there is no word when any of these parents might be sentenced. >> sean: trace gallagher in the west coast newsroom tonight, thank you. and also tonight over the weekend, a town hall in berlin in germany, former president barack obama said he was concerned that progressives are risking going after each other in a brutal primary and what he called "circular firing squad." the democratic party was not his favorite topic. "washington examiner," obama referred to himself almost 400 times during this one speech. here is just a few examples, but for the benefit of time, we can't give up the whole show to him referring to him. take a look. >> probably the biggest impact i could have -- was also convinced of -- there's only one of me.
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i know what i can believe, i'm not here to support any political party. i've held my last political office, but i'm deeply invested. i'm assuming -- i always used to say i think you can. actually, i'm not sure, am i correct about that? i want -- i was elected but i can give you a little bit of it. i have been on both sides and i was the first -- i would like, i'm not gonna -- i know from experience. that's what i'm going to do. i did not read. even as president -- i was pretty busy guy. >> sean: toby keith, all about me, all about i, all about one, what i want, what i know, what i like, what i see. i like to talk about you usually, every once in a while, but i want to talk about me.
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here with reaction, the host of "newt's world" podcast, former speaker of the house, contributor newt gingrich, good to see you but i want to start with and i see you smiling. i want to start with this party. and the list i gave kevin mccarthy, stacked the supreme court, get rid of the electoral college, abortion during labor and after labor, i mean, then the new green deal. you get it. >> well, first of all, i think we should remember that the i, me, i, me president presided over the collapse of his own party. they lost more seats and governorships and controlled the u.s. house and senate. and in a sense because in the end, barack obama loved barack obama but the country sort of wanted someone who actually delivered something. and so literally coming to presided over the biggest collapse of the democratic party in modern times but because of the news media, of course you would never quite know that. i think the most revealing thing is what is happening on this whole idea of reparations. and i think we should take it seriously and in a very positive way to allow the democrats to
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explain. exactly who would exactly get reparations? how would we determine, how far back would you go, you know, would elizabeth warren be eligible for one 1,302nd part? if you think about it, you have to have someone virtually out of touch with reality to believe in this extraordinarily complex society which continues to this day to get mass migration from all over the world, legal migration, by the way, that you can somehow reach out magically and who to give reparations to. this is a perfect al sharpton, utterly phony issue, but it tells you the decay of the democratic party. he now has presidential candidates thrilled to go see him to tell him they would sign a bill this crazy. >> sean: let me ask you. you see what is happening at the border. one of the reasons i believe it
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is happening at this time at this level is because they know if they get in the country, once they are here, they are not getting thrown out. we had a court ruling earlier tonight. but also it is interesting, while everybody arguing about the border, the president repairing and building the wall. they weren't able to override his veto. the defense department allocated and identified $9 billion to complete the wall. and i think the people coming know that this is probably their last shot. >> i think that is part of it, but i think the other part you touched on a minute ago. the president ought to give a speech in which he goes to every single federal court decision that has crippled the u.s. government in dealing with immigration. and then he should announce that on behalf of fairness, we are going to open up centers next to the judge's personal homes.
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we will be glad to ship as many people that are here illegally as they would like. and some of those, i'm sure some of the ninth circuit court judges would be thrilled to have 500 illegal immigrants in the house next to them. but this whole idea of the judges who capriciously exercise liberalism at no cost, no cost to them personally and no cost professionally, and i think the president ought to take that head on. >> sean: last question, real quick and we're running out of time. you are concerned, china, their 5g expansion, we're falling behind. >> the defense innovation board just came out and said, we are losing badly and maybe the first strategic defeat in our competition with china. if they create chinese internet worldwide, we are in very deep trouble. >> sean: we better also we better figure out defenses for
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all the hacking that goes on against our country and our government. apparently, we keep allowing this to happen. that is why hillary's server was so bad. mr. speaker, great to see you, congrats on the podcast as always and everything you do. up next, this will be big, breaking news this week. devin nunes, he is the house minority leader and the intel community and ready to send out referrals to the attorney general's office. and he will explain also a lawsuit. you don't want to miss that. and also, lara trump and alec baldwin has picked a fight with me. he wants to run for president. you go alec. we will continue. ♪
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to the attorney general william barr over alleged misconduct or the trump russia investigation. also, just breaking out, devin nunes has filed $150 million lawsuit against mcclatchy news and alleging conspiracy to derail the clinton/russia probes. congressman joins us with c the very latest. let's start with your lawsuit. wasn't it mcclatchy said michael was in prague? i knew his son was a great athlete, his son was in los angeles with his son, let's just say, showing off his son's great talent. he never was in prague. and they doubled down on stupid. >> they did that twice, so they had dozens and dozens of stories. a couple of reporters the biggest perpetuators of the russia hoax. don't forget, they also targeted the national rifle association and lawyer cleta mitchell. so this was all done in concert
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while slandering and attacking me and the republicans and defaming the republicans. the whole time getting the information from someone. so part of the lawsuit, not only that they need to retract everything they did against me, but they also need to come clean with the american people, retract all of the fake news stories. so this is part of the broaderer cleanup. remember, a few weeks ago, i filed against twitter. they are censoring conservatives. mcclatchy is the worst offender of this. we are coming after the rest of them. i think people are just beginning to wake up now, that i'm serious, and i'm coming to clean up all of the mess. if you are out there and you lied and you defamed, we are lied and you defamed, we are going to come after you. >> sean: i would add to the list, the cowardly schiff. i've offered him an hour on the show and i have a dossier -- >> i can't sue him. >> sean: i offered him three hours on radio and one hour here.
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>> and i don't know why he doesn't take it up. i guess he's afraid. >> sean: i got a tape of him colluding with the russians, someone believed to be a russian, compromising materials of naked pictures of trump. he was hyperventilating on the phone, didn't know it was a hoax. >> don't forget, even after that, the staff followed up,af so the media ignored, and that's another thing they ignored. there are two things that happened in this, fake news stories that were slanderous that have got to be wiped away and cleaned off of the internet. at the same time, they would take these stories and ignore them, like the fact that you had staffers here who were attempting to collude with russians, democratic t staffers colluding with russians, trying to get information on donald trump. that really happened and largely unreported except by a few in the conservative media. >> sean: we have the hillary bought and paid for dossier. paid for the influence of the election. now we've got evidence.
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ukrainian officials on them with evidence in a tape, joe biden bragging they fired him. i don't have a lot of time, but i want to get to the criminal referral issue. i know you began with eight, but there might be more. what can you tell us and how soon? >> simply put, five that are straightforward, five on leaking to congress, five specific names. there are three, one is a global leak referral. so remember, there has been -- everybody knows about general flynn and the russian ambassador but we don't know that's been investigated but there's a dozen others. so we're referring all of those to make sure they get the proper sunlight put on them and transparency so they can be followed up on. the other two, i think, are more difficult that involve foconspiracy. i think there are a bunch of people who wanted to be thet next watergate deep throat within the fbi and doj and they were leaking and proud to do it.
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they were all conspiring together and that is what we are askinger for. >> sean: if we don't hold them accountable for this abuse of power, this corruption at the highest levels to first influence and help one candidate over another,t and then, literally, upend the election of the american people, it will happen again and again. we will lose the republic. holding them accountable is key. thank you, congressman. when we come back, an update in the jussie smollett case. then i've got a little -- alec baldwin apparently doesn't like me. an update and he's considering running for president. lara trump will react to that. and the 2020 candidates that are nuts, straight ahead. ♪ -meg! there you are. did you take a picture of the cake
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10:48 pm
foxx remains defiant. trace gallagher joining us again once more from the west coast newsroom, trace. >> sean, judges and legal experts say it's highly unusual to drop the charges against jussiese smollett withot requiring an admission of guilt but the state attorney kim foxx declined to discuss substance of the case and now during a rally/press conference, jesse jackson's rainbow push, kim foxx openly wondered if the criticism might have something to do with race, watch. >> i've been asking myself the last two weeks, what is this really about? >> those who support foxx didn't just wonder, bobby rush and jamal greene accused the chicago police union of racism, look.
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>> the foc is a sworn enemy of black people. >> we have all white men fop getting up looking like the blue klux klan. >> matt finn repeatedly asked kim foxx if she agreed with thay blue klux klan, and she repeatedly ignored him but the police union has called the comments ignorant, offensive, malicious and false, sean. >> sean: trace, thank you. unbelievable, the liberal leftist new levels of embarrassment because aside from fox news talks radio, anger management and of course, yours truly alec baldwin even more delusional than we thought. please, would you support me if i run for president tweeting, if i ran, would you vote for me? adding, he would beat trump and it would be so easy, baldwin's 2020 campaign may give hollywood its best comedy in years but kind of tough to top his hilarious attempt, literally tried out to be a talk radio host.
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we have the audiotape. >> when can we take some calls? do we have calls on there now? >> no calls yet. >> no calls yet. what number do people call to get on the air? do we have that number? >> is right there. >> do i have the call number in front of me? i'm so sorry. that is interesting. interesting. do we have any calls out there? no calls. let's read about scientology. is sean hannity a scientologist? alec baldwin posing the big question tonight here. do we have any calls here? ivan? >> none, just incredible. >> sean: he had no calls, he had to call his mom. and also, wabc in new york. the great one mark levin called in and actually got up and left his own show. nowhere to be found, listening. >> listen, sean. >> come back, alec, come back. they are gone, alec? alec has walked out of the studio, please come back.
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he is in the other room, alec baldwin has put on his jacket and he has left. >> i guess went into this station lobby, the elevator bank baldwin and ask him to please return to the radio show, but he is gone. >> sean: all right, and he's blocked me on twitter, wow.. joining us, lara trump is with us. how are you, good to see you? how is the little guy? >> he is so good and i have no idea the history there, wow. >> sean: that's only a small portion. it's better. i would think maybe you would want that matchup for any of these crates are democrats. >> listen, if he wants to at the name to the 100 people running on the democrat side, trying to become president, you know what, we welcome the challenge. the funny thing is, everybody thinks it's so easy. everyone thinks it's so easy to run for president, to run this country but it's not that easy apparently to be a talk show host, as he found out.
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>> sean: in a weird way, the best talk show ever because it's so bad. and we weren't making that up. he got no calls. "what is the number? interesting." >> the funny thing is the only way to get a name out there is by bringing in the president. he's obsessed with talking about president trump because it's the only way anybody pays attention to him. >> sean: what do you make of how radical left the democratic party has gone? >> it's actually very scary but listen, if they wantra to go that far left, it will paint a clear picture for people come 2020. are you voting for someone who is running on socialism, who wants full government control of our country, who wants to take over every single aspect of your life, or are you happy with a record high stock market and the jobs pouring back into thiso country, the record low unemployment? if you are happy with the way things are going. >> sean: and a safer world.d >> guess what, i think people will vote for
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donald trump. we are not worried about anybody in this race because they are making their case for us with all the nonsensical things on that side. >> sean: you now have four separate -- no evidence of any collusion, fbi, nine months house intel committee, bipartisan committee and the mueller report was cleared. >> yeah. >> sean: they can't let it go. >> they are realizing that they are so done with russia, the american people, but wait a minute, to your point, we have all these people say no collusion. now they are coming back to the tax returns, sean. they have to try to distract people because otherwise they are afraid of the american people, that they would see the incredible job this president has done. the good news, i think people see it everyday. dethey are not being distractedy the nonsense out there. >> sean: you can't use the irs as a weapon against a political opponent. that is never going to happen. >> they are willing to do anything they can, sean.
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the reality is, the fight against donald trump for becoming president in 2020, i think they know is an impossible battle.. >> sean: what do you think ofbl the open borders, eliminate i.c.e. and even during labor and the governor of virginia post-labor abortions. then it's the new green deal, everything free, no oil, no gas, no combustion engines, like i said, everything free and we will get rid of cows and airplanes. >> [laughs] >> sean: but all of these candidates, reparations, supporting the green deal. >> well, they are all scared to step out and say anything other than these very far left ideas. i don't think the average american can get behind it. you don't have to look far. you look at venezuela to see what socialism does to a country, starving together in venezuela, average 24 pounds per person lost, we don't want that here.
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>> sean: god forbid -- i saw the picture of your 1-year-old little boy in the president's chair, and i think it looks good andd we will see him in a few years when he is 35. >> we will give him a little break and then we will see. >> sean: lara trump, thank you. say hi to the baby. when we come back, chinese woman able to lie her way into mar-a-lago? you will not believe the details and our "villain of the day" straight ahead. ♪ ay with you to finish her senior year. things will be tight but, we can make this work. ♪ now... grandpa, what about your dream car? this is my dream now. principal we can help you plan for that .
10:59 pm
>> sean: all right, our "villain of the day." 32-year-old chinese woman like her way to the president's mar-a-lago club last month, allegedly because carrying a thumb drive with malware along with two chinese passports, four cell phones, more found later, a laptop, a signal detector to spot hidden cameras. she's being charged with unlawfully entering a restricted area, making false statements. the investigation is ongoing. that is scary. my fbi flag button, got it from an fbi party.
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the 99.999% that are good peopl people. we will never be the rage, hate destroy trump between the mob. let not your heart be troubled. there she is. laura ingraham. >> laura: you added a word. you added we will never be the rage hate. wait a second. >> sean: it flows naturally. >> laura: [laughs] we have to come up with a whole series -- >> sean: of hannity-isms. >> laura: for the hate trump, get to melania media that wants to grind conservatives. we need a whole list. >> sean: i made a decision, and 2016, every single day, i was giving out obama's failed record because nobody else was going to do it. i plead guilty. >> laura: [laughs] hannity, awesome show tonight. we do have a great show. >> laura: i'm laura ingraham. this is "the ingraham angle" from washington. de
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