tv Justice With Judge Jeanine FOX News April 13, 2019 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT
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follow me on facebook, instagram and twitter. justice with judge jeanine is next. this is my world. ♪ welcome to justice i am justice cheating. thank you for being with us tonight and thanks for making last weekend justice the number one show last weekend. let's do it again this week. a huge show tonight, matt, from the white house, michelle and lawrence jones and more. plus, president trump's possible plan to put you legal immigrants and sanctuary city. we'll talk about all of it but first, my open. the chickens, the left
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approaches meltdown. this week, attorney general william barr, a respected veteran of the just who seeks neither fame nor fortune from this position as attorney general, appeared before congress and a straight talking, no nonsense response to the liberal left circuits, he stated in no uncertain terms -- >> spying on a political campaign is a big deal. i think there was spying occurring, i think spying did occur. >> the left wanted a meltdown, doing everything they could to trash barr. the esteemed former director of national intelligence, clueless and responsive to the spine statement said this -- >> i thought it was both funny and scary. i was amazed and disappointed
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that attorney general would say such a thing. >> there was fear of the truth. a follow-up attack on bars credibility because barr has made it clear that he wants to be sure there was no unauthorized surveillance during the 2016 presidential campaign and added i believe there is aces for my concern about unauthorized surveillance. this, my friends is what they fear. what they have tried to prevent us from finding out. the counterintelligence investigation begins, when did it begin, who did they speak to two started? might have been nothing more than a bunch of trump haters trying to stop the man we put in the oval? you remember peter struck, when
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he testified before congress, he refused to tell congress what began the counterintelligence investigation or when it began, saying it was an ongoing investigation that they couldn't discuss. when he was given permission to discuss it, he said he couldn't recall. so in comes the old reliable schumer pelosi to trash attorney general barr who holds in his hand, the actual skills of justice and no allegiance to the insiders who think they are better than the rest of us. >> let me say i'm very dismayed and disappointed that the chief law enforcement officer of our country is going off the rails. >> instead of giving straight answers, mr. barr seems to be nothing more than a spokesperson to the president campaign.
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he seems more like the president press secretary than the attorney general. >> my favorite is jim coming. >> i really don't know what he's talking about when he talks about spying on the campaign. when i hear that language, it's concerning because the fbi and department of justice conduct court ordered electronic surveillance. >> it's not like anyone believe a word of what you say anyway. all must a year ago when asked if it was possible that there was a spike inserted in the trump campaign, you smirked and said, i don't find it possible that i know it's not to be true. you lying pretentious, disingenuous political act, you know it to be true because a spy is actually used in the application. hillary clinton's fake dossier to take down donald trump, when
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you had an obligation to certify to the court before it approves by the wind that the evidence is verified and to alert judges the flaws in the evidence like the fake dossier but you did not of that. not that i want to rehash this but the you knew he was talking to the press. the excuse used to fire him but you actually used the press you talked to to support the application for the wind. even you admit the want that you relied on was unverified. you didn't brief presidential candidate donald trump when you would brief any other politician that there might be a foreign agent attempting to influence his campaign. the fbi even told feinstein that her driver of 20 years was a chinese operative.
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everybody knows you're supposed to do it, it's just the way things are done. your game plan was to keep trump in the dark. week information to the new york times, which information was classified in order to get a special counsel resigned. you were successful in your attempt and he blocked questions as to when the counterintelligence investigation began. your pals got good old jeff sessions to recuse himself and rod rosenstein kept it all together, discussing the wiretap on the president and the exercise as well as the 25th amendment to get him out. jim, don't act so pompous saying we don't spy, the word should be the human source and act like you didn't do what you did. i don't care if you call it a spy, human source, intelligent seeker, gather or a ghost, a spy
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is a spy. and rose by any other name is still a rose. in the first application, that you signed, it says that no foreign powers and spying the u.s. to obtain information, they have tried to influence elections since the 1960s. i'll bet you never tried to wiretap barack obama's campaign. you couldn't get barr to recuse himself in your liberal friends couldn't either. the liberal faculty circus will attempt to destroy him. i got news. that's never going to happen. the days of no accountability and no consequence are over. jim, history will not work kindly on your. barr is everything you are not. a quiet professional, someone who understands that lady justice is blindfolded for a
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reason. the days of lies and coverups are over. enjoy your freedom, jim while you've got it. that's my open. let me know what you think on my facebook and twitter pass. # judge jeanine. >> republican congressman in the great state of florida, matt, to justice. i don't think there's any question that we all understand that since no one was indicted the trump campaign for colluding with russia, the mueller team had nothing at the end so they closed up shop. one of him referred to in my open, their mission is not to destroy barr, like the weight isn't necessarily a trump fan. he was a bush as far as i know. he's a very respected former attorney general.
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it's on his because of this one statement. i believe there is basis for my concern about unauthorized surveillance. do you agree? >> absolutely. everything you said is correct, that's why they trust you. it's also one of the reasons why they haven't earned back because they were lying to people. now you look at the democrats in congress. they are winning less than the "washington journal". first there was collusion and then there wasn't. then they said there was no surveillance, there was and i think a lot of people are lost, was actually a question from a democrat that bill barr was responding to when he said yes, there was spying. week republicans told the american people are year ago but frankly, we had our own leadership that stopped our pursuit of the people who began
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the investigation, which you are right had nothing at the end on collusion but also had nothing at the beginning. what they really had was the unverified document, a statement from the intake, struck. some generalized suspicions carter page who even the russians acknowledged was a joke that they didn't take seriously. it's obvious it was biased driving the investigation, never the facts. >> the amazing part, when we had all these hearings, 2016, the inception of the genesis of and the investigation was that nobody was really clear. when they testified before congress, they could not identify a specific act that caused them to over open it. that is an issue right now. what causes the counterintelligence investigation.
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i really believe this guy will get to the bottom of this. do you? >> of course. in your opening statement laid out why it never really was a counterintelligence investigation. it was always an effort to destabilize the presidency. it was their insurance policy. it was their manifestation of their bias when they said no, we won't let him went. the reason we know because it was the fbi would have given the trump campaign a defense reason. just like they gave recent to the hillary clinton campaign. this was always an effort to target the president, i think a lot of people who thought he was 20 change the way washington operated in the to keep them as a. they used this as a distraction and insurance policy against the trump presidency. we've been successful, thanks to good people like barr.
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i hope instagram gets the bottom of like this began. it's going to go back to obama. >> honestly, but what we will see, the thing that is amazing is that it's clear that barr said i need to explore that. so whether or not he says he has a team more he is just collecting a team, he's stating publicly before congress that he needs to explore whether or not it was predicated, the spy and whether it was adequately predicated. can you tell me why the left is so unhinged? even jim coming. i don't know what else to say. >> because jeff sessions was never willing to actually look into whether or not the allegations were dedicated on fax or if it was ever bias i was infecting our intelligence operation. barr is willing to do the hard work to get that done. i think one think we can do to accelerate that is the director
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will declassify the over 50 transfers the house intelligence committee has sent to him so we can see what he said under oath. i think there's going to be a lot of lies in what they were telling people like adam schiff who said to the country all these things we now know to be untrue. >> they are making criminal referrals. anyway, thank you so much for being with us tonight. >> thank you. >> another developing story tonight trump fight to secure our southern border. take a listen to what he said about a possible plan to send you legal immigrants to sanctuary city. >> the people that are putting things rate cities where they are not wanted, they always seem to have open arms. rather than moving the illegal immigrants to other parts of the country, we'll bring them to century city areas and let that
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particular area to care of it whether it's state or whatever it might be, california certainly is always think they want more people. more people in their things rate cities, well, look at them more people. we can give them an unlimited supply and let's see if they are so happy. they say we have open arms. let's see if they have open arms. >> joining me now, dan. i have to tell you, what he was saying right there, you want him, okay. have them. what you think? >> he's using their words. it's ironic that they are attacking the president. people like the oakland mayor, remember him? i'm going to warn illegals, they are so valuable for our community. he's using their own words. this may be the worst case of nimby is i have ever seen.
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>> i have never in my life seen this, it is the liberals themselves. let's separate illegals from illegals. a value in this country, i love her to death and she left this country but the illegal immigrants and an economic value, they make them safer, so what's the problem? everybody should be applauding. it's a serious question, i'm not joking. i was up for the liberals to tell me what it is about this policy. >> they say it's retribution and the amazing thing, nancy pelosi has previously said, we all have a moral responsibility to ensure that all the children are treated with compassion and decency and she said it challenges the concept of our country and it must be changed. it's not integration issue.
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if they are one to come to california, it's not humanitarian issue, not immigration, it's immoral. what is wrong with that? they're the ones who said they have open arms. we are going to let them in, you can have them. >> running for president, called this cruel. i know it's difficult for liberals but for a second, think about this. if you are illegal and you take your value to the country, and you are placing people in communities where there's a sanctuary for them, immigration laws don't matter, how is that cool to be illegal? the only person that can be cruel by their definition, not mine, is to the community. we've been told illegal immigration is an economic and public safety benefit. understand how trump has taken
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to the left into a corner now. they can't possibly get out because they know what we've always known. they are hypocrites. >> nancy pelosi says when the president within the water, don't have room, she would at the mark, she thought it was very and joseph at christmas. we have no room. there's no room at the end. is this? of course there is room. nancy, what happened? now there's no room at your end? you can't bring them in? we are all children of god, why is this a moral, unethical to them when they are the ones who wanted it? the classic case of putting them in century city, they are the ones who want to protect them. they are the ones who don't want to notify ice, what is the perfect place for them to be. >> we just made rational arguments asking liberals for
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honest answers on how illegal they claim they want and committees that claim they want them is cruel. i don't understand. they are vaccinated against that. what we just did, they used emotion and that is ironically quoting the bible, all they have is emotion. >> jerry says this probably is illegal, well wait a minute, illegal? they are illegal to begin with. they were supposed to let them out after x number of days so how is that illegal? >> i don't understand. i watched the debate the other day, they've looked perplexed, they had no answer. you're complaining about the legality, while arguing about the legality of your legal immigrant. does that make any sense? what i say now? nothing because it's going to be wrong. >> anyway, thank you for being with us.
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next, you've heard our opinion, but where does it stand right now about possible planes to place illegal immigrants in sanctuary city? elegantly, press secretary standing by, live with an update. don't want to miss this. there was a moment, my son i believe was about four, where he actually asked me "mommy what's wrong with your teeth?" if i would've known that i was gonna be 50 times happier...
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i would've gone into aspen dental much sooner. it was a very life changing experience... and it felt like i was me again. that's when i realized i hadn't been for three years. at aspen dental we're all about yes. like yes to flexible hours and payment options. yes to free exam and x-rays for new patients without insurance. and yes whenever you're ready to get started, we are too. call now at 1-800-aspendental.
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they include gang members, drug dealers, human traffickers and criminals full shapes, sizes and kind. change the law now. joining me with more, hogan gidley. we got a lot to talk about. this is actually a little gray, they won't lift a finger to deal with immigration. the president says, you want illegals, you can have them in your sanctuary cities where you protect them and pre-bent ice from the resting them. >> absolutely. democrats will not lift a finger as you said. they will not change the laws. they are telling us you cannot family unit who come here illegal and unlawfully at the border. you can't keep them and facilities, you can't support them, the only thing you can do is release them into american communities. the problem is, we release them, san diego, san antonio, apostle,
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phoenix. the president said there are six rake cities out there for democrats said we welcome any and all weather criminals were here illegal, seeking asylum, regardless. anyone who disagrees is racist. he said fine, i've got a great idea. we'd love to work with you to figure out exactly the best way to transport these people were here illegally and unlawfully and into your communities and your districts and your states. so far, we have yet to see one democrat to call us and say it's a great idea, i've been pushing for this for a long time, we would love to work with the administration, then everybody to our town. >> when is the present going to do this? >> he's looking at all options right now. they won't lift a finger. we're going to the process, reviewing everything we can do
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lawfully. we released them already in certain communities, what's the difference in releasing them further? they set up communities by clock, that allow people in the state and town to have no right to be here. >> has already started? >> sending them to sanctuary city? >> not yet, you're trying to figure out if we can do that legally -- >> you can send them to el paso and the rest of the places, why can't you send them to san diego? >> that's the question for democrats. they said they wanted them, they should call us and say please send them. they are happy to work with them to figure out how to get to wean his apologies and states -- >> permission to send refugees to towns and states that had no idea they were coming, that's what he was doing. >> it's funny you pretended
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obama has the same right has trump house. they are completely different, as you know. the media and the law completely even when he was doing things illegally. this president is trying to do things the right way. they said they wanted all of the aliens in their communities, we are working with dhs and ice to track to make sure that happens because after all, it's what they want. they should not say this is retribution politically, that's exactly what they want to work with. >> if they reject it, they are racist and bigoted. but you can't keep them in detention and you can't separate them. the other towns are totally over run with illegals. white one town and not another? >> the nongovernmental organization, the ones in charity are telling us we cannot
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deal with what's going on at the border. we'll have the resources to help the people. these are massive numbers, historic record numbers of people pouring in the country, as you know. child smugglers, human traffickers, drug cartels and they are pouring into the community's and even nonprofits are saying they can't deal with it. we have to come up with a solution while democrats won't work with us to fix the lost. in the meantime, let's get these people were here illegally into communities where they are wanted and welcomed, which is some sanctuary cities. >> it does make sense. the other thing is, anti- pelosi was fighting about detention beds and a isis candle that, if they were in their towns and states, i'll bet they will change their tune. i think it's a good idea. "get the, you articulated it perfectly. thank you. still i had, the story that got me angry more than anything el else, you don't want to miss that. first, eric's to be your president but what would that
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live from america's news headquarters powerful storms moving across the southwest saturday leaving death and destruction behind. two young children killed in texas when a tree fell on top of the family car. 115 miles northeast of houston. in central texas tornado slammed through a small city of franklin overturning trailers and two people were hospitalized for their injuries that were not life-threatening. a two-stroke lead into the masters golf tournament
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shooting a bogey free 66 and under par for the tournament meanwhile tiger woods had to overcome an overenthusiastic security guard. he is two strokes back but the fifth title is within reach. now back to justice with judge janine >> country isn't quicksand. unable to solve problems. unable to make life better for people. i am ready to solve these problems. i'm running for president of the u.s. >> another week, the pool of 2020 contenders to battle trump. eric, the newest candidate and by the way, is one who told you there was a solution but anyway, who's calling for this requirement for gun owners? what does that mean? let's ask the panel. jonathan harris. what does that mean, jonathan?
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you want people to have licenses and insurance? i used to sign permits, don't most people already have licenses? >> they do. i think as it relates to interest, i don't think it's unreasonable that said the gun manufacturers in the sandy hook massacre could be sued for the massacre. the department, i believe 22 lawsuits are being filed in relationship to the shooting. i think they're good because it filed, it's not reasonably to say they should be injured to cover the gun owners. >> this is absurd. he's pandering, he's saying what he thinks they want to hear to send out among the 20 democrats that are running. as for licenses and insurance how would that work? it makes no sense. every state has different laws.
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the licenses is just another burden, as for interest, there are no insurance companies right now. how to go about that, wouldn't even stop any sort of criminal i'm doing something horrible with their firearm? >> his what it comes down to, they -- people already have guns most of them have licenses anyway. now they want to insurance, then they say that the helical sign, we don't know who they are, let's just let them in. they are you legal aliens. that's the thing much. let's put the meal to them. >> i think the idea is, what is the fear? i would think gun owners would be happy. >> i am one but i don't want anyone putting that on me. >> i think it's fair if we have car insurance because cars can
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be a danger. >> we should now sue chrysler in somebody -- if they end up using a gun, we should suit them? no. >> we don't sue chrysler because we have our own car insurance. right now, -- now we do have these lawsuits against manufacturers or liabilities for pilots. insurance would stop that. >> you're missing the whole point, owning a gun isn't a privilege, it's a right thanks to our second them right. having a car is a privilege and it's different. this is an inconvenience for regular americans who have guns, now they're going to have to pay insurance and buying future gu guns, is when to be another thing. >> it's like a dog whistle. let's talk about century city's and sending illegals there. do we have any sound?
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>> it's illegal, immoral, unethical. it's par for the course. >> okay, so he says illegal unethical, immoral, this is a guy who wants illegals coming to the country, you want to welcome them with open arms but not for, trump try to send them to california, it's illegal, unethical. what say you? >> i would just say, this is a situation where he was right, this is another situation trump had an opportunity to instead of being devices to say, i think there is a question to be asked about the legality of century city. there's a federal law to come here and bigger.
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instead of saying without that conversation, trump says let's put the illegals in your state. first of all, that's illegal. >> what law? >> the department of home and security determined it's not protected by law, they can't do it because when people come in seeking asylum, we can't detain them. if they are violent, we don't release them at all. we cannot bust them long-distance. >> they can go to all these others but god forbid we send them to san francisco. >> it's not fair for all of the border cities that have to deal with the flood of illegal immigrants seeking asylum. it's unfair for the committees, it's a burden and expensive. it's causing chaos. why wouldn't we spread was going on, send them to century city's
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tyre democrats are welcoming is, they don't want all of these asylum seekers and illegals flooding their cities because they are disingenuous about the whole argument. >> jonathan, you made a great point. there should be a talk about this. present has been trying to sit down with them since weeks before everybody was off to hawaii. based on the notions with them then he tried to defend the sanctuary cities and then he decided they couldn't do that. he's doing everything in his power to track to make things fair. they want them, they think they have a right to be here, they don't, they are illegal just like my ancestors who came here, did it legally. i've got to go. good night, guys. maurice jones is still in tonight.
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attorney general the u.s., under attack over the mueller report. so for which we can see as early as this week, what is going on? twenty now to talk about that, michelle fox news jupiter, emily. thank you for being here. i want to start with you, emily. i want to talk about the what is going on and the reason the whole report can't be released is because a grand jury and what
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else? >> at the moment, yes. and during and three other topics that they need to go through colorcode for the intending lawsuits. the same democrats that are crying about the beginning of an investigation, they are the same ones that called for detoxification for significant rulings in 2013 and crying about the patriot act being overstepping boundaries as well as 2013. while they would have memories of that, i do it is up to us have bipartisan support for the investigation of what is an authorized surveillance. >> with all due respect, i lost hope for bipartisan support for anything. they've had a fit since the night trump was elected. >> democrats and political operative that pretend to be
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neutral journalists are in full freak out mode particularly about ours blunt statement that that was going on and that is a big deal. a big deal to all of the aspiring journalists and 1972 are inspired to get their profession in the first place because they were up in arms about spying on political campaign and they had no word, no problem using the f word. you can stretch until you are blue in the face or whatever but the point is, what happens under obama administration and are illegal to the hearing, it wasn't just the fbi, they are going to look at other intelligence agencies involved as well. this is an administration had no qualms for concerns about reporters, whistleblowers, inspectors general, anyone who so in the way. >> the interesting part is that
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when it is released, i think was going to happen is, we are going to be doing more and more statements and anything that is ambiguous could be quite a certain way and we are going to spend months during that period and taking away from congress' ability to do with their supposed to be doing like working on immigration. >> i think irony the details for the american public is be focused on a bigger picture of an authorized surveillance and on conclusion, they were determined to be prosecutable. there's clear precedent under the nixon administration. it's not true at all. the only clear side is that both sides have to give of it and so certainly there's no moving
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forward in terms of the lawsuit over the reaction other than that legislators should be during their jobs. >> you ordered a book, how america is on the shores. what is going on, you want them, you can have them. we've got all of them, as you say in full freak out mode. is it legal for him to do this? i can't imagine why not. didn't bush and obama sent a bunch of somali refugees to minnesota? if they decide where to send people? >> under that program, state department and collusion, redistributes all of these refugees to cities that don't get a vote about it. there's no say. the fact is people forget and i reported on this, breaking news story five years ago but the obama administration was
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shipping illegal aliens from the border to the interior of the country to air force bases. oklahoma, ventura county, california and obama ask permission. very fun to imagine all those places, if you think about open borders of where we would want to redistribute illegal aliens. yes, the sanctuary is good for the gander. we would want to drop them off at ansi policies wine country ranch and behind the gates of the community, one thing i want to say is i don't want to subject the people in those cities that do not support those century city's to having anoth trump do what he said he would do a couple of weeks ago and shutdown the border and prevent
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them from coming here. >> shutting down force a venture doesn't matter, they are coming in between. we can't possibly have the army and anybody else lined up shoulder to shoulder stopping them. they're using all resources but i can't agree with you more, it is hypocrisy on the part of the left. they want them in other people's yards, not in their yards. we're all one happy family, let's just bring them all in. anyway, thank you for being with us tonight. next, a new york teacher allegedly told them, what has them fired up. we'll tell you all about it. might get all fired up, too.
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teacher assigns the sixth-grade class a project to describe their hero. sounds like a great idea, right? one of these kids picks the president of the u.s. guess what happened. the child said the teacher told her to pick someone else. trump pointing to this teacher spreads too much negativity to be your hero. sounds like a part of a bad movie, they said it actually happened in a school district in new york. twenty me now to talk about it, editor chief of campus, young girl says that
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trump has been her hero since she was eight. she was very upset by it and says another kid was allowed to use president obama. but she wasn't allowed to use trump. >> the danger of higher, conservative point of you is welcome. elementary schools, a cesspool for indoctrination but this is really not about any of that because this is about a child simply saying who their hero is. this is a first amendment, it should be able to endorse whatever little think there is. you don't know about politics, they just found a person they look up too and the fact she was subject to this is the product. >> school district says they denied the teacher did this bu
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but -- >> yeah, totally made it up. >> they're adamant she did not make it up. the, was made in front of the whole class as well as another teacher. to me, this is something definitely happening here. isn't it amazing how the school district -- they hate donald trump, i think people have a fortitude to say we are not going to allow the president to be a hero. how dare they? >> this is where we are. denying there is a bias. look at the course on how to impeach and conduct trump is literally the name. msu, they had accountable. these people, you can go from story to story, but in doctor nation. when trump leaves and there's a another conservative that is elected president, they'll be
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the same as well. it is not welcome on the campus but the president signed an order saying if you go against free speech and get those dollars, it's gone. i'm going to say that it's about time for the colleges to learn that freedom of speech doesn't have to exist if you get money from us. >> we got to have freedom of speech no matter where you are. whether it's in school, i got to tell you, i hope the other grades, there's at least some semblance of openness. the ability to say what you think. all this craziness started in high school and college but apparently not. we are in a bad place. we got to change things. the first amendment matters not where you work. thank you for being with us tonight. next, my message for all of you were commenting on my social
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media, i read it and i'll tell you what i thought of it next. you should be mad at airports. excuse me, where is gate 87? you should be mad at non-seasoned travelers. and they took my toothpaste away. and you should be mad at people who take unnecessary risks. how dare you, he's my emotional support snake. but you're not mad, because you have e*trade, whose tech helps you understand the risk and reward potential on an options trade it's a paste. it's not liquid or a gel. and even explore what-if scenarios.
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>> finally tonight, take a look at my standard and my rescued fellow from the border state of north carolina. that is if you live in virginia or tennessee, i think. virginia, tennessee and georgia. anyway, i had them all dolled up for easter because i did not have any aches. and some of you responded on facebook and said it looked unhealthy. but they happened to like it. they look at themselves in the mirror all the time and they loved it. it all washes out. it is all in good fun. keep up with me on facebook, twitter an instagram. thank you so much for watching. i advocate for truth justice and
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